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HIAS Pennsylvania Records


Held at: Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

HIAS Pennsylvania (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) was established in 1884 as the Association of Jewish Immigrants. Created in response to the influx of Jewish immigrants in the 1870s and 1880s, the association provided immigrants with a variety of services designed to ease the transition to a new country. A representative placed at the Philadelphia port guided immigrants to their next destination, offered transportation fare, and ensured that new arrivals were met at the port by American family members or friends. The association also provided meals, temporary housing, and job placement services. Shortly after its founding, the organization changed its name to the Association for the Protection of Jewish Immigrants. In 1921, the organization became an affiliate of the National Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society based in New York, and was renamed the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society. As the government passed stricter immigration legislation in the 1910s and 1920s, the society helped Jews petition for immigrant visas on behalf of their family members in Europe. They also assisted immigrants with the citizenship process.

In 1952, the society merged with the Philadelphia chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) Bureau of Service to Foreign Born to become HIAS and Council Migration Service. Prior to the merger, the Philadelphia NCJW operated a service similar to HIAS, and encouraged self-sufficiency for Jewish immigrant women by providing language classes and job training. The NCJW volunteers also paid welcome visits to newly-arrived Jewish immigrants, arranged for social services, held community events, and assisted with the naturalization process.

Throughout the Cold War, HIAS and Council Migration Service operated programs specifically geared towards helping Soviet Jewish immigrants. In the early 1970s, HIAS and Council collaborated with Jewish Family and Children's Service (JFCS) and Jewish Employment and Vocational Services (JEVS) to provide services to Southeast Asian refugees following the Vietnam War. By the 1990s, the organization expanded its services to provide immigrants with pro bono legal services. In 2009, HIAS and Council Migration Service changed its name to HIAS Pennsylvania.

The HIAS Pennsylvania Records contain steamship ticket ledgers, arrival records, naturalization papers, immigrant case files, and administrative files utilized by the organization to provide services to Philadelphia's immigrant community. Though many of the records were created by HIAS, some materials were generated by the Philadelphia chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women Bureau of Service to Foreign Born, an organization that merged with HIAS in 1952. The steamship ticket ledgers were created by M.L. Blitzstein and Co., M. Rosenbaum and Co., Pennsylvania Company for Banking and Trusts, and Rosenbluth Brothers; four steamship ticket agents who predominately sold passage to Jewish immigrants. In addition to early immigration records, this collection also contains materials related to the Southeast Asian refugee programs of the 1970s and 1980s. The greater part of the collection is described at the box level. This collection includes preserved versions of the organization's website, available through Archive-It.

The collection is arranged into 11 series as follows:

  • Series 1: Steamship ticket purchase ledgers, 1890-circa 1950s
    • Subseries 1.1: M.L. Blitzstein and Co. ledgers and index, 1899-circa 1950s
    • Subseries 1.2: Pennsylvania Company for Banking and Trusts ledgers, 1906-1948
    • Subseries 1.3: M. Rosenbaum and Co. ledgers, 1890-1934
    • Subseries 1.4: Rosenbluth Brothers ledgers, 1907-1950
  • Series 2: Arrival records and port of entry card files, 1884-circa 1950s
    • Subseries 2.1: Compiled arrival records for the years 1884-1952, circa 1950s
    • Subseries 2.2: Ship passenger list ledgers, 1884-1921
    • Subseries 2.3: HIAS port of entry card files, circa 1913-1945
    • Subseries 2.4: National Council of Jewish Women port of entry and face card files, circa 1911-1947
    • Subseries 2.5: Detainee card files, 1913-1943
    • Subseries 2.6: Landing verification cards, 1913-1921
  • Series 3: Naturalization forms and service card files, circa 1914-1952
    • Subseries 3.1: HIAS naturalization service card files, circa 1914-1952
    • Subseries 3.2: National Council of Jewish Women naturalization service card files, circa 1939-1951
    • Subseries 3.3: Naturalization applications, 1931-1942
    • Subseries 3.4: Naturalization and record of arrival service forms, 1937-1952
    • Subseries 3.5: Name change reports for naturalization services, 1939
    • Subseries 3.6: Petition card files, circa 1924-1937
  • Series 4: Administrative files, 1927-1998, undated (bulk 1952-1986) (Portions restricted)
    • Subseries 4.1: Annual Meeting and special events files, 1952-1995
    • Subseries 4.2: Board of directors and committee meeting files, 1952-1998 (Portions restricted)
    • Subseries 4.3: Cooperating agencies and task force files, 1976-1986, undated
    • Subseries 4.4: Correspondence, 1950-1987
    • Subseries 4.5: Financial files, 1955-1996, undated (Portions restricted)
    • Subseries 4.6: Fundraising and membership files, 1971-1992, undated (Bulk restricted)
    • Subseries 4.7: Monthly case lists and arrival records, 1966-1988 (Restricted)
    • Subseries 4.8: Office files, 1927-1988
    • Subseries 4.9: Statistical reports, 1964-1986
  • Series 5: Southeast Asian refugee resettlement records, 1977-1989 (Portions restricted)
    • Subseries 5.1: Orderly Departure Program (ODP) files, 1979-1986 (Bulk restricted)
    • Subseries 5.2: Southeast Asian Resettlement (SEAR) program records, 1977-1989 (Portions restricted)
  • Series 6: Brief records, 1930-1982 (Restricted)
  • Series 7: Case files, 1930-1988 (Restricted)
  • Series 8: Location service files, 1952-1984 (Restricted)
  • Series 9: Website versions in Archive-It, 2014-2020
  • Series 10: Accession 2018-5 (Portions restricted), 1930-2017
    • Subseries 10.1: Board records, 1930-2015 (Portions restricted)
    • Subseries 10.2: Financial records, 1977-2015 (Portions restricted)
    • Subseries 10.3: Executive director files #1, 1952-2000 (Portions restricted)
    • Subseries 10.4: Executive director files #2, 1955-2017 (Portions restricted)
    • Subseries 10.5: SERICC / PICC, 1998-2004
    • Subseries 10.6: Arrival records, 1975-1991 (Portions restricted)
    • Subseries 10.7: Events, 2003-2015
  • Series 11: Accession 2019-35, 1979-2019 (Portions restricted)
  • Series 12: Microfilm, 1884-1950s

Additions to this collection are expected. Websites are captured using Archive-It periodically, and the latest additions may not yet be included in this finding aid. For information on material–physical and digital, including captured websites–that may have been added since the last finding aid update, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.

Donated by HIAS Pennsylvania in 1985, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2018, and 2019. A portion of the collection previously administered by the Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center, acquired by Temple in June 2009.

The bulk of Series 1 and 2 and all of Subseries 3.1 are available on microfilm, see Series 12. Forty-four of the fifty-five steamship ticket purchase ledgers in Series 1 have been digitized. All of Subseries 1.1: M.L. Blitzstein and Co. and Subseries 1.3: M. Rosenbaum and Co. ledgers, and portions of Subseries 1.2: Pennsylvania Company for Banking and Trusts and Subseries 1.4: Rosenbluth Brothers have been digitized and can be accessed at

The location of nine of the original ledgers from Subseries 1.2 and two of the original ledgers from Subseries 1.3 is unknown. Copies of these ledgers are available on microfilm, in PDF files, or print outs made from microfilm in the repository. Please contact the Special Collections Research Center for more information.

Fifty-two of the fifty-five ledgers in Series 1 were indexed through a collaborative project between the Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center and the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Philadelphia. These indexes are made available via searchable databases through the genealogical websites and

Original audiovisual materials, as well as preservation and duplicating masters, may not be played. Researchers must consult use copies, or if none exist must pay for a use copy. Certain digital files may also be inaccessible. Please contact the Special Collections Research Center for more information.

Collection processed and finding aid prepared in March 2015 by Jenna Marrone, Project Archivist. Initial processing completed by Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center staff. Series 10: Accession 2018-5 minimally processed and finding aid revised in May 2018 by Maya Levy, Student Intern, and Jessica M. Lydon, Associate Archivist. All original boxes from addition to collection were replaced, loose materials placed in folders, and folders in poor condition replaced. Although minimal preservation and organization at the folder level was completed, records were reviewed more thoroughly for any personally identifying or other information requiring restrictions. Series 11: Accession 2019-35 minimally processed and finding aid revised in January 2020 by Jessica M. Lydon, Associate Archivist. Loose materials placed in folders and folders in poor condition replaced.

Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center
Finding Aid Author
Machine-readable finding aid created by: Rajkumar Natarajan, Sky Global Services India (P) Ltd.
Finding Aid Date
July 2024
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research. Some materials in Series 4, 5, 10, and 11 and all materials in Series 6, 7, and 8 are restricted for a period of 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of personally identifiable information, sensitive immigration files, and medical records. All board materials in Subseries 4.2, 10.1 and Series 11 are restricted for 25 years from date of creation. Some files in Series 10 and 11 are restricted for 25 years due to the presence of salary information and staff resumes. Restrictions, where applicable, are noted at the series, box, or file level.

Use Restrictions

The HIAS Pennsylvania Records are the physical property of the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries. The creator has not assigned their rights to Temple University Libraries. Other creators' intellectual property rights, including copyright, belong to them or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible for determining the identity of rights holders and obtaining their permission for publication and for other purposes where stated.

Collection Inventory

Scope and Contents

Series 1: Steamship ticket purchase ledgers, 1890-circa 1950s, contains ledgers created by immigrant banks and steamship ticket agents that served the Philadelphia immigrant community. These ledgers document the purchase of tickets for passage to and from America mostly for the purposes of immigration, but also for leisure and vacation travel. Although the steamship agents represented here predominantly arranged passage for Eastern European Jews, other immigrant communities utilized their services and are represented in these ledgers. HIAS Pennsylvania acquired these ledgers in the 1940s in order to search records of arrivals for clients. The steamship ticket purchase ledgers typically include information such as purchaser name, passenger name and age, ship name, ports of origin and arrival, and dates and ticket number.

This series is arranged into four subseries: Subseries 1.1: M.L. Blitzstein and Co. ledgers and index; Subseries 1.2: Pennsylvania Company for Banking and Trusts ledgers; Subseries 1.3: M. Rosenbaum and Co. ledgers; and Subseries 1.4: Rosenbluth Brothers ledgers.

The bulk of the ledgers have been digitized and are available on the Libraries' website:

Scope and Contents

Subseries 1.1: M.L. Blitzstein and Co. ledgers and index, 1899-circa 1950s, contains steamship ticket purchase ledgers from M.L. Blitzstein and Co., a private bank founded in 1889 by immigrants Anna (Hannah) and Marcus (Moishe) Blitzstein. The bank offered a range of financial services including saving and checking accounts, international money transfers, and the arrangement and sale of steamship tickets. The bank closed in December 1930 after a high number of withdrawals from panicked depositors forced the bank's closure. The Blitzstein steamship ticket purchase ledgers include the following information: ticket number, price, and date of purchase; purchaser name and address; passenger name and age; steamship line and steamer name; and ports of departure and arrival. This subseries also includes a card file index to the ledgers. Information on the cards includes passenger name, the ledger volume and page number of the entry, and in some cases, the entry number. The index card file is arranged alphabetically by passenger's last name. The steamship ledgers are arranged numerically by volume.

Volume 2, June 1899-April 1902.
Box 1
Volume 3, April 1902-December 1903.
Box 1
Volume 4, December 1903-November 1904.
Box 2
Volume 5, November 1904-January 1906.
Box 2
Volume 6, January-August 1906.
Box 3
Volume 7, August 1906-October 1907.
Box 3
Volume 8, October 1907-December 1909.
Box 4
Volume 9, December 1909-January 1911.
Box 4
Volume 10, June 1911-January 1913.
Box 5
Volume 11, January 1913-February 1914.
Box 5
Volume 12, February 1914- December 1921.
Box 6
Volume 13, December 1921-December 1930.
Box 6
Index: Aaninberg-Bereiderman, circa 1950s.
Box 7
Index: Berekan-Bulger, circa 1950s.
Box 8
Index: Bulishnik-Drubitzkie, circa 1950s.
Box 9
Index: Drubitzky-Freeman, circa 1950s.
Box 10
Index: Freese-Goldenzwag, circa 1950s.
Box 11
Index: Golder-Heller, circa 1950s.
Box 12
Index: Hellner-Kasper, circa 1950s.
Box 13
Index: Kasperska-Krakowski, circa 1950s.
Box 14
Index: Krakowskie-Levy, circa 1950s.
Box 15
Index: Lew-Mazirok, circa 1950s.
Box 16
Index: Mazirow-Oleinik, circa 1950s.
Box 17
Index: Olenberg-Rabinowici, circa 1950s.
Box 18
Index: Rabinowitz-Rudoi, circa 1950s.
Box 19
Index: Rudoschewsky-Schparber, circa 1950s.
Box 20
Index: Schperling-Snyder, circa 1950s.
Box 21
Index: Snyderman-Titiewsky, circa 1950s.
Box 22
Index: Titman-Werker, circa 1950s.
Box 23
Index: Werlinsky-Zwonetsky, circa 1950s.
Box 24
Scope and Contents

Subseries 1.2: Pennsylvania Company for Banking and Trusts ledgers, 1906-1948, contains steamship ticket purchase ledgers that were created by a banking concern that changed hands many times over the course of its existence. Most of the ledgers were filled out at the bank's 7th and Girard Avenues branch—an office location that remained throughout the bank's many mergers. The earliest ledgers in this subseries were created by Lipshutz & Wurzel, a railroad and steamship travel ticket agency. In 1915, the company converted to the banking business and was renamed People's Bank. In 1923, they merged with the People's Trust Company. Shortly thereafter, in 1927, People's Bank and Trust merged with the Colonial Trust Company and took its name. In 1930, the Colonial Trust Company merged with The Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities, which became The Pennsylvania Company for Banking and Trusts by 1947. Each entry contains the ticket purchaser's name and address; the passenger's name, age, and address; steamship line and steamer name; departure and landing locations; ticket price and number; and the date of purchase. The early ledgers are prefaced by an index that includes a list of names and the page number or the related entry. This subseries is arranged chronologically by ticket purchase date. Please note that some ledgers dating from 1906 to 1923 are available only in a PDF file, on microfilm, or a print out from microfilm in the repository.

Steamship ticket purchase ledger: Order #101-870, October 1906-October 1907.
Box 25
Physical Description

PDF file, microfilm copy, or print out from microfilm

Steamship ticket purchase ledger: Order #1-120, November 1909-November 1910.
Box 25
Physical Description

PDF file, microfilm copy, or print out from microfilm

Steamship ticket purchase ledger: Order #4161-5382, June 1910-February 1911.
Box 25
Physical Description

PDF file, microfilm copy, or print out from microfilm

Steamship ticket purchase ledger: Order #5383-7436, February 1911-May 1912.
Box 26
Physical Description

PDF file, microfilm copy, or print out from microfilm

Steamship ticket purchase ledger: Order #7437-11637, May 1912-August 1913.
Box 26
Physical Description

PDF file, microfilm copy, or print out from microfilm

Steamship ticket purchase ledger: Order #11638-13197, August 1913-February 1914.
Box 26
Physical Description

PDF file, microfilm copy, or print out from microfilm

Steamship ticket purchase ledger: Order #13198-16023, February 1914-May 1920.
Box 26
Physical Description

PDF file, microfilm copy, or print out from microfilm

Steamship ticket purchase ledger: Order #15992-17795, March 1920-May 1923.
Box 26
Physical Description

PDF file, microfilm copy, or print out from microfilm

Steamship ticket purchase ledger: Order #1-1099, April 1919-June 1923.
Box 26
Physical Description

PDF file, microfilm copy, or print out from microfilm

Steamship ticket purchase ledger, May 1923-December 1924.
Box 27
Steamship ticket purchase ledger, February 1924-December 1926.
Box 28
Steamship ticket purchase ledger, January 1927-December 1928.
Box 29
Steamship ticket purchase ledger, January 1929-December 1931.
Box 30
Steamship ticket purchase ledger, January 1932-December 1936.
Box 31
Steamship ticket purchase ledger, January 1937-December 1938.
Box 32
Steamship ticket purchase ledger, January 1939-December 1948.
Box 33
Scope and Contents

Subseries 1.3: M. Rosenbaum and Co. ledgers, 1890-1934, contains steamship ticket purchase ledgers created by M. Rosenbaum and Co., a private banking firm established in 1885 by Morris Rosenbaum, an Austro-Hungarian immigrant, and his wife, Hannah. Rosenbaum and Co. was located at 603 South 3rd Street and provided foreign exchange services and sold steamship and railroad tickets. In 1930, Morris retired from the private bank, turning operations over to Alexander S. Berkowitz. On December 27, 1934, M. Rosenbaum and Co. was taken over by the State Banking Department after an examination revealed that the bank failed to comply with certain conditions set by the state. The ledger entries contain the ticket number, price, and date of purchase; departure and landing locations; and passenger name. Some entries contain additional information, including the ticket purchaser's name and address. The ledgers also contain passenger indexes that can be found in various locations within the ledgers. The steamship ledgers are arranged numerically by volume.

Volume 1 (includes loose materials removed from ledgers), May 1890-April 1893.
Box 34
Volume 2, April-December 1893.
Box 35
Volume 3, January-December 1894.
Box 35
Volume 4, January-December 1895.
Box 36
Volume 5, January-December 1896.
Box 36
Volume 6, January-December 1897.
Box 36
Volume 7, January-December 1898.
Box 37
Volume 8, January-December 1899.
Box 37
Volume 9, August-December, 1900.
Box 37
Volume 10, January-August, 1900.
Box 38
Volume 11, January-October, 1901.
Box 38
Volume 12, January-October, 1902.
Box 38
Volume 13, January-November, 1903.
Box 39
Volume 14, January-September, 1904.
Box 39
Volume 15, January-December, 1905.
Box 40
Volume 16, September-December 1904, January, 1906.
Box 41
Volume 17, January-September 1906.
Box 41
Volume 18, September 1906-December 1907.
Box 42
Volume 19, December 1907, January 1908-December 1909.
Box 43
Volume 20, January 1910-December 1911.
Box 44
Volume 21, January 1912-December 1913.
Box 45
Volume 22, January 1914-May 1924.
Box 46
Volume 23, June 1924-November 1934.
Box 47
Volume 24, October-December 1901, November-December 1902, November-December 1903.
Box 47
Scope and Contents

Subseries 1.4: Rosenbluth Brothers, 1907-1950, contains steamship ticket purchase ledgers created by Rosenbluth Brothers travel agency. The company was founded in 1892 and initially sold passage between New York and Philadelphia before expanding to include corporate and leisure travel arrangements. The ledgers contain information such as: name and address of the ticket purchaser; date of purchase and ticket price; name, age, and address of the passenger; the booked from and to, steamer line and ship name; date of departure; and ports of departure and arrival. Each ledger is prefaced by an index that includes a list of names and the page number or the related entry. The ledgers are arranged chronologically. Please note that two of the ledgers are available only on microfilm or as print outs from microfilm.

Steamship ticket purchase ledger, May 1907-April 1910.
Box 48
Steamship ticket purchase ledger, April 1922-December 1931.
Box 49 Folder 1
Physical Description

microfilm copy or print out from microfilm only

Steamship ticket purchase ledger, January 1932-March 1950.
Box 49 Folder 2
Physical Description

microfilm copy or print out from microfilm only

Index, 1907-1910.
Box 49 Folder 3
Index, 1922-1950.
Box 49 Folder 4

Scope and Contents

Series 2: Arrival records and port of entry card files, 1884-circa1950s, contains ships passenger list ledgers and index card files that record information on Jewish immigrants who arrived at the Philadelphia port from 1884-1945. These records were produced both by HIAS and the National Council of Jewish Women. Importantly, this series also includes an index of all immigrants whose arrival was recorded by HIAS.

Series 2 is organized into six subseries: Subseries 2.1: Arrival records for the years 1884-1952; Subseries 2.2: Ship passenger list ledgers; Subseries 2.3: HIAS port of entry card files, Subseries 2.4: National Council of Jewish Women port of entry card files, Subseries 2.5: Detainee card files, and Subseries 2.6: Landing verification cards.

Scope and Contents

Subseries 2.1: Compiled arrival records for the years 1884-1952, circa 1950s, contains an index of the HIAS's accumulated immigrant arrival records. The indexes include information such as: immigrant name, age, gender, nationality, date of immigration, and ship name. Some listings also include notes on the immigrant's final destination. Most of the copies are oversize ledgers, though some letters are printouts from microfilm. Within each index, entries are listed first chronologically by date of arrival, and then alphabetically by immigrant's last name. The arrival record indexes are arranged alphabetically.

A, circa 1950s.
Box 50
B, circa 1950s.
Box 51
C-D, circa 1950s.
Box 52
E-F, circa 1950s.
Box 53
G, circa 1950s.
Box 54
H,I,J, circa 1950s.
Box 55
K,L,M, circa 1950s.
Box 56
N,O,P,Q, circa 1950s.
Box 57
R, circa 1950s.
Box 58
S-Z, circa 1950s.
Box 59
Scope and Contents

Subseries 2.2: Ship passenger list ledgers, 1884-1921, contains fifteen ledgers kept by HIAS, first as the Association of Jewish Immigrants, and later as the Association for the Protection of Jewish Immigrants. The ledgers record the arrival of Jewish immigrants into the Philadelphia port between 1884-1921. The bulk of the ledgers contain some or all of the following information: passenger name, age, gender, nationality, and occupation; date of arrival and ship name; and final destination. Some ledgers include notes on financial assistance given to the immigrant. The first ledger in this subseries is unique in that it records information on immigrants who made use of the association's temporary lodging house, including the number of meals consumed and nights stayed. The second ledger contains notes for a report to the board of directors written by Moses Klein, the association's port representative. Although the ledgers extend to 1921, researchers interested in post-1914 arrival records are encouraged to check Subseries 2.3: HIAS port of entry card files, for more complete records. The ledgers in this subseries are arranged chronologically.

Volume 1 (Lodging), November 1884-March 1887.
Box 60
Volume 2 (includes board reports), November 1886-October 1887.
Box 61
Volume 3, November 1887-June 1891.
Box 62
Volume 4, June 1891-February 1892.
Box 63
Volume 5, March 1892-August 1893.
Box 64
Volume 6, August 1893-December 1894.
Box 65
Volume 7, January 1895-April 1898.
Box 66
Volume 8, April 1898-July 1901.
Box 67
Volume 9, August 1901-May 1903.
Box 68
Volume 10, May 1903-April 1905.
Box 69
Volume 11 (includes loose materials removed from ledgers), April 1905-September 1909.
Box 70
Volume 12, October 1909-March 1912.
Box 71
Volume 13 (includes loose materials removed from ledgers), April 1912-September 1913.
Box 72
Volume 14, January-June 1913.
Box 73
Volume 15, July-December 1913, January 1915-August 1921.
Box 73
Scope and Contents

Subseries 2.3: HIAS port of entry card files, circa 1913-1945 contains HIAS's records on arriving immigrants. The card files represent a continuation of ship passenger list ledgers. Though most cards were created when an immigrant arrived in Philadelphia, there are some records that were created by HIAS in New York. Information recorded on the cards includes the immigrant's name, age, and occupation; last permanent residence and final destination; steamer name, date of arrival, and the number of people in their party. The cards also indicate an immigrant's financial situation and literacy skills. The cards are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the immigrant. Please note that the cards have been maintained in their original order and may not be strictly alphabetized. Port cards with limited information, as well as carbon copies of original cards, can be found at the end of the series.

Abramson-Burgin, circa 1913-1945.
Box 74
Burland-Fcheles, circa 1913-1945.
Box 75
Feder-Golar, circa 1913-1945.
Box 76
Gold-Irsshanskaja, circa 1913-1945.
Box 77
Isaacstein-Klotz, circa 1913-1945.
Box 78
Klugfeld-Leyman, circa 1913-1945.
Box 79
Liachowitzki-Myackin, circa 1913-1945.
Box 80
Myamacher-Rabuchima, circa 1913-1945.
Box 81
Rachek-Scheines, circa 1913-1945.
Box 82
Scheinfeld-Sokolinsky, circa 1913-1945.
Box 83
Sokolovsky-Wattman, circa 1913-1945.
Box 84
Watsarman-Zywica, circa 1913-1945.
Box 85
General, no date or ship, circa 1913-1945.
Box 85
General, no date or ship, circa 1913-1945.
Box 87
Carbon copies, circa 1913-1945.
Box 86
Scope and Contents

Subseries 2.4: National Council of Jewish Women port of entry and face card files, circa 1911-1947, contains the council's records on Jewish immigrants arriving in Philadelphia. Many of these card files were created at the Philadelphia office, though if an immigrant arrived at the New York port, the record was created by the New York branch and sent down. In these cases, the Philadelphia branch of the council's Bureau of Service to Foreign Born was responsible for paying a "welcome call" on the new residents. The NCJW port of entry card files differ from those created by HIAS in that many are face cards, a common 1920s social service method for recording summary information about clients. As a result, in addition to the standard arrival information, the face cards also include narrative information about the agency's interaction with the client. Cards are arranged alphabetically by immigrant's last name. Please note that the cards have been maintained in their original order and may not be strictly alphabetized.

Aptekir-Brody, circa 1911-1947.
Box 87
Brojdo-Gitonirskaya, circa 1911-1947.
Box 88
Ghitmad-Laska, circa 1911-1947.
Box 89
Laskowa-Primus, circa 1911-1947.
Box 90
Pronman-Sommerfeld, circa 1911-1947.
Box 91
Sonerfeld-Zywica, circa 1911-1947.
Box 92
Scope and Contents

Subseries 2.5: Detainee card files, 1913-1943, contains one box of index cards that document cases of immigrants detained at the Philadelphia port. The cards contain such information as: immigrant name, date or arrival, destination, reason for detention, and case resolution. As noted on the cards, immigrants were detained for many reasons, including sickness, insufficient funds, and because they were not claimed by an American sponsor at the port. Immigrants were also sometimes detained on suspicion of mental illness or illiteracy, and were listed as liable to become a public charge (LPC). Though most of the cases in this subseries were resolved and the immigrant released, there are some instances of deportation. The cards do not contain narrative information, but rather include brief notes on the detention case. The cards are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the detainee.

Detainee card files, 1913-1943.
Box 93
Scope and Contents

Subseries 2.6: Landing verification cards, 1913-1921, contain information gathered in order to verify an immigrant's arrival in the United States. Information collected on the cards includes the immigrant's name, address, nationality, date of arrival, port of debarkation, and steamer name. The information on the cards was then sent to the HIAS branch affiliate closest to the port of debarkation for verification. Some cards note whether arrival could be verified. The cards are arranged alphabetically by immigrant's last name.

Landing verification cards, 1913-1921.
Box 94

Scope and Contents

Series 3: Naturalization forms and service card files, circa 1914-1952, contains files on clients who requested naturalization assistance from HIAS and the National Council of Jewish Women. The series contains client card files, naturalization applications, naturalization service forms, client name change reports, and petition cards. This series has been organized into six subseries: Subseries 3.1: HIAS naturalization service card files; Subseries 3.2: National Council of Jewish Women naturalization service card files; Subseries 3.3: Naturalization applications, Subseries 3.4: Naturalization and record of arrival service forms; Subseries 3.5: Name change reports for naturalization services; and Subseries 3.6: Petition card files.

Scope and Contents

Subseries 3.1: HIAS naturalization service card files, circa 1914-1952, contain HIAS's records on clients who utilized their services in the naturalization process. Each index card contains narrative information that may include the immigrant's current name, former name, and address; names of parents and children, birth dates, children's birth dates, wedding date, hometown, and date of application. The cards are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the client. Please note that if an immigrant changed his or her last name, the files are alphabetized according to the chosen name.

Aaron-Berezovsky, circa 1914-1939.
Box 95
Berg-Cartun, circa 1914-1939.
Box 96
Caselman-Dezure, circa 1914-1939.
Box 97
Diamond-Fleischman, circa 1914-1939.
Box 98
Fleisher-Gnepp, circa 1914-1939.
Box 99
Goald-Gruber, circa 1914-1939.
Box 100
Gruberg-Katransky, circa 1914-1939.
Box 101
Katz-Kupelnik, circa 1914-1939.
Box 102
Kuperman-Logvinsky, circa 1914-1939.
Box 103
Loheit-Mortin, circa 1914-1939.
Box 104
Morton-Podolnick, circa 1914-1939.
Box 105
Podolsky-Rosenthal, circa 1914-1939.
Box 106
Rosenzweig-Sefres, circa 1914-1939.
Box 107
Segal-Sinetsky, circa 1914-1939.
Box 108
Singer-Stuckenman, circa 1914-1939.
Box 109
Stucker-Weinstein, circa 1914-1939.
Box 110
Weinstock-Zyla, circa 1914-1939.
Box 111
First papers, A-Z, 1940-1952.
Box 112
Second Papers A-H, 1940-1952.
Box 112
Second papers I-Z, 1940-1952.
Box 113
Scope and Contents

Subseries 3.2: National Council of Jewish Women naturalization service card files, circa 1939-1951, contain the council's files on immigrants who utilized their assistance throughout the naturalization process. Information on the cards includes the client's current name as well as name upon arrival; steamer name, port name, and date of arrival; current address, occupation, birth date, birthplace, parents' names, and spouse and children's names. The cards also indicate which action the client is taking in the two-step naturalization process; filing either "first" papers, the declaration of intent to naturalize, or "second" papers, the formal naturalization petition. The cards are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the client.

Aaron-Bryer, circa 1939-1951.
Box 114
Buchak-Fischhof, circa 1939-1951.
Box 115
Fischl-Gwiszcz, circa 1939-1951.
Box 116
Haas-Keyser, circa 1939-1951.
Box 117
Kiefsky-Manus, circa 1939-1951.
Box 118
Marcus-Philipp, circa 1939-1951.
Box 119
Pia-Schloss, circa 1939-1951.
Box 120
Schmerling-Strauss, circa 1939-1951.
Box 121
Streichers-Zwicker, circa 1939-1951.
Box 122
Scope and Contents

Subseries 3.3: Naturalization applications, 1931-1942, contains forms that represent the first step in applying for citizenship. Entitled the "Application for a Certificate of Arrival and Preliminary Form for Petition for Citizenship," the form provides information necessary to filing a petition for naturalization. Interspersed in this series are related forms, such as applications for derivative citizenship, alien registration, re-entry permits, and an application to replace a lost or stolen naturalization form. This series is arranged alphabetically by immigrant's last name.

A, 1932-1939.
Box 123 Folder 1
Bae-Bau, 1932-1939.
Box 123 Folder 2
Bea-Bet, 1931-1939.
Box 123 Folder 3
Bi-Bl, 1934-1938.
Box 123 Folder 4
Bob-Bor, 1933-1939.
Box 123 Folder 5
Bra-Bro, 1932-1939.
Box 123 Folder 6
Bu, 1931-1939.
Box 123 Folder 7
Ca-Cl, 1932-1939.
Box 123 Folder 8
Co-Cu, 1932-1939.
Box 123 Folder 9
Da-Dl, 1931-1939.
Box 123 Folder 10
Do-Dz, 1932-1939.
Box 123 Folder 11
E, 1932-1940.
Box 123 Folder 12
Fa-Fi, 1932-1940.
Box 123 Folder 13
Fl-Fr, 1931-1939.
Box 124 Folder 1
Ga-Gi, 1932-1939.
Box 124 Folder 2
Gla-Gol, 1932-1939.
Box 124 Folder 3
Gom-Got, 1931-1939.
Box 124 Folder 4
Gr-Gu, 1932-1939.
Box 124 Folder 5
Ha-He, 1933-1939.
Box 124 Folder 6
Hi-Hy, 1933-1939.
Box 124 Folder 7
I, 1932-1939.
Box 124 Folder 8
J, 1932-1938.
Box 124 Folder 9
Kah-Kas, 1931-1938.
Box 124 Folder 10
Kat-Kis, 1932-1939.
Box 124 Folder 11
Kl-Kop, 1932-1939.
Box 124 Folder 12
Kor-Ku, 1931-1939.
Box 125 Folder 1
La, 1933-1939.
Box 125 Folder 2
Le, 1932-1939.
Box 125 Folder 3
Li-Lo, 1931-1939.
Box 125 Folder 4
Lu-Ly, 1933-1939.
Box 125 Folder 5
Ma, 1932-1940.
Box 125 Folder 6
Mc, 1932-1939.
Box 125 Folder 7
Me-Mi, 1931-1939.
Box 125 Folder 8
Mo-My, 1931-1938.
Box 125 Folder 9
Na-Nj, 1932-1939.
Box 125 Folder 10
O, 1934-1939.
Box 125 Folder 11
Pa-Pe, 1932-1939.
Box 125 Folder 12
Ph-Pu, 1931-1939.
Box 125 Folder 13
Ra-Ri, 1932-1939.
Box 126 Folder 1
Rob-Ros, 1931-1939.
Box 126 Folder 2
Rot-Ru, 1932-1938.
Box 126 Folder 3
Sa-Sca, 1931-1939.
Box 126 Folder 4
Sch-Sh, 1931-1940.
Box 126 Folder 5
Se-Sr, 1931-1939.
Box 126 Folder 6
Sta-V, 1931-1940.
Box 126 Folder 7
W, 1931-1942.
Box 127 Folder 1
X-Z, 1932-1939.
Box 127 Folder 2
Scope and Contents

Subseries 3.4: Naturalization and record of arrival service forms, 1937-1952, includes internal forms filled out in the course of providing naturalization services. Clients inquired after the status of their naturalization application or requested the agency's assistance in obtaining copies of birth records and marriage certificates, as well as record of arrival information. This subseries is arranged chronologically by date of the form, and then alphabetically by client's last name.

A-F, 1937-1938.
Box 127 Folder 3
G-O, 1937-1938.
Box 127 Folder 4
P-Z, 1937-1938.
Box 127 Folder 5
A-Z, 1949.
Box 127 Folder 6
A-Z, 1950.
Box 127 Folder 7
A-H, 1951.
Box 128 Folder 1
K-R, 1951.
Box 128 Folder 2
S-Z, 1951.
Box 128 Folder 3
A-J, 1952.
Box 128 Folder 4
K-R, 1952.
Box 128 Folder 5
S-Z, 1952.
Box 128 Folder 6
Scope and Contents

Subseries 3.5: Name change reports for naturalization services, 1939, contains print-out files on clients whose names had changed since entering the United States. The files contain information that is not contextualized although some are interspersed with service applications. This series is arranged alphabetically by the client's most recent last name.

A-B, 1939.
Box 128 Folder 7
C-E, 1939.
Box 128 Folder 8
F-H, 1939.
Box 128 Folder 9
J-L, 1939.
Box 129 Folder 1
M-R, 1939.
Box 129 Folder 2
S, 1939.
Box 129 Folder 3
T-Z, 1939.
Box 129 Folder 4
General: derivative citizenship, 1939.
Box 129 Folder 5
Scope and Contents

Subseries 3.6: Petition card files, circa 1924-1937, contains index card files recording information about naturalized citizens who petition for family members to be allowed legally to immigrate to the United States. The cards include the petitioner's name and address, as well as the potential immigrant's name, age, location, and relationship to the petitioner. The cards also include the petitioner's naturalization number, as well as the date and location of naturalization. The cards are arranged alphabetically by petitioner's last name.

Petition card files, circa 1924-1937.
Box 130

Scope and Contents

Series 4: Administrative files, 1927-1998, undated (bulk 1952-1986), contains the organizational records of HIAS and Council Migration Service. Materials include correspondence, financial reports, fundraising files, meeting minutes, and project files. Almost all of the materials post-date the 1952 merger of HIAS and the Philadelphia branch of the National Council of Jewish Women's Bureau of Service to Foreign Born.

Scope and Contents

Subseries 4.1: Annual Meeting and special events files, 1952-1995, contains materials relating to HIAS Pennsylvania's annual luncheon meetings, fundraisers, and gala events. Materials include correspondence, invitation lists, and related planning materials, as well as material from the events, including lists of attendees, programs, and speech transcripts. This subseries is organized alphabetically by event title, and then chronologically.

100th Anniversary Gala, 1982.
Box 131 Folder 1
100th Anniversary Gala, 1982.
Box 131 Folder 2
Annual Meeting, 1952.
Box 131 Folder 3
Annual Meeting, 1954.
Box 131 Folder 4
Annual Meeting, 1955.
Box 131 Folder 5
Annual Meeting, 1956.
Box 131 Folder 6
Annual Meeting, 1957.
Box 131 Folder 7
Annual Meeting, 1958.
Box 131 Folder 8
Annual Meeting, 1961.
Box 131 Folder 9
Annual Meeting, 1963.
Box 131 Folder 10
Annual Meeting, 1973.
Box 131 Folder 11
Annual Meeting, 1975.
Box 131 Folder 12
Annual Meeting, 1976.
Box 131 Folder 13
Annual Meeting, 1977.
Box 131 Folder 14
Annual Meeting, 1978.
Box 131 Folder 15
Annual Meeting, 1979.
Box 131 Folder 16
Annual Meeting, 1980.
Box 131 Folder 17
Annual Meeting, 1981.
Box 131 Folder 18
Annual Meeting, 1983.
Box 131 Folder 19
Annual Meeting, 1984.
Box 131 Folder 20
Annual Meeting, 1985.
Box 131 Folder 21
Annual Meeting, 1986.
Box 132 Folder 1
Annual Meeting, 1987.
Box 132 Folder 2
Annual Meeting, 1991.
Box 132 Folder 3
Annual Meeting, 1995.
Box 132 Folder 4
Benefit Concert, 1979.
Box 132 Folder 5
Naturalization ceremonies, 1985-1986.
Box 132 Folder 6
Thanksgiving Cocktail Reception Fundraiser, 1977.
Box 132 Folder 7
Scope and Contents

Subseries 4.2: Board of directors and committee meeting files, 1952-1998, contains correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports generated by HIAS and Council Migration Service's committees. In addition to the board of directors, this subseries also includes materials from committees such as the Case Committee, the Executive Committee, the Legislative Committee, the Nominating Committee, and the Program Committee. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by committee name, and then chronologically.

Portions of Subseries 4.2 are restricted, as noted at the file level.

Arrangements Committee: meeting minutes and member lists, 1957-1967.
Box 132 Folder 8
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1952-1959.
Box 132 Folder 9
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1960-1970.
Box 132 Folder 10
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1960-1970.
Box 132 Folder 11
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1974-1975.
Box 132 Folder 12
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1976-1977.
Box 132 Folder 13
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1977-1978.
Box 133 Folder 1
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1978-1979.
Box 133 Folder 2
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1979-1980.
Box 133 Folder 3
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1980-1981.
Box 133 Folder 4
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1981-1982.
Box 133 Folder 5
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1982-1983.
Box 133 Folder 6
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1983-1984.
Box 133 Folder 7
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1984-1985.
Box 133 Folder 8
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1984-1985.
Box 133 Folder 9
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1986-1987.
Box 133 Folder 10
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1987-1988.
Box 134 Folder 1
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1988-1989.
Box 134 Folder 2
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1989-1990.
Box 134 Folder 3
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1990-1991.
Box 134 Folder 4
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1991-1992.
Box 134 Folder 5
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports (Restricted), 1992-1993.
Box 134 Folder 6
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports (Restricted), 1993-1994.
Box 134 Folder 7
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports (Restricted), 1994-1995.
Box 134 Folder 8
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports (Restricted), 1995-1996.
Box 134 Folder 9
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports (Restricted), 1996-1997.
Box 134 Folder 10
Board of directors: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports (Restricted), 1997-1998.
Box 134 Folder 11
Board of directors: lists of members and officers, 1955-1967.
Box 134 Folder 12
Board of directors: lists of members and officers, 1968-1975.
Box 134 Folder 13
Board of directors: lists of members and officers, 1976-1986, undated.
Box 134 Folder 14
Board of directors: new board orientation packets, 1977-1983.
Box 134 Folder 15
Budget Committee: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1983-1985.
Box 135 Folder 1
By-Laws Committee: correspondence, 1982-1984, 1991.
Box 135 Folder 2
Case Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1958-1964.
Box 135 Folder 3
Case Committee: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1974-1981.
Box 135 Folder 4
Case Committee: correspondence and reports, 1983-1985.
Box 135 Folder 5
Citizenship Committee: correspondence, 1983.
Box 135 Folder 6
Executive Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1954-1970.
Box 135 Folder 7
Executive Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1975-1984.
Box 135 Folder 8
Fee Charging Committee: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1956-1963.
Box 135 Folder 9
Finance Committee: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1957-1962.
Box 135 Folder 10
Fundraising Committee: correspondence (Restricted), 1993.
Box 136 Folder 1
House Committee: correspondence and reports, 1963-1967.
Box 136 Folder 2
Legal Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1958-1962.
Box 136 Folder 3
Legislative Committee: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1960, 1976-1982.
Box 136 Folder 4
Membership Committee: member lists, 1964-1967.
Box 136 Folder 5
Nominating Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1954-1969.
Box 136 Folder 6
Nominating Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1976-1982.
Box 136 Folder 7
Nominating Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1983-1985.
Box 136 Folder 8
Office Property Committee: correspondence and reports, 1959-1960.
Box 136 Folder 9
Oral History Committee: correspondence, 1985.
Box 136 Folder 10
Orientation and Integration Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1964-1970.
Box 136 Folder 11
Personnel Committee: correspondence, 1958-1985.
Box 136 Folder 12
Planning Committee: correspondence, 1983.
Box 136 Folder 13
Program Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1976-1985.
Box 136 Folder 14
Public Relations Committee: correspondence, 1966-1969, 1983-1986.
Box 136 Folder 15
Reception Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1976.
Box 136 Folder 16
Search Committee: agenda, correspondence, and notes, 1982.
Box 136 Folder 17
Southeast Asian Committee: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1983-1988.
Box 136 Folder 18
Synagogue Appeal Committee: correspondence, 1958-1963.
Box 136 Folder 19
Volunteer Services Committee: reports, 1956-1967.
Box 136 Folder 20
Ways and Means Committee: correspondence and meeting minutes, 1964-1968.
Box 136 Folder 21
General: lists of committee members, circa 1979-1985.
Box 136 Folder 22
General: lists of committee members, circa 1979-1985.
Box 136 Folder 23
Scope and Contents

Subseries 4.3: Cooperating agencies and task force files, 1976-1986, undated, includes correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, and planning materials from HIAS and Council Migration Service's involvement with similar organizations. HIAS also participated in special meetings and task forces organized to discuss Philadelphia's immigrant communities. In addition to the national HIAS organization, this subseries also includes material from the Association of Jewish Agency Executives, the Federation of Jewish Agencies of Greater Philadelphia Task Force on Resettlement, the Golden Slipper Club, and the Southeast Asian Refugee Task Force of Greater Philadelphia, among others. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by agency name, and then chronologically.

Association of Jewish Agency Executives: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1983-1986.
Box 137 Folder 1
Association of Jewish Agency Executives: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1983-1986.
Box 137 Folder 2
Cooperating agencies: Cooperative Agreement, 1984-1985.
Box 137 Folder 3
Federation of Jewish Agencies of Greater Philadelphia, Task Force on Resettlement: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1979-1982.
Box 137 Folder 4
Golden Slipper Club: Operation Russian Relocation (ORR), 1982.
Box 137 Folder 5
HIAS (National): correspondence and reports, 1983-1985.
Box 137 Folder 6
HIAS (National): correspondence and reports, 1983-1985.
Box 137 Folder 7
HIAS (National) committees: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1978-1979.
Box 137 Folder 8
HIAS (National) committees: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1980-1981.
Box 137 Folder 9
Jewish Employment and Vocational Services (JEVS) contact information, undated.
Box 138 Folder 1
Jewish Family Service (JFS): agenda, correspondence, and meeting minutes, 1976.
Box 138 Folder 2
Refugee Assistance Program (RAP): correspondence and reports, 1980-1982.
Box 138 Folder 3
Refugee Assistance Program (RAP): forms, 1982.
Box 138 Folder 4
Refugee Services Consortium: memoranda and research files, circa 1982.
Box 138 Folder 5
Refugee Task Force: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1983.
Box 138 Folder 6
Southeast Asian Refugee Task Force of Greater Philadelphia: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1978-1982.
Box 138 Folder 7
Southeast Asian Refugee Task Force of Greater Philadelphia: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1978-1982.
Box 138 Folder 8
Special Meeting on Indochinese Naturalization: meeting minutes and reports, 1979-1980.
Box 138 Folder 9
Special Meeting on Loans and Grants to Soviet Immigrants: correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1976.
Box 138 Folder 10
Scope and Contents

Subseries 4.4: Correspondence, 1950-1987, contains general correspondence, as well as staff memoranda and correspondence with board presidents Ken Kaiserman and Sonnie Crane. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by the type of correspondence, and then chronologically.

Cables regarding ship arrivals and passenger lists, 1951.
Box 138 Folder 11
Correspondence, general, 1950-1969.
Box 138 Folder 12
Correspondence, general, 1976.
Box 139 Folder 1
Correspondence, general, 1977.
Box 139 Folder 2
Correspondence, general, 1982.
Box 139 Folder 3
Correspondence, general, 1983.
Box 139 Folder 4
Correspondence, general, 1983.
Box 139 Folder 5
Correspondence, general, 1984.
Box 139 Folder 6
Correspondence, general, 1985.
Box 139 Folder 7
Correspondence regarding office lease, 1510 Chestnut Street, 1977-1982.
Box 139 Folder 8
Correspondence regarding Soviet Jewish resettlement quota, 1977-1978.
Box 139 Folder 9
Correspondence with Crane, Sonnie, 1984-1987.
Box 139 Folder 10
Correspondence with Kaiserman, Kenneth, 1976-1977.
Box 139 Folder 11
Staff memoranda, 1972.
Box 139 Folder 12
Scope and Contents

Subseries 4.5: Financial files (Portions restricted), 1955-1996, undated, contains materials related to HIAS and Council's yearly budget, as well as financial reports, operating statements, and general ledgers. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by type of material, and then chronologically.

Some materials in Subseries 4.5 are restricted for a period of 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of employee files and donation information. Restrictions are noted at the file level.

Allied Jewish Appeal contributions (Restricted), 1983-1983.
Box 140 Folder 1
Balance sheets, 1981-1982.
Box 140 Folder 2
Bequests, 1955-1980.
Box 140 Folder 3
Block Grant: budget, 1982.
Box 140 Folder 4
Block Grant: correspondence, 1978-1982.
Box 140 Folder 5
Block Grant: correspondence, 1978-1982.
Box 140 Folder 6
Block Grant: employee activity reports (Restricted), 1983.
Box 140 Folder 7
Block Grant: expenses (Restricted), 1978-1980.
Box 140 Folder 8
Block Grant: forms, undated.
Box 140 Folder 9
Block Grant: monthly expenditure reports, 1978-1982.
Box 140 Folder 10
Block Grant: quarterly program reports, 1978-1986.
Box 140 Folder 11
Bookkeeping information, undated.
Box 140 Folder 12
Budget, 1965-1970.
Box 141 Folder 1
Budget, 1970-1971.
Box 141 Folder 2
Budget, 1971-1972.
Box 141 Folder 3
Budget, 1972-1973.
Box 141 Folder 4
Budget, 1973-1974.
Box 141 Folder 5
Budget, 1974-1975.
Box 141 Folder 6
Budget, 1975-1976.
Box 141 Folder 7
Budget, 1976-1977.
Box 141 Folder 8
Budget, 1977-1978.
Box 141 Folder 9
Budget, 1978-1979.
Box 141 Folder 10
Budget, 1979-1980.
Box 141 Folder 11
Budget, 1980-1981.
Box 142 Folder 1
Budget, 1981-1982.
Box 142 Folder 2
Budget, 1982-1983.
Box 142 Folder 3
Budget, 1983-1984.
Box 142 Folder 4
Budget, 1983-1984.
Box 142 Folder 5
Budget, 1984-1985.
Box 142 Folder 6
Budget, 1985-1986.
Box 143 Folder 1
Budget, 1985-1986.
Box 143 Folder 2
Business Development in Refugee Communities Grant: correspondence and research materials, 1982.
Box 143 Folder 3
Cash receipts and disbursements, 1973-1975.
Box 160 Folder 6
Cash receipts and disbursements, 1993-1994.
Box 160 Folder 5
Contributions (Restricted), 1967-1984.
Box 143 Folder 4
Contributions (Restricted), 1967-1984.
Box 143 Folder 5
Contributions (Restricted), 1985-1990.
Box 143 Folder 6
Contributions: Soviet Resettlement Program (Restricted), 1981-1982.
Box 143 Folder 7
Federation of Jewish Agencies (FJA) allocations, 1975, 1986-1989.
Box 143 Folder 8
Federation of Jewish Agencies (FJA) prospect record, 1982.
Box 160 Folder 4
Fee scales, 1975-1982.
Box 143 Folder 9
Financial reports, 1989.
Box 144 Folder 1
Financial reports, 1990.
Box 144 Folder 2
Financial reports, 1991.
Box 144 Folder 3
Financial statements, 1971-1977.
Box 144 Folder 4
Financial statements, 1978-1983.
Box 144 Folder 5
Financial statements, 1984-1990.
Box 144 Folder 6
General ledger, January-August 1978.
Box 144 Folder 7
General ledger, 1978-1979.
Box 144 Folder 8
General ledger, September-December 1979.
Box 144 Folder 9
General ledger, 1981-1982.
Box 145 Folder 1
General ledger, 1981-1982.
Box 145 Folder 2
General ledger, 1981-1982.
Box 145 Folder 3
General ledger, 1982-1983.
Box 145 Folder 4
General ledger, 1982-1983.
Box 145 Folder 5
General ledger, 1983-1984.
Box 146 Folder 1
General ledger, 1983-1984.
Box 146 Folder 2
General ledger, 1984-1985.
Box 146 Folder 3
General ledger, 1985-1986.
Box 146 Folder 4
General ledger, 1986-1987.
Box 147 Folder 1
General ledger, month-to-date, December 1989.
Box 147 Folder 2
General ledger, month-to-date, January 1991.
Box 147 Folder 3
General ledger, month-to-date, March 1991.
Box 147 Folder 4
General ledger, year-to-date, August 1987.
Box 147 Folder 5
General ledger, year-to-date, March 1988.
Box 147 Folder 6
General ledger, year-to-date, August 1989.
Box 147 Folder 7
General ledger, year-to-date, August 1990.
Box 147 Folder 8
General ledger, year-to-date, July 1991.
Box 147 Folder 9
General ledger, year-to-date, August 1992.
Box 147 Folder 10
Ledger: income from fees, contributions, and interest (Restricted), 1973-1980.
Box 147 Folder 11
Matching Grant report forms, 1987.
Box 147 Folder 12
Memoranda regarding emergency maintenance assistance funds (Restricted), 1990.
Box 147 Folder 13
Memoranda regarding maintenance assistance for refugee resettlement (Restricted), 1994.
Box 147 Folder 14
Memoranda regarding maintenance assistance for refugee resettlement (Restricted), 1995.
Box 148 Folder 1
Memoranda regarding maintenance assistance for refugee resettlement (Restricted), 1996.
Box 148 Folder 2
Monthly financial reports, 1975-1979.
Box 148 Folder 3
Operating statements, 1982.
Box 148 Folder 4
Project Workup: correspondence and budget, 1980.
Box 148 Folder 5
Quarterly budget reports, 1981-1986.
Box 148 Folder 6
Reception and placement grants correspondence, 1988.
Box 148 Folder 7
Revolving account, 1982.
Box 148 Folder 8
Revolving fund ledger (Restricted), 1977-1980.
Box 148 Folder 9
Soviet Jewish Self Help Project grant: correspondence and research material, 1981-1982.
Box 148 Folder 10
Tax audits, 1983-1989.
Box 149 Folder 1
Tax returns, 1973-1985.
Box 149 Folder 2
United Way contributions (Restricted), 1983-1988.
Box 149 Folder 3
Scope and Contents

Some materials in Subseries 4.6 are restricted for a period of 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of donation information. Restrictions are noted at the file level.

Subseries 4.6: Fundraising and membership files (Bulk restricted), 1971-1992, undated, contains materials created for HIAS and Council's fundraising efforts. In addition to fundraising campaign letters, it also contains donor lists and correspondence related to membership in both HIAS and Council and the National HIAS organization. This subseries is organized alphabetically by type of material, and then chronologically.

Audiocassette tape, fundraising message, 1983.
Box 149 Folder 4
Board "In & Out" report (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 160 Folder 8
Donor lists (Restricted), 1990-1992.
Box 149 Folder 5
Fundraising campaign: Passport to Freedom (Restricted), 1980.
Box 149 Folder 6
Fundraising letter and fact sheet, undated.
Box 149 Folder 7
Fundraising mail campaign (Restricted), 1976.
Box 149 Folder 8
Fundraising mail campaign (Restricted), 1977.
Box 149 Folder 9
Fundraising mailing lists (Restricted), 1970s-1980s.
Box 149 Folder 10
HIAS (National) annual membership campaign (Restricted), 1971-1978.
Box 150 Folder 1
Membership dues (Restricted), 1974-1975.
Box 150 Folder 2
Scope and Contents

Subseries 4.7 is restricted for a period of 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of personally identifiable information and sensitive immigration records.

Subseries 4.7: Monthly case lists and arrival records (Restricted), 1966-1988, contains HIAS and Council Migration Service's summary records of client interaction. Monthly case lists include intake information, such as client name, country of origin, and the service requested. The arrival records list the names of immigrants arriving in Philadelphia, the number of people in their family, and nationality. This subseries also includes the itineraries of arriving immigrants, including the name, ages and relationship of the arriving immigrants, the name and address of the sponsoring family member, and the time and place the family is meeting. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by type of material, and then chronologically.

Monthly arrival lists (Restricted), 1980-1982.
Box 150 Folder 3
Monthly case lists (Restricted), January-April 1980.
Box 150 Folder 4
Monthly case lists (Restricted), May-July 1980.
Box 150 Folder 5
Monthly case lists (Restricted), August-October 1980.
Box 150 Folder 6
Monthly case lists (Restricted), November-December 1980.
Box 150 Folder 7
Monthly case lists (Restricted), January-March 1981.
Box 151 Folder 1
Monthly case lists (Restricted), April-June 1981.
Box 151 Folder 2
Monthly case lists (Restricted), July-September 1981.
Box 151 Folder 3
Monthly case lists (Restricted), October-December 1981.
Box 151 Folder 4
Monthly case lists (Restricted), January-March 1982.
Box 151 Folder 5
Monthly case lists (Restricted), April-June 1982.
Box 151 Folder 6
Monthly case lists (Restricted), July-September 1982.
Box 151 Folder 7
Monthly case lists (Restricted), October-December 1982.
Box 151 Folder 8
Monthly case lists (Restricted), January-March 1983.
Box 151 Folder 9
Monthly case lists (Restricted), April-June 1983.
Box 151 Folder 10
Monthly case lists (Restricted), July-September 1983.
Box 152 Folder 1
Monthly case lists (Restricted), October-December 1983.
Box 152 Folder 2
Monthly case lists (Restricted), January-March 1984.
Box 152 Folder 3
Monthly case lists (Restricted), April-June 1984.
Box 152 Folder 4
Monthly case lists (Restricted), July-September 1984.
Box 152 Folder 5
Monthly case lists (Restricted), October-December 1984.
Box 152 Folder 6
Monthly case lists (Restricted), January-March 1985.
Box 152 Folder 7
Monthly case lists (Restricted), April-June 1985.
Box 152 Folder 8
Monthly case lists (Restricted), July-September 1985.
Box 153 Folder 1
Monthly case lists (Restricted), October-December 1985.
Box 153 Folder 2
Monthly case lists (Restricted), January-March 1986.
Box 153 Folder 3
Monthly case lists (Restricted), April-June 1986.
Box 153 Folder 4
Monthly case lists (Restricted), July-September 1986.
Box 153 Folder 5
Monthly case lists (Restricted), October-December 1986.
Box 153 Folder 6
Monthly case lists (Restricted), January-June 1987.
Box 153 Folder 7
Monthly case lists (Restricted), July-December 1987.
Box 153 Folder 8
Monthly case lists (Restricted), 1988.
Box 154 Folder 1
New arrival lists (Restricted), 1966-1976.
Box 154 Folder 2
New arrivals: itineraries (Restricted), 1975-1977.
Box 154 Folder 3
New arrivals: itineraries (Restricted), 1978-1979.
Box 154 Folder 4
New arrivals: itineraries (Restricted), 1980-1981.
Box 154 Folder 5
New arrivals: itineraries (Restricted), 1982-1987.
Box 154 Folder 6
Scope and Contents

Subseries 4.8: Office files, 1927-1988, contains the organization's basic administrative records, such as charitable organization registrations, lease information, public relations files, personnel guidelines, forms, and internal reports. This subseries also contains some special project planning files. An item of note included in this subseries is a self-study of HIAS conducted in 1958. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by type of material, and then chronologically.

100th Anniversary poster, circa 1982.
Box M1d
By-laws, undated.
Box 154 Folder 7
Charitable organization annual registration, 1978-1987.
Box 154 Folder 8
Charter, Association for the Protection of Jewish Immigrants, 1927.
Box M1d
Citizenship Project: Ezrach Tov, 1982.
Box 154 Folder 9
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA): correspondence and invoices, 1980.
Box 155 Folder 1
Constitution of the Association for the Protection of Jewish Immigrants, undated.
Box 155 Folder 2
Decennial Report of Continued Existence, 1980.
Box 155 Folder 3
Fact sheet and summary of policies, undated.
Box 155 Folder 4
Forms (blank), undated.
Box 155 Folder 5
History of HIAS (National), undated.
Box 155 Folder 6
Immigration legislation, 1985.
Box 155 Folder 7
Lease agreement, 1315 Walnut Street, 1983-1988.
Box 155 Folder 8
Lease agreement, 1315 Walnut Street, 1983-1988.
Box 155 Folder 9
Long range planning, 1981-1982.
Box 155 Folder 10
Personnel codes, 1964-1983.
Box 155 Folder 11
Project on professional licenses and physician training program for Soviet immigrants, 1979-1982.
Box 155 Folder 12
Project on regionalization of Soviet Jewish resettlement, 1976-1977.
Box 155 Folder 13
Public assistance for immigrants, 1978-1979.
Box 155 Folder 14
Public relations: correspondence, news clippings, photographs, press releases, and publications, 1977-1980.
Box 155 Folder 15
Renewal forms, Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act, 1971-1976.
Box 156 Folder 1
Reports and studies, general, 1952-1975.
Box 156 Folder 2
Resettlement guidelines, 1978.
Box 156 Folder 3
Self-Study of the HIAS and Council Migration Service of Philadelphia, 1958.
Box 156 Folder 4
Speeches, general, 1976-1980.
Box 156 Folder 5
Survey and record of discussion regarding merger between HIAS and the Council of Jewish Women, 1939-1944.
Box 156 Folder 6
Union organization, 1980.
Box 156 Folder 7
Young observers of Leadership Development Committee, 1972-1978.
Box 156 Folder 8
Scope and Contents

Subseries 4.9: Statistical reports, 1964-1986, consists mostly of monthly statistical reports, used for both internal purposes and for submission to Philadelphia's Health and Welfare Council. Statistics include such information as the number of clients, types of services utilized, case workers' caseloads, and clients' biographical information. This subseries is organized alphabetically by type of report, and then chronologically.

Monthly statistical reports, January-June 1976.
Box 156 Folder 9
Monthly statistical reports, July-December 1976.
Box 156 Folder 10
Monthly statistical reports, January-June 1977.
Box 157 Folder 1
Monthly statistical reports, July-December 1977.
Box 157 Folder 2
Monthly statistical reports, January-June 1978.
Box 157 Folder 3
Monthly statistical reports, July-December 1978.
Box 157 Folder 4
Monthly statistical reports, January-June 1979.
Box 157 Folder 5
Monthly statistical reports, July-December 1979.
Box 158 Folder 1
Monthly statistical reports, 1980.
Box 158 Folder 2
Monthly statistical reports, 1981.
Box 158 Folder 3
Monthly statistical reports, 1982.
Box 158 Folder 4
Monthly statistical reports, 1983.
Box 158 Folder 5
Monthly statistical reports, 1984.
Box 159 Folder 1
Monthly statistical reports, 1985.
Box 159 Folder 2
Monthly statistical reports, 1986.
Box 159 Folder 3
Statistical data, 1964-1975.
Box 159 Folder 4
Statistical data: Soviet Program, circa 1980-1982.
Box 159 Folder 5

Scope and Contents

Series 5: Southeast Asian refugee resettlement records (Portions restricted), 1977-1989, contains HIAS's files related to the resettlement of Indochinese refugees, primarily from Vietnam and Cambodia in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1970s, the federal government requested that the national HIAS, Inc. and its affiliates assist with the resettlement of Southeast Asian refugees following the Vietnam War and the establishment of communist governments in Asia. The records are organized into two subseries: Subseries 5.1: Orderly Departure Program (ODP) files (Bulk restricted) and Subseries 5.2: Southeast Asian Resettlement (SEAR) program records (Portions restricted).

Scope and Contents

The bulk of this subseries consists of case files that are restricted for a period of 75 years from date of creation due to the presence of sensitive immigration information. There is one folder of unrestricted correspondence and reports.

Subseries 5.1: Orderly Departure Program (ODP) files (Bulk restricted), 1979-1986, contains files created by HIAS over the course of their participation in the government program. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by type of material.

Case files: A-K (Restricted), circa 1979-1986.
Box 161
Case files: L-N (Restricted), circa 1979-1986.
Box 162
Case files: N-Te (Restricted), circa 1979-1986.
Box 163
Case files: Th-Y (Restricted), circa 1979-1986.
Box 164
Correspondence and reports, 1979-1982.
Box 165 Folder 1
Scope and Contents

The bulk of this subseries is restricted for a period of 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of sensitive immigration information. Restrictions are noted at the file level.

Subseries 5.2: Southeast Asian Resettlement (SEAR) program records (Portions restricted), 1977-1989, contains materials related to HIAS' involvement with resettling Southeast Asian immigrants. Alternately referred to by HIAS as the Southeast Asian Resettlement Program, or Indochinese Program, this subseries contains case files, financial files, grant information, memoranda, and arrival lists. Many of the files are related to refugees' adjustment of status, a procedure which allows immigrants to become citizens without applying for an immigrant visa. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by type of material, and then chronologically.

Adjustment of status, 1977-1980.
Box 165 Folder 2
Adjustment of status (Restricted), 1982-1987.
Box 165 Folder 3
Applications for re-entry (Restricted), 1985.
Box 165 Folder 4
Arrival lists, 1979-1981.
Box 165 Folder 5
Arrival lists, 1983.
Box 165 Folder 6
Arrival lists, client files, and status adjustment forms (Restricted), 1975-1989.
Box 165 Folder 7
Arrival lists, client files, and status adjustment forms (Restricted), 1975-1989.
Box 165 Folder 8
Case files: B-K (Restricted), circa 1982-1987.
Box 166
Case files: L-N (Restricted), circa 1982-1987.
Box 167
Case files: O-Tr (Restricted), circa 1982-1987.
Box 168
Case files: Tr-Vo (Restricted), circa 1982-1987.
Box 169
Case files: Vu-Z, General (Restricted), circa 1982-1987.
Box 170
Case lists (Restricted), 1979.
Box 165 Folder 9
Client files (Restricted), 1983.
Box 165 Folder 10
Client files: emigration loans (Restricted), 1984.
Box 165 Folder 11
Client form G-731 (Restricted), 1983-1984.
Box 165 Folder 12
Correspondence regarding the program, 1975-1982.
Box 165 Folder 13
Expenses, 1983-1988.
Box 165 Folder 14
Financial files: B-O (Restricted), 1982-1986.
Box 171
Financial files: P-Y (Restricted), 1982-1986.
Box 172
Indochinese Resettlement Grant: correspondence and financial reports (Restricted), 1977-1984.
Box 173 Folder 1
List of clients in Indochinese Program eligible for green cards (Restricted), 1979-1981.
Box 173 Folder 2
List of refugees accepted into United States (Restricted), 1980-1981.
Box 173 Folder 3
Memoranda regarding certificates of relationship, 1979-1980.
Box 173 Folder 4
Memoranda regarding certificates of relationship, 1981-1982.
Box 173 Folder 5
Monthly case lists and referrals, 1979-1980.
Box 173 Folder 6
Monthly case lists and referrals, 1981.
Box 173 Folder 7
Naturalization applications, A-W, general (Restricted), undated.
Box 174 Folder 8
Receipts, 1979.
Box 173 Folder 9
Reimbursements for funds, 1985-1986.
Box 173 Folder 10
Worksheets, 1979.
Box 173 Folder 11

Scope and Contents

This subseries is restricted for a period of 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of personally identifiable information, sensitive immigration files, and medical records.

Series 6: Brief records (Restricted), 1930-1982, contains HIAS's client files. Clients contacted HIAS for support with the naturalization process, requests to sponsor a relative's immigration to the United States, or for help with employment, social services, and tracking down legal documents. Brief records do not typically contain detailed information. In the 1960s, case files that were closed prior to 1952 were winnowed down into brief records, with the exception of a few alphabetical file runs. Please note that there are no brief records for last names beginning with "S" for the years 1930-1951; those can be found in Series 7. This series is arranged chronologically by the date the case was closed, and then alphabetically by client's last name.

Brief records A-Bo (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 175
Brief records Br-El (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 176
Brief records Em-Gi (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 177
Brief records Gl-Ha (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 178
Brief records Ha-Ka (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 179
Brief records Ka-Ku (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 180
Brief records Ku-Lo (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 181
Brief records Lo-Mo (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 182
Brief records Mo-Po (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 183
Brief records Po-Ro (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 184
Brief records Ru-We (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 185
Brief records We-Z (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 186
Brief records A-Co (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 187
Brief records Co-Go (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 188
Brief records Go-Ki (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 189
Brief records Ki-Me (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 190
Brief records Mi-Ro (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 191
Brief records Ru-St (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 192
Brief records St-Z (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 193
Brief records A-L (Restricted), 1958.
Box 194
Brief records M-Z (Restricted), 1958.
Box 195
Brief records A-En (Restricted), 1959.
Box 195
Brief records Fr-Z (Restricted), 1959.
Box 196
Brief records A-Q (Restricted), 1960.
Box 197
Brief records R-Z (Restricted), 1960.
Box 198
Brief records A-G (Restricted), 1961.
Box 198
Brief records H-Z (Restricted), 1961.
Box 199
Brief records A-Bi (Restricted), 1962.
Box 199
Brief records Bl-M (Restricted), 1962.
Box 200
Brief records N-Z (Restricted), 1962.
Box 201
Brief records A-F (Restricted), 1963.
Box 201
Brief records G-Z (Restricted), 1963.
Box 202
Brief records A-D (Restricted), 1964.
Box 202
Brief records E-Z (Restricted), 1964.
Box 203
Brief records A-B (Restricted), 1965.
Box 203
Brief records C-Z (Restricted), 1965.
Box 204
Brief records A-Le (Restricted), 1966.
Box 205
Brief records Le-Z (Restricted), 1966.
Box 206
Brief records A-Ka (Restricted), 1967-1968.
Box 207
Brief records Ke-Sh (Restricted), 1967-1968.
Box 208
Brief records Shi-Z (Restricted), 1967-1968.
Box 209
Brief records A-D (Restricted), 1969-1970.
Box 209
Brief records E-Mi (Restricted), 1969-1970.
Box 210
Brief records Mo-Z (Restricted), 1969-1970.
Box 211
Brief records A-K (Restricted), 1971-1972.
Box 212
Brief records L-T (Restricted), 1971-1972.
Box 213
Brief records U-Z (Restricted), 1971-1972.
Box 214
Brief records A-J (Restricted), 1973-1974.
Box 214
Brief records K-St (Restricted), 1973-1974.
Box 215
Brief records T-Z (Restricted), 1973-1974.
Box 216
Brief records A-Kl (Restricted), 1975-1976.
Box 217
Brief records Ko-S (Restricted), 1975-1976.
Box 218
Brief records Su-Z (Restricted), 1975-1976.
Box 219
Brief records A-Kra (Restricted), 1977-1978.
Box 220
Brief records Kre-Y (Restricted), 1977-1978.
Box 221
Brief records Z (Restricted), 1977-1978.
Box 222
Brief records A-K (Restricted), 1979-1980.
Box 223
Brief records Ko-Ti (Restricted), 1979-1980.
Box 224
Brief records To-Z (Restricted), 1979-1980.
Box 225
Brief records A-Go (Restricted), 1981-1982.
Box 226
Brief records Gri-O (Restricted), 1981-1982.
Box 227
Brief records P-Z (Restricted), 1981-1982.
Box 228

Scope and Contents

This series is restricted for a period of 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of personally identifiable information, sensitive immigration files, and medical records.

Series 7: Case files (Restricted), 1859-1988, bulk 1930-1988, includes HIAS's client files. These case files are unique from brief records in that they contain extended documentation in relation to the client's case. There is either a brief record or a case file for clients, but not both. In the 1960s, HIAS reviewed these files and pared down case files closed prior to 1952 into brief records. However, some files were missed, particularly the S's, and they can be found here in their more extensive form. This series is arranged chronologically by the date the case was closed, and then alphabetically by client's last name.

Case files A-Hau (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 229
Case files Hey-Rub (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 230
Case files Saa-San (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 231
Case files San-Scha (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 232
Case files Scha-Schm (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 233
Case files Schm-Schr (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 234
Case files Schr-Schw (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 235
Case files Schw-Seg (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 236
Case files Seg-Sil (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 237
Case files Sha-Shp (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 238
Case files Shp-Sil (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 239
Case files Sil-Sko (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 240
Case files Sko-Soi (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 241
Case files Soi-Spi (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 242
Case files Spi-Ste (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 243
Case files Stei-Ster (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 244
Case files Ster-Str (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 245
Case files Str-Sut (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 246
Case files Su-Z (Restricted), 1930-1951.
Box 247
Case files A-Bi (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 248
Case files Bi-Di (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 249
Case files Di-Fl (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 250
Case files Fo-Gol (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 251
Case files Gol-Her (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 252
Case files Her-Kat (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 253
Case files Kau-Lev (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 254
Case files Lew-Me (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 255
Case files Mi-Po (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 256
Case files Pr-Ro (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 257
Case files Ru-Sil (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 258
Case files Si-Th (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 259
Case files Ti-Wi (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 260
Case files Wo-Z (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 261
Case files A-L (Restricted), 1958.
Box 262
Case files M-Z (Restricted), 1958.
Box 263
Case files A-Si (Restricted), 1959.
Box 264
Case files So-Z (Restricted), 1959.
Box 265
Case files A-Z (Restricted), 1960.
Box 265
Case files A-Z (Restricted), 1961.
Box 266
Case files B-Z (Restricted), 1962.
Box 267
Case files B-Z (Restricted), 1963-1964.
Box 268
Case files A-Sp (Restricted), 1965-1966.
Box 269
Case files St-Z (Restricted), 1965-1966.
Box 270
Case files A-K (Restricted), 1967-1968.
Box 270
Case files L-Z (Restricted), 1967-1968.
Box 271
Case files A-Ki (Restricted), 1969-1970.
Box 271
Case files Ko-Z (Restricted), 1969-1970.
Box 272
Case files A-D (Restricted), 1971-1972.
Box 272
Case files E-Z (Restricted), 1971-1972.
Box 273
Case files B-Z (Restricted), 1973-1974.
Box 274
Case files A-S (Restricted), 1975-1976.
Box 275
Case files T-Z (Restricted), 1975-1976.
Box 276
Case files A-Z (Restricted), 1977-1978.
Box 277
Case files A-Z (Restricted), 1979-1980.
Box 278
Case files A-K (Restricted), 1981-1982.
Box 279
Case files L-V (Restricted), 1981-1982.
Box 280
Case files V-Z (Restricted), 1981-1982.
Box 281
Case files A-D (Restricted), 1983-1984.
Box 282
Case files E-K (Restricted), 1983-1984.
Box 283
Case files K-Ma (Restricted), 1983-1984.
Box 284
Case files Me-Sha (Restricted), 1983-1984.
Box 285
Case files Sha-Wa (Restricted), 1983-1984.
Box 286
Case files We-Z (Restricted), 1983-1984.
Box 287
Case files A-B (Restricted), 1985-1986.
Box 287
Case files B-Fo (Restricted), 1985-1986.
Box 288
Case files Fr-Ho (Restricted), 1985-1986.
Box 289
Case files Hu-Ko (Restricted), 1985-1986.
Box 290
Case files Ko-Ma (Restricted), 1985-1986.
Box 291
Case files Me-P (Restricted), 1985-1986.
Box 292
Case files R-Shu (Restricted), 1985-1986.
Box 293
Case files Si-Va (Restricted), 1985-1986.
Box 294
Case files Va-Z (Restricted), 1985-1986.
Box 295
Case files A-Av (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 295
Case files Av-Ch (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 296
Case files Ch-Gi (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 297
Case files Gi-Kh (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 298
Case files Kl-Kv (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 299
Case files L-M (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 300
Case files N-P (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 301
Case files R-Se (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 302
Case files Se-St (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 303
Case files Su-W (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 304
Case files Y-Za (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 305
Case files Za-Zu (Restricted), 1987-1988.
Box 306
Oversize case files: Laug (Restricted), 1911.
Box 160 Folder 1
Oversize case files: Schlesinger (Restricted), 1931-1938.
Box 160 Folder 2
Oversize case files: Sherman (Restricted), 1930.
Box 160 Folder 7
Oversize case files: Stern (Restricted), 1859, 1942.
Box 160 Folder 3
Oversize case files: Zernowitz (Restricted), 1912.
Box 160 Folder 9

Scope and Contents

This series is restricted for a period of 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of personally identifiable information, sensitive immigration files, and medical records.

Series 8: Location service files (restricted), 1952-1984, contains files on clients who requested HIAS's assistance in finding estranged relatives or friends. Upon receiving a request, HIAS representatives consulted telephone directories, spoke with the national and international HIAS branches, and printed a list of "persons sought" in the Jewish Exponent. Files most often contain correspondence related to the request. Please note that location service files for the year 1962 are interfiled with Series 6: Brief records. Location service files are arranged chronologically by the date the case was closed, and then alphabetically by client's last name.

Location service files A-Hi (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 307
Location service files Ho-Sc (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 308
Location service files Se-Z (Restricted), 1952-1957.
Box 309
Location service files A-R (Restricted), 1958.
Box 309
Location service files S-Z (Restricted), 1958.
Box 310
Location service files A-Z (Restricted), 1959.
Box 310
Location service files A-G (Restricted), 1960.
Box 310
Location service files E-Z (Restricted), 1960.
Box 311
Location service files A-R (Restricted), 1961.
Box 311
Location service files S-Z (Restricted), 1961.
Box 312
Location service files A-Z (Restricted), 1963-1964.
Box 313
Location service files A-Z (Restricted), 1965-1968.
Box 314
Location service files A-Z (Restricted), 1969-1970.
Box 315
Location service files A-Z (Restricted), 1971-1972.
Box 315
Location service files A-G (Restricted), 1973-1974.
Box 315
Location service files H-Z (Restricted), 1973-1974.
Box 316
Location service files A-K (Restricted), 1975-1976.
Box 316
Location service files L-Z (Restricted), 1975-1976.
Box 317
Location service files A-Z (Restricted), 1977-1978.
Box 318
Location service files A-K (Restricted), 1979-1980.
Box 318
Location service files L-Z (Restricted), 1979-1980.
Box 319
Location service files A-Sh (Restricted), 1981-1982.
Box 319
Location service files Se-Z (Restricted), 1981-1982.
Box 320
Location service files A-L (Restricted), 1983-1984.
Box 321
Location service files M-Z (Restricted), 1983-1984.
Box 322
Series 9: Website versions in Archive-It, 2014-2020.
Scope and Contents

Series 9: Website versions in Archive-It, 2014-2018, contains preserved versions of HIAS Pennsylvania's website. To access these sites, see the Temple University Special Collections Jewish Archives Archive-It web page:

Scope and Contents

Series 10 is an addition of records donated in 2018 after the collection was initially arranged and described. This series contains records similar in scope and content to those found in Series 4: Administrative files. All original folder titles have been retained. Descriptive information has been added to some folder titles for clarity and are indicated in brackets. This series is divided into seven subseries.

Scope and Contents

Subseries 10.1 contains files created by the HIAS Board of Directors and includes officers' files from former presidents H.H. Cohen and Daniel C. Cohen. Materials include correspondence, reports, board lists, meeting minutes, personnel guidelines, and board contributions. This subseries is arranged chronologically.

Some materials in Subseries 10.1 are restricted for 25 years from the date of creation, as noted at the file level.

Ladies Immigrant Auxiliary, 1930-1931.
Box 323 Folder 1
"Alienating the Alien", 1931.
Box 323 Folder 2
H. H. Cohen file, 1945-1960.
Box 323 Folder 3
Daniel C. Cohen file, 1956-1963.
Box 323 Folder 4
Board of directors executive committee lists, 1956-1987.
Box 323 Folder 5
Daniel C. Cohen file (1 of 4), 1961-1965.
Box 323 Folder 6
Daniel C. Cohen file (2 of 4), 1961-1965.
Box 323 Folder 7
Daniel C. Cohen file (3 of 4), 1961-1965.
Box 323 Folder 8
Daniel C. Cohen file (4 of 4), 1961-1965.
Box 323 Folder 9
Daniel C. Cohen file, 1964-1966.
Box 323 Folder 10
Daniel C. Cohen file (1 of 4), 1964-1967.
Box 323 Folder 11
Daniel C. Cohen file (2 of 4), 1964-1967.
Box 323 Folder 12
Daniel C. Cohen file (3 of 4), 1964-1967.
Box 323 Folder 13
Daniel C. Cohen file (4 of 4), 1964-1967.
Box 323 Folder 14
Daniel C. Cohen file (1 of 4), 1968-1971.
Box 323 Folder 15
Daniel C. Cohen file (2 of 4), 1968-1971.
Box 324 Folder 1
Daniel C. Cohen file (3 of 4), 1968-1971.
Box 324 Folder 2
Daniel C. Cohen file (4 of 4), 1968-1971.
Box 324 Folder 3
Daniel C. Cohen file (1 of 6), 1968-1985.
Box 324 Folder 4
Daniel C. Cohen file (2 of 6), 1968-1985.
Box 324 Folder 5
Daniel C. Cohen file (3 of 6), 1968-1985.
Box 324 Folder 6
Daniel C. Cohen file (4 of 6), 1968-1985.
Box 324 Folder 7
Daniel C. Cohen file (5 of 6), 1968-1985.
Box 324 Folder 8
Daniel C. Cohen file (6 of 6), 1968-1985.
Box 324 Folder 9
Board FY 93 (Restricted), 1985-1993.
Box 324 Folder 10
Bogatin, Yakov/Galina/Yulia/Boris (Restricted), 1987-1998.
Box 324 Folder 11
Board of directors, 1988-1989.
Box 324 Folder 12
Medical advisory committee (Restricted), 1989-1997.
Box 324 Folder 13
Board FY 91, 1990-1991.
Box 324 Folder 14
Board FY 92, 1991-1992.
Box 324 Folder 15
Board executive committee (Restricted), 1991-1998.
Box 324 Folder 16
Annual meetings (Restricted), 1991-1999.
Box 324 Folder 17
Board FY 94 (Restricted), 1993-1994.
Box 324 Folder 18
Board community history (Restricted), 1994-1999.
Box 325 Folder 1
Board FY 95 (Restricted), 1995-2001.
Box 325 Folder 2
Board FY 96 (Restricted), 1995-1996.
Box 325 Folder 3
Meeting of board of directors, miscellaneous papers (Restricted), 1996-1997.
Box 325 Folder 4
Bogatin, Jacob (board member) (Restricted), 1996-1998.
Box 325 Folder 5
Correspondence to various people for donations, Ethel Verticelli (Restricted), 1996-2001.
Box 325 Folder 6
Board FY 97 (Restricted), 1996-1997.
Box 325 Folder 7
Board nominees (Restricted), 1996-2000.
Box 325 Folder 8
Letter of intent: Roseman and Lipton (Restricted), 1997-1998.
Box 325 Folder 9
Board meetings (Restricted), 1997-1998.
Box 325 Folder 10
Board budget and finance (Restricted), 1997-1998.
Box 325 Folder 11
Board nominations (Restricted), 1997-1999.
Box 325 Folder 12
Board long range planning (Restricted), 1997-1999.
Box 325 Folder 13
Board correspondence (Restricted), February 1998.
Box 325 Folder 14
HIAS and migration services, etc. [overview of operations] (Restricted), 1998.
Box 325 Folder 15
Board committees (Restricted), 1998.
Box 325 Folder 16
Board orientation (Restricted), 1998.
Box 325 Folder 17
Fundraising materials (Restricted), 1998.
Box 325 Folder 18
Board new members / prospective members (Restricted), 1998-1999.
Box 325 Folder 19
Board fundraising (Restricted), 1998-1999.
Box 325 Folder 20
Board legal advocacy (Restricted), 1998-1999.
Box 325 Folder 21
Endowment (Restricted), 1999.
Box 325 Folder 22
Strategic planning (Restricted), 1999.
Box 325 Folder 23
Board training / workshops (Restricted), 1999.
Box 325 Folder 24
Board correspondence (Restricted), 1999.
Box 325 Folder 25
Strategic planning: interviewees responses (Restricted), 1999-2000.
Box 325 Folder 26
New board orientation (Restricted), 2000.
Box 325 Folder 27
HIAS and Council board (1 of 2) (Restricted), 2000.
Box 325 Folder 28
HIAS and Council board (2 of 2) (Restricted), 2000.
Box 325 Folder 29
Board meeting (Restricted), 2000-2001.
Box 325 Folder 30
Board nominees (Restricted), 2000-2001.
Box 325 Folder 31
Board meeting (Restricted), 2000-2003.
Box 326 Folder 1
Board meeting (Restricted), November 2001.
Box 326 Folder 2
Development board: budgets etc. (Restricted), 2001.
Box 326 Folder 3
Board (Restricted), 2001-2002.
Box 326 Folder 4
Board meetings plans (Restricted), 2001-2002.
Box 326 Folder 5
Board meeting (Restricted), 2001-2002.
Box 326 Folder 6
Finance committee (Restricted), 2001-2002.
Box 326 Folder 7
Old board list (Restricted), 2001-2013.
Box 326 Folder 8
Board meeting (Restricted), February 6, 2002.
Box 326 Folder 9
Board meeting (Restricted), September 26, 2002.
Box 326 Folder 10
Annual meeting (Restricted), 2002.
Box 326 Folder 11
Governance (Restricted), 2002.
Box 326 Folder 12
Board meeting (Restricted), 2002-2003.
Box 326 Folder 13
Board meeting (Restricted), 2002-2003.
Box 326 Folder 14
Committee notes (Restricted), 2002-2003.
Box 326 Folder 15
Board (Restricted), 2002-2004.
Box 326 Folder 16
Board meeting (Restricted), 2003.
Box 326 Folder 17
Board meeting (Restricted), 2003.
Box 326 Folder 18
Board meeting (Restricted), 2003.
Box 326 Folder 19
Board meeting (Restricted), 2003.
Box 326 Folder 20
Items for meeting (Restricted), 2003.
Box 326 Folder 21
Finance meeting (Restricted), 2003.
Box 326 Folder 22
Annual meeting (Restricted), 2003.
Box 326 Folder 23
Board meeting (Restricted), 2003-2004.
Box 326 Folder 24
HIAS and Council board meeting (Restricted), 2003-2004.
Box 326 Folder 25
Board (Restricted), 2003-2004.
Box 326 Folder 26
HIAS and Council board meeting (Restricted), March 2004.
Box 326 Folder 27
Board money contributed, fundraising (Restricted), 2004.
Box 326 Folder 28
Board meeting (Restricted), 2004.
Box 326 Folder 29
Board meeting (Restricted), 2004.
Box 326 Folder 30
Annual meeting (Restricted), 2004.
Box 326 Folder 31
Board meeting (Restricted), 2004-2005.
Box 326 Folder 32
Board meeting (Restricted), January 25, 2005.
Box 326 Folder 33
Board (Restricted), March 29, 2005.
Box 326 Folder 34
Annual meeting (Restricted), 2005.
Box 326 Folder 35
Board meeting (Restricted), 2005.
Box 326 Folder 36
Finance (Restricted), 2005.
Box 326 Folder 37
Board meeting (Restricted), 2005-2006.
Box 326 Folder 38
Board meeting 1/18/06 (Restricted), 2005-2006.
Box 326 Folder 39
Board meeting 3/23/06 (Restricted), 2005-2006.
Box 326 Folder 40
Annual meeting 9/20/06 (Restricted), September 2006.
Box 327 Folder 1
Anti-Defamation League 6/06 (Restricted), 2006.
Box 327 Folder 2
Judi board meeting 11/21/06 (Restricted), 2006.
Box 327 Folder 3
HIAS and Council 12/06 (Restricted), 2005-2006.
Box 327 Folder 4
New board orientation 11/10/07 (Restricted), 2006.
Box 327 Folder 5
Judi 1/10/07 (Restricted), 2006-2007.
Box 327 Folder 6
Board meetings (Restricted), 2006-2007.
Box 327 Folder 7
Meeting 4/18/07 (Restricted), 2007.
Box 327 Folder 8
Board meetings (Restricted), 2007-2008.
Box 327 Folder 9
Finance committee (Restricted), 2007-2008.
Box 327 Folder 10
Board (Restricted), 2007-2008.
Box 327 Folder 11
Board (Restricted), 2007-2008.
Box 327 Folder 12
Governance (Restricted), 2007-2008.
Box 327 Folder 13
Program (Restricted), 2007-2008.
Box 327 Folder 14
Succession planning and board resolutions (Restricted), 2007-2013.
Box 327 Folder 15
Board orientation (Restricted), 2008.
Box 327 Folder 16
Personnel (Restricted), 2008.
Box 327 Folder 17
Board meeting 7/2/08 (Restricted), 2008.
Box 327 Folder 18
Board meeting 7/2/08 (Restricted), 2008.
Box 327 Folder 19
Board meeting (Restricted), 2011-2012.
Box 327 Folder 20
Board information (1 of 2) (Restricted), 2012-2013.
Box 327 Folder 21
Board information (2 of 2) (Restricted), 2012-2013.
Box 327 Folder 22
Board information (1 of 2) (Restricted), 2013-2014.
Box 327 Folder 23
Board information (2 of 2) (Restricted), 2013-2014.
Box 327 Folder 24
Board information (Restricted), 2014-2015.
Box 327 Folder 25
Scope and Contents

Portions of this series are restricted for a period of either 25 or 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of salary information and resumes or personally identifiable information and sensitive immigration records. Restrictions are noted at the file level.

Subseries 10.2 contains financial statements, budgets, and grant and foundation files for institutional and interagency projects funded through local and federal government programs and non-governmental organizations or NGOs. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by folder title.

1957 Charity Trust, 2003-2004.
Box 327 Folder 26
21st Century Community Learning Center (Pennsylvania Department of Education), 2014.
Box 327 Folder 27
990s [IRS letters], 1977-1999.
Box 327 Folder 28
990, 2001-2010.
Box 327 Folder 29
ABA mini grant, 2001.
Box 327 Folder 30
AFAHO [African Family Health Organization], 2014-2015.
Box 327 Folder 31
Annie P. Casey Foundation, 2003.
Box 327 Folder 32
Annenberg [Foundation], 2004.
Box 327 Folder 33
Arcadia Foundation, 2001-2004.
Box 327 Folder 34
Aronson Foundation, 1991-1992.
Box 327 Folder 35
AOP [Asylee Outreach Project] budget, 1999-2003.
Box 328 Folder 1
AOP [Asylee Outreach Project], 2003.
Box 328 Folder 2
AOP [Asylee Outreach Project] refugee naturalization, 2002.
Box 328 Folder 3
AOP [Asylee Outreach Project] reports substance, 2002-2003.
Box 328 Folder 4
AOP [Asylee Outreach Project] asylee statistics general, 2003.
Box 328 Folder 5
Audit, 2011, 2013.
Box 328 Folder 6
Bequests, 1999.
Box 328 Folder 7
Budget FY 91, 1991.
Box 328 Folder 8
Budget FY 93, 1992-1993.
Box 328 Folder 9
Budget FY 94, 1994.
Box 328 Folder 10
Budget FY 95, 1994-1995.
Box 328 Folder 11
Budget FY 96, 1995-1996.
Box 328 Folder 12
Budget FY 97, 1997.
Box 328 Folder 13
Budget 1997-1998 drafts, 1997-1998.
Box 328 Folder 14
Budget 1997-1998, 1996-1997.
Box 328 Folder 15
Budget FY 98 (Restricted), 1997-1998.
Box 328 Folder 16
Budget FY 99, 1998-1999.
Box 328 Folder 17
Budget 2002-03, 2002-2003.
Box 328 Folder 18
Budget: all cost center (Restricted), 2002.
Box 328 Folder 19
Budget 03-04, 2003.
Box 328 Folder 20
Budget cut federal (Restricted), 2001-2003.
Box 328 Folder 21
Budget: Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia 04-05, 2000-2004.
Box 328 Folder 22
Budget 05-06, 2005.
Box 328 Folder 23
Budget 06-07, 2006.
Box 328 Folder 24
Budget resettlement, 2003.
Box 328 Folder 25
Campbell Oxholm Foundation, 2001.
Box 328 Folder 26
Charitable organization registration BCO-10, 1998-2006.
Box 328 Folder 27
Children funder's background, 2008-2012.
Box 328 Folder 28
Citizen's Bank, 2003-2004.
Box 328 Folder 29
Citizen's Bank: elderly project community champions, 2004-2005.
Box 328 Folder 30
Citizen's Bank, 2013.
Box 328 Folder 31
Citizenship / AOP [Asylee Outreach Project], 2003-2004.
Box 328 Folder 32
Citizenship NCLR and PCA [Philadelphia Corporation for Aging], 2008-2009.
Box 328 Folder 33
Citizenship ORR [Office of Refugee Resettlement], 2007-2008.
Box 328 Folder 34
City of Philadelphia, 2000.
Box 328 Folder 35
Claneil Foundation 2009 grant, 2008-2015.
Box 329 Folder 1
Commerce Bank 03, 2003.
Box 329 Folder 2
Commonwealth RFPS refugee resettlement 03-04, 2003.
Box 329 Folder 3
Connelly [Foundation], 2011-2014.
Box 329 Folder 4
Core G: budget, 2004.
Box 329 Folder 5
Corporate donors: general, 2003.
Box 329 Folder 6
CTK Foundation, 2009.
Box 329 Folder 7
Cummings Foundation 2004-05, 2004.
Box 329 Folder 8
DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] Samuel S. Fels Fund, 2002-2012.
Box 329 Folder 9
DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] Delaware, 2012.
Box 329 Folder 10
DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] forms, ICE/USCIS memoranda (Restricted), 2012.
Box 329 Folder 11
DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] Philadelphia fliers, information, 2012.
Box 329 Folder 12
DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] funding, grants, 2012.
Box 329 Folder 13
DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] HIAS stuff, 2012.
Box 329 Folder 14
DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] 2012 P-DAN [Philadelphia Deferred Action Network], 2012-2013.
Box 329 Folder 15
DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] other cities / resources, 2012.
Box 329 Folder 16
DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] P-DAN [Philadelphia Deferred Action Network] statistics, 2013.
Box 329 Folder 17
Delaware Valley Grantmakers, 2005.
Box 329 Folder 18
Delaware Valley Grantmakers, 2006-2008.
Box 329 Folder 19
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation, 1992-1995.
Box 329 Folder 20
Dolfinger-McMahon [Foundation], 2007.
Box 329 Folder 21
Domestic violence: Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia / HIAS, 2004.
Box 329 Folder 22
Douty [Foundation], 2011-2012.
Box 329 Folder 23
Douty Foundation grant 2009, 2008-2011.
Box 329 Folder 24
Drumcliff Foundation, 2004-2007.
Box 329 Folder 25
DV [domestic violence] case reporting, 2013.
Box 329 Folder 26
Esperanza cases (Restricted), 2013.
Box 329 Folder 27
Equal Justice Works, 2006.
Box 329 Folder 28
Fees and income guidelines, 1995-1997.
Box 329 Folder 29
Fels [Samuel F. Fels Fund] internship 01, 2001.
Box 329 Folder 30
Fels [Samuel F. Fels Fund] 02, 2002.
Box 329 Folder 31
Fels [Samuel F. Fels Fund] 03, 2003-2004.
Box 329 Folder 32
Fels [Samuel F. Fels Fund] 03 (Restricted), 2002-2003.
Box 329 Folder 33
Fels fund [Samuel F. Fels Fund] 03-04: naturalization and literacy, 2003-2005.
Box 329 Folder 34
Fels [Samuel F. Fels Fund] 2004, 2004.
Box 329 Folder 35
Fels fund [Samuel F. Fels Fund] 2011 community service, 2011.
Box 329 Folder 36
Fels fund [Samuel F. Fels Fund] 2012 immigrant youth, 2011-2012.
Box 329 Folder 37
Fels [Samuel F. Fels Fund] summer 2013, 2012.
Box 329 Folder 38
Fels [Samuel F. Fels Fund] 2014, 2007-2014.
Box 329 Folder 39
Foundations, 2004.
Box 329 Folder 40
Foundation status, 2000-2002.
Box 329 Folder 41
Financial statements 89-90, 1990.
Box 329 Folder 42
Financial statements year ended 8/31/1991, 1991.
Box 329 Folder 43
Financial statements year ended 8/31/1992, 1992.
Box 329 Folder 44
Financial statements year ended 8/31/1993, 1993.
Box 329 Folder 45
Financial statements year ended 8/31/1994, 1994.
Box 329 Folder 46
Financial statements year ended 8/31/1995, 1995.
Box 329 Folder 47
Financial statements year ended 8/31/1996, 1996.
Box 329 Folder 48
Financial statements year ended 8/31/1997, 1997.
Box 329 Folder 49
Financial statements year ended 8/31/1998, 1998.
Box 329 Folder 50
Financial statements year ended 8/31/1999, 1999-2000.
Box 329 Folder 51
Financial statements and taxes 2000, 2000.
Box 329 Folder 52
Financial statements year ended 8/31/2001, 2001.
Box 329 Folder 53
Financial statements and taxes 2002, 2002.
Box 329 Folder 54
Financial statements and taxes 2003, 2003.
Box 329 Folder 55
Financial statements and taxes 2004, 2004.
Box 330 Folder 1
Financial statements and taxes 2005, 2005.
Box 330 Folder 2
Financial statements and taxes 2006, 2006.
Box 330 Folder 3
[Financial statements] proposal for audit and tax services, 2008.
Box 330 Folder 4
Fundraisers for immigrants and refugees, 2000-2015.
Box 330 Folder 5
Financial report 8/31/2012, 2012.
Box 330 Folder 6
Genardi Family Foundation, 2001.
Box 330 Folder 7
General foundation information, 1999.
Box 330 Folder 8
GlaxoSmithKline Impact Awards, 2004.
Box 330 Folder 9
Goldsmith litigation, 2000-2003.
Box 330 Folder 10
Goldsmith, 2002-2012.
Box 330 Folder 11
Grant - generic, 1998-2001.
Box 330 Folder 12
Grants, 2002.
Box 330 Folder 13
Grant tracking, 2004.
Box 330 Folder 14
GECAC [Greater Erie Community Action Committee], 2002-2004.
Box 330 Folder 15
Hassel [Foundation]: naturalization, 2003.
Box 330 Folder 16
Hassel Foundation, 2004-2012.
Box 330 Folder 17
Henrietta Tower Wurts [Memorial], 2014.
Box 330 Folder 18
Henrietta Tower Wurts Memorial, 1992-1993.
Box 330 Folder 19
Henrietta Tower Wurts Memorial, 2004-2011.
Box 330 Folder 20
HIAS and Council Migration Service of Philadelphia: Older Refugee [Project, includes 1 floppy disk], 2002.
Box 330 Folder 21
Hispanics in Philanthropy HIP, 2004.
Box 330 Folder 22
Hilles [The Allen Hilles Fund], 2001-2005.
Box 330 Folder 23
[Hilles] The Allen Hilles Fund grant, 2007-2011.
Box 330 Folder 24
Hilles [The Allen Hilles Fund] 2012, 2010-2014.
Box 330 Folder 25
Hilles [The Allen Hilles Fund] 2014, 2014-2015.
Box 330 Folder 26
Honickman [Family Foundation], 2016.
Box 330 Folder 27
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Grant, 2008-2014.
Box 330 Folder 28
Huston [The Stewart Huston Charitable Trust], 2000-2007.
Box 330 Folder 29
Impact 100, 2012-2014.
Box 330 Folder 30
Impact 100, 2014.
Box 330 Folder 31
Impact 100, 2013.
Box 330 Folder 32
Impact 100, 2015.
Box 330 Folder 33
Independence Foundation, 1998-2007.
Box 330 Folder 34
Independence [Foundation], 2002-2005.
Box 330 Folder 35
Independence [Foundation] 2010, 2009-2013.
Box 331 Folder 1
Independence Foundation: litigation, 2000-2003.
Box 331 Folder 2
[Independence Foundation] Saylor fellowship, 2014.
Box 331 Folder 3
Independence [Foundation] Skadden Meredith, 2003-2004.
Box 331 Folder 4
Independence [Foundation] Thu, 1998-2003.
Box 331 Folder 5
Interpreter training, 2001.
Box 331 Folder 6
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] pro bono initiative, 2001-2002.
Box 331 Folder 7
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account], 2002-2004.
Box 331 Folder 8
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] statistics, 2005-2006.
Box 331 Folder 9
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] 06-07, 2005-2007.
Box 331 Folder 10
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] 07-08, 2007-2008.
Box 331 Folder 11
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] contracts 07-08, 2007.
Box 331 Folder 12
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] contract, 2008-2009.
Box 331 Folder 13
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] 08-09, 2006-2009.
Box 331 Folder 14
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] 2010-2011, 2010-2011.
Box 331 Folder 15
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] 2011-2012, 2010-2012.
Box 331 Folder 16
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] 2012-13, 2010-2012.
Box 331 Folder 17
IOLTA [Interest on Lawyers Trust Account] 2013-2014, 2012-2013.
Box 331 Folder 18
Jaffe Award, 2016.
Box 332 Folder 1
Jewish Federation 2004 litigation, 2004.
Box 332 Folder 2
Jewish Federation 2004 naturalization, 2004.
Box 332 Folder 3
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, 2008.
Box 332 Folder 4
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, 2009-2010.
Box 332 Folder 5
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Allocations and Planning, 1998-1999.
Box 332 Folder 6
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Allocations and Planning Committee on Human Services FY 2000, 1999-2000.
Box 332 Folder 7
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Committee on Human Services, 1998-1999.
Box 332 Folder 8
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Committee on Human Services, 2000-2001.
Box 332 Folder 9
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Community Initiative Grant, 1998.
Box 332 Folder 10
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia 07-08, 2007.
Box 332 Folder 11
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, 2011-2014.
Box 332 Folder 12
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, 2012.
Box 332 Folder 13
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, 2013-2014.
Box 332 Folder 14
Jewish Fund for Justice, 2006.
Box 332 Folder 15
Kind (national), undated.
Box 332 Folder 16
Kind family fund [Patricia Kind Family Foundation], 2000-2007.
Box 332 Folder 17
Kind [Patricia Kind Family Foundation] 2010, 2010-2014.
Box 332 Folder 18
Korman breast cancer [Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation], 2005.
Box 332 Folder 19
Lasko Foundation, 2007-2008.
Box 332 Folder 20
Lasko Foundation 2009, 2010.
Box 332 Folder 21
Lasko [Foundation], 2010-2014.
Box 332 Folder 22
Lasko Foundation, 2012.
Box 332 Folder 23
Latino citizenship 2009-2010, 2009-2010.
Box 332 Folder 24
LCFS [Lutheran Children and Family Service] / CW of Pennsylvania work plans 2003, 2002.
Box 332 Folder 25
LCFS [Lutheran Children and Family Service] outreach referral and social services for asylees, 2001-2002.
Box 332 Folder 26
LCFS [Lutheran Children and Family Service] Office of Social Programs elderly manual, 2002.
Box 332 Folder 27
LCFS [Lutheran Children and Family Service] / Pennsylvania 2001-2002 all grants, 2002.
Box 332 Folder 28
Lenfest, 2004.
Box 332 Folder 29
Letter from Daniel C. Cohen 1992, 1992.
Box 332 Folder 30
LIRS [Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service] 06, 2004-2005.
Box 332 Folder 31
Litigation / budget, 2004.
Box 332 Folder 32
Local banks, 2004.
Box 332 Folder 33
Louis N. Cassett Foundation, 2000.
Box 332 Folder 34
MAZON, 2005-2013.
Box 332 Folder 35
Media Project Susan [Immigrant Storytelling and Literacy: New Technologies for Learning], 2007.
Box 332 Folder 36
Montgomery County Foundation, 2003-2004.
Box 333 Folder 1
Montgomery County Foundation, 2015.
Box 333 Folder 2
Multilingual Healthcare Center, 2014.
Box 333 Folder 3
Naturalization / budget, 2004.
Box 333 Folder 4
NBC Century 21, 2014.
Box 333 Folder 5
NBLI [Non-Profit Board Leadership Institute], 2015.
Box 333 Folder 6
New Voices (Restricted), 2000-2005.
Box 333 Folder 7
New Voices (Restricted), 2003-2010.
Box 333 Folder 8
Nelson (Restricted), 2006-2008.
Box 333 Folder 9
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), 2001.
Box 333 Folder 10
Office of Refugee Resettlement (Restricted), 2002.
Box 333 Folder 11
[Office of Refugee Resettlement Matching Grant], 2008-2009.
Box 333 Folder 12
[Office of Refugee Resettlement Matching Grant] MG, 2010-2012.
Box 333 Folder 13
[Office of Refugee Resettlement] ORR: torture financials, 2012-2013.
Box 333 Folder 14
[Office of Special Counsel Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices] OSC, 2003-2005.
Box 333 Folder 15
[Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices] OSC handouts, 2003.
Box 333 Folder 16
Open Society Institute, 1995.
Box 333 Folder 17
Open Society Institute, 1997, 2000.
Box 333 Folder 18
Partner information, 2003.
Box 333 Folder 19
Patricia Kind Family Foundation, 2014-2015.
Box 333 Folder 20
PA asylee outreach flyers, handouts, information, 1998.
Box 333 Folder 21
PA Refugee Program AOP [Asylee Outreach Project] / [Elderly] Naturalization, 2003-2004.
Box 333 Folder 22
PA Refugee Program (Citizenship / AOP), 2003-2004.
Box 333 Folder 23
PA [Refugee Social Services] RSS, 2004-2006.
Box 333 Folder 24
PA Refugee Social Services AOP [Asylee Outreach Project], 2007.
Box 333 Folder 25
PA [Refugee Social Services] RSS, 2007-2009.
Box 333 Folder 26
[PA Refugee Social Services] RSS AOP, 2008-2009.
Box 333 Folder 27
PA [Refugee Social Services] RSS, 2009-2011.
Box 333 Folder 28
PA [Refugee Social Services] RSS AOP [Asylee Outreach Project] / Elderly Naturalization, 2011-2012.
Box 333 Folder 29
Pennsylvania Bar Trust Fund, 1992.
Box 333 Folder 30
[Pennsylvania Interagency Victims of Trafficking Support Services] PIVOT Grant, 2001-2004.
Box 333 Folder 31
Peter Buttenwieser, 2004.
Box 333 Folder 32
Pew [Charitable Trusts] (Restricted), 2002.
Box 333 Folder 33
Pew [Charitable Trusts] LOI financial capacity (Restricted), 2010-2011.
Box 333 Folder 34
Pew [Charitable Trusts] OMG [Center for Collaborative Learning] financial management (Restricted), 2012.
Box 333 Folder 35
Pew [Charitable Trusts] outcomes, 2014.
Box 333 Folder 36
Pew [Charitable Trusts] VA [Vulnerable Adults] (Restricted), 2010-2014.
Box 333 Folder 37
Pew [Charitable Trusts] LOI Youth, 2015.
Box 333 Folder 38
Philadelphia Activities Fund, 2015.
Box 333 Folder 39
Philadelphia AIDS Consortium, 2003-2004.
Box 333 Folder 40
Philadelphia Bar Foundation, 1999-2003.
Box 334 Folder 1
Philadelphia Bar Foundation, 2006-2007.
Box 334 Folder 2
Philadelphia Bar Foundation, 2008-2009.
Box 334 Folder 3
Philadelphia Bar Foundation, 2009-2010.
Box 334 Folder 4
[Philadelphia] Bar Foundation, 2010.
Box 334 Folder 5
[Philadelphia] Bar Foundation, 2010-2011.
Box 334 Folder 6
Philadelphia Bar Foundation, 2012-2013.
Box 334 Folder 7
[Philadelphia Corporation for Aging] PCA, 2004.
Box 334 Folder 8
[Philadelphia Corporation for Aging] PCA Boss HIAS, 2006-2007.
Box 334 Folder 9
[Philadelphia Corporation for Aging] PCA (Restricted), 2014-2015.
Box 334 Folder 10
The Philadelphia Foundation (Restricted), 2010-2016.
Box 334 Folder 11
The Philadelphia Foundation: Haitian work, 2011.
Box 334 Folder 12
[Philadelphia Human] Trafficking [Task Force], 2015.
Box 334 Folder 13
PICC [Pennsylvania and Immigration Citizenship Coalition] Fels grant, 2003.
Box 334 Folder 14
PNC Bank Foundation (Restricted), 2004-2005.
Box 334 Folder 15
Possible grants, 2012-2013.
Box 334 Folder 16
Racial Justice Collaborative, 2003.
Box 334 Folder 17
Reception and Placement [Program], 2008-2009.
Box 334 Folder 18
Refugee Naturalization LCFS [Lutheran Children and Family Service], 2001-2002.
Box 334 Folder 19
[Refugee] Resettlement Collaborative, 2003-2004.
Box 334 Folder 20
[PA] Refugee Social Services [Citizenship for Vulnerable Adults] (Restricted), 2007-2008.
Box 334 Folder 21
[PA Refugee Social Services] RSS AOP [Asylee Outreach Project] (Restricted), 2003-2004.
Box 334 Folder 22
[PA Refugee Social Services] RSS Citizenship [Assistance for Vulnerable Adults] (Restricted), 2003-2004.
Box 334 Folder 23
[PA Refugee Social Services] RSS Elderly / AOP [Asylee Outreach Project] (Restricted), 2005-2006.
Box 334 Folder 24
[PA Refugee Social Services] RSS Elderly Naturalization (Restricted), 2010-2011.
Box 334 Folder 25
The Rittenhouse Foundation, 2000.
Box 334 Folder 26
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation, 1992-1993.
Box 334 Folder 27
SERICC original proposals (Restricted), 1997-2001.
Box 334 Folder 28
Shefa Fund, 2003.
Box 334 Folder 29
Small grants (likely renewal), 2015.
Box 334 Folder 30
Spielberg, 2001.
Box 334 Folder 31
Strauss Foundation, 1992-1993.
Box 334 Folder 32
Tuttleman [Family Foundation]: Citizenship, 2003.
Box 334 Folder 33
T visa proposal [Pennsylvania Trafficking Assistance Collaborative] (Restricted), 2002.
Box 334 Folder 34
T visa I (Restricted), 2002.
Box 334 Folder 35
T visa II (Restricted), 2002.
Box 334 Folder 36
T visa, 2004.
Box 334 Folder 37
Physical Description

[includes 1 floppy disk]

[United Nations] UN torture fund, 2009.
Box 335 Folder 1
[U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services] USCIS P-CAN [Philadelphia Citizenship Action Network] (Restricted), 2012-2014.
Box 335 Folder 2
[U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services] USCIS P-CAN [Philadelphia Citizenship Action Network] (Restricted), 2014.
Box 335 Folder 3
United Way, 2002-2004.
Box 335 Folder 4
[United Way] UW Contract, 2008-2009.
Box 335 Folder 5
United Way grant, 2012-2015.
Box 335 Folder 6
United Way (Restricted), 2011-2012.
Box 335 Folder 7
[United Way] UW SEPA [Southeastern Pennsylvania], 2011-2013.
Box 335 Folder 8
VAWA budget (Restricted), 2004.
Box 335 Folder 9
Vera Institute [of Justice] (Restricted), 2009.
Box 335 Folder 10
Vera [Institute of Justice] (Restricted), 2012-2013.
Box 335 Folder 11
Vera [Institute of Justice] (Restricted), 2013-2014.
Box 335 Folder 12
Verizon [Foundation] grant (Restricted), 2004.
Box 335 Folder 13
Wachovia Bank [Foundation], 2003-2004.
Box 335 Folder 14
Weinberg Foundation (Restricted), 2004.
Box 335 Folder 15
Wellspring Advisors, 2006.
Box 335 Folder 16
William Penn [Foundation], 2001-2006.
Box 335 Folder 17
Women Against Abuse, 2011-2013.
Box 335 Folder 18
Women of Vision [Fund], 2003-2004.
Box 335 Folder 19
Women's Way [Community Women's Fund] (Restricted), 2010.
Box 335 Folder 20
Women's Way [Community Women's Fund] (Restricted), 2011-2013.
Box 335 Folder 21
Women's Way [Action Partners] 2.0 (Restricted), 2015.
Box 335 Folder 22
Youthadelphia (Restricted), 2013.
Box 335 Folder 23
Youth grant (Restricted), 2012-2013.
Box 335 Folder 24
Scope and Contents

Subseries 10.3 contains files primarily created by former Executive Directors Robert Klotz and Harry Graber. Materials include correspondence, press releases, meeting minutes, reports, statistics, planning materials, studies, and surveys. This subseries also includes files pertaining to allied local and national organizations engaged in similar work. This subseries contains a small amount of records in Russian, Lao, Vietnamese, Japanese, Filipino, Cambodian, Urdu, Thai, Korean, and Chinese. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by folder title.

Portions of this series are restricted for a period of 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of personally identifiable information and sensitive immigration records. Restrictions are noted at the file level.

Allocations and planning, 1986-1990.
Box 336 Folder 1
American Jewish Committee part I, 1982-1990.
Box 336 Folder 2
American Jewish Committee part II, 1985-1990.
Box 336 Folder 3
Association of Jewish Agency Executives, 1985-1987.
Box 336 Folder 4
Association of Jewish Agency Executives, 1977-1985.
Box 336 Folder 5
Association of Jewish Agency Executives, 1979.
Box 336 Folder 6
Association of Jewish Agency Executives, 1972-1974.
Box 336 Folder 7
Board of Rabbis, 1988-1989.
Box 336 Folder 8
Central Agency for Jewish Education, 1989-1990.
Box 336 Folder 9
Committee on local services, 1986-1990.
Box 336 Folder 10
Citizenship material bibliography, 1988.
Box 336 Folder 11
Citizenship course, 1981-1984.
Box 336 Folder 12
Correspondence in (Restricted), 1991.
Box 336 Folder 13
Correspondence out (Restricted), 1991.
Box 336 Folder 14
Correspondence in, 1989-1990.
Box 336 Folder 15
Correspondence out, 1989-1990.
Box 336 Folder 16
Correspondence in, 1988-1989.
Box 336 Folder 17
Correspondence out, 1988-1989.
Box 336 Folder 18
Correspondence in (Restricted), 1987.
Box 336 Folder 19
Correspondence out, 1987.
Box 336 Folder 20