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Society of Friends Collected Peace Materials


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The material in this collection was gathered from various sources and reflects an eclectic mix of writings by and about Quakers in the 19th and 20th centuries. Quaker peace material was often removed from the Friends Historical Library at Swarthmore College, and given to the Peace Collection; however, this is no longer necessarily true, and scholars should consult FHL for other, and/or more, recently donated material.

This material was formerly in 6 boxes. Boxes 7-9 contained material from the Philadelphia Peace Association of Friends and the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Arch Street), which was transferred to the Friends Historical Library in 1981. This material was microfilmed before its transferal and is available on reel 83:5.

The collection was microfilmed by Alpha Systems in May 1979 under N.E.H. Grant #RC-27706-77-739.

Guide to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 2nd ed., p. 65.

The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is the official repository for these records.

This collection is available on microfilm (reels 83.1-83.5). Microfilm is available on-site by appointment and through interlibrary loan from the Swarthmore College Peace Collection.

Collected from various sources.

Collection re-processed and checklist revised by Anne Yoder in May, 2003.

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research use.

All or part of this collection is stored off-site. Contact Swarthmore College Peace Collection staff at at least two weeks in advance of visit to request boxes.

Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendents, as stipulated by United States copyright law.

Collection Inventory

Newsclipping "Thoughts on Quaker Opposition to Militia Law" by "A Volunteer" for The American Sentinel, 1827.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Reflections on Peace and War" by John Jackson, 1946.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Considerations Reflecting the Lawfulness of War Under the Gospel Dispensation", 1948.
Reel 83:1
Leaflet (4 p.) "War; The Great Crime of Our Civilization" by L.K. Joslin, ca. 1849?.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Broadside "At a Meeting for Sufferings Held by Adjournment at Providence, the 24th of 3d. MC., 1863", 1863.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Memorial to Legislature of Virginia. Issued by the Religious Society of Friends, at Their Half Yearly Meeting Held at Richmond, 10th M. 5th, 1863", 1863.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "An Appeal for the Rights of Conscience" (No. 72), 1863.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "An Account of the Sufferings of Friends of North Carolina Yearly Meeting in Support of Their Testimony Against War from 1861 to 1865", 1868.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Scripture Testimony on Peace", 1865.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "William Penn's Plan for the Peace of Europe".
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "William Penn, the Founder of Philadelphia and His Government", 1876.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "A Visit to the Battlefields Around Paris", 1876.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Christ, The Prince of Peace", 1876.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Conscript Quakers", 1883.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The War Demon" by John Hemmenway, 1885.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "War, An Unnecessary Evil Forbidden by Scripture!", 1886.
Reel 83:1
Reprint from The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography "The Attitude of the Quakers in the Provincial Wars: Introduction and Notes by Charles J. Stille", 1886.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "An Address of the Representatives of the Religious Society of Friends . . . on the Subject of War", 1887.
Reel 83:1
Leaflet (4 p.) "War and Its Burdens: A paper read before the Friends' Union for Philanthropic Labor, at Lincoln, Va., Eighth mo. ___, 1892, by John J. Janney", 1892.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Can a Christian be a Soldier?" by John Ashworth, 1894.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The 'Arm of the Lord' and the 'Arm of Flesh'" by Harriet Knight, 1889.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "A Remonstrance Against the Spirit of War", 1895.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "An Appeal to Professing Christians. . . in Regard to War", 1896.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Militarism, or Military Fever: Its Causes, Dangers and Cure" by Richard H. Thomas, 1899.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Leaflet "Circular for Superintendents of Friends' First-Day Schools", 1890-1899.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1

Leaflet (2 p.) "War on Christian Principles" (No. 4).
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Serious Thoughts for Thinking People" [title inside is "American Militarism" by Edward Berwick].
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Why Not Fight?" by Horace C. Spangler.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Friends and the War" by Wilson S. Doan.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Leaflet (1 p.) "Think Straight".
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Leaflet (1 p.) "Hymn of Peace".
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Attitude of Christians as to Peace and War".
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Present Position of the International Peace Movement" by Benjamin Trueblood.
Reel 83:1

Pamphlet "A Plea on Behalf of Peace", 1900.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "An Appeal to Christians Regarding Militarism" by William C. Allen, 1901.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Blood of the Nation: Abstract of an Address Given at Stanford University, May 9, 1900. By David Starr Jordan", 1901.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "An Inquiry Into the Suppression of the Anti-War Views of John Wiclif", 1901.
Reel 83:1
Scope and Contents

On Library catalog as "Wiclif's Anti-War Views."

Pamphlet "From City and State, Philadelphia, January 2, 1902, 'By Way of Manila'", 1902.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "A Memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Relative to the Establishment of an International Congress", 1903.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
1 p. invitation to a "Meeting in Behalf of Peace, Friends Meeting House, New York City", 1904.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Report of the Peace Association of Friends in Philadelphia, 1904.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Teacher as a Missionary of Peace", 1904.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Daniel Webster's Experience", 1904.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Sacredness of Human Life", 1905.
Reel 83:1
Report of the Peace Association of Friends in Philadelphia, 1905.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Higher Education and Peace", 1905.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Report of the Peace Association of Friends in Philadelphia, 1906.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Foundation of True Prosperity: Individual and National", 1906.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Grotius: A Study from the Seventeenth Century", 1906.
Reel 83:1
Report of the Peace Association of Friends in Philadelphia, 1907.
Reel 83:1
Handwritten minutes of public meeting held at Friends School, with Jesse H. Holmes as speaker, 1910-11-14T00:00:00+00:00.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Leaflet (4 p.) "Program and Topics for Peace Meetings", 1908.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Leaflet "The Star-Spangled Banner of Peace" by Julia S. Tutwiler, 1911.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Minister and the Peace Question", 1911.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Quakers as Makers of America", 1911.
Reel 83:1
"Forty-Third Annual Report of the Peace Association of Friends in America", 1912.
Reel 83:1
Leaflet (4 p.) "Suggestions for Peace Programs in Schools, Colleges and Other Peace Meetings" (2nd ed.), 1913.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Announcement "Great Armies and Great Navies Cause War...", 1914.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The War in Europe: What is the Duty of the Christian Citizen?", 1914.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Hope for Permanent Peace", 1914.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Why We Should Not Increase Our Armaments", 1915.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "War and Peace: A Course of Twelve Lessons Arranged by the Philadelphia Peace Association of Friends", 1915.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Militarism: The Curse of the Nations", 1915.
Reel 83:1
Leaflet (1 p.) "An Open Letter to Theodore Roosevelt", 1915 (September 3).
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Article from Literary Digest "English Quakerdom's War-Ordeal", 1915 (August 7).
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Results of Preparedness", 1915.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "The Lesson of the Hundred Years of Peace", 1915.
Reel 83:1
Song on card "On Earth Peace", 1915.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "What Is a Pacifist" by Jesse H. Holmes, 1916.
Reel 83:1
Leaflet "To the Women of the United States", 1916.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Leaflet "Squaring Ourselves With the Public", 1917.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Leaflet "Swarthmore Ideals", 1917.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
"Report of American Commissions of the Conference of Friends: The Fundamental Basis of the Peace Testimony. Being Report of Commission I" from the American Friends Service Committee, 1919.
Reel 83:1
Pamphlet "Friends and World Reconstruction" by S. Edgar Nicholson, 1919.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Newsclipping "Friends to Send Unit of 100 Men to France;" newsclipping "Women Plan Relief Work as War 'Bit'", 1917 (June 5).
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Newsclipping "Message of the Five Years Meeting of Friends in America", 1917.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Newsclipping / letter to the Editor "More Light on Coatesville" by L. Hollingsworth Wood, 1917.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Newsclipping "Haverford Explains Action: College Tells Why It Will Have No Military Unit";.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Newsclipping / letter to the Editor "Two Kinds of Pacifists: John Russell Hayes Replies to a Critic of His London Grove Poem".
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Address by William Lloyd Garrison Jr. "Non-resistance a Better Defence Than Armies and Navies", 1908 (June 6).
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1

Whitewater (Indiana) Quarterly Meeting Peace Committee: notebook of meeting minutes; other meeting minutes and reports; miscellaneous, 1887-1915.
Reel 83:1
Scope and Contents

Whole folder given to Friends Historical Library.

Baltimore Yearly Meeting: letters to/from William Wood for the Committee on Peace and Arbitration; reports of the Philanthropic Committee, 1897-1925.
Reel 83:1
Scope and Contents

Whole folder given to Friends Historical Library.

Friends National Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA), 1915-1919.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA), 1915-.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): pamphlet "Do Large Armaments Provoke War?" by Charles E. Jefferson, 1916?.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Pamphlet "Peace Man or War Man".
Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Announcement re: Study Circle on International Problems.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Pamphlet "What is a Pacifist?".
Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Pamphlet "The Basis of a Peace Conviction: Reached by a Study Group of Young Friends", 1915 (July).
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Announcement re: Forum on International Problems, 1916.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Announcement re: Forum on International Problems, undated.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Newsclipping of article "City Army Forming as Local Pacifists Invade Washington", 1916.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Pamphlet "Some Friends' Attitude Toward Peace", 1917.
Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Typescript letter to the Editor "The Horrors of War An Appeal for Peace No Matter What the Injury" for the "Philadelphia Public Ledger", 1917 (February 25).
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Typescript letter to the Editor "As the Clouds Lower" for the "Johnstown Democrat", 1917 (March 2).
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Pamphlet "Why Go to War?".
Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Pamphlet "Peace and Justice" by Jesse H. Holmes.
Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Pamphlet "Universal Compulsory Military Training: Why the United States Should Say 'No'", 1919.
Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Pamphlet "Prepare for Peace: Declarations and Recommendations Set Forth by a Committee of Citizens Who Are Men of Prominence in Six Different Churches in the Borough of Media, Pa.".
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Leaflet (1 p.) "Here Go Good Fathers to Kill Other Good Fathers. Do You Believe in This?".
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Peace Committee (Philadelphia, PA): Leaflet (1 p.) "Keep Cool! Is There Danger of Invasion? 'Preparedness' What For?".
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
H.M. Lippincott: miscellaneous papers, 1914-1919.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Quakers and war [Haverford meetings, etc.], 1917-1918, undated.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:1
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting: Peace Committee -London Conf. delegates' meetings and reports, 1920.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Philadelphia Yearly Meetings (Arch St. and Race St.): Joint Committee on Message to the Churches, 1922-1923.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Philadelphia Yearly Meetings: joint projects, 1917-.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "What is a Pacifist" by Jesse H. Holmes, 1916.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "How to Preserve Fellowship and Right Understanding Between Japan and the United States" by Robert E. Speer, 1917.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Case for Mexico" by Hon. Luis Cabrera, 1917.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "An Appeal to Our Friends".
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Peace Conference of All Friends", 1920.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Peace Committees of Race Street and Arch Street Yearly Meeting, 1925-10-14T00:00:00+00:00.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
"Conscience and Citizenship: A Statement by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), 1930.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "From a Conference of Friends on Conscription: Statement and Action Program", 194_.
Reel 83:2
Philadelphia Yearly Meetings: Emergency Service Committees, 1914-1917.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
New York Yearly Meeting Peace Committee: Correspondence -letters to/from Edward Thomas, 1916-1920.
Reel 83:2
Scope and Contents

Whole folder given to Friends Historical Library.

New York Yearly Meeting: Peace Committee, 1916-1931.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Hope for Permanent Peace", 1914.
Reel 83:2
Form letters from Edward Thomas.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Central Peace Council (Philadelphia, PA), 1921.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Speakers Bureau, 1938.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Peace committees of various yearly/monthly meetings, 1927.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
New York Yearly Meeting / Monthly Meeting: peace committees, 1901-1928.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Friends International Disarmament Council, 1921-1922.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2
Peace statements of various Friends meetings/groups, 1915-.
Box 1 [SCPC-2225] Reel 83:2

Pamphlet "The Quaker Challenge to a World of Force" by Elbert Russell, 192_.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Suggestions for Peace Programs in Schools, Colleges and Other Peace Meetings," (5th ed.), 1926.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Regarding Military Training at Universities" by Walter C. Longstreth (2nd ed.), 1926.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Patriotism" by Jesse H. Holmes, 1925.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Exhibit on Friendship Between Nations Sesqui-Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania", 1926.
Reel 83:2
Newsclipping "Friends Explain Amusement Stand': newsclipping "War Leads Barton to Quit Friends"; newsclipping "Friends Appeal to the President".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Practical Disarmament Suggestions".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Compulsory Military Service: Should America Adopt It?".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Some Aspects of the Quaker Faith" by R. Barclay Moon.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Christian Weapons" by B.F. Whitson.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "You Can Assist in Limiting Armaments. Will You?".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "The Disarmament Conference A Step Toward Permanent Peace".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "'The Next War'" by Will Irwin.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The President's Invitation to the Disarmament Conference", 1921.
Reel 83:2
Leaflet "What American Militarism Costs!", 1921.
Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Thought", 1920.
Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Letter to the Church Peace Union, Committee on Reduction of Armaments from General Tasker H. Bliss, former Chief of Staff", 1921.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Our Faith and the Cause of War", 1920.
Reel 83:2
Reprint? of article "The First Step in the American Program for Permanent Peace: Ground Arms!" from "Friends Intelligencer", (November 5).
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Christian Substitute for Force: Condensation of Address Delivered by Elbert Russell at New York City, April the Tenth", 1921.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Christendom for a Warless World: To the Churches of Christ in All Countries. An Appeal from the Philadelphia Yearly Meetings of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Newsclipping "Church Peace Letter" from "The Friend", 1923 (May 31).
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Proposed Program (In Part) for Dr. Henry T. Hodgkin", 1923.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Lesson of the Hundred Years of Peace" by Anna Allen Pratt (2nd ed.), 1922.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Suggestions for Peace Programs in Schools, Colleges and Other Peace Meetings" (3rd ed.), 1922.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Suggestions for Peace Programs in Schools, Colleges and Other Peace Meetings" (4th ed.), 1924.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflets "We Must End War".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "A Better Way", 1922.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Text of Faith: An Experience With the Kurds. A Chapter in Non-Resistance" by Edward Richards, 1923.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "America Speaks as a Friend of France: An Address on the Situation in Europe by J. Henry Scattergood of Philadelphia at Institute of Politics, Williamstown, Mass.", 1923-08-16T00:00:00+00:00.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "A Gateway to Goodwill", 1924.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "An Unarmed State (From "Christ Triumphant" by A. Maude Royden)".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Newsclipping "Peace Notes Prepared for the Peace Committee by Richard R. Wood" from "The Friend", 1924 (June 12).
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Friends and World Relations: Nine Study Outlines in Applied Christianity".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Facing a Kurdish Raid".
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet Series "Tales from Quaker Trails": "A Tale of Paths That Lead to Peace"; "A Half-Dozen Tales From Far-a-way Lands"; "Type-Told Tales"; "Home Spun Tales from Homeland Trails"; "Blazers of the Trails and Other Tales"; "Keepers of the Quaker Trails".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Peace and Justice" by Jesse H. Holmes, 1924.
Reel 83:2

Leaflet "The Position of the Society of Friends in Regard to War", 1925.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Christianity and War" by E. Vipont Brown, 1925.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Regarding Military Training at Universities" by Walter C. Longstreth, 1925.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Suggestions for Peace Programs in Schools, Colleges and Other Peace Meetings" (6th ed.), 1927.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Friends & War: A New Quaker statement of the Quaker Position Adopted by the Conference of All Friends, 1920", 1927.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "You Can Help Too!".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "As Yourself These Questions".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Christianity and War" by E. Vipont Brown, 1927.
Reel 83:2
Announcement for "The New Peace: A Quaker Attempt to Face Some of the Problems Involved" at Woolman School, Swarthmore (PA), 1925 (June 29 - August 8).
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Statement "Message of Young Friends", 1929.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Shall I Shoot" (No. 17-E), 1928.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Facing a Kurdish Raid" (No. 18-E), 1928.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Work of Committee on Peace and Service", 1928-1929.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "A Syllabus of Conference Topics: Questions Proposed for Consideration at the Sessions of the Five Years Meeting, October 18-24, 1927", October 18-24, 1927.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Peddling Peace in Pennsylvania" by Elizabeth Cope Scattergood, 1928.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Book List" compiled for the Friends' Free Library of Germantown, 1928.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Quaker Peace Caravan".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "William Penn's Holy Experiment in Civil Government" by Benjamin Trueblood, 1929.
Reel 83:2
Leaflet "The Loom of Friendship [A Pageant]", 1929.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "The Rosika Schwimmer Case: A Statement by the Representative Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends of Philadelphia and Vicinity", 1929.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Story of the Christ of the Andes" (10th ed.), 1929.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "American Experiments in Disarmament and the London Conference of 1930", 1929.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "the League of Nations' Tenth Birthday".
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Story of the Christ of the Andes" (6th ed.), 1925.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Story of the Christ of the Andes" (7th ed.), 1926.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Story of the Christ of the Andes" (8th ed.), 1927.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Story of the Christ of the Andes" (9th ed.), 1927.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Military Training: Some Opinions of Experts in Physical Training", 1926.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2

Pamphlet "International 'Sanctions'" by William Hull.
Reel 83:2
Leaflet "A Summary of the Case Against Military Training in Schools".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Call to action postcard from the Peace Committee of Friends, Moorestown (New Jersey).
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "American Militarism".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "For the Consideration of Friends: A Survey of the Society" by Harold Chance.
Reel 83:2
Leaflet "'Preparedness'".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "the Fairest Page in American History: The Great Treaty".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Why Not War?".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "The Sign on the Door".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Certificates for Honorable Mention and for Reward of Merit for writing an essay on "What Education Can Do for World Peace" awarded by the Friends' Peace Committee, Berkeley (CA).
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "A Study of the Teaching of Christ on Peace and War" by Roy Van Deman.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Cost of Wars".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Righteousness and War" by Benjamin Trueblood.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Christian Considers Those Who Are in Prison for Conscience' Sake".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Card "Ten Commandments for the Nations".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet with poem "Pennsylvania" by E. Oram Lyte.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "World Peace".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "The Text of Penn's Treaty With the Indians".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Think!".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Penn's Plans for Pennsylvania".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Peace vs. Defense in 1812" [excerpt from the Journal of Quaker Joseph Hoag].
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Disarmament: The Next Logical Step".
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The More Excellent Way".
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Who Are the Quakers" by Jesse H. Holmes.
Reel 83:2
Card "A Clause in the Naval Bill".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Quakerism Faces the Future" by Jane P. Rushmore.
Reel 83:2
Leaflet "William Penn's Maxims".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Bulletin no. 66, American Friends Service Committee "The Biblical Basis of Friends' Opposition to War" by Wilbur K. Thomas.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Education for International Goodwill".
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "A New Freedom" by J. Paul J. Williams.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "Peace and Justice" by Jesse H. Holmes.
Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "The Ogre That Played Jackstraws".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "You Can Assist in Limiting Armaments. Will You?".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "We Must End War".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Charles Sumner's Tribute to William Penn".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Flyer "Peace Pamphlets".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "Dr. Sargent on Military Drill".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Leaflet "A Message from the Religious Society of Friends [Quakers] in America".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Card "The Work of the Peace Committee".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
"Report of the Social Order Committee to the Yearly Committee".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "A Message for Friends" by Jonathan C. Pierce.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "From Out the Guardhouse By One of the Twenty-One".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:2
Pamphlet "A Primer of the Peace Movement".
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "America's Duty to the War-Burdened World, from a Sermon by Rev. Edward Cummings, on the Russian Famine, at the South Congregational Church, Boston, March 3, 1907".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Why We Should Not Increase Our Armaments", 1915.
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "'The Next War'" by Will Irwin.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "An Unarmed State (From "Christ Triumphant" by A. Maude Royden)".
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Friends' Peace Testimony in War and Peace".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "What Is Your Verdict? A Survey of Public Opinion on the Meaning of Citizenship" by the Moorestown Quest (New Jersey).
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "What Can I Do for Peace? An Appeal to Teachers" by Frederick J. Libby.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "To Save Your Children From This -Make the World Court Effective!".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Which Shall It Be? This -Or World Peace Through Law?".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Reconstructing Our World".
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Prison Testimony Today".
Reel 83:3
Announcement "Community Armistice Celebration".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The Christian Substitute for Force: Condensation of Address Delivered by Elbert Russell at New York City, April the Tenth, 1921", 1921.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "A New Pattern of Patriotism" by S. Emily Parker.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "School Exhibit Projects".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "What American Militarism Costs!", 1921.
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Suggestions for the Celebration of Pennsylvania Day".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Where Shall a Conscientious Objector to Military Service Draw the Line?" by Vincent D. Nicholson.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The Costs of War".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "The American Program for Permanent Peace".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Some Racial Contributions to America: A Study Outline for Secondary Schools in Connection With American History or Problems of Our Democracy" by Rachel David-DuBois.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Mobilize for Peace".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The Goal of Democracy or the Road to Prosperity and Peace".
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "American Militarism".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "The Christ of the Andes" by Frederick Lynch.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Suggested Selections for Programs for Armistice Day, Good-Will Day and Other Peace Day s...".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Friends and World Relations".
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Fierce Feathers: A Story for Children" by L. Violet Hodgkin.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Six Study Outlines for Young Friends of Today".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Christian! Stop and Think" by Murray S. Kenworthy, 1939.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Local Action for Peace".
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Do You Believe This?".
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "The Sign on the Door".
Reel 83:3
Draft statement "An Appeal from the Peace Movement of the United States to the People of Japan" [re: Manchuria].
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Program announcement "After Election -What?".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Some Texts from the Bible Concerning Peace" by the American Interracial Peace Committee.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "A Ride Toward War Paint".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "American Interracial Peace Committee".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The Pact of Paris 1228-1933".
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Peace Methods in the Far East".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Ancestors of the Opponents of the League of Nations: History Repeats Itself".
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "A Show Is a League of Nations".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "'For My Part I Will Not Go to War'" by Peter Ainslie.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "The Issue, Mr. President, is Chivalry!" by Hubert C. Herring.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Friends's Peace Committee".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "War and the Bible".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The Quaker Challenge to a World of Force" by Elbert Russell.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Educational Experts on Military Training for American School Boys".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "'Preparedness'".
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "The Eagle and the Beaver".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "the Fairest Page in American History: The Great Treaty".
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "War Makes Hard Times" by Clair Wilcox.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "International 'Sanctions'" by William Hull.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The United States vs. Pringle".
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "The Treaty is Broken".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Quakers and War" by Janet Whitney.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Christianity as Friends See It".
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Military Training for School Boys Does America Want It? A Symposium".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Widening Ways of Peace" by Lucy Meacham Thruston.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "A Ride Toward War Paint".
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "Fierce Feathers".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "The More Excellent Way".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Rights of Conscience".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The Quaker Message for Our Time" by Horace A. Eaton.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Quaker Reasons for Total Disarmament".
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "A Quaker Marine on Four Fronts" by Loren J. Talbert.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "The Walking Purchase".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Drama "Breaker of Walls: a Fantasy".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Your Town and the World: A World Independence Exhibit. How to Arrange One in Your Home Town!".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Typescript "Testimony of the Society of Friends Against All War".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "What Do We Believe? An Address Delivered at Friends' Board School, Barnesville, Ohio, by Jesse Edgerton".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Typescript "Quakers in World War I" by Marjorie Hyer [re: war relief].
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3

Flyer "The Paris Pact" by John O'H. Harte.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Flyer "The Rush-Bagot Agreement" by Anna D. White.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Flyer "How a Doll Saved a War" by W. Evans Darby.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Postcard announcements "Race Street Forum", 1931.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Vocational Christian Pacifism" by Elton Trueblood.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "War and the Arms Parley".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "'For My Part I Will Not Go to War'" by Peter Ainslie.
Reel 83:3
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "'Friends': A Statement Compiled by Alfred W. Wright From Various Sources", 1934.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Peace Action Methods Written for Busy People" by Esther Holmes Jones, 1937.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The Theory and Practice of Quaker Missions" by Elton Trueblood.
Reel 83:3
Leaflet "A Message from the Peace Caravaners", 1935.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Leaflet "A Quaker Marine on Four Fronts" by Loren J. Talbert.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlets: Commission Reports from Friends World Conference, 1937 (I. "The Spiritual Message of the Religious Society of Friends"; II. "The Individual Christian and the State"; III. "Methods of Achieving Economic, Racial and International Justice"; IV. "Friends Contribution to Education; V. "International Co-operation of Friends"), 1937.
Reel 83:3
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Flyer "Present Practical Steps Toward Peace", 1938.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Christianity as Friends See It" by Edward Rawson.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "What Is Truth? A Message to Students" by Jesse H. Holmes.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Religious Platform of the Quakers" by Stephen Rushmore.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Peace Action Methods Written for Busy People" by Esther Holmes Jones, 1938.
Reel 83:3
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
"Trend of World Affairs" by Lucy Meacham Thruston, 1938 (November 26) - 1939 (June 12).
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3

Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Peace Study Outline: Problems of Applied Pacifism", 1941.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The Conscientious Objector Under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940", 1940.
Reel 83:3
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Pacifist Living Today and Tomorrow".
Reel 83:3
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Friends and Community Service in War and Peace" by Arthur Dunham.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The Quaker Peace Testimony: Condensed from Original Statements", 1942.
Reel 83:3
Scope and Contents

Title on cover is "War and the Early Friends."

Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Looking Toward the Peace".
Reel 83:3
Flyer from Friends Temperance Association.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "We Are At War" by George Barton Cutten, 1942.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "A Plan for a Parliament of Nations by William Penn 1644-1718. Three Hundredth Anniversary 1944", 1944.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "The Beloved Community" by Franklin Briggs [from CPS Camp Coshocton], 1942.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Is Your Community Organized for Social Service".
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "A Letter from the Representative Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends", 1942.
Reel 83:3
Pamphlet "Peace Testimony of the Religious Society of Friends: A Statement Issued by the Representative Meeting.... Third Month, 1942", 1942.
Reel 83:3
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:3

Pamphlet "Future Fundaments" by Amos J. Peaslee, Phi Beta Kappa Address, Swarthmore College, 1943 (May 30).
Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Building Tomorrow . . . Some Quaker Explorations", 1943.
Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "A Call to Peace Now: A Message to the Society of Friends" by Dorothy Hutchinson, 1943.
Reel 83:4
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "The Philosophy of Quaker Service" by Rufus M. Jones, 1939.
Reel 83:4
Leaflet "A Statement to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco, April 1945", 1945.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Friends' Peace Testimony in War and Peace: Arranged in Four Lessons for Young Peoples' Organizations in the Religious Society of Friends", 1945.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "The Joint Committee of the Society of Friends for Montgomery and Buck Counties," ["A Plea for Unity].
Reel 83:4
Miscellaneous material.
Box 2 [SCPC-2226] Reel 83:4

Miscellaneous material.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Education by Exposure" by David Richie, ca. 1947.
Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "'In Apprehension How Like a God!'" by Bayard Rustin, ca. 1948.
Reel 83:4
Leaflet "The Conscientious Objector and the Draft" by Ernest Kurkjian.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Leaflet "Statement of Our Position on War and Peace Issued by the Ohio Yearly Meeting", 1948.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Leaflet "Advices on Conscription and War by the Religious Society of Friends in the United States", 1948.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Miscellaneous material.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Five Years Meeting of Friends: Board on Peace and Social Concerns, 1940s-1950s.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Leaflet "Mankind Awaits Your Decision".
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Conscientious Objection and the Selective Service Act of 1948", 1948.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "A Study of the Teaching of Christ on Peace and War" by Roy Van Deman.
Reel 83:4
Leaflet "Tools for Peace" by William Fuson.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Leaflet "Mankind Awaits Your Decision".
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "The Law of God and the Statutes of Men"by Paul I. Miller.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Better Buchenwald Than Hiroshima" by Lauren A. King.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "The Requirements of Peace" by Samuel R. Levering.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Christian Conscience and the State" by Sumner A. Mills.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Leaflet "Christ is Our Mission".
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Peace-Makers' Calendar for Peace Committees".
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Leaflet "7 Ways to Work for Peace".
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Action Manual for Friends Monthly Meeting Peace and Service Committees, 1945-1946", 1945-1946.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Typescript "Temperance Talk Tips", 1954.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Typescript "Handbook for Conscientious Objectors", 1952.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Miscellaneous material.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Newsletter "Summary" from the Peace Board, 1949 (November) - 1950 (July).
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Newsletter "Summary" from the Board of Peace and Social Concerns of the Five Years Meeting of Friends, 1951 (January) - 1952 (October).
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4

Miscellaneous material.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Leaflet "William Penn Speaks".
Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Oaths and Wars as Viewed by Friends" by Byron L. Osborne, 1938.
Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "John Woolman Speaks".
Reel 83:4
Pamphlet "Prison Testimony Today" by Lyle Tatum.
Reel 83:4
Miscellaneous material.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4

Pamphlet "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men ---Soon! A Plan for Peace Based on Diversity, Not Uniformity" by Stewart S. Kurtz Jr., 1976.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Leaflet "'Early Pressure Groups': The Quakers and Dissenters", 1960.
Reel 83:4
Miscellaneous material.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
Typescript "Experiences with Conscription" by the Peace Committee of the Ohio Yearly Meeting, undated.
Reel 83:4
Miscellaneous material.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4
New York Yearly Meeting: Peace and Social Action Program, 1968.
Box 3 [SCPC-2227] Reel 83:4

Print, Suggest