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John Nevin Sayre Papers


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

John Nevin Sayre (1884-1977) described himself as a "peace apostle whose life has been devoted to the waging of peace and opposition to war." He was ordained to ministry in the Episcopal Church in 1911. He joined the Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) in December 1915, only weeks after the American branch was organized. These events defined the course that his life took.

Sayre was born in Bethlehem, PA, one of two sons of a "captain of American industry" whose family was engaged in the development of the steel industry and railroads. Their maternal grandfather was a clergyman who became a college president. The boys had a privileged childhood; they were sent to boarding schools and summer camps. Nevin studied at Princeton and graduated in 1907. Francis studied at Williams College and Harvard Law school. He was married to a daughter of President Wilson in a ceremony at the White House at which Nevin officiated. Francis entered the diplomatic service and held important posts in the government of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Nevin benefited by gaining access to Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt and other prominent persons like General Douglas MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito.

Nevin Sayre, having decided to enter the ministry, then studied at Union Theological Seminary in New York for two years. He finished his graduate work at the Episcopal Theological School at Cambridge in 1911, and was promptly ordained.

The next few years were an exploratory period during which he considered a career in education, missionary work or the ministry. While working at Princeton in 1914, he heard a lecture on Christianity and war which prompted him to examine the teachings of Jesus on the use of force and the love of enemies. It became clear that Jesus was an "unequivocable pacifist" and that he "totally rejected war". Sayre never doubted that conclusion which became a guiding principle for the rest of his life. When he learned about the Fellowship of Reconciliation, he promptly became a member in December 1915.

Earlier that year, feeling an urge to preach, he responded to the call to the pastorate of Christ Episcopal Church in Suffern, NY which he served during the war years 1915-1919. The congregation of this village church did not curtail his freedom to uphold a strong pacifist position. Nevertheless after the war ended, he felt a call to be an "evangelist to youth and other parishes". He resigned his pastorate in 1919 to become one of the founders of the Brookwood community school which was conceived by a group of members of the F.O.R. for the purpose of "training builders of the new world". He taught there until 1921 when Brookwood became a "workers' college" under new leadership.

1922 was a year of transition. In February he was married to Kathleen Whitaker. She was a young English woman who came to the U.S. in 1916 with her widowed mother. They were Christian pacifists who found the pro-war spirit in English churches and society to be intolerable. Kathleen took a business course and then offered her services at the F.O.R. office where she was promptly engaged by Norman Thomas. Nevin Sayre, in writing his memoirs half a century later, devoted a chapter to "Companions in the Faith". He said that she was "first and foremost" in an international group of comrades. That same year he became editor of The World Tomorrow, a pacifist journal published by the Fellowship Press, and continued in the position until 1924. He had been writing for the publication since its beginning in 1918. He returned to journalism in 1940 when he edited Fellowship magazine for five years while serving as co-secretary of the F.O.R. with A.J. Muste.

For more than forty years (1924-1967) Sayre was an integral part of the national F.O.R. staff. He had worked briefly as associate secretary, along with the secretary Paul Jones in 1921. Following his period with The World Tomorrow, he served again as associate secretary from 1924 to 1935. Then he was F.O.R. chairman from 1935 to 1940. When A.J. Muste became secretary in 1940 he and Sayre headed the staff as "equal partners" until Sayre resigned that position to become the international secretary in 1947. He continued working full time in the international field until 1967 when a stroke forced his retirement.

Sayre's first active involvement in the international aspects of peacemaking probably occurred in January 1921. He spent three weeks in Germany with an international reconciliation team. They observed post-war conditions, and talked with groups and individuals, including Quaker relief workers, in 15 urban areas. In the years that followed, Sayre made frequent trips to Europe, including Russia (1929, 1932) and Eastern Europe (1938). More extensive tours, with his wife Kathleen, took them to the far east in 1949-1950, to South Africa in 1952, and to South America in 1958.

Most of Sayre's international work was done in the context of the International F.O.R. (I.F.O.R.). He became chairman of the I.F.O.R. in 1935 and remained in that position until 1955. During that time he presided over six meetings of the I.F.O.R. Council. Thereafter he continued to undergird the financial support of the organization. A distinctive feature of the I.F.O.R. work which began in the 1930s was the use of traveling secretaries for spreading the peace message to Asia, Africa and Latin America. These notable messengers were Muriel Lester, André and Magda Trocmé, Hildegard and Jean Goss-Mayr. Sayre's own network of contacts throughout the world is evident in the extensive files of his correspondence, country by country, with individuals and F.O.R. groups.

The broad interests of Sayre often involved him in working with other organizations. He participated in the founding of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and served on the Board of Directors from 1918-1928. He helped to form the Committee on Militarism in Education in 1925 and was its first chairman. He served as president of the National Peace Conference in 1935-1938 and led several of its delegations to the White House. Sayre also participated in some special projects undertaken jointly with other peace groups. In 1927-1928 he led a Mission of Peace and Good Will to Central America which was sponsored by the F.O.R. and the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). The team of four, including a woman, lectured and made contacts in four countries and at the Pan American Congress in Havana. Their immediate aim of ending the fighting in Nicaragua was not accomplished, but they succeeded in laying the groundwork for a 5-year F.O.R. program in Central America. In Asia in 1950 Sayre took the initiative in an international act of compassion. When he and his wife were on their world tour, they learned that Japanese soldiers who had been accused of war crimes in the Philippines were still in prison there, some to be executed. With the support of the International F.O.R. and a committee of the Tokyo YMCA, Sayre went directly to Philippine President Quirino. Before leaving office in1953, he commuted the sentences of all the Japanese prisoners, thus freeing them to return to their country and families.

As a devotee of the "pacifist faith" Sayre found it necessary to go beyond preaching it in general and urge it on particular individuals in key positions of power, as in the case of President Quirino above. This practice of "speaking truth to power" was facilitated by his brother Francis B. Sayre who was a son-in-law of Woodrow Wilson and who held important diplomatic positions in the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1952. In 1918-1919 Nevin Sayre had three private interviews with President Wilson which were productive. In 1936 and 1938 he led delegations of the National Peace Conference to the White House which were cordially received. In October 1949 when Nevin and Kathleen Sayre were on their world tour, they had two visits in Japan which were social occasions. They were luncheon guests of General Douglas MacArthur and his wife at the American Embassy, and they were received by the Emperor and Empress of Japan at the royal palace. In both cases they conversed about the favorable circumstances which characterized the post-war period in Japan.

The significance and influence of Sayre's life work are summarized by John M. Swomley, a colleague of Sayre on the national staff of the F.O.R. from 1940-1960 and its executive secretary 1953-1960. He wrote a biographical series titled "John Nevin Sayre: Peacemaker" for Fellowship magazine, 1977-1979. The following excerpt is taken from the beginning of the first article published November 1977:

"John Nevin Sayre was one of the great figures of the American peace movement. He lived an unusual life, dedicated fully to world peace. He invested himself and his fortune in movements for radical but peaceful change. He was the associate and advisor of men and women who became more famous, but who could hardly be said to have had more influence. In many respects, the Fellowship of Reconciliation as an organization is an ongoing tribute to his unswerving commitment and intelligent leadership. For fifty-two years he served the Fellowship in various capacities. No other person during that period, which spanned four wars, made a greater continuous world-wide contribution to the cause of world peace."

On July 1, 1975 Sayre formalized his intention of depositing his "office files" in the Swarthmore College Peace Collection by signing a statement to that effect. It also included the files still at his home after they were no longer needed. The office files of twenty-four cartons were transferred to the SCPC in July 1975, along with the large accumulation of F.O.R. records at the national office in Nyack, NY. The curator of the Peace Collection decided that the Sayre materials should be a separate document group, DG 117. A unit within the Sayre Papers contained his files of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship, which were separated to form the nucleus of DG 118.

The collection of peace related materials at the Sayre home in South Nyack included four steel cabinets of reference files which he and his wife Kathleen had collected and used for half a century. There were also personal and family writings including small diaries from childhood throughout adulthood, and lifelong correspondence with his beloved brother Francis B. Sayre who became a prominent diplomat. A copy of John Nevin Sayre's unpublished memoirs was donated by his daughter Faith Sayre Schindler who arranged for a visit of several days in the home in 1978 in order to examine and select materials offered to the SCPC. These were brought to Swarthmore in July 1978.

In 1981 more cartons of Sayre materials were found at Shadowcliff, the national F.O.R. office. They included sermons and speeches, materials about Kathleen Sayre's peace work, and books and photographs from the period of the first World War.

Additional personal and family materials were contributed by Faith S. Schindler. In 1993 she sent a suitcase full of letters. The earliest were written by Nevin Sayre's parents in the 1890s. The bulk of the correspondence comprises the exchange of letters between Nevin and Kathleen from their courtship in 1921 through the years when he was delivering speeches and building structures of peace in the U.S. and around the world.

The last accession of Sayre material was received in July 1998 from Faith S. Schindler in response to a suggestion from the SCPC. It is a collection of photocopies of letters of condolence received by Kathleen W. Sayre at the time of Nevin Sayre's death in 1977.

Scope and Contents The major part of the Sayre papers consists of the extensive correspondence of a lifetime which was centered in the Fellowship of Reconciliation. The principal categories are his American (U.S.) and international files. There is also a large quantity of family letters. Related to the international correspondence are the files of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.), of which Sayre was chairman in 1935-1955. They include meeting minutes and reports of Conferences, the Council and Executive Committees. These files also contain historical records, materials on policy discussions, adjunct programs and fund raising. There are some miscellaneous historical materials of the F.O.R.-USA concerning Sayre's particular interests, like the 1933 referendum of the membership. Another series is given to programs and special projects of the F.O.R.-USA, 1919-1958, some in collaboration with other organizations. These files include correspondence, meeting minutes, reports and releases.

Some of Sayre's principal correspondents were: Devere Allen, Roger N. Baldwin, Percy W. Bartlett, Arthur W. Blaxall, Vera Brittain, K.K. Chandy, E. Philip Eastman, Hildegard and Jean Goss-Mayr, Allan A. Hunter, Howard Kester, Herbert Jehle, Muriel Lester, Kaspar Mayr, Wilhelm Mensching, Premysl Pitter, Charles E. Raven, Henri Roser, Paul M. Sekiya, Friedrich Siegmund-Schultze, Emily Parker Simon, Glenn E. Smiley, John M. Swomley, Evan W. Thomas, Charles A. Thomson, and André and Magda Trocmé.

The private side of Sayre's life is expressed primarily in family letters (1892-1972) particularly with his brother Francis B. Sayre, a prominent diplomat, and his wife Kathleen Whitaker Sayre. Additional autobiographical sources are pocket diaries and travel journals. His unpublished memoirs, written after his stroke, are a compilation of reflective writings on aspects of his personal and public life.

Writing and speaking were important aspects of Sayre's most active years. His periodical articles, pamphlets, mimeographed reports on F.O.R. work, hearings in Washington, broadcasts, letters to public officials and editors constitute one category. Another includes sermons and study series given in churches which are mainly in manuscript, often in outline or notes. Sayre kept collections of frequently used illustrations and quotations. Supplemental records about speaking engagements include press clippings, schedules, titles, etc. An extensive subject file, which he and his wife assembled, provided them with ample reference materials, in all printed forms, on national, international and religious issues.


Letters to/from/about Evan Thomas, that relate to his pacifist convictions and imprisonment during WWI as a conscientious objector,were scanned and added to the website Conscientious Objection and the Great War ( in 2019.

In general the arrangement of the Sayre papers corresponds to the broad categories used by Sayre and his secretaries. The collection is comprised of nine series as listed below. Subdivisions were made in some series for the sake of logic and clarity. Individual Arrangement pages precede each series except for Series I, Reference Files. Series A: American (USA) Correspondence, 1909-1972 Series B: International Files, 1922-1974 Series C: International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.), 1919-1969 Series D: Fellowship of Reconciliation-USA, 1915-1965 Historical Records of special interest to Sayre Series E: Fellowship of Reconciliation-USA, 1919-1967 F.O.R. Programs; Special Projects Series F: Writings, Lectures, Sermons by Sayre, 1908-1967 Series G: Speaking Engagements and Trips, 1923-1967 United States and Overseas Series H: Biographical and Personal Records: Family Letters, 1885-1982 [Memoirs, tributes, obituaries of Sayre and wife, Academic life; Pastoral Ministry, Public engagements and Press clippings, Pocket Diaries; Travel Journals, Sayre Family Letters and memorabilia] Series I: Reference Files (articles, clippings, pamphlets) 1902-1967 [boxes are stored off-site]

F.O.R. Officials during the Sayre years (lists): Executive Secretaries of F.O.R.-USA Chairmen of National Council of F.O.R.-USA International F.O.R. (I.F.O.R.) Executives and Council Chairmen

Guide to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 2nd ed., p. 63.

The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is the official repository for these papers.

Donor/Depositor: John Nevin Sayre and Faith Sayre Schindler Received: 1975, 1978, 1981, 1993, 1998.

Processed by Wilma Mosholder, 19__-1999; checklist prepared by Wilma Mosholder, 1999, with assistance from Tina Wong (class of 1999).

Photographs, mostly of individuals, groups at meetings, and conference sites, were removed to the Photograph Collection. One box contains photos of various sizes re: World War I, including relief work. Letters to/from Martin Luther King Jr., President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and President Woodrow Wilson were photocopied and the originals removed to the Restricted collection.

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research use.

All or part of this collection is stored off-site. Contact Swarthmore College Peace Collection staff at at least two weeks in advance of visit to request boxes.

Copyright may have been transferred to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection or may have been retained by the creators/authors (or their descendants), in this collection, as stipulated by United States copyright law. Please contact the SCPC Curator for further information.
Use Restrictions


Collection Inventory


Series A consists largely of correspondence with individuals. Included are a few religious bodies, committees and foundations. In addition to letters there are also writings by some of the correspondents and material about them. The names are in alphabetical order. Within the folders the arrangement is by date. The bulk of the correspondence is from the mid-1930s through December 1967 when Sayre suffered a stroke. The first folder in Box 1 contains a small amount of early correspondence. In the same folder there is a list of early correspondents for whom there are individual folders.

Miscellaneous, 1917- early 1930s.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
Scope and Contents

Includes notes.

A, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
Physical Description

collective folder

Allen, Devere, 1925-1932.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
Allen, Devere, 1945-1955.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
Allen, Devere: By and about.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
Allen, Marie, 1963-1967.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
American Council for Judaism, 1961.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
American Friends Service Committee, 1944-1961.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
Ames, Winslow, 1948-1953.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
Arnett, John and Katharine, 1948-1966.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
Arnold, Eberhard H.C. and Emmy, 1957-1965.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
B, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 1 [SCPC-6501]
Physical Description

3 collective folders

Bainton, Roland, 1943-1969.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Balch, Emily Greene, 1933; 1956; 1960.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Baldwin, Roger N., 1929-1930; 1943-1969.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Baldwin, Roger N.: By and about.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Barnes, Roswell P., 1940-1964.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Beardsley, Helen M., 1947-1969.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Beaver, Gilbert and Jean, 1952; 1965.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Bell, Colin, 1947-1949; 1958; 1966.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Berrigan, Daniel, 1958-1967.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Best, Ernest, 1957-1968.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Boehmer, Peter J., 1965-1967.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Bosley, Harold, 1951-1955; 1959; 1962.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Boss, Charles F., 1941-1957.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Brewer, Thomas, 1963.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Brumbaugh, Thoburn T., 1951-1963.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Burr, Hugh Chamberlin, 1946-1960.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Buttrick, George A., 1951-1963.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Byers, Gardner K., 1930.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
C, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 2 [SCPC-6502]
Physical Description

collective folder

Campbell, Margaret, 1941-1968.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Carpenter, George, 1954-1968.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Carpenter, J. Henry, 1942-1954.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Chalmers, Allan Knight, 1939-1961.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Chatfield, Charles, 1960-1966.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Chatfield, Charles: Critique of mss., 1966.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Chatfield, Charles: Europe, 1967.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Chatfield, Charles, 1967-1971.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Cleghorn, Sarah, 1941-1947.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Collins, George, 1950-1968.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Crary, Bruce L., 1948-1957.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
Curry, A. Stauffer, 1949; 1957-1969.
Box Series A: 3 [SCPC-6503]
D, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Physical Description

collective folder

Dahlberg, Edwin T., 1957-1960.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Davidson, John F., 1950-1965.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Davis, Jerome, 1947-1969.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Day, Dorothy, 1949; 1952; 1967.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Deems, Charles Price, 1915-1955.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Dow, John G., 1951; 1965-1968.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Durell, Thomas J., 1942-1964.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Durgin, Russell, 1948-1956.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Dyhrenfurth, Hettie, 1948-1954.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
E, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Physical Description

collective folder

Eatherly, Claude R., 1959-1960.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Eaton, Eleanor, 1954-1963.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Ehrensperger, Harold, 1953-1954.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Elkinton, J. Passmore, 1944-1966.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Elliott, Philips P., 1951-1961.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
England, J. Martin, 1950-1967.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Etter, Orval, 1946-1956.
Box Series A: 4 [SCPC-6504]
Evans, Hermene, 1964-1969.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Exman, Eugene, 1942-1961.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
F, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Physical Description

2 collective folders

Farquharson, Mary, 1942-1946.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Fey, Harold E., 1936-1964; 1972.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Fiscus, Rosalind, 1949-1957.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Fisk, Alfred G., 1947-1959.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Flanagan, Sue, 1943-1955.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1944-1956.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Fulton, R. Brank, 1951-1967.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
G, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Physical Description

collective folder

Galt, Ralph and Louisa, 1942-1956; 1964.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Gemmer, H. Robert, 1949; 1961-1968.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Goodfellow, Eunice A., 1953-1956; 1972.
Box Series A: 5 [SCPC-6505]
Gray, Philip H., 1953-1969.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-6506]
Gregg, Richard B., 1933-1969.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-6506]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Gregg, Richard B. [re: African edition of The Power of Non-violence].
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-6506]
Group on War and the Churches, 1923-1924.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-6506]
H, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-6506]
Physical Description

3 collective folders

Hammill, Robert H., 1954-1968.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-6506]
Hamilton, Anna, 1955-1958.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-6506]
Hammond, Esther Fiske (estate), 1955-1956.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-6506]
Hammond, William, 1950-1967.
Box Series A: 6 [SCPC-6506]
Hancox, Herbert F., 1940s; 1960s.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Harding, Glenn, 1953; 1963.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Harkness, Georgia, 1942-1956.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Hasler, Alfred, 1941-1971.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Hatch, Barbara (Memorial Fund), 1962-1967.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Hatch, Harold A., 1942-1959.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Hatch, Harold A., and family, 1960-1970.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Heard, Gerald, 1942-1949; 1954.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Heidbrink, John C., 1960-1969.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Hirabayashi, Gordon; addenda, 1942-1944; 1984.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Hoffman, Conrad, 1935-1958.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Hogg, Daniel, 1946-1948.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Hogle, George, 1952-1969.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Holmes, John Haynes, 1924-1964.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Horton Robert, 1943-1958.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Houser, George M., 1944-1968.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Houser, George M.: reports on Africa, 1953-1954.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Hughan, Jessie Wallace, 1930; 1936; 1955.
Box Series A: 7 [SCPC-6507]
Hull, Cordell (Secretary of State), 1937-1943.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Hungerford, Robert, 1950-1967.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Hunter, Allan A., 1942-1966.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Hunter, Allan A.: By and about.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Huxley, Aldous, 1945-1948; 1961.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Hyslop, Ralph D., 1962-1965.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
I, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Physical Description

collective folder

Iglehart, Charles, 1945-1969.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
J, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Physical Description

collective folder

Jack, Homer, 1952-1954.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Jehle, Herbert, 1940-1969.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Jehle, Herbert: addenda.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Scope and Contents

1944-1949, 1963

Johnson, Byron and Kay, 1958-1966.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Johnson, E.H., 1952-1954.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Johnston, Mary, 1950-1967.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Jones, E. Stanley, 1941-1967.
Box Series A: 8 [SCPC-6508]
Jones, Paul [re: his trial], 1917-1918.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Jones, Paul: by and about.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Jones, Robert Cuba, 1944-1952; 1962.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
K, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Physical Description

collective folder

Kester, Howard, 1930-1934; 1964-1967.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]

2 folders

Kilpatrick, William H., 1942-1943; 1958-1959.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
King Jr., Martin Luther, 1956-1966.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
L, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Physical Description

collective folder

Lakey, George, 1966-1967.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Larabee, Kent R., 1954-1960.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Lawrence, Charles R., 1955-1965.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Lawrence, W. Appleton, 1942-1969.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Lawson, James M., 1960-1966.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Lee, J. Oscar, 1958-1964.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Lefever, Ernest W., 1943-1947.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Leiper, Henry, 1941-1947.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Lentz, Theodore F., 1956-1968.
Box Series A: 9 [SCPC-6509]
Libby, Frederick J., 1949-1967.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Loescher, Frank S., 1953, 1962.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Longstreth, Walter C., 1963-1967.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Ludlow, Theodore R. and Helen, 1950-1967; 1976.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Lyman, Mary E.W., 1955-1966.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
M, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Physical Description

2 collective folders

McConnell, Ben H., 1943; 1950; 1956.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
McCorkel, Roy, 1948-1949; 1954.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
McCrackin, Maurice F., 1958; 1962.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
McCulloch, Margaret, 1948-1967.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
McKee, Elmore M., 1947; 1960-1967; 1972.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Matthews, Joseph B. [by and about], 1929-1933; 1953-1954; 1960s.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Mennonite Central Committee, 1950-1955; 1963-1968.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Miller, William R., 1958-1969.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Mitchell, Walter, 1940-1966.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Molnar, Enrico, 1939-1965.
Box Series A: 10 [SCPC-6510]
Moody, Curtiss, 1958-1966.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Moon, Robert, 1954-1964.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Moors, Ethel Paine, 1939-1954.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Muelder, Walter, 1950-1961.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Muste, A.J., 1936; 1940-1947.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Muste, A.J., 1948-1965.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Muste, A.J.: FBI accusations, 1957.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Muste, A.J.: Writings.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Muste, A.J.: Material about Muste.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Muste, A.J.: Obituaries and tributes.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Mygatt, Tracy, 1947-1959.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
N, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Physical Description

collective folder

Nash, Vernon, 1949-1958.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Naylor, Kurtis, 1966-1968.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Nelson, Claud D., 1935-1967.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Nelson, John Oliver, 1950-1964.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Newton, Ray, 1944-1958.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
Niles, Henry, 1947-1948, 1965.
Box Series A: 11 [SCPC-6511]
O-P, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Physical Description

collective folder

Paddock, Bishop Robert L. (estate), 1939-1942.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Page, Kirby and Alma, 1943-1965.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Page, Kirby: By and about.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Paine, George Lyman, 1942-1963.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Paine, Goerge Lyman, 1964-1968.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Paine Peace Foundation: Charter and meeting minutes.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Paine Peace Foundation: Correspondence, 1949-1954.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Paine Peace Foundation: Correspondence, 1955-1961.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Parson, Artley, 1954-1966.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Pettengill, Robert B., 1947-1958.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Pickett, Clarence, 1942-1964.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Pierce, Edith Lovejoy, 1940-1950.
Box Series A: 12 [SCPC-6512]
Pierce, Katharine C., 1942-1970.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Podea, Mary and Titus, 1951-1969.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
R, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Physical Description

collective folder

Randall, Darrell, 1950-1965.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Regas, George F., 1960-1967.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Rheinstein, Sidney, 1960-1967.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Rhoads, Grace, 1947-1955.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Richards, Edward C.M., 1943-1970.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Riles, Wilson, 1955-1959.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Roberts, Richard, and family et al., 1942-1963.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1937-1944.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Row, Harold, 1950-1969.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Roy, Andrew, 1946-1966.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Rumbough, Constance, 1939-1958.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Russell, William K., 1950-1967.
Box Series A: 13 [SCPC-6513]
Rustin, Bayard, 1943-1953, 1964.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
Rutenber, Culbert G., 1951-1955.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
S, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
Physical Description

2 collective folders

Sangree, Carl M., 1946-1959.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
Schomer, Howard, 1950; 1958-1967.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Schwenck, Emerson S., 1944-1947.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
Scott, Lawrence, 1949; 1962.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
Seesholtz, Anne, 1940-1966.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
Sheppard, Cecilia, 1939-1953.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
Sherk, J. Harold, 1959-1967.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
Shove, Benjamin E., 1959-1969.
Box Series A: 14 [SCPC-6514]
Simon, Emily Parker, 1946-1966.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-6515]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Smiley, Glenn E., 1942-1972.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-6515]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Sorokin, Pitirim A., 1956.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-6515]
Spencer, J.C., 1950-1967.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-6515]
Steere, Douglas V., 1940; 1945-1971.
Box Series A: 15 [SCPC-6515]
Scope and Contents

[5 folders]

Steere, Douglas V.: Travel letters, 1953-1967.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-6516]
Stinnes, Edmund H., 1946-1958; 1960-1967.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-6516]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 1946-1967.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-6516]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Swift, Arthur, 1941-1945.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-6516]
Swomley, John M., 1940-1948.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-6516]
Swomley, John M., 1950-1970.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-6516]
Swomley, John M.: By and about.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-6516]
Szilard, Leo, 1962-1964.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-6516]
T, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-6516]
Physical Description

collective folder

Templin, Ralph, 1942-1947.
Box Series A: 16 [SCPC-6516]
Thomas, Evan W., 1912-1922.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Thomas, Evan W., 1939-1944.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Thomas, Norman, 1918-1919; 1932; 1961-1966.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Thomas, Norman: By and about.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Thomas, Winburn, 1943-1948; 1953-1969.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Tittle, John, 1963-1965.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Tompkins, Alva and family, 1960-1966.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Toureille, P.C., 1946-1947; 1951-1953.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Trocmé family in U.S., 1953-1959.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
U-V, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Physical Description

collective folder

Uphaus, Willard, 1959-1961.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1941; 1944-1945.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Von Selle, Margaret, 1954-1958.
Box Series A: 17 [SCPC-6517]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Von Selle, Margaret, 1959-1962.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
W, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Physical Description

2 collective folders

Walker, Charles, 1952-1956.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Walser, Gladys, 1949-1957.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Watson, Albert G., 1947-1959.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
West, Dan, 1944-1962.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
White, Walter, 1942-1952.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Whitney, Norman, 1941-1967.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Whritner, Willis C. [includes case of a railroad employee], 1916-1922; 1950.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Wilde, J. Ernest and Almena, 1958-1963.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Will, Herman and Rita, 1942-1959; 1964.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Wilson, Woodrow: Correspondence, 1909-1913.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Wilson, Woodrow: Invitation to inauguration, 1913.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Wilson, Woodrow: Sayre as guest at White House, 1914.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Wilson, Woodrow: Correspondence, 1914-1920.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Wilson, Woodrow: Interviews re: C.O.s at Fort Leavenworth, espionage law, The World Tomorrow, 1918.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Wilson, Woodrow: Sayre's evaluation of Wilson and conduct of World War I.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Wise, J. Hooper, 1962-1974.
Box Series A: 18 [SCPC-6518]
Wyckoff, D. Campbell, 1958-1964.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-6519]
Wyckoff, DeWitte, 1951-1957.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-6519]
Y-Z, circa 1909-1972.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-6519]
Physical Description

collective folder

Yamada, George, 1942-1945.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-6519]
Yoder, Howard W., 1954-1964.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-6519]
Yoder, John Howard, 1954-1966.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-6519]
Young, Herrick B., 1945-1970.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-6519]
Scope and Contents

[5 folders]

Young, Herrick B.: Writings and travels.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-6519]
Yungblut, John, 1949-1966.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-6519]
Zigler, M.R, 1943-1958.
Box Series A: 19 [SCPC-6519]


Series B contains the major part of the records of Sayre's work for peace around the world. He became Chairman of the International F.O.R. in 1935 and continued in that capacity until 1955. In 1946 he resigned as Co-Secretary of the F.O.R.-USA to become its International Secretary. In addition to the extensive correspondence with peace leaders, these files contain materials about the national groups affiliated with the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.), including their "basis" statements, meeting minutes and reports. The correspondence with International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) General Secretaries, Regional and Traveling Secretaries, and other leaders is found under their respective countries. Consequently the files for the following are especially large: Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria and Uruguay. The basic arrangement is alphabetical by countries and continents. The names conform to usage during Sayre's time; for example, Ceylon, Congo, Great Britain and Rhodesia. Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Panama Canal Zone are included. The arrangement under the name of a country depends partly on the quantity of material. In most cases there is only a small amount of miscellaneous, placed in a single folder with the inclusive dates. For the rest the following order is used:

  1. First, general/miscellaneous material, by date
  2. Second, F.O.R. records
  3. Third, correspondence (A-Z) with individuals and groups; topical material
Africa: general and miscellaneous, 1947-1967.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Algeria, 1932-1960.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Argentina, 1941-1962.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Argentina: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1941-1969.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Argentina: Barbieri, Sante U., 1949-1961.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Argentina: Chartier, Richard, 1956-1970.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Argentina: Hunt, Virginia M., 1943-1946.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Argentina: Lurá-Villanueva, Daniel, 1944-1968.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Argentina: Odell, Luis E., 1951, 1954.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Argentina: Reinke, Isabel, 1941-1963.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Argentina: Sievers, Bernard, 1946-1948.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Australia, 1939-1969.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Austria, 1942-1965.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Austria: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1937-1966.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Austria: Grant, Donald, 1930-1933.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Austria: Mayr, Kaspar, 1928-1937.
Box Series B: 1 [SCPC-6520]
Austria: Mayr, Kaspar, 1946-1955.
Box Series B: 2 [SCPC-6521]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Austria: Mayr, Kaspar and family, 1956-1965; 1973.
Box Series B: 2 [SCPC-6521]
Austria: Mayr, Hildegard, 1950-1957.
Box Series B: 2 [SCPC-6521]
Austria: Mayr, Hildegard: Vienna Peace Center, 1956-1957.
Box Series B: 2 [SCPC-6521]
Austria: Mayr, Hildegard, 1958.
Box Series B: 2 [SCPC-6521]
Austria: Mayr, Hildegard: U.S. speaking tour, 1958.
Box Series B: 2 [SCPC-6521]
Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean, 1959.
Box Series B: 2 [SCPC-6521]
Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: World Youth Festival, 1959.
Box Series B: 2 [SCPC-6521]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: Correspondence, 1960.
Box Series B: 2 [SCPC-6521]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: Correspondence, 1961.
Box Series B: 3 [SCPC-6522]
Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: Correspondence (South American tour), 1961-1962.
Box Series B: 3 [SCPC-6522]
Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: Correspondence, 1962-1965.
Box Series B: 3 [SCPC-6522]
Scope and Contents

[4 folders]

Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: Correspondence (U.S. tour), 1965.
Box Series B: 3 [SCPC-6522]
Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: Correspondence, 1966-1974.
Box Series B: 3 [SCPC-6522]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: Reports on Europe, 1954-1961.
Box Series B: 3 [SCPC-6522]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: Reports on Europe, 1962-1970.
Box Series B: 4 [SCPC-6523]
Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: Reports on Vatican Council, 1961-1965.
Box Series B: 4 [SCPC-6523]
Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard and Jean: Reports on Latin America, 1962-1971.
Box Series B: 4 [SCPC-6523]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Austria: Goss-Mayr, Jean: By and about.
Box Series B: 4 [SCPC-6523]
Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard: Writings.
Box Series B: 4 [SCPC-6523]
Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard: Material about.
Box Series B: 4 [SCPC-6523]
Austria: Goss-Mayr, Hildegard: Publicity.
Box Series B: 4 [SCPC-6523]
Austria: Rennert, Erwin, 1967-1968.
Box Series B: 4 [SCPC-6523]
Austria: Schwarcz, Ernst, 1962-1967.
Box Series B: 4 [SCPC-6523]
Bahamas, 1957; 1966.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Belgium, 1935-1972.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Belgium: Vernier family, 1939-1953.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Bolivia, 1944-1963.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Brazil, 1947-1967.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Brazil: Baggio, Walter, 1957-1958.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Brazil: Cardoso, Amancio C., 1958-1966.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Brazil: Cruzada de Concordia Humana (Fellowship of Reconciliation), 1961-1965.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Brazil: Fausel, Erich, 1947-1964.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Brazil: Goss-Mayr reports, 1962-1967.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Brazil: Labouriau, Judith, 1958-1966.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Bulgaria, 1928-1960.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Burma, 1950-1952.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Canada, 1939-1968.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Canada: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Statement of purpose.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Canada: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Meeting minutes and reports, 1944-1950.
Box Series B: 5 [SCPC-6524]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Canada: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Meeting minutes and reports, 1951-1967.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
Canada: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Releases, etc., 1942-1967.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
Canada: Fahrni, Mildred, 1947-1967.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
Canada: Griggs, Julian, 1964-1965.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
Canada: Kneen, Brewster, 1956-1967.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
Canada: Smith, J. Lavell, 1937-1959.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
Canada: Strong, George, 1967-1968.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
Canada: Watson, Albert G., 1942-1967.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 1949-1967.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
Chile, 1943-1968.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
China, 1927-1952.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
China: Articles, reports, etc., 1925-1963.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
China: Japanese aggression, 1938-1939.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
China: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1925-1951; 1961-1966.
Box Series B: 6 [SCPC-6525]
China: Galt, Ralph and Louisa, 1940-1942.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

China: Muriel Lester: Travel letters, 1935-1958.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
China: Proposed International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) missions, 1960s.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
China: Tang, Christopher, 1938-1966.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
China: Thomas, Winburn, 1947-1950.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
Colombia, 1940-1966.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
Congo (Zaire), 1964-1966.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
Costa Rica, 1928-1932; 1940s; 1951-1967.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
Cuba, 1928; 1941-1946; 1958-1962; 1966.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
Czechoslovakia, 1938-1950.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
Czechoslovakia: Christian peace conference, 1952-1966.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
Czechoslovakia: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1932; 1955.
Box Series B: 7 [SCPC-6526]
Czechoslovakia: Kucera, Jan, 1948-1967.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Czechoslovakia: Pitter, Premysl and Olga Fierz, 1938-1952.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Czechoslovakia: Pitter, Premysl and Olga Fierz: While in Camp Valka, 1953-1954.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Czechoslovakia: Pitter, Premysl and Olga Fierz: While in Germany and Switzerland, 1955-1969.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Czechoslovakia: Pitter, Premysl and Olga Fierz: "Memories of ... Prague", 1955-1966.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Czechoslovakia: Pitter, Premysl: By and about, 1951-1963.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Czechoslovakia: Tutsch, Heinrich and Elsa, 1931-1939.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Czechoslovakia: Vancura family, 1948-1949.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Denmark: General and Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1932-1940; 1945-1969.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Denmark: International People's College, 1949-1953.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Egypt, 1948-1957.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Finland, 1938-1940; 1946-1950; 1955-1963.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
France, 1931-1969.
Box Series B: 8 [SCPC-6527]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

France: Le Chambon: Trocmé and Theis correspondence, 1934-1953.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Le Chambon: Children's Colony, 1941-1943.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Le Chambon: Seminars, 1947-1950.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Le Chambon: College Cévenol, 1945-1966.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: C.O.s and war resisters, 1929-1940; 1950-1966.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1931; 1934; 1939-1940; 1945; 1949; 1956-1967.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) -- Les Chrestians l'evangile et guerre, 1958.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Lasserre, Jean: Correspondence and reports, 1961-1972.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Lasserre, Jean: Speaking tour in U.S., 1964.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Lasserre, Jean: Trip to Africa, 1966.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Lasserre, Jean: Writings; material about.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Roser, Henri and Daniel Hogg, 1929-1938.
Box Series B: 9 [SCPC-6528]
France: Roser family, 1939-1946.
Box Series B: 10 [SCPC-6529]
France: Roser, Henri, 1946-1969.
Box Series B: 10 [SCPC-6529]
France: Roser, Henri: Writings.
Box Series B: 10 [SCPC-6529]
France: Trocmé, André: International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) appointment, 1946.
Box Series B: 10 [SCPC-6529]
France: Trocmé, André and Magda, 1947-1953.
Box Series B: 10 [SCPC-6529]
Scope and Contents

[8 folders]

France: Trocmé, André and Magda, 1954-1959.
Box Series B: 11 [SCPC-6530]
Scope and Contents

[6 folders]

France: Trocmé, André and Magda: Closing of Maison de la Reconciliation and move to Geneva, 1960.
Box Series B: 11 [SCPC-6530]
France: Trocmé, André and Magda: While in Geneva, 1961-1966.
Box Series B: 11 [SCPC-6530]
France: Trocmé, André and Magda: While in Geneva, 1967-1971.
Box Series B: 11 [SCPC-6530]
France: Trocmé, André and Magda: Correspondence with J. Best re: publication of Trocmé's books in U.S., 1962-1966.
Box Series B: 11 [SCPC-6530]
France: Trocmé, André and Magda: Reports, 1947, 1951-1958.
Box Series B: 11 [SCPC-6530]
France: Trocmé, Magda: Reports and articles, 1947-1958.
Box Series B: 11 [SCPC-6530]
France: Trocmé, André: Reports from Algeria, 1955-1956.
Box Series B: 11 [SCPC-6530]
France: Trocmé, André and Magda, and Alyce Reynier: Reports on Maison de la Reconciliation, 1951-1959.
Box Series B: 11 [SCPC-6530]
France: Trocmé, André: Speeches and writings, 1945-1971.
Box Series B: 12 [SCPC-6531]
France: Trocmé, André: Speaking tours, 1945; 1951; 1953.
Box Series B: 12 [SCPC-6531]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

France: Trocmé, Magda: Speaking tour for AFSC and Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1954.
Box Series B: 12 [SCPC-6531]
France: Trocmé, André: Speaking tours, 1955-1959/1960.
Box Series B: 12 [SCPC-6531]
Scope and Contents

[4 folders]

France: Trocmé, André and Magda: Farewell tea, New York, 1960.
Box Series B: 12 [SCPC-6531]
France: Trocmé, André: Material about.
Box Series B: 12 [SCPC-6531]
France: Trocmé, Magda: Material about.
Box Series B: 12 [SCPC-6531]
France: Trocmé: Addenda re: the Trocmés and Le Chambon [received from F.O.R.-USA, Nyack], 1996.
Box Series B: 12 [SCPC-6531]
France: Versailles property, 1958-1964.
Box Series B: 12 [SCPC-6531]
France: Vernier, Philippe: Correspondence and trial, 1934-1962.
Box Series B: 13 [SCPC-6532]
France: Vernier, Philippe: Petition and signers, 1935.
Box Series B: 13 [SCPC-6532]
France: Vernier, Philippe: Delegation to French Embassy, 1935.
Box Series B: 13 [SCPC-6532]
France: Vernier, Philippe: Correspondence, 1962-1969; 1974.
Box Series B: 13 [SCPC-6532]
France: Williams, Clayton et al. re: delivery of relief funds, 1940-1941; 1946.
Box Series B: 13 [SCPC-6532]
Germany, 1931-1939.
Box Series B: 13 [SCPC-6532]
Germany: Articles and reports, 1945-1966.
Box Series B: 13 [SCPC-6532]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Germany: General correspondence, 1945-1957.
Box Series B: 13 [SCPC-6532]
Scope and Contents

[5 folders]

Germany: Versöhnungsbund / Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1922-1962.
Box Series B: 14 [SCPC-6533]
Scope and Contents

Includes scattered dates between 1922-1962.

Germany: Versöhnungsbund / Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Meeting minutes and reports, 1946-1969.
Box Series B: 14 [SCPC-6533]
Germany: Versöhnungsbund / Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Berlin Group reports, 1946-1970.
Box Series B: 14 [SCPC-6533]
Germany: Versöhnungsbund / Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Historical notes and recollections.
Box Series B: 14 [SCPC-6533]
Germany: Bremshey, Lucie, 1950-1954.
Box Series B: 14 [SCPC-6533]
Germany: Brügelman, Asta, 1938-1952; 1964-1967.
Box Series B: 14 [SCPC-6533]
Germany: Daur, Rudolf, 1947-1972.
Box Series B: 14 [SCPC-6533]
Germany: Flügge family, 1946-1964.
Box Series B: 14 [SCPC-6533]
Germany: Freundschaftsheim, 1948-1970.
Box Series B: 14 [SCPC-6533]
Scope and Contents

[4 folders]

Germany: Gressel, Hans, 1957-1964.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Helm, Wilfried, 1948-1949.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Hermann, Eva, 1946-1951.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Hoffmann, Hermann, 1946-1970.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Hofstedt, Helmut, 1948-1950; 1954.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Kloppenburg, Heinz, 1956-1969.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Krahé, Paul, 1949-1960.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Kraschutzki, Heinz, 1948-1960.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Lachmund, Margarethe, 1948-1967.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Maier, Hans, 1954-1956.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Martens-Edelmann, Agnes, 1946-1964.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Mensching, Wilhelm, 1938; 1945-1948.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Mensching, Wilhelm, 1949-1964.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Mensching, Wilhelm: By and about.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Metzger, Max Josef (Bruder Paulus): Short writings; notes about him.
Box Series B: 15 [SCPC-6534]
Germany: Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Albert, 1953-1964.
Box Series B: 16 [SCPC-6535]
Germany: Meynen family, 1949-1953.
Box Series B: 16 [SCPC-6535]
Germany: Mohr, Eric, 1946-1950.
Box Series B: 16 [SCPC-6535]
Germany: Nestler, Waldus and Louise, 1921; 1946-1970.
Box Series B: 16 [SCPC-6535]
Germany: Niemoller, Martin, 1937-1965.
Box Series B: 16 [SCPC-6535]
Germany: Oechslin, Ruth, 1947-1965.
Box Series B: 16 [SCPC-6535]
Germany: Pleissner, Marie and Ilse, 1946-1973.
Box Series B: 16 [SCPC-6535]
Germany: Poelchau, Harald, 1961; 1963.
Box Series B: 16 [SCPC-6535]
Germany: Roper, Doris, 1948-1951.
Box Series B: 16 [SCPC-6535]
Germany: Schuchardt, Irmgard, 1949-1972.
Box Series B: 16 [SCPC-6535]
Scope and Contents

[4 folders]

Germany: Siegmund-Schultze, Friedrich, 1948-1969.
Box Series B: 17 [SCPC-6536]
Scope and Contents

[5 folders]

Germany: Siegmund-Schultze, Friedrich: re: memoirs, 1955-1964.
Box Series B: 17 [SCPC-6536]
Germany: Siegmund-Schultze, Friedrich, et al, re: International F.O.R. (I.F.O.R.) archives, 1965-1967; 1969-1971.
Box Series B: 17 [SCPC-6536]
Germany: Siegmund-Schultze, Friedrich: Writings.
Box Series B: 17 [SCPC-6536]
Germany: Siegmund-Schultze, Friedrich: Material about.
Box Series B: 17 [SCPC-6536]
Germany: Siegmund-Schultze family, 1970-1972.
Box Series B: 17 [SCPC-6536]
Germany: Stöhr, Hermann, 1929-1930.
Box Series B: 17 [SCPC-6536]
Germany: Sumpf, Greta, 1946-1953.
Box Series B: 17 [SCPC-6536]
Germany: Zednicek, Adolf, 1957-1961.
Box Series B: 17 [SCPC-6536]
Great Britain: Christ and Peace Campaign, 1929-1930.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Great Britain: Embassies of Reconciliation: Correspondence, 1936-1939.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Great Britain: Embassies of Reconciliation: Meeting minutes, reports, 1939-1961.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Great Britain: Embassies of Reconciliation: Letters to E.O.R. Group, 1938-1961.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Great Britain: Embassies of Reconciliation: Finances, 1936-1967.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Great Britain: Embassies of Reconciliation: Releases, 1937-1939.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Great Britain: Embassies of Reconciliation: Seesholtz mission to Orient-- correspondence and reports, 1940.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Great Britain: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1915-1968.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Great Britain: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Conferences and council meetings, 1920-1954.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Great Britain: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): finances, 1949-1952.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Great Britain: Kingsley Hall, 1936-1948.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Great Britain: National Peace Council, 1936-1948.
Box Series B: 18 [SCPC-6537]
Great Britain: War Resisters' International, 1932-1960.
Box Series B: 19 [SCPC-6538]
Great Britain: War Resisters' International: Conferences, letters to Sections, etc., 1929-1957.
Box Series B: 19 [SCPC-6538]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals (A-Z).
Box Series B: 19 [SCPC-6538]
Scope and Contents

[2 collective folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Artingstall, Leslie, 1938-1944.
Box Series B: 19 [SCPC-6538]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Balding, Alan, 1940-1965.
Box Series B: 19 [SCPC-6538]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Bartlett, Percy W., 1936-1945.
Box Series B: 19 [SCPC-6538]
Scope and Contents

[8 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Bartlett, Percy W., 1946-1951.
Box Series B: 20 [SCPC-6539]
Scope and Contents

[11 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Bartlett, Percy W., 1952-1958.
Box Series B: 21 [SCPC-6540]
Scope and Contents

[10 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Bartlett, Percy W., 1959-1970.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Scope and Contents

[4 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Bartlett, Percy W.: International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) historical records.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Bartlett, Percy W.: Writings.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Bedford, Duke of, 1941-1953.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Bell, George K.A. (Bishop of Chichester), 1945-1958.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Bell, Ralph, 1966-1968.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Best, Ernest (International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) secretary), 1954-1957.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Brittain, Vera, 1941-1948.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Brittain, Vera: U.S. speaking tour, 1946.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Brittain, Vera, 1956-1957.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Brittain, Vera: "The Rebel Passion", 1959-1967.
Box Series B: 22 [SCPC-6541]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Brittain, Vera: Miscellaneous writings.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Brooke, Anthony, 1959-1961.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Brooke, Anthony: By and about.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Cadbury, Barrow, 1940-1958.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Carter, Henry, 1941-1945.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Catchpool, Corder, 1939-1954.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Davies, George M. Llwellyn, 1938; 1944; 1948.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Davies, Rhys, 1943-1949.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Eastman, E. Philip, 1957-1959.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Eastman, E. Philip: U.S. speaking tour, 1959.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Eastman, E. Philip, 1960-1962.
Box Series B: 23 [SCPC-6542]
Scope and Contents

[5 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Eastman, E. Philip: U.S. tours, 1962-1963.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Eastman, E. Philip, 1963-1964.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Eastman, E. Philip: Dispute re: The Grange (headquarters), 1964-1965.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Eastman, E. Philip, 1965.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Eastman, E. Philip: U.S. tours, 1965-1966.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Eastman, E. Philip, 1966-1967.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Eastman, E. Philip: International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) reports, 1959-1966.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Farmer, Herbert: U.S. speaking tour, 1953-1954.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Ferguson, John and Lenora, 1955-1968.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Forrester-Paton, John, 1951-1955.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Frankel, Ernst, 1939; 1946-1947.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Fry, Ruth A., 1943-1955.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Goss, Isaac, 1930; 1938-1941.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Hobhouse, Stephen, 1943-1946; 1953.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: James, Alan, 1967-1968.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lansbury, George: material about.
Box Series B: 24 [SCPC-6543]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Doris, 1941-1953.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Correspondence, 1934-1938.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: U.S. tours, 1934-1941.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: South American tour, 1941.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Detention in Trinidad, 1941.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Correspondence, 1944-1947.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: U.S. tour, 1947.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Visa problem (China to U.S.), 1947.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: U.S. and Canada tour, 1948.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: World tours, 1948-1950.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: U.S. tour, 1949.
Box Series B: 25 [SCPC-6544]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: World tour, 1950-1951.
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Correspondence, 1951.
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: U.S. tour, 1951.
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: World tour, 1951-1952.
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Correspondence, 1952-1953 (April).
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: U.S. tour, 1953.
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: World tour, 1953-1954.
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: U.S. tour, 1954.
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Correspondence and tours, 1955-1958.
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Correspondence, 1959-1968.
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Published writings (miscellaneous).
Box Series B: 26 [SCPC-6545]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Writings/speeches (misc.).
Box Series B: 27 [SCPC-6546]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: "Letters to Trainees", 1942-1943.
Box Series B: 27 [SCPC-6546]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Radio broadcasts, 1947; 1951.
Box Series B: 27 [SCPC-6546]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Material about.
Box Series B: 27 [SCPC-6546]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Publicity for U.S. tours.
Box Series B: 27 [SCPC-6546]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Travel letters, 1937-1958.
Box Series B: 27 [SCPC-6546]
Scope and Contents

[6 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Lester, Muriel: Travel letters; mailing lists.
Box Series B: 27 [SCPC-6546]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: McClelland, Grigor, 1954-1965.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: MacGregor, George H.C., 1943-1963.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Maclachlan, Lewis, 1943-1969.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: MacLeod, George, 1954-1968.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: MacLeod, George: Writings, etc.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Macquire,Clifford, 1949-1969.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Raven, Charles E., 1938-1953.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Raven, Charles E.: U.S. speaking tour, 1950.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Raven, Charles E., 1954-1964.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Raven, Charles E.: Material about.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Richards, Leyton and Edith, et al, 1932-1953.
Box Series B: 28 [SCPC-6547]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Soper, Donald O., 1951-1966.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Stevenson, Lilian, 1928-1960.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Tutschova (Tutsch), Elsa, 1939-1959.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Vermes, Henrietta, 1956-1959.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
Great Britain: Correspondence with individuals: Wentink, J.J., 1967.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
Greece, 1946-1967.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
Haiti, 1930-1931.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
Hawaii, 1942-1963.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
Hong Kong, 1948-1965.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
Hungary, 1938-1948; 1963.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
India, 1930-1967; 1974.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

India: Articles, releases, reports, 1929-1966.
Box Series B: 29 [SCPC-6548]
India: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Basis, history, etc.
Box Series B: 30 [SCPC-6549]
India: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Meeting minutes and reports, 1950-1967.
Box Series B: 30 [SCPC-6549]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

India: Publications, 1953-1967.
Box Series B: 30 [SCPC-6549]
India: General correspondence, 1952-1969.
Box Series B: 30 [SCPC-6549]
Scope and Contents

[4 folders]

India: Abraham, K.J., 1951-1965.
Box Series B: 30 [SCPC-6549]
India: Alexander, Horace, 1930; 1951; 1966.
Box Series B: 30 [SCPC-6549]
India: Aryanakam, E.W., 1960-1967.
Box Series B: 30 [SCPC-6549]
India: Chandy, K.K., 1950-1952.
Box Series B: 30 [SCPC-6549]
India: Chandy, K.K.: U.S. tour.
Box Series B: 30 [SCPC-6549]
India: Chandy, K.K., 1953-1969.
Box Series B: 31 [SCPC-6550]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

India: Chandy, K.K.: Reports, releases, etc.
Box Series B: 31 [SCPC-6550]
India: Chandy, K.K.: Kerala Balagram Christava Ashram, 1948-1961.
Box Series B: 31 [SCPC-6550]
India: Joshua, J.P., 1956-1961; 1968.
Box Series B: 31 [SCPC-6550]
India: Keithan, Ralph R., 1949-1968.
Box Series B: 31 [SCPC-6550]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

India: Paul, C.S., 1950-1955.
Box Series B: 31 [SCPC-6550]
India: Robertson, Bruce, 1963-1966.
Box Series B: 31 [SCPC-6550]
India: Sadiq, John, 1950-1967.
Box Series B: 31 [SCPC-6550]
India: Sykes, Marjorie, 1962-1970.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
India: Wolcott, Leonard T., 1948-1965.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
India: World Pacifist Meeting: Correspondence, 1947-1949.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
India: World Pacifist Meeting: Program, reports, Sayre notes, etc.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
India: World Pacifist Meeting: Delegates and Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) members.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
Indonesia, 1949-1961.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
Ireland, 1946-1957.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
Israel, 1953-1965.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
Italy, 1937-1968.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Italy: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1952-1967.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
Japan, 1930-1967.
Box Series B: 32 [SCPC-6551]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Japan: Articles and reports, 1931-1962.
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Japan: Contacts (lists).
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Japan: Japan Council Against A and H Bombs, 1957-1959.
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Japan: Japan-U.S. security treaty, 1951-1960.
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Japan: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) (in U.S.): Releases about Japan, 1946-1960.
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Japan: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) (Yuwa Kai): History; statement of purpose.
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Japan: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Meeting minutes, reports, 1949-1969.
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Japan: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): General correspondence, 1949-1969.
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Japan: Ayusawa, Iwao, 1948-1966.
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Japan: Kagawa, Toyohiko, 1932-1964.
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Japan: Kojimo, Shigeo, 1949.
Box Series B: 33 [SCPC-6552]
Japan: McMillan, Mary, 1947-1948; 1954.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Japan: Nonomiya, Hatsue, 1951-1956.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Japan: Rhoads, Esther, 1949-1953.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Japan: Sakamoto, Hiroshi, 1949-1963.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Japan: Sekiya, Paul, 1949-1954.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Japan: Sekiya, Paul: World tour, 1955-1956.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Japan: Sekiya, Paul, 1956-1964; 1970.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Japan: Shito, Reijiro, 1965-1968.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Japan: Walser, Gladys: Trips to Japan, 1953.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Japan: Walser, Theodore, 1932-1933; 1938-1949; 1960.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Japan: Walser Memorial Fund, 1949-1957.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Japan: World Pacifist Conference, 1954.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Korea, 1947-1967.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Lebanon, 1950-1958.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Liberia, 1948-1963.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Malaysia, 1948; 1951.
Box Series B: 34 [SCPC-6553]
Mexico, 1927-1930; 1942-1967.
Box Series B: 35 [SCPC-6554]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Mexico: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1941-1958.
Box Series B: 35 [SCPC-6554]
Mexico: Brocca, José, 1942-1947.
Box Series B: 35 [SCPC-6554]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Mexico: De Koster, Pedro, 1952-1967.
Box Series B: 35 [SCPC-6554]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Mexico: Duckles, Edwin, 1962-1966.
Box Series B: 35 [SCPC-6554]
Mexico: Estrello, Francisco, 1944-1953.
Box Series B: 35 [SCPC-6554]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Mexico: Jones, Robert Cuba, 1953-1968; 1978.
Box Series B: 35 [SCPC-6554]
Mexico: Reedy, Taylor, 1946-1958; 1963.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Mexico: Rio de la Loza, Jorge, 1946-1948.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Mexico: Sein, Heberto, 1942-1966.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Netherlands, 1943-1966.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Netherlands: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1959-1967.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Netherlands: Boeke, Kees and Beatrice, 1920-1937; 1940-1967.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Netherlands: De Graaf, Hannes, 1953-1969.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Netherlands: De Graaf, Hannes: U.S. lecture tour, 1959.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Netherlands: Heering, G.J., 1932; 1943-1946.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Netherlands: Hugenholtz, J.B.Th., 1933-1967.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Netherlands: Van Drimmelen, Katarina, 1956-1967.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
Netherlands: Vancura, Zybnek, 1958-1964.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
New Zealand, 1944-1969.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
New Zealand: Christian Pacifist Society and Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1916; 1940-1969.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
New Zealand: Burton, Ormond and Helen, 1942-1944.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
New Zealand: Burton, Ormond: Imprisonment and appeals, 1943-1944.
Box Series B: 36 [SCPC-6555]
New Zealand: Burton, Ormond, 1963-1970.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

New Zealand: Burton, Ormond: Writings.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
New Zealand: Burton, Ormond: Material about.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Nigeria, 1946-1967.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Norway, 1936-1968.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Norway: Articles, pamphlets, reports, 1942-1967.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Norway: Oslo Youth Conference, 1947.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Pakistan, 1950-1957.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Palestine/Israel, 1939-1950.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Panama Canal Zone, 1955-1958.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Paraguay: Society of Brothers, 1941-1958.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Peru, 1940-1960.
Box Series B: 37 [SCPC-6556]
Philippine Islands, 1924-1969.
Box Series B: 38 [SCPC-6557]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Philippine Islands: Articles, reports, 1925-1940.
Box Series B: 38 [SCPC-6557]
Philippine Islands: Hessel, Eugene, 1950-1967.
Box Series B: 38 [SCPC-6557]
Poland, 1931-1967.
Box Series B: 38 [SCPC-6557]
Puerto Rico: Articles, releases, etc., 1945-1960.
Box Series B: 38 [SCPC-6557]
Puerto Rico: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Meeting minutes, reports, releases, 1944-1968.
Box Series B: 38 [SCPC-6557]
Puerto Rico: Correspondence, 1944-1950.
Box Series B: 38 [SCPC-6557]
Puerto Rico: Correspondence, 1954-1968.
Box Series B: 38 [SCPC-6557]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Puerto Rico: Correspondence with Bob and Lillian Pope, 1947-1964.
Box Series B: 38 [SCPC-6557]
Puerto Rico: Correspondence with Herman Will, 1944-1951.
Box Series B: 38 [SCPC-6557]
Puerto Rico: CPS units in PR and Virgin Islands, 1942-1945.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Puerto Rico: Peacemakers visits, 1951, 1958.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Puerto Rico: Political status, 1944-1954.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Puerto Rico: Reynolds, Ruth: Legal case, 1951-1959.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Puerto Rico: Sayre-Chalmers visit, 1945.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), 1960-1967.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Russia: Correspondence, reports of trips, 1926-1930.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Russia: Correspondence with Julius Hecker, 1929-1930.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Russia: Correspondence, reports, etc., 1946-1967.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Russia: Tolstoyans, 1929-1964.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Russia: Proposed International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) visit to Moscow, 1956.
Box Series B: 39 [SCPC-6558]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

South Africa, 1950-1965.
Box Series B: 40 [SCPC-6559]
South Africa: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Basis, meeting minutes, reports, 1953-1965.
Box Series B: 40 [SCPC-6559]
South Africa: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): General correspondence, 1948-1969.
Box Series B: 40 [SCPC-6559]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

South Africa: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Correspondence with Ella Elder, 1951-1967.
Box Series B: 40 [SCPC-6559]
South Africa: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Correspondence, April 6th demonstrations, 1952.
Box Series B: 40 [SCPC-6559]
Scope and Contents

[material removed from Series I (Reference), when that series was sent offsite in 2015]

South Africa: Blaxall, Arthur, 1950-1962.
Box Series B: 40 [SCPC-6559]
Scope and Contents

[5 folders]

South Africa: Blaxall, Arthur, 1963-1969.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

South Africa: Blaxall, Arthur: Trial correspondence, 1963.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
South Africa: Blaxall, Arthur: Trial releases, reports, 1963.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
South Africa: Blaxall, Arthurtrial press articles, 1963.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
South Africa: Blaxall Defense Fund, 1963.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
South Africa: Blaxall, Arthur: Writings.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
South Africa: Blaxall, Arthur: Material about.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
South Africa: Gandhi, Manilal, 1951-1956.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
South Africa: Zulu, Alphaeus H., 1960-1968.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
Southwest Africa (Namibia), 1951; 1960-1969.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
South America, 1941-1948; 1956-1959.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
Scope and Contents

[South America: see also individual countries, especially Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay]

South America: Lists of contacts.
Box Series B: 41 [SCPC-6560]
South America.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
South America: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) publications [in Spanish].
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
South America: International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.): South American Committee, 1945; 1957-1967.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
South America: International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.): South American Committee -- meeting minutes, reports, 1961-1969.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
South America: International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.): Travelers' reports, 1945-1967.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
South America: Seminars on Nonviolence, 1967-1968.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Spain, 1931-1967.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Sweden, 1939-1956.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Sweden: Kristet Samhällsliv / Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1951-1969.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Sweden: Beskow, Natanael, 1941-1953.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Sweden: Gustavsson, Just, 1947-1967.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Switzerland, 1931-1969.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Switzerland: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1938-1966.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Switzerland: International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.): Newsletters, 1940-1943.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Switzerland: Ceresole, Pierre and Service Civil International, 1920-1942.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Switzerland: Monastier, Elisabeth, 1931-1963.
Box Series B: 42 [SCPC-6561]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Switzerland: Siegmund-Schultze, Friedrich, 1935-1948.
Box Series B: 43 [SCPC-6562]
Scope and Contents

[6 folders]

Tanganyika (Tanzania), 1952-1966.
Box Series B: 43 [SCPC-6562]
Thailand, 1950-1967.
Box Series B: 43 [SCPC-6562]
Turkey, 1949-1967.
Box Series B: 43 [SCPC-6562]
Uruguay, 1947-1967.
Box Series B: 43 [SCPC-6562]
Scope and Contents

[major files of the South American Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)]

Uruguay: Consultation on Nonviolence, 1966.
Box Series B: 43 [SCPC-6562]
Uruguay: Loureiro, J. Antonio, 1944-1957.
Box Series B: 43 [SCPC-6562]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Uruguay: Odell, Luis, E., 1954-1955.
Box Series B: 43 [SCPC-6562]
Uruguay: Smith, Earl M., 1941-1949.
Box Series B: 43 [SCPC-6562]
Uruguay: Smith, Earl M., 1950-1970.
Box Series B: 44 [SCPC-6563]
Scope and Contents

[8 folders]

Uruguay: Smith, Earl M.: By and about.
Box Series B: 44 [SCPC-6563]
Uruguay: Smith, Earl M.: Addenda -- South American correspondence, 1961-1974.
Box Series B: 44 [SCPC-6563]
Uruguay: Smith, Earl M.: Addenda -- overseas correspondence, 1966-1975.
Box Series B: 44 [SCPC-6563]
Uruguay: Smith, Earl M.: Addenda -- war toys campaign, 1952-1967.
Box Series B: 44 [SCPC-6563]
West Indies, 1945-1959.
Box Series B: 44 [SCPC-6563]


The name International Fellowship of Reconciliation came into use in 1923, replacing the original name of Movement Towards a Christian International. Records of the Conferences, Council meetings and Executive Committee are filed together to maintain the chronological sequence. The underlining on a folder label indicates the main focus of the folder's contents. The location of the meeting is given below the underlined word. The Executive Committee became the London Committee during World War II. A corresponding committee was formed in the USA and called the I.F.O.R. American Committee (later North American). A South American Committee was formed in 1945. Its records are in Sayre's International Files in Series B, Box 42.

I.F.O.R. history: Movement Towards a Christian International.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Bilthoven conferences, 1919-1922.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Esnes project in France, 1920.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Towards a Christian International: the story of the I.F.O.R. by Lilian Stevenson, 1929; 1941.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Correspondence with the London office, 1938-1941.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Miscellaneous on history and archives.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion", 1964.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Correspondence with Percy W. Bartlett.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Correspondence with E. Philip Eastman.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Correspondence with Muriel Lester.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Correspondence with M.C. Morris.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Correspondence.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
Scope and Contents

[collective folder: A-Z]

I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Contents, title, quotes, promotion, reviews.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Sources: origins and early years of I.F.O.R.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Sources, 1929-1948.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Sources: F.O.R.-USA.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Sources: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) in Japan.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Sources: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) in other countries.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Lists of material sent to author by Sayre.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
I.F.O.R. history: Vera Brittain's book "The Rebel Passion": Sayre's penciled notes.
Box Series C: 1 [SCPC-6564]
Correspondence and releases, 1925-1941.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences on special subjects, 1949-1961.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Conference at Lunteren, 1931.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Berlin, 1932.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Bentveld, 1933.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Conference and Council at Cambridge, 1936.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Conference at Lunteren, 1938.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Lunteren, 1938.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: London Executive Committee, 1941-1945.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Stockholm, March 1946.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Executive Committee at Cambridge, 1946.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Executive Committee at London, 1947.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Le Chambon, 1948.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee meetings, 1949-1950.
Box Series C: 2 [SCPC-6565]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Conference at Woudschoten, 1950.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Woudschoten, 1950.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee meetings, 1951.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Heerewegen, 1952.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Dortmund, 1953.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Haverhill and Evilard, 1954; 1955.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Conference at Vaumarcus, 1955.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee, 1956.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Council at London, 1957.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee, 1958.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee, 1959.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Conference at Trautenfels, 1959.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Bischofshofen, 1959.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council: Policy Discussion Group, 1959.
Box Series C: 3 [SCPC-6566]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee meetings, 1960.
Box Series C: 4 [SCPC-6567]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Euorpean Committee; "The F.O.R. and Latin America...1919-1960" by Sayre, 1961.
Box Series C: 4 [SCPC-6567]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Conference at Le Chambon, 1961.
Box Series C: 4 [SCPC-6567]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Le Chambon, 1961.
Box Series C: 4 [SCPC-6567]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee meetings; miscellaneous, 1962.
Box Series C: 4 [SCPC-6567]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee; miscellaneous, 1963.
Box Series C: 4 [SCPC-6567]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Conference at Woudschoten, 1963.
Box Series C: 4 [SCPC-6567]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Driebergen, 1963.
Box Series C: 4 [SCPC-6567]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee meetings, 1964.
Box Series C: 4 [SCPC-6567]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee meetings; miscellaneous, 1965.
Box Series C: 4 [SCPC-6567]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Skaade, 1965.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee at Brussels, 1966.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee at Rome; miscellaneous, 1966.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Bièvres, 1967.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: European Committee meetings, 1968.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Conferences, Council and Executive/European Committee: Council at Nyack, NY, 1969.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Administration and policy: Address lists -- foreign addresses.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Administration and policy: Address lists -- I.F.O.R. addresses.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Administration and policy: Address lists -- I.F.O.R. officers, committees, correspondence.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Administration and policy: Christian basis discussion, 1934-1953.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Administration and policy: Christian basis discussion, 1959-1969.
Box Series C: 5 [SCPC-6568]
Administration and policy: Christian basis discussion (Hassler- Sayre), 1968-1969.
Box Series C: 6 [SCPC-6569]
Administration and policy: Commission on the Future, 1963-1965.
Box Series C: 6 [SCPC-6569]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Administration and policy: Finances -- accounts and budgets, 1948-1959.
Box Series C: 6 [SCPC-6569]
Administration and policy: Finances -- correspondence and memos, 1948-1959.
Box Series C: 6 [SCPC-6569]
Administration and policy: Finances -- appeals and donors, 1927-1952.
Box Series C: 6 [SCPC-6569]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Administration and policy: Finances -- appeals and donors: Annual gift lists, 1958-1967.
Box Series C: 6 [SCPC-6569]
Administration and policy: Finances -- appeals and donors: Correspondence A-Z, 1960-1967.
Box Series C: 6 [SCPC-6569]
Scope and Contents

[4 folders]

Administration and policy: Headquarters "The Grange", 1959-1967.
Box Series C: 6 [SCPC-6569]
Administration and policy: National fellowships, 1957-1967.
Box Series C: 7 [SCPC-6570]
Administration and policy: Personnel Committee (General Secretary), 1951-1954.
Box Series C: 7 [SCPC-6570]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Administration and policy: Personnel Committee (Traveling secretaries), 1959-1960.
Box Series C: 7 [SCPC-6570]
Administration and policy: Personnel Committee (General Secretary), 1965-1967.
Box Series C: 7 [SCPC-6570]
Administration and policy: Policy discussion, 1944-1952.
Box Series C: 7 [SCPC-6570]
Administration and policy: Policy discussion, 1955-1962.
Box Series C: 7 [SCPC-6570]
Administration and policy: Policy discussion: Joint meeting of I.F.O.R. and F.O.R.-USA, February 12, 1963.
Box Series C: 7 [SCPC-6570]
Administration and policy: Policy discussion, 1967.
Box Series C: 7 [SCPC-6570]
Administration and policy: Statement of purpose / basis of international and national fellowships.
Box Series C: 7 [SCPC-6570]
Administration and policy: U.N. relations (consultative status; NGO), 1950-1967.
Box Series C: 7 [SCPC-6570]
Special programs and projects: Asian consultation (proposed), 1967.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Special programs and projects: East-West relations, 1952-1954.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Special programs and projects: East-West relations and World Peace Council, 1955; 1968.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Special programs and projects: Eirene (International Christian Service for Peace), 1957-1966.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Special programs and projects: Historic Peace Churches, 1950-1966.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Special programs and projects: Information Service, 1959-1961.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Special programs and projects: International Fellowship Camp, Oberammergau, 1930.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Special programs and projects: International Liaison Committee of Organizations for Peace, 1949-1950; 1954; 1961.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Special programs and projects: Non-violence research and training, 1958-1966.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Special programs and projects: Publications -- leaflets and pamphlets.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Special programs and projects: Publications -- newsletters, 1926-1954.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Special programs and projects: Puidoux Theological Conferences, 1955-1962.
Box Series C: 8 [SCPC-6571]
Special programs and projects: Reconciliation Library, 1959-1965.
Box Series C: 9 [SCPC-6572]
Scope and Contents

(half box)

Special programs and projects: Reconciliation Library and Christian Pacifist Bookshelf, 1960-1967.
Box Series C: 9 [SCPC-6572]
Scope and Contents

(half box)

Special programs and projects: Southeast Asia work (proposed), 1964-1966.
Box Series C: 9 [SCPC-6572]
Scope and Contents

(half box)

Special programs and projects: Youth Committee and conferences, 1951-1966.
Box Series C: 9 [SCPC-6572]
Scope and Contents

(half box)

Special programs and projects: Youth Crusade, 1932.
Box Series C: 9 [SCPC-6572]
Scope and Contents

(half box)

History: Garden City Conference, 1915.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
History: Anniversaries, 1925-1965.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
History: Celebrations: 25th anniversary of Fellowship; 75th birthdays of Muste and Sayre, 1960.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Articles in periodicals and press, 1952-1962.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1915-1919.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Membership lists, 1915-1927.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Miscellaneous records, 1920-1931.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Referendum on use of force in the class struggle, 1933.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Miscellaneous records, 1934-1960s.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Address lists of contacts, 1924-1940.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Address lists of contacts, 1943-1951.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Address lists of contacts, 1952-1961.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Committee on Investments and Income, 1921-1922.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Financial appeals and reports, 1921, 1930-1932.
Box Series D: 1 [SCPC-6573]
Group discipline study packet, 1940.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Industrial Secretary: Charles C. Webber, 1930-1933.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Personnel Committee: Search for a Director of Church Relations, 1960.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Statement of Purpose: Versions, 1916-1965.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Statement of Purpose: Discussion/revision, 1915-1930.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Statement of Purpose: Revision, 1964-1965.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Statement of Purpose: Christian basis discussion, 1945-1964.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Tax exemption case (property tax), 1959-1962.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Tax exemption case (IRS), 1963-1964.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Sayre and the Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Co-Secretary with A.J. Muste, 1940-1946.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Sayre and the Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): 25th anniversary of Sayre's F.O.R. work.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Sayre and the Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): "Working for the F.O.R." (radio talk).
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]
Sayre and the Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Sayre's critiques of F.O.R. policy and leadership.
Box Series D: 2 [SCPC-6574]


Series E is arranged mainly A-Z by subject/keyword, then by date.

American Civil Liberties Union: correspondence, bylaws, 1940-1948.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
American Civil Liberties Union: correspondence, policies, reports, 1949-1951.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
American Civil Liberties Union: correspondence, policies, reports, 1953-1958.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
American Civil Liberties Union: meeting minutes, 1943-1945.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
American Civil Liberties Union: meeting minutes, 1947-1950; 1957.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
Bombing: data and quotations from press, President Roosevelt, etc., 1939-1944.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
Bombing, massacre by: Vera Brittain's manuscript, 1944.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
Bombing, massacre by: supplement to "Fellowship"; related correspondence.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
Bombing, massacre by: distribution to press, Congress, etc.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
Bombing, massacre by: press clippings.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
Bombing, massacre by: reactions from William Shirer, the White House, et al.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
Bombing: obliteration bombing protest in Parliament; U.S. clergy support.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
Bombing: "Peace by Total Bombing" (Sayre's misc.), 1944.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
Bombing: protest of Germany's robot bombing, 1944.
Box Series E: 1 [SCPC-6575]
Bombing: atomic bomb, appeal to President Harry Truman to outlaw the bomb, 1945.
Box Series E: 2 [SCPC-6576]
Bombing: Bomb tests, articles, etc., 1954-1958.
Box Series E: 2 [SCPC-6576]
Bombing: Bomb tests, correspondence and statements, 1945-1948.
Box Series E: 2 [SCPC-6576]
Bombing: miscellaneous, 1939-1966.
Box Series E: 2 [SCPC-6576]
Brookwood (community school), 1919-1921.
Box Series E: 2 [SCPC-6576]
Brookwood Labor College, 1921-1937.
Box Series E: 2 [SCPC-6576]
Brookwood Labor College: financial matters, 1924-1939.
Box Series E: 2 [SCPC-6576]
Chaplaincy (military), 1924-1955.
Box Series E: 2 [SCPC-6576]
Chaplaincy (military), 1958-1967.
Box Series E: 2 [SCPC-6576]
Chaplaincy (military), 1930s.
Box Series E: 2 [SCPC-6576]
Scope and Contents

[file of Harold E. Fey] [2 folders]

Central America Mission (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) and AFSC): Journals and reports by mission members, 1927-1928.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Central America Mission (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) and AFSC): Correspondence, releases, etc., 1927-1928.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Central America Mission (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) and AFSC): Sayre's speeches in Central America, 1927-1928.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Central America Mission (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) and AFSC): Clippings from Central American press, 1927-1928.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Central America Mission (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) and AFSC): Sayre's speeches, notes and articles in U.S. (misc.), 1927-1928.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Central America Mission (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) and AFSC): Clippings from U.S. press, 1927-1928.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Liga de Reconciliación (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) in Latin America): Statement of purpose, correspondence, literature, 1928-1932.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Liga de Reconciliación (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) in Latin America): Thomson, Charles A. (Latin America secretary): Correspondence and reports, 1928-1932.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Liga de Reconciliación (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) in Latin America): Thomson, Charles A. (Latin America secretary): Thomson, Charles A.: Newsletters.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Liga de Reconciliación (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) in Latin America): Thomson, Charles A. (Latin America secretary): Thomson, Charles A.: Articles and other writings.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Liga de Reconciliación (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) in Latin America): Thomson, Charles A. (Latin America secretary): Thomson, Charles A.: Material about him.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Nicaragua: Correspondence, etc.: De la Selva, Alemán Bolaños, and Nicaraguan exiles, 1925-1931.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Nicaragua: Correspondence, etc.: Medina, Francisco J., 1925-1931.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Nicaragua: Correspondence, etc.: Sacasa, Juan B., 1925-1931.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Nicaragua: Correspondence, etc.: Sandino family; miscellaneous, 1925-1931.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Nicaragua: Correspondence, etc.: Thomson, Charles A., et al., 1925-1931.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Nicaragua: Correspondence, etc.: Tijerino, Toribio, 1925-1931.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Nicaragua: Correspondence, etc.: U.S. government officials, 1925-1931.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Nicaragua: Correspondence, etc.: Press releases and letters, 1927-1932.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Nicaragua: Correspondence, etc.: Central American: Miscellaneous press clippings, 1928-1930.
Box Series E: 3 [SCPC-6577]
Central America addenda and Central America Mission: Sayre's diary, photographs and negatives, 1927-1928.
Box Series E: 4 [SCPC-6578]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

Central America addenda and Central America Mission: Documents in National Archives, 1927-1931.
Box Series E: 4 [SCPC-6578]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box) [photocopies]

Central America addenda and Central America Mission: Sayre correspondence with Cummins, Jones, Macaulay, 1962-1963.
Box Series E: 4 [SCPC-6578]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

Central America addenda and Central America Mission: Articles in "Fellowship" and "The Americas", 1983; 1988.
Box Series E: 4 [SCPC-6578]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

Conscription: Registration, 1940 (October).
Box Series E: 5 [SCPC-6579]
Conscription: Non-registrants, 1939-1942.
Box Series E: 5 [SCPC-6579]
Conscientious objectors: National Committee on Conscientious Objectors, 1942-1943.
Box Series E: 5 [SCPC-6579]
Conscientious objectors: National Service Board for Religious Objectors (NSBRO) -- correspondence, 1943-1946.
Box Series E: 5 [SCPC-6579]
Conscientious objectors: National Service Board for Religious Objectors (NSBRO) -- meeting minutes, reports, finances, 1943-1946.
Box Series E: 5 [SCPC-6579]
Conscientious objectors: National Service Board for Religious Objectors (NSBRO) -- Board of Directors memos, 1944-1946.
Box Series E: 5 [SCPC-6579]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Conscientious objectors: National Service Board for Religious Objectors (NSBRO) -- camp directors, 1944-1945.
Box Series E: 5 [SCPC-6579]
Conscientious objectors: National Service Board for Religious Objectors (NSBRO) and Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), 1943-1945.
Box Series E: 5 [SCPC-6579]
Conscientious objectors: In prison, 1943-1945.
Box Series E: 5 [SCPC-6579]
Conscientious objectors: Amnesty, 1945-1947.
Box Series E: 5 [SCPC-6579]
C.P.S. and Selective Service: Correspondence, releases, etc., 1940-1945.
Box Series E: 6 [SCPC-6580]
C.P.S. camp visitation, 1942-1944.
Box Series E: 6 [SCPC-6580]
C.P.S. "Guinea Pig" unit (University of Minnesota), 1944-1945.
Box Series E: 6 [SCPC-6580]
Disarmament, 1931-1932.
Box Series E: 6 [SCPC-6580]
Physical Description

2 folders

Disarmament: Interorganization Council, 1931-1935.
Box Series E: 6 [SCPC-6580]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Emergency Peace Campaign, 1936-1937.
Box Series E: 6 [SCPC-6580]
Emergency Peace Campaign: Correspondence and meeting minutes, 1936-1937.
Box Series E: 6 [SCPC-6580]
Emergency Peace Committee, 1931-1933.
Box Series E: 6 [SCPC-6580]
Far East Peace Mission, 1932.
Box Series E: 7 [SCPC-6581]
Far East Peace Mission: Correspondence with England and Europe.
Box Series E: 7 [SCPC-6581]
Food for Europe campaigns, 1940-1941.
Box Series E: 7 [SCPC-6581]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Food for Europe campaigns: Sayre's speeches, 1940 (November).
Box Series E: 7 [SCPC-6581]
Food for Europe Pilgrimage, 1941.
Box Series E: 7 [SCPC-6581]
Food for Europe campaigns, 1942-1943.
Box Series E: 7 [SCPC-6581]
Food for Europe: President Herbert Hoover: Speeches, Sayre interview, 1940-1943.
Box Series E: 7 [SCPC-6581]
Food for Europe: K.W. Sayre's correspondence, 1940; 1943.
Box Series E: 7 [SCPC-6581]
Food for Europe: Articles, leaflets.
Box Series E: 7 [SCPC-6581]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

French war resisters in French Guiana prison, [Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)-WRI project]: Publicity and fundraising, 1928-1930.
Box Series E: 8 [SCPC-6582]
Scope and Contents

[4 folders]

French war resisters in French Guiana prison, [Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)-WRI project]: Robert Porchet's correspondence and "memoir".
Box Series E: 8 [SCPC-6582]
Gripsholm liner bringing Americans interned by Japanese, 1942-1944.
Box Series E: 8 [SCPC-6582]
Hopi Indians, 1943-1944.
Box Series E: 8 [SCPC-6582]
Hopi Indians, 1945; 1949; 1952.
Box Series E: 8 [SCPC-6582]
Japan and U.S. naval maneuvers, 1935.
Box Series E: 8 [SCPC-6582]
Japan and world settlement: Statement by missionaries, 1945.
Box Series E: 8 [SCPC-6582]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Japanese Americans: Articles, etc., 1942-1944.
Box Series E: 9 [SCPC-6583]
Japanese Americans: Correspondence, 1942-1946.
Box Series E: 9 [SCPC-6583]
Scope and Contents

[5 folders]

Japanese Americans: Correspondence with Caleb Foote, 1942-1945.
Box Series E: 9 [SCPC-6583]
Japanese Americans: Correspondence with War Relocation Authority.
Box Series E: 9 [SCPC-6583]
Japanese Americans: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) Loan Fund.
Box Series E: 9 [SCPC-6583]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Japanese Americans: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) publications: Sayre's report and notes.
Box Series E: 10 [SCPC-6584]
Japanese Americans: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Material for Home Missions Council book.
Box Series E: 10 [SCPC-6584]
Japanese war crimes prisoners in Philippines: General correspondence, 1950-1959.
Box Series E: 10 [SCPC-6584]
Scope and Contents

[6 folders]

Japanese war crimes prisoners in Philippines: Correspondence with prisoners, 1950-1954.
Box Series E: 10 [SCPC-6584]
Japanese war crimes prisoners in Philippines: Reports, statistics, 1950-1957.
Box Series E: 10 [SCPC-6584]
Japanese war crimes prisoners in Philippines: Articles and releases, 1949-1958.
Box Series E: 10 [SCPC-6584]
Keep America Out of War Congress: Joint statements, 1938-1940.
Box Series E: 10 [SCPC-6584]
Militarism in education: Committee on Militarism in Education: History and first publications.
Box Series E: 11 [SCPC-6585]
Militarism in education: Committee on Militarism in Education: Correspondence, meeting minutes, etc., 1925-1940.
Box Series E: 11 [SCPC-6585]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Militarism in education: Committee on Militarism in Education: Correspondence, 1927-1940.
Box Series E: 11 [SCPC-6585]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders] [files of ___ Villard]

Militarism in education: Committee on Militarism in Education: Disarmament package, 1931.
Box Series E: 11 [SCPC-6585]
Militarism in education: Committee on Militarism in Education: "Needs of Youth" statement, 1943.
Box Series E: 11 [SCPC-6585]
Militarism in education: Committee on Militarism in Education: Forbes bequest, 1948.
Box Series E: 11 [SCPC-6585]
Militarism in education: Committee on Militarism in Education: Attacks and responses.
Box Series E: 11 [SCPC-6585]
Militarism in education: Committee on Militarism in Education: Sayre's lecture outlines and notes, 1920s-1930s.
Box Series E: 11 [SCPC-6585]
Militarism in education: High School Victory Corps, 1942-1943.
Box Series E: 11 [SCPC-6585]
Militarism in education: ROTC (Univiversity of Oklahoma), 1941.
Box Series E: 11 [SCPC-6585]
National Peace Conference: General material, 1935-1942.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
National Peace Conference: Correspondence, 1936-1947.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

National Peace Conference: Brussels Peace Congress, 1936-1937.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
National Peace Conference: Conference on World Economic Cooperation, 1938.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
National Peace Conference: Conferences and correspondence with President Roosevelt, 1936-1939.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
National Peace Conference: Delegation to Secretary of State Cordell Hull, 1940.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
National Peace Conference: Peace Kit, 1936.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
National World Court Committee, 1931-1932.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
Peace Roll Call, 1942-1954.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
Post-war planning: Dumbarton Oaks proposals, 1945.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
Post-war planning: "Good Will Ambassadors" proposal, 1945.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
Post-war planning: Inter-American Military Cooperation (H.R. 3836), 1947.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
Post-war planning: International Voluntary Service for Peace, 1946-1947.
Box Series E: 12 [SCPC-6586]
Post-war planning: Just and Durable Peace Conference, Cleveland (Ohio), 1945.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Post-war planning: North Atlantic Pact, 1949.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Post-war planning: Pacifist conferences: New Windsor and Atlantic City, 1945.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Post-war planning: Peace planning: Miscellaneous, 1941-1943.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Post-war planning: U.N. Conference of International Organizations, 1947.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Post-war planning: "War in the Pacific" statement, 1945.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Refugees: General correspondence, 1938-1946.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Refugees: Individuals [collective folder A-K].
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Refugees: Individuals [collective folder L-Z].
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Refugees: Eisner, Paul, 1939-1941.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Refugees: Fried, Oscar, 1938-1941.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Refugees: Klein, Hans and Lisa, 1938-1941.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Refugees: Solzbacher, Wilhelm, 1940-1943.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Refugees: Refugees from Germany, 1934-1935.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)): Brethren Service Committee and Heifer Project, 1945-1948.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)): Children: Adoption, 1948.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)): Children: Evacuation, 1940-1941.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)): Church World Service, 1947-1951.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)): German relief, 1946-1949.
Box Series E: 13 [SCPC-6587]
Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)): German relief: A.P. Beverage, 1946-1947.
Box Series E: 14 [SCPC-6588]
Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): German relief: George Hogle, 1946-1951.
Box Series E: 14 [SCPC-6588]
Physical Description

2 folders

Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)): German relief: Eugene Ries, 1947-1948.
Box Series E: 14 [SCPC-6588]
Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)): Gift parcels campaign, 1946-1951.
Box Series E: 14 [SCPC-6588]
Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Gift parcels: Correspondence of Herbert Jehle and Emily P. Simon, 1945-1946.
Box Series E: 14 [SCPC-6588]
Physical Description

2 folders

Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)): Gift parcels of literature, 1946-1950.
Box Series E: 14 [SCPC-6588]
Relief work (Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.)): War Victims Fund, 1943-1961.
Box Series E: 14 [SCPC-6588]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Tax refusal: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) Committee, 1947-1948.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
U.N.R.R.A. (U.N. Relief and Rehabilitation), 1943-1945.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
War debts and reparations, 1931.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
Wartime registration and Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Department of State, 1938-1942.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
Wartime registration and Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): Department of Justice, 1942.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
Wartime registration and Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.): President's War Relief.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
Control Board, 1943-1944.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
World Council of Churches: Assembly -- correspondence re: book "The Church, the Gospel and War", 1948.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

World Council of Churches: Assembly -- general material, 1961.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
World Council of Churches: Assembly -- correspondence on war/peace issues, 1961.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

World Council of Churches: Assembly -- correspondence re: pamphlet "Therefore Choose Life", 1961.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
World government, 1946.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
World peace conference, proposed 1936.
Box Series E: 15 [SCPC-6589]
Conference for Ministers and Religious Leaders, 1946.
Box Series E: 16 [SCPC-6590]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box) [material removed from Series I in 2015, when that series of boxes was sent offsite; new box added August 2016]

List/s of pacifist ministers in New York area, circa 1946.
Box Series E: 16 [SCPC-6590]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box) [material removed from Series I in 2015, when that series of boxes was sent offsite; new box added August 2016]

Correspondence re: YMCA desegregation, 1946-1949.
Box Series E: 16 [SCPC-6590]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box) [material removed from Series I in 2015, when that series of boxes was sent offsite; new box added August 2016]

Correspondence re: Amsterdam conference and statement, 1948.
Box Series E: 16 [SCPC-6590]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box) [material removed from Series I in 2015, when that series of boxes was sent offsite; new box added August 2016]

Correspondence re: Chinese signers of Amsterdam statement, 1948.
Box Series E: 16 [SCPC-6590]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box) [material removed from Series I in 2015, when that series of boxes was sent offsite; new box added August 2016]

Correspondence re: Japanese signers of Amsterdam statement, 1948.
Box Series E: 16 [SCPC-6590]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box) [material removed from Series I in 2015, when that series of boxes was sent offsite; new box added August 2016]

Partial list of signatures to "Christian Conscience and War" statement, 1953.
Box Series E: 16 [SCPC-6590]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box) [material removed from Series I in 2015, when that series of boxes was sent offsite; new box added August 2016]

Articles (published), 1918-1964.
Box Series F: 1 [SCPC-6591]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Articles (published): Translations.
Box Series F: 1 [SCPC-6591]
Articles (typescripts).
Box Series F: 1 [SCPC-6591]
Scope and Contents

[4 collective folders: titles A-Z]

Pamphlets and leaflets, 1920-1961.
Box Series F: 2 [SCPC-6592]
Lectures and broadcasts, 1926-1964.
Box Series F: 2 [SCPC-6592]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Hearings; public statements, 1930-1965.
Box Series F: 2 [SCPC-6592]
Letters to editors, 1925-1953.
Box Series F: 2 [SCPC-6592]
Letters to public officials, 1917-1967.
Box Series F: 2 [SCPC-6592]
Reports on F.O.R.-USA, 1938-1958.
Box Series F: 2 [SCPC-6592]
Reports on International F.O.R. (I.F.O.R.), 1932-1969.
Box Series F: 2 [SCPC-6592]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Reports on overseas travel, 1929-1958.
Box Series F: 2 [SCPC-6592]
Seminary papers, 1910-1911.
Box Series F: 3 [SCPC-6593]
Scope and Contents

[4 folders]

Series of studies/lectures: The Bible, circa 1912-1929.
Box Series F: 3 [SCPC-6593]
Series of studies/lectures: Old Testament prophets.
Box Series F: 3 [SCPC-6593]
Series of studies/lectures: New Testament.
Box Series F: 3 [SCPC-6593]
Series of studies/lectures: Hymns.
Box Series F: 3 [SCPC-6593]
Series of studies/lectures: Jesus' social teachings.
Box Series F: 3 [SCPC-6593]
Series of studies/lectures: Jesus' teachings on war and peace.
Box Series F: 3 [SCPC-6593]
Series of studies/lectures: Our understanding of Jesus.
Box Series F: 3 [SCPC-6593]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Series of studies/lectures: Principles of Christianity.
Box Series F: 3 [SCPC-6593]
Series of studies/lectures: Religion and what it offers.
Box Series F: 3 [SCPC-6593]
Series of lectures given at Alberta School of Religion, 1956.
Box Series F: 4 [SCPC-6594]
Emancipation from war.
Box Series F: 4 [SCPC-6594]
Scope and Contents

[6 folders]

Series of studies at Nyack Episcopal Church: Paul's I Corinthians, 1964-1967.
Box Series F: 4 [SCPC-6594]
Series of studies at Nyack Episcopal Church: John's Gospel, 1964-1967.
Box Series F: 4 [SCPC-6594]
Series of studies at Nyack Episcopal Church: Non-violence and Christianity, 1964-1967.
Box Series F: 4 [SCPC-6594]
Series of studies at Nyack Episcopal Church: Parables of Jesus, 1964-1967.
Box Series F: 4 [SCPC-6594]
Series of studies at Nyack Episcopal Church: The ways and powers of love, 1964-1967.
Box Series F: 4 [SCPC-6594]
Sermons: By students, 1908-1911.
Box Series F: 5 [SCPC-6595]
Sermons at Christ Church, Suffern: Old Testament texts, 1915-1919.
Box Series F: 5 [SCPC-6595]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Sermons at Christ Church, Suffern: New Testament texts: Gospels, 1915-1919.
Box Series F: 5 [SCPC-6595]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Sermons at Christ Church, Suffern: New Testament texts: Epistles, 1915-1919.
Box Series F: 5 [SCPC-6595]
Sermons at Christ Church, Suffern: Sermons preached, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 5 [SCPC-6595]
Sermons at Christ Church, Suffern: Advent, 1915-1919.
Box Series F: 5 [SCPC-6595]
Sermons at Christ Church, Suffern: Anniversaries, 1915-1919.
Box Series F: 5 [SCPC-6595]
Sermons at Christ Church, Suffern: Armistice Day, 1918.
Box Series F: 5 [SCPC-6595]
Sermons at Christ Church, Suffern: Children's talks, 1915-1919.
Box Series F: 5 [SCPC-6595]
Sermons at Christ Church, Suffern: Christ and the League of Nations, 1915-1919.
Box Series F: 5 [SCPC-6595]
Sermons preached: Christian living in everyday affairs (Lenten series), 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Christian solution of life (series), 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Christmas, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Church and sacraments, membership, etc., 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Communion, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Easter, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Faith, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Family: marriage, divorce, worship, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Force and non-violence, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: God, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Good Friday, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Heaven; Kingdom of Heaven/God, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Immortality, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Jesus, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Lincoln, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 6 [SCPC-6596]
Sermons preached: Love, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons preached: Man; human nature, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons preached: Overcoming evil, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons preached: Patriotism; state vs. God, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons preached: Prayer, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Sermons preached: Sabbath/Sunday, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons preached: School talks, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons preached: Truth, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons preached: War and Peace, 1915 (August).
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons preached: War and the Christian Church/faith, 1915-1920s.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons: Various subjects, 1930s-1950s.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons series: The Christian way in the labyrinth of life, circa 1938.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Sermons (typed/printed) re: the Church and peacemaking, 1941-1964.
Box Series F: 7 [SCPC-6597]
Lectures/Sermons: Outlines and drafts: Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) speeches and reports, 1924-1966.
Box Series F: 8 [SCPC-6598]
Scope and Contents

[4 folders]

Lectures/Sermons: Outlines and drafts, circa 1920s.
Box Series F: 8 [SCPC-6598]
Lectures/Sermons: Outlines and drafts, 1920-1928.
Box Series F: 8 [SCPC-6598]
Scope and Contents

[7 folders]

Lectures/Sermons: Outlines and drafts, 1929-1938.
Box Series F: 9 [SCPC-6599]
Scope and Contents

[13 folders]

Lectures/Sermons: Outlines and drafts: European trip through world tour, 1938; 1943-1950.
Box Series F: 10 [SCPC-6600]
Scope and Contents

[15 folders]

Lectures/Sermons: outlines and drafts, 1950s-1964.
Box Series F: 11 [SCPC-6601]
Scope and Contents

16 folders

Lectures/Sermons: Outlines and drafts, 1965-1967.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Outlines and drafts: Talk to ministers at Fort Collins on "Dead Sea Fruit", 1967.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: Arms trade/embargo; disarmament, 1930s.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: Church/Christianity and war.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: Communism and Christianity.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: Europe during World War II.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: Individuals: examples and quotes.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: Nuclear weapons: tests and war.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: Post-war plans, 1942-1944.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: Race relations.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: Reconciliation and nonviolence.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: U.S. confronting war in Europe, 1941.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations: War: Nature, cost, abolition.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations, used in 1920s.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations, used 1930-1931.
Box Series F: 12 [SCPC-6602]
Lectures/Sermons: Illustrations and quotations, used 1932-1966.
Box Series F: 13 [SCPC-6603]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box), [6 folders]

Lectures/Sermons: quotations used (A-Z by author), (circa 1908-1967). 13 cartons.
Box Series F: 13 [SCPC-6603]
Physical Description

13 cartons1/2 box5 inches

Various, 1923-1924.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Midwestern trip, 1925.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Various, 1925.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Various, 1926.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
New England; various, 1927.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Western trip; various, 1928.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Various; Virginia, Western trip, 1929.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Blue Ridge YWCA conference; South, 1929.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Pennsylvania and Midwestern trip, 1930.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Various, 1930.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Various; Midwestern trip, 1931.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
World Tomorrow campaign in West, 1931.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Southern trips, 1932-1933.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Western trip; various, 1934.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Florida Missionary Assemblies, 1935.
Box Series G: 1 [SCPC-6604]
Western trip; New England, 1935.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Emergency Peace Campaign; various, 1936.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Across U.S. to Pacific coast, 1937.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Various, 1938.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Southern and Western states, 1939.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Kansas and Southwest, 1940.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Across U.S. to Pacific coast, 1940.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Various; CPS camps, National radio debate, 1941.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Various; Midwest, 1942.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Pacific coast trip, 1942.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Various short trips; CPS camps, 1943.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Various; CPS; Race Relations Institute, 1944.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Various, 1945-1947.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Philadelphia; Midwestern trip, 1948.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Pacific coast tour, 1949.
Box Series G: 2 [SCPC-6605]
Southern trip; New England, 1950.
Box Series G: 3 [SCPC-6606]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

Trips to Mexico and Midwest, 1951.
Box Series G: 3 [SCPC-6606]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

Various; Western trip, 1953.
Box Series G: 3 [SCPC-6606]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

Various, en route to Mexico, 1954.
Box Series G: 3 [SCPC-6606]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

Toronto, Canada; various, 1954.
Box Series G: 3 [SCPC-6606]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

West coast tour, 1955.
Box Series G: 3 [SCPC-6606]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

Various, 1957-1961.
Box Series G: 3 [SCPC-6606]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

California and Colorado, 1965.
Box Series G: 3 [SCPC-6606]
Scope and Contents

(1/2 box)

Europe: Post-war reconciliation and relief work, 1921.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
Europe: Conferences and interviews, 1924.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
Europe: Conferences; notes for speeches, 1929.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
Russia: Moscow notes; publications; miscellaneous, 1929.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
Russia: Speeches and reports, 1929.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
European tour: Schedules, correspondence, notes, 1931.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
Europe: American Seminar lecture notes, etc., 1932.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
Russia: Lecture notes; speeches in the U.S., 1932.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
Europe: Schedule, correspondence, interviews (focus on Germany), 1934.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
Europe: Seminar lecture notes; conferences, 1934.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
Europe: Schedule, interviews, 1938.
Box Series G: 4 [SCPC-6607]
Europe: Correspondence, contacts, memorabilia, 1938.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
Far East: Context and plans [trip cancelled due to outbreak of war in Europe], 1939.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
Far East: Itinerary and correspondence, 1939.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
Mexico: Visit to organize Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.), Spring 1944.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, 1945.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
Europe: Schedule and notes; International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) Council, correspondence, 1946.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
South America (via Mexico and Central America), 1947.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
Schedule, reports, introductions.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
South America: Countries visited, 1947.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
Europe: Schedule, reports, introductions, 1948.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
Europe: Visit to Germany, 1948.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
Europe: Correspondence with Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) office, New York, 1948.
Box Series G: 5 [SCPC-6608]
World tour: Schedule and notes, report, introductions, 1949-1950.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
World tour: Countries visited, 1949-1950.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Europe: Schedule, International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) Conference, report, notes, 1950.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Mexico: Schedule, report, 1951.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Africa and Europe: Schedule, notes, reports, 1952.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Africa and Europe: Correspondence before and after trip; contacts, 1952.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Africa and Europe: Portugal, Spain, Liberia, 1952.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Gold Coast (Ghana).
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Africa and Europe: South Africa: Correspondence, etc., 1952.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Europe: Schedule, report , conferences, 1953.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Mexico: Schedule, correspondence, publicity, 1954.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Europe: Schedules, summer conferences, 1954-1955.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
South America: Correspondence, purpose of trip, 1958.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
South America: Schedule, report, publicity, 1958.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
South America: Countries visited, 1958.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Europe: Schedule, International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) Council, correspondence, 1959.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]
Europe: Schedules; conferences, 1961-1967.
Box Series G: 6 [SCPC-6609]

Memoirs "Instrument of Peace", circa 1975.
Box Series H: 1 [SCPC-6610]
Scope and Contents


Autobiographical writings related to memoirs.
Box Series H: 1 [SCPC-6610]
75th birthday album of tributes "75 Years for Peace", 1960.
Box Series H: 1 [SCPC-6610]
80th-83rd birthday tributes.
Box Series H: 1 [SCPC-6610]
Biographical articles published in "The World Tomorrow and Fellowship".
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Biographical items.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Comments by Sayre re: influences on his life;.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Sayre and the Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.).
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Expressions of appreciation about Sayre and his work.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Obituaries of J. Nevin Sayre and Kathleen W. Sayre; letters of condolence and tributes, 1977; 1982.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Memorabilia; miscellaneous greetings from International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) meetings.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Addenda: Articles by Charles F. Howlett published in journals, 1988; 1990.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University: General materials and miscellaneous, 1908-1961.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University: Class of 1907: Memorabilia.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University: Class of 1907: Correspondence, 1937-1967.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University: Class of 1907: Memorial services, 1919-1957.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University -- Crusaders (club/fellowship): Constitution, consecration service, manuals.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University -- Crusaders (club/fellowship): Origins and history, 1912-1949.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University -- Crusaders (club/fellowship): Newsletters, 1928-1949.
Box Series H: 2 [SCPC-6611]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University -- Crusaders (club/fellowship): Newsletters, 1950-1966.
Box Series H: 3 [SCPC-6612]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University -- Crusaders (club/fellowship): Membership lists, 1928-1966.
Box Series H: 3 [SCPC-6612]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University -- Crusaders (club/fellowship): Biographical data and miscellaneous.
Box Series H: 3 [SCPC-6612]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University -- Crusaders (club/fellowship): Book "The Letters of Maxwell Chaplin", 1928.
Box Series H: 3 [SCPC-6612]
Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University -- Crusaders (club/fellowship): Correspondence with members, 1913-1955.
Box Series H: 3 [SCPC-6612]
Scope and Contents

[5 folders]

Academic life and pastoral ministry: Princeton University -- Crusaders (club/fellowship): Correspondence with members, 1956-1971.
Box Series H: 4 [SCPC-6613]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Williams College, 1907-1908.
Box Series H: 4 [SCPC-6613]
Union Theological Seminary (class of 1911).
Box Series H: 4 [SCPC-6613]
Overseas teaching, study, travel: China, 1913.
Box Series H: 4 [SCPC-6613]
Overseas teaching, study, travel: Marburg, Germany, 1913.
Box Series H: 4 [SCPC-6613]
Overseas teaching, study, travel: Palestine, 1914.
Box Series H: 4 [SCPC-6613]
Overseas teaching, study, travel: France (Verdun, Esnes); Germany, 1920-1921.
Box Series H: 4 [SCPC-6613]
Pastorate: Christ Church, Suffern (New York), 1915-1919.
Box Series H: 4 [SCPC-6613]
Pastorate: Christ Church centennial, 1960.
Box Series H: 4 [SCPC-6613]
Personal/civic and philanthropic affairs: Committee to Save the Villages, 1954-1955.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Personal/civic and philanthropic affairs: Election watcher for Socialist Party, New York County, 1920.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Personal/civic and philanthropic affairs: Personal finances: Income, investments and contributions, 1921-1932.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Personal/civic and philanthropic affairs: Personal investment loans: City Housing Corporation (New York City), 1927-1944.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Personal/civic and philanthropic affairs: Personal investment loans: Craig, Reed and Emerson, 1928-1935; 1952.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Personal/civic and philanthropic affairs: Personal investment loans: National Bail Fund, 1924-1933.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Personal/civic and philanthropic affairs: Personal loans to Malcolm Graham (G.K. Byers, lawyer), 1930-1939.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Personal/civic and philanthropic affairs: Personal loans to Stephen Wilson (C.O.), 1965-1967.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Public engagements and press clippings: Announcements, programs, church bulletins, 1924-1965.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Scope and Contents

[2 folders]

Public engagements and press clippings: Speaking engagements: Publicity for Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) lectures, 1930-1950s.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Public engagements and press clippings: Speaking engagements: Press clippings about Sayre's public lectures, 1920s-1950s.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Scope and Contents

[3 folders]

Public engagements and press clippings: Speaking engagements: Press clippings re: overseas trips, 1931-1950s.
Box Series H: 5 [SCPC-6614]
Pocket diaries; travel journals, 1897-1967; 1945-1952.
Box Series H: 6 [SCPC-6615]
Scope and Contents

(see list of dates and places in the box), (flat box)

Sayre family letters and memorabilia: Robert H. Sayre and sons, 1892-1901.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: R.H. Sayre and family during trip to Egypt, etc., 1894.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: R.H. Sayre to wife and children during trip to Egypt, 1894.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: Mother to Nevin/boys at Hill School, 1893-1899.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: Nevin to Mother from Hill School, 1899-1901.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: Parents and sons during summer vacations, 1900-1905.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: Parents and sons at Lawrenceville School, 1901-1903.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: Nevin and parents at Princeton and Williams, 1903-1908.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: Nevin to Mother from Palestine, 1914.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: Nevin family and Sayre family relatives, 1885-1908.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: Family memorabilia: Community and school.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre family letters and memorabilia: Family memorabilia: Nevin's juvenile writings.
Box Series H: 7 [SCPC-6616]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1890-1906.
Box Series H: 8 [SCPC-6617]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1890-1906.
Box Series H: 8 [SCPC-6617]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1908-1912.
Box Series H: 8 [SCPC-6617]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1913.
Box Series H: 8 [SCPC-6617]
Scope and Contents

(2 folders)

Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1914-1917.
Box Series H: 8 [SCPC-6617]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1919-1925.
Box Series H: 8 [SCPC-6617]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1926-1930.
Box Series H: 8 [SCPC-6617]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1931-1933.
Box Series H: 8 [SCPC-6617]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1934-1936.
Box Series H: 8 [SCPC-6617]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1937-1938.
Box Series H: 9 [SCPC-6618]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1939.
Box Series H: 9 [SCPC-6618]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1940-1941.
Box Series H: 9 [SCPC-6618]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1942.
Box Series H: 9 [SCPC-6618]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1943.
Box Series H: 9 [SCPC-6618]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1944.
Box Series H: 9 [SCPC-6618]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1945-1946.
Box Series H: 9 [SCPC-6618]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1947-1949.
Box Series H: 9 [SCPC-6618]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1950-1953.
Box Series H: 9 [SCPC-6618]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1954-1958.
Box Series H: 10 [SCPC-6619]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1959-1960.
Box Series H: 10 [SCPC-6619]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1961-1962.
Box Series H: 10 [SCPC-6619]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1963-1964.
Box Series H: 10 [SCPC-6619]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1965-1966.
Box Series H: 10 [SCPC-6619]
Sayre Family letters: Francis B. Sayre and J. Nevin Sayre (brothers), 1967-1971.
Box Series H: 10 [SCPC-6619]
Sayre Family: Francis B. Sayre: Writings and speeches, 1928-1960.
Box Series H: 10 [SCPC-6619]
Sayre Family: Francis B. Sayre: Press clippings, 1913-1972.
Box Series H: 10 [SCPC-6619]
Sayre Family: Francis B. Sayre family, 1916-1972.
Box Series H: 10 [SCPC-6619]
Sayre Family: Francis B. Sayre Jr., 1943-1972.
Box Series H: 10 [SCPC-6619]
Sayre Family letters: Nevin to Kath