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Alejandra Pizarnik Papers


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This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections


Alejandra Pizarnik, also known as Flora Alejandra, was born to Russian Jewish immigrant parents on April 29, 1936, in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina. When she was 20, a year after entering the department of philosophy and letters at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pizarnik published her first book of poetry, La tierra más ajena (1955). Soon after, she left the university to study painting with Juan Batlle Planas. This graphic arts experience influenced Pizarnik's poetry; she was conscientious of the layout of words on the page almost like a drawing.1 Pizarnik followed her debut work with two more volumes of poems, La última inocencia (1956) and Las adventuras perdidas (1958).

From 1960 to 1964 Pizarnik lived a frugal but happy and productive existence in Paris. There she worked for the journal Cuadernos, sat on the editorial board of the magazine Les Lettres Nouvelles, and participated in the thriving Parisian literary world, meeting or befriending prominent French and Latin American writers. Pizarnik also attended a variety of courses at the Sorbonne, including contemporary French literature. The freedom and inspiration of Paris encouraged Pizarnik's own literary production. During this time she wrote Arból de Diana (1962, with a prologue by Octavio Paz), as well as published other poems in French and Latin American journals. Upon her return to Buenos Aires, Pizarnik published Los trabajos y las noches (1965), which primarily consisted of poems composed in Paris. This work went on to win both the Primer Premio Municipalidad de Buenos Aires and the Fondo Nacional de las Artes. On the merits of her writing, Pizarnik would later receive a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1969 and a Fulbright in 1971.

Extracción de la piedra de locura (1968, containing writing from 1962 to 1966) and El infierno musical (1971) have a different tone than her earlier poetry; they are primarily characterized by darkness and madness, two recurring themes in both Pizarnik's writing and life. La condesa sangrienta (1965), a work of prose loosely based on historic fact, takes these themes one step further. In this text and other writings from this period, Pizarnik explores her fascination with sadism, obscenity, and the grotesque. Other themes in Pizarnik's poetry include depression, alienation, and the difficulty of communication. These motifs combine to produce poems full of internal torment and near-palpable pain. Not surprisingly, she nurtured an obsession with suicide which would later become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

On September 25, 1972, Pizarnik died of an overdose of Seconal while at home for the weekend from a psychiatric clinic. Julio Cortázar, Olga Orozco, and others paid homage to the thirty-six year old with poems written in her honor. Even posthumously, Pizarnik's poetic voice continued to be heard through the release of collections of her previously unpublished writings.

Consists primarily of writings in the form of diaries (1954-1972), notebooks (circa 1956- 1972), and poetry, fiction, and non-fiction manuscripts ([195?]-1972). The diaries contain some text manuscripts in addition to the typical diary entries, while the notebooks combine manuscripts, drawings, notes, and letters. The majority of the poetry, fiction, and non-fiction manuscripts are individually titled or identified by their first verse or line; but there are others grouped together as per Pizarnik's original order or in miscellaneous edited and unedited manuscript folders. The correspondence received by Pizarnik is not extensive, but includes many Latin American literary figures. There are also a few letters written by the poet to others, as well as a small selection of artwork by Pizarnik and others, printed material, and miscellanea.

Some of the diaries, manuscripts, and notes found in the collection came to print in the following publications: Las aventuras perdidas (Buenos Aires: Altamar, 1958); Alejandra Pizarnik: A Profile, edited and with introduction by Frank Graziano, translated by María Rosa Fort and Frank Graziano, and additional translations by Suzanne Jill Levine (Durango, Colo.: Logbridge-Rhodes, 1987) [reproductions of selected manuscripts]; Arból de Diana (Buenos Aires: Sur, 1962); La condesa sangrienta (Buenos Aires: Aquarius Libros, 1971); Correspondencia Pizarnik (Buenos Aires: Seix Barral, 1998); Extracción de la piedra de locura (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1968); El infierno musical (Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno Argentina Editores, 1971); Poesía (1955-1972), edited by Ana Becciú (Barcelona: Lumen, 2001); Textos de sombra y últimos poemas (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1982); La tierra más ajena (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Botella al Mar, 1955); Los trabajos y las noches (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1965); La última inocencia (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Poesía, 1956); and Zona prohibida: Poemas y dibujos (Veracruz: Ed. Papel de Envolver, 1982).

Francisco Robles Ortega. Literature hispanoamericana. Internet version. August 2002. was consulted during preparation of biographical note.

The collection was chiefly purchased from the Pizarnik family.

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This collection was processed by Karla J. Vecchia in 2002 and in 2004. Finding aid written by Karla J. Vecchia in 2002 and in 2004.

No appraisal information is available.

Manuscripts Division
Finding Aid Author
Karla J. Vecchia
Finding Aid Date
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

No photocopying, photography, or microfilming of the diaries or notebooks is permitted. Written permission is required for publication of selections from the diaries and notebooks. Single copies of other materials in the collection may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.

Collection Inventory

Scope and Contents

This series consists of diaries written between 1954 and 1972. There is chronological overlap between some of the diaries, and a few even contain entries from non-consecutive years. Furthermore, there is one diary labeled "Resumen de varios diarios" that summarizes original entries from May 1962 to February 1964. In addition to the typical diary entries, the contents include manuscripts of poems and other texts. This series is organized chronologically by year and also by month, where applicable.

Included in the contents of the diaries are manuscripts of poetry and prose.


Arranged chronologically.

Physical Description

3 boxes

1954, 1954. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1955 June-July, 1955 June-July. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1955 July, 1955 July. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1955 August [1], 1955 August. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1955 August [2], 1955 August. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

circa 1956 October-1957, circa 1956 October-1957. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1957-1960, 1957-1960. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1960-1961, 1960-1961. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1962 May-August, 1962 May-August. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1962 September-December, 1962 September-December. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1962 December-1963 June, 1962 December-1963 June. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Resumen de varios diarios,", 1962 May-1964 February. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1963 August-November, 1963 August-November. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1963 November-1964 July; 1967, 1963 November-1964 July. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1964 July-1968 March, 1964 July-1968 March. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1968 June-1969 July, 1968 June-1969 July. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1969 April-May, unbound, 7 pp., 1969 April-May. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1969 August-1970 April, 1969 August-1970 April. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1970 April-November, 1970 April-November. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

At the end of this notebook is an unsent postcard by Pizarnik, written in French, addressed to Martha Isabel Moia, and dated "12/1x/72"--just twelve days before Pizarnik died.

Physical Description

1 folder

1970 October-November; 1972 February-June, 1970 October-November. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

1970 November-1971 December, 1970 November-1971 December. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Scope and Contents

This series consists of writing notebooks from circa 1956 to 1972. Some notebooks contain whole or partial poetry and prose manuscripts of published works; the titles of these works are indicated where known. Other notebooks contain combinations of manuscripts, drawings, notes, and letters. Several notebooks constitute the "Palais de vocabulair" that Pizarnik used to collect quotes, inspirations, and notes while reading and writing. The titles that Pizarnik gave to many of her notebooks are included where applicable. This series is organized chronologically by year, with undated notebooks located at the beginning of the series.


Arranged chronologically.

Physical Description

4 boxes

"Texta," ANs and TNs, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

ANs, undated [Mostly blank], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

[No folder 5], dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMs of "Textos de sombra", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMs poetry, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMss of "Lazo mortal," "Las uniones posibles," and "Pequeños cantos", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Quotes, etc. [part of the "Palais de vocabulair" ("P. V.") that AP used while writing and reading], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMss poetry, ALs to Manrique Fernández Moreno, and ALs to Guillermo Orestes Silva, circa 1956-1957. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

circa 1957, circa 1957. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

ANs and TNs on publications, journals, presentations, etc. by AP, 1957-1968. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

ANs of lectures and AMss, 1960. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Detrás de los tristes músicos," AMs, circa 1960-1961. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Notas de lecturas," ANs of lectures and AMss of poetry, 1964. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMs of "El infierno musical", 1967. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"P. V. 1" ["Palais de vocabulair" that AP used while writing and reading], ANs for writing projects, 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Notas gramaticales-ejemplos," ANs and TNs, 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Fragments, mayo 1969-Poemas" [part of the "Palais de vocabulair" ("P. V.") that AP used while writing and reading], ANs and TNs for writing projects, 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Las chants," AMs of "El infierno musical", 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMss of "Los triciclos," "La pequeña marioneta verde," "El textículo de la cuestión," and "Cinabrio", 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMss of poetry, with AMs poem laid in, 1969-1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

ANs and TNs on publications, journals, presentations, etc. by AP, 1969-1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMss of poetry, 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

ANs, TNs, and AMs of "Instrucciones para", 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"P. V. N. 2" ["Palais de vocabulair" that AP used while writing and reading], ANs for writing projects, 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMs of "EL textículo de la cuestión", 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Juegos," ANs [working materials] for "La bucanera de Pernambuco", 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Poemas," TMs of "Los pequeños cantos", 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMss [fragments] of "Otoño o los de arriba" and "La bucanera de Pernambuco", circa 1970-1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

ANs, circa 1971-1972 [Mostly blank], circa 1971-1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMss of "Esta noche en este mundo" and "La vendedora de pulpos," ALs to Jean Aristeguieta, 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

AMss of poetry, 1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Para corregir," AMs of "Textos de sombra", 1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Dernier cahier," 1972 [Entirely blank], 1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Fragmentos," AMss of poetry, quotes, clippings, 1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Scope and Contents

Consists of the writings of Alejandra Pizarnik, including poetry, fiction, and non-fiction.


Arranged by genre of writing.

Physical Description

4 boxes

Scope and Contents

This sub-series consists of poetry manuscripts written between 1962 and 1972; however, a large portion of the manuscripts are undated. Many of these poems were published either as collections organized by Pizarnik or by others posthumously. Also included are two French translations by Marcel Hennart of Pizarnik's poetry, and two miscellaneous folders for edited and unedited texts, respectively. The unedited texts and "Sombra" folders contain both poetry and fiction manuscripts. For items filed together in one folder, also see the reference to the alternate folder. This sub-series is organized alphabetically by the first word of the title or first verse, including the initial article or preposition. For example, "En tu aniversario" is alphabetized by "E."


Arranged alphabetically by title.

Physical Description

1 box

"Alianza": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated [forms part of "Texto de sombra;" see also "Texto de sombra"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"A un poema acerca del agua, de Silvina Ocampo": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Casa de la mente": AMs, 1 p., 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"El infierno musical": Clipping [See "Infancia"], dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"En el bosque de sombra": TMs, 1 p., circa 1971-1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"En ese jardín o muerte ?": AMs, 1 p., 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"En esta noche en este mundo": TMsS (carbon) with holograph revisions, 3 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"En esta noche en este mundo-texta": TMs, 6 pp., 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"En este momento quizás hayas podido lograr ?": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"En tu aniversario": AMsS, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Era una verdadera ausencia ?": TMs, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Flores blancas de seda y silencio": AMs, 1 p., 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Fuiste mi única patria ?": AMs, 1 p., undated [Formerly with "Recuerdos de la pequeña casa del canto"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Hora en que la hierba ?": AMs, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Infancia": TMs with holograph revisions, dedicated to Martha Moia, 1 p., undated [forms part of Los trabajos y las noches]; "El infierno musical": Clipping, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Junio": AMs, 1 p., undated [Formerly with "Recuerdos de la pequeña casa del canto"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La canción desesperada ?": AMs, 1 p., undated [Formerly with "Recuerdos de la pequeña casa del canto"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La enamorada": [probably not by AP] AMs, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Las caballeras ?": [by AP and Marta (?)] TMs with revisions, 1 p., 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"L'Enfer musical": [French translation by Marcel Hennart] TMs, 7 pp, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"L'Extraction de la pierre de folie": [French translations by Marcel Hennart] TMs with holograph revisions, 11 pp, undated; TMs with holograph revisions, 4 pp., 1964, 1964. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La sombra de la imagen": AMs, 1 p., undated; TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Las uniones posibles: El infierno musical": TMs with holograph revisions, 15 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Poema": [by AP and Olga Orozco] AMs [in both hands], 2 pp., undated; TMs, 1 p., undated, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Poemas": AMsS, 2 pp., 1964. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Poemas: TMs with holograph revisions, 41 pp., 1956-1958, revisions 1967, 1956-1958. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Poemas franceses": AMs and TMs with holograph revisions, 22 pp, 1962. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

[Unused folder], dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"¿Quién es yo? ?": AMs, 1 p., 1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Separada en lo que es": TMs, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Será desolada ?": AMs, 1 p., undated [Formerly with "Recuerdos de la pequeña casa del canto"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Sobre un poema de Rubén Darío": TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Sólo vine a ver el jardín ?": AMs, 2 pp., undated [Formerly with "Recuerdos de la pequeña casa del canto"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Sombra": [From working texts folder] AMss and TMss with holograph revisions, 44 pp., 1970-1972; AL to André Pieyre de Mandiargues, 5 pp., undated [not sent]; AL to Cristina Campo, 7 pp., 1970 [not sent]; clippings, 4 pp., undated, 1970-1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Sous la nuit": TMsS with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated [Formerly with "En esta noche en este mundo"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Te hablo": TMs, 1 p., undated [Formerly with "En esta noche en este mundo"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Miscellaneous Edited Texts: TMss with holograph revisions, AMss, an clippings, 14 pp., 1970-1972 [includes texts found by Anna Becciu and Olga Orozco in AP's apartment on September 25, 1972; some texts published posthumously in 1982 and 2000], 1970-1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Miscellaneous Unedited Texts: TMss with holograph revisions and AMss, 36 pp., 1971-1972 [includes texts found by Anna Becciu and Olga Orozco in AP's apartment on September 25, 1972; some texts published posthumously in 1982], 1971-1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Scope and Contents

This sub-series consists of whole and fragment fiction manuscripts written between 195? and 1972; however, a large portion of the manuscripts are undated. All of the texts are originals by Pizarnik, except for her translation of Pablo Picasso's "El deseo atrapado por la cola." Also included are two miscellaneous folders; see III. Writing, A. Poetry for miscellaneous texts. Furthermore, see III. Writing, A. Poetry, "Sombra" for more fiction manuscripts. For items filed together in one folder, also see the reference to the alternate folder. This sub-series is organized alphabetically by the title or first line (not including the initial article), and then chronologically by the date or version. For example, "La bucanera de Pernambuco" is alphabetized by "B."


Arranged alphabetically by title.

Physical Description

3 boxes

"Abrir brecha": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Algunos textos de sombra": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Aprendizaje": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"A tiempo": TMs with holograph revisions, 5 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"A tiempo y no": TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 4 pp., undated [See IV. Correspondence, Otero Silva, Miguel], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La bucanera de Pernambuco": TMs with holograph revisions, 50 pp., undated [earliest version; in order left by AP in her binder of work papers], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La bucanera de Pernambuco": AMs, and TMs and TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 12 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La bucanera de Pernambuco": AMs, and TMs and TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 38 pp., undated; TNs, 2 pp., undated, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La bucanera de Pernambuco": TMs and TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 61 pp., undated [in the order left by AP], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La bucanera de Pernambuco": AMs, and TMs and TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 86 pp., 1970 [in the order left by AP], 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Cae la noche, y las muñecas proyectan maravillosas imágenes ?": TMs with holograph revisions, 2 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Casa de citas": TMsS (carbon) with holograph revisions, 3 pp., undated [Formerly with "En esta noche en este mundo," see III Writitings, A. Poetry], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Casa de citas": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated; TMs, 3 pp., undated; TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 3 pp., undated; TMs (carbon), 2 pp., undated; TMs with holograph revisions, 4 pp., undated, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"El claustro y las reuniones insípidas": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La condesa sangrienta": TMs with holograph revisions, 11 pp, 1966. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Con horarios": TMs with holograph revisions, 2 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Cuidado con la pintura": AMs, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"D. de los T. M.": AMs, 2 pp., 1968. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"El deseo atrapado por la cola" [by Pablo Picasso]: [translation by AP] TMs with holograph revisions, 29 pp., 1967. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Desnuda": AMs, 1 p., undated [See verso of "La noche blanca"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Diana de Lesbos": TMs with holograph revisions, 2 pp., 1972; TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated, 1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"'Dichoso el árbol que es apenas ?'": TMs with holograph revisions, 7 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Ejercicios sobre temas de infancia y de muerte": TMsS with holograph revisions, 2 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Endecha": AMs, 2 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"El entendimiento": TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated; TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated [forms part of "Texto de sombra;" see also "Texto de sombra"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"En este momento quza estés recordando muestra charla ?": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Esbozo": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Escena de la locura de mademoiselle Pomesita Laconasse": [by AP and Sylvia (?)] TMs, 3 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Escrito en España": TMs with holograph revisions, 14 pp., 1963. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Fifina": TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 24 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Harta del principio femenino ?": TMs with holograph revisions, 2 pp, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Historia del tío Jacinto": TMs with holograph revisions, 5 pp, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"El hombre del antifaz azul": TMs with holograph revisions, 6 pp, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Lugar azul": AMs, 3 pp., 1969-1970 [See "Me gustaría que usaras largavista ?"], 1969-1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Me acuerdo de las lilas sobre el piano ?": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Me gustaría que usaras largavista ?": AMs, 1 p., undated; "Lugar azul": AMs, 3 pp., 1969-1970; "Variaciones sobre los temas de infancia y muerte": AMs, 1 p., undated, 1969-1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"'Menos mal que vivimos en esta plaza ?'": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Microantología": TMs with holograph revisions, 6 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Los muertos y la lluvia": TMs with holograph revisions, 2 pp, 1966. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Niña entre azucenas": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated [published 1982], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La noche blanca": AMs, 1 p., 1962; "Desnuda": AMs, 1 p., undated, 1962. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Nota sobre la sordera": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Otoño o los de arriba": TMs with holograph revisions and AMs, 11 pp., circa 1971; ANs, 1 p., circa 1971, circa 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"La pequeña marioneta verde": TMs with holograph revisions, 19 pp, circa 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Los pertubados entre lilas": TMs with holograph revisions, 34 pp., 1969; TMs(copy) fragment with holograph revisions, 3 pp., undated, 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Polly & Euete": TMs with holograph revisions, 2 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Por qué lleueve en forma tan mojigata? ?": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Los poseídos entre lilas": TMs with holograph revisions, 6 pp., 1969 [part of "Los pertubados entre lilas" published in El infierno musical], 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Les poupées": AMs and TMs with holograph revisions, 11 pp., undated [with clippings of photos by (?) Bellmer], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Qué máscara usaré cuando emerja ?": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Recits-Proses": TMs with holograph revisions and AMs, 93 pp, 1950s-1962. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Recuerdos de la pequeña casa del canto": AMs, 2 pp., 1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Un rostro": TMs, 1 p., 1962. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Sala de psicopatología": TMs with holograph revisions, 7 pp., 1971 [definitive version]; TMs(copy) with holograph revisions, 7 pp., 1971, 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Sombra": [from working texts folder] AMss and TMss with holograph revisions, 44 pp., 1970-1972; AL to André Pieyre de Mandiargues, 5 pp., undated [not sent]; AL to Cristina Campo, 7 pp., 1970 [not sent]; clippings, 4 pp., undated [See III. Writings, A. Poetry], 1970-1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Sundelbuch": AMs, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"También el silencio": AMs, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Tema del retorno ?": AMs, 2 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Texto de S.": ANs, 3 pp., 1971 [forms part of "Texto de sombra;" see also "Texto de sombra"], 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Texto de sombra": TMs with holograph revisions, 20 pp., undated [see also "El entendimiento" and "Alianza"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Todo azul": TMs with holograph revisions, 3 pp., undated; TMs with holograph revisions, 2 pp., undated, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Torta de cumpleaños 'Ivonne Bordelois'": TMs (carbon), 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Una traición mística": TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 3 pp., undated [See IV. Correspondence, Otero Silva, Miguel], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Una traición mística": TMs with holograph revisions, 3 pp, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Variaciones sobre los temas de infancia y muerte": AMs, 1 p., undated [verso of "Lugar azul"] [See "Me gustaría que usaras largavista ?"], undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Velorio de Juanita": AMs, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"'Venite a la Embajada argentina ?'": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Voici el joder de los joderes ?": AMs, 1 p., 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Miscellaneous Table of Contents: TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Miscellaneous: Torn AMss [found by Anna Becciu and Olga Orozco in AP's apartment on September 25, 1972], dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Miscellaneous Unedited Texts: TMss with holograph revisions and AMss, 36 pp., 1971-1972 [includes texts found by Anna Becciu and Olga Orozco in AP's apartment on September 25, 1972; some texts published posthumously in 1982] [See III. Writings, A. Poetry], 1971-1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Scope and Contents

This sub-series consists of non-fiction manuscripts and notes written between 1963 and 1967; however a large portion of the materials are undated. This sub-series is organized first by type (individual text, index cards, and notes), and then alphabetically by the title or first line (not including the initial article) for the texts. For example, "El cuento breve" is alphabetized by "C."


Arranged alphabetically by title.

Physical Description

1 box

"El cuento breve": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated; TNs and ANs, 2 pp., undated, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Dificultades barrocas": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"? es lo que envenena la sociedad ?": TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions [fragment, missing p. 1], 2 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Figuras de presentimiento": TMs (carbon) with holograph revisions, 6 pp., 1967. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Humor de Borges y Bioy Cásares": TMs with holograph revisions, 2 pp, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Intento de prólogo al estilo de ellos, no del mío": TMs with holograph revisions, 1 p., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Pasajes de Michaux": TMs with holograph revisions, 5 pp., 1964. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Palabras": TMs with holograph revisions, 2 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Relación varia de hechos, hombres y cosas de estas indias meridionales (textos del siglo XVI)": TMs (carbon), 3 pp., 1964. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Reportaje para El Pueblo, Córdoba de J. [C?]": TMs with holograph revisions, 5 pp., 1967. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

"Texto acerca de un fragmento del cuadro 'Juegos de niños' de Pieter Brueghel el viejo": TMs with holograph revisions, 3 pp., undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Index cards: TNs and ANs of quotes, phrases, etc. for writing projects, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Notes: TNs of lectures and André Breton, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Notes: ANs, TNs, and clippings on Antonin Artaud, James Joyce, Lewis Carroll, Max Ernst, André Breton, Paul Eluard, Emile Fenoiullet, humor, and language; TMs and TNs for essay on Julio Cortázar, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Notes: TNs on Hélène Sevestre, [?] Bachelard, Maurice Blanchot, language, space, and theatre, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Notes: ANs and TNs on Macedonio Fernández and humor, 1963. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Scope and Contents

This series primarily consists of correspondence received by Pizarnik, with a small selection of letters written by her to others. The majority of correspondents wrote one to three letters, with only very few writing more than five. Correspondents include friends and Latin American literary figures such as Antonio Beneyto, Adolfo Bioy Cásares, Jorge Luis Borges, Ivonne Bordelois, Julio Cortázar, Olga Orozco, Manuel Mujica Láinez, Silvina Ocampo [de Bioy], Victoria Ocampo, Octavio Paz, and André Pieyre de Mandiargues. The letter by Pizarnik to Miguel Otero Silva includes a photo of the poet and two manuscripts. This series is organized alphabetically by correspondent, and then chronologically by date. All undated or partially dated letters are located at the beginning of the corresponding folder or correspondent section within the general folders.

All the correspondence identified in this series is addressed to Alejandra Pizarnik unless otherwise indicated.


Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.

Physical Description

2 boxes

[Unknown]: 3 ACsS by AP to [?], 1 AL by AP to [?]; 13 ACsS, 4 ACs, 18 ALsS, 5 ALs, 5 TLsS, 1 TL, 1 TN, 1 envelope, 1 AN, 1 telegram, torn AL(fragment) [found by Anna Becciu and Olga Orozco in AP's apartment on September 25, 1972], dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

[Alud?], José María: 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Anderson Imbert, Enrique: 1 ALS, 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Aristeguieta, Jean: 4 TLsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Aubert, Paul: 2 ALsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Baider, Lea: 2 ALsS [1 fragment], dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

[Barrenechea?], Ana María ["Anita"]: 2 ACsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

[Bastos], María Luisa: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Beneyto, Antonio: 2 ALsS, 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bianco, Augusto: 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bioy Cásares, Adolfo: 1 ACS by AP, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bonnefoy, Yves: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Borges, Jorge Luis: 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Borgia, [?] and [?] Borgia: 1 TL, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bajarlía, Juan Jacobo: 6 TMssS [4 with ALsS], 1 TLsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Batailla, Laure: 17 ALsS [1 fragment], 4 ACsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bellessi, Diana: 7 ALs [3 with TMss], 1 TL, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bianciotti, Héctor: 3 ACsS, 3 TLsS, 3 ALsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Bordelois, Ivonne: 10 ALsS, 1 TL, 1 envelope, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Carrera, Arturo: 6 ALsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Cela, Camilo José: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Chase, Olfarro: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Cirlot, Juan Eduardo: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Coellar, Reneé: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Comisión de intercambio educativo entre los Estados Unidos y la Argentina (Fulbright Commission): 2 TLsS [1 with 2 carbons], dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Cortázar, Julio: 2 ACsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Cuadra, Pablo Antonio: 1 TCS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Cué, Ana María: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Dávila, Amparo: 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Fernández Moreno, Manrique: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Fulbright Commission [See Comisión de intercambio educativo entre los Estados Unidos y la Argentina (Fulbright Commission)], dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Garza, Susana de la: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Hennart, Marcel: 3 ALsS, 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Hernández, Juan José: 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

[Juarroz], Roberto: 3 TLsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Calvino, [Esther?] ["Chichita"]: 8 ALsS, 3 TLsS, 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Campos, Cristina: 21 ALsS, 5 TLsS, 3 ACsS, 1 AMs, 1 ALS by [?], 1 printed material, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation: 10 TLsS, 2 printed material, 1 TN, 2 ANs, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Lavelli, Jorge: 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Lima Sousa, Milton de: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

[Liscano], Juan: 1 ACS, 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Litousky Eiquer, Diana: 1 ALS, 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Lyon-Caen, Dominique: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Martínez, Carmen: 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Molina, Antonio: 3 TLsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Nesis, Fabián and Mario [?]: 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

[Noirot], Marie Jeanne: 5 ALsS, 1 ANS, 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Olivari, Julia: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Orozco, Olga: 3 ALsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Ortega, Julio: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Otero Silva, Miguel: 1 TLS by AP, 1 photo of AP, 2 TMss (carbon) by AP ["A tiempo y no" and "Una traición mística"], dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Palui, Erwin Walter: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

[Paz Leston?], Eduardo: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Pozarnik, Simon: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Pueyrredon, Victoria: 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Mujica Láinez, Manuel: 6 ALsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Ocampo [de Bioy], Silvina: 1 AL by AP; 13 ALsS, 5 ACsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Ocampo, Victoria: 5 ALsS, 1 ACS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Ostrov, León: 5 TLsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Paz, Octavio: 10 ALsS, 4 TLsS, 2 ACsS, 1 AMsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Pieyre de Mandiargues, André: 1 ALS by AP; 18 ALsS, 5 ACsS, 1 envelope; 3 ALsS to AP by Bona [APM's wife], 1 ACS to AP by Bona, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Rodríguez Toro, Hero: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Rotzait, Perla: 2 ALsS by AP, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Roux, M. L.: 2 ALsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Sarduy, Severo: 2 TLsS, 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Serra Lima, Federico: 1 ACS, 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

[Serreau?], Geneviéve: 2 ALsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Sevistre, Hélène: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Starobinsky, Jean: 1 ALS by AP [never sent]; 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Staub [?], Claire: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Strauss, Marianne: 1 ALS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Stutman, Osias: 1 TL, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Sueldo Luque, P. Efrain: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Tentori, Francesco: 4 ALsS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Trevisan, Armindo: 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Xirau, Ramón: 2 ALsS, 1 TLS, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Silva, Guillermo Orestes: 2 ALsS by AP; 4 TLsS, 1 envelope, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Zolla, Elémire: 5 ALsS, 1 envelope, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Miscellaneous: 3 receipts, 1 printed material, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Scope and Contents

This series consists of drawings and paintings in various media by Pizarnik and others (1961-1972). There are three portraits of Pizarnik, one by [?] Duarte in pen and two by Silvina Ocampo in marker. Artwork by Pizarnik include a drawing on a wood tablet, and another signed "Sasha." Also present are two collective drawings produced in collaboration between Pizarnik, [?] Agüero, Esmeralda Almonacid, Juan José Hernández, and Mario Romero. This series is organized alphabetically by artist, and then chronologically by date. All undated or partially dated items are located at the beginning of the corresponding folder.


Arranged alphabetically by artist, and then chronologically by date.

Physical Description

1 box

[?], Jimmy: Drawing, pen, 1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Barnes, Djuna: Drawing, pen, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Drawing, pencil, 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

2 drawings, marker, 1969. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

[second on verso]

Physical Description

1 folder

2 drawings, pen-and-ink, 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Carrera, Arturo: Drawing, multimedia, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Duarte, [?]: Portrait of AP, 1961. 1 folder.
Scope and Contents

[print with added pen-and-ink]

Physical Description

1 folder

Fouad Martín, A.: Drawing, multimedia, 1963. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Nesis, Fabián: Painting, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Ocampo, Silvina: 2 portraits of AP, marker, 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Physical Description

1 box

Drawing on wood tablet, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder3.75 x 14.5 inches

Painting, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder7 x 10.5 inches

Physical Description

1 box9.5 x 12.25 inches

2 drawings, marker, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Drawing, pen, 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Drawing, pen-and-ink, and marker, 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Drawing, marker, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder7.75 x 10.25 inches

Drawing, marker, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder8 x 4.5 inches, 8 x 6.5 inches mounted

Drawing, marker, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder8.5 x 13.25 inches

Drawing on clipping of Antoni Gaudí's Casa Batlló (Barcelona), marker, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder6.5 x 9.75 inches

Drawing, pen-and-ink, 1962. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder12.5 x 9.75 inches

Painting, dedicated to Hugo, 1965. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder8.25 x 5.25 inches

Drawing, marker, 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder7.5 x 4 inches

Drawing, marker, dedicated to Perla [Rotzait], 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder6.5 x 7.5 inches

Drawing, marker, signed "Sasha", 1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder8.5 x 11 inches

Physical Description

1 box

"Al gran cíclope argentino ¡salud!", undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder8.25 x 10.5 inches

"La gota de nada que le falta al mar", 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder8.5 x 11 inches

Scope and Contents

This series consists of writings published between 1969 and 1972. Five of the volumes contain dedications. Lazo mortal and La pájara en el ojo ajeno are numbered chapbooks. The issue of the journal Dialogos includes two poems by Pizarnik. This series is organized alphabetically by title (not including the initial article). For example, La condesa sangrienta is alphabetized by "C."


Arranged alphabetically by title.

Physical Description

1 box

La condesa sangrienta: Dedicated to Carolina Mushnik, 1971 (Buenos Aires: Aquarius Libros, 1971), 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

La condesa sangrienta: Dedicated to Marta Mosquera, 1972 (Buenos Aires: Aquarius Libros, 1971), 1972. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Dialogos: 2 poems by AP ([46]: 28 ), 1972 July-August. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

El infierno musical: Galley proof (Buenos Aires: Siglo Ventiuno Argentina Editores, ), 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Lazo mortal: Number 41 of 50 copies, dedicated to Julia and Roberto [?] (Madrid and Palma de Mallorca: Papeles de son Armadans, ), 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Nombres y figuras (aproximaciones): (Barcelona: La Esquina, ), 1969. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

La pájara en el ojo ajeno: Number 32 of 50 copies, dedicated to Landrú [?] (Madrid and Palma de Mallorca: Papeles de son Armadans, 1970) [pages torn out and attached to larger sheets], 1970. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Relectura de "Nadja" de André Breton: 2 copies, one dedicated to Hélène Sevistre ( Testigo [5]: 11-18 ), 1970 January-March. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Scope and Contents

This series consists of assorted materials not otherwise categorized in the previous series. Included are a tinted photograph of Pizarnik; two resumes; clippings of Pizarnik's writings, others' writings, and artwork; and printed cards. This series is organized by material type.


Arranged by genre of material.

Physical Description

1 box

Photograph of AP: Tinted, undated. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Resumes: TMs (Xerox) with holograph revisions and clipping, 3 pp., 1971; TMs (Xerox), 6 pp., 1972, 1971. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Clippings of AP's Writings, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Clippings of Others' Writings, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Clippings of Artwork and Printed Cards, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Miscellaneous, dates not examined. 1 folder.
Physical Description

1 folder

Print, Suggest