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Bertram Pickard and Irene Pickard Collected Papers


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Bertram Pickard (1892-1973) was Secretary of the Friends Peace Committee of the London Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends from 1921-1926. This interest in peace motivated Pickard and his wife, Irene, to go to Geneva, Switzerland as representatives of the Friends' Service Council in 1926. There he served as Secretary of the Friends Geneva Center until 1940, and Chair of the International Consultative Group on Peace and Disarmament from 1935-1940; the Pickards also acted as hosts of the Quaker Student Hostel, which Irene had been chiefly responsible for founding. Bertram Pickard was much interested in the work of the League of Nations, and he was active in promoting its work. In that regard, he wrote careful interpretations of its actions and meetings, some of which were published in Quaker Press Service and World Outlook Press Service (which he helped establish). The Pickards became quite active in the Geneva Quaker Meeting, orienting its focus on the League of Nations rather than on simply being a home-away-from-home for elderly displaced persons.

Bertram Pickard was a Fellow at Woodbrooke, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, England from 1940-1941. The Pickards moved to the United States in 1941, where he lectured that year at Pendle Hill, near Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; later he edited Washington Commentary, a news sheet circulated among American Quaker peace leaders from 1942-1944. Pickard was also an associate of the American Friends Service Committee from 1941-1942.

Following the war, the family moved to England and eventually back to Geneva. There Pickard was a liaison officer with the Economic and Social Council (?) of the United Nations. In addition, Pickard became the Chair of the Advisory Committee of the Quaker Center, and Chair of the Board of Directors of the International School, where he was instrumental in establishing the International Schools Association, which set up a chain of international schools throughout the world. The Pickards left Geneva in 1954 (1955?) after Bertram's retirement from the United Nations. Further information about their lives is unknown.

Ellen Starr Brinton, Curator of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection until 1951, visited the Pickards in Geneva in 1948 and selected some of his files for preservation at the SCPC. These make up the bulk of this collection, and reflect Pickard's wide range of interests and deep concern for peace and goodwill on an international level.

This collection includes reports, writings of Bertram Pickard, reference files, releases of the Quaker Press Service and the World Outlook Press Service, some items by or referring to Irene Pickard, and correspondence of Bertram Pickard with Hugh Richardson, Frederick Libby, Joseph B. Howie, Mary Sheepshanks, Dr. Anna Kamensky, Albert Wigniolle, Carl Heath, Roderick Clark, Kathleen Innes, and others.

The 2nd accession to this collection was given by the Pickards' daughter in 2001, from photocopies she made of material at the Quaker House in London (Great Britain). No attempt was made to compare this material with what had been received earlier from Bertram Pickard (in boxes 1 and 2).

Gift of Bertram Pickard, 1948; of daughter (Dr. A.M. Bush), 2002 [acc. 00A-039].

Processed by SCPC staff; this checklist was revised by Anne M. Yoder, Archivist, April 2002; updated by Eleanor Fulvio, August 2010.

Posters were removed to the Poster Collection.

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Access Restrictions


Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendents, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Use Restrictions


Collection Inventory

Correspondence, 1928-1940.
Box 1
Correspondence etc. re: setting up the Quaker Press Service / World Outlook Press Service, 1927-1930.
Box 1
Correspondence etc. re: International Police Force, 1934.
Box 1
Correspondence etc. re: International Relief Union, 1935.
Box 1
Tributes to Arthur Henderson, 1935.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

[includes tributes by Pickard and by Laura Puffer Morgan]

Work re: Geneva Disarmament Conference, 1936.
Box 1
Writings: Miscellaneous, 1930-1943.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

[published and unpublished]

Writings: "Washington Commentary on Current International Events", 1942-1944.
Box 1
Reference material: Quaker Press Service / World Outlook Press Service releases/articles, 1928-1932, 1934.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

[includes MS. and printed versions]

Reference material: Statelessness of refugees, 1926-1934.
Box 2
Reference material: Geneva Conference for the Limitation of Naval Armament, 1927.
Box 2
Reference material: Paris International Conference on Disarmament, Paris International Conference on Disarmament, 1931.
Box 2
Reference material: Geneva Disarmament Conference, 1932.
Box 2
Reference material: Miscellaneous, 1926-1934, 1947.
Box 2

Index of papers sent to SCPC by daughter, 2002.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Scope and Contents

(photocopied from originals at Friends House, London); list of items discarded because copies are available in the Friends Historical Library

Biographical information.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Biographical information -- farewells, 1955.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Correspondence, 1932-1937.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Correspondence, 1942-1947.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Correspondence re: job at United Nations in Geneva, 1945 - 1956 (January).
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Correspondence, 1952-1958.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Correspondence, 1961-1969, 1972.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Published writings re: Britain's scheme for a state bonus, 1918-1919.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Published writings/reports, 1919-1929.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Published writings/reports, 1930-1959.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Published writings/reports, 1966-1967, undated.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Unpublished writings/reports/notes, 1919-1939.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Unpublished writings/reports/notes, 1940-1949.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 1
Unpublished writings/reports/notes, 1950-.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 2
Unpublished writings/reports/notes, undated.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 2
Reference files.
Box Acc. 00A-039: 2

Print, Suggest