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Francis Campbell Macauley scrapbook on Dante Alighieri


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This scrapbook of 19th century material related to Dante was likely compiled by Francis Campbell Macauley. Macauley, an archaeologist and student of Romance languages, was born in Philadelphia in 1844. According to a paper given at the Pennsylvania Library Club in 1901, he helped to found the Department of American Ethnology at the Penn Museum and assisted Dr. William Pepper in founding the University's Archaeological Association. As a student of Romance languages, he spent many years in Italy, where he died in 1896. Macauley collected a large number of editions of Dante's works and other material related to Dante, 2500 volumes of which he bequeathed to the University Library. The subject matter of the scrapbook, a small Italian news article about Macauley in the front of the volume, and Macauley's name written on several of the items lead to the conclusion that it was he who compiled the scrapbook (none of the articles is dated for after his death).

The scrapbook contains a variety of printed items related to Dante. Most of the 116 items are newspaper or journal articles; for a list of publications represented see the Scope and Contents note below. Article topics range from critical readings of lines of the Divine Comedy and reviews of new editions, translations and commentaries on Dante's works to news reports on the Dante Festival held in Florence in 1864. These articles come from as many as 38 different periodicals. Also included in the scrapbook are several portraits of Dante, other printed ephemera such a letter from the Dante Society of Cambridge, MA and an appeal in five languages for contributions toward the erection of a Dante Masoleum in Ravenna, and excerpts from several books, including Vassallo-Paleologo's Concordance to the Divine Comedy. For many of the articles, Macauley either recorded the name and date of the publication or clipped the newspaper's masthead and included it with the article. Unfortunately, some of the items in the scrapbook cannot be confidently attributed; where this is the case, a note appears in the finding aid.

Articles in the scrapbook date from between 1820 and 1895 but appear out of chronological order. The plate inside the front cover of the scrapbook—a "Patent Guardless Scrapbook"—states that its style was patented in March, 1892, dating the scrapbook itself to after that date. Macauley must have collected the items over the course of his life and pasted them into the scrapbook all at the same time, or perhaps a friend of his found the clippings after his death and pasted them into a scrapbook to keep them together.

Items in the scrapbook come from the following sources.

Periodicals: N.B. The only information readily available on some of these publications comes from items in the scrapbook. Therefore some periodicals on the list below have fuller records than others.

L'Abbreviatore ossia appendice critica a tutti i giornali e altri fogli di novità librarie. Bologna, 1820-?

The Academy: a monthly record [sometimes "a weekly review"] of literature, science and art. London? 1869-1902. (Merged with Literature. Then: Academy and 'Literature.' Then: Plain English. Then absorbed into English Review)

L'Agone: Rivista di Letteratura Teatri ed Arte. Palermo, n.d.

The Athenæum. London, 1828-1921

La Biblioteca delle Scuole Italiane. Torino, 1889-?

Bolletino Bibliografico?

Bolletino Librario. Venice, n.d.

The Boston Herald. Boston, 1846-present

La Civiltà Cattolica. Naples and Rome, 1850-?

Il Corriere Apuano. Pontremoli? n.d.

The Daily Graphic: An Illustrated Evening Newspaper. New York, 1873-1889

Fanfulla della Domenica. Rome, 1879-1919

The Florence Gazette. Florence, 1890-1915

Gazzetta del Popolo: Letteraria-Artistica-Scientifica-Illustrata. Torino, 1848-1945

Gazzetta Letteraria. Torino, 1877-1883. According to a few items in the scrapbook, this journal was also published in Milan.

Gazzetta di Venezia. Venice, 1848-1850. (Previous title: Gazzetta privilegiata di Venezia. Succeeding title: Gazzetta ufficiale di Venezia)

Die Gegenwart: Wochenschrift für Literatur, Kunst und öffentliches Leben. Berlin, 1872-1931

Il Giornale Illustrato. Torino and Florence, 1864-?

Giornale Dantesco. Verona, Venice, Florence, 1894-1943

La gioventù giornale di letteratura e d'istruzione (Title given by Macauley. Possibly La Gioventù: Ragguagli d'educazione e d'istruzione. Florence, 1862-1871)

L'Illustration. Paris, 1843-1944

Lippincott's Magazine. Philadelphia, 1868-1915. Became McBride's Magazine in 1915, merged with Scribner's Magazine in 1916.

The Literary World. New York, 1847-1853

The Nation. New York, 1865-present

Nuova Giornale dei letterati. Pisa, 1822-1839. (Previous title: Giornale scientifico e letterario dell'Accademia di Scienze Lettere ed Arti. Succeeding title: Giornale toscano di scienze mediche fisiche e naturali)

Nuova Giornale di Storia Moderna Patriottica. Venice? n.d.

Nuove pubblicazioni Dantesche. Milan, n.d.

L'Occhialetto: Rivista artistica, letteraria, mondana. Naples, n.d.

Il Ravennante. Ravenna, n.d.

Ricordi Filologici e Letterari. Pistoia, 1847-?

Rivista Bibliografica Italiana. Florence, 1886-1919

Rivista Didascalia: Organo della R. Società Didascalia Italiana. Rome, 1887-1888. (previous title: L'Annotation)

Rivista italiana di Filosofia. Florence, Rome, Pavia, 1886-1898

Rivista Nazionale? (There have been many publications with this title in modern Italian printing; it is difficult to determine which of these publications is actually represented in the scrapbook)

La Rivista Popolare: Politica economica, scientifica, letteraria, artistica. Rome, 1893-1896

Rivista Universale. Genova, 1867-1878. (Previous title: Annali Cattolici. Succeeding title: La Rassegna nazionale)

Roma Letteraria. Rome, 1893-1922

Gli Studi in Italia: Periodico didattico scientifico e letterario. Rome, 1878-1884


Vassallo-Paleologo, Francesco. La Concordanza Dantesca: Opera Necessaria a Trovare Qualunque Pensiero della Divina Commedia. Girgenti: Stamperia Provincale-Commerciale di Salvatore Montes, 1883.

Strenna filologica modenese per l'anno 1863. By Giovanni Galvani, conte. Modena: Tip. dell'Immacolata Concezione, 1862.

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Catalogo collettivo nazionale delle Pubblicazioni periodiche. Rome: Istituto di Studi sulla Ricerca e Documentazione Scientifica, 1990. Laws, Anna C. "The Dante Collection at the University of Pennsylvania." Pennsylvania Library Club Occasional Papers, No. 10. Philadelphia: Edward Stern and Co., 1901. The Waterloo Directory of Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900. Waterloo, Ont.: Published for the University of Waterloo by Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1976.

University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
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Half of a broadside containing two poems: Canzone d'amore, by Francesco Cimmino, and Il Viaggio, by Ettore Moschino. No publication information.
Page inside front cover
...' amore... Linguaglossa. [Title incomplete] Music by Enrico de Leva. Napoli, R. Tipografia de Angelis & Bellisario, Portamedina alla Pignasecca, 44. Probably from L'Occhialetto..
Page inside front cover
Portrait of Dante Alighieri. By E. Pazzi. Proprietà artistica Jubal Sbolci, Firenze, 1865 February.
Page inside front cover
Le Purissime: Beatrice, Laura, La Pulzella. Three poems by Arturo Colautti. From L'Occhialetto: Rivista artistica, letteraria, mondana, Naples, 1895 January 12.
Page inside front cover
Un archeologo americano. Short article on the travels of Francis Campbell Macauley. No publication information.
Page first page of scrapbook
Fatti e Non Chiacchiere sul Nuovo Monumento a Dante Alighieri in Firenze, ai Signori Direttori di Alcuni Fogli Periodici Fiorentini. By Oreste Raggi, from Supplemento al N. 81 del Giornale--Il Corriere Apuano, 1864 October 22.
Page 1
Le Dante Recontre Matilda, D'Apres Le Tableau de M. Maignan. Broadside engraving from L'Illustration, 1881 November 5.
Item 3
La Dannazione secondo il concetto dantesco. By Ernesto Lamma, from Fanfulla Della Domenica, 1895 June 6.
Page 4-5
Un verso della Divina Commedia. No publication information.
Page 5
Un verso del Purgatorio. No publication information.
Page 5
Dante e la Psichiatria, Lettera a Cesare Lombroso. By Bernardo Chiara, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Torino, 1894 April 14.
Page 6-7
Nuova Beatrice. Poem by Mannio, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Milano-Torino, 1895 February 9.
Page 7
Una Contraddizione Dantesca. By Antonio Catalano, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Milano-Torino, 1895 April 20.
Page 8
Ancora «Una Contraddizione Dantesca.» By Domenico Graffeo, from Gazzetta Letteraria, 1895 May 18.
Page 8
Ancora di Una Contraddizione Dantesca. By Prof. Ettore Penco, from Gazzetta Letteraria, 1895 May 25.
Page 9
L'Eterna "Contraddizione Dantesca." By Domenico Graffeo, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Milano-Torino, 1895 June 15.
Page 10
Perchè la Pretesa "Contraddizione Dantesca" Non Sia Stata Avvertita Prima D'Ora. By Benedeto Plebani, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Milano-Torino, 1895 June 22.
Page 11
La Contraddizione Dantesca e il Prof. Pio Rajna. By Antonio Catalano, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Milano-Torino, 1895 July 13.
Page 12
Per Un'Altra Difesa di Dante. By G. Zambruni, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Milano-Torino, 1895 July 13.
Page 12
Literature of the Day: Dante and his Circle; with the Italian Poets preceding him. Edited and tranlated in the original Metres by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Revised and rearranged edition. Review, from Lippincott's Magazine, 1876 February.
Page 13
Dante Praises Beatrice. Poem by Titus Munson Coan, from Lippincott's Magazine, 1874 August.
Page 13
On Reading Dante's "New Life." Poem by Titus Munson Coan, from Lippincott's Magazine, 1874 October.
Page 13
Gli Studi danteschi in Sicilia. By Camillo Antona-Traversi, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Torino, 1894 November 10.
Page 14
Una Questione Importante. By Giuseppe Lesca-Rossetti, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Torino, 1889 October 5.
Page 15
Nei Parentali di Beatrice III. By Nerino Bianchi, from Gazzetta del Popolo della Domenica, Torino, 1890 July 20.
Page 17
A. Pisani: L'ideale politico di Dante.--Bari 1893. By E.P., from Revista italiana di Filosofia, 1894 September-October.
Page 17
Note Dantesche: Venere o Sole? By Miriam, from Fanfulla della Domenica, Rome, 1893 December 10.
Page 18
Intorno a un greco epigramma su Dante. By Prof. Francesco di Mento, from Fanfulla della Domenica, Rome, 1889 October 27.
Page 19
Note Dantesche. A.G. Del Noce. By Guido Andrea Pintacuda, from L'Agone, Palermo, 1895 March 10.
Page 21
La Psicologia Dell'Arte nella Divina Commedia. By Annibale Pastore, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Torino, 1894 June 16.
Page 22-23
Ritratti di' Dante e di Brunetto dipinti da Giotto nel Bargello, quali furono prima del restauro. No attribution or publication information.
Page 23
Della prima, e principale allegoria del poema di Dante, discorso di Giovanni Marchetti. Per Bamberini e Parmeggiani 1819. Review, from L'Abbreviatore ossia Appendice critica..., Bologna, 1820 Febraury 12.
Page 23
Sempre la Contraddizione Dantesca. By Antonio Redaeli, from Gazzetta Letteraria.
Page 24
Letter: "Il signor Domenico Graffeo, difendendo l'opinione del Catalano contro quelle dei numerosi suoi contradditori del N. 18 della Letteraria..." By G.B., no publication information.
Page 25
Perchè Dante Non È Popolare. By Agostino Capovilla, from Roma Letteraria, Rome, 1895 October 10.
Page 25
Nota Dantesca: Di un nuova interpretatzione del verso «Pape Satan, pape Satan aleppe». By Azeglio Valgimigli, from Fanfulla della Domenica, 1892 November 6.
Page 26
L'Autore dell'Epigrafe che si legge sul sepolcro di Dante. By Ludovico Frati, from Fanfulla della Domenica, 1889 June 30.
Page 26
Se il Commento Palatino alla Divina Commedia possa attribuirsi a Tàlice da Ricaldone. By Benedetto Plebani, from Gazzetta Letteraria, Torino, 1893 June 14.
Page 27
Aberrazioni Straniere: Dante Alighieri e Adam de Ros. By Aurelia Josz, from Fanfulla dell Domenica, Rome, 1895 October 6.
Page 28-29
Dante. The Great National Teacher, Poet, Statesman, and Seer: A Study (Continuation). By E.A. Le Mesurier, from The Florence Gazette, 1894 February 24.
Page 31-32
Dante. The Great National Teacher, Poet, Statesman, and Seer: A Study (Conclusion). By E.A. Le Mesurier, from The Florence Gazette, 1894 March 3.
Page 32-33
Dubbi sulla lezione di un verso nelle Liriche di Dante. From Strenna Filologica, modenese, 1862.
Page 33
Celebrazione del Sesto Centenario di Dante in Firenze. From Il Giornale Illustrato, Torino, 1864 June 18.
Page 35
Three woodcuts from La Divina Commedia, "disegni del 1447." From Il Giornale Illustrato, Torino, 1864 June 25.
Page 34
The Dante Festival. By H.C. Barlow, M.D., from The Athenæum, 1864 February 13.
Page 35
On the subject of 'Dante at Verona,' Mr. Leighton's new picture, Dr. Barlow desires to make the following remarks:—. By H.C. Barlow, from The Athenæum, 1864 March 19.
Page 35
"The Town Council of Florence... have resolved to ask of the city of Ravenna, as a brotherly gift, the earthly remains of Dante..." From The Athenæum, 1864 June 18.
Page 36
"The discovery of Dante's bones, twelve days after the celebration of his tercentenary birthday, has created no small sensation and delight in Italy..." From The Athenæum, 1865 June 10.
Page 36
"The discovery of Dante's bones continues to occupy the Italian press in no small degree..." From The Athenæum, 1865 June 17.
Page 36
The Dante Festival. By C., from The Athenæum, 1865 May 27.
Page 36-37
"We derive the following details concerning the Dante Festival in Florence from the Gazette Musicale..." From The Athenæum, 1865 April 29.
Page 38
Dante's Beatrice. By J.M.H., from The Athenæum, 1864 November 26.
Page 38
The Influence of Beatrice. By H.C. Barlow, from The Athenæum, 1864 December 24.
Page 38
Critical, Historical, and Philosophical Contributions to the Study of the Divina Commedia. By Henry Clark Barlow, M.D. Review from The Athenæum, 1864 November 19.
Page 38-39
Dante at Naples. By H.C. Barlow, from The Athenæum, 1874 April 4.
Page 40
Le Cinque Spade. By H.C. Barlow, from The Athenæum, 1867 July 20.
Page 41
The Comedy of Dante Allighieri. Part I.—The Hell. Translated into Blank Verse by W.M. Rosetti. With Introductions and Notes. Review from The Athenæum, 1865 April 1.
Page 42
Dante and his Translator. By W.M. Rossetti, from The Athenæum, 1865 April 8.
Page 42
Strong. By W.M. Rossetti, from The Athenæum, 1865 April 15.
Page 42
Dante's Divine Commedy: Inferno. Translated by Warburton Pike. Review from The Athenæum, 1881 August 6.
Page 43
Dante's Divine Commedy. Translated into English, in the Metre and Triple Rhyme of the Original, with Notes, by Mrs. Ramsay. Paradiso. Review from The Athenæum, 1864 March 5.
Page 44
A Translation of Dante's Eleven Letters, with Explanatory Notes and Historical Comments. By C.S. Latham. Edited by G.R. Carpenter. With Preface by C.E. Norton. Review by Paget Toynbee, from The Academy, 1892 April 2.
Page 45
Dante: Selections from the Inferno. With Introduction and Notes by H.B. Cotterill, B.A. Review from The Athenæum, 1874 November 14.
Page 47
The Dante Exhibition. With woodcut illustration captioned "Visitors Inspecting the Dante Loan Collection in the Lecture Room of Dr. Williams's Library, Gordon Square." From The Daily Graphic, 1893 April 15.
Page 48
In the Footsteps of Dante. By E.S., from The Nation, 1888 October 4.
Page 48-49
The Women of Dante. A Critical Study of Francesca and Beatrice. By Sig. Teodoro Serrao, from The Sunday Herald, Boston, 1889 March 10.
Page 50
Butler's Translation of Dante's Purgatory. Review from The Nation, 1880 December 2.
Page 51
Dante's "Vita Nuova." By Edward H. Bell, from The Academy, 1880 December 11.
Page 52
Dante's "Vita Nuova." By James Morison, from The Academy, 1880 December 18.
Page 52
"The London Athenæum for September 29 announces the speedy publication by the Cambridge University Press of an important work on the 'Divine Comedy' by Dr. Moore..." From The Nation, 1888 October 25.
Page 52
Fay's Concordance to the Divine Comedy. Review, from The Nation, 1888 October 25.
Page 52-53
The Interpretation of Dante, Paradiso, IV., 67-69. By E. Moore, from The Academy, 1879 November 15.
Page 54-55
Two Early Commentaries on Dante. By E. Moore, from The Academy, 1881 October 8.
Page 57
A New Version of Dante. By Eleanor Hull, from The Literary World, 1893 September 29.
Page 59
Die Frau eines großen Dichters. By J.U. Scartazzini, from Die Gegenwart, Berlin, 1879 February 22.
Page 60-61
Di Frau eines großen Dichters. (Schluß.) By J.U. Scartazzini, from Die Gegenwart, Berlin, 1879 March 1.
Page 62-63
Il Congresso della Dante Allighieri: La Solenne Inaugurazione, I preliminari e l'ordine del giorno. From Gazzetta di Venezia, Venice, 1892 August 8.
Page 64
Supplemento all'Inferno di Dante. From Nuovo Giornale di Storia Moderna Patriottica.
Page 65
Il Congresso della Dante Allighieri: Seduta tumultuosa. From Gazzetta di Venezia, Venice, 1892 August 9.
Page 66
Per Dante Alighieri. By Antonio Rizzuti, from Rivista Didascalica, Rome, 1887 November.
Page 67
Vassallo-Paleologo F. — La Concordanza Dantesca. Review from Rivista Didascalica, Rome, 1887 November.
Page 67
Il Congresso della Dante Allighieri: L'ultima giornata From Gazzetta di Venezia, Venice, 1892 August 10.
Page 68
Nota Dantesca (In proposito dei versi 142-144 del VI canto del "Purgatorio") All'illustre professore Isidoro Del Lungo. By Orazio Bacci, from La Biblioteca Delle Scuole Italiane, 1892 July 16.
Page 70-71
Centenario di Dante. By Guido Corsini, from La gioventù giornale di letturatura e d'istruzione, 1863 October 15.
Page 72
Ancora per il Contrapasso in Dante. By Dr. Lorenzo Filomusi Guelfi, from La Biblioteca delle Scuole Classiche Italiane, 1894 April 15.
Page 73
Rivista Bibliografica: Le ragioni dell'istoria secondo la mente de Dante Alighieri. per Giovanni Franciosi prof. di lettere italiane. By G. Rolli, from Rivista Universale, pubblicazione periodica, Florence, 1871 February.
Page 74-75
Bibliografia: La Piccarda Donati. Racconto Storico fiorentino dell'Ab. Michele Bongini. By Giovanni Pierini, from Rivista nazionale..., 1861 June 25.
Page 76-77
Bibliografia: La Piccarda Donati. Racconto Storico fiorentino dell'ab. Michele Bongini. (Continuazione e fine). By Giovanni Pierini, from Rivista nazionale..., 1861 July 10.
Page 78-79
Gazzetta del Centenario di Dante. From Il Ravennate, Ravenna, 1865 July 13.
Page 81
Rivista: I secoli dei due sommi Italiani Dante e Colombo studiati e delineati da Tullio Dandolo: frammento d'una storia del pensiero ne' tempi moderni. Review from La Civiltà Cattolica, Rome, 1853 October 1.
Page 82-83
"In a Circular issued in June last, the Dante Society of Cambridge, Massachusetts, announced its intention of publishing the hiterto inedited Comment on the Divine Comedy by Benvenuto da Imola..." Letter from the Council of the Dante Society: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Russell Lowell, Charles Eliot Norton, Justin Winsor, Philip Coombs Knapp, Jr., and John Woodbury., 1881 December.
Page 84
Sottoscrizione Mondiale per l'Erezione di un Mausoleo a Dante Alighieri in Ravenna (Italia). Broadside printed in Italian, French, Spanish, German and English.
Page 85
Extract from The Whitehaven News: "The translation of Dante's Inferno, by Mr George having a very favourable reception..." No publication information, 1893 September 21.
Page 86
"The undersigned publisher of the Giornale Dantesco...has the honor of presenting you with a summary of the writings which the periodical has contained during the first two years of its existence..." Letter from Leo S. Olschki, publisher of Giornale Dantesco, Venice, 1895 April.
Page 87
Portrait of Dante. By R. Sanzio, engraved by R. Morghen.
Page 89
La Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri. Bologna, presso di Ricardo Massi. Title page and frontispiece to edition, with a portrait of Dante by A. Marche and a woodcut of Ugolino and his children.
Page 89
Portrait of Dante. By Dom. Bonatti.
Page 91
Il Secondo Pellegrinaggio di Dante. By F. Orsi, from La Rivista Popolare, Rome, 1894 September 1.
Page 92
Il Secondo Pellegrinaggio di Dante. By F. Orsi, from La Rivista Popolare, Rome.
Page 93
La Concordanza Dantesca. By Francesco Vassallo-Paleologo. Preface and 2 leaves of the volume.
Page 95
A Giovanni Duprè per la sua Statuetta La Beatrica di Dante. By Giuseppina Turrisi Colonna. No publication information.
Page 97
Dante in Greco. Reported from Saturday Review.
Page 98
Le Prose di Dante Allighieri con note e illustrazioni varie. Review by R.M., no publication information.
Page 99
La Beatrice di Dante. Studio critico del Prof. Vincenzo Termine Tribona. Review from Bollettino Bibliografico.
Page 100
Il Dante dell'Idiota al cospetto dei dotti per Pietro Fornari. Review by E. Zama, from Gli studi in Italia, ???? May.
Page 101
Lettera al Compilatore. By G.M. Leonardo Casella, from Ricordi Filologici e Letterari, 1848.
Page 105
Giambatista Cereseto delle Scuole Pie. By G.B. Giuliani C.R.S., From Ricordi Filologici e Letterari, 1848.
Page 105
List of publications on Dante. Provenance unclear.
Page 107
Dell'Amore di Dante Alighieri, e del Ritratto de Beatrice Portinari, Commentario primo di Melchior Missirini and Delle Memorie di Dante Alighieri, e del suo Mausoleo in S. Crosce, Commentario secondo di Melchoir Missirini." Review from Nuovo Giornale dei Letterati.
Page 117
Atti dell'Imperiale e Reale Accademia della Crusca, Tomo terzo. Firenze. Tipografia all'Insegna di Dante, 1829. Articolo quinto ed ultimo. Review, no publication information.
Page 125
Dante e il Poter Temporale dei Papi, di Alberto Buscaino Campo. Review, no publication information.
Page 125
Le Bellezze di Dante. Dialoghi di Antonio Cesari C.O. Continuazione del Dialogo primo. No publication information, 1821 October.
Page 141
Le Bellezze di Dante. Dialoghi di Antonio Cesari C.O. Continuazione del Dialogo secondo, 1822 March.
Page 143
La Valle. Par. c. XXII. Small illustration and one terzet of the Paradiso. By Richter.
Page 143
L'Ultimo Rifugio di Dante Alighieri. By Corrado Ricci, from Nuove pubblicazioni Dantesche, Milan.
Page 145
Edizioni della Commedia di Dante Alighieri, Vendibili nella Nuova Libreria all'Insegna di Dante. From Bollettino Librario, Venice, 1872 April.
Page 147
Il Convito di Dante Allighieri. By G.B. Guiliani, with a portrait of Dante.
Page 149

Print, Suggest