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Arthur Cort Holden Papers
Held at: Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division [Contact Us]
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Arthur Cort Holden was a member of the Princeton University Class of 1912. He went on to earn a graduate degree in architecture from Cornell University, and joined the New York City firm of McKim, Mead, and White, later forming his own firm and advising Frank Lloyd Wright on the design of the Guggenheim Museum in 1949. In addition to working as a practicing architect, Arthur Cort Holden wrote extensively on architecture, urban planning, and a wide variety of other topics.
Arthur Cort Holden was born in New York City on November 29, 1890, the son of Edwin B. Holden and Alice Cort Holden. He entered Princeton in the fall of 1908 as a member of the Class of 1912 and graduated with a Bachelor of Literature degree. He subsequently pursued degrees at Columbia University, receiving a Bachelor of Architecture and an A.M. in Economics in 1915.
Between June 1914 and June 1917, he served as troop mechanic with the Machine Gun Troop, Squadron A, New York Cavalry, on the Texas border and was discharged as a corporal. He thereupon entered the Hull Division at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, where he had a number of assignments, including Chief of Plant Section and Special Assistant to Shop Supervisor of the Hull Division. He was discharged in February 1919.
In 1915 he became associated with the office of McKim, Mead, and White until he set up his own architectural firm on January 1, 1920. His architectural partnerships-Arthur C. Holden & Associates, Holden, McLaughlin & Associates, Holden, Egan, Wilson & Corser, Holden, Yang, Raemsch & Corser, and Holden, Yang, Raemsch, Terjesen-spanned the years from 1920 to 1977, when, at the age of 87, he described his further professional activities as those of a consultant on the financing of construction and real estate. His main architectural concern was to put architecture in the service of the ordinary man. And to that end, he associated himself with many national, state, and municipal undertakings, such as the New York City Mayor's Committee on City Planning (1934-1938) and the Coordinating Committee of the Welfare Council, and he served as the chairman of the Executive Committee of the New York Urban League. In private practice he was consulting architect to American Houses, Inc., makers of basic prefabricated houses. Of his non-housing endeavors, probably the most notable was his association with Frank Lloyd Wright during the construction of the Guggenheim Museum in New York. His architectural achievements were acknowledged in 1957, when he received the Medal of Honor from the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
On February 10, 1917, he married Miriam Young of Boston, with whom he had three children, Edwin Arthur, Jane (Mrs. Clay), and Richmond Young Holden. In 1977, after his first wife's death, Holden married Rose M. N. Barnes.
In addition to his professional career as an architect, Holden also authored several books and pamphlets, the majority of which related to his interests in finance and architecture. He and his first wife were also avid book collectors. Princeton was the recipient of the Miriam Y. Holden Collection on the History of Women (ExHold in the Rare Books Department and the Holden Room in the general stacks) and Arthur Holden's collection of books and pamphlets related to American experiments in communal living, as well as various other books and pamphlets from their private collections.
Holden was a member of the Cosmos Club and the Grolier Club, where his father had also been a prominent member. He was additionally involved with the Christodora House and the Princeton Committee on Social Service. Holden served as the President of the Class of 1912, was a long-standing Friend of the Library, and held, towards the end of his life, the distinction of being Princeton's oldest living alumnus.
Arthur Cort Holden died on December 18, 1993, at the age of 103.
HoldenThe collection contains Holden's various personal and professional papers, accumulated during his life (1890-1993) as an architect and active Princeton University alumnus, as well as photographs, the papers of friends and family members, miscellaneous printed matter dating from the 1840s to the 1990s, and a taped interview with Holden.
Holden's personal papers include writings, his correspondence, and drawings. His writings include drafts of memoirs, articles, books, a play, and a great deal of poetry. Also included in his writings are his class notes from his time at Princeton and his graduate studies at Columbia. His correspondence consists of his correspondence with his first wife, Miriam Young Holden, his second wife, Rose Barnes Holden, other members of his family, and his friends, and also touches upon his wartime (1914-1917) experience, Princeton University, the Christodora House in New York City, his association with Frank Lloyd Wright, and his membership in the Cosmos Club and the Grolier Club. His drawings include mainly travel sketches and architectural sketches and plans.
Holden's professional papers include architectural plans, articles and reports on urban planning, papers regarding his association with Frank Lloyd Wright and the building of the Guggenheim Museum, and documents from various New York City commissions and planning boards such as the United Neighborhood Houses of New York.
Holden's photographs consist mainly of his friends and family, although there is a series of the staff of the Grolier Club Bindery probably dating from the very beginning of the twentieth century, as well as a series of portraits of young men dating from the 1910s, which in all likelihood are graduating portraits of members of Princeton's Class of 1912.
The papers of friends and family members include the correspondence between Arthur Cort Holden's parents, Edwin B. Holden and Alice Cort Holden, and Charles Eliot Norton, as well as a bound book of reproductions of letters (1854-1855) from Edwin Ruthven Holden to Sarah Elizabeth Kellogg. The miscellaneous printed matter in this collection consists chiefly of pamphlets and magazines, and includes a collection of articles by or about James Russell Lowell dating from 1845 to 1894, as well as an issue of Ladies Home Journal from 1858 and a scrapbook of newspaper clippings from 1902. Among memorabilia are two examples of the original stamps issued under the English Stamp Act of 1765.
The taped interview with Holden was recorded in1974 onto six audiocassettes.
The book manuscripts found in draft form in this collection that came to print are Primer of Housing, by Arthur C. Holden in collaboration with Henry Wright and Clarence S. Stein, with a preface by William J. Tracy (New York: Workers Education Bureau Press, 1927), and Sonnets for my city; an essay on the kinship of art & finance as factors in the development of the city and the moulding of man's environment (New York: Schulte Publishing Company, 1965).
This collection came to Princeton in 1994 as a bequest from Holden's estate.
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
This collection was processed by Jennifer Groom in 1999 and Jennifer Maloney in 2000. Finding aid written by Jannon Stein in 2000.
No appraisal information is available.
- Christodora House.
- Cosmos Club.
- United Neighborhood Houses
- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
- The Grolier Club
- Princeton University. Class of 1912.
- Architects -- New York (N.Y.). -- 20th century -- Correspondence
- Family papers -- New York (N.Y.)
- Stamp act, 1765
- Women's studies
- Publisher
- Manuscripts Division
- Finding Aid Author
- Jannon Stein
- Finding Aid Date
- 2000
- Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research use.
- Use Restrictions
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
Collection Inventory
Consists of Arthur Cort Holden, including memoirs, books, plays, articles, essays, speeches, poetry, class notes, and autobiographical notes.
This series is arranged into eight subseries: Memoirs, Books, Play, Articles, Essays, Speeches, Poetry, Class Notes, School Speeches, Journal, Autobiographical Notes, and Miscellaneous.
Physical Description7 boxes
Consists of memoirs written by Arthur Cort Holden.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of manuscripts for "Primer of Housing" and "What Price Debt?" as well as others.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of papers for the play "Lucretia."
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
Consists of articles, essays, and speeches, including "In Praise of Banking Judgement," "The Menace of Mortgage Debt," and "What Does a Reduced Interest Rate for Housing Mean to Lenders as well as to Borrowers?" as well as others.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
Physical Description3 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of poetry such as "Eve's Case Reconsidered" and "Sonnets for My City," as well as others.
Arranged by genre of material.
Physical Description3 boxes
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 folders
2 boxes
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of notes for classes on history, English, and architecture, as well as others.
Arranged by genre of material.
Physical Description2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 folders
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of journals and autobiographical notes.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
Consists of miscellaneous writings and notes.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
Consists primarily of the correspondence of Holden family members.
This series is arranged into nine subseries: Alice Holden, Frances Holden, Marian Holden, Miriam Young Holden, Raymond & Sally Holden, Rose Barnes Holden, Family Correspondence, Letters to the Editor, and Miscellaneous Correspondence.
Physical Description9 boxes
Consists of the correspondence of Alice Holden, arranged chronologically.
Arranged chronologically.
Physical Description3 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of the correspondence of Frances Holden.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
Consists of correspondence with Marian Holden.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
Consists of the correspondence with Miriam Young Holden, arranged by year.
Arranged chronologically.
Physical Description3 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of correspondence with Raymond & Sally Holden.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
Consists of correspondence with Rose Barnes Holden, arranged by year.
Arranged chronologically.
Physical Description2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of miscellaneous and unidentified family correspondence.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of letters to the editor from 1941-1984.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
Consists of miscellaneous correspondence of individuals such as William G. Bowen, Harold T. Shapiro, Paul Volcker, and Russell Walcott, as well as others.
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Physical Description3 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 folders
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of subject files related to Christodora House, Cosmos Club, Frank Lloyd Wright, Grolier Club, Princeton University, Squadron A Cavalry and Navy Department, United Neighborhood Houses of New York, and Urban Planning.
This series is arranged into eight subseries: Christodora House, Cosmos Club, Frank Lloyd Wright, Grolier Club, Princeton University, Squadron A Cavalry and Navy Department, United Neighborhood Houses of New York, and Urban Planning.
Physical Description6 boxes
Consists of subject files related to Christodora House.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
Consists of subject files related to Cosmos Club, from 1969-1993.
Arranged chronologically.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of miscellaneous correspondence and documents related to Frank Lloyd Wright and the Guggenheim.
Arranged by genre of material.
Physical Description2 boxes
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 box
1 box
1 box
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of an autograph book, scrapbook, and other miscellaneous files related to the Grolier Club.
Arranged by genre of material, and then chronologically.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of materials related to Princeton Committee on Social Service and Princeton Triangle Club: "Main Street" - A Musical Comedy.
Arranged by subject of material.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of materials related to U.S. Army Field Service Regulation, Squadron A Cavalry, Panoramic Photo: Squadron A Cavalry, and Navy Department.
Arranged by subject of material.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of materials related to United Neighborhood Houses of New York from 1921-1927.
Arranged chronologically.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of materials related to urban planning, primarily New York City.
Arranged chronologically.
Physical Description2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
[For Diplomas, see also Box 34: Misc. Oversize]
Arranged by genre of material.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
[See also Box 34 for Oversize items]
Arranged by subject of photograph.
Physical Description1 box
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folderall black and white8.5" x 11"
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of drawings, sketches, and architectural plans.
This series is arranged into three subseries: Drawings, Sketches, and Architectural Plans.
Physical Description3 boxes
Consists of drawings and travel sketches.
Arranged by genre of material.
Physical Description1 box
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of various sketchbooks.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
[See also Box 34 for Oversize Items]
Arranged by genre of material.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of genealogy, ticket stubs, and memorials. Also includes two examples of the original stamps issued under the Stamp Act of 1765.
Arranged by genre of material.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of the writings of family members, correspondence of others, books of accounts, and unidentified papers of others.
This series is arranged into four subseries: Writings of Family Members, Correspondence of Others, Books of Accounts, and Unidentified Papers of Others.
Physical Description3 boxes
Consists of writings of Edwin A. Holden (ACH's Son), Raymond P. Holden, and Richmond Y. Holden.
Arranged alphabetically by author.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of letters to Edwin B. Holden & Alice Cort Holden from Charles Eliot Norton, book of letters from Edwin Ruthven Holden to Sarah Elizabeth Kellogg, and Correspondence of Family Members: EAH, EBH, Frances Holden, Marian Holden, & Raymond Holden.
Arranged by genre of material.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of a leatherbound book of accounts as well as an auction book from the sale of the Edwin B. Holden Collection.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of the unidentified papers of others.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
Consists of articles by ACH, articles about ACH, scrapbook of clippings, and miscellaneous printed matter.
This series is arranged into four subseries: Articles by ACH, Articles about ACH, Scrapbook of Clippings, and Miscellaneous.
Physical Description9 boxes
Consists of articles by ACH, arranged in alphabetical order.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
Physical Description5 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
3 boxes
Consists of articles about ACH.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
Consists of a scrapbook of clippings.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 box
Consists of pamphlets, writings, articles by or about James Russell Lowell, bulletins, and magazines.
Arranged by genre of material.
Physical Description4 boxes
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
[See also Box 34 for Oversize items]
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of a taped interview with ACH ( 1974, 6 audiocassettes).
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box
1 box
Consists of oversize materials related to Frank Lloyd Wright as well as miscellaneous material.
This series is arranged into two subseries: Miscellaneous, and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Physical Description2 boxes
Consists of printed pamphlets, bulletins, and magazines (The Antiochian). Also includes drawings, plans, photographs, diplomas, and family documents.
Arranged by genre of material.
Physical Description2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Includes one rolled poster and one rolled panoramic photograph.
Physical Description1 box
1 box
Consists of three rolled items, including a diploma for Alice Cort, an ancestral chart for Arthur Cort Holden, and rubbings of tombstones of Nathaniel Holdin and Prudence Holdin.
Physical Description1 box
Consists of a roll of oversized plans related to Frank Lloyd Wright's design for the Guggenheim Annex.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description1 box