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Max Heinrici manuscript and photographs


Held at: German Society of Pennsylvania: Joseph P. Horner Memorial Library [Contact Us]611 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19123

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the German Society of Pennsylvania: Joseph P. Horner Memorial Library. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Born 19 January 1863 in Berlin, Germany, Max Heinrici emigrated to the United States in 1885; he became a naturalized American citizen in December 1914. Heinrici had pursued medical studies in Germany, but after his emigration became a journalist, writing for German-language newspapers; he became the editor of the Philadelphia Gazette-Demokrat, and later also a foreign correspondent for European newspapers.

Heinrici was also a researcher in German-American history. He was the editor of the anthology Das Buch der Deutschen in Amerika (The book of the Germans in America), published under the auspices of the National German-American Alliance, in 1909; and he was a co-author, with Oswald Seidensticker, of an updated history of the German Society of Pennsylvania published in 1917.

Heinrici was an active member of the German Society, serving on the board of directors in 1921 to 1922. He established the Society's Press Committee in 1919, which existed until 1922, with the purpose of countering anti-German sentiment in the press.

Heinrici was married to Cora Vera Heinrici, and they lived in Germantown, Pennsylvania, where Max Heinrici died on 11 July 1948.


Heinrici, Max. "Ehrung fuer Max Heinrici, anlaesslich des fuenzigjaehrigen Jubilaeums als deutschamerikanischer Journalist am 10. Februar 1935." In the current collection, Box 1, Folder 43.

Ward, Robert E. "Heinrici, Max" (p. 120), in: A bio-bibliography of German-American writers, 1670-1970. White Plains, N.Y.: Krauss International Publications, c1985.

The collection comprises an unpublished manuscript by Max Heinrici (approximately 460 leaves), accompanied by a preservation photocopy, and a few photographs of the author in his later years, probably from around the time he was last working on the manuscript.

The working title of the manuscript, "Die ereignisreichen zwanzig Jahre 1915-1935 der Geschichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft" (The eventful twenty years 1915 to 1935 of the history of the German Society), suggests that Heinrici conceived of the work as a continuation of the history of the German Society of Pennsylvania that he had published in 1917 ( Geschichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft von Pennsylvanien, 1764-1917; Philadelphia: Graf & Breuninger), co-authored by Oswald Seidensticker. The core of the latter work was an earlier published history of the Society, authored solely by Seidensticker, that had covered the history from the founding, in 1764, up to 1876. Heinrici had continued the narrative and updated the material to cover the years from 1876 to 1917.

Heinrici's present manuscript aims to cover the subsequent history of the German Society up to 1935 (overlapping a little with the previous book in terms of the years of the First World War). The manuscript is mostly in the form of typescripts of individually titled sections, the intended order of which is uncertain. The typescripts vary in appearance, and contain many handwritten emendations. There is no continuous pagination, although the pages are often numbered separately within any given section.

Presumably the gift of Max Heinrici, or his family

German Society of Pennsylvania: Joseph P. Horner Memorial Library
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Violet Lutz
Finding Aid Date
The processing of this collection was made possible through generous funding from the Max Kade Foundation, as part of the grant project "Retrieval and Cataloging of the German-American Experience, 1918-1960."
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

Copyright restrictions may apply. Please contact the German Society of Pennsylvania with requests for copying and for authorization to publish, quote or reproduce the material.

Collection Inventory

Arrangement note

The manuscript is stored in an upright box, in folders, with one or more self-contained sections in each folder, and the folder titles usually taken from the section titles in the manuscript. Overall the order in which the sections were found from a previous processing has been retained, with small modifications based on internal clues to the intended order when these seemed compelling (e.g. there were instances in which individual pages had been clearly misplaced; or a slightly amended sequencing of sections was suggested by Heinrici's handwritten section title pages). The biographical sketches in the middle of the manuscript have been left as they were found, although according to the style of Heinrici's previous history of the Society these would ultimately have been placed at the end of the book.

The folders of acid-free photocopies in Box 2 are arranged in an identical manner, so that the folder number for any given section is the same in Box 2 (copies) as it is in Box 1 (originals).

Title page and preface (Vorwort). 7 leaves. Also includes: "Old Glory and the German Americans" (from the speech of Dr. C. J. Hexamer, president of the German Society of Pennsylvania, at the Betsy Ross House, Philadelphia, June 14, 1916); and 2) "Was Praesident F. D. Roosevelt ueber die Deutschen sagte" (1933). 7 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 1
Physical Description

7 leaves

Die Tragoedie Deutsch-Amerika's. 23 leaves. The historical exposition continues in Folder 6 (Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen).
Box 1 Folder 2
Physical Description

23 leaves. The historical exposition continues in Folder 6 (Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen)

Hilfswerk vor Eintritt der Vereinigten Staaten in den Krieg: Der grosse Bazar in 1916. 7 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 3
Physical Description

7 leaves

Aerzte-Expeditionen / Kriegsgefangenen-Fuersorge / Die Ost-Preussen-Hilfe. 6 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 4
Physical Description

6 leaves

Die Wohltaetigkeits-Fest der Oesterriech-Ungarn (26 May 1916). 3 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 5
Physical Description

3 leaves

Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen zur kaiserlich-deutschen Regierung. 10 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 6
Physical Description

10 leaves

Eine Rechtfertigung Dr. Hexamer's. 10 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 7
Physical Description

10 leaves

"The German flag". 3 leaves. Concerns an article by Marie Huassmann (daughter of Frederick W. Haussmann) in Viereck's American Weekly, 13 June 1917.
Box 1 Folder 8
Die Konferenz der Deutschamerikaner (Chicago, 29 May 1916). 7 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 9
Physical Description

7 leaves

Treu dem Lande ihrer Wahl: amerikanische Loyalitaet / Die "Liberty Loans". 19 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 10
Physical Description

19 leaves

Ehrung George Washington's (1932). 6 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 11
Physical Description

6 leaves

Das Hilfswerk fuer die Heimat und unsere Notleidende vor und nach dem Kriege. 11 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 12
Physical Description

11 leaves

Die Hilfeleistung fuer die Heimat (Der Hilfsfond, 1914-1926) / Hamburg (Dr. jur. Walther Johannsen) / Weihnachtsgaben (Verteilung in kanadischen und sibirischen Gefangenenlagern) / Roggenmehl fuer Kinder im Erzgebirge. 6 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 13
Physical Description

6 leaves

Das "Philadelphia Central Relief Committee" (1923). 4 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 14
Physical Description

4 leaves

Die erschuetternde Botschaft Kardinal Faulhaber's (1923). 3 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 14
Physical Description

3 leaves

Anerkennung fuer Herrn Schmidt. 2 leaves. Concerns letter of General von Winterfeldt, president of the German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz), to Louis H. Schmidt, 18 May 1924.
Box 1 Folder 15
Physical Description

2 leaves. Concerns letter of General von Winterfeldt, president of the German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz), to Louis H. Schmidt, 18 May 1924

"Midwest flood sufferers" (1927) / Hurrikan (1928). 2 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 17
Physical Description

2 leaves

Die Wohltaetigkeits-Baelle (1930-1934). 2 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 18
Physical Description

2 leaves

Das Seemannsheim. 4 leaves. Concerns the German Seamen's Home in Philadelphia.
Box 1 Folder 19
Physical Description

4 leaves. Concerns the German Seamen's Home in Philadelphia

Die Praesidenten der Gesellschaft: Dr. C. J. Hexamer. 11 leaves. Biographical sketch.
Box 1 Folder 20
Physical Description

11 leaves. Biographical sketch

Praesident John B. Mayer. 7 leaves. Biographical sketch.
Box 1 Folder 21
Physical Description

7 leaves. Biographical sketch

Praesident Louis H. Schmidt. 14 leaves. Biographical sketch. Includes 2 different versions of the same section.
Box 1 Folder 22
Physical Description

14 leaves. Biographical sketch. Includes 2 different versions of the same section

Erst Vize-Praesidenten der Deutschen Gesellschaft: Carl P. Berger; F. W. Haussmann; Konsul Arno P. Mowitz; Gustav Adolph Schwarz. 13 leaves. Biographical sketches.
Box 1 Folder 23
Physical Description

13 leaves. Biographical sketches

Sekretaere der Gesellschaft und Schreiber des Verwaltungsrats: Pastor Georg von Bosse; Pastor Sigmund Georg von Bosse; Otto Kessler; Friedrich Harjes; Ferdinand Wilhelm Mostertz. 3 leaves. Biographical sketches.
Box 1 Folder 24
Physical Description

3 leaves. Biographical sketches

Schatzmeister der Deutschen Gesellschaft und ein Rueckblick. 13 leaves. Contains an essay by the current treasurer, Alfred Bauer (Ein Rueckblick), concerning the Society's finances; and biographical sketches of Hans Weniger, Hermann Heyl, Paul Hertel, and Alfred Bauer.
Box 1 Folder 25
Ernst Friedrich Bachmann ; Pius Baumann ; Conrad L. Boecker ; Karl Friedrich Brede. 7 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society.
Box 1 Folder 26
Physical Description

7 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society

C. F. Brenner ; Emil Doernenburg ; Franz Ehrlich Jr. ; Pastor Fritz Otto Evers. 13 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society.
Box 1 Folder 27
Physical Description

13 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society

Adolph Farenwald ; Martin Frankfurter; George A. Gress ; Carl F. Haussmann. 8 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society.
Box 1 Folder 28
Physical Description

8 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society

F. H. Hering ; Harry F. Keller ; John C. Kimmerle ; John N. Kolb ; John Kuhn. 7 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society.
Box 1 Folder 29
Physical Description

7 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society

Carl F. Lauber ; Stephan A. Lippert ; Pastor Kurt Molzahn ; Joseph C. Paulus. 8 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society.
Box 1 Folder 30
Physical Description

8 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society

Harry W. Pfund; Louis F. Schuck ; J. Otto Schweizer ; D. B. Shumway. 8 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society.
Box 1 Folder 31
Physical Description

8 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society

Frank Sima ; Eugen A. Stopper ; Fridolin Stopper ; August Wohltmann ; Otto Wolff. 4 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society.
Box 1 Folder 32
Physical Description

4 leaves. Biographical sketches of directors of the Society

Die Gesellschaft ehrt des alten Vaterlandes grossen Toten. 19 leaves. Contains the following headings: 1) Bismark's 100. Geburtstag; 2) Die Beethoven-Feier; 3) Goethe-Feier; 4) Schiller's 175. Geburtstag.
Box 1 Folder 33
Episoden der ereignissreichen zwanzig Jahre. 53 leaves. Contains the following sections: 1) Enthuellung des Steuben Denkmals am 9. Oktober 1915 in Valley Forge (also includes: Steuben's 200. Geburtstag; and Steuben Bi-Centennial); 2) Deutsche Hilfskreuzer hier (Der "Kronprinz Wilhelm" und der "Prinz Eitel Friedrich" kamen am 6. Oktober 1916 nach Philadelphia); 3) Krieg und Pestilenz (Influenza-Epidemie, 1918); 4) Der Ruetli-Schwur der Deutsch-Amerikaner (1923, 1935); 5) Zwei Bordfeste (1926, 1932); 6) Die "Bremen" und "Graf Zeppelin" (Der Empfang von Hauptmann Koehl, Baron Huenefeld und Major Fitzmaurice a 9. Mai und Dr. Hugo Eckener's am 18. Oktober 1928); 7) Gegen die Kriegsschuldluege (Concord Society, 1929); 8) Der deutsche Botschafter Prittwitz geehrt (1929); 9) Deutsch-Amerikanischer Kongress tagt in der Halle (1933); 10) Das Pastorius-Monument (Vernon Park, 1920, 1933).
Box 1 Folder 34
Notizen aus den Protokoll-Buechern. 9 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 35
Physical Description

9 leaves

Foerderung des Deutschstudiums. 9 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 36
Physical Description

9 leaves

Vortraege. 6 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 37
Physical Description

6 leaves

Taetigkeit der Agentur. 8 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 38
Physical Description

8 leaves

Die Bibliothek. 7 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 39
Physical Description

7 leaves

Das Archiv. 7 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 40
Physical Description

7 leaves

Gustav Frenssen als Gast (17 April 1922). 6 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 41
Physical Description

6 leaves

Richard Wagner Festspiel (1923).
Box 1 Folder 42
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft und die deutsche Presse ; Paul Epple (die Deutsche Gesellschaft gedenkt seiner nach seinem Ableben am 27. Oktober 1933) ; Ehrung fuer Max Heinrici anlaesslich des fuenfzigjaehrigen Jubilaeums als deutschamerikanischer Journalist am 10. Februar 1935. 10 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 43
Physical Description

10 leaves

Frauen-Hilfsverein. 17 leaves. Concerns the Women's Auxiliary of the German Society of Pennsylvania.
Box 1 Folder 44
Physical Description

17 leaves. Concerns the Women's Auxiliary of the German Society of Pennsylvania

Mitglieder des Verwaltungsrats 1916-1935. 10 leaves. Lists of officers and directors of the Society.
Box 1 Folder 45
Physical Description

10 leaves. Lists of officers and directors of the Society

Befreundete Organisationen: "The Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation". 7 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 46
Physical Description

7 leaves

Der Deutsche Klub und die Deutsche Gesellschaft. 3 leaves. Includes a small note in an unidentified hand, dated 11 May 1938, indicating that the history of the Deutsche Klub und Technischer Verein (evidently an additional section that is not currently included in the manuscript) was in the possession of Ferdinand W. Mostertz for revision.
Box 1 Folder 47
Physical Description

3 leaves. Includes a small note in an unidentified hand, dated 11 May 1938, indicating that the history of the Deutsche Klub und Technischer Verein (evidently an additional section that is not currently included in the manuscript) was in the possession of Ferdinand W. Mostertz for revision

Die Steuben-Gesellschaft von Amerika ; Pastorius Unit No. 38 der Steuben-Gesellschaft. 9 leaves. Concerns the Steuben Society of America, and its Philadelphia branch.
Box 1 Folder 48
Physical Description

9 leaves. Concerns the Steuben Society of America, and its Philadelphia branch

Deutsch-Amerikanischer Zentral-Bund von Pennsylvanien ; Praesident Fred C. Gartner.
Box 1 Folder 49
Zwei 150 Jahr alte Schwester-Gesellschaften. 6 leaves. Concerns the German Society of Maryland and the German Society of the City of New York.
Box 1 Folder 50
Physical Description

6 leaves. Concerns the German Society of Maryland and the German Society of the City of New York

Die deutschen Kirchengemeinden in Philadelphia; 100-Jahr-Jubilaeum des Maennerchors. 4 leaves.
Box 1 Folder 51
Physical Description

4 leaves

B. Preservation photocopy of manuscript.
Box 2 Folder 1-51

Scope and Contents note

The photographs include five unique shots of Max Heinrici, in his older years, sitting in an armchair, in a living room or study, with an open book on his lap. In one shot a woman, probably his wife, Cora, stands behind his chair; in two shots, a dog is visible lying nearby.

A pencilled note, in the hand of a librarian, made on the outside of an envelope in which the photographs were placed during a previous processing, indicated that they show Heinrici on his 80th birthday, 19 January 1939, and were published in the newspaper that he edited, the Philadelphia Gazette-Demokrat. (The note reads: Heinrici 80. Geburtstag 19. Jan. 1939, German Gazette.) However, since he was born in the year 1863, Heinrici would have been only 76 in 1939. On the other hand, if the photographs were actually taken on his 80th birthday, then they would date to 1943. Because of the reference to publication in the newspaper, it seems likely that the date 1939 was somehow provided at the time and that Heinrici's age was simply miscalculated; however, the reference has not been verified.

Physical Description

1 folder

Prints. 7 items (4 x 5" or 4 x 6").
Box 1 Folder 52
Physical Description

7 items (4 x 5" or 4 x 6")

Negatives. 5 items.
Box 1 Folder 53
Physical Description

5 items

Print, Suggest