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Sandi E. Cooper Reference and Peace History Collection


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The items in this collection are copies of documents from Italien libraries and archives and were gathered by historian Sandi E. Cooper. The copies were utilized by her for research and publications on the emergence of information around Italian peace organizations in the 1800s. Some of the documents also contain research notes written by Cooper. There are also two folders of correspondence between Cooper and historian Irwin Abrams.

The collection primarily contains photocopies of documents on European peace history from European libraries and handwritten notes by donor.

This collection remains in the order in which it was donated.

The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is the official repository for these papers/records.

Gift of Sandi Cooper, December 2015.

This finding aid produced by Grace Baker, December 2015; and Rose See, Wendy Chmielewski, October 2017.

Original Italian peace pamphlets from various organizations; added to other SCPC collections.

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Finding Aid Author
Wendy E. Chmielewski
Finding Aid Date
November 2016
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research use.

All or part of this collection is stored off-site. Contact Swarthmore College Peace Collection staff at at least two weeks in advance of visit to request boxes.

Copyright may have been transferred to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection or may have been retained by the creators/authors (or their descendants), in this collection, as stipulated by United States copyright law. Please contact the SCPC Curator for further information.
Use Restrictions


Collection Inventory

Letter from Irwin Abrams, 2004.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Historical Association Honoring Irwin Abrams, no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Bibliographies , no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Biographical notes - mainly French, no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Biographical materials - Swiss, Belgian, Dutch , no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Biographical materials - German, Austian, Czech, Russian , no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Articles , no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]

[2 folders]

Conference Programs, no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Jean de Bloc Notes, no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Biographical materials - Britain, Spain, Italy, no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Miscellaneous Illustrations, no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Herald of Peace, assorted copies, no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Marquis de la Rouchefoucauld, Liancourt, (1820s).
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Jean-Jacques, comte de Sellon, no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]

[4 folders]

London Peace Society description in French and 'Olivier, no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Mid-century Peace Congresses-minutes and other notes, 1843-1848.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Paris congress, Proceedings, 1849.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Mid-century Peace Congresses, 1859-1853.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Articles - De Giradin and Bara on mid century congresses, no date.
Box 1 [offsite SCPC-5550]
Victor Hugo- on internationalism, no date.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
Geneva Peace Congress Ligue Internationale de Ia Paix et de Ia Liberte, 1867.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]

[2 folders]

First International and 2 articles on Federation, 1867.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
Ligue Internationale - Lausanne, (1869, 1871).
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
Ligue Internationale Resolutions speech, 1893.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
Les Etats-Unis d'Europe,scattered copies, 1867-1869.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]

[2 folders]

Lemmonier, Charles and Elisa Biographical materials, no date.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
Ligue lnternationale Writings, no date.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
France Passy Societe, Almanach de la Paix, Societe francaise pour l'arbitrage entre nations, Workman's Peace Association (London), 1871-1872.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
Peace Congress in Paris, 1878.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
Edmond Potonie-Pierre including his History of the Peace Movement, no date.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
Gaudin's Le Devoir, 1886-1887.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
International Law Associations, no date.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
Brussels Conference- International Artibtration Association, 1882.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
Miscellaneous Articles, militarism notes, (1877, 1886, 1887 ).
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
International Peace Bureau - minutes of congresses, speeches, police reports (Paris), 1889-1912.
Box 2 [offsite SCPC-5551]
International Peace Bureau- copies of original documents, correspondence and lists of members, 1892.
Box 2 [SCPC-5551]
Bureau international de Ia paix, Correspondance autographiee.
Box 2 [SCPC-5551]
Scope and Contents

(4 folders) copies of handwritten bulletin of the International Peace Bureau

Bureau international de Ia paix documents on its organization and functioning, 1890's.
Box 2 [SCPC-5551]
Universal Peace Congress Proceedings, 1907-1908.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Universal Peace Congress Proceedings, 1909-1910.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Universal Peace Congress Proceedings, notes, 1912-1913.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Bureau international de Ia paix, Crisis5, 1914-1915.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Peace Movement and Nationalism.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Peace Essays France, up to 1914.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Scope and Contents

(2 folders)

Interparliamentary Union, 1889-1991.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Intcrparliamentary Union, 1894-1896.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Interparliamentary Union, 1899-1914.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
La Conjerence interparlementaire, 1893.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Interparliamentary Union Correspondence, scattered 1892-1912.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Interparliamentary Union Meetings, 1912, 1914.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Interparliamentary Union Crisis, 1914.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
Association "La Paix par le Droit" Origins5, 1893-1895.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
La Paix par le Droit, 1896-1897.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
La Paix par le Droit, 1889-1902.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
La Paix par le Droit, 1902-1903.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
La Paix par le Droit, 1904-1906.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
La Paix par le Droit, 1907-1908.
Box 3 [SCPC-5552]
La Paix par le Droit general information.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
French Peace Movements.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
French Peace Congress Minutes, 1902-1904.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Scope and Contents

(2 folders)

French Peace Congress Minutes, 1908-1911.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Scope and Contents

(2 folders)

French Peace Congress Minutes, plus various police reports, 1913.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Papers of Henri la Fontaine (Mundanium - Brussels).
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Belgian National Peace Conress, 1913.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
National peace Congresses, miscellaneous notes - Germany, Great Britain.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
La paix, Swiss Peace Journal.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
The Peace Movement Geneva, 1912 and after.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Conciliation Internationale, 1912 and after.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Peace Writers and the 1899 Hague Conference, 1899.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Scope and Contents

(2 folders)

Peace Movement and Workers.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Arbitration and the Hague, 1907.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Frédéric Passy, Bio-notes, writings, correspondence.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Passy - notes from Guy Toledano.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Scope and Contents


French Catholic Peace Society.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Gaston Moch.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Congrés des Sciences Politiques.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Monaco Peace Institute.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Arms Limitation.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Teachers' Meetings and Peace Issues.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Ferdinand Buisson on Peace.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Miscellaneous Peace Periodicals - Part 1.
Box 4 [SCPC-5553]
Miscellaneous Peace Periodicals - Part 2.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
Fried/Novicow Letters.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
Peace Articles, pre-1914.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
Peace Articles, pre-1914.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
Mazzini on Peace.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
Garibaldi on Peace and correspondence.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
Italian Peace Movement, Lega della Pace, 1869-1880.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
National Peace Congress, Rome, 1889.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
Italian Peace Movement Pamphlets, 1880's - 1913.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
Scope and Contents

(2 folders)

Italian Peace Meetings, 1880s- 1904.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
Miscellaneous notes- Edoardo Giretti, Turin Peace Society.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale and scattered others, 1898.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale - selections, 1899.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale, 1900.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale, 1901.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale, 1902.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale, 1903.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale, 1904.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale, 1905.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale, 1906.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale, 1907.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita lnternazionale, 1908.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita lnternazionale, 1909.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale, 1910.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazionale, 1911.
Box 5 [SCPC-5554]
La Vita Internazional, 1912.
Box Acc. 2016-090: 1 [SCPC-5555]
La Vita Internazionale, 1913.
Box Acc. 2016-090: 1 [SCPC-5555]
La Vita Internazionale, 1914.
Box Acc. 2016-090: 1 [SCPC-5555]
La Vita Internazionale, 1915.
Box Acc. 2016-090: 1 [SCPC-5555]
Miscellaneous Post-War Italian Peace Review, La Vita Internazionale, 1918, 1930.
Box Acc. 2016-090: 1 [SCPC-5555]
Miscellaneous Societa per la Pace e la Giustizia Internazionale.
Box Acc. 2016-090: 1 [SCPC-5555]
Miscellaneous Peace Articles, especially the 1911 Italian-Turkish War, 1911.
Box Acc. 2016-090: 1 [SCPC-5555]
List of European resources on mcrofilm.
Box Acc. 2016-090: 1 [SCPC-5555]

Print, Suggest