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Kostas and Linda S. Myrsiades Papers
Held at: Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division [Contact Us]
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Kostas Myrsiades is an emeritus professor of English and Comparative Literature of the Department of English at the West Chester University in Philadelpheia, Pennsylvania, where he taught courses on Greek and European literature. Myrsiades, born in Samos, Greece, studied comparative literature at Indiana University from where he received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees concentrating on modern Greek and classic literature. Myrsiades is a translator of Modern Greek poetry having published translations of Ritsos, Papatsōnēs, Yannis Kondos, and many other contemporary Greek poets as well as translations of plays of karagōz, the modern Greek shadow theater. He wrote numerous articles on Ritsos, Seferis, Papatsōnēs, Kazantzakis and Homer. He is also author of several books. In 1995, he received the Gold Medallion from the Hellenic Society of Translators of Literature, an award presented annually by the Greek Government to a scholar from any country. He was the editor of College Literature, a journal for college and university teaching, criticism, and theory, and coeditor of the Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora.
Linda Myrsiades is professor emerita of English and comparative literature at West Chester University of Pennsylvania and and has published articles on Greek theater, law and literature, and business communication. She is also author of several books. Along with Kostas Myrsiades they coetided Margins in the Classroom: Teaching Literature(1994) and Race-ing Representation: Voice, History, and Sexuality (1988). She was an associate editor of College Literature.
Consists of correspondence with many literary figures such as Kimon Friar, Antōnēs Dekavalles, Giannēs Ritsos, and Takēs Papatsōnēs; research material on Greek Resistance and Resistance theater during the World War II; book reviews; photographs; a color painting of Karagöz by Giōrgos Charidēmos; printed material; several tapes and CDs of plays, performances, songs, poetry, and research interviews.
Gift of Kostas and Linda S. Myrsiades to the Program in Hellenic Studies for the Princeton University Library in February 2019 (AM 2019-91).
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
This collection was processed by Kalliopi Balatsouka in August 2019. Finding aid written by Kalliopi Balatsouka in December 2019. Finding aid updated by Kalliopi Balatsouka in 2022.
No materials were removed from the collection during 2019 processing beyond routine appraisal practices.
- Charidēmos, Geōrgios
- Friar, Kimon.
- Ritsos, Giannēs (1909-1990)
- Papatsōnēs, T. K. (Takēs Kōnstantinou) (1895)
- Literature -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- United States
- Karagöz
- Puppeteers
- Shadow shows
- Greek poetry, Modern -- 20th century -- Translations into English
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Underground movements -- Greece -- Drama
- Drama
- Rebetica
- Manuscripts. -- 20th century
- Publisher
- Manuscripts Division
- Finding Aid Author
- Kalliopi Balatsouka
- Finding Aid Date
- 2019
- Access Restrictions
The collection is open for research.
- Use Restrictions
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
Collection Inventory
Consists of short biographical notes of Kostas Myrsiades, Katerina Angelakē-Rouk, Giannēs Ritsos, and Kōstas Kalantzēs.
Physical Description1 folder
Arranged alphabetically by the name of correspondent, followed by topical correspondence.
Consists of ALS and TLS from several Greek authors, poets and friends of Kostas and Linda Myrsiades. Included also are letters of support written by Kostas Myrsiades's colleagues and students regarding his nomination for the "Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award."
Physical Description2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
2 folders
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1 folder
1 folder
Consists of ALS by Ritsos and a xerox copy of his book Arga, poly arga mesa stē nychta, as well as a letter from his daughter Eleutheria Ritsou.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of correspondence regarding the College Literature, a triannual journal of scholarly criticism, where Kostas Myrsiades was an editor.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of ALS and TLS of Myrsiades' colleagues, Greek writers and friends, including Giōrgos Daniēl, Dino Siotis, Peter Bien, M. Byron Raizis, Van Coufoudakis, Vassilis Lambropoulos, Victor S. Papacosma, and Kōstas M. Prousēs. There is also a letter to Giōrgos Charidēmos from Kostas Myrsiades.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of correspondence with several publishers, editors, Greek and Greek-American cultural organizations, associations, professional councils, journals, universities, and colleges regarding Kostas Myrsiades' talks, lectures, grant awards, presentations in conferences, publications, book reviews, and appraisals of scholarly works.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of correspondence with several publishing houses, editors, and universities regarding publications, talks, lectures and awards.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of letters of support or nomination for Kostas Myrsiades for several positions or awards, as well as congratulatory letters.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of supporting letters and congratulation letters from Kostas Myrsiades' colleagues regarding award nominations.
Consists of letters of support from several colleagues and students with regards to Kostas Myrsiades' nomination and application for the LindbacK Distinguished Teachning Award. Included also a xeroc copy of Giannēs Ritsos' reference report with a handwritten English translation.
Physical Description3 folders
2 boxes
Includes a xerox copy of a narrative on the Greek Resistance.
Physical Description1 folder
Includes an authorized facsimile of Kostas Myrsiades' dissertation for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Comparative Literature submitted to the Graduate School of Indiana University.
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Includes an authorized facsimile of Linda Myrsiades' dissertation for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Comparative Literature submitted to the Graduate School of Indiana University.
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Includes a facsimile of Linda Suny Myrsiades' thesis for the Master of Arts degree, which was submitted to the Department of Speech and Theater of the Graduate School, Indiana University.
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Consists of a facsimile of a dissertation for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Comparative Literature submitted to the Graduate School of Arts and Science at New York University.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of xeroxes in Ritsos's own hand of poems translated by Kostas Myrsiades, "Ho kosmos einai henas" and "Monovasia."
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of four
Consists of black-and-white and color photographs of Myrsiades's visits in several places in Greece (cities, villages, monuments, mountains, the Center for the Study of Greek Resistance) where the Greek resistance occured (1941-1944). There are also individual and group portraits of the guerrillas as well as photographs regarding the theater at this time.
Physical Description2 folders
Consists of color photographs showing Kostas Myrsiades receiving awards.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of black-and-white photographs of several literary figures, including Giannēs Ritsos, George Seferis, Alexandros Papadiamantēs, Kōstas Karyōtakēs, Kōstēs Palamas, Nikos Kazantzakis, Angelos Sikelianos, Dionysios Solomos, and Kōstas Varnalēs. All photographs bear on the reverse the stamp of the studio of the photographer "K. Megalokonomou, Hellēnika Phōtographika Nea." There is only one photograph of Ritsos that is signed on the reverse by Thomas Nikolau.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of photographs of Giannēs Ritsos's paintings on stones.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of a color drawing of karagöz emerging from an Easter egg signed by Giōrgos Charidēmos. There are also two drawings in pen and one photograph of an artwork.
Physical Description1 folder
This file group consists of literature regarding talks, lecture series, exhibit presentations, and participation of Kostas and Linda Myrsiades in several cultural events.
Physical Description2 folders
Consists of the printed program and the flyer of the Centennial Tribute to George Seferis organized by the Hellenic-American Academy of Aristotle, Drexel University and the Hellenic News of America.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of book reviews about Karagiozis puppet theater, programs of symposia, lectures and other cultural events. There are also thank-you letters.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of xerox copies of typescripts and printed material of several one-act plays and short stories or poems on Greek Resistance with penciled annotations. Includes also a xerox copy of a resignation letter by Aimilios Veakēs to the Board of the National Theater dated 1942 and a bibliography of primary texts and short stories about the "Literature of the Greek Resistance."
Physical Description1 box
4 folders
Includes a typescript of a proposal prepared and submitted by Kostas Myrsiades to the Board of Trustees and the President of Deree College.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of lists of courses in Greek Literature and Mythology taught by Kostas Myrsiades at WCU during the academic years 1969-2008.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of printed samples of student handouts prepared by Kostas Myrsiades.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of printed samples of course syllabi prepared by Kostas Myrsiades.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
Consists of several offprints most of them inscribed from the authors to Kostas and Linda Myrsiades.
Physical Description1 folder
2 folders
Consists of a copy of a typescript of a report of a due process hearing.
Physical Description1 folder
6 folders
Consists of two issues: vol. 2, No. 5, September/October 1973 and Vol. 7, No. 4, July/August 1978.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
Includes an article dedicated to Giannēs Ritsos.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of 50 cassettes (four of them tiny) of interviews with Giōrgos Charidēmos about karagiozis; plays/performances/songs with Eugenios Spatharēs; songs of karagiozis with Spyros and Themēs Karampalēs; research interviews with Takēs Papatsōnēs; Giannēs Ritsos reads Ritsos; Charēs Sakellariou (Greek Resistance plays/performances); Kotzioulas (Greek Resistance plays/performances); Philippas Geladopoulos (Makronēso). There are also three CDs of "Karaghiozis: Power Point Presentation" by Kostas and Linda Myrsiades.
Physical Description2 boxes
Consists of eight compact discs (CDs) of the series The Greek Archives (vol. 1-3, 5-6, 8): "Rebetika songs in America from 1920-1960," "Songs of the Underground," "Women of the Rebetico song," "Armenians, Jews, Turks and Gipsies in Old Recordings"; (1) CD of the same series entitled "The Greek Shadow Puppet Theatre, Recordings 1920-1930"; (1) CD of a powerpoint presentation "Karagiozis" by Kostas and Linda Myrsiades; (1) CD "Ta Antartika" by Maria Dēmētriadē and Aphroditē Manou; and (1) CD of "Anthologio" with Greek poiēmata by T.K. Papatsonis, a reading by Matthaios Mountēs. Included also are two compact cassettes containing traditional songs from Drama (Greece) and songs of the Greek resistance.
Physical Description1 box