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Archivo de Elena Garro


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This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections


Elena Garro nació en Puebla, México, el 11 de diciembre de 1916, de padre español, José Antonio Garro Menendreras, y madre mexicana, Esperanza Navarro Benítez. Estudió en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), donde ingresó en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Se casó con el poeta mexicano y futuro Premio Nobel Octavio Paz el 25 de mayo de 1937.

Poco después de casarse, Garro y Paz emprendieron un viaje a Europa, primero a París y después a Barcelona, Valencia y Madrid, España. En Valencia, Octavio Paz y los escritores José Mancisidor y Carlos Pellicer representaron a México en el II Congreso Internacional de Escritores para la Defensa de la Cultura. Este congreso, alternativamente llamado Congreso de Intelectuales Antifascistas, está bien documentado en las memorias de Garro, Memorias de España 1937 (1992). En sus memorias, Garro cuenta cómo conoció a poetas y artistas españoles, latinoamericanos y de otros países que estuvieron en España durante la Guerra Civil, como Pablo Casals, Miguel Hernández, León Felipe, Pablo Neruda y Alejo Carpentier.

Garro y Paz regresaron a México a finales de 1937, donde vivieron hasta aproximadamente 1943. Helena Paz Garro nació durante este periodo en 1939. En 1943-1945, la familia Paz Garro vivió en varias partes de Estados Unidos, incluyendo Berkeley, California y Middlebury, Vermont, mientras Paz enseñaba en varios puestos académicos. En 1945, Octavio Paz fue invitado a formar parte del servicio diplomático mexicano y él y Garro fueron a París, donde desempeñó su primer cargo diplomático. En París, Elena Garro conoció a otros escritores e intelectuales latinoamericanos como José Bianco, Adolfo Bioy Casares y Silvina Ocampo. Garro iniciaría una correspondencia y una relación amorosa de veinte años con Bioy Casares en 1949.

A finales de 1951, Paz viajó a la India y luego a Japón en misión diplomática. Garro acompañó a Paz a Japón, pero cayó gravemente enferma. A finales de 1952, la familia se traslada a Suiza para que Garro se recupere. Allí escribió Los recuerdos de porvenir. Entre 1954 y 1959, Garro pasó una temporada en México trabajando como periodista y dramaturgo, y regresó a París a finales de 1959. Según las memorias de Garro, Paz inició los trámites de divorcio con ella en 1959, aunque no fue hasta 1963 cuando el gobierno mexicano reconoció el divorcio como legal. Paz regresaría a la India en 1963 como embajador mexicano y permanecería allí hasta su dimisión en protesta por la violenta represión por parte del gobierno mexicano de las manifestaciones estudiantiles en Tlatelolco durante los Juegos Olímpicos de 1968.

Garro permaneció en París hasta 1963, año en que regresó con Helena Paz Garro a Ciudad de México. En Ciudad de México, Garro trabajó como periodista en La cultura en México y en el suplemento cultural de Siempre, centrando sus escritos en temas políticos. Sus comentarios sobre la matanza de Tlatelolco suscitaron una abierta hostilidad y provocaron una división entre Garro y la comunidad literaria mexicana. Garro se autoexilió a Nueva York y luego a España en 1971.

Garro y Paz Garro se trasladaron a París en 1981 y permanecieron allí hasta 1993. Durante este periodo, Garro publicó Testimonios sobre Mariana (1981), Reencuentro de personajes (1982), La casa junto al río Grijalbo (1983) e Y Matarazo no llamó (1991). En 1993, Garro y Paz Garro regresaron a México y vivieron en Cuernavaca, donde Garro permaneció hasta su muerte en 1998. Helena Paz Garro permaneció en Cuernavaca hasta su muerte en 2014.


Elena Garro was born in Puebla, Mexico on December 11, 1916 to a Spanish father, José Antonio Garro Menendreras, and a Mexican mother, Esperanza Navarro Benítez. She studied at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) where she was enrolled in the College of Philosophy and Letters. She married the Mexican poet and future Nobel Laureate Octavio Paz on May 25, 1937.

Shortly after their marriage, Garro and Paz embarked on a trip to Europe, traveling first to Paris, and then to Barcelona, Valencia, and Madrid, Spain. In Valencia, Octavio Paz and the writers José Mancisidor and Carlos Pellicer represented Mexico at the II International Congress of Writers for the Defense of Culture (Congreso Internacional de Escritores para la Defensa de la Cultura). This conference, alternately called the Congreso de Intelectuales Antifascistas (Congress of Antifascist Intellectuals), is well-documented in Garro's memoirs, Memorias de España 1937 (1992). In her memoirs, Garro details meeting poets and artists from Spain, Latin America, and other countries who were in Spain during the Spanish Civil War, including Pablo Casals, Miguel Hernández, León Felipe, Pablo Neruda, and Alejo Carpentier.

Garro and Paz returned to Mexico at the end of 1937 where they lived until about 1943. Helena Paz Garro was born during this period in 1939. In 1943-1945, the Paz Garro family lived in various parts of the U.S. including Berkeley, California and Middlebury, Vermont, while Paz taught at various academic posts. In 1945, Octavio Paz was invited to join the Mexican diplomatic service and he and Garro went to Paris where he served in his first diplomatic post. In Paris, Elena Garro met other Latin American writers and intellectuals such as José Bianco, Adolfo Bioy Casares, and Silvina Ocampo. Garro would begin a twenty year correspondence and love affair with Bioy Casares in 1949.

At the end of 1951, Paz traveled to India and then to Japan while on diplomatic duty. Garro accompanied Paz to Japan but fell seriously ill. The family moved to Switzerland in late 1952 in order for Garro to recuperate. This is where Garro wrote Los recuerdos de porvenir (Recollection of Things to Come). From 1954-1959, Garro spent time in Mexico working as a journalist and a playwright, and returned to Paris at the end of 1959. According to Garro's memoirs, Paz initiated divorce proceedings with her in 1959, though it was not until 1963 that the Mexican government acknowledged the divorce as legal. Paz would return to India in 1963 as Mexican ambassador and would remain there until his resignation in protest of the Mexican government's violent suppression of student demonstrations in Tlatelolco during the Olympic Games in 1968.

Garro remained in Paris until 1963, when she and Helena Paz Garro returned to Mexico City. In Mexico City, Garro worked as a journalist for La cultura en México and the cultural supplement for Siempre!, focusing her writing on political issues. Her remarks on the Tlatelolco massacre stirred open hostility and spurred a division between Garro and the Mexican literary community. Garro went on a self-imposed exile to New York and then to Spain in 1971.

Garro and Paz Garro moved to Paris in 1981 and remained there until 1993. During this period, Garro published Testimonios sobre Mariana (1981), Reencuentro de personajes (1982), La casa junto al río Grijalbo (1983), and Y Matarazo no llamó (1991). In 1993, Garro and Paz Garro returned to Mexico and lived in Cuernavaca where Garro remained until her death in 1998. Helena Paz Garro remained in Cuernavaca until her death in 2014.

El archivo de Elena Garro consta de manuscritos, correspondencia, cuadernos, diarios, fotografías, material impreso y un diario de la novelista, cuentista y dramaturga mexicana Elena Garro. También se incluye correspondencia y documentos personales de la hija de Garro, la poeta Helena Paz Garro.

Los manuscritos de algunas de las novelas, novelas cortas y cuentos publicados por Garro, como "Busca mi esquela", "Testimonios sobre Mariana" e "Y Matarazo no llamó," están incluidos en el archivo, así como algunas de las obras de teatro de Garro, como "Felipe Ángeles" y "Parada San Ángel." También hay muchos borradores iterativos de la obra "Memorias de España 1937" y manuscritos inéditos o incompletos, entre ellos 89 cuadernos que Garro llenó con notas sobre un proyecto inacabado sobre la historia rusa de principios del siglo XX y personajes históricos.

La correspondencia incluye cartas con familiares, editores, artistas y escritores con los que Garro entabló amistad cuando vivía en el extranjero. Entre los corresponsales figuran Carmen Balcells, Adolfo Bioy Casares, José Bianco, Max Aub, Victoria Ocampo, Luis Buñuel, René Avilés Fábila, Guillermo Schmidhuber de la Mora, Leonor Fini, José María Fernández Unsáin, Emilio Carballido, Ulyses Petit de Murat y Emmanuel Carballo. La correspondencia también incluye una cantidad significativa de cartas manuscritas tempranas de Octavio Paz a Elena Garro durante su noviazgo y hasta su divorcio (1935-1956), algunas cartas manuscritas de Elena Garro a Octavio Paz, incluyendo cartas incompletas relativas a la ruptura de su matrimonio, y cartas manuscritas y mecanografiadas a Helena Paz Garro (1958-1989). También hay cartas de la madre de Octavio Paz, Josefina Lozano de Paz, a Elena Garro, Octavio Paz y Helena Paz Garro. La correspondencia de Helena Paz Garro incluye cartas del autor cubano Roberto Fernández Retamar y de la poeta estadounidense Muriel Rukeyser.

El archivo también incluye 16 fotografías, tres de las cuales muestran a Elena Garro y Octavio Paz juntos (una es de mediados de la década de 1930 y otra está fechada en 1952), y dos fotografías de Elena Garro y Helena Paz Garro, fechadas en 1967 y 1973.

También se incluye una variedad de materiales pertenecientes a Elena Garro y Helena Paz Garro, incluyendo diarios, recetas médicas, recibos financieros, documentos sobre el cuidado de animales, un diario y una copia dedicada y con inscripción del poema de Octavio Paz, "¡No pasarán!" Además, se incluyen siete textos mecanografiados de obras de Elena Garro, como cuentos, novelas cortas y obras de teatro.

The Elena Garro Papers consist of manuscripts, correspondence, notebooks, journals, photographs, printed material, and a diary of Elena Garro (1916-1998), a Mexican novelist, short story writer, and playwright who lived for many years outside of Mexico. Included in the papers is correspondence and personal documents of Garro's daughter, Helena Paz Garro (1939-2014), a published poet.

Manuscripts for some of Garro's published novels, novellas, and short stories such as Busca mi esquela, Testimonios sobre Mariana, and Y Matarazo no llamó are present in the papers; as well as some of Garro's plays like Felipe Angeles and Parada San Ángel. There are many iterative drafts of Garro's Memorias de España 1937. Also present are many unpublished or incomplete manuscripts, including 89 notebooks Garro filled with notes on an unfinished project about early 20th century Russian history and historical figures.

The correspondence features both outgoing and incoming letters with family members, publishers, artists, and writers who Garro befriended when she lived abroad. Correspondents include literary agent Carmen Balcells, Adolfo Bioy Casares, José Bianco, Max Aub, Victoria Ocampo, Luis Buñuel, René Aviles Fábila, Guillermo Schmidhuber de la Mora, Leonor Fini, José María Fernández Unsáin, Emilio Carballido, Ulyses Petit de Murat, and Emmanuel Carballo. Correspondence also includes significant amount of early handwritten letters by Octavio Paz to Elena Garro during their courtship and up until their divorce (1935-1956), a few handwritten letters by Elena Garro to Octavio Paz, including incomplete letters concerning the breakup of their marriage, and handwritten and typewritten incoming and outgoing letters to Helena Paz Garro (1958-1989). There are also letters from Octavio Paz's mother, Josefina Lozano de Paz, to Elena Garro, Octavio Paz, and Helena Paz Garro. The Helena Paz Garro correspondence includes letters from Cuban author Roberto Fernández Retamar and American poet Muriel Rukeyser.

The papers also include 16 photographs, three of which show Elena Garro and Octavio Paz together (one is from the mid 1930s and one is dated 1952), and two photographs of Elena Garro and Helena Paz Garro, dated 1967 and 1973.

Also included are a variety of materials belonging to Elena Garro and Helena Paz Garro, including journals, prescriptions, financial receipts, animal care documents, a diary, and an inscribed, dedicated copy of Octavio Paz's poem, ¡No pasaran! Additional materials include seven typescripts of works by Elena Garro, including short stories, short novels, and plays.

El archivo está organizado de la siguiente manera: Serie 1: Escritos publicados, Serie 2: Escritos inéditos o incompletos, Serie 3: Correspondencia de Elena Garro, Serie 4: Correspondencia de Helena Paz Garro, Serie 5: Fotografías, Serie 6: Diarios y documentos personales.

The collection has been arranged in the following series: Series 1: Published Writings, Series 2: Unpublished or Incomplete Writings, Series 3: Correspondence of Elena Garro, Series 4: Correspondence of Helena Paz Garro, Series 5: Photographs, Series 6: Journals and Personal Documents.

La mayor parte del archivo fue comprado a Helena Paz Garro, el resto a su primo.

Adquisición, 1997 (AM 1997-92).

Adquisición, 1997 (AM 1997-92).

Adquisición, 2000 (AM 2001-12).

Adquisición, 2001 (AM 2001-66).

Adquisición, 2015 (AM 2016-21).

Adquisición, 2018 (AM 2018-10).

Las obras mecanografiadas fureron compradas a Roberto Tabla Steinmann en 2021 (AM 2022-048).

The bulk of the materials were purchased from Helena Paz Garro, the rest from her cousin.

Purchase, 1997 (AM 1997-92).

Purchase, 2000 (AM 2001-12).

Purchase, 2001 (AM 2001-66).

Purchase, 2015 (AM 2016-21).

Purchase, 2018 (AM 2018-10). The typewritten works were purchased from Roberto Tabla Steinmann in 2021 (AM 2022-048).

Por razones de conservación, los archivos originales analógicos y digitales no pueden leerse ni reproducirse en la sala de lectura. Los usuarios pueden inspeccionar visualmente los medios físicos, pero no pueden sacarlos de su caja. Todo el material audiovisual analógico debe digitalizarse con calidad de conservación antes de su uso. Las solicitudes de digitalización audiovisual son tramitadas por un proveedor externo. Tenga en cuenta que el tiempo necesario para la tramitación puede oscilar entre varias semanas y varios meses, y que el proceso puede acarrear costes financieros. Las solicitudes deben dirigirse a través del formulario ¡Pregúntenos!

For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.

Esta colección fue reprocesada por Elvia Arroyo-Ramírez en octubre de 2015. La guía de búsqueda original fue escrita por Claire A. Johnston en 2002.

Los archivos adicionales fueron procesados por Armando Suárez en 2022. La descripción en español fue añadida por Armando Suárez en 2023.

This collection was re-processed by Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez in October 2015. Original finding aid written by Claire A. Johnston in 2002.

Additional materials processed by Armando Suárez in 2022. Spanish-language description added by Armando Suárez in 2023.

Durante el procesamiento de 2015 y 2022 no se retiró ningún material de la colección mas allá de las prácticas rutinarias de evaluación.

Nothing was removed from the collection during the 2015 and 2022 processing.

Manuscripts Division
Finding Aid Author
Claire A. Johnston
Finding Aid Date
Access Restrictions

Investigación de libre acceso.

The collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.

Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.

Collection Inventory

Alcance y Contenido

Esta serie consta de borradores manuscritos y mecanografiados de obras de ficción y no ficción publicadas por Elena Garro. El manuscrito más completo es el de su obra autobiográfica Memorias de España 1937, unas memorias de sus viajes con Octavio Paz por España durante la Guerra Civil. Muchos manuscritos tienen anotaciones manuscritas o revisiones; el material está en su mayor parte sin fechar.


Ordenados alfabéticamente por subseries.

Scope and Contents

This series consists of handwritten and typewritten manuscript drafts of Elena Garro's published fiction and nonfiction work. The most complete manuscript is that of her autobiographical work Memorias de España 1937, a memoir of her travels with Octavio Paz in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. Many manuscripts have handwritten annotations or revisions; materials are largely undated.


Arranged by subseries, alphabetically.

Physical Description

2 boxes



Scope and Contents

Includes Garro's manuscripts of published novels, novellas, and short stories. Included here are individual novellas or short stories that would form part of a larger collection or publication, like Andamos huyendo Lola.

Alcance y Contenido

Incluye los manuscritos de Garro de novelas, novelas cortas y relatos publicados. Aquí se incluyen novelas o relatos individuales que formarían parte de una colección o publicación más amplia, como Andamos huyendo Lola.



Physical Description

1 box

Busca mi esquela, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Novella, typed manuscripts with handwritten corrections; 2 copies with different versions (probably first version written in France and second in Mexico), also galley pages. All three seem to be incomplete.

Physical Description

1 folder

La casa junto al rio, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Novella, complete typed carbon manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

La dama y la turquesa, circa 1977. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Short story, published in Andamos huyendo Lola (1980), typed carbon manuscripts with handwritten corrections.

Physical Description

1 folder

La factura, 1984. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Short story, published in French only; two complete typed manuscripts in Spanish, one complete French manuscript of text as published in Vogue magazine, 1984.

Physical Description

1 folder

Inés, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Novel; three typed incomplete manuscripts with handwritten corrections.

Physical Description

1 folder

Primer amor, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Novella; complete typed manuscripts handwritten corrections and typed manuscript galley pages.

Physical Description

1 folder

Reencuentro de personajes, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Novel; complete typed manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

Testimonios sobre Mariana, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Novel; possibly complete typed manuscript with minor handwritten corrections.

See also: Katrin y Maria.

Physical Description

1 folder

Un traje rojo para un duelo, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Novel; incomplete typed manuscript drafts. These pages not included in published text.

Physical Description

1 folder

Un corazón en el bote de basura, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Short story/novella, complete typed manuscript with handwritten corrections. Final title changed to Un corazón en un bote de basura.

Physical Description

1 folder

Y Matarazo no llamó, 1957. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Novel; complete typewritten manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

Y Matarazo no llamó, 1959. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Incomplete typed manuscripts of several versions.

Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Consta de guiones manuscritos de las obras teatrales de Garro que llegaron a producirse. Se incluye un primer título y borradores de Parada San Ángel.





Scope and Contents

Consists of manuscript scripts for Garro's plays that went into production. Includes an early title and drafts for Parada San Ángel.

Physical Description

2 boxes

El árbol, circa 1963. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Script, adaptation of short story; complete typed manuscript with handwritten annotations and corrections; one typewritten manuscript, different version.

Physical Description

1 folder

Felipe Angeles, circa 1954-1956. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Script; typed manuscripts, Acts I-III, with dedication to Clara Angeles [not included in published text?].

Physical Description

1 folder

Parada Empresa, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Script; incomplete typed manuscripts with handwritten corrections, different versions.

Physical Description

1 folder

Parada Empresa / Parada San Ángel, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Script; drafts include "Parada Empresa", Acts I and II; "Parada San Ángel", Act II.

Physical Description

1 folder

Parada Empresa / Parada San Ángel, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Script; includes Parada Empresa, with handwritten annotations and corrections; Parada San Ángel, complete photocopy typed manuscript, autographed by the author.

Physical Description

1 folder

Sócrates y los gatos, circa 1974. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Script; typewritten manuscript with handwritten corrections, Acts 1-III.

See also copy in José Bianco Papers (C0681). Published posthumously in 2003.

Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Consta de los primeros borradores de Memorias de España 1937. Véase en la carpeta "Material impreso" de la serie 6 un suplemento incluido en un periódico.





Scope and Contents

Consists of early drafts of Memorias de España 1937. See "Printed Materials" folder in Series 6 for an extract that appeared in a newspaper publication.

Physical Description

1 box

Memorias de España - "Che" / "Cuba", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Memorias de España - "El Congreso de Intelectuales Antifascistas" / "El Congreso Antifascistas Intelectuales", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Memorias de España - "Memorias" (pp. 6-109), undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Drafts of Memorias de España, pp. 6-109 with some duplicates; typewritten and photocopy manuscripts with handwritten corrections.

Physical Description

1 folder

Memorias de España - "Memorias..." / "Avenida Victor Hugo Extractos" / "Nochebuena en Madrid", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Memorias de España - "México", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Memorias de España - "Paris", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Memorias de España - "Picasso", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Memorias de España - Loose pages, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder


Ordenados alfabéticamente por subseries.

Alcance y Contenido

Incluye manuscritos de novelas inéditas o incompletas, novelas cortas, cuentos, obras de teatro, guiones, artículos, ensayos y memorias. Incluye 89 cuadernos que Garro anotó con temas de investigación de su interés.


Arranged by subseries, alphabetically.

Scope and Contents

Includes manuscripts of unpublished or incomplete novels, novellas, short stories, plays, screenplays, articles, essays, and memoirs. Included in this series are 89 distinct notebooks Garro filled with research topics of interest.

Physical Description

6 boxes


Ordenados alfabéticamente.

Alcance y Contenido

Incluye borradores manuscritos de novelas, novelas cortas y relatos breves. Algunos títulos son extractos de una obra más amplia que se publicará. Véanse las anotaciones individuales de cada título.



Scope and Contents

Includes manuscript drafts of novels, novellas, and short stories. Some titles would be extracted, from a larger work that would be published. See individual notes for each title.

Physical Description

1 box

"Alguien debía huir", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Handwritten notebook of an incomplete and unpublished short story; semi-autobiographical, dealing with Garro's father and the Cristeros. Included are two handwritten poems.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Con la espada de mi boca", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Possible short story; two typed manuscript drafts with holograph corrections.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Interoceánico", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Possible short story; typed manuscript with handwritten edits.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Katrin y María", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Short story; typewritten manuscripts, with handwritten corrections; related to the novel Testimonios sobre Mariana.

Physical Description

1 folder

"La cosmogonía", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Short story; handwritten draft.

Physical Description

1 folder

Larga es la noche, Loreto, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Novella, various typewritten drafts with handwritten corrections, different versions.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Loreto", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Short story; two typewritten manuscript with some handwritten corrections, incomplete.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Martin", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Short story; typewritten manuscripts, incomplete; intended for publication in Andamos huyendo Lola.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Nunca mates a nadie. Siempre hay dos ojos que te ven.", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Short story; complete typewritten and handwritten manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Solo un perro", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Short story; incomplete typewritten manuscript with handwritten corrections.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Terror en el sol", 1980. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Short story, but possibly memoir fragment; dated to 1980, typewritten manuscript with handwritten corrections.

Physical Description

1 folder


Ordenados alfabéticamente.

Alcance y Contenido

Contiene borradores de manuscritos de obras de teatro y guiones cinematográficos.



Scope and Contents

Manuscript drafts of plays and film screenplays.

Physical Description

1 box

El angel de la guarda, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Film script (one page); typewritten manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

El cadáver exquisito, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Script, handwritten manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

El camionero de limpia, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Script, incomplete handwritten manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

Lo escrito, escrito esta, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Script, handwritten manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder


Ordenados alfabéticamente.

Alcance y Contenido

Incluye ensayos, artículos y memorias.



Scope and Contents

Includes essays, articles, and memoir manuscripts.

Physical Description

1 box

"El traje Lila", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Memoirs; typewritten manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Había una vez una señora", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Memoir, typewritten manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

"José Vasconcelos", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Biographical essay, typewritten manuscript with handwritten corrections.

Physical Description

1 folder

"La memoria", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Autobiographical essay; typewritten manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Libros olvidados", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Article on Russia; typewritten manuscripts.

Physical Description

1 folder

"Marco Aurelio Carballo una ventana abierta", undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Article, typewritten manuscript.

Physical Description

1 folder

Untitled, memoir on earthquake in Mexico City 1985, 1985. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder


Ordenados alfabéticamente.

Alcance y Contenido

Incluye 89 pequeños cuadernos con anotaciones manuscritas de Garro sobre diversos temas. Los cuadernos recogen principalmente las extensas lecturas e investigaciones de Garro sobre la historia y los personajes históricos rusos de principios del siglo XX. La mayoría de los cuadernos están llenos de referencias o anotaciones que Garro hizo al leer libros sobre el tema. Los títulos de la mayoría de estos cuadernos reflejan el lenguaje natural que Garro empleaba al leer libros en francés, español e inglés. Los títulos de los libros o los nombres de las personas solían escribirse en la cubierta interior del cuaderno. Nota: aunque estos cuadernos se titulaban con el título del libro o la persona más destacada, las anotaciones de Garro en cada cuaderno a menudo trascendían ese título o tema en concreto. Números de teléfono, direcciones, inventarios de libros, borradores de obras cortas originales y anotaciones cotidianas de contabilidad son algunas de las informaciones que se encuentran en estos cuadernos.



Scope and Contents

Includes 89 small notebooks of Garro's handwritten notes on various subjects. The notebooks are primarily filled with Garro's extensive reading and research on early 20th century Russian history and historical figures. The majority of notebooks are filled with quotations or annotations Garro made while reading books on the subject. The titles of most of these notebooks reflect the natural language Garro employed as she read books in French, Spanish, and English. The titles of books or the names of individuals were usually written on the inner front cover of a notebook. Note: though these notebooks were titled with the most prominent book title or individual listed, Garro's notes in each notebook would often extend beyond that particular book title or subject. Telephone numbers, addresses, book inventories, drafts of short original work, and quotidian accounting notes are among other information found within these notebooks.

Physical Description

5 boxes

"Notas diversas: Alemania, Francia, México, Tina Modotti", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Agent de Staline by Walter Germanovich Krivitsky, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Au temps des Tzars by Tatiana Botkin Grasset, I-III, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder3 notebooks

Notes on Avocat de Trotsky by Gerard Rosenthal, I-II, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Notes on Benito Mussolini, I-II, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Notes on El año I de la Revolución Rusa by Victor Serge, circa 1987. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Includes some notes from The Russian Dagger.

Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on El Profeta Armado by Isaac Deutscher, I-II, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Notes on Eléanor Chronique familiale des Marx by Yvonne Kapp, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Fusillez ces chiens enrages: Le genocide des trotskistes by René Dazy, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Histoire de l'armée allemande by Jacques Benoist-Méchin, circa 1987. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Includes notes on various subjects and individuals.

Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Histoire de ma vie: Marie, reine de Roumanie by Marie de Roumanie, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Ivan the Terrible and the Romanovs, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on L'affaire Toukhatchevsky by Victor Alexandrov, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on L'Épopée d'une anarchiste by Emma Goldman, I-III, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder3 notebooks

Notes on L'ombre de Clemenceau à Mayerling by Michel Dugast, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on L'utopie au pouvoir by Mikhail Geller, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on La corde pour les pendre by Eric Laurent Fayard, I-II, circa 1984-1985. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder2 notebook

Notes on La neige et la nuit by Harrison Salisbury, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Includes notes on "Los Intelectuales".

Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Notes on La révolution Russe by Richard Kohn, 1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on La Russie dans l'ombre by H.G. Wells, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Notes on Le Bolchevisme en Russie: livre blanc anglais avril 1919 by Great Britain. Foreign Office, I-II, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Notes on Le brise glace by Victor Suvorov, circa 1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Le drams des Romanovs by Michel de Saint Pierre, I-VI, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Notebook VI includes notes on Lettres de Russie - La Russie en 1839 by Marquis de Custine, notebook II.

Physical Description

1 folder5 notebooks

Notes on Le grand jeu by Leopold Trepper, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Les morts mystérieuses de l'histoire, I-II, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Notes on Les Récits de la Kolyma by Varlam Shalamov, 1988. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Includes two original poems, one untitled with the date of June 30, 1988 and the other titled, "¿De quien será esta carta?"

Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Les Rothschild et les autres by Louis Bergeron, circa 1991. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Includes some notes on The Russian Dagger.

Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Los 900 dias by Harrison Salisbury, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Ma vie de rebelle by Angelica Balabanova, I-III, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder3 notebooks

Notes on Manifesto Comunista by Karl Marx, 1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Mujeres en la historia de méxico, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Nikolai Bukharin, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Nomenklatura: The Soviet Ruling Class by Michael Voslensky, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on OS1, Services secrets de Staline contre Hitler by Victor Alexandrov, circa 1987. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Peter the Great: His Life and World by Robert K. Massie,, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Includes notes on Yuri Andropov.

Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Notes on Principe Felix Youssoupoff, I-II / La Conspiration des Décabristes by Andre Maury, I-II, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder4 notebooks

Notes on Procesos Pratakov / Iglesia Polaca / Libro Boris Bajanov, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Quand Fera T-Il Jour, Camarade? - Histoire De La Revolution D'Octobre by Jean Paul Ollivier, I-V, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder5 notebooks

Notes on Russian deaths and murders, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder5 notebooks

Notes on The Russian Dagger: Cold War in the Days of the Czars by Virginia Cowles, 1984. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on The Russian Revolution by Alan Moorehead, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Souvenirs d'un terroriste by Boris Savinkov, I-II, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder4 notebooks

Notes on "Stalin Assassine", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Notes on Various Russian Individuals, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Notes on Various Topics, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder3 notebooks

Notes on Vissarionovich, I-II, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Inventories of Various Book Titles, circa 1986. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder6 notebooks


Ordenados alfabéticamente.

Alcance y Contenido

Contiene páginas sueltas mecanografiadas y apuntes escritos a mano.



Scope and Contents

Loose page typewritten and handwritten notes.

Physical Description

1 box

"Notas": Notes on Russia, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Various handwritten notes, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder


Ordenados alfabéticamente por subseries.

Alcance y Contenido

Esta serie contiene la correspondencia de Elena Garro con otros escritores, editores y miembros de su familia. La correspondencia entre Elena Garro y otros escritores y editores incluyen a Carmen Balcells, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Max Aub, Victoria Ocampo, Luis Buñuel, René Avilés Fabila, Guillermo Schmidhuber de la Mora, Leonor Fini, Emilio Carballido, Ulyses Petit de Murat y Emmanuel Carballo. Existe una extensa correspondencia entre Octavio Paz y Elena Garro, que comienza con su noviazgo, dos años antes de casarse y cesa en torno a su divorcio. Existe correspondencia con varios miembros de su familia, como sus hermanas Deva, Estrella y Alba, y su antigua suegra, Josefina Lozano de Paz. La Subserie 4 contiene la correspondencia de otras personas además de Elena Garro, incluyendo la correspondencia de Octavio Paz con su madre, Josefina "Pepa" Lozano de Paz.


Arranged by subseries, alphabetically.

Scope and Contents

This series contains Elena Garro's correspondence with literary figures, publishers, and family members. Correspondence includes both incoming and outgoing correspondence. Correspondence between Elena Garro and notable individuals include literary agent Carmen Balcells, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Max Aub, Victoria Ocampo, Luis Buñuel, René Avilés Fabila, Guillermo Schmidhuber de la Mora, Leonor Fini, Emilio Carballido, Ulyses Petit de Murat, and Emmanuel Carballo. Extensive correspondence exists between Octavio Paz and Elena Garro, starting with their courtship, two years prior to getting married and ceasing around their divorce. Correspondence exists with various family members like her sisters Deva, Estrella, and Alba, and her former mother-in-law, Josefina Lozano de Paz. Subseries 4 contains the correspondence of people other than Elena Garro, including Octavio Paz's correspondence with his mother, Josefina "Pepa" Lozano de Paz, and other individuals.

Physical Description

6 boxes



Alcance y Contenido

Consta de correspondencia con particulares y empresas editoriales. En un tratamiento anterior se crearon ficheros de cartas (A-Z); en estas carpetas figuran personas o instituciones con correspondencia de una sola carta o nombres ilegibles.

Scope and Contents

Consists of correspondence with individuals and publishing companies. In a prior processing, letter files (A-Z) were created; these folders feature individuals or institutions with single letter correspondence or illegible names.

Physical Description

4 boxes

A, 1986-1987. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Agencia Literaria Carmen Balcells, 1982-1987. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Aguilar H., Mercedes, 1985. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

del Angel, César F., 1964-1968. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Aub, Max, 1962. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Avilés Fabila, René, 1990-1993. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

B, 1980-1987. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bianco, José "Pepe", 1951-1978. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bioy Casares, Adolfo, 1949-1950. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bioy Casares, Adolfo, 1951. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bioy Casares, Adolfo, 1952. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bioy Casares, Adolfo, 1953. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bioy Casares, Adolfo, 1954-1955. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bioy Casares, Adolfo, 1956-1961. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bioy Casares, Adolfo, 1962-1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bracho, Julio, 1963-1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Broesecke, Siegfried, 1965. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Buñuel, Luis, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

C, 1968-1986. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Carballido, Emilio, 1980-1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Carballo, Emmanuel (Editorial Diogenes), 1980-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Carballo, Marco Aurelio, 1982-1997. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

See: Zama, Patricia.

Physical Description

1 folder

Casa de las Americas (Havana, Cuba), 1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Cinematográfica Marte (Mexico City, Mexico), 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Congreso por la Libertad de la Cultura, 1960. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Córdoba, Tomás, 1964. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Cortés, Eladio, and Michèle Muncy, 1985-1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

D, 1975-1998. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Debray, Régis, 1982. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Domínguez, Alfonso "Poncho", 1983-1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Durán, Lin, 1964. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

E, 1984-1996. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Echeverría A. P., Rodolfo, 1980. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Ediciones Grijalbo, 1981-1991. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence from Juan Grijalbo and Rogelio Carvajal y Avila.

Physical Description

1 folder

Editorial Joaquín Mortiz (Joaquín Díez-Canedo), 1973-1993. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Editorial Seix Barral (Carlos Barral), 1962. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Editorial de la Universidad Veracruzana (Sergio Galindo), 1979-1980. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

F, 1960-1975. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Fernández Unsáin, José María, 1986-1993. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Fini, Leonor, 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Flores, Ernesto, 1970-1980. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

G, 1961-1993. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Galarza Torres, Hugo, 1982-1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

García Castro, Daniel, 1965. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garza Doria, Gloria H. de, 1990-1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

González Kuri, Teresa, 1986. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Gutiérrez Barrios, Fernando, 1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Gutiérrez Vega, Hugo, 1979. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

H, 1984-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Hooks, Margaret, 1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Instituto de Cultura de Tabasco. Laboratorio de Teatro Campesino e Indígena (LTCI), Oxolotán, Tabasco, Mexico, 1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Izaguirre Albiztur, Alicia, 1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Izquierdo, Pilar, 1979. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Janés, Clara, 1987-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Johnson, Harvey L., 1978-1979. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

La Jornada (Braulio Peralta), 1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Jurado Flores, Jesús, 1975. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Laiter, Salomón, 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Landeros Gallegos, Carlos, 1978-1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Lazere, Haskell L., 1973. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Le Tendré, Gérard R., 1984. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Lodares Marrodán, Juan Ramón, 1977. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

López Mateos, Adolfo, 1964-1967. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

President of Mexico, 1958-1964; printed card with autograph note, 1964.

Physical Description

1 folder

M, 1975-1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Madrazo, Carlos A., 1967. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Mallea, Eduardo, 1951. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Mara, Susana, 1983. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Mauriac, Claude, 1988-1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Melgar, Lucía, 1993. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Montenegro, Patricia G., 1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Mora, Gabriela, 1980. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Murray, Elena C., 1984-1985. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Nazelle, (Count and Countess) Laurent de, 1983. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Le Nouvel Observateur, 1982. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Ocampo, Victoria, 1974. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Odio, Eunice, 1973. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Odor Morales, Martha, 1982-1987. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Includes a letter from Teresa Palacios.

Physical Description

1 folder

Oliviero, Jacques, 1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Orozco, Víctor, 1985-1987. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Ortega, Gregorio, 1968. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Ortuño, Manuel, 1983. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Palacios, Luis and Teresa, 1987-1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Parsifal, Victoria, 1991-1993. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Pérez Vásquez, Reynol, 1986-1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Petit de Murat, Ulises, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Pierre" and "Nachou", 1994. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Pitoeff, Sacha, 1961. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Pons, Matilde, 1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

R, 1983-1996. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Rodrigo", 1973. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Rojas-Trempe, Lady, 1985-1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Rojo Gómez, Javier, 1965-1968. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Rosas Lopátegui, Patricia, 1980-1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

S, 1994-1996. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Sánchez G., Arturo, 1988-1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Santos, Ninfa, 1983-1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Schmidhuber de la Mora, Guillermo, 1981-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Sepúlveda Amor, Bernardo, 1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Siglo Vientiuno Editores, 1992. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Soberón Acevedo, Guillermo, 1980-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Sociedad General de Escritores de México (SOGEM), 1987. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

See also under Fernández Unsáin, José María.

Physical Description

1 folder

Solórzano, Carlos, 1987. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Spanish Ministry of the Interior and other officials, 1977-1980. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Letters by Elena Garro regarding maintaining her's and Helena Paz Garro's residency in Spain.

Physical Description

1 folder

Starcevic, Elizabeth, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

T, 1982-1997. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Thomas, Charles W., 1967. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Traeger, Tracy, 1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

University of Texas Press, 1986. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Villalobos, Grace, 1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Villareal, Rosa María, 1987-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Weill, Dominique, 1987-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Xochil Film Productions, 1984-1985. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Zama, Patricia, 1981-1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Unidentified Letters, 1957-1986. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Unidentified Postcards, 1962-1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Contiene mayormente cartas manuscritas de Octavio Paz a Elena Paz Garro.

Scope and Contents

Mostly handwritten letters to Elena Paz Garro from Octavio Paz.


Por orden cronológico, empezando por las cartas de Paz a Garro. Los poemas que estaban separados de sus cartas correspondientes se agruparon en una carpeta y se ordenaron después de la última carpeta Paz a Garro. Los telegramas se agruparon y ordenaron alfabéticamente después de la carpeta Paz a Garro - Poemas. Las carpetas de Garro a Paz están ordenadas después de las carpetas de Paz a Garro.


Chronologically, starting with the Paz to Garro letters. Poems that were separated from their corresponding letters were grouped in one folder and arranged after the last Paz to Garro folder. Telegrams were grouped together and arranged alphabetically after the Paz to Garro - Poems folder. The Garro to Paz folders are arranged after the Paz to Garro folders.

Physical Description

2 boxes

Paz to Garro - June 29, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - July 23, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - July 21, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - July 22, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - July 24, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - July 28, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - July 29, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - July 30, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 3, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 4, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 6, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 7, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 9, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 10, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 12, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 15, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 17, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - circa August 17-19, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 19, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 20, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - August 21, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - September, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - September 4, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - September 7-9, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - circa September 7-10, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - September 11, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - September 12, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - September 23, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - September 24, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - October 15, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - Incomplete Letters / Envelopes, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - circa March 13, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - March 15, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - March 17, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - March 18, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - March 19, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - March 20, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - March 22, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - circa March 23-29, 1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - March 30, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - March 31, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 2, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 3, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 4, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 6, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 8, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 10, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 14, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 15, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 16, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 19, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 20, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 21, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 22, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 24, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 26, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - April 27, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - May, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - October 17, 1944. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - October 24-31, 1944. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - November 17-21, 1944. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - November 27, 1944. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - December 2-21, 1944. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - December 26-29, 1944. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - January 2-31, 1945. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - February 16-March 26, 1945. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - December 27, 1956. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - Poems, circa 1935-1946. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Garro - Telegrams, 1944-1959. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro to Paz, 1989-1995. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro to Paz, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Incomplete handwritten letter (single leaf) concerning the breakup of their marriage.

Physical Description

1 folder

Garro to Paz, undated. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Incomplete handwritten letter (five leaves) concerning the breakup of their marriage.

Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Incluye amplia correspondencia de Elena Garro con sus hermanas Deva, Estrella y Alba, y con su antigua suegra, Josefina "Pepa" Lozano de Paz.

Scope and Contents

Includes a large amount of correspondence of Elena Garro with her sisters Deva, Estrella, and Alba, and her former mother-in-law, Josefina "Pepa" Lozano de Paz.



Physical Description

2 boxes

Caballero, Clara, 1980. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garduño Navarro, Mauricio (nephew), 1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro, Esperanza Navarro Benítez de (mother), 1960-1975. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Includes Esperanza Navarro Benitez's journal, circa 1960-1964.

Physical Description

1 folder

Garro Melendreras, José Antonio (father), 1948. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro Navarro, José Albano (brother) and Elsa Velázquez de Garro (sister-in-law), 1984-1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro, María C., 1977. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro Velázquez, Jesús "Chucho" (nephew), 1984-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro Velázquez, Octavio "Tavito" (nephew), 1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro Navarro de Guerrero, Devaki "Deva" (older sister), 1974-1985. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro Navarro de Guerrero, Devaki "Deva" (older sister), 1986-1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro Navarro de Hunter, Estrella, and Hunter, Russell (sister and brother-in-law), 1981-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Guerrero, Flora "Florinda" (niece), 1989-1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz, Josefina "Pepa" Lozano de (mother of Octavio Paz and grandmother of Helena Paz Garro), circa 1972-1975. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Various relatives (nieces and nephews), 1978-1994. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Consiste en una serie de sobres y una pequeña cantidad de correspondencia de otros individuos, incluyendo la correspondencia de Octavio Paz con su madre (Josefina Lozano) y otros.

Scope and Contents

Consists of a grouping of envelopes and a small amount of other individuals' correspondence including Octavio Paz's correspondence with his mother (Josefina Lozano) and others.



Physical Description

1 box

Correspondence of Others, 1982-1986. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Envelopes, 1968-1993. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz, Josefina "Pepa" Lozano to Octavio Paz, 1937. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz, Octavio to Josefina "Pepa" Paz, 1937-1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz, Octavio Clippings, Letters Received, 1937-1941. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Esta serie consta de la correspondencia de Helena Paz Garro, a la que se dirigía alternativamente como "Helenita", "Helena Paz", "Laura Elena Paz Garro" (nombre completo en español) o "La Chata" (apodo). La correspondencia incluye cartas, declaraciones de derechos de autor y recibos relativos a los derechos de publicación de obras de ambos progenitores bajo el epígrafe "Particulares". Hay más de 45 cartas y telegramas de Octavio Paz a y de Helena Paz Garro. Las primeras cartas de Elena Garro a Helena Paz Garro se archivan bajo "Otros miembros de la familia y borradores", así como las de otros miembros de la familia como Josefina "Pepa" Lozano de Paz y Jesús Garro Velázquez.

Scope and Contents

This series consists of the correspondence of Helena Paz Garro, alternately addressed as "Helenita", "Helena Paz," "Laura Elena Paz Garro" (full name in Spanish), or "La Chata" (nickname). The correspondence includes letters, royalty statements, and receipts pertaining to the publication rights of works by both parents under "Individuals". There are over 45 letters and telegrams from Octavio Paz to and from Helena Paz Garro. Early letters by Elena Garro to Helena Paz Garro are filed under "Other Family Members and Drafts" as well as other family members such as Josefina "Pepa" Lozano de Paz and Jesus Garro Velázquez.


Arranged by subseries, alphabetically.

Physical Description

2 boxes

Alcance y Contenido

Consta de correspondencia con personas como Alemán V. Miguel, Juan Liscano y Muriel Rukeyser. Incluye correspondencia con Editorial Seix Barral, Editora Sol, Editorial Joaquín Mortiz y El Día.

Scope and Contents

Consists of correspondence with individuals such as Alemán V. Miguel, Juan Liscano, and Muriel Rukeyser. Includes correspondence with publishers Editorial Seix Barral, Editora Sol, Editorial Joaquín Mortiz, and El Día.



Physical Description

1 box

Alemán V. Miguel, 1974-1976. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Alvarez, Armando B. Jorge, 1987-1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

C-D, 1987-1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Campos Icardo, Salvador, 1988. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Ambassador and Consul General of Mexico, Paris, France.

Physical Description

1 folder

Camus, Marcel, 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

El Día. Publicaciones Mexicanas, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Didier, Lucienne, 1975-1975. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Douek, Ilona, 1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Editora El Sol, 1987. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Editorial Joaquín Mortiz (Joaquín Díez-Canedo), 1992. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Editorial Seix Barral, 1986-1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

F, 1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Fernández Retamar, Roberto, 1967. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

García Mata, Carlos, 1976. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Heitz, Eric, 1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Herrera, Silvia, 1984. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Instituto de Estudios de Cultura y Sociedades Europeas (IECUSE), 1984. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Jimmy", 1974. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

L, 1980-1984. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Liscano, Juan, 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

M, 1985. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Mason Villalobos, Isabel, 1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

General Mexican Consulate and Embassy (Paris, France), 1984. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Negrete, Cécile, 1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

P-R, 1965-1985. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Papaioannou, Kostas, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Peréz Vázquez, Reynol, 1987. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Pfeiffer, Erna, 1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Pier Giorgio", 1982. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Remuñan, Norberto, 1978. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Reyes, Chela, 1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Rukeyser, Muriel, 1970-1978. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Serrano, Rafael, 1991. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Spain. Ministry of Culture, 1990. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Torres Bodet, Jaime, 1960. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Velasco-Joffroy, Marie Lou, 1985-1987. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Vuelta (Mexico City), 1978-1983. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Includes some correspondence of Octavio Paz.

Physical Description

1 folder

Zama, Patricia, 1980-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Unidentified Letters, 1962-1986. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Contiene cartas manuscritas y mecanografiadas de y para Helena Paz Garro y Octavio Paz.

Scope and Contents

Handwritten and typewritten letters to and from Helena Paz Garro and Octavio Paz.


Chronologically, starting with the Paz to Paz Garro correspondence, then Paz Garro to Paz correspondence.

Physical Description

1 box

Paz to Paz Garro, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Paz Garro, 1958-1959. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Paz Garro, 1960-1961. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Paz Garro, 1962. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Paz Garro, 1963. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Paz Garro, 1964. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Paz Garro, 1965-1970s. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Paz Garro, 1983. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Paz Garro, 1992-1997. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Paz Garro, 1963-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz to Paz Garro - Preservation Photocopies, 1958-1965. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz Garro to Paz, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz Garro to Paz, 1983. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz Garro to Paz, 1984. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz Garro to Paz, 1985-1987. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz Garro to Paz, 1988-1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Consiste en la correspondencia entre Helena Paz Garro y miembros de su familia, incluyendo a su madre.

Scope and Contents

Consists of the correspondence between Helena Paz Garro and family members, including her mother.



Physical Description

1 box

Borrador de carta y notas, 1986. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro, Elena, 1945-1980. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garro Velázquez, Jesús (primo hermano), 1973. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz, Josefina "Pepa" Lozano de (abuela), 1960. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

See also under Elena Garro's family members

Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Esta serie contiene 16 fotografías, incluyendo retratos de Elena Garro, Elena Garro con Octavio Paz y Elena Garro con otras personas como Pablo Picasso, su hija Helena (Paz Garro) y Elena Poniatowska.

Scope and Contents

This series contains 16 photographs, mostly in black and white, a few in color. Photographs include portraits of Elena Garro, Elena Garro with Octavio Paz, and Elena Garro with others such as Pablo Picasso, her daughter Helena (Paz Garro), and Elena Poniatowska.


Arranged by photographic composition (i.e. photographs of Elena Garro alone, Elena Garro with Octavio Paz, and Elena Garro with others).

Physical Description

1 box

Elena Garro, 1960s-1980s. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Two candid photographs, one taken in 1972, the other is undated. Two photographs by Kati Horna, Mexico City, undated, circa 1970s. One passport-sized photo of Elena Garro, circa 1980s.

Physical Description

1 folder

Elena Garro con Octavio Paz, circa 1935-1952. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Una fotografía con otras dos parejas, hacia 1930. Una fotografía con Helena Paz Garro y otras personas, fechada en "1952 Karouzawa (Japón)". Una fotografía con la pareja sentada, sin fecha.

Scope and Contents

One group photograph with two other couples, circa 1930s. One photograph with Helena Paz Garro and others, dated "1952 Karouzawa (Japan)". One photograph with the couple seated, undated.

Physical Description

1 folder

Elena Garro con otras personas, circa 1940s-1968. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Una fotografía de Elena Garro con Pablo Picasso y otras personas, sin fecha [hacia finales de la década de 1940]; se ve a Helena Paz Garro detrás de Picasso, cuando era una niña de unos 9-10 años. Dos fotografías de Elena Garro en el verano de 1954 en casa de Suzanne de Tézenas, en el lago Lemán; en una de ellas aparece Garro con André Pieyre de Mandiargues y Guy Dumur, y en la otra con Bona Tibertelli de Pisis (Bona de Mandiargues). Tres fotografías de Hector García, Foto Press, México. Una está fechada el 23 de junio de 1967 y es de una protesta que Elena Garro organizó en favor de Régis Debray frente a la Embajada de Bolivia, Ciudad de México, México. Otras dos sin fecha, de hacia 1967 o 1968, una incluye a Elena Poniatowska. También incluye una fotografía de Roberto Fernández Retamar con nota autógrafa al dorso, circa 1967.

Scope and Contents

One photograph of Elena Garro with Pablo Picasso and others, undated [circa late 1940s]; Helena Paz Garro is seen behind Picasso, as a child of about 9-10 years of age. Two photographs of Elena Garro in the summer of 1954 at the home of Suzanne de Tézenas in Lake Geneva; in one photograph Garro is pictured with André Pieyre de Mandiargues and Guy Dumur, and the other with Bona Tibertelli de Pisis (Bona de Mandiargues). Three photographs by Hector García, Foto Press, Mexico. One is dated June 23, 1967 and is of a protest Elena Garro organized in favor of Régis Debray in front of the Bolivian Embassy, Mexico City, Mexico. Two others are undated, circa 1967 or 1968, one includes Elena Poniatowska. Also includes one photograph of Roberto Fernández Retamar with autograph note on back, circa 1967.

Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Esta serie contiene diversos documentos pertenecientes a Elena Garro y Helena Paz Garro, en su mayoría recetas médicas, recibos financieros y documentos sobre el cuidado de animales. También se incluye un diario de Elena Garro (1932-1935), y una copia inscrita y dedicada del poema de Octavio Paz, "¡No pasarán!"

Scope and Contents

This series contains a variety of documents belonging to Elena Garro and Helena Paz Garro, mostly prescriptions, financial receipts, and animal care documents. Also included are a diary of Elena Garro (1932-1935), and an inscribed, dedicated copy of Octavio Paz's poem, ¡No pasaran!


Titled by subject of document, then alphabetically.

Physical Description

1 box

Curriculum Vitae de Elena Garro, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Diario de Elena Garro, 1932-1935. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Documentos financieros y oficiales, 1969-1984. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Apuntes genealógicos, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Journals - Spain, 1975-1976. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

Notebook 1: dates from May 1975 - July 1975. Notebook 2: dates from July 1975 - October 1975. Notebook 3: October 1977 - April 1976.

Physical Description

1 folder3 notebooks

Journals, 1977-1979. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder2 notebooks

Journal, 1983. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder1 notebook

Journals, 1985-1990. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

3 notebooks

Physical Description

1 folder

"Memorandum" and Various Notes, 1968. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Documento de traslado de bienes personales, 1984. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Poema de Octavio Paz: ¡No pasaran!, 1936. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Inscrito y firmado por Octavio Paz, "Para Helen...".

Scope and Contents

Inscribed and signed by Octavio Paz, "Para Helen..."

Physical Description

1 folder

Formulario de salida de turistas de México, 1959. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Visado de turista para entrar en México, 1981. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Recibos y prescripciones, 1973-1988. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Material impreso, 1978-1979. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Tarjetas y anuncios sueltos; reproducción del artículo autobiográfico "A mí me ha ocurrido todo al revés" de Elena Garro, publicado en Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, nº 346 (Madrid: abril de 1979), y de su artículo "Memorias: Con Octavio Paz en el frente de escritores antifascistas" publicado en un periódico español (no identificado), 16 de noviembre de 1978.

Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous cards and announcements; reprint of autobiographical article "A mí me ha ocurrido todo al revés" by Elena Garro, published in Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, No. 346 (Madrid: 1979 April), and her article "Memorias: Con Octavio Paz en el frente de escritores antifascistas" published in Spanish newspaper (unidentified), 1978 November 16.

Physical Description

1 folder

Documentos veterinarios y de cuidado de los animales, 1969-1989. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Alcance y Contenido

Consiste en siete obras mecanografiadas, incluyendo cuentos cortos, novelas cortas y obras de teatro. También incluye unas páginas de una obra no identificada.

Scope and Contents

Consists of seven typewritten works, including short stories, short novels and plays. Also includes a few pages of an unidentified work.

Physical Description

0.20 linear feet

"Un traje rojo para un duelo", sin fecha. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Novela corta (50 páginas).

Physical Description

1 folder

"Un corazón en un bote de basura", sin fecha. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Novela corta (49 páginas).

Physical Description

1 folder

"La vida empieza a las tres...", sin fecha. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Cuento corto (37 páginas).

Physical Description

1 folder

"La mudanza", sin fecha. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Obra de teatro (19 páginas).

Physical Description

1 folder

"El rastro", sin fecha. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Obra de teatro (8 páginas con correcciones ortográficas).

Physical Description

1 folder

"La dama boba", sin fecha. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Obra de teatro (incluye dos versiones con correcciones).

Physical Description

1 folder

"Un traje rojo para un duelo" [?] , sin fecha. 1 folder.
Alcance y Contenido

Es probable que se trate de otra versión, muchos más amplia, de la novela corta, "Un traje rojo para un duelo" (Ediciones Castillo, 1996).

Physical Description

1 folder

Print, Suggest