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Princeton Scientific Expeditions Collection
Held at: Princeton University Library: University Archives [Contact Us]
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Princeton University Library: University Archives. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
The history of scientific expeditions with connections to the college and university at Princeton is fragmentary and tentative. From the information now at hand it seems possible that the earliest such enterprises were Astronomic. The College of New Jersey's Professor Stephen Alexander journeyed to Georgia in 1834 to observe an eclipse of the sun. While no notice of this has been found in the trustees' minutes of the time, at least two of three subsequent eclipse expeditions (in 1854, 1860, and 1869) were official college investigations, duly authorized and even funded by the trustees. Alexander's successor, Professor C. A. Young, led his own eclipse expeditions in 1878 to Colorado, in 1887 to Russia, and in 1900 to North Carolina. An 1882 journey to observe the transit of Venus is, so far, the only other identified astronomic expedition of the 19th century.
The Geological expeditions are more fully documented. The first, of 1877, was a student-initiated effort, nurtured by the Natural Science Association, founded by the same group of students. The expedition was conceived on military lines with specific tasks set out for members of the official party. Its conspicuous success, not only as a training ground for the student members of the expedition, but also in the professional publication of discoveries that were genuine contributions to paleontological and topographical knowledge, gave a solid foundation to subsequent expeditions. These followed in 1878, 1882, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1890, 1891, 1893, 1894 and 1895. All had the American West as their destination, most the Rocky Mountain regions, with an emphasis on paleontological collection, most frequently in the Dakotas. By the late 1890's the expeditions had assumed the routine form of annual academic summer camps for students of geology. The early expeditions generated an enthusiasm for the professional responsibilities of the scientific pursuit and were pivotal in producing such distinguished scientific careers as those of William Berryman Scott, Henry Fairfield Osborn and William Libbey. The expeditions brought to the Princeton museum of Geology and Archaeology one of the most important paleontological collections in the world. They were also an important factor in Princeton's pre-eminence for nearly a century in the field of paleontology.
William Libbey, a member of the first geological expedition, and the photographer on subsequent geological and astronomical efforts, connected the Princeton name to other scientific expeditions with more diffuse objectives. As Professor of Geography and Curator of the E. M. Museum of Geology and Archaeology, Libbey frequently called upon his Trustee father to be the monetary patron of both the museum and many of the expeditions that were tangentially connected with it. These included journeys with diverse goals which Libbey defined as geographic, ethnographic and archaeological. Many of these expeditions enjoyed sponsoring agencies other than Princeton, but his connection with the college and its museum were always conspicuous in reports of the enterprises. The 1886 Mt. St. Elias expedition to Alaska was followed by an 1888 expedition to Cuba, an 1890 exploration of the Sierra Madre in Mexico, an 1893 Hawaiian expedition and an 1897 exploration to Pueblo County in New Mexico. These journeys yielded mainly ethnographic riches. Three expeditionary summers (1889, 1890, 1891) were spent investigating the Gulf Stream and its relation to the Labrador Currents, and Libbey was second in command and geographer of the Peary Relief Parties of 1894 and 1899 in Greenland. Libbey's investigations were successful mainly in the collections that resulted, mostly ethnographic and archaeological, and enriched the Princeton museums.
Expeditions more properly categorized as archaeological (involving professional excavation) are thinly represented in this collection. The 1876 excavations at Panosoffkee Lake in Florida were surely followed by other investigations that led to the archaeological excavations of Classical sites sponsored by the Department of Art and Archaeology in the 20th century, but they are not documented here.
The manuscript, printed and photographic materials in the collection are duly noted in the folder descriptions. Folders labeled as "Archival description and notes" contain information on the expeditions randomly gathered by the compiler of this collection, with pertinent xeroxes and relevant correspondence that document each expedition. The geological expeditions are most fully represented. The journeys of other categories are noted by scant documentation.
A complete run of Reports of the Princeton University expeditions to Patagonia is available in the Mudd Manuscript Library stacks, call number: Oversize P55.739.2q.
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
This collection was processed by Alfred Bush in September 1992. Finding aid written by Alfred Bush in September 1992. Box 27 added by Christie Peterson in May 2012. Description of the contents of Box 1, 3, and 10-15 updated in January 2022 by Phoebe Nobles and Lynn Durgin for a digitization project.
Boxes 21 and 23 do not exist.
Conditions Governing Access Note updated by Lexy deGraffenreid in January 2025.
- Alexander, Stephen (1806-1883)
- Libbey, William (1855-1927)
- Osborn, Henry Fairfield (1857-1935)
- Scott, William Berryman (1858-1947)
- Solar eclipses -- 1834
- Solar eclipses -- 1854
- Solar eclipses -- 1860
- Solar eclipses -- 1869
- Solar eclipses -- 1878
- Solar eclipses -- 1882
- Solar eclipses -- 1887
- Solar eclipses -- 1900
- Paleontologists -- New Jersey -- Princeton. -- 19th century
- Scientific expeditions. -- 19th century
- Venus (Planet), Transit of -- 1882
- Publisher
- University Archives
- Finding Aid Author
- Alfred Bush
- Finding Aid Date
- 1997
- Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research use.
Access to glass-plate negatives is restricted due to their fragility. Where prints of the negatives are present, the prints are open for research use. Though digitization may not be possible for every negative, researchers may make requests to digitize material via the Ask Special Collections, form according to Special Collections' policy on digitization.
- Use Restrictions
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. The Trustees of Princeton University hold copyright to all materials generated by Princeton University employees in the course of their work. For instances beyond Fair Use, if copyright is held by Princeton University, researchers do not need to obtain permission, complete any forms, or receive a letter to move forward with use of materials from the Princeton University Archives.
For instances beyond Fair Use where the copyright is not held by the University, while permission from the Library is not required, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
Collection Inventory
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Physical Description7 boxes
Consists of copies of Board of Trustee minutes pertaining to the Labrador Eclipse Expedition in 1860 and the Eclipse Expedition in 1869, presumably to Georgia.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of photocopied sources that document the expedition.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
Consists of photocopied sources that document the expedition.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of photocopied sources that document the expedition.
Physical Description1 folder
Permission to take equipment to Russia, with a list of the apparatus by Professor Charles A. Young. A note adds that the equipment was shipped to St. Petersburg.
Physical Description1 folder
6 boxes
Consists of articles from the Princeton University Bulletin (1900), the Princeton Alumni Weekly (1900) and a Princeton reunion book (1932).
Physical Description1 folder
1 box
Box 13 contains both oversized mounted photographs and a group that seems to have been published as illustrative plates.
Physical Description1 box
1 box
Unlabeled slides originally in box 7D (removed)
Physical Description1 box
6 unlabeled slides originally in box 7D (removed)
Physical Description1 box
1 box
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Physical Description17 boxes
8 boxes
Consists of typed notes about the scientific expeditions that took place during the summer of 1877, photocopied sources that document the expeditions, and correspondence between librarians, archivists and patrons that contain additional information and sources on these expeditions.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
(Contributions from the E.M. Museum of Geology and Archaeology of Princeton College. No. 1).
Physical Description1 folder
(Contributions from the E. M. Museum of Geology and Archaeology of Princeton College. No. 2)
Physical Description1 folder
(Contributions from the E. M. Museum of Geology and Archaeology of the College of New Jersey, Vol. I, No. I)
Physical Description1 folder
Includes "View of Party at Cheyenne."
Physical Description1 folder
5 boxes
Mounted photographs in the series titled "Princeton Scientific Expedition, 1877. Colorado, Large Size Views," as printed on the back of each mat (11 x 15"). The photographs in the series are further subdivided, numbered and titled in this printed list. Photographs in Box 10 include "Views in the 'Garden of the Gods'", "Views in 'Monument Park'", and "Views between Pike's Peak and South Park." Some photographs are duplicates. Not every photograph in the published list is present in these boxes.
Physical Description1 box
Mounted photographs in the series titled "Princeton Scientific Expedition, 1877. Colorado, Large Size Views," as printed on the back of each mat (11 x 15"). The photographs in the series are further subdivided, numbered and titled in this printed list. Photographs in Box 11 include "Views in the 'Twin Lake Range'". Some photographs are duplicates. Not every photograph in the published list is present in these boxes.
Physical Description1 box
Mounted photographs in the series titled "Princeton Scientific Expedition, 1877. Colorado, Large Size Views," as printed on the back of each mat (11 x 15"). The photographs in the series are further subdivided, numbered and titled in this printed list. Photographs in Box 12 include "Views of Placer Gold Mining" and "Views between Fairplay and Argentine Pass". Some photographs are duplicates. Not every photograph in the published list is present in these boxes.
Physical Description1 box
Mounted photographs in the series titled "Princeton Scientific Expedition, 1877. Colorado, Large Size Views," as printed on the back of each mat. The photographs in the series are further subdivided, numbered and titled in this printed list. Photographs in Box 14 duplicate many of those in Boxes 10 and 11, but have larger, 11 x 17" mats. These include "Views in the "Garden of the Gods', "Views in 'Monument Park', "Views between Pike's Peak and South Park", and "Views in the 'Twin Lake Range'".
Physical Description1 box
Mounted photographs in the series titled "Princeton Scientific Expedition, 1877. Colorado, Large Size Views," as printed on the back of each mat. The photographs in the series are further subdivided, numbered and titled in this printed list. Photographs in Box 14 duplicate many of those in Boxes 10 and 11, but have larger, 11 x 17" mats. These include "Views in the 'Twin Lake Range'", "Views of Placer Gold Mining", and "Views between Fairplay and Argentine Pass".
Physical Description1 box
Consists of typed notes summarizing the 1878 expedition, along with published sources documenting the events.
Physical Description1 folder
4 boxes
Consists of typed notes summarizing the expedition, a clipping containing a group photograph, and archives correspondence.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
Photograph portrait of the expedition party, including W.B. Scott and W.F. Magie.
Physical Description1 folder
1 box
1 box
Consists of typed notes summarizing the expedition and archives correspondence.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of a typed summary of the expedition.
Physical Description1 folder
Consists of a typed summary of the expedition, a published article and archives correspondence.
Physical Description1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
This album was previously mislabeled in this finding aid as an album of the 1877 expedition. Staff changed the date to 1889 in 2021, based on observations of the similarity between this album and identical photographs in the Rollins Collection (WC001).
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 box
1 box
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
This folder includes a photograph marked Gilbert Van Ingen, Views of Monegaw Springs, St. Clair, Ohio, as well as two 1899 photographs of Big Bad Lands, South Dakota, and six unlabeled and unmarked photographs.
Physical Description1 folder
1 box
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Physical Description2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
1 folder
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Physical Description1 box
1 folder
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Physical Description2 boxes
1 folder
1 folder
1 box
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
The reports describe the geography, ornithology, zoology, paleontology and botany of the region. This set is missing Volume IV, Part 3, Volume VI, Parts 2-5, and Volume 7, Parts 2-3.
Physical Description2 boxes
1 box
1 box
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Geological survey glass plate and film negatives, some of which are nitrate film, that document expeditions to the American West and other locales.
Physical Description1 box
73 items
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Looking towards Wall of Bad Lands from butte above camp east of Interior, S.D. Typical view of Low Badlands. Flat negative. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 400. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Vampire Peak from the west, Interior, S.D. Shows nodular layers. Flat negative. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 401. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Cedar Pass section of Wall of badlands from below. Very flat. Garde C." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 402. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Good-section of wall topography. Sky a little muddy. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 403. Other handwritten information relating to prints.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Unconformity between Pleistocene clays and Oreodon beds near camp at Interior. Flat negative. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 404. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Inspiration Peak, near Interior, S.D., from the south. Duplication of Autochrome Plate 1. Very flat. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 405. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Vampire Peak, near Interior, S.D. from the east. Shows nodular bands well. Somewhat muddy sky. Duplication of Autochrome Plate 2. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 406. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Section of Wall east of Cedar Pass, Interior, S.D. Shower lower nodular layer. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 407. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "The Devil's Dune, near Interior, S.D. from the South east. Shows nodular layers well. Sky somewhat muddy. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 408. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Vampire Peak from South East. Interior, S.D. Shows nodular layers well and also rough badlands topography. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 409. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Looking up Cedar Pass from among Cedars, near Interior, S.D. A trifle light struck. Fine subject. Grade A1. Suplication of Autochrome 4." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 410. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: " Earthquake crack filled with sandstone above Cedar Pass, Interior, S.D. Muddy sky, but good detail and interesting subject. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 411. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "View of Leptauchenia clays showing earthquake cracks near Cedar Pass. Interesting subject. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 412. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Looking into badlands of White River calley from just above Cedar Pass, interior, S.D. Duplication of Color Plate 5 Excellent subject. Grade A1." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 413. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Section of Wall from west of base of Vampire Peak, Interior, S.D. Blurred and indistinct. Grade C." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 414. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Yucca flower in Cedar section of Cedar Pass. Excellent subject and negative. Grade A1." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 415. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "View from near Cedar Pass east showing a portion of badlands with clouds, Interior, S.D. Excellent subject. About the best negative of the summer. Grade A1." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 416. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "From Cedar Pass looking north along road in Leptauchenia and upper part of Oreodon beds. Good subject. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 417. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "View from Leptauchenia beds east of Cedar Pass showing Protoceras sandstone. Somewhat light struck.Fair subject. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 418. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Titanotherium zone in cut along White River near Interior, S.D. Good subject. Grade A.." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 419. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Channel of Protoceras sandstone in Oreodon Clays on wall west of Cedar Pass, S.D. Very interesting geological subject. Grade A1." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 420. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Perched boulder of Protoceras sandstone resembling a hat. An example of odd topography of the badlands. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 421. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Cliff Swallow canyon in the Wall of the Badlands from observation point. Duplication of Color photo 6. Magnificent subject Grade A1." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 422. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Cliff Swallow Colony in Cliff Swallow Canyon, near Saddle Pass, Interior, S.D. Colony of 300 or more nests on vertical wall of canyon. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 423. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Looking up Cliff Swallow Canyon from base below colony of nests. Fine subject typical of badland canyons. Grade A1." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 424. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Looking down Cliff Swallow canyon near mouth, Interior, S.D. Shows Upper tianotherium and lower Oreodon beds. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 425. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Section of wall near Saddle Pass with Titanotherium beds in foreground. Interesting section, but rather flat negative. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 426. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Channel sandstone at base of Oreodon beds near head of Indian Creek canyon. Dull negative. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 429. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger. Note: negative broken, missing a piece.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Distance view of nodules with Entelodon skull showing Entelodon Peak in the background. A little blurred. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 431. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger. Note: negative in broken in two pieces, a third piece missing.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Typical view of titanotherium beds on east branch of Indian Creek near black shack. Typical creek valley in the badlands. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 432. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Cross bedding on a large scale in Titanotherium channel sandstone, east branch of Indian Creek, Scenic, S.D. Typical of much stream channel cross bedding. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 433. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "View of a large channel in titanotherium beds opposite Black shack, east branch of Indian Creek. Typical section of titanotherium beds in Indian Creek valley. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 434. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger. Note: plate fractured, missing a piece.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Valley of Indian Creek showing topography of Titanotherium beds, Scenic, S.D. Indian Creek is typical of big creek valleys of the badlands. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 435. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Large butte along main branch of Indian Creek showing unconformity between of [sic] Pierre Shale and Titanotherium beds. Good example of tertiary crotaeous contact. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 436. Princeton student geological and Paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Late afternoon view of Indian Creek badlands showing badland topography emphasized by shadows. Good general view of titanotherium badlands. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 437. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Good development of brown nodules near Oreodon skeleton in valley of Bear Creek south of Scenic. Very typical of nodular areas prospected. Grade A 1." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 441. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Leptauchenia beds in Indian Creek canyon, Sheep Mountain, showing vertical weathering. Duplication of autochrome plate 7. Fine subject of peculiar vertical character of character of upper beds of Sheep Mountain. Grade A1." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 443. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "View in Indian Creek canyons of Sheep Mountain from the top. Typical grand canyon of Sheep Mountain. Grade A1." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 444. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Brilliane colored clays in lower titanotherium beds in the valley of Indian Creek near camp. Duplication of last autochrome plate, 9. Very remarkable color subject. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 446. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "General view of nodules in Spring Creek Pocket. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 449. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Entelodon peak area from the south and of Hart Table. Shows whole of rich Entelodon peak pocket. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 450. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Middle and Upper Oreodon beds near divide between Bear Creek and Jones Creek east of Scenic. Blurred negative. Grade C." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 451. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "View from Hart Table near camp showing color banding of lower oreodon beds and channel cutting the red layer. Typical illustration of color banding in the clays of badland formations. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 452. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "View of edge of Hart Table showing Red Layer and Upper Titanotherium beds. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 453. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Lower titanotherium beds of north branch of Indian Creek on Malloy's road below Camp. Blurred negative. Good subject. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 454. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Contiuation to south of 455, showing edge of Hart Table. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 456. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "First section of panorama of east end of Sheep Mountain. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 457. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Second section of panorama of the east end of Sheep Mountain. Blurred. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 458. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Third section of panorama of the east end of Sheep Mountain. Blurred. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 459. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Pinnacles and spires of east part of Sheep Mountain from nodules of Upper nodular layer. Fine subject, but blurred negative. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 460. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Vertical cleavage of Leptauchenia clays in white river canyon of Sheep Mountain from below. Somewhat burred. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 462. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Isloated pinnacles at east end of Sheep Mountain. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 462. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Bright colored beds of Lower Titanotherium layer from edge of Hart Table about a mile west of ca[mp.] Shows valley of Indian Creek with Chemenee River in the distance. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 464. Princeton student geological andpaleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "First section of a panorama of the valley of Indian Creek, from the edge of Hart Table. From where Bowen's road goes down. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 466. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Canyon of a branch of Indian Creek in Pierre Shale capped by titanotherium beds. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 466. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Canyon at north end of Sheep Mountain up which Hynz's road goes. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 468. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Valley of Indian Creek from near Hynz's homestead. Flat and somewhat blurred. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 469. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Big canyon in Indian Creek from Sheep Mountain north of Stony Pass. Shows vertical weathering and white ash layers well. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 470. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "White ash layer at top of Leptauchenia beds in Stony Pass, Sheep Mountain. Grabe B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 471. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Vertical weathering canyons of Leptauchenia beds at extreme east end of Sheep Mountain. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 473. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of a town in the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Main Street, Scenic, S.D. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 476. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Distant view of a town in the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Scenic, S.D. from butte about a half mile from town. Very flat. Grade B." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 477. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of a town in the South Dakota Badlands.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "North section of Rapid City, seen from Hangman's Hill west of the town. Other two sections of panorama did not come out. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 478. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Landscape of mountains in the South Dakota Badlands. Copy of original envelope has the following hand-written information: "Sinclair. South from summmit [illegible]. Negative N.G., intensify" and the name "George? (Olsen)" crossed out. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: "Sinclair" and [illegible] Unitas Mts. Negative N.G.". One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Distant view of a rocky outcrop in the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopied envelope has the hand-written intials "W.J.S." along with "80" and "14." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of a rocky plain in the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopied envelope has the hand-written name "Sinclair" along with what appears to read "White River [illegible]." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: "Sinclair" and "Chimneys" along with another word that is illegible. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of a cliff and an overlook in the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopied envelope reads "Sinclair" and "Uuio[?] layer." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of a cliff and an overlook in the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopied envelope reads "Sinclair," "Red Cañon" and "N.G." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: "Sinclair" and "Sa[ge] Creek Spring [illegible]." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: "Sinclair" and "Slip in [illegible]." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922.
Physical Description1 item
Long view of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopied envelope reads "W.J.S" and "2." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
41 items
Three figures stand atop a rocky outcrop, apparently Mrs. Harold R. Wanless, and probably George Wiggan and Walter Dew. Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: "Hangman's Hill, west of Rapid City, S.D. Grade A." along with other technical notes about exposure and type of lens. Negative number 479. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 486. Metamynodon channel 1/4 mile east of camp in Corral Draw, looking north. Stratigraphic note 8. Shows relations with Oreodon beds." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 488. Section of divide between Big and Little Corral Draws, showing titanothere channel in the foreground and Metamynodon channel on the sky line. Stratigraphic note 7." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 489. Indian Stronghold butte, a high butte near head of Quinn Draw, connected with Cooney Table. Cedar trees near top are along divide between Oreodon and Lepauchenia Beds." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 490. Section at the head of Corral Draw, showing Metamyhodon Channel in foreground, (Stratigraphic note 10) and section of Oreodon beds in background capped by Protoceras sandstone (Stratigraphic note 11)." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 491. Solid sheet of algal limestone just above the Lower Nodular Layer, in Little Corral Draw, northwest of Cottonwood Pass. Stratigraphic note 6." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger. Note: Negative is broken in pieces, some missing.
Physical Description1 item
View of the expedition in the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 492. Camp site on Hart Table, 1921, with George Wiggan, Walter Dew, and Mrs. Wanless." Mrs. Wanless, wife of Harold R. Wanless. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1920. Title constructed by cataloger. Note: fractured in three pieces, one piece missing. Typed date strongly considered in error by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Black Hills. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 493. A canyon of Spring Creek seen from the needles above Sylvan Lake, Black Hills, South Dakota" One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 494. The southwest corner of Sheep Mountain, seen from a distance of a mile or more from Cottonwood Basin." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the Black Hills, South Dakota. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 495. View from top of Mt. Roosevelt, Deadwood, Black Hills, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Note: plate is fractured.
Physical Description1 item
View of granite blocks near Sylvan Lake in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 496. Huge masses of granite near Sylvan Lake, Black Hills, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological exView of granite blocks near Sylvan Lake in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 496. Huge masses of granite near Sylvan Lake, Black Hills, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922.
Physical Description1 item
View of the Sylvan Lake in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 497. Sylvan Lake, Black Hills, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 498. Cactus, Corral Draw, Badlands, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Black Hills. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 499. Vertical weathering granite masses near Sylvan Lake, Black Hills, South Dakota" One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 500. Mud nests of Cliff Swallows, Corral Draw, Bad Lands, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 501. Surface of a butte covered with bones of a titanotherium, of which the lower jaw was collected. Indian Creek, Bad Lands, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 502. Narrow channel of Metamynodon sandstone at the head of Corral Draw, showing crossing of modern channel of Corral Draw. Section of Oreodon beds capped by Protoceras sandstone shows in the background. Stratigraphic note 10." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Typed remarks on photocopied envelope read: "Main channel of Metamynodon sandstone, near head of Corral Draw, and section of Oreodon beds above it, capped by Protoceras sandstone. Stratigraphic note 9." Negative number 503. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 504. Nodule field of lower nodular layer near Cottonwood Pass in Corral Draw basin." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 505. Late afternoon view of a section of titanothere beds in Indian Creek near Hart Table." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 506. Valley of Bear Creek, showing the development of 4 stream terraces, perhaos by climate cycles. Near 71 Table." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 510. Valley of Sage Creek from Quinn Table." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Spearfish Canyon in the South Dakota Black Hills. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 513. Upper part of Spearfish Canyon, near Elmore, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 514. Sylvan Lake, South Dakota, showing vertical granite blocks coming right to edge of Lake." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Black Hills. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 515. Upper part of Spearfish Canyon, near Elmore, South Dakota. Black Hills." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View in the South Dakota Black Hills. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 516. Spodumene crystal in Etta Mine with Walter Dew standing along side for comparison of size. Keystone, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View in the South Dakota Black Hills. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 517. Quarry face of Etta Mine, Keystone, South Dakota, showing tremendous sized spodumene crystals, with Walter Dew standing on ledge for comparison." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 518. Pleistocene alluvium or loss in valley of Bear Creek, near 71 Table." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 520. Bright colored clays of lower titanothere beds containing nodules with cone-in-cone structure, with remanie fossils. Bear Creek, near Kuba Table. Stratigraphic note 2." One
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 521. Valley of Sage Creek from top of Quinn Table. Typical Pierre Shale valley." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A road, covered in planks near the foreground, into an identified grasslands. Copy of original envelope has hand-written text that reads: " 525. Sinclair." Most likely taken on one of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922.
Physical Description1 item
Photograph of a pick axe on a rock bed. Two photocopied envelopes misplaced within box, one of which may correspond to image. Text reads: " 526. Part of the valley of Indian Creek from Hart Table by Late afternoon light" referring to the South Dakota Badlands. Other text reads: " 10. El Capitan (summit of cliff) looking West" referring to the Yosemite Valley in California. More likely the former. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 527. Titanothere badlands of Indian Creek from edge of Hart Table, by late afternoon light." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Note: negative is broken with piece missing.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 528. Sylvan Lake from granite blocks east of the Lake, Black Hills, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger. Note: plate is fractured.
Physical Description1 item
Granite needle in the South Dakota Black Hills. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 529. Granite needle [lost text] the new Needle's Eye Tunnel [near] Sylvan Lake, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the Homestake Mine, a goldmine in Lead City (modern-day: Lead), South Dakota.Typed remarks on photocopied envelope include: " 530. Homestake mine open cut, Lead City, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Black Hills. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 532. View of a canyon of Spring Creek, from the needles above Sylvan Lake. Black Hills, South Dakota." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 534. A big area of White River valley badlands seen from the top of Sheep Mountain, showing Oreodon and Leptauchenia beds." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 536. A big canyon cutting the Leptauchonia and Oreodon Beds of Sheep Mountain, just north of Stony Pass." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 537. School of Mines Canyon, Sheep Mountain, showing vertical and nodular weathering of Leptauchenia beds." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of the South Dakota Badlands. Photocopy of original envelope reads: " 541. The southwest corner of Sheep Mountain as seen from Cottonwood basin about 2 miles away." One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
1 box
An expedition party member, possibly William Sinclair, stands by an automobile on the side of the road. The number "1" is handwritten on negative; negative is torn and missing a piece. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
An automobile on the side of the road. "1922 2" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
A road, presumably in South Dakota. "1922 3" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
A general view of The Badlands. "1922 4" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
A general view of The Badlands. "1922 5" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
A general view of The Badlands showing stratification in a rock wall. "1922 16" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
A general view of The Badlands. Blurry image. "1922 17" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
An expedition party member, likely Harold R. Wanless, holding pickaxe. "1922 18" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
A pickaxe on rock bed, perhaps to show scale. "1922 19" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
A pickaxe on rock bed, perhaps to show scale. "1922 20" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
Two party members explore a rocky incline."1922 20" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
View of a wall of rock."1922 23" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
general view of The Badlands."1922 25" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 25" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of the grasslands."19------6" is handwritten on negative, believed to read '1922 26'. Negative is torn with a piece missing. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of the grasslands."1922 27" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 28" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
A distant view of a party member hiking in The Badlands."1922 29" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
A hat lays near a fault line, or some other variation in the ground."1922 30" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 31" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 34" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 35" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 36" is handwritten on negative. Negative is torn. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 37" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 38" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 40" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 41" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
A close-up view of a rock formation."1922 42" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
View of a rock formation."1922 43" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 44" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
General view of The Badlands."1922 45" is handwritten on negative. Princeton student geological and paleontological expedition led by Professor William J. Sinclair in the summer of 1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 box
54 items
Photograph of a topographical map of the Yosemite Vallery, engraved 1907. Most likely taken on, or as the result of, a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 1. North Dome + Royal Arches, Yosemite Va. From near Curry's." Number "1" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 2. South or Half Dome, from near Curry's, looking up Tenaya Cr., Yosemite Valley." Number "2" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 3. Yosemite Fall, looking N.W. from near Curry's." Number "3" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 4. Yosemite Fall, from point about 200 ft. S.W. of Chapel, Yosemite Valley." Number "4" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 5. Yosemite Fall, from point opposite on S. side of Merced R." Number "5" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 6. The Three Brothers, Yosemite Valley, seen from S. side of Merced R." Number "6" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 7. Yosemite Valley, looking up Merced R. from point opposite El Capitan." Number "7" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 9. El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, looking W. from near base." Number "9" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Note: negative fractured with piece missing.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 11. Cathedral Spires, Yosemite Valley, looking S. from N. side of river." Number "11" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 12. Cliffs between Cathedral Spires and Bridal Veil Falls." Number "12" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 13. Bridal Veil Fall, Yosemite Valley, looking S. across river." Number "13" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 14. Bridal Veil Fall, Yosemite Valley. Better negative than 17." Number "14" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger. Note: fractured with piece missing.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 15. Yosemite Valley, from Artist's Point." Number "15" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 16. El Capitan + Ribbon Falls, from Artists Point, Yosemite Valley." Number "16" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 17. Bridal Veil Fall, Yosemite Valley. Same subject as 14." Number "17" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 18. Bridal Veil Fall, as seen from Wamona Road, near base of fall. Yosemite Va." Number "18" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 19. N. face of South or Half Dome, as seen from Mirror Lake, Yosemite Valley." Number "19" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 20. North Dome. Looking down Merced R. from Bridge below Happy Isles, Yosemite Valley." Number "20" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 21. Liberty cap, from Emerald Pool, looking N.E." Number "21" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 22. Nevada Fall, Yosemite Valley, Cal." Number "22" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 23. Vernal Fall, looking upstream from bridge on trail." Number "23" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 24. Vernal Fall, near base." Number "24" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 25. Glacier Point Cliffs, Yosemite Valley, looking S. from point directly opposite N. side of river." Number "25" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of the Yosemite Valley, California. Copy of hand-written notes on envelope reads: " 29. Glaciated surfaces at top pf Nevada Fa[ult], Yosemite Valley, Cal. View looking E[ast]. Glaciation preserved on aplite dike. Name of same visitor on surface in middle ground on left." Number "29" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of a mountain, most likely in Colorado, possibly near Seven Falls Park. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Inventory number "30" written twice on the negative.
Physical Description1 item
A view from within The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads:" 31. Contact between Aubrey Limestone and Cross-bedded Sandstone. Bright Angel Trail, Colorado Canon." Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
What is very likely a view of The Grand Canyon. Number "32" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads:" 33. Looking down 'granite canon' from Tonto esplanade, west of Bright Angel trail. Tower of Set in distance on right." Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads:" 34. Faults between Bright Angel and Trinity Creeks. Colorado Canon." Number "34" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 35. Contorted Vishnu with overlying unconformable Unkar. Mouth of Bright Angel Cr. Colorado Canon." Additional hand-written comments read " 35 is better negative." Number "36" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 35. Contorted Vishnu and Unkar uncon. Above. Mouth of Bright Angel Cr. Colorado Canon." Additional handwritten comments read "(good dense negative) 36 is thin." Number "35" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 37. Red Wall limestone. East side of Bright Angel Trail." Number "37" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 38. East Kaibab Flexure from Grand View trail above Copper Mine Spur. Colorado Canon." Number "38" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger. Note: GLASS NEGATIVE IS BROKEN.
Physical Description1 item
A long view of The Grand Canyon. Number "39" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 40. Section at Maricopa Point, looking west." Number "40" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 41. Bright Angel Creek and Temples adjacent from Yavapai Point." Additional hand-written notes read: "(shows flexed and faulted Unkar, resting on Vishnu and unconformable below the Tonto)" Number "41" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 42. Double unconformity at base of Vishnu's Temple. Colorado Canon." Number "44" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 43. Unconformity at base of Vishnu's Temple. Colorado Canon."Number "43" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 44. Pre-Cambrian Unconformities at base of Temple of Vishnu, opposite Congress Canon. Colorado Canon." Number "44" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 46. Looking up Colorado R. from Tonto rim below Congress Canon showing the great Unconformity. (denser neg.)"Number "46" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title constructed by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 47. Looking up Colorado R. from Tonto rim below Congress Canon showing the great unconformity. (thinner neg.)" Number "47" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 49. Great Pre- Cambrian Unconformity mouth of Congress Canon, Colorado Canon."Number "49" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger. Note: negative broken and fractured with large piece missing.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 51. East Kaibab flexure looking N.W. from Copper Mine Spur Colorado Canon." Number "51" written on negative itself. Number "21" also written on negative. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 52. East Kaibab flexure from near Grand View Pt., on rim trail. Flexed beds in middle distance are Aubrey limestone." Number "52" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 53. East Kaibab flexure from Grand View Point." Number "53" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 54. Looking up Colorado R. from Grand View Pt." Number "54" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of The Grand Canyon. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 55. East Kaibab flexure looking east from Grand View Point." Number "55" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of a log in The Petrified Forest near the now extinct town of Adamana, Arizona. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 56. Log in place in conglomerate, first forest. Adamana." Number "56" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of logs and rocky outcrop in The Petrified Forest near the now extinct town of Adamana, Arizona. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 57. View in first forest showing petrified logs and sections of logs." Handwirtten: "Adamana." Number "57" written on negative itself, along with "28." Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of a flattened log in The Petrified Forest near the now extinct town of Adamana, Arizona. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 58. Petrified log. Petrified forest. Adamana." Number "58" and "29" written in opposite corners on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of logs in The Petrified Forest near the now extinct town of Adamana, Arizona. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 59. Superposed logs, second forest, Adamana." Number "59" written on negative itself; sky masked with tape. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of logs in The Petrified Forest near the now extinct town of Adamana, Arizona. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 60. Petrified log. Second forest. Adamana." Number "60" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of logs in The Petrified Forest near the now extinct town of Adamana, Arizona. Copy of typed envelope reads: " 61. Prostrate tree. North forest Adamana." Below, hand-written: "(Trunks silicified)." Additional hand-written comments: "Mac Clintock, 2 of each, [illegible]" referring to Princeton University Professor of Geology Paul Mac Clintock. Number "61" written on negative itself. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied in part by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
7 items
A view of a waterfall, possibly in Seven Falls Park, Colorado. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
Captioned illustration of a rare horse, very likely the animals (fossils) being sought, or found, in the midst of a geological expedition to the American West; perhaps South Dakota. Photocopied envelope with hand-writing reads: "Prejvalski horse." Most likely taken on, or as the result of, a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
Possibly a view of Seven Falls park in Colorado. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
Possibly a view of Seven Falls park in Colorado. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
A view of a rock face, most likely in Colorado, possibly near Seven Falls Park. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
A view of a rock face, possibly in Seven Falls Park, Colorado. Most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
Illustrations of prehistoric fish, very likely the animals (fossils) being sought, or found, in the midst of a geological expedition to the American West; perhaps Colorado. Most likely taken on, or as the result of, a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University.
Physical Description1 item
8 items
Glass plate negative showing a rocky slope in the South Dakota Badlands. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Very likely a view of the South Dakota Badlands. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922.
Physical Description1 item
Distant view of a man hiking on a rocky wall in the South Dakota Badlands. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of a rocky plain in the South Dakota Badlands. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
View of a cliff and an overlook in the South Dakota Badlands. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A poor view of what is very likely the South Dakota Badlands. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A very poor view of what is very likely the South Dakota Badlands. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Long view of what is very likely the South Dakota Badlands. One of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
43 items
Unidentified landscape, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A woman and child inside a field tent, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A domestic street scene presumably somewhere in the American West; trolley tracks, electric poles and a horse-drawn delivery cart. Most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A homestead, possibly a farm, presumably somewhere in the American West; a few buildings, people, and horse-drawn carriage. Most likely taken on or as part of a facultyled geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A photograph of a flower, presumably somewhere in the American West; a domestic looking building is in the background. Most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A sleeping person bundled in a sleeping bag in what is the middle of a field camp, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
What appears to be the South Dakota Badlands, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified river, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified river, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified river, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
What appears to be the South Dakota Badlands, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified river, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills or the Badlands in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified river, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified waterfall, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified river running through a valley, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A distant view of a campsite in an unidentified landscape, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely on a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of a few figures making camp near a tent in a campsite in an unidentified forest, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely on a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A view of a large farm, hay in bundles, presumably taken somewhere in the American West, most likely on a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified river, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified river, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified mountainous landscape with train tracks running through it, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Distant view of a steam train pulling cars across a steel tressel, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified mountainous landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, with a woman sitting to the left and next to what appears to be an information plaque. Most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Portrait of an unidentified woman sitting in a chair. No other contexual information available.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified river, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified mountainous landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified mountainous landscape with a few small structures, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified waterfall, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Close view of an approaching steamtrain taken from a parallel set of tracks. Presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified river, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
Unidentified landscape, presumably somewhere in the American West, most likely taken on or as part of a faculty-led geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Context suggests it may be the Black Hills in South Dakota. Title supplied b
Physical Description1 item
A farmer apparently plows his field with a horse-drawn plow. A small town is visible in the distance. Title supplied by cataloger.
Physical Description1 item
A rocky shoreline on what may be a large river or a lake, most likely taken on a geological expedition under the aegis of Princeton University. Collections context suggests it may be California, Colorado or the South Dakota Badlands.
Physical Description1 item
What appears to be a rocky patch of grasslands. Most likely taken on one of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922.
Physical Description1 item
A road, covered in planks near the foreground, into an identified grasslands.Most likely taken on one of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922.
Physical Description1 item
An identified grasslands. Most likely taken on one of three Princeton student geological and paleontological expeditions to the Badlands led by Professor William J. Sinclair between 1920-1922.
Physical Description1 item
1 item
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1 item