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Paul Lowinger papers


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts [Contact Us]3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Paul Lowinger was born in Chicago in 1923. After serving in World War II, Lowinger resumed his education, earning his M.D. from the State University of Iowa in 1949. After working for the U.S. Public Health Service for a short period of time, he moved to the Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, where he worked in the Department of Psychiatry and at the Lafayette Clinic. He became a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in 1956.

In the 1960s, Lowinger became involved in a variety of liberal movements, and this period of his life comprises the bulk of the collection. As a doctor and an activist, Lowinger focused his activities on medical issues, but within medicine his work was quite diverse. One of his notable affiliations was with the American Psychiatric Association (APA), and especially the Radical Caucus of the APA.

The Radical Caucus was a group of left-wing psychiatrists who were members of the APA and sought to apply a new social consciousness to the psychiatric profession. They were interested in patients' rights and social justice, and they charged that professional psychiatry, as it was, served to stabilize society by supporting the ruling classes. Their thinking was that because psychiatrists and especially those working in institutions such as schools, hospitals, and prisons focused on making daily life an easier and more pleasant experience for their patients, the psychiatrists were essentially supporting the systems that made up daily life. But if it turned out that it was society, and not these patients, that were disturbed, then seeking to change them to fit society made the psychiatrists, depending on the case, racist, sexist, violent, regressive, and oppressive.

The Radical Caucus operated primarily within the APA, and spent much of its energy attempting to promote its program within that body. Most of its activities were centered around the APA's annual meetings, where it would meet over a few sessions to discuss psychiatric issues of interest and to protest various APA actions. Radical Caucus members would distribute pamphlets to the rest of the convention, and on occasions the group staged a "takeover" of a session. They also wrote letters and submitted them to publications, especially the APA's newspaper, Psychiatric News. Correspondence suggests that Psychiatric News was welcoming of these articles, and apparently the APA largely viewed the Radical Caucus as a small and harmless organization, in contrast to the American Medical Association's more unfriendly response to similar organizations.

Lowinger's concern for the psychiatric profession led him to other activities as well. He attended the Fifth World Conference of Psychiatry in Mexico City in 1971 as a representative of the Radical Caucus, and the collection includes manuscripts of two articles he wrote, titled Radical Psychiatry and Radicals in Psychiatry.

Lowinger was also involved in the civil rights movement from a medical perspective. He was a member of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), and a member and national chairman of the Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR). As a member of MCHR he participated in the Selma to Montgomery March, and he was also present for many marches in Washington, D.C. in the 1960s and early 1970s. In addition to the civil rights and anti-war issues that spawned these marches, Lowinger was also interested in public health during the marches, and the collection includes information about the medics and clinics that served these events. Most papers pertaining to MCHR are part of a separate collection of MCHR papers, but those papers that were written by or addressed to Lowinger are part of this collection. There is also a file on PSR, which was involved in many of the same issues.

In the early 1970s Lowinger became interested in prison reform, and in 1974 he moved to San Francisco and began teaching at the University of California. Both in Detroit and San Francisco he worked on prisons, and the collection includes several court cases that he was either a party to or simply took an interest in. Files pertaining to prisons and the APA, as well as a few others, continue into the 1980s, but starting in the mid-1970s the collection becomes more sketchy. There is no material pertaining to his later career and retirement, which occurred in 1992.


Lowinger, Paul. "Bio." Web Site of Paul Lowinger. 30 Jan. 2007

The Paul Lowinger Papers came to the University of Pennsylvania from Walter J. Lear's Institute of Social Medicine and Community Health. The collection comprises 25 boxes of material including correspondence; writings; papers relating to organizations Lowinger was professionally affiliated with; printed materials from other organizations; health legislation; legal records; and materials published by others in magazines, newspapers, professional journals, and independently. The collection spans a considerable portion of Lowinger's life, but the material is primarily concentrated in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The collection is largely concerned with Lowinger's work as a psychiatrist and activist, with significant portions devoted to his work with the Vietnam peace movement, the civil rights movement, prison reform, and the American Psychiatric Association.

The correspondence series contains Lowinger's letters and is divided into two sub-series, "General" and "Publishing." The "General" sub-series contains correspondence with a variety of friends and acquaintances, mostly other members of the health profession. They mostly are concerned with issues of mental health and health activism. The "Publishing" sub-series contains letters that Lowinger exchanged with editors and publishers concerning his work, as well as drafts in various stages of revision.

The "Professional Affiliations" series reveals Lowinger's awareness of his role as a psychiatrist and the role of psychiatry in the world. The series contains all printed materials, letters, articles, and notes relating to organizations with which Lowinger was closely involved. An important exception is the Medical Committee For Human Rights (MCHR), which forms a separate collection within the Institute of Social Medicine and Community Health Archive at the University of Pennsylvania. Even without the MCHR papers, this series captures Lowinger's concern for racial equality and social justice, as well as his work questioning the for-profit culture of mainstream medicine. The bulk of the series relates to Lowinger's work with the Radical Caucus of the American Psychiatric Association and with Physicians for Social Responsibility.

The "Writings" series also illustrates Lowinger's social awareness as a psychiatrist. The series contains notes, drafts, and final versions of several of Lowinger's publications relating to the role that psychiatrists play in healing or further damaging individuals under their care. Lowinger was also a prolific writer of letters to the editor, commenting on issues ranging from medicine in Nazi Germany to medical care during civil rights and peace marches.

The "Organizational Printed Materials" series contains papers of organizations in which Lowinger was not personally involved, but that worked in areas of concern to him. These range from other professional associations, such as the American Medical Association, to activist groups such as the Physicians Forum and the Radical Student Union, as well as government agencies in New York and Detroit. The series is primarily composed of mailings, newsletters, and other publications.

The "Health Legislation and Policy" series, however, provides a separate series for some government actions. This series contains copies of bills introduced into the U.S. Congress and state legislative bodies, as well as excerpts from the records of these bodies.

The "Court Cases" series contains legal papers from several notable court cases that Lowinger was involved with or found interesting. The majority of them involve prison reform and the rights of prisoners and one, Kaimowitz vs. Department of Health, was an important case in which Lowinger and MCHR prevented the state of Michigan from carrying out experimental brain surgery on prisoners.

The "Writings by Others" series contains a variety of printed materials collected by Lowinger that are significant in their own right and not because of the organization that published them. This series is divided into several subseries, including articles and talks by individuals, magazines, professional journals, and newspapers (both entire issues and single articles).

Finally there is a "Miscellaneous series," which includes unidentifiable printed materials and also a collection of notes that Lowinger kept for himself.

Gift of Walter J. Lear Institute of Social Medicine and Community Health, 2005.

The creation of the electronic guide for this collection was made possible through a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, administered through the Council on Library and Information Resources' "Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives" Project. The finding aid was entered into the Archivists' Toolkit by Garrett Boos.

University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Finding Aid Author
Christopher Segal
Finding Aid Date
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Copyright restrictions may exist. For most library holdings, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania do not hold copyright. It is the responsibility of the requester to seek permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce material from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Collection Inventory

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Series Description

Arranged in two sub-series; General and Publishing. Each sub-series arranged alphabetically by correspondent and then chronologically. Includes letters to and from Paul Lowinger, both personal and professional, as well as letters and draft articles sent back and forth between Lowinger and his publishers.

Physical Description

2.5 Box(es)

Physical Description

1.5 Box(es)

Box 1 Folder 1
Box 1 Folder 2
Box 1 Folder 3
Box 1 Folder 4
Box 1 Folder 5
Box 1 Folder 6
Box 1 Folder 7
Box 1 Folder 8
Box 1 Folder 9
Box 1 Folder 10
Box 1 Folder 11
Box 1 Folder 12
Box 1 Folder 13
Box 1 Folder 14
Box 1 Folder 15
Leven, Tom, 1967-1971.
Box 1 Folder 16
Levy, Howard, 1969-1970.
Box 1 Folder 17
Box 1 Folder 18
Box 1 Folder 19
Box 2 Folder 20
Box 2 Folder 21
Prisoners' Legal Services of Oregon, 1982.
Box 2 Folder 22
Box 2 Folder 23
Box 2 Folder 24
Box 2 Folder 25
Box 2 Folder 26
Box 2 Folder 27
Box 2 Folder 28
Box 2 Folder 29
Box 2 Folder 30
Box 2 Folder 31
Box 2 Folder 32-33
Physical Description

1.5 Box(es)

Letters to the Editor.
Box 2 Folder 44
Box 2 Folder 34
Box 2 Folder 35
Box 2 Folder 36
Box 2 Folder 37
Box 2 Folder 38
Box 2 Folder 39
Box 2 Folder 40
Box 2 Folder 41
Box 2 Folder 42
Box 2 Folder 43
Box 2 Folder 45
Box 3 Folder 46
Box 3 Folder 47
Box 3 Folder 48
Pantheon, 1968-1972.
Box 3 Folder 49
Box 3 Folder 50
Box 3 Folder 51
Box 3 Folder 52
Box 3 Folder 53
Box 3 Folder 54
Box 3 Folder 55
Box 3 Folder 56

Series Description

Arranged alphabetically. Contains manuscripts and published articles by Lowinger, as well as the published versions of his letters to the editor.

Physical Description

2.5 Box(es)

Box 3 Folder 57
Box 3 Folder 58
Healers in a Sick Society, Drafts, 1968-1970.
Box 3 Folder 59
Healers in a Sick Society, Notes and Planning, 1969-1972.
Box 3 Folder 60
Health and Human Rights, Drafts, undated.
Box 3 Folder 61
Health and Human Rights, Notes and Planning, undated.
Box 3 Folder 62
Box 4 Folder 63
Letters to the Editor, 1965-1991.
Box 4 Folder 64
Box 4 Folder 65
Box 4 Folder 66
Press releases, 1969.
Box 4 Folder 67
The "Psychosurgery" of John Doe, 1979.
Box 4 Folder 68-73
Ps-Radical Caucus.
Box 5 Folder 74
Radical Psychiatry, 1970.
Box 5 Folder 75
Radicals in Psychiatry, 1970-1971, undated.
Box 5 Folder 76-77
Radicals in Psychiatry (Fifth World Congress of Psychiatry), undated.
Box 5 Folder 78
Box 5 Folder 79
Box 5 Folder 80

Series Description

Arranged alphabetically. Contains papers relating to organizations of which Lowinger was a member, most significantly the American Psychiatric Association, the Radical Caucus of the American Psychiatric Association, the Council of Health Organizations, and Physicians for Social Responsibility, as well as others. Materials include meeting minutes, printed materials, correspondence, publicity, and other records.

Physical Description

2 Box(es)

American Psychiatric Association, 1968-1971.
Box 5 Folder 81
American Psychiatric Association, 1971-1980, undated.
Box 6 Folder 82-85
American Psychiatric Association, Radical Caucus, 1969-1980.
Box 6 Folder 86-90
American Psychiatric Association, Radical Caucus, undated.
Box 7 Folder 91
Council of Health Organizations, 1969-1971, undated.
Box 7 Folder 92
Fifth World Congress of Psychiatry, 1970-1971.
Box 7 Folder 93
Panel Discussion, 1966.
Box 7 Folder 94
Physicians for Social Responsibility: Administration, 1963-1969, undated.
Box 7 Folder 95
Physicians for Social Responsibility: Correspondence, 1964-1969.
Box 7 Folder 96
Physicians for Social Responsibility: Publications, 1962-1969, undated.
Box 7 Folder 97
Physicians for Social Responsibility: Terre des Hommes, 1966-1967.
Box 7 Folder 98
Miscellaneous, 1965-1968, undated.
Box 7 Folder 99

Scope and Contents note

Arranged alphabetically. Contains printed materials such as newsletters, announcements, and solicitations from organizations that Lowinger was not closely involved with.

Physical Description

4 Box(es)

About Face, undated.
Box 8 Folder 100
Ad Hoc Committee on Alternatives to War, 1964.
Box 8 Folder 101
Ad Hoc Committee for U.S.-Cuba Relations, undated.
Box 8 Folder 102
Ad Hoc Committee for Social Action, undated.
Box 8 Folder 103
AFL-CIO, Drug & Hospital Union, Local 1199, 1971.
Box 8 Folder 104
American Civil Liberties Union, 1964-1972.
Box 8 Folder 105
American Medical Association, 1972-1974.
Box 8 Folder 106
American Medical Association, 1968-1972.
Box 8 Folder 107
American Medical Association, Center for Health Services Research and Development, 1971.
Box 8 Folder 108
American Nurses' Association, 1965.
Box 8 Folder 109
American Orthopsychiatric Association, 1971.
Box 8 Folder 110
American Physician Scientists Association, undated.
Box 8 Folder 111
American Psychologists for Social Action, 1969.
Box 8 Folder 112
American Public Health Association, 1969-1986.
Box 8 Folder 113
Ann Arbor Free People's Clinic, undated.
Box 8 Folder 114
Arbours Association, 1974.
Box 8 Folder 115
Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, 1970.
Box 8 Folder 116
Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, 1967.
Box 8 Folder 117
Behavioral Sciences Tape Library, 1973.
Box 8 Folder 118
Black Lung Association, undated.
Box 8 Folder 119
Black Panthers, 1971.
Box 8 Folder 120
Black Psychiatrists of America, 1969.
Box 8 Folder 121
Blue Cross of Michigan, 1973.
Box 8 Folder 122
Blue Shield of Michigan, 1973-1974.
Box 8 Folder 123
Board of Missions of the Methodist Church, undated.
Box 8 Folder 124
Boston Women's Health Care Collective, 1971.
Box 8 Folder 125
California Council for Health Plan Alternatives, 1972.
Box 8 Folder 126
California Health Action Coalition, 1978, undated.
Box 8 Folder 127
Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence, 1973.
Box 8 Folder 128
Chicago Board of Health, 1966.
Box 8 Folder 129
Coalition on National Priorities and Military Policy, 1969.
Box 8 Folder 130
Commission on Drug Safety, 1964.
Box 8 Folder 131
Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars at Stanford, undated.
Box 8 Folder 132
Committee for Concerned Psychiatrists, 1972.
Box 8 Folder 133
Committee to Free Eddie Sanchez, undated.
Box 8 Folder 134
Committee for Free Speech in the Helping Professions, undated.
Box 8 Folder 135
Committee for National Health Insurance, 1970-1973.
Box 9 Folder 136
Committee of Responsibility to Save War-Burned and War-Injured Vietnamese Children, 1967-1969, undated.
Box 9 Folder 137
Community Psychological Resources Institute, undated.
Box 9 Folder 138
Comprehensive Health Planning Council of Southeastern Michigan, 1972-1973.
Box 9 Folder 139
Coordinating Committee of Human Rights and Psychiatric Oppression, 1973.
Box 9 Folder 140
Congress of Scientists on Survival, 1964.
Box 9 Folder 141
Consumer Health Institute, 1973.
Box 9 Folder 142
Council for the Advancement of the Psychological Professions and Sciences, 1973.
Box 9 Folder 143
Council of Health Organizations, undated.
Box 9 Folder 144
Council of medical Staffs, 1972-1973.
Box 9 Folder 145
Detroit, City of, 1969.
Box 9 Folder 146
Detroit Committee to End the War in Vietnam, undated.
Box 9 Folder 147
Detriot-Macomb Hospital Association, 1973.
Box 9 Folder 148
Detroit Medical Society, 1968.
Box 9 Folder 149
Detroit Office of Civil Defense, undated.
Box 9 Folder 150
Detroit Student Health Organization, 1970.
Box 9 Folder 151
Doctor Sretten Due Process Defense Committee, 1973.
Box 9 Folder 152
Farrall Instruments, undated.
Box 9 Folder 153
FDA Papers, 1967.
Box 9 Folder 154
Federation of American Scientists, 1974.
Box 9 Folder 155
Fergus Falls State Hospital, 1972.
Box 9 Folder 156
German Democratic Republic, Verlag Zeit im Bild, 1971.
Box 9 Folder 157
Group Without a Name (Psychiatric Research Society), 1970.
Box 9 Folder 158
Health Insurance Institute, 1972-1974.
Box 9 Folder 159
Health Newsletter, 1973.
Box 9 Folder 160
Health Policy Advisory Center, 1969-1973.
Box 9 Folder 161
Health Research Group, undated.
Box 9 Folder 162
Hearing Aide Free Community Medical Clinic, undated.
Box 9 Folder 163
Homophile Action League, undated.
Box 9 Folder 164
Humanitarians, undated.
Box 9 Folder 165
Institute of Biology and Medicine, 1968.
Box 9 Folder 166
Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences, 1974.
Box 9 Folder 167
Inter-University Committee for Debate on Foreign Policy, 1965.
Box 9 Folder 168
Just Economics, 1973.
Box 9 Folder 169
Kameny for Congress, undated.
Box 9 Folder 170
Kiplinger Washington Letter, 1966.
Box 9 Folder 171
Lincoln Hospital, undated.
Box 9 Folder 172
Lincoln Hospital Collective, 1974.
Box 9 Folder 173
Lincoln Hospital Mental Workers Association, undated.
Box 9 Folder 174
Martin Sostre Defense Committee, 1973.
Box 9 Folder 175
Medical Association for the Prevention of War, 1972-1973, undated.
Box 9 Folder 176
Medical Committee for Human Rights, 1968-1978, undated.
Box 10 Folder 177
Medical and Nursing Students for Detroit General Hospital, 1971.
Box 10 Folder 178
Mental Health Advocacy Association, 1971.
Box 10 Folder 179
Merck & Co., undated.
Box 10 Folder 180
Michigan, Department of Mental Health, 1970.
Box 10 Folder 181
Michigan Epilepsy Association, 1966.
Box 10 Folder 182
Michigan, Office of Comprehensive Health Planning, 1971.
Box 10 Folder 183
Michigan Psychiatric Society, 1972.
Box 10 Folder 184
National Center for Health Statistics, 1965.
Box 10 Folder 185
National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, 1969.
Box 10 Folder 186
National Consumer Health Committee, 1972.
Box 10 Folder 187
National Consumer Health Rights Coalition, 1971, undated.
Box 10 Folder 188
National Dental Association, 1972.
Box 10 Folder 189
National Free Clinic Council, 1973.
Box 10 Folder 190
National Health Action Conference, 1972.
Box 10 Folder 191
National Institute of Mental Health, 1971, undated.
Box 10 Folder 192
National Legal Program on Health Problems of the Poor (UCLA), 1971-1972.
Box 10 Folder 193
National Medical Association, 1970-1972.
Box 10 Folder 194
National Peace Action Coalition, 1971.
Box 10 Folder 195
National Service Center for Health Science Studies, undated.
Box 10 Folder 196
National Sex and Drug Forum (U.S), undated.
Box 10 Folder 197
National Urban League, undated.
Box 10 Folder 198
Network Against Psychiatric Assault, undated.
Box 10 Folder 199
University of California, Los Angeles, Neuropsychiatric Institute, 1974.
Box 10 Folder 200
New Detroit, Inc., 1974.
Box 10 Folder 201
New York Ad Hoc Committee Against Catastrophic Illness Insurance, undated.
Box 10 Folder 202
New York City, Department of Health, 1965.
Box 10 Folder 203
Northwestern University, Center for Urban Affairs, 1970.
Box 10 Folder 204
Northwestern University, Medical School, 1971.
Box 10 Folder 205
Office of Equal Health Opportunity, undated.
Box 10 Folder 206
Pacific Studies Center, undated.
Box 10 Folder 207
People's Medical Center, 1972.
Box 10 Folder 208
People's Peace Treaty, undated.
Box 10 Folder 209
Physician's Forum, 1966-1974.
Box 10 Folder 210
Prisoners' Health Project, 1978.
Box 11 Folder 211
Progressive Labor Party, undated.
Box 11 Folder 212
Psychologists for Social Action, 1971-1973.
Box 11 Folder 213
Radical Education Project, 1967-1969.
Box 11 Folder 214
Radical Student Union, 1969.
Box 11 Folder 215
Social Welfare Workers Movement (Cleveland, Ohio), undated.
Box 11 Folder 216
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, undated.
Box 11 Folder 217
The Stuart Company, 1966.
Box 11 Folder 218
Student American Medical Association, undated.
Box 11 Folder 219
Student Association for the Study of Hallucinogens, Inc., 1973.
Box 11 Folder 220
Student Council of Wayne State University School of Medicine, 1970.
Box 11 Folder 221
Student Health Organization of Detroit, 1969-1970.
Box 11 Folder 222
Transitional Living Corporation, undated.
Box 11 Folder 223
United Defense Against Repression, 1974.
Box 11 Folder 224
United States, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1964-1977, undated.
Box 11 Folder 225
Universities Committee on the Problems of War and Peace, undated.
Box 11 Folder 226
U.S. Out of Central America, 1983.
Box 11 Folder 227
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 1971.
Box 11 Folder 228
Wayne State University, 1972-1973.
Box 11 Folder 229
Women's Liberation, undated.
Box 11 Folder 230
Workers' Defense Committee, undated.
Box 11 Folder 231
World Psychiatric Association, 1971.
Box 11 Folder 232
WSP Nuclear Waste Committee, 1974, undated.
Box 11 Folder 233
Yale-New Haven Hospital, undated.
Box 11 Folder 234
Miscellaneous, 1965-1974, undated.
Box 11 Folder 235

Series Description

Arranged chronologically. Contains federal and state legislation and legislative records.

Physical Description

3 Folder(s)

Federal, 1969-1977.
Box 12 Folder 236-237
State, 1972-1973.
Box 12 Folder 238

Series Description

Arranged alphabetically. Contains copies of court proceedings of cases that Lowinger was interested or involved in.

Physical Description

3.5 Box(es)

Donald B. Rinsley vs. Louis Frydman, 1974.
Box 12 Folder 239
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Petition and Complaint, 1973.
Box 12 Folder 240
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Order to Show Cause, 1973.
Box 12 Folder 241
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Motion for Declaratory Relief, 1973.
Box 12 Folder 242
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Proceedings, 1973.
Box 12 Folder 243-246
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Proceedings, 1973.
Box 13 Folder 243-246
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Proceedings, 1973.
Box 14 Folder 261-266
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Plaintiff Brief, undated.
Box 14 Folder 267-268
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Defendant Brief, 1973.
Box 14 Folder 269
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Amicus Curiae American Orthopsychiatric Association, undated.
Box 14 Folder 270-271
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Plaintiff Proposed Findings of Fact, 1973.
Box 15 Folder 272
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Defendant Proposed Findings of Fact, 1973.
Box 15 Folder 273
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Statement of Facts, undated.
Box 15 Folder 274
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Correspondence, 1972-1973.
Box 15 Folder 275
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Publicity, 1973.
Box 15 Folder 276
Gabe Kaimowitz et al. vs. Department of Mental Health for the State of Michigan: Miscellaneous, undated.
Box 15 Folder 277
Hoptowit v. Ray, undated.
Box 15 Folder 278
James Boyd Mackey vs. California Department of Corrections, et al., 1973.
Box 15 Folder 279
John Doe and Mary Doe vs. Michigan Department of Mental of Health, undated.
Box 15 Folder 280
Ruiz vs. Estelle, 1979.
Box 15 Folder 281-282
Stone vs. San Francisco, 1978-1981.
Box 15 Folder 283
Tom Capps vs. Victor Atiyeh, 1980-1982.
Box 15 Folder 284
Wyatt vs. United States, 1972.
Box 15 Folder 285
Miscellaneous, undated.
Box 15 Folder 286

Series Description

Arranged in four sub-series; Articles and Talks, Magazines, Professional Journals, and Newspapers. Each sub-series arranged alphabetically. Contains published materials authored by individuals other than Lowinger and also publications other than organization's newsletters.

Physical Description

9.5 Box(es)

Physical Description

4 Box(es)

Box 16 Folder 287
Box 16 Folder 288
Box 16 Folder 289
Box 16 Folder 290
Box 16 Folder 291
DeMontrice, Bruce, undated.
Box 16 Folder 292
Box 16 Folder 293
DeVise, Pierre, 1969.
Box 16 Folder 294
Box 16 Folder 295
Box 16 Folder 296
Fa-Fein, Oliver, 1964-1969.
Box 16 Folder 297
Fein, Rashi, undated.
Box 16 Folder 298
Box 16 Folder 299
Box 17 Folder 300
Box 17 Folder 301
Box 17 Folder 302
Box 17 Folder 303
Box 17 Folder 304
Box 17 Folder 305
Box 17 Folder 306
Box 17 Folder 307
Kennedy, Edward, 1974.
Box 17 Folder 308
Kennedy, Jane, 1970-1973, undated.
Box 17 Folder 309-311
Box 18 Folder 312
Box 18 Folder 313
Levin, Tom, 1967-1971.
Box 18 Folder 314
Box 18 Folder 315
Box 18 Folder 316
Box 18 Folder 317
Box 18 Folder 318
Box 18 Folder 319
Box 18 Folder 320
Box 19 Folder 321
Box 19 Folder 322
Box 19 Folder 323
Box 19 Folder 324
Box 19 Folder 325
Box 19 Folder 326-328
Physical Description

1 Box(es)

The Atlantic Monthly, 1973.
Box 19 Folder 329
Box 19 Folder 330
Catalyst, 1980.
Box 19 Folder 331
Congressional Record, 1965.
Box 20 Folder 332
Detroit Medical News, 1964-1973.
Box 20 Folder 333
Box 20 Folder 334
Box 20 Folder 335
Box 20 Folder 336
Liberation, 1966-1969.
Box 20 Folder 337
Box 20 Folder 338
The New Republic, 1967-1971.
Box 20 Folder 340
Newsweek, 1969.
Box 20 Folder 341
The Progressive, 1963-1977.
Box 20 Folder 342
Ramparts, 1974.
Box 20 Folder 343
Reality, 1973.
Box 20 Folder 344
Saturday Review, 1960.
Box 20 Folder 345
Science, 1969.
Box 20 Folder 346
Scientific American, 1964.
Box 20 Folder 347
Scientist and Citizen, 1967.
Box 20 Folder 348
Time: The Weekly News Magazine, 1971-1978.
Box 20 Folder 349
Box 20 Folder 350
Womankind, undated.
Box 20 Folder 351
Physical Description

3 Box(es)

Box 20 Folder 353
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 1972.
Box 21 Folder 354-355
Box 21 Folder 356
Box 21 Folder 357
H-Journal of the American Medical Association.
Box 21 Folder 358
Journal of Legal Medicine-Jz.
Box 21 Folder 359
K-Medical Opinion.
Box 21 Folder 360
Medical World News, 1966-1974.
Box 21 Folder 361
Michigan Medicine, 1970-1972.
Box 21 Folder 362
Modern Medicine, 1967-1971.
Box 22 Folder 363
The New England Journal of Medicine, 1968-1975.
Box 22 Folder 364
The New Physician, 1969-1971.
Box 22 Folder 365
Box 22 Folder 366
Box 22 Folder 367
Science, 1968-1975.
Box 23 Folder 368
The Sciences, 1970.
Box 23 Folder 369
Social Policy, 1971.
Box 23 Folder 370
World Journal of Psychosynthesis, 1972.
Box 23 Folder 371
Physical Description

3 Box(es)

AMA News, 1964-1969.
Box 23 Folder 372
American Medical News, 1971-1983.
Box 23 Folder 373
Box 23 Folder 374
Box 23 Folder 375
Box 23 Folder 376
Detroit Free Press, 1965-1974, undated.
Box 23 Folder 377
Detroit News, 1964-1974.
Box 23 Folder 378
Box 23 Folder 379
Free Student, undated.
Box 23 Folder 380
Freedom, 1974.
Box 23 Folder 381
Box 23 Folder 382
Guardian, 1968-1981.
Box 23 Folder 383
Box 23 Folder 384
Box 23 Folder 385
Box 23 Folder 386
Box 23 Folder 387
Los Angeles Free Press, 1971-1972.
Box 24 Folder 388
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, 1973-1976.
Box 24 Folder 389
Los Angeles Times, 1976.
Box 24 Folder 390
Box 24 Folder 391
Medical, 1968.
Box 24 Folder 392
Medical Tribune, 1965-1976, undated.
Box 24 Folder 393-394
Box 24 Folder 395
The National Catholic Reporter, 1970.
Box 24 Folder 396
The National Observer, 1974.
Box 24 Folder 197
New American Movement, 1973.
Box 24 Folder 398
The New York Review, 1970-1973.
Box 24 Folder 399
The New York Times, 1964-1974, undated.
Box 24 Folder 400
News Notes, 1972.
Box 24 Folder 401
Box 24 Folder 402
Box 25 Folder 403
Box 25 Folder 404
Transition, 1974.
Box 25 Folder 405
Village Voice, 1972.
Box 25 Folder 406
Wall Street Journal, 1969-1974.
Box 25 Folder 407
The Washington Daily News, 1971.
Box 25 Folder 408
Washington Post, 1964-1974.
Box 25 Folder 409
Box 25 Folder 410

Series Description

Contains unidentifiable items, including a number of Lowinger's handwritten notes.

Physical Description

2 Folder(s)

Personal, Lowinger Notes.
Box 25 Folder 411
General Miscellaneous.
Box 25 Folder 412

Print, Suggest