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- Extent:
- 14 linear ft.
- Abstract:
- Bryn Mawr alumna Theresa Helburn (B.A. 1908) had a long and distinguished career behind the scenes on Broadway, and made important contributions to the professions of film and television from the 1930s to the 1950s. As a producer with New York's Theatre Guild from 1919, Helburn served as a literary manager and casting director, before becoming a co-producer, with Lawrence Langner. The Theatre Guild specialized in bringing the highest-quality drama of Europe and America to Broadway stages. Helburn's responsibilities were wide-ranging, including everything from vetting scripts, to casting plays, to fund-raising, to leading advertising and marketing campaigns. The Theresa Helburn Theater Collection includes over 1400 photographs, 160 playscripts, 139 ground plans, 171 theater programs, and numerous advertisements and other theatrical ephemera. Most of the photographs relate to Helburn's work as producer of the Theatre Guild, while a small portion are her personal collection of...(see more)
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