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The Organosilicon Symposia program and abstracts collection


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Bob West and Don Weyenberg first proposed these meetings in 1967 to honor Makato Kumada, the first Japanese scientist to receive a major ACS award. The meeting was planned to coincide with the spring meeting of the ACS held in Philadelphia PA that year. With the help of Dr. Alan Mac Diarmid, the first of these meetings was held at the University of Pennsylvania. It was so successful that annual meetings were begun to honor each year's winner of the ACS Kipping award. After 1982 the symposia became so popular in its own right that there was no longer any need to link them to the Spring ACS meetings and they became independent events. (written by Bob West).

For a more detailed inventory, please view this record in our library catalog:

This is a collection of program books with abstracts from the yearly meetings of the self sponsored Organosilicon (to 2004) and Silicon (after 2004) Symposias. Program books for the first three meetings (1967-69) are not included in the collection.

Source of acquisition--Curtis L. Schilling, Jr. . Method of acquisition--gift ;; Date of acquisition--2008..

Science History Institute Archives

Collection Inventory

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