Main content
boundary 2 Records
Held at: Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division [Contact Us]
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Paul A. Bové edited boundary 2 from 1988 to 2023. After earning his PhD at SUNY Binghamton in 1975, Bové served as assistant professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University. He then joined the Department of English at the University of Pittsburgh in 1980 until his retirement in December 2023. He was awarded the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) Distinguished Editor Award in 2023. Bové's research interests include critical theory, globalization, and modernism.
HavranMargaret Havran served as managing editor of boundary 2 from 1990 until her retirement in 2021, during which time she worked closely with editor in chief Paul Bové. Havran grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and earned a bachelor of arts degree in English literature at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2016, Havran received the University of Pittsburgh Chancellor's Staff Award for Career Achievement for her work as managing editor of boundary 2.
This collection consists of the records of boundary 2, a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal of postmodern theory, literature, and culture from around the time of its founding by Bill Spanos in 1972 until 2023, especially covering the period of time during the tenure of Paul Bové as editor and Margaret Havran as managing editor. The records document the history of the journal and its administration, and in particular the editorial collective that managed and contributed to the publication. Materials include administrative files, correspondence, manuscript reviews and submissions, editorial discussions related to publication or rejection of articles, creation of special issues, and the annual editorial meetings and conferences. These materials include all records of changes to b2 policy, publication, schedule, masthead membership, and editorial policy.
While processors imposed intellectual organization, the original order of the physical arrangement at the folder level was maintained with the exception of the Editorial Collective grouping of paper files in the Administrative Files series, which was formed by gathering folders on promotions and job searches relevant to members of the boundary 2 Editorial Collective.
Gift of Paul Bové in 2022 (AM 2023-020).
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
This collection contains digital files, which may require specific software or hardware for access. Refer to our Tips on Accessing Born-Digital Content for information on how to render these file formats.
The collection was processed by Faith Charlton, Amy C. Vo, and Lauren C. Williams between 2023-2024. The finding aid was written by Faith Charlton, Amy C. Vo, and Lauren C. Williams in 2024 incorporating description from Paul Bové.
The born-digital materials in this collection have been processed according to Princeton University Library's Born-Digital Processing Workflows. For more information on the workflow, please read our full Born-Digital Processing Information Note.
Removed during initial processing: day-to-day financial records, including those with personally identifiable information and removable digital media that was deemed out of scope in discussions with Paul Bové as well as empty directories and browser system files.
- Publisher
- Manuscripts Division
- Finding Aid Author
- Faith Charlton
- Finding Aid Date
- 2024
- Access Restrictions
This collection is open for research with the exception emails concerning Tom Eyers, which are closed until June 2033. In order to access digital files that are open, researchers will need to contact Special Collections staff through the Ask Us! form.
- Use Restrictions
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
Collection Inventory
Consists of essay manuscripts, correspondence, and contracts for the journal.
Arranged by journal issue and filed according to essay authors.
Physical Description22 boxes
13 folders
correspondence, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description2 folders
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
9 folders
copies of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
manuscript with copyedits and annotations, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
MS copy with copyedits
Physical Description2 folders
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
6 folders
letters, notes
Physical Description1 folder
letters, notes
Physical Description1 folder
annotated draft, editorial collective memos, other
Physical Description1 folder
letters, notes, draft
Physical Description1 folder
letters, notes
Physical Description1 folder
letters, readers reports, MS, other
Physical Description1 folder
12 folders
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
14 folders
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essays with annotations, readers report
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copies of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay with copyedits
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essay with copyedits, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
13 folders
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, drafts of cover art, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
13 folders
copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copies of transcribed interview with Mairead Keane, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay, translation
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, author bios, issue planning
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
12 folders
correspondence, Call for Papers, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
copy of interview with Jack Salzman
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
misc. copies of poems
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, author bios, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
copies of interview
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
12 folders
correspondence, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of interview
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of interview transcriptions
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
19 folders
copies of essays on floppy disks
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, drafts of cover art, author bios, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of poems
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of poems
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of poems
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of poems
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of poems
Physical Description1 folder
12 folders
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, cover art drafts
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, author bios, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS (including digital on floppy disk), readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
excerpt, corrections
Physical Description1 folder
copy of interview, corrections
Physical Description1 folder
floppy disks of misc. MS
Physical Description1 folder
10 folders
correspondence, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of transcribed address
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
correspondence, author bios, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, issue planning, photograph of John Hicks with Cecil Taylor
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
copies of essay, correspondence, reader reports,
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essay, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
corresondence, manuscripts, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, manuscripts, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, manuscripts, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, manuscripts, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, manuscripts
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, manuscripts, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
general, correspondence, cover image, misc.
Physical Description2 folders
7 folders
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
9 folders
correspondence, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of manuscript
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of article
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
10 folders
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, author bios, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
talk transcriptions, correspondence, interview copies, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, transcriptions
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of selected poetry, readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of selected poetry, readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
9 folders
author bios, correspondence, figure proofs, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
10 folders
correspondence, cover proofs, author bios, floppy disk, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports, copies of figures
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports, digital copy (floppy disk)
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports, author CV
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
4 folders
correspondence, queries and answers, style sheets, addresses, publication agreements
Physical Description1 folder
china originals, ToC, cover, copies of MS, correspondence, corrections
Physical Description3 folders
2 folders
cover art proof, copies of MS, correspondence, issue planning documents, author bios, publication agreements
Physical Description2 folders
11 folders
cover art, correspondence, issue planning documents, author bios, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS with corrections, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, publication agreement
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, publication agreement
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, publication agreement
Physical Description1 folder
2 folders
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description2 folders
1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, book proposal copies
Physical Description1 folder
14 folders
issue planning docs, correspondence, cover art drafts, author bios
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, publication agreement, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, floppy disks
Physical Description1 folder
15 folders
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS with corrections
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
posters, flyers, correspondence, copy of The Nation
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, readers reports, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, issue planning docs, author bios, copies of MS, readers reports, misc.
Physical Description2 folders
12 folders
correspondence, issue planning docs, author bios, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
corresondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondencecopies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
10 folders
copy of MS with corrections
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS with corrections, readers reports, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS with corrections, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS with corrections, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS with corrections, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS with corrections, readers reports, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, corrections, issue planning documents, author bios
Physical Description2 folders
1 folder
copies of essays, floppy disks with MSs, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
10 folders
correspondence, issue planning documents, author bios
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, corrections
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, reader report
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, publication agreement
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, publication agreement, readers report
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, publication agreement, readers report, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, publication agreement, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
13 folders
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, issue planning documents, author bios
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS, publication agreement
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
10 folders
issue planning docs, correspondence,
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description2 folders
correspondence, copies of MS, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS, correspondence, readers report
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
9 folders
correspondence, issue planning docs, author bios, copies of MS, misc.
Physical Description2 folders
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, readers reports, correspondence, floppy disks
Physical Description1 folder
9 folders
correspondence, corrections, author bios, misc,
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, floppy disk, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence, publication agreement
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, floppy disk, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
2 folders
copies of MS, floppy disk with corrected MS, correspondence, issue planning documents, Tania Bruguera photographs (film)
Physical Description2 folders
6 folders
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, issue planning docs, author bios, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, corrections, floppy disks, CD
Physical Description4 folders
12 folders
correspondence, issue planning documents, author bios
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of images, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, proof, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, proof
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, proof, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
MS corrections
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
correspondence, copies of MS, publication agreement
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
CD, disk, correspondence, issue planning documents, author bios
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
figures, photocopies, CD, issue planning docs, correspondence, disk drives
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS, reproduction permission
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
issue planning docs, correspondence, publication agreements,
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, publication agreement, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
6 folders
correspondence, corrections, permissions, issue planning docs, CDs, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
author bios, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
correspondence, proofs, issue planning docs, author bios, CDs, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
CDs, correspondence, author bios, issue planning docs, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
correspondence, issue planning documents, CDs
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
12 folders
correspondence, CDs, issue planning docs, misc
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
photograph prints, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, proofs, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
9 folders
correspondence, CDs, issue planning docs, misc
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, contributor bios, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, CD
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
10 folders
correspondence, issue planning docs, author bios, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
13 folders
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, publication agreement
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MSs, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
issue planning docs, correspondence, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
13 folders
correspondence, queries, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS, publication agreement
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
10 folders
correspondence, issue planning documents, publicayion agreement, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
author bio, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS with comments
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, publication agreements, copies of MS, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
11 folders
correspondence, copies of MS, issue planning docs, author intake form, publication agreements, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, CDs
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
10 folders
publication agreements, issue planning docs, correspondence,
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS notes
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, contents lists, edits, notes
Physical Description1 folder
17 folders
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
publication agreement, correspondence, proposal
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, proposal
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, proposals
Physical Description1 folder
readers reviews, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MSs
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, proposal, copies of MSs
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of Joseph Buttigieg's translation of Antonio Gramsci's The Southern Question
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, proposal, CV
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MSs
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MSs, proposal
Physical Description1 folder
bibliography search results, copy of chapter
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of essays submitted to the journal that were not published by boundary 2 along with related correspondence.
Physical Description7 boxes
2 boxes
correspondence, newspaper clippings, copy of interview (English and French)
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, report
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essays, misc. rejected essays, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of interview and essay
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of interview with Donald Barthelme
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reader reports, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
reader report
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
2 boxes
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description2 folders
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description2 folders
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description2 folders
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description2 folders
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers report sheet
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description2 folders
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS, book copies
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
2 boxes
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence,
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, readers reports, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, CV, copy of Afterimage
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description2 folders
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description2 folders
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description2 folders
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader report
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS, reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description2 folders
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, Frank B. Wilderson, III South African special issue proposal
Physical Description1 folder
copy of Introduction to Gender, Race, Renaissance Drama (Manchester U P, 1989)
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, readers reports, copies of MS, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
1 box
rejection forms, reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description8 folders
rejection forms, reader reports, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description2 folders
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers report sheet, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
readers reports, correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
Primarily consists of correspondence and copies of essays by members of the boundary 2 editorial collective, including William V. Spanos, Daniel T. O'Hara, and Ronald A. Judy. Also includes materials related to the careers and scholarship of editorial collective members as well as materials on planning special journal issues.
Physical Description13 boxes
6 boxes
Ads, reviews, correspondence, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
mailing list, flyers, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, call for papers, notes
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, flyers
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, CV
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, publication agreements, legal documents, plagiarism case file, reader reports, essay
Physical Description2 folders
copies of articles
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, call for papers, editorial statement, MLA questionaire, recommendation, certificate of award, application, schedule, conference program, CV
Physical Description1 folder
note and article, copy of interviews
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of articles
Physical Description1 folder
proposals, special issue notes
Physical Description1 folder
style sheets, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
cover art, resume
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, essays
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, draft with note, conference transcription, recruitment request, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
copy of review, correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description2 folders
correspondence and review
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, list of potential titles to review, reviews-in-progress
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
grant application, paperwork
Physical Description1 folder
book and journal covers
Physical Description1 folder
timelines, correspondence, Collective and Advisory Editors info
Physical Description1 folder
copies of Edward Said interview, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of article, pamphlet
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, drafts of and notes for chapter, floppy disks
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, author approval form, interview transcript, essay, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
poetry, essays
Physical Description1 folder
copy of Boston Review essay
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, interview transcripts, copies of essays, publication agreements
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, publication agreements, copies of ads, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder
draft table of contents, correspondence, cover image printout
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
essays, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
essays, articles
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, essay
Physical Description1 folder
essay drafts, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
letters to professors Perry Anderson and Frederic Jameson
Physical Description1 folder
proposals, correspondence, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, SD cards
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, table of contents
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, project description, report
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, essays, photographs
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
copy of a letter to the editor from Forum
Physical Description1 folder
copy of article from the new left review
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, grant application
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays, notes
Physical Description1 folder
pamphlets, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
letter, Faculty Herald issues
Physical Description1 folder
reader report
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
copies of print publications (German and English)
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
manuscripts, annotations
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essays, programs "Remembering Edward Said: Reading his Work,"
Physical Description1 folder
copies of reviews
Physical Description1 folder
pamphlets, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essaay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, manuscripts, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
about The Question of Textuality
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays, report on the Writing Program in Columbia College, Gramsci and the Indian Left handwritten MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of preface in English
Physical Description1 folder
conference presentation book, pamphlets
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of essays and interview
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, conference invitations, "Intellectuals and the Disciplines" workshop, Foucault Conference, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
copy of article with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of article
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
program advertisement, copy of essay with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, project proposal
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of The Chronicle articles
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
copies of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, "Exporting Democracy" agenda, syllabus, boundary 2 lecture flyer, copies of essays (Paul Bové)
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay, blank forms
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of translated interview with Edward Said responding to Joseph Buttigieg and Paul Bové (Italian)
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, identity theft affidavit, invoice
Physical Description1 folder
copies of translations and excerpts of essays, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MSs, Peace in the Middle East pamphlet series, copies of articles and essays, book reviews and dossiers (authored by Said)
Physical Description3 folders
11 boxes
MS, other
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay, notes
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, CV, copies of essays, notes
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, annotated essays
Physical Description1 folder
proposals for special issues, Spivak, Cixous, correspondence, readers reports, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
copies of papers, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, review copies
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of papers, newsletter, petition, flyer
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay (handwritten)
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay, letter, notes
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay, letter, notes
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essays, letters, notes
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
Letter, copy of essay/talk
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay, letter, reader report
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
letter, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
letter, copy of essay for Said issue, copy of "Rethinking Music" with personal note
Physical Description2 folders
MS of "Icon and Time" with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with revisions and annotations
Physical Description3 folders
copy of "Introduction"
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with personal note and annotations
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay, letters, personal notes
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with markups
Physical Description1 folder
program, pariticpant welcome letter, itinerary, CVs
Physical Description1 folder
copies of reviews, copy of Said's essay "The Anglo-Arab Encounter" with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay, letter
Physical Description1 folder
book prospectus, copies of essays, book chapter
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with handwritten note
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essay with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
letter, copy of essay with markups
Physical Description1 folder
copy of essays with personal note
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays with personal notes
Physical Description1 folder
copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
misc. correspondence, A Colloquium on Critical Theory/Cultural History (1980), conference invitations, Antonio Negri letter
Physical Description4 folders
correspondence, journal clippings, special issue notes
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, b2 special issue notes/planning
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, MLA Special Session proposal 1985, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak letter, Fredric Jameson letters
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, conference pamphlets and posters, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copy of CV, Socialism and Democracy Conference, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, CCLM Grant Application, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, Travel Grant application, seminar proposal, Michel Foucault letter, readers reports
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, readers report, misc.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, copy of essay
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
2 folders
2 folders
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
readers reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, publication agreement
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
award letter
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, manuscript
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, manuscript
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, conference program, copies of print essay, "Letter to Paul" poem
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, notes
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS, notes, copy of Jacques Derrida's "The Law of Genre" (1979), English trans. by Avital Ronell, notes on Derrida's "De la grammatologie", copy of Daniel O'Hara MS "A Puzzle Solved"
Physical Description1 folder
copy of MS, Diana Fraser and Paul Bove, Modern Critical Practice October 1985 on John Donne
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS "Institutional History and the Canon", Paul Bove on Gerald Graff's "Literature Against Itself: Literary Ideas in Modern Society", copy of Michael Fischer book review, copy of the New York Review
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, memorandum re: Stuart Hall's visit, letter to Stuart Hall
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, notes, copy of Liberal Education
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, conference/symposium programs and pamphlets, notes, photo of R. A. Judy and Paul A. Bove, copy of Lingua franca, invitations, Michael Hays apointment assessment UC San Diego, Joseph Buttigieg review letter for New Mexico State University Faculty Review Committee, Karl Kroeber to response to the Executive Committee (Columbia U, 1999), Cornel West wedding invitation (1992), boundary 2 Managing Editor job posting, print copy of Paul A. Bove's "Cleanth Brooks and Modern Irony: A Kierkegaardian Critique", U Pitt recruitment attempt for Fredric Jameson as Mellon Chair correspondence
Physical Description2 folders
correspondence, copies of MS, book reviews
Physical Description2 folders
correspondence, copies of MS, CV, copies of print essays, copy of Cornel West's Metaphilosophy seminar syllabus, print copy of The Witness (1980) and Christianity in Crisis (1983), copies of Paul Bove's "Intellectuals At War" (1982)
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MS, notes, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MSs (David Hoy, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Frank Kermode, Richard Rorty), copy of Edward Said syllabus for "Comparative Literature: Issues in Contemporary Critical Theory" (Spring 1977), correspondence, flyer for "University Seminars in Criticism
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence (including Joseph Buttigieg letter re: marriage and death of his father)
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS, book reviews, copies of print essays
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MSs, copy of Il Contemporaneo
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, Jonathan Arac Boston University promotion, book review, call for papers, Joseph Buttigieg promotion review U of Notre Dame
Physical Description1 folder
letters from Terry Cochran, Stanley Fish, Joseph Buttigieg, Michael Hays, Fredric Jameson, Karl Kroeber, Rory Ryan, Barry Smart, William Spanos, etc. nomination letter for Joyce and Elizabeth Hall Distinguished Professorship in American Literature, proposal for Pennsylvania Press series on Contemporary American Fiction
Physical Description1 folder
copies of MSs
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, postcard from Edward Said, letters from René Wellek re: rpresentation of Erich Auerbach in "Intellectuals in Power"
Physical Description1 folder
letters from Ralph Cohen, Noam Chomsky, Margaret Ferguson, Nancy Fraser, R.A. Judy, Masao Miyoshi, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Wang Ning, etc., copies of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS "The Ideologies of Theory: Essays 1971-1986 Vol. 1: Situations of Theory"
Physical Description1 folder
"proposal for a journal of literary and cultural criticism", notes, copies of MSs, correspondence, flyers, invoice, application to CCLM Grant program
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MSs
Physical Description2 folders
proof of Culture and Imperialism, queries, notes,
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS "The Poetics of Coercion: An Interpretation of Literary Competence and print copy of essay, book reviews of Jonathan Culler
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS, conference flyer
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence (including letters from Edward W. Said), photographs
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, call for papers, copy of MS on "graduate student groups"
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS "Cleanth Brooks and Modern Irony: A Kierkegaardian Critique", copy of print essay
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence (from Terry Cochran, Michael Hays, Karl Kroeber, Donald Pease, Barry Smart, Susan Wells, etc.) readers reports, symposium flyer, conference flyer
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MS "The Prophet of Our Laughter: The Irony of Understanding Nietzsche" and other misc. essays, book reviews
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MSs, notes
Physical Description2 folders
copies of MSs
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MSs
Physical Description1 folder
notes, copy of Wallace Stevens chapter, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of Mss
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
flyer, pamphlets
Physical Description1 folder
3M DS, DD diskettes
Physical Description1 folder
poster, correspondence, copy of Stanford Report, copies of articles
Physical Description1 folder
copies of The CLR James Journal, notes, transaction reports, correspondence with Stuart Hall, copies of interview with CLR James (recorded May 1976)
Physical Description1 folder
Workorder summary, supply order form, record storage form, correspondence, Access files, box inventory, new box submission form, box retrieval and request form
Physical Description1 folder
Supply order form, correspondence; new BRM 2009; Access 2016; request forms; University Records Management Training Guide; workorder summary
Physical Description1 folder
William Spanos, "The Errant Art of Herman Melville" MS; William Spanos book chapter draft with letter to Paul Bové attached "Moby-Dick and the Contemporary American Occasion"; The GRIP Report second draft vol. 1 (July, 1983); boundary 2 mail-out pamphlet vol. 17 (1990); postcard (1991)
Physical Description1 folder
William Spanos, "The End of Education: Interrogating the Harvard Core Curriculum" MS with dedication to Paul Bové
Physical Description1 folder
Editorial Collective; boundary 2 Fall Editorial Meeting Agenda (2007); Not 'Too Good to be True': On the Ethics of Freud's Performances; Paul Bové library notice (1999); Jonathan Arac Working Draft, "Rereading Paul de Man's 'Literary History and Modernity' (1999); Daniel T. O'Hara "Human and All Too Human: Two Styles in Critical Ethics"; Jonathan Arac's notice of Carol Kay's death (September 24, 1998); Wlad Godzich email to Paul Bové (December 2, 1993); Daniel T. O'Hara review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fateful Question of Culture; Judy Suh proposal draft (January 23, 1998); Joseph N. Cleary, "The History of the Novel and Empire in the Works of Edward Said and Georg Lukács" boundary 2 speaker series flyer (November 7, 2013); receipts (2009); book copy Manu, Cho-Gyal with letter to the editors
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, reimbursements and expenses, per diem, guest speakers
Physical Description1 folder
postcards; misc. correspondence (Ronald A.T. Judy to Paul Bové round-table discussion invitation, Integration or Disintegration and the Example of North Africa: the Nature, Scope, and Function of Global English language Studies Today, Bourguiba Institute Febreuary 17, 1998; Karl Kroeber; G. Corsini; Raymond Guess) David Shapiro, Lateness (July 1976); Timothy Reiss's letter of support for Paul Bové's application for Professorship in the Department of Comparative Literature, NYU
Physical Description2 folders
correspondence; Council of Editors of Learned Journals Certificate of Award Best Special Issue 2001 presented to "Sociology Hesitant: Thinking with W.E.B. Du Bois" boundary 2; 1975 boundary 2 pamphlet spring (III:3); Sylvia Wynter, Human Being as Noun? Or Being Human as Praxis? Towards the Autopoetic Turn/Overturn: A Manifesto MS with William Spanos's edits (1/28/2008)
Physical Description1 folder
William Spanos, "The End of Education" partial MS
Physical Description1 folder
Datalife flexible disks 1984-1987 (Mod. Crit + Social Philosophy 7/23/86, Metaphysics of Textuality, Review of Arac and O'Hara, Gramsci Joseph Buttigieg 1/6/87, professional reports and letters may 8, 1986, correspondence, Carol Bové's Fran essay and Vita, etc.); floppy and 3M discs (Daniel T. O'Hara, Kathryne Lindberg, Karl Kroeber MS's, etc)
Physical Description2 folders
William Spanos notes/index cards
Physical Description1 folder
misc. correspondence (with Charles Atleiri, Karl Kroeber, Kathleen Woodward, Lindsay Waters, Vivian Conley, Dana B. Polan, Patricia K. Abe, D. Pryzbylowicz, Dorothy Barresi, William E. Cain, Sarah Lawall, Daniel T. O'Hara, Jan Bender, Donald F. Bouchard, Ronald Schleifer, Gerald Gillespie, Richard Tobias, Jonathan Arac, Wu Siew Tsen, Colin MacCabe, Abdul R. JanMohamed, Riddel, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Ken Wolman, Peter Carravetta, Joseph O'Leary, Joseph Kronick, Richard Klein, David R. Shumway, William and Susan Spanos, Joseph Buttigieg, Stefano Rosso, Peggy Boyers, Fredric Jameson, William P. Germano, Michael Hays, David Bartholomae, Alan Wilde, Patrice Pavis, Edward Said, Sprinkler, Loqau, and others)
Physical Description3 folders
floppy disks
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, application, proposals
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of materials related to promotions, job searches, and the scholarly careers of members of the boundary 2 editorial collective.
Physical Description1 box
Physical Description1 folder
poster, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence (letter from Derrida), CVs, etc.
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, draft lists
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, brochure, itineraries, copies of essays
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, tenure doc on floppy disk, drafts
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, letter with signatures
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 folders
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of meeting agendas, correspondence, and reader reports for boundary 2 editorial meetings. Also includes proposals, programs, and notes related to travel for conferences and symposia.
Physical Description6 boxes
reader reports, flyers, correspondence, event contract
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, reader reports, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
pamphlets, attendees list, correspondence, reader report
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, correspondence, reader reports, program
Physical Description1 folder
reader reports, flyers, correspondence, receipts
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, correspondence, reader reports, flyer, isses in progress, pending revisions
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, assigned readers, correspondence, new submissions
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, new submissions, reader reports, assigned readers
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, reader reports, correspondence, event contract
Physical Description1 folder
itinerary, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
symposium itinerary, presenter information
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
agenda with annotations
Physical Description1 folder
notes, agenda, correspondence, reader reports
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, handouts
Physical Description1 folder
division program copy, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
tape reels (b2 symposium 4/8/1978)
Physical Description2 folders
1 folder
correspondence, clippings, conference program, copies of MSs, travel documents
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, schedules
Physical Description1 folder
exchange ad subscripts, correspondece, clippings
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, copy of MS
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, copies of MSs
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
correspondence, conference documents, agenda
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
hotel agreement
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
flyers, copies of essay, itineraries
Physical Description1 folder
flyer, travel documents, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
flyer, travel documents, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, travel documents, CVs
Physical Description1 folder
contracts, agenda, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, correspondence, program
Physical Description1 folder
list of participants, reports
Physical Description1 folder
proposals, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
travel documents, program
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, catering contract, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, list of contributors
Physical Description1 folder
agenda drafts, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, flyer, correspondence, catering documents
Physical Description1 folder
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, notes, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, notes, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
correspondence, hotel bills
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, notes, correspondence
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, correspondence, notes, essay copies
Physical Description1 folder
agenda, notes, correspondence, floppy disk
Physical Description1 folder