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Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Correspondence


Held at: University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center [Contact Us]3401 Market Street, Suite 210, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

This collection has not been fully processed. The following preliminary inventory is available.

1888-1981. Boxes 11-13 only possible ? for web

University of Pennsylvania: University Archives and Records Center
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Collection Inventory

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1900-1909; 1909/1910-1916/1917; 1917/1918, A-B.
Box 1
1917/1918, C-Z.
Box 2
Box 2
Box 3
1927/1928, A-Ch.
Box 3
1927/1928, Cl-McAvoy.
Box 4
1927/1928, McCahan-Voight.
Box 5
1927/1928, Waddle-Z.
Box 6
1928/1929, A-Dorr.
Box 6
1928/1929, Doty-Heffner.
Box 7
1928/1929, Labiosa-Sociology.
Box 8
1928/1929, Snell-Z.
Box 9
1929/1930, A-Chyung.
Box 9
1929-1930, Chinese Education Mission-Hoff.
Box 10
1929/1930, Hope-Rainey.
Box 11
1929/1930, Records-Z.
Box 12
1930-1931, A-Fewkes.
Box 13
1930-1931, Fellowships-Nagler.
Box 14
1930/1931, Neilson-Z.
Box 15
1931/1932, A-Executive Committee.
Box 16
1931/1932, Executive Committee No. 2 - McCormick.
Box 17
1931/1932, McCrady-Terry.
Box 18
1931/1932, Term Teaching - Z.
Box 19
1932/1933, A-Daves.
Box 19
1932/1933, Dean-Keys.
Box 20
1932/1933, Kiess-Shapley.
Box 21
1932/1933, Sibbald-Z.
Box 22
1933/1934, A-E.
Box 23
1933/1934, F-Li.
Box 24
1933/1934, Lo-Sm.
Box 25
1933/1934, Sn-Z.
Box 26
1934/1935, A-Caz.
Box 27
1934/1935, Ce-Har.
Box 27
1934/1935, Has-Py.
Box 28
1934/1935, Q-z.
Box 29
1935/1936, A- Eq.
Box 30
1935-1936, Er-Lh.
Box 31
1935-1936, Li - Ri.
Box 32
1935-1936, Rom-Z.
Box 33
1936/1937, A-Ei.
Box 34
1936/1937, Ek-La.
Box 35
1936/1937, Le-Sb.
Box 36
1936/1937, Sca-Z.
Box 37
1937/1938, A-Fa.
Box 38
1937/1938, Fe-McCy.
Box 39
1937/1938, McD-Sm.
Box 40
1937/1938, Sn-Z.
Box 41
1938/1939, A-Bri.
Box 42
1938/1939, Bro-Go.
Box 42
1938/1939, Gr-Moz.
Box 43
1938/1939, Mu-Sty.
Box 44
1938-1939, Su-Z.
Box 45
1939/1940 A-Bur.
Box 45
1939/1940, Bus-Hof.
Box 46
1939/1940, Hoy-Pr.
Box 47
1939/1940, Psy-Z.
Box 48
1940/1941, A-Ea.
Box 49
1940/1941, Ed-Kl.
Box 50
1940/1941, Kr-Ru.
Box 51
1940/1941, Ru-z.
Box 52
1941/1942, A-Assoc. of American Universities.
Box 53
1941/1942, Association of American Universities Committee On Graduate Study - Fell.
Box 53
1941/1942, Fi-Mec.
Box 54
1941/1942, P-Social.
Box 55
1941/1942, Socio-Z.
Box 56
1942/1943, A-Cl.
Box 56
1942/1943, Co-Kit.
Box 57
1942/1943, Kn-Si.
Box 58
1942/1943, Sm-Z.
Box 59
1943/1944, A-De.
Box 59
1943/1944, Di-McK.
Box 60
1943/1944, Me-We.
Box 61
1943/1944, Wel-Z.
Box 62
1944/1945, A-Ep.
Box 62
1944/1945, F-Pe.
Box 63
1944/1945, Ph-Z.
Box 64
1945/1946, A-Bak.
Box 64
1945/1946, Bar-K.
Box 65
1945/1946, L-Z.
Box 66
1946/1947, A-B.
Box 66
1946/1947, Ben-M.
Box 67
1946/1947, Mal-Z.
Box 68
1947/1948, A-Ge.
Box 69
1947/1948, Gi-Re.
Box 70
1947/1948, Ri-Z.
Box 71
1948/1949, A-Dr.
Box 71
1948/1949, E-M.
Box 72
1948/1949, N-Z.
Box 73
1949/1950, A-Fr.
Box 74
1949/1950, G-N.
Box 75
1949/1950, Ni-z.
Box 76
1950/1951, A-F.
Box 77
1950/1951, G-Q.
Box 78
1950/1951, R--Z.
Box 79
1951/1952, A-B.
Box 80
1951/1952, C-0.
Box 81
1951/1952, P-Z.
Box 81
1952/1953, A-C.
Box 81
1952/1953, D-0.
Box 82
1952/1953, P-Z.
Box 83
[original Ring-binder note: "(Reserved for 1953/54 and 1954/55) never came?"].
Box 84 to 88
1955/1956, A-K.
Box 89
1955/1956, L-Z.
Box 90
1956/1957, A-G.
Box 91
1956/1957, H-Z.
Box 92
1957/1958, A-H.
Box 93
1957/1958, I-S.
Box 94
1957/1958, T-Z.
Box 95
1958/1959, A-F (Fellowship, including Budget Summaries).
Box 96
1958/1959, Fi - Q.
Box 97
1958/1959, R-Z and 1959/1960, A-E.
Box 98
1959/1960, F-0 (Fellowship, including Budget Summaries).
Box 99
1959/1960, P-Z and 1960/1961, A-At.
Box 100
1960/1961, B-J.
Box 101
1960/1961, K-Sto.
Box 102
1960/1961, Stu-Z (not full).
Box 103
Mc - Z [Ring-binder note: "only, Balance never received"].
Box 104
A - Mc.
Box 105
M - Z.
Box 106
AAU Academic Deans' meeting, 1979-1987.
Box 107 Folder 1
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1985 August and September.
Box 107 Folder 2
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1985 October.
Box 107 Folder 3
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1985 November.
Box 107 Folder 4
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1985 December.
Box 107 Folder 5
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1986 January.
Box 107 Folder 6
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1986 February - March.
Box 107 Folder 7
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1986 March.
Box 107 Folder 8
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1986 April and May.
Box 107 Folder 9
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1986 June.
Box 107 Folder 10
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1986 July.
Box 107 Folder 11
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1986 September.
Box 107 Folder 12
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1986 October.
Box 107 Folder 13
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1986 November.
Box 107 Folder 14
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1986 December.
Box 107 Folder 15
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1987 January.
Box 107 Folder 16
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1987 February.
Box 107 Folder 17
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1987 March and April.
Box 107 Folder 18
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1987 May.
Box 107 Folder 19
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1987 June.
Box 107 Folder 20
Administrative Committee, Meeting agenda, 1987 September-1988 February.
Box 107 Folder 21
Admissions policy, etc., 1967-1990.
Box 107 Folder 22
Advising Review Committee, Report, etc., 1976-1980.
Box 107 Folder 23
Advisory Committee for the Middle East Center, 1983-1987.
Box 107 Folder 24
African Studies Committee, 1981-1986.
Box 107 Folder 25
American Civilization, 1980-1986, Chair.
Box 107 Folder 26
American Civilization, 1991-1993.
Box 107 Folder 27
American Civilization, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 107 Folder 28
American Studies Association/American Quarterly, 1984-1987.
Box 107 Folder 29
Ancient History, 1994.
Box 107 Folder 30
Animal Research, Animal Awareness Advisory Group/Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, 1989 June-Nov.
Box 107 Folder 31
Animal Research, Animal Facilities Renovation Project/ University Laboratory Animal Resources, 1986-1988.
Box 107 Folder 32
Animal Research, University Laboratory Animal Resources, Office of, 1989-1990.
Box 107 Folder 33
Animal Research, University Laboratory Animal Resources, Office of, 1990 Feb.-June.
Box 107 Folder 34
Animal Research, University Laboratory Animal Resources, Office of, 1990-1991.
Box 107 Folder 35
Animal Research, University Laboratory Animal Resources/Animal Care Committee, 1990 July-Dec. (I).
Box 107 Folder 36
Animal Research, University Laboratory Animal Resources/Animal Care Committee, 1990 July-Dec. (II).
Box 107 Folder 37
Annual reports, 1988-1989, Academic Divisions.
Box 107 Folder 38
Annual reports, 1988-1989, Centers.
Box 107 Folder 39
Annual reports, 1988-1989, College of General Studies.
Box 107 Folder 40
Annual reports, 1988-1989, Committees.
Box 108 Folder 1
Annual reports, 1988-1989, Departments.
Box 108 Folder 2
Annual reports, 1988-1989, Interdisciplinary majors.
Box 108 Folder 3
Annual reports, 1988-1989, List.
Box 108 Folder 4
Annual reports, 1988-1989, Office of External Affairs.
Box 108 Folder 5
Anthropology, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 108 Folder 6
Anthropology, Chair, 1979-1985.
Box 108 Folder 7
Anthropology, Review, 1986 (I).
Box 108 Folder 8
Anthropology, Review, 1986 (II).
Box 108 Folder 9
Arts and sciences clippings, 1985.
Box 108 Folder 10
Asian American Studies, 1991-1993.
Box 108 Folder 11
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 108 Folder 12
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Chair, 1979.
Box 108 Folder 13
Audio-Visual Center, 1985-1986.
Box 108 Folder 14
Audio-Visual Center Advisory Committee, 1982-1985.
Box 108 Folder 15
Biology, Department of, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 108 Folder 16
Biology, Department of, Chair, 1982-1984.
Box 108 Folder 17
Biology, Department of, Self-Study Report, 1986 (I).
Box 108 Folder 18
Biology, Department of, Self-Study Report, 1986 (II).
Box 108 Folder 19
Biology, Department of, Self-Study Report, 1986 (III).
Box 108 Folder 20
Budget correspondence, 1991-1994.
Box 108 Folder 21
Capital Council, 1983-1987.
Box 108 Folder 22
Center for Early American Studies, 1977-1979.
Box 108 Folder 23
Center for Medieval Studies, 1988-1990.
Box 108 Folder 24
Center for Middle East Studies, 1985-1989.
Box 108 Folder 25
Center for Middle East Studies, Funding continuation application to the Department of Education, 1988-1989.
Box 108 Folder 26
Center for Middle East Studies, Proposal submitted to the Department of Education, 1988 Jan.
Box 108 Folder 27
Center for the Study of Black Literature and Culture, 1989-1991.
Box 108 Folder 28
Centers and Programs, Annual reports, 1993-1994 (I).
Box 108 Folder 29
Centers and Programs, Annual reports, 1993-1994 (II).
Box 108 Folder 30
Centers proposed, 1989-1990.
Box 108 Folder 31
Chemistry, Chair, 1978-1985.
Box 108 Folder 32
Chemistry, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 108 Folder 33
Classical Studies, 1991-1993.
Box 108 Folder 34
Classical Studies, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 108 Folder 35
Classical Studies, Chair, 1978-1985.
Box 109 Folder 1
Classical Studies, Review, 1989.
Box 109 Folder 2
Cognitive Science, Proposal to the National Science Foundation, 1988-1989.
Box 109 Folder 3
College of Arts and Sciences, 1987-1988.
Box 109 Folder 4
College of General Studies, 1977-1987.
Box 109 Folder 5
College of General Studies Executive Committee, 1982-1987.
Box 109 Folder 6
Committee curriculum, 1974-1986.
Box 109 Folder 7
Committee lists, 1974-1981.
Box 109 Folder 8
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility, 1980-1987.
Box 109 Folder 9
Committee on Admissions, 1979-1986.
Box 109 Folder 10
Committee on Committees, 1985-1987.
Box 109 Folder 11
Committee on Graduate Education, 1981-1983.
Box 109 Folder 12
Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing, 1981-1987.
Box 109 Folder 13
Committee on Undergraduate Education, 1982-1990.
Box 109 Folder 14
Committee to Evaluate the General Honors and Benjamin Franklin Scholars Programs, Report, 1987 March.
Box 109 Folder 15
Committee to Survey Harassment at the University of Pennsylvania, Report, n.d.
Box 109 Folder 16
Complaints (student and general), 1984-1989.
Box 109 Folder 17
Computer Committee, 1979-1987.
Box 109 Folder 18
Computer program and College Information Management System, 1985-1988.
Box 109 Folder 19
Convocation, Photos to be selected for publication, 1984 Oct.
Box 109 Folder 20
DAAD Professorship, 1992-1993.
Box 109 Folder 21
Dean of Students, Office of, Post-Freshman Program for the Educationally Disadvantaged, 1974 summer.
Box 109 Folder 22
Dean's Lecture Series on Race Relations, 1986-1987.
Box 109 Folder 23
Department closings, 1992-1993.
Box 109 Folder 24
Department closings, 1993-1994.
Box 109 Folder 25
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1984-1988.
Box 109 Folder 26
Department teaching analysis, 1993.
Box 109 Folder 27
DiVito Professorship search, 1993-1994.
Box 109 Folder 28
Economic Research, Institute for, 1981.
Box 109 Folder 29
Economics, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 109 Folder 30
Economics, Chair, 1982-1987.
Box 109 Folder 31
English, Department of, 1989-1993 (I).
Box 109 Folder 32
English, Department of, 1989-1993 (II).
Box 109 Folder 33
English, Department of, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 109 Folder 34
English, Department of, Chair, 1980-1988.
Box 109 Folder 35
English, Department of, Review, 1986 (I).
Box 109 Folder 36
English, Department of, Review, 1986 (II).
Box 109 Folder 37
Extra faculty compensation and conflict of interest, 1968-1971.
Box 109 Folder 38
Faculty Advisory Committee on School Relations, 1983.
Box 109 Folder 39
Faculty honors, 1975-1986.
Box 109 Folder 40
Faculty scholarly leaves, 1965-1979.
Box 109 Folder 41
Financial Aid Policy Study Committee, Report, etc., 1970 Oct.
Box 109 Folder 42
Folklore and Folklife, 1991-1993.
Box 110 Folder 1
Folklore and Folklife, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 110 Folder 2
Folklore and Folklife, Chair, 1980-1987.
Box 110 Folder 3
French Institute for Culture and Technology, 1991-1993.
Box 110 Folder 4
Geology, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 110 Folder 5
Geology, Chair, 1978-1985.
Box 110 Folder 6
Geology, External Review Committee, report, 1984.
Box 110 Folder 7
German, 1991-1994.
Box 110 Folder 8
Germanic Languages and Literatures, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 110 Folder 9
Grading system and college majors, 1967-1982.
Box 110 Folder 10
Graduate Division, 1992-1994.
Box 110 Folder 11
Graduate study and fellowships, 1976.
Box 110 Folder 12
Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium, 1992-1993.
Box 110 Folder 13
History, 1988-1993.
Box 110 Folder 14
History, Annual Report, 1993-1994.
Box 110 Folder 15
History, Chair, 1979-1987.
Box 110 Folder 16
History and Sociology of Science, Chair, 1980-1983.
Box 110 Folder 17
History of Art, 1991-1993.
Box 110 Folder 18
History of Art, Chair, 1980-1984.
Box 110 Folder 19
Insiders Guide to Life at Penn, 1986 edition.
Box 110 Folder 20
Internal Review Committee, 1986.
Box 110 Folder 21
Internal Review Committee, Correspondence, 1986 Sept. - Dec.
Box 110 Folder 22
Iranian Studies, 1993-1994.
Box 110 Folder 23
Japanese Studies, 1991-1994.
Box 110 Folder 24
Latin American Studies, 1975-1988.
Box 110 Folder 25
Lauder Institute of Management and International Studies, 1985-1988.
Box 110 Folder 26
Lauder Institute of Management and International Studies, 1992-1993.
Box 110 Folder 27
Leon Lecture Series, 1982-1989.
Box 110 Folder 28
Linguistics, 1991-1993.
Box 110 Folder 29
Linguistics, Chair, 1979-1983.
Box 110 Folder 30
LRSM (Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matters), 1986-1987.
Box 110 Folder 31
Mathematics, Chair, 1977-1985.
Box 110 Folder 32
Medieval Studies Committee, 1978-1985.
Box 110 Folder 33
Meyerhoff Chair, 1992.
Box 110 Folder 34
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1977-1987.
Box 110 Folder 35
Music, 1990-1993.
Box 110 Folder 36
Music, Chair, 1980-1986.
Box 110 Folder 37
National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States of America, Membership Listing, 1981 Oct.
Box 110 Folder 38
Oriental Studies (AMES), 1991-1993.
Box 110 Folder 39
Oriental Studies (AMES), Chair, 1980-1984.
Box 110 Folder 40
Oriental Studies (AMES), Review, 1978 (I).
Box 110 Folder 41
Oriental Studies (AMES), Review, 1978 (II).
Box 111 Folder 1
Oriental Studies (AMES), Review, 1978 (III).
Box 111 Folder 2
PARSS Seminars, 1993-1994.
Box 111 Folder 3
PATHS/PRISM (Philadelphia Partnership for Education), 1992.
Box 111 Folder 4
Personnel Committee, 1973-1986.
Box 111 Folder 5
Philosophy, 1991-1993.
Box 111 Folder 6
Philosophy, Chair, 1981-1987.
Box 111 Folder 7
Physics, Chair, 1982-1986.
Box 111 Folder 8
Plant Science Institute, 1982-1986.
Box 111 Folder 9
Political Science, 1991-1993.
Box 111 Folder 10
Political Science, Chair, 1981-1985.
Box 111 Folder 11
Political Science, Review, 1979 (I).
Box 111 Folder 12
Political Science, Review, 1979 (II).
Box 111 Folder 13
Population Studies Center, 1982-1989.
Box 111 Folder 14
Pre-medical programs and requirements, 1974-1985.
Box 111 Folder 15
Psychology, Chair, 1977-1987.
Box 111 Folder 16
Regional Laser Laboratory, 1979-1986.
Box 111 Folder 17
Regional Science Department, 1992.
Box 111 Folder 18
Regional Science Department, Chair, 1977-1984.
Box 111 Folder 19
Regulations, rules, requirements, etc. 1963-1977.
Box 111 Folder 20
Religious Studies, 1992-1993.
Box 111 Folder 21
Religious Studies, Chair, 1977-1984.
Box 111 Folder 22
Research Committee, Report, 1981 Dec.
Box 111 Folder 23
Research Foundation, 1992-1993.
Box 111 Folder 24
Romance Languages, 1992-1994.
Box 111 Folder 25
Romance Languages, Chair, 1981-1983.
Box 111 Folder 26
SAS/Wharton Joint Degree, 1992-1993.
Box 111 Folder 27
School of Arts and Sciences development, 1991-1993.
Box 111 Folder 28
Slavic Languages, 1993-1994.
Box 111 Folder 29
Slavic Languages, Chair, 1977-1985.
Box 111 Folder 30
Sociology, 1991-1993.
Box 111 Folder 31
Sociology, Chair, 1983-1985.
Box 111 Folder 32
South Asia Regional Studies, 1991-1993.
Box 111 Folder 33
South Asia Regional Studies, Chair, 1965-1988.
Box 111 Folder 34
Soviet and East European Study Center, 1986-1988.
Box 111 Folder 35
Standing Faculty of School of Arts and Sciences , Listing, 1985-1986.
Box 111 Folder 36
Student advising, 1969-1975.
Box 111 Folder 37
Student Committee on Undergraduate Education, Report, 1971.
Box 111 Folder 38
Student Committee on Undergraduate Education, White Paper, 1985.
Box 111 Folder 39
Study Abroad Committee, 1981-1988.
Box 111 Folder 40
Tenure, academic freedom and responsibility, 1972.
Box 111 Folder 41
Undergraduate education, 1993.
Box 111 Folder 42
University Committee on Academic Regulations, Final Report, 1968 Oct. 22.
Box 111 Folder 43
University of Pennsylvania Bulletin--the Campus and the Community, 1974.
Box 111 Folder 44
Who's Who and Where to Find them, n.d.
Box 111 Folder 45
Women's Studies Program, 1992-1993.
Box 111 Folder 46

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