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M. L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists
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Morris Longstreth Parrish (1867-1944) was a respected Philadelphia businessman who painstakingly built up in the course of his lifetime an impressive library of Victorian novelists at his residence, called Dormy House, in Pine Valley, New Jersey. The phrase "Parrish condition" became a trade word among bibliophiles for the highest quality standard of first editions, as exemplified by Parrish's purchases. However, it was just as important to Parrish that his books be read and enjoyed, and not be preserved on his shelves as museum pieces. Parrish authored three, privately printed bibliographies based on his library collection: Victorian Lady Novelists (1933) on the Brontës, George Eliot, and Mrs. Gaskell, Charles Kingsley and Thomas Hughes (1936), and Wilkie Collins and Charles Reade (1940).
Parrish attended Princeton University briefly, as a member of the Class of 1888, but did not graduate. He received an honorary Masters of Arts degree from Princeton in June 1939. He bequeathed his entire library, including furniture and furnishings, to the Princeton University Library upon his death. The majority of printed books in the Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists is housed in the Parrish Room , a recreation of Parrish's library at Dormy House, which is located in the Special Collections Department of the Harvey S. Firestone Memorial Library. The manuscripts and artwork in the Parrish Collection, however, are housed in separate locations within the Department.
A detailed summary of the growth of the Parrish Collection in the decade following its arrival at the Library was written by Alexander D. Wainwright, first curator of the Parrish Collection, who held the job until his death in January 2000. The following excerpts are from Wainwright's article entitled "A Summary Report and an Introduction," as published in The Princeton University Library Chronicle (Volume XVII, Number 2, Winter 1956, pp. 59-67):
The Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists consists primarily of a series of more than twenty author collections. When it came to Princeton it contained over sixty-three hundred volumes and (exclusive of the nearly eighteen hundred Lewis Carroll mathematical manuscripts), approximately one thousand manuscript items, mostly letters-the latter a comparatively small figure since Mr. Parrish had no pronounced enthusiasm for manuscript material - as well as many theater programs, playbills, photographs, clippings, and other miscellanea (pp. 59-60).
...As a result of these purchases and gifts, the Library has added to the Parrish Collection during the past ten years over five hundred volumes and some nine hundred manuscript items, mainly letters (p. 60).
...The Library places, for obvious reasons, a greater emphasis on manuscript material than did Mr. Parrish; for every author it is interested in acquiring letters related to any aspect of the composition, publication, and reception of his work, for several authors it is interested in any significant letter, and one of the ultimate aims is the possession of the manuscript of at least one major work of each author (p. 61).
*From "The Library of Dormy House" by John Carter (article reprinted in The Princeton University Library Chronicle , Volume VIII, Number 1, November 1946, p. 7): "... he [Parrish] cares... almost nothing for manuscripts."
ParrishMorris Longstreth Parrish (1867-1944) was a respected Philadelphia businessman who painstakingly built up in the course of his lifetime an impressive library of Victorian novelists at his residence, called Dormy House, in Pine Valley, New Jersey. The phrase "Parrish condition" became a trade word among bibliophiles for the highest quality standard of first editions, as exemplified by Parrish's purchases. However, it was just as important to Parrish that his books be read and enjoyed, and not be preserved on his shelves as museum pieces. Parrish authored three, privately printed bibliographies based on his library collection: Victorian Lady Novelists (1933) on the Brontës, George Eliot, and Mrs. Gaskell, Charles Kingsley and Thomas Hughes (1936), and Wilkie Collins and Charles Reade (1940). Parrish attended Princeton University briefly, as a member of the Class of 1888, but did not graduate. He received an honorary Masters of Arts degree from Princeton in June 1939. He bequeathed his entire library, including furniture and furnishings, to the Princeton University Library upon his death. The majority of printed books in the Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists is housed in the Parrish Room , a recreation of Parrish's library at Dormy House, which is located in the Special Collections Department of the Harvey S. Firestone Memorial Library. The manuscripts and artwork in the Parrish Collection, however, are housed in separate locations within the Department. A detailed summary of the growth of the Parrish Collection in the decade following its arrival at the Library was written by Alexander D. Wainwright, first curator of the Parrish Collection, who held the job until his death in January 2000. The following excerpts are from Wainwright's article entitled "A Summary Report and an Introduction," as published in The Princeton University Library Chronicle (Volume XVII, Number 2, Winter 1956, pp. 59-67): The Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists consists primarily of a series of more than twenty author collections. When it came to Princeton it contained over sixty-three hundred volumes and (exclusive of the nearly eighteen hundred Lewis Carroll mathematical manuscripts), approximately one thousand manuscript items, mostly letters-the latter a comparatively small figure since Mr. Parrish had no pronounced enthusiasm for manuscript material - as well as many theater programs, playbills, photographs, clippings, and other miscellanea (pp. 59-60). ...As a result of these purchases and gifts, the Library has added to the Parrish Collection during the past ten years over five hundred volumes and some nine hundred manuscript items, mainly letters (p. 60). ...The Library places, for obvious reasons, a greater emphasis on manuscript material than did Mr. Parrish; for every author it is interested in acquiring letters related to any aspect of the composition, publication, and reception of his work, for several authors it is interested in any significant letter, and one of the ultimate aims is the possession of the manuscript of at least one major work of each author (p. 61).
Consists of letters, documents, manuscripts, and, occasionally, artwork of 27 Victorian novelists and some of their family members, particularly when these were also writers, such as the Trollopes, or devoted literary executors, Fanny Kingsley, Lady Ritchie, and Florence Emily Hardy, for example. Letters to and about the major authors are included, as well as a variety of related material such as illustrations by "Phiz," George Cattermole, and Henry Holiday, and adaptations, scrapbooks, and photographs.
Authors most extensively represented include Charles Reade, with approximately 449 letters, many documents (often drafted by Reade himself) concerning publication and production agreements (and disagreements), real estate, law suits, etc., nine notebooks and 130 poster-size notecards, and signed stories, plays, and novels, including Griffith Gaunt , and a set of extensively corrected page proofs for The Cloister and the Hearth ; Wilkie Collins, with approximately 670 letters, and signed holograph manuscripts of two stories and four novels in weekly parts; Charles Kingsley, with approximately 702 letters, including over 100 to his wife, and signed holograph manuscripts of 40 sermons; Anthony Trollope, with 689 letters, signed holograph manuscripts (carbons) of his travel letters from Australia, and manuscripts, partly holograph, of two books.
Other large holdings include over 590 letters of Edward Bulwer Lytton, holograph manuscripts (fair copies) of six novels by William Black, holograph manuscripts of five manuscripts by Charlotte Yonge, and a collection of C. L. Dodgson's mathematical manuscripts, approximately 1770 items. In addition, the collection has four albums of Dodgson's photographs, compiled by himself with autograph indexes, and the Household Words Office Book, listing title and author of all contributions to Dickens' periodical during its ten-year run.
Other writers and artists significantly represented in the collection are William Harrison Ainsworth, J. M. Barrie, M. E. Braddon, Dinah Maria Mulock Craik, George Eliot, Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson Gaskell, Thomas Hardy, Thomas Hughes, Charles Lever, George Meredith, Ouida, Robert Louis Stevenson, and William Makepeace Thackeray.
In addition, the collection contains M. L. Parrish's correspondence (39 boxes) relating to his activities in creating the collection, including correspondence with booksellers, bibliophiles, and friends. Among those well-represented in this series are Michael Sadleir, Carroll A. Wilson, I. R. Brussel, Walter M. Hill, Elkin Matthews, Maggs Bros., Quaritch, and E. P. Dutton & Co.
Finally, it should be noted that approximately fifty manuscript items (letters, notes, drawings, etc.) contained within specific books in the Parrish Room have been indexed as manuscripts.
Detailed Author Holdings:
There are approximately 27 authors represented in the Parrish Collection. A brief biographical note for each author follows, with references taken from The Oxford Companion to English Literature and/or The Concise Dictionary of National Biography series. The individual entries in this series also incorporate excerpts from the descriptive catalogue of the Parrish Collection, a twenty-year-plus project of Alexander D. Wainwright, which is currently scheduled to be published in two large volumes in the year 2001. The catalogue entries by author can be viewed online at the following URL (in PDF file format):
All direct quotations from Wainwright's catalogue that reference the manuscripts in the Parrish Collection are indicated between the ' ' marks.
William Harrison Ainsworth (1805-1882) - Ainsworth wrote 39 novels, mostly utilizing historical settings, and edited periodicals including Bentley's Miscellany and Ainsworth's Magazine . The original Parrish collection contained only one Ainsworth letter. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' The collection now contains nearly 300 Ainsworth letters, including correspondence with Richard Bentley and Charles Kent, as well as [18] letters addressed to Ainsworth by John Forster and others. Also acquired were major parts of the autograph manuscripts of Chetwynd Calverley (1876) and Beatrice Tyldesley (1878), and leaves of several other manuscripts. '
The Princeton University Library has also acquired an oil portrait of Ainsworth that now hangs over the mantlepiece in the Parrish Room of the Library's Rare Books Department (replacing the "Alice" fresco that once hung in that spot in Parrish's library at Dormy House).
Sir James Matthew Barrie, Bart. (1860-1937) - Barrie was a Scottish playwright and novelist who moved to London in 1885 and had many stage successes there, including The Admirable Crichton in 1902. He may be best known, however, for authoring the internationally popular children's play, Peter Pan , which was eventually published in book form in 1911. He was conferred the title of baronet in 1913. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Mr. Parrish had acquired 130 Barrie letters, most of which are addressed to the second Mrs. Thomas Hardy... An addition to the author's portrait file is a caricature of Barrie by Harry Furniss, in pen-and-ink, for the artists' series of "Celebrities in Their Old Age." '
William Black (1841-1898) - Black was a Scottish-born novelist who studied art in Glasgow before moving to London in 1864 where he worked as a journalist and editor. His novels include The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton (1872) and A Princess of Thule (1874). The original Parrish collection contained no manuscript material of Black. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue concerning the Library's manuscript additions:
' ... They include the autograph manuscripts of six novels: The Handsome Humes (1893), Madcap Violet (1876), Stand Fast, Craig Royston! (1890), Three Feathers (1875), White Heather (1885), and White Wings (1880); the autograph manuscripts of four short pieces: "The Ballad of Pilgrim James," "The Heaven of Sad Lovers," "Ladies' Clubs," and "Romeo and Juliet: A Tale of Two Young Fools"; and 238 letters written by Black, as well as a number of letters addressed to him by various correspondents. '
Brontë Family - The Brontë family is represented in the Parrish collection by: Charlotte (1816-1855), who published Jane Eyre in 1847 under the pseudonym of "Currer Bell"; Emily Jane (1818-1848), who published Wuthering Heights in 1847 (her literary pseudonym was "Ellis Bell"); Anne (1820-1849), who published The Tenant of Wildfell Hall in 1848 (she was "Acton Bell"); Patrick (1777-1861), the sisters' father who was an author as well as curate of Haworth, Yorkshire, in England, and who outlived all his children; and Patrick Branwell (1817-1848) , the brother who invented the imaginary kingdom of Angria with his sister Charlotte. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' The collection is not strong in manuscript material, with the Library deferring to Mr. [Robert H.] Taylor who actively collected the Brontës. It only includes nine Charlotte Brontë letters and the manuscripts of two of her French exercises. '
Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) - Collins lived in London throughout his life and wrote novels, such as The Moonstone (1868), as well as plays and serial stories. He also collaborated with Charles Dickens on No Thoroughfare in 1867. He is credited for writing the first, full-length detective stories in English. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' The manuscripts [additions] make a far more impressive showing. When it came to Princeton the collection included fifty-one Collins letters, an unusually large number, revealing Mr. Parrish's interest in the author. It now contains nearly seven hundred of his letters, including correspondence with Francis Carr Beard, Chatto and Windus, Hunter, Rose & Co., Alberic Iserbyt, Charles Kent, and Frederick Lehmann, as well as a number of letters addressed to Collins. Other additions include the autograph manuscripts of four novels, Blind Love (1890), The Fallen Leaves (1879), Man and Wife (1870), and Poor Miss Finch (1872), and of two short stories, "The Captain's Last Love" (1876) and "The Ghost's Touch" (1885); part of a corrected page proof of the New Edition of The Woman in White (1861); corrected page proof of Little Novel (1887); a little packet of notes for The Moonstone (1868); two sepia wash and pencil drawings by Henry C. Brandling, illustrations for Rambles Beyond Railways (1851); sixty-four pen and pencil drawings by George H. Thomas, with eighteen proofs, for Armadale (1866); and a small pencil and crayon portrait of Wilkie Collins as a boy, attributed to his father. '
Mrs. Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (1826-1887) - Miss Mulock, later Mrs. Craik, was best known for her 1856 novel, John Halifax, Gentleman (1856). She also wrote poems, children's books, short stories, and essays. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Mr. Parrish only had twenty-one Craik letters. There are now more than two hundred, including thirty-one letters and cards addressed to the publisher William Isbister. The twenty autograph manuscript additions to the collection include Chapters VIII-X of A Hero , which Mr. Parrish had given to Mrs. B. George Ulizio in 1928; "Meadowside House," an article on the Edinburgh Hospital for Sick Children written in 1864; "Work for Idle Hands," an essay on providing work for the unemployed in Ireland, published posthumously in Concerning Men and Other Papers (1888); Mrs. Craik's translation of Henriette de Witt's Une famille a la Campagne (1867); and her translation of Francois Guizot's M. de Barante (1867), with page proofs of the translation corrected by herself and Guizot and two letters from Guizot to her. An unusual acquisition is the manuscript catalogue of the library of George L. Craik, who was a partner in the publishing firm of Macmillan and Co., and his wife, the novelist, compiled in the early 1880s. Mrs. Craik's own publications occupy ten leaves of the catalogue and include fourteen bound manuscripts. '
Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - Dickens was an extremely prolific and popular novelist in his day who wrote such classics as Oliver Twist (1837-39), A Christmas Carol (1843), David Copperfield (1849-50), A Tale of Two Cities (1859), and Great Expectations (1860-61). He also had a deep and abiding interest in amateur theatricals, collaborating with Wilkie Collins to write No Thoroughfare in 1867. In 1850 he founded the weekly periodical Household Words and, in 1859, All The Year Round , which he edited until his death. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' The Dickens collection formed by Mr. Parrish contained only ten Dickens letters and one of his checks.... The additions made by the Library to the collection include thirty-three Dickens letters (fourteen of which are addressed to Peter Cunningham), as well as nineteen letters of Charles Dickens, Jr., and a small number of letters from Catherine Dickens, W. H. Wills, and others, concerning Dickens and his publications. The most important additions are the Office Book of Household Words (1850-59), and three ledgers of the Guild of Literature and Art: Chairmans agenda for 1854-96, containing notations in Dickens' hand; Minute book for 1854-98, with twenty-six of the minutes signed by Dickens; and Minutes of general and council meetings for 1854-67. A fair number of drawings and illustrations have been acquired: six by Hablot K. Browne ("Phiz"), five by George Cattermole, twenty-five by Joseph Clayton Clarke ("Kyd"), and one each by Harry Furniss, J. Mahoney, Thomas Percy, and John L. Roget. Three portraits of Dickens have also been added to the collection: a charcoal by Samuel Lawrence, circa1860; a pastel by E. Goodwyn Lewis, 1869; and a caricature by "Kyd." '
Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-1881) - Disraeli was a politician and prime minister who also wrote novels, spanning from Vivian Grey (1826) to Endymion (1880). He was created Earl of Beaconsfield in 1876. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' No concerted effort [by the Library] has been made to acquire manuscript items. The collection contains sixteen Disraeli letters and a few letters by Lady Beaconsfield, Isaac Disraeli, and others associated with Disraeli. Also acquired were texts of two speeches delivered by Disraeli in Edinburgh in 1867, clipped from a newspaper and heavily revised for publication in book form; page proof of Endymion (1880); and eight pages of the manuscript of Alroy (1833) in the hand of Disraeli's sister. '
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) (1832-1898) - Dodgson, a mathematician and resident of Oxford's Christ Church College, wrote the beloved children's classic Alice in Wonderland (1865) under the pen name of Lewis Carroll. It was, in fact, the Alice and Through the Looking-Glass (1871) books that inspired M. L. Parrish to begin collecting Carroll's works and eventually be dubbed the "dean of Carroll Collectors." Excerpts from Parrish catalogue:
' The collection included a remarkably large number of Carroll's elusive pamphlets and leaflets, as well as many binding variants and association copies of the principal books. Other notable, and unusual, items in the collection were four albums of photographs by Carroll; a copy of the celebrated biscuit tin, given to Mr. Parrish by one of Carroll's sisters; and a leather wallet carefully indexed on the flap in Carroll's hand. Since Mr. Parrish cared "almost nothing for manuscripts," [quote by John Carter on his 1939 article about Parrish's book collection, "The Library at Dormy House"] it is not surprising that, despite his great interest in Carroll, there were only forty-odd letters in the collection, which included, on the other hand, the large accumulation [nearly eighteen hundred in number] of mathematical manuscripts that Carroll left when he died and Carroll's diary of his trip to Russia, privately printed by Mr. Parrish in 1928 under the title Tour in 1867 . ... The Library has added to the collection some sixty letters written by Carroll, as well as fourteen letters to him from William Holman Hunt, John Ruskin, and others; the manuscript of an acrostic addressed to Alice Compton; and "Story of the three sisters," eight pen-and-ink sketches on one side of a sheet, drawn by Carroll for May Mileham while on a train trip. Included among other additions are six pencil sketches by Henry Holiday and five proofs for illustration for The Hunting of the Snark (1876); six pen-and-ink drawings by Harry Furniss for Sylvie and Bruno Concluded (1893); a pen-and-ink drawing by F. Carruthers Gould for Hector H. Munro's The Westminster Alice (1902); a pen-and-ink caricature of Dodgson by Burr Shafer for The Saturday Review of Literature (1948); and a preparatory sketch in pencil by Carlo Pellegrini ("Ape") for a caricature of Dean Liddell published in Vanity Fair (1875). Also acquired were the manuscript libretto of "Alice in Wonderland," performed by the Shepard Memorial Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts, on December 15, 1898, signed by cast and management, mainly students or graduates of Harvard, M.I.T., Radcliffe, and Wellesley; the autograph manuscript of Derek Hudson's biography of Lewis Carroll (1954); and the first draft of Hudson's British Council pamphlet on Carroll (1958). '
George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier (1834-1896) - Du Maurier was an artist and novelist who was born in Paris and joined the staff at Punch in London. His novel Trilby (1894) was later dramatized and produced on the London stage in 1895. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' The Library has added to the collection seventeen Du Maurier letters and four drawings by him, including a pencil drawing of Taffy" in "The Cut Direct" for Trilby (1895). '
George Eliot (Mary Ann or Marian Evans, later Cross) (1819-1880) - George Eliot was the pen name used by Mary Ann (or Marian) Evans for her novels, which included Adam Bede (1859) and Middlemarch (1871-2). George Henry Lewes was her lifelong (though not legal) companion from 1854 until his death in in 1878. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Mr. Parrish had thirty-nine letters written by George Eliot; two notebooks ("quarries"), one for Romola , the other for an unfinished novel; an account book for the years 1855-1879; the autograph manuscript (bound) of George H. Lewes's Problems of Life and Mind , Problem II, with additions and corrections in George Eliot's hand; as well as nine letters from Lewes to George Smith and other correspondents. The Library has acquired for the collection sixty-four Eliot letters, forty-four of which are addressed to Elizabeth R. P. Belloc; a notebook containing three short philosophical essays; an unbound manuscript of Problems III and IV of Lewes's Problems of Life and Mind , with "notes in George Eliot's handwriting as arranged for her for publication"; a black-and-white chalk drawing by Lord Leighton, "The Peasant's Fair," for the 1880 edition of Romola ; a charcoal study of the author by Sir Frederic W. Burton for the portrait in the National Portrait Gallery; eight letters written by George H. Lewes to various correspondents; and 16 pages of autograph manuscript notes on the persecution of the Jews in Spain. '
Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorne Stevenson Gaskell (1810-1865) - Married to William Gaskell in 1832, she wrote her first novel, Mary Barton , in 1848, following the death of her son. She contributed to Dickens' Household Words and All The Year Round periodicals. She befriended and later wrote the first biography of Charlotte Brontë, the first edition of which had to be withdrawn on account of certain libelous statements. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' To the eleven Gaskell letters collected by Mr. Parrish the Library has added seventy-four, as well as thirteen letters addressed to her by Jane Carlyle, Harriet Martineau, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Ruskin, and others. Other additions include the memorandum of agreement between Mrs. Gaskell and the publisher Edward Chapman, dated 23 August 1852, concerning the purchase of the latter of the copyright of Ruth , signed by both the author and publisher. '
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) - Hardy, the poet and novelist from Dorset, was the author of such novels as The Return of the Native (1878), Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891), and Jude the Obscure (1895). He initially made a living from architectural work before devoting himself full-time to writing, and he married Emma Gifford in 1874. They eventually settled into the house he had designed himself, called Max Gate, near Dorchester, in 1887. Two years after her death, he married Florence Dugdale, in 1914. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Mr Parrish made no attempt... to acquire manuscript material for the collection, and as a result it included only eleven Thomas Hardy letters. There has been no sustained effort to acquire manuscript and other non-printed material for the collection... As it is, they include forty-nine letters written by Hardy and three pencil sketches drawn by him; an autograph receipt signed for payment for the final installment of The Return of the Native in the December 1878 issue of Belgravia ; two photographs of Hardy's study in Max Gate, one with an inscription by Hardy, the other inscribed by the first Mrs. Hardy; and eighty-six letters from Florence Emily Hardy [the second Mrs. Hardy] to Howard Bliss. Three drawings by Leo Bates to illustrate "The Turnip-Hoer" in Cassell's Magazine , August 1925, came from the Bliss collection. Finally, the Library acquired three portraits of Hardy: two by Reginald G. Eves, one in oil, the other in charcoal; and the third by Samuel J. Woolf, in charcoal. '
Thomas Hughes (1822-1896) - Best known for his novel Tom Brown's School Days , Hughes was educated at Oxford and later became a Liberal MP and county-court judge. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' When the collection came to Princeton it included eighteen Hughes letters. It now contains more than 325 letters from Hughes to various correspondents and a number of letters addressed to him, from Benjamin Jowett, James Russell Lowell, George McDonald, and others. Among other additions to the collection are correspondence and watercolor portraits of Hughes' father, John Hughes, and other members of the Hughes family, as well as a large photograph album containing four-two portraits of Hughes and members of his family. '
Charles Kingsley (1819-1875) - Kingsley, author and clergyman, was educated at King's College, London, and Cambridge University. In 1844 he became rector of Eversley, in Hampshire, and married Frances Grenfell. He was honored with a professorship of modern history at Cambridge (1860-69) and the canonries of Chester (1869) and Westminster (1873), yet remained a controversial figure in his day. He wrote reforming ( Alton Locke ) and historical ( Westward Ho! ) novels, lectures, sermons, and stories for young readers such as The Water-Babies (1863). Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' There were only fifteen letters in the collection formed by Mr. Parrish. The collection now contains more than seven hundred letters written by Kingsley to various correspondents, including 105 to Mrs. Kingsley, fourteen to Lady Bunbury, 159 to Mr. William H. Cope, eleven to members of the Erskine family, ten to John Pike Hullah, twenty-one to Alexander Macmillan, twenty-three to John W. Parker, and eighty-five to members of the Stapleton family, as well more than ninety letters addressed to him by Anna Jameson, Harriet Martineau, Friedrich Max Müller, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, and others. Also acquired by the Library were the autograph manuscripts of fifty-four of Kingsley's sermons; the autograph manuscript of the essay on "Heroism"; the autograph manuscript of a lecture on the study of natural history, delivered in 1870; the autograph manuscripts of a number of poems and other short pieces; five pen-and-ink drawings of hunting in Ireland, "drawn by Charles Kingsley when a boy"; two pencil drawings by Edward Linley Sambourne for The Water-Babies (1885). Mrs. Kingsley and her family are also represented in the additions: Mrs. Kingsley by fifty-six letters to various correspondents, her letterbook containing transcripts in her hand of seventy-four letters to her from family and friends, and correspondence, agreements, etc. concerning Charles Kingsley: His Letters and Memories of His Life , and by 115 letters addressed to her (excluding those from her husband); "Lucas Malet," Grenville Arthur, Henry, Mary Henrietta, Maurice, and Rose Georgina Kingsley by miscellaneous correspondents. '
Charles James Lever (1806-1872) - Lever was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he studied medicine and later practiced in both Brussels and Ireland. In 1842 he gave up medicine to become editor of the Dublin University Magazine and published his own work in it. He lived out the last part of his life in Italy, where he wrote Roland Cashel (1850) and Lord Kilgobbin (1872), among other novels. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Mr. Parrish acquired only three Lever letters, and so the manuscript additions may be considered fairly substantial: some 90 letters from Lever to various correspondents; 39 letters from him to the publishers Chapman and Hall; more than 45 letters addressed to Lever by various correspondents; the autograph manuscript of his last novel, Lord Kilgobbin (1872); and a small "betting book" containing notes by Lever. Also acquired were seven drawings by Hablot K. Browne ("Phiz") to illustrate Barrington (4), Davenport Dunn , Luttrell of Arran , and The Martins of Cro' Martin . '
Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton (1803-1873) - Bulwer-Lytton was educated at Cambridge and wrote novels such as Pelham (1828) and The Last Days of Pompeii (1834), as well as poetry and plays (the comedy Money was produced at the Haymarket in 1840). He also served as an MP both early (1831) and late (1852-66) in his life. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Despite his great interest in Lytton's publications, Mr. Parrish, as was pretty much his general policy, made no attempt to collect the author in autograph form. His collection included only twenty-five Lytton letters; a draft of the "Preface" for The Caxtons , dated August 1849, with two variant manuscripts of the text for the title page of the book; and the manuscript of a poem, "The Hollow Oak," dated August 22, 1862. The collection now contains more than 550 letters written by Lytton to various correspondents, forty letters to General and Mrs. Gascoyne, twenty-seven letters to Charles Kent, and sixteen letters to Edward Matthew Ward, as well as a few letters addressed to Lytton. The major autograph item acquired for the collection is the manuscript of Eugene Aram (1832). Other noteworthy acquisitions are: "Poetical attempts by E: G: Bulwer," an eighty-page notebook containing poems written by Lytton before the age of seventeen; "Epistolary Preface to the American Edition of 'Eugene Aram'," dated December 22, 1831; another draft of a "Preface" for The Caxtons , dated October 1849, with a manuscript of the test of the title page (from the collection of Harry B. Smith); the autograph manuscripts of the "Preface" and the prefatory poem in the 1850 edition of The Pilgrims of the Rhine , with the autograph manuscript of the "Preface" of the 1850 edition of Godolphin , the leaves mounted and elaborately bound with a portrait of the author and tear sheets of the texts as printed (from the library of George W. Childs); three pencil drawings by James Sant of Macready as Richelieu; and a caricature (pencil heightened with white) of Lytton by Carlo Pellegrini ("Ape") for Vanity Fair (October 29, 1870). '
Mary Elizabeth Braddon Maxwell (1837-1915) - Miss Braddon, who married publisher John Maxwell in 1874, authored approximately eighty books but is best known for the novel Lady Audley's Secret (1862). She also wrote plays and edited magazines, including the illustrated monthly Belgravia, to which Collins, Hardy, and Ouida contributed. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Mr. Parrish had only two Braddon autograph items: the ending of an 1891 letter and the "Form of Requiring Entry of Proprietorship" for the copyright of Lady Audley's Secret , signed by Mary Elizabeth Braddon and dated 21 November 1862. The collection now contains sixty-four letters written by the author to her actress friend, Lady Monckton, sixty-eight letters addressed to various correspondents, and a few minor manuscript pieces. '
George Meredith (1828-1909) - Meredith's respected literary career as a novelist and poet spanned fifty years. Educated in England and Germany, he wrote volumes of verse, such as Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth (1883), and novels, such as The Ordeal of Richard Feverel (1859) and The Egoist (1879). Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' His collection included also twenty-two Meredith letters; a statement of accounts with Macmillan and Company, 1893-1894; and a receipt for payment for an article on contemporary literature in the April 1857 issue of the Westminster Review . The manuscript additions made by the Library to the collection are few in number. consisting of only fifteen letters written by and four about Meredith; the draft of an agreement between Meredith and William Waldorf Astor for the publication of Lord Ormont and His Aminta in The Pall Mall Magazine , signed by Meredith, 29 May 1893; a pen-and-ink drawing by Charles S. Keene for Evan Harrington ( Once a Week , September 15, 1860). '
Ouida (Louise de la Ramée) (1839-1908) - "Ouida" was the pen-name for the novelist whose writing career got started when William H. Ainsworth published her stories in Bentley's Miscellany in 1859-60. She wrote 45 novels, including Folle-Farine (1871), as well as animal stories and magazine articles. She spent most of her time in Italy from 1860 onwards, and lived lavishly in Florence before falling into debt and destitution in the last years of her life. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' A considerable number of her letters have also been acquired: more than 177 addressed to various correspondents and some 170 written to members of the Danyell family. The autograph manuscript additions include much of the manuscript of the novel Princess Napraxine (1884) on 210 folio half sheets, the manuscripts of two letters to an editor concerning dogs, and the manuscripts of two poems. '
Charles Reade (1814-1884) - Reade was a novelist and theater manager who spent much of his life in London and enjoyed great success in his day. Educated at Oxford, he dabbled in law, medicine, and even violin dealing, before embarking on a literary career in 1851. He turned his drama Masks and Faces (1852) into a popular novel titled Peg Woffington (1853). His other novels included It is Never Too Late to Mend (1856, later dramatized), The Cloister and the Hearth (1861), and Griffith Gaunt (1866). Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Mr. Parrish's Reade collection included forty-six Reade letters; four of Reade's notebooks; the manuscript of the part of General Rolleston in Foul Play , in the hand of Reade's secretary, J. G. Saunders; a draft in Reade's hand, based (without permission) on Anthony Trollope's novel Ralph the Heir . The manuscript additions made to the collection by the Library are many and varied. The collection now contains more than four hundred Reade letters; nine of his notebooks, including those for The Cloister and the Hearth (1861) and Hard Cash (1863); and 131 of his extraordinary large notecards. The additions-it should be noted that Reade's manuscripts, whether in his hand or in the hand of an amanuensis, whether bound or unbound, appear to survive mostly in incomplete or fragmentary condition-include: part of the manuscript of The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth (1857); the manuscripts of "Jack of All Trades" and "Autobiography of a Thief," which were published together under the title Cream (1858); the manuscripts (both incomplete) of The Eighth Commandment (1860) and Griffith Gaunt (1866); a portion of the manuscript of The Jilt (1877); the manuscript (incomplete) of Reade's last novel, A Perilous Secret (1884); as well as fragments of the manuscripts of a number of other publications. A more recent addition is a set of heavily corrected page proofs, dated 1860, for The Cloister and the Hearth . Also among the additions are manuscripts of nine of Reade's plays: the manuscript (incomplete) of Gold (1853); the manuscript of Masks and Faces (1854), in the hand of J. G. Saunders, the manuscript in Reade's hand of a new scene for Act I in "French's edition" of the play, and a transcription of the latter by an amanuensis, corrected by Reade; the manuscript in French of Act I of Le Faubourg Saint-Germain (1859); the manuscript of most of the text of the second and fourth acts of It's Never Too Late to Mend (1865), with the manuscript of a "Scene added to the last act of 'It's never too late to mend' for Miss Ellen Terry by her friend The Author"; the manuscript of all but the first two pages of Act I of Dora (1867); the manuscript of Kate Peyton (1872), an adaptation of the novel Griffith Gaunt , a rough draft in Reade's hand of Shilly Shally ; the manuscript of parts of The Countess and the Dancer (1883); and the manuscript of the fourth and fifth acts of Foul Play (1883). Other additions include: agreements, letters, etc. relating to several of Reade's plays; correspondence, legal documents, and other material concerning lawsuits initiated by Reade; real estate papers; a bank pass book for the years 1871-1875; and papers written after Reade's death about real estate, mortgages, insurance, etc., many in the hand of Reade's son, Charles Liston Reade. An unsigned portrait in oil of Charles Reade, bequeathed by him to Harper & Brothers, came to the Library in 1959 as the gift of the publishers. '
Sir Walter Scott, Bart. (1771-1832) - Scott was a Scottish novelist and poet who is credited with establishing the form of the historical novel. He published his novels anonymously through John Ballantyne and Co. (in which he secretly became a partner in 1805) before finally revealing his authorship in 1827. His verse romances included Marmion (1808) and The Lady of the Lake (1810), and his approximately 30 novels included The Heart of Midlothian (1818) and Ivanhoe (1819) . He was conferred the title of baronet in 1820. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' When the collection came to Princeton it included, perhaps simply as examples of their handwriting, four Scott letters and a letter written by his son-in-law, John G. Lockhart, and a head of Scott drawn in pencil by the American artist Francis Alexander when Scott called on him in Rome on 30 April 1832. The Library was able to acquire for the collection, by great good luck, the autograph manuscript of The Pirate , as well as a small portrait of Scott attributed to Samuel Mackenzie. ≫
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) - Stevenson was a Scottish-born and educated author who traveled widely in his lifetime and wrote novels, poems, plays, short stories, essays, and travel pieces. Among his popular novels were Treasure Island (1883), The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) and Kidnapped (1886). He eventually settled at Vailima on Samoa (in the South Seas) in 1889 where, in 1894, he died suddenly and was buried, leaving his masterpiece, Weir of Hermiston , unfinished. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Very little manuscript material of Stevenson interest has been acquired for the collection since the publication of the catalogue [ Robert Louis Stevenson: A Catalogue of the Henry E. Gerstley Stevenson Collection, the Stevenson Section of the Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists ...(1971)], but two acquisitions deserve mention: the autograph manuscript of "Hester Noble's Mistake; or a word from Cromwell," a drama in four acts, on three leaves, the gift of Robert H. Taylor '30; and a self-portrait of Stevenson in academic garb offering carrots to a donkey, entitled "Dominie-and I,' in pen-and-ink, signed, the gift of Thomas V. Lange. '
William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) - Thackeray was born in Calcutta, India, and educated in England. He contributed drawings and articles to Punch from 1842 to 1854, and his novel Vanity Fair (1847-48) established his literary reputation. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' When the collection came to Princeton it included only sixteen letters written by Thackeray, a letter from George Cruikshank to Thackeray, a drawing by Thackeray for Punch (1851), and a few other manuscript items of Thackerayan interest. Although no determined effort has been made by the Library to increase the manuscript holdings of the collection, some items of interest have been added. Among the additions are twenty-three letters written by Thackeray, a three-page manuscript headed "At seven o'clock in the morning the Poet was lying on his bed...," memoranda on two leaves for The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century (1853), and a leaf of the manuscript of The Virginians (1859), in the hand of a amanuensis with a few changes in Thackeray's hand, written on the verso of a letter from Octavian Blewitt to Thackeray (11 August 1859). Also acquired for the collection were twenty-five letters from Lady Ritchie to various correspondents, as well as eighty-five letters from Lady Ritchie and her daughter to W. J. Williams of Smith, Elder & Co., mainly concerning the Centenerary Biographical Edition of Thackeray's Works , 1906-15. Finally, the additions include the originals of two illustrations (by Frederick W. Pailthorpe and Frederick Walker) and five portraits: a plaster statuette of Thackeray by Sir Joseph E. Boehm, a caricature of Thackeray by Joseph Clayton Clarke ("Kyd"), a watercolor portrait of the author by Richard Dighton (reproduced as the frontispiece in Van Duzer's A Thackeray Library (1919), a marble bust of Thackeray as a boy by Edward Onslow Ford after the bust by J.S. Deville, and a portrait of Thackeray's mother, in pencil and watercolor, attributed to Samuel Lover. '
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) - Trollope was born in London and served a lengthy career (1834-67) with the Post Office and traveled widely abroad on missions (Egypt, West Indies, United States). He wrote 47 novels, which included Barchester Towers (1857) in his highly popular "Bartsetshire" series. Trollope also authored several travel books, short stories, biographies, and an autobiography (1875-76) that was published posthumously in 1883. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Mr. Parrish's Trollope collection included a memorandum of agreement between the author and Chapman & Hall concerning the publication of Ayala's Angel , 21 November 1879, in Trollope's hand and signed by him; duplicates in Trollope's hand of travel letters Nos. 5-17 (1875), with galley proofs of letters Nos. 11, 12, and 17; and nearly three hundred letters written by Trollope, which Mr. Parrish contemplated publishing. The Library was fortunate in being able to increase substantially the manuscript and non-book resources of the collection. The additions include: the manuscripts of An Eye for an Eye (1879) and The Life of Cicero (1880); six manuscript travel books (1841-71); the autograph manuscript of a lecture on the Zulus (1879); a notebook kept by Trollope on a trip to South Africa in 1877; the duplicate in Trollope's hand of travel letter No. 18, with a galley proof of the letter; and some 370 letters (some fragmentary) written by Trollope, as well as a number of letters written to him by Sir John E. Millais and various correspondents. Among other additions are three portraits of the author: a portrait by Samuel Lawrence, in charcoal, pencil and chalk, signed by the artist and dated 1864; a caricature by "Sem" (Georges Marie Goursat), in pencil and wash; and a statuette by Gertrude Fass. '
Trollope Family - In addition to Anthony, the Parrish collection is represented by the following members of the Trollope family: Thomas Adolphus Trollope (1810-1892), the older brother of Anthony, who settled in Florence and published many works; his wife and author, Theodosia Garrow (1825-1865), whom he married in 1848; and Frances Eleanor Ternan Trollope (1780-1863), Anthony's mother, who became a novelist to support her family as a result of her husband Thomas Anthony Trollope's failure as a lawyer and a farmer (he died in 1835). Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' The Library has been more successful with manuscript material. It acquired from the estate of Robert A. Cecil, correspondence of, and other material relating to, Mr. Cecil's great-grandparents, Thomas Adolphus and Theodosia Garrow Trollope, and to Frances Eleanor Ternan Trollope, as well as to Mr. Cecil's grandmother, Beatrice ("Bice") Stuart-Wortley; various literary papers, letters, and other items that had been in possession of the Robinson family; and Michael Sadleir's file of correspondence with Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Trollope and their daughter, Muriel. Also acquired, separately and from various sources: thirteen letters from Frances Eleanor Ternan Trollope to various correspondents; more than ninety letters of Frances Milton Trollope, and a set of fifteen proofs of Auguste Hervieu's illustrations for her The Life and Adventures of Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw (1836); the appointment of Morgan Neville as attorney authorized to sell the bazaar in Cincinnati, dated March 13, 1830, and signed and sealed by Thomas Anthony Trollope and Thos Aspinwall, U.S. consul in London; a few letters of Theodosia Garrow Trollope; nearly one hundred letters of Thomas Adolphus Trollope; and letters and documents relating to other members of the Trollope family. '
Ellen Price Wood (1814-1887) - She was a novelist (née Price, known as Mrs. Henry Wood) who lived abroad in France for many years before returning to London in 1856. She achieved great success with her first novel, East Lynne (1861), and published nearly 40 books in all. She also wrote short stories, and owned and edited the periodical The Argosy , which published work by Reade, Kingsley, and Anthony Trollope. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' [Parrish collected]... just one [Wood] letter. [The Library has] acquired forty-seven [letters] (addressed to various publishers and other correspondents). Also acquired were the manuscript of a nineteenth-century dramatization of East Lynne , perhaps by a Miss M. Smith, and a pencil drawing by Charles Keene to illustrate the novel Verner's Pride for its appearance in Once a Week (1862). '
Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901) - Yonge was a novelist best known for The Heir of Redclyffe who also edited a girls' magazine, Monthly Packet , for over 40 years. She was educated at home and lived all her life in the Hampshire village of Otterbourne. Excerpt from Parrish catalogue:
' Mr. Parrish only had three Yonge letters. The collection now contains 178 letters in her hand, as well as a small number of letters addressed to her. The collection includes also the manuscripts of five of her stories, The Carbonels (1895), The Constable's Tower (1891), The Cock and the Captive (1894), The Cross Roads (1892), and The Wardship of Steepcoombe (1896), and parts of the manuscripts of six other books. '
The collection is housed in folders in 80 archival boxes, with 17 additional shelves for bound, cased, boxed, and oversize items. Some artwork has been moved to the Graphic Arts Collection. This remains an open collection, and additions continue to be made from time to time. The collection has been arranged in the following series:
"A Summary Report and an Introduction," Alexander D. Wainwright, The Princeton University Library Chronicle (Volume XVII, Number 2, Winter 1956, pp. 59-67).
M. L. Parrish bequeathed his library collection to the Princeton University Library prior to his death in 1944, and the Library has continued to accept gifts and make acquisitions of related material since that time.
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
This collection was processed by Sylvia Yu in 2000. Finding aid written by Sylvia Yu in 2000.
Restrictions on Lewis Carroll photographs were lifted in 2023 as part of a restrictions review project.
Some artwork has been moved to the Graphic Arts Collection.
- Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882)
- Barrie, J.M. (James Matthew) (1860-1937)
- Black, William (1841-1898)
- Braddon, M.E. (Mary Elizabeth) (1835-1915)
- Brontë, Anne (1820-1849)
- Brontë, Charlotte (1816-1855)
- Brontë, Emily (1818-1848)
- Brontë, Patrick Branwell (1817-1848)
- Browne, Hablot Knight (1815-1882)
- Brussel, I. R. (Isidore Rosenbaum) (1895)
- Carroll, Lewis (1832-1898)
- Collins, Wilkie (1824-1889)
- Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock (1826-1887)
- Dickens, Charles (1812-1870)
- Disraeli, Benjamin (1804-1881)
- Du Maurier, George (1834-1896)
- Eliot, George (1819-1880)
- Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (1810-1865)
- Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928)
- Hargreaves, Alice Pleasance Liddell (1852-1934)
- Holiday, Henry (1839-1927)
- Hughes, Thomas (1822-1896)
- Kingsley, Charles (1819-1875)
- Lever, Charles (1806-1872)
- Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron (1803-1873)
- Meredith, George (1828-1909)
- Ouida (1839-1908)
- Randall, David A. (David Anton) (1905-1975)
- Reade, Charles (1814-1884)
- Sadleir, Michael (1888-1957)
- Scott, Walter (1771-1832)
- Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894)
- Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811-1863)
- Thirkell, Angela (1890-1961)
- Trollope, Anthony
- Trollope, Frances Eleanor (1835-1913)
- Trollope, Frances Milton (1780-1863)
- Trollope, Theodosia Garrow (1825-1865)
- Trollope, Thomas Adolphus (1810-1892)
- Wilson, Carroll A. (Carroll Atwood) (1886-1947)
- Wood, Ellen Price
- Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary) (1823-1901)
- Book collecting -- United States -- 20th century
- Booksellers and bookselling -- England. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
- English literature. -- 19th century
- Illustrators -- England. -- 19th century -- Drawings
- Novelists, English. -- 19th century -- Correspondence
- Novelists, English -- 19th century -- Manuscripts
- Women novelists, English. -- 19th century -- Correspondence
- Women novelists, English -- 19th century -- Manuscripts
- Fiction. -- 19th century
- Publisher
- Manuscripts Division
- Finding Aid Author
- Sylvia Yu
- Finding Aid Date
- 2000
- Access Restrictions
The collection is open for research.
- Use Restrictions
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
Collection Inventory
Consists of manuscripts, both bound and unbound, mostly oversize, and artwork/ephemera housed in a variety of oversize containers.
The artwork is arranged alphabetically, for the most part, by artist, and stored in boxes on shelves 1-6; the bound manuscripts are shown here in alphabetical order (but are shelved by volume number on shelves, 7-15). Miscellaneous material follows in alphabetical order (the archival boxes occupy shelves 16-17).
Physical Description32 boxes
Consists of works by individuals such as Wilkie Collins, Alice Pleasance Liddell Hargreaves, and Robert Louis Stevenson, as well as others.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Physical Description18 boxes
1 box
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1 box
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1 box
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1 box
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1 box
Note: All manuscripts/artwork in this group are either in folders or matted, and contained inside six large clamshell cases (Solander boxes).
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
3 boxes
1 folder
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1 folder
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1 folder
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1 folder
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1 folder
5 boxes
pproximately 126 large, heavy, stiff cards, roughly 20 x 30 inches in size, with handwritten, miscellaneous notes and references, also some periodical clippings with annotations; some cards bear titles of Reade's works and are not in his hand.
Physical Description4 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 box
Note: Miscellaneous artwork, illustrations, periodicals, clippings, and other printed materials, either matted or grouped in folders, and contained inside a clamshell case with metal clasps.
Physical Description3 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1. "Letters to the Conservative Club, by a Living Junius." 16 lines of anti-Lytton verse, printed on blue paper. 22.5 by 16 cm. 2. "An Ode for the Independents. . . . Vote for Bulwer." 20 lines of verse. 22.5 by 14.5 cm. 3. "A Peculiar Song by a Peculiar Man." 40 lines of anti-Lytton verse. 26.5 by 15 cm. 4. "A Poetical Dirge." 36 lines of pro-Lytton verse. 28 by 22.5 cm. 5. "What has Bulwer Lytton Done for Students' Rights? Nothing. . . . Uphold Shaftesbury and Downright Truth." Liberal Association, 8th November, 1858. 28.5 by 22.5 cm. 6. "To the Students of the University of Glasgow. . . . Vote for Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton." Conservative Club Committee Rooms, November 8th, 1858. Printed on green paper. 28.5 by 23 cm. 7. "To the Students of the University of Glasgow. . . . by enthusiastically returning The Right Hon. Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton." Conservative Club Committee Rooms, 8th November, 1858. George Richardson, Printer to the University. Printed on pink paper. 29 by 22.5 cm. 8. "To the Students of the University of Glasgow. . . . Vote for Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton." Conservative Club Committee Rooms, 10th November, 1858. Printed on yellow paper. 28.5 by 22.5 cm. 9. "To the Students of the University of Glasgow. . . . Vote for Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton." Conservative Club Committee Rooms, November 11, 1858. Printed on pink paper. 29 by 23 cm. 10. "To the Students of the University of Glasgow. The Conservative Club desires to take the earliest opportunity of reprobating, in the strongest terms, the proceedings of last night's Meeting." Conservative Club Committee Rooms, November 11, 1858. Printed on pink paper. 22.5 by 29. 5 cm. 11. "Hoop de Doodin Do." The Conservative Club Rooms, November 12, 1858. 50 lines of pro-Lytton verse, printed on yellow paper. 22.5 by 14 cm. 12. "To the Students of the University of Glasgow. . . . Vote for The Right Hon. Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton." Conservative Club Committee Rooms, November 15, 1858. Printed on pink paper. 23 by 29 cm. 13. "To the Students of the University of Glasgow. Gentlemen, The Conservative Club beg to congratulate the supporters of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton upon the success which has crowned their efforts during the recent Election. . ." 28.5 by 22.5 cm.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 box
The album contains illustrations (primarily proof engravings) by Frederick Walker (1840-1875) and William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863), likely comprising the collection of J. G. Marks and annotated by him with title and other contextual information. The volume contains proofs of Frederick Walker's contributions to various periodicals and other items by him, as well as some text and drawings by William Makepeace Thackeray relating to his The Adventures of Philip, as serialized in Cornhill Magazine in 1861-1862, with relevant proofs.
In total, the album contains 144 images in a range of sizes from 8 x 9 cm to 23 x 17.5 cm, including 125 proof engravings, 5 items of manuscript material by William Makepeace Thackeray, 9 photographs of paintings and engravings by Frederick Walker, 3 designs for the Moray Minstrels, and 2 photographs of Halsway. The proofs consist of contributions to Once A Week, Cornhill Magazine, and Good Words, proofs of the illustrations for The Adventures of Philip and for Thackeray's unfinished novel, Denis Duval, as well as for Oswald Cray by Ellen Wood (Mrs. Henry Wood) and novels by Anne Thackeray Ritchie.
Physical Description1 item38.1 x 48.3 cm
Consists of manuscripts of authors such as Charlotte Brontë, Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, and William Makepeace Thackeray, as well as others.
Arranged alphabetically by author.
Physical Description4 boxes
2 items
Incomplete autograph manuscript of "Chetwynd Calverley," with numerous deletions and revisions. Including "additional variations," at end.
Physical Description1 item
Manuscript in ink and pencil, comprising a collection of autograph manuscripts, drafts, and notes of the historical novel Jack Sheppard, including the greater part of "Epoch the First" of the novel, "Epoch the Second" and "Epoch the Third"; together with a synopsis of the novel under the earlier title "Scroope Darrell," and historical notes and extracts on the history of Jack Sheppard, with three autograph letters and two engraved portraits of Sheppard and Ainsworth, and fragments from the manuscript of Ainsworth's novel Old St. Paul's (1841) bound with the second volume.
Physical Description1 itemBound in 2 volumes, the first 4to, red morocco gilt by Riviere & Sons, the second folio, morocco-backed green boards with spine lettered in gilt with material tipped to larger leaves.volume 1, 23.4 x 19.5 cm; volume 2, 30.8 x 22.7 cm
1 item
Stamp on final leaf. Unbound leaves in slipcase.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Contains typed transcripts of the original autograph letters.
Physical Description2 Volumes
Autograph manuscript of Barrie's "'Surprise', an Inspired Paragraph," describing his piece written for a YMCA benefit entitled "The First Real Thing," n.d. Together with a typescript transcription (1 leaf), laid in.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Typescript of a speech about Charles Kingsley, with autograph corrections and additions. Spine title.
Physical Description1 item
9 items
Autograph manuscript of "The Handsome Humes," Brighton.
Physical Description1 item
"Proof to William Black, 4 Catherine Terrace, Lansdowne Road, S.W."
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of "Madcap Violet," undated.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript, bound.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
1 item
Incomplete autograph manuscript.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript, undated.
Physical Description1 item
2 items
Signed autograph manuscript, dated Le 18 Avril 1822. Typed English translation, laid in.
Physical Description1 item
Signed autograph manuscript, dated Le 26 Avril. Typed English translation, laid in.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Autograph manuscript of a poem.
Physical Description1 item
9 items
Approximately 130 autograph letters from Collins to Mr. Chatto of Chatto and Windus, discussing the writing of his stories and novels, arrangements for publication, rights of translation, etc.
Physical Description1 item
Original autograph manuscript with annotations and deletions, n.d.
Physical Description1 item
Complete autograph manuscript, heavily corrected with many lines scored out and rewritten above, undated. Published in "The World," 1878-79.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript, heavily corrected with many lines scored out and rewritten above, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Unbound, corrected page proofs. London : Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript (4 pp.) containing autobiographical information. Together with 1 autograph letter (4 pp.) from Collins to "Dear Sir," dated 12 Harley Street, Cavendish Square, London.
Physical Description1 item
Part of the original annotated proof copy. There are four notes to the printer in Collin's hand, initialled by him, on pp. 149, 150, 264, and 312; textual changes on 32 pages, which appear to be in his hand; and some 400 markings throughout by a printer's or publisher's reader, some of which may be by the author (corrections of misprints, changes in punctuation, indications of wrong fonts and of imperfectly printed words, etc.). Written on all but one of the gatherings is the word "Press," which, with two exceptions, has been lined out; also written on most of the gatherings are variously the words "Foundry," "Revise," or "Pull revise." "Machine [?] 10000 Cast" is written on p. 385 and 401. An instruction, "Revisse metal," "Revise metal carefully," "See metal," or "Pull revise," is written on 10 pages. The final leaf (pp. 415-16) is defective, with loss of text.
Physical Description1 item
Manuscript in ink with extensive author's revisions throughout, with a double-signed photograph of the author by Sarony pasted down to the verso of the upper cover. (London)
Physical Description1 itemLeaves mounted on heavier paper and bound in blue levant half-morocco29.1 x 23.1 cm
4 items
Autograph manuscript.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of chapters 8-10 of "A hero," undated.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of Craik's English translation of a work by Guizot, undated. Together with "A discourse delivered at the general meeting of the Historical Society of France 7th May 1867 by Mr Guizot, President."
Physical Description1 item
Proof copy of "Philip my King," written by Craik for her godson, Philip Bourke Marston. Later published in "Chamber's Edinburgh Journal," vols. 15, whole no. 374, Mar. 1, 1851, p. 144.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Autograph manuscript of a library catalog.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
A bound volume in full morocco containing: a photograph of Ouida by Julia Margaret Cameron; the original manuscript of Ouida's essay "Birds," 24 pp., with typed transcription; and 4 signed autograph letters--to "Miss Duff," to a journalist of The Times (4 Oct. 1889), to "Mr. Trollope" (possibly Anthony Trollope), to "Mr. Chapman" (1876, probably Frederic Chapman of Chapman & Hall publishers)--with typed transcriptions.
Physical Description1 item
2 items
Fair copy of an apparently unpublished German translation of Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol . With handcolored frontispiece drawing, and five decorative initials in the text, 175 pp., bound, presumably, for presentation, in contemporary ribbed cloth, decorated in gilt and blind, all edges gilt. The preface, dated Christmas 1868 and signed "Laura," explains that the translation was done in the hope 'of bringing joy and pleasure' and that 'you may be nothing but satisfied with it.'
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscripts of Guild meeting minutes. Kept by Dickens until his death in 1870.
Physical Description3 Volumes
Contains two autograph letters signed by Dickens to Joseph Jenkins Esq. (each 2 leaves) relating to the "Guild of Literature and Art" with the original pen-and-ink drawing and 3 proofs which form the subject of the letters.
Physical Description1 item
2 items
Proof copy. "From Spottiswoode & Co. New-Street Square, London, E.C. for [L.] Reader, Esq. Author's proof Sept 20/80"--Stamp, vols. 1, cover.
Physical Description1 item
Newspaper clippings of Disraeli's speeches in Edinburgh, Oct. 29-30, 1867. Pasted down in blank book with manuscript corrections and annotations.
Physical Description1 item
4 boxes
Bound series of 8 original postcard drawings (pen-and-ink) signed by "AB", addressed to "Miss Rachel Gray 78 High Street Ilfracombe N. Devon" and also "Miss Rachel Gray 4 Walton Place Leamington."
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript to an intoductory chapter concerning circle-squaring. Includes diagrams.
Physical Description1 item
Small bound volume that conists of a signed autograph letter from Dodgson to C. H. O. Daniel dated November 23, 1880, concerning Daniel's request for Dodgson to contribute a poem for The Garland of Rachel in honor of his daughter Rachel's first birthday; and a printed version of Dodgson's original response to Daniel's request, an untitled sixteen-line satirical poem beginning with the line, "[O]h pudgy podgy pup! signed Lewis Carroll. It was set up in type (not by him) with a space left at the beginning for a decorative initial "O" but never issued.
Also included and bound in are proofs of pages 204-206 from Williams and Madan's A Handbook of the Literature of the Rev. C. L. Dodgson (1931), in which are printed Dodgson's letter to Daniel containing the first poem, and the second, published, poem. This poem was also untitled, beginning, "What hand may wreathe thy natal crown ..." and was printed by Daniel at his private press in Oxford.
Physical Description1 volume
Autograph manuscript concerning geometry.
Physical Description1 item
A leather wallet kept by C. L. Dodgson while traveling in Russia. Dodgson labeled each compartment of this "pocketbook" in manuscript: "1 Stamps, visiting cards, etc.; 2. Envelopes; 3. Note paper; 4. Stamped envelopes; 5. Scrap-book; 6. Letters needing answers; 7. do, not do; 8. Letter-cards; 9 [blank]; 10. Telegraph forms and 6d stamps" and, on the inside, in the same hand, "Rev. C.L. Dodgson, Ch. Ch., Oxford," n.d.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript diary, kept by Dodgson, giving an account of a trip taken by him and Henry P. Liddon to Russia in 1867. Contains one small pen-and-ink drawing on fol. 14v (v. 2).
This has been published as Tour in 1867. . . from the Original Manuscript in the Collection of M. L. Parrish, Esq. Pine Valley, New Jersey . Philadelphia: Privately printed, 1928. One of 66 copies privately printed from the original manuscript owned by M. L. Parrish. "A diary by Dodgson of a continental tour in company with Canon Liddon, through Brussels, Cologne, Berlin, and Königsberg, to St. Petersburgh and Moscow, returning by Warsaw, Breslau, Dresden, and Paris, 12 July-14 Sept. 1867." There are two copies in the Parrish book collection.
Copy 1: Call number: Parrish – Dodgson # 599. Dark red flexible morocco-grained leather. T.e.g. Inscription on free front endpaper: From the Publisher to himself M. L. Parrish Oct 12th 1928.
Copy 2: Call number: Parrish – Dodgson # 600. Inscription in pencil on free front endpaper: Gift of Mr. Parrish, Dec.–1928. PL. Bookplate of Paul Lemperly.
Physical Description1 item
4 boxes
2 items
Manuscript notebook containing notes concerning Savonarola and Florence, which Eliot compiled in 1861 in preparation for the writing of "Romola."
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript essays pertaining to the philosophical concepts of life, time, age, etc., undated.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Ms. sermons, probably written by a Rev. Fissenden of Rolvenden and Newenden Rectories in England (fl. 1687-1737). Sermons topics concern Corinthians 1 10:16, John 3:5, and Ecclesiastes 5:1. Bookplates of Car. I. Taboris. and Godfrey Wills. "Cha. Kingsley, Dulwich" and "Rev. Mr. Fissenden...," written in pen on front flyleaf.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Volume of 4 autograph letters and 1 typed letter to Mr. Madan of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, concerning Gozzaldi's chess table that was part of Falconer Madan's Lewis Carroll Centenary Exhibition in 1932
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Corrected page proofs with 2 ALS from Guizot to Craik.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Album of newspaper clippings relation to Lewis Carroll's death, compiled by Hatch.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Album of newspaper clippings, "Letters of Lewis Carroll Reviews."
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Contains original "Snark" drawings, engravers' proofs, and autograph letters, tipped in. Correspondence includes letter from Henry Holiday regarding the proofs and certain comments from Lewis Carroll (4 pp.) dated March 13th, 1922; autograph letter from George Sutcliffe, who was in personal communication with Mr. Holliday (2 pp.) dated March 24th, 1922; two letters from Henry Holiday to Henry Smith, one dated March 12th, 1923, the other "18-5-23" regarding sale of the book "Hunting of the Snark"; autograph letter from Henry Holiday to Henry Smith with thanks for payment of "Hunting of the Snark" (4 pp.) dated December 8, 1923.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Autograph manuscript of a biography of Lewis Carroll.
Physical Description9 Volumes
Autograph manuscript of a first draft of a British Council pamphlet.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Hughes family photograph album.
Physical Description1 item
4 items
Contains 5 original pen-and-ink drawings for "Hunting in Ireland." Four of the illustrations have captions in pen, two have titles "Brought up" and "Brought down." One drawing is inscribed "Feb. 3, 1834 Kingsley."
Physical Description1 item
Annotated galley proof, n.d.
Physical Description1 item
Manuscript sermon, in the hand of Kingsley. "Preached at Eversley 1846 1849."
Physical Description1 item
Three autograph manuscript sermons dated Sept. 4, 1845 (Genesis xiii 6.); Sunday Apr. 26, 1846 (Matthew XIII 31.32); and Feb. 5, 1871 (Matthew vols. 13.14).
Physical Description1 item
Manuscript sermons, in hand of Kingsley.
Physical Description8 Volumes
2 items
Manuscript notebook containing 2 poems by Fanny Kingsley. Other title "O'Conner's Child, or, The Flower of Love lies bleeding."
Physical Description1 item
Letterbook and Manuscript notebook, kept by "Fanny G. Kingsley, Feb 6th 1886." Contains miscellaneous writings and letters to family and friends dated from 1880-84.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Contains 12 watercolor drawings by Kyd, a pseudonym for Joseph Clayton Clarke. Clarke executed a number of watercolor drawings of "Characters of Dickens." Contains drawings entitled: "Nell"; "Grandfather Trent"; "Quilp"; "Sampson Brass"; "Sally Brass"; "Dick Swiveller"; "The Marchioness"; "Coalin"; "Short"; "Mrs Jarley"; "Kit"; "Mr Chuckster."
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Manuscript book of miscellaneous notes and accounts, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Lever's original manuscript for the novel "The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly," written in Charles Lever's small neat hand, and with his alterations and corrections, on rectos only, some finger-soiling and marks, occasional marginal repairs, one leaf partially excised, some pencillings in a later hand (mostly numbers); bound in 2 volumes, with green crushed morocco by Riviere & Son. Probably a late draft of Lever's sixty-nine chapter novel, which appears to be largely complete but without chapters twenty-eight to thirty inclusive, and possibly with one or two other pages lacking.
Physical Description2 Volumes
3 items
Autograph manuscript of "Problem III: The Sphere of Sense and Logic of Feeling," with notes in George Eliot's handwriting as arranged by her for publication, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of "Problem IV: The Sphere of Intellect and the Logic of Signs," with notes in George Eliot's handwriting as arranged by her for publication, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript together with some annotated proof copy.
Physical Description1 item
5 items
Concerns his poetry, possibilities for publication of some of his poetic works, thoughts on Cambridge, and his activities in Knebworth. Autograph letter (1 leaf) addressed "Knebworth-Nr Welwyn Sunday" to "My dear Sir" and bound together with a typed transcription (4 leaves). The date 1826 is written in pencil, in a later hand, at the top right corner of fol. 1.
Physical Description1 item
Bound collection of typewritten and autograph letters. Together with engraved portraits (3) of Lytton.
Physical Description1 item
Signed autograph manuscript of the preface, together with 2 versions of the title page. This preface was not used in the published version.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph Manuscript
Physical Description3 Volumes
Autograph manuscript of the preface and the prefatory poem of "The Pilgrims of the Rhine," with tear sheets of text as printed (27 pp.). Together with the autograph manuscript of the preface to "Godolphin," with tear sheets of text as printed (10 pp.). Includes 1 ALS from L. W. Bangs to G. W. Childs concerning the manuscripts, dated 17 June 1880.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph Manuscript
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Scrapbook of photographs (both family pictures and souvenir pictures) and newspaper clippings, chiefly concerning the guests for the Dinner Party and Ball Masque at the Madeira home. Includes newspaper photo of a young Morris Parrish, captioned "Dinner Party before the Ball Masque at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Madeira." Some photographs by "E.J. Reilly Phila.," "Reilly & Way, Keith Theatre Building, Philadelphia." Persons identified: Savage Landor and S. Weir Mitchell, Richard Harding Davis, undated.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings and printed broadsides concerning Philadelphia local history, Philadelphia Quakers, book auction sales, railroad accidents, etc. Compiled by George Dillwyn Parrish.
Physical Description1 item
3 items
Guest books, kept by Parrish and others, of visitors to Dormy House, in Pine Valley, New Jersey. Includes signatures of guests, plus, photographs, autograph and typewritten letters, notes, artwork, newspaper clippings, magazine tear sheets, and other printed ephemera. Final handwritten entry dated Oct. 23rd, 1945."
Physical Description3 Volumes
Scrapbook of photographs, mostly of an older Morris Parrish partaking in recreational activities.
Physical Description1 item
Scrapbook of ephemera. Includes clippings about Parrish's collection of Victorian Novelists; printed invitations and announcements from "The Philadelphia Club"; typed letters and printed material concerning Parrish's honorary degree from Princeton, dated 1939; clippings, invitations, and announcements of exhibitions from the "Library Company of Philadelphia," etc. Newspaper clippings from the "Philadelphia Record," "Times Literary Supplement," "Philadelphia Inquirer," etc.
Physical Description1 item
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings and various typewritten pages of poetry and songs. Other topics include Yale and Princeton football, Samuel L. Parrish and Morris L. Parrish, and other Parrish family. Material pasted down in a "Mark Twain's perforated interleaved Scrap Book, patent number 477,050 ..."
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Commonplace book, kept by Miss Kate Perry, containing entries on Charles Dickens and Mr. Thackeray.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Bound collection of signed autograph letters from Couch to Colvin regarding details of the forthcoming publication of "St. Ives." Each letter accompanied by a typed transcription.
Physical Description1 item
27 items
Hermann Vezin's manuscript copy of a play translated by Reade. Contains hand drawn set designs, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Original draft, in the hand of Charles Reade, of the contract with William Conant Church and Francis P. Church of Sheldon & Co., for the publication in "Galaxy Magazine" of Reade's story "Put yourself in His Place."
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript bound together with the printed version, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Signed notebook, kept by Reade, containing notes for various works, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Manuscript sheets of various sizes, being portions of "The Eighth Commandment," rough drafts of other portions with corrections, and some paragraphs not published. Also includes sheets of fair copy (3) with corrections by Charles Reade, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript drafts of the fourth and fifth acts of "Foul Play," with annotated clippings of the text pasted down throughout.
Physical Description1 item
Manuscript copy of the part of General Rolleston in the play "Foul Play," with annotation in pencil in a later hand, possibly the hand of a Newton Griffith who signed his name in pencil on fol. 16v. Exhibition ticket from "The Victorian Era Exhibition, London, 1897, Drama Section V.E.E.-D.S. 276," laid in.
Physical Description1 item
Part of the original autograph manuscript.
Physical Description1 item
Incomplete autograph manuscript of "Griffith Gaunt."
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript together with some printed excerpts (clippings) from "Griffith Gaunt," pasted down throughout.
Physical Description1 item
Extra illustrated copy compiled by Attorney William D. Booth who represented Charles Reade, Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, and other literary and theatrical lights in the American law courts, with his clients original autograph letters. Includes ALS from Charles Reade (9); ALS from Wilkie Collins (5); ALS from Charles Dickens (1); and others (12); Miscellaneous manuscript. by Booth (2); printed texts of 3 offending articles; a printed reply from Reade; newspaper accounts of the trial and other pieces. Also includes other correspondence, mostly on theatrical matters from Bateman Crout, Laura Keene (regarding a copy of the playbill for April 14, 1865 and a piece of her stage gown stained with Lincoln's blood), Augustin Daly, E. H. Sothern, William H. Florence, & others.
Physical Description1 item
Charles Reade's copy of an annotated prompt book for "It's Never Too Late to Mend." Later interleaved with extensive autograph stage instructions by William Seymour.
Physical Description1 item
Complete autograph manuscript of "Jack of all Trades," contained in 5 notebooks (78 p., in the hand of the author; the balance in the hand of his copyist, J.G. Saunders, c. 1854-1857). Both scripts are heavily corrected by Reade.
Physical Description1 item
Laid in the Charles Reade manuscript of "Griffith Gaunt," held by the Library's Manuscripts Division, under the accession number AM 1982-71 and in the collection C0171. "Printed for private circulation." Written in pen on front cover. London: J.C. Durant, Clement's house, Clement's Inn passage, Strand, W.C.
Physical Description1 item
Typescript of a play with autograph corrections.
Physical Description3 Volumes
Manuscript copy of a play by Reade.
Physical Description1 item
Signed notebook, kept by Reade, containing miscellaneous notes pertaining to female characters and fiction, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Notebook, kept by Reade, containing notes for "America." Contains notes pertaining to slavery and attitudes towards blacks in America, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Signed notebook, kept by Reade, containing miscellaneous notes pertaining to characters and fiction, kept while at Oxford.
Physical Description1 item
Signed notebook, kept by Reade, containing "old notes for 'Cloister and the Hearth." Contains notes of incidents of travels, saints of the time, books, words and phrases, etc. for use while writing his book, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Signed notebook, kept by Reade, containing notes for "Hard Cash," undated.
Physical Description1 item
Signed notebook, kept by Reade, containing miscellaneous notes pertaining literary property, copyright, etc., undated.
Physical Description1 item
Bank passbook, kept by "Charles Reade Esq."
Physical Description1 item
Incomplete autograph manuscript. A large portion probably written from dictation, with corrections and additions in Reade's hand.
Physical Description1 item
Signed notebook, kept by Reade, containing miscellaneous notes and clippings pertaining advertisements for wine, furniture, etc., undated.
Physical Description1 item
Signed notebook, kept by Reade, containing miscellaneous notes and clippings pertaining to "odd stories," "odd fellows," etc. "Caroli Pict et Dict Lib," written on front cover, undated.
Physical Description1 item
Two sets of original manuscript sheets (folded) for Acts 1 and 2.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of "Shilly Shally," Reade's unauthorized play based on the 1870 novel "Ralph the Heir," by Anthony Trollope, sheets tipped in. Contains portions of galley proofs with autograph corrections.
Physical Description1 item
Incomplete autograph manuscript with corrections, undated.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Autograph manuscript, undated.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Manuscript, in unknown hand, of a play based on Wood's novel "East Lynne," undated.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Manuscript book of dinner guests kept by Baroness Stanley. Names included novelists and literary figures, nobility, political figures, etc. Newspaper clippings (2) regarding Stanley's dinner guests, tipped in at front.
Physical Description1 item
21 items
Autograph music manuscript by Stevenson. Contains three short compositions: "The British Grenadiers," The Brown Maid," and "Believe Me."
Physical Description1 item
Original autograph draft of a contract for the complete construction of an addition to the "House of Vailima," with annotations in Stevenson's hand. The draft is accompanied by an undated document of the detailed specifications, written in another hand, and signed in full by R.L.S. Vailima, 1892 and two representatives of the "Haupt-Agentur der Deutschen Handels- & Plantagen--Gesellschaft der Südsee-Inseln zu Hamburg."
Physical Description1 item
Printed proof with autograph corrections of an article by Stevenson printed in "Cornhill Magazine," 33 (May 1876).
Physical Description1 item
Original autograph manuscript draft of a play (Act I, scenes 1-8).
Physical Description1 item
Receipt from the Hotel Tivoli in Apia Samoa which Robert Louis Stevenson has dated "25 4 94" for "3/= Cash" and signed in full. The three entries are in pencil. "Bechyne" is written in pencil, in another hand, on the verso.
Physical Description1 item
Signed autograph manuscript in pencil of the poem "Ille Terrarum." Together with a calligraphic manuscript copy, in unknown hand. Also includes an engraved portrait plate of Stevenson by S. Hallyer at front.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript leaf of miscellaneous verse. Includes "In the Highlands, In the Country Places" (5 lines); and other "Verse jottings" (23 lines) said to be an early draft of "Over the Hand is April," undated.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of a poem, undated.
Physical Description1 item
One leaf of autograph manuscript from "The Cruise of the Casco," undated. Together with three signed autograph letters to Charles Baxter from Stevenson.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of a novelette concerning Edinburgh at the time of the plague. Written by Stevenson at a very early age.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript, written in pencil, of the unpublished preface to "The Merry Men," undated. Together with typed transcription
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of an essay. Later published in "Essays of travel."
Physical Description1 item
Bound set of signed autograph letters by Stevenson to Miss Una A. Taylor at Bournemouth, concerning his musical attempts. Together with an original manuscript of a musical composition by Stevenson. Written at Bournemouth.
Physical Description1 item
Signed autograph letter from Stevenson, Vailima, Upolu, Samoa. Together with two portraits of Stevenson and a post office receipt from Vailima, dated March 14, 1892 and signed by Stevenson.
Physical Description1 item
Original proof slip of the title page as originally intended and submitted for approval by the printers. Stevenson edited out the initials and substituted in his own autograph the words "Robert Louis." Includes other annotations in unknown hand.
Physical Description1 item
Unpublished and canceled portion of the original autograph manuscript of "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde," with an autograph letter written by the author on the reverse of the manuscript, and addressed to his cousin, Robert Alan M. Stevenson. Also includes a copy of the first London edition as published by Longmans, Green, and Co.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of two poems. Together with typewritten copy bound in.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of a poem. Together with tear sheet of printed version.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of miscellaneous verse. Titles include "Cherish thou, O love, thine unknown lover ..." (11 lines); "To Rosabelle" (5 lines).
Physical Description1 item
Corrected proof copy.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph manuscript of three early drafts of the beginning of the first chapter of his unfinished romance "Weir of Hermiston," undated. Together with typewritten comparison of each with the published version.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Journal kept by "Thomas Stevenson, Civil Engineer, 1838." pertaining to woodwork, masonry, ironwork, etc. Bookplates of Jerome Kern, John Wm. Roy Crawford, Henry E. Gerstley; From the Library of Robert Louis Stevenson at Vailima.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Scrapbook presented to Frances Eleanor Jarman Ternan, the mother of Ellen Ternan. Contains many announcements of forthcoming plays, portraits, and newspaper clippings of Mr. and Mrs. Ternan's and Marie's theatre appearances in America, Canada, and England. The album was presented by Sara and John Frost of Philadelphia who also state that the poems which are inserted are by T.L. Ternan.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Bound volume containing an autograph letter from Thackeray, signed with initials and dated 1852. Together with two original pencil sketches: a half length figure resembling a character from "The Virginians"; sketch of Napoleon in characteristic pose, beside two faces of Italian brigands. Also includes an original pen-and-ink sketch for the figure of Mr. Osborne in the illustration "Mr. Osborne's welcome to Amelia"; another sketch of Mr. Osborne in pencil, with two partly finished figures on same sheet.
Physical Description1 item
12 Volumes
Autograph manuscript of "The Duke's Daughter," written in pencil in 12 notebooks.
Physical Description12 items
6 items
Corrected page proofs in unknown hand. London : Chapman and Hall.
Physical Description2 Volumes
Typed index of the Trollope correspondence found in the Parrish Collection, compiler unknown.
Physical Description1 item
Autograph agreement with Chapman and Hall publishers regarding "Ayala's Angel."
Physical Description1 item
An autograph manuscript of his Letter XVIII, "The Death of Commodore Goodenough." Written on 5 pp., royal tissue paper in pencil and 4 pp. royal paper in ink, signed at the end. Approximately 3,300 words. Each leaf is marked "Duplicate" and on the verso of the last leaf is a note to that effect, also giving the title, n.d. Together with a corrected galley proof.
Physical Description1 item
Complete autograph manuscript of "An Eye for an Eye," with annotations and corrections. Written in 1870 but not published until 1879.
Physical Description1 item
Three volumes of signed autograph letters from Trollope. Letters are tipped in and accompanied by a typed transcription.
Physical Description3 Volumes
Autograph notes pertaining to "South Africa."
Physical Description1 item
Six manuscript travel books, dated from. As a member of the postal service, Trollope kept in these books a record of the distances he had traveled to determine his travel allowance. After he retired from the service, he continued to use the books as a travel record. He also recorded in them other income.
Physical Description6 Volumes
Autograph manuscript of a lecture on the Zulus delivered in Nottingham.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Contains eleven photographs, by "L. Powers, Photographe, Florence" of Thomas Adolphus Trollope's villa, and of views from the villa, near Florence owned and occupied by him from 1865 until 1872, after he had sold the Villino Trollope in Florence following the death of his first wife, Theodosia Garrow.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Office book, almost entirely in the hand of W. H. Wills, assistant editor of Dickens's magazine called "Household Words." Records for each issue the date, serial number, author of each contribution (the contributions are anonymous in the periodical itself), its title, length in columns, price paid, date of payment, and memorandum. Dickens is always referred to as "Mr. C. D." and the record shows that he was not paid separately for his many contributions, which were doubtless regarded as part of his editorial work.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
Contains letters and clippings concerning the work "A little earnest book upon a great old subject" by Wilson. Compiler unknown. Contains 19 ALsS from Edward Lytton (3); William Wilson (1); Robert S. Mackenzie (3); Alfred Jackson (3); Charles F. Ellerman (1); William C. Bennett (1); [W] Sharp to Effingham Wilson (1); Le Page (1, incomplete); Thomas Carlyle (1, with envelope); Camilla Crosland (1); Alfred [Elmes?] (1)' [Ch.Ch.] Bradley (1); A. & C. Black to Effingham Wilson (1); L. Wilson [sister] (1, with on 4th page undated letter from his mother, M. Wilson); William Gurner (1).
Physical Description1 item
Consists of miscellaneous papers of the Trollope family, Charles Reade, and Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll).
Arranged alphabetically by author.
Physical Description10 boxes
5 boxes
Photographs L1-L16: box 109; Photographs L17-L32: box 110; Photographs L33-L43: box 111;
Most of the photographs were published in Edward Wakeling's "Catalogue of the Princeton University Albums" in Roger Taylor and Edward Wakeling, Lewis Carroll Photographer (2002): L(1-43) ["Loose Photographs"].
Physical Description3 boxes
1 box
4 boxes
notes on loose photographs
copy of will, "Proved May 13th 1898," 1 p.
sample of Carrollian chintz fabric
"List of Lewis Carroll Items, Property of Morris L. Parrish, Loaned to Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, for Centennial Anniversary Exhibition, October, 1931," 10 pp. (photostats)
Physical Description1 box
1 box
1 item
Includes acrostics, poems, plays, translations from Italian, etc., some by Frances Eleanor Trollope, a few printed items, photographs, postcards, and later papers on spiritualist seances. AM 21442. In 2 boxes.
Note: The following box and folder list has been retyped from Alexander D. Wainwright's original typewritten list, dated 11/15/1988.
Physical Description2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 box
1 box
1 box
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Acquired from the estate of Robert Arthur Cecil (1921-1994), great-grandson of Thomas Adolphus Trollope. AM 1996-59. In 2 boxes.
Note: The following box and folder list has been retyped from an original typed list, dated 10/3/1996.
Physical Description2 boxes
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 box
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1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
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1 folder
1 box
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1 box
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2 boxes
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of files for individual authors that contain correspondence and manuscripts (previously housed in ten file cabinet drawers and now stored on C-floor).
The folders in the Author Files are filed alphabetically by name, and under a single name in roughly the following order: miscellaneous correspondence, i.e., letters to various correspondents; letters to certain individuals; letters addressed to the main entry of the folder; miscellaneous manuscript material and/or documents; manuscripts of and/or documents relating to individual works, alphabetically by title.
Physical Description37 boxes
1 box
1 folder
3 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Includes manuscript drafts of sections of chapters VI and VII of Old St. Pauls, titled "Paul's Walk" and "The Amulet", with pencil sketch (12 x 20 cm.) by John Franklin for the plate titled "Leonard Holt conversing with the Masons before the portico of Saint Pauls."
Also included is a heavily-corrected autograph draft of the poem "Yusef and Zorayda," originally composed in November 1835, although the poem was not published for another twenty years, when it appeared in his Ballads: romantic, fantastical and humorous (London, Routledge, 1855). The text in the final published version differs considerably from the text here.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Consists of 4 letters Ainsworth sent from London to his old school friend and literary collaborator, John P. Aston, a lawyer in the Ainsworth family firm, which were composed at a time when Ainsworth was finding his feet as a writer and a publisher. He writes of literary projects and collaborations with which he's engaged, including a collection of short stories and sketches that was to be published by Hurst and Robinson (it never was) that he describes in detail in a letter over twenty pages in length. In the letters, Ainsworth also insists that Aston continue to try to publish despite some setbacks.
Physical Description1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
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2 boxes
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1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
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1 box
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1 box
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1 box
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1 box
1 box
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2 boxes
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2 boxes
1 folder
Letters relate to North American lecture tours; one letter is addressed specifically to Gerald Christy, the company's managing director.
Physical Description1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 box
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
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1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
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1 box
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1 box
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1 box
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1 box
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1 box
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1 box
1 folder
1 box
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1 box
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1 box
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1 box
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1 box
1 folder
2 boxes
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6 boxes
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1 folder
Includes an autograph fair copy of the poem, "The Tide River" (here untitled), originally published in The Water Babies (1863), among other manuscripts.
Also included is a drawing by Kingsley.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
28 folders
17 folders
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Collection of seven Charles Kingsley sermons (1848-1878, some in the hand of Fanny Kingsley), notes for a sermon, a list of deeds (1876)
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Concerns Kingsley's preparation of lectures (of which "The Roman and the Teuton" were published in 1864) for his position as Regius Professor of History at Cambridge.
Physical Description1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
7 folders
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
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1 box
1 folder
2 boxes
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1 folder
2 boxes
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1 box
1 folder
1 box
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1 box
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1 box
1 folder
2 boxes
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1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
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1 box
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2 boxes
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1 box
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1 folder
1 folder
1 box
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1 box
1 folder
[Note: 2 other poems to Parrish are in Box 104]
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
[Note: For more of Reade's Real Estate Papers, ]
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder