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Samuel Gordon Smyth scrapbooks
Held at: Conshohocken Historical Society [Contact Us]120 E. 5th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA, 19428
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Conshohocken Historical Society. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Samuel Gordon Smyth was a prominent local historian and genealogist in West Conshohocken, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was born in 1859 to Irish immigrant parents Jonathon Smyth and Elizabeth Ritchie. Committed to community involvement, Samuel G. Smyth was active in the Conshohocken Presbyterian Church, Town Council of West Conshohocken, and Board of Health. He was also a member of lodges of the Free & Active Masons and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Smyth wrote numerous articles and speeches about Conshohocken local and Irish-American history and genealogy, including the book A Genealogy of the Duke-Shepherd-Van Metre Family, from Civil, Military, Church and Family Records and Documents (Lancaster, Pa.: The New Era Printing Company, 1909). He was a member of the Historical Society of Montgomery County and the Bucks County Historical Society. Smyth died in 1930.
Freehafer, Nancy J. "Samuel Gordon Smyth." Montgomery County PAGenWeb. Accessed May 18, 2012.
This collection consists of 18 volumes of newspaper clippings on local, world, political events and stories, especially items pertaining to Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. The date spans of the volumes are listed below:
1882 - Feb 20, 1894
1883 to 1892
April 1895 -May 27, 1899 [vol. 3]
June 1899 - Sept 1900 [vol. 4]
1900-1901 [vol. 6]
1903 - 1905 [vol. 7]
1908 - 1910 [vol. 10]
June 7, 1912 - Dec 1, 1912
Dec 7, 1912 - April 3, 1914
April 3, 1914 to February 28, 1915
Mar 1, 1915 - Sept 1, 1916 [vol. 15]
Jan 1 1919 - Dec 1, 1919
Jan 1 1921 - Oct 15, 1921
Jan 1, 1923 - Aug 27, 1924 [vol. 23/24]
Jan 1, 1929 - Dec 31, 1929 [vol. 29]
Received circa 1975 from William F. Collins.
Summary descriptive information on this collection was compiled in 2011-2012 as part of a pilot project conducted by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania to make better known and more accessible the largely hidden collections of small, primarily volunteer run repositories in the Philadelphia area. The Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories (HCI-PSAR) was funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
This is a preliminary finding aid. No physical processing, rehousing, reorganizing, or folder listing was accomplished during the HCI-PSAR project.
In some cases, more detailed inventories or finding aids may be available on-site at the repository where this collection is held; please contact Conshohocken Historical Society directly for more information.
- Publisher
- Conshohocken Historical Society
- Finding Aid Author
- Finding aid prepared by Celia Caust-Ellenbogen and Michael Gubicza through the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories
- Sponsor
- This preliminary finding aid was created as part of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories. The HCI-PSAR project was made possible by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Access Restrictions
Contact Conshohocken Historical Society for information about accessing this collection.