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James S. Woods Papers


Held at: Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division [Contact Us]

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Overview and metadata sections


Son of a Presbyterian minister, and grandson of Princeton University President John Witherspoon, James Sterrett Woods had a brief but distinguished military career. Graduating with the West Point Class of 1844, Woods served as a second lieutenant of infantry and was killed during the Mexican War.

The collection consists mainly of family correspondence of Woods, from his entrance into the military academy at West Point in 1840, through his graduation in 1844, and into his Mexican War experience in Matamoros, Mexico, in June 1846. Also included is a Civil War era carte de visite of an officer in full military uniform (presumably one of Woods's brothers), Woods's military commission (1845) as a brevet second lieutenant of infantry, and the January 23, 1847, issue of the Presbyterian newspaper in which his father writes at length about Woods's death in the war.

The papers were given to the Princeton University Library by descendants of Woods in 2004.

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Folder inventory added by Nicholas Williams '2015 in 2012.

No appraisal information is available.

Manuscripts Division
Finding Aid Date
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.

Collection Inventory

Correspondence: West Point, 1840. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Correspondence: West Point, 1841. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Correspondence: West Point, 1842. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Correspondence: West Point, 1843. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Correspondence: West Point-Camp Salubrity, 1844. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Correspondence: New Orleans-Corpus Christi, 1845. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Correspondence: Corpus Christi-Matamoros, 1846. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Photograph: James Sterrett Woods, 1824-1846. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Military Commission Document, 1845. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Printed Matter: The Presbyterian, 23 January 1847. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Print, Suggest