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Martha Freund-Hoppe Collected Papers


Held at: Swarthmore College Peace Collection [Contact Us]500 College Avenue, Swarthmore 19081-1399

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Martha Freund-Hoppe, from Dresden, Germany died in 1951. Nothing further is known about her. Somehow, her collection of material concerning World War I ended up in the hands of Frederick Barber, Director of Historical Foundations Inc. in New York City. In March 1938, Emily Green Balch requested that Mr. Barber send the collection to Swarthmore College, and he agreed that it be held there until he could find a buyer for it. However, it seems that as Mr. Barber made no further claims upon the collection, it eventually became the property of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection.

Freund-Hoppe had collected and arranged numerous photographs, newspapers, magazine pictures (half-tone images), items of propaganda, and other material, almost entirely from Germany, that provide a picture of the first world war in that country (selected images from this collection are available for viewing in a Web exhibit). A few problems exist with the collection: it is not always clear how the material in the various categories fit Freund-Hoppe's subject designations; her captions are nearly illegible; and it is obvious that much of the material was not produced as a protest of war though Freund-Hoppe seems to have collected it for that purpose. However, this collection is still a rich trove of images and documentation about Germany in the midst of war.

Received from Frederick Barber, 1938.

Processed by SCPC staff; checklist created by Anne M. Yoder, Aarchivist, June 1998.

Photographs were removed to the Photograph Collection (see also exhibit of images from the Freund-Hoppe Collection); postcards were removed to the Subject File (Art in War and Peace: Postcard Collection).

Swarthmore College Peace Collection
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Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendents, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Use Restrictions


Collection Inventory

Vorkrieg [Pre-War Time].
Box CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: 1
Deutsche Mentalitat (nach dem Datum geordnet) [German mentality (chronologically)].
Box CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: 1

Mobilmachung, Kriegserklarung, Abschied [Mobilization, declaration of war, departure].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Kriegsanliehen [War loans].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Ostpreussen, Maueranschlage [East-Prussia; posters].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Propaganda im In-und Ausland (Vaterland. Unterricht) [Propaganda at home and abroad (national education)].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Rationierungsmassnahmen [Food-shortening measures].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Schleichandel, Schieber und Wucherer [Smuggling, war-profiteering, usury].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Material-und Rohstoffnot [Lack of raw material].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Notgeld [Emergency money].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Krieg und Kinder [War and children].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
[no title].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Militarische Ausbildung der Jugend [Military education of youth].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Frauenarbeit im Krieg im In-und Ausland [Work of women at home and abroad during the war].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Kinderarbeit im Krieg im In-und Ausland [Work of children at home and abroad during the war].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Zensur und Kriegszieldebatte [Censorship and discussion about aims of the war].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Kriegsbeschadigten-Hinterbliebenen-u. Waisenfursorge [Aid for invalids, survivors and orphans].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
riedensbemuhungen im Krieg [Endeavors for peace during the war].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3
Zuisammenbruch [Breakdown].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 3

Von den Vertriebenen [About the refugees].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4
Von den Verwundeten und Sterbenden [About the wounded and dying].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4
Von den Gefangenen [About the prisoners].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4
Befehlshaber [Commanders].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4
Geistlichkeit [Clergy].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4
Brest-Litowsk [Brest-Litowsk].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4
"Konigreich" Polen ["Kingdom" of Poland].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4
Etappentechnik [Technique behind the lines].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4
Papierkrieg in der Etappe [Paper war].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4
[no title].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4
Etappenkorruption [Corruption].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 4

Der Frontsoldat [Frontsoldiers].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5
Vormarsch [Advance].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5
Stellungskrieg [Stalemate].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5
Frauenfront [Women at the front-line].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5
Ruckzug [Retreat].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5
Seekrieg [Naval warfare].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5
Geschutze [Guns].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5
Gaskrieg [Poison gas].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5
Tanks [Tanks].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5
[no title].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5
Luftkrieg [Aerial warfare].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 5

Aufmar sche, Ausmarsche, Wurdentrager [Parades, marching out, officials of high rank].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 6
Dekorationen und Beforderungen [Decorations and advancement].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 6
Militar und Wissenschaft [The army and science].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 6
Militar und Religion [The army and religion].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 6
Propaganda [Propaganda].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 6
Kitsch [Bad taste in art].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 6

Publikatinonen der Vebergangszeit [Publications of the transition period].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 7
Nationale und internat. Friedensarbeit [National and international work for peace].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 7
Aufrustung [Armaments].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 7
achlese [Gleanings].
Folder CDG-B-Germany-Freund-Hoppe, Martha: Box 1: 7

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