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Merion Monthly Meeting Records


Held at: Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Merion Monthly Meeting was established in 1951 by Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting (Hicksite) out of Merion Preparative Meeting at the dissolution of Radnor Monthly Meeting. The monthly meeting was transferred to the newly-formed Haverford Quarterly Meeting in 1955. Merion is currently an active monthly meeting.

Records of Merion Monthly Meeting, 1888-ongoing, as follows: Hicksite and United vital records, 1942-[ongoing]; minutes, 1951-2019; property records, 1891-2001; Hicksite financial records, 1888-1986; and miscellaneous papers. Digital minutes (2001-2009) and newsletters 2021-ongoing also included. Digital files are accessible to TriCollege accounts or on-campus users.


Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Finding Aid Date
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research. Access may be provided via digital or microfilm copy, per repository policy. Digital files are accessible to TriCollege accounts or on-campus users.

Use Restrictions

Copyright has not been assigned to the Repositories All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted to the individual Meeting or its successor. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the Repositories as the holder(s) of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by reader.

Collection Inventory

RG2/Ph/M46 2.1. Marriage correspondence, 1942-1986.
Scope and Contents

Correspondence and other miscellaneous records related to marriages performed under the care of the meeting, 1942-1986.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder

Material Specific Details

Affiliation: Hicksite/United

Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

Biographical / Historical

The Monthly Meeting for Business has responsibility for care of members, authorizes removals and marriages, maintains discipline, considers the queries, manages meeting property, fosters social concerns, and reports regularly to the quarterly meeting. Beginning at the end of the 19th century, men and women ceased to hold separate business meetings, meeting instead in joint session.

RG2/Ph/M46 1.1-1.19. Merion Preparative Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1951). Minutes, 1951-1999, 2017-2019.
Volume 1.1 (1949-1960) Volume 1.10 (1958-1963) Box 1 Box 2
Scope and Contents

Minute books as follows: 3/1951-12/1960, 1/1958-4/1963 (gaps), 6/1963-6/ 1967, 7/1967-6/1971, 7/1971-12/1975, 1/1976-12/1977, 1/1978-12/1981, 1/1982 -6/1985, 9/1985-3/1989 (no minutes for 4,5/1989), 6/1989-6/1993, 1993-1999, 1990-1997 (Clerk's copy), 2017 3mo-2019 2mo (gaps).

Volume for 1951-1960 includes minutes of Merion Preparative Meeting, 1/1949-2/1951. Volume for 1958-63 includes list of members of Merion Preparative Meeting, 1896-1937.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

2 volumes + 17 folders

Material Specific Details

Affiliation: Hicksite/United

Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M. Minutes (digital), 2001-2009 6mo.
Physical Description

(5) digital files (PDF)

Material Specific Details


Biographical / Historical

Committee which had care of the spiritual welfare of the meeting, particularly the meeting for worship. Ministry and Counsel committees were established in 1918 by Hicksite meetings, which no longer designated members as ministers or elders. The predecessor of Ministry and Counsel was the Preparative Meeting of Ministers and Elders.

RG2/Ph/M46 3.1-3.9. Minutes and Related Records, 1941-1984.
Scope and Contents

Minutes and miscellaneous records of the Committee on Worship and Ministry of Merion Friends Meeting, 1958-63, 1941-57, 1957-60, 1960-63, 1963-69, 1969-71, 1977-78, 1971-81/1983-84, 1972-80. Includes minutes of 3/8/67, draft answers to queries, correspondence, and other miscellaneous records. Vol. 1941-57 includes minutes of Ministry and Counsel, Radnor Monthly Meeting, 1938-41. Vol. 1972-80 includes miscellaneous records.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

9 folders

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 3.10. Robert Rosamond File, 1984-1998.
Scope and Contents

Minutes and other records of dealings with the ministry of Robert Rosamond.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 4.1. Property Committee Records, 1970-1983.
Scope and Contents

Correspondence and other miscellaneous papers of the Property Committee of Merion Monthly Meeting, 1970-83.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 4.2. Correspondence concerning property, 1955-1997.
Scope and Contents

Correspondence and miscellaneous reports of Merion Friends Meeting concerning property matters, 1955-97. Includes information concerning the Meeting House Fund, 1955, as well as a report on Preliminary Structural Research done in 1997.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 4.3++. Blueprints and plot plans, 1891-2001.
Scope and Contents

Includes blueprints and plot plans: 1891 (copy), 1949 (set and copy), 1950, 1986, 1999, and abt. 2001 (HABS).

Physical Description

2 oversize folders

Material Specific Details


RG2/Ph/M46 5.1-5.3. Miscellaneous financial Records, 1888-1992.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous financial records of Merion Monthly and Merion Preparative Meetings, 1888-1940, 1942-1961, and 1965-1992.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

3 folders.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 5.4. Trustees Correspondence, 1935-1986.
Scope and Contents

Correspondence of the Trustees of Merion Monthly Meeting, 1935-86.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 6.1. Miscellaneous Records, 1966-1983.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous records of the Beliefs into Action Committee, 1966-83. Includes reports and other papers of a committee formed as a clearing-house for the appeals that come to the meeting.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 6.2. Miscellaneous Records, 1959-1977.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous records of the Committee on Outreach of Merion Friends Meeting. Includes examples of outreach materials and a report of the PYM Inreach/Outreach Gathering at Krisheim, 1977.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 6.3-6.4. Miscellaneous papers, 1926-1960 & 1966-1973.
Scope and Contents

Annual reports and other miscellaneous papers of the Religious Education Committee of Merion Monthly Meeting, 1966-73.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

2 folders

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 6.5. Miscellaneous papers, 1965-1998.
Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 6.6. Miscellaneous papers, 1966-1971.
Scope and Contents

Annual reports and other miscellaneous papers of the Religious Education Committee of Merion Monthly Meeting, 1966-73.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 6.7-6.12. Overseers Records, 1966-1983.
Scope and Contents

Correspondence and other miscellaneous papers of the Overseers of Merion Monthly Meeting, 1966-1983. Also includes minutes: 1953-57, 1957-70, 1970-71/1976-87, 1972-75, and annaul reports, 1958-68.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

6 folders.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.1. Miscellaneous records related to the creation of Merion Monthly meeting, 1934-1954.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous records related to the creation of Merion Monthly Meeting from Radnor, 1934-54. Includes correspondence, drafts, etc.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.2. Samuel J. Bunting Papers, 1922-1961.
Scope and Contents

Binder of miscellaneous papers and reminiscences of Samuel J. Bunting, Jr. concerning Merion Friends Meeting, 1922-1961. Includes research notes on the Welsh in Pennsylvania, notes on visits to First Day Schools, and an original essay on the development of the idea of God.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 volume

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.3. Samuel J. Bunting Correspondence, 1951-1961.
Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.5. Clerk's file, 1965-1984.
Scope and Contents

Notes, reports, agendas, and other papers of the Clerk of Merion Monthly Meeting, 1965-84.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.6. Friends School Records, 1970-1973.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous records of the Merion Friends School, 1970-73. Includes annual reports.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.7-7.8. Guest books, 1949-1961.
Scope and Contents

Guest books, 1949-53 & 1953-61.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

2 v.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.9. Correspondence regarding new Quarterly Meeting, 1951-1955.
Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Merion Monthly Meeting and the Committee on Organic Union concerning quarterly meeting realignment in anticipation of the reunification of the Philadelphia Yearly Meetings in 1955.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.15. Membership statistics, 1967-1970.
Scope and Contents

Membership statistics prepared as part of supplementary queries from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1974-85.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.11. Stuart S. Kurtz Papers, 1975-1983.
Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.12. Miscellaneous documents, 1968-1993.
Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.22-7.23. Miscellaneous Records, 1886-2004.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous records of Merion Monthly Meeting and of its predecessor, Merion Preparative Meeting (Hicksite), 1886-2004. Includes: AFSC, Beliefs Into Action Committee, Committee on a Common Book of Discipline (2), Greater Philadephia Council of Churches, Civilian Public Service, correspondence related to the Welsh Tract deed, Incorporation, lists of members and letter requesting membership (4), miscellaneous, memorials, mortgages held to assist others, visit of Nehru, lists of officers and committee members, posters, Shortlidge papers (5), Welsh meetings, and information on the Waln family.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

25 folders in 2 boxes

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.14. Autobiography of Shigeko Sakamoto Kawano, 2004.
Scope and Contents

Autobiography of Shigeko Sakamoto Kawano, a member of Merion Monthly Meeting.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.24. Historical Records, 1997-2003.
Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

1 folder.

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46 7.16-7.21. Merion Meeting newsletter, 1951-1993 (gaps).
Scope and Contents

Description based on: Fall 1951 issue; title from caption.

Existence and Location of Copies

Available on microfilm in the following location(s):

  1. Swarthmore: No Film
  2. Haverford: No Film
Physical Description

4 folders in 1 box

Material Specific Details


Physical Location

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

RG2/Ph/M46. Merion Meeting newsletter (digital), 2021-2023.
Physical Description

10 PDF files

Print, Suggest