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William J. Campbell Bookstore Records


Held at: Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The William J. Campbell Bookstore, founded in 1850 in Philadelphia by John Campbell, an English bookseller, specialized in publishing local history and legal tracts. In 1874, William J. Campbell assumed direction over operations with the death of his father. In 1931, William's son John J. replaced his father and served at the helm until the store closed in 1951.

This collection contains the records of the oldest family-operated bookstore in Philadelphia, including the business papers of the founder, John Campbell; the personal letters of William M. Campbell; the business correspondence of William J. Campbell, 1895-1951, and his letter books, 1903-1925; and Campbell catalogs, 1866-1951. Materials include business correspondence, clippings, financial records, legal documents, book catalogs, drawings, maps, photographs, pamphlets, advertisements, sheet music, glass negatives, notebooks, postcards, newsletters, scrapbooks, brochures, posters, and manuscripts.

Of note, are letters between Henry A. Martin, a dealer of legal/naval prints, and the William J. Campbell Bookstore. Much of the correspondence is from Martin to his nephew, John J. Campbell and William J. Campbell, the proprietor of Campbell's Bookstore, while on collecting tours in Chicago, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, and Washington, D.C.

The collection also reflects the Campbell family's interest in Americana, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania history, and legal literature. William J. Campbell was an officer of the City History Society of Philadelphia and the collection documents that connection with correspondence, newsletters, postcards, clippings, and scrapbooks, primarily for the 1920s. Additionally, researchers will find some records of the Site and Relic Society of Germantown and the Mercantile Library of Philadelphia.

The collection also contains documents and photographs associated with Fairmount Park and Germantown. There is a great diversity of photographic materials in the collection.

The collection is arranged into 5 series:

  • Series 1: Bookselling records, 1851-1950s, undated
    • Subseries 1.1: History, undated
    • Subseries 1.2: Correspondence, 1851-1951, undated
    • Subseries 1.3: Letter books, 1903-1925
    • Subseries 1.4: Financial records, 1866-1951, undated
    • Subseries 1.5: Stock Cards, 1920s-1930s
    • Subseries 1.6: Catalogues and lists, 1938-1950s, undated
    • Subseries 1.7: Trade Associations, 1895-1950s
    • Subseries 1.8: Catalogs and flyers, 1900s-1950s, undated
    • Subseries 1.9: Clippings on book trade and book theft, 1920s-1950s, undated
  • Series 2: Publishing records, 1859-1929, undated
    • Subseries 2.1: Book publishing and distribution, 1859-1919, undated
    • Subseries 2.2: Print publishing and distribution, 1884-1929, undated
  • Series 3: Family papers, 1851-1950s, undated
    • Subseries 3.1: John Campbell papers, 1851-1860s, undated
    • Subseries 3.2: William J. Campbell papers, 1900-1913, undated
    • Subseries 3.3: John James Campbell, 1940s-1950s, undated
    • Subseries 3.4: William M. Campbell (WWI), 1917, undated
  • Series 4: Other organizations, 1868, 1900s-1950s, undated
    • Subseries 4.1: City History Society of Philadelphia, 1908-1931, undated
    • Subseries 4.2: Site and Relic Society of Germantown, 1907-1915, undated
    • Subseries 4.3: Mercantile Library of Philadelphia and other organizations, 1868, 1900s-1950s, undated
  • Series 5: Prints, drawings, photographs, and other materials, 1886-1955, undated
    • Subseries 5.1: Prints and drawings, undated
    • Subseries 5.2: Photographs and glass plates, 1898-1916, undated
    • Subseries 5.3: Other materials, 1886-1955, undated

Gift of Willman and Carol Spawn, October 11, 1971.

Folder-level and item-level printed inventories for parts of the collection are available in repository.

The collection was minimally processed, with records generally sorted into series and subseries, and preliminary inventories prepared in 1975 and 1977 by Special Collections staff. The materials are housed in document cases, but not always in folders.

This collection was minimally processed in 1975, with periodic additions of materials added since then. The materials are housed in document cases, but not always in folders. Much of the paper in the collection is soiled, tattered, and brittle, and, as a result, should be handled minimally and carefully.

While there have been periodic additions of materials to the collection since then, no major changes have been made to the collection's arrangement or housing. A new collection inventory was prepared in April 2015 by Patrick Stalter, student worker. The finding aid was revised according to contemporary archival standards in May 2015 by Katy Rawdon, Coordinator of Technical Services, and Courtney Smerz, Collection Management Archivist.

Temple University Libraries: Special Collections Research Center
Finding Aid Author
Machine-readable finding aid created by: Rajkumar Natarajan, Sky Global Services India (P) Ltd.
Finding Aid Date
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

The William J. Campbell Bookstore Records are the physical property of the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible for determining the identity of rights holders and obtaining their permission for publication and for other purposes where stated.

Collection Inventory

History of William J. Campbell, bookseller, undated.
Box 1
Untitled, undated.
Box 1
Photos of the Campbells, undated.
Box 1
Coverage of 100th anniversary, undated.
Box 1
Letters of congratulations to John J. Campbell, undated.
Box 1
Answers to letters to John J. Campbell, undated.
Box 1
Notes for "100 years of bookselling", undated.
Box 1
Miscellany, undated.
Box 1
John Campbell. Copyright "Negro-mania, " book copyrights, 1851.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1869.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1870.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1871.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1878.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1890.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1893.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1894.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1895.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1896.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1897.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1899.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1900.
Box 1
T.L.S. on Mercantile Library, undated.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1901.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1902.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1903.
Box 1
Correspondence K-M, 1904.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1905.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1906.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1907.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1908.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1909.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1910.
Box 1
Correspondence N-Z, 1911.
Box 1
Correspondence A-M, 1912.
Box 2
Correspondence: N-Z, 1912.
Box 2
Correspondence M -Z, 1913.
Box 2
Correspondence A-L, 1913.
Box 2
Correspondence A-M, 1914.
Box 2
Correspondence: Campbell (firm), 1915.
Box 2
Correspondence, 1915.
Box 2
Correspondence: Campbell (firm), 1915.
Box 2
Correspondence: A-B, 1915.
Box 2
Correspondence, 1916-1917.
Box 3
Correspondence, 1918-1919.
Box 4
Correspondence: M-O, 1920.
Box 5
Correspondence: T-Z, 1920.
Box 5
Correspondence, 1920.
Box 5
Correspondence, 1920.
Box 5
Correspondence, 1920.
Box 5
Correspondence, 1921.
Box 6
Correspondence, 1921.
Box 6
Correspondence, 1922.
Box 6
Correspondence: A-M, 1922.
Box 6
Correspondence: A-J, 1922.
Box 7
Correspondence, 1923.
Box 8
Correspondence, 1924.
Box 8
Correspondence, 1924.
Box 8
Correspondence, 1925.
Box 8
Correspondence, 1925.
Box 8
Correspondence: S-X, undated.
Box 9
Correspondence, 1927.
Box 9
Correspondence, 1927.
Box 9
Correspondence, 1926.
Box 10
Envelope containing two copies of "Philadelphia Bench and Bar", 1893.
Box 10
Frazer, Robert. The Silent Shakespeare, 1915.
Box 10
Correspondence, 1927.
Box 11
G-L, undated.
Box 11
A-F, undated.
Box 11
Correspondence, 1928.
Box 12
Correspondence, 1927-1928.
Box 13
Correspondence: A-MG, 1928.
Box 14
Correspondence: A-1, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: American Antiquarian Society, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Ba-Bn, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Bell Telephone Company, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: G.A. Baker and Co., 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Bi-Brn, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Boston Public Library, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: E.F. Bonaventure, Inc., 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Bro-Bz, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Ca-Cn, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: City National Bank and Trust Co., 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Library of Congress, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Co-Cz, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: D, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: E, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Frazer, Robert. The Silent Shakespeare, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Frazer, Robert. The Silent Shakespeare, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Mrs. John M. Fisher, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Samuel T. Freeman & Co, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Ga-Gn, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Go-Gz, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Goodspeed's Book Shop, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Ha-Hd, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: He-Hn, 1928-1929.
Box 15
Correspondence: Ho-Hz, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: Stan V. Henkels, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: I, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: J, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: K, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: La-Lh, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: George F. Lasher Printing Company, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: Li-Lz, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: Ma-Md, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: John J. McDevitt, Jr., 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: Newman F. McGirr, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: Samuel H. McVitty, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: Thomas F. Madigan, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: HA Martin, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: Me-Mn, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: Mo-Mz, 1928-1929.
Box 16
Correspondence: N, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: O, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: New York State Library, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Pa-Ph, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Philadelphia Electric Company, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Philadelphia Gas Works Company, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Pi-Pz, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Q, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Ra-Rn, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Real Estate Land Title and Trade Company, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Ro-Rz, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Sa-Sd, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Se-Sm, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Sn-Sth, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Sti-Sz, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: T, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: U, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: V, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Wa-Wg, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Wh-Wz, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: X-Y, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence: Z, 1928-1929.
Box 19
Correspondence, 1930, 1939.
Box 18
Correspondence, 1929-1930.
Box 19
Correspondence, 1930.
Box 20
American Antiquarian Society, 1930.
Box 21
Baker & Taylor Company, 1930.
Box 21
G.A. Balcer & Company, 1930.
Box 21
Boston Public Library, 1930.
Box 21
E.F. Bonaventure, 1930.
Box 21
City National Bank, 1930.
Box 21
Library of Congress, 1930.
Box 21
Auction Records: Henkels, 1931.
Box 21
Correspondence, 1931.
Box 22
Correspondence, 1931.
Box 23
Correspondence, 1932.
Box 24
Correspondence, 1932-1933.
Box 25
Correspondence: Da-Dq, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Dr-Dz, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: E, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Fa-Fk, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Fl-Fz, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Ga-Gh, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Gi-Gz, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Haa-Hq, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Har-Hd, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: He-Hn, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Ho-Hz, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: I, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: J, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Ka-Kh, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Ki-Kz, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: La-Ld, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Le-lh, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Li-Lz, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Ma-Mb, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: Me-Mz, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: N, 1933.
Box 26
Correspondence: O, 1933-1934.
Box 27
Correspondence: Pa-Ph, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Philadelphia Electric Company, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Pi-Pq, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Pr-Q, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Ra-Rof, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Roq-Rz, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Sa-Scg, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Sch-Sl, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Sl-Shd, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: She-Shz, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Si-Sn, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: So-Ss, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Sta-Sth, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Sti-Stz, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Su-Sz, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Ta-Tn, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: To-Tz, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: U, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: V, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Wa-Wd, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: We-Wg, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Wh-Wz, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Wiz-Wil, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Wim-Wn, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Wo-Wz, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: X-Y, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: Z, 1933.
Box 27
Correspondence: A, 1934.
Box 27
Correspondence: Ba-Be, 1934.
Box 27
Correspondence: Bi-Bz, 1934.
Box 28
Correspondence: C-Ci, 1934.
Box 28
Correspondence: Co-Cz, 1934.
Box 28
Correspondence: D, 1934.
Box 28
Correspondence: E, 1934.
Box 28
Correspondence: F, 1934.
Box 28
Correspondence: G, 1934.
Box 28
Correspondence: H, 1934.
Box 28
Correspondence: I-J, 1934.
Box 29
Correspondence: K, 1934.
Box 29
Correspondence: L, 1934.
Box 29
Correspondence: Ma-md, 1934.
Box 29
Correspondence: Me-Mz, 1934.
Box 29
Correspondence: N, 1934.
Box 29
Correspondence: O, 1934.
Box 29
Correspondence: P, 1934.
Box 29
Correspondence: Sa-Sn, 1934.
Box 29
Correspondence: R, 1934.
Box 30
Correspondence: So-Sz, 1934.
Box 30
Correspondence: T, 1934.
Box 30
Correspondence: U-V, 1934.
Box 30
Correspondence: W, 1934.
Box 30
Correspondence: X-Z, 1934.
Box 30
Correspondence: A, 1935.
Box 30
Correspondence: B, 1935.
Box 30
Correspondence: C, 1935.
Box 30
Correspondence: G, 1935.
Box 31
Correspondence: H, 1935.
Box 31
Correspondence: I, 1935.
Box 31
Correspondence: J, 1935.
Box 31
Correspondence: L, 1935.
Box 31
Correspondence: Mac-Mz, 1935.
Box 31
Correspondence: N, 1935.
Box 31
Correspondence: P, 1935.
Box 31
Correspondence: D, 1935.
Box 32
Correspondence: E, 1935.
Box 32
Correspondence: R, 1935.
Box 32
Correspondence: Sa-Sn, 1935.
Box 32
Correspondence: So-Sz, 1935.
Box 32
Correspondence: T, 1935.
Box 32
Correspondence: U-V, 1935.
Box 32
Correspondence: W, 1935.
Box 32
Correspondence: X-Z, 1935.
Box 32
Correspondence: A, 1936.
Box 33
Correspondence: B, 1936.
Box 33
Correspondence: C, 1936.
Box 33
Correspondence: D, 1936.
Box 33
Correspondence: E, 1936.
Box 33
Correspondence: F, 1936.
Box 33
Correspondence: G, 1936.
Box 33
Correspondence: H, 1936.
Box 33
Correspondence: L, 1936.
Box 33
Correspondence: M, 1936.
Box 34
Correspondence: N, 1936.
Box 34
Correspondence: National Archives Bids, 1936.
Box 34
Correspondence: O-P, 1936.
Box 34
Correspondence: Q-R, 1936.
Box 34
Correspondence: T-V, 1936.
Box 34
Correspondence: W-Z, 1936.
Box 34
Correspondence: American Antiquarian Society, 1937.
Box 35
Correspondence: American Art Association, 1937.
Box 35
Correspondence: Unsorted Correspondence, 1937.
Box 35
Correspondence: City National Bank, 1937.
Box 35
Correspondence: Honorable Albert W. Johnson, 1937.
Box 35
Correspondence: New York Public Library, 1937.
Box 36
Correspondence: Philadelphia Electric Company, 1937.
Box 36
Correspondence, 1937-1938.
Box 37
Correspondence, 1938.
Box 38
Correspondence, 1939.
Box 39
Correspondence, 1939.
Box 40
Correspondence, 1940.
Box 41
Correspondence, 1940.
Box 42
Correspondence, 1940-1941.
Box 43
Correspondence, 1942.
Box 44
Correspondence, 1943.
Box 45
Correspondence, 1943.
Box 46
Correspondence, 1944.
Box 47
Correspondence, 1944.
Box 48
Correspondence, 1945.
Box 49
Correspondence, 1945.
Box 50
Correspondence, 1945.
Box 51
Correspondence: A-C (Bound), 1946.
Box 51
Correspondence: N-R (Bound), 1946.
Box 51
Correspondence, 1946.
Box 52
Correspondence: D-K, 1946.
Box 53
Correspondence: L-M, 1946.
Box 53
Correspondence, 1947.
Box 54
Unopened book bills, etc., 1947.
Box 54
Correspondence, 1947-1948.
Box 55
Correspondence, 1948.
Box 56
Correspondence, 1947-1948.
Box 57
Unopened envelopes, 1947-1948.
Box 57
Correspondence, 1949.
Box 58
Correspondence, 1949-1950.
Box 59
Correspondence, 1950.
Box 60
Correspondence, 1950.
Box 61
Correspondence, 1950.
Box 62
Correspondence, 1951.
Box 63
Correspondence, 1951.
Box 64
Miscellaneous, 1951.
Box 64
Correspondence, 1931.
Box 65
Correspondence, 1928.
Box 65
Correspondence, 1934.
Box 65
Unsorted Clippings, 1907-1908.
Box 66
Letter, undated.
Box 66
All re. St. Momin [?], undated.
Box 66
Envelope containing photographs, gravestones and family trees, undated.
Box 66
Dramatic Collection [A directory of names], undated.
Box 66
Literary News & Reviews [Book cover], undated.
Box 66
2 Letter Books, 1903-1906.
Box 67
2 Letter Books, 1906-1910.
Box 68
2 Letter Books, 1910-1913.
Box 69
2 Letter Books, 1913-1915.
Box 70
2 Letter Books, 1917-1920.
Box 71
2 Letter Books, 1920-1922.
Box 72
2 Letter Books, 1922-1925.
Box 73
2 Daybooks, 1882-1894.
Box 74
1 Daybook [in envelope], 1867-1870.
Box 74
2 Daybooks, 1903-1918.
Box 75
1 Daybook, 1918-1925.
Box 76
2 Daybooks, 1925-1946.
Box 77
1 Daybook, 1947-1951.
Box 78
3 Cashbooks, 1891-1907.
Box 79
2 Cashbooks, 1918-1937.
Box 80
2 Cashbooks, 1937-1950.
Box 81
St. Menin Publishing Project, 1905-1911.
Box 82
Unsorted individual accounts, undated.
Box 83
Unsorted individual accounts, undated.
Box 84
Individual account books [?], 1882-1901.
Box 85
2 Stock books, 1894-1910.
Box 86
3 Books of sales records, 1920-1943.
Box 87
Financial, undated.
Box 88
Insurance, banking & investment records, 1916.
Box 88
Financial records, undated.
Box 88
Miscellaneous, undated.
Box 88
Check stubs, undated.
Box 89
Unsorted contacts, bills, policies, etc., 1866-1920s.
Box 90
Unsorted subscription booklets, undated.
Box 91
To be distributed, undated.
Box 91
Miscellaneous - includes phone, mailing lists, undated.
Box 91
Miscellaneous - includes phone, mailing lists, undated.
Box 91
Odd notes, undated.
Box 91
Business correspondence, 1900s-1920s.
Box 91
"Revolutionary Pamphlets", undated.
Box 91
Correspondence, undated.
Box 91
Bookselling activities, undated.
Box 91
Frances & John Campbell notebooks, undated.
Box 92
Notebooks, undated.
Box 93
Miscellaneous, 1920s-1930s.
Box 94
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1950s.
Box 95
Unsorted catalogs, undated.
Box 96
Bulletins, nos. 1-21, 1938-1951.
Box 96
Nonseries duplicated lists, undated.
Box 97
Typescripts of catalogues and lists, undated.
Box 97
Notes of sales, costs, mailing lists, etc. of catalogues and lists, undated.
Box 97
Catalogues, undated.
Box 98
Catalogues, undated.
Box 99
"Campbell's Catalogs", undated.
Box 99
Run of ABA Bulletin, 1895-1896.
Box 100
Trade organizations, 1920s-1950s.
Box 100
Miscellaneous, 1950.
Box 100
Prospective, undated.
Box 101
Unsorted "Prospective", undated.
Box 101
Flyers, undated.
Box 102
Flyers, undated.
Box 103
Miscellaneous publications, undated.
Box 104
Clippings, undated.
Box 105
Book thieves, 1920s-1950s.
Box 105

Publishing, 1900.
Box 106
Robert Hapgood Thornton, undated.
Box 106
Early publishing, 1865.
Box 106
Publishing, 1900.
Box 106
Legal Philadelphia (unbound), by Robert Coxe, 1908.
Box 107
Catalogues and lists of Campbell imprints, undated.
Box 108
Grant: Report of cases argued and adjudged, 1859.
Box 108
Grant: Report of cases argued and adjudged, 1860.
Box 108
Grant: Report of cases argued and adjudged, 1871.
Box 108
Grant: Report of cases argued and adjudged, 1890.
Box 108
Stevens: The history of Cape May County, 1897.
Box 108
Pennypacker: Settlement of Germantown, 1899.
Box 108
Gratz: A book about autographs, 1919.
Box 108
Title pages, undated.
Box 108
[Untitled], undated.
Box 108
Gratz autographs, undated.
Box 108
Pennypacker: Pennsylvania in American history, undated.
Box 108
Legal Philadelphia, undated.
Box 108
Habeus corpus, undated.
Box 108
Konkle, Burton Alva. John Motley Morehead, undated.
Box 108
Quay's Pennsylvania politics, undated.
Box 108
Wescott, Thompson. Names of Persons…Alleghenies, undated.
Box 108
Prospectus, Advertisements, Birds, undated.
Box 108
Harris Family Rehabilitation, undated.
Box 108
Publication History of the Flag, undated.
Box 108
Correspondence and other records related to orders and distribution, undated.
Box 109
Publication notices, undated.
Box 110
Chronological list of the practicing members of the Philadelphia Bar, undated.
Box 110
Curtis collection of Franklin imprints: Distribution Lists, undated.
Box 111
Curtis collection of Franklin imprints: Letters to the Trade, undated.
Box 111
Curtis collection of Franklin imprints: Letters to Libraries, undated.
Box 111
Curtis collection of Franklin imprints: Letters to individuals, undated.
Box 111
Curtis collection of Franklin imprints: Letters to University of Pennsylvania, undated.
Box 111
Curtis collection of Franklin imprints: Reviews, undated.
Box 111
Collection of Franklin imprints compiled by William J. Campbell [unbound book], 1918.
Box 111
Magee: "Good Companion", undated.
Box 112
Miscellaneous, undated.
Box 112
Betsy Ross clippings and letters [envelope], undated.
Box 113
Scrapbook, undated.
Box 113
Publishing, undated.
Box 113
Bound/unbound booklets, pamphlets, undated.
Box 114
Facsimiles of two maps, undated.
Box 115
Print publishing, undated.
Box 115
Portrait of Richard Dale, etched by James S. King, undated.
Box 115
Gibson, undated.
Box 115
Jefferson etching, 1896.
Box 115
Print publishing, 1884.
Box 115
Print publishing, 1909.
Box 115
Unsorted miscellaneous documents, undated.
Box 115
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1900-1903.
Box 116
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1904.
Box 116
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1904-1905.
Box 116
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1905.
Box 116
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1906.
Box 116
Martin, Henry A. Letters/receipts, 1907-1908.
Box 116
Martin, Henry A. Letters/receipts, 1907-1908.
Box 116
Martin, Henry A. Letters/receipts, 1909.
Box 116
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1910.
Box 116
Martin, Henry A. Letters/receipts, 1911.
Box 116
Martin, Henry A. Letters/receipts, 1912.
Box 117
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1913-1914.
Box 117
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1915.
Box 117
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1916.
Box 117
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1916.
Box 117
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1917.
Box 117
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1917.
Box 117
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1918.
Box 117
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1919.
Box 118
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1920.
Box 118
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1921-1922.
Box 118
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1923.
Box 118
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1924-1925.
Box 118
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1925-1926.
Box 118
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1926-1927.
Box 118
Martin, Henry A. Correspondence, 1929.
Box 118
Miscellaneous, undated.
Box 118

John Campbell. Personal, 1859.
Box 119
John Campbell. Personal, 1858.
Box 119
John Campbell. Personal, 1864.
Box 119
John Campbell. Personal, 1863.
Box 119
John Campbell. Personal, 1862.
Box 119
John Campbell. Personal, 1861.
Box 119
William J. Campbell. Personal, undated.
Box 119
Correspondence to John Campbell, 1857-1860s.
Box 119
Family papers, undated.
Box 120
William J. Campbell personal papers, 1900.
Box 121
Utility bills, undated.
Box 121
All other bills, undated.
Box 121
Miscellaneous, undated.
Box 121
William J. Campbell personal papers, undated.
Box 122
William J. Campbell. Miscellaneous, 1903-1904.
Box 122
Religious affairs, 1913.
Box 122
University of Pennsylvania papers, undated.
Box 122
Miscellaneous, undated.
Box 122
John James Campbell papers, undated.
Box 123
Bills, undated.
Box 123
Correspondence, 1940s-1950s.
Box 123
World War I letters and documents, undated.
Box 124
World War I Army maps, undated.
Box 124
World War I "Pictures from William M. Campbell's scrapbook", undated.
Box 124
World War I miscellaneous, undated.
Box 124
Letters to/from sister, Elizabeth Campbell, 1917.
Box 125
Letters to/from various, undated.
Box 125
Letters to/from Frances Campbell, 1917.
Box 125
Letters to/from William J. Campbell, 1917.
Box 125
Letters to/from John Campbell, 1917.
Box 125
Letters to/from mother, undated.
Box 125
Letters to/from Jane Campbell, 1917.
Box 125
Letters to/from John Hugh Campbell with photos, undated.
Box 125
Letters to, damaged, undated.
Box 125

Constitution, bylaws, brochures, undated.
Box 126
"History of…", undated.
Box 126
Monthly meeting notices, undated.
Box 126
Monthly board meetings, notices, etc., undated.
Box 126
General. Persons and subjects for lectures, undated.
Box 126
"A few facts and traditions in relation to the Lower Dublin Township, " Mary Blackson, undated.
Box 126
"Bartram Hall, " Mrs. Andrew M. Eastwick, undated.
Box 126
"Battle of Germantown, " Frances Hegl, undated.
Box 126
"Citizen Genet's visit to Philadelphia, " Henry Budd, undated.
Box 126
"City of Philadelphia" [on Lydia Darragh], Henry Darragh, undated.
Box 126
"History of old Chestnut Hill, " John MacFarland, undated.
Box 126
Milestones, ' Fred Perry Powers, undated.
Box 127
"Military Operations of the Delaware 1777, " C. Henry Kain, undated.
Box 127
"Old Bridges of the Schuylkill, " Fred Perry Powers, undated.
Box 127
"Old Philadelphia music, " Jane Campbell, undated.
Box 127
"The Pennepack in Lower Dublin, " Dr. J. Reerson Willits, undated.
Box 127
"Post office buildings of Philadelphia, " Charles Barker, undated.
Box 127
"Settlements on the Delaware prior to the coming of Penn, " John P. Garber, Ph.D, undated.
Box 127
"Wissahickon, " Joseph D. Bicknell, undated.
Box 127
Published papers, 1908-1931.
Box 127
Correspondence, undated.
Box 128
Correspondence, incoming, undated.
Box 128
Correspondence, excursions/excursions committee, undated.
Box 128
Literature of organizations of other cities, undated.
Box 128
Old matters [of City Historical Society Council}, undated.
Box 128
Tablet committee, undated.
Box 128
Tablet committee, undated.
Box 128
Photography, music (including glass), undated.
Box 128
Backlog of filing I, undated.
Box 128
Backlog of filing I, undated.
Box 129
Scrapbook papers of the society, 1918-1919.
Box 129
Unidentified book, undated.
Box 129
Frankford elevated railroad, undated.
Box 129
Frankford Gazette Issues, undated.
Box 129
"For a Greater Philadelphia", undated.
Box 129
"For A Greater Frankford", undated.
Box 129
Charter, bylaws, committees, lists of members, undated.
Box 130
Meeting notices, undated.
Box 130
Membership matters, et al., undated.
Box 130
Publications work-sales, etc., undated.
Box 130
Publications work-sales, etc., undated.
Box 130
Publications - committee work, undated.
Box 130
Collection and exhibition of relics committee, undated.
Box 130
Tablets and monuments placement, undated.
Box 130
Financial matters, undated.
Box 130
Historical addresses publication series, undated.
Box 131
Mercantile Library of Philadelphia records, undated.
Box 132
Miscellaneous, including Pennsylvania History Club, undated.
Box 133

Prints and drawings; portraits, undated.
Box 141
Photographs, undated.
Box 143
Photographs and glass plates, undated.
Box 144
Photographs and glass plates, undated.
Box 145
Photographs and glass plates, undated.
Box 145a
Photographs and glass plates, undated.
Box 146
Photographs and glass plates, undated.
Box 146a
Photographs and glass plates, undated.
Box 146b
Photography (glass plates), undated.
Box 147
18 negatives of Chestnut Hill and Germantown, 1916.
Box 147
Photography (glass plates), undated.
Box 148
Photography (glass plates), undated.
Box 148a
Photography (glass plates), undated.
Box 149
Photography (glass plates), undated.
Box 149a
Photography (glass plates), undated.
Box 150
Photography (glass plates), undated.
Box 150a
Various photographs (glass). Henry Clay, undated.
Box 151
Portrait, male (reproduced), undated.
Box 151
Portrait, male (reproduced), undated.
Box 151
Portrait, male (reproduced), undated.
Box 151
Portrait, male (reproduced), undated.
Box 151
Negative of photo of Hannah Ana Zell? (broken), undated.
Box 151
Family photography. James on beach, 1900.
Box 152
Elizabeth & Frances, 1901.
Box 152
Spring on Wissahickon Drive, 1900.
Box 152
Father & Frances, 1901.
Box 152
Woman on bridge, undated.
Box 152
Baby portrait (Frances), undated.
Box 152
Portrait of woman, undated.
Box 152
Man - full-length portrait, undated.
Box 152
Two women, undated.
Box 152
Two girls in a park, undated.
Box 152
Group portrait - two women and a man, undated.
Box 152
Two girls - backs towards camera, undated.
Box 152
Woman - full length portrait, undated.
Box 152
Eight glass negatives, undated.
Box 152
Woman in chair, undated.
Box 152
Two women and child at gate, undated.
Box 152
Child, undated.
Box 153
Houses, undated.
Box 153
Woman in garden, undated.
Box 153
Child, reaching at ivy on wall, undated.
Box 153
Woman and children (2), undated.
Box 153
Woman and dog, undated.
Box 153
Woman and dog, undated.
Box 153
Woman, seated, undated.
Box 153
Dog, undated.
Box 153
Woman and dogs, undated.
Box 153
Woman and dogs, undated.
Box 153
Male in chair, undated.
Box 153
Female and dog, undated.
Box 153
Male and dog, undated.
Box 153
Hand on dog, undated.
Box 153
Woman (broken), undated.
Box 154
Woman and dog, undated.
Box 154
Woman and dog, undated.
Box 154
Women and children, undated.
Box 154
Women and dog, undated.
Box 154
Dog on stool, undated.
Box 154
Portrait, female (Miss gate), undated.
Box 154
Female and dog, undated.
Box 154
Portrait, female, undated.
Box 154
Portrait, female, undated.
Box 154
Portrait, male, undated.
Box 154
Portrait, male at wagon, undated.
Box 154
Male, undated.
Box 154
Women (3) and child in buggy, undated.
Box 154
Portrait, female, undated.
Box 154
Child, undated.
Box 154
Child, undated.
Box 154
Of painting/women, undated.
Box 154
Basketball team, boys and two men, 1913-1914.
Box 154
Basketball team, boys and two men, 1913-1914.
Box 154
House/barn/fence, one female, undated.
Box 154
Aunt Jane, 1901.
Box 155
Ida and Jenny Sag, 1898.
Box 155
Frances - laughing, undated.
Box 155
Frances - laughing, undated.
Box 155
Baby Will and crimson Rambler, undated.
Box 155
Frances and father, undated.
Box 155
Mrs. Raleigh, undated.
Box 155
Frances - back of head, undated.
Box 155
Baby with broom, undated.
Box 155
Frances and fire engine, undated.
Box 155
Frances holding dress, undated.
Box 155
Frances & sweeper, undated.
Box 155
Frances in high chair, undated.
Box 155
Frances in high chair and F. Day, undated.
Box 155
USS Massachusetts, undated.
Box 155
Will, undated.
Box 155
Tents DC, 1900.
Box 155
Sleeping tent, 1900.
Box 155
Group at Chelsea, 1900.
Box 155
Scrapbook of Receipts, undated.
Box 134
Autograph letter, various manuscripts, undated.
Box 135
Newspaper clippings, undated.
Box 136
Miscellaneous, undated.
Box 137
Photo prints of John Campbell "Bookseller in the Locust St. shop", undated.
Box 137
Drawing of S. Weir Mitchell, undated.
Box 137
Political - 22nd ward, Philadelphia, undated.
Box 137
Campbell materials, undated.
Box 137
Miscellaneous clippings, undated.
Box 137
John J. Campbell's drawing of "St. Martin's", undated.
Box 138
Genealogical list of Campbells, Martins, et al., undated.
Box 138
Copper plate by "…Campbell", 1886.
Box 138
Copper plate by "…Campbell", undated.
Box 138
Photographs, prints, portraits (2 binders), undated.
Box 142
Artifact. Bronze/brass sign, "William J. Campbell Bookseller and Publisher", undated.
Box 140
Oversized visual materials, undated.
Box 140
Estate of John J. Campbell. Documents, 1952-1955.
Box 139
James Martin: Speech at Central High School.
Box 139
A. "Pictures/watercolors/estate of James F. Martin.
Box 139
B. "Contributions to Jane Campbell Scholarship Fund, 1914.
Box 139
Campbell/Martin/Jenkins. Documents and letters regarding family estate and sale of property, 1914-1916.
Box 139

Print, Suggest