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Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia (Pa.) Records


Held at: Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

In 1838, Rebecca Gratz (a Jewish philanthropist in Philadelphia), along with the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society, founded a Sunday School in Philadelphia that was open to all Jewish children regardless of parental financial standing or synagogue affiliation. Founded in 1819, the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society was the first Jewish charitable organization in Philadelphia, and the first such organization in the United States to offer free basic Jewish religious education. In the first year of operation, attendance at the school grew to 80 students, a number which represented nearly 90 percent of the Jewish children in Philadelphia at the time. The Female Hebrew Benevolent Society operated the Sunday School until 1858 when it was incorporated as the Hebrew Sunday School Society (HSSS). Rebecca Gratz served as president of the organization until she was 80 years of age. The Hebrew Sunday School Society records house the organizational records of HSSS. This collection, which dates from 1802 to 2002, consists of minutes, reports, correspondence, budgets and financial statements, staff and student lists, event programs, clippings, books and research materials, photographs, lantern slides, pins, plaques, and other memorabilia. These records and materials document the history and evolution of HSSS and evidence an organization concerned with the betterment of Jewish children through religious education, including those with special needs. The collection is a unique and rich example of the growth and establishment of the first Hebrew Sunday schools that existed outside of any synagogue, with records that provide a look into how decisions were made over the course of the Society's existence regarding what and how to teach, as well as a look into Jewish life in Philadelphia.

Administrative History

In 1838, Rebecca Gratz (a Jewish philanthropist in Philadelphia), along with the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society, founded a Sunday School in Philadelphia that was open to all Jewish children regardless of parental financial standing or synagogue affiliation. Founded in 1819, the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society was the first Jewish charitable organization in Philadelphia, and the first such organization in the United States to offer free basic Jewish religious education. The first day of Sunday School saw approximately 50 children in attendance. In the same year, attendance had increased to 80 students, a number which represented nearly 90 percent of the Jewish children in Philadelphia at the time.

Prior to the Sunday School's opening, Rabbi Isaac Leeser (of Congregation Mikveh Israel) issued an urgent call for an effective educational system which would enable the Jewish community to address concerns of apathy, ignorance, and the Reform Movement (which renounced Zion and diminished the importance of ritual). This call was answered by Louisa B. Hart, Ellen Philips, Simha C. Peixotto, and Rebecca Gratz. Gratz was also moved to open the Sunday School because of her conviction that American Jews would gain the respect of the larger Christian community by being knowledgeable, observant, and pious within their own religion. Rabbi Leeser remained the school's mentor until his death in 1868, and his successor, Rabbi Sabato Morais, provided guidance and visited the school every week for 46 years.

Throughout its years of operation, the Sunday School changed locations often, renting different classrooms around the city. It was operated by the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society until 1858 when it was incorporated as the Hebrew Sunday School Society (HSSS). Rebecca Gratz served as president of the organization until she was 80 years of age. Originally, the HSSS was almost exclusively administered by Congregation Mikveh Israel members.

In April 1876, HSSS opened a sewing school, which gave religious instruction along with sewing lessons to Jewish girls, and was named for Rebecca Gratz. The sewing school was founded to respond to missionary activities of Christian missions in the area.

A Jewish teachers' association was formed by the superintendents and teachers of HSSS in 1878. It was most likely the first organization of its kind in the country. The association was formed for fundraising purposes and to capitalize on available resources in the community.

During the 1880s, a sharp rise in enrollment was caused mainly by immigration of Jews from Eastern Europe. Centers for vocational training, as well as classes in Americanization, were needed. The Society responded to this call by instituting such classes all over the city in English, bookkeeping, stenography, telegraphy, millinery, cigar making, plumbing, and sewing and dressmaking. The classes were in operation from the 1880s to the 1930s. Vacation bible schools were formed in 1892 and appealed to children by combining religious instruction with arts and crafts and games. Facilities of the HSSS became so crowded by the 1880s that efforts were made to raise funds for a building. The Hebrew Education Society built and moved into a new headquarters in 1892. The building, Touro Hall, was similar to a community center and housed one of the earliest indoor swimming pools. The HSSS contributed a large part of the building fund for a perpetual rental agreement.

An Alumni Association was started in 1896. A major achievement of the association was the publication of a monthly educational magazine called The Hebrew Watchword, devoted to the interests of HSSS and to the promotion of Jewish learning in general. The newsletter was edited by Rabbi Morais (the successor of Rabbi Leeser to the Sunday School).

Enrollment in the School continually grew until 1927, when over 10,000 students participated in the program. However, as the number of synagogue-operated Sunday Schools increased, the number of HSSS students decreased. Consequently, the HSSS methods were modified to fulfill its goals, and it began to provide financial aid and to support Sunday Schools operated by synagogues.

The HSSS continued to provide educational opportunities for children into the 20th century. Elementary classes for children who were not enrolled in other religious schools were held in several locations throughout the city. In 1915, a high school program was developed which served all teenagers in the community who wanted to continue their Jewish education, including those affiliated with synagogues. Leadership training in group dynamics and recreational skills, preparation for teaching positions, camp counseling, and club work were offered. Other programs sponsored by the HSSS have been classes for wayward girls, girl scout troops, cub packs, and religious education for prison inmates.

A number of programs were established by the HSSS for providing religious instruction for gifted children and children with disabilities. In 1913, classes for the Jewish deaf were begun at Mt. Airy School; soon thereafter these classes were established as the Overbrook School for the Blind. In 1964, the HSSS began a program at the Elwyn School for the Mentally Retarded in Media. In response to the community's needs, services were also provided for the following institutions: Woods School in Langhorne; Pathway School in Norristown; Downtown Children's Center; and the Samuel Paley Day Care Center.

In 1989, the Federation of Jewish Agencies of Greater Philadelphia established a committee to evaluate supplementary education in Philadelphia. One of the committee's recommendations was to consolidate the HSSS with the United Hebrew Schools and Yeshivas into a unified school system. In 1993, the two school systems were merged into the Community Hebrew Schools of Greater Philadelphia.

The Hebrew Sunday School Society served as a model for the establishment of other Jewish Sunday Schools in the United States; their founders sought guidance and direction from Gratz and her co-workers. Gratz's model continues "to provide the basic structure of supplemental Jewish education in the United States."


Jewish Encyclopedia. (1906). Philadelphia. Retrieved from

Jewish Women's Archive. (n.d.). This week in history: Rebecca Gratz founds first Jewish Sunday School. Retrieved from

Jspace. (2013, May 21). Rebecca Gratz, founder of American Hebrew School. Retrieved from

The Hebrew Sunday School Society (HSSS) records house the organizational records of HSSS. This collection, which dates from 1802 to 2002, with bulk dates from 1888 to 1980, consists of minutes, reports, correspondence, budgets and financial statements, staff and student lists, event programs, clippings, books and research materials, photographs, lantern slides, pins, plaques, and other memorabilia. These records and materials document the history and evolution of HSSS, from carefully handwritten administrative documents and financial ledgers to photographs of graduation ceremonies and religious festivals, and they evidence an organization concerned with the betterment of Jewish children through religious education, including those with special needs. The collection is a unique and rich example of the growth and establishment of the first Hebrew Sunday schools that existed outside of any synagogue, with records that provide a look into how decisions were made over the course of the Society's existence regarding what and how to teach, as well as a look into Jewish life in Philadelphia.

This collection is unique in that it evidences the desire to cultivate high quality Jewish education in the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding areas. The organization was founded with the intention that all Jewish children could attend classes, regardless of financial standing or synagogue affiliation. The Society expanded their services over time to include more children in more locations, with a special focus on children with mental and physical disabilities. Researchers interested in the subjects of religious instruction, and Jewish history in the Philadelphia region will find rich information here. Additionally, those looking for information on childhood education, community-based education, and special education will also find valuable resources within this collection.

The collection is arranged into eight series as follows:

Series 1: Administrative records (PORTIONS RESTRICTED), 1838-2002, bulk 1900-1980
Series 2: Financial records (PORTIONS RESTRICTED), 1859-1993, bulk 1920-1980
Series 3: Programs and events, 1873-1993, bulk 1913-1975
Series 4: School records(PORTIONS RESTRICTED), 1874-1990, bulk 1911-1984
Series 5: Subject files and books, 1802-1988, bulk 1864-1963
Series 6: Photographs, 1916-1992, bulk 1938-1969
Series 7: Memorabilia, 1862-1988, bulk 1920-1940
Series 8: Microfilm, 1838-1975

Collection placed on deposit in October 1976 by the Hebrew Sunday School Society. Collection previously administered by the Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center, acquired by Temple in June 2009.

A selection of records from series 1, 2, 3 and 4 is available on microfilm. See series 8.

A selection of photographs from this collection has been digitized and is available online on the Temple University Digital Collections website.

Original audiovisual materials, as well as preservation and duplicating masters, may not be played. Researchers must consult use copies, or if none exist must pay for a use copy. Certain digital files may also be inaccessible. Please contact the Special Collections Research Center for more information.

Collection processed and finding aid prepared in December 2014 by Christiana Dobrzynski Grippe, Annalise Berdini, and Steven Duckworth, staff for the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries' (PACSCL) "Uncovering Philadelphia's Past: A Regional Solution to Revealing Hidden Collections" Project.

Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center
Finding Aid Author
Machine-readable finding aid created by: Rajkumar Natarajan, Sky Global Services India (P) Ltd.
Finding Aid Date
July 2024
Funding for the processing of this collection provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as administered through the Council on Library and Information Resources' "Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives" Program
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Access to records in series 1, 2 and 4 containing student grades and staff evaluations and salaries is restricted for 75 years from date of creation. Restrictions, where applicable, are indicated at the file level.

Use Restrictions

The Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia (Pa.) Records are in the custody of the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible for determining the identity of rights holders and obtaining their permission for publication and for other purposes where stated.

Collection Inventory

Scope and Contents

Access to records in this series containing student grades is restricted for 75 years from date of creation.

Scope and Contents

Series 1 is arranged chronologically and dates from 1838 to 2002, with the bulk of the records dating from 1900 to 1980. This series includes records relating to the governing of the Hebrew Sunday School Society and ongoing work needed to continue providing educational programs in and around Philadelphia. Included here are the constitution and by-laws of the society, along with petitions for constitutional amendments; minutes and reports of the Board of Managers, Executive Director, and various committees; journals and other writings; leases and agreements for teaching spaces; records and correspondence regarding related organizations, including the Allied Jewish Appeal, the Federation of Jewish Agencies, the Jewish Book Council, the Jewish Community Relations Council, the Jewish Education Committee, and others; correspondence of Society administrators; and an assortment of press releases, studies, publicity materials, clippings, and various lists. Records in this series highlight the decisions made by HSSS and the efforts involved in creating and maintaining Sunday School centers.

Constitution and articles of incorporation, 1838.
Box 1 Folder 1
"1st Minute Book by Rebecca Gratz, Founder of Hebrew Sunday School Society 1838", 1838-1843.
Box 1 Folder 2
Bound financial ledger regarding donations and subscriptions, 1838-1858.
Box 1 Folder 3
"2nd Minute Book of Hebrew Sunday School Society 1858", 1858-1882.
Box 1 Folder 4
Constitution and by-laws of the Hebrew Sunday School Society, 1859.
Box 1 Folder 5
The Occident, December 1866.
Box 1 Folder 6
The Occident, January 1867, December 1867.
Box 1 Folder 7
The Occident, March-April 1868.
Box 1 Folder 8
Address by Reverend S. Morais on the life and character of Rebecca Gratz, 1869.
Box 1 Folder 9
Original constitution with amendments, 1878.
Box 87 Folder 1
Constitution and by-laws of the Hebrew Sunday School Society, circa 1880.
Box 1 Folder 10
President's annual reports, retyped copy of 1881 report, summary report, 1881, 1930-1936, 1940.
Box 1 Folder 11
"Book 2 (A) Reports of the Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia", 1882-1888.
Box 2 Folder 1
Annual reports, 1883, 1885-1886, 1898-1901.
Box 2 Folder 2
Annual reports, 1883-1886, 1898-1899, 1905-1919.
Box 2 Folder 3
Letters, mainly regarding the Board of Managers, transcriptions of two letters from Rebecca Gratz, 1885, 1890-1892, 1898, undated.
Box 2 Folder 4
Annual reports, 1885, 1898, 1900-1905, 1907-1910, 1914, 1916, 1925-1928.
Box 2 Folder 5
By-laws for the society, 1886.
Box 2 Folder 6
Report of the Committee on Text Books, November 27, 1888.
Box 2 Folder 7
Annual reports, anniversary programs, and by-laws, 1888, 1905, 1913, 1925-1926.
Box 2 Folder 8
"Book 3rd Minutes and Reports of Meetings held by the Board of Managers of the Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia Beginning Nov 1888", 1888-1894.
Box 2 Folder 9
Resolution regarding the Hebrew Education Societies, January 15, 1889.
Box 3 Folder 1
Petition for constitutional amendments, 1890.
Box 3 Folder 2
Board of Managers: Attendance record, 1891-1926.
Box 3 Folder 3
"Book 4th Minutes and Reports of Meetings held by the Board of Managers of the Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia Beginning June 12, 1894", 1894-1899.
Box 3 Folder 4
The Hebrew Watchword, September-December 1896.
Box 3 Folder 5
Correspondence: Louis Bloch, 1896, 1904, 1928, 1965, undated.
Box 3 Folder 6
The Hebrew Watchword, January-December 1897.
Box 3 Folder 7
The Hebrew Watchword, January-June 1989.
Box 3 Folder 8
Letters, including those of Isabella Rosenbach and Julius Greenstone, 1900-1902, 1907-1915.
Box 3 Folder 9
"Book 5 Minutes and Reports of Meetings held by the Board of Managers of the Hebrew Sunday School Society from October 28, 1900", 1900-1905.
Box 3 Folder 10
Annual reports, 1901, 1910, 1914-1916, 1925-1928.
Box 4 Folder 1
The Sabbath School Journal, 1904 March-May.
Box 4 Folder 2
"Constitution and By-Laws", 1905.
Box 4 Folder 3
"Constitution and By-Laws", 1905.
Box 4 Folder 4
Annual reports, 1905, 1907-1910.
Box 4 Folder 5
Copies of charter and revised articles, by-laws, and constitution, 1905, 1954.
Box 4 Folder 6
Constitution and by-laws, copyright application forms, 1905, 1955, 1964.
Box 4 Folder 7
Petition for constitutional amendments, Hebrew Sunday School Society broadsides, 1905, undated.
Box 4 Folder 8
"Book 6 Minutes and Reports of Meetings held by the Board of Managers of the Hebrew Sunday School Society from September 26, 1905", 1905-1909.
Box 4 Folder 9
Reports of Committee on Instruction and Discipline, 1907-1909.
Box 4 Folder 10
Reports of Committee on Anniversaries and Music, 1907-1914.
Box 4 Folder 11
"Book 7 Minutes and Reports of Meetings held by the Board of Managers of the Hebrew Sunday School Society from June 9, 1909 to December 22, 1914", 1909-1914.
Box 4 Folder 12
Annual reports of the Hebrew Education Society and the Hebrew Sunday School Society, 1912.
Box 5 Folder 1
75th Annual reports of the Hebrew Sunday School Society and the Hebrew Education Society, 1913.
Box 5 Folder 2
75th Annual reports of the Hebrew Sunday School Society and the Hebrew Education Society, 1913.
Box 5 Folder 3
Annual reports, 1914, 1916-1918, 1925-1928.
Box 5 Folder 4
Resolution regarding death of Minnie Mayer, 1915.
Box 5 Folder 5
"Book 8 Minutes and Reports of Meetings held by the Board of Managers of the Hebrew Sunday School Society from January 26, 1915 to June 13, 1922", 1915-1922.
Box 5 Folder 6
By-laws, minutes, correspondence, constitution, 1921-1926, 1933, 1935, 1946-1954, 1967, undated.
Box 5 Folder 7
Report on Hebrew Sunday School Society, critique of report, 1922.
Box 5 Folder 8
"Hebrew Sunday School Society", minutes and reports of meetings held by the Board of Managers, 1922-1928.
Box 5 Folder 9
Report of Committee of Superintendents, April 6, 1923.
Box 6 Folder 1
Annual reports, 1925, 1927, 1941-1944, 1974, 1978.
Box 6 Folder 2
Requests, legal papers, letters, 1926, 1936, 1970-1971, 1975, 1977, 1983-1984.
Box 6 Folder 3
Clippings, reports, and a letter regarding Associated Talmud Torahs and education, 1926, 1936, undated.
Box 6 Folder 4
Board of Managers: Attendance list, 1926-1944.
Box 6 Folder 5
"Rebecca Rosenbach" by Emily Solis-Cohen, 1928.
Box 6 Folder 6
"Book # 10" Minutes and reports of meetings held by the Board of Managers of the Hebrew Sunday School Society, 1928-1938.
Box 6 Folder 7
Correspondence, mainly involving Jennie Sichel, 1928-1939.
Box 6 Folder 8
Constitution and by-laws of the Hebrew Sunday School Society, "Selected Hymns for Jewish Religious Schools", 1930, undated.
Box 6 Folder 9
Leases for teaching spaces, 1935-1936, 1939-1942.
Box 6 Folder 10
Board of Managers: Correspondence, including multiple photocopies; biographical material regarding Evelyn A. Margolis, 1936-1953, undated.
Box 6 Folder 11
Executive Director's reports, includes photocopies of reports dating from 1933 to 1976, 1933-1976, undated.
Box 6 Folder 12
List of honored guests for luncheon, January 26, 1937.
Box 7 Folder 1
Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association minutes, 1938.
Box 7 Folder 2
Content lists of safes and boxes, photograph from 130th Anniversary, 1938, 1943, 1968.
Box 7 Folder 3
Letters and invitations from the "Friends of HSSS," photograph from Minnie Mayer 1962 Purim, "Selected Hymns for Jewish Religious Schools," and "Outstanding Jewish Personalities" by Alfred H Friedman, 1938, 1953, 1994-2002.
Box 7 Folder 4
Correspondence regarding teacher training and other subjects, constitution and by-laws of the Hebrew Sunday School Society, various replies regarding events, 1938, 1964-1970, undated.
Box 7 Folder 5
Board of Managers: Letters and notices, 1938-1939, 1945, 1962, 1966-1985.
Box 7 Folder 6
Statistical reports, 1938-1940.
Box 7 Folder 7
Board of Managers: Minutes and memoranda (1 of 2), 1938-1942, 1966-1985.
Box 7 Folder 8
Board of Managers: Minutes and memoranda (2 of 2), 1938-1942, 1966-1985.
Box 7 Folder 9
"Minute Book # 11" Minutes and reports of meetings held by the Board of Managers of the Hebrew Sunday School Society, 1938-1943.
Box 7 Folder 10
Memoranda, proposal, and invitation regarding joint Hebrew Sunday School Society and Associated Talmud Torahs Schools, 1939, 1947, undated.
Box 8 Folder 1
Board of Managers: Minutes and notices regarding meetings, reports, publicity materials and clippings, staff lists, 1939, 1964, 1973, 1984-1985.
Box 8 Folder 2
Philadelphia Council on Jewish Education: Reports, minutes, letters, 1939-1940, 1945, undated.
Box 8 Folder 3
Report of the Study Committee on Seven Jewish Educational Organizations, March 1940.
Box 8 Folder 4
Publicity materials, Hebrew Sunday School Society play outline, copyright registration certificate, list of donors, and certificates of achievement, 1940, 1943, 1956, 1966, 1970, undated.
Box 8 Folder 5
President's annual reports, 1940, 1946-1950.
Box 8 Folder 6
Letter and notice regarding Scout Committee and troop meetings, 1940, 1948.
Box 8 Folder 7
Correspondence regarding stocks and other donations, graduation exercises, and other topics, 1940-1942, 1945, 1948.
Box 8 Folder 8
Board of Managers: Correspondence, includes photocopies, 1940-1991, undated.
Box 8 Folder 9
Correspondence to and from Katherine Buchsbaum, essays regarding Hebrew Sunday School Society, 1942, 1946, undated.
Box 8 Folder 10
Letters, reports, and minutes from various committees, includes mainly photocopies, 1942, 1963, 1967, 1970, undated.
Box 8 Folder 11
Correspondence, mainly regarding the schools for physically and mentally disabled students, includes mainly photocopies, 1942-1944, 1952-1953, 1973-1975, 1983, undated.
Box 8 Folder 12
Board of Managers: Correspondence, includes multiple photocopies, 1942-1988, undated.
Box 8 Folder 13
Board of Managers: Minutes, Executive Director's reports, list of Board of Managers, and letters to staff, 1943, 1948, 1966, 1970-1974, 1977-1978, 1984-1985.
Box 8 Folder 14
Report regarding Allied Jewish Appeal, 1943, 1953-1956.
Box 8 Folder 15
"Minute Book # 12" Minutes and meeting reports of Board of Managers, 1943-1945.
Box 9 Folder 1
Board of Managers: Annual meeting minutes, 1943-1946, 1970-1971, 1977-1979, 1985.
Box 9 Folder 2
Correspondence regarding donations, 1944, 1951-1960, 1971-1979, 1987.
Box 9 Folder 3
Board of Managers: Minutes, 1944-1948, 1961-1968, 1970-1972.
Box 9 Folder 4
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1945.
Box 9 Folder 5
Jewish Community Relations Council: Correspondence and report on intercultural education, 1945, 1947-1948, 1961.
Box 9 Folder 6
Council on Jewish Education: Letters, reports, maps, mainly photocopies, 1945, circa 1958, undated.
Box 9 Folder 7
Lists of committees and Board of Managers, 1945-1946, 1951-1952, undated.
Box 9 Folder 8
Employee pension plan: Outline and memoranda, 1945-1946, 1960-1963.
Box 9 Folder 9
Committee lists, minutes, and letters, 1945-1957, undated.
Box 9 Folder 10
Jewish Book Council of Philadelphia: Letters regarding Book Reviewer's Workshop and meetings, bulletin regarding events, 1945-1948.
Box 9 Folder 11
The Jewish Times: Letters, clippings, press releases, notes regarding publicity efforts, 1945-1962.
Box 9 Folder 12
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1946.
Box 9 Folder 13
Correspondence to and from Katherine Buchsbaum and school policies, 1946.
Box 9 Folder 14
Board of Managers: Minutes, reports, programs, invitations, includes photocopies, 1946, 1950, 1957, 1977-1990, 1993, undated.
Box 10 Folder 1
Board of Managers: Correspondence, 1946, 1954-1955, 1967-1968, 1976-1981.
Box 10 Folder 2
Correspondence regarding attendance at Camp Onas and Camp Happy, 1946, 1959, undated.
Box 10 Folder 3
President's reports, 1946, 1961, 1970-1978, 1992.
Box 10 Folder 4
Scout report, 1946-1947.
Box 10 Folder 5
Education report, 1946-1947.
Box 10 Folder 6
Board of Managers: Minutes and mailings, notices to teachers, 1946-1947.
Box 10 Folder 7
Pamphlets, reports, and edition of Religious Education journal, 1946-1947, 1955-1956, 1964, 1967, 1972-1973, 1978-1982.
Box 10 Folder 8
Board of Managers: Minutes, includes photocopies, 1946-1947, undated.
Box 10 Folder 9
Jewish Book Council of America: Notices regarding upcoming meetings, 1946-1948.
Box 10 Folder 10
Philadelphia Jewish Book Council: Minutes, 1946-1948.
Box 10 Folder 11
Board of Managers: Minutes, includes photocopies of minutes dating from 1949 to 1992, 1946-1948, 1966-1968, undated.
Box 10 Folder 12
Correspondence to and from Katherine Buchsbaum and reports, 1946-1949.
Box 10 Folder 13
Board of Managers: Minutes, 1946-1953.
Box 10 Folder 14
Reports of Executive Director, correspondence regarding community planning, "Survey of Racial Changes in the Wynnefield Area of Philadelphia" report and data, 1946-1953, 1960-1961, 1970-1971.
Box 10 Folder 15
Committee lists, minutes, and calendars, 1946-1958.
Box 10 Folder 16
Insurance policies, 1946-1963.
Box 10 Folder 17
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1947.
Box 10 Folder 18
Correspondence and notes regarding the use of The Jewish Exponent in schools, 1947.
Box 11 Folder 1
Jewish Community Relations Council: Correspondence, study unit on community relations, notes, 1947, 1949-1950, 1954, 1956-1958.
Box 11 Folder 2
Neighborhood Centre of Philadelphia: Correspondence regarding professional references of teachers and school location, 1947, 1949-1952, 1957.
Box 11 Folder 3
Board of Managers: Member lists and letters, 1947, 1950-1957.
Box 11 Folder 4
Board of Managers: Members lists, notes, and letters, 1947, 1956-1959.
Box 11 Folder 5
Board of Managers: Minutes, includes photocopies of minutes from 1948 to 1981, 1947, 1961, 1974, 1980, 1993, undated.
Box 11 Folder 6
Executive Director's reports, 1947, 1966, 1970-1976.
Box 11 Folder 7
Annual meeting program and minutes, 1947, 1970-1980, 1989-1992.
Box 11 Folder 8
Supplies for Overseas Survivors Campaign bulletins, letters, pamphlets, clothing patch, minutes, and notes regarding organization in the schools, 1947, undated.
Box 11 Folder 9
Philadelphia Jewish Book Council: Minutes and reports, 1947-1948.
Box 11 Folder 10
Reports on Yeadon and Upper Darby Jewish Centers, report on work of Ruth Greenberg, 1947-1948.
Box 11 Folder 11
Council on Jewish Education and Hebrew Union College: Correspondence regarding teacher training and Sunday School matters, 1947-1948.
Box 11 Folder 12
Jewish Education Committee: Correspondence, notes, and notices regarding annual "Art in Jewish Education" art exhibit, 1947-1948.
Box 11 Folder 13
Hadassah, news bulletins, and course of study pamphlets, 1947-1948, 1950-1951.
Box 11 Folder 14
Jewish Book Council of America: Notices regarding meetings and events, 1947-1948, undated.
Box 11 Folder 15
Jewish Education Committee: Correspondence, notes, clippings, review regarding "Rich Man, Poor Man" play, 1947-1948, undated.
Box 11 Folder 16
American Jewish Congress, Zionist Organization of America: Correspondence regarding meeting and teaching materials, 1947-1949.
Box 11 Folder 17
Jewish Community Relations Council and Jewish Education Committee: Correspondence, notes, memoranda, and publicity materials, 1947-1949.
Box 11 Folder 18
Correspondence regarding Emanuel Gamorah, Commission on Jewish Education, 1947-1949.
Box 11 Folder 19
Education Committee: Letters, minutes, and reports, mainly photocopies, 1947-1949, 1953-1954, 1966, 1969, undated.
Box 11 Folder 20
Correspondence and reports regarding Boy Scout troops, mainly photocopies, 1947-1949, undated.
Box 11 Folder 21
Correspondence: Harry Elkin, mainly regarding Jewish Education Committee, 1947-1950.
Box 11 Folder 22
Gratz College faculty meeting minutes, correspondence of Harry Elkin, 1947-1950, 1964.
Box 11 Folder 23
Issues of teen publications, correspondence with Rabbi Norbert Rosenthal regarding school reform, 1947-1950, undated.
Box 11 Folder 24
Board of Managers: Members lists, photocopies of lists dating from 1946 through 1992, 1947-1953, undated.
Box 11 Folder 25
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1948.
Box 11 Folder 26
Minutes of Educational Committee and Parent Teacher Association Committee, 1948.
Box 11 Folder 27
Press releases, 1948, 1951, 1955-1957, 1962-1964.
Box 11 Folder 28
Correspondence regarding use of The Jewish Exponent in schools, entries for the Barton's Essay Contest, 1948, 1951, undated.
Box 11 Folder 29
Correspondence regarding Children's Heart Hospital, school catalog, 1948, 1953-1960.
Box 12 Folder 1
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Correspondence regarding appropriations, schools, insurance, and audits; meeting minutes, and reports, 1948, 1958-1960.
Box 12 Folder 2
Jewish Book Council of America: Notices regarding meetings and events, 1948, undated.
Box 12 Folder 3
Adult Jewish Education Committee: B'Nai B'Rith newsletters and letter regarding Book Reviewers' Workshop, 1948, undated.
Box 12 Folder 4
Copies of proposed constitution for State of Israel, letters regarding Hebrew translations, notes, 1948-1949.
Box 12 Folder 5
Correspondence between Harry Elkin, Jacob Golub, and Ephraim Gomberg, 1948-1949.
Box 12 Folder 6
Correspondence: Dr. Uriah Z. Engelman, American Association for Jewish Education, 1948-1949.
Box 12 Folder 7
Correspondence: Rabbi Samuel Glasner, 1948-1949, 1952-1954.
Box 12 Folder 8
Council on Jewish Education: School calendars, memoranda on teaching current events, 1948-1949, undated.
Box 12 Folder 9
President's annual reports, including photocopies of reports dating from 1946 to 1975, 1948-1949, undated.
Box 12 Folder 10
Jewish Education Committee of New York: Correspondence, mostly regarding various publications, 1948-1950.
Box 12 Folder 11
Educational Committee: Minutes, reports, and notes, 1948-1950, 1953-1956.
Box 12 Folder 12
Hebrew Teachers' Association: Letters, faculty lists from Philadelphia area religious schools, 1948-1951.
Box 12 Folder 13
Board of Managers: Member notices and meeting announcements, photocopies of records dating from 1946 to 1993, 1948-1951, 1964, 1971-1977, 1985-1993, undated.
Box 12 Folder 14
B'Nai B'Rith Youth Organization: Meeting minutes, correspondence, 1949.
Box 12 Folder 15
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1949.
Box 12 Folder 16
Jewish Committee on Scouting: Letters regarding meetings, 1949.
Box 12 Folder 17
Philadelphia Council on Jewish Education: Reports and correspondence regarding visit to Ohel Moshe school, 1949.
Box 12 Folder 18
Correspondence: Various vendors regarding subscriptions and services, 1949, 1952, 1956-1957, 1961.
Box 12 Folder 19
Hillel Foundation at University of Pennsylvania: Clipping, pamphlets, and bulletins regarding events, 1949, undated.
Box 12 Folder 20
Jewish Committee on Scouting: Letters, bulletins, minutes regarding meetings, 1949-1950.
Box 12 Folder 21
Press releases and letters sent to Jewish Exponent, 1949-1950.
Box 12 Folder 22
Press releases, donor list, 1949-1950, 1953.
Box 12 Folder 23
Correspondence to and from Katherine Buchsbaum and reports, 1949-1951, 1953.
Box 12 Folder 24
The Federation of Jewish Agencies and Federation of Jewish Charities: Minutes, reports, and letters regarding Jewish education, 1949-1960.
Box 12 Folder 25
Community Centre for the Blind: Correspondence, reports, lesson plans, many photocopies, 1949-1960, undated.
Box 13 Folder 1
Jewish Family Service: Correspondence between Benjamin Sprafkin, Sidney Fish and Alfred Friedman, mostly regarding programming, 1949-1965.
Box 13 Folder 2
Constitution and by-laws of the Hebrew Sunday School Society, 1950.
Box 13 Folder 3
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1950.
Box 13 Folder 4
Press releases, advertisements, and letters sent to Jewish Exponent, 1950-1952.
Box 13 Folder 5
Press releases, advertisements, and letters sent to Jewish Exponent, 1950-1952.
Box 13 Folder 6
Letters regarding Discussion Group and camps, and minutes, 1950-1953, 1956, 1960, 1965.
Box 13 Folder 7
Board of Managers: Minutes, 1950-1955.
Box 13 Folder 8
Letters regarding space rental for classes, 1950-1958, 1972, 1982, undated.
Box 13 Folder 9
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1951.
Box 13 Folder 10
Correspondence regarding Big Brothers Association, Executive Committee minutes, 1951, 1954, 1970.
Box 13 Folder 11
Correspondence regarding Weekly Bible Readers club and Carlin Craftsmen, Incorporated, 1951, 1955, 1961.
Box 13 Folder 12
Committee on Extension and Adult Education: Lists and reports, 1951, undated.
Box 13 Folder 13
Committee for the Self Study of Jewish Education in Philadelphia: Reports, forms, and letters, 1951-1952.
Box 13 Folder 14
Committee for the Self Study of Jewish Education in Philadelphia: Reports and letters, pamphlets regarding Hebrew classes, 1951-1952, undated.
Box 13 Folder 15
Philadelphia Council on Jewish Education: Reports and recommendations of various committees, 1951-1952, undated.
Box 13 Folder 16
Staff vacation schedules, summer club trip suggestions, letter regarding Judea expansion, 1951-1953, undated.
Box 13 Folder 17
Annual meeting minutes, 1951-1954.
Box 13 Folder 18
National Jewish Welfare Board: Newsletter and reports regarding meetings, training, and the "Statement of Common Objectives and Areas of Cooperation in the Field of Jewish Education and Jewish Center Work", 1951-1955, undated.
Box 13 Folder 19
Press releases and clippings regarding annual meetings, awards, and various other subjects, 1951-1956, 1966, 1969.
Box 13 Folder 20
Correspondence, primarily regarding graduation exercises, 1951-1959.
Box 13 Folder 21
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1952.
Box 14 Folder 1
Copyright applications and certificate for "Jewish History Unit", 1952, 1964.
Box 14 Folder 2
Committee for the Self Study of Jewish Education: Reports and recommendations, 1952, undated.
Box 14 Folder 3
Board of Managers: Letters, 1952-1953.
Box 14 Folder 4
Philadelphia Council on Jewish Education: Evaluations, summaries, findings, and recommendations, 1952-1956, undated.
Box 14 Folder 5
Jennie Sichel radio interview regarding scout troops under Hebrew Sunday School Society, January 24, 1953.
Box 14 Folder 6
Jewish Education Committee of New York: Correspondence regarding purchasing educational filmstrips, 1953.
Box 14 Folder 7
Applications for membership in school safety patrol, letters and clippings regarding patrol, 1953, 1955.
Box 14 Folder 8
Jewish Book Council of Philadelphia: Letters, booklists, and Histadruth Ivrith of America Hebrew Month letters and pamphlets, 1953, 1957.
Box 14 Folder 9
"Keren Ami Letter," letters to Dr Oscar Janowsky and the Hebrew Teachers College, 1953, 1957, 1964.
Box 14 Folder 10
Correspondence regarding Education on Israel, student accident insurance, clippings regarding Israel, Jewish schools campaign, and other events and duties, 1953, 1958, 1960, 1963, 1966, 1970-1971, 1974-1975.
Box 14 Folder 11
Advertising, 1953-1955.
Box 14 Folder 12
The Jewish Theological Seminary of America: Correspondence regarding various publications and a field trip, 1953-1955, 1966-1973.
Box 14 Folder 13
Board of Managers: Minutes, 1953-1958.
Box 14 Folder 14
Correspondence and receipts from C S Hammond and Company regarding maps, 1953-1958.
Box 14 Folder 15
Jewish Education Committee of New York: Correspondence and invoices for teaching materials, 1953-1959, 1965, 1970.
Box 14 Folder 16
Correspondence with Alfred H Friedman, notes regarding teacher salary scale, 1954, 1958.
Box 14 Folder 17
Red Feather Campaign materials, poster, and minutes, 1954, undated.
Box 14 Folder 18
Press releases, 1954-1955.
Box 14 Folder 19
Allied Jewish Appeal: Reports and pamphlets, 1954-1955, undated.
Box 14 Folder 20
List of schools, publicity materials, letters regarding school locations, 1954-1956.
Box 14 Folder 21
Press releases, 1954-1956.
Box 14 Folder 22
Scholarship award and rejection letters and application, 1954-1956.
Box 14 Folder 23
Letters to scholarship fund donors, 1954-1956, 1959.
Box 14 Folder 24
Correspondence regarding board issues, original drawings, and paintings, 1954-1957.
Box 14 Folder 25
Letters, memoranda, and notes regarding school operations, funding, and enrollment, 1954-1957.
Box 14 Folder 26
Press releases, 1954-1958.
Box 14 Folder 27
Notices to principals and staff, school and staff lists, 1954-1959, 1967-1969, 1974-1976, 1980, 1984-1985.
Box 15 Folder 1
Letters and notes regarding meetings and events, 1955.
Box 15 Folder 2
Jewish Education Magazine: Letters and forms regarding subscription, 1955, 1957, 1961.
Box 15 Folder 3
Letters and notes regarding Arthur Parris, song list, 1955, 1959.
Box 15 Folder 4
Publicity and advertising, 1955, 1965.
Box 15 Folder 5
Board of Managers: Annual meetings, programs, and invitations, minutes, 1955, 1968-1984, undated.
Box 15 Folder 6
Letters regarding donations, scholarships, school meetings, and programs, 1955, 1980-1981, 1990-1993.
Box 15 Folder 7
United Fund: Posters and campaign materials, 1955-1956, undated.
Box 15 Folder 8
Robert Hitchings and Company invoices and letters regarding advertisements to be posted, 1955-1957, 1959-1960.
Box 15 Folder 9
Publicity materials to be submitted to Jewish Exponent, application for admission, letter regarding Gratz College, 1955-1959, 1961.
Box 15 Folder 10
Annual meeting minutes and reports of the president, 1955-1960.
Box 15 Folder 11
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Employee pension plans and insurance information, 1956.
Box 15 Folder 12
Board of Managers: Minutes and notes regarding meetings, staff notices, description of curriculum, 1956, undated.
Box 15 Folder 13
Press releases, 1956, 1959, 1965.
Box 15 Folder 14
Correspondence: Mainly Alfred H Friedman, includes numerous photocopies, 1956-1958, 1974-1975, undated.
Box 15 Folder 15
Letters and reports regarding Code of Practice regulations, 1956-1958, undated.
Box 15 Folder 16
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Reports, letters, minutes, and memoranda regarding Jewish education and staff insurance, 1956-1961.
Box 15 Folder 17
Correspondence: A Allen Robbins, principal, 1956-1966.
Box 16 Folder 1
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Memoranda and reports on budgets and Jewish families in Philadelphia, 1957, 1959-1960, 1965.
Box 16 Folder 2
Letters, news release, and notes from various organizations regarding events, graduates, and material requests, 1957, 1962-1967.
Box 16 Folder 3
Correspondence with Eglin Air Force Base regarding education program, and William Dodies regarding employment, 1957, 1967.
Box 16 Folder 4
Notices to board members, staff, and parents, memoranda, 1957, 1971-1975.
Box 16 Folder 5
Letters to Reverend Paul Schwartz, notes and letter regarding Gratz College scholarships, 1957-1958, 1961.
Box 16 Folder 6
Press releases, 1957-1959.
Box 16 Folder 7
Committee lists and letter regarding meeting, 1957-1960.
Box 16 Folder 8
Correspondence, reports, minutes, and memoranda regarding Federation of Jewish Agencies Committee on Jewish Education, 1957-1962.
Box 16 Folder 9
Press releases, 1957-1962, 1965-1969.
Box 16 Folder 10
Neighborhood Centre of Philadelphia: Correspondence regarding school location rentals, 1957-1963.
Box 16 Folder 11
Booklet containing donor information for Tribute Fund, Evelyn A. Margolis Lecture Fund, and Evelyn A. Margolis Scholarship Fund, 1957-1966.
Box 16 Folder 12
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Minutes, memoranda regarding insurance and funding, report "Standards for National Voluntary Health, Welfare, and Recreation Agencies", 1958, 1964.
Box 16 Folder 13
Notices to parents, school calendars, 1958, 1963-1984, 1992, undated.
Box 16 Folder 14
Board of Managers: Minutes, includes mostly photocopies of minutes dated from 1950 to 1958, 1958, undated.
Box 16 Folder 15
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Fiscal report, correspondence regarding Hebrew Sunday School Society funds, enrollment, and supplies, 1958-1959.
Box 16 Folder 16
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Reports, letters, and memoranda regarding finances, meetings, 1958-1959.
Box 17 Folder 1
Correspondence with Abraham Segal, reports, notes, 1958-1959, undated.
Box 17 Folder 2
Press releases, 1958-1963.
Box 17 Folder 3
Annual Awards Fund: Solicitation letters, 1958, 1961, 1966, 1977.
Box 17 Folder 4
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Minutes, letters, and charts regarding scholarship and tuition, 1959, 1961.
Box 17 Folder 5
B'Nai B'Rith invitation and exhibit program, 1959, 1965.
Box 17 Folder 6
Correspondence, 1959, 1969-1978, 1984-1985.
Box 17 Folder 7
Budgets, notes, committee lists, and letters regarding educational materials, 1959-1961.
Box 17 Folder 8
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Letters regarding budget, financial reports and memoranda, and pamphlets on insurance and retirement, 1959-1961.
Box 17 Folder 9
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Memoranda, letters, and pamphlet regarding finances and committee meetings, 1959-1961.
Box 17 Folder 10
Board of Managers: Annual meeting minutes, committee reports, and Federation of Jewish Agencies Committee on Education minutes, 1959-1962.
Box 17 Folder 11
Board of Managers: Member lists, 1959-1966.
Box 17 Folder 12
Jewish Community Relations Council: Memoranda, fact sheets, correspondence, 1959-1967, 1971.
Box 17 Folder 13
Press release regarding election of Mrs. Harry Wexler as president, May 31, 1960.
Box 17 Folder 14
Code of personnel practices outline, November 1960.
Box 14 Folder 15
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1960.
Box 17 Folder 16
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Fact sheets on constituent organizations, school list, and letter regarding insurance, 1960.
Box 17 Folder 17
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Meeting agenda, letters regarding budgets, fire drill reports, 1960, 1965, undated.
Box 17 Folder 18
Personnel policies and position descriptions, 1960, 1966, undated.
Box 17 Folder 19
Board of Managers: Committee correspondence, 1960, 1968-1975, 1979-1983.
Box 17 Folder 20
Board of Managers: Minutes, correspondence, meeting invitation, reports, 1960-1961.
Box 17 Folder 21
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Notices to agency executives and report, "Analysis of the Movement of Jewish Families in Philadelphia and Suburbs in 1959", 1960-1961.
Box 17 Folder 22
Board of Managers: Lists, 1960-1961, 1969-1985.
Box 17 Folder 23
Board of Managers: Minutes, notes on budget and tuition, class rosters, and letters regarding Gratz College, 1960-1963.
Box 18 Folder 1
Notes, lists of addresses, and letter regarding use of basements for storage, 1960-1963.
Box 18 Folder 2
Letters regarding reservations of Benner and Erlen Theaters, 1960-1965.
Box 18 Folder 3
Board of Managers: Minutes, includes photocopies, 1960-1965, undated.
Box 18 Folder 4
Comprehensive report on school program, 1960-1966.
Box 18 Folder 5
President's annual reports, 1960-1968, 1970-1975.
Box 18 Folder 6
"Report of Survey of the Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia", May 19, 1961.
Box 18 Folder 7
"Report of Survey of the United Hebrew Schools and Yeshivos and of the Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia", May 19, 1961.
Box 18 Folder 8
President's annual report, June 5, 1961.
Box 18 Folder 9
Statements of Mrs. Harry Wexler (President of the society) regarding survey and meetings with synagogue representatives, June 6, 1961, undated.
Box 18 Folder 10
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1961.
Box 18 Folder 11
Executive Director's monthly reports, 1961.
Box 18 Folder 12
Letters, forms, and lists regarding Annual Awards Fund contributions, 1961.
Box 18 Folder 13
Statement of Mrs. Harry Wexler (President of the society) regarding teacher training program, report of school data, 1961-1962, 1964.
Box 18 Folder 14
"Report of Survey of Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia" and "Shall We Reconstruct Jewish Education", 1961, 1964.
Box 18 Folder 15
Gratz College Division of Community Services: Memoranda, letters regarding meetings, and art exhibition program, 1961, 1964-1965.
Box 18 Folder 16
Board of Managers: Minutes and memorandum, "Rejoinder to Dr Samuel Grand's Report of Survey of the Hebrew Sunday School Society", circa 1961, 1968.
Box 18 Folder 17
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Meeting minutes, 1961-1962.
Box 18 Folder 18
Correspondence: Board members, including Sidney M Fish, 1961-1964.
Box 18 Folder 19
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Memoranda to agency executives regarding meetings, reports, and news, 1961-1965.
Box 18 Folder 20
Correspondence of the Board of Managers, letters of congratulations and condolence, 1961-1969, 1975, 1978.
Box 18 Folder 21
Correspondence regarding The Investments Committee, Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act, graduation exercises, and donations, 1961-1972.
Box 18 Folder 22
President's annual report, June 4, 1962.
Box 19 Folder 1
Board of Manager: Minutes and reports, 1962.
Box 19 Folder 2
Letters and forms regarding Annual Awards Fund contributions, 1962.
Box 19 Folder 3
Correspondence and clipping regarding Dr. William Brickman talk, letter regarding B'Nai Yitzhok school, 1962, 1965.
Box 19 Folder 4
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Letters and memoranda, reports, 1962, undated.
Box 19 Folder 5
Application for scholarship grant, 1962-1963.
Box 19 Folder 6
Committee of Jewish Education: Memoranda, reports, and surveys regarding scholarships, 1962-1963.
Box 19 Folder 7
Scale for scholarship awards, 1962-1963.
Box 19 Folder 8
Correspondence regarding exhibit at Historical Society of Pennsylvania and Gratz College summer school grades [Restricted], 1962-1963, 1968-1969.
Box 19 Folder 9
Gratz College Division of Community Services: Letters regarding in-service programs and events, 1962-1964.
Box 19 Folder 10
Letters and forms for Elwin School contributions, 1962-1964.
Box 19 Folder 11
Notes, inventory sheets, and letters regarding use of basements for storage, 1962-1964.
Box 19 Folder 12
Correspondence, notes, and invoices regarding classified advertisements, announcements, and press releases placed in The Jewish Exponent, 1962-1966.
Box 19 Folder 13
Press releases and clippings, 1962-1966, 1971.
Box 19 Folder 14
President's annual report, June 10, 1963.
Box 19 Folder 15
Allied Jewish Appeal: Correspondence, teacher's kit, report, 1963.
Box 19 Folder 16
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1963.
Box 19 Folder 17
Letters and forms regarding Annual Awards Fund contributions, 1963.
Box 19 Folder 18
Press releases and advertising, 1963.
Box 19 Folder 19
History of Hebrew Sunday School Society, 1963, 1972.
Box 19 Folder 20
Applications for scholarship grant, circa 1963.
Box 19 Folder 21
Letters from The Jewish Agency regarding subscription to "Israel Among the Nations," program from The Jewish Employment and Vocational Service, 1963-1965.
Box 19 Folder 22
Neighborhood Centre of Philadelphia: Correspondence regarding rental of rooms, rental agreement, community fair, 1963-1965.
Box 19 Folder 23
Board of Managers: Committee memberships, 1963-1966.
Box 19 Folder 24
Correspondence: Association of Jewish Agency Executives regarding meetings and dues, 1963-1967, 1972-1975.
Box 19 Folder 25
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Memoranda, reports, and correspondence regarding Committee on Jewish Education, 1963-1968, 1971-1973.
Box 20 Folder 1
President's annual report, June 1, 1964.
Box 20 Folder 2
Allied Jewish Appeal: Correspondence, solicitation booklet, 1964.
Box 20 Folder 3
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1964.
Box 20 Folder 4
Correspondence regarding contributions to Elwin School, 1964.
Box 20 Folder 5
Federation of Jewish Agencies Committee on Jewish Education: Minutes, memoranda, and letters, 1964.
Box 20 Folder 6
Letters and postcards regarding Philadelphia Tutorial Project, 1964.
Box 20 Folder 7
Letters, notes, forms, and lists of donors regarding Annual Awards Fund contributions, 1964.
Box 20 Folder 8
Letters, notes, and petition regarding placing a school in the Greater Northeast neighborhood, 1964.
Box 20 Folder 9
Letters and forms regarding Annual Awards Fund contributions, 1964, 1966.
Box 20 Folder 10
Brochures and publicity material, 1964, 1977, 1983-1984.
Box 20 Folder 11
Advertising and clippings, 1964-1966.
Box 20 Folder 12
"Interfaith Conference on Religious Nurture of the Mentally Retarded" programs, letters, and minutes, 1964-1966.
Box 20 Folder 13
Correspondence: Board members, including Sidney M Fish, 1964-1966, 1969-1972.
Box 20 Folder 14
Correspondence regarding loan of items to B'Nai B'Rith, 1964-1966, 1970-1972.
Box 20 Folder 15
Biographical information regarding board members, 1964-1966, undated.
Box 20 Folder 16
Board of Rabbis correspondence, bulletin, and programs, 1964-1966, undated.
Box 20 Folder 17
President's annual report, June 8, 1965.
Box 20 Folder 18
Allied Jewish Appeal: Minutes, teacher's guide, letters, memoranda, 1965.
Box 21 Folder 1
Board of Mangers: Minutes and reports, 1965.
Box 21 Folder 2
Correspondence regarding "Perspective and Promise" by Ruth Braude Sarner, donations to various organizations, 1965.
Box 21 Folder 3
Letters and forms regarding Annual Awards Fund contributions, 1965.
Box 21 Folder 4
Condolence letters from Executive Director and President, 1965, 1968, 1970-1973.
Box 21 Folder 5
Pamphlets for The Jewish Braille Institute of America, Incorporated, and the National Association for Retarded Children, 1965, undated.
Box 21 Folder 6
Correspondence: Applications and responses regarding Executive Director position, 1965-1966.
Box 21 Folder 7
Letters and attendance sheets regarding "Special Board Meetings", 1965-1966.
Box 21 Folder 8
Letters and forms regarding Annual Awards Fund contributions, 1965-1966.
Box 21 Folder 9
Script, clipping, and correspondence regarding "Ask the Rabbi" radio program, copy of constitution, 1965-1966.
Box 21 Folder 10
Letters and program regarding Board of Jewish Education conference, 1965-1966, 1972.
Box 21 Folder 11
Correspondence regarding Education Fund contributions, 1965-1967.
Box 21 Folder 12
Correspondence, music lyric sheets, officers list, statistical reports, minutes, 1965-1969.
Box 21 Folder 13
Correspondence regarding Benner and Erlen Theater reservations for events, 1965-1970.
Box 21 Folder 14
Neighborhood Centre of Philadelphia: Correspondence and notes regarding event planning, 1965-1970.
Box 21 Folder 15
Staff lists, 1965-1974, 1977-1979.
Box 21 Folder 16
President's annual report, June 6, 1966.
Box 21 Folder 17
Allied Jewish Appeal: Teacher's guide, letters, memoranda, 1966.
Box 21 Folder 18
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1966.
Box 21 Folder 19
Correspondence: Applications, recommendations, and responses regarding Executive Director position, 1966, 1968.
Box 21 Folder 20
Executive Director Samuel Samitz: Letters, student and teacher lists, 1966, 1968.
Box 21 Folder 21
Letters and notices regarding "ELITE" leadership training program and Summer Torah Readers project, 1966, 1969.
Box 21 Folder 22
Letters regarding scholarships and a special education program, 1966, 1973.
Box 21 Folder 23
Allied Jewish Appeal: Teacher's guide, 1966, undated.
Box 22 Folder 1
Brochures promoting training programs and mailing lists, 1966, undated.
Box 22 Folder 2
Rabbi Arnold G. Kaimen: Correspondence regarding The Committee on Mental Retardation, 1966-1967.
Box 22 Folder 3
Calendars, 1966-1972.
Box 22 Folder 4
Board of Managers: Member lists, duties and responsibilities, meeting programs, and letters regarding activities, 1966-1980, 1986, 1992.
Box 22 Folder 5
Allied Jewish Appeal: Letters, solicitation packet, 1967.
Box 22 Folder 6
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1967.
Box 22 Folder 7
"The Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia: Perspective and Promise" pamphlet, 1967.
Box 22 Folder 8
"The Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia: Perspective and Promise" pamphlet, 1967.
Box 22 Folder 9
Correspondence and notes regarding Educational Fund contributions, 1967, 1969.
Box 22 Folder 10
By-laws and objectives, school calendar, 1967, 1973, circa 1973.
Box 22 Folder 11
"The Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia: Perspective and Promise" and "Sesquicentennial of Service 1838-1938" pamphlets, 1967, 1988.
Box 22 Folder 12
Board of Managers: Minutes, "America's Jews and the Mystique of Israel" by Ben Zion Bokser, 1967-1968.
Box 22 Folder 13
Correspondence, resignation of Ruth B. Sarner, 1967-1968.
Box 22 Folder 14
Press releases, 1967-1968.
Box 22 Folder 15
Board of Managers: Minutes and correspondence, 1967-1968, 1970-1975, 1984-1985.
Box 22 Folder 16
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Minutes and reports regarding Jewish education, 1967-1968, 1982, 1985.
Box 22 Folder 17
Newsletters, including "Watchword", 1967-1969, 1972-1975.
Box 22 Folder 18
Mailing lists, 1967-1970, 1984.
Box 22 Folder 19
Correspondence: Anne Press, 1967-1971.
Box 22 Folder 20
Press releases and photocopies of clippings, 1967-1971, undated.
Box 23 Folder 1
Correspondence regarding the Pathway School, 1967-1973.
Box 23 Folder 2
Correspondence regarding financial aid, 1967-1983.
Box 23 Folder 3
President's annual report, June 6, 1968.
Box 23 Folder 4
Letter from Ruth Sarner regarding programs and Executive Director duties, July 12, 1968.
Box 23 Folder 5
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1968.
Box 23 Folder 6
Executive Director Rabbi Homnick: Letters and memoranda, 1968.
Box 23 Folder 7
Letters from Gratz College Division of Community Services regarding meetings and representation, 1968.
Box 23 Folder 8
Executive Committee: Minutes, 1968, 1969.
Box 23 Folder 9
Board member notices, 1968, 1970, 1972.
Box 23 Folder 10
Letters and statements regarding merger of Hebrew Sunday School Society and the United Hebrew Schools, 1968, 1991-1992.
Box 23 Folder 11
Correspondence, mainly involving Ruth B. Sarner, 1968-1969.
Box 23 Folder 12
Board of Managers: Minutes, includes mostly photocopies dated from 1966 to 1969, 1968-1969, undated.
Box 23 Folder 13
Executive Director's reports, 1968-1978, 1983-1984.
Box 23 Folder 14
Board of Managers: Rebecca Gratz Centenary Committee correspondence, 1969.
Box 23 Folder 15
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1969.
Box 23 Folder 16
Correspondence regarding contributions to Annual Awards Fund, 1969.
Box 23 Folder 17
Press releases and advertising, 1969.
Box 23 Folder 18
Allied Jewish Appeal: Correspondence, memoranda, teacher's guide, 1969-1970.
Box 23 Folder 19
Annual Meeting minutes and letters, 1969-1970.
Box 23 Folder 20
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1969-1971.
Box 23 Folder 21
Executive Director's reports, 1969-1971.
Box 23 Folder 22
Correspondence: Sidney M. Fish, 1969-1973.
Box 23 Folder 23
Board of Managers: Education Committee, 1969-1973, 1977-1978.
Box 24 Folder 1
Agreements, forms, and correspondence regarding teaching spaces, 1969-1974, 1978, 1985.
Box 24 Folder 2
Board of Managers: Minutes, lists, and memoranda, 1969-1975, 1984-1993.
Box 24 Folder 3
President's annual report, June 9, 1970.
Box 24 Folder 4
Board of Managers annual meeting: Notes, minutes, report, letter, 1970.
Box 24 Folder 5
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1970.
Box 24 Folder 6
List of items held in Philadelphia National Bank deposit box, 1970.
Box 24 Folder 7
Philadelphia Israel Trade Fair: Press releases, notices, receipts, 1970.
Box 24 Folder 8
Allied Jewish Appeal: Correspondence, memoranda, program, 1970-1971.
Box 24 Folder 9
Fact sheets and structural descriptions, 1970-1971.
Box 24 Folder 10
Staff conference: Programs, notes, letters, 1970-1971.
Box 24 Folder 11
Executive Committee: Minutes, letters, photocopies of same, 1970-1971, undated.
Box 24 Folder 12
Calendars, 1970-1972.
Box 24 Folder 13
Correspondence: I. Jerome Stern, 1970-1978.
Box 24 Folder 14
Annual meeting minutes and invitation, June 8, 1971.
Box 24 Folder 15
President's annual report, June 8, 1971.
Box 24 Folder 16
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1971.
Box 24 Folder 17
Executive Board meeting: Notes, minutes, calendars, letters, 1971.
Box 24 Folder 18
Executive Board meeting: Notes, photograph, calendars, member lists, letters, 1971.
Box 24 Folder 19
Report of the Executive Director drafts and notes, 1971.
Box 24 Folder 20
Staff conference: Invitations, programs, correspondence, 1971.
Box 24 Folder 21
Jerome I. Leventhal: Correspondence, staff record sheet, 1971, 1973-1974.
Box 24 Folder 22
Board of Managers: Minutes, letter regarding Archives Center, 1971, 1975.
Box 24 Folder 23
Copies of clippings and news releases regarding Hebrew Sunday School Society publicity, 1971, 1987-1991.
Box 24 Folder 24
Staff conference: Programs, correspondence, press release, 1971-1972.
Box 24 Folder 25
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1971-1972, 1976, 1979.
Box 25 Folder 1
Allied Jewish Appeal: Memoranda, letters, pamphlet, contribution lists, 1971-1973.
Box 25 Folder 2
Executive Director's reports, 1971-1973.
Box 25 Folder 3
Letters regarding expansion of schools, mainly photocopies from 1971 to 1979, 1971-1973, 1987, undated.
Box 25 Folder 4
Joint Principal-Board meeting minutes, 1971-1977.
Box 25 Folder 5
President's annual report, June 6, 1972.
Box 25 Folder 6
Annual meeting invitations, list of schools, and photographs, 1972.
Box 25 Folder 7
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1972.
Box 25 Folder 8
Staff conference: Memoranda, notes, programs, letters, 1972.
Box 25 Folder 9
Staff conference: Notes, letters, programs, 1972.
Box 25 Folder 10
Allied Jewish Appeal: Pamphlets, memoranda, teachers lists, 1972-1973.
Box 25 Folder 11
Board of Managers: Minutes, 1972-1973.
Box 25 Folder 12
Executive Director's reports, 1972-1973.
Box 25 Folder 13
Codes of personnel practice, photocopies of codes from various year between 1953 and 1987, related letters and memoranda, 1972-1973, undated.
Box 25 Folder 14
President's annual report, June 12, 1973.
Box 25 Folder 15
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1973.
Box 25 Folder 16
Staff conference: Programs and correspondence, 1973.
Box 25 Folder 17
Staff conference: Notes, reports, surveys, mostly related to proposed curriculum changes, 1973.
Box 25 Folder 18
Subscription requests for "Jewish Current Events", 1973, 1979.
Box 25 Folder 19
Staff conference: Program and recommended curriculum changes, 1973, undated.
Box 25 Folder 20
Allied Jewish Appeal: School program and activity, circa 1973.
Box 25 Folder 21
Correspondence regarding staff conference, program for Board of Jewish Education annual conference, 1973-1974.
Box 25 Folder 22
Correspondence: Sidney Fish and Veachey Bloom, 1973-1974.
Box 26 Folder 1
Staff conference: Programs, notes, letters, press release, 1973-1974.
Box 26 Folder 2
Correspondence: Jerome I. Leventhal, 1973-1975, 1984-1985.
Box 26 Folder 3
Publicity materials, 1973-1975.
Box 26 Folder 4
Board of Managers: Minutes, 1973-1976, 1979-1981.
Box 26 Folder 5
Board of Managers annual meeting: Letters, member lists, 1973-1977.
Box 26 Folder 6
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1973-1977.
Box 26 Folder 7
Correspondence: Jerome I. Leventhal, includes notes and pamphlet regarding "The Pantheon of Philanthropy", 1973-1979.
Box 26 Folder 8
Correspondence: Jerome I. Leventhal, 1973-1981.
Box 26 Folder 9
President's annual report, June 11, 1974.
Box 26 Folder 10
Allied Jewish Appeal: Letters, donation acknowledgements, 1974.
Box 26 Folder 11
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1974.
Box 26 Folder 12
Correspondence: Federation Housing, 1974.
Box 26 Folder 13
"Report of the President", 1974, 1992, undated.
Box 26 Folder 14
Executive Director's reports, 1974-1975.
Box 26 Folder 15
Letters regarding teachers' contracts and non-returning students, 1974-1975, undated.
Box 26 Folder 16
Correspondence: Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center regarding deposits, exhibits, and conservation, 1974-1976.
Box 26 Folder 17
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1975.
Box 26 Folder 18
Board of Managers annual meeting: Notes, programs, invitations, letters, 1975.
Box 26 Folder 19
Consultant reports, 1975.
Box 26 Folder 20
Correspondence regarding annual Board of Managers meeting, President's report, 1975.
Box 26 Folder 21
Staff conference: Programs, letters, 1975.
Box 26 Folder 22
Staff conference: Notes, programs, letters, 1975.
Box 27 Folder 1
Correspondence regarding archived materials with the Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center and reports on the Hebrew Sunday School Society, 1975, 1987-1988, 1992.
Box 27 Folder 2
Executive Director's reports, including photocopies of reports dating from 1937 to 1981, 1975, 1993, undated.
Box 27 Folder 3
Annual Awards Fund contribution forms, 1975, undated.
Box 27 Folder 4
Annual Awards Fund contribution forms and letters, 1975, undated.
Box 27 Folder 5
Annual Awards Fund contribution forms, 1975, undated.
Box 27 Folder 6
Board of Mangers: Minutes, includes photocopies dated from 1970 to 1979, 1975, undated.
Box 27 Folder 7
Executive Director Dr. Jerome Leventhal: Letters and memoranda, 1975-1976, 1983.
Box 27 Folder 8
Board of Managers: Minutes and notices, photograph, 1975-1979, 1983.
Box 27 Folder 9
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1975-1982.
Box 27 Folder 10
President's annual report, Executive Director's report, minutes, June 8, 1976.
Box 27 Folder 11
Board of Managers: Minutes and reports, 1976.
Box 27 Folder 12
Prayer card, circa 1976.
Box 27 Folder 13
Correspondence regarding Board of Managers meetings, meeting programs, annual society luncheon invitation and list of attendees, 1976, 1977, undated.
Box 27 Folder 14
Board of Managers: Installation of officers program, board lists, prayer card, 1976, 1984, undated.
Box 27 Folder 15
Board of Managers: Minutes and notices, 1976-1979.
Box 27 Folder 16
Correspondence: Jerome I. Leventhal, 1976-1979.
Box 27 Folder 17
Annual meeting of the Board of Managers, program, minutes, Annual Award Fund brochure, June 7, 1977.
Box 27 Folder 18
Annual meeting of the Board of Managers, program, minutes, clippings regarding Award Fund, 1978.
Box 27 Folder 19
Correspondence: Jerome I. Leventhal, 1978.
Box 27 Folder 20
Correspondence regarding 140th Anniversary Scholarship Fund, 1978.
Box 27 Folder 21
Annual Awards Fund: Contribution forms, letters, 1978-1980.
Box 27 Folder 22
Annual meeting program, 1979.
Box 27 Folder 23
Reproduction of 1879 Application for Amendments to Charter, 1979.
Box 27 Folder 24
Passover candy sale: Notices to Board members, correspondence, letters to parents and students, 1979-1985.
Box 27 Folder 25
Annual meeting of the Board of Managers, program, invitations, Award Fund brochure, President's report, June 1980.
Box 27 Folder 26
Correspondence regarding annual meeting, invitation, RSVPs, and list of attendees, 1980.
Box 27 Folder 27
Jewish National Fund: Donation receipts, 1980, 1984.
Box 27 Folder 28
Annual meeting of the Board of Managers, Executive Director's report, program, June 3, 1981.
Box 27 Folder 29
Correspondence and notes regarding annual Board of Managers meeting, report of Executive Director, RSVPs, 1981.
Box 28 Folder 1
Board of Managers annual meeting and Annual Awards Fund: Reports, programs, letters, member lists, 1981-1982.
Box 28 Folder 2
Board of Managers: Minutes, includes photocopies, 1981-1993, undated.
Box 28 Folder 3
Annual meeting of the Board of Managers, Executive Director's report, program, Award Fund brochure, 1982.
Box 28 Folder 4
Board of Managers list, Principal list, annual staff conference program, 1982-1983.
Box 28 Folder 5
Board of Managers: Minutes, 1982-1983.
Box 28 Folder 6
Correspondence regarding meetings, fundraisers, committee selection, and the report "The Current Situation of Soviet Jewry", 1982-1984.
Box 28 Folder 7
Annual luncheon programs, lists of attendees, report of Executive Director, 1983.
Box 28 Folder 8
Annual meeting of the Board of Managers, Executive Director's report, program, Award Fund brochure, invitation, 1983.
Box 28 Folder 9
Report of the Nominating Committee, September 17, 1984.
Box 28 Folder 10
Clippings regarding new officers, November 1984.
Box 28 Folder 11
Correspondence regarding exhibition loan of Rebecca Gratz's embroidered bookmark, 1986.
Box 28 Folder 12
"Sesquicentennial of Service 1838-1938" pamphlet, April 24, 1988.
Box 28 Folder 13
Essays, addresses, and images (photocopies) regarding the history of the Hebrew Sunday School Society, 1988, undated.
Box 28 Folder 14
Family education programs, memoranda, and correspondence, 1989-1992.
Box 28 Folder 15
Board of Managers: Minutes, 1989.
Box 28 Folder 16
Correspondence and certificates regarding Jewish National Fund and Operation Exodus, 1990-1991.
Box 28 Folder 17
"Operation Exodus" award, "Trees for Israel" award, 1992, undated.
Box 28 Folder 18
Board of Managers: Minutes, Executive Director's report, meeting programs, "Watchword" newsletters, 1992-1993.
Box 28 Folder 19
Principals' reports from the Klein and Fort Washington schools, March 11, 1993.
Box 28 Folder 20
"Report of the Executive Director", June 1, 1993.
Box 28 Folder 21
Aims and objectives of the Hebrew Sunday School Society card, undated.
Box 28 Folder 22
Biographical information on Rebecca Gratz, publication cost figures, undated.
Box 28 Folder 23
Clippings regarding Gratz family, printed October 25, 1967, undated.
Box 28 Folder 24
Physical Description


Clippings regarding Hebrew Sunday School Society from 1953, 1963 to 1964, undated.
Box 28 Folder 25
Physical Description


"Directory of Jewish Religious Schools Philadelphia, PA", undated.
Box 28 Folder 26
Genealogical information for descendants of Benjamin Gratz, summaries of Rebecca Gratz letters, Rosenbach Museum and Library brochure, undated.
Box 28 Folder 27
"The Jews of Philadelphia," clipping from 1891 July 31, undated.
Box 28 Folder 28
Physical Description


Letters from Isabella Rosenbach, letters regarding the Rosenbach school, letters regarding matters of other schools, undated.
Box 28 Folder 29
Photocopies of 1967 by-laws and proposed by-laws, undated.
Box 28 Folder 30
Photocopies of clippings from 1962 to 1964, undated.
Box 28 Folder 31
Photocopies of clippings from 1967 to 1968, undated.
Box 28 Folder 32
Photocopy of letter from office of Grover Cleveland (1888), undated.
Box 28 Folder 33
Photostatic copies of reports and minutes from the late 19th century, undated.
Box 29 Folder 1
Reproduction of 1838 constitution, undated.
Box 29 Folder 2
Reproduction of 1838 minute book, undated.
Box 29 Folder 3
Reproduction of 1840 "Second Annual Examination" pamphlet, undated.
Box 29 Folder 4
Reproduction of 1859 minute book, undated.
Box 29 Folder 5
Reproductions of 1859 treasurer's reports, undated.
Box 29 Folder 6
Reproductions of 1878 amendments to charter application, and charter, undated.
Box 87 Folder 2
Reproductions of 1879 clippings regarding 40th Anniversary, undated.
Box 29 Folder 7
Reproduction of by-laws, undated.
Box 29 Folder 8
Reproduction of charter, undated.
Box 29 Folder 9
Reproduction of David Friedman estate papers, undated.
Box 29 Folder 10
"Scott's American Heroine" by R Meade Bache, printed April 1906, undated.
Box 29 Folder 11
Physical Description


Will of Rebecca Gratz, undated.
Box 29 Folder 12
Physical Description

typed copy

Scope and Contents

Access to records in this series containing staff evaluations is restricted for 75 years from date of creation.

Scope and Contents

Series 2 is arranged chronologically and dates from 1859 to 1993, with the bulk of the records dating from 1920 to 1980. The records include items that document the accounts, investments, and expenses of the Hebrew Sunday School Society. These records include ledger books, budgets, reports, financial statements, tax documents, sales inventories, reports for the Allied Jewish Appeal, donations and tuition receipts, and some related correspondence. The files demonstrate the various ways in which HSSS continued to provide for the financial solvency of the Sunday schools.

Ledger of accounts and investments, 1859-1902.
Box 29 Folder 13
Budget and expense reports, invoice, 1881, 1892, undated.
Box 29 Folder 14
Financial statements, bonds, stock certificates, and letters regarding finances, 1905, 1918-1920, 1927, 1930-1931, 1935, 1938, 1943-1944.
Box 29 Folder 15
Ledger of receipts and expenses, 1911-1916.
Box 29 Folder 16
Ledger of receipts and expenses, 1916-1920.
Box 29 Folder 17
Ledger of receipts and expenses, 1920-1923.
Box 30 Folder 1
Financial reports and budgets, 1922-1923, 1925-1937.
Box 30 Folder 2
Ledger of expenditures, photocopies of cash disbursements journal from 1993, 1923-1926, undated.
Box 30 Folder 3
Monthly financial reports, photocopies of reports from 1980, 1923-1926, undated.
Box 30 Folder 4
Monthly treasurer's reports, other financial reports, many photocopies, 1923-1937, 1947-1950, undated.
Box 30 Folder 5
"Original Source Record," donor index, April 30, 1925.
Box 30 Folder 6
Ledgers and financial reports for special accounts, stocks and bonds, mortgages, 1927-1938, 1940, 1942.
Box 30 Folder 7
Eugene N Stern Memorial Library for Reference Books expenditures and receipts, 1929-1931.
Box 30 Folder 8
Lists of investments, minutes on budgets, lists of contents of safety vault, letter regarding bonds, 1931-1938.
Box 30 Folder 9
Budgets of "Trial Balance," some photocopies, 1932-1937, undated.
Box 30 Folder 10
Vacation schools budgets, 1932-1938.
Box 30 Folder 11
Lists of award donors, addresses, and names of awards, 1932-1941, 1948.
Box 31 Folder 1
Receipts, correspondence regarding bequests, 1934, 1950-1963, 1968.
Box 31 Folder 2
Financial reports and budgets, 1937-1948.
Box 31 Folder 3
Tax documents, account forms, receipts, bills, 1938, 1941, 1948, 1960, 1968-1980, 1984-1985.
Box 31 Folder 4
Financial resolutions, staff contribution form, account balance, and tribute fund card, 1939, 1948, 1966, undated.
Box 31 Folder 5
Budgets and correspondence related to financial matters, many photocopies, 1939, 1949-1952, 1970-1974, 1979-1980.
Box 31 Folder 6
City income tax notices, staff and expense reports, 1940-1941, 1943, 1945.
Box 31 Folder 7
Federation of Jewish Charities: Monthly financial receipts, 1941-1942.
Box 31 Folder 8
Budget, notes, 1941-1943.
Box 31 Folder 9
Budget, notes, 1942-1943.
Box 31 Folder 10
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Monthly financial reports, 1942-1943.
Box 31 Folder 11
Budget, correspondence, 1942-1944.
Box 31 Folder 12
Budget, salary information, 1943-1946.
Box 31 Folder 13
Budget, Federation of Jewish Charities monthly financial reports, 1944-1945.
Box 31 Folder 14
Budget, 1945-1947.
Box 31 Folder 15
Budget and salary records, 1945-1947.
Box 31 Folder 16
Jewish National Fund: Receipts, tree fund, correspondence, 1946, 1950-1953, 1957-1973.
Box 31 Folder 17
Budget and salary information, notes, 1946-1947.
Box 32 Folder 1
Budget, notes, 1946-1948.
Box 32 Folder 2
Budget, notes, 1946-1948.
Box 32 Folder 3
Budget, notes, 1946-1948.
Box 32 Folder 4
Salary lists, budgets, enrollment statistics, and staff evaluations [Restricted], 1947-1949.
Box 32 Folder 5
Staff salary lists and school finance reports, 1947-1949.
Box 32 Folder 6
First Pennsylvania Banking and Trust Company: Account documents, safe deposit rental, deposit book, 1947-1950, 1953-1954, 1958-1962, 1966-1972.
Box 32 Folder 7
Correspondence and reports regarding budgets, outline of class at Har Zion Temple, 1948, 1950, 1953, 1961, 1970-1973.
Box 32 Folder 8
Budget, finance notes, salary lists, 1948-1950.
Box 32 Folder 9
Budgets, salary and expense reports, notes, 1948-1950.
Box 32 Folder 10
Budgets and salary lists, 1949-1950.
Box 32 Folder 11
Budgets and salary lists, 1949-1951.
Box 32 Folder 12
Budgets and letters regarding finances, 1950-1952.
Box 32 Folder 13
Budgets, budgets requests, and expense reports, 1950-1952.
Box 32 Folder 14
Budgets and expenses, enrollment statistics, 1950-1952.
Box 32 Folder 15
Budget, cost of living reports, expenses and salary lists, 1951-1953.
Box 32 Folder 16
Financial reports, notes and expenses, budgets, 1951-1953.
Box 32 Folder 17
Budgets, letters regarding allocations, financial reports, and notes, 1951-1954.
Box 33 Folder 1
Sales receipts, letters, 1952, 1955-1956.
Box 33 Folder 2
Financial reports, notes, memoranda, budget, and expenses, 1952-1953.
Box 33 Folder 3
Budgets, salary lists, enrollment costs, 1952-1954.
Box 33 Folder 4
Proposed budgets, staff lists, and notes, 1952-1954.
Box 33 Folder 5
Proposed budgets and notes on finances, 1953-1954.
Box 33 Folder 6
Sales, job logs, letters, 1953-1955.
Box 33 Folder 7
Sales costs and catalog, 1954.
Box 33 Folder 8
Monthly financial reports, sales inventory, 1954, 1956, 1959.
Box 33 Folder 9
Monthly financial reports, sales inventory, 1954, 1956-1957.
Box 33 Folder 10
Monthly financial reports, sales inventory, 1954, 1956-1957, 1960.
Box 33 Folder 11
Monthly financial reports, sales inventory, 1954-1955.
Box 33 Folder 12
Sales inventory, work reports, 1954-1955, 1957.
Box 33 Folder 13
Monthly financial reports, sales inventory, 1954-1956.
Box 33 Folder 14
Sales correspondence, 1954-1956.
Box 33 Folder 15
Monthly financial reports, sales inventory, 1955-1957.
Box 33 Folder 16
Monthly financial reports, sales inventory, 1956-1957.
Box 33 Folder 17
Monthly financial reports, sales inventory, 1957-1960.
Box 33 Folder 18
Reports for the Allied Jewish Appeal, 1958-1959.
Box 33 Folder 19
Reports for the Allied Jewish Appeal, 1959-1960.
Box 34 Folder 1
Reports for the Allied Jewish Appeal, 1960-1961.
Box 34 Folder 2
Correspondence, reports, and memoranda regarding budget with Federation of Jewish Agencies, 1960-1961, 1964-1965, 1967.
Box 34 Folder 3
Budget and staff salaries, 1960-1962.
Box 34 Folder 4
Reports for the Allied Jewish Appeal, 1961.
Box 34 Folder 5
Reports for the Allied Jewish Appeal, 1961-1962.
Box 34 Folder 6
Reports for the Allied Jewish Appeal, 1962-1963.
Box 34 Folder 7
Estate of Howard S Levy, 1962-1967.
Box 34 Folder 8
Reports for the Allied Jewish Appeal, 1963.
Box 34 Folder 9
Tuition and scholarship budgets, financial reports, notes, 1963-1964, 1970.
Box 34 Folder 10
Letters and reports regarding budget from Federation of Jewish Agencies, 1963-1965.
Box 34 Folder 11
Reports for the Allied Jewish Appeal, 1964.
Box 34 Folder 12
Proposed and final budgets, salary request forms, tuition statements, letters regarding finances, 1965-1969, 1974-1975.
Box 34 Folder 13
Check stubs and withdrawal slips, 1966, 1969, undated.
Box 34 Folder 14
Donations and receipts, 1966-1970.
Box 34 Folder 15
Educational Fund donations and receipts, 1966-1970.
Box 35 Folder 1
Allocation reports for Federation of Jewish Agencies, 1967.
Box 35 Folder 2
125th Anniversary receipts, 1968-1969.
Box 35 Folder 3
Jewish National Fund: Receipts, tree fund, 1968-1970.
Box 35 Folder 4
Alumni Association savings slips, 1969-1970.
Box 35 Folder 5
Elwin Institute: Tuition receipts, 1969-1970.
Box 35 Folder 6
Budgets and correspondence regarding finances, 1969-1971.
Box 35 Folder 7
Annual reports, 1969-1971, 1976, 1987, 1989.
Box 35 Folder 8
Jewish National Fund: Receipts, memorial lists, 1970-1971.
Box 35 Folder 9
Elwin Institute: Tuition receipts, correspondence, clipping, 1970-1973.
Box 35 Folder 10
Correspondence, notes, and reports regarding budgets, 1971, 1974-1975.
Box 35 Folder 11
Jewish National Fund: Receipts, flyers, stamps, 1972-1975.
Box 35 Folder 12
Letters, reports regarding budget, 1973-1975, 1978-1982.
Box 35 Folder 13
Financial statements, 1974-1975, 1978, 1982.
Box 35 Folder 14
Financial statements, 1974-1975, 1978, 1982.
Box 36 Folder 1
Correspondence, notes, and reports regarding budgets, 1975-1977.
Box 36 Folder 2
Financial statements, 1976.
Box 36 Folder 3
Budget reports and revisions with related correspondence, includes photocopies and notes, 1977-1978, undated.
Box 36 Folder 4
Receipts for supplies for Caren Levine Art Enrichment course, 1978.
Box 36 Folder 5
Budget forms and reports, 1989-1993.
Box 36 Folder 6
Budgets from 1977 to 1979, undated.
Box 36 Folder 7
Physical Description


Financial reports regarding distribution of income and expenditures, undated.
Box 36 Folder 8
Ledger of receipts and expenses, undated.
Box 36 Folder 9
Photocopies of reports for the Allied Jewish Appeal, undated.
Box 36 Folder 10

Scope and Contents

Series 3 is arranged alphabetically by program or event and then chronologically within each section. These records date from 1873 to 1993, with the bulk of the records dating from 1913 to 1975. Included in this series are records relating to various events including annual Anniversary celebrations (which include an annual luncheon and the graduation exercises), the Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture Series, various school programs, exhibitions, and staff conferences. Records for events generally consist of programs and invitations, correspondence and notes, guest and attendance lists, press releases and other publicity materials, committee lists and minutes, speeches, clippings, and donation records. Additionally, Anniversary celebration records frequently include lists of graduates and scholarship award winners, Award Fund donation forms, and notices to parents. Some reel-to-reel tape recordings of lectures and other events are also included in this series.

50th Anniversary: Program, March 3, 1888.
Box 36 Folder 11
75th Anniversary: Clippings, 1913.
Box 36 Folder 12
75th Anniversary: Correspondence, 1913.
Box 36 Folder 13
75th Anniversary: Invitation, circa 1913.
Box 36 Folder 14
90th Anniversary: List of subscribers, 1927.
Box 36 Folder 15
90th Anniversary: Opening remarks by Dr. Cyrus Adler, March 4, 1928.
Box 36 Folder 16
90th Anniversary: Correspondence, 1928.
Box 36 Folder 17
90th Anniversary: Invitations, 1928.
Box 36 Folder 18
90th Anniversary: Program and correspondence, 1928.
Box 36 Folder 19
90th Anniversary: Photocopies of clippings from 1928, undated.
Box 36 Folder 20
96th Anniversary: Clippings, 1934, undated.
Box 36 Folder 21
100th Anniversary: Guest lists, officers lists, 1937.
Box 36 Folder 22
100th Anniversary: Clippings, 1937-1938.
Box 37 Folder 1
100th Anniversary: Committee lists, 1937-1938.
Box 37 Folder 2
100th Anniversary: Correspondence, letters from graduates, 1937-1938.
Box 37 Folder 3
100th Anniversary: Correspondence, 1937-1938.
Box 37 Folder 4
100th Anniversary: Ledger and invoices, 1937-1938.
Box 37 Folder 5
100th Anniversary: Lists of contributors, committee chairman, sponsors, acceptances and refusals, 1937-1938.
Box 37 Folder 6
100th Anniversary: Pageant material including letters, student lists, script, 1937-1938.
Box 37 Folder 7
100th Anniversary: Address by Evelyn Margolis, 1938.
Box 37 Folder 8
100th Anniversary: Invitations, 1938.
Box 37 Folder 9
100th Anniversary: Program, committee lists, speeches, and other publicity, 1938.
Box 37 Folder 10
100th Anniversary: Publicity, committee reports, 1938, undated.
Box 37 Folder 11
100th Anniversary: Photocopies of clippings from 1937 to 1938, undated.
Box 37 Folder 12
122nd Anniversary: Letters, programs, notes, and speech regarding graduation and Annual Awards Fund, 1959-1960.
Box 37 Folder 13
122nd Anniversary: Notes, press release programs, and songs for graduation, 1959-1960.
Box 37 Folder 14
123rd Anniversary: Correspondence, invitation, list of contributors, 1961.
Box 37 Folder 15
123rd Anniversary: Correspondence, program, clippings, 1961.
Box 37 Folder 16
123rd Anniversary: Program, speeches, 1961.
Box 37 Folder 17
125th Anniversary: Correspondence, 1962-1963, 1966.
Box 37 Folder 18
125th Anniversary: Address by Dr Sidney M Fish, 1963.
Box 37 Folder 19
125th Anniversary: Address by Professor Edmund N Cahn, 1963.
Box 37 Folder 20
125th Anniversary: Clippings, 1963.
Box 37 Folder 21
125th Anniversary: Exhibit display records, item loan lists, 1963.
Box 37 Folder 22
125th Anniversary: Guest book, 1963.
Box 38 Folder 1
125th Anniversary: Guest list, 1963.
Box 38 Folder 2
125th Anniversary: Letters and notes from alumni, 1963.
Box 38 Folder 3
125th Anniversary: Press releases, 1963.
Box 38 Folder 4
125th Anniversary: Programs, invitation, graduation lists, speeches, 1963.
Box 38 Folder 5
125th Anniversary: Program, marching and seating instructions, speeches, 1963.
Box 38 Folder 6
125th Anniversary: Sponsor lists and drafts of speeches, 1963.
Box 38 Folder 7
125th Anniversary: List of honor roll students since 1874, historical writing, circa 1963.
Box 38 Folder 8
126th Anniversary: Pamphlet, 1964.
Box 38 Folder 9
126th Anniversary: Program, invitation, press release, contributors lists, student lists, 1964.
Box 38 Folder 10
127th Anniversary: Programs, announcements, speeches, 1965.
Box 38 Folder 11
128th Anniversary: Program, press release, invitation, 1966.
Box 38 Folder 12
129th Anniversary: Annual Fund donation forms, 1967.
Box 38 Folder 13
130th Anniversary: Annual Fund donation forms, letters, programs, 1968.
Box 38 Folder 14
130th Anniversary: Letters, program, notes, 1968.
Box 38 Folder 15
130th Anniversary: Program, guest list, news releases, contribution list, 1968.
Box 38 Folder 16
130th Anniversary: Program, press release, correspondence, 1968.
Box 38 Folder 17
132nd Anniversary: Awards Fund donation forms, programs, 1970.
Box 39 Folder 1
134th Anniversary: Program, invitations, lists of students, 1972.
Box 39 Folder 2
135th Anniversary: Program, correspondence, clippings, 1973.
Box 39 Folder 3
136th Anniversary: Programs and correspondence, 1974.
Box 39 Folder 4
137th Anniversary: Programs, students lists, letters, 1975.
Box 39 Folder 5
140th Anniversary: Correspondence and notes, 1977-1978.
Box 39 Folder 6
140th Anniversary: Correspondence, notes, newspaper clipping, 1977-1978.
Box 39 Folder 7
142nd Anniversary: Program and correspondence, 1980.
Box 39 Folder 8
146th Anniversary: Address given by Lee B Leopold at closing luncheon, June 12, 1984.
Box 39 Folder 9
146th Anniversary: Luncheon invitation, June 1984.
Box 39 Folder 10
150th Anniversary: Programs and publicity materials, letter, 1988.
Box 39 Folder 11
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, 1873-1899.
Box 39 Folder 12
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, letters, and script for "This is Your Life, Hebrew Sunday School", 1877, 1882-1888, 1906, 1910-1913, 1930-1959, 1965-1985.
Box 39 Folder 13
Anniversary celebrations: Programs and invitations (1 of 3), 1888, 1913, 1930-1939, 1940-1948, 1954-1959, 1964, 1968-1972, 1979-1984.
Box 39 Folder 14
Anniversary celebrations: Programs and invitations (2 of 3), 1888, 1913, 1930-1939, 1940-1948, 1954-1959, 1964, 1968-1972, 1979-1984.
Box 40 Folder 1
Anniversary celebrations: Programs and invitations (3 of 3), 1888, 1913, 1930-1939, 1940-1948, 1954-1959, 1964, 1968-1972, 1979-1984.
Box 40 Folder 2
Anniversary celebrations: Programs from 50th, 125th, and 130th anniversaries, 1888, 1963, 1968.
Box 40 Folder 3
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, 1888-1901, 1906-1911.
Box 40 Folder 4
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, 1900-1907, 1909.
Box 40 Folder 5
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, 1910-1919.
Box 40 Folder 6
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, 1920-1929.
Box 40 Folder 7
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, invitations, related correspondence, and students lists, some photocopies (1 of 2), 1920-1935, 1951-1959, 1972-1984, undated.
Box 40 Folder 8
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, invitations, related correspondence, and students lists, some photocopies (2 of 2), 1920-1935, 1951-1959, 1972-1984, undated.
Box 41 Folder 1
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, guest lists, photocopy of clipping, 1926-1929, 1934, 1937, 1940-1948, 1968, 1974.
Box 41 Folder 2
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, correspondence, press releases, memoranda, 1928, 1938, 1977-1978, 1986-1987.
Box 41 Folder 3
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, 1928-1929, 1938-1945.
Box 41 Folder 4
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, 1930-1939.
Box 41 Folder 5
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, minutes, and reports, lists of graduates, 1938, 1963, undated.
Box 41 Folder 6
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, letters, readings and speeches, 1938-1944.
Box 41 Folder 7
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, invitation cards, letters, students lists, 1939-1946, 1956.
Box 41 Folder 8
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, student lists, speeches, 1940-1944.
Box 41 Folder 9
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, invitations, lists of prize winners, 1940-1948, 1953, 1956-1958.
Box 41 Folder 10
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, 1940-1949.
Box 41 Folder 11
Anniversary celebrations: Programs and publicity materials, 1943-1949, 1954-1973, 1982-1983.
Box 41 Folder 12
Anniversary celebrations: Programs and invitations, 1946, 1955, 1976, 1987-1992.
Box 41 Folder 13
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, letter, speech, 1948, 1956, 1970-1974, 1982.
Box 41 Folder 14
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, 1950-1967.
Box 42 Folder 1
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, clippings, student lists, 1954, 1964-1968.
Box 42 Folder 2
Anniversary celebrations: Programs and invitations, 1958-1966.
Box 42 Folder 3
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, notes, letters, and forms regarding graduation and Annual Awards Fund, 1960.
Box 42 Folder 4
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, speeches, invitation, correspondence, 1960-1961.
Box 42 Folder 5
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, notices to parents, 1961.
Box 42 Folder 6
Anniversary celebrations: Student lists, speeches, notes, and buttons regarding graduation and students awards, 1961-1962.
Box 42 Folder 7
Anniversary celebrations: Student lists, yearbook, programs regarding graduation, student photographs, 1961-1962.
Box 42 Folder 8
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, speeches, and clippings, 1961-1967.
Box 42 Folder 9
Anniversary celebrations: Draft programs, musical selections, marching and seating instructions, 1963, 1968.
Box 42 Folder 10
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, students lists, press releases, 1964.
Box 42 Folder 11
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, "The Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia: Perspective and Promise", 1964, 1972-1977, 1980-1984.
Box 42 Folder 12
Anniversary celebrations: Program, letters, student lists, 1967-1969.
Box 42 Folder 13
Anniversary celebrations: Awards Fund donation forms, 1973-1974.
Box 42 Folder 14
Anniversary celebrations: Luncheon invitations, 1977, 1980-1981, 1985.
Box 42 Folder 15
Anniversary celebrations: Programs, correspondence, award lists, 1981-1983.
Box 42 Folder 16
Association of Alumni, Teachers, and Friends: Programs, invitations, letters, notices, 1968-1969, 1973, 1976, 1979, 1987.
Box 42 Folder 17
Clippings, programs, correspondence, and lists regarding graduation, anniversary, lecture, and other events, 1927, 1945-1949, 1957, 1961-1964, 1967.
Box 42 Folder 18
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Program, correspondence, invitation, 1961, undated.
Box 42 Folder 19
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Programs, correspondence, committee minutes, photocopies of clippings, 1961-1963, undated.
Box 43 Folder 1
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Programs, letters, contributions list, press release, committee minutes, 1962-1963, undated.
Box 43 Folder 2
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Program, invitation, letters, committee list and minutes, photocopies of clippings, 1962-1964, undated.
Box 43 Folder 3
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Program, invitation, letters, photocopies of clippings, 1964-1965, undated.
Box 43 Folder 4
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Program, letters, speech, financial records, photocopies of clippings, 1966, undated.
Box 43 Folder 5
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Reel-to-reel tapes, 1966-1967.
Box 43 Folder 6
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Invitation, letters, financial records, photocopies of clippings, 1966-1967, undated.
Box 43 Folder 7
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Program, invitation, letters, committee list, photocopies of clippings, 1967-1968, undated.
Box 43 Folder 8
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Programs, memoranda, notes, and photocopies of clippings, 1968-1969.
Box 43 Folder 9
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Program, invitation, letters, financial records, photocopy of clipping, 1968-1969, undated.
Box 43 Folder 10
Evelyn A. Margolis Memorial Lecture: Letters, notes, memoranda regarding event planning, 1969-1970.
Box 43 Folder 11
"An Exhibition of Judaica" program, October 1954.
Box 43 Folder 12
First Elite Program Graduation: Press release, speeches, invitation, student lists, 1966.
Box 43 Folder 13
Grace Aguilar School: Purim Program, March 19, 1960.
Box 43 Folder 14
Information and publicity materials for summer clubs and programs, 1938, 1947.
Box 43 Folder 15
Jennie Sichel Testimonial Dinner: Programs and clipping, 1945.
Box 43 Folder 16
National Bible Contest: Correspondence, list of participants, and pamphlet, 1965.
Box 43 Folder 17
Passover: Handwritten and typed guides, circa 1971.
Box 43 Folder 18
Pilgrimage to grave of Rebecca Gratz notice, speech, and notes, 1963, undated.
Box 43 Folder 19
Programs for Hebrew Sunday School Society Annual Meeting and Annual Staff Conference, 1975, 1978-1979, 1991, 1993.
Box 43 Folder 20
Programs, speech cards from anniversary celebration, objectives and curriculum of Hebrew Sunday School Society, 1938, undated.
Box 43 Folder 21
Rebecca Gratz Exhibition: Program, clipping, and exhibit log, 1963, 1969.
Box 43 Folder 22
Rebecca Gratz Exhibition: Letters, photocopies of clippings, and programs, 1969.
Box 43 Folder 23
"Sh Shalom" program: Letters, notes, publicity flyers, 1949-1950.
Box 43 Folder 24
Staff conference: Correspondence, memoranda, and reports, 1956-1957, 1971-1978.
Box 43 Folder 25
Staff conference: Program, notes, letters thanking participants, 1967.
Box 44 Folder 1
Staff conference: Program, notices, letters thanking participants, 1967-1968.
Box 44 Folder 2
Staff conference: Letters and programs, 1968-1969, 1975, 1981.
Box 44 Folder 3
Staff conference: Programs, workshop kits, 1968-1977, 1984.
Box 44 Folder 4
Staff conference: Program and announcement, letters thanking participants, 1969, 1970.
Box 44 Folder 5
Staff conference: Program, draft of address, letters thanking participants clippings, 1970.
Box 44 Folder 6
Staff conference: Programs, 1975-1976, 1979-1980.
Box 44 Folder 7
Various lectures: Reel-to-reel tapes, 1961, 1963.
Box 44 Folder 8
Various lectures: Reel-to-reel tapes and LP, 1966-1967, undated.
Box 44 Folder 9
Various lectures: Reel-to-reel tapes, 1969-1970.
Box 45 Folder 1

Scope and Contents

Access to records in this series containing student grades and staff evaluations and salaries is restricted for 75 years from date of creation.

Scope and Contents

Series 4 is arranged chronologically and dates from 1874 to 1990, with the bulk of the records dating from 1911 to 1984. The records consist of a variety of organization materials, including teacher evaluations and salaries, staff and student lists, notices to principals and teachers, correspondence, reports, and surveys regarding enrollment and parental feedback, which provide valuable information about how the schools were run, how they dealt with falling enrollment, issues related to parents, establishment of school locations, and valued curriculum. Song sheets, school newsletters for students and parents, worksheets and exams, lesson plans, and play scripts evidence how students were being taught and what lessons and events one could find in the schools each year. Some of these records, such as attendance reports, come from the individual schools, but much of the documentation is not specified as belonging to any one location. There is some overlap with Series "I. Administrative records," such as Board of Managers minutes, but these were left to preserve the original order of the records. Records in this series are of interest to researchers looking for examples of curricula being taught to Hebrew school students in Philadelphia. There are some visually interesting items such as children's artwork, a collection of projections for a student presentation called "The Jewish Bicentennial," a school bell, and lantern slides, mostly depicting scenes from Bible stories, as well as notable figures in history, such as Abraham Lincoln.

Book containing lists of graduates, 1874-1920.
Box 45 Folder 2
Flyers for a "Spelling Bee", 1875.
Box 45 Folder 3
List of books, 1886-1889.
Box 45 Folder 4
"Selected Hymns for Jewish Religious Schools," anniversary programs, image of Rebecca Gratz, 1888, 1917, 1929.
Box 45 Folder 5
Northern School: Record of pupils, 1890-1903.
Box 45 Folder 6
Editions of "The Hebrew Watchword" newsletter, 1896-1898.
Box 45 Folder 7
Grace Aguilar School: "First Deutsch" quiz, 1911.
Box 45 Folder 8
"Selected Hymns for Hebrew Sunday Schools", 1913.
Box 45 Folder 9
"Selected Hymns for Jewish Religious Schools", 1920.
Box 45 Folder 10
Book containing lists of graduates, 1921-1935.
Box 45 Folder 11
"Selected Hymns for Jewish Religious Schools", 1923.
Box 46 Folder 1
"Selected Hymns for Jewish Religious Schools", 1923, 1927, 1930.
Box 46 Folder 2
Notices to principals, teachers, and staff, activity sheets, "Home Camp" manual, rules and regulations, 1927-1928, 1933, 1946-1948.
Box 46 Folder 3
Student registration cards, Sigman-Szatmary, Board of Trustees cards, 1935-1955.
Box 88
Letters regarding experiences with Hebrew Sunday School Society from alumni, 1937-1939.
Box 46 Folder 4
Minnie Mayer School: Book containing lists of graduates, 1937-1949.
Box 46 Folder 5
Anniversary and graduation programs, photocopies of 1940 reading list, edition of "Watchword", 1938, 1968, undated.
Box 46 Folder 6
Lists of students and teachers, 1938, undated.
Box 46 Folder 7
Curriculum materials, notes to teachers, guidelines for superintendents, Executive Director's report, 1938-1945.
Box 46 Folder 8
Student registration cards, Machinsky-Ozer, 1939-1955, 1959.
Box 89
Summer training schools list flyer, 1940.
Box 46 Folder 9
Lists of schools, 1940-1953, undated.
Box 46 Folder 10
"Catalogue: The Jewish Braille Library April 1941" and letter requesting help for Jewish education for the blind, 1941, 1961.
Box 46 Folder 11
"A Passover Guide for School and Home," "The ABC of AJA," photocopy of photographs, 1942, undated.
Box 46 Folder 12
Student teacher reports, grade and prize lists [Restricted], 1943.
Box 46 Folder 13
Parent Teacher Association: Reports, notes, membership cards, letters regarding meetings, event pamphlets, 1943-1944, 1949.
Box 46 Folder 14
Parent Teacher Association: Letters regarding meeting dates, officers, and activities, 1943-1944, undated.
Box 46 Folder 15
Overbrook School for the Blind: Correspondence, programs, registration sheets, 1944, 1948, 1951-1970, 1975-1976.
Box 46 Folder 16
Parent Teacher Association: Member lists, school lists, reports, and letters, 1944, 1951-1955.
Box 46 Folder 17
"Junior Red Cross Bulletin for Summer Playgrounds and Camps", June 1945.
Box 46 Folder 18
Parent Teacher Association: Notes, forms, and list of associations, 1945, 1950, undated.
Box 46 Folder 19
Notices to teachers and superintendents, forms, activity sheets, song sheets, 1945-1946.
Box 47 Folder 1
Summer Club: Activity lists, notices to counselors, charge lists, 1945-1947.
Box 47 Folder 2
Jewish Education Committee of New York: Building maintenance manuals, letters requesting classroom materials, invoices, 1945-1949.
Box 47 Folder 3
Notices to principals and teachers, scout troop lists, 1946.
Box 47 Folder 4
Notices to principals and teachers, minutes, song sheets, 1946.
Box 47 Folder 5
Summer Club: Correspondence, reports, activity guides, 1946.
Box 47 Folder 6
Jewish history worksheets and notes, 1946, undated.
Box 47 Folder 7
Quizzes, flyers, song sheets, notices, and various other society records, 1946, undated.
Box 47 Folder 8
Jewish history worksheets and notes, circa 1946.
Box 47 Folder 9
Jewish history worksheets and notes, circa 1946.
Box 47 Folder 10
Jewish history worksheets, circa 1946.
Box 47 Folder 11
Jewish history worksheets, circa 1946.
Box 47 Folder 12
Jewish history worksheets, circa 1946.
Box 47 Folder 13
Passover and Jewish history quiz drafts and worksheets, circa 1946.
Box 47 Folder 14
Hebrew Union College: Letters regarding classroom material requests, copy of "The Case Against the 'Unification Plan' Regarding the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion", 1946, 1948-1956.
Box 47 Folder 15
Notices to principals, song sheets, 1946-1947.
Box 47 Folder 16
Notices to principals and teachers, lesson plan sheets, activity suggestions, 1946-1947.
Box 48 Folder 1
Notices to principals and teachers, quizzes, song sheets, 1946-1947.
Box 48 Folder 2
Summer Club: Flyers, letters, and reports, board minutes, 1946-1947.
Box 48 Folder 3
Jewish Braille Institute of America: Pamphlets and correspondence regarding instruction materials, 1946-1948, 1956-1957, 1966.
Box 48 Folder 4
Student enrollment lists and roll books, notices regarding supervisory needs, letters regarding school operations, 1946-1953, 1956-1960, 1970-1971.
Box 48 Folder 5
Glen Mills School: Correspondence, activities, 1946-1957.
Box 48 Folder 6
Correspondence, reports, programs for anniversary celebrations and Bar Mitzvahs, and school lists, includes frequent photocopies, 1946-1960, 1976-1981.
Box 48 Folder 7
Minnie Mayer School: Lists of graduates and alumni, 1946-1962, undated.
Box 48 Folder 8
Downtown Children's Center: Correspondence and reports, 1946-1966.
Box 48 Folder 9
Notices to principals and teachers, song sheets, quiz, 1947.
Box 48 Folder 10
Penns Grove School: Correspondence and forms, 1947, 1951-1952, 1957.
Box 48 Folder 11
Principal lists, school calendar, book lists, and letter regarding Braille materials, 1947-1949, 1960.
Box 48 Folder 12
Jewish history examination materials, 1948.
Box 48 Folder 13
Notices to staff members regarding news and events, 1948.
Box 49 Folder 1
Library list, "Sukkos Book," library inventory forms, correspondence, 1948, 1954-1957, undated.
Box 49 Folder 2
Notices to and correspondence with staff, 1948, 1957-1962, 1968-1985.
Box 49 Folder 3
Letters, notes, and lists regarding enrollment, budgeting, and teacher assignments, 1948, undated.
Box 49 Folder 4
Gratz College: Letters regarding enrollment, record cards, event notices, clipping, 1948-1949.
Box 49 Folder 5
Letters and questionnaire regarding teaching evaluation, 1948-1949.
Box 49 Folder 6
Notices to principals and teachers, worksheets, lantern slide program, 1948-1949.
Box 49 Folder 7
Penns Grove Sunday School: Correspondence and notes, 1948-1949.
Box 49 Folder 8
Notices to staff members, worksheets, quiz sheets, 1948-1949, undated.
Box 49 Folder 9
Riverside School: Correspondence regarding status of services and events, monthly report, and invoice, 1948-1952.
Box 49 Folder 10
Staff lists and salaries [Restricted], 1948-1953.
Box 49 Folder 11
Lansdale and Kensington Schools: Classroom observation reports, invoices, letters regarding teacher performance and school improvement, 1949, 1950, 1957, 1958.
Box 49 Folder 12
Roll books, 1949, 1951.
Box 49 Folder 13
Proposed Puerto Rico School: Correspondence and book list, 1949, 1952, 1954.
Box 49 Folder 14
ELITE Leadership Training Institute program: Correspondence, lesson plans, quizzes, 1949, 1961-1965.
Box 49 Folder 15
Notices to staff members, unit topics and questions, meeting minutes, 1949-1950, undated.
Box 50 Folder 1
Letters to principals regarding meetings and duties, principal lists, 1949-1951.
Box 50 Folder 2
Letters regarding principals' meetings, Allied Jewish Appeal campaign, and agenda notes, 1949-1951.
Box 50 Folder 3
Oxford Circle School: Staff lists, letters regarding staff, supplies, meetings, notes, invoices, 1949-1952.
Box 50 Folder 4
Germantown School: Correspondence, reports, prospects list, notes, includes many photocopies, 1949-1954, undated.
Box 50 Folder 5
Correspondence regarding school operations and supplies, employee records, staff notices, school newsletters, and notes, 1949-1955.
Box 50 Folder 6
Fire drill and air raid percussion reports, 1949-1957, undated.
Box 50 Folder 7
Tikvas Israel School: Correspondence and reports, also contains correspondence and proposed budgets for a school near Temple University's stadium, 1949.
Box 50 Folder 8
Parent Teacher Association: Minutes, notes, member lists, and letters regarding meetings and activities, 1950.
Box 50 Folder 9
School bell, circa 1950.
Box 51 Folder 1
Prayer cards and copies, circa 1950.
Box 52 Folder 1
In-service training class roll books, questionnaire, "Fundamentals of Judaism" document, 1950, 1951.
Box 52 Folder 2
Media School: Correspondence regarding enrollment and tuition, 1950, 1951, 1956, 1958.
Box 52 Folder 3
Grace N. Lederer School: Correspondence regarding staffing, budgets, classroom observation reports, 1950, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958.
Box 52 Folder 4
Parent Teacher Association: School lists, reports of activities, notes, and event pamphlets, 1950, 1955, undated.
Box 52 Folder 5
Holiday programs and teaching materials, 1950, 1974-1978, undated.
Box 52 Folder 6
Kensington School: School evaluations, 1950-1951.
Box 52 Folder 7
Parent Teacher Association: Reports and letters regarding membership and meetings, 1950-1951.
Box 52 Folder 8
Parent Teacher Association: Report of activities, letters regarding meetings, list of associated groups, 1950-1951.
Box 52 Folder 9
William Morris School: Letters, notes, reports, 1950-1951.
Box 52 Folder 10
Guidelines for principals and teachers, 1950-1951, 1955, undated.
Box 52 Folder 11
Overviews of Jewish history, 1950-1951, undated.
Box 52 Folder 12
Notices to staff members, unit topics and questions, 1950-1951, undated.
Box 52 Folder 13
Isaac Leeser School: Notes, reports, and letters regarding teacher evaluations and school events, 1950-1952.
Box 52 Folder 14
Jewish Education Committee of New York: "This is the JEC" publication, correspondence regarding classroom materials and subscriptions, invoices, 1950.
Box 52 Folder 15
Letters and notices to principals regarding rules and responsibilities, 1950-1952.
Box 52 Folder 16
Letters and notices to principals regarding rules and registration notices, 1950-1952, 1956.
Box 52 Folder 17
Dorothy, NJ School: Correspondence with Mrs Rose Paull regarding classroom materials, enrollment, 1950-1953.
Box 52 Folder 18
List of schools, monthly report regarding mailings, letter regarding fire precautions, 1950-1953, 1956-1958.
Box 52 Folder 19
Teacher rating forms, student teacher rating reports, 1950-1954.
Box 53 Folder 1
Pennsylvania School for the Deaf: Correspondence, grade book, bulletin [Restricted], 1950-1955, 1958-1959, 1967-1972, 1975.
Box 53 Folder 2
Gratz College: Letters regarding enrollment, events, meetings, and other administrative duties, 1950-1959.
Box 53 Folder 3
Ivy Ridge School: Book inventories, invoices, correspondence, 1950-1960.
Box 53 Folder 4
Rebecca Gratz School: Inventories, class roll lists, memoranda, event invitations and fires, employee data and surveys, 1950-1961.
Box 53 Folder 5
Roosevelt Boulevard School: Reports, correspondence, notices [Restricted], 1950-1961, 1965.
Box 53 Folder 6
Minnie Mayer School: Curricula, lesson plans, school worksheets, memoranda, correspondence, 1950-1970.
Box 53 Folder 7
Ohev Zedek School: Observation reports, correspondence with teachers, notes, 1951, 1953.
Box 53 Folder 8
Supervisory reports, Morris Kaplan, 1951, 1955-1958.
Box 53 Folder 9
Principals' meetings and lists, 1951, undated.
Box 54 Folder 1
Curriculum guides and reports, 1951-1952, 1972, 1976, undated.
Box 54 Folder 2
Maimonides School: Letters regarding teaching files, teacher rating reports, classroom observation reports, 1951-1953.
Box 54 Folder 3
Ohev Zedek School: Supervisory report forms, correspondence with staff, notes on budget, 1951-1954.
Box 54 Folder 4
School and staff lists, correspondence, 1951-1954.
Box 54 Folder 5
Teacher training program: Correspondence, rating forms, placement information, 1951-1954.
Box 54 Folder 6
Monthly enrollment and attendance reports, 1951-1955.
Box 54 Folder 8
"Jewish Holiday Quiz Book" by Alfred H Friedman, 1952.
Box 54 Folder 9
Letters and notes regarding in-service training course and stipend for continuing education, 1952, 1964, 1967.
Box 55 Folder 3
Isabella Rosenbach School: Classroom observation reports, correspondence regarding school events, programs, and classroom materials, 1951-1955.
Box 54 Folder 7
Staff notices, 1952.
Box 54 Folder 10
Staff notices, 1952.
Box 54 Folder 11
Ephraim Lederer School: Letters, reports, notes, school newsletter, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959.
Box 55 Folder 1
School calendars, library list, correspondence, 1952, 1954, 1961, 1974-1976.
Box 55 Folder 2
Curricula, minutes from curriculum workshop, 1952, undated.
Box 55 Folder 4
Kensington School: Letters supervisory report forms, tuition forms, bills and receipts, 1952-1953.
Box 55 Folder 5
Oxford Circle School: Supervisory reports, registration location list, invoices and letters, 1952-1953.
Box 55 Folder 6
School picnic plan forms and memorandum, 1952-1953, 1957.
Box 55 Folder 7
Lesson plans and sheets, 1952-1953, circa 1960.
Box 55 Folder 8
Staff record sheets and staff lists, correspondence and notes regarding employment, notes and attendance regarding annual staff conference, 1952-1954, 1960-1966.
Box 55 Folder 9
Staff record sheets, certification and classification requirements, staff notices, supply lists, service fund receipt list, and letters regarding school operations and employees, 1952-1954, 1968-1970.
Box 55 Folder 10
Sadye D. Maslin supervisory reports of various schools, 1952-1955.
Box 55 Folder 11
Phoenixville School: Cost statements, letters regarding supplies and books, and supply catalog, 1952-1955, 1957-1958.
Box 55 Folder 12
Publicity materials, including press releases, advertisements, clippings, photographs, 1952-1955, 1967-1977.
Box 55 Folder 13
Evelyn A. Margolis School: Registration sheets, enrollment records, tuition payments, 1952-1956.
Box 55 Folder 14
Teacher Rating Forms: "A-B", 1952-1960.
Box 55 Folder 15
Teacher Rating Forms: "C-G", 1952-1960.
Box 56 Folder 1
Teacher Rating Forms: "H-M", 1952-1960.
Box 56 Folder 2
Teacher Rating Forms: "N-S", 1952-1960.
Box 56 Folder 3
Teacher Rating Forms: "S", 1952-1960.
Box 56 Folder 4
Teacher Rating Forms: "S", 1952-1960.
Box 56 Folder 5
Teacher Rating Forms: "T-V", 1952-1960.
Box 56 Folder 6
Teacher Rating Forms: "W", 1952-1960.
Box 56 Folder 7
Teacher Rating Forms: "Z", 1952-1960.
Box 56 Folder 8
Lists and pricing of Jewish educational materials, 1953.
Box 56 Folder 9
Lists and pricing of Jewish educational materials, 1953.
Box 56 Folder 10
Mikveh Israel: Letters to Rabbi Emanuel Lifschutz regarding field trip, 1953.
Box 56 Folder 11
Notices to staff, 1953.
Box 56 Folder 12
Notices to staff members, Board of Managers minutes, staff employment and teaching forms, 1953, 1955.
Box 56 Folder 13
Letters regarding enrollment, registration, and lesson plans, 1953, 1955, 1958, 1959.
Box 57 Folder 1
Letters and notes regarding events, religious service attendance, and registration, 1953, 1956, 1961, 1967.
Box 57 Folder 2
Graduation programs and invitations, 1953, 1958, 1961-1979, 1985.
Box 57 Folder 3
Lists of educational materials for sale, 1953, undated.
Box 57 Folder 4
William Morris School: Letters, notes, reports, publicity materials, 1953-1956.
Box 57 Folder 5
Pennsylvania School for the Deaf: Correspondence and lesson plans, 1953-1957.
Box 57 Folder 6
Correspondence, programs, and student lists for graduation, lists of materials for sale, other administrative correspondence, 1953-1957, 1963-1969.
Box 57 Folder 7
Riverside School: Correspondence regarding school operation, invoices, notes, 1953-1958.
Box 57 Folder 8
Lists of schools, registration flyers, letters, 1953-1960.
Box 57 Folder 9
Notices to staff, teaching materials, 1954.
Box 57 Folder 10
Notices to staff and enrollment letters, 1954.
Box 57 Folder 11
Parent Teacher Association: Report of activities, 1954, 1957.
Box 57 Folder 12
Picture Roll Theatre Contest notes and signup sheets, 1954, 1957.
Box 57 Folder 13
Teacher rating forms and associated correspondence and notices, 1954, 1957.
Box 57 Folder 14
Educational materials information, advertising, 1954, 1959, 1962, undated.
Box 57 Folder 15
Ephraim Lederer School: Layouts for newsletters, 1954, undated.
Box 57 Folder 16
Hebrew Sunday School Society catalog, 1954, undated.
Box 58 Folder 1
Notices to staff members, letters regarding meeting times, "A Brief Bibliography of American Jewish History", 1954-1955.
Box 58 Folder 2
Classroom observation reports, correspondence regarding school events, meetings and registrations, 1954-1955, 1958, 1960-1966.
Box 58 Folder 3
Letters regarding principals' meetings, supply distribution lists, and "special schools" list, 1954-1956.
Box 58 Folder 4
Notices to staff, teaching materials regarding Seder, 1954-1956.
Box 58 Folder 5
Staff and school lists, lesson and teaching plans, correspondence regarding employment and conference attendance, 1954-1956.
Box 58 Folder 6
Monthly enrollment and attendance reports, 1954-1957.
Box 58 Folder 7
Teacher Rating Forms: "S", 1954-1960.
Box 58 Folder 8
School lists, enrollment figures, 1954-1961, 1965.
Box 58 Folder 9
Course curricula, teaching guides, circa 1954-1955.
Box 58 Folder 10
"Hebrew for Judaism:" Draft pages with edits, 1955.
Box 58 Folder 11
"Hebrew for Judaism:" Teaching files, draft pages, 1955.
Box 58 Folder 12
Letters regarding Board of Managers meetings, donations, and books, notices to staff and list of schools, 1955.
Box 58 Folder 13
Letters regarding enrollment, parental notices, and meetings, staff forms, 1955.
Box 58 Folder 14
Notices to staff members regarding weekly updates, 1955.
Box 58 Folder 15
Notices to staff members and teaching material regarding Israel, 1955.
Box 58 Folder 16
Notices to staff members regarding school updates, 1955.
Box 58 Folder 17
Notices to staff members regarding school updates, 1955.
Box 59 Folder 1
Notices to staff, teacher questionnaires, letters to parents regarding camp enrollment, and United Fund pamphlets, 1955.
Box 59 Folder 2
Notices to staff members regarding monthly updates, 1955.
Box 59 Folder 3
Notices to staff members regarding monthly updates, letter regarding meeting date, 1955.
Box 59 Folder 4
Overbrook Park School: Weekly reports, flyers, petitions to establish school, 1955.
Box 59 Folder 5
Songs, programs, teachers' bulletin, letters regarding "Hebrew for Judaism," teaching files, play script, 1955.
Box 59 Folder 6
School calendar, notice to staff members, 1955, 1961-1962.
Box 59 Folder 7
Notices to parents, 1955, 1973-1976, 1979-1980, 1985.
Box 59 Folder 8
Notices to staff members regarding school updates, 1955-1956.
Box 59 Folder 9
Notices to staff members and teaching licensure, teaching materials, 1955-1956.
Box 59 Folder 10
Curriculum material, song sheets, notices to parents, 1955-1956, 1960, 1968-1975.
Box 59 Folder 11
School lists, enrollment figures, 1955-1962, 1966.
Box 59 Folder 12
Staff lists, 1959-1984.
Box 59 Folder 13
Notices to staff members regarding school updates and teaching materials, 1956.
Box 59 Folder 15
Notices to staff members regarding school updates and Allied Jewish Appeal Campaign, 1956.
Box 59 Folder 14
Rebecca Gratz School: Staff notices, scholarship application forms, registration lists, and notes, 1956, 1961-1962.
Box 59 Folder 16
Allied Jewish Appeal: Pamphlets, poster, and teaching materials for schools and students, 1956, undated.
Box 59 Folder 17
Schedules for opaque projector, 1956, undated.
Box 59 Folder 18
Notices to staff members, teaching materials, and letters regarding meetings and registration, 1956-1957.
Box 59 Folder 19
School lists, enrollment and tuition figures, 1956-1957, 1960-1961, 1966.
Box 59 Folder 20
Supervisory report forms and student survey, 1956-1957, 1964.
Box 59 Folder 21
Letters regarding enrollment, staff conference date, events, and attendance, 1956-1958.
Box 60 Folder 1
Monthly enrollment and attendance reports, 1956-1958.
Box 60 Folder 2
Valedictory and salutatory addresses, 1956-1959.
Box 60 Folder 3
Reports and evaluations on the use of film strips and film slides in various schools, 1957.
Box 60 Folder 4
Correspondence regarding annual staff conference, staff record sheets, and letters regarding employment status, 1957, 1959, 1960-1966.
Box 60 Folder 5
Correspondence, programs, notices, curriculum, contracts, 1957, 1966-1970, 1973-1976.
Box 60 Folder 6
Bus lists, 1957, undated.
Box 60 Folder 7
Rhawnhurst School: Letters to Rabbi Novitsky regarding appointment at school, retention survey, 1957-1958.
Box 60 Folder 8
Letters regarding enrollment, Parent Teacher Association forms and notes, 1957-1958, 1961.
Box 60 Folder 9
Notices to staff members, song sheets, manual for Open School Week, 1957-1958, undated.
Box 60 Folder 10
School picnic plan forms, 1957-1958, undated.
Box 60 Folder 11
Correspondence regarding various school matters, notices to staff members, reports regarding summer day camps, song sheets, 1957-1960, 1962.
Box 60 Folder 12
Minnie Mayer School: Curricula, tuition lists, letters, 1957-1961.
Box 60 Folder 13
Minnie Mayer School: Teacher training form, letters, graduation ceremony planning, 1957-1974.
Box 60 Folder 14
Federation of Jewish Agencies: Memoranda and minutes regarding Standing Committee on Jewish Education, 1958.
Box 61 Folder 1
Minnie Mayer School: Letters and forms regarding the Parent Teacher Association and practice teachers, 1958, 1960, 1973.
Box 61 Folder 2
Torah Readers' Project: Student questionnaires, 1958, 1963-1964, undated.
Box 61 Folder 3
Gratz College Division of Community Services: Memoranda and minutes, 1958-1959.
Box 61 Folder 4
William Morris School: Letters, notes, reports, 1958-1959.
Box 61 Folder 5
Calendars, 1958-1959, 1970-1980, 1985-1986.
Box 61 Folder 6
Classroom observation reports, correspondence regarding events, classroom materials, staffing, and school locations, 1958-1960.
Box 61 Folder 7
Substitute teacher lists and correspondence regarding the same, 1958-1961.
Box 61 Folder 8
Teacher training addresses, 1959.
Box 61 Folder 9
Gratz College: News bulletins, "Gratz Chats" and "What's New at Gratz College", 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965-1966.
Box 61 Folder 10
Student awards, attendance lists, 1959, 1976-1977, 1979, 1983-1984.
Box 61 Folder 11
Gratz College Division of Community Services and Community Board of License: Minutes and administrative records, 1959-1961.
Box 61 Folder 12
Questionnaires for graduates, correspondence and notes regarding survey, lists of graduated students, 1959-1964.
Box 61 Folder 13
Registration sheets: A - M, 1960.
Box 61 Folder 14
Registration sheets: N - Z, 1960.
Box 61 Folder 15
Registration sheets: Assorted schools, 1960.
Box 61 Folder 16
Registration Sheets: "Non-returns", 1960.
Box 62 Folder 1
Registration Sheets: "Non-returns", 1960.
Box 62 Folder 2
Registration Sheets: "Non-returns", 1960.
Box 62 Folder 3
Registration Sheets: "Non-returns", 1960-1961.
Box 62 Folder 4
Registration Sheets: "Non-returns", 1960-1961.
Box 62 Folder 5
Notices to staff and parents, notes to Sidney Fish, 1960-1962.
Box 62 Folder 6
Enrollment, attendance, and registration sheets, staff information, and letters and minutes regarding Federation of Jewish Agencies budget, 1960-1963.
Box 62 Folder 7
Minnie Mayer School: Letters regarding registration, tuition, events, 1960-1966.
Box 62 Folder 8
Minnie Mayer School: Curricula, memoranda, lesson plans, flyers, correspondence, 1960-1969.
Box 62 Folder 9
Correspondence and membership forms for weekly Torah readers club, 1961.
Box 62 Folder 10
Minnie Mayer School: Tuition collection reports, enrollment reports, 1961.
Box 62 Folder 12
Minnie Mayer School: Registration sheets, 1961.
Box 62 Folder 11
Notices to parents and students, 1961.
Box 62 Folder 13
"Report of Survey of United Hebrew Schools and Yeshivos and the Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia", 1961.
Box 62 Folder 14
Letters regarding registration and teaching programs, publicity materials, and student lists, 1961, 1964-1965, 1968, undated.
Box 62 Folder 15
Inter-High School Student Council: Correspondence, programs, attendance cards, 1961, 1964-1968.
Box 62 Folder 16
Notices to parents, 1961, 1971-1985.
Box 62 Folder 17
Address lists and follow up letters regarding prospective students, 1961, undated.
Box 62 Folder 18
Lessons, "Parashath Hashavua" by Dr. Sidney M. Fish, circa 1961.
Box 63 Folder 1
Faculty lists, prayers, and sheet music, circa 1961, 1976, undated.
Box 63 Folder 2
Evelyn A. Margolis School: New students, tuition reports, 1961-1962.
Box 63 Folder 3
Letters regarding prospective students, notes on students, and lists of students, 1961-1962.
Box 63 Folder 5
Federation of Jewish Agencies of Greater Philadelphia: Minutes, memoranda, reports mostly regarding grants, budgets, and programming, 1961-1962.
Box 63 Folder 4
Minnie Mayer School: Registration sheets, 1961-1962.
Box 63 Folder 6
Minnie Mayer School: Registration sheets, tuition collection reports, 1961-1962.
Box 63 Folder 7
National Bible Contest: Quiz, sample questions, letters regarding recognition, suggested study materials, and promotion, 1961-1962.
Box 63 Folder 8
National Bible Contest: Rules, pamphlets, sign up forms, answer sheet, and letters regarding participation, 1961-1962.
Box 63 Folder 9
Registration sheets: A-M, 1961-1962.
Box 63 Folder 10
Registration sheets: N-Z, 1961-1962.
Box 64 Folder 1
Registration sheets, 1961-1962.
Box 64 Folder 2
Roosevelt Boulevard School: Lesson plans, 1961-1962.
Box 64 Folder 3
Summer Torah Readers project: Student questionnaires and letter regarding books, 1961-1962.
Box 64 Folder 4
Memorandum regarding school organization, report regarding needs for new school year, note regarding teacher employment and performance, 1961-1962, 1965.
Box 64 Folder 5
Letters and attendance lists regarding principals' dinner meeting, 1961-1963.
Box 64 Folder 6
Letters to principals regarding meetings and field trip permission forms, 1961-1963, 1966.
Box 64 Folder 8
Gratz College: Letters, minutes, and memoranda regarding events and administrative duties, 1961-1963, 1966.
Box 64 Folder 7
Summer Torah Readers' project: Student questionnaires and reading, 1961-1963, undated.
Box 64 Folder 9
Roosevelt Boulevard School: Notices to parents regarding events and meetings, 1961-1964.
Box 64 Folder 10
Fire drill reports, 1961-1965.
Box 64 Folder 11
Minnie Mayer School: Letters, notes, roster forms, religious celebration invitations, 1961-1965.
Box 64 Folder 12
Retention surveys, 1962.
Box 64 Folder 13
Retention surveys, 1962.
Box 64 Folder 14
Lesson plans, 1962, 1966, 1972-1973.
Box 64 Folder 15
Minnie Mayer School: Parent notices, 1962, 1974, 1977-1980.
Box 64 Folder 16
Jewish Book Month flyers and pamphlets, 1962, undated.
Box 64 Folder 17
Curricula, mainly regarding festivals, circa 1962.
Box 64 Folder 18
Summer Torah Readers project: Student questionnaires, circa 1962.
Box 64 Folder 19
Summer Torah Readers project: Student questionnaires and fact sheets, circa 1962.
Box 64 Folder 20
Surveys regarding enrollment, circa 1962.
Box 65 Folder 1
Enrollment reports, 1962-1963.
Box 65 Folder 2
Enrollment reports, 1962-1963.
Box 65 Folder 3
Scholarship Committee: Scholarship applications, 1962-1963.
Box 65 Folder 4
Roosevelt Boulevard School: Notices to parents regarding events and meetings, 1962-1963, 1965.
Box 65 Folder 5
Elwyn Institute: Correspondence and memoranda regarding establishing the school, programs, financial figures, 1962-1963, 1972.
Box 65 Folder 6
Nation Bible Contest: Exam questions, participation forms, recognition letters, and promotional materials, 1962-1964.
Box 65 Folder 7
Roosevelt Boulevard School: Notices to parents regarding registration and events, closing ceremony pamphlets, 1962-1964.
Box 65 Folder 8
Samuel Paley Daycare Center: Correspondence, clippings, report, 1962-1967, 1971-1972.
Box 65 Folder 9
Elwyn Institute: Report, correspondence regarding contributions and multiple other subjects, 1962-1970.
Box 65 Folder 10
Elwyn Institute: Reports and clippings regarding the institute, correspondence mainly regarding contributions, 1962-1973.
Box 65 Folder 11
National Bible Contest: Lists of student participants, 1963.
Box 65 Folder 12
Summer Torah Readers' project: Student questionnaires, 1963, undated.
Box 65 Folder 13
Tuition and scholarship scale, 1963-1964.
Box 65 Folder 14
Alumni Association: Minutes, notes, and notices regarding membership and programs, 1963-1964, 1968-1969.
Box 65 Folder 15
Summer Torah Readers' project: Student address slips and essays, 1964.
Box 65 Folder 17
Summer Torah Readers' project: Certificates of merit, student notices and lists, 1964.
Box 65 Folder 16
"Survey of Graduates of the Minnie Mayer Teacher Training Course" and notes on results (1 of 2), 1964.
Box 65 Folder 18
"Survey of Graduates of the Minnie Mayer Teacher Training Course" and notes on results (2 of 2), 1964.
Box 66 Folder 1
Teacher training course student questionnaires, 1964.
Box 66 Folder 2
Curriculum materials, note cards, flier for "National Bible Contest", 1964, undated.
Box 66 Folder 3
Minnie Mayer School Leadership Training Institute: Meeting minutes, notes, 1964-1965.
Box 66 Folder 4
Staff lists, teacher training materials, salary scale, and code of practice, Board of Jewish Education budget, 1964-1965.
Box 66 Folder 5
Letters and attendance cards regarding principals' meetings, 1964-1966.
Box 66 Folder 6
Minnie Mayer School: Registration sheets, student lists, tuition payment forms, notes, 1964-1966.
Box 66 Folder 7
Elwyn Institute: Correspondence, programs, clippings, and reports, mainly focused on Jewish education for children with a mental handicap, 1964-1966, 1970-1972.
Box 66 Folder 8
Correspondence: Estelle Jasnoff, 1964-1967, 1970-1973.
Box 66 Folder 9
Federation of Jewish Agencies of Greater Philadelphia: Minutes, memoranda, letters, mostly regarding education and the endowment fund, 1964-1971.
Box 6 Folder 10
Notices regarding emergency school closings, 1964-1972, 1974.
Box 66 Folder 11
Evelyn A. Margolis School: Registration sheets, letters regarding registration, tuition receipts, 1965.
Box 67 Folder 2
Evelyn A. Margolis School: Registration sheets, 1965.
Box 66 Folder 12
Evelyn A. Margolis School: Registration sheets, 1965.
Box 66 Folder 13
Evelyn A. Margolis School: Registration sheets, 1965.
Box 66 Folder 14
Evelyn A. Margolis School: Registration sheets, 1965.
Box 66 Folder 15
Evelyn A. Margolis School: Registration sheets, letters and correspondence regarding tuition payments, 1965.
Box 67 Folder 1
Minnie Mayer School: Registration sheets, 1965.
Box 67 Folder 3
Minnie Mayer School: Registration sheets, 1965.
Box 67 Folder 4
Minnie Mayer School: Registration sheets, class organization forms, 1965.
Box 67 Folder 5
Minnie Mayer School: Registration sheets, tuition payment forms, 1965.
Box 67 Folder 6
Torah Readers' Club: Letters regarding readings, 1965.
Box 67 Folder 7
Evelyn A. Margolis School: Registration sheets, 1965-1966.
Box 67 Folder 8
Minnie Mayer School: Registration sheets, tuition collection reports, 1965-1966.
Box 67 Folder 9
Gratz College: Commencement program, song sheet invoices, administrative letters, 1965-1966, 1973.
Box 67 Folder 10
Minnie Mayer School: "Elite" student list, notices to parents regarding events, Chanukah and closing exercise programs, 1965-1966, 1981-1983.
Box 67 Folder 11
Minnie Mayer School: Curriculum materials and textbook recommendations, 1965-1966, undated.
Box 67 Folder 12
Weekly summaries and grade enrollments, 1966.
Box 67 Folder 13
Minnie Mayer School: Staff recommendations, student evaluations, song sheets [Restricted], 1966, undated.
Box 67 Folder 14
"Two Historical Fast Days" reading and student questionnaires, 1966, undated.
Box 67 Folder 15
Rebecca Gratz School: Correspondence with A Allen Robbins, principal, regarding staffing decisions, memoranda, 1966-1968, 1971.
Box 67 Folder 16
Elite program of Minnie Mayer School, correspondence, pamphlets, reports, press releases, 1966-1971.
Box 67 Folder 17
Correspondence of Samuel Lang, notices and programs for Minnie Mayer School, 1966-1972.
Box 67 Folder 18
Woods School: Correspondence, teaching methods, remittance vouchers, 1966-1972.
Box 67 Folder 19
Letters and notices to school principals, 1966-1974.
Box 68 Folder 1
The Pathway School: Brochure and correspondence, 1967, 1970-1971.
Box 68 Folder 2
The Woods Schools: Correspondence, calendars, map, remittance vouchers, 1967, 1970-1973, 1975.
Box 68 Folder 3
Alumni Association: Letters and guest book, 1967-1968, 1987.
Box 68 Folder 4
Enrollment figures, budget, and school fact sheets, 1967-1969.
Box 68 Folder 5
Minnie Mayer School: Elite Program, reports, letters, 1967-1969.
Box 68 Folder 6
Staff notices and letters, 1967-1969.
Box 68 Folder 7
Term calendars, 1967-1969, 1980-1982.
Box 68 Folder 8
Book list, film resources, 1967-1970, 1972.
Box 68 Folder 9
Curriculum Survey project: Reports and reports, 1967-1971.
Box 68 Folder 10
Parent notices, 1967-1973.
Box 68 Folder 11
Minnie Mayer School: Press releases for Elite program, circa 1967-1968.
Box 68 Folder 12
Teacher's reports and textbook evaluations, 1968.
Box 68 Folder 13
Textbook evaluations, 1968.
Box 68 Folder 14
Book price list, Inter-Jewish High School student council list, school closing service notice, 1968, 1975-1976, 1984.
Box 68 Folder 15
Evelyn A. Margolis: Notices to parents and closing exercise programs, 1968, 1976, 1982-1983.
Box 68 Folder 16
Elwyn School: Letters and receipts regarding donations, 1968, 1981-1983.
Box 68 Folder 17
Curriculum guides, lesson plans, and teaching materials, 1968, undated.
Box 68 Folder 18
Elwyn Institute: Correspondence regarding contributions, 1968-1971.
Box 69 Folder 1
Tyson School: Notices to staff, programs, correspondence, notes, 1968-1971, 1974-1983.
Box 69 Folder 2
Principal's meeting: Agendas, notes, letters, 1968-1974.
Box 69 Folder 3
School calendars, 1968-1974.
Box 69 Folder 4
Correspondence regarding continuance of school programs, 1968-1976, 1985.
Box 69 Folder 5
Elwyn Institute: Tuition receipts, 1969.
Box 69 Folder 6
Elwyn Institute: Tuition receipts, 1969.
Box 69 Folder 7
Parent survey and report on results, 1969.
Box 69 Folder 8
Report of survey of parents, 1969.
Box 69 Folder 9
"Two Historical Fast Days," letter and reading, 1969.
Box 69 Folder 10
Song sheets, psalms, prayers, letters, notes, clippings, programs, 1969, 1971-1974.
Box 69 Folder 11