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Harry Mathews papers


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts [Contact Us]3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Born in New York City on February 14, 1930, Harry Mathews was the son of Edward and Mary Mathews. He was educated at the Groton School in Massachusetts. In the fall of 1947, Mathews began courses at Princeton University, but left during his sophomore year to serve in the United States Navy. After returning to civilian life, Mathews completed undergraduate studies at Harvard, earning a B.A. in music in 1952.

Following his graduation, he continued to study music at the École Normale de Musique in Paris and following, he lived in Europe, chiefly in France. During his early career in Paris, Mathews met John Ashbery, and according to an interview in the Paris Review, "what I think of my writing life began when I met him." (Art of Fiction, No. 191, 2007). As a result of Mathews' relationship with Ashbery, he was introduced to the writing of Raymond Roussel who served as a major inspiration in Mathews' early writing.

In 1960, Matthews, along with John Ashbery, Kenneth Koch, and James Schuyler, founded and edited the literary magazine, Locus Solus. They published four issues of the magazine from 1960 to 1962. In 1970, he met Georges Perec, another source of inspiration, who introduced him into the world of the Ouvroir de littérature potentielle, or Workshop for Potential Literature (Oulipo). This group of writers and mathematicians was founded in Paris in 1960 by Raymond Queneau and François Le Lionnais. In 1973, Mathews was elected the only American member of the Oulipo. Mathews edited the The Oulipo Compendium which included biographical, bibliographic, and theoretical information on the group.

Mathews returned to the United States in 1976 to teach at Bennington College, where he focused on French literature during his three year tenure. For much of his life, Mathews' career was dedicated to writing. His best known books include The Conversions (1962), Tlooth (1966), the Sinking of the Odradek Stadium (1975), Selected Declarations of Dependence (1977), Country Cooking and Other Stories (1980), Cigarettes (1987), Singular Pleasures (1988), Journalist (1994), and My Life in CIA (2005). He is also the author of several poetry collections (Armenian Papers) and essay collections (Case of the Persevering Maltese) and has translated the work of several prominent authors, including Marie Chaix and Georges Perec.

Mathews married artist Niki de Saint Phalle at age 19 and their marriage lasted until 1960. In the late 1970s, Mathews met his wife, novelist Marie Chaix, who together currently divide their time between New York City, Key West, Florida, and France. He is father to Laura and Philip who were born in 1951 and 1955 respectively. He died on January 25, 2017, at the age of 86.

For greater detail on Mathews' life, see his autobiographical sketch published in Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series, Volume 6 (Box 1, Folder 9) as well as "The Art of Fiction No. 191" published in the Paris Review in 2007 (Box 17, Folder 12 as well as online).

This collection documents the professional life, and to a lesser extent, the personal life of Harry Mathews. The collection, arranged in seven series, includes drafts, typescripts, and corrected typescripts of Mathews' prose and poetry; publicity and promotion resulting from his literary work; research files probably used for writing his books; teaching and workshop records; writings by others; extensive correspondence which is restricted from use unless permission is granted by Mathews; and a small amount of audio visual material as well as several computer files.

As a whole, this collection provides insight into Mathews' writing process, his body of work, and the literary community in France and the United States in the last half of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century.

Researchers will find more detailed descriptions of material at the series level.

Sold by Harry Mathews, 1995; subsequent annual purchases from 2006 to present.

University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Finding Aid Author
Holly Mengel
Finding Aid Date
2016 March 4
Access Restrictions

Much of this collection is open for research use. However, pursuant to restrictions placed into effect by Harry Mathews, all correspondence in the collection is restricted from use until ten years after his and his correspondents' deaths, unless permission is granted by him. Researchers interested in viewing correspondence in this collection should email the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rarebooks, and Manuscripts for permission to be gained by Mathews.

Access to original audio/visual materials and computer files (located in box 44) is restricted. The Kislak Center will provide access to the information on these materials from duplicate master files. If the original does not already have a copy, it will be sent to an outside vendor for copying. Patrons are financially responsible for the cost. The turnaround time from request to delivery of digital items is about two weeks for up to five items and three to seven weeks for more than five items. Please contact Reprographic Services ( for cost estimates and ordering. Once digital items are received, researchers will have access to the files on a dedicated computer in the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center. Researchers should be aware of specifics of copyright law and act accordingly.

Use Restrictions

Copyright restrictions may exist. For most library holdings, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania do not hold copyright. It is the responsibility of the requester to seek permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce material from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Collection Inventory

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Scope and Contents

The first series, Writings, is divided into prose, poetry, reviews by Mathews, translations, and other. Mathews' prose writings are arranged alphabetically by title of the work and often contain manuscript notebooks, drafts, and corrected typescripts. The manuscript notebooks may be of particular interest as they clearly show Mathews' writing process as well as changes made during the writing of the work. These manuscript notebooks occassionally contain sketches, word puzzles, or other notes that are potentially unrelated to the main literary work of the notebook. In addition to Mathews' novels, essays, and story collections, prose writings includes tributes and memorials to Mathews' friends and colleagues, in particular, James Merrill, Georges Perec, George Plimpton, Raymond Queneau, and Jacques Vivien.

Mathews' poetry is arranged alphabetically by title of the poem. Researchers will find a variety of formats from handwritten notes on scraps of paper, to typescipts, to copies of a published poem.

Reviews by Mathews are arranged alphabetically by author of the work being reviewewed. As with Mathews' other writings, researchers will find handwritten notes, typescripts, and, often, copies of the published article.

Mathews' translations of others' works are arranged alphabetically by the author of the original work. Mathews appears to have worked extensively with authors Marie Chaix (his wife) and Georges Perec (his friend and mentor).

Mathews' writing often branched out into other artistic endeavors, including artwork and music. When the work associated with the artwork or musical composition was known, the music and artwork is filed with that title; otherwise, researchers will find these works filed in Other.

Correspondence (restricted from use unless permission is granted by Mathews) that was filed with literary works was not separated. Therefore, researchers interested in restricted folders in this series should email the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rarebooks, and Manuscripts for immediate access to selected portions of the folders and/or for permission to view correspondence.

"35 Variations on a Theme of Shakespeare," notes, circa 1997.
Box 1 Folder 1
"A Day in Manhattan," typescript, undated.
Box 1 Folder 2
"A la recherche de l'Oulipo," corrected typescript, undated.
Box 1 Folder 3
"An Oulipo Sampler," published in The Paris Review (147), galley proofs, 1998.
Box 1 Folder 4
"À propos dun vin sanguinaire et salvateur," notes and corrected typescript, undated.
Box 1 Folder 5
"Armenian Papers," photocopied of published article, undated.
Box 1 Folder 6
"A Unicyclist's Periscope," published in souvenirs de new york, corrected typescripts in English and French, proof, and vocabulary list, , circa 2006.
Box 1 Folder 7-8
Autobiographical sketch, published in Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series, Volume 6, pages 223-252, copies of published article, circa 1987.
Box 1 Folder 9
"Berenice," typescript, undated.
Box 1 Folder 10
"Brendan," handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript, undated.
Box 1 Folder 11
"Broadcast," handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript, undated.
Box 1 Folder 13
"Cage and the Oulip", corrected typescript and manuscript notes, 1987 February 27.
Box 1 Folder 14
"Calibrations of Latitude," Boston Review, Vol. XXII, No. 1, 1997.
Box 45 Folder 1
"Camera Ardente," published in Case of the Persevering Maltese, notes, research, and corrected typescript, 1985.
Box 1 Folder 14
"Charity Begins at Home," published in Case of the Persevering Maltese, notes, circa 1997.
Box 1 Folder 15
Chronograms for 1997 and 1998, 1997-1998.
Box 1 Folder 16
"Cigarettes" (short work), typescript, undated.
Box 1 Folder 17
Cigarettes, notes and chronologies, circa 1987-1998.
Box 1 Folder 18-19
Cigarettes, typescript, circa 1998.
Box 1 Folder 20
"Clocking the World on Cue: The Chronogram for 2001," correspondence, notes and corrected proof [RESTRICTED], 2001 July.
Box 1 Folder 21
"Conseils de Voyage," corrected typescript, 2000.
Box 1 Folder 22
Conversions, outline and notes, circa 1962.
Box 1 Folder 23
Conversions, manuscript notebooks, circa 1962.
Box 45 Folder 2
Conversions, series of versions of the Chinese character yuan, circa 1962.
Box 46 Folder 6
Conversions, translated into German by Werner Schmidt, corrected typescript and correspondence [RESTRICTED].
Box 1 Folder 24
"Country Cooking from Central France," Village Voice Literary Supplement, 1989 December.
Box 45 Folder 3
"Creme Brûlée," published in Storie, corrected typescript, 2008.
Box 2 Folder 1
"Daniel and Della," corrected typescript, undated.
Box 2 Folder 2
"Enigmie Oulipiani," notes and research on games and puzzles and corrected typescript, circa 1940-1994.
Box 2 Folder 3
"Fearful Symmetries," published in Case of the Persevering Maltese, corrected typescripts, 1998-2002.
Box 2 Folder 4
"Finding Marie Chaix," handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript, 2012.
Box 2 Folder 5
"For Prizewinners," published in Case of the Persevering Maltese, photocopy of published article, circa 1982.
Box 2 Folder 6
"Four Infiltrations of Poems by Barbara Guest," typescripts, circa 1993.
Box 2 Folder 8
"Fromage ou Dessert (Suite et fin)," notes and typescript, 2009.
Box 2 Folder 7
Human Country, corrections of galleys, 2002.
Box 2 Folder 9
"In Quest of the Oulipo," published in Case of the Persevering Maltese, photocopy of published article, undated.
Box 2 Folder 10
Interlude, by Mariana Castillo Deball, Mathews' contributions, correspondence, corrected typescripts, and excerpts of publication [RESTRICTED], circa 2003.
Box 2 Folder 11
"Interplay of Likeness," notes and corrected typescript, undated.
Box 2 Folder 12
"Jeremy and Wiwar," typescript, undated.
Box 2 Folder 13
Journalist, notes, circa 1993.
Box 2 Folder 14
Journalist, notes, circa 1995.
Box 2 Folder 15
Journalist, first draft, circa 1993-1994.
Box 2 Folder 16-18
Journalist, second draft, circa 1993-1994.
Box 3 Folder 1-2
Journalist, typescript, circa 1993-1994.
Box 3 Folder 3-4
Journalist, incomplete corrected typescript, circa 1993-1994.
Box 3 Folder 5
"Journey Amidst Glasses," corrected typescripts in English and French, 2001.
Box 3 Folder 6
"Journeys to Six Lands," notes and corrected typescripts in English and French, undated.
Box 3 Folder 7
"Last of the Venetians" and "Giandomenico Tiepolo: Le Christet la Femme Adutere Rebecca au Puits," correspondence, notebooks, research, and corrected typescripts [RESTRICTED], circa 1992.
Box 3 Folder 8
"Ledge" and bibliography, notes, corrected typescript, and article, circa 1968-1969.
Box 4 Folder 1
"Living with Niki," article, 2008.
Box 4 Folder 2
Locus Solus, I, manuscripts, 1960.
Box 4 Folder 3
Locus Solus, I, proofs, 1960.
Box 4 Folder 4 Box 45 Folder 4
Locus Solus, II, manuscripts and notes, 1961.
Box 4 Folder 5
Locus Solus, II, proofs, 1961.
Box 4 Folder 6
Locus Solus, III and IV, manuscripts, 1961.
Box 4 Folder 7
Locus Solus, V, manuscripts and "a few poems not used", circa 1961-1962.
Box 5 Folder 1
Locus Solus, V, proofs, 1962 July.
Box 5 Folder 2
Locus Solus, sales and subscriptions, circa 1960-1969.
Box 5 Folder 3
"Marveilleux Nuages," published in Case of the Persevering Maltese, notes, undated.
Box 5 Folder 4
McElroy, Joseph, Men and Women, introduction to, notes, draft, and McElroy's corrections and suggestions, 1989.
Box 5 Folder 5
"Moments Oulipiens," notes, circa 1993.
Box 5 Folder 6
"Mon Homme," corrected typescripts, undated.
Box 5 Folder 7
"Le Mot a la Bouche: un alphabet gourmand," notes and photographs (project by Harry Mathews, Paul Fournel, and Boris Tissot), 1995.
Box 5 Folder 8
Merrill, James, writings regarding, 1995.
Box 45 Folder 5
"Mr. Nobody at All," correspondence and typescripts by Mathews and Ann Beattie [RESTRICTED], 2004.
Box 5 Folder 9
"Mr. Smathers," notes and corrected typescripts, undated.
Box 5 Folder 10
"Music and Words," published in Parnassus, correspondence, notes, original artwork, and manuscript music [RESTRICTED], 1982.
Box 5 Folder 11
My Life in CIA, narrative outline, circa 2000.
Box 5 Folder 12
My Life in CIA, binder with notes, circa 2000.
Box 5 Folder 13
My Life in CIA, notes and research, circa 2000.
Box 6 Folder 1
My Life in CIA, manuscript notebooks, circa 2000-2003.
Box 6 Folder 2-5
My Life in CIA, manuscript notebook (includes other work: blurbs/reviews on others' writings, obituary for George Plimpton, poetry translations, translations, poems, etc.), circa 2000-2007.
Box 22 Folder 1
My Life in CIA, manuscript draft, circa 2000-2003.
Box 6 Folder 6
My Life in CIA, 1st correction (incomplete), Harry Mathews translations with corrections (mostly) in Marie Chaix's hand, 2004.
Box 7 Folder 1
My Life in CIA, [5th] draft, circa 2004.
Box 7 Folder 2
My Life in CIA, corrected typescripts, circa 2004.
Box 7 Folder 3-5
My Life in CIA, corrected typescripts, circa 2004.
Box 8 Folder 1
My Life in CIA, corrected typescripts (incomplete), circa 2004.
Box 8 Folder 2-5
My Life in CIA, corrected typescript in French (incomplete), circa 2003-2004.
Box 8 Folder 6
My Life in CIA, corrected proof in French (incomplete), circa 2003-2004.
Box 8 Folder 7
"New Tourism," notes, circa 2005-2010.
Box 8 Folder 8
"Observation of a Crab," typescript, undated.
Box 8 Folder 9
"On Growth and Form," published in The Lost Classics, proof, 2000.
Box 8 Folder 10
Oulipo Compendium, correspondence, proposal, and early plans [RESTRICTED], 1993-1995.
Box 8 Folder 11
Oulipo Compendium, notes and notebooks, 1994-1997.
Box 8 Folder 12-14
Oulipo Compendium, research, notes, and drafts, 1997-1998.
Box 9 Folder 1
Oulipo Compendium, "manuscript work", circa 1997.
Box 9 Folder 2
Oulipo Compendium, correspondence and source material (folders 3-4 RESTRICTED], circa 1997.
Box 9 Folder 3-6
Oulipo Compendium, notebooks and notes on authors, circa 1997.
Box 9 Folder 7-8
Oulipo Compendium, notes on types d'exercises Oulipeus, circa 1995-1997.
Box 10 Folder 1
Oulipo Compendium, articles (multiple runs, includes corrections), 1995-1996.
Box 10 Folder 2-3
Oulipo Compendium, Draft 5, with corrections by Alastair [Folder 4 RESTRICTED], 1998.
Box 10 Folder 4-5
Oulipo Compendium, Draft 6, with corrections by Thien, circa 1998.
Box 10 Folder 6
Oulipo Compendium, proofs, circa 1998.
Box 10 Folder 7
Oulipo Compendium, website notes and correspondence [RESTRICTED], 2004.
Box 10 Folder 8
"Outrageous Project," notes, circa 1980s.
Box 11 Folder 1
"Par Excellence," corrected typescript and translation (French/English), undated.
Box 11 Folder 2
Perec, George, writings regarding (including memorials), notes, typescripts, and articles , 1982-2000.
Box 11 Folder 3
Plimpton, George, article regarding, published in Le Monde, corrected typescripts and article, 2003.
Box 11 Folder 4
"Pursuit of the Whole," published in Case of the Persevering Maltese, manuscript and corrected typescript, circa 1998.
Box 11 Folder 5
Queneau, Raymond, writings about, notes, research, and typescript, 1973-1978.
Box 11 Folder 6
"Reponse á Monsieur Mallarmé," notes and corrected typescripts, 2007.
Box 11 Folder 7
"S.," notes and corrected typescripts in French and English, undated.
Box 11 Folder 8
"Sainte Catherine," notes and corrected typescripts, circa 2000.
Box 11 Folder 9
"Saint Raymond," handwritten manuscript and typescript, 2011.
Box 11 Folder 10
Selected Declarations of Independence, forward and published article, 1976.
Box 11 Folder 11
"Sella," correspondence, research, notes and manuscript music [RESTRICTED], undated.
Box 11 Folder 12
"Sex Real and Imaginary," published in Case of the Persevering Maltese, notes and typescript, undated.
Box 11 Folder 13
"Sextine Déséspérée," handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript, 2011.
Box 11 Folder 14
Singular Pleasures, Italian translation, circa 1993.
Box 11 Folder 15
Sinking of Odradek Stadium, manuscript notebooks, 1972, 1975.
Box 11 Folder 16 Box 45 Folder 6
"Soap Opera," published in American Book Review, article, 1998 July-August.
Box 11 Folder 17
"[Slena], notes, undated.
Box 12 Folder 1
Solitary Twin, notes, circa 2012-2013.
Box 12 Folder 2
Solitary Twin, manuscript notebooks, circa 2012-2013.
Box 45 Folder 7
Solitary Twin, corrected typescript, circa 2012-2013.
Box 12 Folder 3
Tlooth, outline and notes, circa 1965.
Box 46 Folder 1
Tlooth, manuscript notebooks, circa 1965.
Box 46 Folder 2 Box 48 Folder 1
Tlooth, 1st draft (typed by Mathews), circa 1965-1966.
Box 12 Folder 4
Tlooth, 1st draft, corrections, circa 1965-1966.
Box 12 Folder 5
Tlooth, 1st draft, retyped, circa 1965-1966.
Box 12 Folder 6
Tlooth, 2nd draft, working copy and 2nd draft corrected (3rd draft), circa 1965-1966.
Box 12 Folder 7
Tlooth, 2nd draft, working copy and 2nd draft corrected (3rd draft), circa 1965-1966.
Box 13 Folder 1
Tlooth, 2nd draft, 3rd copy, circa 1965-1966.
Box 13 Folder 2
Tlooth, 2nd draft, corrections made during, notes for corrections, and corrections and alterations made after re-typing), circa 1965-1966.
Box 13 Folder 3
Tlooth, 3rd draft, 1st copy, circa 1965-1966.
Box 13 Folder 4
Tlooth, 3rd draft corrected (4th draft rough copy) and list of corrections, circa 1965-1966.
Box 13 Folder 5
Tlooth, 4th draft corrected (5th draft), circa 1965-1966.
Box 13 Folder 6
Tlooth, 4th draft corrected (5th draft), circa 1965-1966.
Box 14 Folder 1
Tlooth, corrections, circa 1965-1966.
Box 14 Folder 2
Tlooth, typescript sent to publishers (incomplete), circa 1965-1966.
Box 14 Folder 3
Tlooth, typescript for Paris Review (includes illustration and sketch), circa 1965-1966.
Box 14 Folder 4
Tlooth, final galley proofs (incomplete), circa 1965-1966.
Box 14 Folder 5
"Symetrie," notes and corrected typescript, 1999.
Box 14 Folder 6
"Translation and the Oulipo: the Case of the Persevering Maltese," first presented at the French Institute in London as the third of the Saint Jerome lectures in June 1996 and also published in Case of the Persevering Maltese, corrected typescripts in English and French, circa 1996.
Box 14 Folder 7
"Vingt Lines," corrected typescript, circa 1983-1987.
Box 14 Folder 8
Vivien, Jacques, memorial for, corrected typescripts, 2010.
Box 14 Folder 9
"Voyages vers le Caucase," corrected fax, 2000.
Box 14 Folder 10
"Waiting for Dusk," corrected typescript, circa 2000.
Box 14 Folder 11
Unidentified, abandoned project, 2008-2010.
Box 46 Folder 3
Unidentified writing (incomplete), corrected typescript, undated .
Box 14 Folder 12
"Avant-propos," corrected typescript and typescript, 2012 December 13.
Box 14 Folder 13
"Brutus et Athens," photocopy of published poem, 1947.
Box 14 Folder 13
"Butter and Eggs," copy of poem as published in Boston Review, 2001 Summer.
Box 14 Folder 13
"Can New Life Start in Genoa," handwritten manuscript and corrected typescripts (includes title changes), 2009 June 19.
Box 14 Folder 13
"Chanson pour Mathilde," corrected typescript, undated.
Box 14 Folder 13
"(Clog herb)," proof, 1998.
Box 14 Folder 13
"Condo Action" (includes music), 1990.
Box 46 Folder 4
"Didon et Énée: la dernière conversation," typescripts in English and French, 2006.
Box 14 Folder 14
"Dormouse Poem," published in ONWARD: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, correspondence, notes, typescripts, and translation, 1996.
Box 14 Folder 14
"Dreams," copy of poem as printed in P.A.N (Paranoids Anonymous Newsletter), 1976.
Box 14 Folder 14
"First Love at First Sight," typescript and corrected typescript , 2007 April 5.
Box 14 Folder 15
"Fragment," (in homage to Georges Conominas), handwritten manuscript and corrected typescripts, 2014 October-December.
Box 14 Folder 15
"Green Notebook," published in Day Shifts, proof, circa 2004.
Box 14 Folder 15
"Le Groom Cocu," typescript and corrected typescript, undated.
Box 14 Folder 15
Haikus (written on 34 cards), undated.
Box 14 Folder 15
"Histoire," copy of poem as published in the New York Review, 1984.
Box 14 Folder 15
"In Praise of Heinrich Heine," corrected typescript, 2005 December 2.
Box 14 Folder 15
"Improv on a Sophoclean Theme from Hölderlin" for Jacob Köllhofer on his 50th birthday, handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript, 2014 July 24.
Box 14 Folder 15
"In Pursuit of Henry Vaughn," notes and corrected typescripts, 2007 November 24.
Box 14 Folder 15
"Lateral Disregard," correspondence and proof [RESTRICTED], 2004 May.
Box 14 Folder 16
"Maltais Persévérant : 4éme de courerture," typescript, 2012 December 14.
Box 14 Folder 16
"My Kitchen," corrected typescripts, undated.
Box 14 Folder 16
"No Regrets, Though," corrected typescript, undated.
Box 14 Folder 16
"Phonomnesis," in A Handbook of Protocols for Literary Listening, by Craig Dworkin (published after 2011), circa 1995.
Box 14 Folder 16
"Romantic Poem," handwritten manuscript, 2005 August 12.
Box 15 Folder 1
"Rust Hills' Very Own Lines," corrected typescript, undated.
Box 15 Folder 1
"Sussex Days," handwritten manuscript, typescript, and corrected typescript, 2005 December 3.
Box 15 Folder 1
"Three Sonnets for Rust Hills," typescript, 2002 January 22.
Box 15 Folder 1
"Three War Poems," collaboration with Keith Humble (includes music), circa 1964.
Box 46 Folder 5
"Tinguely Museum," handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript, 2006 August 27.
Box 15 Folder 1
"To Molly Margaret Ryan on her second birthday," handwritten manuscript and corrected typescripts, undated.
Box 15 Folder 1
"Les Trois Rimes," handwritten draft, 2008 May.
Box 15 Folder 1
"Viaggio verso una terra sconosciuta," notes, corrected typescript, and translation, 2000 May 26.
Box 15 Folder 1
"The White Wind," corrected typescripts, undated.
Box 15 Folder 1
Untitled, 1978-2013.
Box 15 Folder 2
Baker, Lori, Crash and Tell, typescript of review, 2011 July 19.
Box 15 Folder 3
Baran, Susan, unknown publication, notes and corrected typescript of review, 1999.
Box 15 Folder 3
Buzzi, Aldo, Journey to the Land of the Flies and Other Travels, notes regarding and corrected typescript of review, circa 1996.
Box 15 Folder 3
Cameron, David, Les Fleurs du Mal, 2006 May 5.
Box 15 Folder 3
Carroll, Lewis, article as printed in Le Monde, 1971 June 11.
Box 46 Folder 8
Crawford, Lynn, Simply Separate People and Shankus and Kitto, handwritten manuscript and typescripts of reviews, 2001, 2015.
Box 15 Folder 3
Davies, Jeremy M., Rose Alley, handwritten manuscript of review, 2008 December 9.
Box 15 Folder 4
Ducasse, Poésies, corrected typescript of review, undated.
Box 15 Folder 4
Elmslie, Kenward, The Orchid Stories, handwritten manuscript and typescript of review, 2011 August 17.
Box 15 Folder 4
Firan, Carmen, Inhabited Words, handwritten manuscripts, 2007 February 12.
Box 15 Folder 4
Fontana, Innocente, sickgirl101, corrected typescript of review, undated.
Box 15 Folder 4
[Fisher, Ranbir], In Open Country, handwritten manuscript of review, 2010 September 12.
Box 15 Folder 4
Freilicher, Jane, New Paintings and Pastels, correspondence, and corrected typescripts [RESTRICTED], 1998.
Box 15 Folder 4
Guest, Barbara, Seeking Air, handwritten draft and corrected typescript of review, undated.
Box 15 Folder 5
Henning, Barbara, unknown publication, handwritten manuscript of review, undated.
Box 15 Folder 5
Jackson, Laura (Riding), Progress of Stories, correspondence, notes, drafts of review, and published review [RESTRICTED], 1983.
Box 15 Folder 6
Keller, Tsipi, Jackpot, correspondence and handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript of review [RESTRICTED], 2004.
Box 15 Folder 7
Koch, Kenneth, The Art of the Possible: Comics Mainly without Pictures, handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript of review, 2003 December.
Box 15 Folder 7
Levin Becker, Daniel, Many Subtle Channels, 2011.
Box 46 Folder 8
Lykiard, Alexis, 'Maldoro' and the Complete works of Comte de Lautréamont (translation), 1995.
Box 46 Folder 8
Mandel, Tom, Four Strange Books, typescript of review, undated.
Box 15 Folder 7
Marcus, Ben, The Age of Wire and String, letter to George Andreou containing review [RESTRICTED], 1995 July 14.
Mason, Zachary, Lost Books of the Odyssey, handwritten manuscript of review, 2007 September 23.
Box 15 Folder 7
Modiano, Patrick, Suspended Sentences: Three Novellas, handwritten manuscript and typescript of review, 2014 October 10.
Box 15 Folder 7
Myles, Eileen, Chelsea Girls, 1996 December 27.
Box 15 Folder 7
Perec, Georges, I Remember, handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript of review of translation by David Bellow and Philip Terry, 2014 April 25-26.
Box 15 Folder 7
Perec, Georges, La Disparition, manuscript notes and published articles, 1981.
Box 46 Folder 9
Perec, Georges, That Ephemeral Thing, published articles, 1988.
Box 46 Folder 9
Pierre, José, Investigating Sex, published article, 1993.
Box 46 Folder 9
Seigel, Jerrold, The Primvate Worlds of Marcel Duchamp: Desire, Liberation and the Self in Modern Culture, notes, research, handwritten manuscript and corrected typescripts of review, and published review, 1996.
Box 15 Folder 8
Sorrentino, Gilbert, The Moon in its Fight: Stories, corrected typescript of review, 2003 December.
Box 15 Folder 8
TeBordo, Christian, The Conviction and Subsequent Life of Savior Neck, correspondence and handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript of review [RESTRICTED], 2004.
Box 15 Folder 8
Tillman, Lynne, Absence Makes the Heart, typescript of review, undated.
Box 15 Folder 8
Vassilakis, Nico, Last Vispo Anthology: Visual Poetry, handwritten manuscript of review, 2011 July.
Box 15 Folder 9
Waldrop, Keith, The Locality Principal, correspondence and handwritten manuscript and corrected typescript of review [RESTRICTED], 1994.
Box 15 Folder 9
Zuckerkandl, Beverly, unknown work, manuscript draft of review, undated.
Box 48 Folder 2
Unknown authors, 20121, undated.
Box 15 Folder 9
Bataille, Georges, Le Bleu de Ciel, notes, before 1978.
Box 15 Folder 10
Chaix, Marie, Silences, or a Woman's Life, corrected typescripts, circa 2012.
Box 22 Folder 4
Chaix, Marie, Summer of the Elder Tree, corrected typescripts, circa 2013.
Box 22 Folder 3
Jouet, Jacques, 107 Âmes, corrected typescript of translation, undated.
Box 15 Folder 11
Perec, Georges 53 Days, correspondence, notes, photocopies of original French, and typescript of translation [folder 13 RESTRICTED], circa 1991.
Box 15 Folder 13-15
Perec, Georges, Ellis Island Revisited and related material, undated.
Box 22 Folder 2
Perec, Georges Winter Voyage, notes, circa 1995.
Box 15 Folder 16
Roche, Denis, Le Mercrit Sevil, photocopies of original French and corrected typescript of the translation, 1975.
Box 15 Folder 17
Viton, Jean-Jacques, Fractured Whole, correspondence, notes, photocopies of the original French, and typescript of the translation [RESTRICTED], circa 1990.
Box 15 Folder 18
Artwork (includes a "machine"), 1980, 1981, undated.
Box 46 Folder 6
Musical compositions, 1946, undated.
Box 46 Folder 7

Scope and Contents

The second series, Publicity and promotion, is divided into events (bookreadings, lectures, etc.), interviews, articles about Mathews, images, publication logistics, and reviews of Mathews' works. Events (bookreadings, lectures, etc.) is arranged chronologically. These files generally include fliers, programs, and/or posters advertising the event. Very rarely, there are notes for a talk given by Mathews or any other personal observation of the event. This group of material provides a very detailed glimpse into Mathews' influence on the literary community. Researchers interested in the events in which Mathews participated are advised to consult the undated folders since many of the event fliers contained only a month and day.

Interviews are arranged alphabetically by interviewer and generally contain drafts or corrected typescripts of the interviews. Occasionally, only the published version is contained within this collection. Correspondence (restricted from use unless permission is granted by Mathews) that was filed with the interviews was not separated. Therefore, researchers interested in the interviews contained within restricted folders should email the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rarebooks, and Manuscripts for immediate access to selected portions of the folders and/or for permission to view correspondence.

Articles about Mathews consists of published articles and are arranged alphabetically by the author of the article. This group of material, like the events, demonstrates Mathews' influence in the literary world.

Researchers will find very few photographs in the collection, but those that do exist are located in Images. These photographs were taken by a professional photographer for publicity purposes. There are also a few self-portraits drawn by Mathews.

Publication logistics includes reports on sales, book jackets, publisher advertisements, contracts and royalty statements, financial records, and correspondence (restricted from use unless permission is granted by Mathews). This group of material is arranged alphabetically.

The final group of records in this series, Reviews of Mathews' works, is arranged alphabetically by title of work. Researchers will find published articles clipped from journals, magazines, and newspapers.

1971, 1975, 1977.
Box 16 Folder 1
Box 16 Folder 2
Box 16 Folder 3
Box 16 Folder 4
Box 16 Folder 5
Box 16 Folder 6
Box 16 Folder 7
Box 16 Folder 8
Box 16 Folder 9
Box 16 Folder 10
Box 16 Folder 11
Box 16 Folder 12
Box 16 Folder 13
Box 16 Folder 14
Box 44 Folder 1-2 Box 16 Folder 15
Box 44 Folder 1 Box 16 Folder 16
Box 16 Folder 17
Box 17 Folder 1
Box 17 Folder 2
Oversized, 1977, 1988-1994, 2011, undated.
Box 48 Folder 3-4 Drawer 100 Folder unknown container
Notes and preparatory information for interviews, undated.
Box 17 Folder 3
Baxter, Ed, correspondence and draft transcript [RESTRICTED], 1989.
Box 17 Folder 4
Boullier, Sophie Calle-Grégoire, questions and responses for "Project Les Inrockuptibles", 2005.
Box 17 Folder 5
Boyden, Michael, corrected transcript, 2006 July 23.
Box 17 Folder 6
Crawford, Lynn, interview as published in The Poetry Project Newsletter, 1992 June.
Box 17 Folder 7 Box 44 Folder 2
Durand, Marcella, interview as published in The Poetry Project Newsletter, 2004 April-May.
Box 17 Folder 8
Fletcher, Jim, corrected transcript, undated.
Box 17 Folder 9
Getter, Tamar and Jonathan Wertheim-Soen, questions and answers, 2008.
Box 17 Folder 10
Grimson, Todd, transcript, undated.
Box 17 Folder 11
Hunnewell, Susannah, corrected transcript and interview as published in The Paris Review, 2007.
Box 17 Folder 12
Laurence, Alexander, corrected transcript, 1989.
Box 17 Folder 13
Shaw, Lytle, corrected transcript, circa 1994.
Box 17 Folder 14
Tillman, Lynne, article as published in Bomb, 1989.
Box 47 Folder 1
Tufail, Burhan, corrected transcript, 1996.
Box 17 Folder 15
Unknown interviewers, questions and answers, 1986, 2010, undated.
Box 44 Folder 2 Box 17 Folder 16
Baude, Dawn Michelle, "Harry Mathews Profile", 1995.
Box 47 Folder 2
Damisch, Hubert, "Le Genie de L'Amitie", 1966 October.
Box 21 Folder 17
Gardner, Martin, "Mathematical Games", 1977.
Box 47 Folder 2
Harris, Paul A. "Harry Mathews's Al Gore Rhythms: A Re-Viewing of Tlooth, Cigarettes, and the Journalist", 1999.
Box 47 Folder 2
Howard, Gerald, "How French Is It?", 2002.
Box 47 Folder 2
McElroy, Joseph, "Harry Mathews' Fiction: What's at Stake" (includes correspondence) [RESTRICTED], circa 1986.
Box 21 Folder 18
Mirkowicz, Tomasz, "In the Net of the Goddess", circa 1985.
Box 21 Folder 19
Polito, Robert, "Our Man in Oulipo", 2005.
Box 47 Folder 2
Rubenstein, Meyer Raphael, "Singular Volumes: Artists's Collaborations with Harry Mathews", 1990.
Box 47 Folder 2
Rubenstein, Raphael, untitled article mentioning Mathews, 1986.
Box 21 Folder 20
Strausbaugh, John, "Oh Pairs", 1999.
Box 47 Folder 2
Watten, Barrett, "Harry Mathews: An Experiment in Presence", undated.
Box 21 Folder 21
[No author given], "Perverbs and Snowballs", 1977.
Box 47 Folder 2
Self portraits, 1975-1985.
Box 17 Folder 17
Publicity photographs, 1983.
Box 17 Folder 18
Anthology of New York Poets, report on sales, etc., circa 1971.
Box 17 Folder 19
Book jackets and publisher advertisements for Autobiographie, "Calibrations of Latitude," Cigarettes, Conversions, Journalist, Journeys to Six Lands, Locus Solus, Oulipo Compendium, Selected Declarations of Dependence, Singular Pleasures, Sinking of Odradek Stadium, and The Way Home, circa 1987-1994.
Box 47 Folder 4
Conversions, Random House contracts and royalty statements, 1961-1964.
Box 21 Folder 22
Conversions, Sinking of Odradek Stadium, and Tlooth, correspondence [RESTRICTED], 1971-1973.
Box 21 Folder 23
Immeasurable Distances, correspondence, financial record, and hypothetical order of essays [RESTRICTED], 1988-1991.
Box 17 Folder 20
Locus Solus, correspondence, financial records, printing information [RESTRICTED], 1960-1963.
Box 21 Folder 24
Locus Solus, poster, circa 1962-1963.
Box 48 Folder 4
Oulipo Compendium, correspondence, descriptions, addresses for mailing fliers, and guest lists [RESTRICTED] , 1998.
Box 17 Folder 21
Tlooth, illustrations, title page proof and book jacket for Paris Review Edition, 1966.
Box 47 Folder 3
A Mid Season Sky, 1993.
Box 17 Folder 22
Armenian Papers, 1986.
Box 17 Folder 23
Autobiographie, in German, 1995.
Box 17 Folder 24
Case of the Persevering Maltese: Collected Essays, 2004.
Box 17 Folder 25
Cigarettes, 1988, 2004.
Box 47 Folder 5
Conversions, 1962-1999.
Box 47 Folder 6
Country Cooking and Other Stories, 1981-1985.
Box 17 Folder 26
Human Country, 2002.
Box 47 Folder 7
The Journalist, 1994-1998.
Box 17 Folder 27
My Life in CIA, 2005.
Box 47 Folder 8
The Orchard, 1986-1989.
Box 18 Folder 1
Oulipo Compendium, 1999.
Box 18 Folder 2 Box 47 Folder 9
S., 1997.
Box 18 Folder 3
Selected Declarations of Dependence, circa 1977-1980.
Box 18 Folder 4
Singular Pleasures, circa 1983, 1993.
Box 18 Folder 5
Sinking of Odradek Stadium, 1998-1999.
Box 47 Folder 10
Tlooth, 1966-1970, 1998.
Box 18 Folder 6
Trial Impressions, 1977-1978.
Box 18 Folder 7

Scope and Contents

Series III. Research notes includes notes, photocopies of articles, and other research relating to wide-ranging topics. Of particular interest may be the folders on alphabets, word lists and translations, and word tricks and labrynths and mazes which may relate closely to his work with the Oulipo. Files are arranged alphabetically by topic and the titles of folders were generally provided by Mathews himself.

18th century literary figures, undated.
Box 18 Folder 8
Alphabets, word lists and translations, and word tricks, circa 1998-2010.
Box 18 Folder 9
Artwork, photocopies of and notes regarding, undated.
Box 18 Folder 10
Barthes, Roland, after 1980.
Box 18 Folder 11
Bourges, undated.
Box 18 Folder 12
Ducasse, Isidore, undated.
Box 18 Folder 13
Labrynths and mazes, undated.
Box 18 Folder 14
Medicine, undated.
Box 18 Folder 15
Music, undated.
Box 18 Folder 16
Passolini, Pier Paolo, 1986.
Box 18 Folder 17
Proverbs, undated.
Box 18 Folder 18
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1980.
Box 19 Folder 1
Schuldt, after 2003.
Box 19 Folder 2
Symons, Julian and A.J.A., circa 1986.
Box 19 Folder 3
Witchcraft, etc., undated.
Box 19 Folder 4

Scope and Contents

Mathews' work as a teacher and workshop leader are documented in Series IV. Teaching and workshops. Mathews worked extensively at Bennington College in Vermont teaching creative writing and leading seminars in writing. He led workshops at Brown University, Hamilton College, Key West Writing Workshop, and Shakespeare and Company. The bulk of these records appear to be Mathews' teaching notebooks which provide the structure of the class or workshop as well as notes relating to topics to address and discussion points. Of particular interest may be the folder titled "Mask Process" in which Mathews' method for relaxing and getting into the mood for writing is broken down into steps. In association with Mathews' manuscript notebooks in Series I, the teaching notebooks in this series provide an insight into Mathews' writing methodology.

Bennington College, Advanced, Representation and Abstraction, 1978 Spring.
Box 19 Folder 5
Bennington College, Introduction to French Literature, 1978 Spring.
Box 19 Folder 6
Bennington College, Reluctant Romantics, 1979 Spring.
Box 19 Folder 7
Bennington College, "All About Opera," an anthology from the prose writing workshop, 1979 Spring.
Box 19 Folder 8
Bennington College, introductory course, 1980 Spring.
Box 19 Folder 9
Bennington College, Literature and Language Division, minutes, 1980 April 17-20.
Box 19 Folder 10
Bennington College, Fiction Writing, 1982 Spring.
Box 19 Folder 11
Bennington College, Fiction Writing, 1983 Spring.
Box 19 Folder 12
Bennington College, proposal for a seminar in creative writing, undated.
Box 19 Folder 13
Bennington College, writing workshop notes, undated.
Box 19 Folder 14-15
Brown University, writing workshop, 1988.
Box 20 Folder 1
Brown University, writing workshop, 1997 November 3-4.
Box 20 Folder 2
Hamilton College, correspondence, curriculum vitae, and evaluations [RESTRICTED], circa 1979.
Box 20 Folder 3
Key West Writing Workshop, attendee list, 1999 January.
Box 20 Folder 4
Key West Writing Workshop, notes and resources, undated.
Box 20 Folder 5
Mask Process, undated.
Box 20 Folder 6
Shakespeare and Company Writing Workshop, notes and resources, 1984 February 6-11.
Box 20 Folder 7
Shakespeare and Company Writing Workshop, Boston, notes and resources, 1985 March 22-24.
Box 20 Folder 8
Workshop notes, 1990 November 17.
Box 20 Folder 9
Workshop notes, notebooks, resources, and exercises, undated.
Box 20 Folder 10-15

Scope and Contents

The Harry Mathews papers contain a small amount of writing by others. These drafts, typescripts, and, on occasion, published pamphlets are arranged alphabetically by author and may have been sent to Mathews for review, critique, or advice. It is also possible that Mathews simply liked the author's work.

Correspondence (restricted from use unless permission is granted by Mathews) that was filed with these works was not separated. Therefore, researchers interested in restricted folders in this series should email the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rarebooks, and Manuscripts for immediate access to selected portions of the folders and/or for permission to view correspondence.

Buren, Daniel, 1971.
Box 21 Folder 1
Chaix, Marie, 2003.
Box 21 Folder 2
Guiette, Robert, 1972-1975.
Box 21 Folder 3
Kazantis, Judith (includes correspondence [RESTRICTED], 2009.
Box 21 Folder 4
Lehman, David, undated.
Box 21 Folder 5
Maltman, Kim (includes correspondence) [RESTRICTED], 1998.
Box 21 Folder 6
McElroy, Joseph, circa 1987.
Box 21 Folder 7
Monk, Ian (folder 9 includes correspondence) [RESTRICTED], 2002, undated.
Box 21 Folder 8-9
Porter, Joe Ashbt, circa 2006.
Box 46 Folder 9
Roussel, Raymond, circa 1976.
Box 21 Folder 10
Rubinstein, Raphael, undated.
Box 21 Folder 11
Sykes, Christopher, undated.
Box 21 Folder 12
Tillman, Lynn, circa 1984.
Box 21 Folder 13
Venuti, Lawrence, 1982.
Box 21 Folder 14
Weiss, Hugh, circa 1997.
Box 21 Folder 15
Unknown author or work, corrections by Mathews, undated.
Box 21 Folder 16

Scope and Contents

Mathews' extensive correspondence is arranged alphabetically by Mathews' correspondents. This series is restricted from use unless permission is granted by Harry Mathews. To request permission to access to folders in this series, email the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rarebooks, and Manuscripts.

Prior to processing in 2016 (possibly at the time of acquisition), the correspondence was alphabetized and placed in folders. In some cases, correspondence by an indivual was filed in two places: by name and also by the organization for which they worked. This was not done consistently and it is unclear if the decision was based upon Harry Mathews' oringial order. In case this order was imposed by Mathews, the inconsistencies have been maintained, but the individual correspondents writing for an organization have been listed following the organization's name. Researchers interested in a specific individual should be certain to perform a keyword search or to look for organizations with which that individual was associated.

The bulk of the correspondence is addressed to Harry Mathews, however, there are sometimes hand-written drafts of letters written by Mathews. Although every correspondent is listed, it is important for researchers to understand that not all of these correspondents provide significant content and, in fact, many correspondents sent only a birthday card or a postcard each year for many years. Some correspondents (this list is not exhaustive) with significant content include: Gloria Adelson, John Ashbery, Betsy Baker, Catherine Binet, Joe Brainard, Lynn Crawford, Tamar Getter, Todd Grimson, Maxine Groffsky, Georges Guy, Richard Hennessy, Rust and Joy Hills, Tom King, Kenneth Koch, Bianca Lamblin, Joseph McElroy, Bill McPherson, James Merrill, Warren Motte, Charles North, Monique and Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens, Tina Packer, Ron Padgett, Georges Perec, George Plimpton, Raffi Rubenstein, Niki de Sainte-Phalle, James Schuyler, Dorthea Tanning, Lynne Tillman, Fred and Simone Warner, Trevor Winkfield, and Rob Wittig. There is also significant correspondence between Mathews and his parents, Edward and Mary Mathews; his grandparents, Henry and Candida Burchell; as well as the women with whom he was romantically involved: Anne Hollander, Elyette Héliès, Maxine Groffsky who served as an editior at Random House and as Mathews' agent, and Loredana Balboni.

Researchers interested in Locus Solus should consult the correspondence folders of John Ashbery, Walter Auerbach, Kenneth Koch, and James Schuyler.

Abàdi-Nagi, Zoltán, 1985.
Box 23 Folder 1
Abish, Walter, 1976.
Box 23 Folder 1
Abmeier, Armin, 1994.
Box 23 Folder 1
Abrams, Mary, 1956-1977.
Box 23 Folder 2
Abrams, Ross, 1955-1957.
Box 23 Folder 3
Academy of American Poets, 1998.
Box 23 Folder 4
Acconci, Vito, 1967-1968.
Box 23 Folder 4
Adams, Josh, 2004.
Box 23 Folder 4
Adams, Pat, 1981.
Box 23 Folder 5
Adamson, Maisie, 1986.
Box 23 Folder 5
Adelson, Gloria, 1975-1989.
Box 23 Folder 6
Adrian, Marc, 1970.
Box 23 Folder 7
Aeppli, Eva, undated.
Box 23 Folder 7
Ahern, Tom, 1977.
Box 23 Folder 7
Alexis, Andre, 1995-1997.
Box 23 Folder 7
Alfieri, Pierre, 1992-1994, 1997.
Box 23 Folder 8
Alfred, William, 1957.
Box 23 Folder 8
Alison, Barley, 1961-1964.
Box 23 Folder 8
Allard, John, 1977.
Box 23 Folder 9
Allen, Charles, 1970.
Box 23 Folder 9
Allen, Jeff, 2002.
Box 23 Folder 9
Allio, Kristen, 2005.
Box 23 Folder 9
Alon, Gil, 1994.
Box 23 Folder 9
Alpers, Svetlana, 1995.
Box 23 Folder 9
Aman, Ahmet, 2003.
Box 23 Folder 9
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters (citation), 1991.
Box 23 Folder 10
Amiel, Leslie Xuereb, 2007.
Box 23 Folder 10
Amzaourou, Ali, 1971.
Box 23 Folder 10
Anderson, Burnett, 1975-1976.
Box 23 Folder 10
André, Robert, 1969.
Box 23 Folder 10
Angebot, Pierre, 1992, 1994.
Box 23 Folder 10
Anselme, Pier, 1998.
Box 23 Folder 11
Antonioni, Michelangelo, 1982.
Box 23 Folder 11
Aragona, Raffaele (Lello), 1991, 1994.
Box 23 Folder 11
Architectural Association (Mark Rappolt), 2001.
Box 23 Folder 11
Argoud-Puix, Loulous and Jacqueline, 1968-1976.
Box 23 Folder 11
Aries-misson, Alain, 1965.
Box 23 Folder 11
Armstrong, Christa, 1986.
Box 23 Folder 11
Amstrong, Melissa, 1987-1990.
Box 23 Folder 11
Arnaud-Nöel, 1978-2000.
Box 23 Folder 12
Arnkil, Antti, undated.
Box 23 Folder 13
Arnold, Mary Kim, 1997.
Box 23 Folder 13
Arribas, Jesús Camarero, 1989.
Box 23 Folder 13
Arrighi, Marie, 1987.
Box 23 Folder 13
Arthaud, Claude, 1972.
Box 23 Folder 13
Arthaud, Rodolphe, undated.
Box 23 Folder 13
Ash, John, 1984-1989.
Box 23 Folder 14
Ashbery, John, 1958-1982.
Box 23 Folder 15-16
Ashbery, John, 1985-2004.
Box 24 Folder 1
Ashdown, Louise and David, 1977.
Box 24 Folder 2
Ashley, Leonard R.N., 1962.
Box 24 Folder 2
Ashraf, Adrian, 1991.
Box 24 Folder 2
Association Kickshaw, 1990.
Box 24 Folder 2
Aubert, Paul, 2001.
Box 24 Folder 2
Auchincloss, Louis, 1978.
Box 24 Folder 2
Auerbach, Ellen, 1959.
Box 24 Folder 3
Auerbach, Doreen, 1961-1966.
Box 24 Folder 3
Auerbach, Walter, 1955-1965.
Box 24 Folder 3
Auster, Paul, 1977, 1998, 2001.
Box 24 Folder 4
Auxanneau, Annie, 1998, 2000.
Box 24 Folder 4
Avis, Service Carte Accréditive, 1990.
Box 24 Folder 4
Baker, Betsy, 1969-1995, 2000.
Box 24 Folder 5
Baker, Ellen A., 1990-1991.
Box 24 Folder 6
Baker, Mimi, 2004.
Box 24 Folder 6
Baker, Tim, 1993.
Box 24 Folder 6
Balboni, Loredonna, 1974-1982.
Box 24 Folder 6
Baldesari, John, 1975.
Box 24 Folder 6
Bamberger, Bill, 2000, 2003.
Box 24 Folder 6
Bamforth, Iain, 1995.
Box 24 Folder 7
Bandell, Garth, 2000.
Box 24 Folder 7
Baratto, Franca, 1974, 1984.
Box 24 Folder 7
Barcombe, Judith and Irving, 1996-1998.
Box 24 Folder 7
Bard College, 1978.
Box 24 Folder 7
Bareiss, Walter and Mary, 1961.
Box 24 Folder 7
Bareiss, Molly, 1962.
Box 24 Folder 8
Baran, Susan, 1999-2000.
Box 24 Folder 8
Barouk, Stella, 1983.
Box 24 Folder 8
Barrau, Folorence, 1998.
Box 24 Folder 8
Barron, Currie, 2008-2009, undated.
Box 24 Folder 8
Barron, Michael, 2009.
Box 24 Folder 8
Bartle, Rosary, 2001.
Box 24 Folder 9
Bartley, William Warren, 1981.
Box 24 Folder 9
Bates, Roland, 2005.
Box 24 Folder 9
Bartusek, Antonin, 1962-1965.
Box 24 Folder 9
Bastit, Tristan, 1999.
Box 24 Folder 9
Bator, Paul, 1961, 1980, 1989.
Box 24 Folder 9
Battersea Arts Center (Mark Ainley), 1988.
Box 24 Folder 9
Baude, Dawn Michelle, 1995, 1997.
Box 24 Folder 10
Bauer, Hervé, 1990-1993.
Box 24 Folder 10
Baum, Cliff, circa 1956-1966.
Box 24 Folder 10
Baxter, Ed, 1990.
Box 24 Folder 10
Baxter, Glen, 1971-1972, 1981.
Box 24 Folder 10
Bayard, Jean-Luc, 1998-2000, 2006, 2012.
Box 24 Folder 10
Beattie, Ann and Lincoln, 1998, 2000, undated.
Box 24 Folder 11
Beard, Richard, 1996-2012.
Box 24 Folder 11
Beauchau, Patrick (probably), 1968.
Box 24 Folder 11
Beaumatin, Eric, 1989.
Box 24 Folder 11
Bechgaard, Ingrid, 1966.
Box 24 Folder 11
Becker, Uli, 1988-1992.
Box 24 Folder 11
Begley, Anita and Louis, 1988.
Box 24 Folder 12
Belben, Rosalind, 1989.
Box 24 Folder 12
Belenis, Lili, 1964.
Box 24 Folder 12
Bell, Carola, 1987.
Box 24 Folder 12
Bellos, David, 1985-1995.
Box 24 Folder 12
Benda, Paula, 1989.
Box 24 Folder 12
Benedikt, Michael, 1962-1963.
Box 25 Folder 1
Benmoussa, Denis, 1989.
Box 25 Folder 1
Bennington College, 1978.
Box 25 Folder 1
Bens, Jacques, 1982-1998.
Box 25 Folder 1
Bensky, Larry, 1966.
Box 25 Folder 1
Berenson, Mitch, 1987.
Box 25 Folder 1
Berge, Claude, 1996, 1999.
Box 25 Folder 2
Berkson, Bill, 1964-1994, 2000.
Box 25 Folder 2
Berkson, Lynn, 1983-1997.
Box 25 Folder 2
Bernard, Nicole, 2001.
Box 25 Folder 3
Bernier, Georges and Peggy, 1967.
Box 25 Folder 3
Bernstein, Michèle, 1985.
Box 25 Folder 3
Berrigan, Ted and Sandy, 1962-1965.
Box 25 Folder 3
Bersenbrugghe, Mai-Mai, 1987.
Box 25 Folder 3
Best American Poetry (David Lehman), 2003.
Box 25 Folder 3
Bernstein, Charles, 1977.
Box 25 Folder 4
Bianchini, Patty, 1975.
Box 25 Folder 4
Biathrow, Beth Ann, 1999.
Box 25 Folder 4
Bibliothéque Nationale, France (Jacqueline Michelet, Jack Nakache, and Jean Prinet), 1976, 2001, 2003.
Box 25 Folder 4
Bibliothéque de Reims (Nicolas Galaud), 1998.
Box 25 Folder 4
Bienenfeld, Ela (Lili), 1982-1989.
Box 25 Folder 4
Binet, Catherine, 1982-1993.
Box 25 Folder 5
Binsee, Jean-Michel, 1996.
Box 25 Folder 6
Birch, Robert, 2005.
Box 25 Folder 6
Bischofberger, Bruno, 1979-1980.
Box 25 Folder 6
Bishop, James, 1969-1970, 1994.
Box 25 Folder 6
Blaine, Julien, 1965-1992, 1998.
Box 25 Folder 6
Blair, Jayne Lyn, 2006.
Box 25 Folder 6
Blanc-Gonnet, Henri, 1958.
Box 25 Folder 7
Blanchard, Nadine Laïk, 2007.
Box 25 Folder 7
Blavier, André, circa 2001.
Box 25 Folder 7
Blegvad, Peter, 1987, 1999.
Box 25 Folder 7
Blois, Marie-Claire, 2001-2002, 2005.
Box 25 Folder 7
BlueSky Review (Kimberly Lojek and Sean Starr), 2003.
Box 25 Folder 7
Bluhm, Norman (Cary), 1989.
Box 25 Folder 8
Bloom, Ted, 1966.
Box 25 Folder 8
Blue Grass Trust for Historic Preservation (Raines Taylor), 1985.
Box 25 Folder 8
Bober, Robert, 1994.
Box 25 Folder 8
Bocher, Albert, 1958.
Box 25 Folder 8
Bode, Nele, 1961-1963.
Box 25 Folder 8
Bohlke, Rainer, 1994.
Box 25 Folder 9
Böhme, Emilie, 1989-1992.
Box 25 Folder 9
Bolt, David, 1962-1968.
Box 25 Folder 9
Bolton, Ken, 1991-2010.
Box 25 Folder 9
Bombard Society, 1980.
Box 25 Folder 9
Bongos, Ali, 1998.
Box 25 Folder 9
Bonnefoy, Françoise, 1999.
Box 25 Folder 10
Bonnell, Ken, 1977.
Box 25 Folder 10
Bonner, Anthony, 1956-1991.
Box 25 Folder 10
Bonner, Eve, 1957-1989.
Box 25 Folder 11
Bonnet-Marle/Gandy families, 1984.
Box 25 Folder 11
Bonpiani, Ginerva, 1992, 1998.
Box 25 Folder 11
Boone, Bruce, 1988.
Box 25 Folder 11
Borson, Roo, 1998, undated.
Box 25 Folder 11
Borsari, Andrea, 1995.
Box 25 Folder 11
Borrell, Stephen J., 1986.
Box 25 Folder 12
Borger, Irene, 1977.
Box 25 Folder 12
Borie, Elsie, circa 1946.
Box 25 Folder 12
Borromée, Christian, 1958.
Box 25 Folder 12
Boss, Michel, 2009.
Box 25 Folder 12
Bouchet, André, 1969-1989.
Box 25 Folder 12
Boulanger, Nadia, 1962.
Box 25 Folder 13
Boulanger, Nicole (later Liebowitz), 1991.
Box 25 Folder 13
Bourgeade, Pierre, 1966-1967.
Box 25 Folder 13
Bourgeron, Jean-Pierre, 1990, 2001.
Box 25 Folder 13
Bouscharaise, J.P., 1969.
Box 25 Folder 13
Bowles, Patrick, 1962, 1964.
Box 25 Folder 13
Boyd, Greg, undated.
Box 26 Folder 1
Boyson, Gylhein de, circa 1965-1966.
Box 26 Folder 1
Braathen, Barbera, 1994.
Box 26 Folder 1
Bradbury, Walter, 1965-1968.
Box 26 Folder 1
Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (certificate), undated.
Box 26 Folder 1
Braffort, Paul, 1987.
Box 26 Folder 1
Brainard, Joe, 1966-1993.
Box 26 Folder 2
Bradenbach, Tom, 1995.
Box 26 Folder 3
Brandt, Chris, 2005.
Box 26 Folder 3
Brasseur, Roland, 1998.
Box 26 Folder 3
Braun, Suzanne, 1966.
Box 26 Folder 3
Brenner, Summer, 2006.
Box 26 Folder 3
Bresson, Alain, circa 1999.
Box 26 Folder 3
Brewing, Gudrun, 1991.
Box 26 Folder 4
Brick: A Literary Journal (Michael Redhill), 1998.
Box 26 Folder 4
Brisa, Jean-Vincent, 1989.
Box 26 Folder 4
Brisa, Nicole, 1991.
Box 26 Folder 4
British Centre for Literary Translation (Dr. Terry Hale), 1996.
Box 26 Folder 4
Broi, Giani, 1983.
Box 26 Folder 4
Bronson, Susan, 2003.
Box 26 Folder 5
Brossard, Olivier, 2001-2002, 2007, 2012.
Box 26 Folder 5
Brotchie, Alastair, 1983-1998.
Box 26 Folder 5
Brown, Carolyn, circa 1970.
Box 26 Folder 5
Brown, Don, 1975.
Box 26 Folder 5
Brown, Earle, 1970.
Box 26 Folder 5
Brown, Rita, 2005.
Box 26 Folder 6
Brown, Townsend, 1947.
Box 26 Folder 6
Browning, Mrs. Edward, 1946.
Box 26 Folder 6
Brownstein, Michael, 1978-1994.
Box 26 Folder 6
Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1985, 1999.
Box 26 Folder 6
Brunhoff, Marie Claude de, 1972, 1983-1984, 1993, 1997.
Box 26 Folder 6
Bruno, Franklin, 1999.
Box 26 Folder 7
Brussell, Samy, 1989.
Box 26 Folder 7
Buck, Paul, 1967.
Box 26 Folder 7
Buckman, Peter, 1965.
Box 26 Folder 7
Buisson, Virginie, 1983.
Box 26 Folder 7
Bullock, Michael, 1962.
Box 26 Folder 7
Burchell, Candida (grandmother), 1943.
Box 26 Folder 8
Burchell, Henry (grandfather), 1944-1955.
Box 26 Folder 8
Burckhardt, Edith, 1960.
Box 26 Folder 8
Burckhardt, Rudy, 1980, 1993, 1995.
Box 26 Folder 8
Burgelin, Béatrice, 1994.
Box 26 Folder 8
Bergelin, Claude, 1983-1994, 1998.
Box 26 Folder 8
Buri, Steve, 1988.
Box 26 Folder 9
Burke, Rose, undated.
Box 26 Folder 9
Burney, Glenn, 1998.
Box 26 Folder 9
Burney, Raymond, 1983.
Box 26 Folder 9
Burning Deck (Gale Nelson), 2001.
Box 26 Folder 9
Burstein, Minna, 1958.
Box 26 Folder 9
Bush, Lisa, 1980.
Box 26 Folder 10
Bussy, Christiane, 1968.
Box 26 Folder 10
Button, John, 1966, 1968.
Box 26 Folder 10
Buzzi, Aldo, 1997-1999.
Box 26 Folder 10
Cabinet Jaillant (G. Jaillant), 1980.
Box 26 Folder 11
Cabot, Colin, 1993.
Box 26 Folder 11
Cabot, Currie (Barron), 1979-1990.
Box 26 Folder 11
Cabot, Francis H., 1956-2002.
Box 26 Folder 11
Cabot, Mary Currie, 1946, 1960, 1965, 1971.
Box 26 Folder 11
Cabot, Marianne and James S. Welch, 1987.
Box 26 Folder 12
Cabrera, Alice and Tom, 1960-1962.
Box 26 Folder 12
Cadiot, Olivier, 1994.
Box 26 Folder 12
Cage, John, 1973.
Box 26 Folder 12
Cahen, Monique, 1999.
Box 26 Folder 12
Cahill, Christopher, 1996-1997.
Box 26 Folder 12
Calder, John, 1965.
Box 26 Folder 13
Callas, Margot, 1962-1963, 1973.
Box 26 Folder 13 Box 47 Folder 11
Callery, Mary, 1960-1964.
Box 26 Folder 13
Cameron, Charles, 1965.
Box 26 Folder 13
Cameron, Dan, 1980.
Box 26 Folder 13
Cameron, David, 2002, 2006.
Box 26 Folder 13
Campbell, Anneke, 1982-1983.
Box 26 Folder 14
Campbell, James, 1977.
Box 26 Folder 14
Campbell-Sposito, Mary, 1992-1993.
Box 26 Folder 14
Campos, Augusto de, 1964.
Box 26 Folder 14
Cancellieri, Franco, 1967.
Box 26 Folder 14
Canfield, Eve, 1986.
Box 26 Folder 14
Canfield, Franklin, 1998.
Box 26 Folder 15
Canmer Art Conservation (Dana Cranmer), 2000.
Box 26 Folder 15
Cannon, Catherine and Kate Heathrow, 1984.
Box 26 Folder 15
Caradec, François, 1986-1992.
Box 26 Folder 15
Cardenas, Djamal (son of Bloom), 2001.
Box 26 Folder 15
Carcanet Press (Keith Goldsmith and Michael Schmidt), 1986-1993.
Box 26 Folder 15
Carriere, Emmanuel, 1988, 1995-1996, 2000.
Box 27 Folder 1
Carrignon, Christian, undated.
Box 27 Folder 1
Carroll, Paul, 1961.
Box 27 Folder 1
Caruso, Vana, 1969.
Box 27 Folder 1
Carvel, Cody, 2004.
Box 27 Folder 1
Caselli, Guiseppina, 1957-1959.
Box 27 Folder 1
[Cassino], David, 1993.
Box 27 Folder 2
Castle, Frederick Ted, 1985-1986, 1993.
Box 27 Folder 2
Caulfield, Frank and Hope, 1984.
Box 27 Folder 2
Cerquiglini, Bernard , 2002.
Box 27 Folder 2
Chadwick, Cydney, 1996, 2001.
Box 27 Folder 2
Chaillet, Catherine, 1988.
Box 27 Folder 2
Chaix, Elisabeth (DouDou or DonDon), 1994-2000.
Box 27 Folder 3
Chaix, Emilie, 1995-1996.
Box 27 Folder 3
Chaix, Lenore, 1995, 2006.
Box 27 Folder 3
Chaix, Marie, 1991-1992, 2001.
Box 27 Folder 3
Chambe, Frédéric, 1984.
Box 27 Folder 3
Chandler, Mary, 1970-1991.
Box 27 Folder 3
Chao, Phoebe, 1978.
Box 27 Folder 4
Chapman, Stanley, 1991, 1994, 2001.
Box 27 Folder 4
Chase, Lyn, 1984.
Box 27 Folder 4
Chaumont, Charles, 1969.
Box 27 Folder 4
Chenetier, Marc, 1985-1998, undated.
Box 27 Folder 4
Chenot, Beatrice, 1986.
Box 27 Folder 4
Charlip, Remy, 1974.
Box 27 Folder 4
Chicago Review (Sarah E. Lauzen and Eirik Steinhoff), 1981-1983, 2001.
Box 27 Folder 5
Child, Julia, undated.
Box 27 Folder 5
Cholodenko, Marc, 1988.
Box 27 Folder 5
Chopin, Henri, 1964.
Box 27 Folder 5
Chruszcynski, Piotr, 1986.
Box 27 Folder 5
Cianci, Paula, 2001.
Box 27 Folder 5
Cixous, Hélène, 1970-1971.
Box 27 Folder 6
Clark, Alan J., 1997.
Box 27 Folder 6
Clark, Faith, 2006.
Box 27 Folder 6
Clark, Paula, undated.
Box 27 Folder 6
Clark, Tom, 1966-1969.
Box 27 Folder 6
Clemente, Francisco, 1987.
Box 27 Folder 6
Cline, Karen, 1999.
Box 27 Folder 7
Clute, Judith, 2000.
Box 27 Folder 7
Coach House Press (Margaret McClintock), 1994.
Box 27 Folder 7
Codrescu, Andrei, 2004.
Box 27 Folder 7
Coffee House Press (Christopher Fischbach), 2003-2004.
Box 27 Folder 7
Coffey, Michael, 1984.
Box 27 Folder 7
Cohen, Alex, 1985.
Box 27 Folder 8
Cohen, Keith, 1968-2005.
Box 27 Folder 8
Cohen, Marc and Susan Bacon, 1989.
Box 27 Folder 9
Cohen, Paula, 1968-1981.
Box 27 Folder 9
Coleman, Les, 1991.
Box 27 Folder 9
Coleman, Victor, 1975-1976.
Box 27 Folder 9
Colling, Jane, 1990-1997.
Box 27 Folder 9
Colorado Mountain College, 1971.
Box 27 Folder 9
Colva Books (Graeme Hobbs), 2002.
Box 27 Folder 10
Comden, Betty, 1979.
Box 27 Folder 10
Common Knowledge (Vee Cocke and Robert Nelson), 1994.
Box 27 Folder 10
Compton, Shanna, 2005.
Box 27 Folder 10
Conchord Cayo Hueso, Inc., 1999.
Box 27 Folder 10
Condominas, Bloum, 1985-2002.
Box 27 Folder 10
Condominas, Georges, 1971-1988.
Box 27 Folder 11
Condominas, Laurent, 1976-1977, 1985, 1992.
Box 27 Folder 11
Consenstein, Peter, 2005.
Box 27 Folder 11
Contat, Michael, 1984.
Box 27 Folder 11
Contemporary Novelists (Susan Brown), 1995.
Box 27 Folder 11
Conway, [Meny], 1984.
Box 27 Folder 11
Cook, Al, 1988.
Box 27 Folder 12
Cooper, George, undated.
Box 27 Folder 12
Cooper, Robert and Mitsuk Uchida, 1982.
Box 27 Folder 12
Coover, Robert, 1987-1999.
Box 27 Folder 12
Corbett, Bill, 1991-200