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Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Records


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing [Contact Us]Claire Fagin Hall, 418 Curie Boulevard, Floor 2U, Philadelphia, PA, 19104-4217

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Northeastern Hospital began in 1911 as a dispensary in the Kensington section of Philadelphia. While there were hospitals in relatively close proximately, traffic and congestion led the dispensary to build a new building and rebrand as a hospital in 1918. Its first patients were filled with influenza victims.

Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing (NEHSON) was founded in 1922 and it’s first students in 1923 with Miss Lillian E. Wilsey as its first Director. The first class of three students graduated in 1926, with a 3 year program of study, including 4 months of preliminary observation. Since that time, more than 1,200 students have received Diplomas from the school.

The Alumni Association was organized in 1930. Its members exhibit a continuing interest in educational and social opportunities for the student nurse and have provided ongoing support to the school. NEHSON will close its doors in May 2016.

For information regarding transcripts please visit:

Gift of Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing, via Bernice Brennan.

This collection is unprocessed. A preliminary inventory is given here. Please contact the Center for more information.

University of Pennsylvania: Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Jessica Clark
Access Restrictions

This collection is open to the public unless noted otherwise at the request of the Donor or to protect individual personal information.

Student Records are closed for 50 years and designated as follows: Date of Records First Year of Access 2009-2000 2050, 1999-1990 2040, 1989-1980 2030, 1979-1970 2020, 1969-1960 2010

Use Restrictions

Copyright restrictions may apply. Please contact the Center with requests for copying and for authorization to publish, quote or reproduce the material.

Collection Inventory

Class of 1926-1934.
Box 1
Class of 1935-1943.
Box 2
Class of 1944-1951.
Box 3
Class of 1952-1958.
Box 4
Class of 1958-1963.
Box 5
Class of 1963-1967.
Box 6
Class of 1967-1971.
Box 7
Class of 1972-1975.
Box 8
Class of 1975-1978.
Box 9
Class of 1978-1980.
Box 10
Class of 1981-1989.
Box 11
Class of 1990-2014.
Box 12
Biographical/Historical note

St. Mary’s Hospital, located in Philadelphia PA, was founded by the Sisters of the Covent of St. Clare’s and opened its doors on December 10, 1860. By 1867, the hospital moved to a larger location and by 1869, the number of patients and demands of care caused the Sisters to apply for and were granted a formal organization for the hospital. Prior to the opening of its school of nursing in 1901, nursing care was primarily performed by the Sisters and doctors with lectures held routinely to promote quality care. The first class consisted of 5 Sisters and 6 lay women as a 3 year program. The school of nursing was closed in the 1970s. The hospital closed in 1988.

Class of 1904-1939.
Box 15
Class of 1940-1949.
Box 16
Class of 1956-1977.
Box 17

Box 13
Box 14

1951 Graduation Book.
1953 Graduation Book.
1954 Graduation Book.
1955 Graduation Book.
1956 Graduation Book.
1957 Graduation Book.
1958 Graduation Book.
1959 Graduation Book.
1960 Graduation Book.
1961 Graduation Book.
1962 Graduation Book.
1963 Graduation Book.
1964 Graduation Book.
1966 Graduation Book.
1968 Graduation Book.
1970 Graduation Book.
1971 Graduation Book.
1972 Graduation Book.
1973 Graduation Book.
1974 Graduation Book.
1976 Graduation Book.
1977 Graduation Book.
1978 Graduation Book.
1979 Graduation Book.

Color photograph of class of 1996.
1980 Graduation Book.
1981 Graduation Book.
1982 Graduation Book.
1983 Graduation Book.
1984 Graduation Book.
1985 Graduation Book.
1986 Graduation Book.
1987 Graduation Book.
1988 Graduation Book.
1989 Graduation Book.
1990 Graduation Book.
1991 Graduation Book.
1992 Graduation Book.
1993 Graduation Book.
Black and white photos from a baseball events, 1972.
2 schools of nursing in southeastern Pennsylvania directories, 1971-1972 and 1967-1968.
Black and white photos of nursing students by the bedside, at a graduation/white cap event, in a classroom, May 1992 graduation/awards/recession photos, graduating class of 1966, and Class of 1992 awards/luncheon.
Color photos from an event in Feb 1988, an event for “Ellen,” of buildings 1991, profile pictures of individuals, multiple copies of a graduating class/graduating event.
Envelope with male student nurse insignias.
Envelopes with c. 1960-1965 photographs.
B&W photos of nurses, staff, doctors, and patients at the hospital, c. 1979.
Color photos with films, Class of 1996-1999 students at school.
Oct 1996 color photos from an event, Nov 1996 color photos from “clean-up” day.
Black and white photos of students inside Northeastern Hospital SON 1976, class of 1950, class of 1973, and other photos of students c. 1958-1978 etc.
The Advisor newspaper (Mar. 28, 1979), and other newspaper clippings of nursing students.
Black and white photo of alumni dinner class of 1966.

Helene Fuld Health Trust packet – “Learning to care,” with 1984 annual report.
Helene Fuld Health Trust packet – 1969.
Cap history and catalogs (c. 1961-1990).
PA State Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations 1970-1971, 1976 – the professional nursing law act 151.
Polaroids and photos with newspaper clipping (Kensington/Richmond edition, Thursday Feb 21, 1991).
Black and white polaroid and photos with several newspaper clippings highlighting the capping of nursing students c. 1975.
Northeastern Hospital Bulletin 1939, 1940, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1950.
Testimonial Banquet honoring Gordon A. Philips.
Employee’s Handbook – undated.
Newspaper clippings c. 1981.
The Garner & White Associates architecture and planning – floor plan with cost breakdown.
School catalogs – 1964-1973, 1975-1980, 1982, 1984-1986.
Color photos from Graduation Class of 1998, photos of class of 1998, events c. 1996-1998, and barbeque/dinner/misc. pictures from 2006.
Photos from 1963-1977 graduations.
Photographer’s class pictures c. 1964-1992.
The Florence Nightingale Pledge sheet and score.
Sunshine in Rainbow Valley scores.
Florence Nightingale Rebel with a Cause packet.
Application for Charter of the Northeastern Hospital of Philadelphia.
Student Health Reports 1981.
Memorandum of Agreement – The Pennsylvania State University Continuing Education – Proposed Program of Study 1968-1975.
Dedication of Helene Fuld Building 1/31/1973.
Spirit of Nursing Award 1991.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing – A Step in the Right Direction journal 1988-1990.
Color photos of instructors, open house, and students in Class of ’05, ’06, ’07, ’14, and ‘15.
Photos and newspaper clippings of class of 2002 in a folder.
Scanned film negatives of student nurses and the building c. 1970s.
Employee’s Handbook (Administrator: Helen J. Zawisza).

Graduation 1918-1990 film strips and commencement letters.
Capping class of 1991-1992.
Photographs prior to 1981.
Film strip individuals in envelopes and small boxes: Phyllis Winderle’s retirement, class ’87, graduation/reception/pizza party for class ’87, etc.
VHS tape of the demolition of Lehman hall 1/10/91.
Graduation class of 1989 and 1990 sheets with faculty and reception listed.
Capping class of 1988, 1990 – purchase orders and invitation letters.
Graduation 1990 commencement letters.
Various colored photos from events and graduations c. 1993 - 2007.
CD with label “Class 2014”.
Binder “Minutes from: Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Student Nurses Meetings” with typed and handwritten notes.
Northeastern Hospital Thermometer pamphlet 1953, 1959, 1960, 1961.
Northeastern Hospital Bulletin 1936-1950.
Class of 1977-1983 Curriculum plans.
Ex Memoria Nostra Published by Class of 1935.
Northeastern Hospital SON 1987 information packet.
70th anniversary of the alumni folder with pictures.

Student Handbook 1996-1997.
Student Handbook 1997-1998.
SON Catalog 2000-2001.
SON Catalog 2001-2002.
SON Catalog 2002-2003.
SON Catalog 2003.
SON Catalog 2004.
SON Catalog 2005.
SON Catalog 2008.
SON Faculty Handbook 2002-2003.
SON Faculty Handbook 2003-2004.
SON Faculty Handbook 2004-2005.
SON Faculty Handbook 2005-2006.
SON Faculty Handbook 2006-2007.
SON Catalog 2007.
Student Handbook 2007-2008.
Student Handbook 2008-2009.
SON Catalog 2009.
Student Handbook 2008-2009.
Student Handbook 2008-2009.
Student Handbook 2009-2010.
Student Handbook 2010-2011.
Student Handbook 2011-2012.
Student Handbook 2012-2013.
Student Handbook 2013-2014.
Student Handbook 2014-2015.
Student Handbook 2015-2016.

Correspondences regarding NLNAC site visit in Feb. 2002.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Self-Study Report 2001, submitted to NLNAC, Inc. visit dates: Feb. 20-22, 2002.
NLNAC Program Evaluator Report on Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing regarding Feb 2002 visit.
NLNAC Certification of Membership for Northeastern Hospital c. 1997-2002.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Self Study Report Feb. 1997.
Correspondences, agenda, and other information regarding NLN site visit to Northeastern Hospital in 1997.
Faculty data sheets and Addendum to 1991 criteria and guidelines.
NLN 1996 questionnaire to diploma schools in nursing and other correspondences and memo.
Correspondences regarding 1996 NLN accreditation and an agenda for Feb. 1997 visit.
NLN diploma program information c. 1999.
NLN 1998 questionnaire to diploma students in school of nursing.
Correspondences regarding the NLN visit in 1997 with copy of restaurants in Philadelphia.
NLN Accrediting Commission 1997 Annual Report.
NLN Profiles: Class of 1997.
Correspondences regarding evaluation of diploma programs c. 1989.
Self-Study Report Northeastern Hospital of Philadelphia 1988.
Correspondences regarding 1989 meeting.
NLN approval letter for 1988 visit along with tentative agenda.
1987 Invoice of the accreditation.
Northeastern Hospital SON systematic plan of evaluation 1983-1988.
PA State Board Survey Items for Review.
NLN report of visit for accreditation to Northeastern Hospital SON 1988.
NLN certificates of membership c. 1986-1990.
NLN certificates of membership c. 1975-1981.
15 copies of 1984 Progress Report for Northeastern Hospital SON and 15 copies of the current school catalog.
Correspondences regarding 1984 NLN meeting.
12 copies of the 1982 Progress Report for Northeastern Hospital SON and 12 copies of the current school catalog.
Correspondences and invoice regarding 1983 NLN visit.
NLN Record forms for schools of nursing, completed in 1985 for Northeastern Hospital SON.
NLN recommendations for Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing in 1982.
NLN question analysis – nursing observations and judgement on class of ’79-‘84.
1982 Progress Report – Northeastern Hospital SON.
Correspondences and report of consultation visit regarding the 1983 visit to Northeastern Hospital SON.

Progress Report & Supplementary Visit NLN-Feb 1980.
NLN Supplementary Accreditation Visit Reports 1980.
NLN correspondences and copy of progress report and supplementary visit Feb 1980.
Recommendations for Methodist Hospital SON – June 1979.
Progress Report and Supplementary Visit – Feb 1980.
NLN Supplementary Accreditation Visit Correspondence 1980.
NLN Division of Research – NLN Data service on graduates who were newly licensed in Feb-Jul 1982.
Report of Visit for Accreditation to Northeastern Hospital SON Feb 12-13, 1980.
Report of Self Evaluation (March 7, 8, 9, and 10, 1978).
NLN Systematic Plan for Evaluation, 1983-1988.
NLN Initial Accreditation Visit 1978.
NLN Initial Accreditation Visit Correspondence – 1978.
Report of Visit for Accreditation Mar 7-10, 1978.
Copies of Report of Self Evaluation Mar. 7-10, 1978.
Consent to publish the information about the program.
Copies of No. 1985-109 Act and No. 151 Act, Senate Bill No. 1116, and Rules and Regulations of Title 49.
Pennsylvania Nurses Association – Proposed Changes in the Professional Nursing Law.
The Model Nursing Practice Act 1982.
NLN Summary data – 1992 Census of Faculty Diploma Nursing Programs.
NLN 1991 Questionnaire to Diploma Schools in Nursing.
NLN 1988 Questionnaire to Diploma Schools in Nursing.
NLN 1987 Questionnaire to Diploma Schools in Nursing.
NLN 1986 Questionnaire to Diploma Schools in Nursing.
NLN 1984 Questionnaire to Diploma Schools in Nursing.
Report for Miss Katherine Brim along with committee report, evaluation of students according to NLN specified criteria, and item descriptors of various courses.
1997 NLN Self Study Original copies.

Correspondences 1960-1968 State Board of Nurse Examiners.
Correspondences and files from PA Department of State (1969-1977).
State Board of Nurse Examiners (1978) – packet of Information Required for Survey of Professional Nursing Program.
Original Reports of Faculty Positions and Responsibilities, Organizational Charts, Faculty Job Descriptions, and Course Sequence (Years 1-3 and Levels 1-4).
Correspondence with 1982-1983 Annual Report.
Annual Survey of Professional or Practical Nursing Program Leading to Licensure for Current Academic Year of 1981-1982.
Correspondence with 1978-1979 Annual Report.
Correspondences and files regarding 1968 report.
Northeastern Hospital SON Proposed Curriculum Revisions (1984).
PA Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs – Annual Survey of Professional or Practical Nursing Program Leading to Licensure for Current Academic Year of 1983-1984.
1984 State Board Proposed Revision.
PA State Board of Nursing Meeting Dates 1988.
Northeastern Hospital SON Current Course Outline 1983 along with Curriculum Plan 1984.
1984 Northeastern Hospital SON Proposed Curriculum Revision.
State Board Proposed Curriculum Changes (1986).
Correspondences regarding curriculum plans 1987.
Correspondences regarding State Board Approval of Advanced Placement Policy 1988.
Proposed revisions and rationales for curriculum change 1988.
NLN Accreditation Visit 1988, Board of Review Report State Board Curriculum Change of N102, Principles of Nursing (1989).
15 copies of 1984 Progress Report for Northeastern Hospital SON and 15 copies of the current school catalog.
Class of 1986 Curriculum Plan and School/Curriculum objectives (1983).

State Board Proposal 24/33 month curriculum plan in a binder, (April 28, 1997).
State Board of Nursing – Nursing Education Program Statistic sheets, 1991.
PA State Board of Nursing Survey Visit, 1992.
State Board of Nursing Course/Unit Overviews.
Northeastern Hospital SON Disciplinary Policies.
State Board of Nursing 1996-1997 Annual Report.
List of Northeastern Hospital SON 1996 Graduates along with copies of their money orders and NCLEX applications.
New Curricular Plan State Board 24 month option, April 1997.
State Board of Nursing 1997, correspondences and general information.
Correspondences regard 1998 graduates and State Board of Nursing education program report.
Correspondences regarding State Board of Nursing 1999 approval of a new clinical site.
1992 State Board of Nursing noting areas of strength and improvement after reviewing the report of the Compliance Review of Northeastern SON.
State Board of Nursing Correspondences 1988, 1989.
1988 1992 State Board of Nursing noting areas of strength and improvement after reviewing the report of the Compliance Review of Northeastern SON.
1988 Self Study Report NLN.
1988 Northeastern Hospital SON Faculty Workshop.
Northeastern Hospital SON Curriculum Plan – Distribution of Hours, Class of 1990 Correspondences regarding State Board Proposal of curriculum change, 1986 State Board curriculum change approvals 1985-1990 Correspondences and information regarding State Board Survey visit in June 1984 State Board approval letter for 1988 survey visit.
Correspondences regarding State Board Proposal of curriculum change, 1986.
State Board curriculum change approvals 1985-1990.
Correspondences and information regarding State Board Survey visit in June 1984.
State Board approval letter for 1988 survey visit.
Professional exemptions under Fair Labor Act.
State Board approval letter for 1984 survey visit.
Northeastern Hospital of Philadelphia: Book I – Rationale for Curricular Change Proposals.
1984 proposal for curriculum revision.
1983 Principles of Nursing 101 current course outline.
Northeastern Hospital of Philadelphia: Book II – Proposed course outlines.
Rules and regulations of the state board of nurse examiners for registered nurses 1983 booklet Northeastern Hospital of Philadelphia: Book III – Exhibits 1976 report of consultation to Northeastern Hospital SON.
1978 Report of Self Evaluation, Northeastern Hospital SON to the NLN.
Rules and regulations of the state board of nurse examiners for programs of professional and technical nursing 1970-1971.
State Board Reports 1985-1995 in a binder.

St. Mary’s School of Nursing – N.L.N. Application for Accreditation c. 1957-1958.
Folder of records of students, memorandum of high school and college credit, and correspondences c. 1921-1956.
Folder of records of theoretical work and examinations of withdrawn students c. 1916-1935.
Folder of records of theoretical work and examinations of withdrawn students c. 1916-1943.
Folder of withdrawn student permanent records c. 1933-1959.
Folder of permanent records of students c. 1931-1952.
Folder of NLN reports c. 1953-1954.
Folder of NLN correspondences on accreditation c. 1958.
Folder of “Agreement By and Between Villanova University and St. Mary’s Hospital,” and correspondences from city of Philadelphia and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dept. of Public Instruction c. 1957-1958.
Folder of “State Board Exam Results and National and State School mean scores” c. 1952-1959.
Folder “ Data for Survey for Full Accreditation” c. 1958.
“Study of Employment of St. Mary P.N. Graduates” for Class of 1970.
“Graduates of the School Completing Advanced Education” of students receiving diploma c. 1969-1976.
Folder of “Transcript – Confidential Psychological Aptitude Test Report for Nursing School Applicants” with a hand-written correspondence c. 1955.
Folder of Southeastern Pennsylvania League for Nursing Membership Certificates (1968-1976) stapled together.
Folder of reports of St. Mary Hospital School of Practical Nursing c. 1971-1975.
Folder of “School of Nursing Annual Report” from 1919 – 1958.
Folder of St. Mary’s Hospital School of Practical Nursing graduating class photo composites from 1965-1977.
St. Mary’s Hospital Diploma of Sr. Mary Melvina in a padded cover (1945).
St. Mary’s Hospital Diploma of Helen A. Maher in a padded cover (1929).

Correspondences between Eleanor Reinhardt and others regarding meetings and relocation.
Temple University and Northeastern Hospital revenues, expense trend, operating costs 2008-2010.
Annual report of the distribution of hours for student nurses, 2004-2005.
Annual report of the distribution of hours for student nurses, 2005-2006.
Annual report of the distribution of hours for student nurses, 2006-2007.
Revenue 2007-2008 NEHSON.
CARP Plus virtual ATI – RN comprehensive assessment and review program – cost for program.
Powerpoint printout on “Temple University Health System Developing and Managing Your Budget”.
Budget reports FY 2005-2008.
Analysis and comments on 2004 Nursing School receivables, balance dues, and list of graduates not eligible to receive transcripts due to outstanding balance.
Copies of checks and funds received.
Breakdown of cost of attendance.
Memorandum from Sep. 23, 2005.
Promissory note and northeastern hospital nursing loan agreement.
Printed pages of (notice of increasing capital threshold).
Human resource management – list of employees and hours 2006-2007.
Loans and summary of federal SFA funds for students ’06-‘07.
ATI contract – 2006.
Faculty minutes in a folder 9/2000 – 5/2001.
2007-2008 curriculum agenda NEHSON.
2006-2007 curriculum committee agenda, minutes, and goals.
2005-2006 curriculum committee agenda, annual report, goals, and minutes.
2004-2005 curriculum committee goals, minutes, and annual report.
2003-2004 curriculum committee goals, agenda, and minutes.
2002-2003 curriculum committee goals, agenda, and minutes.
2001-2002 curricular change form, curriculum committee survey, goals, agenda, minutes, affiliation evaluation tool, and copies of consensus statement on critical thinking in nursing research study.
2001 curricular change form, agenda, and minutes.
2000 curricular change form, agenda, and minutes.
1999 curricular change form, agenda, and minutes.
1998 curricular change form, agenda, and minutes.
1997 curricular change form, agenda, and minutes.
1996 curricular change form, agenda, and minutes.
2000 NEHSON achievement and comprehensive testing throughout the curriculum, meeting agenda, and minutes.
2013 agenda, minutes, and systematic plan for program evaluation.
2012 agenda, minutes, by-laws of the faculty organization, and systematic plan for program evaluation (2011-2012).
2011 agenda, minutes, and systematic plan for program evaluation.
2010 agenda, minutes, and systematic plan for program evaluation.
2009 agenda, minutes, and systematic plan for program evaluation.
2008 agenda, minutes, and systematic plan for program evaluation.
2007 agenda, minutes, and systematic plan for program evaluation.
NEHSON faculty self-evaluation tool.
Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing – Nursing program annual report, 2006-2009.
NEHSON RN comprehensive predictor 2007 and NCLEX readiness.
NEHSON educational outcomes for 2006-2007.
2008 NEHSON evaluation report.
NLNAC annual report 2007-2008.

2004-2005 NEHSON goals.
Faculty meeting agenda, minutes, topics for discussion, annual report, accomplishments, course evaluations, committee goals, and evaluation report (9 folders), 1996-2007.
Approved nursing education compliance report.
PA State Board of Nursing cooperating clinical agencies list.
Ad hoc graduation awards.
Course evaluations.
Summer 2002 textbook list.
Summary of workshop summer 2004.
2002 NEHSON SNAP report.
NLN League Analysis N202 – 2001, 2002.
NEHSON systematic plan for program evaluation and assessment of outcomes.
NLN achievement test report and analysis – August, 2000.
July 2000 workshop agenda.
Class of 2000 Mosby Assess Test Results.
Library/Resources and Development Annual Report (Oct 1999-June 2000).
Library monthly meeting June 15, 1999.
NLNAC planning for ongoing systematic evaluation and assessment of outcomes Spring, 1999.
Exit interview 2002-2003.
Executive summary IOM report 2003.
NEHSON attendance policy.
Negligence in nursing education article by Kelly A. Goudreau and Eileen R. Chasens.
Cheating must be okay-everybody does it article by Daryle L. Brown.
Student government association committee goals 2001-2002.
Leaning clinical teaching – is it magic? Article by Judith M. Scanlan.
Report to North East Coalition of hospital and Diploma Schools of Nursing.
1998, 1999 summer workshop.
1999 annual report NCLEX-RN review course.
Clinical correlation study 1998.
NLN league analysis class of 1999.
Faculty workshop summer 1997.
Mosby Assess Test Results class of 1997.
Senior exit interview form.
Pre-graduation questionnaire class of 1997.
Northeast Coalition Awards for Faculty Excellence.
Nightingale Awards of Pennsylvania blank application.
Guidelines for use of the psychomotor skills documentation record.
NEHSON 1997-2001 systematic plan of evaluation.
Student Services Report ‘97.
Blank nursing care plan.
LPN advanced placement information sheet.
Class of 1996 graduate follow-up surveys (1 year after graduation).
Faculty development committee annual report for 1995-1996 school year.
Minutes of meetings from 1989-1995.
Health Promotion with Focus on Levels of Prevention program II 1991-1992.
Continuing education approval application – blank copy.
Correspondences regarding program participations.
Printed copy of presentation on Care Maps.

Evaluation committee goals, systematic plan for program evaluation, minutes from meeting, annual report (9 folders), 1997-2007.
Group performance profile – RN fundamentals for nursing 2.1 (2007).
NEHSON Interim Report (Fall 2004) submitted to: NLNAC, Inc.
Average daily census, faculty lists, summary of physical plant changes (2005).
NLNAC annual report.
NEHSON systematic plan for program evaluation tracking sheet (2004-2005/2005-2006/2006-2007/2007-2008).
Standards and criteria.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania state board of nursing – professional nursing education program annual report (2004).
NEHSON employer questionnaire (class of 2003 employer survey).
PA state board of nursing – approved nursing education compliance report (2005).
Student Evaluation Survey – Standard III criteria 9 (2005).
TUHS Nursing school strategic plan charter.
Report on the TUHS affiliated nursing education programs submitted by John Buckley (Oct, 2004).
Minutes from Temple University Health System (TUHS Nursing Schools Strategic Plan Meeting) – Dec 13, 2004.
Meeting minutes from nursing schools strategic plan workgroup sub-group on “The Ideal Graduate” – conference call (2004 and 2005).
PA State board of nursing – professional nursing education program annual report (2005, 2006).
NEHSON evaluation report (August 2005, Fall 2005, Jan 2006, August 2006, Sep 2006, Oct 2006, Mar 2007).
NEHSON PA State board of nursing – faculty list (April 2005).
NCLEX Program Reports for the period of APR 2006-SEP 2006.
NEHSON Faculty Survey Report - Progress Reports; Pharmacology Questions.
N301 Adaptation to community and mental health nursing test #1, 2, 3 (Fall 2005) blank tests.
Campus Crime 2007 screening questions.
NLNAC 2002 Standards and Criteria – Diploma programs.
Table of Data Collection Tools.
Systematic Plan for Program Evaluation and Assessment of Outcomes (1997-2001): I (#1-3), II (#5,7,8), III (#10, 11), IV (#12-14), V (#15-17), VI (#18-22).
NEHSON Exit Interview Class 2004 – Curriculum Evaluation summary.
Evaluation report – admission/grading policies (2004); physical facilities (2004); program design: course objectives reflect unifying concepts (2004); post graduate survey (class of 2003); graduate questionnaire (class 2002); employee survey: graduate class of 2002; faculty performance; NLNAC standard #2; NLNAC standard VI #21; NLNAC standard V #15; NLNAC standard II #5.
Official cohort default rate (FY 2001, FY 2000, and FY 1999).
NEHSON first level questionnaire class 2005.
Exit interview – academic year 2002-2003; 2001-2002.
Approved nursing education compliance report – 1999.
Post-graduation questionnaire (class of 1995 and 1999).
NLNAC newsletters vol 4 no. 2 summer 2001; vol 3 no. 2 summer 2000; vol 3 no. 3 winter 2001; vol 2 no. 2 spring 2000; vol 1 no. 2 winter 1998-1999; vol 2 no. 1 summer 1999.
Schedule of accreditation fees effective Jan 2000.
NLNAC planning for ongoing systematic evaluation and assessment of outcomes fall 1999.
NEHSON systematic plan of evaluation 1996.
NEHSON systematic plan of evaluation 1997-2001.
NEHSON systematic plan of evaluation 1997-2001 Evaluations, reports, surveys, annual reviews for Criterions #1-18.

Faculty organization agenda, minutes from meeting, committee goals, annual report, course evaluation, evaluation committee reports (3 folders), 2009-2012.
ATI nursing education presentation slides.
Jeanes Hospital education department policies and procedures manual.
NEHSON ATI policy revision proposal (3 policies) – summer 2011.
Course information – NURS 100; 101; 201; 202; 302; 200; 300; 301.
NEHSON ad hoc committee graduation awards.
NEHSON annual report (2010-2011)Cultural committee.
NEHSON annual report (2010-2011) Student government.
NEHSON annual report (2010-2011) Admission/promotions.
NEHSON committee schedule 2011-2012 (draft copy).
NEHSON dimensional analysis.
Acute care assessment tool survey January 2010.
NEHSON systematic plan for program evaluation tracking sheet 2010-2011.
Clinical skills evaluation form – N100.
Recruiters report 2009-2011.
Temple Univ. Health System administrative policies and procedures, 2005.
Temple Univ. Health System administrative policies and procedures, 2010.
Attendance of a student at the evaluation and promotion committee.
Temple University Dept. of Nursing Student Affiliation Competency Resource Booklet (June 2010).
Temple Univ. Hospital Visiting Agency Competency Training answer key.
Temple Univ. Hospital Glucometer competency verification worksheet.
NLNAC annual report (2008-2009).
PA State board of nursing – nursing program annual report (2008-2009).
NEHSON evaluation report – systematic evaluation of academic policies Standard III Criteria 9.
Campus Crime 2009 survey.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing January 2009.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Minutes.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Goals 2009-2010 Annual Report.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting September 14, 2009.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting October 5, 2009.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting November 2, 2009.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting March 12, 2010.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting April 12, 2010.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Goals 2007-2008 Annual Report.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Minutes 2008.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting September 10, 2007.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting October 22, 2007.
Newsletter October 2007.
Speak Safe Workshop October 2007.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Resources/Development and Academic Support Committee 2007-2008 Goals.
SNAP 55th Annual Convention November 2007.
Why is Cultural Competency Necessary in the 21st Century Nov 2007.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting November 2007.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting February 2008.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting April 2008.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting January 22, 2007.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting August 6, 2007.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Annual Meeting January 14, 2008.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Annual Meeting august 6, 2008.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Student Handbook 2008-2009.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting November 2006.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing faculty Meeting February 2007.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Meeting march 2007.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Annual Meeting June 2007.
Temple Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Workshop 3/06.
Module 1: role development.
Module 2: Managing the Clinical Day.
Module 3: Clinical Instruction.
Module 4: Evaluation.
Module 5: introduction to the academic program and academic resources.
Module 6: Policies.
Faculty organization 2002-2006.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Organization Meetings in 2004.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Organization Meetings in 2003.
Agenda: Forum following Breakfast 5/31/03.
Workshop Reports/Projects.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Annual Report 2003-2004.
Northeastern School of Nursing Evaluation Committee Report 2004.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing 2003-2004 Goals.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Course Evaluation Form Nursing 101.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Course Evaluation Form Nursing 200.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Course Evaluation Form Nursing 201.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Faculty Course Evaluation Form Nursing 300.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Annual Report 2002-2003.
January 2003 Faculty Workshop Meeting.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing 10/2002 Faculty Organization Meeting Minutes.

Capping Class of 1942.
Northeastern Hospital Training School 1926.
Five class photos without any notes on them.
The Star 1927 by Anneta M. Smith.
EX Memoria Nostra 1935.
Northeastern Hospital Bulletin.
Memories of the Class of September 1946.
Northeastern Hospital Bulletin October 1993.
Memoirs of the Class of September 1946.
Graduation Exercises of the Training School for Nurses.
23 small photos of various nurses.
The Skullclass of 1929.

Graduate Nurses Chorus of all nursing schools of Philadelphia in 1931, Group Picture.
Ground Breaking Welsey Hall 1928.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Class of 2006.

The life of P: A memoir of a mother and a nurse by Lee Rice.
Letter to Bernice Brenman, Director of Nursing.
The Hymnal for Youth, 2 copies.
Hymnal Book.
Etching of a building.
Metal cup.
Big glass jar.
Pins in a box labeled Wintherthur.
Pin in a small black box.
Kidney dish.
Normal saline jar.
Aspirin chewable tablets jar.
Clamping tools.
Small glass jar.
Green vial.
El. Terpin Hydrate classroom sample jar.
The Lantern, 1931.
Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia Jar.
Paradehylade blue vial.
Acid Boric Crystals.
Three miscellaneous artifacts.

2 Nursing caps.
OBGYN slides.
Slide projector.
Hospital School of Nursing miscellaneous artifacts.

How to Care for the Insane.
Nurse’s Alumni Association of Northeastern Hospital November 18, 1978.
The Nightingale’s Song: Nurses and Nursing in the Ars Media Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art Song Book.
Miscellaneous Tubing artifact.
Water pipet artifact.
Stainless steel containers.
The Psychology of the Physically Handicapped.
Surgical tools.
Microscope circa 1900s.

Plaster mold of a woman’s profile.
Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing Graduates Yearbook.
Nursing capes for graduation.

Systematic Plan of Evaluation workbooks and data 2008, 2013 (Class of 2006-2012).
SPE meetings and minutes 2012-2015.
Math calculation test.
Community Events 2015.
Website Information.

NLN Self study docs Feb 1997.
NLN self-study 2002.
NLNAC self-study Oct 2007.
Acen info focused visit 2014.
Admission/promotion 2013-2016.
Student government meetings 2013-2016.
Cultural enrichment meetings 2013-2016.
Resource and development/academic support meetings 2013-2016.
Information technology meetings 2012-2016.
Curriculum committee 2008-2016.
ATI educator guide.
ATI aggregated data class of 2013-2016.
ATI meetings 2013-2016.
Faculty workshop Aug 14, 2012.
ATI longitudinal studies.
Faculty organization and annual meeting 2015-2016.

Clinical affiliation agreements and course outlines Class of 2013-2016.
Faculty handbook.
Performance evaluation plan state board of nursing Jan 2014.
Temple University Hospital department of nursing education and performance improvement nursing instructor orientation Fall 2011.

Annual reports Faculty Organization 2012.
Faculty workshop 2012.
Faculty Organization and annual meeting 2013-2014.
Self-study report NLNAC Oct 2007.
ACEN focused visit Oct 6, 2014.
Executive summary.
Class 2011.
Class 2012.
ATI Class 2011.

Data collection tools- forms.
Clinical evaluation tools.
Employee opinion survey.
TUH writing effective job descriptions updated 2013.
TUHS board minutes 2015-2016.
TUH visiting agency competency and resource guide.
TUH resource guide 2015.
TUH new to practice program Fall 2012.
NCLEX RN examination April 2013.
NCSBN NCLEX program reports 2011-2015.
Student handbook 2012-2016.
Clinical affiliation evaluation tools 2010-2016.
Non-clinical agreements.
School of nursing safety check in Sept 2016.
Job satisfaction survey 6 months 2011-2015.

Transcripts Class of 2015-2016.
Did not graduate transcripts.
Student folders.
Alumni Class Lists.
Alumni group.
Commencement programs.
Class of 2010 photograph.
Miscellaneous correspondence.

White nursing cap with black felt band.
White nursing uniform dress with blue and white striped undershirt.
1964 Yearbook Ignis Lucis with newspaper clipping of Northeastern Graduates and a 39th annual commencement of the SON, Northeastern Hospital sheet inside.

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