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Abraham A. Neuman Papers


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: Archives at the Library of the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies [Contact Us]420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3703

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: Archives at the Library of the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The following is a brief sketch of the life of Abraham Neuman, and is intended to highlight the salient facts in his professional and public career. The researcher may wish to consult the Selected Bibliography for a listing of some of the published biographical data.

Dr. Abraham Neuman was born in Brezau, Austria, in September 1890, to Max and Rachel Neuman and was a descendant of an old Rabbinic family. He immigrated to the United States in 1898, at the age of eight. He studied at the Rabbi Isaac Elhanan Yeshiva, Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS). Recognized by the President of JTS, Solomon Schechter, he was appointed as an instructor at the Teachers Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary. He was ordained as a rabbi and received a B.S. from Columbia University in 1912.

In 1913 he joined the faculty of Dropsie College in Philadelphia, where he taught history until 1940. He was appointed associate professor in 1923 and full professor in 1934. Neuman held rabbinical posts at the B'nai Jeshurun congregation from 1919-1927, and the Sephardi congregation Mikveh Israel, the second oldest pulpit in America, from 1927-1940.

Dropsie College President

After Cyrus Adler's death in 1940, Neuman became president of the Dropsie College, which was a post-graduate, non-sectarian and non-professional institution leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He held this post until his retirement in 1966.

Under Neuman's inspiration as second president of Dropsie College, the college expanded its curriculum, appointing new professors and adding new departments. In 1941, departments of Jewish Philosophy and Hebrew Literature were opened. In 1942, the department of History and Semitic Civilization was opened, followed by the department of Assyriology and Egyptology (1944) and Comparative Religion (1945). Neuman recognized the need for a Jewish graduate school of education on American soil. He perceived the deep need for a school of higher education, irrespective of its adherence to either orthodox, conservative or reform Judaism. The school was organized under the direction of Dr. Leo L. Honor in 1946.

The Institute for Israel and the Middle East was established in 1948 and was the first complete unit of Middle East studies at any American university, embracing history, anthropology, economics, religious, social and political institutions in the countries of the Middle East, with parallel courses relating to Israel. The Institute was well-known for training consular and diplomatic personnel. Under Neuman's administration, the enrollment of Jews, Christians and Moslems greatly increased.

From 1940, Dr. Neuman joined forces with Solomon Zeitlin to continue publishing the Jewish Quarterly Review, which had been published for 30 years under the aegis of Dropsie College and, before that, for 20 years in London under the editorship of Claude J. Montefiore and Israel Abrahams. In 1940 this journal almost ceased to exist because of a drop in the number of subscribers coming mainly from Jewish communities in Europe. The Dropsie College correspondence reflects relentless efforts to reach new subscribers.

Dr. Neuman launched the Dropsie College edition of the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, of which seven books in six volumes were published.

Professional and Public Career

Neuman produced a number of works of high scholarly merit, chief among them being The Jews in Spain (two volumes, 1942). The work was based primarily on the responsa of Solomon Ibn Adret (RashBa), and it attempted to reconstruct the social life of the Jews in Spain. It served as a model of research in this type of Jewish source material. Also of importance was Cyrus Adler, a biography (1942) evaluating the life of an exemplary public servant during the period when American Jewry was assuming worldwide responsibilities. Neuman contributed to many scholarly periodicals and some of his important monographs on historical and religious themes were published in 1952 by the Board of Governors of the Dropsie College in "Landmarks and Goals."

Neuman served as chairman of the College Committee of Gratz College and Vice President of the Board of Overseers. He played a leading part in the reorganization of this institution in 1928.

Neuman was a member of the Publication Committee of the Jewish Publication Society of America and a recording secretary of the American Jewish Historical Society. He was associated with the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia as a collaborating editor in the Department of History.

Under Neuman's leadership, the United Synagogue of America erected the Palestine Synagogue Center in Jerusalem. In the Presidential election of 1940, he served as a Democratic Presidential Elector for the State of Pennsylvania.

Neuman was active in the development of the Zionist movement in the United States. He was recognized as a leader in cultural activities throughout the country. Neuman was renowned as an orator, and was much sought after as a public speaker.

Abraham Neuman died on November 20, 1970.

Short List of Affiliations:

Editorial Board for Jewish Apocryphal Literature -- Chairman

Jewish Quarterly Review -- Editor

Gratz College, College Committee -- Trustee and Chairman

Jewish Publication Society of America -- Member of the Publication Committee

Jewish Publication Society of America, Committee of Jewish History -– Chairman

American Jewish Historical Society -- Member, Executive Council and Vice-President

American Jewish Tercentenary Committee -- Associate Chairman

Universal Jewish Encyclopedia -- Revising Editor

American Schools of Oriental Research -- Associate Trustee

Rabbinical Assembly -- Member

American Historical Society -- Member

Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Member

Pennsylvania Constitution Commemoration Committee (150th Anniversary) -- Member

Advisory Committee of the Adult Education Council for Philadelphia -- Member

Better Philadelphia Committee -- Member

National Education Association of the United States -- Member

American Oriental Society -- Member

Commission on Religious Organizations, National Conference of Christians and Jews -- Member

Jewish Historical Society of Israel -- Member

Jewish Academy of Arts and Sciences -- Honorary Fellow

American Academy for Jewish Research -- Honorary Member

Jewish Historical Society of England -- Member

Democratic Presidential Elector for the State of Pennsylvania (1940)

''The World History of the Jewish People" (Medieval Period) -- Editor-in-Chief

The collection ranges in date from about 1910 (almost no earlier material was found in the collection) to 1966, with the bulk of the material relating to the 1940s and 1950s. The material is divided into two distinct groups:

Professional work - consisting of notes, diaries, drafts, manuscripts, articles and correspondence on Neuman's work as a scholar in Jewish History.

Dropsie College material - pertaining to the period of Neuman's presidency of Dropsie College.

While the Dropsie College material was filed alphabetically during Neuman's tenure as president of Dropsie College, the professional material was only generally arranged during the years by Neuman himself. Therefore, the processor arranged this material topically. As personal material was scattered in the various files, an effort was made to gather the material into one box of personal material (Box 9). In spite of this, personal material that was filed originally in the Dropsie College alphabetical files was left untouched.

Group and Series Descriptions

1. Professional and Personal Papers (Boxes 1-20)

As was mentioned above, the professional material was accumulated throughout Neuman's career. Therefore, one may find notes and drafts of articles from an early period of his career, as well as from later periods. Usually the notes and drafts are undated. Except for the Cyrus Adler Biography material, most of the material was unorganized. Therefore, the processor made an effort to group the material in a few boxes. Missing from the collection as a whole is pre-Dropsie College period correspondence with family and colleagues of Dr. Neuman. This might have been kept by the family.

Worth mentioning in this series are:

Addresses (Box 1)

Box 1 consists of addresses made by Neuman on various occasions. The first items on the container list are undated addresses; the rest of the addresses are organized chronologically. The bulk of the material consists of addresses made while Neuman was President of Dropsie College.

For additional information, the researcher may refer to addresses and lectures of Neuman according to specific organizations, universities, etc. in the Dropsie College Correspondence.

Drafts of Books and articles (Boxes 3, 11) and Offprints (Box 8)

These boxes contain drafts of books later published, such as The Jews in Spain, and drafts of articles. Box 8 contains offprints of articles written by Neuman, arranged chronologically. Box 11 also contains typescripts of articles sent to the press.

Correspondence with Neuman on his writings (Box 10)

This box contains correspondence on lectures, articles and books published by Neuman during the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s.

Books of Chronicles (Boxes 6 and 7)

These books were arranged chronologically, probably by Neuman. They include photographs, newspaper clippings and reprints.

Album of Clippings (Box 20)

Arranged probably by Neuman, this album consists of clippings and photographs mainly concerning Neuman's professional activities.

Cyrus Adler Biography (Box 4)

This box contains mainly correspondence with Harry Schneiderman of the American Jewish Committee on the Cyrus Adler biography (1942).

Typescripts and offprints by other authors (Box 5)

Box 5 consists mainly of offprints of articles by other authors. The container list is alphabetically arranged. Correspondence with these authors and sometimes their manuscripts can also be found in the Dropsie College Alphabetical Correspondence.

Notes (Boxes 12-19)

These boxes of notes consist mainly of catalog cards, handwritten by Neuman, including notes for his writings as well as an alphabetical card catalog of various quotations by other authors (Box 17). The notes are in English and Hebrew.

Personal Box (Box 9)

This box consists of scattered material, arranged chronologically: curriculum vitae, correspondence with and by family members, sketches of Neuman, honorary degrees, etc.

2. Dropsie College Correspondence (Boxes 21-91)

Correspondence constitutes the lion's share of the Neuman Papers. This group is arranged alphabetically and includes personal names, corporate names, and subjects. All files are organized in a strict alphabetical order (Ma before Mc-) and each new letter of the alphabet starts with one or more files of "miscellaneous" correspondence. The "miscellaneous" files consist of correspondence with various persons or organizations too slight in extent for each to be given a separate folder. However, an attempt was made to keep the original filing of material, done by assistants and secretaries of Neuman, even if folders are slight. The rare presence of photographs is indicated in the container list.

The container list consists of a description of boxes which are arranged alphabetically. Files of special interest are specifically mentioned in a note on the "scope and contents" of a box. This includes files which contain correspondence - either short or extensive - with well-known figures (scholars, politicians, rabbis, etc.), organizations (for example, the American Jewish Committee, Hadassah, etc.) or institutions (for example, The Jewish Theological Seminary, The Hebrew University). The correspondence reflects not only professional contacts but sometimes Neuman's personal ties. For example, in the Louis Levinthal correspondence, some of the letters belong to the days of Cyrus Adler's presidency of Dropsie College. Another example is correspondence with the Graduate School for Jewish Social Work, which begins with correspondence with Cyrus Adler and continues with correspondence with Abraham Neuman.

Topical Files

Most of the correspondence files relate to individuals, while others concern organizations, activities or topics. Files pertaining to specific topics usually consist of material sent or received through the mail. There are virtually no "vertical files," or collections of what might be called general information about any subject, although many files do include such ephemera as brochures and newspaper clippings. Dr. Neuman or his assistants did not cross-file carbon copies between individual correspondents and subjects. For example, while there is a file of letters exchanged with Moshe Davis, it does not contain every single letter Neuman exchanged with him. Many other letters both to and from Mr. Davis appear in other files. A researcher seeking information on M. Davis should consult files of the Hebrew University, etc.

Individual Files

Files of individual persons contain both the letters received from that individual (and/or his family) and any drafts or carbon copies made of Neuman's letters to that individual. In addition, many files also contain correspondence to and from others about that individual. For example, files relating to faculty members may contain letters of recommendation submitted on their behalf. A few individual boxes or series are worthwhile mentioning:

Cyrus Adler Correspondence

Box 21 contains mostly correspondence between Neuman and Adler, death notices upon Adler's death and correspondence with Mrs. Adler. This box is important in the Neuman collection because it documents Neuman's history at the College and his relationship with Cyrus Adler. Further correspondence between Adler and Neuman can be found in a few files, such as Fundraising in New York (Box 48).

The American Jewish Committee

Correspondence and ephemera of the American Jewish Committee can be found in boxes 24 and 25. For correspondence with specific members of the Committee, see individual files.

Dropsie College Series

Boxes 37, 38 and 39 contain material relating to Dropsie College administrative and financial matters. History examinations of Dropsie College can also be found in this series.

Fundraising Activity

Boxes 46, 47, 48 and 49 contain material on fundraising activity during the 1950s and 1960s. This material was originally arranged according to names of cities and not according to names of states. The original organization was maintained.

The Jewish Quarterly Review

Box 59 contains correspondence regarding the Jewish Quarterly Review (JQR). As a matter of fact, a large portion of the Dropsie College correspondence consists of correspondence with subscribers of the journal, with potential donors and with scholars wishing to publish in the journal. Drafts of articles, correspondence on content and the structure of articles, as well as rejection letters, are numerous.

The Jewish Theological Seminary

Boxes 60 and 61 contain correspondence and ephemera of the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS). Elsewhere in the container list, one may find additional information (for instance, correspondence with faculty of the JTS, JTS publications, cooperation on certain topics between the JTS and Dropsie College, etc.).

The Middle East Institute

Boxes 68, 69, 70 and 71 contain correspondence of and about the Middle East Institute.

Neuman as Dropsie College President

Box 79 consists of material relating to Neuman as president of the Dropsie College. Numerous notes of congratulations, sent to Neuman upon his election to the post in 1940, as well as administrative matters concerning Neuman, can be found in this series.

Certificates, Honorary Degrees

Files 92-97 consist of certificates and honorary degrees conferred upon Neuman. They are all oversized and have been transferred to the oversized documents storage.

Ben-Horin, Meir, Weinryb, Bernard D., Zeitlin, Solomon, eds. Studies and Essays in honor of Abraham A. Neuman, president, Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, Philadelphia: 1962.

Before the present work (1997) of processing and description began, at least two previous attempts were made to process the collection. The first attempts focused on the physical features of the collection: placing the material into acid-free files, replacing old clips with plastic clips, etc. Apparently, the files that were taken care of were randomly selected, and only a small part was processed. Most of the material was later processed alphabetically (roughly 50 boxes of a total of 91) and placed in containers. The phrase "DC 2 A" was added as a notation on each file folder in the Dropsie College Correspondence series. It seems that this procedure was in accordance with the original filing, either by Neuman or by the registrar, Sarai Zausmer (she signed many of the letters). Evidence to this is pencil notations on many of the documents, for example, "File: Levy", or circles around last names. Such notations might have been added when the files were not self-evident from such information as the signator, letterhead, or addressee. Many of these originally bear the notation "DC" indicating that this material was processed by the administration of Dropsie College. The processor continued processing this collection in this manner.

While the Dropsie College correspondence was mostly prearranged, the processor took the liberty of determining whether to place the material alphabetically or chronologically in the Personal and Professional Papers. The processor also split up files to maintain a standard size for each file. When this was done, it was a chronological division.

The researcher is advised to consult the Cyrus Adler Papers, since for the first period of Neuman's presidency at Dropsie College, Neuman added his correspondence to existing files.

Oversize Materials

Certain materials have been removed from their original context within the collection due to their size and format. Certificates, honorary degrees and awards were placed in files and transferred to the Oversized Items collection at the Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies (seven items, files 92-97, see container list).

Rare Items

Two rare items were removed to the Rare Book Collection at the Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies:

--A Hebrew calendar from 1856

--A Sura from the Koran (undated)

Abraham Katsh papers

A few files including correspondence with Abraham Katsh, bearing later dates than the Neuman Papers, have been transferred from the Dropsie College Papers in the A. Neuman files to the Abraham Katsh Papers in the Dropsie College Collection:

--A file regarding the Harris Estate (1968-1969)

--Three files of pamphlets, documents and correspondence with the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (1968-1969).

Insurance Matters (the 1980's)

Two files containing information and correspondence on insurance matters dating from 1980-1983 were transferred to the building management of the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies.

Books Pamphlets

The following publications have been transferred to the Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies:

--International Antiquariaat: Fine and Good Books from the XVth - XXth Cent., including some manuscripts, catalogue no. 49

--Judaica - Hebraica, manuscripts - incunabula Hebrew books printed on vellum; Jewish and Hebrew Books 1500-1943; Catalogue no. 95

University of Pennsylvania: Archives at the Library of the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
Finding Aid Author
Anat Banin.
Finding Aid Date
1997 September 25
Access Restrictions

Box 87, File Folder 8 contains personal information about Dropsie College employees and therefore access is restricted.

Collection Inventory

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Neuman Finding Aid.
Box 1 Folder 1
Bibliography, 1966.
Box 1 Folder 2

"Jewish Culture in America: A Call We Must Heed" (delivered at Dropsie College).
Box 1 Folder 3
"Sesquicentennial International Exposition, 150 Years of Independence".
Box 1 Folder 4
Dedication of the Hebrew University (in Jerusalem).
Box 1 Folder 5
"The Contributions of Dropsie College to Jewish Scholarship".
Box 1 Folder 6
Excerpt from an Address in Binghamton.
Box 1 Folder 7
"An Historian Views the Contemporary Scene" (delivered at Hebrew Teachers College, Boston), 1952 June 15.
Box 1 Folder 8
Excerpt of an Address on the Historic Role of Judaism among the Great Religions of the Modern World.
Box 1 Folder 9
"Israel and Diaspora".
Box 1 Folder 10
Address before the Miller Community Center.
Box 1 Folder 11
"Jefferson, a Symbol and a Promise", 1924 October 30.
Box 1 Folder 12
Scope and Contents

Address at the Dedicatory Exercises of the Samuel Gustine Thompson Annex of the Jefferson Hospital

Passover, 1928 May 2.
Box 1 Folder 13
"Eulogy for Louis Marshall", 1929 September 4.
Box 1 Folder 14
"Palestine and its Issues", 1929 September 16.
Box 1 Folder 15
Address to Congregation Mikveh Israel, 1929 September.
Box 1 Folder 16
Radio Addresses, 1928-1951.
Box 1 Folder 17
"Immigration and its Influences", 1933 May 1.
Box 1 Folder 18
Address , 1938 June 17.
Box 1 Folder 19
"Judaism and Western Civilization", 1939 February.
Box 1 Folder 20
Extract of an Address delivered at the United Synagogue Convention, 1940 May 11.
Box 1 Folder 21
Address delivered at the Dedication of the George Washington -- Robert Morris -- Haym Salomon Monument, 1941 December 15.
Box 1 Folder 22
Founders Day Address, 1941.
Box 1 Folder 23
Commencement and Founders Day of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, 1943 February 24.
Box 1 Folder 24
"Trumpet of Freedom," delivered on "I am an American Day", 1943 May 16.
Box 1 Folder 25
Palestine Society, 1944 November 15.
Box 1 Folder 26
"The Destiny of American Judaism," Commencement address at the Institute of Jewish Religion, 1945 January.
Box 1 Folder 27
Symposium, 1945 December.
Box 1 Folder 28
"The Mighty Oak into Which American Jewry Has Grown", 1946 April.
Box 1 Folder 29
Women's League of the United Synagogue, 1946 November 26.
Box 1 Folder 30
Louisville, Kentucky, 1948 March 3.
Box 1 Folder 31
"The Impact of Israel Upon American Jewry", 1949.
Box 1 Folder 32
Scope and Contents

One of a "Series of Five Broadcast Talks," Station WEVD, under the Auspices of the Dropsie College. Also includes addresses by Robert Szold, the Honorable Arthur Lourie, Rabbi Louis I. Newman and the Honorable Edwin Samuel.

"Scholarship vs Partisanship", 1950 January.
Box 1 Folder 33
"A Bridge of Understanding", 1951 May 28.
Box 1 Folder 34
National Council for Jewish Education, 1951 May 31.
Box 1 Folder 35
National Council for Jewish Education, 1951 May 31.
Box 1 Folder 36
Address delivered at the American Association for Jewish Education, 1952 June 7.
Box 1 Folder 37
"An Historian Views the Contemporary Jewish Scene", 1952.
Box 1 Folder 38
"Akiba: A Symbol and an Inspiration", 1953 September 4.
Box 1 Folder 39
"Contribution of Jews to America--300 Years", 1953 October 6.
Box 1 Folder 40
"Raising the Curtain on History" (delivered at the American Jewish Historical Society), 1954 February 20.
Box 1 Folder 41
"The Evolving American Jewish Community" (delivered at the National Conference of Jewish Communal Service), 1954 May 15.
Box 1 Folder 42
Founders Day Celebration of the Dropsie College, 1955 June 2.
Box 1 Folder 43
"Jewish Renaissance in America and Israel" (Jubilee Celebration of Dropsie College), 1957 May 22.
Box 1 Folder 44
Federation, 60th Anniversary, 1959 September.
Box 1 Folder 45
"Biographical Notes of a College President", 1960 May 27.
Box 1 Folder 46
Convocation in honor of Abraham Neuman, 1961 April.
Box 1 Folder 47
Radio Broadcast--duplicates, 1932-1940.
Box 1 Folder 48
Jewish Center Lecture Bureau, 1946-1956.
Box 2 Folder 1
Lecture Bureau, Harry Walker, 1948-1950.
Box 2 Folder 2
United Synagogue Lecture Bureau, 1949.
Box 2 Folder 3
Lecture fees, 1943-1954.
Box 2 Folder 4
Lecture Correspondence, 1941-1964.
Box 2 Folder 5
Accounts, 1963-1964.
Box 2 Folder 6
The Jews in Spain (1).
Box 3 Folder 1
The Jews in Spain (2).
Box 3 Folder 2
The Jews in Spain (3).
Box 3 Folder 3
The Jews in Spain.
Box 3 Folder 4
Box 3 Folder 5
Box 3 Folder 6
The Jews in the Ottoman Empire.
Box 3 Folder 7
The Jews in the Ottoman Empire and notes.
Box 3 Folder 8
The Jews in the Ottoman Empire (typescript).
Box 3 Folder 9
The Jews in the Ottoman Empire.
Box 3 Folder 10
Cyrus Adler biography, correspondence with Harry Schneiderman of the Ameican Jewish Committee, 1940.
Box 4 Folder 1
Cyrus Adler biography, correspondence with Harry Schneiderman of the American Jewish Committee, 1941-1942.
Box 4 Folder 2
Cyrus Adler biography and correspondence.
Box 4 Folder 3
Cyrus Adler biography acknowledgements, 1942.
Box 4 Folder 4
Cyrus Adler biography acknowledgements, 1940-1942.
Box 4 Folder 5
Cyrus Adler's biography: his death and resolutions, etc., 1940-1941.
Box 4 Folder 6
Cyrus Adler: A Biographical Sketch, 1940.
Box 4 Folder 7
Related Materials

For additional biographical data on Dr. Adler, see also Box 22

Typescripts and Offprints by Various Authors (including Hyman Schor and Leon Schmookler).
Box 5 Folder 1
Report on the Jews of Prague, unknown author, 1958.
Box 5 Folder 2
"Tribus Semi-nomades de la Palestine du Nord" by Touvia Ashkenazi, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 3
Correspondence with, about and by Touvia Ashkenazi, 1945-1947.
Box 5 Folder 4
Scope and Contents

The file includes a copy of the periodical Asia and the Americas from April 1946 which contains an article by Touvia Ashkenazi

"Democracy and Judaism" by S. Baron.
Box 5 Folder 5
"Rabbi Joseph Ben Segelmas: The Forgotten Writer and his Liturgical Hems" by Shimon Bernstein, 1957.
Box 5 Folder 6
"The Existentialist Trend in Theology" by Samuel S. Cohon (Reprinted from Yearbook, Vol. LXIII, The Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1953), 1953.
Box 5 Folder 7
"The Spanish Haftara for the Ninth of Ab" by Alan D. Corre, 1957.
Box 5 Folder 8
Address by Ambassador Abba Eban , 1955.
Box 5 Folder 9
"Maimonides in His Responsa" by Israel S. Elfenbein (Reprinted from Maimonides: His Teachings and Personality. Published jointly by the Cultural Department of the World Jewish Congress and the Torah Culture Department of the Jewish Agency).
Box 5 Folder 10
"The Number & Dispersion of the Jews in the First Century of the Christian Era" by Uriah Zevi Engelman.
Box 5 Folder 11
Address by Rabbi Solomon B. Freehof, 1962.
Box 5 Folder 12
Graetz's History in America by Solomon Grayzel, 1941.
Box 5 Folder 13
"Jewish Rights in the Postwar World" by Oscar I. Janowsky, 1943.
Box 5 Folder 14
"16th Century Attitudes Towards Eretz Israel" by Rabbi Leo Landman.
Box 5 Folder 15
"Outline, History of Jews of England, Part I" and "Outline, History of Jews of England, Part II" by Harry M. Orlinsky.
Box 5 Folder 16
"Outline, History of Jews of Italy," "History of Jews in Germany, Outline II," and "Outline, History of Jews of Russia, Poland, Lithuania" by Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky.
Box 5 Folder 17
"Seer, Visionary, and Man of God" by Professor Harry M. Orlinsky, 1958 July 30.
Box 5 Folder 18
"Orlinsky on Wilson" by H.L. Ginsberg and "Orlinsky on Ginsberg", 1956.
Box 5 Folder 19
"Book of Jeremiah, Critical Commentary" by Joseph Reider.
Box 5 Folder 20
"The Aldine Joshua" by Albert A. Ruskin, 1928.
Box 5 Folder 21
"Babylonian-Palestinian Variations in the Mishna" by Melech Schachter.
Box 5 Folder 22
"How the Jews Will Reclaim Jesus" by Harry A. Wolfson, 1925.
Box 5 Folder 23
Installment of Neuman as Rabbi of Mikveh Israel Congregation, 1927.
Box 6 Folder 1
Scope and Contents

The file contains an invitation to the installation of Neuman as Rabbi and Isaac Edrehi as Hazan, newspaper articles and a pamphlet of the service on September 27, 1927

Book of Chronicles, 1912-1936.
Box 6 Object 1
Book of Chronicles, 1935-1944.
Box 6 Object 2
Book of Chronicles, 1914-1940.
Box 6 Object 3
Book of Chronicles, 1937-1940.
Box 7 Object 1
Book of Chronicles, 1940-1942.
Box 7 Object 2
Book of Chronicles, 1942-1943.
Box 7 Object 3
Scope and Contents

Reviews of The Jews in Spain

Clippings of Neuman articles, 1949-1952.
Box 7 Folder 1
Clippings, general, 1952-1955.
Box 7 Folder 2
Letters to the Editor, 1928-1929.
Box 7 Folder 3
Article on Abraham A. Neuman, published in The Detroit Jewish News, 1962 August 3.
Box 7 Folder 4
Related Materials

See also: Addresses (Box 1) and the Dropsie College Collection (Abraham Neuman files)

"Relation of the Hebrew Scriptures to American Institutions," (Published by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 4 copies).
Box 8 Folder 1
"Address of Rabbi Abraham A. Neuman" (Annual meeting of Congregation Mikveh Israel, 2 copies, duplicate in Box 1), 1928 October 14.
Box 8 Folder 2
"The Keys of the Sanctuary," (Address delivered by Rabbi Neuman at the Commencement Exercises of the Jewish Theological Seminary, 1929 June 9. Reprinted from the Jewish Exponent on 1929 June 14), 1929 June 9.
Box 8 Folder 3
"Democracy and Group Culture: Jewish Culture on the American Scene" (reprint from The Jewish Center; 5 copies), 1937 June.
Box 8 Folder 4
Book Review by Neuman of two books on Abravanel (reprinted from The Review of Religion, 2 copies), 1939.
Box 8 Folder 5
"Obituary Notice: Cyrus Adler (1863-1940)" (Reprinted from Year Book of the American Philosophical Society; 3 copies), 1940.
Box 8 Folder 6
"Saadia and his Relation to Palestine" (reprinted from The Jewish Quarterly Review New Series, Volume XXXIII, Numbers 2 & 3; 4 copies), 1942.
Box 8 Folder 7
"Colleges in a World at War and in a World at Peace" (Three reprints from The American Journal of Pharmacy, volume 115, No. 2, pp. 64-72, February 1943, and one copy of American Journal of Pharmacy, February 1943), 1943.
Box 8 Folder 8
"The Destiny of American Jewry" (Opinion: A Journal of Jewish Life and Letters, Freedom Issue, 2 copies), 1945 June.
Box 8 Folder 9
"Universities: Guardians of Democracy" (reprinted from Crozer Quarterly, Vol. XXII, No. 4; 2 copies), 1945 October.
Box 8 Folder 10
"The Shebet Yehudah and Sixteenth Century Historiography" (reprinted from Louis Ginzberg Jubilee Volume, American Academy for Jewish Research; 2 copies), 1945.
Box 8 Folder 11
"Samuel Usque: Marrano Historian of the Sixteenth Century" (reprinted from To Doctor R.; 2 copies), 1946.
Box 8 Folder 12
"The Immorality of Man: A Jewish Viewpoint" (The M.T. Garvin Free Lectures on God and Immorality, delivered at The Church of Our Father, Lancaster, Pa., 1949 December 1; 2 copies), 1949 December 1.
Box 8 Folder 13
"American Jewry and a Jewish Renaissance" (delivered at the Spring Meeting of the Judaeans, 1950 April 23, New York City; 4 copies), 1950 April 23.
Box 8 Folder 14
"Josippon: History and Pietism" (reprinted from Alexander Marx Jubilee Volume, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1950; 2 copies), 1950.
Box 8 Folder 15
"A Note on John the Baptist and Jesus in 'Josippon'" (Offprint from The Hebrew Union College Annual, Volume XXIII, Part Two, 1950-1951, Seventy-fifth Anniversary Publication), 1950-1951.
Box 8 Folder 16
"A Bridge of Understanding" (From Dropsie College Founder's Day, 1951 May 28), 1951.
Box 8 Folder 17
"Some Recent Trends in Jewish Educational Thought" (From the American Jewish Year Book, pp. 100-106).
Box 8 Folder 18
"An Historian Views the Contemporary Scene" (An address delivered at The Hebrew Teachers College, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1952 June 15), 1952.
Box 8 Folder 19
"Josippon and the Apocrypha" and a necrology for Abraham Simon Wolf Rosenbach (Two copies of "Josippon and the Apocrypha" in English and two copies in Hebrew, dated 1952. Also two copies of a necrology of Abraham S.W. Rosenbach, reprinted from the Publication of the American Jewish Historical Society, Volume XLII, No. 4 (June 1953)), 1952-1953.
Box 8 Folder 20
"Three Centuries of Achievement: The Hebraic Spirit Holds the Key to the Future" (The address was printed in The Pioneer Woman, a Hebrew-English magazine, on p. 6, 20-21. The address was delivered at the 15th National Convention of Pioneer Women. The session was dedicated to the Tercentenary of Jewish Life in America), 1954 September-October.
Box 8 Folder 21
"Raising the Curtain of History" (The address was delivered at the Fifty-second Annual Meeting of the American Jewish Historical Society on February 20, 1954 and reprinted from the Publication of the American Jewish Historical Society, Volume XLIII, No. 3 (March 1954)), 1954 March.
Box 8 Folder 22
"Our Historic Horizons" (Two copies; reprinted from The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume XLV, April 1955), 1955 April.
Box 8 Folder 23
"Visions and Visionaries in Jewish History" (reprinted from the Publication of the American Jewish Historical Society, Vol. XLVII, No. 3, March 1958; 3 copies), 1958 March.
Box 8 Folder 24
Founders Day remarks (Dropsie College Founders Day ), 1963 June 3.
Box 8 Folder 25
"The Contributions of Cyrus Adler to Jewish Literature" (article published on the 100th Anniversary of Adler's birth. Reprinted from Jewish Book Annual, Vol. 21 (1963), published by the Jewish Book Council of America and sponsored by the National Jewish Welfare Board; 3 copies), 1963.
Box 8 Folder 26
"Romance and Realism in Jewish History" (from "Essays in Honor of Solomon B. Freehof," Rodef Shalom Congregation, Pittsburgh, 1964; 6 copies), 1964.
Box 8 Folder 27
"Abraham Zacuto Historiographer" (reprinted from Harry Austryn Wolfson Jubilee Volume, American Academy for Jewish Research, Jerusalem, 1965; 2 copies), 1965.
Box 8 Folder 28
Founders Day address (Dropsie College Founders Day address, 1966 June 2; 2 copies), 1966.
Box 8 Folder 29
"The Paradoxes and Fate of a Jewish Medievalist" (reprinted in the Seventy-fifth Anniversary volume of The Jewish Quarterly Review, published by The Jewish Quarterly Review, 1967; 3 copies), 1967.
Box 8 Folder 30
"Adler, Cyrus" entry from Encyclopedia Britannica (reprint of pp.149-150 from the 1969 edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica), 1969.
Box 8 Folder 31
Related Materials

For additional information on Neuman's appointment as instructor at Dropsie College, see Box 21 (correspondence with Cyrus Adler).

For additional information on Neuman's public and professional career, see Books of Chronicles, Boxes 6 and 7.

For additional information regarding Neuman as President of Dropsie College, congratulation letters and correspondence concerning his retirement, see Boxes 78 and 79.

Roosevelt Reception, 1910.
Box 9 Folder 1
Mikveh Israel-Bnai Jeshurun, 1927.
Box 9 Folder 2
Neuman in "Who's Who", 1934-1953.
Box 9 Folder 3
University of Pennsylvania, 1945-1956.
Box 9 Folder 4
Curriculum Vitae.
Box 9 Folder 5
Curriculum Vitae.
Box 9 Folder 6
Correspondence, Samuel Neuman, 1943-1949.
Box 9 Folder 7
Correspondence with Max Wainer, 1941-1945.
Box 9 Folder 8
Medical affairs, 1946.
Box 9 Folder 9
Correspondence, Neuman's watch, 1950.
Box 9 Folder 10
Drawing of a room, 1944.
Box 9 Folder 11
Sketch, 1953.
Box 9 Folder 12
New York University, Honorary degree, 1955.
Box 9 Folder 13
Columbia University, alumni, 1944-1965.
Box 9 Folder 14
Travel and vacation, 1949-1967.
Box 9 Folder 15
Biographical Notes of a College President, 1960.
Box 9 Folder 16
Tribute to Neuman by the Pennsylvania State Senate, 1961.
Box 9 Folder 17
Honorary degree, Dropsie College, 1966.
Box 9 Folder 18
Dr. Neuman's TV program, 1965.
Box 9 Folder 19
Marvin Neuman, 1965.
Box 9 Folder 20
Correspondence, retirement, 1963-1966.
Box 9 Folder 21
Neuman Bibliography.
Box 9 Folder 22
American Jewry and a Jewish Renaissance, 1951.
Box 10 Folder 1
A Bridge of Understanding, 1951-1952.
Box 10 Folder 2
"The Evolving American Jewish Community", 1955.
Box 10 Folder 3
The Jews in Spain, 1966-1967.
Box 10 Folder 4
The Jews in Spain, Hebrew translation, 1955-1959.
Box 10 Folder 5
"An Historian Views the Contemporary Jewish Scene," an address, 1953-1954.
Box 10 Folder 6
The Jews in Spain, 1940-1958.
Box 10 Folder 7
The Jews in Spain, acknowledgements.
Box 10 Folder 8

Correspondence has been arranged alphabetically by correspondent

Landmarks and Goals, historical studies and addresses, 1953.
Box 10 Folder 9
Landmarks and Goals, unpaid book sales and inventory, 1954-1956.
Box 10 Folder 10
Landmarks and Goals, paid book sales, 1953-1956.
Box 10 Folder 11
Landmarks and Goals, review copies, 1953-1957.
Box 10 Folder 12
Great Religions of the Modern World (published by Princeton University Press), 1946-1964.
Box 10 Folder 13
Festschrift, correspondence with contributors, 1962.
Box 10 Folder 14
Festschrift, reviews.
Box 10 Folder 15
Relation of the Hebrew Scriptures to American Institutions, 1961.
Box 10 Folder 16
Saadia Studies, 1943.
Box 10 Folder 17
Samuel Usque: Marrano Historian of the Sixteenth Century, 1946.
Box 10 Folder 18
"Standards by Which We Shall Be Judged," Founders Day, 1955.
Box 10 Folder 19
"Jews in Europe in the Middle Ages".
Box 11 Folder 1
"History of Jews in the Early Middle Ages".
Box 11 Folder 2
"Jews in the Middle Ages," early period.
Box 11 Folder 3
Footnotes (?).
Box 11 Folder 4
Box 11 Folder 5
Josippon: History and Pietism, 1950.
Box 11 Folder 6
"Under the Shadow of the Cross and Crescent: Aspects of Jewish History in Turkey during the Fifteenth-Sixteenth Century".
Box 11 Folder 7
"Jews in Eastern Europe: Poland, Lithuania, Russia".
Box 11 Folder 8
"Jews in Eastern Europe--Sixteenth Century," "Dialoghia di Amore," articles by Rabbi Wertheim, Rabbi Jerome Herzog and others, and a list of reprints of articles and speeches by Neuman.
Box 11 Folder 9
"The Contributions of Dropsie College to Jewish Scholarship".
Box 11 Folder 10
"What is Wrong With the World Today".
Box 11 Folder 11
"Old Records of the Congregation Mikveh Israel", 1929 February.
Box 11 Folder 12
"Krauss' Weiner Geserah".
Box 11 Folder 13
"The Influence of Religious Education on Character" and an article for the Exponent.
Box 11 Folder 14
"Universities in Wartime".
Box 11 Folder 15
Editorial "Things of the Spirit" (The Wheeling Intelligencer), 1948 February 28.
Box 11 Folder 16
"Gazing into the Mirror of the Past" (The Jewish Exponent), 1937 May.
Box 11 Folder 17
"The Mighty Oak into Which American Judaism Has Grown", 1946 April.
Box 11 Folder 18
"Horace Stern--The American Jew", 1946.
Box 11 Folder 19
"The Emerging Pattern of American Jewry".
Box 11 Folder 20
Box 12
Scope and Contents

**Class notes, in Hebrew and English, on 3" x 5" catalog cards

**Notes for Neuman's books, on 3" x 5" catalog cards

Diaries and notes, 1944-1969.
Box 13
Scope and Contents

**Twenty-six bound diaries covering 1944-1969

**3" x 5" index cards with notes

Notes (including on Order Nashim, Mishnah and Talmud).
Box 14
Notes (mainly notes of "The Jews in Spain").
Box 15
Box 16
Notes (Alphabetical card catalog, according to authors, in English).
Box 17
Box 18 Folder 1
Box 18 Folder 2
Notes--The Justinian Code.
Box 18 Folder 3
Notes (originally from boxes).
Box 18 Folder 4
Box 18 Folder 5
Notes--American Jewry, Jews in Spain.
Box 18 Folder 6
Notes on "Emenot Vedeot".
Box 19 Folder 1
Mailing on budget meetings, 1964.
Box 19 Folder 2
Notes on "Emenot Vedeot".
Box 19 Folder 3
Dr. Varker (Matter Remarks on "Emenot Vedeot" manuscript).
Box 19 Folder 4
Notes--"Emenot Vedeot" manuscript.
Box 19 Folder 5
Album of clippings, photographs, etc., reflecting Neuman's professional activities.
Box 20

Scope and Contents

Mostly correspondence between Abraham Neuman and Cyrus Adler, death notices on Adler, and correspondence with Mrs. Adler

Related Materials

For material concerning Neuman's biography of Cyrus Adler, see Box 4

Correspondence, Misc., AA-AE, 1940-1966.
Box 21 Folder 1
Correspondence: Abbell, 1953.
Box 21 Folder 2
Correspondence: Aberbach, M., 1948-1961.
Box 21 Folder 3
Correspondence: Abrams, Joseph and Max, 1943-1945.
Box 21 Folder 4
Correspondence: Abrahams, Joseph B. , 1940-1952.
Box 21 Folder 5
Correspondence: Abrahams, Joseph B., 1953-1967.
Box 21 Folder 6
Correspondence: Academy for Higher Jewish Learning, 1958.
Box 21 Folder 7
Correspondence: Academy for Liberal Jewish Education, 1956.
Box 21 Folder 8
Correspondence re: Accidents, 1959.
Box 21 Folder 9
Correspondence: Adelphi Associates, 1952-1961.
Box 21 Folder 10
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, 1913-1915.
Box 21 Folder 11
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler , 1916-1919.
Box 21 Folder 12
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler , 1920-1929.
Box 21 Folder 13
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler , 1930-1931.
Box 21 Folder 14
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler , 1932.
Box 21 Folder 15
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler , 1933.
Box 21 Folder 16
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler , 1934-1935.
Box 21 Folder 17
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler , 1936.
Box 21 Folder 18
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler , 1937.
Box 21 Folder 19
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler , 1938.
Box 21 Folder 20
Correspondence: Cyrus Adler , 1939-1940.
Box 21 Folder 21
Scope and Contents

Contains a copy of a letter from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Dr. Cyrus Adler (dated December 1939) and a return telegram to the President from Dr. Adler.

Cyrus Adler death notices, 1940.
Box 21 Folder 22
Articles on Cyrus Adler, 1940-1963.
Box 21 Folder 23
Correspondence: Mrs. Cyrus Adler, 1940-1951.
Box 21 Folder 24
Scope and Contents

Box contains one file of correspondence with Gershon Agron (1951-1959) and one with Irving A. Agus (1940-1965)

Correspondence: Adult Education Council of Philadelphia, 1941-1965.
Box 22 Folder 1
Correspondence: Agron, Gershon, 1951-1959.
Box 22 Folder 2
Correspondence: Agus, Irving A., 1940-1965.
Box 22 Folder 3
Correspondence: Agus, Rabbi Jacob B., 1948-1960.
Box 22 Folder 4
Correspondence: Congregation Ahavath Israel, 1960.
Box 22 Folder 5
Correspondence: Aharoni, I., 1941.
Box 22 Folder 6
Correspondence, Misc., AI-AM, 1944-1965.
Box 22 Folder 7
Correspondence: Alexander, Gross W., 1946.
Box 22 Folder 8
Correspondence: America-Israel Society, 1954-1955.
Box 22 Folder 9
Correspondence, Misc., AMERICAN-, 1940-1966.
Box 22 Folder 10
Correspondence: The American Academy of Asian Studies, 1960.
Box 22 Folder 11
Correspondence: American Academy for Jewish Research, 1941-1967.
Box 22 Folder 12
Correspondence: American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1951-1966.
Box 22 Folder 13
Correspondence: American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1942-1958.
Box 22 Folder 14
Correspondence: American Alumni Council, 1960.
Box 22 Folder 15
Scope and Contents

File contains correspondence with the American Council for Emigres in the Professions (1943-1956), two files of correspondence with the American Friends of the Hebrew University (1942-1966) and three files of correspondence with the American Association for Jewish Education (1944-1966)

Correspondence: American Association for Jewish Education, 1944-1950.
Box 23 Folder 1
Correspondence: American Association for Jewish Education, 1951-1952.
Box 23 Folder 2
Correspondence: American Association for Jewish Education, 1954-1966.
Box 23 Folder 3
Correspondence: American Association for Jewish Education, 1960-1962.
Box 23 Folder 4
Correspondence: American Biblical Encyclopedia Society, 1945-1964.
Box 23 Folder 5
Correspondence: American Council for Emigres in the Professions, Inc., 1943-1956.
Box 23 Folder 6
Correspondence: American Council for Judaism, 1948-1958.
Box 23 Folder 7
Correspondence: American Council of Learned Societies, 1940-1957.
Box 23 Folder 8
Correspondence: American Council on Education, 1966.
Box 23 Folder 9
Correspondence: The American Friends of the Hebrew University, 1941-1952.
Box 23 Folder 10
Correspondence: The American Friends of the Hebrew University, 1953-1966.
Box 23 Folder 11
Correspondence: American Histadrut Cultural Exchange Institute / National Committee for Labor Israel, 1964-1966.
Box 23 Folder 12
Correspondence: American Institute of Holy Land Studies.
Box 23 Folder 13
Scope and Contents

Box contains correspondence with the American Jewish Committee (1940-1966)

Correspondence: American Jewish Committee, 1940-1944.
Box 24 Folder 1
Correspondence: American Jewish Committee, 1949-1966 (1949-1960).
Box 24 Folder 2
"Jews and Large Law Firms in Philadelphia", 1964.
Box 24 Folder 3
"Plans for the American Jewish Committee's Institute of Human Relations", 1956.
Box 24 Folder 4
Evaluation of AJC Program, 1958.
Box 24 Folder 5
"How Commentary Furthers the AJC Program" and "AJC's Mass Media Program--Unrealized Potentials".
Box 24 Folder 6
Proposal for Restructuring the AJC and objectives, 1959.
Box 24 Folder 7
"Historical Analysis of the Joint Defense Appeal Contract", 1959.
Box 24 Folder 8
Address by Pinchas Sapir, 1960.
Box 24 Folder 9
"Program Recommendation for 1963, Domestic Affairs Section" and "National and International Trends Toward Centralized Control of Jewish Communal Life", 1958-1963.
Box 24 Folder 10
Committees, 1963.
Box 24 Folder 11
Membership, Budget , 1963-1964.
Box 24 Folder 12
"Jews in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, July -1957", 1957.
Box 24 Folder 13
Scope and Contents

Box contains files of the American Jewish Committee regarding the Conference on Jewish Adjustment in America (1945-1946), two files of correspondence with the American Jewish Congress (1948-1966), and seven files of correspondence with the American Jewish Historical Society (1941-1952). The American Jewish Historical Society files are arranged chronologically in Boxes 25 and 26.

American Jewish Committee: Conference on Jewish Adjustment in America, 1945.
Box 25 Folder 1
American Jewish Committee: Conference on Jewish Adjustment in America, 1946.
Box 25 Folder 2
American Jewish Committee: Institute of Human Relations, 1959-1960.
Box 25 Folder 3
American Jewish Committee: Textbook Survey, 1956-1959.
Box 25 Folder 4
American Jewish Conference, 1943-1944.
Box 25 Folder 5
American Jewish Congress, 1957-1966.
Box 25 Folder 6
American Jewish Congress, 1948-1955.
Box 25 Folder 7
American Jewish Historical Society, 1941-1945.
Box 25 Folder 8
American Jewish Historical Society, 1947.
Box 25 Folder 9
American Jewish Historical Society, 1948.
Box 25 Folder 10
American Jewish Historical Society, 1949.
Box 25 Folder 11
American Jewish Historical Society, 1950.
Box 25 Folder 12
American Jewish Historical Society, 1951.
Box 25 Folder 13
American Jewish Historical Society, 1952.
Box 25 Folder 14
Scope and Contents

Box includes mostly American Jewish Historical Society files containing correspondence with Isidore Meyer (1953-1966)

Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1953.
Box 26 Folder 1
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1954.
Box 26 Folder 2
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1955-1956.
Box 26 Folder 3
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1957-1958.
Box 26 Folder 4
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1959.
Box 26 Folder 5
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1960-1961.
Box 26 Folder 6
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1962.
Box 26 Folder 7
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1963 January - April.
Box 26 Folder 8
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1963 July to November.
Box 26 Folder 9
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1964 January - May.
Box 26 Folder 10
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1964 May -November.
Box 26 Folder 11
Correspondence: American Jewish Historical Society, 1965-1966.
Box 26 Folder 12
Correspondence: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1944-1954.
Box 26 Folder 13
Correspondence: American Jewish League for Israel, 1957-1964.
Box 26 Folder 14
Correspondence: American Jewish Periodical Center.
Box 26 Folder 15
Correspondence: American Jewish Philosophical Society, 1962.
Box 26 Folder 16
Scope and Contents

Box contains:

**six files of correspondence with American Schools for Oriental Research, Baghdad and Jerusalem, chronologically arranged, including Archaeological newsletter (1940-1966)

**correspondence with Walter Annenberg (1947-1965)

Correspondence: American Jewish Yearbook.
Box 27 Folder 1
Correspondence: American Library Assn., 1940-1942.
Box 27 Folder 2
Correspondence: American Oriental Society, 1940-1966.
Box 27 Folder 3
Correspondence: American Philosophical Society, 1940-1963.
Box 27 Folder 4
Correspondence: American Schools for Oriental Research, 1940-1949.
Box 27 Folder 5
Correspondence: American Schools for Oriental Research, 1950-1958.
Box 27 Folder 6
Correspondence: American Schools for Oriental Research, 1959-1966.
Box 27 Folder 7
Correspondence: American Schools for Oriental Research, Paul Rapp lecture, 1966.
Box 27 Folder 8
Correspondence: American Torah Shelemah Committee (American Biblical Encyclopedia Society).
Box 27 Folder 9
Correspondence: American University at Cairo, 1948-1950.
Box 27 Folder 10
Correspondence: American Zionist Council, 1960.
Box 27 Folder 11
Correspondence: American Zionist Council (Note: American Jewish Agency 4 Palestine).
Box 27 Folder 12
Correspondence: Amram, David W.
Box 27 Folder 13
Correspondence: Amram, Hortense, 1947.
Box 27 Folder 14
Correspondence, Misc., AN-AP.
Box 27 Folder 15
Correspondence: Ankori, Zvi, 1955-1957.
Box 27 Folder 16
Correspondence: Annenberg, Walter.
Box 27 Folder 17
Correspondence: Anshe-Emet Congregation, 1953-1964.
Box 27 Folder 18
Correspondence: Anti-Defamation Council, 1940-1944.
Box 27 Folder 19
Correspondence: Appel, Gersion.
Box 27 Folder 20
Correspondence, Misc., AR-.
Box 27 Folder 21
Correspondence: Dr. El-Araby.
Box 27 Folder 22
Correspondence: Arensburg, Conrad.
Box 27 Folder 23
Correspondence: Armenian Affairs.
Box 27 Folder 24
Correspondence: Arons, Miss Judy.
Box 27 Folder 25
Scope and Contents

Box contains short correspondence with David Ben Gurion (1948-1951), Fritz (Isaac) Baer (1945-1947), correspondence concerning an Honorary Degree to Y. Ben Zvi (1958) and correspondence with Isaac B. Berkson, including offprints (1945-1963)

Correspondence, Misc., AS-.
Box 28 Folder 1
Correspondence: Ashtor, E.
Box 28 Folder 2
Correspondence: Asia Institute, 1949.
Box 28 Folder 3
Correspondence: Askowith, Dora, 1943-1955.
Box 28 Folder 4
Correspondence: Association Espanola de Orientalistas, 1964.
Box 28 Folder 5
Correspondence: Associated Press, 1962.
Box 28 Folder 6
Correspondence: Association of American Colleges, 1957.
Box 28 Folder 7
Correspondence: Association of College Presidents.
Box 28 Folder 8
Correspondence: Association of Graduate Schools, 1955-1957.
Box 28 Folder 9
Correspondence, Misc., AT-AX.
Box 28 Folder 10
Correspondence: Avi-Yonah, Michael, 1950-1953.
Box 28 Folder 11
Correspondence: Aydelotte, Frank, 1943-1952.
Box 28 Folder 12
Correspondence, Misc., BA-BAQ.
Box 28 Folder 13
Correspondence: Baer, Fritz.
Box 28 Folder 14
Correspondence, Misc., BAR -.
Box 28 Folder 15
Correspondence: Bar-Ilan University.
Box 28 Folder 16
Correspondence, Misc., BAS-BAU.
Box 28 Folder 17
Correspondence: Bavli, Hillel, 1947-1959.
Box 28 Folder 18
Correspondence: Baym, Max I., 1960.
Box 28 Folder 19
Correspondence, Misc., BE-BEM, 1940-1961.
Box 28 Folder 20
Correspondence: Beer, Abraham & Suzanne, 1954-1961.
Box 28 Folder 21
Correspondence, Misc., BEN-, 1954-1961.
Box 28 Folder 22
Correspondence: Benardette, Mair Jose, 1945-1955.
Box 28 Folder 23
Correspondence: Benderly, Mrs.
Box 28 Folder 24
Correspondence: Ben Gurion, David, 1940-1966.
Box 28 Folder 25
Correspondence: Ben-Horin, Eliahu.
Box 28 Folder 26
Correspondence: Ben-Mordecai, C.A., 1940-1942.
Box 28 Folder 27
Correspondence: Ben Zvi, Yitzhak, 1958.
Box 28 Folder 28
Correspondence: Benesch, Alfred A.
Box 28 Folder 29
Correspondence: Bension, Nathaniel.
Box 28 Folder 30
Correspondence, Misc., BER-.
Box 28 Folder 31
Correspondence: Berent, David.
Box 28 Folder 32
Correspondence: Berger, David, 1943-1962.
Box 28 Folder 33
Correspondence: Bergmann, Higo, 1953.
Box 28 Folder 33
Correspondence: Berkowitz, Martin, 1964-1965.
Box 28 Folder 35
Correspondence: Berkson, Isaac B. , 1945-1963.
Box 28 Folder 36
Scope and Contents

Box contains correspondence with Simon Bernstein and nine files of correspondence with Jacob Billikopf (1928-1951)

Correspondence: Berliner, Memorial Fund, 1943-1947.
Box 29 Folder 1
Correspondence: Bernstein, David, 1956.
Box 29 Folder 2
Correspondence: Bernstein, Emanuel M., 1947-1957.
Box 29 Folder 3
Correspondence: Bernstein, Robert, 1942-1964.
Box 29 Folder 4
Correspondence: Bernstein, Simon, 1948-1957.
Box 29 Folder 5
Correspondence: Bertelsen, Aage.
Box 29 Folder 6
Correspondence, Misc., BES-BEW, 1961-1964.
Box 29 Folder 7
Correspondence: Besso, Henry V., 1947-1959.
Box 29 Folder 8
Correspondence: Beth Din of America.
Box 29 Folder 9
Correspondence: Bettan, Israel.
Box 29 Folder 10
Correspondence, Misc., B-, 1940-1950.
Box 29 Folder 11
Correspondence: Bialik Exhibit, 1952.
Box 29 Folder 12
Correspondence: Biddle, Francis, 1941-1943.
Box 29 Folder 13
Correspondence: Bidney, David, 1949.
Box 29 Folder 14
Correspondence: Billikopf, Jacob, 1928-1932.
Box 29 Folder 15
Correspondence: Billikopf, Jacob, 1933-1935.
Box 29 Folder 16
Correspondence: Billikopf, Jacob, 1936-1941.
Box 29 Folder 17
Correspondence: Billikopf, Jacob, 1942-1943.
Box 29 Folder 18
Correspondence: Billikopf, Jacob, 1944-1945.
Box 29 Folder 19
Correspondence: Billikopf, Jacob, 1946-1947.
Box 29 Folder 20
Correspondence: Billikopf, Jacob, 1948.
Box 29 Folder 21
Correspondence: Billikopf, Jacob, 1949.
Box 29 Folder 21
Correspondence: Billikopf, Jacob, 1950-1951.
Box 29 Folder 22
Correspondence: Bitzaron, 1964-1965.
Box 29 Folder 23
Scope and Contents

Box contains correspondence and a photograph with Arthur Bloch (1943-1954), with Solomon Bluhm (1937-1956) and a few files of correspondence with B'nai Brith (1943-1965) and B'nai Brith-Hillel Foundation (1941-1965)

Correspondence, Misc., BL-, 1939-1965.
Box 30 Folder 1
Correspondence: Blattberg, Wolf, 1949.
Box 30 Folder 2
Correspondence: Blau, Joseph, 1943-1959.
Box 30 Folder 3
Correspondence: Blau, Joseph, 1950-1955.
Box 30 Folder 4
Correspondence: Blaustein, Jacob, 1943-1947.
Box 30 Folder 5
Correspondence: Bloch, Arthur, 1940-1954.
Box 30 Folder 6
Scope and Contents

File contains a photograph of three men with the Athletic Club of Philadelphia charter

Correspondence: Bloch, Chaim, 1943-1948.
Box 30 Folder 7
Correspondence: Bloch, Everett, 1954.
Box 30 Folder 8
Correspondence: Bloch, Joshua, 1940-1956.
Box 30 Folder 9
Correspondence: Blechman, Elisha, 1948-1949.
Box 30 Folder 10
Correspondence: Bluestone, E.M.
Box 30 Folder 11
Correspondence: Bluhm, Solomon, 1956-1957.
Box 30 Folder 12
Scope and Contents

File contains three black and white photographs of Solomon Bluhm

Correspondence: Blumenfield, Samuel M. , 1956-1964.
Box 30 Folder 13
Correspondence, Misc., BN-.
Box 30 Folder 14
Correspondence: B'nai Brith, 1943-1953.
Box 30 Folder 15
Correspondence: B'nai Brith, 1954-1956.
Box 30 Folder 16
Correspondence: B'nai Brith, 1957.
Box 30 Folder 17
Correspondence: B'nai Brith, 1958-1965.
Box 30 Folder 18
Correspondence: B'nai Brith & Hillel Foundations, 1941.
Box 30 Folder 19
Correspondence: B'nai Brith & Hillel Foundations, 1942-1965.
Box 30 Folder 20
Correspondence: B'nai Brith Fellowship, 1942-1966.
Box 30 Folder 21
Correspondence, Misc., BO-, 1940-1964.
Box 31 Folder 1
Board of Jewish Education, 1946.
Box 31 Folder 2
Scope and Contents

File contains an article "Standards to be Observed in School Construction"

Board of Jewish Education, Philadelphia, 1947-1961.
Box 31 Folder 3
Board of Rabbis of Greater Philadelphia, 1965.
Box 31 Folder 4
Board of Rabbis of Greater Philadelphia, 1965.
Box 31 Folder 5
Scope and Contents

File consists of the program for The Board of Rabbis of Greater Philadelphia, Sixth Annual Convocation and Installation of Officers (1965)

Correspondence: Borowitz, Eugene B.
Correspondence: Borowski, Elie.
Box 31 Folder 7
Correspondence: Bosniak, Jacob, 1943-1964.
Box 31 Folder 8
Correspondence, Misc., BRA-, 1942-1959.
Box 31
Correspondence: Brachman, Abraham J., 1940-1943.
Box 31 Folder 10
Correspondence: Brachman, Abraham J., 1944-1947.
Box 31 Folder 11
Correspondence: Brachman, Abraham J., 1947-1950.
Box 31 Folder 12
Scope and Contents

File contains 2 copies of an article by Brachman in the "Texas Jewish Post" on Thursday March 17, 1949.

Correspondence: Brachman, Abraham J., 1951-1954.
Box 31 Folder 13
Correspondence: Brachman, Abraham J., 1955-1957.
Box 31 Folder 14
Correspondence: Brachman, Abraham, 1958-1961.
Box 31 Folder 15
Correspondence: Brachman, S., 1943-1962.
Box 31 Folder 16
Correspondence: Brager, Harry E., 1959.
Box 31 Folder 17
Correspondence: Brand, Joshua, 1946-1950.
Box 31 Folder 18
Correspondence: Braunstein, Baruch, 1943-1949.
Box 31 Folder 19
Scope and Contents

Box contains short correspondence with William Bullitt (1943) and with Ralph Bunche's secretary regarding conferring an Honorary Degree upon Ralph Bunche (1955-1966)

Correspondence, Misc., BRE-.
Box 32 Folder 1
Correspondence: Breitbart, Israel.
Box 32 Folder 2
Correspondence, Misc., BRI-.
Box 32 Folder 3
Correspondence: Brickner, Barnett.
Box 32 Folder 4
Correspondence: Brith Shalom, 1947-1962.
Box 32 Folder 5
Correspondence: BRITISH-.
Box 32 Folder 6
Correspondence, Misc., BRO-.
Box 32 Folder 7
Correspondence: Broidy, Steve.
Box 32 Folder 8
Correspondence: Bromsen, Maury A., 1953-1955.
Box 32 Folder 9
Correspondence: Brown, Eugene, 1954.
Box 32 Folder 10
Correspondence, Misc., BRU -.
Box 32 Folder 11
Correspondence: Brusseau, William (Westminster Visual Aids), 1951-1952.
Box 32 Folder 12
Correspondence, Misc., BRY-.
Box 32 Folder 13
Correspondence, Misc., BU-.
Box 32 Folder 14
Correspondence: Buber, Martin, 1956-1958.
Box 32 Folder 15
Correspondence: Benjamin H. Buchsbaum, 1956-1962.
Box 32 Folder 16
Correspondence: Bullitt, William, 1943.
Box 32 Folder 17
Correspondence: Bunche, Ralph, 1955-1964.
Box 32 Folder 18
Correspondence: Burchuk, Alex, 1951-1959.
Box 32 Folder 19
Correspondence: Burg, Harvey, 1962.
Box 32 Folder 20
Correspondence: Burrage, Champlin.
Box 32 Folder 21
Correspondence: Burrows, Millar.
Box 32 Folder 22
Correspondence: Burstein, Abraham, 1953-1962.
Box 32 Folder 23
Correspondence: Buten, Harry M., 1957-1958.
Box 32 Folder 24
Correspondence: Butler, J. Donald, 1953-1954.
Box 32 Folder 25
Correspondence: Butterweck, Joseph S., 1947-1956.
Box 32 Folder 26
Correspondence, Misc., CA-, 1940-1965.
Box 32 Folder 27
Correspondence: Cahnman, Werner J., 1957.
Box 32 Folder 28
Correspondence: Canada (Department of National Revenue), 1940.
Box 32 Folder 29
Correspondence: Canadian Jewish Congress, 1942-1958.
Box 32 Folder 30
Correspondence: Captive Nations Week, 1960.
Box 32 Folder 31
Correspondence: Cardozo, Rabbi David A. Jessurun, 1943-1964.
Box 32 Folder 32
Correspondence: Carmel, Abraham, 1962.
Box 32 Folder 33
Scope and Contents

File contains a reprint of an article published in Newsweek on 1961 June 26 about Abraham Carmel, an Orthodox Jew who had been a Roman Catholic priest

Correspondence: Cassatt Foundation (note to see Foundation: Cassatt Foundation).
Box 32 Folder 34
Correspondence: Cassuto, Umberto, 1933-1951.
Box 32 Folder 35
Scope and Contents

File also contains some correspondence between Cyrus Adler and Professor Cassuto and between Adler and Dr. Julius Grodinsky

Correspondence, Misc., CE-, 1950-1966.
Box 32 Folder 36
Correspondence: The Central Association of Colleges (1942), 1941-1942.
Box 32 Folder 37
Correspondence: Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1940-1960.
Box 32 Folder 38
Correspondence, Misc., CH-, 1940-1964.
Box 32 Folder 39
Correspondence: Chapin, Elizabeth, 1942.
Box 32 Folder 40
Scope and Contents

Box contains correspondence with Israel Chipkin of the Jewish Education Committee and the Israel Chipkin School (1941-1945), Wendell Cleland (1949-1950), Rabbi Mortimer Cohen (1940-1964) and Samuel M. Chen (1942-1948)

Correspondence: Charry, Elias, 1947-1958.
Box 33 Folder 1
Correspondence: Cheroff, Paul, 1940-1943.
Box 33 Folder 2
Correspondence: Chicago Jewish Forum, 1943-1946.
Box 33 Folder 3
Correspondence: Chirin, David H., 1940-1943.
Box 33 Folder 4
Correspondence: Chipkin, Israel, 1941-1955.
Box 33 Folder 5
Correspondence: Chipkin School, Israel, 1958.
Box 33 Folder 6
Correspondence: Christ Church, 1942-1964.
Box 33 Folder 7
Scope and Contents

File contains a booklet published in commemoration of the 250 Anniversary Year of Christ Church in 1945

Correspondence, Misc., CI-, 1947-1965.
Box 33 Folder 8
Correspondence: Citations, 1948-1954.
Box 33 Folder 9
Correspondence: Civil Defense, 1951-1964.
Box 33 Folder 10
Correspondence: Clark, Joseph S.
Box 33 Folder 11
Correspondence: Cleland, Wendell, 1949-1950.
Box 33 Folder 12
Scope and Contents

File contains a photograph of Dr. Cleland

Correspondence: Cleveland--Jewish Community Federation, 1965.
Box 33 Folder 13
Correspondence: Cocktail reception, Four Seasons Hotel, October 29, 1962 , 1962-1964.
Box 33 Folder 14
Correspondence: Cocktail reception, Four Seasons Hotel, 1962 October 29.
Box 33 Folder 15
Correspondence: Cohen, 1940-1966.
Box 33 Folder 16
Correspondence: Cohen, Boaz, 1941-1958.
Box 33 Folder 17
Correspondence: Cohen, H.H., Cohen, Daniel, and Cohen, Henry, 1943-1961.
Box 33 Folder 18
Correspondence: Cohen, Mortimer J., 1940-1964.
Box 33 Folder 19
Correspondence: Cohen, Seymour S., 1947.
Box 33 Folder 20
Correspondence: Cohen, Emil Benhard, 1944.
Box 33 Folder 21
Correspondence: Cohn, Robert, 1944.
Box 33 Folder 22
Correspondence: Cohen, Samuel M., 1942-1948.
Box 33 Folder 23
Correspondence: Cohon, Samuel S., 1942-1950.
Box 33 Folder 24
Correspondence, Misc., COL-, 1945-1953.
Box 33 Folder 25
Correspondence: Franklin Cole & Company, 1964-1966.
Box 33 Folder 26
Correspondence: Colwell, Ernest Cadman, 1950.
Box 33 Folder 27
Correspondence, Misc., COM-.
Box 33 Folder 28
Correspondence: Commentary (periodical), 1948-1956.
Box 33 Folder 29
Correspondence: Commission for Independent Colleges and Universities, 1967.
Box 33 Folder 30
Scope and Contents

Box contains correspondence with Oscar Janowsky (Commission for the Study of Jewish Education in the United States, 1953-1957), correspondence with the Committee for Post War Rehabilitation of Jewish Scholarship (1943), four files of correspondence with the Conference of Jewish Material Claims against Germany (1953-1964), short correspondence with the Committee on Refugee Ministers (1940), and minutes of the Committee of the Study of Arab-Jewish Relations (1943)

Correspondence: Commission for the Study of Jewish Education in the United States, 1953-1957.
Box 34 Folder 1
Correspondence: Commission on Hebrew Language and Culture, 1950.
Box 34 Folder 2
Correspondence: Committee for Post War Rehabilitation of Jewish Scholarship, Meeting minutes, 1943 June 17.
Box 34 Folder 3
Correspondence: Committee for the Study of Arab-Jewish Relations, meeting minutes, 1943 May 11.
Box 34 Folder 4
Correspondence: Committee on Refugee Jewish Ministers, 1940.
Box 34 Folder 5
Correspondence: Committee on Training for Jewish Social Work, 1945-1946.
Box 34 Folder 6
Correspondence, Misc., CON-, 1950-1966.
Box 34 Folder 7
Correspondence: Condolence Letters, 1948-1963.
Box 34 Folder 8
Correspondence: Cone (Greensboro, NC), 1954.
Box 34 Folder 9
Correspondence: Conference on American Foreign Policy, 1949.
Box 34 Folder 10
Correspondence: Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc., 1953-1957.
Box 34 Folder 11
Correspondence: Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc., 1957 February - December.
Box 34 Folder 12
Correspondence: Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc., 1955-1959.
Box 34 Folder 13
Correspondence: Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc., 1960-1964.
Box 34 Folder 14
Correspondence: Conference on Jewish Relations, 1944-1948.
Box 34 Folder 15
Scope and Contents

Box contains two files on the Conference on Post War Rehabilitation of Jewish Centers (1942-1945), correspondence with Alan Corre, and five files of correspondence with the Council of Jewish Federations (1947-1966)

Correspondence: Conference on Jewish Scholarship, 1942-1943.
Box 35 Folder 1
Correspondence: Conference on Jewish Scholarship, 1944-1945.
Box 35 Folder 2
Correspondence: Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion, 1955.
Box 35 Folder 3
Correspondence: Conference on the History of Religion in the New World, 1957.
Box 35 Folder 4
Correspondence: Congress for Jewish Culture.
Box 35 Folder 5
Correspondence: Conn, Alexander.
Box 35 Folder 6
Correspondence, Misc., COO-COR.
Box 35 Folder 7
Correspondence: Contemporary Club of Photography, 1946-1958.
Box 35 Folder 8
Correspondence: Cornell University.
Box 35 Folder 9
Correspondence: Corre, Alan (Mikveh Israel).
Box 35 Folder 10
Correspondence: Corson, Samuel.
Box 35 Folder 11
Correspondence, Misc., COU -.
Box 35 Folder 12
Correspondence: Council for Financial Aid to Education, Inc., 1954-1955.
Box 35 Folder 13
Correspondence: Council for Graduate Schools in the United States, 1961-1965.
Box 35 Folder 14
Correspondence: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1947-1957.
Box 35 Folder 15
Correspondence: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1958.
Box 35 Folder 16
Correspondence: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1959 January - April.
Box 35 Folder 17
Correspondence: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1959 May - December.
Box 35 Folder 18
Correspondence: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1960-1966.
Box 35 Folder 19
Correspondence: Counts, George S.
Box 35 Folder 20
Correspondence: Cowen, Charles.
Box 35 Folder 21
Correspondence, Misc., CR-.
Box 35 Folder 22
Correspondence: Cronbach, Abraham (Hebrew Union College).
Box 35 Folder 23
Scope and Contents

Box contains correspondence with David Daube (1943-1966), Moshe Davis (1942-1963), two files of correspondence with Joseph Diamond (1941-1964), short correspondence with Ben Zion Dinur (1954-1964), and an address by Canadian Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker and Dr. Max Nussbaum

Correspondence: Crozer Quarterly and Crozer Theological Seminary (Morton Enslin), 1942-1963.
Box 36 Folder 1
Correspondence: Curios.
Box 36 Folder 2
Correspondence: Cutler, Allan, 1965-1966.
Box 36 Folder 3
Correspondence, Misc., DANN-DAYUS.
Box 36 Folder 4
Correspondence: Dakota Jewish History Project, 1952.
Box 36 Folder 5
Correspondence: Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program, 1964.
Box 36 Folder 6
Correspondence: Daroff, Samuel and Joseph, 1955-1966.
Box 36 Folder 7
Correspondence: Darrow, Rosalind.
Box 36 Folder 8
Correspondence: Daube, D., 1944-1966.
Box 36 Folder 9
Correspondence: Davidowitz, Harry, 1941-1967.
Box 36 Folder 10
Correspondence: Davidson, Joseph E., 1941-1945.
Box 36 Folder 11
Correspondence: Davidson, Mrs. Israel, 1945-1947.
Box 36 Folder 12
Correspondence: Davidson, Herbert A., 1961.
Box 36 Folder 13
Correspondence: Davis, Moshe, 1942-1963.
Box 36 Folder 14
Correspondence, Misc., DEB-DIX.
Box 36 Folder 15
Correspondence: Dean Anderson-Incorporated.
Box 36 Folder 16
Correspondence: Diamond, Joseph, 1940-1946.
Box 36 Folder 17
Correspondence: Diamond, Joseph, 1947-1963.
Box 36 Folder 18
Correspondence: Dictionary of Theology, 1941-1942.
Box 36 Folder 19
Addresses: Convocation in honor of Abraham A. Neuman (Diefenbaker), 1961.
Box 36 Folder 20
Correspondence: Dillon, Rose F.
Box 36 Folder 21
Correspondence: Dinin, Samuel, 1956-1963.
Box 36 Folder 22
Correspondence: Dinur, Ben-Zion.
Box 36 Folder 23
Correspondence: Diringer, David, 1940-1947.
Box 36 Folder 24
Correspondence: Dittman, Joseph F.
Box 36 Folder 25
Correspondence, Misc., DOB-DUR.
Box 36 Folder 26
Historical Sketch of Dropsie.
Box 37 Folder 1
Dropsie College--General--Blue Cross.
Box 37 Folder 2
Scope and Contents

File contains Subscription Agreements and prices for Group and Individual Plans in 1959

Dropsie College, Informational Literature.
Box 37 Folder 3
Dropsie College, Proposed New Brochure.
Box 37 Folder 4
Dropsie College, Abraham A. Neuman, 1941-1966.
Box 37 Folder 5
Dropsie College--General--Middle East Institute, 1959.
Box 37 Folder 6
Scope and Contents

File contains materials related to the Middle East Institute, including a First Pennsylvania Bank checkbook

Related Materials

Also see specific boxes, under Middle East Institute, 1952-1959

Dropsie College--National Advisory Committee, 1957-1959.
Box 37 Folder 7
Dropsie College--General--New York extension, 1958-1959.
Box 37 Folder 8
Dropsie College--Defense, 1941-1942.
Box 37 Folder 9
Scope and Contents

File contains a variety of materials related to World War II era defense, including proclamations and recommendations issued by the State of Pennsylvania, the City of Philadelphia and Federal agencies to ensure the safety of the students and citizens of the city. In addition, there is a telegram from Secretary Morgenthau requesting that Dropsie initiate a program to sell Defense Savings Stamps on the campus.

Dropsie College--Publications mailed to Friends and Prospects, 1957.
Box 37 Folder 10
Dropsie College--"The Story of Dropsie College", 1959-1960.
Box 37 Folder 11
Dropsie College--Convocation, 1962 June 4.
Box 37 Folder 12
Dropsie College--Services and Supplies, 1955-1958.
Box 37 Folder 13
Scope and Contents

Brochures and receipts for the following products and services include:

a Coca Cola machine, a Kwik Kafe hot chocolate and coffee machine,

office supplies, including a photocopy machine c. 1959, a dictating machine, a mimeograph, and an Addressograph, a movie projector, typewriters and sound equipment

and oil companies (Sinclair Oils).

Among the Jewish Philadelphia companies were Pomerantz & Company and Raymond Rosen & Company

Dropsie College: Property on Delancey Street, 1945-1950.
Box 38 Folder 1
Dropsie College: Leases: Madison Avenue, 1776 Broadway, 1947-1951.
Box 38 Folder 2
Dropsie College: Leases--86th Street lease and others, 1959.
Box 38 Folder 3
Dropsie College: Leases--58th street (JEC) lease, 1959-1960.
Box 38 Folder 4
Dropsie College: Voice of America, 1951.
Box 38 Folder 5
Dropsie College: Library Materials--Title Grants, 1964-1966.
Box 38 Folder 6
Dropsie College: Insurance Policy (Edward Rosen), 1964-1965.
Box 38 Folder 7
Dropsie College: American Jewish Archives, 1965-1966.
Box 38 Folder 8
Scope and Contents

Contains note on the microfilming of Leeser letters held by Dropsie College.

Dropsie College: Department of Health, Education and Welfare-- Educational Research Training Program, 1965.
Box 38 Folder 9
Dropsie College: Grant Applications from US Department of Labor, 1965.
Box 38 Folder 10
Dropsie College: Federal Programs--General Information, 1967-1968.
Box 38 Folder 11
Dropsie College: Building Inventory--State Commission on Academic Facilities, 1967-1968.
Box 38 Folder 12
Dropsie College: Biographical Data on Dr. Adler, 1939-1940.
Box 38 Folder 13
Related Materials

See also Boxes 4 and 21

Dropsie College: Academy for Educational Development Survey of Retirement Plan, 1965.
Box 38 Folder 14
Dropsie College: Faculty Data Sheets (blank).
Box 38 Folder 15
Dropsie College: Faculty Sketches.
Box 38 Folder 16
Dropsie College: Faculty .
Box 38 Folder 17
Dropsie College: Questionaires.
Box 38 Folder 18
Dropsie College: Foundations and Fellowships.
Box 38 Folder 19
Dropsie College: Finnegan Fellowship Award.
Box 38 Folder 20
Dropsie College: Admission Requirements.
Box 38 Folder 21
Dropsie College: Board of Governors.
Box 38 Folder 22
Dropsie College: Apocrypha Translation, 1948.
Box 39 Folder 1
Dropsie College: Apocrypha Dinner List, 1950.
Box 39 Folder 2
Dropsie College: General--Apocryphal Literature Series, 1957-1958.
Box 39 Folder 3
Dropsie College: History Examinations, 1935-1965.
Box 39 Folder 4
Dropsie College: Examinations, 1949-1950.
Box 39 Folder 5
Dropsie College: Comprehensive Examinations, 1943-1965.
Box 39 Folder 6
Dropsie College: Property and Financial Matters, 1942-1984.
Box 39 Folder 7
Scope and Contents

File contains a copy of an Israel Savings bond, passbooks for PSFS Savings Bank and the Philadelphia Company, financial information on Irvin Borowsky, and property sales on behalf of Dropsie College

Scope and Contents

Box contains correspondence with Alexander Dushkin (1945-1946) and Ismar Elbogen (1940-1946)

Correspondence: Dubois, Leo, 1952.
Box 40 Folder 1
Correspondence: Dubnove, Aaron, 1940-1941.
Box 40 Folder 2
Correspondence: Duker, Abraham G., 1952-1965.
Box 40 Folder 3
Correspondence: Dushkin, Alexander, 1945-1949.
Box 40 Folder 4
Correspondence, Misc., EA-ED.
Box 40 Folder 5
Correspondence: Edidin, Ben M., 1946.
Box 40 Folder 6
Correspondence: Edman, Irwin, 1946.
Box 40 Folder 7
Education Surveys.
Box 40 Folder 8
Education: Symposia and Panels, 1952-1956.
Box 40 Folder 9
Education and World Affairs, 1963.
Box 40 Folder 10
Educational Testing Service.
Box 40 Folder 11
Correspondence, Misc., EF-EL.
Box 40 Folder 12
Correspondence: Albert Einstein Foundation for Higher Learning, 1946.
Box 40 Folder 13
Correspondence: Albert Einstein Medical Center--Centennial Celebration, 1964.
Box 40 Folder 14
Correspondence: Eisenberg, Ariel, 1949-1965.
Box 40 Folder 15
Correspondence: Eisenhower, Milton S., 1952.
Box 40 Folder 16
Correspondence: Eisenstein, Benjamin, 1946.
Box 40 Folder 17
Correspondence: Elbogen, Ismar, 1940-1962.
Box 40 Folder 18
Correspondence: Elliott, Huger, 1947.
Box 40 Folder 19
Correspondence: Ellis, A.M., 1952-1960.
Box 40 Folder 20
Correspondence, Misc., EM-EZ.
Box 40 Folder 21
Correspondence: Emanuel, Jay.
Box 40 Folder 22
Scope and Contents

Box contains two files of correspondence with Louis N. Epstein (1929-1959)

Correspondence: Encyclopedia Britannica.
Box 41 Folder 1
Correspondence: Encyclopedia Hebraica, 1954-1962.
Box 41 Folder 2
Correspondence: Encyclopedia Judaica Press Inc., 1963-1965.
Box 41 Folder 3
Correspondence: Engelman, Uriah.
Box 4 Folder 4
Correspondence: Enslin, Morton Scott, 1956-1966.
Box 41 Folder 5
Correspondence: Epstein, Elias M., 1945-1963.
Box 41 Folder 6
Correspondence: Epstein, Louis N., 1929-1943.
Box 41 Folder 7
Correspondence: Epstein, Louis N., 1944-1959.
Box 41 Folder 8
Correspondence: Erlanger, Elizabeth & Felix, 1947-1963.
Box 41 Folder 9
Correspondence, Misc., FA-.
Box 41 Folder 10
Correspondence: Falik, Max , 1947-1962.
Box 41 Folder 11
Correspondence: Farris, Edward J.
Box 41 Folder 12
Correspondence: Fasman, Oscar, 1956-1964.
Box 41 Folder 13
Correspondence: Fatemi, Nasrollah Saifpour, 1956-1964.
Box 41 Folder 14
Correspondence, Misc., FE-.
Box 41 Folder 15
Correspondence: Feder, Jack, 1942.
Box 16 Folder 16
Correspondence: Federal Union.
Box 41 Folder 17
Correspondence: Federation of Jewish Agencies of Greater Philadelphia, 1966.
Box 41 Folder 18