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Trustees of the University. Committee Reports and Correspondence


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A package of miscellaneous notes and designs for the University seal, including the design of the University seal that began to be officially used July 1, 1930 and formally approved by Trustees, June 20, 1932.
Box OS 1
Guide to the Use of the Seal and Arms of the University of Pennsylvania (4 copies).
Box OS 2
Statutes of the Corporation (revised Dec. 1904) by Rev. Jesse Young Burk.
Box OS 2
Notes by Professor Charles E. Dana, William H. Horstman, Co., etc.
Box OS 2
Designs for the proposed flag for the University of Pennsylvania by Professor John Nioms.
Box OS 2
Old Penn, Vol. 8, #35, June 18, 1910.
Box OS 2
The origin and seal of the University of Pennsylvania (reprint from the General Magazine and Historical Chronicle, 6 copies), 11049.
Box OS 2
Report of the Committee on Seal and Coat of Arms (2 copies), 11841.
Box OS 2
Proposed flag designs, miscellaneous photographs and articles dealing with the flag and seal.
Box OS 2
Report of the Committee Appointed by the Trustees to Consider a New Seal, a Coat of Arms and Flag, 11444.
Box OS 2
Seal and shield (on wall plaque), 1905.
Box OS 3
Professor Allen's remarks on the letter and by-laws reported, 3 Nov. 1852.
Box R1 Folder FF6
Trustee report, 1866.
Box R1 Folder FF 7
"A Report on the Constitutional Relations", 1879.
Box R1 Folder FF 8
Committee report, re resignation of Herman V. Hilprecht, 1911.
Box R1 Folder FF 9
Committee of the Medical Department, confidential report, 1859.
Box R1 Folder FF 10
Special Committee on the Medical Department, 1876.
Box R1 Folder FF 11
Charles P. Krauth's letter re a Trustee committee report, 1880.
Box R1 Folder FF 12
John Stewardson Memorial Scholarship, 1897, 1904.
Box R1 Folder FF 13
Findings of Trustees against Herman V. Hilprecht, 1908.
Box R1 Folder FF 14
Committee report and resolutions, 13 Apr. 1914.
Box R1 Folder FF 15
Fine Arts report, 1920.
Box R1 Folder FF 16
Committee of Faculty Representatives on University Policy, report, 1920.
Box R1 Folder FF 17
Committee on University Policy, report, 1920.
Box R1 Folder FF 18
Informal Conference on University Policy, memorandum, 1920.
Box R1 Folder FF 19
Committee on University Policy, report, 1921.
Box R1 Folder FF 20
Research Committee, report, 1930.
Box R1 Folder FF 21
Committee on Seal and Coat of Arms, report, 1932.
Box R1 Folder FF 22
Committee for the Physical Development of the University, report, 1948.
Box R1 Folder FF 23
Financial Aid Study Committee, report, 1970.
Box R1 Folder FF 24
Committees on Hygiene, Education, Graduate School, Physical Education, TowneScientific, Veterinary, Wharton, and Dental Schools, 1912 May 31-1916 May 24.
Box R2 Folder FF 1
Minutes of the stated meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University, Nov. 3 1852; By-law; Henry Vethake to William M. Meredith, Nov. 27, 1852; Henry Reed's letter, Jan. 21, 1853; Professor George Allen's Remarks; Objections to a Reorganization of the University Considered, Mar. 21,1853; A. Dallas Bache to A. Potter, Aug. 2, 1852, "1852" on the book spine; "presented by Dr. Edgar Fahs Smith for the Archives of the University, July, 1922" on the first page.
Box R2 Folder FF 2

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