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Princeton University Library Collection of Princeton University Materials


Held at: Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Consists of an assembled collection of correspondence, documents, and manuscripts related to Princeton University, its students, and its employees, some in an official capacity and others as personal or family records of those associated with Princeton University, or the College of New Jersey as it was known prior to the end of the 19th century. Materials span from the 1740s until the 1980s and shed light on the origination of Princeton University, the first presidents and trustees who raised funds to build the school, and on the daily life of the students who attended Princeton at the time through letters they wrote to their families or friends back home. The collection also contains material related to the Revolutionary War and the Civil War and the role of Princeton during both, as well as student riots that occurred on campus in the early 19th century. Included are receipts for salaries or for work done at the college, accounts, letters, minutes of meetings, charters, material related to the Princeton Theological Seminary, report cards, certificates, diplomas, prayers, sermons, orations, and other material related to commencement exercises, information related to building the library, some material of University faculty, and more.

Description provided at the file level was transcribed from handwritten information on old folders.

Materials are arranged in alphabetical order by the name of the creator, followed by unidentified and miscellaneous institutional papers.

The collection was formed as a result of a Departmental practice of combining into one collection material of various accessions relating to a particular person, family, or subject.

The collection has resulted from miscellaneous purchases and gifts of numerous donors over the years.

For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.

Folder inventory added by Fiona Bell '18, Ann-Elise Siden '17, and Sophia Alvarez 18' in November 2016. At this time, materials were rehoused in archival folders, and information written on the original folders was transcribed into description at the file level in this finding aid.

No material was separated during processing.

Manuscripts Division
Finding Aid Date
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.

Collection Inventory

Abbot, William Richardson, 1822-1826. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1823.

Scope and Contents

Six ALSs, Princeton, New Jersey and Hagerstown, Maryland. Personal letters to family.

Physical Description

1 folder

Abbott, Charles C., 1905 October 11. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Trenton, to Moses Taylor Pyne, class of 1877, relating to "Colonel Walter Stewarts orderly Book. 1777." secured for Mr. Pyne.

Physical Description

1 folder

Abeel, Neilson, 1813 July 23. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. 3 p. 40 to James J. Roosevelt, Jr., class of 1812, telling of college life in Princeton.

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1814.

Physical Description

1 folder

Abert, Charles, 1839 June 15. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1842.

Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton to Mrs. E. M. Albert (his mother) concerning family and personal affairs

Physical Description

1 folder

Acherford, Margaret, 1814 May 9. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Adams, Edwin Plimpton, 1878-1956. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Princeton professor's correspondence about his Smithsonian publishings.

Physical Description

1 folder

Agnew, Daniel, 1800 November 17. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Steward, 1788-1803.

Scope and Contents

A. D. S. New Jersey College to Egra Ingraham, class of 1803 (non grad). Receipt for $54.50 for his "diet" for this winter session.

Physical Description

1 folder

Agnew, Daniel, and John N. Simpson, 1803 April 26. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

A bond of two thousand dollars signed by Daniel Agnew and John N. Simpson, when Agnew became steward of Nassau Hall.

Physical Description

1 folder

Agnew, Daniel, and Catharine, 1812 February 21. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Steward of Nassau Hall, 1788-1803.

Scope and Contents

D. S. to John Vancleve (Class of 1797). Deed of land on the road from Princeton to Pennington.

Physical Description

1 folder

Alexander, Henry M., 1853 April 27. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Henry M. Green (trustee 1850-1876) concerning repairs needed by a house owned by Addison Alexander and located on Seminary grounds.

Physical Description

1 folder

Allen, Archibald Cameron, 1848 April 16. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Princeton Seminary Class of 1841.

Scope and Contents

ALS to James S. Allen, Princeton, 4 p. 25 cm. Mentions a dining custom at Seminary, and his friend James Brown. Discusses old and new school Presbyterians, favoring the new.

Physical Description

1 folder

Allen, William Wirt, 1851 March-1853 December. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

9 ALS Describes life at Princeton.

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1854.

Physical Description

1 folder

Anderson, Andrew, 1859. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to his mother, Mrs. C.C. Anderson, describing his life at Princeton.

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1861.

Physical Description

1 folder

Anderson, Isaac, 1802 May 30. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To John Sanders, relative to Robert Sanders (his son), a student.

Physical Description

1 folder

Anderson, James, 1814. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1816.

Scope and Contents

T.L.S. from W.L. Ennis to Mr. Savage, detailing Anderson's dismissal from Princeton. ALS from his father, J. Anderson, to James, 1814.

Physical Description

1 folder

Anderson, Joshua, 1771 November 2. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

A.D.S. to Jonathan Sargeant, receipt of payment for "bricks" sent to the college.

Physical Description

1 folder

Anderson, P.J., 1897 August 26-1897 November 27. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

2 copies of 2 letters to James E. Burke from P.J. Anderson, librarian of Aberdeen University.

Physical Description

1 folder

Angler, John U., 1780 October 28. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Rocky Hill. To Jonathan Dickinson Sargeant, class of 1762. An order to deliver two notes to Daniel Agnew (with Agnew's receipt for the same). "My books are to be burnt by the enemy."

Physical Description

1 folder

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1773.

Physical Description

1 box

Armstrong, James Francis, 1750-1816, 1813. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to the Rev. Dr. Green.

Physical Description

1 folder

Armstrong, James Francis, 1750-1816, 1793 January 11. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Trenton. To George Simpson. Business letter.

Physical Description

1 folder

Armstrong, James Francis, 1750-1816, 1813. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to "the Moderator of the Presbytery of New Brunswick," 1813.

Physical Description

1 folder

Ayres, Daniel, Jr., 1842 February 13. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

d. 1892.

Class of 1842.

Scope and Contents

ALS to Sylvester Smith, 1842.

Physical Description

1 folder

Backus, Matthew, 1785 December 1. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Typescript copy of letter to his father from Princeton College and Plainfield.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Baker, Carlos, 1909-1987, 1984 April. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Note about his book "The Gay Head Conspiracy," 1973. Written at curator's request for the "Crime and Punishment" Exhibit, P.U.L. 1984.

Physical Description

1 folder

Baker, Carlos, 1909-1987, 1983. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

1TCS to Emily Gillispie, 1983.

Physical Description

1 folder

Baker, Daniel, 1815 May 16. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Nassau Hall. To Rev. W. Hill discussing religious revivals at Princeton and other colleges. "I am informed that a society has been Yale with the express object of praying for a revival in Cambridge."

Physical Description

1 folder

Baldwin, Jonathan, 1763 February 2-1792 February 8. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Nassau Hall, to Mr. Halsey, receipt for 29-18-10 (pounds). To Jonathon Sergeant, bond for 1200-0-0 (pounds). To Jonathon Sergeant, receipt for 17-0-4 (pounds). To Jonathon Sergeant, order to pay 13-13- (pounds) to Evan Pelero with Evan Pelero receipts. New York, to his brother, business letter.

Physical Description

1 folder

Baldwin, Nehemiah, 1755 December 15. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Subscription paper for the benefit of the College of New Jersey.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bancker, Abraham, 1816 November 26. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ASL to Anthony Rutgers. Bellerville. Congratulates him on his return to college in Princeton; describes the many ?? accuring from education. Gives some news of friends and relatives. Mentions Cliosophic Society.

Physical Description

1 folder

Barber, Jonathan, Nehemiah Barker, and Thomas Paine, 1758 July 28. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS (copy by Paine) to Rev. David Bistwick, ?? Rev. Eleazar Wheelock as president of the College of New Jersey, on refusal of Rev. M. Lockwood.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bayly, Thomas M., 1819 June 15. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Beasley, Frederic, 1813 October 4. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letter of recommendation for James Carnohon, Class of 1800.

Physical Description

1 folder

Beasley, M., 1883 April 3. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Trenton, to Moses Taylor Pyne, cl. 1877.

Physical Description

1 folder

Beekman, Samuel, 1819-1820. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS. To the Board of Trustees relative to paying tuition of his son Jacob I. Beekman who withdrew from the university.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Belknap, William Worth, 1870 December 5. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Henry M. Alexander stating a delivery from the Springfield Armory to Princeton College Museum. Xerox of original letter included.

Physical Description

1 folder

Belknap, William Worth, 1875 December 8. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Washington. To Gen. E. W. Price concerning an appointment for Capt. Craigie.

Physical Description

1 folder

Belknap, William Worth, 1875 March 23. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Benjamin Tucker Eames, House of Representatives.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bend, Joseph Grove John, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letter to Andrew Beel, Uncle of Wren Patterson, class of 1835. Mentions proposed theater at Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bender, Harold H., 1923 April 6. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

LS Princeton. To George Mannbeck expressing appreciation for exhibition prepared for the meeting of the American Oriental Society.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bernard, Daniel P., 1807 September 7. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS New York. To Samuel L. Howell in which he describes his trip from Philadelphia to New York in a "diligence" through "Prince Town" and where he was "gratified to see so elegant a college."

Physical Description

1 folder

Biddle, James P., 1784 March 2. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letter: ALS to John Nicholson of Philadelphia.

Physical Description

1 folder

Blair, John, 1768-1769. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

To Jonathon Sergeant. Receipts for salary as tutor at Nassau Hall.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Blair, Samuel, 1796 November 28. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS, Germantown. To Dr. William Shipper. Concerning a certain deed presented by Roberdeau Buchanan, esq. Washington. Letter within.

Physical Description

1 folder

Blair, Samuel, 1809 January 21. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Germantown. To Major Isaac Roberdeau. Concerning the amount due him from the Oxford estate.

Physical Description

1 folder

Blair, Samuel, 1793 August 22. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Germantown. Concerning alleged unorthodoxy.

Physical Description

1 folder

Blair, Samuel, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Blair, Susanna, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

D. Family Bible. Record of birth, marriage, and birth of children.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bostwick, David, 1759 March 12. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Photostats of 2 ALS written from New York regarding subscriptions in Princeton for various publications.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bowers-Wheeler-Sergeant, 1754-1757. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Promissory Note (refers to the Connecticut Lottery in aid of the College). David Wheeler, Lemuel Bowers. Witnessed by Alford Burt. Two receipts signed by Jonathan Sergeant.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bowne, Joseph Gardiner, 1820-1935. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

By Mrs. Edna Bowne Strange, wife of Robert Strange, class of 1909. Nassau Hall, to John Bowne, his father. Personal family letters giving some account of his professors, his studies, and some incidents connected with the college.

Physical Description

1 folder

Boyd, John Campbell, 1853-1855. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Nassau Hall. To Henry R. Slack (Yale '55). Giving an account of his studies; the competition between Whig and Clio; the rebellion against a tutor; a "barring out spree. ALS Princeton. To Henry R. Slack (Yale '55). Giving and account of the burning of "Nassau Hall" in which the bell was destroyed. Presented by the Rev. W.S. Slack. Alexandria, Louisiana.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Boyd, William, 1786 January 29. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Boyd, William, 1814. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

D., Report card for Boyd in the junior year, sent to William McGowen.

Physical Description

1 folder

Boyle, Alexander, 1815-1816. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS and 2 documents of the College of New Jersey.

Physical Description

1 folder

Boyle, John, 1802 June 10. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS Boston. Presentation to the Trustees of the College of New Jersey of fifteen books, which he lists with prices.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Brackett, Cyros Foqq, 1863. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Thesis for the degree of M.D.

Physical Description

1 folder

Brackett, Cyrus Foqq, 1889 April 17. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

LS to Chas. E. Green regarding the establishment of a course for the degree of "Electrical Engineer".

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Bradford, William Jr., 1770. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Photostat of ALS to his father, William Bradford. Engraving, n.d.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bradford, William Jr., 1795 April 3. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Rosehill. To Samuel Bayard, cl. 1784, London, American agent for claims. Mentions difficulties and expenses in British courts.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bradford, William Jr., 1784 February 12. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Susan Baudinat (whom he later married). Love letter.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bradford, William Jr., 1790 October 14. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ADS Philadelphia. Opinion on subject of weights and measures.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bradford, William Jr., 1784 February 28. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ADS Philadelphia. Regarding will of Wigard Levering.

Physical Description

1 folder

Brainerd, John, 1759-1770. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

To Jonathan Sergeant. Receipt for interest on money of the Synod of NY and Philadelphia, incorporated in college funds.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Breese, Samuel, 1767 October 1. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ADS Princeton. Receipt to Jonathan Sergeant for money due to the estate of President Finley.

Physical Description

1 folder

Breese, Samuel, 1766-1769. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS to Jonathan Sergeant. Receipt for money due the estate of Samuel Finley. DS. Receipt for £56-8-0 "by the hands of Dr. Witherspoon".

Physical Description

1 folder

Brown, Charles, 1807-1809. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton; to Samuel L. Howell. ALS Nassau Hall; to Samuel L. Howell. ALS Nassau Hall; to Samuel L. Howell. ALS; to Samuel L. Howell. ALS; to Samuel L. Howell with addition by William Meade. ALS Princeton; to Samuel L. Howell.

Physical Description

1 folder

Brown, John, 1768. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Notes for sermons in his handwriting.

Physical Description

1 folder

Brown, Orlando, 1819 July 9. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton; to John Brown, his father, concerning his expenses and studies, etc.

Physical Description

1 folder

Brown, Walter Scott, 1860. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

AM "On Invocation," n.d. Schedule for Reunion of Princeton Class of 1860 with handwritten notes. Report card for Brown's senior year, 1860.

Physical Description

1 folder

Brugh, William Irwin, 1847 October 1. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Theological Seminary. Princeton. To his brother.

Physical Description

1 folder

Bruyn, Andrew Dewitt, 1808 December 6. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To Cornelius E. Decree in praise of Princeton: "I am convinced that you have made choice of the best institutions in the union." A list of studies and remarks on college expenses follows.

Physical Description

1 folder

Burt, Nathaniel, 1837 January. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton; to Nathaniel Burt (his father) requesting $7.00 for expenses in joining the American Whig Society. ALS Philadelphia; to Nathaniel Burt enclosing a note for $10.00.

Physical Description

1 folder

Butler, Richard L., 1842 November 16. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Transcript of a letter to his aunt from Princeton College.

Physical Description

1 folder

Campbell, Hugh, 1850. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Dr. John Maclean.

Physical Description

1 folder

Carpenter, Howard D., 1892-1900. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Five college bills for student expenses. Nine term reports on grades. One ALS to his mother; Richmond, Kentucky.

Physical Description

1 folder

Carter, William T., 1867-1869. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Freshman and sophomore reports.

Physical Description

1 folder

Clapp, Edward, 1852 May 21. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letter: ALS to William L. Rolfe about visiting B. Franklin's granddaughter, Mrs. Hodges, at Princeton. Envelope included.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Clark, Joseph, 1803. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

AD from John Hopkins. List of delinquent subscribers to Mr. Clark for the College.

Physical Description

1 folder

Clark, Joseph, 1803. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to John Hopkins. List of gentleman of Virginia who have subscribed various sums for the relief of Princeton College; hopes money will be paid, asks him to make a list of names and sums paid.

Physical Description

1 folder

Clark, Daniel A., 1806-1807. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letter: ALS to "Dear Uncle and Aunt" (James Moore). Princeton. Written on printed announcement from Nassau Hall to the Publick. Gift of William Ruebert (family tree included).

Physical Description

1 folder

Close, Gilbert F., 1910 June 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Gilbert F. Close, secretary to President, cl. 1903. LS Princeton to W. Harry Clemons, accompanying a paper to be placed among the documents in the Library, presented by George Mead Hughes.

Physical Description

1 folder

Coleman, Lyman, 1847 October 5. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to M. N. Flynt. Princeton. Regarding non-receipt of telegram sent to advise Flynt of a death in the family.

Physical Description

1 folder

Combes, Elias, 1791 October 12. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

D Princeton. To the College of New Jersey. Bill for carting lumber from Brunswick.

Physical Description

1 folder

Combs, Joseph, 1832 November 18. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To Nathan B. Rossiter, a student at Williams College. Friendly letter, mentions Henry Clay as candidate for President of US. Touches on various college activities. Says there are 129 students in college, "a greater number than there has been before in eight years."

Physical Description

1 folder

Condit, Jacob, 1808-1811. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

10 letters to Abbey Condit, his sister.

Physical Description

1 folder

Condit, Joseph D., 1826. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ADS Princeton. For orders on the Treasurers of the Nassau Hall Education Society, in favor of H. C. Borisestein, Samuel McDonald, and the standcup committee. Fair steps.

Physical Description

1 folder

Cook, George W., 1807 September 17. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To Samuel L. Howell. A letter in verse.

Physical Description

1 folder

Cornell, Frederick Frelinghuysen, 1819-1829. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS n.d. speech or sermon. D n.d. essay. DS Greek Salutatory, Princeton College, Class of 1825 (also 3 unidentified pages of Greek). 4 ALS to Cornell from John Loder. ALS to Cornell from Maria Cornell. 2 ALS to Cornell from his sister, Anna Maria Cornell.

Physical Description

1 folder

Cox, James, 1815 December 1. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letter to his mother from Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Cox, John, 1803-1804. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

2 ALS to his mother. ALS to Cox from his sister.

Physical Description

1 folder

Cox, William, 1845-1846. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Lancaster, Penna, To J. W. Jalmadge cl. 1846 on the death of Prof. Dod.

Physical Description

1 folder

Coyle, Capt. Irwin D., 1825-1886. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

A group of MSS and other material of Princeton interest.

Physical Description

1 folder

Cromwell, Jarvis, 1920 June. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Brief memoir of a meeting with Zelda and Scott F. Fitzgerald at a Princeton Reunion. This was written by J. Cromwell upon Prof. Carlos Baker's request.

Physical Description

1 folder

Crowell, John, 1834-1836. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Whig Hall; to Mahlon Dickerson, class of 1789, inviting him to deliver the annual address before Whig and Clio societies; signed by John Cromwell, class of 1834, Allen M. Jerome, class of 1835, James S. O'Kill, class of 1836. ALS Whig Hall; to Mahlon Dickerson, class of 1789, reviewing the invitations in the preceding letter; signed same as the preceding.

Physical Description

1 folder

Cuthbert, J.A., 1876. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Reminiscences of the Class of 1805. Signed: John A. Cuthbert.

Physical Description

1 folder

Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard, 1839. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To Henry Wagaman Edwards, cl. 1797. " You were this day unanimously elected to preside at the annual meeting (of the Cliosophic Society) on the evening of Commencement."

Physical Description

1 folder

Davis, John, 1802 August 3. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS Boston. Memorandum about a set of books he is presenting to Princeton Library. States they were appraised at thirty dollars by John Quincy Adams and Josiah Quincy.

Physical Description

1 folder

Dayton, T.B., and John Chandler, 1804-1809. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

2 ALSs by T.B. Dayton and 1 ALS from John Chandler.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Devens, Richard, 1771-1774. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

To Jonathan Sergeant.

Physical Description

1 folder

Devens, Richard, 1772 December 14. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ADS Princeton. Receipts to Jonathan Sergeant for tutor's salary.

Physical Description

1 folder

Dickson, William Sutton, 1893 October 30. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to his father about his mother's visit to Princeton from Philadelphia.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Dod, Albert Baldwin, 1841 December 20. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Princeton. To Mrs. Mary W. Olden. Certificate of ownership of pew no. 48 in the Princeton First Presbyterian Church. Signed by Albert B. Dod, president of the Board of Trustees of the church.

Physical Description

1 folder

Dod, Albert Baldwin, 1829 August 24. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Nassau Hall. To Rev. Nichola Murray, Philadelphia. Personal letter, mentions hopes of professorship, news of Princeton families, death of John Maclean.

Physical Description

1 folder

Dod, Albert Baldwin, 1839 September 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To Hon Mahlon Dickerson declining an offer of a professorship and chaplaincy at West Point.

Physical Description

1 folder

Dodd, Amzi, 1840. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS by "Fred" to Amzi Dodd.

Physical Description

1 folder

Dodd, Franklin S., 1867-1868. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

3 ALSs to his brother.

Physical Description

1 folder

Done, John H., 1759. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Essays and poetry while a student.

Physical Description

1 folder

Drake, Thomas, 1812 June 27. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Photostat. Original in Library of Rutgers University. DS Princeton. Receipt to College of New Jersey for $11.62 for work.

Physical Description

1 folder

Duffield, George, 1775 November 9. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Philadelphia. To --. Concerning a collection to be taken for student aid.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Duffield, Henry G., 1877-1881. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Essays written while an undergraduate: "The martyrdom of Huss", "Life of James Fenimore Cooper", "Criticism of the Writings of James Fenimore Cooper", Assassination of Abraham Lincoln", "Character and Public Service of James Madison", "Question: Is the secular newspaper press of our country detrimental to the highest culture of the people?".

Physical Description

1 folder

Duffield, Henry G., 1881 June. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

TLS to Dr. S. Beach Jones of New York concerning Dr. Jones's honorary MA diploma.

Physical Description

1 folder

Dunbar, William, 1811 November 7. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To John Vaughn telling of his studies at college.

Physical Description

1 folder

Earl, Mark Antony, 1836 June 9. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to George Sykes at Wrightstown, NJ from Princeton, NJ.

Physical Description

1 folder

Eliot, John, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS n.d. to Aaron Burr. Rel. to the College.

Physical Description

1 folder

Ellmaker, Amos, 1803 November 26. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

To Nathaniel Ellmaker. Letter written to his father describing the College to him and also the expenses connected with his education, here at Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Elmendorf, Conrad, 1781 July 2. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Mrs. Mary Elmendorf. Princeton. Concerns her son, Peter, Class of 1782, and his progress in school.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Elmendorf, Peter E., 1781-1788. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS New City; to Blendina Bruyn (his sister) concerning the call of a minister, Brandt Schnuyler Lupton. ALS Princeton; personal letter to his sister.

Physical Description

1 folder

Elmendorf, Peter E., 1781-1788. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. to Mrs. Mary Elmendorf (his mother). Personal letters mentioning College activities, expenses, food.

Physical Description

1 folder

Eltinge, Wilhelmus, 1794 November 16. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To Cornelius Eltinge (his father) describing college diet and announcing the death of President Witherspoon.

Physical Description

1 folder

Ely, Alfred, 1804-1806. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Ely from his mother. ALS to Ely from Eli Cooley. ALS to Ely from William Neill.

Physical Description

1 folder

Ely, E.S., 1831 February 10. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Philadelphia. To David D.F. Ely (his brother) concerning his studies and exercises at Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Emmens, Stephen H., 1896-1897. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS and LS New York. Correspondence with Charles Augustus Young and others concerning "gravitation". Printed circular addressed to the "Students of Princeton University" containing correspondence.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

English, David, 1787-1794. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Calbert, Maryland. ALS Parsonage Hall, Monmouth. ALS Monmouth. ALS Parsonage Hall, Monmouth. 4 personal and intimate letters to Charles Dickinson Green, class of 1787.

Physical Description

1 folder

English, David, 1809 November 6. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Georgetown. To Richard M. Green, class of 1794, concerning the purchase of shares of the Union Bank of Georgetown, and about the meeting of the Presbytery in Alexandria.

Physical Description

1 folder

English, David, 1787-1794. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Charles Dickinson Green, cl. of 1787, concerning the death of John Witherspoon (pres. 1768-1794). Received from Maxwell S. Green: 4408 Ellis Ave, Chicago, Illinois.

Physical Description

1 folder

Erskine, John, 1773 February 18. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Edinburgh. Subject: Library of College of New Jersey.

Physical Description

1 folder

Fenton, Glenn A., 1867 October 7. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Rev. Cyrus Dickson. From Nassau Hall, from G. A. Fenton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Finney, John M.T., 1911-1975. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

A select group of courses. Concerning John M. T. Finney and presidency of Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Fish, Peter, 1776 March 20. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Photostat of ALS. Nassau Hall. Written to his nephew giving requirements for entering the college.

Physical Description

1 folder

Fisher, D., 1827 December 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to his mother in New York. Princeton. Telling her about the death of Mrs. Clow.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Fitz-Randolph, Nathaniel, 1750-1754. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Book of Records. a. ms., "Lloyd Fitz Randolph copy." (xerox copy).

Physical Description

1 folder

Fitz-Randolph, Nathaniel, 1747. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Book of Records: abstract of Lloyd Fitz Randolph copy. Also, photostat of the will of Peter Morshon, Hanterdon County. Signed by Fitz Randolph.

Physical Description

1 folder

Fitz-Randolph, Nathaniel, 1753 January 26. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Princeton. Deed to the Trustees of the College of New Jersey for four-and-one-half acres of land on part of which Nassau Hall was erected. (Photostat of original deed now in Treasurer's office).

Physical Description

1 folder

Fitz-Randolph, Nathaniel, 1762 August 7. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents


Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Fox, Edward J., 1840-1841. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

3 ALSs to his friend in Pennsylvania, Elias E. Wilson, describing life as a student at Princeton. From Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Fox, Edward J., 1840-1841. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

5 ALSs with news from Princeton, to his friend Elias E. Wilson in Pennsylvania. Xerox copy included.

Physical Description

1 folder

Freeman, John Edgar, 1833-1834. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

3 ALSs to his sister, Mary A. Freeman. 2 ALSs to his sister, Adelaid M. Freeman. Typescripts of all the above.

Physical Description

1 folder

Gardiner, David Lyon, 1833 December 13-1834 December 18. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

7 ALSs Princeton. To David Gardiner his father (father graduated from Princeton in 1789). Personal family letters, one of which was written by his brother Alexander Gardiner, cl. 1837.

Physical Description

1 folder

Gardiner, John Lyon, 1785-1789. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Xerox of account book kept at Princeton by John L. Gardiner.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Gray, George, 1877-1889. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS US Senate; to Moses Taylor Pyne, cl. 1877, thanking him for a copy of alumni directory. ALS; declining invitation to Princeton dinner.

Physical Description

1 folder

Gray, George, 1889 March 1. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Washington. To Duncan Walker regarding tickets for the Senate ceremonies.

Physical Description

1 folder

Green, Harrington, 1909-1912. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

9 letters to his family from Princeton. TLS to "Mr. Green", Harrington's father, from George M. Priest.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Green, William Henry, 1900. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous Papers.

Physical Description

1 folder

Green, William Henry, 1896. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS n.d. Princeton. To Ernest C. Richardson, librarian. Enclosing a document of "interest in the...history of the college."

Physical Description

1 folder

Greenfather, B., 1816 April 20. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS Westfield, NJ. To Matthew Ludlow. Receipt for payment of duty "for and upon a wheel carriage called a chair" ... "and the harness used therefore."

Physical Description

1 folder

Grimball, John B., 1817 November 12. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To William M. Reed. Friendly letter. Mentions the "rot of 1817", the yellow fever epidemic in Charleston. The paper has an interesting water mark showing the profile of Napoleon I.

Physical Description

1 folder

Gwinn, Charles J.M., 1883 March 28. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

LS Baltimore, Maryland. To Moses Taylor Pyne, cl. 1877, accepting invitation to alumni dinner.

Physical Description

1 folder

Habersham, Robert, 1802-1807. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Nassau Hall; to Garret D. Wall; Trenton, NJ. ALS Savannah; to Garret D. Wall; Trenton, NJ.

Physical Description

1 folder

Hageman, John F., 1858 February 22. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Henry W. Green, Princeton. On the observation of the last Thursday in February as a day of special prayer for college. Suggests New Jersey law courts be adjourned that day.

Physical Description

1 folder

Hamilton, Morris Robeson, 1839 August 1. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Farewell to Old Nassau, composed and read at his graduation.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Harris, William, 1871 April 4. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton; to Henry W. Green, enclosing floor plan of library building. D; sketch of floor plan of a library building.

Physical Description

1 folder

Harris, William, 1863-1882. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Photostat of O.S. receipt. D; military pass.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Harrison, John, 1809 April 24. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To Thomas P. Johnson introducing Ezekiel Anderson.

Physical Description

1 folder

Harrison, John, 1793 April 10. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To John Witherspoon about delinquent students.

Physical Description

1 folder

Harrison, John, 1791-1792. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

AD Princeton; account with college. ADS; account with the Trustees for the session.

Physical Description

1 folder

Harrison, John, 1792 October 4. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ADS Princeton. To John Little. Receipts for payment of Board and mortgage executed by Jonathon Worth to the college.

Physical Description

1 folder

Hepburn, James Curtis, 1901. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS East Orange. To John Rodgers Williams. Cholera in New York in 1832 which spoiled Princeton Commencement of 1832.

Physical Description

1 folder

Hibben, Mrs. Jenny Davidson, 1896. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To Edward D. Balker '97. Invitation to lunch.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Hibben, John Grier, 1908-1932. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to various people. Pamphlet: "The Princeton Work in Peking".

Physical Description

1 folder

Hibben, John Grier, 1917 December 18. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letter to William R. Barricklo.

Physical Description

1 folder

Hibben, John Grier, 1917 May 22. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Mrs. Charles A. Christian. Princeton. Acknowledges her gift of a cutting of ivy from Langdon Hall, original home of the Fitz Randolph family; the ivy is to be placed in the location of Nathaniel Fitz Randolph's grave.

Physical Description

1 folder

Hibben, John Grier, 1906. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

LS Princeton; to Henry G. Duffield, Treasurer; enclosed an order for $31.50 to be paid to Charles Scribner's Sons for stationary; requests that $50.00 be deposited to the credit of Woodrow Wilson which amount President Wilson paid for a sun dial for "Prospect". LS Redfield NY; To Henry B. Duffield, Treasurer, relative to the sun dial at "Prospect".

Physical Description

1 folder

Hibben, John Grier, 1912. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letters to George Haven Putnam.

Physical Description

1 folder

Hollingsworth, Robert, 1846 October 28. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to his mother. Nassau Hall. Contains a good report of the centennial celebration at Nassau Hall.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Janeway, Jacob Jones, 1838 September 8. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS New Brunswick. To Rev. N. Murray correcting mistake of Mrs. Janeway about the falling of a church ceiling.

Physical Description

1 folder

Janeway, Jacob Jones, 1855 May 14. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS. Certificate of the Board of Missions of the Presbyterian Church of US of America appropriating $100.00 for the support of a Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Elkland, Penna.

Physical Description

1 folder

Janeway, Jacob Jones, 1820 November 6. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS. To Ashbel Green, cl. 1783, concerning the health of Samuel Lawrence, class of 1821, non. grad.

Physical Description

1 folder

Johnes, Stephen, 1806. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS by R. Stockton, copy of Johnes' will.

Physical Description

1 folder

Johns, John, 1855 December 28. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Malvern, O. To Francis Wharton. Response to an invitation.

Physical Description

1 folder

Jones, Stephen, 1755 June 20. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Receipt given to Jonathon Sergeant, Treasurer of the College.

Physical Description

1 folder

Kinney, Thomas T., 1839-1840. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Kirkland, Samuel, 1766 December 2. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS. To Daniel McClure concerning this missionary work.

Physical Description

1 folder

Kirkland, Samuel, 1763 June 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Photostats of 2 ALSs to Rev. Wheelock written from Nassau Hall. Photostat of an account of expenses incurred at college.

Physical Description

1 folder

Kirkland, Samuel, 1798 September 12. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

LS Paris. To Charles R. and G. Webster concerning his account.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Kirkpatrick, William, 1768 August 17. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ADS; extract from the minutes of the Synod meeting at Princeton; "to dispose of the interest of the charitable fund for the support of pious youth at the College of New Jersey". ADS; signed by Azariah Horton - see inside folder.

Physical Description

1 folder

Kirkpatrick, William, 1817 May 28. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Malaga. To Com. Jon Bainbridge. Mentions his ?? father, marriage of his daughter to Count Tiba, requests aid in preventing his removal as US Consul.

Physical Description

1 folder

Klenke, William W., 1933. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

"Presbyterian Church at Princeton," a history.

Physical Description

1 folder

Kollock, Henry, 1800 July 2. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Ashbel Green. Princeton. Thanking him and declining his invitation to take over Green's pulpit during his absence.

Physical Description

1 folder

Kurtz, John, 1823 August 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Georgetown. To James Carnahan, cl. 1800. Resolutions adopted by the Trustees of the Presbyterian congregation of Georgetown thanking "The Rev. Dr. Carnahan for the many great and important services ... rendered to the church". Signed Robert Getty, Daniel Bussard, John Kurty, sec.

Physical Description

1 folder

Leake, John, 1775 February 11. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Nassau Hall. To Enoch Green. Describing a course in college.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Lenox, James, 1850-1866. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Newport, RI; to John Maclean, cl. 1816, enclosing one thousand dollars as a contribution to the "Princeton Charitable Institution". ALS New York; to John Maclean, cl. 1816, regarding the portrait of Robert Lenox, Trustee, his father, copied by Elliot.

Physical Description

1 folder

Lenox, James, 1814 September 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS New York. To Samuel L. Hunstable certifying that he is a good ship master.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Leonard, Thomas, 1756-1760. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

D; to Trustees of the College; bill for wood and stone used in building Nassau Hall - including charges for carting and interest. D; to Trustees of the College; statement of account.

Physical Description

1 folder

Leonard, Thomas, 1761 February 3. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ADS Princetown. Receipt to Richard Paterson "for all rents due Thomas Leonard deceased".

Physical Description

1 folder

Leonard, Thomas, 1759-1766. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS Princeton; deed to Thomas Leonard, Jr. for a certain tract of land in Princeton (300 acres "opposite the college"). On reverse; attest of John Borrein, "one of the justices of the Supreme Court of the Province of New Jersey, that Samuel Horner, one of the witnesses appeared before him and swore to the correctness of this indenture".

Physical Description

1 folder

Leonard, Thomas, 1753 April 1. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS; to John Denniston and Patrick Barber; lease of plantation "Manogrove".

Physical Description

1 folder

Leonard, Thomas, 1755 December 6. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS; certified copy of the last will and testament of Thomas Leonard.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

MacDonald, Francis Charles, 1937. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to C. Pardee Foulke, cl. of 1896.

Physical Description

1 folder

MacDonald, Francis Charles, 1918. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

MacDonald, Francis Charles, 1945. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

MacLaren, Malcolm, 1945. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Prayer made by Rev. Frank S. Nils at the funeral of Malcolm Maclaren.

Physical Description

1 folder

MacLaurin, John, circa 1751 November 8. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to William Hogg. Glasgow, Scotland. Summaries from letters from Boston containing news of Jonathan Edwards, Ebenezer Pemberton, and the College of New Jersey; and on first page about one package sent by Jonathan Edwards and another concerning a portrait of him.

Physical Description

1 folder

Marsalis, John, 1796 November 1. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

High Sheriff of the County of Middlesex. DS to George Jobs, a sheriff's deed for the house and cot of David Olden, near Princeton, bought at a vendue at Joseph Crane's tavern in Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Marshall, George C., 1947. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Original typescript address delivered at Princeton University at the Washington Birthday Alumni celebration. Accompanied by letter of presentation by Walter Erving Hope.

Physical Description

1 folder

McCarter, Thomas N., 1888 June 30. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Newark. To Moses Taylor Pyne, cl. 1877. Asks that a catalog of alumni be sent to William Paterson, cl. 1835.

Physical Description

1 folder

McCauley, George J., 1843 April 22. 1 folder.

ALS to John Maclean. Cannot pay last sessions bill due to the college by his son until this cotton is marketed in November. Request that his son leave college.

Physical Description

1 folder

McClenahan, Roy P., 1951 March 30. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Henry L. Savage, participant in the Circus Riot at Princeton in 1900.

Physical Description

1 folder

McCormick, James, 1822. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Honoriad "The Graduates of Princeton in the Year 1822".

Physical Description

1 folder

McCosh, James, 1971 August 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to George Macloskic, Rev., from James McCosh, Princeton. 8 receipts form the Princeton National Bank included.

Physical Description

1 folder

McCoy, Gilbert Rodman, 1935. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

1 ALS to Gilbert Rodman Fox (class of 1835).

Physical Description

1 folder

McCulloch, Will, 1886. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1887.

Scope and Contents

5 ALSs from Princeton to Ed McCulloch (his brother) of Peoria, Illinois. Jan. 11, 1886; March 8, 1886; Oct. 19, 1886; Nov. 11, 1886; June 16, 1886.

Physical Description

1 folder

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1816.

Physical Description

1 box

McDowell, James, 1795-1851, 1840 May 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Fincastle, Va. To Robert Gibboney. Can do nothing about a certain matter until certain gentlemen return home.

Physical Description

1 folder

McDowell, James, 1795-1851, 1816 April 13. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Ms. Scholastic standing. Princeton. 3 p. printed. Also contains rules, hints to parents, and advertisement of expenses of the college.

Physical Description

1 folder

McDowell, James, 1795-1851, 1849 March 22. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS 1 p. from Edward S. Gail. Request for a few copies of McDowell's speech of Feb. 22.

Physical Description

1 folder

McDowell, John, 1810 October 29. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1801.

Scope and Contents

ALS Elizabeth Town. To - regarding David Comfort Class of 1795, Trustee re

Physical Description

1 folder

McGill, Alexander, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

D. n.d. Sept. 9, ___. Notice of his absence from classes.

Physical Description

1 folder

McGill, Alexander T. (Alexander Taggart), 1807-1889, 1864 April 18. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to John Michall Krebs (?). Princeton, 1 p. 8 mo. Relates to Princeton Theological Seminary.

Physical Description

1 folder

McKenzie, Kenneth, 1929 October 15. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

D.S. Princeton. 15 p. 40. Paper on "Vergil and Dante" read at The Vergil Commemoration in McCormick Hall.

Physical Description

1 folder

McLane, Allen, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Ms. c. 1805. Reminiscences of Princeton College. Mention made of Prof. John Maclean, Samuel S. Smith, Henty Kollock, Andrew Hunter, John M. Bradford, William Thompson, Bishop Meade, Charles William Monk, Thomas Hudson, and John James Marshall.

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1807.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

McLean, John, 1785-1861, 1852 October 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

1 ALS to Millard Fillmore, President of the United States, suggesting judge Thomas M. Key for Commissions of Lands and Titles in California.

Physical Description

1 folder

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McLean, John, 1825. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous papers.

Physical Description

1 folder

Maclean, John, Jr., 1861 November 6. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Nephew of Princeton President..

Scope and Contents

ALS to President John Maclean. 4 p. 8 mo. Thanks for recent hospitality, and family news.

Physical Description

1 folder

Biographical / Historical

President of College of New Jersey.

Physical Description

1 box

Maclean, John, 1800-1886, 1856 November. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Thomas Ross, describing why his son was expelled from College, November 7, 1856. ALS to Dr. John Maclean, President of College of New Jersey, from Thomas Ross, father of the expelled student, Philadelphia, November 20th, 1856.

Physical Description

1 folder

Maclean, John, 1800-1886, 1872 March. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to James McCosh. Princeton, March, 1872. 2 p. 4 to. A letter strongly in favor of McCosh's plan for raising funds to increase the salaries of the faculty.

Physical Description

1 folder

Maclean, John, 1771-1814, 1810 June 10. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Professor (The elder)..

Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton. To Ebenezer Stockton, class of 1780 concerning the Medical Society of N.J.

Physical Description

1 folder

Miller, Lewis, 1847. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

2 drawings [photostatic copies] of Princeton in 1847.

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1847.

Physical Description

1 folder

Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel R., Compte de, 1790 October 27. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to __. Introducing M. Le Blond, a physician of Cayenne, who decided to aid in the French Revolution and who was seized, imprisoned and left to perish. He was rescued by a compatriot M. de Damas and sent to France.

Physical Description

1 folder

Biographical / Historical

Post mistress Princeton.

Physical Description

2 boxes

Morford, Frances Witherspoon, 1831. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous papers.

Physical Description

1 folder

Morford, Frances Witherspoon, 1834 October 3. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS Princeton NJ to Benjamin P. Nowell. Assigned her position as postmistress at Princeton and writes of family matters and --- at some length about picture frames.

Physical Description

1 folder

Morris, John Gottlieb, 1821. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical


Scope and Contents

1 document (photostat), 3 pp. "Scale of Merit" - College of New Jersey.

Physical Description

1 folder

Morris, Lewis IV, 1801 July 18. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1774.

Scope and Contents

ALS (copy) Charleston. To James Morris (his brother) class of 1784 regarding 2 sons of Lewis preparing for Princeton under Dr. Armstrong of Trenton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Muller, James A., 1907. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Valedictory address.

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1907.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Neill, William, 1804 October 3. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Alfred Ely, Nassau Hall. 1 p. Octavo. Announces his appointment as tutor in the college; news of the faculty; suggests he put on a magisterial face.

Physical Description

1 folder

Neill, William, 1804 November 12. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Ashbel Green. Princeton, Nassau Hall. 1 p. 4 to. Regarding disagreement between Mr. Belknop and Mr. Hazard over room.

Physical Description

1 folder

Newell, Daniel, 1909. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

fl. 1835. Miscellaneous papers

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Niles, Frank Sergeant, 1888-1951, 1945 November 25. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Sermon "So great a cloud of witnesses." Historical sermon, 190th anniversary of the founding of the First Presbyterian Church of Princeton, given November 25, 1945. Typescript 11 p.

Physical Description

1 folder

Niles, Frank Sergeant, 1888-1951, 1947 September 23. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Henry Savage, Princeton. 3 p, 8 no typescript. Incloses copy of personal part of prayer offered at the funeral of Professor William Gillespie.

Physical Description

1 folder

Niles, Francis Sergeant, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Henry Savage, Princeton. 3 p. 8 no. Encloses copy (typed) of personal part of prayer given at the funeral of Mr. Walter Rankin, class of 1884.

Physical Description

1 folder

Olden, Job Gardner, 1865. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

fl. 1869..

Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous papers.

Physical Description

1 folder

Oliphant, J. Burr, 1846 October 5. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1846.

Scope and Contents

ALS3pp. To J. Sullivan Brown. Oliphant is a student in Princeton, a junior; he describes college life and the other activities which take place in the University.

Physical Description

1 folder

Oliphant, Samuel Grant, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous papers.

Biographical / Historical


Physical Description

1 folder

Patterson, James Wilson, 1862-1863. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1863.

Scope and Contents

2 letters to his mother Mrs. Henry Patterson of Baltimore, while a student at Princeton in 1862 and 1863.

Physical Description

1 folder

Patterson, Robert, 1824 March 12. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS, 12 March 1824, to Geo S. Woodhill, re Dickinson prize medal.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Pollock, James, 1810-1890, 1866 March 23. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1831.

Scope and Contents

ALS Philadelphia. To L.A. Mackey with reference to legislation concerning Lewisburg, PA bridge.

Physical Description

1 folder

Pollock, James, 1810-1890, 1855 February 16. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1831.

Scope and Contents

ALS Harrisburg. To Adam Hoy accepting membership in the "Phrenahosmian Society."

Physical Description

1 folder

Pollock, James, 1810-1890, 1821 September 2. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Commencement oration in Greek.

Physical Description

1 folder

Poole, DeWitt Clinton, 1917-1919. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

5 letters written to David Warren.

Physical Description

1 folder

Potter, Charles H., 1860-1863. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

3 ALS to his mother re. college life. 11 receipts for goods and services in Princeton. 6 receipts from the Treasurer of the University for tuition, food, etc.

Physical Description

1 folder

Presburey, Frank S., 1931 May 15. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1879.

Physical Description

1 folder

Ralston, Robert, 1819 September 27. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Trustee 1815-1819.

Physical Description

1 folder

Rankin, Henry Van Vleek, 1841-1843. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous correspondence.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Rankin, William, 1950 October 22. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Memories of Princeton College.

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1886.

Physical Description

1 folder

Rankin, William, 1898-1908. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

7 ALSs to Bernard Berenson, 7 pages of notes on art collection.

Physical Description

1 folder

Read, John, 1785 November 12. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1787.

Scope and Contents

ALS to his mother from Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Redman, John, 1769 September 1. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical


Scope and Contents

To Trustees of the College, assignment of bond of John Blair h. 1760. Hugh McCullough and John Bayard

Physical Description

1 folder

Redman, John, 1748 September 14. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Charter of Incorporation of the Trustees of the College of New Jersey (Copy).

Physical Description

1 folder

Reed, Taylor, 1889-1898. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Princeton professor of Astrophysics. Princeton class of 1886..

Scope and Contents

Correspondence to Reed, including two receipts, and CS to Louisa Mac George by Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Marggleworth

Physical Description

1 folder

Rees, Evan, 1747 September 20. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Copy of his will, in which he left a sum to the College of New Jersey.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Reeve, Tapping, 1770. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1763.

Scope and Contents

ALS to Johnathan Sergeant. Receipts for salary as tutor.

Physical Description

1 folder

Reeve, Tapping, 1810 August 10. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1763.

Scope and Contents

Certifying that Henry Starr read law and attended lectures in Judge Reeves' office.

Physical Description

1 folder

Reeve, Tapping, 1806 April 24. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1763.

Scope and Contents

ALS about complaint brought against the editor of "The Monitor" for having published "blasphemy".

Physical Description

1 folder

Reeve, Tapping, 1773. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1763, married the only daughter of Aaron Burr.

Scope and Contents

ALS, Litchfield, CN to Aaron Burr, reproving him for wearing his best coat "every day," offers to lend him twenty shillings.

Physical Description

1 folder

Reeve, Tapping, 1807 April 17. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Rice, Alice Hegan, 1957-1993. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous papers.

Physical Description

1 folder

Robeson, Thomas, 1791. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to John Beatty. Receipt for 25-9-1 pounds for carting shingles from New Brunswick to Princeton, for the use of the college. ALS to the College of New Jersey receipt for carting shingles.

Physical Description

1 folder

Robinson, John J., 1845 August 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to "Dear Sir" the Rev. M.B. Hope in Philadelphia, discussing the compilation of theological articles, and mentioning Prof. Hodge. Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Robinson, John P., 1825 December 2. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Princeton Theological Seminary, Class of 1828.

Scope and Contents

ALS concerning his repentance to charges of misconduct brought against him.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Rutgers, Anthony, 1810 March 30. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1819.

Scope and Contents

"A Piece" on the death of George Washington. Passages from the Scriptures

Physical Description

1 folder

Rutgers, Anthony, 1817-1818. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1819.

Scope and Contents

ALS to Gerard Rutgers announcing his safe return to Princeton and mentioning indirectly the "Riot of 1817" "about 90 out of 130 are in college." ALS to Mrs. M.J. Rutgers, personal letter with an account of a visit to Mr. Van Horn who "lives about 4 miles from this place."

Physical Description

1 folder

Rutgers, Anthony, undated. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1819.

Scope and Contents

AMS Oration on knowledge. Oration, Newark Academy.

Physical Description

1 folder

Rutgers, Henry, 1811 February 4. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical


Scope and Contents

ALS to Samuel Bayard, tells of getting dividend, discusses Theological professorship at Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Ryerson, George M., 1838 December 16. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1840.

Scope and Contents

ALS to his father, David, with news.

Physical Description

1 folder

Schley, William, 1847 April 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

To James Carnaham, declining to give an address at the centennial celebration of the College.

Physical Description

1 folder

Selfridge, Mrs. Susan W. Kearny, 1928 April 28. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to John G. Hibben, President of Princeton University, offering for sale a letter of Major General Phillip Kearney. Accompanying is a copy of his letter. Also a copy of a letter from Division Commander describing Kearney at the field of the 2nd Battle of Bull Run.

Physical Description

1 folder

Sheppard, Furman, 1843-1844. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1845.

Scope and Contents

2 ALS to Chas H. Plummer regarding student life at Princeton

Physical Description

1 folder

Sherrerd, Samuel, 1838 February 2. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1838.

Scope and Contents

Dissertation on Hypercatalectics, delivered in Nassau Hall at Senior Exercises.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Shields, Charles Woodruff, 1871 March 1. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1844.

Scope and Contents

ALS to Henry W. Green, concerning pleas for a new library building

Physical Description

1 folder

Shields, Charles Woodruff, 1903 January 13. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1844.

Scope and Contents

To Varnum Lansing Collins about a list of colonial officers in NJ.

Physical Description

1 folder

Sibley, George H., 1920-1951. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1920.

Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous papers.

Physical Description

1 folder

Slack, Elijah, 1846 February 6. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Typed copy: letter of Elijah Slack, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy and Vice President to his nephew, James W. Slack, from Prospect Hill.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Smith, Caleb, 1757-1758. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Reverend Mr. Jacob Green, regarding estate of John Odell

Physical Description

1 folder

Smith, Caleb, 1758 May 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents


Biographical / Historical


Physical Description

1 folder

Smythe, Hugh, 1856-1863. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1863.

Scope and Contents

Copy of "Cannon Song" in Smythe's hand, Citizen certificate, copy of "An Allegory" in Smythe's hand.

Physical Description

1 folder

Stone, Walter, 1779. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

AL to his uncle at Port Tobacco, VA. Written while a student at college, on dueling, morals, his future, his studies.

Physical Description

1 folder

Stroud, George McDowell, 1817 September 24. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1817.

Scope and Contents

Valedictory oration at Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Stryker, William Scudder, 1858-1899. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1858.

Scope and Contents

AMS Honorary Poem for Commencement, 3 TLS to Varnum Lansing Collins.

Physical Description

1 folder

Stryker, William Scudder, 1889-1890. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1858.

Scope and Contents

LS to Moses Taylor Pyne, regarding President Harrison's prospective visit to Trento, LS to Moses Taylor Pyne concerning alumni dinner.

Physical Description

1 folder

Stuart, Robert, 1875 September 20. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to O. Hadnut regarding a view of Princeton to be given to President James McCosh.

Physical Description

1 folder

Taylor, Augustus R., 1812 January 13. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Rev. Alexander Proudfit, re. Trustees seeking a Vice President for the College of New Jersey

Physical Description

1 folder

Taylor, John W., 1835. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1835.

Scope and Contents

Senior Exhibition: Oration.

Physical Description

1 folder

Thant, U., 1963 August 12. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents


Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Thomson, James, 1768 April 26. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1761.

Scope and Contents

ADs, payment received for Jonathan Sergeant.

Physical Description

1 folder

Thomson, James, 1766 June 24. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ANS receipt to Jonathan Sergeant for six pounds.

Physical Description

1 folder

Thomson, James, 1765-1780. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1761.

Scope and Contents

To Jonathan Sergeant, receipts for payment of salary as tutor.

Physical Description

1 folder

Thomson, James, 1766-1769. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

To Jonathan Sergeant, Treasurer, receipts for salary as tutor.

Physical Description

1 folder

Treat, Joseph, 1759. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Order on Johnathan Sergeant for money due him for tutor's salary.

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1757.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Treat, Richard, 1773 September 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Draft on Jonathan Sergeant in favor of Hugh Craig, student at college.

Biographical / Historical


Physical Description

1 folder

Treat, Richard, 1746-1755. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical


Scope and Contents

ALS to Jonathan Sergeant, an order to pay interest on a certain sum.

Physical Description

1 folder

Van-Lennep, Edward James, 1874. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letters written as an undergraduate at Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Van Syckel, Bennet, 1889 October 13. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1846.

Scope and Contents

ALS to Moses Taylor Pyne promising certain addresses.

Physical Description

1 folder

Van Tromp, M. H., 1853-1891. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

"Sermon" by "a mysterious Indian" bequeathed to Princeton by M.H. Tromp with letters of transmission by Edward B. Woods and George S. Patton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Vernon, William, 1774. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

AMS account sheet, an account with the New Jersey College Lottery.

Physical Description

1 folder

Vertner, James Douglass, 1886. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

"The Great Problem!" an essay written at Nassau Hall.

1 ALS to "Dear Mother".

Biographical / Historical

Class of 1844.

Physical Description

1 folder

Watson, James W., 1843. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Weatherby, James, 1822 July 20. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1822.

Scope and Contents

ADS report of the Treasure of the Nassau Hall Education Society, audited by James McCormick.

Physical Description

1 folder

Webster, Charles, 1817 January 23. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to James Dexter, an account of the "Riot of 1817".

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Webster, Noah, 1766-1839. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Dr. Morse, ALS to Samuel Smith, ALS to Mr. Bowe

Physical Description

1 folder

Webster, Noah, 1804-1879. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Grant to the Trustees of the College of New Jersey of certain specified sums to be paid annually (R.R. Hoes' copy of the document), extract from Trustees' minutes acknowledging the gift, ALS R. Randall Hoes to Gordon L. Ford, relating to this copy of the document.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wertenbaker, Sarah Marshall, 1950. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

The University League.

Physical Description

1 folder

White, Anthony Walton, 1793 March 13. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ADS to William Paterson, certifying that the "Students of Nassau Hall have...been formed...into a company" (of militia) John Dixson, Capt., John Niesten, Lieut., James Still, Ensign

Physical Description

1 folder

White, Canvas, 1832-1834. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

5 ALS to "Dear Brother," Hugh White, from Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wickes, Benjamin C., 1842 April. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1843.

Scope and Contents

Circular to parents of this class standing, printed form contains an advertisement, terms of admission, course of instruction, expenses.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wiggins, B. Lawton, 1902 October 1. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Woodrow Wilson acknowledging invitation to his inauguration as President of Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wikoff, Holmes, 1864. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

2 ALS to President Maclean requesting honorable dismissal from Princeton. 1 ALS from Tracy Peek to Holmes' father reporting on his progress during a summer of tutoring.

Physical Description

1 folder

Williamson, Benjamin, Jr., 1856. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1856.

Scope and Contents

ALS to his father, Chancellor Benjamin Williamson, telling of his studies; mention of "James Clement" Moffat and "Stephen Alexander."

Physical Description

1 folder

Williamson, John, 1766 January 20. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to the Trustees and President Samuel Finleg, informing them that he has given 100 pounds to assist in maintaining a professor of Divinity.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wilkins, John F., 1938 March 14. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1894.

Scope and Contents

ALS regarding Edward W. Wright, class of 1844, and invitations to Commencement Ball of 1849

Physical Description

1 folder

Wilson, Harold, 1965 March 25. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letter to President Goheen, declining invitation.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wilson, James R., 1822-1826. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1824.

Scope and Contents

3 ALSs to James R. Wilson

Physical Description

1 folder

Wilson, Thomas, 1785. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

DS Resolution by U.S. Congress signed by Chas Thomsonson, donating sets of works of Thomas Wilson. NS addendum on same document, John Beatly acknowledges Princeton's receipt of book

Physical Description

1 folder

Wood, Charles, 1903. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALs to Charles W. McAlpin about preaching in college chapel

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Wood, Silas, 1787-1792. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Purpose of this letter is to fulfill a promise. Alec is concerned with theological matters.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wood, Silas, 1787-1792. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letter is with regard to a person named Morton and his unhappy situation at Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wood, Silas, 1787-1792. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letter is mostly concerned with a person named Morton, and his reputation, character, etc.

Physical Description

1 folder

Woodberry, George Edward, 1916 June 4. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Francis Charles Macdonald, thanks for a book of Alfred [Hoycs] and in praise of the poems of Mr. Green.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wrex, Thomas, 1784 February 12. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

ALS to Elias Boudinat, thanking him for letter and vote of thanks from Congress and diploma for honorary degree of D.D. conferred by Princeton in recognition of his ministrations to American prisoners of war at Portsmouth.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1930 December 17. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

TLS to his friend Lewis Mumford (art critic and author) about forthcoming lectures at Princeton University.

Physical Description

1 folder

Wyckoff, Walter Augustus, 1899. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1888.

Scope and Contents

2 ANS to Mr. Maudu and Mr. Sleuth

Physical Description

1 folder

Yeomans, Alfred, 1849 September. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1852.

Scope and Contents

Letter written to his father from Princeton.

Physical Description

1 folder

Young, George C., 1868 November 30. 1 folder.
Biographical / Historical

Class of 1869.

Scope and Contents

ALS to the Faculty, excuse for absence.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Anonymous, 1812-1819. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

MS Account of Princeton town and college, societies, administration, student expenses, addressed to General Green Clay.

Physical Description

1 folder

Anonymous, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

"Elegy on Princeton College by a Prisoner." Typescript, copied from the Independent Chronicle, published in Boston. Concerns the destruction of Nassau Hall by fire in 1802; immediately following as an appeal for funds to rebuild.

Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Princeton Academy Miscellaneous Papers, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Princeton Library Company, 1812 April 29. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Certificate of membership of Benjamin Olden in the Princeton Library company.

Physical Description

1 folder

Princeton University, 1874. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Princeton University Receipt for 120.75 for S.P. Cook, freshman, signed by the Treasurer of the College of N.J.

Physical Description

1 folder

Langlotz Memorial, Presentation of, 1946-1948. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, articles, and speeches.

Physical Description

1 folder

Princeton University Library, 1802. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Memorandum of books for the College from Samuel Hunt, $36.00

Physical Description

1 folder

Princeton University Library Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1938-1952. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Princeton University Memorandum, 1804 April 2. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Memorandum of an agreement relating to the repair.

Physical Description

1 folder

Princeton University Library Borrowers' records, 1826. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Princeton University Students' Address to John Adams and reply, 1798. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

An address of the students of the College of New Jersey to John Adams, an expression of confidence in the authorities of their country. Signed by Charles Ewing, Josiah Watson, Jr., Cassius Lee, David E .Heigrew, and Theodore F. Talbot, Committee. Also, John Adam's answer to their address. Both copied from Guardian.

Physical Description

1 folder

Princeton Theological Seminary, Class Roll, 1870. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

College of New Jersey, 1760 March. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Copy of article in "The New American Magazine." "Short account of the rise and state of the College in the Province of New Jersey."

Physical Description

1 folder

"The West-End Budget", 1859. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

"The West-End Budget" - a magazine in manuscript, with illustrations.

Physical Description

1 folder

Print, Suggest