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Waldo Fisher Papers


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center [Contact Us]3401 Market Street, Suite 210, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

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Waldo Fisher attended Columbia University (B.A. 1917) and the University of Pennsylvania (A.M. 1924, Ph.D. 1939). He was a member of the Wharton School faculty from 1920 - 1957. He was the author of publications on industrial relations practices and teh economics of the coal industry.

Chiefly his publications, some in manuscript form; also lecture notes for courses he taught at Wharton.

This is an unprocessed collection. Please see Archives staff for rough inventory.

University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center
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Minimum Price Fixing (1955).
Box 1
Social and Economic Reconstruction in the U. S. (1934).
Box 1
Report of the U, S, Coal Commission, II and-III (1925).
Box 1
Collective Bargaining in the Bituminous Coal Industry (1948) - 2 copies.
Box 1
What the Coal Commission Found (1925).
Box 1
Leadership in the Office (1963).
Box 1
Economic Consequences of the Seven Hour Day and Wage Changes in the Bituminous Coal Industry (1939).
Box 1
How Collective Bargaining Works (1942).
Box 1
Report--of the Committee on Prices in the Bituminous Coal Industry (1938).
Box 1
Wage Rate, and Working Time in the Bituminous Coal Industry, 1921-2.(1932).
Box 1
Frontiers of Industrial Relation (1959).
Box 1
The Interview-A Multi-Purpose Leadership Tool (1966).
Box 1
Manual on Collective Bargaining for Professional Employees, I (1947).
Box 1
Collective Bar-gaining in Bituminous Coal, Personnel Journal, (March, 1949) Production and-Distribution Costs and Sales Realization in the Bituminous Coal Industry (1933).
Box 1
Labor and Industrial Relations: a structure and interpretation. (unpublished MSS).
Box 1
Publication Correspondence, Cal. Tech., Yoseloff, Willits.
Box 1
Recent requests for Materials.
Box 1
Rockefeller Project Structure.
Box 1

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