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John Jonik papers


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts [Contact Us]3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

John Jonik was born on April 30, 1942 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Edward L. and Mary (Prior) Jonik. He attended Villanova University for a year before he transferred and studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts from 1961-1966. In addition to cartooning, John's artistic endeavors included: painting, wood sculpture, esoteric collection arrangements, and murals. Jonik exhibited his work in galleries in and around Philadelphia.

In the 1960s, Jonik focused on his cartoons which were accepted and published in a number of publications including: The New York Times, National Lampoon, Audubon, The New Yorker, Playboy, Cosmopolitan, Readers' Digest and Mad Magazine. His political work has appeared in Z Magazine, Earth First! Journal, The Ecologist, Funny Times, as well as many small activist publications.

In the late 1970s-early 1980s Jonik began drawing design ideas for various products and giftware collections. Companies such as Enesco and Silvestri sold a number of products based upon Jonik's work including snowdomes (water globes), mugs, hangers, clocks, and ornaments.

The John Jonik papers comprise: original drawings (monochrome and color), unpublished original drawings, tear sheets, correspondence with publishers, acceptance and rejection slips, sketchbooks, printed materials, correspondence, business papers and royalty statements, catalogs, and artifacts.

Series 1 comprises John Jonik's original artwork, some published cartoons; but the bulk unpublished cartoons and original sketches. This series also includes artwork from Jonik's childhood and time in school at the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts.

Series 2 documents the publication and proliferation of Jonik's artwork. Comprised of tearsheets, newspapers, newsletters, and printed materials, this series provides a guide to his magazine publishing over the course of fifty years. Materials in this series are grouped into three subseries: correspondence, tear sheets, and books.

Jonik was an artist and entrepreneur. He sold a number of designs to companies like Ensco, the home décor and personalized accessory company in Illinois. Jonik designed water globes, pens, mirrors, mugs, ornaments, hangers, clocks and even games. Series 3 comprises his design ideas and artwork related to giftware as well as samples of products based upon his designs. This series also includes his business papers which comprise contracts, royalty states, correspondence, and notes.

The collection is organized into 3 series: Series 1: Artwork, 1950-2009, Series 2: Publications and printed materials, 1960-2022, Series 3: Commercial art, business papers, 1977-2011.

Gift of John Jonik, 2019-2021.

Accessioned as 2019.2019.000553; 2020.000109; 2021.000107. Samantha Dodd wrote and encoded the finding aid, 2023. Creator removed tear sheets from magazines and newspapers; staff continued this process for the remaining printed materials. Duplicate copies were removed from the collection.

University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Finding Aid Author
Samantha Dodd
Finding Aid Date
2023 July 19
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use.

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Copyright restrictions may exist. For most library holdings, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania do not hold copyright. It is the responsibility of the requester to seek permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce material from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Collection Inventory

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Scope and Contents

Series comprises Jonik's artwork including: sketchbooks, photocopies, comics, original cartoons, some published but largely unpublished originals. Boxes 1, 2, 17, 19, 20, and 21 contain Joniks sketchbooks. Sktechbooks include work done while in schol at the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Art as well as early cartoon sketches. Most books comprise a mix of art types. Box 3 contains: early sketches, cartoons identified by Jonik as redone and sold, and cartoons "self-censored" by Jonik. Also, within box 3 are published cartoons arranged by title of the publication in which they appeared. Dates provided when available. The bulk of this series are original unpublished, undated cartoons by Jonik. These cartoons are grouped by a general topic, theme or character, and folders are arranged alphabetically.

There are 2 overszied framed artworks by Jonik stored separately: (1) "Moonless Grasscape," oil on canvas, 1977 (25 X 32); (2) "Zig Zag Zig," wood, nail, 1984 (8 1/2 X 14 1/8 X 2 3/4).

Physical Description

11 Box(es)

Cartoons, sketches, early works, 1950s-1960s.
Box 2 Folder 9-22
Cartoons - the 1999 collection [photocopies], 1999.
Box 2 Folder 23
Cartoons - the 2000 batch [photocopies], 2000.
Box 2 Folder 24
Cartoons - 2001, 2001.
Box 2 Folder 25
Cartoons in magazine styles; logo for Philadelphia street cleanup; big dollar for Friends of Earth, 1995, undated.
Box 2 Folder 26
Cartoons redone and sold, 1970-2004, undated.
Box 2 Folder 27
Cartoons "self-censored" for being "too similar" to other things, undated.
Box 2 Folder 28-42
Comics done for Contra Costa County (CA) school district, 1980.
Box 2 Folder 43
Invitation designed by Jonik for Cabrini College of Fine Art Department, exhibit of John Jonik, 1988.
Box 15 Folder 55
"Moonless Grasscape," oil on canvas, 1977.
Political roughs, circa 1990s.
Box 2 Folder 44
Published cartoons, Ad Week, Brand Week, ABA Press, Good Food, Yankee, 1976-1998, undated.
Box 2 Folder 45-47
Published cartoons, American Health, Woman's Day, High Times, Woman's World, Family Circle, 1977-1990, undated.
Box 2 Folder 48
Published cartoons, Audubon, Science, Horticulture, AG World, Environment, Natural History, 1976-1994, undated.
Box 2 Folder 49
Published cartoons, Better Homes & Gardens, Applause, World Monitor, Friends of the Earth, Men's Life, Prevention, 1984-1990, undated.
Box 3 Folder 1
Published cartoons, Changing Times, undated.
Box 3 Folder 2
Published cartoons, Chicago Teen Age, National Law Journal, Inquirer, meetings and conventions, 1986-1992, undated.
Box 3 Folder 3
Published cartoons, Cosmopolitan, 1973-1996, undated.
Box 3 Folder 4
Published cartoons, Diversion, 1980-1990, undated.
Box 3 Folder 5
Published cartoons, Drink, Smoke, 1997, undated.
Box 3 Folder 6
Published cartoons, Esquire, 1977, undated.
Box 3 Folder 7
Published cartoons, Golf, Circa 1970s.
Box 3 Folder 8
Published cartoons, Good Housekeeping, New Woman, Ritz Film Guide, Good Food, Men's Life, 1973-1974, undated.
Box 3 Folder 9
Published cartoons, Gourmet, Harrowsmith, 1974-1989, undated.
Box 3 Folder 10
Published cartoons, Hemisphere, 1994-1998, undated.
Box 3 Folder 11
Published cartoons, MAD, undated.
Box 3 Folder 12
Published cartoons, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 1988-2009, undated.
Box 3 Folder 13-16
Published cartoons, Mother Jones, Heartland, Modern Maturity, 1974-1996, undated.
Box 3 Folder 17
Published cartoons, Mystery Scene, undated.
Box 3 Folder 18
Published cartoons, National Enquirer, 1978-1994, undated.
Box 3 Folder 19
Published cartoons, National Lampoon, 1980-1991, undated.
Box 3 Folder 20-22
Published cartoons, The New Yorker, 1975-2005.
Box 15 Folder 53
Published cartoons, New York Times, 1975-1981, undated.
Box 3 Folder 23
Published cartoons, Philadelphia Bulletin, 1969-1970, undated.
Box 3 Folder 24
Published cartoons, Psychology Today, Human Behavior, Good Life, Washingtonian, 1978-1991, undated.
Box 3 Folder 25
Published cartoons, Sam Gross books, meetings and conventions, Donnely, High Times, 1983-2002, undated.
Box 3 Folder 26
Published cartoons, Student Lawyer, 1976, 1979.
Box 3 Folder 27
Published cartoons, Wall Street Journal, undated.
Box 3 Folder 28
Published cartoons, Wilson library, Writer's Digest, Righting Words, 1974-1991, undated.
Box 3 Folder 29
Sketch books, 1962-1980.
Box 1
Sketch books, PAFA, 1963-1966.
Box 17
Sketch books, 1982-1999.
Box 2 Folder 1-8
Sketch books, 1960-2009.
Box 19
Sketch books, undated.
Box 20
Sketch books, undated.
Box 21
Sketches for Port Wine logo contest, 1971.
Box 3 Folder 30
Unpublished cartoons, adult humor, undated.
Box 3 Folder 31-34
Unpublished cartoons, aging, elderly, undated.
Box 4 Folder 1
Unpublished cartoons, alcohol, drinking, bards, undated.
Box 4 Folder 2-3
Unpublished cartoons, Americana, undated.
Box 4 Folder 4
Unpublished cartoons, animals-birds, undated.
Box 4 Folder 5-7
Unpublished cartoons, animals-cats, undated.
Box 4 Folder 8
Unpublished cartoons, animals-dogs, undated.
Box 4 Folder 9
Unpublished cartoons, animals-fish, worms, undated.
Box 4 Folder 10
Unpublished cartoons, animals-kangaroos, undated.
Box 4 Folder 11
Unpublished cartoons, animals-lions, bugs, deer, cows, bulls, elephants, undated.
Box 4 Folder 12
Unpublished cartoons, animals-ostrich, zoos, furs, octopus, skunk, beaver, bear, other, undated.
Box 4 Folder 13
Unpublished cartoons, animals-pigs, rabbits, turtles, undated.
Box 4 Folder 14
Unpublished cartoons, animals-snakes, undated.
Box 4 Folder 15
Unpublished cartoons, arts and humanities, undated.
Box 4 Folder 16-28
Unpublished cartoons, authors, poets, writers, writing, undated.
Box 4 Folder 29
Unpublished cartoons, automobiles, parking, transportation, undated.
Box 4 Folder 30-38
Unpublished cartoons, babies, children, families, education, undated.
Box 4 Folder 39-41
Unpublished cartoons, banks, IRS, undated.
Box 4 Folder 42
Unpublished cartoons, barbers, haircuts, undated.
Box 5 Folder 1
Unpublished cartoons, baseball, undated.
Box 5 Folder 2
Unpublished cartoons, beach, undated.
Box 5 Folder 3-7
Unpublished cartoons, business, undated.
Box 5 Folder 8
Unpublished cartoons, cannibalism, undated.
Box 5 Folder 9
Unpublished cartoons, carrot - bait humor, undated.
Box 5 Folder 10
Unpublished cartoons, cemetery, tombstones, death, undated.
Box 5 Folder 11
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Atlas, Sisyphus, undated.
Box 5 Folder 12
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Centaurs, undated.
Box 5 Folder 13
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Fantasy, undated.
Box 5 Folder 14
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Genie, wishing wells, undated.
Box 5 Folder 15
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Hans Brinker [The Dutch Boy and the dike], undated.
Box 5 Folder 16
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Hermes, Mercury, undated.
Box 5 Folder 17
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Magicians, undated.
Box 5 Folder 18
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Mermaids, undated.
Box 5 Folder 19
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Other, undated.
Box 5 Folder 20
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Pirates, undated.
Box 5 Folder 21
Unpublished cartoons, characters - Psychics, undated.
Box 5 Folder 22
Unpublished cartoons, characters - William Tell [Apple arrow shot], undated.
Box 5 Folder 23
Unpublished cartoons, chores, cleaning, undated.
Box 5 Folder 24
Unpublished cartoons, clocks, time, undated.
Box 5 Folder 25-27
Unpublished cartoons, communication, undated.
Box 5 Folder 28
Unpublished cartoons, complaint department, undated.
Box 5 Folder 29
Unpublished cartoons, courts, lawyers, judges, undated.
Box 5 Folder 30
Unpublished cartoons, crime, police, punishment, jail, undated.
Box 5 Folder 31-33
Unpublished cartoons, desert, undated.
Box 5 Folder 34
Unpublished cartoons, deserted island, undated.
Box 5 Folder 35-36
Unpublished cartoons, directions, pointing, undated.
Box 5 Folder 37
Unpublished cartoons, Disney, Mickey Mouse, undated.
Box 5 Folder 38
Unpublished cartoons, doctors, healthcare, mental health, fitness, undated.
Box 5 Folder 39-41
Unpublished cartoons, Echo Point, undated.
Box 5 Folder 42
Unpublished cartoons, economy, prices, Wall Street, undated.
Box 5 Folder 43
Unpublished cartoons, education, graduates, undated.
Box 5 Folder 44
Unpublished cartoons, environment, pollutions, trees, recycling, undated.
Box 5 Folder 45
Unpublished cartoons, farmers, farming, undated.
Box 5 Folder 46
Unpublished cartoons, fashion, clothing, undated.
Box 5 Folder 47
Unpublished cartoons, fire, firemen, burned at the stake, undated.
Box 5 Folder 48
Unpublished cartoons, fishing, undated.
Box 5 Folder 49-50
Unpublished cartoons, football, undated.
Box 5 Folder 51
Unpublished cartoons, golf, undated.
Box 6 Folder 1-7
Unpublished cartoons, groceries, food, eating, restaurants, dining out, dieting, nutrition, undated.
Box 6 Folder 8-11
Unpublished cartoons, guns, undated.
Box 6 Folder 12
Unpublished cartoons, Halon, undated.
Box 6 Folder 13
Unpublished cartoons, history, undated.
Box 6 Folder 14-15
Unpublished cartoons, holidays - Christmas, undated.
Box 6 Folder 16
Unpublished cartoons, holidays - Easter, New Years, undated.
Box 6 Folder 17
Unpublished cartoons, holidays - Halloween, undated.
Box 6 Folder 18
Unpublished cartoons, holidays - Valentines, undated.
Box 6 Folder 19
Unpublished cartoons, humans, undated.
Box 6 Folder 20
Unpublished cartoons, humor, undated.
Box 6 Folder 21
Unpublished cartoons, hunting, undated.
Box 6 Folder 22
Unpublished cartoons, idea bulbs, punctuation, thought bubbles, undated.
Box 6 Folder 23
Unpublished cartoons, kings, queens, jesters, knights, hangman, undated.
Box 6 Folder 24-25
Unpublished cartoons, lawn mowing, undated.
Box 6 Folder 26
Unpublished cartoons, literary figures, libraries, reading, undated.
Box 6 Folder 27
Unpublished cartoons, marriage, relationships, dating, undated.
Box 6 Folder 28-31
Unpublished cartoons, martial arts, undated.
Box 6 Folder 32
Unpublished cartoons, mirrors, reflections, undated.
Box 6 Folder 33
Unpublished cartoons, new millennium, 1999-2000.
Box 6 Folder 34
Unpublished cartoons, news, media, censorship, movies, undated.
Box 6 Folder 35
Unpublished cartoons, objects, undated.
Box 7 Folder 1-2
Unpublished cartoons, occupations, undated.
Box 7 Folder 3
Unpublished cartoons, on a t-shirt, undated.
Box 7 Folder 4
Unpublished cartoons, on a sign, undated.
Box 7 Folder 5-6
Unpublished cartoons, on a tattoo, undated.
Box 7 Folder 7
Unpublished cartoons, plants, trees, gardening, undated.
Box 7 Folder 8
Unpublished cartoons, politics, military, presidents, undated.
Box 7 Folder 9-10
Unpublished cartoons, rain, weather vane, undated.
Box 7 Folder 11
Unpublished cartoons, real estate, undated.
Box 7 Folder 12
Unpublished cartoons, religion, undated.
Box 7 Folder 13-14
Unpublished cartoons, religion - Adam and Eve, undated.
Box 7 Folder 15
Unpublished cartoons, religion - God, undated.
Box 7 Folder 16
Unpublished cartoons, religion - heaven, angels, undated.
Box 7 Folder 17
Unpublished cartoons, religion - hell, devil, undated.
Box 7 Folder 18
Unpublished cartoons, rich and poor, wealth and poverty, undated.
Box 7 Folder 19
Unpublished cartoons, seasons, weather, undated.
Box 7 Folder 20
Unpublished cartoons, skeletons, undated.
Box 7 Folder 21
Unpublished cartoons, skis, skiing, undated.
Box 7 Folder 22-23
Unpublished cartoons, sleeping, counting sheep, sawing logs, undated.
Box 7 Folder 24
Unpublished cartoons, smoking, undated.
Box 7 Folder 25
Unpublished cartoons, snowmen, undated.
Box 7 Folder 26
Unpublished cartoons, society, undated.
Box 7 Folder 27
Unpublished cartoons, space, aliens, undated.
Box 7 Folder 28
Unpublished cartoons, sports, undated.
Box 7 Folder 29
Unpublished cartoons, stamps, post office, undated.
Box 7 Folder 30
Unpublished cartoons, swearing, undated.
Box 7 Folder 31
Unpublished cartoons, television, telephone, computers, undated.
Box 7 Folder 32
Unpublished cartoons, track and field, undated.
Box 7 Folder 33
Unpublished cartoons, travel, undated.
Box 7 Folder 34-35
Unpublished cartoons, unfinished, undated.
Box 7 Folder 36
"Zig Zag Zig," wood, nail, 1984.
Scope and Contents

See box 15, folder 49, "Wood Designs," for a description of the piece and other part of Jonik's tool-related artwork.

Scope and Contents

This series documents the publication and proliferation of Jonik's artwork in a wide spectrum of publications ranging from local and independent newspapers, trade and professional journals to national recognized newspaper and magazines. Materials comprise: acceptance and rejection correspondence with publishers and various magazines, tearsheets, books featuring images from Jonik, newspapers, newsletters, programs, brochures and printed materials.

Subseries A: consists of correspondence with magazines and publishers. Box 8 contains primarily acceptance and rejection correspondence which are arranged chronologically when dated, and alphabetically by publication name when undated.

Subseries B: Tearsheets are found in boxes 9-12 and are arranged alphabetically by title of the publication; dates provided when known.

Subseries C: Comprises books which feature an illustration by Jonik. Books are located in boxes 12-14

Physical Description

9 Box(es)

Correspondence, acceptance letters for publication, 1968-2012.
Box 8 Folder 1-9
Correspondence, acceptance letters for publication [arranged alphabetically], undated.
Box 8 Folder 10-15
Correspondence, general and personal, 1962-2014, undated.
Box 15 Folder 54-58
Correspondence, rejection letters from Better Homes and Gardens, undated.
Box 8 Folder 16
Correspondence, rejection letters from Changing Times, undated.
Box 8 Folder 17
Correspondence, rejection letters from Cosmopolitan, undated.
Box 8 Folder 18
Correspondence, rejection letters from Diversion, undated.
Box 8 Folder 19
Correspondence, rejection letters from Family Circle, undated.
Box 8 Folder 20
Correspondence, rejection letters from Good Housekeeping, undated.
Box 8 Folder 21
Correspondence, rejection letters from Hemispheres, undated.
Box 8 Folder 22
Correspondence, rejection letters from Les Line, undated.
Box 8 Folder 23
Correspondence, rejection letters from McCalls, undated.
Box 8 Folder 24
Correspondence, rejection letters from Mother Jones, undated.
Box 8 Folder 25
Correspondence, rejection letters from The Nation, undated.
Box 8 Folder 26
Correspondence, rejection letters from National Enquirer, undated.
Box 8 Folder 27
Correspondence, rejection letters from National Lampoons, undated.
Box 8 Folder 28
Correspondence, rejection letters from New Woman, undated.
Box 8 Folder 29
Correspondence, rejection letters from The New Yorker, undated.
Box 8 Folder 30
Correspondence, rejection letters from Philadelphia Inquirer, undated.
Box 8 Folder 31
Correspondence, rejection letters from Playboy, undated.
Box 8 Folder 32
Correspondence, rejection letters from Prevention, undated.
Box 8 Folder 33
Correspondence, rejection letters from Sam Gross, undated.
Box 8 Folder 34
Correspondence, rejection letters from Spy, undated.
Box 8 Folder 35
Correspondence, rejection letters from The Reader, undated.
Box 8 Folder 36
Correspondence, rejection letters from The Village Voice, undated.
Box 8 Folder 37
Correspondence, rejection letters from Washington City Paper, undated.
Box 8 Folder 38
Correspondence, rejection letters from The Washingtonian, undated.
Box 8 Folder 39
Correspondence, rejection letters from World Monitor, undated.
Box 8 Folder 40
Correspondence, rejection letters, 1971-2010.
Box 8 Folder 41-49
Correspondence, rejection letters [arranged alphabetically], undated.
Box 8 Folder 50-55
13th District Environmental Update [Congressman Pete Stark], 1997 June.
Box 9 Folder 1
Abandon [Portland, Oregon], undated.
Box 9 Folder 2
Abul-Jamal News, published by journalists for Mumia Abu-Jamal, circa 2000s.
Box 9 Folder 3
Action for Universal Healthcare newsletters, 1994 March-2000 April.
Box 9 Folder 4
Adweek's Marketing Week, 1989 Feburary-1992 April.
Box 9 Folder 5
AgWorld, 1975-1976.
Box 9 Folder 6
"Allegheny's Fate," published by National Peoples Campaign, 1998.
Box 9 Folder 7
American Bystander, 2017-2020.
Box 9 Folder 8
American Civil Liberties Union report, 2000.
Box 9 Folder 9
American Health: Fitness of Body and Mind, 1983 June.
Box 9 Folder 10
American Writer: Journal of the National Writers Union, 1997 fall.
Box 9 Folder 11
Anderson Valley Advertiser, 1992-2005.
Box 16
Appalachian Alternatives, 1996 fall.
Box 9 Folder 12
Applause: The Magazine of Whyy TV12 and 91FM, 1989 April-1990 May.
Box 9 Folder 13
Argosy: Man's World of Adventure, 1974 December.
Box 9 Folder 14
Art Institute of Chicago gift catalog, 1995-1996.
Box 9 Folder 15
Atmosphere, a publication of Friends of the Earth International Ozone Protection, 1989-1993.
Box 9 Folder 16
At Random, books and bookpeople from Random House, 1995 December.
Box 9 Folder 17
At the Ritz, 1990, 1998.
Box 9 Folder 18
Audubon, 1977-1991.
Box 9 Folder 19
Audubon, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition newsletter, 2001 May-June.
Box 9 Folder 20
Auto-Free Times, 1997, 1998.
Box 9 Folder 21
AVA Oregon!, 2004-2005.
Box 16
Barby Report, Paul Barby for Congress, 1997 April.
Box 9 Folder 22
Barrister, Young Lawyer's Division of the American Bar Association, 1979-1980.
Box 9 Folder 23
Beacon, the journal of the Bastrop County Environmental Network, 1998, 2001.
Box 9 Folder 24
Bear Deluxe, arts culture, environment on the brink, 1995-2000.
Box 9 Folder 25
The Bear Essential, flyer, 1996.
Box 9 Folder 26
The Bell Curve, City Paper's Weekly Gauge of Philly's Quality of Life, 2003.
Box 9 Folder 27
Better Homes and Gardens, 1973-1984.
Box 9 Folder 28
Between the Lines, National Writer's Union Local 1 [New York], 1996 September.
Box 9 Folder 29
The Black and Blue, University of Pennsylvania, undated.
Box 9 Folder 30
Blackstar, 2001-2002.
Box 9 Folder 99
Blazing Tattles, Outside of the Box on Health and Planet Matters, 2001 September.
Box 9 Folder 31
The Bonner Bulletin [Drexel Hill, P.A.], 1960.
Box 15 Folder 52
Book Woman, Women's National Book Association, 1985 fall-winter.
Box 9 Folder 32
The Book Occupier, 2012 March.
Box 9 Folder 33
Boycott Quarterly, 1995-1997.
Box 9 Folder 34
Brandweek, 1992 July-1997 January.
Box 9 Folder 35
Business as Usual, greater Philadelphia, 2002 April 1.
Box 9 Folder 36
By What Authority, publication of the program on corporations, law and democracy, 1998-2000.
Box 9 Folder 37
Canary News, newsletter of MCS: Health and Environment [formerly Chicago-area Environmental Illness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Support Group], 1997-1999.
Box 9 Folder 38
Cape Care Coalition brochure, community-owned healthcare for Cape Cod, undated.
Box 9 Folder 39
Catalyst, magazine of the Union of Concerned Scientists, 2006 fall.
Box 9 Folder 40
Cat Cartoon A-Day calendar, S. Gross, 1993.
Box 9 Folder 41
Cavalier, 1973 September.
Box 9 Folder 42
Censored Alert, newsletter of Project Censored, Sonoma State University, 1999 summer, 2007 fall.
Box 9 Folder 43
Center for Prints and Photographs invitations, flyers [Philadelphia], 1994.
Box 9 Folder 44
Central Oregon Green Pages, 1999.
Box 9 Folder 45
The Change Agent, adult education for social justice, news, issues an ideas, 2004, 2009.
Box 9 Folder 46
Changing Times, 1977-1981.
Box 9 Folder 47
Chevron USA, 1973 spring.
Box 9 Folder 48
Chicago, 1985-1986.
Box 9 Folder 49
Chicago Times, 1988-1989.
Box 9 Folder 50
Christian Science Monitor, 1975-1976.
Box 9 Folder 51
Citizens to Save Our Metro Healthy brochure, undated.
Box 9 Folder 52
Civil Liberties, American Civil Liberties Union newsletter, 1996 November.
Box 9 Folder 53
Comic Press News, Sacramento's political cartoon and humor, 1997-1999.
Box 9 Folder 54
The Commemorator, published by the Commemoration Committee for the Black Panther Party, 2003 October.
Box 9 Folder 55
Community Food News, 1998 July-August.
Box 9 Folder 56
Compost Dispatch, Gateway Greens newsletter of regenerative politics, 2001-2008.
Box 9 Folder 57
Conscious Living, 2002.
Box 9 Folder 58
Cosmopolitan [includes international additions], 1972-1996.
Box 9 Folder 59
Countercurrent, newsletter of the Berkley Stop the War Coalition, 2001 November 7.
Box 9 Folder 60
Crosscurrent, DUTV Cable 54 Community Cultural Education Television, 2000-2004.
Box 9 Folder 61
Cuba Support Coalition and Philadelphia Organizing Committee for the World Youth Festival flyer, undated.
Box 9 Folder 62
The Defenestrator, 2012 winter.
Box 9 Folder 63
Delaware County Pledge of Resistance newsletters, 2000 fall, 2005 winter.
Box 9 Folder 64
Democratic Left, 1996-1997.
Box 9 Folder 65
Democratic Socialist Organization annual dinner programs, 2006, 2007.
Box 9 Folder 66
Dharma Life: Buddhism for Today, 2004 autumn/winter.
Box 9 Folder 67
Direct Action Gets the Goods, members of the industrial workers of the world, undated.
Box 9 Folder 68
The Dissident, Maine's journal of political and cultural analysis, 1996-1999.
Box 9 Folder 69
Diversion: For Physicians at Leisure, 1979 November-1992 February.
Box 9 Folder 70
Dollars and Sense: What's Left in Economics, 1997 May-June.
Box 9 Folder 71
Donkey Serenade, newsletter of the San Juan County Democratic Party, 1996 spring.
Box 9 Folder 72
The Drummer, published by the Alternative Editorial Group [Ames, Iowa], 1995-1997.
Box 9 Folder 73
The Eagle's View, Eagle Audubon Society newsletter, 1992.
Box 9 Folder 74
Earth First, 1992-2005.
Box 9 Folder 75
Earth Island Journal, 1999 winter-spring, 2000 winter.
Box 9 Folder 76
Earthside Press, 1996 summer.
Box 9 Folder 77
Eat the State!, forum for anti-authoritarian political opinion, research and humor, 1997-2012.
Box 9 Folder 78-86
Eat the State! calendar, 1999.
Box 9 Folder 87
The Ecologist, 1997 September-October.
Box 9 Folder 88
Ela Ele [Portuguese], 1978 March, 1978 December.
Box 9 Folder 89
Emma Bell Miles Audubon Society newsletter, circa 1990s.
Box 9 Folder 90
"E" Notes, newsletter of the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, 1996.
Box 9 Folder 91
Environment, 1973 January-February.
Box 9 Folder 92
Environmental Action, 1996 winter.
Box 9 Folder 93
Environmental News Digest, 1974 January-February.
Box 9 Folder 94
Esquire: The Magazine for Men, 1973 September-1977 February.
Box 9 Folder 95
Evergreen, 1971 September-1971 December.
Box 9 Folder 96
Everyone's Backyard, journal of the grassroots movement for environmental justice Center for Health, Environment and Justice, 1998-2000.
Box 9 Folder 97
Extra!, 1996 January-2001 April.
Box 9 Folder 98
Family Circle, 1986 April.
Box 10 Folder 1
The Felix Letter, a commentary on nutrition, 1996.
Box 10 Folder 2
Fellowship newsletter, the Fellowship of PAFA, 1993 winter.
Box 10 Folder 3
Food and Water Journal, 1996-1998, 2000.
Box 10 Folder 4
Forbes, 1984, 1988.
Box 10 Folder 5
Forest Voice, Native Forest Council, 2007 fall.
Box 10 Folder 6
Freedom Socialists, voice of revolutionary feminism, 2013 December-2014 January.
Box 10 Folder 7
Free Voice, University of the District of Columbia journalism program, 2004 March.
Box 10 Folder 8
FCL newsletter, Friends Committee on Legislation [Sacramento, CA], 2002 July.
Box 10 Folder 9
Friends of the Earth, 1990-1996.
Box 10 Folder 10
Friends of the Parks newsletter, Wood County Park district [Bowling green, OH], 1996 winter.
Box 10 Folder 11
The Funny Papers of Philadelphia, 2000-2004.
Box 10 Folder 12-16
Funny Times, monthly newspaper of humor, politics and fun, 1996-2021.
Box 10 Folder 17-20
Gallery, Entertainment, 1973 March, 1973 November.
Box 10 Folder 21
Games, 1977-1978.
Box 10 Folder 22
Game Inventors of America brochure, undated.
Box 10 Folder 23
Generation, the spiritual enrichment newsletter for older Catholics, 1986.
Box 10 Folder 24
Getting There, newsletter for the transportation activist, 1999 winter.
Box 10 Folder 25
Gifts of Grace, House of Grace Catholic Worker Community of Kensington, 1997-2000.
Box 10 Folder 26
Golf, 1969 December-1976 August.
Box 10 Folder 27
Gold & Club, 1972 May.
Box 10 Folder 28
Golf Digest, 1974 October, 1976 March.
Box 10 Folder 29
Golf Illustrated, 1977 spring.
Box 10 Folder 30
Gold World Newsweekly, 1972 August 25, 1972 December 1.
Box 10 Folder 31
Good Food, 1986 November, 1987 July.
Box 10 Folder 32
Good Housekeeping, 1988 June.
Box 10 Folder 33
Good Housekeeping: Smart Cooking, 1994 spring-summer.
Box 10 Folder 34
Goodlife [South Florida], 1985.
Box 10 Folder 35
Gourmet: The Magazine of Good Living, 1976 February-1992 December.
Box 10 Folder 36
The Grass Roots & Public Policy, a report on the activities of the Foundation on Economic Trends, 1995 fall.
Box 10 Folder 37
Greater Philadelphia Democratic Left, 1997-2008.
Box 10 Folder 38
Green Left Weekly, 2008 May 21.
Box 10 Folder 39
Green Notes, St. Joe Valley [South Bend, IN], 1998 summer.
Box 10 Folder 40
Green Pages, the national newspaper of the Green Party of the United States, 2005 spring.
Box 10 Folder 41
Green Party Newsletter [San Francisco, CA], 1997-2001.
Box 10 Folder 42
Green Party of Maricopa County newsletters [Maricopa County, AZ], 2003-2004.
Box 10 Folder 43
Green Politics, publication of the Greens/Green Party USA, 2000-2001.
Box 10 Folder 44
Green Politix , Green Party USA's national newspaper, 2002 Summer, 2003 winter.
Box 10 Folder 45
Green Roots, newsletter of forest guardians, 2006 winter.
Box 10 Folder 46
The Greensboro Gazette, 1995 September.
Box 10 Folder 47
Guide, Penn Treaty edition, 1994 May 6.
Box 10 Folder 48
The Hammer, working class journal of cultural thought and action, 1997-1999.
Box 10 Folder 49
Harrowsmith, 1982, 1987, 1989.
Box 10 Folder 50
Harvard Medical alumni bulletin, 1983 fall-winter.
Box 10 Folder 51
Hawaii Island Journal, 2000-2005.
Box 10 Folder 52
Headwaters' Forest News, 1996-1997.
Box 10 Folder 53
Headwaters Journal, 1996 spring.
Box 10 Folder 54
Health Security for New Mexicans campaign mailer, 2016 July 8.
Box 10 Folder 55
Heartbeat, news from central Appalachia, undated.
Box 10 Folder 56
Heartland U.S.A., 1991 summer.
Box 10 Folder 57
HEAL news, published by the project HEAL consumer council, 1999 August.
Box 10 Folder 58
Healthcare Justice Now, U2K update, 2000 May.
Box 10 Folder 59
HEC Monitor, Hoosier Environmental Council, 2002-2005.
Box 10 Folder 60
Hellbender Journal, the activist journal of the Allegheny Defense Project, 1997-2000.
Box 10 Folder 61
Hemispheres, 2=1994-1998m 2004.
Box 10 Folder 62
Hemp Magazine, the environmental newspaper, 1997 April-1997 July.
Box 10 Folder 63
Hemphasis, hemp, liberty and what works, 2004 fall.
Box 10 Folder 64
High County News, paper for people who care about the West, 2002 March 4.
Box 10 Folder 65
High Times, 1977 August-1978 December.
Box 10 Folder 66
Hilo Negro, union newsletter [Spain], 1997 June.
Box 10 Folder 67
Horticulture, the magazine of American gardening, 1984, 1985.
Box 10 Folder 68
Human Behavior, the newsmagazine of the social sciences, 1978.
Box 10 Folder 69
Human Rights, 1979 summer.
Box 10 Folder 70
Imagine, anarchism for the real world, undated.
Box 10 Folder 71
Independent Politics News, publication of the independent progressive politics network, 2000 spring.
Box 10 Folder 72
Industrial Worker, 1995, 1996, 1999.
Box 10 Folder 73
Inside Golf, 1971-1973.
Box 10 Folder 74
Inside Hemp Magazine, 1997 August.
Box 10 Folder 75
Insubordination, 2003.
Box 10 Folder 76
The Insurgent, reclaim democracy, 2002 spring.
Box 10 Folder 77
Joint Action, Kensington Joint Action Council, 1994-1996.
Box 10 Folder 78
Journal of the Bastrop County Green Party, 2000 fall.
Box 10 Folder 79
The Judge's Journal, 1979 summer.
Box 10 Folder 80
The Justice Xpress, formerly North Cost Xpress, 1999-2004.
Box 10 Folder 81
Just Peace, Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice, 1994-1996.
Box 10 Folder 82
Ka'U Landing, 1996-1998.
Box 10 Folder 83
Libertarian Penn, 2006 October.
Box 10 Folder 84
The Lynx, 1960 autumn.
Box 10 Folder 85
Los Angeles, 1972 December.
Box 10 Folder 86
MAD Magazine, circa 1969-1970.
Box 11 Folder 1
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 1987-2012.
Box 11 Folder 2-5
Maine Environment, 1996 January-February.
Box 11 Folder 6
Manawa, the New Zealand zen journal, 2010 winter.
Box 11 Folder 7
McCalls, 1976-1988.
Box 11 Folder 8
McLibel newsletter, U.S. McLibel support campaign, undated.
Box 11 Folder 9
Modern Maturity, publication of AARP, 1974, 1996.
Box 11 Folder 10
Mother Jones, 1983 January, 1983 April.
Box 11 Folder 11
Multinational Monitor, 1996 May, 2001 January-February.
Box 11 Folder 12
National Enquirer, 1974-1994.
Box 11 Folder 13
National Lampoon, 1979-1991.
Box 11 Folder 14-16
National Lampoon dirty joke calendar, 1997.
Box 11 Folder 17
The National Law Journal, 1986 June 2.
Box 11 Folder 18
Natural History, 1992-1995.
Box 11 Folder 19
The Natural Step, newsletter, 1999 summer.
Box 11 Folder 20
Nebraska Report, 2004-2006.
Box 11 Folder 21
BECOEM Reporter, New England College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2001 June.
Box 11 Folder 22
The Net Works, newsletter of Pennsylvania Environmental Network, 2003 June.
Box 11 Folder 23
New Ground, Chicago Democratic Socialists of America, 2003, 2005.
Box 11 Folder 24
New Hampshire Greens, 1998.
Box 11 Folder 25
The New Press, undated.
Box 11 Folder 26
New River Free Press, an alternative news monthly, 1998, 2002.
Box 11 Folder 27
Newsprints, 1996 February-March.
Box 11 Folder 28
Newsweek, 1988.
Box 11 Folder 29
Newsweek, international newsmagazine, 1988.
Box 11 Folder 30
New Woman, 1985-1990.
Box 11 Folder 31
New Woman, calendar, 1987-1989.
Box 11 Folder 32
The New Yorker, 1975-2008.
Box 11 Folder 33-36
New York Times, 1975-1981.
Box 11 Folder 37
The Nimham Times Magazine, a quarterly journal for and about Putnam County, 2002.
Box 11 Folder 38
NOHA News, Nutrition for Optimal Health Association, 1997-1999.
Box 11 Folder 39
Northern Sun retail catalog, products for progressives, 1997-1999, 2014-2015.
Box 11 Folder 40
Not Man Apart, newsmagazine of Friends of the Earth, 1989 October-November.
Box 11 Folder 41
NRTA Journal, National Retired Teachers Association, 1974, 1976.
Box 11 Folder 42
Nutrition and Health Working Group newsletter, 1988 September.
Box 11 Folder 43
Old Farmer's Almanac gardening calendar, 1989.
Box 11 Folder 44
Orion Afield, 2000-2002.
Box 11 Folder 45
Oui, men's magazine, 1974 January-1980 August.
Box 11 Folder 46
O'Shaughnessy's, the journal of cannabis in clinical practice, 2005 spring, 2011 autumn.
Box 11 Folder 47
The Panolian [Batesville, MS], 2013 November 1.
Box 11 Folder 48
Par Golf, the how-to magazine for every golfer, 1973 September-October.
Box 11 Folder 49
The Partisan, newspaper of the Peace and Freedom Part of California, 1996-2008.
Box 11 Folder 50
Pax World Connection, newsletter for ethical investors, 2005 summer.
Box 11 Folder 51
Peace Action, Delaware Valley, 1998.
Box 11 Folder 52
Peace and Freedom, magazine of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1997.
Box 11 Folder 53
Peace Justice Environment Network, calendar and newsletter for the Delaware Valley, 1997-1999.
Box 11 Folder 54
People's Weekly World, 1997, 1998, 2001.
Box 11 Folder 55
Philadelphia, 1982.
Box 11 Folder 56
Philadelphia City Paper, 2007 August.
Box 11 Folder 57
Philadelphia Coalition to stop the war against Iraq, undated.
Box 11 Folder 58
Philadelphia Daily News, 1998, 2008.
Box 11 Folder 59
Philadelphia Golf, 1988 September-December.
Box 11 Folder 60
Philadelphia Inquirer, 1992 January 5.
Box 11 Folder 61
Philadelphia Sun, 1996 May 19.
Box 11 Folder 62
Philadelphia Weekly, 1994 December-1995 September.
Box 11 Folder 63
The Planet, Sierra Club activist resource, 1996 April.
Box 11 Folder 64
Playboy, entertainment for men, 1984-2012.
Box 11 Folder 65
Playboy [Chinese-Taipei], 1991 October.
Box 11 Folder 66
Playboy [Greece], 1986 June.
Box 11 Folder 67
Portland Free Press, 1996-2000.
Box 11 Folder 68
Prevention, America's leading health magazine, 1994 January.
Box 11 Folder 69
The Prism Newspaper, community alternative news and views, 1997-2000.
Box 11 Folder 70
Prison Radio mailer, project of the Redwood Justice fund, 2007 July 3, 2015 December 1.
Box 11 Folder 71
Progressive Farmer, 1989.
Box 11 Folder 72
Psychology Today, 1984-1987.
Box 11 Folder 73
Public Citizen News, 1999 January-February.
Box 11 Folder 74
Public Health, 1998 July-August.
Box 11 Folder 75
Puffin Foundation Ltd. Grants and awards brochure, 2006.
Box 11 Folder 76
Quarterly Review of Doublespeak, National Council of Teachers of English, 1985.
Box 11 Folder 77
Reader's Digest, 1975 June-1989 December.
Box 11 Folder 78
Reader's Digest desk calendar and appointment book, 1985.
Box 11 Folder 79
Real Democracy Project brochure, 2000.
Box 11 Folder 80
Relâche, music without boundaries, 1989-1991.
Box 11 Folder 81
Righting Words, the journal of language and editing, 1989.
Box 11 Folder 82
The Road-Reporter, bimonthly newsletter of the Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads, 1996-1999.
Box 11 Folder 83
The Rotarian, an international magazine, 1977 January.
Box 11 Folder 84
Rundschau, an American German review, 1973 December.
Box 11 Folder 85
Rural Vermont Report, 1996, 1998.
Box 11 Folder 86
Saturday Evening Review, 1973-1975.
Box 15 Folder 51
Saturday Review, 1975 February 22, 1975 November 15.
Box 11 Folder 87
The Scanner Intercollegiate, 1985-1987.
Box 11 Folder 88
Science, 1982-1985.
Box 11 Folder 89
Science and Living Tomorrow, 1980.
Box 11 Folder 90
The Seed, 2006 January-March.
Box 11 Folder 91
The Shuttle, Weaver's way Cooperative, 1997-1999.
Box 11 Folder 92
SIGN, National Catholic Magazine, 1972 March-April.
Box 11 Folder 93
Signals: Gifts that Enlighten and Entertain, 2003.
Box 11 Folder 94
Ski, 1972-1974.
Box 11 Folder 95
Skiing, the magazine for the serious skier, 1972-1974.
Box 11 Folder 96
Smoke, 1997-1998, 2001.
Box 11 Folder 97
Solidarity, 1996 May, 1998 October.
Box 11 Folder 98
The Sounds of Silence, undated.
Box 11 Folder 99
The Source, 2000 June 7.
Box 11 Folder 100
The Southpaw Journal, restoring the wild forests of the southern Appalachians, 1993 fall.
Box 11 Folder 101
Span [New Delhi], 1980 July.
Box 11 Folder 102
Sports Afield, 1973 October.
Box 11 Folder 103
Student Lawyer, 1976-1979.
Box 11 Folder 104
Sun Coast Eco Report, 2001 August-September.
Box 11 Folder 105
Sundance catalog, 2007.
Box 11 Folder 106
Sunday Bulletin Magazine [Philadelphia], 1962-1973.
Box 11 Folder 107
Swank, 1973 September, 1973 October.
Box 11 Folder 108
Sylvanian Sierra Club, Pennsylvania chapter newsletter, 1993 February-March.
Box 11 Folder 109
Synthesis/Regeneration, 2006-2013.
Box 11 Folder 110
Teenage, 1985.
Box 12 Folder 1
Toxcat , Communities Against Toxics, 2002-2009.
Box 12 Folder 2
A Tribute to Sam Marcy, Workers World Party, 1998.
Box 12 Folder 3
True, the man's magazine, 1971, 1975, 1976.
Box 12 Folder 4
Turning Points, the Utility Reform Network, 1996-1997 winter.
Box 12 Folder 5
The Unconvention, news and views from the grassroots of Philadelphia, 2000-2013.
Box 12 Folder 6
[Universal Health Care Action Network brochures and flyers, circa 1996-1997.
Box 12 Folder 7
University City Review, 2000-2013.
Box 12 Folder 8
Update on Law-Related Education, 1978-1984.
Box 12 Folder 9
"USA Patriot Art: Cartooning and Free Speech in War Time," exhibit catalog, 2004.
Box 12 Folder 10
Verdict, National Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals, 1998, 2000.
Box 12 Folder 11
Villamedia Magazine Over Journalistiek [Dutch], 2015 February.
Box 12 Folder 12
Villanovan, 1960-1962.
Box 12 Folder 13
Scope and Contents

Jonik produced a recurring cartoon strip for the paper titled "River Styx" which appears in each issue.

Wall Street Journal, 1977 January 24.
Box 12 Folder 14
Washington Free Press, 2006-2009.
Box 12 Folder 15-18
Weekly Press Center City Philadelphia's Community newspaper, 2007 October 3.
Box 12 Folder 19
Weightwatchers, 1971 December-1974 July.
Box 12 Folder 20
West Virginia's monthly activity news [photocopy], undated.
Box 12 Folder 21
Wild at Heart, 2009 spring.
Box 12 Folder 22
Wildlands CPR, 1999-2000.
Box 12 Folder 23
Wild Earth, 1995-1998.
Box 12 Folder 24
Wild Mountain Times, 1996-2005.
Box 12 Folder 25
Wild Wilderness flyer, 2002.
Box 12 Folder 26
Wilson Library Bulletin, 1976-1982.
Box 12 Folder 27
Winds of Change, newsletter of the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, 2011 June.
Box 12 Folder 28
The Witness, Episcopal Church publishing co., 1998-1999.
Box 12 Folder 29
Woman's Day, 1984 July 10.
Box 12 Folder 30
Woman's World, 1981-June-August.
Box 12 Folder 31
Worker's World, 1998-2003.
Box 12 Folder 32
World Magazine, 1972.
Box 12 Folder 33
World Monitor, 1989.
Box 12 Folder 34
Writer's Digest, 1973-1987.
Box 12 Folder 35
Writer's Digest Guide, undated.
Box 12 Folder 36
Writer's Yearbook, 1991.
Box 12 Folder 37
The Yacht, 1984.
Box 12 Folder 38
Zeit Magazin [German], 1977 February.
Box 12 Folder 39
Zenith City Semi-Weekly, 2011-2016.
Box 12 Folder 40-44
Z Magazine, a political monthly, 1993-2017.
Box 12 Folder 45-46
All You Can Eat: A Feast of Great Food Cartoons, S. Gross, 1987.
Box 12 Folder 47
American Civil Liberties Union calendar, 1996.
Box 12 Folder 48
Animals, Animals, Animals: A Collection of Great Animal Cartoons, George Booth, Gahan Wilson, Ron Wolin, 1979.
Box 12 Folder 49
The Best of the Best America Humor: The Funniest Cartoons, Columns, and Essays from the Funny Times Newspaper, 2002.
Box 12 Folder 50
Cats, Cats, Cats: A Collection of Great Cat Cartoons, S. Gross, 1986.
Box 12 Folder 51
Censored 2008: The Top 25 Censored Stories, 2007.
Box 12 Folder 52
The Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker, 2006.
Box 12 Folder 53
Dogs, Dogs, Dogs: A Collection of Great Dog Cartoons, S. Gross, 1985.
Box 13 Folder 1
Doing Environmental Ethics, Robert Traer, 2009.
Box 13 Folder 2
Do Not Resuscitate: Why the Health Care Insurance Industry is Dying and How We Must Replace It, John Geyman M.D., 2008.
Box 13 Folder 3
Email.This.Book, the Cartoon Bank, 1996.
Box 13 Folder 4
Ho! Ho! Ho!: A Stocking Full of Christmas Cartoons, S. Gross, 1990.
Box 13 Folder 5
Illustration Art, Swann auction catalog, 2016 September 29.
Box 13 Folder 6
Laughing Stock: A Humor Sourcebook for Economic Fairness, United for a Fair Economy, undated.
Box 13 Folder 7
Moms, Moms, Moms: A Mirthful Merriment of Cartoons, S. Gross, 1990.
Box 13 Folder 8
Movies, Movies, Movies: A Hilarious Collection of Cartoons, S. Gross, 1982.
Box 13 Folder 9
The Naked Cartoonist, Robert Mankoff, 2002.
Box 13 Folder 10
National Lampoon's Cartoon Book: The Best of 18 Years, 1988.
Box 13 Folder 11
National Lampoon's Cartoons Even We wouldn't Dare Print, 1979.
Box 13 Folder 12
National Lampoon's Truly Sick, Tasteless, and Twisted Cartoons, 2002.
Box 13 Folder 13
National Lampoon's Truly Tasteless Cartoons: The Best of the Worst, 1992.
Box 13 Folder 14
The New Yorker 2022 desk diary, 2002.
Box 13 Folder 15
The New Yorker Cartoon Album, [contains loose materials], 1985.
Box 13 Folder 16
Now that You Can Walk Go Get Me a Beer: A Book for Dads, the Cartoon Bank, 1994.
Box 13 Folder 17
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts wine auction catalogue, 1999 September 20.
Box 13 Folder 18
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts wine auction catalogue, 2000 September 22.
Box 13 Folder 19
The Quotable Rebel, Teisham Latner, 2005.
Box 14 Folder 1
Schizonyms: Words with Dual Personalities, John Jonik, 2022.
Box 14 Folder 62
Scope and Contents

Purchased by the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania, and added to the John Jonik papers.

Snowdomes, Nancy McMichael, 1990.
Box 14 Folder 2
That's Sick! National Lampoon's Rudest and Crudest Cartoons, 1994.
Box 14 Folder 3
We the Media: A Citizen's Guide to Fighting for Media Democracy, 1997.
Box 14 Folder 4
Why are Your Papers in Order? Cartoons for 1984, S. Gross, 1983.
Box 14 Folder 5
Why Not Me? The Inside Story of the Making and Unmaking of the Franken Presidency, Al Franken, 1990.
Box 14 Folder 6

Scope and Contents

John Jonik was an artist and entrepreneur. From the late 1970s-early 2000s Jonik designed and sold ideas to companies like Enesco, the home décor and personalized accessory and merchandise company based in Illinois. Jonik drew design ideas for a variety of items including: holiday ornaments, clocks, statues, games, mugs, hangers, mirrors, and most notably snow globes or snowdomes. Materials in this series comprise correspondence, original artwork, sketches, catalog tearsheets, notes, business papers and royalty statements, contracts, order forms, and artifacts. Folders are arranged alphabetically by title; dates provided when available.

Physical Description

3 Box(es)

Address list department stores in Japan, undated.
Box 14 Folder 7
Adhesive bandage correspondence, 1986-1987.
Box 14 Folder 8
Adhesive bandages designs, 1986.
Box 14 Folder 9
Banks designs [piggy banks; savings banks], 1988-1991.
Box 14 Folder 10
Bookends designs, 1985-1988, undated.
Box 14 Folder 11-12
Business correspondence re: gifts, licensing, 1992-1993, 2002.
Box 14 Folder 13
Business correspondence re: Hershey's; Godiva chocolates, 1991.
Box 14 Folder 14
Card game correspondence, 1986-1987.
Box 14 Folder 15
Card game designs, 1987.
Box 14 Folder 16
Card games notes, rules, 1986-1987.
Box 14 Folder 17
Christmas box scenes designs, 1988.
Box 14 Folder 18
Christmas card correspondence, 1995-1997.
Box 14 Folder 19
Christmas designs, cards, undated.
Box 14 Folder 20-21
Christmas designs, clocks, figures, chess set, stocking holders, 1988-1992.
Box 14 Folder 22
Christmas designs, lamps, 1988-1990.
Box 14 Folder 23
Christmas designs, mugs, 1988-1989.
Box 14 Folder 24
Christmas designs, ornaments, 1988-1992.
Box 14 Folder 25-28
Christmas designs, water domes [snow globes], 1989-1993.
Box 14 Folder 29-33
Christmas mug, Santa, 1989.
Box 18 Item 12
Christmas mug, snowman, 1990.
Box 18 Item 13
Christmas ornament, "Jolly Ol' Gent", fourth and final in the John Jonik Santa series, 1992.
Box 18 Item 11
Christmas ornament, "Star of Stars", first in the John Jonik Santa series, 1991.
Box 18 Item 1
Christmas ornament, "Yuletide Tree House", final production year, 1991.
Box 18 Item 2
Christmas ornament, "Santa Wings it," third issue in the John Jonik Santa series, 1993.
Box 18 Item 3
Clock correspondence, 1977-2004.
Box 14 Folder 34
Clock designs, 1984-2004.
Box 14 Folder 35-37
Clock designs "The Quarter Clock", 1985-2004.
Box 14 Folder 38
Clock designs "The Unsensitized Mouse", 1984-2004.
Box 14 Folder 39
Clock notes, undated.
Box 14 Folder 40
Clouds picture book, undated.
Box 14 Folder 41
Coat hanger designs, 1986.
Box 14 Folder 42
Earle Palmer Brown Spuro UGI Energy, artwork, 1988-1990.
Box 14 Folder 43
Earle Palmer Brown Spuro UGI Energy, purchase orders, invoices, work plans, 1988-1989.
Box 14 Folder 44
Easter egg holders; tree ornament designs, 1988, 1994.
Box 14 Folder 45
Enesco blank order form, undated.
Box 14 Folder 46
Enesco correspondence, 1985-1993, undated.
Box 14 Folder 47-48
Enesco gift catalog [tearsheets], 1985-1990.
Box 14 Folder 49
Enesco gift catalog "adventures in giftware", 1986.
Box 14 Folder 50
Enesco gift catalog "graduation day", 1986.
Box 14 Folder 51
Enesco gift collection, 1989.
Box 14 Folder 52
Enesco "winter wonderland" holiday giftware collection, 1989.
Box 14 Folder 53
Enesco "treasury of Christmas" ornaments, 1989-1992.
Box 14 Folder 54
Enesco "autumn giftware collection", 1990.
Box 14 Folder 55
Enesco "fall in love with Enesco", 1990.
Box 14 Folder 56
Enesco "holiday magic giftware collection", 1990.
Box 14 Folder 57
Enesco "once upon a time giftware collection", 1990.
Box 14 Folder 58
Enesco "gifts and collectibles", 1991.
Box 14 Folder 59
Enesco "holiday gifts and collectibles", 1991.
Box 14 Folder 60
Enesco "treasures to behold", 1994.
Box 14 Folder 61
Enesco license agreement, 1985 May 3.
Box 15 Folder 1
Enesco new product approval forms, 1989, 1991.
Box 15 Folder 2
Enesco orders, 1988-1989.
Box 15 Folder 3
Enesco quarterly royalty statements, 1985-1994.
Box 15 Folder 4-7
Enesco Newsline, 1989-1991.
Box 15 Folder 8
Excel Development Group, 1991.
Box 15 Folder 9
Expenses, re: cartoons, 1986-2004.
Box 15 Folder 10
Figurine designs, 1988-1990, undated.
Box 15 Folder 11
Glassworks, acrylic designs, and correspondence, 1986-1992.
Box 15 Folder 12
Graduation mirror designs, 1991.
Box 15 Folder 13
Gumball bank figure designs, 1988.
Box 15 Folder 14
Halloween designs, candle holders, 1988-1990.
Box 15 Folder 15
Halloween designs, door chimes, candy bowls, figurines, hand mirrors, photo holders, suncatchers, 1988-1989.
Box 15 Folder 16
Halloween designs, mugs, 1989.
Box 15 Folder 17
Halloween designs, water domes, 1988-1989.
Box 15 Folder 18
Hand mirror designs, 1986-1988.
Box 15 Folder 19
Hourglass designs, 1987.
Box 15 Folder 20
Licensing, Pearson ed.; McGraw Hill, 2011.
Box 15 Folder 21
Magnets; general novelties designs, 1989-1990.
Box 15 Folder 22
Mechanical Mirror Works Inc., undated.
Box 15 Folder 23
Mug designs, 1985-1991.
Box 15 Folder 24-25
Pen (water pen) designs, 1989.
Box 15 Folder 26
Photo mailings, 1991, undated.
Box 15 Folder 27
Prototype photographs, undated.
Box 15 Folder 28
Shampoo bar correspondence2, 1986-1987.
Box 15 Folder 29
Shampoo bar designs, 1987.
Box 15 Folder 30
Silvestri correspondence, 1992-1994.
Box 15 Folder 31
Silvestri royalties, 1993-1995.
Box 15 Folder 32
Silvestri "the wonder of Christmas", 1994.
Box 15 Folder 33
Suncatcher designs, 1991.
Box 15 Folder 34
UGI Gas Utility designs, correspondence, circa 1990s.
Box 15 Folder 35-37
"USA Patriot Art: Cartooning and Free Speech in War Time," exhibit correspondence, 2004.
Box 15 Folder 38
Waterdome,"Bunker Madness", 1987.
Box 18 Item 4-5
Waterdome, "Celebration", 1985.
Box 18 Item 6
Waterdome, "Hare Cut", 1990.
Box 18 Item 7
Waterdome, "Peas and Carrots", 1988.
Box 18 Item 10
Waterdome, "Raking Leaves", 1985.
Box 18 Item 8
Waterdome, "A Swinging Christmas", 1989.
Box 18 Item 9
Water dome designs, 1988-1992.
Box 15 Folder 39-44
Water dome designs "Bowler", 1987-1988.
Box 15 Folder 45
Water dome designs "Careless Cat", 1989.
Box 15 Folder 46
Water dome designs "Bunker Madness", 1988.
Box 15 Folder 47
Water dome designs "Boots in Snow", undated.
Box 15 Folder 48
Wood designs correspondence, "Tools at Art: Hechinger Collection", 2002.
Box 15 Folder 49
Wood product designs, undated.
Box 15 Folder 50

Print, Suggest