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Sylvia Beach Papers
Held at: Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division [Contact Us]
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Princeton University Library: Manuscripts Division. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1887, Sylvia Beach was the second of three daughters of Eleanor Orbison Beach and the Reverend Sylvester Woodbridge Beach (Princeton Class of 1876), a pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Princeton. She is best known for running the bookstore and lending library Shakespeare & Company and for publishing James Joyce's Ulysses .
With the help of Adrienne Monnier, owner of the bookshop La Maison des Amis des Livres, Beach opened Shakespeare & Company at at 8, Rue Dupuytren in Paris in 1919 as a bookshop, lending library, and occasional publisher specializing in English and American literature. In 1922 the shop moved to 12, Rue de l'Odéon, across the street from Monnier's establishment, where it remained until its closing in 1940. During two decades, Shakespeare & Company served as a meeting point for expatriate writers and American visitors to Paris. Beach was interned for six months during World War II, but although she managed to keep her inventory hidden in a vacant apartment nearby, she did not re-open the shop after the war.
Sylvia Beach chronicled her experiences with Shakespeare & Company and life in Paris between the wars in a memoir of the same title, Shakespeare and Company , which was published in 1956. Towards the end of her life, she was widely honored for her publication of Ulysses and her support of aspiring writers during the 1920s. She remained in Paris until her death in 1962. Her ashes were buried in the Beach family plot in Princeton, NJ.
This collection documents the life and activities of Sylvia Beach (1887-1962), the American author, publisher, and owner of Shakespeare & Company, the Paris bookshop that was a meeting-point for French, English, Irish and American writers during the 1920's and 1930's. The collection consists largely of files relating to Shakespeare & Company; Beach's writings and translations, in particular her memoir Shakespeare & Company ; and files relating to the circle of artists and writers surrounding her throughout her life. Included are family, personal, and business correspondence; business records of Shakespeare & Company; personal and family records; manuscripts and artwork by members of her circle; photographs; and memorabilia.
The rich correspondence series consists of correspondence from and to Sylvia Beach and includes artists such as Hilda Doolittle, Ezra Pound, Sherwood Anderson, Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, Robert McAlmon, James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, William Carlos Williams, Allen Tate, Alice B. Toklas, Marianne Moore, Katherine Anne Porter, Richard Wright, George Antheil, Harriet Weaver, Gordon Craig, Arthur Symons, Ford Madox Ford, Frank Harris, Norman Douglas, Ivy Litvinoff, Richard Aldington, Stuart Gilbert, Cyril Connolly, D. H. Lawrence, Stephen Spender, Dorothy Richardson, to name but a few.
The collection also contains the files of Shakespeare & Company, Sylvia Beach's bookshop in Paris. Consisting largely of the shop's business records, the series notably contains the files of Shakespeare & Company's lending library, including member records and their readings. Of special interest is the material relating to Beach's publication of James Joyce, most importantly Joyce's Ulysses .
Also present is an extensive series of photographs documenting the different facets and relationships central to Beach's life, including family, friends, members of her artistic circle, and her life in Paris. They include snapshots as well as formal portraits, many of them captioned, and a number of them by noted photographers such as Gisèle Freund and Man Ray.
The collection further includes materials relating to Sylvia Beach's own writings and translations; artworks and literary manuscripts collected by her both for their artistic value and out of her interest in the artists; files relating to her personal life and files created by and relating to members of her family; and memorabilia.
Arranged into the following series: Series 1: Correspondence; Series 2: Shakespeare & Company; Series 3: Writings and Translations; Series 4: Personal Records; Series 5: Family Records; Series 6: Sylvia Beach's Circle and Collections; Series 7: Photographs; Series 8: Memorabilia
"The Sylvia Beach Collection" by Howard C. Rice, Jr., The Princeton University Library Chronicle , Vol. XXVI, No. 1 (Autumn, 1964). pp. 7-15.
Some materials, including letters from Ernest Hemingway to Sylvia Beach, are available on microfilm.
The collection, which had remained in Miss Beach's Paris apartment at 12, Rue de l'Odéon since her death there in October 1962, was acquired in 1964 from the Sylvia Beach estate, through the generosity of Graham D. Mattison, Princeton Class of 1926, and with the interest and support of Miss Beach's surviving sister, Mrs. Frederic J. (Holly Beach) Dennis of Greenwich, Connecticut.
AM 18348
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
This collection was processed by Enid Adelson, Paul Koepp and Karla J. Vecchia in 2004.
Reprocessed by Regine Heberlein and Valerie Addonizio (photographs series) in 2012.
During 2012 processing, the collection (except for the photographs series) was re-arranged on the folder level. The existing distribution of materials in folders and their labels were largely preserved except where found to be wrong.
Folder inventory prepared by Nicholas Williams '2015 and Allyse Terrell '2014 in 2012. During 2022, restrictions on original items, including Ernest Hemingway materials, were lifted as part of a restrictions review project. Lexy deGraffenreid updated the Conditions Governing Access note in January 2025.
Individual items that were originally acquired as part of the Sylvia Beach Papers are now curated by the Graphic Arts division, including the Shakespeare & Company shop sign painted by Marie Monnier-Bécat; a portrait of Sylvia Beach in oil by Paul-Émile Bécat, signed, Paris, 1923; and a full-length portrait of Adrienne Monnier in oil by Paul-Émile Bécat, Paris 1921;
In addition, two items that remain part of the Sylvia Beach Papers are: an oak cabinet and a bust of William Shakespeare executed in colored Staffordshireware.
- Joyce, James (1882-1941)
- Abreu, Simone (de Bretteville)
- Alderman, Pauline (1893-1983)
- Aldington, Richard (1892-1962)
- Alexandre
- Alvear, Elvira de
- Antoine-May, Renée
- Aragon (1897-1982)
- Arvanon, Cyrille
- Auger, Pierre
- Baker
- Baldwin, Helen (Green)
- Baltrusaitis, Hélène (Focillon)
- Bazin de Jessey, Fiamette (de Thierry)
- Beach
- Beach, Sylvia
- Beaulieu, Benoit de
- Beauvoir, Simone de (1908-1986)
- Bedouret, Lionel
- Benjamin, Walter (1892-1940)
- Bernheim
- Bernheim, Antoinette
- Bernheim, Françoise
- Bidoire (Boulenger)
- Bird, William
- Blackmer, Alan
- Blaess, Madeleine
- Blatas, Sylvia (Satenstein)
- Bloch, Marguerite (Herzog)
- Bonnerot, Louis
- Boscq, Marie-Claire
- Bouniols, Louise Olga
- Bourassin
- Bourdet, Claude
- Boyd, James (1888-1944)
- Boyd, Madeleine
- Bramwell, Gloria
- Brémond, Helene
- Brinquant, Simone (Villers)
- Brody, Rachel
- Brooks, Alden
- Brull, Odile
- Brull-Ulmann, Colette
- Bruno, Jean
- Bryher
- Buratti, Jean
- Burnet, Mary Scott
- Burt, Maud
- Busy
- Butler, H. M.
- Caetani, Marguerite (Chapin)
- Cahun, Claude (1894-1954)
- Caillois, Roger (1913-1978)
- Petitjean, Armand
- Camerlynck-Guernier, Gabrielle
- Camille, Georgette
- Camp, Ruth
- Campbell, Arlen
- Carr, Philip
- Carroll, Akrata (von Schrader)
- Cassaigne, Ella
- Catel, Jean
- Cayeux, Jean de
- Cayton, Horace
- Cazamian, Marguerite
- Cazes, Edmond
- Césaire, Aimé
- Chalot, Monique
- Chambaz, Marcel
- Chambrillac, René
- Chanler
- Charbonnel, Mary Maryse
- Chareau, Dorothee
- Chaudot, Marcelle
- Chenneviere, André
- Child, Bertha Cushing
- Chonez, Claudine
- Chopard
- Church, Barbara
- Church, Henry
- Churchill, E. M.
- Citron, Pierre
- Clairin, Pierre-Eugène
- Clairin, Theresa (Shiff)
- Clark, John d'Arcy
- Claudius, Agnes
- Clermont-Tonnerre, Élisabeth (de Gramont)
- Clizbe
- Clogenson, Yves
- Coche de la Ferté, Étienne.
- LeCoeur
- Coffey
- Colens, Fernand
- Collins, R. F.
- Colly
- Comte, le
- Connolly, Cyril
- Cornu
- Couët, B. de
- Coyle, Kestrel
- Crane, Louise
- Crosby, Caresse
- Culbert, W. H.
- Cullerre, Madeleine
- Culley, Eric
- Culme-Seymour, M. C.
- Culver, Donald
- Dachary, Renée
- Dalsace
- Daumal, René
- Davaine, Fred
- Davet, Yvonne (1906)
- Delimal, Eric
- Denham
- Denis, Pierre
- Denis-Graterolle, Elisabeth
- Dennis, Holly Beach
- Dennis, Mary Cable (1872)
- Denoel, Pierre
- Dent
- Desclos, Anne
- Desclos, A.
- Deslernes, Jean
- Devies, Lucien (1910)
- Diebold, Jeanine
- Dillon, George
- Dolan, Rose
- Du Bos, Charles
- Dudley, Katherine
- Duff, Donald
- Dufour, Charles
- Duhamel, Marcel
- Dullin
- Duperley, Denis
- Dupré, Marie Antoinette
- Dupuy, Michel
- Duren, Jean
- Duteurtre, Claude
- Duthie, Enid Lowry
- Dyer, Louise
- Eastman, Max (1883-1969)
- Edel, Bertha (Cohen)
- Edel, Leon (1907-1997)
- Edwards, Thomas
- Eggimann, Bouvier Adele
- Elfvik, Maj
- Ellis, Havelock (1859-1939)
- Eloff, Fanie (1885-1947)
- Enfield, J.
- Engel, Frédéric
- Engelman, Martin (1924-1992)
- Espitalier
- Estrangin
- Exideuil, Pierre d'
- Fabre, Cécile.
- Faidherbe, Francoise
- Falquel, Louis
- Farrar
- Felder
- Fels, Marthe de
- Ferrater, Gabriel
- Field, George
- Finger
- Fischer, Marjorie
- Fitzgerald
- Fitzherbert, P.
- Flandrau, Grace
- Flanner, Janet
- Focillon, Marguerite
- Foltz, Charles
- Fombeure, Maurice (1906-1981)
- Forceville, de
- Ford, Ford Madox (1873-1939)
- Forest-Divonne, André de la
- Foret, de la
- Fourcade, Jean
- Fournerey
- Fournier, Jeanne
- Franchot, Stanislas Pascal
- Francillon, Robert
- Francs, des
- Frieseke, Sarah Anne
- Garano Gonzalez, Mariella
- Gascoyne, David
- Gay, Francisque
- Genet, Jean (1910-1986)
- Genet, Mme. Jean
- Gerbault, Paul
- Gibault, H.
- Gibert, Madeleine
- Gide, André (1869-1951)
- Gide, Catherine
- Giedion-Welcker, Carola
- Gilbert, Stuart
- Gillet, Louis
- Gillet, Robert
- Gillie, Darsie Rutherford
- Gischia, Gerry
- Gischia, Léon
- Goldman, Emma
- Golotine
- Goodwin
- Gosse, Emilienne
- Goyert, Georg (1884)
- Grassot, R. (Pissot)
- Gray, William
- Greenich, Sybil
- Gregory, Patrick
- Groethuisen
- Guillemin, Annie
- Guilloux, Louis
- Guiringaud, Pierre de
- Haltel
- Hamilton
- Harden, E.
- Harmsworth, Desmond
- Harper, Allanah
- Hartmann, Françoise
- Harvey, Dorothy (Dudley)
- Hebant, Jeanne
- Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961)
- Henry, Georgette
- Herbais de Thun, Marie-Valerie d'
- Herbart, Elizabeth
- Heurgon, Jacques
- Hiler, Hilaire
- Hobhouse, U.
- Hoboken, Annemarie (Seidel) van
- Hommel, Bernard
- Imbs, Bravig
- Jacquet, Ernest
- James, T. M.
- Jeanneney, Marie-Laure (Monod)
- Johnson, Marian (Willard)
- Jolas, M.
- Jordan, Howard
- Joyce, Stanislaus
- Kalbfleisch, Beulah (Boynton)
- Kaopeitzer
- Kennedy, Robert
- Kidder, Margaret
- Killen, Alice M.
- King, F.
- Kittredge, Eleanor (Hayden)
- Knipper, Georgette
- Kramer, Lewis
- La Gorce, Agnès de.
- Lacan, Jacques (1901-1981)
- Lacorne, Martine
- Lacroix, E.
- Lafoy, Denise
- Lambert, Jacqueline
- Lamberts
- Lamblin, Bianca (1921)
- Lamirault, Raymonde
- Lamont, Frances Kent (1899-1975)
- Lamy, Marthe
- Langlois
- Lanux, Eyre de
- Lanux, Pierre de (1887-1955)
- Laporte, Madeleine
- Larbaud, Valéry (1881-1957)
- Laughlin, James
- Le Gallienne, Irma
- Le Gallienne, Richard (1866-1947)
- Lebois, André
- Ledoux, Yvette
- Leer, L. E. van
- Leibowitz, René (1913-1972)
- Lemonnier, Léon (1890-1953)
- Léon, Paul
- Lerolle, Guillaume
- Lescure, Yvonne
- Lestocquoy, Bernard
- Leveque, Susanne
- Levinson, Marie
- Levy, Catherine
- Lewisohn, Ludwig (1882-1955)
- Leyris, Betty
- Leyris, Pierre.
- Lier, van
- Linossier, Raymonde (1897-1930)
- Longueau Saint-Michel, de
- Loon, van
- Lord, Eda
- Lorsignol, Pierre
- Lubersac, Constance (Livermore-Seillière) de
- Lucas
- Lucas, B.
- Ludlow, Mary Sophie
- Lyon, Martine
- Mackenzie, D. S. S.
- MacLeish, Archibald (1892-1982)
- Mansfield, Katherine (1888-1923)
- Mantoy
- Manziarly, Marcelle de (1899-1989)
- Marcel, Gabriel
- Marcilly, Françoise de (1905-2000)
- Mardrus, Jacques
- Margerie, Henriette de
- Marotte
- Marsland, Harriet
- Martin, Maud
- Martin, Simone
- Martinuzzi, Frank
- Masoliver, Juan Ramón.
- Maspero, Cécile Sophie Blanche
- Maspero-Clerc, Héléne
- Massé, Georgette
- Massey, A. W.
- Massuger, Francoise
- Mathews, Jackson.
- Maurice, Constantin-Weyer
- Maurois, André (1885-1967)
- Maxwell
- Mayer, N. E.
- Mayran, Camille.
- Mazon
- McAlmon, Robert
- McGrew, Marie Carroll
- McNair
- Melik
- Melot, Alberte
- Menzies, Elsa
- Mercanton, Jacques
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1908-1961)
- Merrick, Leonard (1864-1939)
- Merzbach, Mathilde
- Mespoulet, Suzanne
- Metcalf, Thomas N.
- Meyer, Florence
- Mian, Mary
- Michaelides, L.
- Michaux, Henri (1899-1984)
- Milhaud, Madeleine
- Miller
- Milward, J. D.
- Mingalon, Christianne
- Moal, le
- Moal, Paul le
- Monnier, Adrienne
- Montricher, Cécile de
- Morgan
- Morinni, Clara de
- Morison, Theodore
- Morrow, Christine
- Murphy, Dudley
- Murray, John
- O'Connor, Roderic L.
- Oerthel, Maurice
- Ogden, C. K.
- Oldenburger, Eleanor
- Oppen, George
- Orbison, Agnes
- Orbison, Douglas
- Ottensooser
- Ottocar
- Pader
- Pagan
- Paige, Antoinette
- Parisot
- Parmée, Douglas.
- Parrain, Rose Marie
- Pasquier, Jean
- Patmore, Brigit
- Paul, Elliot
- Paul-Dubois, Louis
- Pauleau, Marie-Jeanne
- Payot (Firm : Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Peake, Charles.
- Peggram, Reed
- Pelorson, Andrée (Hirsch)
- Perkins
- Pfeffel, de
- Pfeiffer, Pauline
- Pfeiffer, Virginia
- Pfiffer
- Philip, Terence
- Philipson
- Picard, Pierre
- Pierret, Jean
- Plummer, Dorothy
- Poirson, Christine
- Ponsonby, David
- Poole, Kitty (Wickes)
- Poorilz, Michael
- Porcher
- Porel, Jacques
- Porter, Katherine Anne (1890-1980)
- Potocki de Montalk, Geoffrey,, Count
- Pottecher, Therèse
- Pottier
- Pottier, Ph
- Pound, Ezra (1885-1972)
- Pouree, Jean
- Pourtales, Guy de
- Prenter, Helen
- Pressly, Eugene
- Prévost, Jean
- Prévost, Mme. Gérard
- Prevost, Marcelle (Auclair)
- Price, Phyllis
- Pringle
- Prochasson, Alice
- Proix
- Prot, Alina
- Pulsford, G. E.
- Putzel, Howard
- Puy Fontaine, de
- Quennell
- Ralli, Georges
- Ramniklalk, Trivedi
- Raoussel, de
- Raphael
- Reeves, Joyce
- Regnier, Henri
- Reid, John
- Reid, Marjorie
- Renaudin, Paul
- Renoir, Edmond
- Reverchon, Blanche
- Rey, Jean-Dominique.
- Reynal, Jeanne
- Reynolds, A. M.
- Rhys
- Rice, Matilda
- Richard, P.
- Richards-Orpen
- Richardson
- Richardson, Marian
- Richer, Jean
- Rieder
- Rindges, M. B.
- Rirachowsky, Fanny
- Ris
- Riviere, Jean
- Rivoallan, Anatole
- Roberts
- Robertson, William Cowper
- Robin, Armand
- Rocatallada, Carmen Muñoz
- Roditi, Édouard
- Roditi, Georges.
- Roditi, Marcel D.
- Rodker, John
- Rodman, Selden
- Roger-Levy
- Roger-Roubin, Alexis
- Rogers, Charles
- Rogers, Samuel
- Rolla
- Rolland, Madeleine
- Rolo
- Romains, Jules
- Rooker, John Kingsley
- Rose, de
- Roubin, Alexis
- Roussel
- Rowe-Dutton, Gwen
- Roy, Jean
- Royer-Sement
- Saby, Bernard (1925-1975)
- Sachs, Maurice
- Sage
- Sage, Robert
- Saillet, Maurice.
- Samyn, Ann
- Sargent
- Sarraute, Nathalie
- Satie, Erik
- Saunders, Olivia
- Saur, Maurice
- Savage, Steele.
- Savitsky, Ludmila
- Savy, Alice
- Sayre, Jesse (Wilson)
- Schenk
- Schereck, Mildred
- Schirmer, Mabel
- Schlumberger
- Schlumberger, Jean
- Schueller
- Scott, A.
- Scudder, Janet
- Scudder, Raymond
- Scudder, Thomas
- Seager, Katherine
- Seillier
- Service, Robert W.
- Sessions, Barbara
- Shapiro, Phyllis W.
- Shaw, M. R. B.
- Shayerovitch, Janine
- Sheldon, James S.
- Shelley, Dorothy
- Shelton, Caroline
- Sibon, Marcelle.
- Simon-Juquin
- Smyth-Pigott, Clare (Feilding)
- Solano, Solita
- Somerville
- Sorel
- Sortor
- Soupault, Philippe
- Speaight, R. L.
- Spender, Stephen
- Sperry
- Spira, Claude
- Steegmuller, Francis
- Stein, Gertrude (1874-1946)
- Stein, Leo
- Stern, James
- Stevens, George
- Stirling, Monica
- Summerell, Bessie
- Suter, G. V.
- Swan, Emma
- Swasey, Horatio Robert
- Sweeney, James
- Sykes, Christopher
- Syrett, Netta
- Sze, Mai-mai
- Tabouis, Geneviéve (1892-1985)
- Tate, Allen (1899-1979)
- Tehin, Liang Pa'i
- Delpech, Jeanine
- Téry, Simone.
- Thayer, Woodbridge
- Thellier de Poncheville, Nicole (Canlorbe)
- Theves, Elizabeth
- Thiébaut, Marcel (1897-1961)
- Thomas, Henri (1912-1993)
- Thomassin, Franz
- Thoreux, Andrée
- Tomlinson, E. R.
- Tony-Mayer, Therese
- Torrence, Ridgely (1875-1950)
- Tourneux, Pierre
- Tournier
- Tree, Iris (1897-1968)
- Treirse
- Trevelyan, Julian (1910-1988)
- Tritton, A.
- Tuttle, Stephen Davidson (1907-1954)
- Ullmann, Lisette
- Ullmann, W. E.
- Ulmann, Denise
- Ulsh, Doretha
- Upton, Mary Newton
- Valerio
- Valéry, François
- van den Bergh, Tamara
- Vandel, H. S.
- Varney, John
- Vechten, Ann van
- Venable, Edward C. (Edward Carrington) (1884-1936)
- Vernet, François (1917 or 1918-1945)
- Vidor, King (1894-1982)
- Vieillard, Gilbert (1899-1940)
- Vieillot, Marie-Therese (1888-1985)
- Vielé, Mary
- Vienne, de
- Vigan, Monique de (1914)
- Villars, M.
- Violette, G.
- Visser
- Vogein, Pierre
- Vogué, de
- Vox, Maximilien
- Walker, Natalie
- Wallace, Lillian
- Wallace, Richard
- Waller, Robert
- Walsh, Ernest (1895-1926)
- Wang
- Wang, Chun Jen
- Warfield, Frances
- Waterfield
- Waterfield, Gordon (1903)
- Watson
- Watson, George
- Watson, Sarah Pressly (1885-1959)
- Wauquier, René
- Weaver, Audrey
- Wegner, Max Christian
- Weiss, Colette
- Welles Briggs, Carlotta
- Wendel, Hélène de
- Wharton
- Wheeler, Monroe (1899-1988)
- Whitman, Tania
- Whitridge
- Wibbelz, Henry W.
- Wickham, Anna (1884-1947)
- Wigram, Ava
- Wilde, Dolly (1895-1941)
- Wilder, Charlotte F. (1839-1916)
- Wilkinson, Tudor
- Williams, Marjorie
- Williamson, Scott Graham (1909-1948)
- Wilson, Margaret
- Wilson, Natalie
- Wilson, Romer (1891-1930)
- Winger
- Winner, Harry E.
- Wissotzky, Irene
- Wolkowitsch, J. L.
- Wood, Thelma
- Woodward, Daphne
- Woolsey, Leslie (Laughlin)
- Worthing
- Wright, Ellen
- Wright, Julia
- Wright, Richard (1908-1960)
- Van Wyck, William (1883-1956)
- Yard, Amy
- Yarrow, Catherine (1904-1990)
- Ybarra, Penny
- Yeats, Anne (1919-2001)
- Abramov, Ayala Zacks
- Zibell, Francoise
- Zimmer, Isabelle
- Zogheb, M. de
- Shakespeare and Company (Paris, France)
- British Institute
- Éditions "Les Revues"
- Libraries des deux Lycée
- Mesures
- Rhein (Verlag)
- Synops
- Authors and publishers -- France. -- 20th century
- Authors, American -- France. -- 20th century
- Authors, English -- France. -- 20th century
- Authors, French. -- 20th century
- Authors, Irish -- France. -- 20th century
- Booksellers and bookselling -- France -- Paris. -- 20th century -- Biography
- Bookstores -- France -- Paris. -- 20th century
- Exiles' writings. -- 20th century
- Novelists, American -- France. -- 20th century
- Novelists, English -- France. -- 20th century
- Novelists, Irish -- France. -- 20th century
- Publishers and publishing -- France -- Paris. -- 20th century
- World War, 1939-1945 -- France -- Paris
- Publisher
- Manuscripts Division
- Finding Aid Date
- 2004
- Access Restrictions
The collection is open for research.
Access to glass-plate negatives is restricted due to their fragility. Where prints of the negatives are present, the prints are open for research use. Though digitization may not be possible for every negative, researchers may make requests to digitize material via the Ask Special Collections, form according to Special Collections' policy on digitization.
- Use Restrictions
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
Collection Inventory
The correspondence series includes correspondence from and to Sylvia Beach. While this series largely encompasses Sylvia Beach's personal correspondence, previously interfiled business correspondence has been maintained in this file group. Correspondence with family members is interfiled.
Correspondents of note include Hilda Doolittle, Ezra Pound, Sherwood Anderson, Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, Robert McAlmon, James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, William Carlos Williams, Allen Tate, Alice B. Toklas, Marianne Moore, Katherine Anne Porter, Richard Wright, George Antheil, Harriet Weaver, Gordon Craig, Arthur Symons, Ford Madox Ford, Frank Harris, Norman Douglas, Ivy Litvinoff, Richard Aldington, Stuart Gilbert, Cyril Connolly, D. H. Lawrence, Stephen Spender, Dorothy Richardson, and others.
Researchers primarily interested in Sylvia Beach's business correspondence are advised also to consult the Shakespeare & Company series.
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent and chronologically within.
Physical Description39 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 folders
1 folder
Includes an autograph manuscript of "Autobiography of Wonder: A Collection of Poetical Scratchings" sent by Elbridge Anderson to Sylvia Beach.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
Regarding O'Neill incident.
Physical Description1 folder
Includes letter to Sylvia Beach and note from Ernest Hemingway.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
3 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Includes first check mailed by Eleanor Beach for opening of Shakespeare & Company.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
Regarding the opening of the bookshop.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
7 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Concerning the Publication of Ulysses .
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Regarding Stocks.
Physical Description2 folders
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Greeting cards.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
Photocopies of correspondence from Sylvia Beach.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 box
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1 folder
1 folder
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2 boxes
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Regarding Lucia Joyce.
Physical Description2 folders
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Includes one letter of 1935 May 21 regarding Joyce Manuscript.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Companion to Mary Morris.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folderAutograph letter.
1 folderAutograph letter.
Top half of the letter is written by Ernest Hemingway and bottom half is written by Hadley.
Physical Description1 folderAutograph letter.
1 folder
1 folder
1 folderAutograph postcard.
1 folderAutograph letter.
1 folderAutograph letter.
1 folderAutograph Christmas card.
1 folder
1 folderAutograph letter.
1 folderAutograph letter.
1 folder
1 folder
Envelope only.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folderAutograph letter.
1 folder
1 folderAutograph letter.
Jack is John H. N. Hemingway, oldest son of Ernest Hemingway, born in Toronto on October 10, 1923, and raised as a child in Paris. "Puck" is Jack's wife.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 folders
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
From the James Joyce Collection, Lockwood Memorial Library, University of Buffalo.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Includes a 5 Francs bill sent by Sylvia Beach.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folderPostcards
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
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1 box
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1 box
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
Includes photograph postcards of Tolstoi and of material or places related to him. Captions are in Russian with English captions on reverse side.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Regarding family coat of arms.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
Also contains 3 Letters to Mr. Ogden.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
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1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
3 boxes
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
Microfilm photocopies of correspondence.
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
Excerpts concerning Harriet Weaver from Sylvia Beach letters to family.
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
Microfilm photocopies of correspondence.
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderMicrofilm
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folder
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
May not be published in whole or in part without permission of the Executors of the Harriet Weaver Estate. Photocopies of originals held in the Weaver estate.
Physical Description1 folderXerox
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
Note to Sylvia Beach.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
2 folders
3 folders
The Shakespeare & Company series documents Sylvia Beach's business activities relating to her bookshop in Paris. It includes information on bookshop inventory, orders and subscriptions, the lending library, publishing activities, author readings, bookshop exhibits, and the sale of manuscripts. Of special interest is the material relating to Beach's publication of James Joyce, including, in 1922, Joyce's Ulysses , which she distributed as long as it remained a banned book in England and the United States. The series also includes files relating to the publication of Joyce's Pomes Penyeach in 1927 and a volume of studies of Joyce's Work in Progress (later incorporated in Finnegans Wake ) by fourteen contributors, entitled Our Exagmination Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress .
Arranged alphabetically by topic.
Physical Description44 boxes
Cards are filed alphabetically by author, with some titles interspersed. The catalogue is incomplete.
Physical Description3 boxes
1 box
1 box
1 box
3 boxes
1 box
1 boxfile card
1 boxfile card