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Erb family papers
Held at: Conshohocken Historical Society [Contact Us]120 E. 5th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA, 19428
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Conshohocken Historical Society. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Dr. Russell C. Erb (1899-1968) was a prominent professor of physiological chemistry who lived in Conshohocken, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He earned a B.S. from LaFayette College in 1921 and an M.S. in Education from Temple University in 1926. He wrote several scientific texts, including The Common Scents of Smell: How the Nose Knows and What It All Shows! (Cleveland: World Pub. Co., 1968), Poisoning the Public: Daily Contacts with Toxic Materials as Civilization Marches on (Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1937), and Physiological Chemistry (Easton, Pa.: The Chemical Publishing Company, 1929).
William H. Erb was a pastor. He married Andora Fryer in 1896.
This collection contains newspaper clippings, genealogy research, articles, publications, marriage certificates, diplomas, year books and student records, pastoral records, film reels, and other miscellaneous papers pertaining to the Erb family, especially Russell C. and William H. Erb. A listing of the contents of the collection is provided below:
Accession 1:
Accession 2:The Conshohocken Recorder Saturday May 13, 1950 edition
Conshohocken High School, The Blue and Gold Alumni Association Newsletter, Winter 1981
Photo 12x20 Conshohocken Day Celebration, September 20, 1926
Primary Department Promotion Certificate, September 1932, Awarded to Catherine Erb From St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church School
Cradle Roll Certificate to Catherine Erb born 12/8/1923 entered 12/23/1924
Beginners Department promotion certificate to Katherine Erb 12/23/1929, St Mark's Lutheran Sunday School
Conshohocken PA Centennial May 14 to May 20, 1950, souvenir program
Conshohocken High School year book, The Torch 1940 1st edition
Conshohocken High School year book, The Echo 1941 edition (2 copies)
Conshohocken High School year book, The Echo 1957 edition
Conshohocken High School year book, The Echo 1958 edition
Conshohocken High School year book, The Echo 1959 edition
Conshohocken High School year book, The Echo 1960 edition
The Recorder Tuesday November 10, 1925 edition
Russell Casper Erb: (Plaque) Scientific Diploma BS degree 6/13/1921, LaFayette College
Russell C Erb: (plaque) Master of Science Degree in Education, 6/17/1926, Temple University
Russell C Erb: (plaque) Honorary Degree, Doctor of Science, Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
Class of 1939 Times Herald Newspaper photo clipping: 25-year re-union Conshohocken High School
Hahns: The Story of a Motherless Boy, by Russell Erb, copyright by Wm Erb, 1893
The Common Scents of Smell: How the Nose Knows and What it all Shows by Russell C. Erb, 1968
Let's Keep Christmas A Sermon by Peter Marshall, 1952
Popular Home Remedies and Superstitions of the Pennsylvania Germans - by A. Monroe Aurand, Jr., 1941
Converted to a Scrapbook of articles by William H Erb from Scientific Materials Blue Book Scientific Materials Company (Pittsburgh PA , 1940
New England Mutual Insurance Policy issued for Russell C Erb, 1948
Children's stories, and nursery rhymes, unknown
Photo Album compiled by Russell C Erb, 1919
The Murder of Dean Emmitt by R C Erb - manuscript, unknown
The Erb Family Tree
The Erb Clan: Report of Reunion Held at Ephrata, PA August 29, 1926, 1926
Succession documentation of the Erb family, 1724-1959
Erb family history notes
Biographical Sketch: Russell C. Erb
Historical and Biographical Sketches of the Erb Family
Russell C Erb: Victoria's Notes column published in the Recorder, 1924-1934
Facts about the Community Center - pamphlet, 10551
Urban Renewal Information booklet
The Bible - designed to be read as living literature (The old and new testaments in the King James Version), 1937
Russell C Erb personal notebook, 1915
Additions to the Erb Genealogy book and four sons index (listing of all the Herbs) - includes some pictures
Newspaper clippings about events in Conshohocken including 1 about Professor Russell C Erb, 1938-1940
Assorted Letters, notes and memos to Professor Russell C Erb
Assorted snapshots
Scrapbook of post cards, letters and newspaper clippings to and about Professor Russell C Erb, 1951-1955
Erb Family Genealogy Numbers 12, compiled by Edward R Erb and published by Leroy R Erb Includes photos and detailed written history from 1724 onward
Newspaper clipping noting Dr Russell C Erb's death at the age of 69 from a Heart Attack
Letter from Gloria Rich (step daughter of Russell C Erb)
The Descendents of Johanne Casper Erb - a detailed typed manuscript, 1969
Parish Record of Reverend William Erb
History and Directory of St Paul's Reformed Church - Rev William H Erb, Pastor, 1901
Record of Funerals - William H Erb, 1924-1928
Record of Weddings - William H Erb, 1925-1926
Record of Baptisms - William H Erb, 1924-1928
William Harvey Erb - collection of short stories
Book #7 with notes on Erbs starting from Henry Drehs Erb (includes Russell C Erb and William H Erb)
Manila folder includes notes on Family tree/genealogy, newspaper clippings and letters
Book #1 with notes on Erbs starting from Johan Casper Erb
Envelope containing unlabeled snapshots
School record/report card for Ethylene Erb
Katherine Humble report card
Offer of employment to pastor the Coopersburg Charge, 1924
Birth Certificate of Russell Erb (2/22/1899)
Letter from Publisher to print Nevin's Theology
Assignment of Bond and Mortgage from William H Erb to Emma F Erb (widow)
Property search of Rev Erb's Bethlehem house
3 stock certificates (1 for Steel's Consolidated Inc, 2 for Steep Realty Development
Paper titled: Peace Rather Thank War
The Cross on Easter by William H Erb , 1907
Yo- Eddie Club of Bethlehem Pa membership card, 1918
Homespun Comment by William H Erb titled What Gets Our Goat
34 Pennsilfawnish Deitsh by Guest Blipencil from the writings of the late William H Erb in 1903-1904
Marriage Certificate William H Erb and Andora Fryer, 1896
Life membership certificate to William H Erb from The Society for the Relief of Ministers and Their Widows, 1911
License to William H Erb from the Reformed Church May 14, 1896
Commencement program from 1939 Conshohocken High School: Ethylene Erb
Death Certificate of Catherine Erb, 1959
Catherine Erb Obituary
Personal letter written by Catherine Erb
Portrait believed to be Catherine Erb
List of Births and including William Erb
Seven Words spoken by Jesus services by pastor William H Erb
4 Reels of 16mm film regarding Erb Family Vacations
Gifts of Pat Ianelli and James and Gloria Rich.
Summary descriptive information on this collection was compiled in 2011-2012 as part of a pilot project conducted by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania to make better known and more accessible the largely hidden collections of small, primarily volunteer run repositories in the Philadelphia area. The Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories (HCI-PSAR) was funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
This is a preliminary finding aid. No physical processing, rehousing, reorganizing, or folder listing was accomplished during the HCI-PSAR project.
In some cases, more detailed inventories or finding aids may be available on-site at the repository where this collection is held; please contact Conshohocken Historical Society directly for more information.
- Publisher
- Conshohocken Historical Society
- Finding Aid Author
- Finding aid prepared by Celia Caust-Ellenbogen and Michael Gubicza through the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories
- Sponsor
- This preliminary finding aid was created as part of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories. The HCI-PSAR project was made possible by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Access Restrictions
Contact Conshohocken Historical Society for information about accessing this collection.