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Alexandria Monthly Meeting Records
Held at: Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College [Contact Us]
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Alexandria Monthly Meeting was set off from Fairfax Monthly Meeting by Fairfax Quarterly Meeting in 8mo 1802. The first meeting was held in 10mo in Alexandria. In 1828, the meeting affiliated with the Hicksite branch of Friends; Orthodox members were attached to Indian Spring Preparative Meeting. The meeting met alternately at Alexandria and Woodlawn starting in 1847, and at Alexandria, Woodlawn, and Washington, D.C. (I Street) starting in 1882. The Alexandria Meeting House was sold in 1885, as membership became centered in the other two meeting locations. Since the creation of the Florida Avenue Meeting (Friends Meeting of Washington, D.C.) in 1930, Alexandria Monthly Meeting has met solely in Woodlawn.
Records of Alexandria Monthly Meeting, 1802-ongoing. Includes men's and joint minutes 1802-1933, 1946-59, 1964-2011 (with a few gaps), women's minutes 1853-77, vital records 1823-1940, Ministers and Elders minutes 1829-1944, financial and property records 1802-1906 and 1933-34, committee records 1927-31. Alexandria Friends Meeting sends its newsletter on a monthly basis, through 2023 is boxed with the collection. Some records sent to the Yearly Meeting were deposited by the General Secretary in 2020.
Divided into series: 1.Men's and Joint Minutes; 2.Women's Minutes; 3.Vital Records; 4.Ministers & Elders; 5.Financial and Property Records; 6.Committee Records; 7.Miscellaneous.
Vol. 1.5, 1.10, 1.11 also contain miscellaneous papers. Vol. 3.2 includes copies of two marriage certificates. Vol 5.1 includes copies of deeds. Vol. 7.1 includes committee lists, financial papers, and an article concerning the meeting becoming a weekly meeting. Vol. 7.3 includes newsletters, calendars, news, and drafts of minutes.
- Publisher
- Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
- Finding Aid Date
- 2005
- Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research. Access may be provided via digital or microfilm copy, per repository policy.
- Use Restrictions
Copyright has not been assigned to the Repository. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted to the individual Meeting or its successor. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the Repositories as the holder(s) of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by reader.
Collection Inventory
Title page marked: "No 1 Record of Minutes Alexandria Monthly Meeting."
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B2
1 vol.; 33.5 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre-Separation
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "No 2 Record of the Minutes of Alexandria Monthly Meeting."
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B2
1 vol.; 32 cm.
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Rough minutes (copied in Minutes, 1828 - 1873)
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B1
1 vol.; 21 cm.
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Rough minutes (copied in Minutes, 1828 - 1873 and Minutes, 1873 - 1916) Note: Rough minutes from 1862 - 1864 are inside of volume (loose).
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B1
1 vol.; 23 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "No. 3 Records. Alexad MMg." Includes misc. papers.
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B1
1 vol.; 33 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Shelf No. 758. Alexandria Monthly Meeting held at Woodlawn & D.C. 1902 to 1906." Rough minutes (copied in Minutes, 1873 - 1916)
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B3
1 vol.; 15 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Shelf No. 759. 1905 -1913. Minutes of Alexandria Monthly Meeting of Friends 1813 I. St. Washington D.C." Rough minutes (copied in Minutes, 1873 - 1916).
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B3
1 vol.; 19.5 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Shelf No. 1914 - 1921 Vol. 4." See also: Minutes, 1873 - 1916
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B3
1 vol.; 20 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Vol 5 Shelf No. 754 1921 - 1925 Alexandria Monthly Meeting."
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B3
1 vol.; 23 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Minutes- Mo. M. Alexandria held in Washington 1925 - 1932 Vol 6." Includes misc. papers.
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B2
1 vol.; 28 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Shelf No. 755. Alexandria Monthly Meeting of Friends Held at Washington D.C. 1931 to 1934 Vol 7." Includes misc. papers. Roll MR-B1 has Minutes, 1925 - 1932 and MR-B3 has Minutes, 1932-1933.
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B1/3
1 vol.; 29 cm.
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Early months are later transcriptions.
Physical Description1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Some months are 1990s typescripts of "original handwritten rough notes" which are not present. 1964-1975 have been digitized and are available online.
Physical Description1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Includes a 2013 transmittal note from Alexandria detailing which years' minutes from 1976-2011 are covered or incomplete.
Physical Description1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
2 folders
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
4 folders
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
5 folders
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Some months include significant appended material, including about work on the Burial Ground, as well as committee reports, member updates, and annual state of the meeting reports.
Physical Description7 folders
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B4 [1860-1882]
1 vol.; 24.5 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Shelf No. Alexandria Monthly Meeting- Women 1862 - 1865" Rough minutes (copied in Women's Minutes, 1853 - 1877).
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B4 [1860-1882]
1 vol.; 20 cm.
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B4
1 vol.; 40.5 cm.
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre-Separation/Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Record of Marriage Certificates and Certificates of Removal at the Alexandria Monthly Meeting." Includes removals sent and received. Includes copies of two marriage certificates (1803, 1806).
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B4
1 vol.; 33.5 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre-Separation/Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Certificates of Removal from Alexandria Monthly Meeting from 5th mo 9th 1883 to Ed. Shoemaker Recorder." Includes removals sent and received.
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B4
1 vol.; 31.5 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
4 PDF files
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B6
1 volume in folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Alexandria- Preparative Meeting Ministers & Elders 1840 - 1844 Shelf No. 761."
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B6
1 vol.; 19.5 cm.
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Minutes Preparative Meeting of Ministers and Elders or Select Meeting of Alexandria Monthly Meeting." Note: Title changed from Ministers and Elders to Ministry and Counsel in 1913.
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B6
1 volume in folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Minutes of Committee of Ministry and Counsel from 6th mo 1934 to 5th mo 1939."
Available on microfilm in the following location:
- Swarthmore: Microfilm MR-B6
1 vol.; 19.5 cm.
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Minutes of Committee of Ministry and Council of Alexandria Monthly Meeting from 8th mo 1939 to May 11 1944."
Physical Description1 vol.; 17.5 cm.
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Cover marked: "Alexandria Mo. Meetg of Women Friends Treasurer's Book"
Physical Description1 vol.; 20 cm
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Title page marked: "Treasurers Book Alexa Mo. Meeting 5/16/85."
This book is extremely fragile; access may not be permissible.
Physical Description1 volume in folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Inside front cover: "Record of the Treasury Friends' First Day School 1811 Eye Street N.W. Washington, D.C. Beginning 9-17-1933"
Physical Description1 volume
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Pre-Separation/Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Includes the annual "financial appeal" to members of Alexandria Monthly Meeting reminding them of the financial obligations of membership.
Physical Description1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Two loose papers related to the Woodlawn Burial Ground
Physical Description1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: Hicksite
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Herbert S. Lewis's files from his period as Alexandria Monthly Meeting clerk. Includes member-related correspondence, committee reports (predominantly the Advisory Committee, the Goodwill Committee, and Ministry and Counsel), treasurer's reports, and committee charges.
Physical Description1 folder
Fredericksburg Worship Group in Fredericksburg, Virginia, was under the care of Alexandria Monthly Meeting, first as a worship group (by 1990) and then later as Fredericksburg Preparative Meeting in 1995.
Physical Description1 folder
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
10 PDF files
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Includes Vol. XII No. 7 (9 mo 1993)- ongoing. Includes newsletter, calendar, news, and draft of minutes.
Physical Description1 box
Material Specific DetailsAffiliation: United
Physical LocationFriends Historical Library of Swarthmore College