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Foster-Meyers Family Papers
Held at: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Thyra Jane (also known as Jane) Foster (1898-1984) was born in West Branch, Iowa, to Joseph E. and Mary Warner Meyers. She attended Stillwater Primary School in West Branch, the Friends Boarding School of Barnesville, Ohio, and the Westtown School in Westtown, Pa. In 1921, Jane graduated from Mt. Holyoke College and in 1924 married Henry Cope Foster (1895-1987). Henry graduated from the Massachusetts Agricultural College (now the University of Massachusetts) in 1923 and returned to Warwick, Rhode Island, where in his early years he worked in the family farm with his brother William and his father Horace. His two sisters, Anna and Elizabeth Foster, lived on the farm for their entire lives. Jane taught chemistry, physics, Latin, and German in the Coventry school system from 1944 until her retirement in 1959. After her retirement, she was the founding archivist of the Archives of the New England Yearly Meeting. Thyra Jane and Henry Foster were active members of Providence Monthly Meeting of Friends. The Fosters' son, John Henry Foster, was born in 1926, and twins Harold M. and Thera were born in 1929. The children were educated at Westtown School before college. John H. Foster married Georgana Falb in 1954. He was a member of the faculty of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Thyra Jane's father was Joseph E. Meyers (1858-1937), a conservative Orthodox Quaker, raised in Pennsdale, Pennsylvania, a member of the Muncy Monthly Meeting. His father, William D. Myers (1826-1892) was a convinced Friend who became a member of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting for the Southern District in 1854. His mother was Mary Roberts Warner (1828-1873), a birthright member of Muncy Monthly Meeting. Through his mother's side, Joseph E. Meyers was related to prominent Muncy Quaker families such as Lundy, Carpenter, Winner, and Starr.
Joseph E. Meyers was the second of four children and the only to survive early childhood. His father was disowned by the Society of Friends in 1859, and the marriage was not a happy one. In 1863, Mary Meyers returned to Pennsdale and the Muncy Monthly Meeting. She raised her only surviving child with strict adherence to the rules of discipline regarding dress, behavior, and marriage. After her death, Meyers attended Westtown Boarding School and then West Chester Normal School. It had been the desire of his mother that he pursue a career as a teacher, and for about ten years, he taught at a number of schools in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Iowa. However, it was a career to which he was ill-suited, and by 1894, he became a farmer.
In 1880, with the encouragement and support of his uncle, Charles Warner, he moved to Barnesville, Ohio, where he became acquainted with members of the Ohio Yearly Meeting. For about the next ten years, he spent time in Ohio, Kansas, and Iowa. In 1894, Joseph Meyers married Mary J. Worthington at Stillwater Monthly Meeting in Barnesville, and for a short time they lived on a farm in Cedar County, Iowa. About 1907, the family returned to Barnesville, Ohio. He remained at Stillwater MM until 1931 when he moved to Rhode Island to live with his daughter and son-in-law, Thyra Jane and Henry Cope Foster. About 1929, he began to compile biographies on Quakers that he knew from his youth in Pennsdale, Pa., and his many years in Ohio and Iowa, corresponding with a number of friends for information and suggestions.
Additional biographical notes are included as preface to individual series.
Organization: The papers were organized by family units by the donor, and that organization has been largely retained. They have been placed in seven series: Series 1 includes the papers of Henry and Thyra Jane Foster and Henry's siblings, the series includes extensive correspondence from Thyra Jane; Series 2 contains the papers of Joseph E. Meyers and his family, including his reminiscences of conservative Quakers; Series 3 contains the papers of Horace Bragg and Mary S. Cope Foster and their generation, as well as some Sharpless family material which descended through Mary Sharpless Cope Foster; Series 4 contains a small amount of earlier Foster family generations, that of Horace Foster's parents, John and Pauline Kenyon and family correspondence centered on the Foster family and its residents; Series 5 contains the papers of John H. and Georgana Foster including correspondence from Rasulia, India; Series 6 concerns the Foster family farm in Warwick, Rhode Island; and Series 7 contains miscellaneous papers.
Series 1: Henry and Thyra Jane Foster and their generation: a. Henry and Thyra Jane Papers; b. Charles and Hilda Steckle Foster; c. Elizabeth and Anna Foster; d. William (Bill) Oliver and Millicent Foster; e. Family postcard scrapbooks.
Series 2: Joseph Meyers and Family: a. Joseph E. Meyers Papers; b. William D. and Mary Warner Meyers and the Warner family; c. Mary Worthington Meyers; d. Bernice Meyers; e. Charles Lionel Meyers.
Series 3: Horace and Mary Cope Foster Family and Cope ancestors: a. Horace Bragg and Mary Cope Foster; b. Joshua Sharpless Family; c. Hannah Sharpless Cope and Caleb Cope; d. John Hoxie and Mary E. Simkinson Foster, Lizzie Foster Leigh and Thomas Leigh, Edward H. and Emma Walmsley Foster, and Martha Otis Foster.
Series 4: Foster Family: Horace Foster's ancestors: Ethan Foster, John and Paulina Kenyon Foster, Family correspondence of the Foster Family.
Series 5: John and Georgana Foster.
Series 6: The Foster Family Farm, Warwick, Rhode Island Farm, 1838-1992.
Series 7: Miscellaneous.
Gift of John H. Foster, 1992-2013. Accessions: 1997.065, 1999.022 and .036, 2000.024 and .043, 2002.028, 2005.020 and .022, 2009.011, 2010.001, 2013.004.
Gift of Mary Foster Cadbury, Acc. 2005.020.
Gift of Thera Hindmarsh, sister of John Foster, Acc. 2016.023.
Received in several parts beginning in 1992. The papers concerning Joseph E. Meyers, including informal personal reminiscences and other writings, remained in the family at Meyers' death. His grandson, John H. Foster, sorted and transcribed most of the papers. In April 1997, the Joseph E. Meyers Papers were arranged in four series, described, and processed as RG 5/186, Joseph Meyers Papers. Oversized documents such as marriage certificates and diplomas are stored in Oversize.
Later the same year (1997), an additional 22 cubic feet of Foster family papers were received with inventories by the donor. In general, the papers were organized by family units, and that organization largely has been preserved. Selected papers were photocopied for the donor. Photocopies of the records of the Kickemuit Literary Society were added to the collection in 1999. A small amount of material was added in 2000, and in 2002, the whole collection was integrated, renamed the Foster-Meyers Family Papers, and a new finding aid produced. In 2003, John H. Foster deposited additional Foster family letters and some personal papers. In 2013, he added correspondence, including letters from India
Relics and photographs were removed to FHL Relics and FHL PA 103, respectively. Brochures from the Friends Boarding School, later Moses Brown School, transferred to reference files for better access. File with secondary material on PAX, Massachusetts Political Action for Peace, and peace candidate Stuart Hughes transferred to Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Pictures of Quaker schools and meeting houses and Moses Brown which arrived with Miscellaneous Papers have been stored in FHL General Picture Collection for ease of access.
Inventories and general notes by John H. Foster are filed in Series 5, John H. and Georgana Foster Papers. Comments, transcripts, explanatory notes are stored with the related originals.
In 2013 and 2014, John Foster's India slides, corrrespondence, Thyra Jane's material on her sister Bernice, and miscellaneous papers were added to the appropriate categories.
A typescript of Joshua Sharpless's 1798 journal which was given to FHL in 1979 by Thyra Jane Foster was transferred from MSS 040 to be stored with the original in RG 5/221, Series 3. MSS 040, Sharpless Manuscripts, contains a different version of the Sharpless journal given to FHL in 1970 by Elizabeth Foster, aunt of John H. Foster and sister-in-law of Thyra Jane Foster.
The collection is open, with additional papers relating to John H. and Georgana Foster and their generation retained by the family.
Photographs and slides removed to PA 115 and PA 103.
The Medicine box of Paulina Kenyon Foster, prior to 1882, removed to Relics.
Plain clothes patterns removed to Relics.
Artifacts from Mary Cope Foster's letterbox and John Foster's spectacles removed to Relics.
- Foster, John Henry, -1926
- Meyers, Joseph E. (Joseph Elkinton), 1858-1937
- Foster family
- Warner family
- Meyers family
- Muncy Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends)
- Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative : 1854- )
- New England Yearly Meeting of Friends
- Iowa Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends. Hickory Grove Quarterly Meeting
- Stillwater Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends : Wilburite : 1854- : Barnesville, Ohio)
- Nantucket Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends : Orthodox : 1845- 1867 : Nantucket, Mass.)
- Providence Monthly Meeting of Friends (Providence, R.I.)
- Quakers -- Pennsylvania
- Quakers -- Ohio
- Quakers -- Iowa
- Quakers -- Biography
- Quakers -- Costume
- Quakers -- Conduct of life
- Quakers -- Social life and customs
- Quakers -- Anecdotes
- Conservative Quakers
- Society of Friends -- Rhode Island
- Society of Friends -- Ohio
- Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania
- Society of Friends -- Indiana
- Agriculture -- Rhode Island
- Publisher
- Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
- Finding Aid Date
- 2014
- Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
- Use Restrictions
Some of the items in this collection may be protected by copyright. The user is solely responsible for making a final determination of copyright status. If copyright protection applies, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder or their heirs/assigns to reuse, publish, or reproduce relevant items beyond the bounds of Fair Use or other exemptions to the law. See
Collection Inventory
Thyra Jane, or Jane Foster (1898-1984) was born in West Branch, Iowa, to Joseph E. and Mary Warner Meyers. She attended Stillwater Primary School in West Branch, Friends Boarding School of Barnesville, Ohio, and Westtown School in Westtown, Pa. In 1921, Jane graduated from Mt. Holyoke College and in 1924 married Henry Cope Foster (1895-1987). The Foster's son, John H. Foster, was born in 1926, and twins Harold M. and Thera were born in 1929. The children were educated at Westtown School before college. Jane taught chemistry, physics, Latin, and German in the Coventry school system from 1944 until her retirement in 1959, and after her retirement she was the founding archivist of the Archives of New England Yearly meeting. Thyra Jane and Henry Foster were active members of the Providence Monthly Meeting of Friends.
Henry Cope Foster was born in 1895 on the Foster family farm in Warwick, Rhode Island, to Horace Bragg and Mary Cope Foster. Henry graduated from the Massachusetts Agricultural College (now the University of Massachusetts) in 1923 and returned to Warwick to work on the family farm. He married Thyra Jane Meyers in 1924. In his early years he worked with his brother, William, and his father, and his two sisters, Anna and Elizabeth, lived on the farm for their entire lives. In 1951, dairy farming ended on the Foster farm, and Henry Foster began to work with the Rhode Island Soil Conservation Program . He died on September 13, 1987.
Their eldest child, John Henry Foster (b. 1926) graduated from Cornell University, with graduate degrees from Purdue and Cornell Universities. He spent several years in the early 1950s in India, and in 1954, married Georgana Falb. In 1957, he joined the faculty of University of Massachusetts at Amherst. John H. Foster transcribed many of the writings and added interpretation and commentary to the papers.
The bulk of Series 1 is the family correspondence of Thyra Jane Foster and her writings and activities, contained in Series 1a.
Series 1 also includes a papers of Henry's sibling and their families: Series 1b, brother Charles Foster (1887-1955) who married Hilda Steckle Foster; Series 1c, sisters Elizabeth (1888-1980) and Anna (1890-1958) Foster who also lived on the family farm; and Series 1d, brother William Oliver Foster (1897-1980) who married Millicent Steer. Series 1e contains scrapbooks of postcards collected by the Fosters.
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See also Series 2: Joseph Meyers Family Papers for letters from Bernice
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Includes some letters from Henry
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Includes typed correspondence and radio broadcasts with transcripts by John H. Foster
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Brief summaries of Foster Family Letters, 1858-1881.
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Booklet by Thyra Jane Foster
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Booklet by Thyra Jane Foster
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Diplomas from the Friends Boarding School, Westtown School, Mount Holyoke College, and grammar school.
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Issues of the Coventry High School newspaper
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Diplomas from Warwick Grammar, Massachusetts Agricultural College
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Includes the Women's Christian Temperance Union
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Includes notes related to Friends and to Coventry High School
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Includes notes related to Friends and to Coventry High School
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Short play by Thyra Jane Foster
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Short play by Thyra Jane Foster
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copies and originals
"The Quaker experiment with dress as a testimony" scrapbook with photographs and articles. Removed from acidic binder, along with "Highlights in the lives of Henry and Thyra Jane Foster" photographs.
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Booklet made by Jane for Henry
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Mounted photographs
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Series 1b includes papers of Henry's brother, Charles Foster (1887-1955), who married Hilda Steckle, and his family.
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Elizabeth and Anna Foster, the daughters of Horace B. and Mary Foster and the sisters of Henry Foster, spent most of their lives together on the family farm; for this reason, their papers are contained in the same series.
Anna Foster was born in Warwick, Rhode Island in 1890, and she lived in Warwick her entire life. After dropping out of high school in the tenth grade, she and Elizabeth helped with the family farm and in caring for their parents until their deaths. In 1928 or 1929, Anna started the family roadside stand and operated it for about ten years. She also reupholstered furniture and completed other projects with the Home Demonstration Club. With the Sewing Group at the Friends Meeting House in Providence, Anna was instrumental in the preparation and transfer of used clothes to the American Friends Service Committee in Philadelphia. Throughout most of her life, she lived in the west end of the family farmhouse and never married. She died of a heart attack on July 31, 1958, in Warwick.
Elizabeth Foster was born on December 9, 1888, in Warwick. After completing the eleventh grade and helping around the home with Anna into the 1920s, Elizabeth worked keeping house for others for most of her life. According to John H. Foster (son of Henry and Thyra Jane), Elizabeth was the more outgoing of the sisters. In 1922, she took a trip to England and independently toured there for some time. Later on in her life, she attended weeklong workshops at Pendle Hill and the Wellesley Institute and relished the opportunities to learn and interact with others. Like Anna, she was interested in the Home Demonstration Club and the donation of clothes to the American Friends Service Committee. Elizabeth also had a keen interest in horses. A lifelong resident of Warwick and unmarried, Elizabeth died on May 13, 1980.
Series 1c contains the papers of Henry Foster's sisters Elizabeth (1888-1980) and Anna (1890-1958) Foster who also lived on the family farm.
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Includes Quaker play.
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Includes letters to nephew and letters from organizations.
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Includes letters to nephew and postcards
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Elizabeth's Diploma from Centreville Grammar School, 9th grade graduation diploma
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Includes notes and plans from leadership seminar
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Includes memory book and handkerchief
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Series 1d contains the papers of Henry's brother William Oliver Foster 1897-1980) who married Millicent Steer.
Recollections by William Oliver Foster
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Series 1e contains scrapbooks of postcards collected by the Fosters, including Henry Cope Foster, his siblings, and their parents.
With typed transcript by John H. Foster
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Joseph E. Meyers (1858-1937) was a conservative Orthodox Quaker, raised in Pennsdale, Pa., a member of the Muncy Monthly Meeting. His father, William D. Meyers (1826-1892) was a convinced Friend who became a member of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting for the Southern District in 1854. His mother was Mary Roberts Warner (1828-1873), a birthright member of Muncy Monthly Meeting. Her parents were Samuel Warner and Abigail Roberts, and through his mother's side, Joseph E. Meyers was related to prominent Muncy Quaker families such as Lundy, Carpenter, Winner, and Starr. His parents were married at Philadelphia MM- SD, in 1855.
Joseph E. Meyers was the second of four children and the only to survive early childhood. His father was disowned by the Society of Friends in 1859, and the marriage was not a happy one. In 1863, Mary Meyers returned to Pennsdale and the Muncy Monthly Meeting. She raised her only surviving child according to the ancient testimonies of the Society of Friends, with strict adherence to the rules of discipline regarding dress, behavior, and marriage. After her death, Meyers attended Westtown Boarding School and then West Chester Normal School. It had been the desire of his mother that he pursue a career as a teacher, and for about ten years, he taught at a number of schools in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Iowa. However, it was a career to which he was ill-suited, and by 1894, he became a farmer.
In 1880, with the encouragement and support of his uncle, Charles Warner, he moved to Barnesville, Ohio, where he became acquainted with members of the Ohio Yearly Meeting. For about the next ten years, he spent time in Ohio, Kansas, and Iowa. In 1894, Joseph Meyers married Mary J. Worthington at Stillwater Monthly Meeting in Barnesville, and for a short time they lived on a farm in Cedar County, Iowa. About 1896, the family returned to Barnesville, Ohio. He remained at Stillwater MM until 1931 when he moved to Rhode Island to live with his daughter and son-in-law, Thyra Jane and Henry Cope Foster. About 1929, began to compile biographies on Quakers that he knew from his youth in Pennsdale, Pa., and his many years in Ohio and Iowa, corresponding with a number of friends for information and suggestions.
Also included in Series 2 are the papers of closely related Meyers/Warner family members: His wife, Mary Worthington Meyers; Joseph Meyers' parents William and Mary Warner Meyers; his uncle and benefactor, Charles Warner; daughter Bernice Myers and son Charles Lionel Meyers.
Includes a listing of the paging of the original
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Remembrances of Muncy Monthly Meeting in the 1860's and 1870's, with a history of the meeting and some of its members.
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Includes a fragment about William and Charles
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Certificates of merit and grade sheets from Friends School, Pennsdale, 1869-72, and an invitation to Haverford College 1877 graduation.
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Diplomas from Westtown (1877), and State Normal School (West Chester, Pa., 1879)
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Manuscript draft, transcription by John H. Foster
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Includes: Asenath Bailey*, Ann Branson*, Asa Branson*, John Brantingan*, Ellwood Dean*, Griffith Dewees, Jesse Dewees, Rebecca Dewees*, John and Esther Fowler*, Aaron Frame*, John G. Hall*, Wilson Hall*, David Halloway, Robert Milhous, John W. Smith*, Louis Taber. Those marked with astericks also in rough typescript. Typescript generally includes two versions, one with corections.
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Includes: Asenath Bailey, Ann Branson, Asa Branson, John Brantingan, Rebecca Bundy*, Elwood Dean, Griffith Dewees, Jesse Dewees, Rebecca Dewees, John and Esther Fowler, Aaron Frame, John G. Hall, Wilson Hall, David Halloway, David Holloway*, Robert Milhous, Daniel M. Mott*, Evan Smith*, John W. Smith, Joshua P. Smith*, Samuel Stanley, Louis Taber, John Thomas*. Those marked with astericks are in typescript only, with no mss. verson.
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From Mary E. Patterson.
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Including his reactions to drafts.
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Biographical sketch.
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2 ALS from Thomas A. Crawford with 3 pp. biography prepared by Sarah Crawford.
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"Brief Sketch of the life of Rebecca W. Bundy."
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1 ALS from Thomas Dewess and 6 pp. draft by Meyers.
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1 ALS regarding the project.
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3 ALS from Ruanna Steer, 1 ALS by W. Steer, and Meyers' draft.
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A sketch of his life.
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Sketch on his life by his wife Sina Hall, transcribed and with additional information added by Howard Edgerton, n.d.
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1 ALS regarding the biography project.
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1 ALS from B.F. and Anna Starbuck.
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1 ALS regarding his support for Meyers's biography project.
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4 ALS from Sara Mott with handwritten short account of her father's life; 3 ALS from Anna Lizzy Hall; 6 pp. mss by Joseph Meyers.
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1 ALS regarding biography project.
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2ALS from Martha Bishop; 1 ALS Anna Holloway.
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2 ALS from James Henderson and 2 ALS from Rebecca Sears, the daughter.
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2ALS regarding project.
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1 ALS regarding biography project.
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2 ALS from Ellen Taber with enclosed poem by Louis Taber and letters to Joseph Meyers and Thyra Jane Foster from W.E. and Rachel Taber Hirst.
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Rough drafts on various Ohio subjects, including boarding schools at Barnesville, Ohio Yearly Meeting, Willson Hall, and Ann Branson Branson.
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Writings of Iowa Friends.
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Composed of Hickory Grove, Coal Creek, and Springville Monthly Meetings.
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Insert: ack addressed to Hickory Grove MM
Concludes with explanation of divergent views of the two groups.
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Donor's note: Maybe written 1927-1938.
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Clippings and ads for ready-made plain suits
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Also belonged to William D. Meyers
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William D and Mary Warner Meyers were the parents of Joseph E. Meyers. William D. Meyers (b. about 1826) was born Wilhelm Dietrich Meier in Germany. He came to the U.S. in 1836 and joined the Society of Friends in 1854 at Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Southern District. He married Mary Roberts Warner (1828-1873) from Pennsdale, Pa., a member of Muncy Monthly Meeting, in 1855. William was disowned in 1859, and the marriage was not a happy one. After Mary's death in 1873, their only surviving child, Joseph Elkinton Meyers was placed in Westtown School, under the care of his uncle. Charles L. Warner.
Charles L Warner (1822-1898) was born in Muncy, the son of Samuel and Abigail (Roberts) Warner. He was in the provision business in Philadelphia and later was a map publisher and building contractor. He married Jane Sharpless, daughter of John and Ruth (Martin) Sharpless, in 1856. Charles L. and Jane Warner had no children, and they helped educate Joseph Meyers and in his various careers endeavors.
Biographical account was written by Joseph E. Meyers, and is undated. It is a typescript; the original is in Joseph Meyers' Reminiscences.
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Photocopy of Joseph Meyers' biography of Charles Warner, Biographical Sketch of Charles Warner, typescript of Joseph Meyers' biography of Samuel Warner, his grandfather (1794-1870).
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25 letters to Joseph and Mary Meyers, selected by John Foster as a sample of the correspondence; the entire collection of letters was summarized by Thyra Jane Foster in 1963 calendar book.
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Mary Worthington Meyers (1862-1925), the wife of Joseph E. Meyers, was the daughter of Jacob and Lydia Hollingsworth Worthington of Pennsville, Ohio. Like her husband, she had a difficult childhood. She was educated in Friends Boarding School, Barnesville, Ohio, and worked as a companion/housekeeper before her marriage to Joseph Meyers in 1894 under the care of Stillwater Monthly Meeting, Ohio. The couple first settled in West Branch, Iowa, and then moved to a less successful farm in Barnesville, Ohio, so as to be close to the Friends School. Mary and Joseph had four children, Charles Lionel (1900-1984), Ambrose (1904-1986), Thyra Jane (1898-1984), and Bernice Lydia (1896-1946).
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MS and typescript. Describes the final months of her brother's life. Zenas Worthington died 2mo, 14, 1892.
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Bernice was the eldest child of Joseph and Mary Meyers and endured a sickly childhood and ill health throughout her life. She studied at Friends Boarding School (Barnesville, Ohio), the Westtown School, and graduated from Earlham College. As the unmarried daughter, she returned home to care for her ailing mother and then to keep house for her father and brothers after her mother's death in 1925. Charles Lionel Meyers left the farm in 1928 to take a job in Cleveland. He never married. The farm was sold in 1931, and Bernice tried various employments and careers. Her youngest brother, Ambrose, was married in 1939 to Hazel Williams. Bernice corresponded often with her sister, Thyra Jane. Jane's correspondence with Bernice is stored in Series 1, Henry and Thyra Jane Foster Papers.
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Collected writings of Bernice Meyers. Compiled and edited by Thyra Jane Foster, with a biographical sketch of Bernice. See also Vol. 11, Selections from the Writings of Bernice L. Meyers, stored in box 51, which incorporates some of the same material.
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Novel written by Bernice Meyers, typed and bound by her sister, Thyra Jane Foster
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Outline for her memoirs, notes for "Heritage" and "Thoughts".
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Compiled and edited by Thyra Jane Foster, with a biographical sketch of Bernice. Includes some material from A Child Was There, (stored box 25), Vol. 1, and photographs.
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31 ALSs. Includes letter about her losing her job in NYC.
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Jane visits the farm with her three children, and Bernice leaves the farm.
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Bernice moves to Rhode Island
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Bernice moved to Philadelphia area
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Ambrose Meyers married
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2 TLs and his published poetry booklet, "The Opened Tomb."
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6 composition books and notebook, girls' dress code
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Friends Boarding School, Westtown School, Earlham College, Lewis Hotel Schools, YWCA.
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Includes art work samples and professional vocational analysis.
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Includes a biographical sketch by John H. Foster
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Class notes from senior year and diploma; report card.
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Horace Bragg Foster (1850-1933) was born on the Foster family homestead in Centreville, R.I., on July 1, 1850. He was the son of John and Paulina (Kenyon) Foster. He married Mary Sharpless Cope on March 26, 1882, in Hatboro, PA. Just four days after their wedding, the family relocated to the Foster family homestead where they remained for the rest of their lives. Horace worked as a farmer on the land until 1925, when he passed the business onto his sons. Horace and Mary C. had six children, Charles (1887-1955) who married Hilda Steckle; Elizabeth (1888-1980); Anna (1890-1958); Edward (1891-1959) who married Jessica Green; Henry Cope (1895-1987) who married Thyra Jane Meyers; and William Oliver (1897-1980) who married Millicent Steer. The family had a rather insular lifestyle, worshipping as a unit. Horace B. Foster died in 1933, and Mary died in 1936.
The Kickemuit Literary Society was organized 1924-1928 by Horace and Mary Foster and the others in their immediate unit to provide a social activity for the family.
Mary S. Cope (1854-1936) was born in Jenkintown, Pa., on April 24, 1854, the daughter of Caleb B. and Hannah (Sharpless) Cope. Caleb B. Cope married Hannah Sharpless on New Garden Monthly Meeting in 1842. Hannah was the daughter of Joshua Sharpless (1779-1860), a Philadelphia carpenter, and Philadelphia Drinker (1779-1875). Philadelphia was the daughter of Joseph and Hannah Hunt Drinker, and Joshua Sharpless was the son of Joshua Sharpless (1746/7-1826) and Edith Yarnall Sharpless (1743-1787). Both Joshua and Edith Sharpless were Quaker ministers. Joshua Sharpless made a visit to the Seneca in New York State in 1798, and he was the first headmaster of the Westtown School, Pa.
Series 3 includes the papers of Horace B. and Mary Cope Foster and their families, including the siblings of Horace B. Foster and the Sharpless and Drinker ancestors of Mary Sharpless Cope.
Includes birth certificate and 50th Anniversary poem
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See also Miscellaneous Correspondence File in the John Hoxie and Mary E. Simkinson Folder
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4 folders, photocopies
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Miscellaneous financial documents related to Horace B. and Mary C., including documents related to their estates
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Removed from Mary C.'s Bible and letter box.
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Belonged to Horace Foster.
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Gathered 1903, inscribed in memory of Horace and Mary C. Foster in 1908.
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Mary S. Cope (1854-1936), who married Horace B. Foster in 1882, was born in Jenkintown, Pa., on April 24, 1854, the daughter of Caleb B. and Hannah (Sharpless) Cope. Caleb B. Cope married Hannah Sharpless on New Garden Monthly Meeting in 1842. Hannah was the daughter of Joshua Sharpless (1779-1860), a Philadelphia carpenter, and Philadelphia Drinker (1779-1875). Philadelphia was the daughter of Joseph and Hannah Hunt Drinker, and Joshua Sharpless was the son of Joshua Sharpless (1746/7-1826) and Edith Yarnall Sharpless (1743-1787). Both Joshua and Edith Sharpless were Quaker ministers. Joshua Sharpless made a visit to the Seneca in New York State in 1798, and he was the first headmaster of the Westtown School, Pa.
2 copies
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Incomplete journal of Joshua Sharpless, describing a trip to the Seneca of New York State. With typed copy.
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Describes trip to the Seneca of Western New York. Original in FHL.
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Possibly by her brother, Joshua Sharpless.
Rachel Coope, daughter of Joshua and Edith Yarnall Sharpless, traveled with her husband to New York State to minister to the Seneca, 1805-1807.
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Originally printed in 1795. Reprint from Journal of Negro History.
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Caleb B. Cope married Hannah Sharpless on New Garden Monthly Meeting (Pa.) in 1842. Hannah was the daughter of Joshua Sharpless (1779-1860), a Philadelphia carpenter, and Philadelphia Drinker (1779-1875). Philadelphia was the daughter of Joseph and Hannah Hunt Drinker.
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2 copies
Joshua S. Cope was the son of Caleb B. and Hannah S. Cope.
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Includes a list of students, teachers at Westtown School when Philip and Rachel Price were superintendents (1818-1830).
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Includes typed transcript
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John Hoxie Foster (1839-1919), the brother of Horace, was born on the Foster family homestead. His wife, Mary E. Simkinson Foster (1853-1934) was born near Cockermouth, England, on December 19, 1853. She was the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Holmes) Simkinson. She came to America in 1872 and lived in New York State and Providence, R.I.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) was the sister of Horace B. Foster. She married Thomas Leigh.
Edward Foster was the brother of Horace B. Foster. He married first Emma Walmsley and second, Martha Otis.
For additional correspondence concerning this group, see also Series 4 Foster Family Papers which includes letters sorted and transcribed by John H. Foster from friends and family members 1860s and 1870s, most sent to John Hoxie Foster and his mother, Paulina
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Most are directed to John Hoxie Foster
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Includes typed lists of condolence letters to Horace B., Mary C., and Mary E.
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Transcript of diary also included.
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John Foster (1802-1880) was the father of Horace B. Foster. He married Paulina Kenyon (1814-1882) in 1837. She was the daughter of John and Ruth Collins Kenyon. John Foster was the son of Ethan and Temperance Bragg Foster. Paulina served as a community nurse.
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Also includes two floppy disks.
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Some concern Providence Boarding School
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Most to John Hoxie Foster or siblings, with handwritten listing of postage.
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Includes Coffin's Botanic Guide to Health, 1859 ed. Recipes for medicines, published and printed, pasted in and loose. Acc. 2016.023
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John Henry Foster (b. 1926) is the eldest child of Henry and Thyra Jane Foster. He graduated from the Westtown School and then Cornell University, with graduate degrees from Purdue and Cornell Universities. He worked in an AFSC work camp in Mexico in 1948 and as the agriculturalist in Friends Rural Center, Rasulia, India, 1951-1954 where he was the first American involved in a largely English Quaker program. In 1954, he married Georgana Falb. Also in 1954, he joined the faculty of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, teaching Agricultural Economics and Third World Rural Development. In 1964-1965 he returned to India as a Fulbright lecturer in agricultural economics as Allahabad Institute. In addition to organizing the family papers, John H. Foster transcribed many of the writings and added interpretation. His comments are filed together with the related material.
As deposited at Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
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Physical measurements and strength tests, report cards
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Inclues an essay titled, "How I Became What I Am"
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Photocopies and typescripts.
Chris Cadbury was the son of Henry Cadbury.
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Warren Haines was John Henry Foster's Westtown roommate. He was killed in 1946.
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Ralph Cook was a C.O. imprisoned in Portland, Me, at the time.
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Travelling back home from India through Damascus, Jerusalem, Greece, Geneva, and London
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The slides are stored in the photograph collection of Friends Historical Library: PA-103 Box 9
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Partap Aggarwal was the director of Friends Rural Center, India, and member of Hamilton MM (NY).
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Gurdial Mallik was a teacher at Rabindranath (Tagore's college). Also a convinced Quaker, resident at Pendle Hill, 1962-63.
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Correspondence regarding shared Indian experience, including correspondence with Donald and Erica Groom.
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small loose leaf binder
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Based on family letters written 1860s
See Foster Family, Series 4 for correspondence.
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Donor speculated that this is a list of Gurneyites who were visited by a committee from the Otisites.
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Accounts of Important Figures, Meeting Minutes
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Newspaper clippings glued over some pages
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May have belonged to Meyers
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Probably belonged to Thyra Jane Foster
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May have belonged to Meyers.
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Accounts of Important Figures, Meeting Minutes. Copied by Donor.
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Genealogical research compiled by John Foster, Acc. 2006.027 added to folder in 2017. It consolidates much of the other research with a table of contents.
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