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Edward F. Fry papers


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts [Contact Us]3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206

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Overview and metadata sections

The papers of Edward Fort Fry (1935-1992) reveal the prestige and controversy surrounding the career of an art historian and curator. As an associate curator at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum from 1967 to 1971, Edward Fry experienced accolades in 1969 for his work on the David Smith Retrospective and frustration in 1971 regarding the cancellation of the Hans Haacke exhibition, which lead to Fry's dismissal. From the early 1960s to 1992, Fry contributed to and curated exhibitions; wrote articles, exhibition catalogs, and essays; taught the history of art and participated in lecture series at several universities; introduced unknown artists from eastern Europe and Asia to the United States; and maintained correspondence with artists and colleagues from around the world.

Born 6 May 1935 to Dr. Wilfred Elyes Fry (1899-1976) and Irene Fort Fry (1899-1984), Edward Fry and his sister Margaret resided with their parents in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, just outside Philadelphia. Fry attended the distinguished, all-boys Haverford School from 1947 to 1953, achieving academic excellence in science and math. He attended Princeton University in 1957 where he received his Bachelor of Arts in English literature. Accepted to Harvard University, Fry initially planned to study law but withdrew after the first semester and then enrolled in the fine arts department. He worked with Louis Grodecki on a thesis entitled "Thierry and Champart at Jumièges: the Construction of Notre-Dame and the Romanesque Capitals," and with Frederick B. Deknatel on his dissertation. During his time at Harvard, Fry was a teaching fellow and became curator and trustee of the Museum of Art, Oqunquit, Maine, where he worked closely with artist Henry Strater. Receiving a Fulbright Fellowship from 1961 to 1963, Fry spent the majority of his time researching and studying in Europe, chiefly in Paris, where he formed invaluable relationships with artists and historians and began his life-long study of sculpture and cubism, as well as his in-depth research and investigation of Pablo Picasso.

During his research fellowship Fry traveled extensively, noting places, names, and dinners in his calendars, such as meetings with futurist painter Gino Severini. Personal correspondence with contemporary scholars William Innes Homer and Robert Rosenblum provides a glimpse into the guarding and sharing of information among scholars, as well as rivalries and gossip from home. For instance, during Fry's sojourn in Paris, scholars and colleagues presented Fry with their own research questions, taking advantage of a contact in Europe, and asking that their queries be kept confidential. One friend and colleague, William Innes Homer, working on a monograph of Georges Seurat, asked Fry to procure—with detailed instructions—copies of documents held by Paul Signac's daughter. In a 9 February 1962 letter Homer relays, ". . . I (unlike Rewald , etc.) am not out to exploit her and her mother's material; but I do and will need her help, document-wise, if I keep on with Seurat . . . (this is still secret by the way)." Correspondence of this type reveals not only the guarding of original research but also the ways in which scholars gathered source material. Fry was able to build intellectual and congenial relationships with artists and their family and friends. This ability aided in his research on cubism, evidenced in the many pages of correspondence, with Rubin Lipchitz, brother of sculptor Jacques Lipchitz. Discussions of Lipchitz's sculpture and cubism run throughout their letters. An outline regarding the development of sculpture and cubism in Rubin Lipchitz's hand serves as one example of their close relationship during Fry's stay in Paris. Preserved are extensive and copious notes on Jacques Lipchitz, Pablo Picasso, Henri Laurens, and futurism, in original card files with notes from interviews, including photographs of works. The resulting volume from Fry's Fulbright Fellowship, entitled Cubism, was published by McGraw-Hill Book Company in 1966 and subsequently published in German and Italian.

After completing his Fulbright Fellowship, Fry was an instructor in the history of art at Princeton University and worked as a consultant from 1965 to 1967 for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. The consulting work Fry performed for the Guggenheim lead to his associate curatorship after the Fifth Guggenheim International Exhibition: Sculpture from Twenty Nations, 1967–1968; Fry organized the exhibition and wrote the catalog's essay. The size and scope of the exhibition displayed Fry's awareness of a multitude of sculptors from the international art scene and the entanglements in acquiring sculptures from artists and dealers to mount such an all-encompassing exhibition. The paper trail to acquire Jean Arp's Ptolemy III for the exhibition started with a letter to Francois Arp and continued until the sculpture was included in the show. This perseverance exemplifies the specificity of Fry's vision regarding how each artist should be represented within the multitude of artists being exhibited.

Fry organized several exhibitions in 1969, including the significant and substantial David Smith, a Retrospective. Fry meticulously researched all of Smith's work for the exhibition—with the help of then doctoral student Rosiland Krauss—including amassing a nearly complete photograph collection of all of his sculpture. The Guggenheim was completely filled with Smith's work, utilizing in its entirety Frank Lloyd Wright's visionary space of the museum: it was the first time all of the floors of the Guggenheim Museum were open to the public. The critical response to the exhibition and Fry's catalog was favorable. Newspaper clippings, telegrams, and notes from friends and from David Smith's sister, Catherine Smith Stewart, praised Fry's choices and scope and applauded him for showing the range of Smith's monumental sculpture.

From 1968 to 1971 Fry organized several successful sculpture exhibitions at the Guggenheim Museum, including Jean Arp and Japanese Art 1970: The Fifth Japan Arts Festival. In addition, in 1968 Fry was sent on behalf of McGraw-Hill Book Company to acquire and exhibit works of art from Poland and Yugoslavia. Fry received permission from Thomas M. Messer, director of the Guggenheim, to travel and procure the works, a separate project from his duties as curator. The result was the publication of two small catalogs and a 1969 traveling exhibition sponsored by the American Federation of Arts, entitled Contemporary Art in Poland and Contemporary Art in Yugoslavia. The exhibition not only fulfilled a corporate investment and added to its collection but also simultaneously introduced, in some cases, unknown Polish and Yugoslavian artists to the United States.

Fry's achievements at the Guggenheim continued, but his curatorship was short-lived as the ensuing exhibition of one conceptual artist erupted into controversy. Fry spent close to a year researching, pricing, and contemplating the logistics of installing the environmental and social/political works of artist Hans Haacke. One month prior to the opening and after much heated debate and meetings, the show was canceled. The Guggenheim was protecting its trustees from being perceived as slum lords in one of Haacke's works. Edward Fry, unbending about Haacke's freedom to show the work without censor, was summarily dismissed from the Guggenheim. On 23 April 1971 Guggenheim Director Thomas M. Messer wrote, "Your sustained and active engagements in opposition to recent decisions go beyond legitimate dissent and make it clear that we have come to a parting of the ways." The canceled show and firing of Fry produced an outpouring of correspondence, newspaper articles, and controversy. Artists who protested include contemporary sculptor Donald Judd; he exclaimed, "I don't know how anyone can show at the Guggenheim again." i

Despite this dismissal Fry continued a prolific and engaging professional life, becoming an independent curator and art historian. He was president of the New York chapter of the New Art Association, formed at a College Art Association meeting to address art education. Fry received a Guggenheim fellowship in 1973 to further his research on sculpture and cubism. His curriculum vitae displays several teaching assignments, awards, essays, and consulting positions.

Edward Fry's strong and independent personality contributed to his professional relationships and the expression of his own ideas. For instance, his doctoral dissertation on cubism was initially rejected by his advisor Frederick B. Deknatel: "as it stands what you have written is more in the nature of a narrative account of the movement of cubism . . . This needs more study and certainly could be made into a dissertation." Fry's work was published by McGraw-Hill and translated into four other languages and later was accepted as his dissertation. Fry stood by artist Hans Haacke when the Guggenheim Museum wanted to alter the exhibition to suit the board of trustees. Furthermore, Fry became professor and chairman of Visual Arts at York University in Toronto, where a special convocation in the fall of 1973 honored Josef and Annie Albers. Fry resigned from his position in 1975 explaining to the university in a lengthy point-by-point letter the frustration of chairing the visual arts department. His career as a professor continued at Harvard University, Colgate University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh, and the University of South Florida.

In the late 1970s and 1980s Fry continued arranging exhibitions and participating in lectures. He was involved in Documenta 6, Kassel, Germany in 1977, where he organized the international sculpture section. He was co-director of Documenta 8 in 1987 and the only American organizer and full-time curator, working with Manfred Schneckenburger, planning and coordinating the entire exhibition; he was also a major contributor to the catalog. Fry's ideas regarding the role of art in society were expressed prior to leaving for Kassel: "Art is being corrupted. . . . We want to indicate that modernity has a future only if one destroys the misunderstanding between false autonomy for art—in which it has to be pure, like a kind of secular religion—and what I call the substantiveness of art." Fry and Schneckenburger chose artists who they perceived went beyond the postmodern: they embraced the works of Robert Morris and rejected those of Sol Lewitt. The critical reaction to Documenta 8 noted its vastness and complexity, overwhelming for the audience to absorb. In the two-year process of organizing the Documenta 8, artists submitted their work with the hopes of international exposure, but the ultimate decision of the artist's fate was subject to the theoretical ideas of the jury and critic.

In 1981 Fry represented the United States in UNESCO's Homage to Picasso—celebrating the 100th year of Picasso's birth. Fry received the UNESCO medal, designed by Juan Miro, at the conference in Paris for his contribution of essays and lectures on Picasso. Fry's focus on modern art and his fascination with Picasso commenced with his Fulbright award in 1961 and continued throughout his career. Lectures and numerous essays, some highly acclaimed, abound in his body of work. At the time he received the award, Fry declared, "I've been working on Picasso about twenty years. He's the most important modern artist—by all odds the biggest challenge."

Fry's extensive research materials on Picasso comprise a large photograph collection and index card file, as well as his many lectures and articles on Picasso and cubism. One article in Art Journal, "Picasso, Cubism and Reflexivity" (1988), produced many queries, correspondence, and praises. In 1989 Fry co-curated, with William Rubin and Pierre Daix, Picasso and Braque: Pioneering Cubism at the Museum of Modern Art. The exhibition included a large symposium on cubism and included many eminent scholars.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s Fry continued to organize exhibitions and participate in conferences. He consulted with the Guggenheim on a Robert Morris exhibition and was to be part of the 14th International Sculpture Conference presented by the International Sculpture Center. Fry was on the program committee, and plans for the conference are evidenced in exchanges with sculptor Lin Emery. This would be the last project in which Fry participated; he died suddenly of a heart attack in April 1992, just two months prior to the start of the conference in June. Edward F. Fry, through the generosity of Sandra Ericson, whom Fry married in 1985, has left a wealth of information that spans the many contributions of an art historian who researched, taught, lectured, and worked closely with artists mounting exhibitions.

Works Consulted

Fry, Edward F. Cubism. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966.

---. David Smith. New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1969.

Getty Union List of Artist Names Online. (accessed from March 2007 to February 2008).

Grove Art Online. (accessed from March 2007 to January 2008).

Krauss, Rosiland E. The Sculpture of David Smith: A Catalogue Raisonné. New York: Garland Publishing, 1977.

On-line Picasso Project. (accessed from June 2007 to February 2008).

Slought Foundation Online Content. (accessed, February 4, 2008).

The Edward F. Fry Papers comprise the documents of the life and career of an independent art historian and curator. The collection consists of 66 boxes of correspondence, research, lectures, essays, photographs, and drawings; in addition, there are two oversized folders of material housed separately. The papers also include slides of artists' works, exhibition catalogs, negatives, and a reel-to-reel tape of an interview.

The correspondence series, ca. 1958-1991, encompasses eleven boxes containing 686 folders. Included are letters from family, friends, institutions, and artists. There are letters from Fry's parents, Dr. Wilfred E. Fry and Irene Fort Fry, while Fry was in Europe. Letters from artists such as Beverly Pepper and Jacques Lipchitz discussing their work and ideas; some artists included drawings, slides, and catalogs with their correspondence. Friends and colleagues who aided with his research on cubism include Rubin Lipchitz and William Innes Homer. Also is correspondence with publishers regarding the translation of Fry's book Cubism and in reference to articles. Many museums are included in the correspondence concerning the curatorial work of Fry, for example acquiring works of art for exhibitions. In addition to the wealth of scholarly publications, books, lectures, and exhibition information contained in the papers are correspondence, calendars, and journals that reveal his personal life. Fry's calendars, a journal, and some correspondence provide a glimpse of the inner world of this prominent and independent art historian. The letters from Robert Rosenblum are friendly and high-spirited, conveying news of their colleagues. Fry became friends with his editor in Germany Inge Bodesohn-Vogel, in correspondence they discuss his books translation into German as well as personal exchanges, he notes in one calendar his worry for her health. Another close friend Yvonne V. Chabrier shows concern for Fry's mental state while he was in Europe, "your last letter left me with a quiet sad feeling; you sounded so very, very gray . . . ." The correspondence and calendars reveal many close relationships throughout Fry's life.

A small series, Exhibitions consists of 3 boxes and 71 folders (ca. 1967-1987). The first box contains materials such as inventories, notes, research and travel for several exhibitions. Due to the controversy and cancellation of the Hans Haacke exhibition the second box in this series contains the correspondence from Hans Haacke, the exhibitions plans, correspondence reacting to the exhibition's cancellation, articles, and research. The third and final box of the series surrounds the Documenta 8 exhibition in Kassel, Germany.

Writings is the third series in the collection containing 9 boxes and 208 folders (ca. 1957-1991). Writings has been arranged into five sections: 1 box containing Fry's undergraduate thesis; 2 boxes of typescripts, drafts, and notes on Cubism; two boxes of essays and articles arranged alphabetically, with accompanying research and drafts; two boxes of lectures arranged chronologically, chiefly handwritten; and 2 boxes of courses, some with class lectures and/or syllabi. Fry's range of essays and lectures includes not only cubism, but contemporary sculpture, an article on Titian, a lecture series on Jackson Pollock, Paul Cézanne, and constructivism.

The research series is housed in eighteen boxes, documenting Fry's research of various artists and including files, detailed note cards, and photographs. The series has been divided into three distinct parts: artist files encompassing four boxes; arranged alphabetically they contain artist's biographies, some contain photographs or slides of works of art, and connections with galleries. There are 3 boxes of note cards regarding Jacques Lipchitz, Henri Laurens, Pablo Picasso and David Smith. 8 boxes of photographs make up the last section in this series. Each box is an album containing photographs of the artist's works and in one album are photographs from exhibitions.

The fifth series in the collection is Memorabilia and is in 11 boxes (ca. 1947-1990). One box of Fry's saved programs, newsletters; 3 boxes contain Fry's academic career from The Haverford School through Harvard University, including grades, essays for classes, syllabi and some lecture notes. Personal memorabilia including note books, awards, personal photographs, calendars, passports and address are contained in 5 boxes. The calendars provide some personal information in short diary notes and are useful for Fry's meetings with individuals and artists.

Last in the series of the collection is miscellaneous and oversized material. This series is housed in 8 boxes and contains 2 folders in a map drawer. Magazine articles, newspaper clippings, oversized materials from exhibitions and artists (including drawings), and some posters are contained in this series.

Gift of Sandra Ericson, 2006.

The creation of the electronic guide for this collection was made possible through a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, administered through the Council on Library and Information Resources' "Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives" Project. The finding aid was entered into the Archivists' Toolkit by Garrett Boos.

University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Finding Aid Author
Donna Brandolisio
Finding Aid Date
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Copyright restrictions may exist. For most library holdings, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania do not hold copyright. It is the responsibility of the requester to seek permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce material from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Collection Inventory

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Series Description

686 folders arranged alphabetically by correspondent. Includes all correspondence with the exception of Hans Haacke and the response to the cancelation of the exhibition.

Physical Description

11 Box(es)

Abilene Public Library.
Box 1 Folder 1
Achim Moeller Fine Art Limited re: drawing by Pablo Picasso.
Box 1 Folder 2
Ackerman, James S.
Box 1 Folder 3
Adams, Henry re: Thomas Hart Benton Centennial Exhibition, 1987.
Box 1 Folder 4
Agee, William C.
Box 1 Folder 5
Albers, Josef.
Box 1 Folder 6
Albright-Knox Art Gallery.
Box 1 Folder 7
Albright-Knox Art Gallery re: Piero Dorazio Retrospective, see writings.
Box 1 Folder 8
Allard, A.
Box 1 Folder 9
Alloway, Lawrence, 1926- re: Albert Gleizes Exhibition.
Box 1 Folder 10
Alpers, Svetlana.
Box 1 Folder 11
Alternative Museum (New York, N.Y.).
Box 1 Folder 12
America-Israel Cultural Foundation.
Box 1 Folder 13
American Center for Students and Artists (Paris, France).
Box 1 Folder 14
American Federation of Arts.
Box 1 Folder 15
Amsterdam (Netherlands) Stedelijk Museum.
Box 1 Folder 16
Anderson, Troels.
Box 1 Folder 17
Andersen, Wayne re: David Smith.
Box 1 Folder 18
Appollonio, Umbro, 1911-.
Box 1 Folder 19
Apraxine, Pierre.
Box 1 Folder 20
Archipenko, Alexander, 1887-1964.
Box 1 Folder 21-22
Archipenko, Frances.
Box 1 Folder 23
Architects Collaborative, Inc.
Box 1 Folder 24
Armitage, Kenneth, 1916-2002.
Box 1 Folder 25
Arp, François.
Box 1 Folder 26
Arp, Marguerite.
Box 1 Folder 27
Art in America.
Box 1 Folder 28
Art International re: Hans Haacke; see: Vinklers, Betite.
Box 1 Folder 29
Art Journal.
Box 1 Folder 30
Arts and Science Center.
Box 1 Folder 31
Arts Canada Magazine.
Box 1 Folder 32
Artschwager, Richard, 1923-.
Box 1 Folder 33
Arts Council of Great Britain.
Box 1 Folder 34
Ashbery, John, 1927-.
Box 1 Folder 35
Ashton, Dore. see: Artists; Barrett, Daniel.
Box 1 Folder 36
General Physical Description note

see: Artists; Barrett, Daniel

Association pour la conservation et la reproduction photographique de la press.
Box 1 Folder 37
Atkin, William Wilson.
Box 1 Folder 38
Atlantic Community College.
Box 1 Folder 39
Attalai, Gábor.
Box 1 Folder 39
Aubéry, Pierre.
Box 1 Folder 40
Aycock, Alice. see: writings.
Box 1 Folder 41
General Physical Description note

see: writings

Bak, Irme.
Box 1 Folder 42
Baker, Edwin L.
Box 1 Folder 43
Ball, Susan L.
Box 1 Folder 44
Baltz, Carel.
Box 1 Folder 45
Barnes Foundation.
Box 1 Folder 46
Barnes, Laura L., 1875-1966.
Box 1 Folder 47
Barr, Alfred Hamilton, 1902-1981.
Box 1 Folder 48
Barr, Marga.
Box 1 Folder 49
Bartholet, Elizabeth Ives.
Box 1 Folder 50
Battcock, Gregory, 1937 re: Hans Haacke.
Box 1 Folder 51
Baudouin, René.
Box 1 Folder 52
Bauer, Frederick E.
Box 1 Folder 53
Bazin, Germain.
Box 1 Folder 54
Beaumont, Henri de re: Pablo Picasso.
Box 1 Folder 55
Beer, François-Joachim.
Box 1 Folder 56
Belz, Carl.
Box 1 Folder 57
Benedit, Luis F. (Louis Fernando). See also: Box 60, folder 1171; drawings, notes and plans; poster.
Box 1 Folder 58-59
Physical Description

See also: Box 60, folder 1171; drawings, notes and plans; poster

Benjamin, Judith L.
Box 1 Folder 60
Bényi, László re: Guggenheim International Exhibition, 5th, 1967.
Box 1 Folder 61
Bereś, Jerzy.
Box 1 Folder 62
Bernstein, Gevela Meyer.
Box 1 Folder 63
Bethel, Kathleen.
Box 1 Folder 64
Beyer, Victor.
Box 1 Folder 65
Bienal de Arte Coltejer, 2nd, 1970.
Box 2 Folder 66
Bihalji-Merin, Oto, 1904-.
Box 2 Folder 67
Bijyutsu Techo Magazine.
Box 2 Folder 68
Blackwell Book Store.
Box 2 Folder 69
Blum, Helena.
Box 2 Folder 70
Blum, Shirley Neilsen.
Box 2 Folder 71
Baal, Sara.
Box 2 Folder 72
Bobbs-Merril Company.
Box 2 Folder 73
Bodesohn-Vogel, Inge. see: M. DuMont Schauberg (Firm).
Box 2 Folder 74
General Physical Description note

see: M. DuMont Schauberg (Firm)

Bogaard, Anke.
Box 2 Folder 75
Bogusz, Marian.
Box 2 Folder 76
Bois, yve Alain.
Box 2 Folder 77
Boston University.
Box 2 Folder 78
Bottlin, André.
Box 2 Folder 79
Bowlt, John E.
Box 2 Folder 80
Bowness, Alan.
Box 2 Folder 81
Bozo, Dominique. See also: Musée national d'art moderne (France).
Box 2 Folder 82
Physical Description

See also: Musée national d'art moderne (France)

British Broadcasting Corporation.
Box 2 Folder 83
Brady, Jacqueline, 1932-.
Box 2 Folder 84
Broothaers, Marcel re: Haacke, Hans, 1936-.
Box 2 Folder 85
Brooke, David S.
Box 2 Folder 86
Brücher, Ernst.
Box 2 Folder 87
Buckley, John.
Box 2 Folder 88
Burden, Chris, 1946-. See also: folder 1175, map drawer.
Box 2 Folder 89
Physical Description

See also: folder 1175, map drawer

Burke, Helen S.
Box 2 Folder 90
Burnham, Jack, 1931-.
Box 2 Folder 91
Burnham, Judith.
Box 2 Folder 92
Bury, Pol, 1922-.
Box 2 Folder 93
Bush, Virginia.
Box 2 Folder 94
Butler, Eugenia.
Box 2 Folder 95
Byars, James Lee.
Box 2 Folder 96
Cachin, Françoise.
Box 2 Folder 97
Caglioti, Victor, 1935-.
Box 2 Folder 98
Cahiers d'art.
Box 2 Folder 99
Camfield, William A.
Box 2 Folder 100
Carmi, Eugenio, 1920-.
Box 2 Folder 101
Caro, Anthony, 1924-.
Box 2 Folder 102-103
Carpenter, Ken.
Box 2 Folder 104
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 1908-2004.
Box 2 Folder 105
Casa Frollo: Pensione.
Box 2 Folder 106
Castelbarco, Carla.
Box 2 Folder 107-108
Čelebonović, Aleska.
Box 2 Folder 109
Ćelić, Stojan, 1925-.
Box 2 Folder 110
Centers for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts.
Box 2 Folder 111
Centre Georges Pompidou.
Box 2 Folder 112
Centro de Arte y Communicación (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Box 2 Folder 113
Century Association (New York, N.Y.).
Box 2 Folder 114
Chabrier, Yvonne V.
Box 2 Folder 115
Géo-Charles, 1882-1963.
Box 2 Folder 116
Chicago, Judy, 1939-.
Box 2 Folder 117
Childress, William.
Box 2 Folder 118
Christo, 1935-.
Box 2 Folder 119
Cieński, Stanislaw.
Box 3 Folder 120
Clark, Charles D.
Box 3 Folder 121
Clark, Joseph C.
Box 3 Folder 122
Clerk, Pierre, 1928-.
Box 3 Folder 123
Cogswell, Margaret.
Box 3 Folder 124
Čolak-Antić, Ana.
Box 3 Folder 125
Cole, R. A.
Box 3 Folder 126
Colla, Ettore, 1896-1968.
Box 3 Folder 127
Commission Franco-Américane d'Echanges Universitaires (United States Educational Commission for France).
Box 3 Folder 128
Connaissance (Firm); Goldschmidt, Ernest.
Box 3 Folder 129
Connelly, Frances S.
Box 3 Folder 130
Cooper, Douglas, 1911-1984.
Box 3 Folder 131
Cooper, Paul R.; Robert Hull Fleming Museum. See also: Box 60, folder 1174; poster.
Box 3 Folder 132
Physical Description

See also: Box 60, folder 1174; poster

Cooper, Paula.
Box 3 Folder 133
Cooper, Richard W.
Box 3 Folder 134
Cooper, Sally.
Box 3 Folder 135
Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Box 3 Folder 136
Corse, Mary.
Box 3 Folder 137
Cortesi, Ally; The New York Review of Books.
Box 3 Folder 138
Count Dracula Society (U.S.).
Box 3 Folder 139
Cousins, Judith Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.).
Box 3 Folder 140
Cragnolini, Pietro.
Box 3 Folder 141
Crockwell, Margaret re: Smith, David, 1906-1965.
Box 3 Folder 142
Crowell-Collier Educational Corporation.
Box 3 Folder 143
Csaky, Joseph, 1888-1971.
Box 3 Folder 144
Cummings, Nathan.
Box 3 Folder 145
Czartoryska, Urszula.
Box 3 Folder 146
Damnjanović-Damnjan, Radomir, 1936-.
Box 3 Folder 147
David McKee Gallery.
Box 3 Folder 148
Davis, Marjorie.
Box 3 Folder 149
Day, Wördem.
Box 3 Folder 150
Debenjak, Riko, 1908-1987.
Box 3 Folder 151
de Borrero, Marla.
Box 3 Folder 152
Dehner, Dorothy, 1901-1994.
Box 3 Folder 153
Deknatel, Frederick B.
Box 3 Folder 154
Delaunay, Sonia.
Box 3 Folder 155
Delehanty, Suzanne, 1944-.
Box 3 Folder 156
Delgado, Gloria.
Box 3 Folder 157
DESA Works of Modern Art Foreign Trade Co.
Box 3 Folder 158-159
Dignac, Geny, 1982-.
Box 3 Folder 160-161
Djuara Limited: Indonesian Importers.
Box 3 Folder 162
Dobrović, Juraj, 1928-.
Box 3 Folder 163
Documenta GmbH, (Documenta:8th:1987:Kassel, Germany).
Box 3 Folder 164
Dombek, Blanche.
Box 3 Folder 165
Downey, James M.
Box 3 Folder 166
Downing, Robert James.
Box 3 Folder 167
Drake, Robert T.
Box 3 Folder 168
Drenner, Sarah Wilson.
Box 3 Folder 169
Drew University; Hall, Lee.
Box 3 Folder 170
Droogers, W.C.
Box 3 Folder 171
Dufferin, Sheridan.
Box 3 Folder 172
D. Van Nostrand Company re: David Smith catalog.
Box 3 Folder 173
Edward MacDowell Association.
Box 3 Folder 174
Egbert, Donald Drew, 1902-1973.
Box 3 Folder 175
Elliot, James.
Box 3 Folder 176
Eloul, Kosso, 1920-1996.
Box 3 Folder 177
Elsen, Albert Edward, 1927-.
Box 3 Folder 178
Emery, Lin, 1926-; International Sculpture Conference.
Box 3 Folder 179
Emmerick, André.
Box 3 Folder 180
Entemann, Raymond.
Box 3 Folder 181
Ericson, Sandra.
Box 3 Folder 182
Eyquem, Eva.
Box 3 Folder 183
Faltermeier, Henrich.
Box 3 Folder 184
Faulkner, Dawkins & Sullivan.
Box 3 Folder 185
Fay, Nomina T. (Nomina Twining).
Box 3 Folder 186
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
Box 3 Folder 187
Fermigier, André.
Box 3 Folder 188
Fernandez, Iglesias Enrique.
Box 3 Folder 189
Field, Richard S.
Box 3 Folder 190
Field, Virginia.
Box 3 Folder 191
Fijalkowski, Stanislaw, 1922-.
Box 3 Folder 192
Fine, Jud.
Box 3 Folder 193
Finkelstein, Ann B., George Washington University.
Box 3 Folder 194
First Universal Life Church of San Diego.
Box 3 Folder 195
Fischbach Gallery; Droll, Donald.
Box 3 Folder 196
Fisher, Carl, Mrs.
Box 3 Folder 197
Flack, Ann J.
Box 4 Folder 198
Flavin, Dan, 1933-1996.
Box 4 Folder 199
Fleischer Anhalt Gallery (Los Angeles, Calif.), Fleischer, Mary.
Box 4 Folder 200
Fleming, John, 1919-; Penguin (Firm).
Box 4 Folder 201
Fleiss, Marcel.
Box 4 Folder 202
Franck, Martine.
Box 4 Folder 203
Freedberg, S. J. (Sydney Joseph), 1914-1997.
Box 4 Folder 204
Fried, Michael.
Box 4 Folder 205
Fry, Irene Fort.
Box 4 Folder 206
Fry, Wilfred E.
Box 4 Folder 207
Fujieda, Teruo, 1936-.
Box 4 Folder 208
Fukushima, Noriyasu, 1940-.
Box 4 Folder 209-210
Gabriele Mazzotta editore.
Box 4 Folder 211
Galen, Elaine.
Box 4 Folder 212
Galeria, Foksal.
Box 4 Folder 213
Galerie Breteau.
Box 4 Folder 214
Galerie Claude Bernard.
Box 4 Folder 215
Galerie de France (Paris, France).
Box 4 Folder 216
Galerie Denise René.
Box 4 Folder 217
Galerie Gmurznska.
Box 4 Folder 218
Galerie Lambert; Lambert, Françoise.
Box 4 Folder 219
Galerie Maeght (Paris, France).
Box 4 Folder 220
Galerie Müller Stuttgart.
Box 4 Folder 221
Galerie Paul Fachetti.
Box 4 Folder 222
Galerie Seder.
Box 4 Folder 223
Galerije grada Zagreba; Bek, Božo.
Box 4 Folder 224
Galić, Mladen.
Box 4 Folder 225
Gamwell, Lynn, 1943-.
Box 4 Folder 226
Gandee, Cynthia.
Box 4 Folder 227
Geoffrey, J. Iqbal, 1939-.
Box 4 Folder 228
George Braziller, Inc.
Box 4 Folder 229
Gerchman, Rubens, 1942-.
Box 4 Folder 230
Gibbons, Felton, 1929-.
Box 4 Folder 231
Gibson, Roland.
Box 4 Folder 232
Gieldzinski, H.
Box 4 Folder 233
Gielniak, Józef, 1932-1972.
Box 4 Folder 234
Ginnever, Charles, 1931-.
Box 4 Folder 235
Gleizes, Juliette Roche.
Box 4 Folder 236
Goff, Mary Ruth.
Box 4 Folder 237
Golding, John.
Box 4 Folder 238
Goldschmidt, Ernest.
Box 4 Folder 239
Goodyear, John, 1930-.
Box 4 Folder 240
Gordon, Donald E.
Box 4 Folder 241
Gostomski, Zbigniew, 1932-.
Box 4 Folder 242
Grabska-Wallis, Elizabeth.
Box 4 Folder 243
Graham Modern (Gallery).
Box 4 Folder 244
Gray, Cleve.
Box 4 Folder 245
Greater Tarpan Springs Chamber of Commerce.
Box 4 Folder 246
Green, Robin.
Box 4 Folder 247
Greenberg, Clement, 1909-1994.
Box 4 Folder 248
Greenly, Colin.
Box 4 Folder 249
Grigorian, Marcos, 1925-.
Box 4 Folder 250
Gris, Josette.
Box 4 Folder 251
Grodecki, Louis, 1910-1982. see: Abbaye de Jumièges.
Box 4 Folder 252
General Physical Description note

see: Abbaye de Jumièges

Habasque, Guy.
Box 4 Folder 253
Haese, Ursula; re: Haese, Günter, 1924-.
Box 4 Folder 254
Haftmann, Werner.
Box 4 Folder 255
Haggerty, Margaret T.
Box 4 Folder 256
Hall, David L.
Box 4 Folder 257
Hall, Katrina.
Box 4 Folder 258
Halpern, Barbara.
Box 4 Folder 259
Hammar, Nancy.
Box 4 Folder 260
Hamowy, Albert.
Box 4 Folder 261
Harvard University. Dept. of Fine Arts.
Box 4 Folder 262
Harvard University. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Box 4 Folder 263
Haskins, Jno.
Box 4 Folder 264
Haven and Co. Photo Supply.
Box 4 Folder 265
Heller, Jules.
Box 4 Folder 266
Henri Stern Watch Agency, Inc.
Box 4 Folder 267
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art.
Box 4 Folder 268
Herding, Klaus.
Box 4 Folder 269
Hérnbel, Michel.
Box 4 Folder 270
Hiery, Oswald.
Box 5 Folder 271
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.
Box 5 Folder 272
Hiltunen, Eila, 1922-.
Box 5 Folder 273
Hödicke, Christa.
Box 5 Folder 274
Hofmann, Werner, 1928-.
Box 5 Folder 275
Holderbaum, James.
Box 5 Folder 276
Holt, Reinhart, and Winston, Inc.
Box 5 Folder 277
Holt, Nancy.
Box 5 Folder 278
Homer, William Innes.
Box 5 Folder 279-280
Horvat-Pintarić, Vera, 1928-.
Box 5 Folder 281
Hotel Cipriani.
Box 5 Folder 282
Houe, Christian.
Box 5 Folder 283
Hozo, Dževad, 1938-.
Box 5 Folder 284
Huber, Carlo.
Box 5 Folder 285
Hubert, Etienne-Alain.
Box 5 Folder 285
Hunisak, John M., 1944-.
Box 5 Folder 286
Indiana University Museum of Art.
Box 5 Folder 287
Ingersoll, R. Sturgis (Robert Sturgis, b. 1891).
Box 5 Folder 288
Inoue, Michiko.
Box 5 Folder 289
Institute of Contemporary Arts (London, England); Penrose, Roland, Sir.
Box 5 Folder 290
International Council of Museums.
Box 5 Folder 291
International Play Group, Inc.
Box 5 Folder 292
International Research and Exchange Board.
Box 5 Folder 293
International Sculpture Center.
Box 5 Folder 294
Isham, Christopher.
Box 5 Folder 295
Isham, Sheila, 1927-.
Box 5 Folder 296
Ishii, Atsuo.
Box 5 Folder 297
Isobe, Yukihisa.
Box 5 Folder 298
Jaar, Alfredo.
Box 5 Folder 299
Jackson, Martha Kellog.
Box 5 Folder 300
Jacob, Laurent.
Box 5 Folder 301
Jakimowicz, Andrezej.
Box 5 Folder 302
Janson, H.W. (Horst Woldermar), 1913-1982.
Box 5 Folder 303
Japan Art Center.
Box 5 Folder 304
Jappe, Hieba.
Box 5 Folder 305
Jarnuszkiewicz, Jerzy.
Box 5 Folder 306
Jéanty, Françoise.
Box 5 Folder 307
Jessar, Ralph A., Mrs.
Box 5 Folder 308
Jewish Museum (New York, N.Y.).
Box 5 Folder 309
Joe and Emily Lowe Art Gallery (University o Miami).
Box 5 Folder 310
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1971-1973.
Box 5 Folder 311
Johnson, Diane, 1943-.
Box 5 Folder 312
Johnson, Ron (Ronald William), 1937-.
Box 5 Folder 313
Joost, Christiane.
Box 5 Folder 314
Kacher, Lewis.
Box 5 Folder 315
Kahnweiler, Daniel Henry, 1884-1979; Galerie Louise Leiris.
Box 5 Folder 316
Kalamazoo Institute of Arts.
Box 5 Folder 317
Kalenberg, Angel.
Box 5 Folder 318
Kantor, Tadeusz, 1915-1990.
Box 5 Folder 319
Katz, Stephanie Suzanne.
Box 5 Folder 320
Kawamata, Tadashi, 1953-.
Box 5 Folder 321
re: Kelly, Ellsworth, 1923- and Red-Blue Rocker, 1963.
Box 5 Folder 322
Kemeny, George A.
Box 5 Folder 323
Kemeny, Madeleine, 1906-1993.
Box 5 Folder 324
Kepalas, Elena.
Box 5 Folder 325
Kent Fine Art, Inc.
Box 5 Folder 326
Kerney, Mary-Margaret.
Box 5 Folder 327
Key-Sock, Lee.
Box 5 Folder 328
Kezys, Algimantas.
Box 5 Folder 329
Kim, Whanki, 1913-1974.
Box 5 Folder 330
Knoedler Gallery.
Box 5 Folder 331
Knutson, Ruth M.
Box 5 Folder 332
Koenigstein, Georg, 1937-.
Box 5 Folder 333
Kokubo, Akira, 1937-.
Box 5 Folder 334
Kossow, Vladimir Michaelovitch.
Box 5 Folder 335
Kowalski, Piotr, 1927-2004.
Box 5 Folder 336
Krampetz, Norman A.
Box 6 Folder 337
Krasiński, Edward, 1925-.
Box 6 Folder 338
Kreisel Co., Inc.
Box 6 Folder 339
Kriwet, Ferdinand.
Box 6 Folder 340
Kržišnik, Zoran.
Box 6 Folder 341
Kuduz, Ante, 1935-.
Box 6 Folder 342
Kunstverein in Hamburg.
Box 6 Folder 343
Kunz, Lucy E.
Box 6 Folder 344
Kvaraceus, Rose.
Box 6 Folder 345
Lahoda, Vojtěch.
Box 6 Folder 346
Landmann, Oscar P.
Box 6 Folder 347
Langhorne, Elizabeth Lawrence.
Box 6 Folder 348
Lapiner, Alan C.
Box 6 Folder 349
Lapinski, Tadeusz.
Box 6 Folder 350
Larronde, Daniele.
Box 6 Folder 351
Lascombe, Jacqueline.
Box 6 Folder 352
Latner, Albert J.
Box 6 Folder 353
Laude, Jean, 1922-.
Box 6 Folder 354
Laurens, Claude, 1908-.
Box 6 Folder 355
Lawson, Thomas, 1951-.
Box 6 Folder 356
Leavitt, Boris.
Box 6 Folder 357
Leider, Philip, 1929-.
Box 6 Folder 358
Leighton, Patricia Dee.
Box 6 Folder 359
Lejwa, Arthur.
Box 6 Folder 360
Lenk, Thomas, 1933-.
Box 6 Folder 361
Léon, Eduardo A.
Box 6 Folder 362
Lewis Brothers Insurance.
Box 6 Folder 363
Lewis, Raymond L.
Box 6 Folder 364
Linduff, Katheryn M.
Box 6 Folder 365
Liong, Koh Tong.
Box 6 Folder 366
Lipchitz, Jacques, 1891-1973.
Box 6 Folder 367
Lipchitz, Rubin.
Box 6 Folder 368-370
Lippincott Environmental Arts.
Box 6 Folder 371
Lobanov-Rostovsky, Nikita D.
Box 6 Folder 372
Loeser, John D., Mrs.
Box 6 Folder 373
Lorch, Leonard G.
Box 6 Folder 374
Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Box 6 Folder 375
Lucchini, Jean-Claude.
Box 6 Folder 376
Lunn, Harry H. (Harry Hyatt), 1933-.
Box 6 Folder 377
Lynton, Norbert.
Box 6 Folder 378
MacAgy, Douglas, 1913-.
Box 6 Folder 379
McClintic, Miranda.
Box 6 Folder 380
McDowell, Barrie C.
Box 6 Folder 381
McGill University.
Box 6 Folder 382
MeGraw-Hill Book Company.
Box 6 Folder 383-384
Madovra, Galerie.
Box 6 Folder 385
Maeght éditeur.
Box 6 Folder 386
Magyar Nemzeti Galéria.
Box 6 Folder 387
Maine Coon Breeders & Fanciers.
Box 6 Folder 388
Malcolm Gardner.
Box 6 Folder 389
Marczyński, Adam, 1908-1985.
Box 6 Folder 390
Marini, Marino, 1901-1980.
Box 6 Folder 391
Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum.
Box 6 Folder 392
Marsh, Janice.
Box 6 Folder 393
Martin, Robert B.
Box 6 Folder 394
Matarazzo Sorbinho, Francisco, 1898-1977.
Box 6 Folder 395
Mathieu, Georges, 1921-.
Box 6 Folder 396
Matisse, Paul, 1933-.
Box 6 Folder 397
Matsuzawa, Yutaka.
Box 6 Folder 398
Matulka, Lida.
Box 6 Folder 399
Max Hutchinson Gallery (New York, N.Y.).
Box 6 Folder 400
Max Protetch Gallery.
Box 6 Folder 401
Maxwell Davidson Gallery.
Box 6 Folder 402
Maza, Fernando.
Box 6 Folder 403
M. DuMont Schauberg (Firm) see: Bodesohe, Inge. see: Bodesohe, Inge.
Box 7 Folder 404
General Physical Description note

see: Bodesohe, Inge

Menaše, Ljerka.
Box 7 Folder 405
Menil, Dominique de.
Box 7 Folder 406
Messer, Thomas M.; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
Box 7 Folder 407
Meštrović, Matko, 1933-.
Box 7 Folder 408
Meyer, Ursula, 1915-2003.
Box 7 Folder 409
Meyer-Bernstein, Gerda.
Box 7 Folder 410
Meyerson, Martin, University of Pennsylvania.
Box 7 Folder 411
Michalowski, Jerzy.
Box 7 Folder 412
Michael, Julie.
Box 7 Folder 413
Miss, Mary, 1944-.
Box 7 Folder 414
Miyawaki, Aiko, 1929-.
Box 7 Folder 415
Moderna galerija (Ljublijana, Slovenia) Jerman, Majda.
Box 7 Folder 416
Mohr, Lawrence.
Box 7 Folder 417
Molho, Vitalis John.
Box 7 Folder 418
Molnár, Sándor, 1936-.
Box 7 Folder 419
Monti della Corte, Beatrice.
Box 7 Folder 420
Morgan, Elizabeth A.
Box 7 Folder 421
Moriguchi, Tdirokazu.
Box 7 Folder 422
Morland, Dorothy.
Box 7 Folder 423
Morland, Francis.
Box 7 Folder 424
Morphet, Richard; Penguin (Firm).
Box 7 Folder 425
Morris, Robert, 1931-.
Box 7 Folder 426
Motherwell, Robert.
Box 7 Folder 427
Műcsarnok (Budapest, Hungary).
Box 7 Folder 428
Muller, Guy.
Box 7 Folder 429
Munk, Zdenka.
Box 7 Folder 430
Murray, Joan, 1943-.
Box 7 Folder 431
Murray, Robert, 1936-.
Box 7 Folder 432
Museé cantonal de beaux-arts Lausanne.
Box 7 Folder 433
Museé national d'art Moderne (France) Bozo, Dominique.
Box 7 Folder 434
Museé Picasso (Paris, France).
Box 7 Folder 435
Museé Toulouse Lautrec.
Box 7 Folder 436
Museum of Art Ogunquit.
Box 7 Folder 437
Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago, Ill.).
Box 7 Folder 438
Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.).
Box 7 Folder 439
Muzej savremene umetnosti.
Box 7 Folder 440
Museum Narodowe w Wrszawie.
Box 7 Folder 441
Nádler, István, 1938-.
Box 7 Folder 442
Naef, Bianca.
Box 7 Folder 443
Naese, Ursula.
Box 7 Folder 444
Nakov, Andrei B.
Box 7 Folder 445
Nasser, Frederico Jayme.
Box 7 Folder 446
National Endowment for the Arts Visual Arts Program.
Box 7 Folder 447
National Gallery of Art (U.S.).
Box 7 Folder 448
National Gallery of Canada.
Box 7 Folder 449
Nationalgalerie (Germany).
Box 7 Folder 450
National Sculpture Center (U.S.).
Box 7 Folder 451
Navaretta, E.A.
Box 7 Folder 452
Neal, Reginald, 1909-.
Box 7 Folder 453
Nederlandse Foto-litho inrichting.
Box 7 Folder 454
Nederlandse Kunstistichting.
Box 7 Folder 455
Negret, Edgar, 1920-.
Box 7 Folder 456
Nesmer, Cindy.
Box 7 Folder 457
New Jersey Bell Telephone Co.
Box 7 Folder 458
Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.).
Box 7 Folder 459
Oda, Jo.
Box 7 Folder 460
Oonishi, Seiji.
Box 7 Folder 461
Orr, Olen.
Box 7 Folder 462
Ortman, George, 1926-.
Box 7 Folder 463
Otreba, Ryszard, 1932-.
Box 7 Folder 464
Otto Gerson Gallery (New York, N.Y.).
Box 7 Folder 465
Owens, Warren, 1923-.
Box 7 Folder 466
Ozenfant, Amédee, 1886-1966.
Box 7 Folder 467
Päíviö, Maeja-L.
Box 8 Folder 468
Panicali, Carla.
Box 8 Folder 469
Parigoris, Alexandra.
Box 8 Folder 470
Pasadena Art Museum.
Box 8 Folder 471
Paternosto, César.
Box 8 Folder 472
Pavović, Zoran, 1932-.
Box 8 Folder 473
Pécon-Vaÿsse, R.
Box 8 Folder 474
Peller, Marian.
Box 8 Folder 475
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.
Box 8 Folder 476
Pennsylvania Office of the Governor.
Box 8 Folder 477
Pepper, Beverly.
Box 8 Folder 478
Pepper, Curtis Bill.
Box 8 Folder 479
Perkins, Constance M., 1913-.
Box 8 Folder 480
Perls, Klaus.
Box 8 Folder 481
Perry, Richard.
Box 8 Folder 482
Pfahler, Georg Karl, 1926-.
Box 8 Folder 483
Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Box 8 Folder 484
Philadelphia (Pa.) Redevelopment Authority.
Box 8 Folder 485
Picabia, J. Buffet.
Box 8 Folder 486
Piccione, Dino.
Box 8 Folder 487
Pinchbeck, Peter.
Box 8 Folder 488
Pogány, Ödön Gábor.
Box 8 Folder 489
Poland. Centalne Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych; Szancer, Gizela.
Box 8 Folder 490
Porębski, Mieczyslaw, 1921-.
Box 8 Folder 491
Portfolio: The Magazine for the Visual Arts.
Box 8 Folder 492
Pound, Dorothy.
Box 8 Folder 493
Pozzi, Lucio, 1935-.
Box 8 Folder 494
Praeger Publishers. See also: Box 60, Folder 1170; galleys.
Box 8 Folder 495
Physical Description

See also: Box 60, Folder 1170; galleys

Princeton University. Art Museum.
Box 8 Folder 496
Princeton University. Dept. of Art and Archaeology.
Box 8 Folder 497
Princeton University. Dept. of Physics.
Box 8 Folder 498
Princeton University. Office of the Secretary.
Box 8 Folder 499
Puente, Alejandro.
Box 8 Folder 500
Rabin, Joseph.
Box 8 Folder 501
Radiodiffusion-Télévision française.
Box 8 Folder 502
Radio Free Europe.
Box 8 Folder 503
Rauscher, Leonhardt.
Box 8 Folder 504
Raynal, Germaine.
Box 8 Folder 505
Restany, Pierre.
Box 8 Folder 506
Richardson, John, 1924-.
Box 8 Folder 507
Richter, Vjenceslaw, 1917-.
Box 8 Folder 508
Rickey, Edie.
Box 8 Folder 509
Rickey, George.
Box 8 Folder 510
Rizzoli Journal of Art, Inc.
Box 8 Folder 511
Robbins, Daniel.
Box 8 Folder 512
Rodgers, Rebecca.
Box 8 Folder 513
Rosand, David.
Box 8 Folder 514
Rosenblum, Robert.
Box 8 Folder 515
Rosing, Larry.
Box 8 Folder 516
Roskill, Mark W.
Box 8 Folder 517
Ross, John G.
Box 8 Folder 518
Rouan, François.
Box 8 Folder 519
Rubin, William Stanley.
Box 8 Folder 520
Rudenstine, Angelica Zander.
Box 8 Folder 521
Rumold, Rainer.
Box 8 Folder 522
Rumsey, Claire.
Box 8 Folder 523
Russell, John.
Box 8 Folder 524
Russell, Lisa.
Box 8 Folder 525
Rutault, Claude.
Box 8 Folder 526
Ruth White Gallery.
Box 8 Folder 527
Sabre, Lynette.
Box 8 Folder 528
Sadley, Wojciech.
Box 8 Folder 529
Salmon, André, 1881-.
Box 8 Folder 530
Salz, John F.
Box 8 Folder 531
Savage, M. S.
Box 8 Folder 532
Schippers, Wim T.
Box 9 Folder 533
Schmidt, Mary.
Box 9 Folder 534
Schneckenburger, Manfred; Documenta 8.
Box 9 Folder 535
Schneider, Rosiland.
Box 9 Folder 536
Schoenwald, Richard.
Box 9 Folder 537
Schroth, Peter.
Box 9 Folder 538
Schulze, Bernard & Ursula.
Box 9 Folder 539
Schweiker, Richard S. (Richard Schultz), 1926-.
Box 9 Folder 540
Scott, Hugh, 1900-1994.
Box 9 Folder 541
Secker & Warburg; Rosenthal, T. G.
Box 9 Folder 542
Sekal, Zbynĕk, 1923-.
Box 9 Folder 543
Segui, Shinichi.
Box 9 Folder 543-2
Selz, Peter Howard, 1919-.
Box 9 Folder 544
Serrano, Pablo, 1908-1985.
Box 9 Folder 545
Šetlík, Jiři.
Box 9 Folder 546
Seuphor, Michel, 1901-.
Box 9 Folder 547
Shaffer, Paul V.
Box 9 Folder 548
Sheard, Wendy Stedman.
Box 9 Folder 549
Shearer, Linda.
Box 9 Folder 550
Sidney Janis Gallery.
Box 9 Folder 551
Silvagni, Elizabeth.
Box 9 Folder 552
Siskov, Ludmil, 1936-.
Box 9 Folder 553
Skovram, Anita.
Box 9 Folder 554
Skowhegon School of Painting and Sculpture.
Box 9 Folder 555
Slesinska, Alina.
Box 9 Folder 556
Sloane, Joseph C.
Box 9 Folder 557
Smith, Ralph B.
Box 9 Folder 558
Smithsonian Resident Associate Program.
Box 9 Folder 559
Soby, James Thrall, 1906-1979.
Box 9 Folder 560
Social Register Association (U.S.).
Box 9 Folder 561
Soho Artists Association.
Box 9 Folder 562
Solmssen, Peter.
Box 9 Folder 563
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
Box 9 Folder 564
Sonnabend, Illeana.
Box 9 Folder 565
Spagnulo, Giuseppe, 1936-.
Box 9 Folder 566
Spate, Virginia.
Box 9 Folder 567
Spinella, Elizabeth.
Box 9 Folder 568
Squires, Norma-Jean.
Box 9 Folder 569
Stanislawski, Ryszard, 1921-.
Box 9 Folder 570
St[a]rzinki, J.
Box 9 Folder 571
Stasik, Andrew.
Box 9 Folder 572
State University of New York at Stony Brook Dept. of Art.
Box 9 Folder 573
Stażewski, Nenryk, 1894-1988.
Box 9 Folder 574
Steinberg, Leo, 1920-.
Box 9 Folder 575
Stele, France.
Box 9 Folder 576
Stenvert, Curt, 1920-.
Box 9 Folder 577
Stewart, Catherine Smith.
Box 9 Folder 578
Stich, Sidra.
Box 9 Folder 579
Strater, Henry, 1896-; Museum of Art Ogunquit.
Box 9 Folder 580-581
Studio International.
Box 9 Folder 582
Suberlack, Stefan, 1928-.
Box 9 Folder 583
Svestka, Jiri.
Box 9 Folder 584
Swann, Simone.
Box 9 Folder 585
Syndicat de la Press Artistique Française.
Box 9 Folder 586
Szépmûvészeti Múzeum (Hungary).
Box 9 Folder 587
Szyszko, Felix.
Box 9 Folder 588
Takama, Natsaki.
Box 9 Folder 589
Takamatsu, Jirō, 1936-.
Box 9 Folder 590
Tansey, Mark, 1949-. See also: Box 59, folder, 1167; copies of work with miscellaneous notes.
Box 9 Folder 591
Physical Description

See also: Box 59, folder, 1167; copies of work with miscellaneous notes

Tavares, Gustavo A.
Box 9 Folder 592
Tchorek, Mariusz.
Box 9 Folder 593
Tchórzewski, Jerzy.
Box 9 Folder 594
Thames and Hudson.
Box 9 Folder 595
Tic, Alexandre.
Box 9 Folder 596
Timmerman, Harold J.
Box 9 Folder 597
Tobias, Julius, 1915-1999.
Box 9 Folder 598
Tokyo Gallery.
Box 9 Folder 599
Torres, Francesc, 1948-.
Box 9 Folder 600
Tosi, Aldo.
Box 9 Folder 601
Townsend, J. Benjamin.
Box 9 Folder 602
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975.
Box 9 Folder 603
Takas, George, 1944-.
Box 9 Folder 604
Tršar, Drago.
Box 9 Folder 605
Turnbull, William, 1922-.
Box 9 Folder 606
United States. Dept. of State. Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
Box 10 Folder 607
Underwood, Julia.
Box 10 Folder 608
Unesco. Hommage à Picasso. See also: box 44, folder 1105; box 49.
Box 10 Folder 609
Physical Description

See also: box 44, folder 1105; box 49

United States Foreign Service.
Box 10 Folder 610
Universal Pictures (Firm).
Box 10 Folder 611
University of California, Berkeley. University Art Museum.
Box 10 Folder 612
University of California Press.
Box 10 Folder 613
University of Connecticut. Art Dept.
Box 10 Folder 614
University of Iowa.
Box 10 Folder 615
University of Pennsylvania. Dept. of the History of Art.
Box 10 Folder 616
University of Pittsburgh.
Box 10 Folder 617
University of Pittsburgh. Bookstore.
Box 10 Folder 618
University of Puerto Rico (Mayagüez Campus).
Box 10 Folder 619
University of South Florida. Office of the President.
Box 10 Folder 620
University of the Arts.
Box 10 Folder 621
University of Toronto.
Box 10 Folder 622
University of Washington Museum.
Box 10 Folder 623
Urbanowicz, Bogdan.
Box 10 Folder 624
Uribe de Urdinola, Maritza.
Box 10 Folder 625
Van Gendt & Co.
Box 10 Folder 626
Vaništa, Josip, 1924-.
Box 10 Folder 627
Venet, Bernar, 1941-.
Box 10 Folder 628
Vermont Council on the Arts.
Box 10 Folder 629
Vidal, Susana A.
Box 10 Folder 630
Viking Press.
Box 10 Folder 631
Vinklers, Betite.
Box 10 Folder 632
Vlček, Tomáš.
Box 10 Folder 633
Volavka, Zdenka.
Box 10 Folder 634
Volpi Orlandini, Marisa.
Box 10 Folder 635
Von Schlegell, David.
Box 10 Folder 636
Wade, Jane.
Box 10 Folder 637
Waldemar George 1893-.
Box 10 Folder 638
Walsh, Peter.
Box 10 Folder 639
Warren, Richard E.
Box 10 Folder 640
Wasserman Development Corporation.
Box 10 Folder 641
Wauters, André.
Box 10 Folder 642
Welch, Lois R.
Box 10 Folder 643
Welsh, Robert P.
Box 10 Folder 644
Wethey, Harold E. (Harold Edwin), 1902-1984.
Box 10 Folder 645
Wheaton, Margaret Fry.
Box 10 Folder 646
Wherlin, François.
Box 10 Folder 647
Wight, Frederick Stallknecht, 1902-1986.
Box 10 Folder 648
Wilder, Nicholas.
Box 10 Folder 649
Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum der Stadt Duisburg.
Box 10 Folder 650
Wilkin, Barbara.
Box 10 Folder 651
Williams College.
Box 10 Folder 652
Winiarski, Ryszard, 1936-.
Box 10 Folder 653
Withers, Josephine.
Box 10 Folder 654
Wodiczko, Krzysztof.
Box 10 Folder 655
Wajciechowski, Alexander.
Box 10 Folder 656
Yager, David.
Box 10 Folder 657
Yale University. Dept. of the History of Art.
Box 10 Folder 658
Yarber, Robert, 1948-.
Box 10 Folder 659
York University (Toronto, Ont.).
Box 10 Folder 660
Yōseidō Garō.
Box 10 Folder 661
Yoshitome, Yo.
Box 10 Folder 662
Young, Michael, 1955-.
Box 10 Folder 663
Yuhara, Kazuo, 1930-.
Box 10 Folder 664
Zabotin, Emma V.
Box 10 Folder 665
Zabotin, Kostia.
Box 10 Folder 666
Zaleski, Bohdan.
Box 10 Folder 667
Zalkowitsch, Gennedy.
Box 10 Folder 668
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in München Bibliothek.
Box 10 Folder 669
Ziemski, Jan.
Box 10 Folder 670
Zogbaum vas, Marla.
Box 10 Folder 671
Recommendation letters Edward F. Fry sent on behalf of some artists and students.
Box 11 Folder 672
Contains letters of indecipherable signatures or where the correspondent has signed first name only.
Box 11 Folder 673-686

Series Description

Arranged chronologically. First box containing several exhibitions. Second contains the Hans Haacke exhibition and all surrounding materials. The third box contains research and materials regarding Documenta 8.

See also relevant correspondence from Series I.

Physical Description

3 Box(es)


See also I. Correspondence
* Amsterdam (Netherlands) Stedelijk Museum
* Armitage, Kenneth, 1916-2002
* Arp, François; re: Arp, Jean, 1887-1966
* Arp, Marguerite; re: Arp, Jean, 1887-1966
* Bényi, László
* Bury, Pol, 1922-
* Caro, Anthony, 1924-
* Christo, 1935-
* Colla, Ettore, 1896-1968
* Emmerick, André
* Fischbach Gallery
* Flack, Ann J.
* Flavin, Dan, 1933-1996
* Galerie Breteau
* Galerie Claude Bernard
* Galerie Denise René
* Galerie Maeght (Paris, France)
* Galerie Müller Stuttgart
* Galerie Paul Facchetti (see: oversize)
* Haese, Ursula
* Jakimowicz, Andrzej
* Jarnuskiewicz, Jerzy
* Kemeny, Madeleine, 1906-1993
* Kowalski, Piotr
* Lipchitz, Jacques
* Marini, Marino, 1901-1980
* Meštrovic, Matko, 1933-
* Miyawaki, Aiko, 1929-
* Moderna galerija (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
* Murray, Robert
* Musée national d'art moderne (France)
* Muzej savremene umetnosti
* Muzeum Narodowe w Warszasie
* National Gallery of Canada
* Nederlandse Kunststichting
* Negret, Edgar
* Panicali, Carla
* Pfahler, George Karl
* Poland. Centralne Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych
* Porebski, Mieczyslaw, 1921-
* Radio Free America
* Restany, Pierre
* Rickey, George
* Selz, Peter Howard, 1919-
* Serrano, Pablo, 1908-1985
* Skovram, Anita
* Stanislawski, Ryszard, 1921-
* Stazewski, Henryk, 1894-1988
* Stele, France
* Tokyo Gallery
* Tršar, Drago
* Turnbull, William, 1922-
* Urbanowicz, Bogdan
* Vaništa, Josip, 1924-
* Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum der Stadt Duisburg
* Wojciechowski, Alexander
* Yuhara, Kazuo, 1930-

See also IV. Research; Artists
* Burgoyne, Diller
* Consagra, Pietro
* Giacometti, Alberto
* Kresler, Frederick
* Kemeny, Zoltan

Travel, expense, report, travel report, list of contacts, 1967.
Box 12 Folder 687
Exhibition Catalog, 1967.
Box 12 Folder 688
Trip to Yugoslavia; miscellaneous, 1967; 1965-1966.
Box 12 Folder 689
notes, lists, two unknown letters, 1969-1970.
Box 12 Folder 690
Typecript: "Contemporary Painting and Graphics in Poland, 1969-1970.
Box 12 Folder 691
Typecript: "Contemporary Painting and Graphics in Yugoslavia, 1969-1970.
Box 12 Folder 692
Shelf list for exhibition, list of lenders, photographs of Arp's work, 1969.
Box 12 Folder 693
Press release, 1969.
Box 12 Folder 694
Memorabilia from exhibition: photograph, invitation, "Medals for Dishonor" booklet by David Smith, 1969.
Box 12 Folder 695
Research and notes; Article, manuscript for the David Smith catalog, 1969.
Box 12 Folder 696
Photographs and image proofs for the David Smith catalog, 1969.
Box 12 Folder 697
Drawings; copies, 1969.
Box 12 Folder 698
Matulka, Jan, 1890-1972; photographs of his work, 1969.
Box 12 Folder 699
Inventory, loan lists, notes, 1969.
Box 12 Folder 700
Muller, Wolf F.: copy of a letter to Chanin, Margit W., 1969.
Box 12 Folder 701
1968 correspondence from Fry, Edward F.; schedule: production and plans; wall list, December 1970-January 1971.
Box 12 Folder 702
Press release, December 1970-January 1971.
Box 12 Folder 703
Japan Art Festival Association: exhibition catalog information; typescripts; invoice and packing list of works, December 1970-January 1971.
Box 12 Folder 704
Japan: The New Art, 1970: documentary film, synopsis and transcript, interviews with Japanese artists and commentary by Edward F. Fry, December 1970-January 1971.
Box 12 Folder 705
Butcher, George: design and exhibition consultant, December 1970-January 1971.
Box 12 Folder 706
Philadelphia Civic Center Museum, December 1970-January 1971.
Box 12 Folder 707