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Princeton Cuneiform Collection


Held at: Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division [Contact Us]

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

The Manuscripts Division has cuneiform collections containing approximately 1,350 baked and unbaked clay tablets, opened and unopened tablet cases, clay cylinders, nail-shaped cones, pyramid-shaped tags, and other items. Cuneiform writing on clay was in use for approximately three thousand years to record literary texts, school exercises, mathematical computations, and especially documents in Sumerian, Akkadian, and other Mesopotamian languages in what is now Iraq. However, the bulk of the Princeton collection is documentary and archival in nature, chiefly dating from the Third Dynasty of Ur or the Old Babylonian Period (dated 2112–2004 BC and 2004–1595 BC, in accordance with the "Middle Chronology"). Most of Princeton's clay tablets were excavated more than a century ago, beginning in the 1890s and continuing into the early years of the 20th century and are among the earliest acquisitions of the Special Collections. The Princeton Cuneiform Collection is comprised chiefly of temple accounts and other economic and administrative documents from the temples of Telloh, Jokha, and Drehem (modern place names for the ruins of the ancient Girsu, Umma, and Puzrish-Dagan in Southern Mesopotamia (in what is now Iraq). The bulk of the collection was the gift of Moses Taylor Pyne (1855–1921), Class of 1877; Professor Rudolph Ernst Brünnow (1858–1917), Department of Near Eastern Studies; and other friends and graduates of Princeton University. On the question of provenance, Henry Bartlett Van Hoesen, Assistant Librarian and Curator of Manuscripts, noted in 1921: "The beginning of the collection of Babylonian cuneiform tablets and seal cylinders was made in 1897, when the late M. Taylor Pyne, of the class of 1877, to whom the University and its Library owes so deep a debt of gratitude, had his attention called to a collection of some 280 tablets and 80 cylinders, offered for sale by Daniel Z. Noorian of New York. This collection was recommended by the late William Hayes Ward....A large part, if not all, of this collection of Noorian's was purchased and presented to the Princeton University Library by Mr. Pyne and Mr. Junius S. Morgan (Class of 1888). A considerable addition (623 tablets) to the collection was made in 1912–1913 by the late Professor Rudolph Ernst Brünnow, Mr. Pyne and other friends and alumni of the University. The complete list of donors is as follows: Rudolph Ernst Brünnow; Sheldon Franklin, Class of 1903; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897; Kenneth Campbell Kirtland, Class of 1893; Cyrus Hall McCormick, Class of 1879; John Leverett Moore, Class of 1881; Russell Wellman Moore, Class of 1883; Charles Allen Munn, Class of 1881; Richard Wayne Parker, Class of 1867; Moses Taylor Pyne, Class of 1877; Simeon H. Rollinson, Class of 1893; Miss Edith Ward; Martin Dasher Wylly, Class of 1875. In the same year another collection consisting of 35 tablets was presented by Wilfred John Punk, Class of 1909, and George William Gilmour, Class of 1883. The latest, as the earliest, gift was from Mr. Pyne—three tablets, presented during the year 1913–14. The cylinder seals are as yet uncatalogued with the exception of 58, of which we have a description in manuscript by Mr. Ward."

Edward Chiera (1885–1933), then a professor of Assyriology at the University of Pennsylvania, first learned of the Princeton collection in 1917. He described the main Princeton collection (now designated C0848) in two books: Catalogue of the Babylonian Cuneiform Tablets in the Princeton University Library (Princeton: Princeton University Library, 1921), including Henry Bartlett Van Hoesen's provenance note, quoted above; and Selected Temple Accounts from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem; Cuneiform Tablets in the Library of Princeton University (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1922). The first book is the source of descriptions for nos. Ex136–Ex2381 in the finding aid. Chiera's descriptions have been retained, though at variance with more recent approaches to transliteration and dating. However, Chiera's descriptions have been annotated as necessary in square brackets to indicate tablets that have been removed from their tablet cases since 1922; tablets that do not correspond to their descriptions; and missing tablets, many of which were lent in the 1950s to an American Assyriologist for study and never returned. During the 2009–2010 academic year, the Princeton Cuneiform Collection was rehoused from metal cabinets to boxes by Sylvia Yu, Department of Collections. Box numbers (1–99) have been added to the descriptions to indicate the box in which each item is housed. The descriptions from Chiera catalogue were taken from a digitized version of the catalogue.

In the decades following publication of Chiera's catalogue, several smaller gifts of cuneiform were made to the Princeton University Library. Accordingly, these are briefly listed after Chiera's descriptions. Two Princeton collectors donated their cuneiform as part of their own collections. These cuneiform are housed with the Princeton Cuneiform Collection (C0848). One of the two collectors was Rev. William H. Tower (1871–1950), Class of 1894, whose postal history collection (C0911) includes two tablets now housed with the Princeton Cuneiform Collection). The other was Robert Garrett (1875–1960), Class of 1897, who donated almost all of the extensive Robert Garrett Collection in 1942; his ten clay tablets and nail cones were separately accessioned (AM 14837) and constitute a series within the Robert Garrett Collection (C0744). The Garrett items are housed with the Princeton Cuneiform Collection. Another Princeton collector was Harold E. Walker, Class of 1926, who had acquired his tablets from the American Assyriologist and collector Edward J. Banks (1866-1945), constituting eight tablets designated Walker-Banks (AM 16787) and part of the Princeton Cuneiform Collection. Professor William W. Hallo, Yale University, prepared the descriptions of the Banks-Walker items included in this finding aid. Also listed are four fine items in The Scheide Library, Princeton, privately owned but housed in the Department of Collections. These items are kept in The Scheide Library and are not housed with the Princeton Cuneiform Collection (access is through the Scheide Librarian). The finest of these items is a large clay royal inscription cylinder of King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon (r. ca. 605–562 BCE), which relates to the Lugal-Marada temple in Marad (near the modern Wannet es-Sa'adun) and closes with a prayer to Lugal-Marada. Another Princeton collector should be mentioned. Lloyd E. Cotsen, Class of 1950, has assembled a cuneiform collection, including many fine examples of school exercises and mathematical computations. However, this collection has not been transferred to the Cotsen Children's Library, which is a division of the Department of Collections. A significant portion of the Cotsen cuneiform collection has been described and reproduced in Mark Wilson, Education in the Earliest Schools: Cuneiform Manuscripts in the Cotsen Collection (Los Angeles: Cotsen Occasional Press, 2008).

Not listed is the Manuscripts Division's collection of 244 stone seals (C0849) from the collections of Moses Taylor Pyne; Robert Garrett, and Edward D. Balken (1874–1960), Class of 1897. Such seals were used to make impressions in clay tablets and their cases. The Assyriologist Rudi H. Mayr has prepared a partial checklist of the Princeton collections of stone seals, including those in the Princeton University Art Museum, which also has monumental cuneiform inscriptions donated by Robert Garrett. Finally, Special Collections at the Speer Library of the Princeton Theological Seminary, an independent educational institution located in Princeton, has a substantial cuneiform collection, with some three thousand items. These have been cataloged at the University of Pennsylvania and are available at Speer Library. [By Don C. Skemer, Curator of Manuscripts, May 20, 2010]

The tablets were donated by Moses Taylor Pyne (Class of 1877), Professor Ernst Brünnow (Near Eastern Studies), Robert Garrett, (Class of 1897), Cyrus H. McCormick (Class of 1879), Russell W. Moore (Class of 1883), and other friends and alumni of Princeton University.

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This collection was processed by Sylvia Yu in April 2010. Finding aid written by Sylvia Yu in May 2010.

No appraisal information is available.

Manuscripts Division
Finding Aid Author
Sylvia Yu
Finding Aid Date
Published in 2010.
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.

Collection Inventory

Scope and Contents

Clay Tablets catalogued by Edward Chiera (Boxes 1-94). Note: Most of the tablets published by Chiera as dated in the "Ur dynasty" are dateable to the Third Dynasty of Ur (Ur III).


Arranged numerically.

Physical Description

93 boxes

Ex 1-135, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unlisted (numbers never assigned)

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 136, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Clay cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar. Baked. Meas. length 122 mrn., diam. 50 mm. Divided in two columns. Contents: Duplicate of inscription published by Winckler in Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, vol. II p. 129.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 137, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 155 x 88 x 22 mm. Inscription in four columns. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated: mu (d)Ninni(?) mash-e ni-pad. From Birs Nimrôd. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 138-146, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents


Physical Description

1 item

Ex 147, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Covered with salts. Meas. 198 x 45 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 17, Rev. 17. Contents: Account of barley, for seed. Dated in the year in which the great priest of (d)Nanna was selected through the omens. Dungi, 41+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 148, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Left upper corner of baked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 115 x 62 x 35 mm. Two columns standing. Contents: Pay list. Date unreadable. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 149, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 85 x 62 x 22 mm. In four columns. Contents: Account of different things brought as stated offering (sá-dug), to several gods. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 150, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Left upper corner of unbaked tablet. Meas. 96 x 77 x 35 mm. In four columns. Contents: Account of cattle. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ne-gun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 151, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 142 x 95 x 24 mm. In six columns. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 152, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered and fragmentary. Meas. 118 x 70 x 21 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 153, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of baked tablet. Meas. 68 x 83 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2 cols., Rev. mostly destroyed. Contents: Account of barley, etc., received from several persons. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi. 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 154, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Cracked. Portions missing. Meas. 137 x 116 x 25 mm. Divided in six columns. Contents: Account of flocks and of their fodder. Dated in the month of Ezen(d)Ne-gun, the accession year of ...... Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 155, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 76 x 47 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Rev. 13, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of oxen. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 156, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Portion of baked tablet. Meas. 82 x 56 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14, Rev. 9. Contents: Pay list. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 157, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 95 x 50 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 21 Rev. 18. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the month Ezen (d)Ne-gun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 158, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 75 x 47 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10. Rev. 12. Contents: Account of flocks received (mu-tum), given out (zig-ga), and still in possession (gub-ba). Dated in the year after ...... Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 159, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 89 x 54 x 22 inm. Inscr. Obv. 13. Rev. 12. Contents: Account of flocks. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 160, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 85 x 48 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Ezen(d)Bau, the year after that in which Urbillum was destroyed. It reads: mu ush-ra(!) Urlum(ki) (sic !) ba-hul. Dungi, 43+ x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 161, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Central portion of a baked tablet. Rev. entirely destroyed. Meas. 111+ x 121+ x 12+ mm. Originally in many columns, four columns preserved. Contents: Account of cattle. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 162, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 90 x 50 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the year in which the exalted priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4. [190 mm. length (assumed typo in book) corrected to 90 mm.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 163, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Round tablet. Portions chipped off. Meas. diameter 84 mm, thickness 27 mm. In four columns. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year in which the exalted throne of (d)Enlil was built. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 164, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of baked tablet. Meas. 96+ x 110+ x 36+ mm. Originally in many columns, eight partially preserved. Contents: Paylist. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 165, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Covered with incrustations. Meas. 127 x 117 x 28 mm. In six columns. Contents: Account of all payments made from the month Gán-mash of the year in which the wall of the land was built, to the month She-gûr-kud of the year after that in which the wall of the land was built, to the month She-gûr-kud of the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-da-gan was built. From Dungi 35+x to 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 166, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Left lower corner of large baked tablet. Meas. 68+ x 60+ x 30 mm. Originally in six columns. Contents: Account of foods and beverages. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 167, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Upper portion missing. Meas. 70+ x 64 x 23 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: Account of foodstuffs. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 168, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Left portion of large unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 111+ x 74+ x 40+. Originally in many columns, two standing. Contents: Account of foodstuffs. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 169, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Right lower corner of baked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 112+ x 111+ x 25+ mm. Originally in six or seven columns on each side. Contents: Paylist. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 170, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 102 x 51 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 22, Rev. 23. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the month Ezen (d)Dun-gi, the year in which (d)Amar-(d)Sin, the king, devastated Ur-bi-lum(ki). Amar-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 171, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Left lower corner of large baked tablet. Meas. 149+ x 126+ x 14 mm. Originally in about fourteen columns, nine partially preserved. Contents: Account of cattle and flocks. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 172, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 149 x 78 x 22 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: Account of oxen. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 173, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Right lower corner missing. Meas. 122 x 78 x 29 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: Measurements of fields, and account of their produce. Dated in the year in which Gán-har(ki) was devastated for the third time. Ur dynasty. [Missing right lower corner found and included.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 174, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Central portion of large baked tablet. Fragmentary. Obv. entirely destroyed. Portions of six columns preserved. Meas. 150+ x 164+ x 26+ mm. Contents: Paylist. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 175, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Central portion of a very large tablet. Meas. 110+ x 130+ x 40+ mm. Four columns preserved. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 176, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of baked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 132+ x 118+ x 37+ mm. Originally in twelve or fourteen columns. Portions of three columns preserved, but practically unreadable. Contents: Account of women workers. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 177, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Lower edge missing. Meas. 130 x 84 x 26 mm. Inscr. in four columns. Contents: Account of barley delivered (mu-tum) and as an offering (sà-dug), from the month mu-shú-dŭ to the month She-gúr-kud. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 178, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Crumbling fast. In three pieces. Meas. 142 x 115 x 127 mm. Divided in eight columns. Contents: Account. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 179, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of large baked tablet. Meas 115+ x 228 x 45+ mm. Divided in seventeen columns. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the year in which the great priest, the exalted one...... Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 180, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Large unbaked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas 168 x 157 x 30 mm. In eight columns. Contents: Account of oxen, and their feed. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 181, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 153+ x 138 x 32. In eight columns. Contents: Paylist. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 182, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Large baked tablet. Right edge destroyed. Meas. 163 x 134 x 31 mm. In eight columns. Contents: Paylist of women and children. Dated in the month She-kú. The accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin. 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 183, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Left portion of baked tablet. Meas. 111+ x 50+ x 29 mm. Originally in six columns. Contents: Account of laborers and employees. Dated in the month Mu-shú-dŭ; the year in which Ki-mash(ki), Hu-mur-ti(ki) and their land in one day he took. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 184, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Right lower corner of baked tablet. Meas. 112+ x 71+ x 23 mm. Originally in six columns, portions of four columns preserved. Contents: Paylist. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 185, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 27 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of the surplus from the preceding year. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 186, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Unopened. Meas. 42 x 40 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for cattle. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 187, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Right upper corner of large tablet. Meas 131+ x 184+ x 37 mm. Originally in about eighteen columns. Portions of ten columns preserved. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 188, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 112 x 73 x 127 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 189, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Divided in six columns. Meas. 115 x 84 x 26 mm. Divided in six columns. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 190, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 115 x 64 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2 cols., Rev. 2 cols. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Ezen(d)-Ba-ú, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 191, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 110 x 66 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2 Cols., Rev. 2 Cols. Contents: Account of the produce received from various gardens (gish-sar). Dated in the month Gán-mash, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 192, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 103 x 72 x 22 mm. In four columns. Contents: Account. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi 40+x or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 193, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 115 x 70 x 24 mm. In four columns. Contents: Account of barley, flour, etc., received as offerings. (Zúr-zúr-ri in-si-na.) Dated in the fifth month, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) . The year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 194, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Right lower corner of baked tablet. Meas. 80 x 90 x 35 mm. Divided in many columns. Portions of six columns preserved. Contents: Account of barley, flour, etc. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 195, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Piece chipped off. Meas. 92 x 53 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14, Rev. 16. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the month Gán-mash, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were destroyed. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 196, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Left lower corner of large baked tablet. Meas. 78 x 128 x 26 mm. Originally in about fourteen columns, eight partly preserved. Contents: Paylist. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 197, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 96 x 65 x 24 mm. In four columns. Contents: Account of produce received from many orchards. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar-shar, the year after that in which Ki (sic !) was destroyed. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 198, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of baked tablet. Meas. 68+ x 73 x 32 mm. In four columns. Contents: Account of barley. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 199, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 80 x 49 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 2. Contents: Old Babylonian letter of A-ha-nir-shi to A-ha-nir-shi (sic !) Not dated. I Dynasty of Babylon.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 200, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 118 x 78 x 27 mm. In four columns. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was selected through the omens. Dungi, 41+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 201, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 115 x 52 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 19, Rev. 22, Left edge 6. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 202, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of baked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 98+ x 68 x 29 mm. In two columns. Contents: Account. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 203, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Baked. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 40 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal of Lù-(d)Nin-gir-su, the scribe. Dated in the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 204, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Much weathered. Meas. 19 x 20 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2, Rev. 2. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 205, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small baked tablet, Meas. 17 x 18 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Lower edge 1, Rev. 2, Upper edge 1. Contents: Receipt for barley to feed cattle. Dated in the month Ash-a, the l0th day, the year Im-gur-(d)BIL-GI. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 206, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Very small clay tablet. Baked. Meas. 13 x 15 x 9 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, 12th day, the year Im-gur-(d)BIL-GI. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 207, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 35 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley, for food, received from Ur-(d)Gish-bil-ga-mesh. Dated in the month Ezen-(d) Dumu-zi, the year in which Amar-(d)Sin devastated Urbillum. Amar-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 208, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 27 x 22 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley. Dated in the month Dîm-kú, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 209, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 25 x 22 x 9 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of sheep, received from Lugal-hégál by Dug-ga-(d)Ba-ú. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 210, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 18 x 13 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Stated offerings (sá-dug) of oxen and wine. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Ba-ú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 211, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 22 x 20 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of oil, flour and wine. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 212, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 29 x 23 x 8+ mm. Inscr. Obv. ?, Rev. 5. Contents: Zig-ga of........ Dated in the month She-il-la, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 213, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 22 x 22 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley and flour. Dated in the month Ash-a, the 29th day. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 214, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 30 x 23 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of food distributed to several persons. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 215, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Lower left corner missing. Meas. 25 x 23 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of flour. Dated in the month Amar-a-si. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 216, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 36 x 28 x 10. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of food and drink. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-u. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 217, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 38 x 34 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of dates, paid as wages. Dated in the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 25+x or 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 218, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 32 x 28 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Delivery (mu-tum) of one kid. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated for the 11th time. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 219, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 35 x 27 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt of...... Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 220, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 33 x 30 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5+, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 221, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Portion of unbaked tablet. Shellacked. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 32+ x 35+ x 15 mm. Inscr. Rev. 5+. Contents: Zig-ga of......Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 222, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas 25 x 23 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6, Upper edge 2. Contents destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 223, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 54 x 46 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley to be used for food; received from Lugal-ushu-mu. Seal of Ur(d)Gish-bil-ga-mes, the scribe. Dated in the month of Ezen(d)Dumu-zi, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x. [Case opened, fragmentary and portions missing; tablet missing.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 224, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 52 x 42 x 32 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, received from Ur-(d)Ninâ. Seal of Ur-(d)Gish-shà?, the son of Na-ba-shag. Dated in the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) , Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 46+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 225, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 60 x 45 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, from the city of Hu-ne-ru(ki). Seal of Ur-(d)Ninâ. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 226, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 49 x 46 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of flocks, received from Lugal-gú-gal. Seal of Lú-(d)KAL-KAL, the scribe. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 227, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked case tablet. Not opened. Crumbling. Meas. 42 x 39 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of cows and oxen, received from Lù-(d)Nin-gir-su. Seal. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Gán-mash, the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 228, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 43 x 40 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of milk. Seal of Ab-ba. Dated: The year after the year after......Dungi, 46+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 229, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 42 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of workmen, for the garden (called) "(d)Dungi is the abundance of the land." Seal of Ur-(d)Ninni, the scribe, the son of Ur-(d)Utu. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 230, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 42 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, for seed. Seal of Lù-(d)Ba-ú, the scribe. Dated in the year after Ki-mash(ki) was devastated, the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 231, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Covered with salts. Meas. 50 x 41 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley, to be used as food for the workmen. Seal (effaced). Dated in the month Dirig-She-gûr-kud, in the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 25+x or 46+x. [Case opened; tablet visible within.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 232, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 42 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Lower edge 1. Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt of barley, from Ur-ninâ. The barley is to be used for feeding the workmen. Seal of Ku-li, the son of Ki-àg-mu. Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 233, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked clay tablet. Meas. 38 x 36 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of workmen, with the stated wages of 15 qa each one. Seal of Lugal-uru-da, the overseer of the oxen. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which Gan-har(ki) was destroyed for the second time. Dungi, 29+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 234, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 43 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for a donkey from Lù-bal-shag-gá. Seal impression (effaced). Dated in the month Mu-shú-dŭ, the year in which the exalted priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 235, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 44 x 34 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, for seed, received from Gu-za-ni. Seal of Ur-(d)Lama, the scribe, son of Lù-(d)Ra. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi, the vear after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi. 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 236, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked case tablet. Not opened. Crumbling. Meas. 40 x 34 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt of three grinding stones. Seal (unreadable). Dated in the month of Gud-rá-ne-shar, the year after that, in which the great priest, the supreme one of heaven, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 237, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 43 x 41 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. none. Contents: Receipt of sweet perfume, from Shesh-kal-la. Seal of Ur-(d)Nina, the son of Ab-ba. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which the wall of the land was built. Dungi, 35+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 238, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 47 x 40 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, for food, received from Lù-búr-nun. Seal of Ur-(d)Dumu-zi, the scribe. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 239, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 53 x 49 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of instruments the surplus in the hands of (d)Nanna-zi-da. Seal of Ur(d)Dun-pa, the son of Ur-(d)Ninâ. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 240, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 54 x 44 x 33 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley which Ur-mes, the son of Ur-gar, has received from Ur-ninâ, the son of Lù-dúg-ga. Seal of Ur-mes. Dated: The year after Ki-mash: the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 241, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Crumbling. Meas. 44 x 40 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. destroyed. Rev. 4. Contents destroyed. Seal (writing effaced). Dated in the month She-kú, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 242, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked clay tablet. Meas. 37 x 36 x 22 mm. Contents: Receipt for one cow. Seal impression of Ur-dun. Dated: The year after, the year after...... Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 243, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Case fragmentary. Meas. 48 x 41 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt of barley, for the wages of the women. The barley is given by Bazi. Seal impression (writing unreadable). Dated in the month Ezen(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 244, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 42 x 42 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley to be used for seed. Received from Ur-shag-ga. Seal of Ur-shag-ga, the scribe. Dated in the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was destroyed. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 245, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Partly opened. Meas. 47 x 48 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 5. (partly destroyed). Contents: Receipt for food. Seal of Shesh-kal-la, the scribe. Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 246, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 43 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks, received from Nam-mah, from the place SUG(ki). Fig. seal impression of Lù-Shir-pur-la(ki) , the scribe. Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 247, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 44 x 39 x 30 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of the barley received from Ba-zi-gi and Lugal-pa-ê'. Seal of Ur-mes, the scribe, the son of Ur-gar, the overseer. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 248, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 40 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, to be used as food. Offering (sá-dug) of Na-ba-shag. Seal (inscription unreadable). Dated in the month Dun-kú, the year in which which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 249, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 42 x 43 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents Account of the barley used for distribution to 45 men. Seal of Lugal-pa-ê'. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 250, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 41 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, measured with the gur (measure) of the people of ma-rí(ki) . Seal of Lù-igi-ma, the scribe. Dated in the year in which Ki-inash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 251, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 46 x 48 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley, to be used as food for the uku-íl officer. Receipt of Du-du, the son of Lugal-má-gûr-ri. Seal of Lugal-ab-ba,( ?) the scribe, the son of Lugal-má-gûri. Dated in the months of Ezen-(d)Ne-gun and Shú-numun, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 252, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Cracked. Shellacked. Meas. 44 x 37 x 29 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Lower edge 1. Contents: Igi-tur-tur receives a bronze object from A-hu-a. Seal impression. (Writing illegible.) Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 253, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 46 x 48 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley, from the field Gi-dah-ha. Received from Ur-(d)Sahar-(d)Ba-ú. Seal of Ur-(d)Ba-ú, the scribe, the son of Ur-(d)Nin-tu. Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 254, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case of clay tablet. Baked. Fragmentary. Meas. 51 x 40 x 28. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt of barley, from Ba-zi. Seal of Lù-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 255, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 50 x 44 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for a donkey, brought by Lù-(d)Nin-gir-su. Seal of Dug-ga-(d)Ba-u.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 256, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 40 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley for the wages of the women. Received from Ba-zi. Seal of Ur-(d)Im. Dated in the month Gán-mash, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 257, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 47 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Statement that the surplus from the Exercise of the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built (= Dungi, 37+x) is one-sixth of a shekel. Seal of Ur-(d)Igi-zi-bar-ra. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 258, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 41 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, to be used as food for the women. Seal of Ur-(d)Nin-gish-zi-da, the scribe. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 259, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 47 x 42 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of anointing oil for the women. Seal of Lù-(d)Nin-dun, the scribe. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 260, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 57 x 50 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for barley, from Lù-ushu-nun, to be used for seed in the field Sud-gán(d)Nin-shu-a. Fig. seal impression of Ur-(d)......, the scribe. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 261, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 46 x 40 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of barley, to be used as seed for the field Kab-e-gar-ra. Seal of Ab-ba-mu, the scribe. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 262, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 47 x 44 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6 (effaced), Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt. Seal impression (writing unreadable). Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x. [Case opened and repaired, fragment missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 263, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 55 x 49 x 30 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt of barley, from Lugal-uru-da. Seal of Lù-(d)Ba-ú. Dated: the year after Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. The year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 264, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 52 x 48 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 1. (Two lines on Reverse have been erased by the scribe.) Contents: Account of barley, to be used as food. Received from Ur-(d)Nun-gal. Seal of Lù-ê shag ?-... Dated in the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 265, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 40 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt of barley, from Ba-zi, by Ur-mes, the son of Ba-ad-da-rí. Seal of Ur-mes, the scribe, the son of Ba-ad-da-rí. Dated in the month of Shu-nuruun, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 266, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet, with portion of case. Meas. Tablet 32 x 31 x 15 mm. Case 55 x 47 x 28 mm. Inscr. Tablet Obv. 5, Rev. 8. Contents: Receipt for a chair, the weight of which was 11 manas. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the month She-gùr-kud, the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin built the west wall. SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 267, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Partly opened. Meas. Case 58 x 50 x 22 mm. Contents: Account of dates and other food, the surplus of the year Dungi, 37+x. Seal of Ur-dú, the scribe. Date destroyed. About Dungi, 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 268, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 50 x 43 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, for feeding oxen. Received from Ur-(d)Ba-ú. Seal of Lugal-DI-TAR, the scribe. Dated in the month of Shú-numun, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 269, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 44 x 29 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Lower edge 1, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of the barley received for the workmen. Receipt of (d)Nin-har-lù-azag-nun-na. Seal of Ur-(d)mes, the scribe. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 270, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened, mostly destroyed. Meas. 47 x 41 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents destroyed. Seal of Ur-ê-azag?, the scribe. Dated in the month of She-íl-la, the year in which the great priest, the supreme of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4. [Case opened and repaired, fragments missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 271, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 54 x 47 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, received from Da-da-da, by A-tu. Seal of A-tu, the scribe. Dated in the year in which the great priest, the supreme of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 272, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 42 x 41 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of workmen, engaged for one day. Seal of Lù-ka-ni, the scribe, the son of Ur-(d)Nin-bàr. Dated: From the month of Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 273, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 47 x 40 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley-flour received from Ku-li. Seal of Ur-nigin-gar. Dated in the year when Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 25+x or 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 274, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 46 x 41 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of cattle, received from Lù-(d)Nanna, the merchant. Seal impression (writing unreadable). Dated in the year in which the great priest, the supreme of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 275, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 50 x 44 x 29 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt of barley, for sowing the field (d)Nin-a-zi-da. Received from Ur(d)Ninâ. Seal of Ur-(d)Nin-ùg, the scribe, the son of Ur-(d)Nin-gish-zi-da. Dated in the month of Mu-shú-dii, the year after that in which. Ki-mash(ki) ..........The year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 276, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 40 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley for the workmen. Received from Kud-da, the overseer. Seal of Lù-(d)Nin-gun, the scribe. Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 277, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Not opened. Writing effaced. Meas. 46 x 41 x 23. Contents destroyed. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-Sin. SHU-Sin, 1. [Case opened and repaired, fragments missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 278, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Portions chipped off. Meas. 46 x 44 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of garments, of the value of 28 manas, the surplus which is in the temple. Seal of Lù-(d)Nin-gir-su, the scribe. Dated in the year in which the great priest, the supreme of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 279, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened, but portion of case is missing. Meas. 47 x 43 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley. Seal of Ur-gish-pú, the son of A-da-a. Dated in the month of Gud-rá-ne-shar, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dimgi, 44+x(?). [Case opened and repaired, portion missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 280, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 44 x 27 mm. Contents: Account of barley, for the house of the Guzalū —officers. Seal of Ur-(d)Nun-gal. Dated in the month of Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) and Ki-mash(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 281, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 51 x 43 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. none. Contents: Account of the barley which has been bought from Ur-(d)Ninâ. Seal of Shesh-kal-la. Dated: The year after Ki-mash(ki): the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 282, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Empty case. Baked. Fragmentary. Meas. 50 x 44 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley for sowing the field En-nu-lum-ma. Received from Ba-zi, the son of Na-ba-shag. Seal of Lù-(d)Ra, the scribe. Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 283, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 44 x 42 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received from Shú-esh-dar. Seal of Ur-(d)Ninâ, the son of Ur-ê-an-na. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 284, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 42 x 36 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley-flour received from A-tu. Seal of Ur-(d)Lama, the son of Gin-da. Dated in the month of Mu-shu-dù, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 285, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 41 x 43 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, from the field A-làl. Seal of Ur-(d)Ba-ú, the scribe, the son of Ba-zi. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ne-gun, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) ........... the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 286, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Writing effaced. Meas. 45 x 47 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of barley, for feeding oxen, received from Ur-(d)En-lÍl-lá. Seal of Ba-zi. Dated in the month of She-gûr-kud. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 287, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 46 x 44 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal of (d)Utu-mu. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 288, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 43 x 39 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Seal of Ur-(d)Nin, the scribe, the son of Na-ba-shag. Dated in the month of Gán-mash, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 289, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 38 x 36 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of workmen and of their wages. Seal of Lù-kash. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Si-mu-um(ki) (sic !) and Lu-lu-bum(ki) were devastated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 290, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Crumbling. Meas. 46 x 39 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2 (effaced). Contents: Account of barley. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the month Gán-mash, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 291, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 50 x 43 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, for the temples. Dated in accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 292, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Covered with salts and crumbling. Meas. 52 x 47 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley. Seal of Ur-shag-ga, the scribe. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-?r-um(ki)..........Dungi, 24, 30 or 42+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 293, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 38 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley, for feeding oxen. Seal of Lugal-ê-lil-du, the scribe. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year after Ki-mash(ki) : the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 294, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 46 x 41 x 32 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, for food received from Ur-(d)Ba-ú, the son of Ur-shag-ga. Figured seal impression of Ur-ninâ. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 295, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 43 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Ur-(d)Ba-ú, the son of Me-shag-gi, has taken in charge Lù-(d)Utu. Seal of Du-du. Dated in the month of Gud-rá-ne-shar, the year after Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 4+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 296, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 42 x 38 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Lower edge 1, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of workmen, engaged for one day. Seal of Ur-(d)Lama, the scribe, the son of Ur-gar. Dated in the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-(d)Sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. The year after that. Dungi, 39+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 297, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Fragmentary Meas. 44 x 41 x 23 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley for the workmen. Received from Lugal-lù-shag-shag. Seal of Lù-ga-mu, the scribe. Dated in the year in which Ki mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi. 44+x. [Case opened and repaired, fragments missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 298, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked clay tablet. Meas. 33 x 31 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flour, which from the 4th month to the 6th month......Seal impression of Si-lí(d)Gu-la, the son of Ib-ku-Ísh-tar. Dated in the year in which the temple of (d)SHÚ-(d)Sin and U-zar-pa-ra(ki) were built. dRim-(d)Sin of Larsa.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 299, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Tablet with case. Both fragmentary. Baked. Meas. Case 45+ x 43 x 25 mm. Tablet 35+ x 31 x 15 mm. Contents: Account of beer, of different kinds, received from Lù-(d)Nin-gir-su. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki)......was devastated. Dungi, 25+x or 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 300, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 51 x 44 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Two 2-year-old cows taken in charge by Lugal-dúr-mah. Seal of Lugal-dúr-mah, the scribe. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar-shar, accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 301, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 40 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of leather or pelts, received from Á-bi-lum, by Lù-shag-ga. Seal of Lù-shag-ga. Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 302, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Partly opened. Meas. 50 x 40 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of the barley received by Síb-da-rí. Seal of Lù-(d)Utu, the scribe. Dated in the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 303, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 51 x 46 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of flour, the surplus for the year D 37+x. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1. [Case partly opened.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 304, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 44 x 42 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of cattle delivered (mu-túm) by the son of the patesi. Seal of Lù-(d)Utu, the son of Níg-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ne-gun, the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 305, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 43 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt of various instruments. Seal of Bà-shá-(d)Da-gan, the scribe. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 306, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 46 x 43 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, for seed. Seal of Lù-ninâ(ki), the scribe. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 307, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 58 x 42 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, received from Ba-zi. Stated offerings (sá-dug) of Ê-ba-bi. Seal of Lù-ga-mu, the scribe. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 308, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Very much weathered. Meas. 54 x 46 x 24 mm. Inscription effaced. Dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 309, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 49 x 44 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Statement that the surplus in silver is 20 manas and 10 shekels. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the accession vear of (d)Amar(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 310, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 49 x 43 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barley, for the workmen, received from Ur-nigin-gar-ra. Seal of Ur(d)Lama, the scribe. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year after that in which Ki-másh-mash(ki) (sic !) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 311, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Empty case. Baked. Meas. 42 x 39 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for two oxen. Seal of Lu-shir-pur-la(ki) , the scribe. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 312, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 42 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley for sowing a field in Shirpurla. Seal of Ur-(d)Ba-bi, the son of Ab-ba-kal-la, the overseer of the oxen. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 313, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 50 x 45 x 27 mm. Contents: Account of barley for feeding oxen. Received from Ur-nigin-gar. Seal of Lugal-shir-pur-la(ki), the scribe. Dated: the year after Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. The year after that. Dungi, 4+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 314, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Cracked. Meas. 47 x 43 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar, the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 315, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Partly opened. Portions of case missing. Meas. 45 x 44 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of skins. Seal impression of Ni-gi......the son of (d)Utu-mu. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-( )Sin. Amar-Sin, 1. [Case opened and repaired, portions missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 316, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 47 x 46 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of flocks, received by Ana-lù-shag from Na-ba-shag. Seal of Lù-shag. Dated in the month She-íl-la, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 317, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 42 x 37 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt for four sheep, given by Lugal-gu-gal. Figured seal impression of Lu-(d)KALKAL, the scribe, the son of Ur-(d)Lama. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 318, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 43 x 38 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of workmen and of their wages. Seal of A-tu the PA. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which Ur-bil-lum was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 319, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 44 x 32 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, the product of the field Zi-dah. Seal of Ur-(d)Ninâ, the son of Na-ba-shag. Dated in the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki), Hu mur-ti(ki) and Ki-mash(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 320, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case cablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 43 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Sea of Ku-li, the scribe, the son of Ki-àg-mu. Dated in the month Mu-shu-dú, the year in which the great priest, the supreme of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 321, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 40 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, for sowing the field (d)Ninâ-gar-ra. Received from Ur(d)Nina Seal of Lúgal-da-ga. Dated: The year after Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 46+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 322, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 47 x 43 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of barley, for feeding cattle. Seal of Ur-(d)IM. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 323, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 47 x 42 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of the barley received from Ur-(d)Ninâ. Seal of Ur-(d)Gá-túm-dúg, the scribe. Dated: The year after Ki-mash(ki) was devastated: the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 324, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Portion of case missing. Meas. 52 x 38 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of wild oxen, received from different persons. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the month of Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 25+x or 46+x. [Case opened, portions missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 325, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 43 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of perfumes or scented woods. Seal of Ur-(d)Ba-ú, the son of Ur-li. Dated in the month Gud-râ-ne-shar-shar, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 326, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 44 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley, for seed. Received from Ur-(d)Ninâ. Seal of Ur-(d)Lama, the scribe, the son of Ur-ê-an-na, the overseer of the oxen. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki)......the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 327, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked case tablet. Not opened. Rev. destroyed. Meas. 41 x 39 x 29 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of instruments (?) received from Lù-(d)Nin-gir-su. Seal of Ur-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 328, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked case tablet. Crumbling. Parts of case missing. Meas. 45 x 42 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3 (mostly destroyed). Contents: Account of flocks. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 329, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Not opened, but with large portions missing. Meas. 47 x 44 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, for seed. Seal impression. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 41+x. [Case opened and repaired, portion missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 330, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked clay tablet. Weathered. Meas. 48 x 42 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, for the payment of 48 workmen. Figured seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) and Ki-mash(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 331, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Partly effaced. Meas. 58 x 50 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley-flour, the surplus from the preceding year. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the month of She-íl-la, the year in which Ir-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 332, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Covered with salts. Meas. 48 x 40 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of barley, for seed (?). Seal of Arad-(d)Nana, the son of Ba-zi-zi. Dated in the month Mu-shú-dú, the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki), Hu-mur-ti(ki) and Ki-mash(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 333, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 32 x 22 mm. Contents: Account of sheep, received from Gish-ni. Figured seal of Ur(d)Sin. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 334, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 44 x 40 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received from Ba-zi. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 335, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 45 x 40 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for two sheep, from Nippur, for the patesi. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the month Mu-shu-dù. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 336, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened, rumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 50 x 46 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, received from Ba-zi, to be used for the workmen. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the month of Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ur-bí-ì-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x. [Case opened and repaired, fragment missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 337, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked case tablet. Not opened. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 47 x 44 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: One ox, received from E-mu-uq-ì-lí. Figured seal impression of Ur-(d)Ba-ú, the son of Ana-(d)Utu-mu. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 338, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 42 x 36 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Delivery (mu-tum) of sheep. Seal of (d)Ta-mu-zi (sic !), son of Ad-da-mu. Dated: the year after the year after. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 339, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 42 x 38 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Lower edge 2, Rev. 1, Upper edge 1. Contents: Two garments, received from Lù-gi-na. Seal of Lù-gi-na. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which to Dun-gi was given strength. Ur dynasty. [Case opened and repaired, fragment missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 340, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 42 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, received from Gù-dú-a. Seal impression of Ma-ni. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi, the year after that in which Urbil-lum(ki) was destroyed. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 341, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 46 x 41 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt of two oxen, from Ur-(d)Ninâ, the son of Ê-hé-gál. Figured seal impression of Lù-shir-pur-la(ki), the scribe, the son of Ur-(d)Nina. Dated in the month She-kú, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 342, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 57 x 42 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of the barley surplus of the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Seal of Ur-(d)Ba-ú, the son of Ur-(d)I-edin-na. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 343, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 51 x 45 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, for seed. Received from Ur-(d)Nina. Seal of Ur-(d)Lama, the scribe. Dated: The year after Ki-mash(ki) the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 344, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 50 x 43 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received from Ba-zi. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 345, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 51 x 44 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, for the gardeners. Seal of Aga-ki-àg, the bappir of (d)Nin-gir-su. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 346, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 42 x 42 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, stated offering (sá-dug), received from Inim-(d)Ba-ú. Seal of Inim(d)Ba-ú and Gir-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 347, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 40 x 44 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley. Seal of Lugal-nam-gú......Dated in the month of She-íl-la, the year in which the son of the king the year after that. Dungi, 29+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 348, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked case tablet. Not opened. Crumbling. Meas. 52 x 44 x 28 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, for sowing the field A-UD-UD. Figured seal impression of Mashkim, the scribe, the son of Dân-ì-lí. Dated Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki)......the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 349, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 47 x 41 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, received from Ba-zi. Seal of Ma-ni. Dated in the month Ezen(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 350, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 42 x 30 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of cereals, received by La-za-pi from Ur-(d)Ninâ. Seal of Lù-IB, the scribe. Dated in the month Mu-shú-dú, the year after Ki-mash(ki) the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 351, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 39 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Seal of Lù-dúg-ga. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 352, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Opened. Meas. 46 x 41 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of instruments, received by Kud-da-mu. Seal of Kud-da-mu. Dated in the year after Ki-mash(ki)......the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 353, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked case tablet. Not opened. Crumbling. Meas. 47 x 48 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley received from Ur-(d)Lama, the son of Lù-shag-ga. Seal of Ur-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 354, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 38 x 38 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, received from Ba-zi by Lù-(d)Ba-ú. Seal impression of Lù-(d)ê (?). Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 355, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Cracked. Meas. 41 x 38 x 28. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley. Seal of A-kal-la. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 356, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 42 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barley, for food. Received from Ni-kal-la. Seal of Ur-(d)Sahar(d)Ba-ú, the son of Ad-da-mu. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 357, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 27 x 22. Inscr. Obv. 5, Lower edge 2, Rev. 6, Upper edge 4. Contents: Business document. Receipt for two shekels of silver. Dated in the month Ash-a, the 7th day, the year in which Samsu-iluna...... I Dynasty of Babylon.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 358, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 45 x 38 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Lower edge 1, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, for the food of the workmen. Seal of Lù-shir-pur-la(ki). Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 359, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 38 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev.,3. Contents: Account of barley, for seed, received from Ba-zi. Seal of Lugal-dumu-gû, the son of Ê-ki-gal-la, the gish-nir-ra. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 360, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Covered with incrustations. Meas. 41 x 40 x 22. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was selected through the omens......Dungi, 41+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 361, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked case tablet. Not opened. Crumbling. Meas. 42 x 40 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for one mana of silver. Seal impression (writing effaced). Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the great priest was installed. Amar-Sin, 4(?). [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 362, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 53 x 48 x 30 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Lower edge 2, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt of barley, from Ur-(d)Ninâ, the son of Nam-mah. Seal of Lù-shag-mu, the scribe, the son of Ur-(d)Gál-alim. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 363, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Fragment of a case. Baked. Meas. 53 x 48. Contents destroyed. Seal impression, of Ur-nu, the scribe. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Ba-ú. Year destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 364, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of baked tablet. Meas. 21+ x 29 x 15 mm, Inscr. Obv. 5+, Rev. 5+, Upper edge 1. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food and drink. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ne-gun, 17th day. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 365, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 366, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 34 x 23 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 10. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food and drink. Dated in the month Shú-numun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 367, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 26 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of goats received from Gù-dé-a, the son of Uku-íl. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi. 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 368, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 22 x 23 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of wages paid to women workers. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar. Year not stated. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 369, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Much weathered. Meas. 22 x 32 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents: Business contract. Date unreadable. Neo-Babylonian.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 370, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Much weathered. Rev. destroyed. Meas. 32 x 27 x 14. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. destroyed. Contents: Account of barley-flour. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 371, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 372, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 373, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 30 x 16. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of cattle, taken in charge by Lù-Shirpur-la(ki). Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 374, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 28 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt of barley, for seed. Dated in the year after Ki-mash(ki) was devastated: the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 375, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 24 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of food and drink received from Ki-mash(ki). Dated in the month She-kú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 376, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 377, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of dates and flour, Expenses (zig-ga) of the god......Dated in the month of Ezen (d)Ba-ú, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 378, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 30 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Offering (zúr-zúr) of......Dated in the month Dîm-kú. Year destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 379, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 380, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Portion of baked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 37 x 28 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. destroyed. Contents: Stated offerings (sá-dug) of different things. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 381, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 40 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 3. Contents: Account of the barley which Ra-bi has received from Làl-mu. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ne-gun, the year in which Za-ab-shá-li was devastated. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 382, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 383, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 32 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 8. Contents: Account. Dated in the month Mu-shú-dú, the year in which the great priest of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 384, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Lù-(d)Shir-pur-la(ki) receives seventy heads of cattle for the use of the women millers. Lù-(d)Nin-shubur takes charge. Dated in the month Mu-shú-dù, the year in which the great priest, the supreme of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanua, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 385, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Portion of baked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 38 x 34 x 12+ mm. Inscr. Obv. destroyed, Rev. 5. Contents destroyed. Dated in the year in which the throne of Enlil was built. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 386, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 43 x 40 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for one gur of barley. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 387, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 51 x 34 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Lower edge 2. Rev. 7, Upper edge 2, Left edge 2. Contents: Rent of a field. Dated in the month She-gùr-kud, 20th day, in the year when the canal Samsu-iluna (was dug). I Dynasty of Babylon, Samsu-iluna 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 388, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of the barley which Lù-(d)Ba-ú, Lù-dug-ni, Lù-(d)Ba-ú (second!) have received from Shà-ba-na-sí. Dated in the month She-íl-la, the year in which Gán-har(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 22+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 389, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Portion of tablet. Baked in Philadelphia. Contents: Sumerian Liturgy in honor of the king Ur-(d)Engur. Not dated. About first dynasty of Babylon. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 390, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 42 x 25 x 12. Inscr. Obv. 11, Lower edge 2, Rev. 11, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of barley, received as offering (sá-dug). Dated in the month Mu-shú-dú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 391, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 392, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 393, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 33 x 28 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of oxen. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ne-gun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 394, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 395, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 34 x31 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of different things, the tribute of the shepherds, received from the king of Uruk. Dated in the month of She-íl-la. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 396, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 397, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 50 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 10, Upper edge 2, Left edge 1. Contents: Account of bread and oil. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 398, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Most of Rev. destroyed. Meas. 41 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. destroyed. Contents: Account of flocks received from Amar-mush. Dated in the year in vliich the priest of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 399, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 33 x 13. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of food and drink. Dated in the month Dim-kú, the year in which the ship (called) the Antelope [of the abyss was completed]. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 400, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 45 x 37 x 16 mm. Inscr. Rev. 7. Contents: Receipt. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, destroyed the land Za-ab-shá-li. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 401, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 35 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Offering (sá-dug) of barley. Dated in the month Mu-shú-dú, the year in which Ur-bil-lum was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 402, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 41 x 35 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of barley. Dated from the month Dir-she-gúr-kud, to the month She-íl-la, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) (were devastated). Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 403, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Broken in two and effaced. Meas. 35 x 38 x 18. Inscr. Obv. 4, Lower edge 1, Rev. 1. Contents: Business document. Dated in the 31st year of Artaxerxes, the king.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 404, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 37 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 405, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 406, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 40 x 37 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley. Faint seal impressions. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi, the accession year of I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 407, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Not a cast, but probably spurious, unless it is the work of a beginner, which is not likely. Full of errors. Hardly a sign is written correctly. Meas. 28 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month She-íl-la, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated (uncertain). Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 408, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of baked tablet. Meas. 33+ x 34 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the month of She-kú. Year destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 409, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 25 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of food and drink distributed in the 28th day, by the patesi. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 410, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of baked tablet. Meas. 21+ x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6+, Rev. 6, Lower edge 2, Left edge 2. Contents: Account of workmen, whose wages are one qa of food per day. Dated in the month Mu-shú-du. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 411, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 23 x 26 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of the butter received from Ur-ab-ba. Dated in the year when the priest of (d) Nanna was selected through the omens. Dungi, 41+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 412, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Upper portion missing. Meas. 33 x 20 x 14. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which the west wall was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 413, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Rev. covered with incrustations. Meas. 42 x 34 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of flour(?) and garments. Date unreadable. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 414, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of oil, dates, etc. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara in Umma was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 415, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 28 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 6, Upper edge 2. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food and drink. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 416, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley received by Ba-zi from Lú-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 417, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 53 x 28 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 15, Upper edge 3, Left edge 2. Contents: Account of beer and flour. Dated in the month She-íl-la. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 418, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Covered with salts. Meas. 36 x 30 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6, Upper edge 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year after that in which Ki-mashi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 419, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Shellacked. Crumbling. Meas. 32 x 30 x 17. Unreadable. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 420, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 421, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Rev. destroyed. Meas. 42 x 35 x 13+ mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 422, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of baked clay tablet. Meas. 30+ x 37 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 423, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 33 x 81 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for a har-shú-gé. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ne-gun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 424, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 22 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of beer. Dated in the month Amar-a-si. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 425, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 30 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt of one ox from Si-ni. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year after...the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 426, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Upper portion destroyed. Meas. 35 x 31 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt. Dated in the month Dim-kú, the year after...Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 427, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 428, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 42 x 38 x 23 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for dates. Dated in the year in which (d)Amar-(d)Sin, the king, devastated Ur-bil-lum(ki). Amar-Sin, 2. [Case opened and repaired, fragments missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 429, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 430, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 431, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 37 x 32 x 12+ nim. Inscr. Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 432, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 433, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flour, received from Lù-mar-sa. Dated: From the month of She-ìl-la to the month of Mu-shú-dú. The year after Ki-mash(ki)...The year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 434, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 36 x 37 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt of fish oil. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the exalted priest of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 435, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 45 x 38 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) , Hu-mur-ti(ki) and their land in one day were devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 436, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 437, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 30 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barley, flour, sesame, etc., Expended (zig-ga). Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) (was devastated). Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 438, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 30+ x 53+ x 11+ mm. Portions of two columns preserved. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 439, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 440, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 441, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 442, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 32 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, received by Ba-zi from Ur-ê-ninnû. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 443, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 444, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling, and mostly destroyed. Shellacked. Meas. 34 x 38 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. destroyed. Contents: Account of barley. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 445, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 42 x 38 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 446, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 447, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 34 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for goats. Seal of Lù-shir-pur-la(ki). Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 448, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Rev. badly weathered. Meas. 38 x 34 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for one mana of silver, the price of sesame. Received from Shá-an-gu. Dated in the month Dîm-kú. Year destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 449, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 48 x 21 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9. Rev. 10, Left edge 1. Contents: Account of bread and oil. Dated in the month of Shú-numun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 450, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 31 x 31 x 17. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents mostly destroyed. Probably receipt. Dated in the month Bàr-azag-gar, the 28th day, the year in which the temple(?) (d)SHU-(d)Sin-na-di-in was established (=in-KU). Probably dynasty of Larsa.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 451, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 452, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 27 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flocks, offering (sá-dug) of the king, from the month Amar-a-a-si to the month She-gûr-kud. Dated in the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 453, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 454, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 38 x 34 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar, the year in which the exalted priest, the great one of heaven, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 455, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Obv. weathered. Meas. 37 x 33 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of flour. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dumu-zi. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 456, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 457, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Portion of unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 38 x 35 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6+, Rev. 7+. Contents: Account. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 458, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Portions chipped off. Meas. 30 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. none. Contents: Receipt for wool and one goat. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 459, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of baked tablet. Meas. 22+ x 37 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 460, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 461, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 462, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 34 x 30 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Lower edge 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flour received from Lugal-uru-da by Arad-mu, the son of Hé-na-shag. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated: the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 463, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Upper portion missing. Meas. 25 x 31 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. destroyed, Rev. 6. Contents destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 464, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 30 x 24 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of things distributed (zig-ga), in the 4th day, by the patesi. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi. Year not stated, Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 465, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Most of Obv. destroyed. Meas. 30 x 25 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of beer. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 466, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small baked tablet. Meas. 18 x 18 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: One kid, from Si-sá-a, is given. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ne-gun, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 467, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 27 x 24 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of workmen. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 468, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of a baked tablet. Meas. 22 x 30 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents destroyed. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was installed. Ibi-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 469, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 30 x 24 x 8 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, for food, received from Ur-(d)Ninâ. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 470, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 471, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Rev. destroyed. Meas. 40 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. destroyed. Contents: Account of silver, received from several persons. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 472, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Used as a label. Meas. 43 x 33 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 1. Contents: Label from the Archives. Dated in the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) (was devastated). Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 473, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of foodstuffs, received from Ur ab-ba-mu. Seal of Lù-(d)Nin-gir-su, the scribe. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 474, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. In two fragments. Shellacked. Meas. 60 x 36 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 8. Contents: Account ot cattle. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 475, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 45 x 34 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 6. Contents: Account. Among the personal names: (d)A-si-da-a-a-an, Za-az-za-shar. Not dated. First Dynasty of Babylon.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 476, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Portion chipped off. Meas. 41 x 34 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 477, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Portion chipped off. Meas. 38 x 32 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of taxes, received by Ur-(d)Ba-ú, the son of Ur-ê-ninn?. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the great priest, the supreme of heaven, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 478, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 479, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 40 x 35 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley, received by Ur-shag-ga from Ur-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the year after that in which the wall of the west was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 480, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 45 x 33 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10. Lower edge 2, Rev. 10. Contents: List of beer, oil, etc. Offering (sá-dug) for the second day. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which the priest of (d)...was installed. Ibi-Sin, 2, or Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 481, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 52 x 27 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 11, Left edge 1. Contents: Account of beer and oil. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 482, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 38 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Memorandum. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 483, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 484, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Covered with salts. Meas. 52 x 31 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 13. Contents: Account of beer. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Dun-gi. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 485, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 42 x 32 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 10, Upper edge 1. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the month of Gán-mash. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 486, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Lower portion missing. Meas. 45 x 28 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 10, Upper edge 2, Left edge 1. Contents: Account of beer. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Ne-gun, 23rd day. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 487, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 48 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki)..., the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 488, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 41 x 34 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of dates, oil, etc., received from Lugal-shú. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 489, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Covered with salts. Meas. 40 x 33 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of chairs (gish-gu-za). Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 490, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 48 x 31 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 10. Contents: Expense acount (zig-ga) of beer. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)...Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 491, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 492, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Upper part destroyed. Meas. 37 x 31 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Lower edge 1, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley, received by Lù-kal-la, from I-lu-ni and Lù-ki-nu. Dated in the month She-íl-la, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 493, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 494, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked clay tablet. Meas. 32 x 24 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of beverages. Dated in the month of She-íl-la. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 495, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 34 x 31 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Five goats are in surplus: Shag-shag-ga shall return them. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 496, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 36 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. none. Contents: Account of the barley flour received from Lù-gu-la. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 497, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 35 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the 11th day. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 498, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 37 x 36 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 499, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 34 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley for sowing the field En-mu-lum-ma. Received from A-kal-la. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 500, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 37 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6. Rev. 6. Contents: Loan of money. Dated in the month Engar-dù-a, the year in which Hammu-rawi, (dug) the canal (called) the abundance of the people. I Dynasty of Babylon.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 501, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 47 x 39 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of cattle. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 502, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 48 x 34 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10. Rev. 9. Contents: Account of dates, received as an offering (zúr-zúr a-gar). Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 503, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 42 x 34 x 19 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7+. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of oil, butter, flour, etc. Dated in the month She-íl-la. Year destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 504, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 505, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked clay tablet. Meas. 42 x 36 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of barley received from Ur-gîg, the farmer. The barley must be returned. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 506, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 56 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 15, Upper edge 1, Left edge 2. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food and beverages. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 507, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 51 x 46 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of the barley distributed to female servants. Seal of Lù-(d)Nin-dun. Dated: From the year in which Shá-ásh-ru-um(ki) was devastated to the year in which Hu-hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 508, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Covered with salts. Meas. 42 x 35 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Date not readable. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 509, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 510, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Portions chipped off. Meas. 53 x 39 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 3. Contents: Account. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 511, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 38 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, received from A-a-kal-la by Lù-(d)Nanna. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 512, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Upper portion destroyed. Meas. 61 x 40 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10+, Rev. 10+. Contents: Account of oil, butter, etc. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 513, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of baked tablet. Shellacked. (Restored so as to appear complete.) Meas. 25+ x 48 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5+, Rev. 4+. Contents: Account of silver. Dated in the month She-íl-la, the year after ....... was destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 514, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Nearly the whole of Obv. missing. Meas. 64 x 30 x 15+. Inscr. Obv. 4+, Rev. 19. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flour and beer. Dated in. the month She-kú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 515, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of a baked tablet. Meas. 43+ x 46 x 23 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of barley. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 516, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 81 x 50 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 16, Rev. 14. Contents: Account of oxen. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 517, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked clay tablet. Lower portion and most of Rev destroyed. Shellacked. Meas. 80+ x 55 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12+, Rev. 7+. Contents: Royal letter of Hammu-rawi to (d)Sin-idinnam concerning Anu-ba-ash-ti. Not dated. First dynasty of Babylon.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 518, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 85 x 46 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 16, Rev. 7. Contents: List of workmen and their superintendent. Dated in the month of Dir-she-gûr-kud, 15th day, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 519, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 62 x 44 x 23 turn. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 10. Contents: Paylist. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 520, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Part of Obv. and Lower portion missing. Meas. 63+ x 52 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 9. Contents: Account. Not dated. Pre Sargonic Period.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 521, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 56 x 42 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7. Rev. 3. Contents: Account of different things received from the field A-làl-gu-la. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 522, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 84 x 40 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 12. Contents: Account of workmen, and their superintendent. Not dated. Pre-sargonic Period.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 523, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 76 x 43 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 22, Lower edge 2, Rev. 24. Contents: Account of Expenses. Not dated. New Babylonian Period.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 524, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 72 x 42 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of barley distributed in wages from the month Gud-rá-ne-shar-shar to the month She-gur-kud. in the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed (=AS, 5), and in the year in which the great priest, the supreme of heaven, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 525, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 98x48x22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 22, Rev. 25, Left edge 7. Contents: Account of barley distributed in the temple of (d)Dun-gi to a number of people. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 526, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 527, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 528, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of unbaked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 33+ x 51 x 25 mm. Contents: Account. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 529, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Crumbling. Shellacked. Meas. 70 x 42 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11. Rev. 14. Contents: Long list of garments. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 530, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Portions chipped off. Meas. 74 x 22 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 17, Lower edge 2, Bev. 17. Contents: Adoption document. In Sumerian. Faint seal impression. Dated in the month Bàr-zag-gar, the year in which Bád-gar-ra was built for (d)Shamash. Rîm (d)Sin of Larsa.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 531, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Much weathered and destroyed. Meas. 71 x 53 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account. Not dated. Pre-Sargonie Period.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 532, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Upper portion missing. Meas. 68+ x 42 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 13. Contents: Account of cattle. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 533, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 54 x 48 x 22 mm. Inacr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4. Contents: Business document. Loan of barley, with interest. Dated in the month Dú-azag, the year in which the wall A-dúr-shub-ba was destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 534, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of baked tablet. Meas. 52 x 48 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 8. Contents: List of workmen. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 535, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 47 x 36 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of different foods. Dated in the month of Shú-numun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 536, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Shellacked. Meas. 87 x 49 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 20, Upper edge 3, Left edge 9. Contents: Record of payments to men and women. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 537, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Left upper corner missing. Meas. 65 x 45 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 5. Contents: List of persons. Dated in the year in which (d)Amar-(d)Sin, the king, destroyed Ur-bil-lum(ki). Amar-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 538, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Two fragments joined. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 66 x 42 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. destroyed, Rev. 13. Contents: List of laborers, one ox for farming, and different objects. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 539, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Crumbling. Meas. 85 x 52 x 25 mm. Contents: Account of cattle. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 540, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 51 x 42 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of money, received from Nam-ha-ni and Lugal-shà-lal. Dated in the year in which the land Za-ab-shá-li(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 541, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 542, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 95+ x 56 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15+, Rev. 13+. Contents: Account of beer. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 543, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Weathered and destroyed. Meas. 75 x 45 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Account. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 544, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Tablet with portions of case. Baked. Meas. 54 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7, Upper edge 2. Contents: Loan of money. Dated in the month Gan-gan-ê'. The year in which the hordes of ......First dynasty of Babylon.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 545, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 72 x 43 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11 , Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks, received from Lugal-ra-mu-gi. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 546, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Portion of unbaked tablet. Obv. entirely destroyed. Meas. 48+ x 50 x 28 mm. Only three lines on Rev. Contents: In all probability, an old Babylonian letter. I Dynasty of Babylon.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 547, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper left corner of a baked tablet. Meas. 48+ x 55+ x 18 min. Inscr. Obv. Col. I 7, Col. II 6, Rev. not inscribed. Contents: Account. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 548, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of a terra cotta figurine representing a god. Meas. Heighth 114, Width 52. Old Babylonian Period.

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 549-550, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents


Physical Description

1 item

Ex 551, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Clay brick. Baked. Meas. 333 x 353 x 115 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Upper edge 2. Contents: Name and titles of King Shalmanaser II.

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 552, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Fragment of a Babylonian boundary stone. Diorite. Only the symbol of one god is preserved. Cassite Period.

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 553, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of a clay brick. Two lines of inscription. Meas. 350 x 110 x 45 mm. Contents: Names and titles of Sennacherib.

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 554, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Nail-shaped cone. Meas. Base 65, Length 140. In two columns. Contents: Inscription of Ur-(d)Ba-ú, patesi of Shirpurla. Ur-Bau.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 555, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Nail-shaped cone. Baked. Meas. Base 86, Height 135+. Inscr. 10 lines. Contents: Inscription of Gù-dé-a, patesi of Shirpurla. Gudea. [On display in Boyd Room]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 556, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Mace head in black stone (doubtful authenticity). Height 27, Diam. 42. Dedicated by (d)Warad-(d)Sin to the goddess (d)Nin-in-si-na. Larsa dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 557, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Bottle of green glass. Neck missing. Persian period. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 558, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Bottle of dark glass. Neck missing. Persian period. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 559, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cylindrical stone chisel. Meas. Length 64, Diam. 14. Old Babylonian.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 560, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Triangular stone chisel. Meas. Height 31, Base 29. Old Babylonian.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 561, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Triangular stone chisel. Height 31, Base 27. Old Babylonian.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 562, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Triangular stone chisel. Meas. Height 35, Base 25. Old Babylonian.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 563, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Alabaster vase. Not used by Dr. Chiera at all.

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 564-621, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents


Physical Description

1 item

Ex 622, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents: Expense account of flocks. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 623, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas 70 x 51 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 11. Contents: Account of wages. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 624, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas 40 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the year in which the exalted priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Dungi, 13+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 625, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 66 x 45 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of different things. Dated in the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) Nu-hu(ki) (sic !) was devastated.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 626, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 33 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of one ox. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu-um(ki) were devastated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 627, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas 75 x 46 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14, Rev. 11. Contents: List of persons who have received barley. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 628, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 86 x 50 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 17, Left edge 1, Rev. 16. Contents: Account of fields. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 629, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Upper edge missing. Meas 132 x 57 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 27, Rev. 21. Contents: Account of payments to women workers. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 630, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 51 x 44 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7. Rev. 5. Contents: Account of wages. Dated in the year in which the west wall was built. SHU-Sin, 11.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 631, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 44 x 38 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt for barley. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 632, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 56 x 48 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of wages. Dated in the year in which the great priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 633, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the year in which SHU-Sin, the king of Ur, destroyed Si-ma-num(ki). SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 634, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Lower edge 2, Rev. 12, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of oil and foodstuffs. Dated in the year in which Hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 635, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 44 x 42 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 4. Meas. 44 x 42 x 14 mm. Jnscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of workmen. Seal of Lù-ê-mah, the scribe. Dated in the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 636, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 48 x 37 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of flocks, offering (sá-dug) of the king. Dated in the month Shid-dé-kú, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 637, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 30 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the year after that in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 638, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 21 x 29 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for food. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu-um(ki) were devestated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 639, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 38 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 9, Left edge 2. Contents: Account of workmen and their superintendents. Dated in the year in which Hu-uh-nuri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 640, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was selected. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 641, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 56 x 43 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9. Rev. 10. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 642, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 52 x 42 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Rev. 12. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks, which had been delivered (mu-tum). Dated in the month Ki-sig-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

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Ex 643, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 21 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 644, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 47 x 37 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 6. Contents: List of cows and oxen, received on the 23rd day, from Ab-ba-shag-ga. Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the year in which the exalted priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 645, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 50 x 42 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 10. Contents: Account of fields. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which Hu-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 646, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 78 x 53 x 14. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of the workmen received by Lù-dug-ga. Seal of Lù-dúg-ga, the scribe. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)Enki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 647, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents


Physical Description

1 item

Ex 648, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 96 x 51 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 23, Rev. 23, Upper edge 1, Left edge 2. Contents: Account of cattle, received through the month. Notice the offering of Gù-dé-a, the patesi of Cutha. Dated in the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 649, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 76 x 50 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14. Rev. 4. Contents: List of receipts. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 650, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 72 x 44 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Rev. 15. Contents: Account of cattle. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 651, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 114 x 56 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 21, Left edge 1, Rev. 20, Upper edge 1. Contents: Lists of flocks, delivered (mu-túm) by several persons. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 652, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Piece chipped off. Meas. 94 x 53 x 34 mm. Inscr. Obv. 20, Lower edge 2, Rev. 21. Contents: Long list of offerings (sá-dug) for several gods. Dated in the year in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 653, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 33 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of flocks, received in the 12th day. Dated in the month Ezen(d)Dun-gi, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 654, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 33 x 8 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the year in which the throne of (d)Enlil was built. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 655, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 51 x 43 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for money. Dated in the year in which the exalted priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Ibi-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 656, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked case tablet. Not opened. Cracked. Meas. 45 x 38 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Stated offering (sá-dug) of barley. Dated in the month Shú-numun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 657, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Tablet. Meas. 140 x 85 x 25 mm. [Unlisted/not published by Chiera]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 658, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 40 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for one sheep. Dated in the year in which (d)Amar-(d)Sin, the king, devastated Ur-bil-lum(ki). Amar-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 659, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Very fragmentary. Meas. 98 x 65 x 23 mm. Inscr. in 4 Cols. Contents: Measurements of fields. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 660, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Left upper corner missing. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 118 x 74 x 22 mm. Divided in 4 Cols. Inscr. Col. I 24+, Col. II 26+, Col. Ill 18, Col. IV 11+. Contents: Long account of all offerings (sá-dug) of the patesi. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 661, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Right lower corner missing. Meas. 145 x 80 x 24 mm. Divided in 4 Cols. Inscr. Col. I 30, Col. II 33+, Col. Ill 40, Col. IV 13. Contents: Account of all money Expended. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 662, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Left upper corner missing. Meas. 145 x 90 x 21 mm. Divided in 6 Cols. Inscr. Col. I 18, Col. II 34, Col. Ill 31, Col. IV 26+, Col. V 15, Col. VI 8. Contents: Detailed account of yearly Expenses. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 663, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 154 x 122 x 24 nun. Divided in 8 Cols. Contents: List of Expenses of the female slaves. Dated in the 12th month, the year in which (d)Amar(d)Sin, the king, devastated Ur-bil-lum(ki) . Amar-Sin, 2. [On display in Boyd Room]

Physical Description

1 box

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Ex 664, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Large baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 172 x 112 x 25 mm. Divided in 6 Cols. Contents: Expenditures (zig-ga) of GAB-SIG. Dated in the month Dug-ga, the year when the priest of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 665, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 142 x 83 x 24. Divided in four columns. Contents: Paylist of women. Dated in the month Gish-ni-shub-gar, the year after the accession year of (d)lbí(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 2. [On display in Boyd Room]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 666, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 118 x 71 x 24 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: Detailed account of Expenses in barley, dates, flour, etc. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 667, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 113 x 67 x 23 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: Long list of persons who have received garments. Dated in the month of (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 668, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Right upper corner missing. Meas 130 x 50 x 21 mm. Contents: Probably list of offerings. The writing has been effaced by repeated impressions of a cylindrical seal. Date unreadable. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 669, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked clay. Meas. 75 x 51 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 16, Rev. 16. Contents: List of woods and of dates. Dated in the year after that in which Si-ma-num(ki) (was devastated t). SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 670, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 104 x 50 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 19, Rev. 19, Upper edge 4, Left edge 3. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of silver. Dated in the year when Hu-ub nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 671, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Left lower corner missing. Meas. 114 x 55 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 21, Rev. 23. Contents: Account of dates and flour received by the patesi. Dated in the month RI, the year after that in which SHU(d)Sin, the king, built the west wall. SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 672, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 97 x 52 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 19, Rev. 20. Contents: Account of flocks, received during the various months. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, built for (d)Enlil and (d)Ninlil an exalted tablet. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 673, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Two pieces joined. Meas. 115 x 75 x 22 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: Account of silver. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year after that in which the throne of (d)Enlil was built. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 674, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary and crumbling. Meas. 150+ x 120 x 40 mm. In four columns. Contents: Probably a legal decision. Not dated. About first dynasty of Babylon. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 675, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Right lower corner missing. Meas. 68 x 44 x 18. Inscr. Obv. 9, Left edge 2, Rev. 13, Upper edge 1. Contents: List of persons who have received garments. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 676, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 54 x 40 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 10, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of various objects, the weight of which is stated, received from Ur-(d)Nin-tu. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which the great tablet was built. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 677, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 63 x 46 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of barley, delivered (mu-túm), to be used for feeding oxen. Dated in the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 678, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Lower portion missing. Meas. 60 x 45 x 17. Inscr. Obv. 11+, Rev. 8+. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 679, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. In two pieces. Meas. 97 x 51 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 19, Rev. 3, Upper edge 1. Contents: List of persons who have received garments. Dated in the month (d)Ba-zi, the accession year of (d)SHU-Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 680, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 67 x 48 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of garments received from Ni-kal-la. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 681, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 72 x 42 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 13. Contents: List of persons who have delivered garments. Dated in the month Shu-numun, the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 682, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 75 x 48 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 13. Contents: List of persons who have received garments. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 683, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Foreign substance sticking to tablet. Meas. 74 x 40 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Upper edge 2, Left edge 2. Contents: List of persons who have given different objects. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 684, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Upper portion missing. Meas. 78 x 47 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 16+, Rev. 9+. Contents: Distribution of laborers to several persons. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 685, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 73 x 45 x 18 mm. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Sîb, the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 686, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Rev. destroyed. Meas. 92 x 50 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 16, Rev. 14+. Contents: List of people who have delivered garments. Dated in the year in which the priest of Ga-esh(ki) was installed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 687, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 68 x 45 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 7, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of garments delivered (mu-túm) by several persons. Dated in the month of (d)Ne-gun, the year in which the wall of the west was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 688, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Broken and crumbling. Meas. 98 x 47 x 13 mm. Inscr. Rev. 3. Contents: List of persons who have delivered (mu-túm) garments. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year after that in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 689, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 83 x 48 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 2. Contents: List of persons who have either brought or received something: probably barley. Dated in the year in which the land of Za-ab-shá-li(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 690, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 47 x 45 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley flour received from Azag-ga-ni. Seal of Ur-(d) ...... Dated in the year when Gán-har(ki) was devastated for the second time. Dungi, 29+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 691, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 58 x 45 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 7, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of people working as gardeners. Their names and superintendents. Dated in the year in which the land of Za-ab-sha-li(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 692, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 44 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for thirteen garments, brought by Ni-kal-la. Faint seal impression. Unreadable. Dated in the year after that, in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, built the wall of the west. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 693, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 60 x 48 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7. Contents: Receipt of different objects from several persons. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which the great ship........was built. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 694, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 53 x 40 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8. Rev. 7. Contents: Account of people working in the field Ka-ma-rí. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the great tablet was built. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 695, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 58 x 42 x 12 mm. Contents: Business document. Sale of a donkey. Dated in the month Sîb, the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, built the temple of (d)Shara. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 696, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Portion chipped off. Meas. 35 x 37 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of workmen, for the 24th day. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 697, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Round tablet. Baked. Meas. 33 x 40 x 9 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. none. Contents: Receipt of barley, from Nippur. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 698, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small round tablet. Baked. Meas. 30 x 33 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of dîm-si-ê', received by Da-da from Ana-bé-dug. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 699, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 94 x 52 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14. Rev. 4. Contents: List of workmen and their superintendents. Dated in the year after that in which the wall was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 700, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 38 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for a garment. Seal of Arad-(d)Nin-?r-ra. Dated in the year in which the wall of the west was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 701, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 25 x 12 mm. Contents: The line: Document of Lù-(d)Sin. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 702, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked case tablet. Crumbling. Left lower missing. Meas. 40 x 40 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal of Da-da. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated for the third time. Dungi. 30+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 703, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 37 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Lal-lí of barley. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the patesi of An-sha-an(ki) married the king's daughter. Dungi, 28+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 704, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 6. Contents: List of laborers for the field Ni-lam. Dated in the vear after that in which Si-ma-nun(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 705, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Portion of Obv. destroyed. Meas. 68 x 45 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 8. Contents: List of persons who have received barley. Dated in the month Shú-numun, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 706, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 43 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for five manas of gold, brought by Ni-kal-la. Dated in the month Ê, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 707, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 43 x 40 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: One gur of shár-ra-grain, received by A-a-kal-la, from Ni-kal-la. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 708, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 55 x 47 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of garments, delivered (mu-túm). Dated in the month of Shú-numun, the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 709, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 52 x 44 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of garments received from Ni-kal-la. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the accession year of (d)I-bí(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 710, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 55 x 45 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: List of garments, received by Shà-azag-gi. Seal of A-ab-ba. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year in which the land Za-ab-shá-li(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 711, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 53 x 45 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of food received, divided in the several days. Dated in the month Pâ-ú, the year in which the priest......Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 712, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 66 x 41 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 16. Contents: Account of all the barley received for feeding oxen. Dated in the month Ezen-mah, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 713, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 35 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley and flour received from Nippur by A-a-kal-la. Dated in the year in which the priest of Ninni was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 714, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 30 x 13. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Lù-kal-la receives 42 manas of gold from Na-ú-a. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated for the third time. Dungi. 30+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 715, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 58 x 42 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 10, Upper edge 3. Contents: Account of silver received from different persons by Ur-(d)Dun-pa-ê'. Dated: The year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, built the wall of the west. The year after that. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 716, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. In two pieces. Meas. 80 x 45 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 12. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the year in which the wall of the west (called) Mu-ri-ik-ti-id-ni-im, was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 717, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 68 x 43 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Rev. 8. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley. Dated in the year in which the priest of the holy place was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 718, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 79 x 58 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 11. Contents: Account of wages. Dated in the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 719, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 44 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for a garment, from Ni-kal-la. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year in which the great Mà-gûr ship was built. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 720, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 44 x 38 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7. Rev. 4. Contents: Account of beer, for the 29th day. Seal impression reading "To (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the mighty king, the king of Ur, the king of the four quarters,......,the patesi, thy servant". Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 721, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 105 x 55 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 19. Rev. 11. Contents: Paylist of women. Many new personal names. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 722, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 70 x 45 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of different objects received from A-gu. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the year after that in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 723, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. All of Rev. destroyed. Meas. 53 x 43 x 14+. Inscr. Obv. 8. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month of Shú-numun. Year destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 724, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 52 x 46 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley and barley flour, received from A-a-kal-la, by Ùr-ra-ni. Seal of Ùr-ra-ni, the scribe. Dated in the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 725, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of baked tablet. Meas. 48+ x 43 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 10. Contents: Account of cattle. Dated in the month Ki-síg-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which the throne of (d)En-líl was built. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 726, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 34 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of fowls. Dated in the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 727, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Mostly destroyed. Meas. 75 x 47 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12. Rev. 4+. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 728, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 62 x 42 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 11. Contents: Account of grain, for 18 days. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the accession year of (d)SHU (d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 729, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 41 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3. Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt of one garment from Ni-kal-la. Seal of Ur-(d)Nun-......, the scribe. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 730, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Rev. destroyed. Meas. 71 x 60 x 18 mm. In four columns. Contents: Long list of offerings to different gods. Dated in the month She-gùr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 731, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Piece chippod off. Meas. 77 x 50 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 10. Contents: Account of wine, received from the patesi of Umma. Dated in the year when the exalted ship......was built. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 732, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 58 x 45 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of dates. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 733, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 50 x 41 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 14, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of flour. Dated in the month Dirig, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 734, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 58 x 42 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of workmen. Dated in the year after that in which the wall of the west was built. SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 735, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Large unbaked tablet. Rev. destroyed. Meas. 111 x 66 x 22 mm. Inscr. in two columns. Contents: Account of wool. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 736, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 90 x 52 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 10. Contents: Account of beer, flour, dates, etc., received by the patesi. Seal of Ur-(d)Nun-gal, the scribe, the son of Ur-(d)Shara, of the archives. Also seal of Lù-(d)lama, the scribe. Dated in the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin built the wall of the west. SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 737, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Label with hole in centre. Baked. Inscribed on three faces. Meas. Height 50, Side, 57. Contents: Account of cattle. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 738, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Piece chipped off. Meas. 40 x 38 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, for feeding cattle. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 739, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. In two pieces. Meas. 50 x 44 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of the money Expended in the purchase of two instruments. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, devastated the land of Za-ab-shá-li(ki). SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 740, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet: Covered with incrustations. Meas. 48 x 43 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of sweet drink. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 741, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 45 x 46 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt of different objects from A-bu-ni. Authority of Ur-sag-tar. Received by Ur-(d)Tar-sukal. Dated in the month Ezen-mah, the year in which the priest of Uruk was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 742, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 110 x 72 x 24 mm. Inscr. in four columns. Contents: List of temple officials and employees. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 743, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 75 x 48 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 11. Contents: Account of barley received from Ur-(d)Ne-gun-na, patesi of Umma. Dated in the year when Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 744, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Small pieces chipped off. Meas. 80 x 55+ x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14, Rev. 5. Contents: List of different kinds of offerings (mu-tum) for (d)Na-na-a, and (d)Ninni. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 745, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 70 x 46 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of silver. Dated in the year in which the great tablet was built. SHU-Sin, 6. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 746, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 116 x 70 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2, Rev. 2. Contents: List of persons who have received garments. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 747, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 70 x 48 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 13. Contents: Account of beer, received from Ur-mes, by the patesi. Seal impression reading: "To (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the mighty kind, the king of Ur,......A-a-kal-la, the patesi,......" Dated in the month Ezen(d)......, the year in which the priest of Eridu......Dungi, 26+x, or Amar Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 748, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 78 x 46 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 16, Rev. 18. Contents: Account of oxen, cows and sheep, received from Ab-ba-shag-ga by In-ta-ê'-a. Dated in the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 749, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Upper portion missing. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 122+ x 87+ x 25. Inscr. in four columns. Contents: Account of cattle, and the barley used for their feed. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 750, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 45 x 41 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of wine, received from A-al-ni. Same seal as 763. Dated in the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin became king. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 751, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year in which (d)Amar-(d)Sin, the king, devastated Ur-bil-lum(ki). Amar-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 752, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 62 x 50 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 8. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley, butter and milk, from the month RI to the month Shú-numun. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 753, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 62 x 47 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 13. Contents: Account of barley flour for the en-me-li(d)Sin. Authority of Ra-ma-ásh. Seal of the patesi. Month She-har-ra-gál-la, year after that in which Si-ma-num(ki)......SHU-Sin. 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 754, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Cracked. Fragmentary. Meas. 68 x 45 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 11. Contents: Account of barley, received from several persons. Dated: The year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, built for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl an exalted tablet. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 755, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Clay label, with large hole. Three inscribed faces. Baked. Meas. Height 48, Side 58. Contents: Account of cattle. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 756, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 58 x 45 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of wool, received from different persons. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 757, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 64 x 46 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 10. Contents: Account of flour, for offering to several gods. Among the gods the deified king (d)SHU-(d)Sin, who was still reigning. Dated in the month Sig-ni-gish-ni-shub-ba-gar, the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, built the wall of the west. The year after that. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 758, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 22 x 20 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 4. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 759, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 57 x 42 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 11. Contents: Account of flour, dates, etc., for several gods. Received from (d)Shara-kam. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year after that in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 760, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Very fragmentary. Meas. 103+ x 71+ x 27 mm. Inscr. four columns. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 761, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small label. Unbaked. Triangular shape, probably only one hole at the a Ex. Contains four lines of inscription (unreadable) and a seal impression. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 762, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 65 x 48 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of beer, received from Ur-mes. Dated in the month of Pâ-ú-e, the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, made for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl a great tablet. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 763, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 48 x 48 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of the cattle received from Lugal-ê-mah-e. Seal impression reading: "To (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the mighty king, the king of Ur, the king of the four quarters, the woman Du-du, daughter of Da-da-ga, the scribe, thy servant." Dated in the year in which the temple of (d)Shara, which is in Umma, was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 764, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Rough label, of irregular shape, baked. Contents: A seal impression, reading: "To (d)SHU-Sin, the mighty king, the king of Ur, the king of the four quarters, Lugal-itu-da, the scribe, the son of Ur-á-zi-da, thy servant". Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 765, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small baked tablet. Meas. 22 x 22 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the year in which the throne from the temple(?) of (d)En-líl was......Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 766, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Clay label, with large hole. Three inscribed faces. Baked. Meas. Height 48, Side 52. Contents: Account of foods and beverages, brought as offering (sá-dug). Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 767, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 63 x 46 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 13. Contents: Account of flour, dates, etc., for several gods. Received from Lù-(d)Ra. Month of (d)Dumu-zi. Year destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 768, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Not opened. Much destroyed. Meas. 45 x 46 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4+. Contents: Account of......Seal of Lù-(d)Nagar-ê', the scribe. Dated in the year after that in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 24+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 769, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 62 x 47 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 10. Contents: Account of beer. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin......SHU-Sin.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 770, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 46 x 43 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley (?) received from Ur-(d)Utu by Ur-She-íl-la. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 771, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Portions destroyed. Meas. 109 x 60 x 23 mm. Inscr. Obv. 20+, Rev. 22+. Contents: Account of barley. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 772, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 38 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley, from the ê-dub-ba. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 773, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Crumbling. Rev. mostly destroyed. Meas. 73 x 43 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 17, Rev. 19. tents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley. Dated: muda-.... (rest destroyed). Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 774, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Right portion destroyed. Meas. 83 x 47 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14, Rev. 5+. Contents: Measurements of fields. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 775, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 48 x 40 x 14 nun. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of food, for female workers. Dated in the year in which the priest, the gú-gal of heaven, was installed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 776, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Much destroyed. Meas. 73 x 50 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 17(?), Rev. 16. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of bread, flour, beer, etc. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 777, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 48 x 35 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 9. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flour. Dated: the first day. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 778, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 44 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, received by Lu-(d)Ra. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 779, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 38 x 19 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 780, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Obv. partly destroyed. Meas. 42 x 41 x 15 mm. lnscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 781, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 37 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3, Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 782, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Broken in two. Meas. 43 x 38 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar-shar, the year in which the great priest of heaven, the priest of (d)Ninni, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 783, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 50 x 40 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for four gán of field. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 784, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 46 x 38 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley. Dated: Ezen(d)Dumu-zi, Ezen-she-íl-la. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 785, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 39 x 34 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Upper edge 1, Left edge 1. Contents: Delivery (=mu-túm) of barley. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 786, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Obv. partly destroyed. Meas. 42 x 40 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month of Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 787, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 48 x 37 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 9. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar-shar. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 788, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 53 x 40 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of barley. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 789, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Rev. weathered. Meas. 49 x 40 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. none. Contents: Account of food and drink. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 790, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 46 x 41 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Gán-mash. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 791, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 42 x 37 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 792, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 46 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of barley. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 793, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked clay tablet. Left upper corner missing. Meas. 40 x 37 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received by Ur-(d)Ê: from Lù-(d)Ra. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar, the year in which the priest, the gú-gal of heaven, the priest of (d)Ninni, was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 794, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 34 x 33 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received from Lù-(d)Ra by Lù-(d)Ra (sic !). Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 795, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 35 x 33 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of food and drink. Dated: from the 1st to the 3rd day. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 796, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 33 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 797, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 37 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley flour, received from A-a-kal-la by Ur-(d)Lama. Dated in the month She-ga-gesh-dar, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 798, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 43 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of garments, received from Lù-(d)Ra. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 799, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Rev. destroyed. Meas. 42 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6. Rev. destroyed. Contents: List of persons who have received (?) barley. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 800, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of fields and silver, which Ni-la ?-gu has received from Lù-(d)Ra. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x,

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 801, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received by Ba-gé-lum from Lù-(d)Ra. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 802, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Obv. mostly destroyed. Meas. 48 x 39 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 12. Contents: Account of barley (?) received from several persons. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 803, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 44 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 10. Contents: Account of different objects, received from several persons. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 804, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked clay tablet. Meas. 43 x 36 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received from Ur-(d)Nina by Ur-(d)Nin-mar(ki). Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin. 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 805, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 45 x 43 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of flour, received by Ur-(d)Ba-ú from Lù-(d)Ra. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi. 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 806, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 30 x 9 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, received by Inim(d)Tu(ku), from Lù-(d)Ra. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 807, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 42 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flour and barley, received from Ur-(d)Nin-mar(ki) by Lù-ma-gu-la. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 808, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 46 x 41 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, the price of a goat, and goats, received from Lù-(d)Ra. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 809, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 35 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, received by Lù-(d)Nin-gir-su from Nam-zi-tar-ra. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month II-She-gûr-kud (sic !), the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 810, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 41 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of cereals, received from Lù-(d)Ra. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Dir-she-gùr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 811, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 34 x 33 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received from Lù-(d) Nin-gir-su by Lù-(d)Ba-ú. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 812, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 50 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. none. Contents: Student's Exercise. Nothing but figures. Not dated. Probably Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 813, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 27 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received by Níg-(d)Ba-ú. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 814, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 36 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley flour, received by Ur-(d)Lama, the son of Lugal-ushumgal. Dated in the month She-íl-la, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. Shu-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 815, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 35 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev 3. Contents: Account of barley received from Ur-(d)Sin. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar, the year in which the priest, the gú-gal of heaven, the priest of (d)Ninni, was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 816, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 44 x 37 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt. Seal of Ur-(d)Sin. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar, the year in which the priest, the gú-gal of heaven, the priest of (d)Ninni, was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 817, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 35 x 31 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley flour, received from Al-Ia-dúg. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the year in which the priest, the gú-gal of heaven, the priest of (d)Ninni, was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 818, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received from Lù-(d)Ra by Aga-ki-àg. Dated in the month She-íl-la, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 819, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 33 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of flour, received from Lù-(d)Ra. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 820, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 27 x 24 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of wine. Dated in the month She-íl-la. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 821, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Rev. fragmentary. Meas. 24 x 28 x 12mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of bread and barley flour. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 822, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 36 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley flour, received from Arad by Ur-(d)Lama. Seal impression of Ur-(d)Lama. Dated in the month She-il-la, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 823, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 35 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley flour, received from Lù-(d)Rá by Ur-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the year Ezen-(d)Ba-ú the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 824, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 38 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, received from Lù(d)Nin-gir-su, by Nin-du-du. Dated in the month Dir-she-gûr-kud, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 825, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 35 x 35 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley. Seal of Lù-(d)......, the scribe. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar, the year in which the priest, the gú-gal of heaven, the priest of (d)Ninni, was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 826, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 38 x 31 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3 Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, received from (d)Ê-ni-shag by Lù-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 827, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 34 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of barley, received from Lù-(d)Ra by Ur-(d)Nigin-gar. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 828, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 36 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of barley flour, received from Lú-(d)Ra by Lú-(d)Nin-gir-su. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 829, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 47 x 41 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 7. Contents: List of persons who have received garments. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which the great priest of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 830, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 114 x 74 x 23 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: List of persons who have delivered (mu-túm) garments. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which the land Za-ab-shá-li(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 831, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Very big label, with large hole in center. Baked. One corner destroyed. Three faces. Meas. Height 65, Side, 80 mm. Contents: Account of cattle. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 832, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 145 x 95 x 24 mm. Divided in six columns. Contents: Account of wages. Dated in the year in which the great priest, the supreme of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 833, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Broken. Meas. 143 x 87 x 22 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: List of women who have received barley. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi. the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni in Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 834, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 68 x 44 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of silver. Dated in the year in which the great tablet was built. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 835, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 130 x 72 x 23 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2 columns. Rev. 2 columns. Contents: Paylist of women. Dated in the month Sig-gish-ni-shub-ba-gar, in the year after that in which (d)I-bí-(d)Sin became king. Ibi-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 836, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 74 x 42 x 19 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 3, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of garments, and persons who have delivered (mu-túm) them. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, built the west wall. SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 837, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small label of triangular shape, with three holes at the corners. Baked, but much destroyed. It probably contained a few lines of inscription and a seal impression. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 838, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 77 x 53 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Rev. 11. Contents: List of people who have received garments. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 839, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 75 x 45 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 16, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barley received from several persons. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 840, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Broken and crumbling. Meas. 97 x 58 x 24 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: List of persons who have delivered (mu-túm) garments. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d) Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 841, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 49 x 41 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of offerings of food. Dated in the year in which the west wall was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 842, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 46 x 44 x 26 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2, Rev. none. Contents: Account of food received by Da-da-mu. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 843, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Rev. mostly destroyed. Meas. 63 x 50 x l7 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 6+. Contents: List of officials. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 844, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 33 x 27 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of oxen and their feed. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 845, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Shellacked. Crumbling. Meas. 43 x 41 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for a field. Dated in the year in which the temple of (d)Shara, which is in Umma, was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 846, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Label. Baked. Partly destroyed. Meas. Height 44, Width 44. Contents: List of stated offerings (sá-dug). Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 847, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked case tablet. Meas. 52 x 42 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of different kinds of flour. Seal of Lugal-sîb-e, the scribe. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 848, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 47 x 46 x 23 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated: The third year after (=mu-ush-sa-du-3-kam) Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 26+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 849, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small label, triangular in shape, with holes at the three corners. Meas. Height 42, Side 35. Contents: Traces of inscription and of a seal impression. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 850, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 92 x 53 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 14. Contents: List of flocks, received from (d)Dun-gi-ì-lí. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the year in which (d)SHU(d)Sin, the king, built the temple of (d)Shara in Umma. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 851, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 108 x 58 x 19 mm. Inscr. Obv. 22, Rev. 21. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 852, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of large baked tablet. Meas. 187+ x 218 x 35 mm. In fourteen columns. Contents: Paylist of women employees and their children. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty. [Includes additional fragments in 2 boxes.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 853, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 112 x 57 x 26 mm. Contents: Long list of garments and persons who have received them. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 854, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 75 x 48 x 19 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Rev. 5, Upper edge 2. Contents: List of persons who have received barley flour. Dated in the month RI, the year after that in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 855, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Broken. Crumbling. Meas. 122 x 61 x 32 mm. Inscr. Obv. Rev. 21. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) for the 20th day. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 856, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 90 x 52 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14, Rev. 8. Contents: List of persons who have delivered (mu-túm) garments. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 857, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Right lower corner missing. Crumbling. Meas. 114 x 70 x 18 mm. Inscr. four columns. Contents: Paylist of temple officials. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 858, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Broken in two. Fragmentary. Meas. 69 x 47 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 859, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Upper portion destroyed. Meas. 78 x 47 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14+, Rev. 12+. Contents: Account of sheep and goats. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 860, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Lower portion missing:. Meas. 118+ x 75 x 23 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: Account of fields. Dated in the year in which (d) SHU-(d)Sin, the king, built for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl a great mà-gûr ship. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 861, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Broken in two. Portion missing. Meas. 100 x 54 x 22 mm. Contents: Account of barley and flour, received from several persons. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 862, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 75 x 46 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 863, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 70 x 46 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Rev. 11. Contents: List of persons. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 864, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of very large tablet. Lower part and right side missing. Meas. 230+ x 224+ x 47 mm. Originally in eighteen or twenty columns. Portions of sixteen columns standing. Contents: Account of cereals, flour, beverages, etc. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar, the year in which the priest of the holy place was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 865, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 50 x 46 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: One sheep received on the 30th day from Du-ú-du. Dated in the month Ki-sig-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, built the west wall, called mu-ri-ik-ti-id-ni-im. SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 866, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 43 x 48 x 24 in in. Inscr. Obv. 1, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt of one talent of (silver?) from Ad-da. Not dated. Ur dynasty. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 867, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet, with portion of case. Meas. 32 x 30 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Loan of barley, with interest. Dated in the year after An-shá-an(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 34+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 868, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 57 x 42 x 20. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 8. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-mah, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 869, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Lower portion of Obv. destroyed. Meas. 66 x 47 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 10. Contents: Agreement concerning fields. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 870, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Partly opened. Unbaked. Meas. 45 x 40 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4+, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt. Dated: The year in which Gán-har(ki) was devastated for the 2nd time. Dungi, 29+x. [Case opened and portion missing; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 871, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 67 x 48 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of barley(?) received from several people. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 872, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of unbaked tablet. Meas. 78+ x 55 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 15, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of barley. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 873, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet, much erased and fragmentary. Upper and lower portions missing. Meas. 62+ x 51 x 21 mm. Contents: Account of offerings, brought to several gods. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 874, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 47 x 38 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of cattle received from Ab-ba-shag-ga. Dated in the month Ki-sig-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna of Kar-zi-da was installed. Amar-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 875, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 40 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 10, Left edge 3. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of garments. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d) Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 876, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 53 x 43 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of instruments. Dated in the month RI, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 877, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Partly destroyed. Meas. 48 x 41 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of barley, for feeding sheep. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 878, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 879, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 31 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley, to be used as food for the workmen. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 880, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 90 x 54 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 12. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)SHU-(d)Sin(sic !). In the year in which SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, built for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl a great mà-gur ship. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 881, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Very fragmentary. Meas. 82 x 48 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 8. Contents: Long list of gods, who have received offerings during the feast in the month Pâ-ú-e. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 882, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Rev. partly destroyed. Meas. 81 x 45 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 15, Rev. 1. Contents: List of persons, probably priests of (d)Dun-gi. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 883, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 71 x 41 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 17, Rev. 16. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)........-na, the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 884, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Lower portion missing. Meas. 71 x 48 x 18 mm. lnscr. Obv. 13, Rev. 13, Upper edge 2. Contents: List of persons, who have received cattle. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 885, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 115 x 55 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Rev. 14. Contents: Account of sheep, offerings for different gods, given by (d)Dun-gi-ì-lí. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin built for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl an exalted tablet. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 886, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 83 x 51 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 13. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of wool. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 887, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 87 x 46 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 12. Contents: Account of barley. If dated, date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 888, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 48 x 44 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of barley, for feeding sheep. Dated in the month She-kar-ra-gál-la, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 889, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 24 x 23 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Twenty-six oxen have been given out (zig-ga). Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year MASH-NE. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 890, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Left upper corner missing. Meas. 101 x 48 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14. Rev. 18. Contents: List of persons who have received garments. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 891, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Covered with salts. Meas. 115 x 68 x 23 mm. Divided in four columns. Contents: List of Expenditures (zig-ga). Dated in the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d) Da-gan was built. Dungi, 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 892, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Broken. Meas. 74 x 47 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 11, Upper edge 3. Contents: List of chairs, beds, and instruments. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU(d)Sin, the king, built the temple of (d)Shara in Umma. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 893, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Not opened. Unbaked. Meas. 47 x 38 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received by Ba-zi. Authority of Ab-ba-mu. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year after that in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x. [Case opened and repaired; tablet removed and present.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 894, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Left portion destroyed. Meas. 117 x 51 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 18, Rev. 18. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of milk. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which (d) SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, built the great ship for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 895, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Destroyed and crumbling. Meas. 76 x 47 x 19 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 15, Upper edge 2. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of gold and silver. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 896, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 60 x 52 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of barley, Expended in wages. Dated in the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 897, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 80 x 44 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 18, Rev. 17. Contents: Account of cattle and flocks, delivered (mu-túm). Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 898, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7. Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barley, for feeding sheep. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 899, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of unbaked tablet. Destroyed. Meas. 72 x 73 x 37 mm. In four columns. Contents: Paylist of women. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 900, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 34 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of oxen. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the year, the king of UR, destroyed the land Za-ab-shá-li(ki). SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 901., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 87 x 47 x 19 mm. Inscr. Obv. 22, Rev. 25. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 902., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 44 x 38 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 2. Contents: One-half mana of dates, received from Lugal-azag-zu. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which the wall of the west was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 903., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Not opened. Portion missing. Meas. 52 x 52 x 24 mm. Contains no inscription. Beautiful seal impression of Ki ?-nin-da, the scribe. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 904., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 56 x 45 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, paid in wages. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 905., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet with portions of case. Meas. 31 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for flour. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year after that in which An-sha-an(ki) was devastated. Dungi. 33+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 906., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 31 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of flour, received from Ur-gar. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 907., dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 50 x 43 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flocks, dispersed (ri-ri-ga). Dated in the year in which the temple of (d)Shara, which is in Umma, was built. SHU-Sin, 9. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 908., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Label. Baked. Destroyed. Contains only a seal impression: no writing. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 909., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 64 x 44 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of wool. Dated in the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 910., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Not opened. Meas. 48 x 40 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 1. Contents: Lal-lí of barley. Seal of Ur-shag-ga, the QA-SHÚ-GAB. Dated in the year in which Gán-har(ki) was devastated for the 2nd time. Dungi, 29+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 911., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flocks, received from Shú-ma-ma by (d)Dun-gi-uru-mu. Dated in the month Ezen-mah, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 912., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Unopened. Fragmentary. Meas. 43 x 40 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Contents: Eight garments, received by Lugal-ka-gi-na from Gême-tur. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 913., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Only portions of case remaining. Meas. 50 x 40+ x 30 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for barley. Date unreadable. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 914., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 62 x 47 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 10. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of wool and reed baskets. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 915., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 54 x 48 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of different foods received from Á-ud-da-ka, by Hu-wa-wa. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 916., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 48 x 42 x 15 rnm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of food for the boatmen. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year after that in which (d)Amar-(d)Sin became king. Amar-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 917., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 60 x 48 x 1 7 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 12. Contents: List of workmen and their superintendents. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, devastated the land Za-ab-shá-li(ki). SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 918., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Triangular clay label. Meas. Heighth 43, Base 33. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Inscription unreadable. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 919., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 65 x 47 x 19 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of beer received from Lugal-níg-si-e. Dated in the year in which the sublime ship......was built. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 920., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 32 x 29 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Left edge 4, Rev. 7. Contents: List of persons who have received different kinds of foods and beverages. Dated in the month Sîb, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 921., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 34 x 31 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv 15, Left edge 3, Rev. 8. Contents: List of persons who have received different kinds of foods and beverages. Dated in the month Sîb, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 922., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 34 x 31 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 13, Left edge 2, Rev. 10. Contents: List of persons who have received different kinds of foods and beverages. Dated in the month Sîb, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 923., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 33 x 32 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 1. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of one garment. Dated in the year in which the priest of Ga-esh(ki) was installed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 924., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Right side of unbaked tablet. Meas. 28 x 24+ x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt for milk and butter. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 925., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Clay label. Baked. Meas. 28 x 30 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 1, Rev. 3. Contents: Gú-I-si-ta. Seal of Ni-kal-la. From Lù-ùr-ra, the KU officer. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 926., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Writing erased. Meas. 48 x 44 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt, from Ur-e-izi-ma. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated: Mu-ush-sa.......Ur Dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 927., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

[Meas. 45 x 41 x 10 mm. "927" marked in pencil. Not published by Chiera]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 928., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 36 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account of cattle. Dated in the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 929., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 32 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)......The year after......Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 930., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 10, Upper edge 2. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) ot flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year after that in which the wall of the land was built. Dungi, 35+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 931., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, the surplus of the preceding year. Dated in the month Me-ki-gál, the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 932., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 33 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8. Rev. 8. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of birds. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 933., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 8. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year after that in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were destroyed for the 9th time. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 934., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 46 x 37 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of flocks. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 935., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Covered with salts. Meas. 47 x 38 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8, Upper edge 1. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 936., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Part of Rev. destroyed. Meas. 47 x 38 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 937., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 47 x 40 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7, Upper edge 1. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the year in which the ship (called) the Antelope of the Abyss was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 938., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 10. Contents: Account of cattle. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 939., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 31 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 8, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 940., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Much destroyed. Meas. 37 x 35 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of milk. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was made. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 941., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 34 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8. Rev. 8, Upper edge 2. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of birds. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, in the year after the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. The year after that. Dungi, 39+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 942., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt of flocks. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 25+x, or 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 943., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 25 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were devastated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 944., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 31 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 945., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 31 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9, Upper edge, 2. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of cattle and flocks. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was selected. Dungi, 41+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 946., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 48 x 42 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Expenditures (ba-zig) of cattle. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, in which the man (=lù) of Ur was installed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 947., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 67 x 51 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. none. Contents: Letter of (d)Ninib-mu-sha-lim to Ni-in-nu-ú-a. First dynasty of Babylon.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 948., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 48 x 40 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of cattle, received from the city of Ur. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 949., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Writing partly erased. Meas. 50 x 42 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of cattle. Seal impressions. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, devastated the land Za-ab-shá-li(ki). SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 950., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 44 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of oil and fats, received by the patesi, from A-a-kal-la. The seal reads: "To (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the mighty king, the king of Ur, the king of the four quarters, A-a-kal-la, the patesi of Umma, thy servant". Dated in the year after that in which the wall of the west was built. SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 951., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Rev. partly destroyed. Meas. 57 x 88 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 8. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle. Dated in the month Shú-numun, the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 39+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 952., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Upper portion destroyed. Meas. 50 x 38x16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8+, Rev. 9. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of garments. Dated in the month Ki-sig-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were devastated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 953., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 45 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 9. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of cattle. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year after that in which (d)SHU(d)Sin, the king, the wall of the west (called) Mu-ri-ik-ti íd-ni-im, he built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 954., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 35 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of different things. Dated in the month Shid-dé-kú, the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 955., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 33 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9. Rev. 8. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of birds. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 956., dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Two pieces joined. Meas. 38 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for fowl. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1. [MISSING?]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 957., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 34 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 958., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 23 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 959., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 53 x 38 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 10. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of cattle. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud. Year destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 960., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for three oxen, by Dah-shá-ni. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 961., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 28 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 8. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of birds and fowl. Dated in the month of She-gûr-kud, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 962., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 57 x 47 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of cattle. Dated in the year when (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the kind of Ur, built the west wall, (called) Mu-ri-ik-ti-id-ni-im. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 963., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 63 x 47 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9, Upper edge 1. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, built for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl a great mà-gûr ship. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 964., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 53 x 47 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 8. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 965., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 46 x 37 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, 1 Rev. 11. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle. Dated m the month Shesh-da-kú, the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. The year after that. Dungi, 39+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 966., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 48 x 38 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 6. Contents: Offering (sá-dug) of flocks. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki (called) the Antelope of the Abyss was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 967., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 37 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6; Rev. 3. Contents: Legal decision. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 968., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 65 x 49 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7. Contents: Expense account. Dated in the month Ezen-mah, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 969., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 52 x 37 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 10, Upper edge 2. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks, offering (zúr-zúr) from Uruk. Dated in the month Ezen-mah, the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sabar-(d)Da-gan was built. The year after that. Dungi, 39+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 970., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. In three pieces. Meas. 42 x 40 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the year of Amar-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, in which the temple of (d)Ninni in Uruk was built. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 971., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 52 x 33 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 11, Upper edge 2. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks, from Nippur. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 972., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Broken in two pieces. Meas. 57 x 40 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12. Rev. 13. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year after that in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were destroyed for the 9th time. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 973., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Portion missing. Meas. 46 x 38 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7. Contents: List of cows and oxen, taken in charge by several shepherds. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 974., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 50 x 37 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of flour, barley, etc., Expended by Lù-shá-lim. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Nin-a-zu, the accession year of (d)SHU-Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 975., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 50 x 37 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 8, Upper edge 1. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the year in which the altar of (d)En-líl was built. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 976., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 53 x 38 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of flocks Expended by Ur-azag-nun-na. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which (d)SHU-Sin, the king of Ur, fashioned for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl the exalted mà-gûr ship. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 977., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 52 x 42 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of objects of silver, from the citizens of La-du-gi-na, Expended by Lù-(d)Ra. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which the exalted priest, dear to (d)Amar-(d)Sin, the great priest of Eridu, was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 978., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 52 x 37 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 11, Upper edge 2. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle, fowls, etc., from Ur. Dated in the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 979., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 59 x 40 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 13, Upper edge 3. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle, fowl, etc., from Tum-ma-al(ki). Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-ur-ti(ki) (sic !) were destroyed. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 980., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 48 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. Contents: Account. Dated in the second year after the destruction of Ì-si-in(ki). (d)Rîm-(d)Sin of Larsa.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 981., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 44 x 36 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of flocks, offerings (zúr-zúr). Expended (zig-ga) by Ur-(d)Lugal. Dated in the month Ezen(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were destroyed for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 982., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 45 x 42 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents: Expenditure of one ox. Superintendent Ur-Túm-ma-al(ki). Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which (d)SHU-(d) Sin, the king of Ur, a great tablet for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl he built. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 983., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 48 x 40 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Lal-lí of barley and silver. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 984., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 47 x 37 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 9. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were devastated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 985., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 36 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of sheep. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, devastated Si-ma-num(ki). SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 986., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of fowl, brought in (mu-túm) by (d)Dun-gi-zi-im-ti. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 987., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 46 x 37 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of flocks brought in (mu-túm) by (d)Dun-gi-zi-im-tum. Dated in the month Me-ki-gal, the year 3rd after that in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 26+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 988., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 41 x 34 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. Rev. 29. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the month Sib-nidaba, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni in Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 989., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Very fragmentary. Meas. 55 x 45 x 21 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, built the west wall. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 990., dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 41 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley, received from Ur-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was installed. Amar-Sin, 4. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 991., dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 46 x 34 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 7, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of cattle, brought in (mu-túm) from Tum-ma-al(ki). Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 37 +x. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 992., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 41 x 35 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of flocks, received from the city of Ur. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year after that in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated for the 3rd time. Dungi, 31+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 993., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of flocks delivered (mu-túm) during the month Shú-esh-shá. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were devastated for the 3rd time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 994., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Right lower corner missing. Meas. 43 x 37 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of flocks, Expended (ba-zi). Dated in the month Mash-dù-kú, the year in which (d)Amar-(d)Sin, the king, devastated Ur-bil-lum(ki). Amar-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 995., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 32 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of cattle, received (shú-ba-ti). Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the exalted priest, the supreme of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 996., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Portions missing. Restored. Meas. 30+ x 35+ x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Expenses in......Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna (was installed). Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 997., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Right lower corner missing. Meas. 37 x 32 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of flocks, brought in (mu-túm). Dated in the month Ezen(d)Dun-gi, the year after that in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were destroyed for the 9th time. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 998., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 25 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks, brought in (mu-túm) by (d)Dun-gi-zi-im-ti. Dated in the month Mash-dù-kú, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 999., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 32 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flocks given out (ba-zig). Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1000., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 30 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks, brought in (mu-túm) by Wa-at-sa-at. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was selected. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1001., dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 39 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. none. Contents: Account of barley, received from Im-ti-dam, by Ur-(d)Ba-ú. Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá. Year not stated. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1002., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 30 x 26 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of goats, as offering (zúr-zúr). Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year after that in which the wall of the land was built. SHU-Sin, 10.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1003., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 32 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1004., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, . Rev. 4. Contents: Account of flocks, taken in charge by In-ta-ê'-a, from Na-ba-shag-ga. Dated in the month Ki-sig (d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1005., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 33 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, X Rev. 2. Contents: Brief order: To Da-gi say: 5 gur of barley to (d)Nanna-igi-gub he shall give. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1006., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet, Meas. 28 x 25 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 8. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks, from Nippur. Dated in the month Mash-AZAG-kú. Dated in the year after that in which the wall of the land was built. The year after that. Dungi, 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1007., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Lower portion missing. Meas. 26+ x 34 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Upper edge 2. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of fowls. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1008., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 36 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which the exalted priest of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1009., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 37 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 8, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of flocks, brought in (mu-túm) by (d)Dun-gi-zi-im-ti. Dated in the month A-ki-ti, the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1010., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 34 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of different objects. Dated in the year in which An-shá-an(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 33+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1011., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 32 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the great priest, the exalted of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1012., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 34 x 30 x 14. mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Expense (ba-zi) of flocks. Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1013., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: A young ox, dead, from A-hu-wi-ir, (d)Dungi-uru-mu has received. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year in which the ship called the Antelope of the Abyss was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1014., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1015., dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Upper portion destroyed. Meas. 22+ x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4+, Rev. 3+. Contents: Account of flocks, received from A-hu-ni. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú. Ur dynasty. [MISSING?]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1016., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 30 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: List of cattle, received from In-tá-ê'-a. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1017., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 31 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flour. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)......, the accession year of (d)SHU(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1018., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Piece chipped off. Meas. 35 x 30 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Zig-ga of a goose. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 38+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1019., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 34 x 32 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Zig-ga of one ox. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1020., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 28 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for flour(?). Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1021., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 31 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of one ox and three lambs. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which the priest of the holy place (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1022., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 24 x 22 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for some cattle. Dated in the month Mash-dú-kú, the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1023., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of birds. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 38+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1024., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet, Meas. 31 x 27 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for cattle. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1025., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Portion missing. Meas. 22 x 28 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1026., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 30 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for flocks. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1027., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 5. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the month Mash-AZAG-kú, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1028., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Left portion missing. Meas. 33 x 23 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1029., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 34 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Ezen-mah, the year after that in which the wall of the land... Dungi, 35+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1030, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 26 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1031., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 22 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1032., dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 29 x 26 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Zig-ga of sheep. Dated in the month Ezenan-na. Year not stated. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1033., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 32 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of cattle. Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, in the year in which the great priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1034., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 41 x 33 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Zig-ga of cows aud oxen. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were devastated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1035., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of a baked tablet. Repaired. Meas. 26+ x 40 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4+, Rev. 3+. Contents: Account of flocks. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1036., dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 45 x 41 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of cattle. Dated in the month Shid-dé-kú, the year after that in which the land of Za-ab-shá-li(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 8. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1037., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 48 x 33 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 8, Upper edge 2. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the month Mash-AZAG-kú, the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 38+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1038., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Expense account (/ig-ga) of oxen and cows. Dated in the month Exen-an-na, the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, Built the west wall (called) Mu-ri-ik-ti-id-ni-im. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1039., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 44 x 33 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9, Upper edge 2. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of cattle, by several people. Dated in the month Shû-esh-shá, the yaer in which Ki-mash(ki) and [Hu]-mur-[ti(ki)] was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1040., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 32 x 16. Inscr. Obv 6, Rev. 8, Upper edge 3. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1041., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Lower portion destroyed. Meas. 33 x 34+ x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4+, Rev. 4+. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley. Dated in the year in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1042., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year after that in which An-shá-an(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 34+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1043., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the mont She-gûr-kud, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1044., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni of Uruk was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1045., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 30 x 15 mm. Contents: Account of flocks, as offering (sá-dug). Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d) Da-gan was built. The year after that. Dungi, 39+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1046., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 28 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the month Ki-sig-(d) Nin-a-zu, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-ur(sic !)-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1047., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 28 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1048., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 32 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 3. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the year in which Ur-bil-lnm(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1049., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 31 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of birds and fowl. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. The year after that. Dungi, 39+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1050., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 29 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) for different objects. Dated in the month Ki-sig-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1051., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 30 x 25 x 12 mm. Inscr. Oby. 4. Rev. 3. Contents: Zig-ga of a sheep. Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the year in which the wall of the land was built. Dungi, 35+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1052., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 27 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year after that in which the wall of the land was built. Dungi, 36+x. [Tablet with similar measurements that includes a number that could be '5' - a possible match?]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1053., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 29 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6, Upper edge 1. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of flocks. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, the exalted mà-gûr-ship for (d)Enlil and (d)Ninlil he built. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1054., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 25 x 13 mm. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle and birds. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1055., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Left portion missing. Meas. 27 x 23+ x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of barley. Dated in the month Shid-dé-kú, the year after that in which the má-gûr ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 3(?).

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1056., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 27 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 8. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of flocks. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1057., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 23 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Zig-ga of sheep. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year after that in which the wall of the land was built. Dungi, 36+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1058., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Writing effaced. Meas. 27 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of barley. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the third year after that in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 28+x, or 49+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1059., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for flocks. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1060., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 34 x 25 x 9 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Taking in charge (ni-KU) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1061., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 26 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1062., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 28 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Zig-ga of cattle, as offering (zúr-zúr) for two goddesses. Dated in the third year after Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 26+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1063., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Right Iower corner missing. Meas. 26 x 33 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of cattle. Dated in the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1064., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Half-baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 30 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which the throne was fashioned. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1065., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 30 x 27 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Taking in charge (ni-KU) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-mah, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1066., dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of baked tablet. Meas. 21+ x 31+ x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5+, Rev. 3+. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) and Hu-mur-ti(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 44+x. [MISSING???]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1067., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Right portion missing. Meas. 33 x 22 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar (d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1068., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt. Dated in the month She-gúr-kud, the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1069, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 33 x 30 x 14 mm. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of butter. Dated in the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni of Uruk was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1070., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 29 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flocks as offerings (sá-dug). Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was selected. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1071., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year after Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1072., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Right lower corner missing. Meas. 30 x 22 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Nin-a-zu, the year in which the throne of (d)En-líl was fashioned. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1073., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 41 x 43 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Dated in the year after that in which the west wall was built. The year after that. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1074., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 43 x 38 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Dated in the year in which the land Za-ab-shá-li(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1075., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 46 x 43 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for one nidaba-si-ê'. Traces of seal impressions. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1076., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 45 x 41 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) for barley. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1077., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Crumbling. Meas. 63 x 43 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4. Contents: List of garments, delivery (mu-túm) for the month Shú-numun. Dated in the year after Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1078., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 40 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month after Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1079., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 36 x 34 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for a garment. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1080., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Crumbling. Meas. 50 x 40 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 6, Upper edge 2. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the month Kar-ra-... the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, devastated the land of Za-ab-shá-li(ki). SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1081., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 53 x 43 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 8. Contents: List of persons who have received garments. Dated in the year in which the exalted priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1082., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 42 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for 20 garments. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the year in which the west wall was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1083., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 38 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) for barley. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1084., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 42 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 8, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year after that in which (d)SHU-Sin, the king, built the west wall. SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1085., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 35 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1086., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 36 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for two garments. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, built the west wall. SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1087., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 34 x 33 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1088., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 32 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4, Upper edge 2. Contents: List of garments, received from several persons. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)dun-gi, the year in which (d)I-bí-(d)Sin became king. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1089., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 50 x 40 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents: List of male and female workers, with their superintendents. Dated in the month Sig-gish-ni-shub-ba-gar, the year after that in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1090., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 45 x 48 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Síg-gish-ni-shub-gar, the year after that in which (d)I-bí-(d)Sin became king. Ibi-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1091., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 44 x 46 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of different garments, received by Ni-kal-la. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 25+x, or 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1092., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 37 x 34 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for garments. Dated in the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1093., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 45 x 48 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for butter. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-shu(sic !)-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1094., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 43 x 45 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were devastated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1095., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 45 x 37 x 13 mm. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of garments. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year in which the ship (called) the Antelope of the Abyss was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1096., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 46 x 47 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for soda. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x. [Tablet measures 45 x 42 x 10 mm.; last number unclear but could be a 6?]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1097., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 32 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8, Upper edge 1. Contents: Delivery (mu-tum) of flocks. Awilija (written: ID-NE-NI-a) has taken charge (ni-KU). Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the year after the wall of the land was built. The year after that. Dungi, 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1098., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 43 x 40 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of workmen, and their superintendents. Dated in the year in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1099., dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 41 x 37 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for one workman, for ten days. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1100, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 45 x 43 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for flour. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year after that in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1101, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 44 x 46 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, in the year after that in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1102, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 36 x 36 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of barley. Dated in the month She-kar-ra-gál-la. The year after that in which Ki-mash(ki)...The year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1103, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 44 x 42 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1104, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Crumbling. Meas. 55 x 46 x 22 mm. Contents: Sumerian letter concerning a field. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1105, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 34 x 31 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of payments for fifteen workmen. Dated in the year in which (d)Amar-(d)Sin, the king, devastated Ur-bil-lum(ki). Amar-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1106, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 23 x 23 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley. Not dated. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1107, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 85 x 50 x 22 mm. Inscr. Obv. 14, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of barley, portion of the boatsmen. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1108, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 41 x 38 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the west wall was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1109, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 10, Upper edge 2. Contents: Paylist. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1110, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 31 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for one ox. Dated in the month RI, the year after that in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1111, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Portion chipped off. Meas. 30 x 27 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti). Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated for the 3rd time. Dungi, 30+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1112, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 46 x 45 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty. [MISSING???]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1113, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 50 x 42 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8, Upper edge 1. Contents: Receipt of female slaves, with their value stated in silver. Dated in the year in which the priest of the holy place........Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1114, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Meas. 43 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5+, Rev. 2. Contents destroyed. Dated: The year in which the priest........Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1115, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 47 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. none. Contents: Receipt for oil. Seal impression of Lugal-mà-gûr-ri, the scribe. Dated in the month Shú-numun, the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1116, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 42 x 43 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year after that in which the wall was built. Dungi, 36+x, or SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1117, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of unbaked tablet. Meas. 35 x 39 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3+, Rev. 4+. Contents: Paylist. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1118, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 44 x 45 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1119, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 46 x 44 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for garments. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1120, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 39 x 32 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Lower edge 1, Rev. none. Contents: Account of seal cylinders or of sealed tablets. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1121, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked label. Fragmentary. Meas. 19 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. 5 lines. Contents: Expense account. Overseer: Im-shar-ra. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1122, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 33 x 33 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley flour. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, in the third year after Gán-har(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 29+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1123, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Right upper corner chipped off. Meas. 34 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for flour. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated for the 3rd time. Dungi, 30+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1124, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 56 x 43 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1125, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 45 x 45 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for garments. Dated in the month Dirig, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1126, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 36 x 34 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. none. Contents: Receipt for flour. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1127, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 52 x 45 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for different objects. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of Ur, destroyed the land of Za-ab-shá-li(ki). SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1128, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Broken in two. Meas. 53 x 46 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 3. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1129, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 50 x 38 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of garments delivered (mu-túm) in the month Shú-numun. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1130, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 55 x 40 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv 9, Rev. 13. Contents: Account of garments, for the VI month. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1131, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 54 x 47 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of garments, for the month She-kar-ra. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1132, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 40 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1133, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 40 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for soda. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which Si-mu-rn-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1134, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 40 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for seven garments. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1135, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 40 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Seal of Lù-(d)Ba-ú, the scribe. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8. [MISSING]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1136, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 45 x 45 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of garments. Seal of Lù-dúg-ga. Dated in the month Síg-gish-ni-shub-gar-ra, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1137, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Two pieces of unbaked tablet. Meas. 52 x 50 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of workmen. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1138, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 40 x 42 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year in which the land Za-ab-shá-li(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1139, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 38 x 37 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley flour. Dated in the month Min-ab-ka, the year after; the year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1140, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 38 x 37 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for garments. Seal of Lugal-ra-ni. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1141, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Damaged. Meas. 38 x 37 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Dated in the year in which the land Za-ab-shá-li(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1142, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 38 x 37 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley flour. Dated in the month RI, the year in which An-shá-an(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 33+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1143, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 38 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Dated in the year in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1144, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Partly opened. Unbaked. Meas. 35+ x 35 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt for flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi. Year not stated. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1145, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Left lower corner missing. Meas. 47 x 40 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year in which the great mà-gûr ship was built. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1146, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 36 x 38 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Sîb, the year after that in which the wall was built. Dungi, 35+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1147, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Portions missing. Meas. 60 x 50 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. destroyed, Rev. 9. Contents destroyed. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which (d)SHU(d)Sin, the king of Ur, built for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl the exalted tablet. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1148, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 28 x 26 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1149, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 25 x 22 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. none. Contents: Account of barley flour. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1150, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 48 x 44 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of different kinds of cereals. Dated in the year in which Ur-bí-ì-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1151, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 53 x 38 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 9, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of flocks and cereals. Dated in the month Ê, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1152, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 48 x 44 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. destroyed. Contents: Receipt for five instruments. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni.........Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1153, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Left lower corner destroyed. Meas. 44 x 39 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for several copper instruments. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1154, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 44 x 42 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1155, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 40 x 34 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) in food and drink. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1156, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 55 x 46 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king, built an exalted tablet for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1157, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 43 x 40 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1158, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 41 x 35 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Lower edge 3, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1159, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 42 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1160, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 52 x 47 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flour. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU-(d) Sin, the king of Ur, built for (d)En-líl and (d)Nin-líl an exalted tablet. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1161, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 39 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barley and flour. Dated in the year in which Hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1162, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 35 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1163, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 33 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Lower edge 1, Rev. 5, Left edge 2. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Dated in the month Ezen(d)Dun-gi, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1164, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 23 x 21 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of barley. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1165, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 62 x 47 x 19 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 11. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin built the west wall. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1166, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 57 x 46 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2, Rev. none. Contents: Account of instruments. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1167, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 45 x 47 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which An-shá-an(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 33+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1168, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Right upper corner missing. Mean. 40 x 38 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of butter and milk, the offering (sá-dug) of Kud-da. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1169, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 34 x 28 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of barley. Dated in the month Dirig, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1170, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 48 x 40 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10. Rev. 9. Contents: Account of barley for fodder, the offering (sá-dug) for (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Dated in the accession year (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1171, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked case tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 37 x 31 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. none. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal of En-ú-a. Dated in the month Shú-numun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1172, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 36 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 9. Contents: Account of food. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1173, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Fragmentary. Meas. 45 x 45 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which he introduced (d)Nanna from Kar-zid-da, for the second time in his temple. Dungi, 34+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1174, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Fragmentary. Meas. 50 x 40 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 10, Upper edge 2, Left edge 2. Contents: Account of barley and sweet GAB. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1175, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 27 x 32 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of food. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1176, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Crumbling. Meas. 45 x 43 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3+, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1177, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Pieces chipped off. Meas. 45 x 41 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month RI, the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1178, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 36 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. none. Contents: Account of food. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1179, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Left upper corner chipped. Meas. 46 x 44 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the year in which the priest of Ga-esh(ki) was installed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1180, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 43 x 42 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal impression of Lugal-........Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1181, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 50 x 40 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Lower edge 1, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of barley and some strong drink. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1182, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 48 x 42 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of receipt. Dated in the year when the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1183, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 42 x 41 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of barley. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year in which the west wall was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1184, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 38 x 33 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of barley, for feeding sheep. Dated in the month Ezen (d)Dungi, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara in Umma was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1185, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Very fragmentary. Meas. 42 x 37 x l4 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. none. Contents: Receipt. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1186, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 45 x 37 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 6. Contents: List of persons who have received barley. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1187, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 38 x 36 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) for barley. Dated in the month Ezen- (d)Amar-(d)Sin, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1188, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Crumbling. Meas. 46 x 43 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the year in which the priest of Ga-esh(ki) was installed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1189, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Piece chipped off. Meas. 47 x 42 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for an instrument (gish-sug gish-sinig). Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the accession year of (d)l-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1190, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Piece chipped off. Meas. 45 x 42 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt for six instruments (gish-íl). Dated in the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9. [Number unclear]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1191, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 31 x 36 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. none. Contents: Receipt for barley. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1192, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 28 x 27 x 13 mm. Inscr Obv. 4, Rev. none. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1193, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 30 x 28 x 14 mm. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of strong GAB and one young ox. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1194, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of unbaked tablet. Meas. 26+ x 27 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5+, Rev. 5+. Contents: Account of cattle and GAB. Dated in the month Dir-kar-ra-gál-la, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1195, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 44 x 41 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1196, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 41 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Rev. 12, Upper edge 2. Contents: Account of barley at hand during three years. Dated in the year in which the priest, of Eridu was installed. Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1197, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Damaged. Meas. 44 x 38 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9, Upper edge 1, Lower edge 1. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1198, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 45 x 41 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley. Seal of Shesh-kal-la. Dated in the year after that in which (d) SHU-(d)Sin built the west wall. SHU-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1199, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Left lower corner missing. Meas. 45 x 42 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley flour. Dated in the year in which the great mà-gûr ship was made. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1200, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Portion missing. Meas. 50 x 42 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of milk and butter. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1201, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Right upper corner missing. Meas. 47 x 43 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of instruments and chairs for the temple of (d)Shara, in the year in which the temple was built. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1202, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 47 x 46 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of workmen. Dated in the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+ x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1203, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 52 x 42 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. none. Contents: Account of chairs, beds and different kinds of beer. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1204, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Left lower corner missing. Meas. 40 x 35 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barley and sweet GAB. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year of accession of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1205, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 44 x 46 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the year in which Hu-hu-nu-ri(d) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7. [Number unclear

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1206, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Rev. destroyed. Meas. 43 x 40 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. destroyed. Contents: Account of copper instruments. Dated in the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1207, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 46 x 36 x 15+ mm. Inscr. Obv. destroyed, Rev. 7. Contents: Account. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1208, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 43 x 42 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. none. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1209, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 46 x 40 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of wool, for different gods. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1210, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 33 x 31 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. none. Contents: Receipt for barley. Not dated. Ur dynasty. [Measurements don't match: 48 x 40 x 14 mm. Cracked.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1211, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 30 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of flour. Dated in the year in which the land Za-ab-shá(ki) (sic !). SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1212, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Left upper corner missing. Meas. 35 x 32 x 15 mm.. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of reed baskets. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the accession year of (d)l-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1213, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. In all probability an old text, but it contains nothing but scribbling. It might be a pupil's exercise. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1214, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 39 x 38 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7. Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of barley. Dated in the month Dirig, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1215, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 46 x 41 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 5. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1216, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 42 x 40 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for a carpenter's instrument. Seal of Kù-(d)Nin-?r-ra, the scribe. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1217, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 39 x 33 x 14 mm Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of barley. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1218, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 42 x 41 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for reed baskets. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1219, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 50 x 40 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of reeds. Dated in the accession year of (d)Ibi-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1220, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 47 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley. Impression of Ur-(d)Ugun-na. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru-úm(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were devastated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1221, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 38 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for lead and bronze. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which the priest, the gú-gal of heaven, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1222, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 45 x 43 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1223, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 38 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of barley. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1224, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 40 x 40 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1225, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 43 x 39 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 9, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of barley and sweet GAB. Dated in the month Kar-ra-gál-la, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1226, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 37 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of silver, received from A-lul-lul. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1227, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 48 x 47 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for four stone weights respectively of 5, 2, 1, ½ manas. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1228, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 38 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Memorandum of payments. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1229, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Left side missing. Meas. 43 x 37 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) for one sheep. Dated in the month RI, the year after that in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1230, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 33 x 30 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of sheep. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1231, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Destroyed. Crumbling. Meas. 45 x 42 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of the produce of the field En-gab-du. Dated in the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2. [Measurements don't match - misnumbered?]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1232, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Broken. Left upper corner missing. Meas. 47 x 41 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of food (she-ba). Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1233, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Damaged. Meas. 39 x 43 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1234, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 46 x 37 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 10. Contents: Account of cattle. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1235, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 41 x 43 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of reed baskets, going to Ur. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were destroyed for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1236, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 43 x 45 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for reed baskets. Dated in the month Min-ab, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1237, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 51 x 41 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barley, received by Ur(d)Nidaba. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1238, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 39 x 38 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) for food (she-ba). Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1239, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Much damaged. Meas. 48 x 43 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for instruments. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the month RI, the year in which Si-rnu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1240, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Lower portion destroyed. Meas. 44 x 45 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2+. Contents: List of instruments. Dated in the month RI, the year after that in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1241, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 45 x 47 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of barley. Dated in the year in which Ur-bí-ì-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1242, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 37 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of nets(?). Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1243, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 47 x 43 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents destroyed. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year after that in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were devastated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1244, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 37 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 10, Left edge 1. Contents: Account of barley and GAB, for feeding sheep. Dated in the month Dirig, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1245, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 39 x 37 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of women workers. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1246, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Piece chipped off. Meas. 25 x 24 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: One gur of barley, measured with the copper measure. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1247, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 22 x 22 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt of barley. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1248, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Damaged. Meas. 28 x 27 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of ......Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1249, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Left side destroyed. Meas. 46 x 41 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of ... for feeding cattle. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1250, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 7. Contents: List of persons who have received cereals. Dated in the year in which the priest of Eridu ...... Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1251, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Meas. 35 x 31 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of reeds, of different kinds. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara in Umma was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1252, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 42 x 38 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 2. Rev. none. Contents: Memorandum. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1253, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Damaged. Meas. 37 x 31 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of reed baskets delivered (mu-túm) to the ê-bar. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1254, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 40 x 40 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 7. Contents: Receipt for one sheep. Follows the list of witnesses, with paternity. Dated in the year in which the west wall was built. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1255, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Damaged. Crumbling. Meas. 38 x 38 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of reeds. Dated in the month Shú-numun-na, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1256, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Damaged. Meas. 39 x 36 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Paylist. Dated in the month Ezen(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1257, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 44 x 38 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 1. Contents: Forty-seven torches, received from Ad-da. Seal of Ur-mi-ma. Dated in the year in which the temple of Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1258, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 40 x 38 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month (d)Dumu-zi, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1259, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 38 x 35 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1260, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 38 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Accounts of barley. Dated in the year in which the priest of Ga-esh(ki) was installed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1261, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. In two pieces. Meas. 45 x 48 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt for she-har-ra. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1262, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 37 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of different instruments. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1263, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 40 x 36 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Sumerian letter. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1264, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 46 x 40 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of wine. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year after that in which the sublime mà-gûr ship was fashioned. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1265, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Very much damaged. Meas. 47 x 40 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of... Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1266, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Fragment of unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 57+ x 33+ x 20 mm. Contents: Account of... Date destroyed. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1267, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 44 x 46 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) for barley. Seal of Lù-ê-mah, the scribe, the son of Ur-(d)Ne-gun, patesi of Umma. Dated in the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1268, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 42 x 33 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) of barley. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1269, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 43 x 37 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1270, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 40 x 37 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 10, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of barley, for feeding oxen. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni of Uruk was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1271, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 47 x 41 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Dated in the month Shú-numun, the year in which the ship of (d)En-ki was completed. SHU-Sin, 2. [Measurements don't match - misnumbered?]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1272, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Very fragmentary. Meas. 47 x 41 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of torches. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which the temple of (d)Shara was built. SHU-Sin, 9. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1273, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 38 x 38 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for skins. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year of accession of (d)l-bí(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1274, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 38 x 36 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for one mana of ab-sim-mu. Not dated. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1275, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 37 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for she-har-ra. Dated in the month of (d)Ne-gun, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1276, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Upper portion missing. Meas. 39+ x 38 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5+, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt. Dated in the year in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin built the temple of (d)Shara in Umma. SHU-Sin, 9.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1277, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 39 x 35 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2. Contents: Account of nets and reed baskets. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-a, the year of accession of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1278, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 45 x 42 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal impression. Writing effaced. Dated in the year in which the land Za-ab-shá-li(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1279, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Fragmentary. Meas, 37+ x 36 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6+, Rev. 7+. Contents: Account of cereals. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1280, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 40 x 34 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of sheep. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected through the omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1281, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 41 x 37 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. destroyed, Rev. 6. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of... to the ê-mash. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1. [Measurements don't match - misnumbered?]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1282, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Crumbling. Meas. 46 x 41 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt of some instrument. Dated in the year in which the exalted ship... was fashioned. SHU-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1283, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 41 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 44+x. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1284, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 40 x 38 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Dated in the accession year of (d)l-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1285, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 30 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of women workers. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1286, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 33 x 32 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of women workers. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the accession year of (d)l-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1287, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Crumbling. Meas. 32 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of women workers. Dated in the month Ezen-(d) Dungi, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1288, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 33 x 30 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of women workers. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1289, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Upper portion destroyed. Meas. 32+ x 30 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3+, Rev. 4+. Contents: Account of...... Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1290, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Damaged. Meas. 32 x 40 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year after that in which was built. (Sic !) Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1291, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 31 x 27 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Dated in the month Min-ab, the accession year of (d)l-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1292, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 28 x 27 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Min-ab, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1293, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Portions missing. Meas. 43 x 43 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 1. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal impression of Ad-da, the scribe. Not dated. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1294, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 32 x 31 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1295, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 31 x 28 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of barley for wages and offerings (sá-dug). Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1296, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Right upper corner missing. Meas. 38 x 38 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of reed baskets. Faint seal impression. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1297, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Left lower corner missing. Meas. 33 x 36 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, received from the city of Ur. Faint seal impression. Not dated. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1298, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Rev. partly destroyed. Meas. 35 x 34 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 1. Contents: Account of instruments. Not dated. Ur dynasty. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1299, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Obv. partly destroyed. Meas. 37 x 35 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3+, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of... Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1300, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Left lower corner missing. Meas. 41 x 41 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for one garment. Seal of Ni-kal-la, the scribe. Dated in the year when the great tablet was built. SHU-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1301, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 37 x 34 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the month Ê-itu-VI, the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1302, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. In two pieces. Meas. 38 x 37 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) for food (she-ba). Faint seal impression. Dated in the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1303, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 41 x 39 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for barley. Seal of Ur-(d)Nidaba, the scribe. Dated in the accession year of (d)I-bí-(d)Sin. Ibi-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1304, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 34 x 38 x 13 mm. Inscr Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Lal-lí of barley. Dated in the month Min-ab, the year in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated for the third time. The year after that. Dungi, 31+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1305, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 27 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 5. Contents: Zig-ga of fowl. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1306, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Rev. partly destroyed. Meas. 26 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3+, Upper edge 1. Contents: Receipt for fowl. Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1307, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Destroyed. Meas. 25 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1308, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 26 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the year after that in which An-shá-an(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 34+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1309, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 28 x 25 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) for flocks. Dated in the year in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1310, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 27 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt (shú-ba-ti) for flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-mah, the year in which the priest of (d)Nanna was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1311, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 24 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of bread and GAB. Dated in the month She-kú, the year in which An-shá-an(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 33+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1312, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 30 x 26 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of flocks. Dated in the month Esh-shá, the year in which he introduced (d)Nanna from Kar-zid-da, for the second time in his temple. Dungi, 34+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1313, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 24 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of dead cattle. Dated in the month Ezen-mah, the year in which the altar of (d)En-líl was fashioned. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1314, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 30 x 25 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Zig-ga of 120 sheep, which have been delivered (mu-túm). Dated in the month Ezen-me-ki-gál, the year after that in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 38+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1315, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 26 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6. Rev. 7. Contents: Account. Dated in the year in which the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni of Uruk was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1316, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 29 x 25 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Dun-gi, the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) and Ki-mash(ki) were devastated. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1317, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 25 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, 1 Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for dead cattle. Dated in themonth She-gûr-kud, the year in which the priest, the exalted one of heaven, was installed. Amar-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1318, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 24 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, in the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1319, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for flocks. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1320, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Cracked. Badly weathered. Meas. 28 x 26 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1321, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 26 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for cattle. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1322, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 26 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for dead cattle. Dated in the month Ezen-an-na, the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was installed. Ibi-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1323, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Left upper corner missing. Meas. 27 x 25 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for flocks. Dated in the month Mash-dú-kú, the year when the priest of (d)Ninni was installed. Ibi-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1324, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 25 x 23 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for dead cattle. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1325, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 30 x 28 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Zig-ga of fowl. Dated in the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built, Dungi, 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1326, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 26 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for dead cattle. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which the altar of (d)En-líl was built. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1327, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 25 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of cattle. Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1328, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Cast of a clay tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1329, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 26 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 5. Contents: Delivery (mu-túm) of cattle. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan was built. Dungi, 37+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1330, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 25 x 24 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for dead cattle. Dated in the year when the priest of the holy place of (d)Ninni was installed. Amar-Sin, 5.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1331, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 23 x 23 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Receipt for dead cattle. Dated in the year after that in which (d)SHU-(d)Sin, the king of UR, built the west wall (called) Mu-ri-ik-ti-id-ni-im. SHU-Sin, 4.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1332, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 25 x 23 x 8 mm. Contents: Zig-ga of flocks, offerings (zúr-zúr-ri). Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the year in which An-shá-an(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 33+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1333, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 24 x 22 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for flocks. Dated in the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1334, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Right upper corner missing. Meas. 24 x 22 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1335, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Two portions of same tablet. Baked. Meas. 27 x 22 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flocks. Dated: the year after that in which... was destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1336, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 30 x 27 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for one gazelle. Dated in the month Shú-esh-shá, the year in which the great throne of (d)En-líl was built. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1337, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 25 x 23 x 10 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for dead cattle. Dated in the month Á-ki-ti, the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was destroyed. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1338-1340, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents


Physical Description

1 item

Ex 1341, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Small cone. Baked. Meas. Height 54, Base (Diam.) 30. Contents: Dedicatory inscription of (d)Sin-ga-shi-id. (d)Sin-gashid.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1342, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Meas. 47 x 37 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: Paylist. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1343, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 36 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for dead cattle. Seal of Lù-kal-la, the scribe. Dated in the month Pâ-ú-e, the year in which Hu-uh-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 1344-2300, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents


Physical Description

1 item

Ex 2301, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 28 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of sheep, bought by Nin-nibru(ki). Dated in the month Shesh-da-kú, the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2302, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 28 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Shú-numun, the year in which the exalted priest, the priest of (d)Nanna, (was installed). Dungi, 13+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2303, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 50 x 45 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flour and bread, received from (d)Shara-kam. Seal of the patesi: (Name unreadable). Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year in which Si-ma-num(ki) was devastated. SHU-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2304, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet, with fragments of case. Meas. 40 x 37 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 7. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month (d)Ne-gun, the year after that in which Si-mu-ru-um(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 23+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2305, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet, with fragments of case. Meas. 37 x 35 x 15. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the year in which (d)Amar-(d)Sin, the king, devastated Ur-bil-lum(ki). Amar-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2306, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 9, Rev. 3. Meas. 61 x 42 x 17 mm. Contents: List of different objects. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2307, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet. Crumbling. Mostly destroyed. Meas. 36 x 33 x 12 mm. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of barley flour. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2308, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 37 x 30 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for food and drink. Dated under Gù-dé-a, the patesi. Gudea.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2309, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of baked tablet. Meas. 30+ x 35 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents; Account of food and drink. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was installed. Ibi-Sin, 2. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 2310, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 33 x 28 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for barley, to be used for food. Dated the year after Ki-mash(ki) The year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2311, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Partly opened. Meas. 45 x 37 x 20 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. destroyed. Contents: Account of sesame. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2312, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 40 x 34 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki)......The year after that. Dungi, 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2313, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 38 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú, the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2314, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 34 x 31 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 7. Contents: Loan of barley flour. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2315, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Lower portion of baked tablet. Meas. 25+ x 25 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of sheep and of the barley used for their feed. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2316, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Much weathered. Meas. 34 x 33 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of sesame. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2317, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: One sheep, from the sheepfold of the palace (has been received). Dated in the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2318, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 187 x 58 x 18 mm. Inscr. Obv. 12, Lower edge 2, Rev. 9+. Contents: List of stated offerings (sá-dug) brought to the priest of the goddess Nina. Expenditures (zig-ga) of the women of the temple Ê-an-na. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty. [should be 87, not 187, mm.?]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2319, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 53 x 37 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 6. Contents: Expenditures (zig-ga) of barley. Dated in the month Dirig-she-gûr-kud. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2320, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Obligation to repay some barley. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar, mu (d)Shà-gí-pad-da lugal=the accession year of (d)Shagípadda(sic !). Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2321, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked tablet, with fragments of case. Meas. 40 x 37 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the year in which the priest of (d)Ninni was selected through omens. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2322, dates not examined. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Originally unbaked tablet. Baked in Philadelphia. Meas. 150 x 122 x 39 mm. Inscr. in four columns. Contents: Copy of several Sumerian letters. I Dynasty of Babylon. [Missing]

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 2323, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Unopened. Fragmentary. Meas. 42 x 37 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt of...... [barley?]. Seal of Lu-lu?, the scribe. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2324, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 4. Contents: Account of silver. Dated in the year in which the altar of (d)En-líl was fashioned. Amar-Sin, 3.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2325, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Partly opened. Fragmentary. Meas. 45 x 38 x 17 mm. Contents destroyed. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2326, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 30 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for barley flour. Dated in the year in which the exalted priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Dungi, 13+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2327, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 41 x 23 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of flour. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2328, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Upper part missing. Meas. 37 x 32 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. none. Contents: Receipt. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2329, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Much weathered. Meas. 31 x 33 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the year in which Ur-bí-i-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2330, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Baked. Not opened. Meas. 52 x 44 x 25 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt. Dated in the year in which the exalted priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Dungi, 13+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2331, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Baked. Not opened. Obv. destroyed. Meas. 46 x 41 x 37 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt. Seal of Ur-(d)En-Iíl-lá, the scribe. Dated in the year in which the great priest of heaven was installed. Dungi, 13+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2332, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Baked. Not opened. Meas. 43 x 42 x 36 mm. Inscr. Obv. 1, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt for five sheep. Seal impression. Dated in the year after that in which Ur-bil-lum(ki) was destroyed. Dungi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2333, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Baked. Partly opened. Meas. 51 x 44 x 27 mm. Inscr. Obv. destroyed, Rev. 2+. Contents and date destroyed. Ur dynasty. [Enclosed note indicates number possibly incorrect (2332 or 2333?); also less than 51 mm. in length.]

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2334, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Tablet with portion of case sticking to it. Not baked. Meas. 39 x 33 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 3. Contents destroyed. Dated in the year in which Ar(sic !)-bil-lum(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2335, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Right lower corner of baked tablet. Meas. 33+ x 31+ x 11+. Contents destroyed. Dated in the accession year of (d)SHU-(d)Sin. SHU-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2336, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 34 x 31 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the year in which Si-mu-ru(ki) and Lu-lu-bu(ki) were devastated for the 9th time. Dungi, 42+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2337, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 34 x 23 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for food. Dated in the year in which the ship (called) the Antelope, was finished. SHU-Sin, 2.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2338, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 38 x 23 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 17, Rev. 10, Left edge 1. Contents: Account of food and beer. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2339, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for barley, to be used for seed. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2340, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of baked tablet. Meas. 30+ x 32+ x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, to be used as food for the uku-íl officers. Dated in the year after that in which the wall of the land was built. Dungi, 36+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2341, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked clay tablet. Meas. 33 x 36 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Receipt for barley. Dated in the vear in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 25+x, or 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2342, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of garments. Dated in the year in which the wall of the land was built. Dungi, 35+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2343, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 26 x 21 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 8. Contents: Account of food and drink. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2344, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 33 x 25 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 9. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food and drink. Dated in the month Shú-numun. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2345, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 25 x 19 x 12 min. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food and drink. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2346, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Upper portion of baked tablet. Meas. 27+ x 33 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of maid-servants and of the barley used for their food. Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru-um(ki) was destroyed. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2347, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 32 x 31 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley flour. Dated in the month She-kú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2348, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 36 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month Dîm-kú, the year in which the priest of Eridu was installed. Dungi, 26+x, or Amar-Sin, 8.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2349, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 37 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of food and drink. Dated in the month She-kú, the year in which the exalted priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, vas installed. Dungi, 13+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2350, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Piece chipped off. Meas. 31 x 36 x 16 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Lower edge 1, Rev. 6. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of oil and foodstuffs. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud, the year in which the priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Nanna, was installed. Dungi, 13+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2351, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered and fragmentary. Meas. 23 x 21 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Receipt of flour(?). Dated in the year in which Shá-ásh-ru(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 40+x, or Amar-Sin, 6.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2352, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 28 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for barley, measured with the gur si-sá. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2353, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 29 x 32 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for workmen. Seal of Ur-(d)......the scribe. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2354, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Very fragmentary. Meas. 43 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of food and drink. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2355, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Crumbling. Meas. 35 x 31 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of... Dated in the year in which the great tablet was built. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2356, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Weathered. Meas. 36 x 30 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Receipt for barley, to be used for seed. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2357, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 31 x 26 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3, Upper edge 1. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year in which Ki-mash(ki) was devastated. Duugi, 44+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2358, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 30 x 28 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Ten mana of wool, surplus for the year in which the temple Ê-bà-shá-sahar-(d)Da-gan (==Dungi, 37+x). Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2359, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 24 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 7. Contents: Account of workmen. Dated in the month Gud-rá-ne-shar-shar. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2360, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 27 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 1. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the month Gàn-mash. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2361, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked case tablet. Unopened. Meas. 46 x 40 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley, for food of the workmen. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud. Year destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2362, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet, Meas. 33 x 20 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 11, Rev. 2. Contents: List of payments. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2363, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 35 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3. Contents: Account of barley. Dated in the year after that in which Ki-mash(ki) (was devastated). Dungi, 45+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2364, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of barley received from several persons. Not dated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2365, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet, Meas. 37 x 36 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8. Contents: Receipt for beverages. Dated in the month She-gûr-kud. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2366, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 30 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 2. Contents: Receipt for fish-oil. Dated in the year in which the great priest of heaven, the priest of (d)Ninni, was installed. Dungi, 13+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2367, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 27 x 23 x 13 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5. Contents: Account of flocks. Dated in the month She-kú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2368, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Crumbling. Much destroyed. Meas. 33 x 30 x 16 mm. Contents: Account of barley. Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2369, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Case tablet. Partly opened. Meas. 48 x 38 x 24 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4. Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, to be used for food of the workmen. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which Ur-bil-lum(ki)was devastated. Dungi, 43+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2370, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of butter and milk. Dated in the month Mu-shú-dú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2371, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 28 x 20 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6. Contents: Account of beer. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si. Year not stated. Ur dyunsty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2372, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Much weathered. Meas. 32 x 28 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Content: Account of dates(?). Date destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2373, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 40 x 27 x 12 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of food and drink. Dated in the month Ezen-(d)Ba-ú. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2374, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Much weathered. Meas. 37 x 22 x 11 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 4. Contents: Expense account. Dated in the month Shú-bal. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2375, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 38 x 27 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of flour. Dated in the month She-íl-la, the year in which the daughter of the king (married the patesi of Anshan(ki)). Dungi, 28+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2376, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Portion of baked tablet. Meas. 50 x 38 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. destroyed. Contents: Account of flour(?). Dated destroyed. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2377, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 33 x 30 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 4. Contents: Account of barley, for feeding sheep. Dated in the month Amar-a-a-si, the year in which the priest, the great one of heaven, the priest of (d)Ninni, was installed. Dungi, 13+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2378, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Unbaked (day tablet. Fragmentary. Meas. 36 x 32 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of barleyflour. Dated in the accession year of (d)Amar-(d)Sin. Amar-Sin, 1.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2379, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 36 x 38 x 15 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7. Contents: Account of food and drink. Dated in the month She-íl-la. Year not stated. Ur dynasty.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2380, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 34 x 28 x 17 mm. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5. Contents: Expense account (zig-ga) of milk. Dated in the month Gán-mash, the year in which Ha-ar-shi(ki) was devastated. Dungi, 25+x, or 46+x.

Physical Description

1 box

Ex 2381, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Baked tablet. Meas. 37 x 35 x 14 mm. Inscr. Obv. 5. Rev. 2. Contents: Loan of laborers. Dated in the year in which Hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) was devastated. Amar-Sin, 7.

Physical Description

1 box

no number, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Tablet with cover partly opened and missing; tablet inside. Meas. approx. 51 x 42 x 20 mm. Originally assumed to be no. 2333 but a marked number is not visible on the tablet.

Physical Description

1 box

no number, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Tablet, one side only, marked '1015?'. Meas. 33 x 30 x 6 mm. Does not match measurement or description of no. 1015.

Physical Description

1 box

no number, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Broken tablet; largest piece meas. 35 x 30 x 12 mm., with smaller fragments in box; no number visible.

Physical Description

1 box

bead, dates not examined. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Oval-shaped flat bead, meas. 10 x 8 x 3 mm. threaded on a string. Undocumented.

Physical Description

1 box

Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous clay tablets and related items from other collections (Boxes 94-99) and the Scheide Library, described by Ilan Peled in 2013.


Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.

Physical Description

1 item

Ex 657. List of Various Commodities (Fish, Grain, Cattle) Given to Various Temples (of the deities Sîn, Bau, Nabû and Others)., "The year Amar-Sîn (became) king." Amar-Sîn.
Scope and Contents

Col. iv on rev. is mostly lost, besides four lines at the bottom.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. obv. 58 (2 columns: 27, 31), rev. 67 (2 columns: 63, 4).

Ex 927. List of Unclear Items, Undated.
Scope and Contents

Partially eroded, partially broken, most lines lost or intangible. Date probably lost in broken part of rev.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 9 (2 columns: 4, 5), Rev. 18 (3 columns: 6, 4, 8).

Ex 3000. List of Sheep, "The year (Ibbi-Sîn) chose the en of Inanna in Uruk through omens." Ibbi-Sîn.
Scope and Contents

Seal impression of scribe on reverse.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5.

Ex 3001. Unidentified Baked Tablet, Undated.
Scope and Contents

Very eroded, unreadable.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7.

Ex 3002. List of Various Quantities of Barley, "The y[ear afte]r Der was destroyed." Šu-Sîn.
Scope and Contents

Seal impression of scribe on reverse, completely eroded.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2.

Ex 3003. List of Various Quantities of Barley, "The year the en of Eridu was installed." Amar-Sîn.
Scope and Contents

Two seal impressions of scribe on reverse.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 5.

Ex 3004. List of Sheep and Goats, "The year Ehursag.
Scope and Contents

Obverse eroded, only partially tangible.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6.

Ex 3005. Distribution of Sheep From the Palace, "The year after (the year) the temple of Puzriš-Dagan was built." Šulgi.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6.

Ex 3006. Receipt for Receiving Barley for the Temple of Bau, "The year (Ibbi-Sîn) c[hose] the en of Inanna in U[ruk.]" Ibbi-Sîn.
Scope and Contents

Seal impression on obverse, completely eroded.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7.

Ex 3007. List of Cattle, Sheep and Goats Given for Various Deities, "The year after (the year) the temple of Puzriš-Dagan was built." Šulgi.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 11.

Ex 3008. Receipt for Receiving Various Quantities of Barley, "The year after (the year) Kimaš was destroyed." Šulgi.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 2.

Ex 3009. Receipt for Receiving Sheep, "The year Harši.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6.

Ex 3010. Receipt for Receiving Sheep and Goats, "The year...Ibbi-Sîn (became) king." circa Ibbi-Sîn.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 6.

Ex 3011. Distribution of Sheep, "The year after (the year) the wall of the land was built." Šulgi.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7.

Ex 3012. List of Sheep and Goats Brought to the Palace, "The year the boat of Enki was made." Šū-Sîn.
Scope and Contents

Seal impression of scribe on reverse.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 3.

Ex 3013. Unidentified Baked Tablet, "[The year the boat] of Enki [was] made." Šū-Sîn.
Scope and Contents

Partly broken, content unclear.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 1.

Ex 3014. List of Officials and Persons (Priests?) Who Belong to Deities, undated.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 10, Rev. 7.

Ex 3015. List of Items Given to the Temple, undated.
Scope and Contents

Faint traces of seal impressions at both sides of obverse. Seal impression on reverse, almost completely eroded.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 3, Rev. 1.

Ex 3016. Distribution of Cattle and Grain, undated.
Scope and Contents

Seal impression on reverse, completely eroded.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 4.

Ex 3017. Receipt for Receiving Goats, "The year Kimaš.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7.

Ex 3018. List of Various Quantities of Barley, "The year Ibbi-Sîn (became) king." Ibbi-Sîn.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6.

Ex 3019. Unidentified Baked Tablet, "The year Ibbi-Sîn (became) king." Ibbi-Sîn.
Scope and Contents

Obverse completely destroyed. Reverse mentions the priest of Nabû and a temple.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Rev. 7.

Ex 3020. List of Unknown Commodities, "The year the en of Eridu was installed." Amar-Sîn.
Scope and Contents

Faint traces of seal impression underneath script of obverse. Partial seal impression on reverse.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 2.

Ex 3021. List of Grain and Female Goats Given to/from the Temple, undated.
Scope and Contents

Reverse not inscribed.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5.

Ex 3022. Commodities Given to the Temple, "The year Šū-Sîn (became) king." Šū-Sin.
Scope and Contents

Lower part of obverse / upper part of reverse broken.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 4, Rev. 5.

Ex 3023. Distribution of Grain, undated.
Scope and Contents

Faint traces of seal impressions underneath script of obverse. Seal impression on reverse, unreadable.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 1.

Ex 3024. Unidentified Baked Tablet, undated.
Scope and Contents

Very eroded, unreadable.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6.

Ex 3025. List of Commodities and Materials for Various Officials, undated.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 7.

Ex 3026. List of Various Quantities of Bran, Sheep and Cattle, "The year (Ibbi-Sîn) chose the en of Inanna in Uruk through omens." Ibbi-Sîn.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 6, Rev. 6.

Ex 3027. List of Sheep and Cattle, "The year (Ibbi-Sîn) chose the en of Inanna in Uruk through omens." Ibbi-Sîn.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 10, Left edge 2.

Ex 3028. List of Various Quantities of Beer, undated.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 8, Rev. 6.

Ex 3029. Unidentified Case of a Clay Tablet, undated.
Scope and Contents

Two smaller fragments (not certain if from the same item – they do not join) are unreadable.

Physical Description

Case of a clay tablet, small fragment. Seal impression maybe depicts a partially-preserved standing image holding a bow. The cuneiform underneath reads: "[o-n]in? dub-sar x[...]", "PN, scribe...".

Ex 3030. Unidentified Case of a Clay Tablet, undated.
Physical Description

Case of a clay tablet, lower half.

Ex 3031. List of Sheep and Goats, "The year the accounting of the hoes were made." Šulgi.
Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 5, Rev. 6.

Ex 3032. List of Various Quantities of Beer, "The year the en of Inanna was installed in Uruk." Ibbi-Sîn.
Scope and Contents

Lower part of obverse / upper part of reverse broken.

Physical Description

Baked tablet. Inscr. Obv. 7, Rev. 8.

Ex 3034. Unidentified Case of a Clay Tablet, undated.
Physical Description

Case of a clay tablet, small fragment.

Ex 3035. Receipt for Receiving Grain for the Temple of Bau, undated.
Scope and Contents

Reverse of tablet not inscribed.

Physical Description

Baked tablet and its case. Inscr. Obv. 5.

Ex 3037. Unidentified Case of a Clay Tablet, undated.
Physical Description

Case of a clay tablet, small fragment. 3 partial lines of script.

Ex 3038. Unidentified Case of a Clay Tablet, undated.
Physical Description

Case of a clay tablet, small fragment. 3 partial lines of script.

Ex 3039. Unidentified Case of a Clay Tablet, undated.
Physical Description

Case of a clay tablet, small fragment. 2 signs of 2 lines of script.

Scope and Contents

Clay Tablets in the Walker/Banks Collection described by William W. Hallo (AM 16787): Nos. 1-8.

Physical Description

1 box

Walker/Banks 1, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

From Drehem (ancient Puzrish-Dagan), Ur III period (21st century BC). (34 x 42 x 12 mm.): 1 nanny-goat, grain fed [As the grain of choice in Sumer, the word for barley doubled as the generic term for grain.], for the god Enlil, delivery of Lugal-melam / 1 nanny-goat, grain-fed, for the goddess Ninlil, delivery of Lugal-inimgina / 1 lamb, delivery of the governor of Girsu (and) / 1 nanny-goat, grain-fed, (reverse) delivery of Lu-Nanna, (both) for the god Nanna. (For all the foregoing, Zabar-dab was 'commissioner.') / 1 ox 5 sheep (for?) Shakidanum the Amorite, Irmu being 'commissioner.' Withdrawal of the 6th day / Month of the akitu-festival (month VI) / Year following the one named Urbilum (Erbil) was destroyed (=Shulgi 46).

Physical Description

1 box

Walker/Banks 2, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

From Drehem, Ur III period. (30 x 33 x 12 mm.): 9 sheep, grain-fed, "following on the oxen" [A category of sheep (and sometimes workers or even dates) which may refer to their being fed on a mixture of grain and grass. Cf. M. Sigrist, Drehem (1992) pp. 25f. ] /19 sheep / 3 adult goats, from Abba-shaga / (rev.) Nalul / received / in Ur / Month of the festival of the deified (king) Shulgi (month VII). Year that the high priestess of Eridue was installed (=Amar-Suen 8).

Physical Description

1 box

Walker/Banks 3, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

From Drehem, Ur III period, badly weathered. (20 x 24 x 10 mm.): 1 [ ] / 1 [ ] / 1 [ ] / 1 suckling lamb / slaughtered on the 9th day / from Ahu-Wer / (rev.) Ur-kununna (?) / took in hand / Month shu-esha (VIII) / Year that the deified Amar-Suen became king (=Amar-Suen 1 = ca. BC).

Physical Description

1 box

Walker/Banks 4, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

From Djoha (anceint Umma), Ur III period. (40 x 40 x 10 mm.) (No dividing lines.): 60 (quarts) [Free translation for the standard unit of volume in Sumerian, actually about 1.2 liters.] barley-ration (for) Aabba / instead (or: because) of the flour of tribute (or: produce) / left at the granary [Or: granary-supervisor: ka-gur(7)-a-tag(4)-a] / from Ur-Shara / (rev.) receipt of Lu-Shulgira. Month of the double sactuary (VII at Umma) / Year that the high-priest(ess?) of Ga'esh was installed (=Amar-Suen 9) / (seal inscription: ) Lu-emah / the scribe / son of Ur-Lisi / the governor of Umma.

Physical Description

1 box

Walker/Banks 5, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

From Drehem , Ur III period. (31 x 39 x 10 mm.) (No dividing lines.): 2 bushels of barley / barley-ration, "deducted (lit.:cut)," [For this sense of the technical term see Sigrist, Drehem, pp. 177f. ] (for) the workers of the "feed-reed." [For the translation of gi-zi (if correctly read) as "Futterrohr" see W. Sallaberger, Der Kultische Kalender dr Ur III-Zeit (Berlin/New York, de Gruyter, 1993) vol. 1:26; previously idem, Grazer Morgenlaendische Studien 2 (1989) 315.] / From Utumu / Ur-mes took in hand / Month Shu-esha (VIII) / Year that the high priestess of Eridu was installed (=Amar-Suen 7) / (seal inscription: ) traces.

Physical Description

1 box

Walker/Banks 6, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

From Senkereh (ancient Larsa), Old Babylonian period (20th-17th centuries BC). (28 x 32 x 18 mm.) : 1 1/3 sheqels 15 [grains of silver] [If correctly read and restored, this equals 255 grains of silver. The basic unit of weight in Sumerian is the gin(2), Akkadian shiqlu, which is equivalent to 180 grains she, the same word used for barley.] / the interest on 1 pound being 12 sheqels [Pound is the conventional translation of Sumerian ma-na (= Akkadian manu, Greek mina) at this time containing 60 gin(2) (cf. above, n. 8), and close to 450 gram (i.e. 1 pound). The interest, if correctly restored, amounts to 20%, which is typical for silver loans. ] / were released/retailed? / from Nanna-i-x / Ur-XY / and KU.HU-tum / (rev.) on the 30th day / he will pay (back) the silver / he swore it on the king's name / Before A'att'a, / Sin-magir, / Babannaia / Month NE.NE-gar (V) / (lower edge) [?th] year following the one / ( " ) that Isin [was destroyed] [Rim-Sin of Larsa (1822-1762 BC) destroyed the rival kingdom and city of Isin in his thirtieth year (1792), and named all the remaining years of his reign after this major triumph. The text can therefore date from anywhere within this thirty year period (1792-1762). ]

Physical Description

1 box

Walker/Banks 7, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

Neo-Babylonian period (7th to 6th century). Basly weathered. Subject to further study. (32 x 26 x 9 mm.)

Physical Description

1 box

Walker/Banks 8, undated. 1 box.
Scope and Contents

From Drehem?? Ur III period. Well written and preserved (35 x 36 x 13 mm.): 2 bushels of barley / their weaver's cloth: 1 / their U.KAL-cloth: 4 / clothing of the ox-driver(s) / from Ikalla / receipt of Lu-(d)TUG.AN.KA / (rev.) Year that Shu-Sin became king (= .

Physical Description

1 box

Scope and Contents

Described in August 1961 by MRB.

Physical Description

8 items

Scheide MC91 (=1114), undated. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Entemena, King of Lagash. Votive inscription on clay cone converning the restoration of the temple E-khu, addressed to the goddess Ininna and the king E-khu. In Sumerian. Clay. 19.5 cm high; base 6.5 cm. in diameter. Written in early cuneiform, ca 2570 B.C. (?).

Physical Description

1 item

Scheide MC92 (=1109), undated. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Gudea (fl. Ca. 2400 B.C.), Prince Pontiff of Shirpurla. Votive inscription on clay cone to the God Ningirsu, concerning the building of the temple E-Ninna. In Sumerian. Clay. 16.5 cm tall; base 7 cm. in diameter. Written in Lagash (modern Tello), Mesopotamia, in cuneiform ca. 2350 B.C. (?). Brought to England by a Persian carpet dealer on his way from Bagdad to New York via London; purchased from him by Maggs Bros.: obtained by John H. Scheide from Maggs Bros (Cat. 542, 1930, n.2).

Physical Description

1 item

Scheide MC93 (=1111), undated. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Babylonian tablet. Receipt for goats and sheep. In Sumerian. Clay. 4.8 x 3.6 cm. Written in the 1st year of Bur-sin, King of Ur [ca. 2250 B.C.] by the scribe Nin Pa Mu Da, in cueiform characters. Obtained by John H. Scheide from Maggs Bros. (Cat. 542, 1930, n. 10).

Physical Description

1 item

Scheide MC94 (=1110), undated. 1 item.
Scope and Contents

Nebuchadnezzar II (604-561 B.C.), king of Babylon (new empire). Votive inscription, giving an account of building activities, restoration of temples, building of roads, closing with a prayer to Lugal-Marada. Clay cylinder. 20 cm. high; 11 cm. in diamter at top; 13 cm. in diameter at base. Probably written at Marad (Wânah wa Sadûm), Babylonia, in the VIth c. B.C. in cuneiform characters. Discovered on the site of the ancient city of Marad. Bought by Maggs Bros. from Major Daly who was connected with the McKie Expedition of the University of Oxfor in 1925. Purchased by John H. Scheide from Maggs Bros. (Cat. 542, 1930, n. 22).

Physical Description

1 item

Print, Suggest