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Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission (MOVE) Records


Held at: Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The confrontation of May 13, 1985, between the MOVE organization and Philadelphia's city government, which left 11 MOVE members dead and 61 homes destroyed, was one of the most controversial episodes in the city's modern history. The confrontation was the culmination of a dozen years of activity on the part of MOVE, which had emerged in the early 1970s as a "back to nature" group following the teachings of John Africa. A gun battle with police in August 1978 left one policeman dead and nine MOVE members arrested and eventually sentenced to jail terms. In 1982 and 1983, a number of the remaining MOVE members settled in a house on the 6200 block of Osage Avenue in the Cobbs Creek area. They began to campaign for the release of the jailed MOVE members. and, in October 1984, they began the construction of a bunker on the top of their building. In Spring 1985, the city finally determined on a plan to evict the MOVE members and arrest several of them. But the attack early on May 13 ended with the Police Bomb Unit dropping a bomb on the house. The ensuing fire was allowed to spread, and 11 MOVE members died in the house, including 5 children, and 250 neighborhood residents were left homeless. Only one MOVE member and one child survived the fire.

In the aftermath, Mayor W. Wilson Goode appointed the Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission (PSIC), which investigated in detail the events leading up to and including the attack on MOVE, held televised public hearings, and in March 1986 issued a report which was highly critical of government actions. The head of the commission, William Brown III, had been head of the federal Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, and the PSIC's 11 members included prominent individuals from a variety of backgrounds, ranging from attorney and politician Charles Bowser and Reverend Paul Washington to former Judge Bruce Kauffman and ex-Watergate Prosecutor Henry Ruth. William Lytton was retained as Staff Director and Temple Law School Dean Carl Singley as Special Counsel. Eventually, the staff grew to include 7 investigators, as well as support personnel. Outside experts in explosives, fires and forensic pathology were retained, and 11 attorneys and 45 law students conducted about a thousand interviews in Summer 1985.

After conducting its interviews and gathering evidence from a wide variety of governmental agencies the Commission held 5 weeks of televised public hearings in the fall, at which 92 witnesses testified. The members of the Police Bomb Unit refused to testify, taking the Fifth Amendment after attempts by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) to block their appearance failed. The surviving adult MOVE member, Ramona Africa, also refused to testify. However, witnesses did include all the key city officials, as well as residents, citizen negotiators, and expert consultants. The hearings ended in early November. The Commission deliberated for several months before issuing its report on March 6, 1986. That report was a sweeping denunciation of the actions of the city government, typified by the finding that "Dropping a bomb on an occupied row house was unconscionable." The PSIC's conclusions about the facts of the MOVE incident were followed by 38 recommendations for specific improvements in relevant city planning and operations.

The records of the Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission provide a comprehensive account of the MOVE crisis and its antecedents. In addition to files organized by relevant city department or other source, the PSIC created computerized lists illustrating the roles and interactions of every policeman, fireman, city official and community resident, computerized grids showing who attended each of the many meetings held before May 13, and indexes to testimony. The records include records generated or gathered by the PSIC, including administrative materials, investigative reports and interviews; testimony at the hearings plus the videotapes of the televised coverage by WHYY Channel 12; clippings related to MOVE; evidence submitted by various sources to the commission; and the live television coverage of May 13, including the full coverage from WCAU Channel 10. In addition, most of the key documents are also preserved on 17 reels of microfilm.

The heart of the commission's files are the interviews it conducted and the evidence, which was submitted to it, often under the subpoena power granted by the city. Investigators from the PSIC staff interviewed all policemen, firemen, public officials, and residents involved in the MOVE events, as well as other relevant individuals such as the FBI liaison to the Police Department and explosives experts. Extensive summaries of all interviews are included in the records. Supporting and related documents submitted by witnesses as part of the interview process are filed with the interviews. These private interviews took place in Summer 1985 prior to the public hearings in the fall.

Photographs in the collection consist almost entirely of Police Department photography of the Osage Avenue area after the fire.

This collection is arranged into 9 series as follows:

Series 1: PSIC administrative files, circa 1985-1986
Series 2: MOVE background files, circa 1985-1986, undated
Series 3: Statement files, circa 1985
Series 4: City agencies office files, circa 1985
Series 5: Non-city agencies office files, circa 1985
Series 6: Public hearings records, 1985-1985, undated
Series 7: Evidence, 1954-1985
Series 8: Photographs (PC-33), 1985
Series 9: Microfilm and final report, 1986

This collection contains descriptions and visual images of violence and loss of life. In particular, both the descriptions in the finding aid and the photographs in Series 8, especially those describing or showing the victims of the bombing, may be disturbing to many people.

Deposited by the Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission through William H. Brown III, Chairman of the Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission and Handsel B. Minyard, City Solicitor of Philadelphia, January 28, 1988 (Acc. 669), through William H. Brown III, November 4, 1991 (Acc. 727), by the PSIC, 1992 (Acc. 764), and through William H. Brown, June 25, 1997 (PC-33).

Hearing transcripts in Series 6 have been digitized and are available in the "Move (Organization) Collections" digitized collection.

Videotaped recordings of WHYY broadcasts of the hearings in Series 6, and photographs throughout Series 7, have not been digitized. For digitized copies of the WHYY broadcasts, see the WHYY Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission (MOVE) Hearing Videotapes, SCRC 619.

One-inch videotapes in Series 7, boxes 67-70 and 72, have been digitized and are available to view on the SCRC reading room computer desktop. VHS tapes in Series 7, box 71, are duplicates of the one-inch videotapes, and researchers should use the digitized version of the one-inch tapes.

Photographs in Series 8 (PC-33) have been digitized and, due to disturbing content, are solely available to view on the SCRC reading room computer desktop.

The final report of the Commission in Series 9 has been digitized and is available in the "Move (Organization) Collections" digitized collection..|11c67e4f-63af-459b-88af-d0dacf64276d/

Original audiovisual materials, as well as preservation and duplicating masters, may not be played. Researchers must consult use copies, or if none exist must pay for a use copy. Certain digital files may also be inaccessible. Please contact the Special Collections Research Center for more information.

Original processing date unknown. Finding aid revised according to contemporary archival standards in May 2016.

Finding aid reviewed, corrected, and language regarding content warnings, availability of digitized materials, and materials restricted due to personally identifiable information added in 2023 by John Pettit, Associate Archivist, Katy Rawdon, Coordinator of Technical Services, and Courtney Smerz, Collection Management Archivist.

During 2022-2023, the collection was reboxed, folder numbers were assigned, and the finding aid was revised. Some items listed in previous versions of the finding aid were determined to be missing. These items have been removed from this finding aid listing and recorded internally in the SCRC's collection management database. Additionally, materials found to contain personally identifiable information (PII) were restricted. Please contact SCRC for more information.

Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center
Finding Aid Author
Machine-readable finding aid created by: Rajkumar Natarajan, Sky Global Services India (P) Ltd.
Finding Aid Date
January 2024
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research. In 2023 the collection was reviewed, and at that time folders containing personally identifying information such as social security numbers were restricted for 75 years from date of creation, as noted at the folder level. One-inch videotapes in Series 7 have been digitized and are available to view on the SCRC reading room computer desktop; the original tapes are closed to research.

Use Restrictions

The Philadelphia Special Investigation (MOVE) Commission Records are in custody of the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible for determining the identity of rights holders and obtaining their permission for publication and for other purposes where stated.

Collection Inventory

Scope and Contents

Series 1, PSIC administrative files, includes all internal documents generated by the PSIC staff members, including general administrative documents, staff applications, budgets, press releases, notes and correspondence of William B. Lytton, the outlines and drafts of the final report, correspondence with the fire explosive consultants, interviews, and messages. The PSIC also deposited a database created on Lotus 1-2-3. The database no longer exists, but there are some printed lists included in this series.

Evidence Log, 1985.
Box 1 Folder 1
Database report. Evidence file: Introduction and Definitions, circa 1985.
Box 1 Folder 2
Database report. Evidence log. Also includes a list of Evening Bulletin negatives related to MOVE, 1986.
Box 1 Folder 3
Database report. Log of statement/interviews with police, circa 1985.
Box 1 Folder 4
Database report. Log of statement/interviews with fire fighters, 1986.
Box 1 Folder 5
Database report. Log of statement/interviews with public officials, 1986.
Box 1 Folder 6
Database report. Log of statement/interviews with community members, 1986.
Box 1 Folder 7
Log of planning meetings, circa 1985.
Box 1 Folder 8
List of witnesses, circa 1985.
Box 1 Folder 9
List of press (redacted photocopies), circa 1985.
Box 1 Folder 10
List of press (original) (RESTRICTED), circa 1985.
Box 1 Folder 10a
File index, circa 1985.
Box 1 Folder 11
Administrative records (22-0), May 28-August 23, 1985.
Box 1 Folder 12
Administrative records (22-0), August 26-October 29, 1985.
Box 1 Folder 13
Administrative records (22-0), November 18, 1985-January 13, 1986.
Box 1 Folder 14
Administrative records (22-0), January 22-July 1, 1986.
Box 1 Folder 15
Home addresses of the Commission Members, 1985.
Box 1 Folder 16
Affidavits of Commission Members, 1986.
Box 1 Folder 17
Attendance of meetings, June 24, 1985-July 4, 1986.
Box 1 Folder 18
Records of Meetings with Commission, June 21, 1985-January 27, 1986.
Box 1 Folder 19
Legal Staff Applicants (22-1), 1985.
Box 1 Folder 20
Investigative Staff Applicants (22-2), 1985.
Box 1 Folder 21
Public Relations & Writer Applicants (22-3), 1985.
Box 2 Folder 1
Budget and Expenditures (22-4), 1985-1986.
Box 2 Folder 2
Press releases (22-5), 1985-1986.
Box 2 Folder 3
Commission Meetings (22-6), 1985-1986.
Box 2 Folder 4
Commission Meetings (22-6), June 19 and 22, 1985.
Box 2 Folder 5
Photograph of Commission Members, circa 1985.
Box 2 Folder 6
William B. Lytton-Correspondence, including copy of "The Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations of the PSIC" (22-7, 22-8), 1986.
Box 2 Folder 7
Findings. Outline of Focus (22-13A), circa 1985.
Box 2 Folder 8
Findings. Outline to Forward of Special Investigation Report (22-13B), circa 1986.
Box 2 Folder 9
Finding/conclusions forms. DRAFTS (22-13C), circa 1986.
Box 2 Folder 10
Opinion Report of Commissioner, Charles Bowser (22-13D, 22-8-1), 1986.
Box 2 Folder 11
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner, Bruce W. Kauffman (22-13E, 22-8), 1986.
Box 2 Folder 12
Opinion Report Commissioner, Charles E. Bowser (22-8), 1986.
Box 2 Folder 13
Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, Annotated, adopted 1951, reprinted in 1981 (22-8), 1981.
Box 2 Folder 14
Dr. Ali Z. Hameli, et al., Medical Consultants (22-9) (includes redacted photocopy) (RESTRICTED), 1985.
Box 3 Folder 1
Dr. Ali Z. Hameli, et al., Medical Consultants (22-9), 1985.
Box 3 Folder 1
Investigative Staff resumes (22-10), 1985-1986.
Box 3 Folder 2
Fire Explosives Consultants (22-11), 1985-1986.
Box 3 Folder 3
Support Personnel hiring memos and resumes (22-12), 1985.
Box 3 Folder 4
William B. Lytton, Personal (22-13), 1985.
Box 3 Folder 5
Requests for Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission Final Report, 1986.
Box 3 Folder 6
Physical Description

Vol. I (22-14)

Requests for Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission Final Report, 1986.
Box 4 Folder 1
Physical Description

Vol. II (22-14)

Requests for Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission Final Report, 1986.
Box 4 Folder 2
Physical Description

Vol. III (22-14)

Letters from the general public (22-15), 1985.
Box 4 Folder 3
Interviews index (22-16), circa 1985.
Box 4 Folder 4
Interview notes: file numbers 1-1-20 to 1-2-45B (22-16), 1985.
Box 4 Folder 5
Interview notes: file numbers 1-2-46 to 1-2-70 (22-16), 1985.
Box 4 Folder 6
Interview notes: file numbers 1-2-71 to 1-2-79 (22-16) (RESTRICTED), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 1
Interview notes: file numbers 1-2-79A to 1-2-100 (22-16) (RESTRICTED), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 2
Interview notes: file numbers1-2-101 to 1-2-115 (22-16), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 3
Interview notes: file numbers 1-2-115 to 1-2-142 (22-16), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 4
Interview notes: file numbers 2-1-10 to 2-2-10 (22-16), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 5
Interview notes: file numbers 2-2-11 to 5-2-18 (22-16), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 6
Interview notes: file numbers 6-3-9A to 9-2-3 (22-16), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 7
Interview notes: file numbers 9-2-4 to 18-1-3 (22-16), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 8
Interview notes: file numbers 20-1-14A to 23-3-8A (22-16), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 9
Interview notes: file numbers 20-3-9 to 23-2-8 (22-16), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 10
Staff Photographs and Identification (22-17), 1985.
Box 5 Folder 11
Telephone Message Book, June 19-July 12, 1985.
Box 6 Folder 1
Telephone Message Book, July 12-September 21, 1985.
Box 6 Folder 2
Telephone Message Book, July 16-August 9, 1985.
Box 6 Folder 3
Telephone Message Book, August 9-September 11, 1985.
Box 6 Folder 4
Telephone Message Book, September 17-October 7, 1985.
Box 6 Folder 5
Telephone Message Book, September 24-October 27, 1985.
Box 6 Folder 6
Telephone Message Book, October 8-October 28, 1985.
Box 6 Folder 7
Telephone Message Book, October 28-December 16, 1985.
Box 6 Folder 8

Scope and Contents

Series 2, MOVE background files, provides general information about the MOVE organization at the Osage Avenue residence as well as its earlier history. This series includes general information, subjects, interviews with civilian negotiators, a chronological history of events, legal matters, files on former Police Commissioner Joseph O'Neil and Mayor W. Wilson Goode, and subpoenas.

General Information about cults (20-1), circa 1980-1985, undated.
Box 7 Folder 1
General information, including of reports, correspondence, interview transcripts, news clippings, and other records related to MOVE and the 1985 confrontation (20-1), circa 1985-1986.
Box 7 Folder 2
General information, including of reports, correspondence, interview transcripts, news clippings, and other records related to MOVE and the 1985 confrontation (20-1), circa 1985-1986.
Box 7 Folder 3
Investigative Notes (20-1A), 1985.
Box 7 Folder 4
General information, including of reports, correspondence, interview transcripts, news clippings, and other records related to MOVE and the 1985 confrontation (20-2), 1985.
Box 7 Folder 5
Interviews, Civilian Negotiators (20-3) Volume I, 20-03-01 to 20-03-06, August 26-30, 1985.
Box 8 Folder 1
Interviews, Civilian Negotiators (20-3) Volume II, 20-03-08 to 20-03-24, August 30 to October 17, 1985.
Box 8 Folder 2
Interviews, Civilian Negotiators (20-3) Volume II, especially Crisis Intervention Network position descriptions and newspaper clippings (photocopies), 1984.
Box 8 Folder 3
Documents Furnished by Gerald Africa (circa 1977-1981) and interview notes by E. Scott, September 11-13, 1985.
Box 8 Folder 4
Chronology of Events (historical information on MOVE) (20-4), undated.
Box 8 Folder 5
Chronology of Events (historical information on MOVE) (20-4), undated.
Box 8 Folder 6
Chronology of Events (historical information on MOVE) (20-4), undated.
Box 8 Folder 7
Court documents, memos, and other records to Carl E. Singley, Esq., Special Council (20-5), 1985.
Box 9 Folder 1
"Chairing the Philadelphia Special Commission," prepared remarks of William H. Brown, III, for the Law Alumni Society of the University of Pennsylvania, 1986.
Box 9 Folder 2
Messages and Memos for William H. Brown, regarding MOVE, 1985.
Box 9 Folder 3
Handwritten notes of [William H. Brown]., 1985.
Box 9 Folder 4
Fraternal Order of Police v. City of Philadelphia. Court filings and correspondence (20-5-III-A to F), 1985-1987.
Box 9 Folder 5
Motion in Common Pleas Court to Disqualify Mozenter et al (20-5-III-G), 1986.
Box 9 Folder 6
Fraternal Order of Police v. City of Philadelphia. Application for Rearguement and Reconsideration to Pennsylvania Supreme Court (20-5-III-H), 1986.
Box 9 Folder 7
Fraternal Order of Police v. City of Philadelphia. Memorandum of Law in support of Request for Stay (20-5-III-I), 1986.
Box 9 Folder 8
Fraternal Order of Police v. City of Philadelphia. Subpoena for William H. Brown, III, County Investigating Grand Jury (20-5-IV-A) and Notice of Service of Documents for Pennsylvania Supreme Court (20-5-IV-B), 1986.
Box 9 Folder 9
Fraternal Order of Police v. City of Philadelphia. Petition for Stay Pending Determination of Appeal: Petition to Disqualify Grand Jury (20-5-IV-C), 1986.
Box 9 Folder 10
Attorney Index, PSIC hearings, interviews; testimony of Albert Revel and Michael Tursi (20-5-V-A), 1985.
Box 9 Folder 11
Memoranda and letters to PSIC from other Legal Council (20-5-V-B), 1985.
Box 9 Folder 12
Joseph O'Neill - Former Police Commissioner. Suggestions by Joseph O'Neill for chief investigators (20-6), 1985.
Box 9 Folder 13
W. Wilson Goode, Mayor of Philadelphia. Opening statement and interview (20-7), 1985.
Box 9 Folder 14
Model, MOVE Houses – Osage Avenue, 1985-1986.
Box 9 Folder 15
Subpoenas (20-9), 1985.
Box 10 Folder 1
Subpoenas (20-9), 1985.
Box 10 Folder 2
Ramona Africa v. Commonwealth, Trial transcripts (20-10), 1986.
Box 10 Folder 3
Ramona Africa v. Commonwealth, Trial transcripts and other records (20-10), 1986-1990.
Box 10 Folder 4
Disinterment/Exhumation Court Orders (20-11), 1985.
Box 10 Folder 5
Philadelphia Police Department. "MOVE Operation," correspondence, memoranda, and other records (1-0), 1985.
Box 10 Folder 6
Philadelphia Police Department, especially regarding Police Commissioner Sambor. Correspondence, memoranda, interview notes, and other records, 1985.
Box 10 Folder 7

Scope and Contents

Series 3, Statement files, include records consisting, in part, of pre-hearing interviews. This generally includes administrative matters and the interviews themselves from the Police Department, Fire Department, Department of Licenses and Inspections, residents of the Osage Avenue community, Federal Bureau of Investigation, District Attorney's Office, and Managing Director's Office.

Card index to files, pre-trial resource interviews, circa 1985.
Box 72
Philadelphia Police Department interviews (1-2) Volume I, 1-2-1 to 1-2-44 (Restricted), 1985.
Box 11 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department interviews (1-2) Volume II, 1-2-45A to 1-2-75 (Restricted), 1985.
Box 11 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department interviews (1-2) Volume III, 1-2-76A to 1-2-100, 1985.
Box 11 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department interviews (1-2) Volume IV, 1-2-101A to 1-2-143, 1985.
Box 11 Folder 4-5
Philadelphia Police Department interviews - investigative notes (1-2) 1-2-61 to 1-2-73a, 1985.
Box 12 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department interviews - investigative notes (1-2) 1-2-74 to 1-2-84, 1985.
Box 12 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department interviews - investigative notes (1-2) 1-2-85 to 1-2-100, 1985.
Box 12 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department, Analysis of Explosive Employments at 6217, 6219, 6221, 6223 Osage Avenue and other related records (1-3-13), 1985.
Box 12 Folder 4
Philadelphia Police Department, May 13 Narrative, the Alley (1-9), 1985.
Box 12 Folder 5
Philadelphia Fire Department, memoranda and other records regarding personnel interviews and witness testimony, 1985.
Box 12 Folder 6
Philadelphia Fire Department, interview with Commissioner, includes investigative notes and interview transcript (2-1), 1985.
Box 13 Folder 1
Philadelphia Fire Department, interviews with firefighters, 1985.
Box 13 Folder 2
Physical Description

volume I (2-2)

Philadelphia Fire Department, interviews with firefighters, 1985.
Box 13 Folder 3
Physical Description

volume 2 (2-2)

Philadelphia Fire Department, Fire Marshal's Office (2-3), 1985.
Box 13 Folder 4
Philadelphia Fire Department, Fire Report on Physical Examination and Fire Analysis (cause and origin report) (2-4), 1985-1986.
Box 13 Folder 5
Philadelphia. Department of Licenses and Inspections, correspondence, and other records (4-0), 1985-1986.
Box 13 Folder 6
Philadelphia. Department of Licenses and Inspections, interviews (4-2), 1985.
Box 13 Folder 7
Neighborhood and Community (5-1), 1985-1986.
Box 14 Folder 1
Neighborhood and community. Displaced resident interviews (5-2), 1985.
Box 14 Folder 2
Neighborhood and community. Philadelphia Investigative Committee (independent investigative organization) (5-3), circa 1985.
Box 14 Folder 3
Neighborhood and community. Clippings and displaced resident interviews (5-4), 1985.
Box 14 Folder 4
Neighborhood and community. Clippings and displaced resident interviews.(5-4), 1985.
Box 14 Folder 5
Displaced resident interviews: Alexander, Charmaine, Alston, Marvin, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 6
Displaced resident interviews: Benson, Edith, Benson, Shirleen, Blagman, Hattie, and Bond, Clifford, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 7
Displaced resident interviews: Bostic, Ernest, Bostic, Kermit and Elizabeth; Burch, Phillip; Burisett, Sadie; Busbee, Roslyn; and Bush, Jason, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 8
Displaced resident interviews: Carter, Cassandra; Cephus, Louise; Chainey, Nannia; Chainey, Robert; Church, Charles; Coles, Mattie; and Cox, Virginia, circa 1985.
Box 14 Folder 9
Displaced resident interviews: DeVore, John; Dorsey, Thomas and Amanda; and Dotson, Elaine, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 10
Displaced resident interviews: Edmonson, Stephanie and Evelyn, Sheila, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 11
Displaced resident interviews: Fields, Ronald; Fletcher, Ogstrola; Ford, Robert and Gwendolyn, and Foskie, Nathan and Carne, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 12
Displaced resident interviews: Gamble, Henry & Gloria; Garnett, Milton; Gran, Lucille; and Grice, Alfred & Ernestine, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 13
Displaced resident interviews: Hampton, Leroy; Hansberry, Myron; Howard, Hazel; and Hubbard, Ernest, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 14
Displaced resident interviews: Jackson, Charles & Chris; Jackson, Earl & Jessie May; Jenkins, James; and Johnson, Robin, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 15
Displaced resident interviews: King, Patricia; and King Walter, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 16
Displaced resident interviews: Lane, Margaret; Lee, Anna; Lee, Sandra; and Lewis, Frank and Eva, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 17
Displaced resident interviews: Mapp, Thomas and Betty; Martin, Carrie; and Mattaway, Samuel, 1985.
Box 14 Folder 18
Displaced resident interviews: Nesbitt, Lorraine; Nesbitt, Theresa; Nesbitt, Willie & Anna Mae; and Nichols, Inez, circa 1985.
Box 14 Folder 19
Displaced resident interviews: Odeniyi, Olgitan and Adeela, and Payne, Bredain, 1985, undated.
Box 15 Folder 1
Displaced resident interviews: Perry, Reginna, 1985.
Box 15 Folder 2
Displaced resident interviews: Price, Theodore, 1985.
Box 15 Folder 3
Displaced resident interviews: Redd, Gerald; Renfrow, Charles; Renfrow, Gerald; Rice, Eric and Keith, 1985.
Box 15 Folder 4
Displaced resident interviews: Rice, Ernestine, 1985.
Box 15 Folder 5
Displaced resident interviews: Robinson, Valerie and Rush, Mary Kennings, undated.
Box 15 Folder 6
Displaced resident interviews: Sanders, Ernest and Virginia; Small, Cheryl and Allen; Smeck, Harry and Emma; and Stokes, John, 1985, undated.
Box 15 Folder 7
Displaced resident interviews: Swinton, Sandra; Taylor, James and Hazel; Thomas, Johnnie; Thomas, Oris and Vivian; Tobias, Stanley and Gloria, 1985, undated.
Box 15 Folder 8
Displaced resident interviews: Walker, Bennett and Marguerite, 1985.
Box 15 Folder 9
Displaced resident interviews: Watkins, Earl and Pearl, Welburn -Gillon, Scott and Hope, and Welburn, Thelma, 1985.
Box 15 Folder 10
Displaced resident interviews: Williams, Milton & Sherry, Wilson, Lloyd & Lucretia, Wines, Connie, 1985.
Box 15 Folder 11
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Liaison Administrative matters (8-0), circa 1985.
Box 15 Folder 12
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Liaison interview notes (8-1), circa 1985.
Box 15 Folder 13
Philadelphia District Attorney (23-2), 1985.
Box 15 Folder 14
Subpoenas for Federal Grand Jury (US Department of Justice), 1985-1986.
Box 15 Folder 15
Subpoenas received by PSIC (Not from US Department of Justice) (23-3B), 1986.
Box 15 Folder 16
Confidentiality Policy, signed by PSIC staff (24), 1985.
Box 15 Folder 17

Scope and Contents

Series 4, City agencies office files, consists of the office files of several city agencies including the Philadelphia Medical Examiner, Streets Department, Water Department, Department of Public Property, Philadelphia Gas Works, Philadelphia Electric Company, City Finance Department, and the City Solicitor's Office. This series also includes a file on the Salvatore Commission.

Philadelphia Managing Director's Office (9-0), 1985-1986.
Box 15 Folder 18
Philadelphia Managing Director's Office (9-1), 1985.
Box 15 Folder 19
Philadelphia Managing Director's Office (9-2), interviews with Stuart Segal, Clarence Mosley, James Pryor, and Vicki Blazik, 1985.
Box 15 Folder 20
Philadelphia Medical Examiner (3-0), 1985.
Box 15 Folder 21
Philadelphia Medical Examiner, observations of the Medical Examiner's Office by Dr. Ali Hameli, 1986.
Box 15 Folder 22
Philadelphia Medical Examiner, supplemental report on victim remains (3-2a), 1986.
Box 15 Folder 23
Philadelphia Medical Examiner (3-1), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 1
Philadelphia Medical Examiner (3-2), 1985-1986.
Box 16 Folder 2
Philadelphia Streets Department (11-1), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 3
Philadelphia Water Department (12-1), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 4
Philadelphia Department of Public Property (13-1), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 5
Philadelphia Gas Works (14-1), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 6
Philadelphia City Finance Department (16-1), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 7
Philadelphia City Solicitor (17-1), 1983-1986.
Box 16 Folder 8

Scope and Contents

Series 5, Non-city agencies office files, includes the files of the Pennsylvania State Police, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and the Fraternal Order of Police.

PECo (15-1), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 9
Pennsylvania State Police (18-1), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 10
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (19-1), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 11
U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (21-1), 1985-1986.
Box 16 Folder 12
Senator Frank A. Salvatore Committee (23-1), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 13
Fraternal Order of Police. Memoranda (10-1, also includes copies of some documents marked 1-2 +), 1985.
Box 16 Folder 14
Fraternal Order of Police. Mozenter, Molloy and Durst Correspondence (10-1), 1985-1986.
Box 16 Folder 15
Fraternal Order of Police v. City of Philadelphia, litigation filings (volume I) submitted to Court of Common Please, Philadelphia County, including: Complaint in Equity, Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Order Denying Motion, Transcript of Hearing, Complaints of Mandamus, Amended Complaint in Mandamus, Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law in Support of Amended Complaint in Mandamus, and Opinions of Judge A. J. Dibona, 1985.
Box 17 Folder 1
Fraternal Order of Police vs City of Philadelphia, litigation filings (volume II) submitted to the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, including: Transcript of Hearing, Opinion and Order of Judge Crumlish, Brief of Appellants, Brief of Appellees, Transcripts of Hearings, Opinion and Order of Judge Crumlish, 1985.
Box 17 Folder 2
Fraternal Order of Police vs City of Philadelphia, litigation filings (volume II) submitted to the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, including: "Reproduced Record", 1985.
Box 17 Folder 3
Fraternal Order of Police vs. City of Philadelphia, litigation filings (volume III) submitted to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, including: Application for Stay Petition for Review of Denial of Stay Order, Petition For Allocator, Corrected Proof of Service, Supplemental Attachment, 1985.
Box 17 Folder 4
Fraternal Order of Police vs. City of Philadelphia, litigation filings (volume IV) submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States including: Emergency Application for Stay Pending Appeal Before Appellate Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Application for Stay Denied, 1985.
Box 17 Folder 5
Fraternal Order of Police vs. City of Philadelphia (volume V) (10-2), documents filed with the court: Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Order Signed by Judge James McGirr Kelly Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Oral Argument on Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Oral Argument on Motion for Reconsideration of the Order of the Court and Leave to Intervene, Order and Motion for Capital Cities Communications Inc. to Intervene and for Rehearing and Reconsideration, Memorandum Brief of Capital Cities Communications Inc. t/a WPVI-TV, in Support of its Motion to Intervene and to Vacate and Dismiss the Order of Court, Supplemental Memorandum of WCAU-TV Channel 10 and Harvey Clark in Support of Leave to Intervene, Memorandum and Order of Judge Kelly Granting Motions of WCAU, Harvey Clark, Capital Cities Communications and Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc., Motion and Order of Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission to Vacate the Order and Dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint, Preliminary Statement of Judge James McGirr Kelly, Memorandum and Order of Judge Kelly, Order of Dismissal of Judge James McGirr Kelly, Order and Motion of WCAU-TV, Channel 10 and Harvey Clark to Intervene and for Rehearing and Reconsideration of Order, 1985.
Box 18 Folder 1

Existence and Location of Copies

Hearing transcripts in Series 6 have been digitized and are available in the "Move (Organization) Collections" digitized collection.

Scope and Contents

Series 6, Public hearings records, contains detailed hearing transcripts of the key players in the MOVE confrontation. The transcripts are arranged in chronological order and are accompanied by videotaped recordings of WHYY broadcasts of the hearings, including commentary from hosts and sections of other programming during breaks. The hearing transcripts have been digitized and are available for research on the Library website. The WHYY broadcasts have not been digitized, for digitized copies see the WHYY Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission (MOVE) Hearing Videotapes, SCRC 619. Media coverage follows the hearing transcripts and includes an extensive clipping file from local and national media sources. Also included are administrative records, security information, rules, lists of witnesses, press registers, and correspondence with the media

Administrative Matters (6-0), 1985.
Box 18 Folder 2
Security (6-1), 1985.
Box 18 Folder 3
Rules of Procedure (6-2), 1985.
Box 18 Folder 4
Witnesses (actual and potential) (6-3), 1985.
Box 18 Folder 5
Ratings for WHYY Broadcast, 1985.
Box 18 Folder 6
Registration and attendance, 1985.
Box 18 Folder 7
Attendance register, 1985.
Box 18 Folder 8
Media register (includes redacted photocopies), 1985.
Box 18 Folder 9
Media register (Restricted), 1985.
Box 18 Folder 9a
Daily Press Registration, circa 1985.
Box 18 Folder 10
Correspondence with the Media (includes redacted photocopies), circa 1985.
Box 18 Folder 11
Correspondence with the Media (Restricted), circa 1985.
Box 18 Folder 11a
Index of transcripts of testimony before the Philadelphia Special Investigative Committee from October 8-November 6, 1985 (6-4), 1985.
Box 19 Folder 1
Hearing transcripts from October 8, 1985, 10AM. Includes Neil Shanahan, Commission Staff; John Cresse, Police Officer; George Draper, Police Officer; and Joseph O'Neil, Former Police Commissioner, Retired, 1985.
Box 19 Folder 2
Hearing transcripts from October 8, 1985, 2 PM. Includes John Cresse, Police Officer; George Draper, Police Officer; Inez Nichols, Neighbor; Nathan Foskey, Neighbor; Carrie Foskey, Neighbor, 1985.
Box 19 Folder 3
Hearing transcripts from October 9, 1985, 10AM. Includes Betty Mapp, Neighbor; Cassandra Carter, Neighbor; Lloyd Wilson, Neighbor; Lucretia Wilson, Neighbor, 1985.
Box 19 Folder 4
Hearing transcripts from October 9, 1985, 2PM. Includes Clifford Bond, Neighbor; Bennie J. Swans Jr., Crisis Intervention Network; Gloria Sutton, Commission on Human Relations; Louise James, Ex-MOVE Member; LaVerne Sims, Ex-MOVE Member, 1985.
Box 19 Folder 5
Hearing transcripts from October 10, 1985, 10AM. Includes Louise James, Ex-MOVE Member; LaVerne Sims, Ex-MOVE Member; Bennie Swans, Crisis Intervention Network; Robert Owens, Crisis Intervention Network, 1985.
Box 19 Folder 6
Hearing transcripts from October 10, 1985, 2PM. Includes James Pryor; Clarence Mosley, Assistant Managing Director; John White, Assistant Managing Director; Yvonne B. Haskins, Director of Human Relations; William Marrazzo, Water Commissioner; Thomas Walton, Water Commissioner; Armando Pandola, Water Commissioner; Bruce Aptowicz, Water Commissioner; Thomas Palmer, West Philadelphia Consortium; Stuart Shapiro, Health Commissioner; Richard Surles, Mental Health; Irene Pernsley, Commission of Human Relations; Raymond Tate, Retired Commissioner Licenses and Inspections; Richard Gold, City Solicitor Office, 1985.
Box 19 Folder 7
Hearing transcripts from October 11, 1985, 10AM, Julius Pergolini, Licenses and Inspections; Rudolph Paliaga, Jr., Licenses and Inspections; Joseph S. White, Commissioner of Licenses and Inspections, 1985.
Box 19 Folder 8
Hearing transcripts from October 11, 1985, 2PM, Herbert Kirk, Retired Police Sergeant; W. Wilson Goode, Mayor, 1985.
Box 19 Folder 9
Hearing transcripts from October 12, 1985, 10AM, Michael Ward, 1985.
Box 20 Folder 1
Hearing transcripts from October 15, 1985, 10AM, Mayor W. Wilson Goode, 1985.
Box 20 Folder 2
Hearing transcripts from October 15, 1985, 1:45PM, Mayor W. Wilson Goode, 1985.
Box 20 Folder 3
Hearing transcripts from October 16, 1985, 10AM, Leo A. Brooks, Former Managing Director, 1985.
Box 20 Folder 4
Hearing transcripts from October 16, 1985, 1:45PM, Leo A. Brooks, Former Managing Director, 1985.
Box 20 Folder 5
Hearing transcripts from October 17, 1985, 10AM, George J. Sambor, Former Police Commissioner, 1985.
Box 20 Folder 6
Hearing transcripts from October 17, 1985, 1:45PM, George J. Sambor, Former Police Commissioner, 1985.
Box 20 Folder 7
Hearing transcripts from October 18, 1985, 10:00AM: Gregore J. Sambor, Former Police Commissioner, 1985.
Box 21 Folder 1
Hearing transcripts from October 18, 1985, 1:45PM: Gregore J. Sambor, Former Police Commissioner, 1985.
Box 21 Folder 2
Hearing transcripts from October 22, 1985, 10:00AM: Edward G. Rendell, District Attorney; Eric B. Henson, Assistant District Attorney; Bernard Siegel, Assistant District Attorney, 1985.
Box 21 Folder 3
Hearing transcripts from October 22, 1985, 1:45PM: Charles Burrus, Negotiator; Novella Williams, Negotiator; Judge Robert Williams, Negotiator; Joseph Coleman, City Council President; Barbara Mather, City Solicitor; Ralph Teti, Department Solicitor, 1985.
Box 21 Folder 4
Hearing transcripts from October 23, 1985, 10:00: John Tiers, Inspector; John Craig, Chief Inspector; James Shanahan, Captain; Edward McLaughlin, Captain, 1985.
Box 21 Folder 5
Hearing transcripts from October 23, 1985, 1:45PM: John Tiers, Inspector; John Craig, Chief Inspector; James Shanahan, Captain; Edward McLaughlin, Captain, 1985.
Box 21 Folder 6
Hearing transcripts from October 24, 1985, 1:45PM: Albert Revel, Sergeant; Michael Trusi, Officer; Richard Geppert, Crane Owner; Thomas Mower, Commission Staff, 1985.
Box 21 Folder 7
Hearing transcripts from October 25, 1985, 10:00 am: Richard F. Kirschner, Captain; Dominick Marandolo, Lieutenant, 1985.
Box 22 Folder 1
Hearing transcripts from October 25, 1985, 1:45 pm: Edward Connor, Sergeant, undated.
Box 22 Folder 2
Hearing transcripts from October 29, 1985, 10:00 am: Lawrence D'u Lisse, Officer; John Reiber, Officer; James J. Creaturo, Commission Staff; John Sigman, Officer; Joseph Szczech, Officer, 1985.
Box 22 Folder 3
Hearing transcripts from October 29, 1985, 1:50 pm: Paul Tolbert, Officer; William Blackman, Officer; Richard L. Reed, Trooper; William C. Richmond, Fire Commissioner; Frank Scipione, Deputy Fire Commissioner, 1985.
Box 22 Folder 4
Hearing transcripts from October 30, 1985, 10:00 am: William C. Richmond, Fire Commissioner; Frank J. Scipione, Deputy Fire Commissioner, 1985.
Box 22 Folder 5
Hearing transcripts from October 30, 1985, 1:45 pm: William C. Richmond, Fire Commissioner; Frank J. Scipione, Deputy Fire Commissioner; Thomas L. Mower, Commission Staff; James A. Creaturo, Commission Staff, 1985.
Box 22 Folder 6
Hearing transcripts from October 31, 1985, 10:00 am: Joseph M. Murray, Jr., Firefighter; John Vaccarelli, Fire Lieutenant; Dominick Marandolo, Police Lieutenant, William Stuart, 1985.
Box 22 Folder 7
Hearing transcripts from October 31, 1985, 1:45 pm: Frank J. Eccles, Commission Staff; Clarence Mulvihill, Officer; Lawrence D'Ulisse, Officer; Detective William Stephenson; Battalion Chief John Skarbek; Sargent Donald Griffiths; William Trudel, Officer; Marcus Bariana, Officer; and Michael Moses Ward, video-taped deposition from October 12, 1985, presented and transcribed, 1985.
Box 23 Folder 1
Hearing transcripts from November 1, 1985, 10:00 am: Louis Mount, Officer; Walter E. Washington, Officer; James J. Berghaier, Officer; Michael Tursi, Officer; Albert Revel, Sergeant; Charles T. Mellor, Officer, 1985.
Box 23 Folder 2
Hearing transcripts from November 1, 1985, 1:45 pm: James R. Phelan, Explosives Expert; Charles King, Fire Expert, 1985.
Box 23 Folder 3
Hearing transcripts from November 5, 1985, 10:00 am: George Draper, Police Officer; Robert Mathews, Jr., Detective; Albert Mitchell, Police Officer; Clarence James, Police Officer; Charles G. King, Fire Expert, 1985.
Box 23 Folder 4
Hearing transcripts from November 5, 1985, 2:05 pm: Dr. Ali Z. Hameli, Forensic Expert; Lowell J. Levine, Odontologist; Ellis R. Kerley, Anthropologist, 1985.
Box 23 Folder 5
Hearing transcripts from November 6, 1985, 10:00 am: W. Wilson Goode, Mayor; Gregore J. Sambore, Former Police Commissioner, William C. Richmond, Fire Commissioner; Leo A. Brooks, Former Managing Director, 1985.
Box 24 Folder 1
Hearing transcripts from November 6, 1985, 1:45 pm: W. Wilson Goode, Mayor; Gregore J. Sambore, Former Police Commissioner William C. Richmond, Fire Commissioner; Leo A. Brooks, Former Managing Director, 1985.
Box 24 Folder 2
Statement of Special Agent Michael E. Macys, November 7, 1985.
Box 24 Folder 3
Statement of Stephen Rementer, November 20, 1985.
Box 24 Folder 4
Key word index, day 5, and for October 14, 1985.
Box 24 Folder 5
Key word index, day 6, 1985.
Box 24 Folder 6
Key word index, day 7, 1985.
Box 24 Folder 7
Key word index, day 8, 1985.
Box 24 Folder 8
Key word index, day 9, 1985.
Box 24 Folder 9
Key word index, day 10, 1985.
Box 25 Folder 1
Key word index, day 11, 1985.
Box 25 Folder 2
Key word index, day 12, 1985.
Box 25 Folder 3
Key word index, day 13, 1985.
Box 25 Folder 4
Key word index, day 14, 1985.
Box 25 Folder 5
Key word index, day 15, 1985.
Box 25 Folder 6
Key word index, day 16, 1985.
Box 25 Folder 7
Key word index, day 17, 1985.
Box 25 Folder 8
Key word index, day 18, 1985.
Box 25 Folder 9
Post Hearings Research (6-5), 1985-1986.
Box 26 Folder 1
Index to Transcript Summaries (6-6), 1985.
Box 26 Folder 2
Transcript narratives, week 1 (6-6), October 8-11, 1985.
Box 26 Folder 3
Transcript narratives, week 2 (6-6), October 15-18, 1985.
Box 26 Folder 4
Transcript narratives, week 3 (6-6), October 22-25, 1985.
Box 26 Folder 5
Transcript narratives, week 4 (6-6), October 29-November 1, 1985.
Box 26 Folder 6
Transcript narratives, week 5 (6-6), November 5-7, 1985.
Box 26 Folder 7
Witness preparation, Brooks, Leo A. (6-7), 1985.
Box 26 Folder 8
Witness preparation, Connor, Edward Sgt. (6-7), 1985.
Box 26 Folder 9
Witness preparation, Griffith, Donald R. Sgt. (6-7), 1985.
Box 26 Folder 10
Witness preparation, Klein, William C. (6-7), 1985.
Box 26 Folder 11
Witness preparation, Marandolo, Dominick Lt. (6-7), 1985.
Box 26 Folder 12
Witness preparation, Powell, Frank W. Lt. (6-7), 1985.
Box 26 Folder 13
Witness preparation, Revel, Albert B. Sgt. (6-7), 1985.
Box 26 Folder 14
Witness preparation, Richmond, William (6-7), 1985.
Box 26 Folder 15
Witness preparation, Sambor, Commissioner (6-7), 1985.
Box 27 Folder 1
Witness preparation, Trudel, William (6-7), 1985.
Box 27 Folder 2
Witness preparation, Tursi, Michael (6-7), 1985.
Box 27 Folder 3
Research for Hearings (6-8), circa 1985.
Box 27 Folder 4
Videotape extracts and exhibits (6-9), 1985.
Box 27 Folder 5
WHYY, Inc. agreement with City of Philadelphia (6-10), October 22, 1985.
Box 27 Folder 6
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (1 tape), October 8, 1985.
Box 27
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (2 tapes), October 9, 1985.
Box 27
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (3 tapes), October 10, 1985.
Box 27
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (1 tape), October 11, 1985.
Box 27
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (2 tapes), October 11, 1985.
Box 28
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (3 tapes), October 15, 1985.
Box 28
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (4 tapes), October 16, 1985.
Box 28
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (3 tapes), October 17, 1985.
Box 28
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (1 tapes), October 18, 1985.
Box 28
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (1 tape), October 22, 1985.
Box 29
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (2 tapes), October 23, 1985.
Box 29
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (1 tape), October 24, 1985.
Box 29
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (1 tape), October 25, 1985.
Box 29
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (1 tape), October 28, 1985.
Box 29
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (1 tape), October 30, 1985.
Box 29
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (1 tape), October 31, 1985.
Box 29
Videotape of WHYY broadcast of hearings (1 tape), November 5, 1985.
Box 29
Press conference, including audio tape (MC-60) of interview of William Brown III by Vernon Odom of WPVI (7-1), March 6, 1986.
Box 30 Folder 1
News clippings, May 9-16, 1985.
Box 30 Folder 2
Physical Description

volume 1 (7-2)

News clippings, May 17-20, 1985.
Box 30 Folder 3
Physical Description

volume 2 (7-2)

News clippings, May 21-June 27, 1985.
Box 30 Folder 4
Physical Description

volume 3 (7-2)

News clippings, May-June 1985.
Box 31 Folder 1
News clippings, May-July 1985.
Box 31 Folder 2
News clippings, August 1985.
Box 31 Folder 3
News clippings (photocopy-bound), July-August 1985.
Box 31 Folder 4
News clippings, September 1985.
Box 31 Folder 5
News clippings, November 1985-February 1986.
Box 31 Folder 6
News clippings (original) (1:2), March 1-May 16, 1986.
Box 32 Folder 1
News clippings (original) (2:2), March 1-May 16, 1986.
Box 32 Folder 2
News clippings (photocopy-bound), October 22, 1985-May 16, 1986.
Box 32 Folder 3
News clippings (original), September 6 - October 16, 1985.
Box 32 Folder 4
News clippings (original), October 17-24, 1985.
Box 32 Folder 5
News clippings (original), October 25-31, 1985.
Box 33 Folder 1
News clippings (loose), October 1-31, 1985.
Box 33 Folder 2
News clippings (original), November 1-December 4, 1985.
Box 33 Folder 3
News clippings (loose original articles), November 1-December 11, 1985.
Box 33 Folder 4
News clippings, undated.
Box 33 Folder 5
Philadelphia Inquirer: "MOVE Standoff Conflicts and Contradictions", undated.
Box 33 Folder 6
Philadelphia Daily News, Supplement, March 14, 1985.
Box 33 Folder 7
Philadelphia Magazine, September 1985.
Box 33 Folder 8
News clippings, national (7-2), October 2-8, 1985.
Box 33 Folder 9
News clippings, national (7-2), October 9, 1985.
Box 34 Folder 1
News clippings, national (7-2), October 10, 1985.
Box 34 Folder 2
News clippings, national (7-2), October 11, 1985.
Box 34 Folder 3
News clippings, national (7-2), October 12, 1985.
Box 34 Folder 4
News clippings, national (7-2), October 13-15, 1985.
Box 34 Folder 5
News clippings, national (7-2), October 16, 1985.
Box 34 Folder 6
News clippings, national (7-2), October 17, 1985.
Box 35 Folder 1
News clippings, national (7-2), October 18, 1985.
Box 35 Folder 2
News clippings, national (7-2), October 19, 1985.
Box 35 Folder 3
News clippings, national (7-2), October 21-22, 1985.
Box 35 Folder 4
News clippings, national (7-2), October 23, 1985.
Box 36 Folder 1
News clippings, national (7-2), October 24, 1985.
Box 36 Folder 2
News clippings, national (7-2), October 25, 1985.
Box 36 Folder 3
News clippings, national (7-2), October 26, 1985.
Box 36 Folder 4
News clippings, national (7-2), October 27, 1985.
Box 37 Folder 1
News clippings, national (7-2), October 28, 1985.
Box 37 Folder 2
News clippings, national (7-2), October 29, 1985.
Box 37 Folder 3
News clippings, national (7-2), October 30, 1985.
Box 37 Folder 4
News clippings, national (7-2), October 31, 1985.
Box 37 Folder 5
News clippings, national (7-2), November 1, 1985.
Box 37 Folder 6
News Clippings, national (7-2), November 2, 1985.
Box 38 Folder 1
News Clippings, national (7-2), November 3, 1985.
Box 38 Folder 2
News Clippings, national (7-2), November 4, 1985.
Box 38 Folder 3
News Clippings, national (7-2), November 5, 1985.
Box 38 Folder 4
News Clippings, national (7-2), November 6, 1985.
Box 38 Folder 5
News clippings, national (7-2), November 7, 1985.
Box 39 Folder 1
News clippings, national (7-2), November 7, 1985.
Box 39 Folder 2
News clippings, national (7-2), November 8-13, 1985.
Box 39 Folder 3
News clippings, national (7-2), November 8-13, 1985.
Box 39 Folder 4
News clippings, national (7-2), November 14-December 18, 1985.
Box 39 Folder 5
News clippings, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 2, 1986.
Box 40 Folder 1
News clippings, Los Angeles Times, 1985.
Box 40 Folder 2

Existence and Location of Copies

One-inch videotapes in Series 7, boxes 67-70 and 72, have been digitized and are available to view on the SCRC reading room computer desktop. VHS tapes in Series 7, box 71, are duplicates of the one-inch videotapes, and researchers should use the digitized version of the one-inch tapes.

Scope and Contents

Series 7, Evidence, contains evidence presented to the PSIC for its deliberations. The evidence files are arranged alphabetically by the creating departments or individuals. One-inch videotapes in this series, boxes 67-70, contain news footage from KYW, WPVI, WCAU, and the Philly police used as PSIC evidence related to the May 13 bombing. Sound recordings in box 72 contain police radio transmissions.

Janine Africa letter to the Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission (97), July 1985.
Box 40 Folder 3
Ramona Africa letter to Paul Washington rejecting offer to testify (417), November 1, 1985.
Box 40 Folder 4
Copy of manual for Israeli submachine guns (236), undated.
Box 40 Folder 5
Copy of manual for Browning caliber 30 auto rifle (235), undated.
Box 40 Folder 6
Copy of TM 9-225 for Browning machine gun (237), undated.
Box 40 Folder 7
Copy of FM 23-67 for 7.62-MM, M60 machine gun (266), February 1984.
Box 40 Folder 8
Copy of FM 23-9 for M16A1 Rifle (265), June 1974.
Box 40 Folder 9
Copy of FM 5-25 Department of the Army, Explosives and Demolitions (418), September 1954.
Box 40 Folder 10
TM 9-1005-213-10 manual for machine gun, caliber .50 various models(254), July 1968.
Box 40 Folder 11
TM 9-1005-208-12 manual for rifle (253), August 1969.
Box 40 Folder 12
Copy of TM 9-1375-213-12 manual on demolition materials (255), 1973.
Box 40 Folder 13
Chronology of Events Received from City Managing Director, Leo A. Brooks (194), June 14, 1985.
Box 40 Folder 14
Memo to all Commissioners from James S. White (112), July 11, August 2, 1985.
Box 40 Folder 15
Notes by Leo A. Brooks, City Managing Director (109), May 12 [no year].
Box 40 Folder 16
Memo from Police Commissioner Gregore J. Sambor to Managing Director James S. White (119), August 7, 1985.
Box 40 Folder 17
Copy of notes and business cards from Brooks, M.D. (223), undated.
Box 40 Folder 18
Medical and hospital records of Birdie Africa from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (201), 1985.
Box 40 Folder 19
Medical and hospital records of Birdie Africa from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (201), 1985.
Box 40 Folder 20
Opening statement of Joseph Coleman (328), October 22, 1985.
Box 40 Folder 21
Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms memo to all special agents in charge Re: Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission inquiry, from confidential source (144), August 2, 1985.
Box 40 Folder 22
Defino & Defino letter with Bomb Disposal Unit test report (438), 1984-1985.
Box 40 Folder 23
Material reference reclassification Bomb Squad by Civil Service (448), 1985.
Box 40 Folder 24
Material reference reclassification Bomb Squad by Civil Service (448), 1985.
Box 40 Folder 25
Material reference reclassification Bomb Squad by Civil Service (448), 1985.
Box 40 Folder 26
Letter from the Fairmount Park Commission to the PSIC (126), August 2, 1985.
Box 41 Folder 1
Fraternal Order of Police chronology of "MOVE Siege" (267), May 31, October 3, 1985.
Box 41 Folder 2
Frankford Hospital subpoena and negative response regarding records of Tomasso (LeVino) Moses and Suzanne Jean LeVino (292), October 3-4, 1985.
Box 41 Folder 3
Giuffre Medical Center subpoena and medical records of Ramona Africa (199), May-August 1985.
Box 41 Folder 4
Letter from former mayor William J. Green with statement to be read into the record (324), October 16 and 18, 1985.
Box 41 Folder 5
Complete and final report Volume I. Case letter, review of scene, condition of remains, number of bodies, letters, identification of bodies, inventory of X-rays, toxicology report, bodies B-K, pictures of process (PC), dental report, resumes of medical staff, body locations (394), July-November 1985, undated.
Box 41 Folder 6
Complete and final report Volume II. Preliminary autopsy reports, case files, unidentified person reports, case files of unidentified remains, sent from PSIC to Ali Z. Hameli, M.D. (395), 1985.
Box 41 Folder 7
Complete and final report Volume III. Death certificates, postmortem reports (396), 1985.
Box 41 Folder 8
Complete and final report Volume IV. Toxicology reports and other items (397), undated.
Box 41 Folder 9
Complete and final report Volume V. Various items (398), 1985.
Box 41 Folder 10
Forensic pathologist complete and final reports amendments (403), 1985.
Box 41 Folder 11
Letter to Medical Examiner from Ali Z. Hameli, Forensic Pathologist, requesting materials and documents (239), September 11, 1985.
Box 41 Folder 12
Cover letter regarding receipt of four photographs of objects taken from Body K (124), August 8, 1985.
Box 41 Folder 13
Progress letter and request for additional material from Ali Z. Hameli, Forensic Pathologist (238), September 11, 1985.
Box 41 Folder 14
Hansen and Hansen material on Gyro Jet handgun and carbine (143), undated.
Box 41 Folder 15
Louise James letter to PSIC (451), January 1986.
Box 41 Folder 16
Louise James letter to William H. Brown, PSIC (392), November 4, 1985.
Box 41 Folder 17
Earl L. Johnson telegram to Welch regarding questions for Mayor(316), October 15, 1985.
Box 41 Folder 18
KYW News Radio program logs (192), April 28 and May 13, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 1
KYW News Radio program logs (192), April 28 and May 13, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 2
Fellowship Commission report, City Response to Interracial/Intergroup Conflict (125), December 1983.
Box 42 Folder 3
Graham McDonald handwritten memo (99), circa 1985.
Box 42 Folder 4
Misericordia Hospital subpoena and medical record of treatment for Ramona Africa (198), 1985.
Box 42 Folder 5
List and description of 20 color photographs of evidence recovered (220), November 5, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 6
Mozenter, Molloy & Durst letter to PSIC regarding photographs (416), May 13, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 7
Mozenter, Molloy & Durst to letter to PSIC regarding adoption of rules of procedure (252), September 25, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 8
Petition or Nu-Mapps to testify (317), October 15, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 9
Pennsylvania Department of Corrections letter to PSIC regarding Delbert Africa not giving blood sample (326), October 10, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 10
Pennsylvania Environmental Health Service letter regarding requesting services and ratification of violation notice, 6200 Osage Avenue (188), August 21, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 11
Pennsylvania Parole Board copy of warrant for arrest of Frank James (321), October 16, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 12
Parole records of Frank James (216), 1982-1985.
Box 42 Folder 13
Statement of Dr. Althea L. Cousins, School District of Philadelphia (325), October 14, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 14
Philadelphia Board Review of Taxes letter of negative response (93), July 19, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 15
Philadelphia City Planning Commission letter of negative response (114), July 31, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 16
Philadelphia City Representative letter of negative response (86), July 17, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 17
Contract between the City of Philadelphia and the Fraternal Order of Police (61), July 1984.
Box 42 Folder 18
Philadelphia Police Department Telephone Numbers Supplied by Ralph Teti (60), undated.
Box 42 Folder 19
Ralph Teti Notes on MOVE (457), 1985, undated.
Box 42 Folder 20
Statements of Lt. Frank Powell to Philadelphia Police Department and Philadelphia Inquirer (131), June 1985.
Box 42 Folder 21
Mayor Wilson Goode's file on MOVE (227), 1984-1985.
Box 42 Folder 22
Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations memos and documents (208), 1983-1985.
Box 42 Folder 23
Philadelphia Common Pleas Court complaint of the Fraternal order of Police against the city, mayor, and PSIC (251), September 1985.
Box 42 Folder 24
Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania complaint of the Fraternal Order of Police against the city and PSIC (264), October 2, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 25
Transcript, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas Fraternal Order of Police, Fraternal Order of Police complaint in equity against the city (116), July 16, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 26
Court of Common Pleas Judge Samuel M. Lehrer's opinion in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Alphonso Africa (456), 1984-1985.
Box 42 Folder 27
Alberta Africa letter to Judge Samuel M. Lehrer (455), 1986.
Box 42 Folder 28
Philadelphia Department of Commerce letter of negative response, with medical and case records for various children (95), 1980-1985.
Box 43 Folder 1
Department of Human Services Commissioner File on MOVE (274), circa 1978.
Box 43 Folder 2
Department of Human Services Childline file on MOVE children (279), circa 1978.
Box 43 Folder 3
File on Lobo Africa (Dotson) (277), 1978-1980.
Box 43 Folder 4
File on Uju Africa (Smith) (275), 1978-1979.
Box 43 Folder 5
File on Birdie Africa (Oyewolffe Ward) (273), 1985.
Box 43 Folder 6
File on Life Africa (276), 1975, undated.
Box 43 Folder 7
File on Sheita Africa (278), 1975, undated.
Box 43 Folder 8
File on MOVE children (291), 1978-1984.
Box 43 Folder 9
Philadelphia Prisons Memo (117), 1985.
Box 43 Folder 10
Letter from Irene F. Pernsley, Department of Human Services (137), August 7, 1985.
Box 43 Folder 11
Philadelphia Department of Public Property letter with list of contact persons in the Public Property Office (103), July 25, 1985.
Box 43 Folder 12
Philadelphia Department of Records letter of negative response (94), July 19, 1985.
Box 43 Folder 13
Philadelphia Department of Streets letter of negative response (88), July 16, 1985.
Box 43 Folder 14
Philadelphia Director of Finance, letter and documents with reference to Department of Revenue (118), February 28-August 6, 1985.
Box 43 Folder 15
Philadelphia Director of Housing, letter of negative response (104), July 30, 1985.
Box 43 Folder 16
Affidavit of probable cause to arrest residents of MOVE (37-D), 1984-1985.
Box 43 Folder 17
District Attorney appellate brief regarding 1978 confrontation (111), October 9, 1984.
Box 43 Folder 18
District Attorney Edward Rendell memo to Mayor Goode (37-A), June 19, 1985.
Box 43 Folder 19
District Attorney letter of cooperation with inter-office memo (110), July 18-30, 1985.
Box 43 Folder 20
District Attorney Edward Rendell memo to Mayor Goode , with newspaper clippings(37-B), June 21, 1984-May 3, 1985.
Box 43 Folder 21
Possible criminal charges with 21 statements against MOVE (91), 1985.
Box 43 Folder 22
Possible cause affidavit to search 6221 Osage Avenue (37-C), May 1985.
Box 43 Folder 23
Report to Federal Bureau of Investigation examining metallurgy and mineralogy (257), September 24, 1985.
Box 43 Folder 24
Philadelphia Electric Company list with descriptions of 22 photographs and negatives (224), undated.
Box 43 Folder 25
Philadelphia Fire Department unofficial log of Detective Stevenson WDD and chronology of events of MOVE detail (138), undated.
Box 43 Folder 26
Philadelphia Fire Marshal Commissioner Richmond's notes from meetings (31-A), undated.
Box 44 Folder 1
Philadelphia Fire Department Commander Miller's notes from meetings (31-B), undated.
Box 44 Folder 2
Fire Department logs of assignments (34), undated.
Box 44 Folder 3
Fire Department logs of assignments (35), undated.
Box 44 Folder 4
Fire department chronology of alarm boxes (33), undated.
Box 44 Folder 5
Firefighter interviews (55-A), May-June 1985.
Box 44 Folder 6
Firefighter interviews (55-B), May-June 1985.
Box 44 Folder 7
Firefighter interviews (55-C), May-June 1985.
Box 44 Folder 8
Firefighter interviews (55-D), May-June 1985.
Box 44 Folder 9
Firefighter interviews (55-E), May-June 1985.
Box 45 Folder 1
Firefighter interviews (55-E), May-June 1985.
Box 45 Folder 2
Firefighter interviews (55-E), May-June 1985.
Box 45 Folder 3
Firefighter interviews (55-E), May-June 1985.
Box 45 Folder 4
Firefighter interviews (55-F), May-June 1985.
Box 45 Folder 5
Firefighter interviews (55-F), May-June 1985.
Box 45 Folder 6
Firefighter interviews (55-G), May-June 1985.
Box 46 Folder 1
Firefighter interviews (55-G), May-June 1985.
Box 46 Folder 2
Firefighter interviews (55-H), May-June 1985.
Box 46 Folder 3
Firefighter interviews (55-H), May-June 1985.
Box 46 Folder 4
Firefighter interviews (55-I), May-June 1985.
Box 46 Folder 5
Firefighter interviews (55-I), May-June 1985.
Box 46 Folder 6
Firefighter interviews (55-J), May-June 1985.
Box 46 Folder 7
Firefighter interviews (55-J), May-June 1985.
Box 46 Folder 8
Firefighter interviews (55-K), May-June 1985.
Box 46 Folder 9
Interview, Corporal Morris Demsko (32-B), June 5, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 1
Interview, Fireman Charles Hatchee (139), June 20, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 2
Interview, Trooper Richard Reed (32-A), June 5, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 3
Letter from Fire Department Frank J. Scipione to William Lytton (36), July 2, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 4
MOVE Investigation Fire Marshall Report (80), 1985.
Box 47 Folder 5
MOVE Investigation Fire Marshall Report (80), 1985.
Box 47 Folder 6
MOVE Investigation Fire Marshall Report (80), 1985.
Box 47 Folder 7
Fire Department MOVE operation memorandum for 1978 (248), 1978.
Box 47 Folder 8
Notes regarding 1978 MOVE Conflict (105), 1978, 1984.
Box 47 Folder 8A
Transcript of interview, Birdie Africa (39), July 10, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 8B
Philadelphia Fire Department, undated.
Box 47
Firefighter Interviews (121), August 8, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 8C
Notes of unknown origin (31-G), August 7, 1984-August 1, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 9
Firefighter Interviews (120), August 5, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 10
Fire Marshal investigative report (100), July 30, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 11
Photocopies of photographs, 1630 S. 56th St. (107), June 6, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 12
Photocopies of photographs, 6221 Osage Avenue (108), 1984.
Box 47 Folder 13
Photocopies of photographs, 5108 Pentridge Avenue (106), 1984.
Box 47 Folder 14
List and description of photographs used by Commissioner Richard (31 C-F), undated.
Box 47 Folder 15A
Report of explosives testing (217), 1985.
Box 47 Folder 15B
Philadelphia Gas Works letters and billing for 6221 Osage Avenue (272), 1983-1985.
Box 47 Folder 16
Philadelphia Gas Works information and billing for 6221 Osage Avenue (90), 1985.
Box 47 Folder 17
Philadelphia General Hospital medical records of William and Janiene Phillips (270), 1951-1975, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 18
Philadelphia Investigative Committee request for information and files from Philadelphia Special Investigation Commission (130), August 9, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 19
Philadelphia Law Department letter to Mozenter, Molloy, and Durst (250), September 2, 1985.
Box 47 Folder 20
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections notes and memos re: MOVE (128), circa 1983-1985.
Box 47 Folder 21
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections central clerical files (I-142), 1985.
Box 47 Folder 22
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections clean and seal files (H-142), 1985.
Box 47 Folder 23
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections Commissioner White's private files (B-142), 1985.
Box 48 Folder 1
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections Commissioner White's private files (B-142), 1985.
Box 48 Folder 2
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections Commissioner's old office files re: MOVE (A-142), circa 1975-1978.
Box 48 Folder 3
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections Commissioner's old office files re: MOVE (A-142), circa 1975-1978.
Box 48 Folder 4
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections contractual service files (L-142), 1985.
Box 48 Folder 5
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections Commissioner Herling's regional files re: MOVE (C-142), 1985.
Box 48 Folder 6
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections Commissioner Herling's regional files re: MOVE (C-142), 1985.
Box 48 Folder 7
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections Commissioner Herling's personal files re: MOVE (C-142), 1985.
Box 48 Folder 8
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections Commissioner Herling's personal files re: MOVE (C-142), 1985.
Box 48 Folder 9
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections Commissioner Herling's personal files re: MOVE (C-142), 1985.
Box 48 Folder 10
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections district operations files, 1979-1982.
Box 49 Folder 1
Physical Description

142-M vol. I

Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections district operations files, 1973-1985.
Box 49 Folder 2
Physical Description

142-M vol. II

Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections district operations files, 1973-1985.
Box 49 Folder 3
Physical Description

142-M vol. II

Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections district operations files, 1985.
Box 49 Folder 4
Physical Description

142-M vol. III

Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections district operations files, 1985.
Box 49 Folder 5
Physical Description

142-M vol. III

Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections district operations files, 1985.
Box 49 Folder 6
Physical Description

142-M vol. IV

Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections district operations files, 1983-1985.
Box 49 Folder 7
Physical Description

142-M vol. V

Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections electrical units file (142-E), 1980-1984.
Box 49 Folder 8
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections fiscal unit files (142-K), 1985.
Box 49 Folder 9
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections permit issuances file (142 -D), 1933-1985.
Box 50 Folder 1
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections plumbing files (142-G), 1985.
Box 50 Folder 2
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections services and operations files (145-G), 1985.
Box 50 Folder 3
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections zoning board of adjustment files (142-F), 1985.
Box 50 Folder 4
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections letters with list of contact persons (92), July 1985.
Box 50 Folder 5
Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections testimony request from Philadelphia Special Investigations Commission to Clarence E. Mosley of Licenses and Inspections with response (129), July 8, 1985.
Box 50 Folder 6
Proposal from The Consortium to Philadelphia Mental Health Mental Retardation Program requesting funding for Osage Ave. stress management program(195), 1984.
Box 50 Folder 7
Philadelphia Medical Examiner autopsy reports, 1985.
Box 50 Folder 8
Philadelphia Medical Examiner preliminary toxicology reports (193), 1985.
Box 50 Folder 9
Philadelphia Medical Examiner toxicologist's submission of MOVE Specimens (390), October 29, 1985.
Box 50 Folder 10
Philadelphia Municipal Court notes of testimony: Commonwealth vs. Ramona Africa (A-57), July 1985.
Box 50 Folder 11
Philadelphia Municipal Court Notes of testimony: Commonwealth vs. Ramona Africa (B-57), 1978-1985.
Box 50 Folder 12
Philadelphia Police Department plans, recommended critiques, chronology, and other documents (215), 1978.
Box 50 Folder 13
Philadelphia Police Department list and description of three 8x10 black and white photographs (225), undated.
Box 50 Folder 14
Philadelphia Police Department list and description of five aerial photographs of MOVE house, 6221 Osage Avenue (186), undated.
Box 50 Folder 15
Philadelphia Police Department list and description of 200 8 x 10 black & white photographs of 6200 Osage Avenue (167), undated.
Box 50 Folder 16
Philadelphia Police Department contact sheets of photographs descriptions (168), undated.
Box 50 Folder 17
Philadelphia Police Department list of documents found at MOVE House, 6221 Osage Avenue, after fire (174), 1985.
Box 50 Folder 18
Philadelphia Police Department article in Zero Reviews Winter titled Philadelphia MOVE (178), 1979-1980.
Box 50 Folder 19
Article: "Plot to Destroy Philadelphia by United States Labor Party" (141), undated.
Box 50 Folder 20
Philadelphia Police Department Assorted Memos and Documents Relating to Tactical Plan (263), 1984-1985.
Box 50 Folder 21
Philadelphia Police Department assorted reproduction of MOVE letters, rhetoric papers, news articles (214), 1978-1985.
Box 50 Folder 22
Philadelphia Police Department assorted reproduction of MOVE letters, rhetoric papers, news articles (214), 1978-1985.
Box 50 Folder 23
Philadelphia Police Department blue booklet labeled MOVE from D/C Crudup (384), 1984.
Box 51 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department blue booklet labeled MOVE from D/C Crudup (385), 1985.
Box 51 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department booklets of intelligence information about MOVE (209A), circa 1974-1984.
Box 51 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department booklets of intelligence information about MOVE (209A), circa 1974-1984.
Box 51 Folder 4
Philadelphia Police Department booklets of intelligence information about MOVE (209B), circa 1974-1985.
Box 51 Folder 5
Philadelphia Police Department booklets of intelligence information about MOVE (209B), circa 1974-1985.
Box 51 Folder 6
Philadelphia Police Department booklets of intelligence information about MOVE (209B), circa 1974-1985.
Box 51 Folder 7
Philadelphia Police Department chronology of blue Chevrolet Nova (OEG-951) (293), May 11, 1985.
Box 51 Folder 8
Philadelphia Police Department chronology of events prepared by former Managing Director Leo A. Brooks (176), undated.
Box 51 Folder 9
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 1, various preconfrontation information (179), circa 1973-1985.
Box 51 Folder 10
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 2, information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1977.
Box 51 Folder 11
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 2, information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1977.
Box 52 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 2, information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1977.
Box 52 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 2, information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1977.
Box 52 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 2, information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1977.
Box 52 Folder 4
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 3, information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 52 Folder 5
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 3, information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 52 Folder 6
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 3, information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 52 Folder 7
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 3, information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 52 Folder 8
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 4, more information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 53 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 4, more information reports on MOVE (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 53 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 4 (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 53 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 4 (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 53 Folder 4
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 5 (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 53 Folder 5
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 5 (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 53 Folder 6
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 5 (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 53 Folder 7
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division files on MOVE: Part 5 (179), circa 1973-1983.
Box 53 Folder 8
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division information on MOVE (47), January, April, July 1985.
Box 53 Folder 9
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division information on MOVE (46), June-December 1984.
Box 54 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division information on MOVE (46), June-December 1984.
Box 54 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division information on MOVE (48), May 1985.
Box 54 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department Civil Affairs Division information on MOVE (45), September 1983-May 1984.
Box 54 Folder 4
Philadelphia Police Department civilian interviews alpha A (54-A), July 12, 1985.
Box 54 Folder 5
Philadelphia Police Department civilian interviews alpha B (54-B), July 12, 1985.
Box 54 Folder 6
Philadelphia Police Department civilian interviews alpha C (54-C), July 12, 1985.
Box 54 Folder 7
Philadelphia Police Department computer printout records of stakeout and bomb squad training (183), August 27, 1985.
Box 55 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department. Copy of statement read to occupants of 6221 Osage (256), May 13, 1985.
Box 55 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department. Daily assignment records of Bomb Disposal Unit (415), January 1-15, 1985.
Box 55 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department. Daily attendance and assignment records, May 13, 1985.
Box 55 Folder 4
Physical Description

volume I, A-L (182)

Philadelphia Police Department. Daily attendance and assignment records, May 13, 1985.
Box 55 Folder 5
Physical Description

volume II, L-U (182)

Philadelphia Police Department. Daily attendance and assignment records, May 13, 1985.
Box 55 Folder 6
Physical Description

volume III, U-Z (182)

Philadelphia Police Department. Daily attendance and assignment records of Highway Patrol Department (437), May 13-15, 1985.
Box 55 Folder 7
Philadelphia Police Department. Documentary material concerning Tovex TR-2 (42), undated.
Box 55 Folder 8
Philadelphia Police Department. Documentary material on Bomb Disposal Unit's personnel, training, equipment, testing (181), circa 1970-1985.
Box 55 Folder 9
Philadelphia Police Department. Booklets on various MOVE residences with photographs (210), circa 1977-1984.
Box 55 Folder 10
Philadelphia Police Department. Description of recovered firearm found at 6225 Osage Avenue (372), 1985.
Box 56 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department. Explosive inventory of bomb disposal unit as pf October 25, 1985 (383), October 25, 1985.
Box 56 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department. Four sketches of MOVE house locations (205), undated.
Box 56 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department. Index to homicide case series (58), 1985.
Box 56 Folder 4
Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports on MOVE (58-A), May 1985.
Box 56 Folder 5
Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: photographs (not received) (58-H), 1985.
Box 56 Folder 6
Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: photographs (not received) (58-I), 1985.
Box 56 Folder 7
Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: Tactical Unit personnel interviews, non-shooters 1-20, 1985.
Box 56 Folder 8
Physical Description

58-C volume I

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: Tactical Unit personnel interviews, non-shooters 21-40, 1985.
Box 56 Folder 9
Physical Description

58-C volume II

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: Tactical Unit personnel interviews, non-shooters 41-61, 1985.
Box 56 Folder 10
Physical Description

58-D volume I

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: Tactical Unit personnel interviews, non-shooters 72-83, 1985.
Box 56 Folder 11
Physical Description

58-D volume II

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: Tactical Unit personnel interviews, non-shooters 62-71, 1985.
Box 56 Folder 12
Physical Description

58-D volume II

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: Tactical Unit personnel interviews, shooters 1-21, 1985.
Box 57 Folder 1
Physical Description

58-B volume I

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: Tactical Unit personnel interviews, shooters 1-21, 1985.
Box 57 Folder 2
Physical Description

58-B volume I

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: Tactical Unit personnel interviews, shooters 22-42, 1985.
Box 57 Folder 3
Physical Description

58-B volume II

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: Tactical Unit personnel interviews, shooters 22-42, 1985.
Box 57 Folder 4
Physical Description

58-B volume II

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: supporting personnel interviews, 1985.
Box 57 Folder 5
Physical Description

58-F volume I

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: supporting personnel interviews, 1985.
Box 57 Folder 6
Physical Description

58-F volume II

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: supporting personnel interviews, Adams to Edney, 1985.
Box 58 Folder 1
Physical Description

58-E volume I

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: supporting personnel interviews, Adams to Edney, 1985.
Box 58 Folder 2
Physical Description

58-E volume I

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: supporting personnel interviews, Edney to Zinck, 1985.
Box 58 Folder 3
Physical Description

58-E volume II

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: miscellaneous reports A-B, 1985.
Box 58 Folder 4
Physical Description

58-J volume I

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: miscellaneous reports C-D, 1985.
Box 58 Folder 5
Physical Description

58-J volume II

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: miscellaneous reports E-G, 1985.
Box 58 Folder 6
Physical Description

58-J volume III

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: properties 1-45, 1985.
Box 59 Folder 1
Physical Description

58-G-A volume I

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: properties 46-91, 1985.
Box 59 Folder 2
Physical Description

58-G-A volume II

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: property receipts (58-G-B), 1985.
Box 59 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: sections A-D, medical examiner, ballistics, chemical lab, sketches, property receipts (58-G-A), 1985.
Box 59 Folder 4
Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: information from Philadelphia Fire Department to Philadelphia Police Department A-C, 1985.
Box 59 Folder 5
Physical Description

50-C volume I

Philadelphia Police Department. Homicide files and reports: information from Philadelphia Fire Department to Philadelphia Police Department D, 1985.
Box 59 Folder 6
Physical Description

50-C volume II

Philadelphia Police Department. Interview of Lieutenant Powell on use of crane (162), June 10, 1985.
Box 60 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department. Interviews of audiovisual unit personnel (164), 1985.
Box 60 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department. Inventory taken of Bomb Disposal Unit explosives (447), September 12-October 25, 1985.
Box 60 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department. Letter received from Ramona Africa (454), May 11, 1985.
Box 60 Folder 4
Philadelphia Police Department. Log of R2 summary sheets, Mobile Communications Unit (51), 1985.
Box 60 Folder 5
Philadelphia Police Department. Log of R2 summary sheets, Mobile Communications Unit (52), 1985.
Box 60 Folder 6
Philadelphia Police Department. Letter from Gregor J. Sambor, Commissioner to Wayne Davis, Federal Bureau of Investigations re: Bomb Disposal Unit and C-4 (386), October 28, 1985.
Box 60 Folder 7
Philadelphia Police Department. Letter listing location and storage of evidence and preparation (175), August 23, 1985.
Box 60 Folder 8
Philadelphia Police Department. MOVE operation order (166), August 8, 1984.
Box 60 Folder 9
Philadelphia Police Department. MOVE organization guidelines (180), undated.
Box 60 Folder 10
Philadelphia Police Department. Major Investigation Division information 1-36, circa 1981-1984. 1 Folders.
Box 60 Folder 11
Physical Description

1 Folders

Philadelphia Police Department. Major Investigation Division information 37-69 (volume II), circa 1984-1985.
Box 60 Folder 12
Philadelphia Police Department. Material on response to confrontation with barricaded armed persons w/hostages (43), 1980-1981.
Box 60 Folder 13
Philadelphia Police Department. Formal hostage negotiation training book PPD personnel (269), 1985.
Box 60 Folder 14
Philadelphia Police Department. Property receipt re: 38 caliber revolver found at 6225 Osage (363), 1985.
Box 60 Folder 15
Philadelphia Police Department. Memo from Commanding Officer, Bomb Disposal Unit re: use of sign-in Sheet, DTD (B-315), October 3, 1985.
Box 60 Folder 16
Philadelphia Police Department. Memo from City of Philadelphia, Bomb Disposal Unit re: use sign-in sheet, DTD (A-315), October 7, 1985.
Box 60 Folder 17
Philadelphia Police Department. Memo to Deputy Commissioner, Service and Investigation re: Frank James a.k.a. Frank Africa (319), June 5, 1984.
Box 60 Folder 18
Philadelphia Police Department. Memo: investigation of incident at 6221 Osage (Criminal Laboratory) DTD (262), July 10, 1985.
Box 60 Folder 19
Philadelphia Police Department. Memo: investigation of incident at 6221 Osage (Criminal Lab) DTD (268), October 2, 1985.
Box 60 Folder 20
Philadelphia Police Department. Memo from PPD with reference to tactical plan (249), August 8, 1984.
Box 60 Folder 21
Philadelphia Police Department. Miscellaneous information, MOVE investigation (153), 1985.
Box 60 Folder 22
Philadelphia Police Department. Background investigations of MOVE members and sympathizers, detailed life histories of MOVE members 91, circa 1980-1985. 1 Folders.
Box 61 Folder 1
Physical Description

1 Folders

Philadelphia Police Department. Background investigations of MOVE members and sympathizers 91, circa 1980-1985. 1 Folders.
Box 61 Folder 2
Physical Description

1 Folders

Philadelphia Police Department. Background investigations of MOVE members and sympathizers 91 (212) volume III, circa 1977-1985.
Box 61 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department. Background investigations of MOVE members and sympathizers 91, circa 1973-1976. 1 Folders.
Box 61 Folder 4
Physical Description

1 Folders

Philadelphia Police Department. Operational orders for the MOVE residence, 307-309 N. 33rd St. (40), 1978.
Box 61 Folder 5
Philadelphia Police Department. Operational order for civil affairs bureau: MOVE organization (185), May 13, 1985.
Box 61 Folder 6
Philadelphia Police Department. Basic stakeout training outline (150), 1981.
Box 61 Folder 7
Philadelphia Police Department. Stakeout firearms training in service outline (151), undated.
Box 61 Folder 8
Philadelphia Police Department. Interview: Battalion Chief John Skarbek and Crane Operator Hawthorne (230), 1985.
Box 61 Folder 9
Philadelphia Police Department. Explosive magazine inventory and explosives control log (149), 1985.
Box 61 Folder 10
Philadelphia Police Department. Explosives Testing Reports (148), 1985.
Box 61 Folder 11
Philadelphia Police Department. Bomb Disposal Unit manual (146), undated.
Box 61 Folder 12
Philadelphia Police Department. Bomb Disposal Unit training record (147), 1981-1985.
Box 61 Folder 13
Philadelphia Police Department. AFT registration of automatic weapons (271), circa 1970-1985.
Box 61 Folder 14
Philadelphia Police Department. Planning of MOVE evacuation, 6221 Osage (44), May 13, 1985.
Box 61 Folder 15
Philadelphia Police Department. Memos and notes pertaining to the MOVE detail (160), 1977-1978.
Box 62 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department. Current memoranda (82), 1977-1985.
Box 62 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department. Disciplinary code (81), 1982, 1985.
Box 62 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department. Training bulletin #1 and directive #10 (84), undated.
Box 62 Folder 4
Philadelphia Police Department. Arrest of Ramona Africa (59), May 13, 1985.
Box 62 Folder 5
Philadelphia Police Department. Police interviews of Jeanne Champagne (former MOVE member) (213), May 16, 1985.
Box 62 Folder 6
Philadelphia Police Department. Police radio call numbers (98), 1985.
Box 62 Folder 7
Philadelphia Police Department. Property receipt #042787 DTD, 1 pair for coveralls from Sergeant Edward Connor (261), 1985.
Box 62 Folder 8
Philadelphia Police Department. Radio tape transmittal: "M" band, 1800-2400 hours (154), May 13, 1985.
Box 62 Folder 9
Philadelphia Police Department. Remote entry technique and Bomb Disposal Unit testing results (171), 1984-1985.
Box 62 Folder 10
Philadelphia Police Department. Report of explosives testing by ATF and cover letter to Police Commissioner (233), 1985.
Box 62 Folder 11
Philadelphia Police Department. Report from Firearms Examination Unit re: MOVE at 6221 Osage Ave., 1985. 1 Folders.
Box 62 Folder 12
Physical Description

1 Folders

Philadelphia Police Department. Report from Firearms Examination Unit re: MOVE at 6221 Osage Ave., 1985. 1 Folders.
Box 62 Folder 13
Physical Description

1 Folders

Philadelphia Police Department. Report from Firearms Examination Unit re: MOVE at 6221 Osage Ave., 1985. 1 Folders.
Box 62 Folder 14
Physical Description

1 Folders

Philadelphia Police Department. Revised list of weapons available and ammunition used on May 13, 1985 (304), 1985.
Box 62 Folder 15
Philadelphia Police Department. Six photographic proofs sheets submitted by Detective Melender (list and description only) (156), undated.
Box 62 Folder 16
Philadelphia Police Department. Stress and psychological testing of Philadelphia Police Department and Bomb Disposal Unit (231), 1985.
Box 63 Folder 1
Philadelphia Police Department. Supreme Court order granting police permission for listening devices (211), 1985.
Box 63 Folder 2
Philadelphia Police Department. Summary sheets, Mobile Crime Lab, 2 copies (53), May 14, 1985-June 12, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 3
Philadelphia Police Department. Tactics and options for MOVE Operation (161), May 29, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 4
Philadelphia Police Department. Technical data related to explosive devices supplied by Bomb Disposal Unit (41), undated.
Box 63 Folder 5
Philadelphia Police Department. List and description of 30 5 x 8" black and white photographs (172), undated.
Box 63 Folder 6
Philadelphia Police Department. Transcript of Philadelphia Fire Department "Birdie" interview via Teti (56), undated.
Box 63 Folder 7
Philadelphia Police Department. Transcript of tape recording of Ramona Africa (453), May 12-13, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 8
Philadelphia Police Department. Transcripts (4) of interviews with "Birdie" by MID and JAD (122), May 13, 14, 15, 18, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 9
Philadelphia Police Department. United States District Court motion to destroy evidence of bombs (152), May 31, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 10
Philadelphia Police Department. Description of video cassettes, 13 minutes taken and returned to Philadelphia Police Department (155), August 27, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 11
Philadelphia Police Department. White paper re: parole violation and warrant on Frank James (320), May 22, 1984.
Box 63 Folder 12
Philadelphia Police Department. Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority letter of negative response (102), July 25, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 13
Philadelphia Police Department. List and description of 3 14 x 20" contact sheets of interior and exterior views of the house in the area (170), 1985.
Box 63 Folder 14
Philadelphia Police Department. Chart drawn by Patrolman Reiber with reference to setting off explosive in 6223 (375), undated.
Box 63 Folder 15
Philadelphia Police Department. Interview of Fire Lieutenant Edward Jordan re: May 13, 1985 (389), November 1, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 16
Philadelphia Police Department. Overlays and bomb and fire charts and displays (430), undated.
Box 63 Folder 17
Philadelphia Police Department. Statement by David S. Shrager not to use video of Michael Ward prior to hearings (362), October 22, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 18
Philadelphia Police Department. Letter stating Phillips, Leon and Dotson refusal to give blood sample (368), October 23, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 19
Philadelphia Police Department. Letter stating William Phillips refusal to give blood sample (369), October 23, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 20
Philadelphia Police Department. Letter with negative response concerning waiver at welfare facilities (202), August 22, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 21
Philadelphia Water Department. Cover letter with shut off operations and other activities at MOVE (115), 1985.
Box 63 Folder 22
Philadelphia Water Department. Cover letter with copy of sewer map (259), September 25, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 23
Philadelphia Water Department. Industrial waste activities related to 6221 Osage Avenue (247), May 24, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 24
Philadelphia Youth Study Center. Letter of negative response (113), July 15, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 25
Philadelphia Zoning Board. Letter of negative response (85), July 17, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 26
Pierson and Morris. Letter re: testimony of Commissioner Sambor (370), October 23, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 27
Pryor, James. C.I.P. incident reports and memos submitted to Managing Director's office re: MOVE (140), 1984-1985.
Box 63 Folder 28
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folders presented to Commission (349), circa 1977-1978.
Box 63 Folder 29
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "1984" containing record (340), circa 1984.
Box 63 Folder 30
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "1985" containing notes (345), circa 1985.
Box 63 Folder 31
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Ammo Information" (348), 1985.
Box 63 Folder 32
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Ammo Taken by MOVE Commission" (365), August 19, 1985.
Box 63 Folder 33
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Ballistic Information" (358), undated.
Box 63 Folder 34
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Chemical Agents" (350), undated.
Box 63 Folder 35
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Crane Information" (355), undated.
Box 64 Folder 1
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Day by Day" (354), 1985.
Box 64 Folder 2
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Directive 10 and 111" (344), 1980, 1985.
Box 64 Folder 3
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Early Written MOVE Plan" (342), 1978.
Box 64 Folder 4
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Fire Dept." (351), undated.
Box 64 Folder 5
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Floor Plan" (347), undated.
Box 64 Folder 6
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Homicide Statement" (360), undated.
Box 64 Folder 7
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Job and Military Experience, Job Assignment – Range" (353), undated.
Box 64 Folder 8
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Justification For .50 Cal and .22 Cal" (341), undated.
Box 64 Folder 9
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Line of Fire from Each Position" (343), undated.
Box 64 Folder 10
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Made at the Request of the Philadelphia Investigations Commission for Handel" (356), 1972, 1985.
Box 64 Folder 11
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Meetings" (361), undated.
Box 64 Folder 12
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "S/O Training" (359), 1977, 1981, undated.
Box 64 Folder 13
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "See TAC Plan-Location on 8 Aug 1978" (364), 1978.
Box 64 Folder 14
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Why Mike Tursi Was Involved" (352), undated.
Box 64 Folder 15
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Instructions Manual on High Risk Tactics, Range Division" (366), undated.
Box 64 Folder 16
Revel, Sgt. Albert. Folder presented to Commission. Titled "Tactical Plan of MOVE Operation" (339), undated.
Box 64 Folder 17
Opening statement of Sgt. Revel on 23-Oct-85" (338), 1985.
Box 64 Folder 18
District Attorney of Rochester, NY. Photographs and fingerprints of Five MOVE Members Arrested in Rochester (240), May 13, 1981.
Box 64 Folder 19
Rosenthal, Brian. Testimony of representative of Sportsman's Emporium (414), November 5, 1985.
Box 64 Folder 20
Sandler, Alexandra. Telephone conversation with Institute of Manufacturers of Explosives (163), July 17, 1985.
Box 64 Folder 21
Sandler, Alexandra. Letter with memo related to expert opinions on explosives (196), August 1985.
Box 64 Folder 22
Shelten, Bill. List and description of 72 pre and post color photos and negatives (221), 1985.
Box 64 Folder 23
Shrager, S. David. Letter with preliminary objections and related documents of Ramona Africa (439), 1985.
Box 64 Folder 24
Sims, Laverne. Letter to Brown re: historical and current relationships of MOVE (449), November 9, 1985.
Box 64 Folder 25
Tax Review Board. Letter of negative response (89), July 15, 1985.
Box 64 Folder 26
United States Army. Operations and Organizational Maintenance Manual, Demolition Materials (219), 1973.
Box 64 Folder 27
United States Attorney. Letter documenting federal and city interactions with reference to MOVE (450), January 3, 1986.
Box 64 Folder 28
United States Attorney. Transcript of trial, USA vs. Leaphart (218A), July 2, 1981.
Box 64 Folder 29
United States Attorney. Transcript of trial, USA vs. Leaphart (218B), July 6, 1981.
Box 64 Folder 30
United States Attorney. Transcript of trial, USA vs. Leaphart (218C), July 7, 1981.
Box 64 Folder 31
United States Attorney. Transcript of trial, USA vs. Leaphart (218D), July 8, 1981.
Box 65 Folder 1
United States Attorney. Transcript of trial, USA vs. Leaphart (218E), July 9, 1981.
Box 65 Folder 2
United States Attorney. Transcript of trial, USA vs. Leaphart (218F), July 10, 1981.
Box 65 Folder 3
United States Attorney. Transcript of trial, USA vs. Leaphart (218G), July 13, 1981.
Box 65 Folder 4
United States Attorney. Transcript of trial, USA vs. Leaphart (218H), July 14, 1981.
Box 65 Folder 5
United States Attorney. Transcript of trial, USA vs. Leaphart (218I), July 15, 1981.
Box 65 Folder 6
United States Attorney. Transcript of trial, USA vs. Leaphart (218J), July 16, 1981.
Box 66 Folder 1
United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Cover letter with statements and list and description of six black and white photographs (426), 1985.
Box 66 Folder 2
United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Elemental Analysis of Metal Fragments (371), October 23, 1985.
Box 66 Folder 3
United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Letter with reference to Special Agent Michael Macy's testimony (391), November 1, 1985.
Box 66 Folder 4
United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Letter with reference to Special Agent Michael Macy's non-availability for interview by staff investigators (367), October 22, 1985.
Box 66 Folder 5
United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Letter of reference to Special Agent Michael Macy's non-availability for interview by staff investigators (388), October 30, 1985.
Box 66 Folder 6
United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Letter of reference to Bomb Disposal Unit personnel attending Federal Bureau of Investigation Hazardous Devices School (187), August 12-27, 1985.
Box 66 Folder 7
United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Letter of authorization to assist Philadelphia Special Investigations Commission (127), August 7, 1985.
Box 66 Folder 8
United States Department of Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Letter from Special Agent in Charge Donald E. Cox to consent to provide testimony (246), September 10, 1985.
Box 66 Folder 9
United States Department of Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Documents Referring to MOVE (452), 1973-1985.
Box 66 Folder 10
United States Department of Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Documents Referring to MOVE (452), 1973-1985.
Box 66 Folder 11
Correspondence between Gregory M. Harvey, Esq. and Graham McDonald, Esq. re: WCAU-TV (241), 1985.
Box 66 Folder 12
Welch, Neil. Unsigned letter re: needs and training of Philadelphia Police Department Stakeout Unit (440), November 1985.
Box 66 Folder 13
Williams, Novella. Opening statement of Williams at hearings (327), October 22, 1985.
Box 66 Folder 14
Wilson, Lloyd. Handwritten note with diagram of 6219 Osage Avenue (260), undated.
Box 66 Folder 15
One inch videotape: WPVI-TV footage (2 tapes) (206), undated.
Box 67
One inch videotape: KYW-TV footage (3 tapes) (190), May 8-17, 1985.
Box 67
One inch videotape: WCAU master, 6:54-7:54 AM (241C), May 13, 1985.
Box 67
One inch videotape: Broadcast, 7:55-8:56 AM (241D), May 13, 1985.
Box 68
One inch videotape: Broadcast, 8:56-9:45 AM (241E), May 13, 1985.
Box 68
One inch videotape: Broadcast, 9:50-10:50 AM (241F), May 13, 1985.
Box 68
One inch videotape: Broadcast, Noon news 12:00-12:30 PM (241H), May 13, 1985.
Box 68
One inch videotape: Broadcast, 4:58-5:55 PM (241I), May 13, 1985.
Box 68
One inch videotape: Broadcast, 6:00-6:59 PM (241J), May 13, 1985.
Box 68
One inch videotape: Broadcast, 6:58-7:26 PM (241K), May 13, 1985.
Box 68
One inch videotape: Broadcast, 7:30-8:27 PM (241 L), May 13, 1985.
Box 69
One inch videotape: Broadcast, 9:30-11:49 PM (241 N), May 13, 1985.
Box 69
One inch videotape: Raw footage, roof top mast camera (241 U), May 13, 1985.
Box 69
One inch videotape: WCAU unaired footage (27), May 13, 1985.
Box 69
One inch videotape: WCAU Video Tape of Unaired Footage (27), May 13, 1985.
Box 69
One inch videotape: Fort Mifflin testing tape one (159), June 25, 1985.
Box 69
One inch videotape: Master composite of explosive device testing (207 #1), June 25, 1985.
Box 69
One inch videotape: Master composite of explosive device testing (207 #2), June 25, 1985.
Box 70
One inch videotape: Slides on videotape (157) and MOVE incident, 6200 Osage Avenue (25), undated.
Box 70
One inch videotape: MOVE/ACE EE master, undated.
Box 70
One inch videotape: MOVE master 2: events, undated.
Box 70
VHS copy: WPVI-TV footage (206) (2 tapes), undated.
Box 71
VHS copy: KYW-TV footage (190) (3 tapes), May 8-17, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV master, 6:30 & 11:00 PM (241A and 241B), May 12-13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV master, 6:54-7:54 AM (241C), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV broadcast, 7:55-8:56 AM (241D), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV broadcast, 8:56-9:45 AM (241E), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV broadcast, 9:50-10:50 AM (241F), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV broadcast, Noon news 12:00-12:30 PM (241H), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV broadcast, 4:48-6:00 PM (241I), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV broadcast, 6:00-6:59 PM (241J), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV broadcast, 6:58-7:26 PM (241K), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV broadcast, 7:30-8:27 PM (241L), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV broadcast, 9:30-11:49 PM (241N), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV broadcast, roof top mast camera (241U), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU videotape of unaired footage (27), May 13, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: WCAU-TV Fire Marshal (27), undated.
Box 71
VHS copy: Master composite of explosive devise testing (207 #1), June 25, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: Master composite of explosive device testing (207 #2), June 25, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: MOVE/ACE EE Master, undated.
Box 71
MOVE master 2: events, undated.
Box 71
VHS copy: Slides on videotape (157) and MOVE incident, 6200 Osage Avenue (25), undated.
Box 71
VHS copy: MOVE hearings day 16: Pool feed, November 1, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: MOVE hearings day 14: Pool feed, "Birdie deposition", October 31, 1985.
Box 71
VHS copy: MOVE hearing off air recording TV-12, October 9, 1986.
Box 71
WHYY-TV, Police M Band Radio Transmissions: 0500 - 0600 (419), sound recording, circa 1985.
Box 72
WHYY-TV, Police M Band Radio Transmissions:0600 - 0700 (420), sound recording, circa 1985.
Box 72
WHYY-TV, Police M Band Radio Transmissions:0700 - 0800 (421), sound recording, circa 1985.
Box 72
WHYY-TV, Police M Band Radio Transmissions:1700 - 1800 (422), sound recording, circa 1985.
Box 72
WHYY-TV, Police M Band Radio Transmissions:1800 - 1900 (423), sound recording, circa 1985.
Box 72
WHYY-TV, Police M Band Radio Transmissions:1900 - 2000 (424), sound recording, circa 1985.
Box 72
One inch videotape: MOVE Ace submaster reel #1, 6:30 & 11:00 PM (241 A) and 5:58-6:54 AM (241 B), May 12-13, 1985.
Box 72
Mounted diagrams of explosions (OVERSIZED), circa 1985.
Map Folder M25a

Existence and Location of Copies

Alternate format available: Photographs in Series 8 (PC-33) have been digitized and, due to disturbing content, are solely available to view on the SCRC reading room computer desktop.

Content Warning

Please note that these photographs and their descriptions in the finding aid, especially those describing or showing the victims of the bombing, may be disturbing to many people.

Scope and Contents

Series 8, Photographs (PC-33), consists almost entirely of Police Department photography of the Osage Avenue area after the fire.

Policeman shot in the back (C-36), May 13, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 1
Policeman shot in the back (C-34), May 13, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 1
Policeman shot in the back (C-35), May 13, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 1
Policeman shot in the back (C-37), May 13, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 1
Policeman shot in the back (C-33), May 13, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 1
Contact print sheet, May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 2
Contact print sheet, May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 2
Contact print sheet, May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 2
Overall View Looking Northeast from the intersection of Cobbs Creek Parkway and Osage Avenue showing 417 Cobbs Creek Parkway (PSIC identifier # 1), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking southeast, from Cobbs Creek Parkway and Osage Avenue, showing crane (PSIC identifier # 2), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking North, from Osage Avenue, showing alley located West of 6245 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 4), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Northeast showing 6225 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 5), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Northeast showing 6223 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 6), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Northeast showing 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 7), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Northwest showing 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 8), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Northeast showing 6219 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 9), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Northeast showing 6217 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 10), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Northeast showing 6215 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 11), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking North showing alley located east of 6213 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 12), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking West showing the rear driveway/yard areas of the North side of the 6200 block of Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 14), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Southeast showing the rear of 6227 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 15), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Southeast showing the rear of 6225 Osage (PSIC identifier # 16), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking northeast, from 417 Cobbs Creek Parkway, showing the 6200 block of Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 17), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Southeast showing the rear of 6223 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 18), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking Southeast showing the rear of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 19), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Close-up view showing the rear of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier #20 ), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking east, from Cobbs Creek Parkway and Osage Avenue, showing the 6200 block of Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 3), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking northwest, from 6213 Osage Avenue, showing the 6200 block of Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 13), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 3
Overall view looking South showing the rear of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 21), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Overall view looking Southeast showing the rear of 6219 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 22), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Overall view looking Southeast showing the rear of 6217 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 23), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Overall view looking Southeast showing the rear of 6215 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 24), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view showing two 5 gallon cans in rear yard of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 25), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of metal cylinder recovered from debris rear yard area of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 26), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of various metal objects in debris rear yard area of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 27), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of charred ladder in debris rear yard area, 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 28), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of wooden frame at rear of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 29), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of charred "L" shaped section of wood in debris 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 30), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of charred sections of wood from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 31), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of charred sections of wood from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 32), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of metal object in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 33), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of various metal objects in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 34), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view showing debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 35), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 36), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 37), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Overall view looking Northwest showing basement window opening, 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 38), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view showing section of plywood in debris outside of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 39), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of metal in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 40), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 4
Close-up view of debris on side- walk in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (Metal with holes) (PSIC identifier # 41), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Close-up view showing projectile on landing of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 42), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Close-up view showing debris on landing in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 43), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Close-up view of crane removing tree in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 44), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southwest showing 6216 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 45), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southwest showing 6218 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 46), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southeast showing 6220 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 47), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southwest showing 6222 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 48), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southeast showing 6224 Osage Avenue(PSIC identifier # 49), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southwest showing 6226 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 50), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southeast showing 6228 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 51), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southwest showing 6230 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 52), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southeast showing 6232 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 53), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southeast showing 6234 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 54), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southeast showing 6236 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 55), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southwest showing 6254 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 56), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking Southeast showing 6256 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 57), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking East from the rear of 6245 Osage Avenue, showing driveway located North side of Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 58), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking South, from Osage Avenue, showing alley located West of 6256 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 59), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Overall view looking West, from 6236 Osage Avenue, showing the 6200 block of Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 60), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 5
Close-up view showing debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 61), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing debris inside front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 62), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Overall view looking Northeast, from front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 63), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 64), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Overall view looking Northeast, from front, showing inside 6221 Osage Avenue (Portable generator listed on PR#018280, Item #6) (PSIC identifier # 65), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing 5 gallon can inside debris 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 66), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing 1 gallon can in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier #67), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing 5 gallon can in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 68), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 69), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view of 55 gallon drum containing liquid removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier #71), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view of 55 gallon drum recovered from debris inside 6621 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 72), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing 55 gallon drum recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 73), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing cylinder recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 74), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing cylinder in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 75), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing metal can in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 76), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing 5 gallon can with debris inside recovered from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 77), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing exhaust fan recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 78), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing charred wood and papers recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 80), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 6
Close-up view showing charred paper recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 81), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing charred papers recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 82), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 83), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing remains of female in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 84), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing remains of female in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 85), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Overall view showing remains of female in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 86), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view of debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 87), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing debris removed from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 88), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 89), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing remains of a female after removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 90), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing charred paper in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 91), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing metal plate under blanket in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 92), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing blanket and debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 93), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing speaker and microphone removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 94), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing remains of female removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 95), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing metal beam with holes in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 96), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing human remains removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 97), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 98), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 99), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing drill under human remains and debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 100), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 7
Close-up view showing phone in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 101), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing tank regulator in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 102), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing metal box, with tools, in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 103), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing welding hose and cutting torch in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 104), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 105), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 106), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 107), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 108), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 109), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human/dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 110), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human/dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 111), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human/dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 112), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing metal in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 113), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 114), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing lower torso of male in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 115), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing lower torso of male in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 116), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human remains removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (Lower male torso) (PSIC identifier # 117), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 118), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Close-up view showing dog in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 119), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 8
Overall view of various items recovered from debris 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 1), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Close-up view showing various items recovered debris 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 2), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Close-up view showing various items recovered from 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 3), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Close-up view showing various 5 gallon and 1 gallon cans recovered from debris 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 4), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Close-up view showing various 5 gallon and 1 gallon cans recovered from debris from 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 5), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Close-up view showing various objects recovered from debris 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 6), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Close-up view showing various objects recovered from debris 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 7), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Close-up view showing various objects recovered from debris from 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 8), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Close-up view showing various objects recovered from debris from 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 9), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Close-up view showing cans and bottles with samples removed, 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 10), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Overall view showing various items recovered from debris, 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 11), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Overall view showing various items recovered from debris 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 12), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 9
Close-up view of charred "L" shaped section of wood in debris 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # RS-16), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 10
Close-up view of charred sections of wood from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R3-17), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 10
Close-up view of charred sections of wood from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R3-18), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 10
Close-up view of debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R4-4), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 173
Close-up view showing section of plywood in debris outside of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R4-6), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 173
Close-up view showing cylinder recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R7-7), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 12
Close-up view showing cylinder in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R7-8), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 12
Close-up view showing various papers recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R7-15), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 12
Close-up view showing charred wood and papers recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R7-16), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 12
Close-up view showing debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-1), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view showing human and/or animal remains (PSIC identifier # R8-2), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view showing remains of female in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-3), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Overall view showing remains of female in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-5), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view of pipe flute in in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-6), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view of debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-7), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view showing charred paper in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-11), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view showing metal plate under blanket in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-12), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view showing blanket and debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-13), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view showing speaker and microphone removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-14), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view showing remains of female removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-15), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view of metal beam in debris in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-16), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view of metal beam in debris in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-17), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view showing metal beam with holes in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-18), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view showing human remains removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R8-19), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 13
Close-up view showing Medical Examiner sifting through debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-1), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-2), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-3), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing drill recovered from under human remains and debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-4), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing drill under human remains and debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-5), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing phone in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-6), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Overall view showing tank regulator in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-7), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing tank regulator in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-8), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing metal box, with tools, in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-9), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing welding hose and cutting torch in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-10), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-11), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-12), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-13), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-14), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-15), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing human/dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue(PSIC identifier # R9-16), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing human/dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-17), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing human/dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-18), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing metal in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R9-19), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 14
Close-up view showing dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R10-1), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 15
Close-up view showing lower torso of male in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R10-2), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 15
Close-up view showing human remains removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (Lower male torso) (PSIC identifier # R10-4), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 15
Close-up view showing Medical Examiner sifting through debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R10-5), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 15
Close-up view showing dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R10-6), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 15
Close-up view showing dog in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R10-7), May 14, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 15
Close-up view showing metal object in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 120), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Overall view looking north, from the front steps, showing inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 121), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Overall view looking northeast, from the front steps, showing inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 122), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Overall view looking northwest, from front steps, showing inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 123), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Overall view showing crane removing debris from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 124), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing section of charred wood removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 125), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view of metal object recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 126), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing one cartridge case on sidewalk in front of 6216 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 127), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing one cartridge case on sidewalk in front of 6216 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 128), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing one cartridge case on sidewalk in front of 6216 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 129), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing metal plate in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 130), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing missile type object recovered from debris in rear yard/driveway area of 6221 Osage (PSIC identifier # 131), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 132), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view of large metal object removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 133), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Overall view showing jacket and human remains in debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 134), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view of jacket and human remains in debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 135), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view of jacket removed from debris from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 136), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing cylinder in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 137), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 138), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing weapon inside debris-rear of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 139), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view looking southwest, from the rear yard/driveway area, showing area after weapon was removed from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 140), May 15, 1985.
Box 73 Folder 16
Close-up view showing debris, clothing and human remains in debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 141), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing human remains in debris removed by crane from inside front, 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 142), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing human remains in debris removed by crane from inside front 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 143), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing human remains in debris removed by crane from inside front 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 143), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing human remains, after turned over by the Medical Examiner, in debris removed by crane from inside front 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 144), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing human remains, after turned over by the Medical Examiner, in debris removed by crane from inside front 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 144), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 145), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing wire/ring in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 146), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view of human remains, child, in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 147), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view looking west showing area where human remains, child, was recovered-inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 148), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Overall view looking north, from inside 6221 Osage Avenue, showing area where weapon and human remains, child, were recovered (PSIC identifier # 149), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing pot, with holes, in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 150), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing exhaust pipe in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 151), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Overall view looking southwest, from rear yard/driveway area, showing inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 152), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Overall view looking southwest, from rear of 6221 Osage Avenue, showing area where remains were recovered (PSIC identifier # 153), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Overall view showing debris being removed by crane inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 154), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing blue carpet in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 155), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing tree barks in debris from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 156), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing burlap type bag recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 157), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Overall view showing stacks of papers against front east wall inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 158), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing large section of charred wood, with holes, removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 159), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Close-up view showing metal with charred wood attached recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 160), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 1
Overall view showing charred wood in debris from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 161), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing various rags in in debris recovered from 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 162), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing cartridge cases recovered in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 163), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 164), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 165), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 166), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 167), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing remains of skull and jaw-bone in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 168), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing dog remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 169), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing body of child in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 170), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing body of child in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 171), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing remains of an adult female in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 172), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing remains of an adult female after removal from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 173), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Overall view showing body of child and adult female on stretcher after removed from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 174), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Overall view showing crane removing large timber from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 175), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing large timber recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 176), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing wood in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 177), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Overall view looking southeast, from the rear, showing inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 178), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view looking southwest, from the rear, showing debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 179), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing cylinders in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 180), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 2
Close-up view showing remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 181), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 3
Close-up view showing human remains, head, in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 182), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 3
Close-up view showing remains of adult male in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 183), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 3
Overall view looking south, from rear, showing inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 185), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 3
Close-up view showing timbers recovered under body of adult male inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # 186), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 3
Close-up view showing pieces of wood after being removed from debris inside of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 7-1), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 4
Close-up view showing pieces of wood and weapon after being removed from 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 7-2), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 4
Close-up view showing pieces of wood and weapon after being removed from 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 7-3), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 4
Close-up view of projectile on sidewalk on 62nd Street (PSIC identifier # ER 7-4), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 4
Close-up view showing clothing removed by crane from inside of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 7-8), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 4
Close-up view showing human remains in debris removed by crane from inside of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER 7-9), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 4
Overall view showing fronts of 415 and 417 South 62nd Street (PSIC identifier # ER 7-5), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 4
Overall view showing various items recovered from debris, 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-11), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing metal trash can with holes in front of 6228 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-13), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing cartridge case and projectile in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-14), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing circular metal objects and various metals from debris in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-15), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing cartridge cases, projectile and grenade spoon from debris in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-16), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing metal in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-17), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing two shotgun shell bases from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER18), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing cartridge case on highway in front of 6222 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-19), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing cartridge cases and projectile in debris in front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-20), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing charred section of flare recovered from debris 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-21), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing areas where lead residue tests were taken from 6230 and 6232 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-22), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing area where lead residue test was taken from 6230 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-23), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing area where lead residue test was taken from 6232 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-24), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing metal from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-25), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing metal plate approx. 8"x 8", in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-26), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing brass cylinder from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-27), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing metal bolt with ring from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-28), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing stapler, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-29), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing metal plates, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-30), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 5
Close-up view showing metal objects, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-31), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing various metal objects, from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-32), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing various metal objects, from debris, inside Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-33), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing black missile type object recovered from rear yard/driveway area of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-34), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing a cylindrical object, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-35), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing a cylindrical object, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-36), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing cylindrical metal object, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-37), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing metal object, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-38), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing metal objects, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-39), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing cylinder and metal objects, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-40), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing various sections of charred wood, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-41), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing metal objects, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-42), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing metal objects with spring attached, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-43), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing metal objects recovered, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-44), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing metal objects recovered, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-45), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing circular saw recovered, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-46), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing charred wood recovered from front of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-47), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing cassette tape recovered, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-48), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing metal objects recovered, from debris, inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-49), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing section of sheet metal recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-50), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 6
Close-up view showing section of same bag recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-51), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing section of rug and padding recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-52), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing metal objects recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-53), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing section of pitchfork blade and various metal plates recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-54), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing metal can from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-55), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing large metal sheet recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-56), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing various rags and debris from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-57), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing rug from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-58), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing jar and charred wood from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-59), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing charred wood bark from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-60), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Overall view showing metal objects from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-61), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Overall view showing metal objects from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-62), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing various metal objects from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-63), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing charred wood, metal and glass bottle cap and unknown substance recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-64), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing metal objects from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-65), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing projectile on sidewalk between 415 and 417, 62nd Street (PSIC identifier # ER-66), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing cartridge cases in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-67), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing section of rifle stock recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-68), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing crane removing large timbers from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-69), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing various items on sidewalk recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-70), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing charred wood from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-71), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Close-up view showing grenade spoons and springs recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # ER-72), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 7
Overall view showing jacket and human remains in debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-1), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view of jacket and human remains in debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-2), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view of debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-3), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view of jacket removed from debris from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-4), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing hole in jacket recovered from debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-5), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing cylinder in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-6), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-7), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing weapons inside debris-rear of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-8), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing weapon inside debris-rear of 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-9), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view of large metal object removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-10), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view looking southwest, from the rear yard/driveway area, showing area after weapon was removed from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-10), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view looking southwest, from the rear yard/driveway area, showing area after weapon was removed from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-11), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view looking southwest, from rear yard/driveway area, showing area after weapon was removed from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-12), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing debris, clothing and human remains in debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-13), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing clothing, debris and human remains in debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-14), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing clothing, debris and human remains in debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-15), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing clothing, debris and human remains in debris removed by crane from inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-16), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human remains in debris removed by crane from inside front, 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-17), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human remains in debris removed by crane from inside front 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-18), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing human remains, after being turned over by the Medical Examiner, in debris removed by crane from inside front 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R2-19), May 15, 1985.
Box 74 Folder 8
Close-up view showing remains in debris inside 6221 Osage Avenue (PSIC identifier # R3-1), May 15, 1985.
Box 74