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Freedoms Foundation pamphlets and periodicals


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts [Contact Us]3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The Freedoms Foundation is a national, non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian educational organization located in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1949 by Dwight D. Eisenhower, Kenneth D. Wells and Don Belding, it sought to educate Americans about their responsibility to uphold and defend the rights they inherited in order to ensure the country's future.

This collection consists of twentieth-century political pamphlets and periodicals from across the political spectrum. It includes runs of journals ranging from African Communist to East-West Digest, published by the Council Against Communist Aggression, as well as runs of newspapers such as The New Order, published by the National Socialist Party of America, and The Thunderbolt, Organ of the National States Rights Party. Included in the periodicals section are runs of published lectures, essays, and papers on economics and public policy, including those published by the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the IIER (Internation Institute for Economic Research). The collection also holds over seventy boxes of pamphlets on a range of political topics, from human rights and civil liberties to national security and disarmament, on African liberation movements and Cuba, Vietnam and China, on NATO and the Helsinki Accord.

Gift of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge in 1988.

University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Finding Aid Author
Kristine McGee (processed prior to 2013)
Finding Aid Date
2020 September 2
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use.

Use Restrictions

Copyright restrictions may exist. For most library holdings, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania do not hold copyright. It is the responsibility of the requester to seek permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce material from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Collection Inventory

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Scope and Contents

Each bound volume is given a box number.

Box 1-7
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1966.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1967.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1968.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3 quarters, 1969.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1970.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1971.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1972.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1973.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1974.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3 quarters, 1975.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1980.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1981.
Box 1-7
2, 3, 4 quarters, 1982.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1983.
Box 1-7
1, 2 quarters, 1984.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1986.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1987.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1988.
Box 1-7
1, 2, 3, 4 quarters, 1989.
Box 1-7
1, 2 quarters, 1990.
Box 1-7
Scope and Contents

All bound.

1937 March, October, November.
Box 8-10
1938 January-March.
Box 8-10
1939 January.
Box 8-10
1941 January, February, August, November, December.
Box 8-10
1942 March, May, September.
Box 8-10
1943 April.
Box 8-10
1945 October, November, December.
Box 8-10
1946 January, February, March, October, November, December.
Box 8-10
1947 January-July.
Box 8-10
1962 June, August, October, December.
Box 11-12
1963 February/March, April/May, June/August.
Box 11-12
1964 January-December.
Box 11-12
1965 January-December.
Box 11-12
1966 July/August, September/October, November/December.
Box 11-12
1967 January/February, March-December.
Box 11-12
1968 January/February, March/April.
Box 11-12
1923 August, December.
Box 13-25
1925 February.
Box 13-25
10th Anniversary Issue, Vol. VI, #30 and Vol. VII, #1, 1929.
Box 13-25
1931 May 15, July 15.
Box 13-25
1932 January 15, April 1, July 1 & 15, September 1.
Box 13-25
1933 February 1 & 15, March 14, April 15, May 1 & 15, June 1 & 22, July 1 & 15, September 15, November 15.
Box 13-25
1934 January 15, February 1 & 20, March 5 & 20, April 5 & 20, May 20, June 5 & 20, July 5 & 20 August 5, September 5 & 20, October 5 & 20, November 5 & 20, December 5 & 20.
Box 13-25
1935 July-December; March 20, April 5 & 20, May 5 & 20, June 5 & 20, August 20.
Box 13-25
1936 January-December.
Box 13-25
1937 January, March-December.
Box 13-25
1938 January-June, July-December.
Box 13-25
Special Report: 18th Congress of the CPSU: Reports, Resolutions, Speeches, 1939 January, May-August, December.
Box 13-25
1940 January, April, August, September, December.
Box 13-25
1957 January-December.
Box 26-31
1958 January-April.
Box 26-31
1964 January-December.
Box 26-31
1965 January-December.
Box 26-31
1966 January-December.
Box 26-31
1967 January-December.
Box 26-31
1968 January-December.
Box 26-31
1969 January-December.
Box 26-31
1971 January-December.
Box 26-31
Khoman, Thanat (Foreign Minister of Thailand): Prospects of a New Pax Asiana, 1969.
Box 32
Menzies, Robert (former Prime Minister of Australia): An Australian Looks at East and Southeast Asia, 1969.
Box 32
Soedjatmoleo (Indonesian Ambassador to US): Southeast Asia Today and Tomorrow, 1969.
Box 32
Yew, Lee Kuan (Prime Minister of Singapore): East-West: the Twain Have Met, 1970.
Box 32
Trench, Sir David (Governor of Hong Kong): Hong Kong and It's Position in the Southeast Asia Region, 1971.
Box 32
Man, Kwan Sik: (Minister of Education, Republic of Korea): Korea's Changing Role in Asia, , 1973.
Box 32
1965 April.
Box 33-41
1968 March, September, October.
Box 33-41
1969 January-December.
Box 33-41
1970 January-December.
Box 33-41
1971 January-November.
Box 33-41
#s 1-24, 1972 January-December.
Box 33-41
#s 1-24, 1973 January-December.
Box 33-41
#s 1-10, 13-16, 18, 24, 1974 January, February, March, April, May, July, August, September, December.
Box 33-41
#s 3, 8, 14-21, 23, 24, 1975 February, April, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Box 33-41
#s 2-24; missing #1 and #4, 1976 January-December.
Box 33-41
#s 1-24, 1977 January-December.
Box 33-41
#s 1-24, 1978 January-December.
Box 33-41
#s 1-14, 16, 1980 January-August.
Box 33-41
Elegant, Robert: How to Lose a War: the Press and Vietnam, #35, 1982 April.
Box 42-43
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne: Private Virtues, Public Vices, #41, 1982 December.
Box 42-43
English, Raymond: Constitutional Democracy vs Utopian Democracy, #42, 1983 February.
Box 42-43
Wilson, James: Crime and American Culture, #43, 1983 April.
Box 42-43
Lefever, Ernest: Revolution, Terrorism, and US Policy, #45, 1983 May.
Box 42-43
Thompson, W. Scott: Reducing Risk by Restoring Strength: Reflections on Nuclear War, #46, 1983 August.
Box 42-43
Siegel, Seymour: Who Speaks for American Judaism?, #48, 1983 October.
Box 42-43
Haseler, Stephen: Advancing Democratic Principles, #49, 1983 October.
Box 42-43
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne: We and They: Understanding Ourselves and Our Adversary, #51, 1983 December.
Box 42-43
A Tribute to Lech Walesa, #52, 1983 December.
Box 42-43
Falcoff, Mark: Central America and US Domestic Policies, #54, 1984 April.
Box 42-43
The Grenada Mission, #55, edited by Raymond English, 1984 April.
Box 42-43
Challenge and Response, #57, edited by Robert Royal, 1985 February.
Box 42-43
Reinvigorating Our Schools, #58, edited by Ernest Lefever, 1985 April.
Box 42-43
Ethics and American Power, #59, edited by Ernest Lefever, 1985 May.
Box 42-43
Gaining Ground: New Approaches to Poverty and Dependency,#60, edited by Michael Cromatie, 1985 August.
Box 42-43
American Business and the Quest for Freedom, #62, 1986 February.
Box 42-43
Lawler, Philip: How Bishops Decide: An American Catholic Case Study, #63, 1986 March.
Box 42-43
Bennett, William and Kirkpatrick, Jeanne: History, Geography, and Citizenship:the Teacher's Role, #64, 1986 April.
Box 42-43
Berger, Peter: Ethics and the New Class, #9, 1978 September.
Box 44
Suberman, Laurence: Will Lawyering Strangle Capitalism?, #10, 1978 September.
Box 44
Van den Haag, Ernest: Is Capital Punishment Just?, #11, 1978 September.
Box 44
Nickel, Herman: The Case for Doing Business in South Africa, #12, 1978 September.
Box 44
Seabury, Paul: Trendier than thou: Episcopal Church and Secular World, #14, 1978 November.
Box 44
Ikle, Fred Charles: What it Means to be #2, #21, 1979 November.
Box 44
Bukovsky, Vladimir: Soul of Man Under Socialism, #20, 1979 November.
Box 44
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne: Dictatorships and Double Standards: A Critique of US Policy, #22, 1979 December.
Box 44
Isaac, Rael Jean: America the Enemy: Profile of a Revolutionary Think Tank, #25, 1980 July.
Box 44
Atkin, J. Myron: Washington vs the Public Schools, #26, 1980 December.
Box 44
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick: Washington vs the Universities, #27, 1980 December.
Box 44
Grant, Gerald: Education, Character and American Schools, #32, 1981 December.
Box 44
Podhoretz, Norman: The New Defenders of Capitalism, #33, 1981 December.
Box 44
Why Latin America is Poor, Michael Novak, #36, 1982 April.
Box 44
Siemon-Netto, Uwe: On the Brink: Myth of German Anti-Americanism, #37, 1982 April.
Box 44
Lichter, S. Robert and Rothman, Stanley: Media Elite and American Values, #38, 1982 April.
Box 44
Kissinger, Henry: Nuclear Weapons and the Peace Movement, #40, 1982 December.
Box 44
Vermatt, J.A. Emerson: Moscow and the European Peace Movement, #44, 1983 April.
Box 44
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne: Global Paternalism, #47, 1983 August.
Box 44
Hart, Henry O.: If East Europeans Could Vote: A Survey, #53, 1984 April.
Box 44
Neuhaus, Richard John: What the Fundamentalists Want, #61, 1985 October.
Box 44
1964 Spring, Summer.
Box 45-51
1964-1965 Autumn/Winter.
Box 45-51
1965 Summer, August.
Box 45-51
1966 January, April, August, November.
Box 45-51
1967 April, July, November.
Box 45-51
1968 February, August.
Box 45-51
1969 Winter, Summer.
Box 45-51
1970 Winter, Summer.
Box 45-51
1940 February, May. June, July, August, October, November, December.
Box 45-51
Scope and Contents

December issue (Trotsky's Death-October).

1941: January, February, August, November, December.
Box 45-51
1942: January-December.
Box 45-51
1943:January-December .
Box 45-51
Scope and Contents

Except October.

1945: January-December.
Box 45-51
1947: January-December.
Box 45-51
1948: January-December.
Box 45-51
Scope and Contents

Missing October and November.

Walters, Alan A.: The Politicization of Economic Decisions, Reprint Paper 1, 1976 April.
Box 52-54
Meltzer, Allan H.: Why Government Grows, Original Paper 4, 1976 August.
Box 52-54
Hoag, Malcolm W.: United States Foreign Policy: Why not Project Interdependence by Design? Reprint Paper 2, 1976 October.
Box 52-54
Friedman, Milton: Adam Smith's Relevance for 1976, Original Paper 5, 1976 December.
Box 52-54
Allen, Francis A.:The Causes of Popular Dissatisfaction with Legal Education, Reprint Paper 3, 1977 January.
Box 52-54
Kristol, Irving and Bauer, Peter T.: Two Essays on Income Distribution and the Open Society, Reprint Paper 4, 1977 January.
Box 52-54
Logue, Dennis E. and Sweeney, Richard James: Economics and the Law of the Sea Negotiations, Original Paper 6, 1977 March.
Box 52-54
Aranson, Peter H.: The Multiple Tax on Corporate Income, Original Paper 7, 1977 April.
Box 52-54
Allewelt, Jr., William F.: Bureaucratic Intervention, Economic Efficiency, and the Free Society: An Episode , Reprint Paper 5, 1977 May.
Box 52-54
Jensen, Michael C. and Meckling, William H.: Can the Corporation Survive?, Reprint Paper 6, 1977 July.
Box 52-54
Mead, Walter J.: An Economic Appraisal of President Carter's Energy Program, Reprint Paper 7, 1977 September.
Box 52-54
Baird, Charles W.: Advertising by Professionals, Original Paper 8 , 1977 October.
Box 52-54
Schmidt, Wilson E.: The Night We Floated, Original Paper 9, 1977 October.
Box 52-54
Demsetz, Harold: The Trust Behind Antitrust, Original Paper 10, 1978 March.
Box 52-54
La Force, J. Clayburn: The Energy Crisis: The Moral Equivalent of Bamboozle, Original Paper 11, 1978 April.
Box 52-54
Mitchell, William C.: The Anatomy of Public Failure: A Public Choice Perspective, Original Paper 13, 1978 June.
Box 52-54
Gerhard, Anders, Gramm, W. Philip and Maurice, S. Charles: Does Resource Conservation Pay?, Original Paper 14, 1978 July.
Box 52-54
Baird, Charles A.: Unionism and the Public Sector, Original Paper 15, 1978 August.
Box 52-54
Sowell, Lino A.: The Supreme Court's Busing Decisions: A Study of Government by the Judiciary, Original Paper 16, 1978 September.
Box 52-54
McKenzie, Richard B.: Caution: Consumer Protection May Be Hazardous to Your Health, Original Paper 18, 1978 December.
Box 52-54
Sheridan, John H.: Pangratzio Clears the Air, Reprint Paper 9, 1979 January.
Box 52-54
Eckert, Ross D.: California Transportation Planning: Examining the Entrails, Original Paper 19, 1979 February.
Box 52-54
Demsetz, Harold: Social Responsibility in the Enterprise Economy, Reprint Paper 10, 1979 April.
Box 52-54
Bennett, James T. and Johnson, Manuel H.: Demographic Trends in Higher Education: Collective Bargaining and Forced Unionism?, Original Paper 20, 1979 May.
Box 52-54
Estes, Elliott M.: A Strategy for Alternative Fuels, Reprint Paper 11, 1979 June.
Box 52-54
Siegel, Barry N.:Thoughts on the Tax Revolt, Original Paper 21, 1979 June.
Box 52-54
McCulloch, Rachel: Economic and Political Issues in the New International Economic Order, Original Paper 22, 1979 July.
Box 52-54
Williams, Stephen F.: Pollution Control: Taxes Versus Regulation, Original Paper 23, 199 August.
Box 52-54
Beckmann, Petr: Access to Energy: A Selection of Brief Essays, Reprint Paper 12, 1979 September.
Box 52-54
Beckmann, Petr: Access to Energy: A Selection of Brief Essays, Reprint Paper 12, 1979 September.
Box 52-54
Ash, Roy L.: The Political World, Government Regulation, and Spending, Original Paper 24, 1979 October.
Box 52-54
Allen, William R.: Midnight Economist: Radio Essays, Original Paper 25, 1980 January.
Box 52-54
Stelzer, Irwin M.: Energy Policy: Capitalism Anyone, Original Paper 26, 1980 February.
Box 52-54
Hessen, Robert: Corporate Legitimacy and Social Responsibility, Reprint Paper 13, 1980 March.
Box 52-54
Hazlett, Thomas W.: The California Coastal Commission and the Economics of Environmentalism, Original Paper 27, 1980 May.
Box 52-54
Cobb, Joe: The Gasoline Rationing Myth, Reprint Paper 14, 1980 June.
Box 52-54
Allen, William R.: Midnight Economist: Radio Essays, Original Paper 28, 1980 July.
Box 52-54
Wriston, Walter B.: Risk and Other Four-Letter Words, Reprint Paper 15, 1980 August.
Box 52-54
Bethell, Tom: Treating Poverty: Wherein the Cure Gives Rise to the Disease, Reprint Paper 16, 1980 October.
Box 52-54
Klein, Lawrence R., Jordan, Jerry L., Johannes James M., Rasche, Robert H. and Wolman, William: Controlling Money: A Discussion, Original Paper 29, 1980 November.
Box 52-54
Allen, William R.: Midnight Economist: Broadcast Essays, Original Paper 30, 1981 January.
Box 52-54
Brinegar, Claude S.: America's Energy Policy in the 1980s: A Semi-Optimistic View, Original Paper 31, 1981 February.
Box 52-54
Hammond, J. Daniel: Credit Controls and Inflation, Original Paper 32, 1981 June.
Box 52-54
Allen, William R.: Midnight Economist: Broadcast Essays II, Original Paper 33, 1981 July.
Box 52-54
Berwick, Keith, Allen, William R., Scalapino, Robert A. and Kerby, Phil: The Lessons of History: Three Discussions, Original Paper 34, 1981 October.
Box 52-54
McKenzie, Richard B.: The Right to Close Down: The Political Battle Shifts to the States, Original Paper 35, 1982 January.
Box 52-54
Allen, William R.: Midnight Economist: Broadcast Essays III, Original Paper 36, 1982 January.
Box 52-54
Lee, Dwight R.: The Political Economy of Social Conflict, or Malice in Plunderland, Original Paper 36 [37], 1982 February.
Box 52-54
Meyer, Stephen A. and Rossana, Robert J.: Did the Tax Cut Really Cut Taxes? Reprint Paper 17, 1982 June.
Box 52-54
Allen, William R.: Midnight Economist: Broadcast Essays IV, Original Paper 38, 1982 July.
Box 52-54
Lee, Dwight R.: Environmental Versus Political Pollution, Original Paper 39, 1982 September.
Box 52-54
Roberts, Jr., Edwin A.: Reminiscences and Ruminations of an Infantryman in the Conservative Army, Original Paper 40, 1982 December.
Box 52-54
Allen, William R.: Midnight Economist: Radio Essays V, Original Paper 41, 1983 January.
Box 52-54
Siegan, Bernard H.: The Rise and Fall of Economic Due Process-When the Supreme Court Championed and then Curtailed Economic Freedom, Original Paper 42, 1983 February.
Box 52-54
Luttrell, Clifton B.: Down on the Farm with Uncle Sam, Original Paper 43, 1983 June.
Box 52-54
Allen, William R.: Midnight Economist: Radio Essays VI, Original Paper 41, 1983 July.
Box 52-54
Lee, Dwight R.: Inflation and Unemployment: The Case for Limiting Political Discretion, Original Paper 45, 1983 September.
Box 52-54
Campbell, Colin D.: Social Security's Financial Crises, Original Paper 46, 1983 October.
Box 52-54
Meckling, William H. and Jensen, Michael C.: Reflections on the Corporation as a Social Invention, Reprint Paper 18, 1983 November.
Box 52-54
Allen, William R.: Midnight Economist: Radio Essays VII, Original Paper 47, January 1984, 1984 January.
Box 52-54
Jensen, Michael: Corporate Control: Folklore vs. Science, Reprint Paper 19, 1984 June.
Box 52-54
1950 January.
Box 55-57
1951 February, March, August, September, October, November also: June-December, January.
Box 55-57
1952 January, March .
Box 55-57
Scope and Contents

Also January-December.

1953 January-July.
Box 55-57
1954 January-December.
Box 55-57
Scope and Contents

Also an April supplement.

1955 January-December.
Box 55-57
1956 January-December.
Box 55-57
1957 January-August.
Box 55-57
1959 February, April, June, July, August.
Box 55-57
1963 August-December.
Box 55-57
1964 January-December.
Box 55-57
1965 January, May-September.
Box 55-57
1966 January-December .
Box 55-57
Scope and Contents

Missing May.

1967 January and February.
Box 55-57
1972 May.
Box 55-57
Supplements, 1954 March, May, June.
Box 55-57
Vol. III, 1902-1903.
Box 58-65
Scope and Contents


1903 July.
Box 58-65
1904 June.
Box 58-65
1905 July.
Box 58-65
1906 June.
Box 58-65
1906 July-1907 June.
Box 58-65
1907 July-1908 June.
Box 58-65
1908 July-1909 June.
Box 58-65
1917 November-December.
Box 58-65
1961 Winter.
Box 109
1887 April 30, May 14, May 21, June 25.
Box 66-67
5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27, 6/1, 6/3, 6/17, 6/24, 1905 May 6, 13, 20, 27, June 1, 3, 17, 24.
Box 66-67
1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31, 1906 January 6,13,20,27, February 10, 17, 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31.
Box 66-67
1947 Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.
Box 66-67
Scope and Contents

All bound.

Box 66-67
1949 July-December.
Box 66-67
Scope and Contents


1950 January-December.
Box 66-67
Scope and Contents


Box 66-67
Scope and Contents


Box 66-67
Scope and Contents


Box 66-67
Scope and Contents


Box 66-67
Scope and Contents


Box 66-67
Scope and Contents


1956 January; March-December.
Box 66-67
Scope and Contents


1957 January-November.
Box 66-67
Scope and Contents


1958 January-December.
Box 66-67
1959 January-September.
Box 66-67
Now called Mainstream, 1959 October-December.
Box 66-67
1960 January-December.
Box 66-67
1961 January-April; June-September; November-December.
Box 66-67
1962 January-December.
Box 66-67
1963 January-August.
Box 66-67
1937 April/June.
Box 109
#82: The CMEA 5-Year Plans (1981-1985) In a New Perspective.
Box 89-91
#84: The Soviet Economy After Brezhnev.
Box 89-91
#86: Economies of Eastern Europe and their Foreign Economic Relations.
Box 89-91
#87: The Soviet Economy: A New Course?.
Box 89-91
#88: The Economies of Eastern Europe Under Gorbachev's Influence.
Box 89-91
#89: Soviet Economic Reforms: Implementation Underway.
Box 89-91
#90: The Central and East European Economies in the 1990s: Prospects and Constraints.
Box 89-91
#91: The Soviet Economy Under Gorbachev.
Box 89-91
#92: External Economic Relations of the Central and East European Countries.
Box 89-91
#93: Economic Development in Cooperation Partner Countries from a Sectoral Perspective.
Box 89-91
#94: Privatization in NACC Countries.
Box 89-91
#95: Status of Economic Reforms in Cooperation Partner Countries in mid-1990s: Opportunities, Constraints, Security Implications.
Box 89-91
#96: Status of Economic Reforms in Cooperation Partner Countries in mid-1990s: The Social and Human Dimension.
Box 89-91
#97: Economic Developments and Reforms in Cooperation Partner Countries: External Economic Relations with Particular Focus on Regional Cooperation.
Box 89-91
1950 May-June.
Box 92
1951 May-June, circa 1952.
Box 92
1955-1956 Winter.
Box 92
1956 Spring, Summer, Fall.
Box 92
1957 Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.
Box 92
1958 Winter, Spring, Summer.
Box 92
1952 January, May, August.
Box 93-94
1953 June-December.
Box 93-94
1954 January, March, June, October.
Box 93-94
1955 January, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Box 93-94
1956 January-November.
Box 93-94
1931 April.
Box 109
Volume II, 1940.
Box 95-102
Volume I and volume III, 1941 April.
Box 95-102
Box 95-102
Box 95-102
Box 95-102
Volume VIII, 1946.
Box 95-102
Box 95-102
1936 September, October.
Box 103
1937 January, April, May.
Box 103
1937 July, October.
Box 103
1984 Fall, Winter.
Box 104-105
1985 Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.
Box 104-105
1986 Winter,Spring, Summer, Fall.
Box 104-105
1987 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
Box 104-105
1988 Summer, Fall, Winter.
Box 104-105
1989 Spring.
Box 104-105
1990 Winter.
Box 104-105
1991 Summer.
Box 104-105
1993 Winter.
Box 104-105
1994 Spring, Summer.
Box 104-105
#9, 1966 December.
Box 106-108
#32, 1968 November.
Box 106-108
#38, #39, 1969 May, June.
Box 106-108
#48, #57, 1970 March, December.
Box 106-108
#58, #59, #60, #61, #62, #63, #64, 1971 January, March, April, May, July, July, October.
Box 106-108
#67, #68, #69, November, December.
Box 106-108
#70, #71, #72, #73, #74/#75, #76, #77, #78, #79, #80; Other issues some with different content, 1972 January, February, March, April, May-June, July, September, October, November.
Box 106-108
#9, 1968.
Box 106-108
#12, 1969 May-June.
Box 106-108
#17, #19-20, tribute to Che, 1970 March-April, July-October.
Box 106-108
#21-22, #23, #24, #25, #26, 1970 November-1971 February; 1971 March-April, May-June, July-August, September-October.
Box 106-108
#29-30, 1972 March-June.
Box 106-108

1969 Fall.
Box 110
1970 Fall.
Box 110
1971 January, March, April, Summer, Fall, December.
Box 110
1972 February, March, May, June, July, September, October.
Box 110
Scope and Contents

Includes 1 undated special issue.

1973 January, April, May, June, July, September, October.
Box 110
Scope and Contents

Includes 1 undated special issue.

1974 February, April, May, July.
Box 110
1975 April, May, June, September, October.
Box 110
Scope and Contents

Includes 2 undated special issues.

1976 January, February, March, May, June, August, November.
Box 110
Scope and Contents

Includes 2 undated special issues.

1977 April, May, July, October.
Box 110
Scope and Contents

Includes 3 undated special issues.

1978 February.
Box 110
1976 January-December.
Box 111-112
Scope and Contents

Missing March.

1977 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Box 111-112
1978 January-December.
Box 111-112
1979 February, March, April, June, July, August, October, December.
Box 111-112
1980 January-December.
Box 111-112
1981 January-November/December.
Box 111-112
1982 January-December.
Box 111-112
1983 January/February-December.
Box 111-112
1984 January, February.
Box 111-112
1984 December; 1985 January, February, March, April/May, June/July, August/September, October, November, December.
Box 111-112
1986: January, February/March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December.
Box 111-112
1987 January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December.
Box 111-112
1991 March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December.
Box 111-112
1992 January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August.
Box 111-112
1978 April, May, June, August, September, October, December.
Box 113
1979 January, March, May, July, August, October, December.
Box 113
1980 February, March, May, July, October, December.
Box 113
1981 February, April, June, August, November.
Box 113
1982 January.
Box 113
Special issue: America at the Crossroads no. 68.
Box 113
Special issue: Whites: Let's Unite.
Box 113
1979 May, October, November, December.
Box 114
1980 January/February, March, April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December.
Box 114
1981 February/March, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December.
Box 114
1982 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
Box 114
1983 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
Box 114
1984 March/April.
Box 114
1985 July/August, September/October.
Box 114
1986 September/October, November/December.
Box 114
1987 January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August.
Box 114
1970 November-December.
Box 111
1974 June.
Box 115-117
1978 November, December.
Box 115-117
1979 January-December.
Box 115-117
1980 January-December.
Box 115-117
1981 January-December.
Box 115-117
1982 January-December.
Box 115-117
1983 January, April, May, June, July, August, September, October.
Box 115-117
1984 January, February, June, August.
Box 115-117
Supplement: Secret Kosher Tax Boosts Food Prices .
Box 115-117
Scope and Contents

Numbered issues: 300-327 (missing 305), 330-335, 341.

Numbered issues: 328-335, 341, 345-360.
Box 117
Supplement: Social Justice dealing with Father Coughlin.
Box 117
1967 September 1.
Box 118
1969 August/September, November/December.
Box 118
1970 January/February, March/April.
Box 118
1971 January/February, March/April, May, June, July, August, October/November, December.
Box 118
1972 January-June.
Box 118
1974 April-December.
Box 118
1975 January-December.
Box 118
1976 January, August/October.
Box 118
1977 January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December.
Box 118
1978 January-June, July/August, September/October, November/December.
Box 118
1979 January/February, March, April, May/June, July/August, November/December.
Box 118
1980 November/December.
Box 118
1981 January/February.
Box 118
Box 118
Scope and Contents

Numbered issues: 100-106 (all have 2 copies), 107-109 (from 1981-1984?) parts of issues: 1972: August, September, October, July; 1973: January and February numbered issues: 100-106 (all have 2 copies), 107-109 (from 1981-1984?); parts of issues: 1972: August, September, October, July; 1973: January and February.

Toward Unity Against World Imperialism, 1969.
Box 119
Toward a Peace Ticket in 1968, 1967.
Box 119
End the Cold War!, 1962.
Box 119
Our Sights to the Future (JEHLOC), 1960.
Box 119
For a Meaningful Alternative, 1967.
Box 119
Your Stake in the 1960 Elections (JEHLOC), 1960.
Box 119
Peace Can be Won!, 1951.
Box 119
The Fight Against the Nixon-Agnew Road to Disaster (JEHLOC), 1970.
Box 119
The Only Choice: Peaceful Coexistence (JEHLOC), 1963.
Box 119
The Summit Failure: How Peace Can be Won, 1960.
Box 119
Negro Freedom is in the Interest of Every American, 1964.
Box 119
The U.S. in Today's World, 1961.
Box 119
Which Way USA 1964? The Communist View, 1964.
Box 119
Labor Key Force, 1966.
Box 119
The Working-Class Approach to Women's Liberation, 1970.
Box 119
How to Stop the Monopolies, 1979.
Box 119
The Working-Class Answer to the Deepening Crisis, 1979.
Box 119
Communism and Mankind's Bright Horizon (JEHLOC), 1965.
Box 119
Czechoslovakia at the Crossroads, 1968.
Box 119
Imperialist Rivalries and the World Struggle for Peace, 1968.
Box 119
Erosion of US Capitalism in the '70s.
Box 119
For a Radical Change: the Communist View (JEHLOC), 1966.
Box 119
Path to Revolution: the Communist Program (JEHLOC), 1968.
Box 119
Solutions, 1980.
Box 119
The Summit Failure: How Peace Can Be Won, 1960.
Box 119
The United States in Today's World: What the Communists Stand For (JEHLOC), 1961.
Box 119
Let the People Know, 1947.
Box 119
I Challenge the Un-Americans, 1947.
Box 119
Dennis, Eugene and Gates, John: What America Needs: A Communist View, 1956.
Box 119
The Case for the Communist Party, 1949.
Box 119
Scope and Contents

Introduction by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.

What America Faces: the new war danger and the struggle for peace, democracy, and economic security, 1946.
Box 119
Eugene Dennis Indicts the Wall Street Conspirators, 1948.
Box 119
The Communists Take a New Look, 1956.
Box 119
Is Communism Un-American? 9 Questions about the Communist Party Answered, 1947.
Box 119
21 Questions about War and Peace, 1950.
Box 119
Dangerous Thoughts: the case of the indicted twelve, 1948.
Box 119
Peace or War: the people against the warmakers, 1946.
Box 119
In Defense of Your Freedom: summation in the trial of the 11 Communist Leaders, 1949.
Box 119
America at the Crossroads: Postwar Problems and Communist Policy, 1945.
Box 119
Scope and Contents

With John Gates.

Language and War (JEHLOC), 1950.
Box 120
The Communists in the People's Front (JEHLOC), 1937.
Box 120
Zionism, 1936.
Box 120
The Results of the Elections and the People's Front, 1936.
Box 120
Report to the 8th Convention Communist Parties, 1934.
Box 120
The Meaning of the Palestine Partition, 1937.
Box 120
The Meaning of Social Fascism, 1933.
Box 120
Modern Resurrections and Miracles (JEHLOC), 1950.
Box 120
Coming Economic Crisis in America (JEHLOC), 1949.
Box 120
4 Letters Concerning the Peaceful Co-Existence of Capitalism and Socialism (JEHLOC), 1952.
Box 120
In Defense of Communism, 1949.
Box 120
A Postscript to the Discussion of Peaceful Co-Existence (JEHLOC), 1952.
Box 120
The Decline of the Left Wing of American Labor, 1948.
Box 120
Chinese Lessons for American Marxists (JEHLOC), 1949.
Box 120
Keynes, Foster and Marx: part II, Progress and Socialism (JEHLOC), 1950.
Box 120
The Miracle of Nov. 2nd (JEHLOC), 1948.
Box 120
Who are the Americans?, 1936.
Box 120
The Communist Party of the U.S.A., 1943.
Box 120
World Communism and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1948.
Box 120
Talks to America, 1937.
Box 120
The Road to Victory, 1941.
Box 120
The Most Peculiar Election, 1940.
Box 120
Policy For Victory, 1943.
Box 120
Unity for Peace and Democracy, 1939.
Box 120
The People's Road to Peace, 1940.
Box 120
Economics of Communism, 1939.
Box 120
Build the United People's Front, 1936.
Box 120
The Democratic Front (JEHLOC), 1938.
Box 120
Thompson, Robert: The Path of a Renegade: why E.B. was expelled from C.P., 1946.
Box 120
Earl Browder on the Soviet Union (JEHLOC), 1942.
Box 120
The Meaning of Macarthur: Letters to a Friend by E.B, 1951.
Box 120
Traitors in American History: Lessons of the Moscow Trials, 1938.
Box 120
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley: The Man From Kansas: Earl Browder, 1941.
Box 120
Democracy or Fascism: E.B.'s Report to the 9th Convention of the C.P., 1936 June 24.
Box 120
The Path of Browder and Foster, 1941 March.
Box 120
Theory as a Guide to Action, 1939 January.
Box 120
New Steps in the United Front (JEHLOC), 1935 November.
Box 120
Report to the 10th National Convention of the C.P. of USA on Behalf of the Cental Comm. (JEHLOC), 1938 May 28.
Box 120
How Do We Raise the Question of a Labour Party?, 1935 February.
Box 120
Scope and Contents

With Jack Stachel.

Communism and Culture, 1941 August.
Box 120
The Road Ahead to Victory and Lasting Peace, 1944 June.
Box 120
The Communist Position in 1936 (JEHLOC), 1936 March 5.
Box 120
Scope and Contents

Speech broadcast.

Teheran and America: Perspectives and Tasks, 1944 January.
Box 120
George Dimitroff.
Box 120
Scope and Contents

Foreword by E.Browder. Bulgarian labor leader and Communist put on trial by Nazis for burning Reichstag building in Berlin

The 1940 Elections: How the People Can Win (JEHLOC), 1939 May.
Box 120
E.B. Says (JEHLOC), 1941 May.
Box 120
Scope and Contents

Selections on various topics compiled from his writings.

The People Against the War Makers.
Box 120
America's Decisive Battle (JEHLOC), 1945 March.
Box 120
Internationalism/Results of the 1940 Election (JEHLOC), 1940 November.
Box 120
The Meaning of Elections (JEHLOC), 1944 December.
Box 120
A Talk About the Communist Party, 1943 December.
Box 120
Socialism, War, and America, 1939 November.
Box 120
The Communist Party of the USA: its history, role, and organization, 1941 May.
Box 120
Religion and Communism , 1935 June and 1939 March.
Box 120
Why America is Interested in the Chinese Communists, 1945 April.
Box 120
Stop the War, 1939 November.
Box 120
Production for Victory, 1942 December.
Box 120
Moscow, Cairo, and Teheran, 1944 January.
Box 120
Lincoln and the Communists, 1936 February.
Box 120
Next Steps to Win the War in Spain, 1938 January.
Box 120
Scope and Contents

With Bill Lawrence.

Social and National Security, 1938 December.
Box 120
E.B. Takes His Case to the People, 1940 January.
Box 120
Concerted Action or Isolation: Which is the Road to Peace, 1938.
Box 120
Whose War is It?, 1939 September 29.
Box 120
Scope and Contents

Speech by E.B. at Town Hall, Philadelphia.

Gates, John: On Guard: Against Browderism, Titoism, Trotskyism, 1951 May.
Box 120
The Jewish People and the War, 1940 May.
Box 120
Study Guide and Outline for the People's Front.
Box 120
Socialism in America, 1960.
Box 120
America Speaks for E.B. (JEHLOC), 1941 November.
Box 120
Scope and Contents

Citizens' committee to free E.B.

Acceptance Speeches, 1928.
Box 121
Beware of the War Danger!, 1948.
Box 121
The Speedy Victory: the Second Front Now!, 1943.
Box 121
Quarantine the War Mongers, 1946.
Box 121
Scope and Contents

Hearst Collection.

Reaction Beats its War Drums , 1946.
Box 121
Scope and Contents

Hearst Collection.

Crime of El. Fanguito, 1948.
Box 121
Danger Signals for Organized Labor, 1953.
Box 121
Culture and the Crisis, 1932.
Box 121
The Rankin Witch Hunt, 1945.
Box 121
The Coal Miners: their problems in war and peace, 1945.
Box 121
Our Country Needs a Strong Communist Party (JEHLOC), 1946.
Box 121
The Present Situation and the Next Tasks (JEHLOC), 1945.
Box 121
Questions and Answers on the Piatakov-Radek Trial, 1937.
Box 121
Capitalism, Socialism and the War, 1940.
Box 121
The Menace of a New World War, 1946.
Box 121
Your Questions Answered, 1939.
Box 121
A Manual of Industrial Unionism, 1937.
Box 121
The US and the Soviet Union, 1940.
Box 121
The Fight Against Hitlerism, 1941.
Box 121
What Means a Strike Steel, 1937.
Box 121
Labor and the Marshall Plan, 1948.
Box 121
Defeat the Anti-Labor Smith Bill, 1952.
Box 121
Organizing Methods in the Steel Industry, 1936.
Box 121
Organized Labor and the Fascist Danger, 1947.
Box 121
Industrial Unionism, 1936.
Box 121
The Railroad Workers and the War, 1941.
Box 121
Problems of Organized Labor Today, 1946.
Box 121
The Soviet Union: Friend and Ally of the American People, 1941.
Box 121
23 Questions About the Communist Party, 1948.
Box 121
Fight Against Hunger, 1930.
Box 121
Roosevelt Heads for the War, 1940.
Box 121
Halt the Railroad Wage Cut, 1938.
Box 121
World Capitalism and World Socialism, 1941.
Box 121
The People and the Congress, 1943.
Box 121
Defend America by Smashing Hitlerism (JEHLOC), 1941.
Box 121
The Menace of American Imperialism (JEHLOC), 1945.
Box 121
The Crisis in the Socialist Party, 1936.
Box 121
In Defense of the Communist Party and the Indicted Leaders, 1949.
Box 121
Soviet Democracy & the War, 1943.
Box 121
Fight Against Hitlerism, 1941.
Box 121
Scope and Contents

With Robert Minor.

The USA and the USSR: War Allies and Friends, 1942.
Box 121
North, Joseph: William Z. Foster: An Appreciation (JEHLOC).
Box 121
Organized Labour Faces the New World, 1945.
Box 121
Smash Hitler's Spring Offensive Now! (JEHLOC), 1942.
Box 121
The Revolutionary Crisis of 1918-1921 in Germany, England, Italy and France, 1921.
Box 121
Party Building and Political Leadership.
Box 121
Scope and Contents

With Alex Bittelman, James Ford, Charles Krumbeir.

Railroad Workers Forward, 1937.
Box 121
Unionizing Steel, 1936.
Box 121
The Trade Unions and the War, 1942.
Box 121
The Steel Workers and the Fight for Labor's Rights, 1952.
Box 121
Danger Ahead for Organized Labor, 1948.
Box 121
Little Red Library #1: "Trade Unions in America".
Box 121
Labor and the War, 1942.
Box 121
Browder, Earl and Stachel, Jack: How do We Raise the Question of a Labour Party, 1935.
Box 121
A Manual of Industrial Unionism: Organizational Structures and Policies, 1937.
Box 121
Communism vs. Fascism, 1941.
Box 121
Scope and Contents

A reply to those who lump together the social systems of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

The Soviet Trade Unions and Allied Labour Unity, 1943.
Box 121
What's What About the War, Questions and Answers, 1940.
Box 121
Halt the Railroad Wage Cut, 1938.
Box 121
The War Crisis: Questions and Answers, 1940.
Box 121
The Strike Situation and Organized Labor's Wage and Job Strategy, 1945.
Box 121
Socialism: the Road to Peace, Prosperity, and Freedom, 1941.
Box 121
The Meaning of the 9-Party Communist Conference (JEHLOC), 1947.
Box 121
Little Brothers of the Big Labour Fakers .
Box 121
Scope and Contents

Report of a speech against the conference for progressive labor action, made in New Star Casino, NY City, May 10, 1931.

Wrecking the Labour Banks, 1927.
Box 121
Historical Advance of World Socialism, 1960.
Box 121
Petersen, Arnold: Daniel DeLeon: Internationalist, 1944.
Box 122
Capitalism Means War, 1941.
Box 122
The Ballot and the Class Struggle, 1909.
Box 122
Scope and Contents

Women's suffrage.

Socialist Landmarks: a Program for Working Class Emancipation, 1952.
Box 122
Petersen, Arnold: DeLeonist Milestones, 1952.
Box 122
Petersen, Arnold: Daniel DeLeon: Disciplinarian, 1943.
Box 122
Abolition of Poverty, 1912.
Box 122
Socialist vs Capitalist Economics, 1963.
Box 122
Scope and Contents

Marx on Mallock.

"Socialism vs "Individualism": Debate DeLeon vs Carmody, 1912.
Box 122
Daniel DeLeon: the Man and His Work, 1919.
Box 122
Industrial Unionism: Selected Editorials, 1920.
Box 122
Reform or Revolution, 1933.
Box 122
Petersen, Arnold: Daniel DeLeon: Social Scientist, 1945.
Box 122
Raisky, L.G.: The Struggle Against Opportunism-an appraisal of Daniel DeLeon, 1932.
Box 122
Petersen, Arnold: DeLeon: the Uncompromising, 1939.
Box 122
Socialist Reconstruction of Society, 1930.
Box 122
Scope and Contents

Address given in 1905.

Socialism vs Anarchism, 1901.
Box 122
Evolution of a Liberal: From Reform to Reaction, 1926.
Box 122
As to Politics, 1907.
Box 122
What Means this Strike , 1935.
Box 122
Scope and Contents

Address given 1898.

Two Pages from Roman History , 1903.
Box 122
Capitalism vs Socialism, 1915, 1969.
Box 122
A Socialist in Congress: His Conduct and Responsibilities, 1912.
Box 122
The Vatican in Politics. Ultramontanism: the Roman Catholic Political Machine in Action, 1928.
Box 122
Americanism, early 1900s.
Box 122
O. Piatnitsky: The Bolshevization of the Communist Parties, late 1930s.
Box 123
Guide to the XII Plenum (JEHLOC).
Box 123
Scope and Contents

Handbook for Propagandists.

O. Kuusinen: Prepare for Power.
Box 123
15 Years of Communist International, 1934.
Box 123
The War in the Far East and the Tasks of the Communists in the Struggle Against Imperialist War and Military Intervention: Report of Comrade Okano.
Box 123
Program of the Communist International, 1929.
Box 123
The Struggle Against Imperialist War and the Tasks of the Communists, 1928.
Box 123
13th Plenum: Theses and Decisions, Draft Resolutions, 1934.
Box 123
D.Z. Manuilsky: 13th Plenum: Revolutionary Crisis, Fascism and War, 1934.
Box 123
O. Piatnitsky: 13th Plenum: The Communist Parties in the Fight for the Masses , 1934.
Box 123
Dimitroff: Working Unity-Bulwark Against Fascism, 1935.
Box 123
D.Z. Manuilsky: The USSR and the World Proletariat, 1932.
Box 123
O. Piatnitsky: The 21 Conditions of Admission Into the Communist International, 1934.
Box 123
Dimitroff: The United Front Against Fascism and War , 1935.
Box 123
Theses and Revolutions adopted at the 3rd World Congress, 1921.
Box 123
Main Political Resolution adopted by the 16th Nat'l Convention of the CPUSA, 1957.
Box 123
Gus Hall: Path to Revolution: the Communist Program, 1968.
Box 123
Andrew Stevens: New Opportunities in the Fight for Peace & Democracy, 1953.
Box 123
Draft: Main Political Resolution-an assessment and a projection, 1969 January.
Box 123
C.A. Hathaway and Sam Don: Why a Workers' Daily Press?, late 1910s-early 1920s.
Box 123
How to Become a Better Communist: Tasks and responsibilites of seamen's branch members (JEHLOC).
Box 123
Herbert Aptheker: Communism: menace or promise? The speech they banned, 1963.
Box 123
George Morris: The Red Baiting Racket and How it Works, 1947.
Box 123
Workers Party of America: Program and Constitution, 1921 December 24-26.
Box 123
Imperialism, Superprofits, and the Bribery of the U.S. "Anti Revisionist Communist Movement", 1979.
Box 123
Bay Area Communist Union: Marxism-Leninism Mao Tse-Tung Thought/Resolutions of our 4th General Meeting, 1977 July.
Box 123
Naft, Stephen: 100 Questions to the Communists, 1939.
Box 124
Hudson, Roy: Who are the Reds, 1937.
Box 124
Documents from the Founding Congress of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninst), 1977.
Box 124
Wolfe, Bertram: The Trotsky Opposition: its significance for American Workers, 1928.
Box 124
Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee: Trade Union Question: A Communist Approach to Stategy, Tactics, and Program, 1977.
Box 124
Primer of the Sino-Soviet Conflict: Dictionary of Dissensions in the Communist Camp, 1963.
Box 124
New Programme and New Constitution of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, 1981.
Box 124
Bittelman, Alex: The Communist Party in Action (JEHLOC), 1932.
Box 124
The Party Organization.
Box 124
Scope and Contents

Introduction by Jay Lovestone.

Casey, James: Crisis in the Communist Party.
Box 124
Bittelman, Alex: Milestones in the History of the Communist Party, 1937.
Box 124
A Handbook for Club Officers (in outline form), 1946 June 10.
Box 124
Toward Revolutionary Mass Work, 1932.
Box 124
Where Do We Go From Here "Americus" (JEHLOC), 1948 November 6.
Box 124
Who Ruptured Our Duck? What's the Deal for Veterans?.
Box 124
Manual for Community Club Leaders, 1944.
Box 124
Johnson, Tom: The Reds in Dixie, 1935.
Box 124
America's First Red Mayor in Action, 1933.
Box 124
Minor, Robert: Invitation to Join the Communist Party, 1943.
Box 124
Communists and National Unity, 1944.
Box 124
The American Legion and the Communists Discuss Democracy, 1938.
Box 124
Bittelman, Alex: The C.P. in Action, 1937.
Box 124
Bittelman, Alex: Problems of Party Building, 1937.
Box 124
Goldway, David: CPA=Communist Political Association (JEHLOC).
Box 124
New Programme of the CPUSA--People vs Corporate Power, 1982.
Box 124
Browder, Earl; Dennis, Eugene; Hudson Roy: Shall the C.P. Change Its Name, 1944.
Box 124
Winston, Henry: Build the C.P.: party of the working class, 1969.
Box 124
Minor, Robert: The Heritage of the Communist Political Association, 1944.
Box 124
Stages in the History of the C.P.-a political review, 1943.
Box 124
Lightfoot, Claude: Challenge of the '56 Elections, 1956.
Box 124
Communist Election Program Against: hunger, wage cuts, speed-up & war, 1931.
Box 124
The Way Out: a Program for American Labor, 1934.
Box 124
Parker, Alex: Organizing the Party for Victory Over Reaction, 1953.
Box 124
Resolutions of the 10th Convention of the CPUSA, 1938.
Box 124
Why Every Worker Should Join the Communist Party, early 1900s-1920s.
Box 125
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley: Meet the Communists, 1946.
Box 125
Complete Text of the Declaration of 12 Communists and Workers Parties, 1957.
Box 125
The Constitution and By-Laws of the CPUSA, 1938.
Box 125
Constitution of the CPUSA, 1948, 1957.
Box 125
Bittelman, Alex: 15 Years of the Communist Party (JEHLOC), 1934.
Box 125
War and the 4th International, 1934.
Box 125
Workers Party of America: The 4th National Convention , 1925.
Box 125
Jenks, M.: The Communist Nucleus--what it is, how it works (JEHLOC).
Box 125
Olgin, M.J.: Why Communism? Plain Talks on Vital Problems, 1935.
Box 125
Constitution of the CPUSA (JEHLOC), circa 1940.
Box 125
The Philosophy of Communism, 1963.
Box 125
Soviet Leaders Speak for Communism and Peace, 1952.
Box 125
Gannett, Betty: The Communist Program and the Fight for Jobs, Peace, Equal Rights, Democracy, 1954.
Box 125
What You Should Know About the Communists (JEHLOC), 1947.
Box 125
Gannett, Betty: The Communist Party and You, 1946.
Box 125
Pettis, Perry: The Communist Party: vanguard fighter for peace, democracy, security, socialism, 1953.
Box 125
Romor, I.: 10 Years of the Communist International, 1929.
Box 125
Ming, Wang: The Revolutionary Movement in the Colonial Countries, 1935.
Box 125
Pieck, W.: Freedom, Peace and Bread , 1935.
Box 125
The People's Front in France, 1935.
Box 125
Program of the Communist International , 1936.
Box 125
Capitalist Stabilization has Ended, 1932.
Box 125
Ercoli, M.: The Fight for Peace (JEHLOC), 1935.
Box 125
Manuisky, D.Z.: The Work of the 7th Congress (JEHLOC), 1936.
Box 125
On the Road to Bolshevization, 1929.
Box 125
C.P. 20th National Congress: Resolutions and Proceedings (JEHLOC).
Box 125
Resolutions: 7th Congress of the Communist Int'l , 1935.
Box 125
Scope and Contents

Includes closing speech of G. Dimitroff.

XI Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist Int'l.
Box 125
The Revolutionary Movement in the Colonies, 1928.
Box 125
Small S.: Civil Liberties in the USA: short history of the origin and defense of the Bill of Rights., 1930s or 1940s.
Box 126
Nemo: From the First World War to the Second, 1934.
Box 126
Mani, Charles: Stalin's Thought Illuminates Problems of Negro Freedom Struggle, 1953.
Box 126
Mahan, Lawrence: Who are the Foreign Agents, 1948.
Box 126
Rochester, Anna: Farmers and the War, 1943.
Box 126
Dimitroff, Gerogi: To Defend Assasins is to help Fascism, 1937.
Box 126
Lang, P.: Trotskyism and Fascism, 1937.
Box 126
Bittelman, Alex: How to Win Social Justice: Can Loughlin and Lemke Do It?, 1936.
Box 126
Molotov, V.M.: Soviet Foreign Policy: Meaning of the War in Finland, 1940.
Box 126
Litvinoff, M.M.: The USSR and the League of Nations, 1934.
Box 126
Dunne, Wm. F.: The Supreme Court's Challenge to Labour, 1935.
Box 126
Kun, Bela: The Most Burning Question: Unity of Action, 1934.
Box 126
Bittelman, Alex and Jerome, V.J.: Leninism: the only Marxism today-a discussion of the characteristics of declining capitalism, 1934.
Box 126
Dimitroff, Georgi: The Guarantee of Victory, 1938.
Box 126
Dimitroff Accuses, 1933 December 12.
Box 126
Scope and Contents

Speech of Dimitroff in Supreme Court Session, Leipzig.

Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley: Debs, Haywood, Ruthenberg, 1939.
Box 126
How to Organize Mass Meetings , 1939.
Box 126
Scope and Contents

Organizational-Educational Commission, National Committee of the CPUSA.

Hall, Rob Fowler: This 4th of July 1776-1939, 1939.
Box 126
Max, Alan: What Do You Read, 1941.
Box 126
Dennis, Eugene: Memo: Open Letter to All Members of the C.P. (JEHLOC).
Box 126
Yarolslavsky, E.: The Meaning of the Soviet Trials , 1938.
Box 126
Scope and Contents

Introduction by William Foster.

Bardi, Gino: Are We Aryans?, 1939.
Box 126
Darcy, Sam: An Eye-Witness at the Wreckers Trial, 1937.
Box 126
Gerhart Eisler: My Side of the Story , 1947.
Box 126
Scope and Contents

Statement newspapers refused to print.

Winston, Henry: New Colonialism U.S. Style, 1965.
Box 126
Hirsch, Carl: Public Enemies in Public Office, 1951.
Box 126
Minor, Robert: The Year of the Great Decision 1942, 1942.
Box 126
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks to the Court , 1952.
Box 126
Mandel vs McCarthy: Senate hearing, 1953.
Box 126
Lawson, Elizabeth: The Reign of Witches, 1952.
Box 126
Logan, Mark and Douglas, Sam: The Anatomy of McCarthyism, 1953.
Box 126
Garlin, Sender: Red Tape and Barbed Wire, 1952.
Box 126
Wilson, Walter: The Militia: Friend or Foe of Liberty, 1935.
Box 126
Don't Look the Other Way! The McCaran Law is Aimed at You, Too!.
Box 126
"A Fateful Moment in Our History:" Dissenting Opinion of Hugo Black in McCarran Act.
Box 126
Trumbo, Dalton: The Devil in the Book, 1956.
Box 126
Flynn, Helen Gurley: Communists and the People , 1953.
Box 126
Ben Davis on the McCarran Act at the Harvard Law Forum.
Box 126
Green, Abner: The Walter McCarran Law: Police State Terror Against Foreign Born Americans, 1953.
Box 126
Mandel, William: Man Bites Dog , 1952.
Box 126
Scope and Contents

Report of an unusual hearing before the McCarran committee.

Howard, Milton: McCarthyism & the Big Lie, 1953.
Box 126
Gerson, Simon: Either the Constitution or the Mundt Bill: America can't have both, 1950.
Box 126
Trumbo, Dalton: The Time of the Toad.
Box 126
America's Thought Police , 1947.
Box 126
Scope and Contents

Record of the Un-American Activities Committee.

Kahn, Albert (edited by): McCarthy on Trial, 1954.
Box 126
Pettis Perry Speaks to the Court, 1952.
Box 126
Abt, John: The People vs McCarthyism: Case Against the McCarran Act, 1953.
Box 126
I Do Not Think the Court's Action Can Be Justified .
Box 126
Scope and Contents

Dissenting opinion of Earl Warren on McCarran Act.

Hey, Brother--there's a law against you! .
Box 126