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Joseph L. Pollock Papers


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This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Joseph L. Pollock, born March 7, 1922, in Philadelphia, was a social studies teacher, principal, and administrator for the Philadelphia School District from 1947 until his retirement in 1984. From December 1950 to September 1951, he served as executive director of Citizens for a Free City College, an organization dedicated to creating free higher education in Philadelphia. In the 1950s and 1960s, he wrote and produced radio and television programs for the Philadelphia School District's Division of Radio-Television Education. In the 1960s, Pollock worked for the School District of Philadelphia, Board of Education, first as assistant to the president of the Board of Public Education (1962-1964), and then as director of informational services (1964-1968). In 1968, he was appointed as the superintendent of schools for the Scranton School District, but resigned after less than a year.

Pollock graduated from West Philadelphia High School in 1940. While a student there, he served as president of the Interscholastic League of Student Associations and chairman of the first city-wide Interscholastic League Convention. Pollock enrolled at West Chester State Teachers College in 1940, but temporarily suspended his studies to serve in the United States Army during WWII. After V-E Day, Pollock co-wrote a burlesque production of Bizet's opera Carmen with fellow soldier Fredd Wayne. Originally intended as a three-day regimental show, G.I. Carmen, performed by combat veterans of the 63rd Infantry Division, became a traveling show with performances in Heidelberg, Wiesbaden, and Paris, among other places during the latter half of 1945.

Pollock returned to West Chester State Teachers College after military service, graduating with a bachelor of science in secondary education in 1947. He received a master of science in education from the University of Pennsylvania in 1949. Pollock co-founded the West Philadelphia High Alumni Association and served as its president and honorary president for many years. He was a freemason and was elected to the position of worshipful master of the Lafayette Lodge No. 71 in 1977. Joseph L. Pollock died April 7, 2004.

The Joseph L. Pollock Papers include correspondence, reports, speeches, photographs, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, newsletters, scrapbooks, and audiovisual materials documenting Pollock's work in Philadelphia public schools, the School District of Philadelphia, Board of Education, and Scranton School District. The collection also documents his activities with fraternities, masonic lodges, student government, youth groups, and Jewish communal organizations; and Pollock's World War II military service including photographs, broadsides, newspaper clippings, and programs of his infantry's performances of G.I. Carmen.

The collection is arranged into 4 series as follows:

  • Series 1: Professional career, 1937-1986
    • Subseries 1.1: Philadelphia School District, 1937-1986
    • Subseries 1.2: Scranton School District, 1965-1970
  • Series 2: Correspondence, 1940-1989
  • Series 3: Civic and fraternal organizations, 1921-1988
  • Series 4: Personal papers, 1933-1988

Donated by Joseph L. Pollock in 1988 and 1990. Collection previously administered by the Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center, acquired by Temple in June 2009.

Original audiovisual materials, as well as preservation and duplicating masters, may not be played. Researchers must consult use copies, or if none exist must pay for a use copy. Please contact the Special Collections Research Center for more information.

Collection processed and finding aid prepared in August 2019 by Jessica M. Lydon, Associate Archivist with assistance by Victoria Nichols, student assistant. Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center staff replaced and relabeled all folders in collection after donation. The majority of folder titles throughout the collection were edited by the archivist for the sake of clarity and description enhancement. This involved the addition of formats, names, and/or dates along with the rearrangement of descriptive words used.

School District of Philadelphia, Pa. junior high and high school yearbooks originally donated with the collection, cataloged separately in Temple University's online library catalog.

Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center
Finding Aid Author
Machine-readable finding aid created by: Rajkumar Natarajan, Sky Global Services India (P) Ltd.
Finding Aid Date
February 2024
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

The Joseph L. Pollock Papers are the physical property of the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries. The creator/donor has not assigned their rights to Temple University Libraries. Other creators' intellectual property rights, including copyright, belong to them or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible for determining the identity of rights holders and obtaining their permission for publication and for other purposes where stated.

Collection Inventory

Scope and Contents

Series 1 contains records related to Pollock's activities as a teacher, principal and administrator in the Philadelphia (Pa.) and Scranton (Pa.) school districts. Additional correspondence related to Pollock's professional career can be found in Series 2. This series is arranged in two subseries: Subseries 1.1: Philadelphia School District; Subseries 1.2: Scranton School District.

Scope and Contents

Subseries 1.1 includes correspondence, reports, speeches, policy statements, meeting minutes, newsletters, and other records related to Pollock's official activities as assistant to the president of the board of public education, director of informational services, and his service as a teacher and principal at various schools in the School District of Philadelphia. Notable correspondents in this subseries include President of the Board of Public Education J. Harry LaBrum and Superintendents Mark R. Shedd, Allen H. Wetter, and C. Taylor Whittier. Photographs of students, district schools, and events can be found throughout the subseries. This subseries contains a few records printed in Lao, Spanish, or Yiddish. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by folder title.

Alain Locke School, 1966.
Box 1 Folder 1
Assistant to the President of the Board of Public Education: correspondence, 1962.
Box 1 Folder 2
Assistant to the President of the Board of Public Education: correspondence (1 of 2), 1963.
Box 1 Folder 3
Assistant to the President of the Board of Public Education: correspondence (2 of 2), 1963.
Box 1 Folder 4
Assistant to the President of the Board of Public Education: correspondence, 1964-1965.
Box 1 Folder 5
Assistant to the President of the Board of Public Education: speeches, 1962-1965.
Box 1 Folder 6
Board of Education and school district photographs, 1942-1967.
Box 1 Folder 7
Board of Education: candidacy, 1977.
Box 1 Folder 8
Board of Education: resolutions and policies, 1963-1968, undated.
Box 1 Folder 9
Central High School summer workshop, 1959-1960.
Box 1 Folder 10
City College movement in Philadelphia, 1962-1964.
Box 1 Folder 11
Committee on Selection of Superintendent, 1963-1964.
Box 1 Folder 12
Conferences and speaking engagements, 1958-1969.
Box 1 Folder 13
David Landreth School, 1962.
Box 1 Folder 14
Dimner Beeber Junior High School, 1969-1971.
Box 1 Folder 15
Director of Finance correspondence, 1963-1964.
Box 1 Folder 16
Director of Informational Services: correspondence, 1963-1965.
Box 1 Folder 17
Director of Informational Services: correspondence, 1966.
Box 1 Folder 18
Director of Informational Services: correspondence, 1967.
Box 1 Folder 19
Director of Informational Services: correspondence, 1968-1969.
Box 1 Folder 20
Director of Informational Services: draft speeches and statements for Superintendent of Schools, 1964-1967.
Box 1 Folder 21
District advisory boards, 1963.
Box 1 Folder 22
Division of Integration and Intergroup Relations, 1964, 1968.
Box 1 Folder 23
Division of Radio-Television Education: WCRV-TV "Progress '63: Meet Your Board of Education", December 26, 1962.
Box 1 Folder 24
Division of Radio-Television Education: WFIL-AM "What's News?", 1962.
Box 1 Folder 25
Division of Radio-Television Education: WFLN-AM "The Doctor Says", 1961-1962.
Box 1 Folder 26
Division of Radio-Television Education: WHYY-TV, 1957-1968.
Box 1 Folder 27
Emergency confrontations, undated.
Box 1 Folder 28
Franklin Learning Center, 1978-1979.
Box 1 Folder 29
Franklin Learning Center: Lao-Hmong students, 1979.
Box 1 Folder 30
George C. Thomas Junior High School: auditorium designation, 1983.
Box 1 Folder 31
George C. Thomas Junior High School: class photographs, 1982, 1984.
Box 9 Folder 1
George C. Thomas Junior High School: football coach Ralph C. Eagle honored. WCAU-TV U-matic tape, 1983.
Box 2 Folder 1
George C. Thomas Junior High School: Hall of Fame and alumni reunion, 1983.
Box 2 Folder 2
George C. Thomas Junior High School: Hall of Fame and alumni reunion, 1984.
Box 2 Folder 3
George C. Thomas Junior High School: newspaper clippings, 1983-1984.
Box 2 Folder 4
George C. Thomas Junior High School: Principal correspondence (1 of 2), 1979-1984.
Box 2 Folder 5
George C. Thomas Junior High School: Principal correspondence (2 of 2), 1979-1984.
Box 2 Folder 6
George Washington High School, 1963-1975.
Box 2 Folder 7
Germantown High School, 1977-1986.
Box 2 Folder 8
High School of International Studies application, 1980.
Box 2 Folder 9
J. Harry Labrum newspaper clippings, 1963-1970.
Box 2 Folder 10
Jeanette MacDonald School, 1965.
Box 2 Folder 11
Joseph J. Greenberg School, 1966-1977.
Box 2 Folder 12
Joseph J. Greenberg School: photographs, 1974-1979.
Box 2 Folder 13
Kathryn E. Granahan testimonial dinner, 1962-1963.
Box 2 Folder 14
Notice to school visitors (Yiddish), 1940.
Box 2 Folder 15
Odell MacConnell Associates correspondence and school district survey, 1963-1965.
Box 2 Folder 16
Office of Informational Services: 150th Anniversary Committee correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports, 1964-1968.
Box 2 Folder 17
Office of Informational Services: 150th anniversary of the School District of Philadelphia, 1967-1968.
Box 2 Folder 18
Office of Informational Services: 150th anniversary "Schools on Parade" film reel, 1968.
Box 2 Folder 19
Office of Informational Services: assaults on school personnel, 1966-1968.
Box 2 Folder 20
Office of Informational Services: "The Board of Education Reports on Schools for a Greater Philadelphia", April 1966.
Box 2 Folder 21
Office of Informational Services: calendar of school system events, 1966-1968.
Box 2 Folder 22
Office of Informational Services: "For Your Information", 1967-1969.
Box 2 Folder 23
Office of Informational Services: Hubert H. Humphrey tour of school system, 1966.
Box 2 Folder 24
Office of Informational Services: Jessie Lynch Freeman, 1964-1984.
Box 2 Folder 25
Office of Informational Services: KYW Newsradio announcement scripts, 1967.
Box 2 Folder 26
Office of Informational Services: news media policies, 1964-1966.
Box 3 Folder 1
Office of Informational Services: newspaper clippings, 1964-1968.
Box 3 Folder 2
Office of Informational Services: "Perspective: An In Depth Look at the Philadelphia Public Schools", June 1975, March 1976.
Box 3 Folder 3
Office of Informational Services: press releases, 1966-1968.
Box 3 Folder 4
Office of Informational Services: publications, 1964-1982, undated.
Box 3 Folder 5
Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior High School class photograph, 1937.
Box 9 Folder 2
Personnel file, 1947-1970.
Box 3 Folder 6
Philadelphia Home and School Council Support Our Schools Committee correspondence and meeting minutes, 1963.
Box 3 Folder 7
Philadelphia Public School Council Salary and Budget Committee, 1952.
Box 3 Folder 8
Philadelphia Teachers Association conference programs, 1948-1959.
Box 3 Folder 9
Roxborough High School, 1978.
Box 3 Folder 10
School District of Philadelphia: "Discipline in the Philadelphia Public Schools: A Working Document", 1976.
Box 3 Folder 11
School District of Philadelphia: "Facts and Figures", 1966-1968.
Box 3 Folder 12
School District of Philadelphia: organization chart and position descriptions, 1951-1967.
Box 3 Folder 13
School District of Philadelphia: "Reports of the Tasks Forces to the Incoming Board of Education", 1965.
Box 3 Folder 14
School District of Philadelphia: "Standards for Elementary School Buildings", 1963.
Box 3 Folder 15
School District of Philadelphia: "Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities", 1974.
Box 3 Folder 16
School groundbreaking and dedication ceremonies, 1964-1968.
Box 3 Folder 17
"Schools News and Views" / "News and Views" newsletter, 1956-1968.
Box 3 Folder 18
"Schools on Parade" programs, 1965-1967.
Box 3 Folder 19
Speaking engagements, 1958-1969.
Box 3 Folder 20
Speaking engagements, 1970-1983.
Box 3 Folder 21
Superintendent of Schools: Marcase, Michael P., 1975-1981.
Box 3 Folder 22
Superintendent of Schools: Wetter, Allen H., 1949-1964.
Box 3 Folder 23
Superintendent of Schools: Whittier, C. Taylor, 1964-1985.
Box 3 Folder 24
"Twenty-Four Target Areas for the School District of Philadelphia" survey, 1983.
Box 3 Folder 25
United Committee for the Philadelphia Public Schools, 1959.
Box 3 Folder 26
William H. Shoemaker Junior High School, 1947-1955.
Box 3 Folder 27
William L. Sayre Junior High School, 1950-1967.
Box 3 Folder 28
William T. Tilden Junior High School, 1957.
Box 3 Folder 29
Scope and Contents

Subseries contains correspondence, reports, speeches, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks and other records related to Pollock's tenure as superintendent of schools from 1968 to 1969. The dispute between the school board and Pollock over district reforms and program funding, his suspension and resignation, and the public response is well documented. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by folder title.

Conferences and speaking engagements, 1968-1969.
Box 3 Folder 30
In-service program, 1968.
Box 3 Folder 31
Newspaper clippings, 1968-1969.
Box 3 Folder 32
Photographs, 1968-1969.
Box 3 Folder 33
Projected fall and spring enrollments, 1967-1968.
Box 3 Folder 34
"Register and Directory of the Public Schools and Teachers", 1967-1968.
Box 3 Folder 35
School board policies and rules, 1966-1969.
Box 3 Folder 36
"Scranton I" newspaper clipping scrapbook, 1968.
Box 9 Folder 3
"Scranton II" newspaper clipping scrapbook, 1969.
Box 9 Folder 4
"Scranton III" newspaper clipping scrapbook, 1969-1970.
Box 10 Folder 1
Scranton Area Council of Parent-Teacher Associations, 1968-1969.
Box 3 Folder 37
Scranton Public Schools: bulletins and newsletters, 1965-1969.
Box 3 Folder 38
Superintendent of Schools: controversy with Scranton School Board, 1968-1969.
Box 3 Folder 39
Superintendent of Schools: correspondence, 1968.
Box 3 Folder 40
Superintendent of Schools: correspondence, 1969-1970.
Box 3 Folder 41
Superintendent of Schools: industrial and vocational education, 1965-1969.
Box 3 Folder 42
Superintendent of Schools: letters of congratulations, July 1968-January 1969.
Box 4 Folder 1
Superintendent of Schools: meeting and miscellaneous notes, February-March 1969.
Box 4 Folder 2
Superintendent of Schools: petition and letters of support, 1969.
Box 4 Folder 3
Superintendent of Schools "Reconnaissance 68" special report on Scranton Public Schools and reactions, 1968-1969.
Box 4 Folder 4
Superintendent of Schools: report on subsurface conditions adjacent to John F. Kennedy School, 1969.
Box 4 Folder 5
Superintendent of Schools: speeches and statements, 1968-1969.
Box 4 Folder 6

Scope and Contents

Series 2 contains both personal and professional correspondence, primarily incoming correspondence received by Pollock. Additional correspondence related to Pollock's professional career can be found in Series 1. This series contains one file with records in Dutch. This series is arranged alphabetically by correspondent's last name.

Correspondence: General, 1944-1987.
Box 4 Folder 7
Correspondence: Adams, Edwin W., 1940-1943.
Box 4 Folder 8
Correspondence: Alexander, Elliot, 1986-1987.
Box 4 Folder 9
Correspondence: Anderson, Add B., 1946-1962.
Box 4 Folder 10
Correspondence: appointment to Assistant to President of Board of Public Education, December 1962.
Box 4 Folder 11
Correspondence: appointment to Director of Informational Services, 1963-1964.
Box 4 Folder 12
Correspondence: Biddle, Francis, 1947.
Box 4 Folder 13
Correspondence: Blanc, Victor H., 1951-1962.
Box 4 Folder 14
Correspondence: Blitzstein, Marc, 1962.
Box 4 Folder 15
Correspondence: Bogan, Robert T., 1945, 1986-1987.
Box 4 Folder 16
Correspondence: Bookbinder, Jack, 1976-1977.
Box 4 Folder 17
Correspondence: Bronstein, David, 1986-1989.
Box 4 Folder 18
Correspondence: Burkard, William E., 1959-1962.
Box 4 Folder 19
Correspondence: Carey, Anna Labrum, 1961-1986.
Box 4 Folder 20
Correspondence: regarding Chamberlain, Wilt, 1948-1977.
Box 4 Folder 21
Correspondence: Cirillo, Vincent A., 1984.
Box 4 Folder 22
Correspondence: Costanzo, Matthew W., 1960-1975.
Box 4 Folder 23
Correspondence: Dash, Samuel, 1955-1983.
Box 4 Folder 24
Correspondence: Douglas, Paul, 1948-1979.
Box 4 Folder 25
Correspondence: Eagle, Ralph C., 1982-1983.
Box 4 Folder 26
Correspondence: Elliot, Harriet A., 1943.
Box 4 Folder 27
Correspondence: Ellmaker, Lee, 1940-1954.
Box 4 Folder 28
Correspondence: Evans, Wilbur, 1948-1954.
Box 4 Folder 29
Correspondence: Fels, Samuel S., 1940, 1943.
Box 4 Folder 30
Correspondence: "The Folks", 1943-1946.
Box 4 Folder 31
Correspondence: Forest, Rose, 1945.
Box 4 Folder 32
Correspondence: Fox, Jon D., 1984-1985.
Box 4 Folder 33
Correspondence: Frankfurter, Felix, 1948, 1957.
Box 4 Folder 34
Correspondence: Friedman, Paul S., 1981-1982.
Box 4 Folder 35
Correspondence: Gangel, Sydney B., 1944.
Box 4 Folder 36
Correspondence: Gray, William H. Jr., 1951-1966.
Box 4 Folder 37
Correspondence: Gray, William H. III, 1980-1988.
Box 4 Folder 38
Correspondence: Green, William J., 1966-1981.
Box 4 Folder 39
Correspondence: Greenberg, Melvin J., 1975-1979.
Box 4 Folder 40
Correspondence: Hay, Charles K. and Ruth, 1957-1976.
Box 4 Folder 41
Correspondence: Horowitz, David A., 1963-1976.
Box 4 Folder 42
Correspondence: Jabr, Fouad Abdul-Rouf, 1977-1987.
Box 4 Folder 43
Correspondence: Johnson, Catherine E., 1944.
Box 4 Folder 44
Correspondence: Kaplan, Benjamin K., 1975.
Box 4 Folder 45
Correspondence: Kelly, John B., 1952.
Box 4 Folder 46
Correspondence: Kessler, Arnold M., 1944-1959.
Box 4 Folder 47
Correspondence: Lehman, Herbert H., 1943-1949.
Box 4 Folder 48
Correspondence: letters of recommendation, 1975-1980.
Box 4 Folder 49
Correspondence: Lovell, James A., 1967.
Box 4 Folder 50
Correspondence: MacDonald, Jeanette, 1950-1962.
Box 4 Folder 51
Correspondence: McCracken, Joan, 1952.
Box 4 Folder 52
Correspondence: Obermayer, Leon J., 1952-1984.
Box 4 Folder 53
Correspondence: Odell, William R., 1963-1967.
Box 4 Folder 54
Correspondence: Ormandy, Eugene, 1956, 1962.
Box 4 Folder 55
Correspondence: Pollock, Herman I., 1950-1969.
Box 4 Folder 56
Correspondence: Pollock, Mort, 1943-1944.
Box 4 Folder 57
Correspondence: Pollock, Ruth, 1943.
Box 4 Folder 58
Correspondence: Pollock, Samuel, 1943-1944.
Box 4 Folder 59
Correspondence: Rip, Onno, 1979-1987.
Box 4 Folder 60
Correspondence: Roberts, Owen J., 1947.
Box 4 Folder 61
Correspondence: Rosen, Edward H., 1956-1986.
Box 4 Folder 62
Correspondence: Stack, Felice R., 1975-1979.
Box 4 Folder 63
Correspondence: telegrams, 1945-1946.
Box 4 Folder 64
Correspondence: Thornburgh, Dick, 1982.
Box 4 Folder 65
Correspondence: Wayne, Fredd, 1964-1986.
Box 4 Folder 66
Correspondence: Weems, Ted, 1962.
Box 4 Folder 67
Correspondence: Williamson, Mary Elizabeth, 1944-1945.
Box 4 Folder 68
Correspondence: Wister, Mary H., 1945.
Box 4 Folder 69

Scope and Contents

Series 3 includes correspondence, photographs, newsletters, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings and other records from fraternities, masonic lodges, student government and youth groups, Jewish communal and other organizations Pollock was associated. The bulk of this series consists of Pollock's activities with the West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association, where he served as president, honorary president, and chairman of anniversary committees. This series is arranged alphabetically by organization name.

Allied Jewish Appeal, 1954-1956.
Box 5 Folder 1
Allied Jewish Appeal: Youth and Young Adult Council, 1949-1956.
Box 5 Folder 2
Allied Jewish Appeal: Youth and Young Adult Council, 1954-1957.
Box 5 Folder 3
Allied Jewish Appeal: Youth and Young Adult Council photographs, 1954-1956.
Box 5 Folder 4
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity, 1939-1950.
Box 5 Folder 5
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity: 65th anniversary reunion, 1986.
Box 5 Folder 6
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity: "ABG Quarterly", 1941-1971.
Box 5 Folder 7
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity: chapter newsletters, 1940-1948.
Box 5 Folder 8
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity: conventions, 1933-1948.
Box 5 Folder 9
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity: correspondence, 1943-1987.
Box 5 Folder 10
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity: Kappa Chapter (Philadelphia, Pa.) constitution, 1941.
Box 5 Folder 11
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity: meeting minutes, 1940-1949.
Box 5 Folder 12
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity: newspaper clippings, 1944-1986.
Box 5 Folder 13
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity: photographs, 1943-1947, 1971.
Box 5 Folder 14
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity: "Starlight Serenade" programs, 1941-1950.
Box 5 Folder 15
American Association of School Administrators, 1969-1984.
Box 5 Folder 16
American Jewish Congress, Philadelphia Council, 1953-1954.
Box 5 Folder 17
Beth El United Synagogue Youth, 1955-1957.
Box 5 Folder 18
B'nai B'rith Council of Greater Philadelphia photographs, undated.
Box 5 Folder 19
B'nai B'rith Huntington Valley Lodge #2894, 1980-1988.
Box 5 Folder 20
Chapel of Four Chaplains Legion of Honor recommendations, 1979-1987.
Box 5 Folder 21
Citizens' Charter Committee, 1950-1951.
Box 5 Folder 22
Citizens for a Free City College: correspondence, 1949-1984.
Box 5 Folder 23
Citizens for a Free City College: newspaper clippings, statements, and financial questions, 1950-1951.
Box 5 Folder 24
Citizens for a Free City College: open hearing, 1950-1951.
Box 5 Folder 25
Eta Phi Upsilon Fraternity scrapbook, 1939-1940.
Box 5 Folder 26
Greater Philadelphia Youth Movement, 1949-1952.
Box 5 Folder 27
Industrial Race Relations Committee, 1952-1954.
Box 5 Folder 28
Interscholastic League of Student Associations of Philadelphia, 1939-1942.
Box 5 Folder 29
Interscholastic League of Student Associations of Philadelphia: Student Government Convention, 1939-1942.
Box 5 Folder 30
Jewish Community Relations Council, 1954-1959.
Box 5 Folder 31
Lafayette Lodge No. 71, Free and Accepted Masons (1 of 2), 1959-1987.
Box 5 Folder 32
Lafayette Lodge No. 71, Free and Accepted Masons (2 of 2), 1959-1987.
Box 6 Folder 1
Lafayette Lodge No. 71, Free and Accepted Masons: European visit, 1984.
Box 6 Folder 2
Lafayette Lodge No. 71, Free and Accepted Masons: Israel visit, 1977.
Box 6 Folder 3
Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior High School Industrious Citizens' Union: minute book, 1936-1950.
Box 6 Folder 4
Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior High School Industrious Citizens' Union: scrapbook, 1938-1942.
Box 6 Folder 5
Phi Delta Kappa, 1930-1984.
Box 6 Folder 6
Phi Delta Kappa: "Tau Chapter News", 1949-1962.
Box 6 Folder 7
Pi Lambda Theta, 1955-1958.
Box 6 Folder 8
Schoolmen's Club of Philadelphia, 1966, undated.
Box 6 Folder 9
West Philadelphia Corporation: correspondence, 1959.
Box 6 Folder 10
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: 50th anniversary reunion (1 of 2), 1962.
Box 6 Folder 11
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: 50th anniversary reunion (2 of 2), 1962.
Box 6 Folder 12
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: 75th anniversary reunion (1 of 2), 1984-1987.
Box 6 Folder 13
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: 75th anniversary reunion (2 of 2), 1984-1987.
Box 6 Folder 14
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: 990-A forms, 1966-1972.
Box 6 Folder 15
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: Alumni Memorial Service Scholarship Award, 1950-1987.
Box 6 Folder 16
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: annual meeting of alumni association presidents, 1953-1955.
Box 6 Folder 17
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: athletic field acquisition and dedication, 1948-1954.
Box 6 Folder 18
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: award of merit, 1957, undated.
Box 6 Folder 19
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: commencement and other programs, 1939-1960.
Box 6 Folder 20
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: constitution, bylaws, and articles of incorporation, 1921, 1952, undated.
Box 6 Folder 21
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: correspondence, 1921-1955.
Box 6 Folder 22
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: correspondence, 1956-1987.
Box 6 Folder 23
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association correspondence: First, Joseph, 1953-1956.
Box 7 Folder 1
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association correspondence: Freedman, Abraham L., 1950-1964.
Box 7 Folder 2
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association correspondence: Garde, Betty, 1948.
Box 7 Folder 3
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association correspondence: Goldhahn, Richard T., 1949-1952.
Box 7 Folder 4
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association correspondence: Holm, John Cecil, 1948-1981.
Box 7 Folder 5
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association correspondence: Kallick, Edward A., 1949-1957.
Box 7 Folder 6
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association correspondence: MacNaul, Malcolm S., 1948-1950.
Box 7 Folder 7
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association correspondence: Matthews, Howard K., 1952, 1986-1987.
Box 7 Folder 8
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association correspondence: Rosenberg, Samuel H., 1950.
Box 7 Folder 9
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: Hall of Fame, 1983-1987.
Box 7 Folder 10
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: Jacqueline Susann portrait, 1983-1984.
Box 7 Folder 11
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: Jeanette MacDonald exhibit, 1965.
Box 7 Folder 12
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: newsletter, 1921-1970.
Box 7 Folder 13
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: newspaper clippings, 1949-1983.
Box 7 Folder 14
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: reunions (1 of 3), 1951-1987.
Box 7 Folder 15
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: reunions (2 of 3), 1951-1987.
Box 7 Folder 16
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: reunions (3 of 3), 1951-1987.
Box 11 Folder 1
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: scrapbook (photocopy), 1940-1955.
Box 7 Folder 17
West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association: treasurer's reports, 1964-1972.
Box 7 Folder 18
West Philadelphia High School Citizen's Association, 1938-1942.
Box 7 Folder 19
Wonderland Camps photograph, 1957.
Map Folder M57A
Young Men's Christian Association of Philadelphia (YMCA), West Branch: Youth Committee, 1958-1980.
Box 7 Folder 20

Scope and Contents

Series 4 contains records related to Pollock's military service in the 63rd Infantry Division during World War II including the production of G.I. Carmen; Pollock's proposal, drafts, and research including oral histories related to his unfinished doctoral dissertation on Philadelphia School District surveys; diaries; and miscellaneous writings and family records. Some records related to G.I. Carmen are in French. The series is arranged alphabetically by folder title.

63rd Infantry Division: "Blood and Fire" newsletter, 1943-1945.
Box 7 Folder 21
63rd Infantry Division: G.I. Carmen (1 of 2), 1945-1946.
Box 7 Folder 22
63rd Infantry Division: G.I. Carmen (2 of 2), 1945-1946.
Box 11 Folder 2
63rd Infantry Division: G. I. Carmen scrapbook (photocopy), 1945-1946.
Box 7 Folder 23
63rd Infantry Division: G.I. Carmen reunion show, 1965-1966.
Box 7 Folder 24
63rd Infantry Division: G.I. Carmen reunion show, 1986-1987.
Box 7 Folder 25
63rd Infantry Division: infantry regional training center Camp Wheeler, GA photograph, 1943.
Map Folder M57a
63rd Infantry Division: military service record, 1943-1946.
Box 7 Folder 26
63rd Infantry Division: photographs, 1944-1946.
Box 7 Folder 27
63rd Infantry Division: reunions (1 of 2), 1972-1986.
Box 7 Folder 28
63rd Infantry Division: reunions (2 of 2), 1972-1986.
Box 11 Folder 3
63rd Infantry Division: variety show scrapbook, 1943-1945.
Box 10 Folder 2
Certificates and awards, 1940-1987.
Box 11 Folder 4
Diary, 1939.
Box 7 Folder 29
Diary, 1941.
Box 7 Folder 30
Diary, 1942.
Box 7 Folder 31
Golden Jubilee Roast (1 of 2), 1984.
Box 8 Folder 1
Golden Jubilee Roast (2 of 2), 1984.
Box 8 Folder 2
Lehigh University doctoral dissertation: correspondence and reference material, 1970-1974.
Box 8 Folder 3
Lehigh University doctoral dissertation: interview guide and audio cassette tapes (1 of 2), 1972, undated.
Box 8 Folder 4
Lehigh University doctoral dissertation: interview guide and audio cassette tapes (2 of 2), 1972, undated.
Box 8 Folder 5
Lehigh University doctoral dissertation: outline, drafts, and notes, 1972.
Box 8 Folder 6
Lehigh University doctoral dissertation: proposal, 1969-1972.
Box 8 Folder 7
Newspaper clippings, 1939-1987.
Box 8 Folder 8
Resume and teaching credentials, 1947-1980.
Box 8 Folder 9
Shaw Junior High School class photograph, 1941.
Map Folder M57a
"Views for Victory" newspaper column, 1942-1943.
Box 8 Folder 10
West Chester State Teachers College and alumni association, 1941-1988.
Box 8 Folder 11
West Philadelphia High School "Go West Young Man" talent show scrapbook, 1939-1940.
Box 10 Folder 3
West Philadelphia High School posters, 1939-1940.
Box 11 Folder 5
Miscellaneous family records, 1933-1987, undated.
Box 8 Folder 12
Miscellaneous writings, 1944-1987.
Box 8 Folder 13

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