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Marsa Matruh, Egypt excavation records
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This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Penn Museum Archives. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Marsa Matruh is the capital of Matruh, the western administrative district of Egypt, a natural harbor situated about 240 km. west of Alexandria, 222 km. east of Sallum on the Libyan border. Today it is known primarily as a tourist resort, but in ancient times it served as a fishing village, and later a resupply harbor for ships trading in the Mediterranean. Known in early Egyptian times to the period of Alexander the Great as Amunia, in the Hellenistic period it became known as Paraitonion, later corrupted to several versions of Bareton. The possibility that part of Mark Anthony’s fleet may have been scuttled here after the Battle of Actium (31 BC) has led to some interest in a marine archaeological survey of the region, but it seems that little has come of this to date. A small island in a lagoon to the east of the city is known by locals as the Island of the Jew, or Desert Island, but has since been known to western archaeologists as Bates’s Island, in honor of archaeologist Oric Bates, who excavated from 1913-1914. Bates had found 14th century Cypriot pottery which served as links between the ancient seagoing peoples and the Egyptian coast. This island (Area I) and parts of the surrounding inland shoreline (Areas II-IX) have been the site of excavations conducted by the University of Pennsylvania under the direction of Donald White in 1985, 1987 and 1989, focusing on late Bronze Age activity. A planned 1986 season had to be cancelled after the American bombing of Libya in the spring of that year. White also made several return visits to examine finds and conduct additional surveys of the region in 1990, 1993, and 1995, with a final brief survey in 1996. After 1989 White acted as editor-in-chief of the two-volume series Marsa Matruh I: the excavation; and Marsa Matruh II: the objects, (Institute for Aegean Prehistory Press, 2002). These two volumes provide further in-depth historical background and archaeological analysis of the site.
After receiving his PhD at Princeton in 1964, Donald White spent much of his life excavating in Libya and in Egypt. In addition, he also taught Greek and Roman archaeology and art history at the Universities of Michigan and Pennsylvania. White began his archaeological career in Morgantina, Sicily, 1959-1962, and later served as Assistant and Co-Director of the Apollonia Expedition in eastern Libya, 1964-1967. Forced to evacuate the site after the outbreak of the Six-Day-War, he later returned to the region where he became Director of the Cyrene Expedition in Libya from 1969-1981. He has served since 1980 as editor-in-chief of the Cyrene project publications. In 1988 he was appointed Professor of Classical Studies at the University Of Pennsylvania, and in 1990 he was named Curator-in-Charge of the Mediterranean Section of the University Museum. In addition to his project publications, White has been the author of numerous articles and monographs. He is an authority on the archaeology of Egypt’s northwest coast and the Libyan Greek Cyrenaica or Pentapolis. Retiring in January 2004, White moved to Cohasset, Massachusetts to complete the final monograph for the 11-volume series on Cyrene, Libya.
The Marsa Matruh, Egypt excavation records comprise 4.2 linear feet of documents, dated from 1983 to 2003, relating to a series of excavations undertaken by the University of Pennsylvania under expedition Director Donald White. The principal excavations took place in 1985, 1987, and 1989, but subsequent surveys and studies were undertaken in 1990, 1995 and 1996. Donald White also served as Editor-in-Chief of the Marsa Matruh publications series Marsa Matruh I: the excavation; and Marsa Matruh II: the objects, (Institute for Aegean Prehistory Press, 2002). The documents in the collection include correspondence, administrative records, reports, excavation records, field notebooks, and object finds documentation both textual and graphic created by White and fellow archaeologists at the Egyptian site. In addition, there are records of concurrent fundraising activities and later object analysis and publication undertaken in America. The documents are virtually all from the professional files of Dr. White, and correspondence is between White and other archaeological team members, publication consultants, government officials in Egypt and administrators at the University of Pennsylvania. Many documents, including correspondence and email, were not dated. When this occurs a year has been supplied in brackets when the document was found in a dated folder or among a collection of similarly dated documents. Almost all of the documents are in English; only occasional Egyptian government licenses and notices are in Arabic, not translated. Further description of the scope and contents of the collection are noted under each series.
- Bailey, Donald M.
- Conwell, David H.
- Gardner, Rita
- Gieringer, David H.
- Green, Roy
- Hadidi, M. Nabil , 1934-
- Hulin, Linda
- McClellan, Murray C.
- Reese, David S., 1954-
- Russell, Pamela
- Schaar, Kenneth W., 1939-
- Simpson, Fiona
- White, Donald, 1935-
- Publisher
- University of Pennsylvania: Penn Museum Archives
- Finding Aid Author
- Finding aid prepared by James R. DeWalt
- Finding Aid Date
- 2015
- Access Restrictions
Although many items from the archives are in the public domain, copyright may be retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law. The user is fully responsible for compliance with relevant copyright law.
Collection Inventory
This series contains almost exclusively correspondence between Donald White and others from 1984 until 1997, and deals with the Marsa Matruh excavations and related scholarly concerns during the active period of excavation and later years when Dr. White returned to the region for further study and survey. Included are communications with excavation team members, other scholars and administrative officials in Egypt. Arrangement is chronological within each year. Some of the correspondence was found undated, including some email communication. Where this occurs, a year designation within brackets indicates that the document was located in a file of this year, or the document was found among other correspondence dating to this year.
Publication correspondence contains files by correspondent and institution relating to the publication of the two-volume series Marsa Matruh I: the excavation; and Marsa Matruh: the objects, (Institute for Aegean Prehistory Press, 2002). All of the correspondents are contributors to these volumes. In the combined Linda Hulin and Fiona Simpson file, Simpson correspondence does not begin until about 1999. The Peabody Museum file refers to objects from the Oric Bates excavations in 1913-1914. The general publication file contains White correspondence dealing mostly with technical aspects of publishing both the Marsa Matruh volumes and various other publications and journal articles.
The administrative series contains documents dealing with the planning and execution of the excavations and surveys at Marsa Matruh. Project plans and proposals include planning for both achieved and aborted projects. Staff applications include brief biographical data as well as passport photocopies, including photographs, for most team members. Egyptian Antiquities Organization license material has official documentation from the Egyptian authorities, not translated. Budgets and expenses include direct University funding information as well as more detailed expenses incurred on site.
This series includes reports filed after each excavation, both general relating to specific topics, by Donald White and other team members. There are also notes for talks or presentations that White made concerning the project. There is very little here concerning the official Marsa Matruh publications.
The fundraising series contains documentation relating to requests for funding from outside grant-making institutions as well as individuals. Included are applications to the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP), as well as the National Geographic Society. Individual donor lists include both persons solicited for donation and American companies doing business in Egypt. It is unclear whether or not any formal attempt was made to contact these companies. Individual donor files contain correspondence with donors, mostly by Donald White or University Museum Director Robert Dyson. The Bates/Satterthwaite file contains correspondence with Mandon Bates and Natica (“Tica”) Bates Satterthwaite, both children of archaeologist Oric Bates, with frequent references to his work at Marsa Matruh in 1913-1914.
Two diaries were kept by Donald While, recording both information from the excavation site and more personal and anecdotal accounts. The first diary includes the 1987 and 1989 excavations, as well as the 1990 survey, with additional detail concerning expenses and equipment. The second diary records travel to Turkey and the 1995 survey of the Egyptian coast, with an added expense list.
Field notebooks from the 1985 and 1987 seasons deal with excavations on Bates Island, known also as the Island of the Jew or Desert Island. The 1985 notebooks record the work of Donald White, Murray McClellan, David Conwell and Kenneth W. Schaar; the 1987 notebooks are from David H. Conwell, Eric H. Gieringer and Roy Green. A small booklet of pottery notes taken by Murray McClellan is probably from the 1985 season.
This series contains printed forms used to record ongoing excavation finds for deposits and ceramics for 1985 and 1987.
A register of samples and finds records objects apart from pottery from the 1985 and 1987 seasons. Objects listed include iron, glass, worked stone, bronze, bone, shell. Some sparse notes include soil and plaster samples from the same seasons. An index card catalogue of finds (Box 9), contains descriptions of objects, including pottery, arranged by season and study year from 1985-1993 and type of find, with photographic contact prints. Documents and correspondence concerning post-excavation analysis of finds include studies by Durham University, U.K., and MASCA (Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology) at the University Museum.
The photograph series includes the original photo catalogue of contact prints, other loose photographs arranged by subject and year, photographs published in Marsa Matruh I: the excavation; and Marsa Matruh II: the objects, (Institute for Aegean Prehistory Press, 2002) arranged by chapter and figure number, and photographs of drawings. All photographs produced by the Marsa Matruh excavation are black and white.
The photo catalogue and contact prints include prints arranged by type (35mm or 2.25 x 2.25”), and within these files by roll and exposure number. There are photo catalogue files from each of the principal seasons (1985, 1987, and 1987) as well as from further study trips in 1990 and 1993. The 35mm prints are almost all object finds; the 2.5" prints include site and excavation views, as well as many photographs not used in publication, including shots of team members and of surroundings at Marsa Matruh. Negatives from this catalogue, as well as negatives and transparancies used in publication are filed separately.
Photographs arranged by subject are in various enlargement sizes, and include objects identified by inventory number, as well as site photographs without any identifying text. The site photographs include satellite imagery, aerial photographs, views of the site (including some probably taken by Natica Satterthwaite in 1989, in color), and photographs taken of the excavation. The pottery and other object photographs in this section are arranged by year of excavation, indicated by the inventory number found on the photograph or subsequently located and marked in pencil on the back of the photograph itself. Photographs in this section are those for which no other identifying information could be found, specifically chapter and figure numbers from the Marsa Matruh volumes. Objects are arranged by inventory number; for example: 85I-P-55 identifies inventory year 1985-pottery-object 55. The object abbreviations are as follows: P=pottery, C=coin, M=miscellaneous metal object, TC=miscellaneous terracotta object, AS=architectural stone, AT=architectural terracotta, SS=structural stone, SO=miscellaneous stone object, G=glass, MO=miscellaneous object. There are also photographs in this section of objects from the Bates excavation in 1913-1914, post excavation study (1990, 1993), and crucible analysis (1996).
Photographs from the Marsa Matruh volumes (represented here as either MMI or MMII) are filed by chapter and labeled in pencil on the back of each photograph with chapter and figure number. Please note that only this pencil notation can be taken as correct, as many tentative chapter and figure numbers written on the photographs were subsequently abandoned. In all cases, where a photograph could be identified by chapter and figure number, it was filed in this section. If there was only an inventory number, it was filed in the previous section by year. Researchers searching for a photograph from the Marsa Matruh volumes are advised to search first in this section by chapter and figure number. If the object is not found, the description in the published volumes may give the original inventory number, and the item can be further searched by year and inventory number in the previous section. There are necessarily missing objects, and there will also be some duplication. Miscellaneous and unidentified objects include compositr photographs, sometimes labeled.
Photographs of drawings include maps, plans and sections, and pottery profiles, mostly intended for publication. Several oversize photographs are filed separately.
The drawings series includes almost exclusively original drawings of pottery and pottery profiles. There are also some drawings of non-pottery objects, and site plans. The arrangement of the pottery files is similar to that of the photographs. Drawings for which only an inventory number was available are arranged by year. Drawings for which a figure number from the Marsa Matruh volumes could be found or determined, are arranged by chapter. These are identified in pencil on the back of each drawing; other markings on the drawing cannot always be trusted. A further set of drawings have neither inventory nor figure number, but most of these have grid numbers, indicating the grid lines from Bates’s Island where the object was found. A plan of the grid line trenches can be found as Plan 2. at the end of Marsa Matruh: the objects, (Institute for Aegean Prehistory Press, 2002). Unidentified pottery drawings probably belong to chapter 12 of this volume, or were originally intended for this chapter. There are several oversize drawings of plans and pottery filed separately.