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Arensberg Archives


Held at: Philadelphia Museum of Art Archives [Contact Us]Philadelphia Museum of Art, PO Box 7646, Philadelphia, PA 19101-7646

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art Archives. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Art collectors Walter and Louise Arensberg were friends with some of the most important artists of the 20th century, and as such, played an integral role in the formulation and promulgation of avant-garde artistic ideas and activities in the United States. Walter Arensberg (1878-1954) was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the oldest child of Conrad Christian Arensberg and his second wife, Flora Belle Covert. Walter's father was President and partial owner of a successful Pittsburgh crucible company. Between 1896 and 1900, Walter attended Harvard University. Following graduation, he travelled to Europe, where he spent at least two years. In 1903, he returned to Harvard, as a graduate student. He did not complete his degree, but rather moved to New York City to work as a cub reporter from 1904-1906.

Louise Arensberg (1879-1953) was born Mary Louise Stevens in Dresden, Germany, to John Edward Stevens and his wife, Harriet Louisa. In 1882, the family relocated to Ludlow, Massachusetts, where Louise's father worked in his in-law's textile manufacturing business, eventually amassing the fortune Louise would use to finance the Arensbergs' art collection. Louise studied music and attended finishing school in Dresden. On June 26, 1907, she married Walter, a Harvard classmate of her brother Sidney.

Initially, the couple settled in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where they purchased and renovated Shady Hill, the former home of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and later Charles Eliot Norton. There, Walter pursued a career as a poet, publishing his first volume, Poems, in 1914. The Arensbergs' travelled to New York in 1913 to view the International Exhibition of Modern Art (Armory Show), where Walter purchased an Edouard Vuillard lithograph. He later returned the work during the Boston venue of the exhibition, purchasing instead lithographs by Paul Cézanne and Paul Gauguin, as well as a small painting by Jacques Villon. Henceforth, the Arensbergs would dedicate their time, energy and money to amassing a seminal collection of twentieth-century art.

In 1914, the Arensbergs relocated to New York City, renting an apartment at 33 West 67th Street. Between 1915 and 1921, they collected approximately 70 more works of art, including that of various French and American avant-garde artists who they befriended. The Arensbergs became particularly close with Marcel Duchamp, who lived in their apartment during the summer of 1915 while they vacationed at their summer home in Pomfret, Connecticut. They would become the artist's life-long patrons and form the largest, most significant collection of his work.

During these years, the Arensbergs' apartment served almost nightly as a gathering place for artists, intellectuals, and writers, including John Covert, Arthur Cravan, Jean and Yvonne Crotti, Charles Demuth, Marcel Duchamp, Albert Gleizes, Mina Loy, Allen and Louise Norton, Francis Picabia, Henri-Pierre Roché, Pitts Sanborn, Morton Schamberg, Charles Sheeler, Joseph Stella, Wallace Stevens, Elmer Ernst Southard, Carl Van Vechten, Edgard Varèse, William Carlos Williams, and Beatrice Wood. Through these intellectual exchanges emerged such important art movements and developments as New York Dada, the Society of Independent Artists, and The Others Group of poets. Amongst these influences, Walter pursued his interest in poetry and his other literary interest, cryptography. In early 1921, he published The Cryptography of Dante, and the next year The Cryptography of Shakespeare. Walter sought to interpret both authors through the analysis of puns, acrostics, and anagrams. For the rest of his life, Walter avidly pursued the Shakespeare-Bacon controversy in the hopes of using cryptography to establish incontrovertible evidence that Sir Francis Bacon was the real author of the Shakespeare's plays, poems and other writings.

In 1921, upon Louise's insistence, the couple relocated to Hollywood, California. While the move was originally intended to be temporary, the Arensbergs remained in California for the rest of their lives, returning to New York for only a year between 1925 and 1926. In September 1927, the Arensbergs purchased their permanent home at 7065 Hillside Avenue.

Once in California, the Arensbergs quickly re-established their importance in the art world. By 1922, they began lending works to galleries and museums for exhibitions. They felt strongly that the public should have an opportunity to view works in the hands of private individuals, and thus were very generous in making loans, limiting, but never ceasing, their cooperation only after several of their works were damaged. Their Hillside Avenue house also served as an ad-hoc museum. Almost anyone who sought permission was granted a visit to their home to view their art collection. The Arensbergs also played an active role in many art associations. Walter served as a board member of the Los Angeles Art Association (1937), Los Angeles County Museum (1938-1939), and the Southwest Museum (1944-1954). In addition, he was a founding board member of the short-lived American Arts in Action (1943) and the Modern Institute of Art, Beverly Hills (1947-1949), organizations dedicated to showing modern art in California. The Arensbergs were among the Modern Institute of Art's biggest supporters, lending generously to its exhibitions and providing financial assistance. Despite this, and the support of many Hollywood notables, including Vincent Price and Edward G. Robinson, the Institute failed.

Through the 1930's and 1940's, the Arensbergs continued to build their art collection, buying primarily modern art and non-Western artifacts as well as some Oriental rugs, Byzantine and Renaissance paintings, and American folk art. They expanded their modern collection to include works by Surrealists such as Max Ernst and Salvador Dalí; the Blue-Four (acquired through the group's American agent Galka Scheyer); and contemporary Mexican artists, including Diego Rivera and Rufino Tamayo. They also acquired additional work by Marcel Duchamp whenever possible. In addition, the Arensbergs collected pre-Columbian stone and ceramic sculptures, many bought from their friend and next-door neighbor, the dealer Earl Stendahl, from 1940 onwards.

In 1937, Walter Arensberg organized the Francis Bacon Foundation; a non-profit educational and research institute dedicated to the study of Francis Bacon. In 1939, the Foundation became the legal owner of the Walter and Louise Arensberg art collection, an arrangement agreeable to the Arensbergs for both financial and ideological reasons. The Arensbergs maintained that the so-called Baconian method for the interpretation of nature was also applicable to the interpretation of art. (Walter Arensberg to Kenneth Ross, unpublished interview, circa 1948).

In the 1940's the Arensbergs began to look for a permanent home for their collection. In 1944, the Arensbergs signed a deed of gift with the University of California, Los Angeles, which included the stipulation that the University build an appropriate museum to house the collection in a specified time frame. By the fall of 1947 it was obvious that this condition would not be met and the contract was nullified. The Arensbergs then began negotiations with numerous other institutions, including the Art Institute of Chicago, the Denver Art Museum, Harvard University, the Honolulu Academy of Arts, the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (Mexico, D.F.), the National Gallery, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the San Francisco Museum of Art, Stanford University, the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Minnesota. The Arensbergs eventually dropped their demand that the recipient of the collection also provide for the continuance of Walter's Francis Bacon Foundation. After protracted discussions and many visits from Director Fiske Kimball and his wife Marie, the Arensbergs presented their collection of over 1000 objects to the Philadelphia Museum of Art on December 27, 1950. On November 25, 1953, Louise died of cancer. Walter lived only a few months longer, passing away on January 29, 1954 from a heart attack. Neither lived long enough to see the opening of their collection at the Philadelphia Museum of Art on October 16, 1954.

    Works Consulted
  1. The Open Eye: In Pursuit of Art (New York, 1971): 56-64. Kuh, Katharine"Walter Arensberg and Marcel Duchamp."
  2. (New York : Abrams, 1994). Naumann, Francis M.New York Dada, 1915-23.
  3. Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin, xxvi.328 (1980): 2-32. Naumann, Francis M."Walter Conrad Arensberg: Poet, Patron, and Participant in the New York Avant-garde."
  4. The Grove Dictionary of Art Online, ed. L. Macy (Accessed 14 December 2001 ). Sawelson-Gorse, Naomi"Arensberg."
  5. (M.A. thesis, Riverside, University of California, 1987). Sawelson-Gorse, Naomi'For the Want of a Nail': The Disposition of the Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection.
  6. (Ph.D. thesis, Santa Barbara, University of California, 1994). Sawelson-Gorse, NaomiMarcel Duchamp's 'Silent Guard' : A Critical Study of Louise and Walter Arensberg

The Arensberg Archives contain correspondence, ephemera, clippings, writings, art collection and personal records, and photographs created and collected by Walter and Louise Arensberg, as well as some material created on the couple's behalf by their secretary and the staff of the Francis Bacon Foundation. Through letters with contemporary artists, art dealers, museums, galleries, and publishers emerges a vivid picture of how the Arensbergs built and maintained one of the most important collections of Modern and pre-Columbian art in the 20th century, particularly from the early 1930's to the early 1950's. Magazine and newspaper clippings; exhibition announcements, invitations, and catalogs; loan forms with various museums and galleries; tax and financial records; a card catalog; and photographs further illustrate how the Arensbergs acquired, cataloged, loaned, conserved, and administered their art collection. Countless letters are preserved from admirers wishing to visit the Arensbergs' Hollywood, California home to view the art collection. In more cases than not, a response from Walter Arensberg granting permission is also preserved. Also included is a significant amount of legal and financial material documenting the Arensbergs' negotiations with the Francis Bacon Foundation, the University of California at Los Angeles, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, as well as several other institutions to find a suitable permanent home for the art collection. Walter Arensberg took a proactive role in promoting modern art in California, as demonstrated by records related to his role in the founding and administration of the short-lived Modern Institute of Art in Beverly Hills.

The material also offers a picture, albeit somewhat limited, of Walter Arensberg's professional interests in avant-garde poetry, the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy, and cryptography. The collection includes manuscripts for several experimental, unpublished poems and essays written by Walter Arensberg probably between 1915-1921, many in collaboration with Marcel Duchamp. At least one of these incorporates titles from Duchamp's readymades. Correspondence with John Covert, Walter's cousin, document his interest in cryptography, and Walter discusses his Baconian research and his research institute, the Francis Bacon Foundation, in several letters.

A significant amount of correspondence with economist John Nef, artists Marcel Duchamp and Charles Sheeler, and art dealer and Armory Show organizer Walter Pach, for example, demonstrate the variety of intellectuals with whom the Arensbergs' maintained close and long-term friendships. Countless other notable figures of the 20th century also crossed the Arensbergs' paths, ranging from literary figures, such as Arthur Cravan, to actors, such as Vincent Price, and these encounters are recorded in the Arensbergs' correspondence and photographs. The collection also includes a significant amount of correspondence with and experimental poetry of Elmer Ernest Southard, an important psychiatrist and neuropathologist, who was Walter's close friend and classmate from Harvard University. Walter received this material upon Southard's death in 1920, and he kept it for the rest of his life.

The arrangement of the Arensberg Archives is based as much as possible on the original order of the records maintained by the Arensbergs and their assistants. The preliminary arrangement of the records was completed by Naomi Sawelson-Gorse, former archivist of the Francis Bacon Foundation, on an intermittent basis between 1986 and 1990, and included three series: Correspondence and Printed Material, Photographs, and Clippings. Her arrangement was based on first-hand information about how the Arensbergs maintained their records gained through the Arensbergs' long-time assistant and President of the Francis Bacon Foundation, Elizabeth Wrigley. The current arrangement adds four additional series--Art Collection, Writings, Personal Records, Elmer Ernest Southard--and makes Ephemera (i.e., Printed Material) a separate series. These changes were necessary to accommodate additional material received in 1996 as well as material transferred from the Department of Prints, Drawings and Photographs in 2001. A detailed description of each series and subordinate subseries follows.

2001. The following items were given by Naomi Sawelson-Gorse from Elizabeth Wrigley's estate: one Photostat of the cover of Filippo Tammaso Marinetti's Zang Tumb Tumb (October 1912); a card catalog record for "La Jolle Scene" by Bartlett; a photograph of Grace Clements' "Untitled" (1913) drawing.

The collection was acquired in three major parts. Ephemera and some correspondence was given to the Museum by the Francis Bacon Foundation in December 1950, simultaneously with the presentation of the Arensberg Art Collection, and received between 1953-1954. A second installment of this initial gift, containing the Arensberg's correspondence pertaining to their art collection, miscellaneous photographs, catalogues, and clippings, was transferred to the Museum by the Francis Bacon Foundation in 1972. Additional personal correspondence and photographs, a card catalog to the Arensberg Art Collection, writings, and the papers of Elmer Ernest Southard, were transferred from the Francis Bacon Foundation to the Museum in 1996. This material was formally given to the Museum in 2001 by the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, which had received the material as part of a larger gift from the Francis Bacon Foundation in 1995.

Reference photocopies of some material related to the following people/subjects are available to researchers in the Department of Modern and Contemporary Art:

Arensberg Art Collection card catalog (Modern section only).

Archipenko, Alexander, 1887-1964

Archipenko, Gela

Brancusi, Constantin, 1876-1957

Brice, William

Brown, Bob, 1886-1959

Burliuk, David, 1882-1967

Burliuk, Marussia (Mrs David)

Calder, Alexander, 1898-1976

Cavanna, Elise

Chagall, Marc, 1887-

Cravan, Arthur, 1887-1920?

Corle, Helen Freeman (Mrs. Edwin)

de Zayas Gallery

Demuth, Charles, 1883-1935

Dreier, Katherine Sophie, 1877-1952

Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968

Eames, Charles

Ernst, Max, 1891-1976

Frey, Albert, 1903-

Gleizes, Albert, 1881-1953

Guggenheim, Peggy, 1898-

Homolka, Florence Meyer

Jawlensky, Alexey

Kerfoot, J. B. (John Barrett), 1865-1927

Kuniyoshi, Yasuo, 1889-1953

Laughlin, Clarence John

Lynes, George Platt, 1907-1955

Marx, Samuel A., 1885-1964

McBride, Henry, 1867-1962

Merida, Carlos, 1891-

Merrild, Knud, 1894-

Moholy-Nagy, Lazlo

Montenegro, Roberto, 1887-1968

Motherwell, Robert

O'Gorman, Helen

O'Gorman, Juan, 1905-

Okada, Kenzo, 1902-

Onslow-Ford, Gordon

Pach, Walter 1883-1958

Paul Drey Gallery

Picabia, Francis, 1879-1953

Ray, Man, 1890-1976

Reiner, Jan

Richter, Hans, 1888-1976

Rivera, Diego, 1886-1957

Roy, Pierre, 1880-1950

Saarinen, Eero, 1910-1961

Sage, Kay

Schell, Sherril

Sheeler, Charles, 1883-1965

Siskind, Aaron

Stein, Clarence S.

Steinitz, Kate Traumann, 1889-1975

Stieglitz, Alfred, 1864-1946

Still, Clyfford, 1904-

Tamayo, Rufino, 1899-

Tice, Clara, 1888-1973

Tzara, Tristan, 1896-1963

Wayne, June C.

Weston, Brett

Weston, Edward, 1886-1958

Wood, Beatrice

These materials were arranged and described by Katherine Stefko, Katy Rawdon, and Adrianna Del Collo in 2006. Funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.


Philadelphia Museum of Art Archives
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Katherine Stefko, Katy Rawdon, and Adrianna Del Collo.
Finding Aid Date
Funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research. The "Fragile restricted papers" may only be consulted with permission of the Archivist. Preservation photocopies for reference use have been substituted in the main files.

Use Restrictions

The Arensberg Archives are the physical property of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Archives. The Museum holds literary rights only for material created by Museum personnel or given to the Museum with such rights specifically assigned. For all other material, literary rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible for obtaining permission from rights holders for publication and for other purposes where stated.

Collection Inventory

Scope and Content Note

Correspondence of Walter and Louise Arensberg, as well as some letters to and from the Arensbergs' staff, including Elizabeth Wrigley and Stanley Rogers, written on the Arensbergs' behalf. Most out-going correspondence are carbon copies of letters dictated by Walter Arensberg and transcribed and typed by his secretary. Only a handful of personal letters are handwritten or by Louise Arensberg. In-coming correspondence is commonly addressed to both Walter and Louise Arensberg.

The correspondence is primarily with art museums, galleries, and art associations seeking exhibition loans; art historians and publishers asking permission to publish works in the Arensbergs' collection; individuals and dealers offering works of art for sale; and general requests to visit the Arensbergs' Hollywood home to view their collection. Also includes personal letters between the Arensbergs and various modern artists, architects and literary figures, including Constantin Brancusi, Kay Boyle, Beniamino Bufano, Alexander Calder, Marc Chagall, Serge Chermayeff, Helen Freeman Corle, Arthur Cravan, Salvador Dalí, Charles Demuth, Marcel Duchamp, Charles Eames, Max Ernst, Alexey Jawlensky, Frederick Kiesler, Le Corbusier, Lazlo Moholy-Nagy, Roberto Montenegro, Robert Motherwell, Francis and Gabrielle Buffet Picabia, Man Ray, Hans Richter, Diego Rivera, Henri Pierre Roché, Eero Saarinen, Charles Sheeler, Rufino Tamayo, Sophie Treadwell, Tristan Tzara, Edward Weston and Beatrice Wood. Also includes some letters with other collectors of modern art, including Katherine Dreier, Peggy Guggenheim, Ruth Maitland and Galka Scheyer, as well as some art historians and scholars, notably William Mills Ivins, Walter Pach, James Johnson Sweeney, and Karl With. A few letters pertain to or mention Walter Arensberg's research on Francis Bacon.

Scope and Content Note

Correspondence with Walter and/or Louise Arensberg, as well as some letters with the Arensbergs' staff, including Elizabeth Wrigley and Stanley Rogers, written on their behalf. Includes some third-party correspondence, ephemera, photographs, and other material sent as attachments and/or enclosures.


Alphabetical by correspondent.

A. C. A. Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1943.
Box 1 Folder 1
Aalto, Hugo Alvar Henrik, 1940, undated.
Box 1 Folder 2
Abbott, Jere, 1943, 1946.
Box 1 Folder 3
Academie Congolaise d'art Populaire (Elisabethville), 1951.
Box 1 Folder 4
Box 1 Folder 5
Addison Gallery of American Art, 1936, 1947-1949.
Box 1 Folder 6
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California).

Adler, Arnold, 1946.
Box 1 Folder 7
Adler, Augusta, 1952-1954.
Box 1 Folder 8
Adler, Mary Ann, 1941-1946.
Box 1 Folder 9
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / A. General records / f. Research notes. Tintoretto, 1518-1594.

Arensberg Archives / V. Writings / f. Adler, Mary Ann. "Notes on a painting 'Flagellation' by Jacobo Tintoretto." Typescript corrected. 3 p.

Adler, Mary Ann, February-March 1949.
Box 1 Folder 10
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Adler, Mary Ann. Invoices.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / A. General records / f. Research notes. "La Belle Ferronniere," a.k.a. "Portrait of a Woman."

Conservation and Technical Research Collection / I. Subjects / f. Objects of others examined. Leonardo da Vinci. "La Belle Ferronniere." Correspondence b/w F. Kimball and M. Adler and photographs.

Adler, Mary Ann, April-November 1949.
Box 1 Folder 11
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / G. Conservation / f. Pre-Columbian. Peruvian Portrait Jars.

Adler, Mary Ann, 1950.
Box 1 Folder 12
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / B. Third-party correspondence / f. Adler, Mary Ann. With Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Stendahl Art Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Art Institute of Chicago.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / A. General records / f. Conservation memos and reports.

Adler, Mary Ann, April-June 1951.
Box 1 Folder 13
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968.

Adler, Mary Ann, July-December 1951.
Box 1 Folder 14
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / A. General records / f. Research notes. "La Belle Ferronniere," a.k.a. "Portrait of a Woman."

Adler, Mary Ann, 1952.
Box 1 Folder 15
Adlow, Dorothy, 1940.
Box 1 Folder 16
Adriani, Bruno, 1939-1953.
Box 1 Folder 17
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Segredakis (E.) (New York).

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. MacGowan, Kenneth, 1888-1963.

Afroyim, 1945.
Box 1 Folder 18
Albers, Anni, 1947.
Box 1 Folder 19
Album of American History, 1947.
Box 1 Folder 20
Allcott, John V, 1948.
Box 1 Folder 21
Allen's Clipping Service, 1951.
Box 1 Folder 22
Allison Allison, 1945-1946.
Box 1 Folder 23
Altman, George J., 1948.
Box 1 Folder 24
Altman (Ralph C.) Antiques (Los Angeles), 1947-1948, 1951.
Box 1 Folder 25
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Altman (Ralph C.) Antiques (Los Angeles). Invoices.

Amador, Yolanda, 1949.
Box 1 Folder 26
American Arts In Action, Inc., 1943.
Box 1 Folder 27
American Association of Museums, 1939.
Box 1 Folder 28
American Federation of Arts, 1940-1941, 1950.
Box 1 Folder 29
American Folk Art Gallery, 1936.
Box 1 Folder 30
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. American. Wilhelm Schimmel Bird Carving. American Folk Art Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. American. Bird Sculpture. American Folk Art Gallery.

American Red Cross.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Guilbert, Claire.

American Peoples Encyclopedia, 1951.
Box 1 Folder 31
American Place (Gallery), 1950-1951.
Box 1 Folder 32
American University (Washington, D.C.), 1949.
Box 1 Folder 33
Andrews, E. Wyllys (Edward Wyllys), 1938.
Box 1 Folder 34
Andrews, Julia C, 1944, 1948, undated.
Box 1 Folder 35
Angel, Molly, 1952-1953.
Box 1 Folder 36
Anthropological Society (Los Angeles, California), 1941.
Box 1 Folder 37
Applebaugh, William King, 1948-1954.
Box 1 Folder 38
Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc, 1948.
Box 1 Folder 39
Aram (Siegfried) Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1937, 1940-1942, 1945, 1949.
Box 1 Folder 40
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Tintoretto, 1518-1594. Ruggiero liberating Angelicirca Siegfried Aram Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. Aram (Siegfried) Gallery (New York, N.Y.). Correspondence.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Invoice, receipts and envelope.

Archaeological Institute of Americirca Southern California Society, 1946, 1952.
Box 1 Folder 41
Archipenko, Alexander, 1948.
Box 1 Folder 42
Archipenko, Gela, 1939, 1947.
Box 1 Folder 43
Arensberg, Charles C, March 4, 1946.
Box 1 Folder 44
Arensberg, Louise Stevens, undated.
Box 1 Folder 45
Armitage, Merle, 1940, 1943, 1951.
Box 1 Folder 46
Art Gallery of Ontario, 1949.
Box 1 Folder 47
Art Institute of Chicago, 1939-1945.
Box 2 Folder 1
Art Institute of Chicago, 1946-1947.
Box 2 Folder 2
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Art Institute of Chicago. "Chagall Exhibition." Shipping receipt.

Art Institute of Chicago, March-May 1948.
Box 2 Folder 3
Art Institute of Chicago, July-December 1948.
Box 2 Folder 4
Art Institute of Chicago, January-June 1949.
Box 2 Folder 5
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Art Institute of Chicago. "20th Century Art from the Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection." Notes and lists of works.

Art Institute of Chicago, July-August 1949.
Box 73 Folder 1
Art Institute of Chicago, September-December 1949.
Box 2 Folder 6
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Calder, Alexander, 1898-1976.

Art Institute of Chicago, 1950-1954, undated.
Box 2 Folder 7
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Adler, Mary Ann.

Art of This Century (New York, N.Y.), 1943.
Box 2 Folder 8
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Guggenheim, Peggy, 1898-.

Arts Club of Chicago, 1938-1939.
Box 2 Folder 9
Arts Club of Chicago, 1940, 1943-1945.
Box 2 Folder 10
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. San Francisco Museum of Art.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Bachmann, P.J.

Ashton, Charles, 1944.
Box 2 Folder 11
Associated American Artists Gallery of California (Los Angeles), 1949.
Box 2 Folder 12
Atwood, Leland, 1945.
Box 2 Folder 13
Babitz, Sol, circa August 28, 1945.
Box 2 Folder 14
Bach, Otto Karl.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Grand Rapids Art Gallery.

Bachmann, P.J, 1942.
Box 2 Folder 15
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Arts Club of Chicago.

Baerman, Walter, July 11, 1940.
Box 2 Folder 16
Baird, Joseph A., Jr, 1945-1946, 1952.
Box 2 Folder 17
Baker, Horace W, circa 1945.
Box 2 Folder 18
Balch, A.G, 1940.
Box 2 Folder 19
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Guilbert, Claire.

Baldinger, Wallace S. (Wallace Spencer), 1946, 1948-1949.
Box 2 Folder 20
Ballard, Louise, 1946.
Box 2 Folder 21
Ballbusch, Peter, February 22, 1944.
Box 2 Folder 22
Bandter, Dick, March 14, 1945.
Box 2 Folder 23
Bank of America, 1941.
Box 21 Folder 1
Banner, Randolph W, September 18, 1944.
Box 2 Folder 24
Barnette, Patty, 1941-1951.
Box 2 Folder 25
Barr, Alfred Hamilton, 1941-1942.
Box 2 Folder 26
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. United States. Visa Services.

Barrow, John V, 1949, 1951-1953.
Box 2 Folder 27
Bauch, Solomon Stan, 1945.
Box 2 Folder 28
Bauer, Helen L, April 29, 1948.
Box 2 Folder 29
Bauer, John, 1949, 1951-1952.
Box 2 Folder 30
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Ojai Festivals, Ltd. (Ojai, California).

Bazner, Eleanor, November 8, 1949.
Box 2 Folder 31
Beale, Leonard T, 1948, 1952.
Box 2 Folder 32
Beaman, A. Gaylord (Alexander Gaylord), 1938.
Box 2 Folder 33
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. University of Southern California.

Beimler, Hans, March 12, 1948.
Box 2 Folder 34
Beloit College (Wisconsin), 1946.
Box 2 Folder 35
Bender, Robert J, 1949.
Box 2 Folder 36
Benson, Dorothea M, 1945-1950, undated.
Box 2 Folder 37
Benton, James, 1949.
Box 2 Folder 38
Benton, Nancy Bell, 1949.
Box 2 Folder 39
Berclaz, Bernice, 1948-1954, undated.
Box 3 Folder 1
Berclaz, Dorothy, 1940.
Box 3 Folder 2
Berdeau, Le Paz W, 1943.
Box 3 Folder 3
Berend-Corinth, Charlotte, 1940, undated.
Box 3 Folder 4
Beres (Pierre) Inc. (New York), 1945.
Box 3 Folder 5
Berman, Eugene, 1940.
Box 3 Folder 6
Berns, Robert S, 1948.
Box 3 Folder 7
Bessinger, Frederic, 1943-1945.
Box 3 Folder 8
Beverly Hills Nurseries, 1940.
Box 3 Folder 9
Biberman, Edward, 1947-1950, undated.
Box 3 Folder 10
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / III. Ephemera / f. Committee to Free the Hollywood Ten. "The case of the Hollywood Ten: a chronology" broadside.

Biddle, George, 1940-1941.
Box 3 Folder 11
Biderman, Charles Joseph, 1947-1948.
Box 3 Folder 12
Biennale di Venezia XXV, 1949-1950.
Box 21 Folder 2
Bignou Gallery, 1940.
Box 3 Folder 13
Bing, Al, 1953.
Box 3 Folder 14
Bing, Anna (Mrs. Al), 1945, 1953-1954.
Box 3 Folder 15
Bing, Leo S, 1946, 1951.
Box 3 Folder 16
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Brummer Gallery (New York, N.Y.).

Binkley, Betty, undated.
Box 3 Folder 17
Binning, B. C, 1950.
Box 3 Folder 18
Bird, Read, 1945.
Box 3 Folder 19
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Fisher, M. F. K. (Mary Frances Kennedy), 1908-.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Occidental College.

Bisttram, Mayrion J., undated.
Box 3 Folder 20
Bizardel, Yvon, 1952.
Box 3 Folder 21
Bizinsky, Eleanor (Mrs. Robert), 1953, 1954.
Box 3 Folder 22
Bliss, Robert Woods, 1942, 1946.
Box 3 Folder 23
Bliven, Bruce, 1945.
Box 3 Folder 24
Block, Anna-Sophie (Mrs. Fred), 1941, 1953.
Box 3 Folder 25
Block, Fred, 1942-1950, 1954.
Box 3 Folder 26
Block, Fritz, 1942.
Box 3 Folder 27
Boardman, Dixon, 1954.
Box 3 Folder 28
Boden, Pamela, undated.
Box 3 Folder 29
Boel, Hilda, 1949.
Box 3 Folder 30
Boes, Dorothy, 1953.
Box 3 Folder 31
Boit, Dalton Church Insurance, 1931.
Box 3 Folder 32
Bond, Robin, 1951.
Box 3 Folder 33
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Sufrin, Anita (Mrs, Arthur).

Borja, Vincente, 1939.
Box 3 Folder 34
Born, Wolfgang, 1946.
Box 3 Folder 35
Boucek, Jaroslav, 1947.
Box 3 Folder 36
Boutlan, Alfredo, undated.
Box 3 Folder 37
Boyle, Kay, 1942.
Box 3 Folder 38
Boynton, Molly, 1941.
Box 3 Folder 39
Brancusi, Constantin, 1950.
Box 3 Folder 40
Brandt, Joan (Mrs. Rexford), 1948.
Box 3 Folder 41
Brash, Viola (Mrs. Arthur F.), 1953.
Box 3 Folder 42
Brett, Dorothy, 1940.
Box 3 Folder 43
Brewer, Joseph, 1940.
Box 3 Folder 44
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Dickinson, Martha.

Brice, William, 1950.
Box 21 Folder 3
British Broadcasting Corporation, 1941, 1949.
Box 3 Folder 45
Brooklyn College, 1941.
Box 3 Folder 46
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Chermayeff, Serge, 1900-.

Brooklyn Museum of Art, 1940-1951.
Box 3 Folder 47
Brooks, Charles Van Wyck, 1940, undated.
Box 3 Folder 48
Brown, Bob, 1944, undated.
Box 3 Folder 49
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / J. Other photographs / f. Latin Americirca Votive vases.

Brown, Milton Wolf, 1941, 1952, undated.
Box 3 Folder 50
Brown University.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Ducasse, Curt John, 1881-1969.

Brummer Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1937-1940.
Box 3 Folder 51
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Brummer Gallery (New York, N.Y.). Invoice and receipt.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Bing, Leo S.

Brush, Albert, 1945, 1954.
Box 3 Folder 52
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. St. John Hospital (Santa Monica).

Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1938-1939.
Box 3 Folder 53
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Klee, Paul, 1879-1940. Bay of Mazzoro. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Klee, Paul, 1879-1940. Mast und Zier-Fische. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1940-1948.
Box 3 Folder 54
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / H. Exhibitions / f. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.) Paul Klee

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Rivera, Diego, 1886-1957. Portrait of a Man. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Merida, Carlos, 1891-. Secret Griefs. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.).

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Marc, Franz, 1880-1916. Horse in Landscape. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Marc, Franz, 1880-1916. Herd of Deer. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Marc, Franz, 1880-1916. Foxes. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / D. Art collection / 1. 20th Century / f. Klee, Paul, 1879-1940. "Fish Magic."

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Kokoschka, Oskar, 1886-. Portrait Egon Wellesz. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Kokoschka, Oskar, 1886-. Portrait Mrs. K. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Klee, Paul, 1879-1940. Unidentified. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Braque, Georges, 1882-1963. Still Life. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. Buchholz Gallery (New York, N.Y.). Correspondence.

Bufano, Beniamino, 1945, undated.
Box 73 Folder 2
Bufano, Virginia (Mrs. Beniamino), 1945.
Box 4 Folder 1
Bull, Harcourt W., Jr., 1939, 1948.
Box 4 Folder 2
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri, 1891-1915. Seated Figure of Sleeping Woman. Harcourt W. Bull Jr.

Bulliet, C. J. (Clarence Joseph), 1950.
Box 4 Folder 3
Bulliet, Catherine (Mrs. C. J.), undated.
Box 4 Folder 4
Burke, Caroline, 1951, undated.
Box 4 Folder 5
Burke, G.E, 1941.
Box 4 Folder 6
Burliuk, David, 1942-1953.
Box 4 Folder 7
Burliuk, Marussia (Mrs David), 1945.
Box 4 Folder 8
Burnap, Margaret Doble, undated.
Box 4 Folder 9
C. T. Loo, Inc. (New York, N.Y.), 1940-1941.
Box 4 Folder 10
Calder, Alexander, 1938-1949.
Box 4 Folder 11
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Art Institute of Chicago.

Calder, Alexander, 1950.
Box 4 Folder 12
California Arts and Architecture, 1940.
Box 4 Folder 13
California Palace of the Legion of Honor, 1937-1952.
Box 4 Folder 14
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. California Palace of the Legion of Honor. "Paintings by Auguste Renoir." Shipping receipt.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. California Palace of the Legion of Honor. "Paintings by August Renoir." Loan Receipt

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. California Palace of the Legion of Honor. [Dali Exhibit]. Loan Receipt.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. California Palace of the Legion of Honor. Correspondence.

California State College at Palos Verdes, 1950-1951, 1954.
Box 4 Folder 15
Callisen, Sterling A, 1944.
Box 4 Folder 16
Camp, Margaret James (Mrs. Walter), 1944, undated.
Box 4 Folder 17
See Also:

Francis Bacon Foundation Records / I. Correspondence / f. Camp, Margaret James (Mrs. Walter).

Campbell, Allen R, 1930-1935.
Box 4 Folder 18
Campbell, Allen R, 1938-1942.
Box 4 Folder 19
Campbell, Allen R., 1943-1953.
Box 4 Folder 20
Campell, Gertrude (Mrs. Allen R.), 1953.
Box 4 Folder 21
Campbell, Robert, 1954.
Box 4 Folder 22
Carlebach, Julius, 1947.
Box 4 Folder 23
Carlen (Robert) Galleries (New York and Philadelphia), 1941, 1948-1950.
Box 4 Folder 24
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Mexican. Santo Nino de Atocha Nicho. Robert Carlen Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Mexican. Santa Ana Sculpture. Robert Carlen Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Mexican. San Rogue Sculpture. Robert Carlen Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Mexican. San Miguel Paintings. Robert Carlen Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Mexican. St. Francis, San Miguel & Flagellation of Christ Paintings. Robert Carlen Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Mexican. San Antonio con Nino Sculpture. Robert Carlen Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Mexican. Nuestra Senora del Rosario Sculpture, San Miguel Painting, Pastor Sculptrure. Robert Carlen Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Mexican. Nicho & Panels. Robert Carlen Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Mexican. Crucifixion sculpture. Robert Carlen Galleries.

Carr, Charles H, 1952.
Box 4 Folder 25
Carrillo, Alvar Gil, 1949.
Box 4 Folder 26
Castle, Mabel, 1948-1949, undated.
Box 4 Folder 27
Cattin, Stanton L, undated.
Box 4 Folder 28
Cavanna, Elise, 1950, 1953.
Box 4 Folder 29
Cerebral Palsy Society of New York City, Inc., 1951.
Box 4 Folder 30
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Hess, Mrs. Alfred.

Chagall, Marc, 1947.
Box 4 Folder 31
Chamberlain, Marcia R, 1948.
Box 4 Folder 32
Clare and Morris Chambers, 1941.
Box 4 Folder 33
Chambers, Florence W., undated.
Box 4 Folder 34
Chanticleer Press, Inc., 1951.
Box 4 Folder 35
Charlot, Jean, 1953.
Box 4 Folder 36
Chase, Robert Graham, 1945.
Box 4 Folder 37
Cheney, Warren D., 1940, 1943.
Box 5 Folder 1
Chermayeff, Barbara (Mrs. Serge), undated.
Box 5 Folder 2
v, 1941-1942, undated.
Box 5 Folder 3
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Brooklyn College.

Cherry, Jeanne d'Orge.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. d'Orge (Cherry), Jeanne.

Chicago Natural History Museum, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 4
Cincinnati Art Museum, 1944.
Box 5 Folder 5
Cincinnati Modern Art Society, 1948.
Box 5 Folder 6
Citron, Minna, undated.
Box 5 Folder 7
City of Paris (San Francisco, California), 1946-1947.
Box 5 Folder 8
Clapp, Frederick Mortimer, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 9
Claremont Colleges.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Hiler, Hilaire.

Claremont Colleges Library, 1935, 1956.
Box 5 Folder 10
Clark, Lois Green, 1953.
Box 5 Folder 11
Clark, Margaret Davis (Mrs. Laurence M.), 1951.
Box 5 Folder 12
Clay, John C., 1947.
Box 5 Folder 13
Clemens, Paul L., 1945.
Box 5 Folder 14
Clements, Grace, 1942.
Box 5 Folder 15
Cleveland Museum of Art, 1944, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 16
Coe, Dorothy T. (Mrs Ralph M.), 1949.
Box 5 Folder 17
Cohen, Sally (Mrs. Arthur J., Jr.), undated.
Box 5 Folder 18
Colen, Arthur, 1950, 1951.
Box 5 Folder 19
College Art Association (United States), 1939-1941, 1946-1947.
Box 5 Folder 20
Comfort, Angelina, 1948.
Box 5 Folder 21
Conant, James Bryant.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harvard University.

Confrence of Studio Unions, 1945.
Box 5 Folder 22
Constable, W. G. (William George), 1941.
Box 5 Folder 23
Container Corporation of America, 1947.
Box 5 Folder 24
Contemporary Artists Patrons, Inc. (Los Angeles, California), 1941.
Box 5 Folder 25
Coogan, George G, 1939.
Box 5 Folder 26
Coolidge, John.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Fogg Art Museum.

Cooper, Charles, 1943.
Box 5 Folder 27
Cooper (Charles E.) Photography (New York, N.Y.), undated.
Box 21 Folder 4
Cooper, Douglas, 1939.
Box 5 Folder 28
Coordinating Council of French Relief Societies, Inc, 1942.
Box 5 Folder 29
Copelan, [?], 1951.
Box 5 Folder 30
Copley Galleries, 1947-1949.
Box 5 Folder 31
Corle, Helen Freeman (Mrs. Edwin), 1947, 1953.
Box 5 Folder 32
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Dunlap, Holmes, Ross & Woodson.

Cornado, Luis Murillo, 1953.
Box 5 Folder 33
Cornell, William E.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Golitzine, Frances Simpson.

Cosmopolitan, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 34
Courvoisier Galleries (San Francisco, California), 1941.
Box 5 Folder 35
Covert, John Raphael, 1932-1933, undated.
Box 5 Folder 36
Covert, John Raphael, undated (1933?).
Box 21 Folder 5
Cox, George L., 1946.
Box 5 Folder 37
Cox, Norah, 1948.
Box 5 Folder 38
Cramer, Mary Louise, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 39
Cravan, Arthur, undated.
Box 5 Folder 40
Crawford, Ralston, 1946.
Box 5 Folder 41
Cue, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 42
Culberg, M. E, 1946.
Box 5 Folder 43
Cunnane, Joy, 1951.
Box 5 Folder 44
Curjel, Hans, 1951.
Box 5 Folder 45
Currier, Helen B, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 46
Curries, Anne E., 1940.
Box 5 Folder 47
Curtis, Taylor, 1941.
Box 5 Folder 48
Cuttoli, Marie, 1940.
Box 5 Folder 49
Dailey, Gardener A., 1947.
Box 5 Folder 50
Dale, Graham, 1947.
Box 5 Folder 51
Dalí, Salvador, undated.
Box 5 Folder 52
Dallas Museum of Art, 1948.
Box 5 Folder 53
Dann, Frode N., 1949-1953.
Box 5 Folder 54
Davidson, Tom, undated.
Box 5 Folder 55
Davis, N. M., undated.
Box 5 Folder 56
Davis, Richard S., 1945, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 57
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

Davis, W. Jefferson (Warren Jefferson), 1942.
Box 5 Folder 58
Dawson, Ernest, 1944.
Box 5 Folder 59
de Bouchelle, Jahale, undated.
Box 21 Folder 6
de Hauke, Cesar, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 60
de Lente, M. Adrian, 1940, 1941.
Box 5 Folder 61
De Patta, Margaret, 1950.
Box 5 Folder 62
de Terra, Eleanor, 1952.
Box 5 Folder 63
de Terra, Helmut, 1950-1951.
Box 5 Folder 64
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Pre-Columbian. Unidentified. Helmut De Terra.

De Zayas Gallery, 1920.
Box 5 Folder 65
Deacon, Ruth, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 66
Dean, Flora Maitland, undated.
Box 5 Folder 67
Delano, Annita, 1942.
Box 5 Folder 68
Delbruck, [?], 1951.
Box 5 Folder 69
Delphic Studios (New York, N.Y.), 1940.
Box 5 Folder 70
Delta Epsilon, 1948.
Box 5 Folder 71
Demuth, Charles, undated.
Box 5 Folder 72
Denver Art Museum, 1944-1952.
Box 5 Folder 73
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / I. Works in other collections / f. Denver Art Museum. Schleier Memorial Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Denver Art Museum. Unidentified exhibit. Shipping receipt.

Denver. Office of the Mayor, 1949.
Box 5 Folder 74
Rogers, "Hebe" (Mrs. A. Chapin), 1949.
Box 5 Folder 75
Detroit Institute of Arts, 1935-1945.
Box 5 Folder 76
Devich, John, undated.
Box 5 Folder 77
Dickinson, Martha, 1941.
Box 6 Folder 1
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Brewer, Joseph.

Dickson Mound Museum (Lewistown, Illinois), 1943.
Box 6 Folder 2
Diorio, Roman C., 1938-1939.
Box 6 Folder 3
Dobuzhinskii, Mstislav Valerianovich, 1946.
Box 6 Folder 4
Dockum, Charles, 1942.
Box 6 Folder 5
Dooley, Elane Bailey, 1947.
Box 6 Folder 6
D'Orazi, Tony, 1951-1954.
Box 6 Folder 7
d'Orge (Cherry), Jeanne, 1939-1940.
Box 6 Folder 8
Dorsey, Elizabeth W, 1949.
Box 6 Folder 9
Downtown Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1940-1943.
Box 6 Folder 10
Drake, Alice Hutchins, 1951.
Box 6 Folder 11
Drake, Rowena (Mrs. Richards), undated.
Box 6 Folder 12
Dreier, Katherine Sophie, 1941-1945.
Box 6 Folder 13
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / IV. Clippings / f. Dreier, Katherine Sophie, 1877-1952. West Redding, Connecticut home.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / J. Other photographs / f. Dreier, Katherine Sophie, 1877-1952. West Redding Connecticut Home. Sign.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / J. Other photographs / f. Dreier, Katherine Sophie, 1877-1952. West Redding , Connecticut Home. Map.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / J. Other photographs / f. Dreier, Katherine Sophie, 1877-1952. West Redding, Connecticut Home. Floor Plan, second floor.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / J. Other photographs / f. Dreier, Katherine Sophie, 1877-1952. West Redding, Connecticut Home. Floor Plan, first floor.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Dreyfus, R. D, 1948.
Box 6 Folder 14
Dreyfuss, Henry, 1948.
Box 6 Folder 15
Ducasse, Curt John, 1947.
Box 6 Folder 16
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. University of California, Los Angeles.

Duchamp, Marcel, 1917.
Box 6 Folder 17
See Also:

Francis Bacon Foundation Records / I. Correspondence / f. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968.

Francis Bacon Foundation Records / V. Library records / A. Correspondence / f. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968.

Duchamp, Marcel, 1918.
Box 6 Folder 18
Duchamp, Marcel, 1919.
Box 6 Folder 19
Duchamp, Marcel, 1921.
Box 6 Folder 20
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Pach, Walter, 1883-1958.

Duchamp, Marcel, 1930.
Box 6 Folder 21
Duchamp, Marcel, 1932.
Box 6 Folder 22
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VI. Personal records / f. Notes re: money sent to Marcel Duchamp.

Duchamp, Marcel, 1933.
Box 6 Folder 23
Duchamp, Marcel, 1934.
Box 6 Folder 24
Duchamp, Marcel, 1935.
Box 6 Folder 25
Duchamp, Marcel, 1937.
Box 6 Folder 26
Duchamp, Marcel, 1940.
Box 21 Folder 7
Duchamp, Marcel, 1941.
Box 6 Folder 27
Duchamp, Marcel, 1942-1943.
Box 73 Folder 3
Duchamp, Marcel, 1944.
Box 6 Folder 28
Duchamp, Marcel, 1945.
Box 6 Folder 29
Duchamp, Marcel, 1948.
Box 6 Folder 30
Duchamp, Marcel, 1949.
Box 6 Folder 31
Duchamp, Marcel, March-April 1950.
Box 6 Folder 32
Duchamp, Marcel, May-July 1950.
Box 6 Folder 33
Duchamp, Marcel, September-December 1950.
Box 73 Folder 4
Duchamp, Marcel, January-April 1951.
Box 6 Folder 34
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / B. Third-party correspondence / f. Adler, Mary Ann. With Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Adler, Mary Ann.

Duchamp, Marcel, May-November 1951.
Box 6 Folder 35
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / E. Disposition / 3. Philadelphia Museum of Art / f. Inventory of art objects purchased thru/from Marcel Duchamp (filed with inventories of PMA gift)

Duchamp, Marcel, 1952.
Box 6 Folder 36
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Duchamp, Marcel, 1953.
Box 6 Folder 37
Duchamp, Marcel, 1954.
Box 6 Folder 38
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Wood, Beatrice.

Duchamp, Marcel, undated.
Box 6 Folder 39
Dudley, Louise, 1950.
Box 6 Folder 40
Dumas, James T, 1940.
Box 6 Folder 41
Dunlap, Holmes, Ross Woodson, 1953-1954.
Box 6 Folder 42
See Also:

Francis Bacon Foundation Records / I. Correspondence / f. Dunlap, Holmes, Ross & Woodson.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Corle, Helen Freeman (Mrs. Edwin).

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Dunn, Leonore, 1940.
Box 6 Folder 43
Dyhrenfurth, Hettie, 1949.
Box 6 Folder 44
E. A. Silberman Galleries, Inc.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

E. B. Crocker Art Gallery, 1941.
Box 7 Folder 1
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

Eames, Charles, 1947-1948.
Box 7 Folder 2
Eaton, Marjorie, 1953.
Box 7 Folder 3
Ebert, Isabelle, 1951.
Box 7 Folder 4
Eda, H. S, 1940-1942.
Box 21 Folder 8
Eddy, Jerome O, 1934, 1951.
Box 7 Folder 5
Edgell, Dr. George Harold, 1935.
Box 7 Folder 6
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harvard University.

Eisendrath, William N., Jr, 1948.
Box 7 Folder 7
Elliott, Faith, 1946.
Box 7 Folder 8
Elliott, Huger, 1943, undated.
Box 7 Folder 9
Ellis, Rayme Sonray, 1943.
Box 7 Folder 10
Encyclopedia Americana, 1950.
Box 7 Folder 11
Enggass, Robert, 1948.
Box 7 Folder 12
English, Harold, 1952.
Box 7 Folder 13
Entero, Angna, 1940.
Box 7 Folder 14
Epstein, [?], 1952.
Box 7 Folder 15
Erickson, Ernest, 1944.
Box 7 Folder 16
Ernst, Max, undated.
Box 7 Folder 17
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / V. Writings / f. Ernst, Max, 1891-1976. "Essay on Chirico." Typescript. 3 p.

Escherich, Mela, 1952-1953.
Box 21 Folder 9
Evans, Paul E, 1944.
Box 7 Folder 18
Faille, J. B. de la (Jacob-Baart), 1949.
Box 7 Folder 19
Faison, S. Lane (Samson Lane), 1950.
Box 7 Folder 20
Falcou, Jacques, 1946.
Box 7 Folder 21
>Farnol, Lynn, 1946, 1949, undated.
Box 7 Folder 22
Federal Union (United States), 1941.
Box 7 Folder 23
Federated Art Clubs of Los Angeles County, 1945.
Box 21 Folder 10
Feeney, Lutie A, 1948.
Box 7 Folder 24
Fehl, Philipp P, 1953.
Box 7 Folder 25
Feiss, Carl, 1940.
Box 7 Folder 26
Fenton, Jessie, 1937, 1947, undated.
Box 7 Folder 27
Fenton, Norman, 1933-1940.
Box 7 Folder 28
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Stanford University.

Fenton, Norman, 1941-1949, 1953.
Box 7 Folder 29
Ferargil Galleries, 1940.
Box 7 Folder 30
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Easter Island: Stone Figure. Feragil Galleries.

Fern, Joan J, 1950.
Box 7 Folder 31
Ferren, John, 1942.
Box 7 Folder 32
Field, Betty, 1940, undated.
Box 7 Folder 33
Field, Katherine, 1940.
Box 7 Folder 34
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1937-1940.
Box 7 Folder 35
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego. Uidentified exhibition. Loan receipt.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Poland, Reginald.

Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1941.
Box 7 Folder 36
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1944-1949.
Box 7 Folder 37
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

Finnish Relief Fund, 1940.
Box 7 Folder 38
Fiore, Quentin, 1943-1944, undated.
Box 7 Folder 39
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Kamrowski, Gerome. Unidentified. Quentin Fiore.

Fisher, M. F. K. (Mary Frances Kennedy), 1945.
Box 7 Folder 40
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Bird, Read.

Fitzsimmons, James, undated.
Box 7 Folder 41
Flair, 1950.
Box 7 Folder 42
Fogg Art Museum, 1939-1951.
Box 7 Folder 43
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Fogg Art Museum. "Pre Columbian" exhibition. Loan receipts and shipping receipt.

Forbes, Edward W.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Fogg Art Museum.

Forbes, Margaret L. (Mrs. Edward W.), undated.
Box 7 Folder 44
Foster, Kenneth E, 1947.
Box 7 Folder 45
Fox, Josephine S. (Mrs. Derek), 1948.
Box 7 Folder 46
Fox, Milton S, 1944, 1949, 1950-1951.
Box 7 Folder 47
Frankenstein, Alfred Victor, 1940.
Box 7 Folder 48
Freilich, Marvin S, undated.
Box 7 Folder 49
French Consulate (Los Angeles), 1941.
Box 7 Folder 50
French, General [?], 1951.
Box 7 Folder 51
Frey, Albert, 1943.
Box 7 Folder 52
Fried, Rose, 1948-1950, undated.
Box 7 Folder 53
Fudger, E, undated.
Box 7 Folder 54
Fuhrman, Ernst, 1939-1940.
Box 7 Folder 55
Fuller, B. A. G. (Benjamin Apthorp Gould), 1942-1953.
Box 7 Folder 56
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. O'Gorman, Helen.

Galerie Bremer (Berlin, Germany), 1950.
Box 8 Folder 1
Gallagher, Charles Frederick, undated.
Box 8 Folder 2
Gallagher, William, 1949-1950.
Box 8 Folder 3
Gannon, G. M, 1941.
Box 8 Folder 4
Garcia Vidal, Alberto, 1950.
Box 8 Folder 5
Garrison, J. J. (Jesse Janes), 1942.
Box 8 Folder 6
Gemperle, Winifred, 1949.
Box 8 Folder 7
Gerson, Helmut E, 1940.
Box 8 Folder 8
Gettys, Alice, undated.
Box 8 Folder 9
Gilbertson, Warren, 1945-1946.
Box 8 Folder 10
Gilcrease (Thomas) Foundation (Tulsa, Oklahoma), 1948-1949.
Box 8 Folder 11
Glusker, Bobbie Finkle (Mrs. P.), 1954.
Box 8 Folder 12
Glusker, David, 1946-1954, undated.
Box 8 Folder 13
Godbe Roofing Company, 1953.
Box 8 Folder 14
Godfrey, Eve Goell (Mrs. Philip), undated.
Box 8 Folder 15
Golden Gate International Exposition (1939-1940: San Francisco, California), 1938.
Box 8 Folder 16
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Hayes-Patridge, Jean.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Liebes, Dorothy W.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

Golden Gate International Exposition (1939-1940: San Francisco, California), 1939-1940.
Box 21 Folder 11
Goldstein, Harriet, 1948.
Box 8 Folder 17
Golitzine, Frances Simpson, 1945.
Box 8 Folder 18
Good Neighbor Imports, Inc. (New York, N.Y.), 1945.
Box 8 Folder 19
Goodwin, John B. L, 1944-1946.
Box 8 Folder 20
Goutman, Dolya, 1943, undated.
Box 8 Folder 21
Grabhorn, Marjorie, 1946.
Box 8 Folder 22
Graham, Fred A, 1952.
Box 8 Folder 23
Grand Rapids Art Gallery, 1943.
Box 8 Folder 24
Grant, Clara Louise, 1946.
Box 8 Folder 25
Greenough, Jane, 1945.
Box 8 Folder 26
Grolier Society, Inc, 1948.
Box 8 Folder 27
Guardia-Berdecio, Jorge, 1942.
Box 8 Folder 28
Guenzel, M. R, 1942.
Box 8 Folder 29
Guggenheim, Mary, undated.
Box 8 Folder 30
Guggenheim, Peggy, 1941.
Box 8 Folder 31
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Art of This Century (New York, N.Y.).

Guilbert, Claire, 1941-1954, undated.
Box 8 Folder 32
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / B. Snapshots and portraits / f. Guilbert. Mother of Claire Guilbert.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Balch, A.G.

Gump's (Department Store), 1940.
Box 8 Folder 33
Gurey, Jay, 1948, 1950.
Box 8 Folder 34
Gutmann, James, undated.
Box 8 Folder 35
Haas, Elise S., 1946-1951.
Box 8 Folder 36
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. San Francisco Museum of Art.

Haas, Mrs. Robert, 1952.
Box 8 Folder 37
Hagermeyer, Johan, 1942.
Box 8 Folder 38
Hahn, Harry (Harry J.), 1947.
Box 8 Folder 39
Hammett, Buell, 1940.
Box 8 Folder 40
Handforth, Thomas, 1942.
Box 8 Folder 41
Hansen, J. Salter, 1942.
Box 8 Folder 42
Hapgood, Elizabeth Reynolds, 1945.
Box 8 Folder 43
Harcoff, Lyla Marshall, 1940, 1947, undated.
Box 8 Folder 44
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / J. Other photographs / f. Harcoff, Lyla Marshall. 326 E. Los Olivos St., Santa Barbara, California house.

Harcoff, Lyla Marshall, 1941-1942, 1945.
Box 21 Folder 12
Harper Brothers, 1944-1951.
Box 8 Folder 45
Harrison, Mrs. B. M, 1941, undated.
Box 8 Folder 46
Harrison, William Preston, 1937-1938, undated.
Box 8 Folder 47
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Golden Gate International Exposition (1939-1940: San Francisco, California).

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Poland, Reginald.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Los Angeles County Museum.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Nesi, Pierre F.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Offner, Richard, 1889-1965.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. M. Knoedler & Co.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Brummer Gallery (New York, N.Y.).

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. E. B. Crocker Art Gallery.

Harvard Alumni Bulletin, 1951, undated.
Box 8 Folder 48
Harvard Club of New York City, 1940.
Box 8 Folder 49
Harvard Club of Southern California, 1946-1953.
Box 8 Folder 50
Box 8 Folder 51
See Also:
  1. Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Edgell, Dr. George Harold.
Box 8 Folder 52
Box 8 Folder 53
Box 8 Folder 54
Box 8 Folder 55
Box 8 Folder 56
Box 8 Folder 57
Box 8 Folder 58
1938, undated.
Box 8 Folder 59
See Also:
  1. Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Liebes, Dorothy W.
  2. Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Golden Gate International Exposition (1939-1940: San Francisco, California).
1951, undated.
Box 8 Folder 60
Heil, Walter, 1951.
Box 9 Folder 1
Heimann, Jacob M, 1943, 1946.
Box 9 Folder 2
Henle, Annemarie, 1938-1943.
Box 9 Folder 3
Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1938-1952.
Box 9 Folder 4
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California).

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / J. Other photographs / f. Schad, Jasper. Waterspout, Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside California.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

Francis Bacon Foundation Records / I. Correspondence / f. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.

Herron, Jason, 1939-1942, undated.
Box 9 Folder 5
Hess, Mrs. Alfred, 1951.
Box 9 Folder 6
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Cerebral Palsy Society of New York City, Inc.

Heythum, Antonin, 1942.
Box 9 Folder 7
Higgins, Aldus C, 1946.
Box 9 Folder 8
Hiler, Hilaire, 1939-1946, undated.
Box 9 Folder 9
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / V. Writings / f. Hiler, Hilaire. Letter of protest to the Jury of the Fourth Annual Exhibition of Artists of Los Angeles and Vicinity. Typescript. 1 p.

Hill, Ruth Beebe, 1949-1950.
Box 9 Folder 10
Hirsch, Ruth S. (Mrs. Joseph), 1941.
Box 9 Folder 11
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / I. Works in other collections / f. Hirsch, Joseph, 1910-. Two Men. Museum of Moden Art (New York, N.Y.)

Hispano American Booksellers, Inc. (Los Angeles, California), 1946.
Box 9 Folder 12
Hocking, Richard, 1946, undated.
Box 9 Folder 13
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. University of California, Los Angeles.

Hoffman, Irving, 1949.
Box 9 Folder 14
Holaday, Evelyn, undated.
Box 9 Folder 15
Holland House Gallery (New Orleans, Louisiana), 1952.
Box 9 Folder 16
Hollenbach, Marion, 1942, 1943.
Box 9 Folder 17
Hollywood Gallery of Modern Art (Los Angeles, California), 1935.
Box 9 Folder 18
Hollywood Quarterly Editors, 1946.
Box 9 Folder 19
Holmes, Campbell, 1944.
Box 9 Folder 20
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Occidental College.

Holt, Claire, 1941.
Box 9 Folder 21
Holt, George A. C, 1947.
Box 9 Folder 22
Homet, Marcel, 1947.
Box 9 Folder 23
Homolka, Florence Meyer, 1952, 1955.
Box 9 Folder 24
Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1949-1950.
Box 9 Folder 25
Hordyk, Gerard, 1948.
Box 9 Folder 26
Horkheimer, Max, 1940-1941.
Box 9 Folder 27
Hornor, Betty P. (Mrs. Harry), 1944.
Box 9 Folder 28
Hoshour, Harvey, 1940-1948.
Box 9 Folder 29
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. University of Minnesota.

Hoshour, Harvey, 1949.
Box 9 Folder 30
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. University of Minnesota.

Hoshour, Harvey, 1950-1951.
Box 9 Folder 31
Hoshour, Harvey, Jr, 1951.
Box 9 Folder 32
Hoshour, Ruth, undated.
Box 9 Folder 33
Houghton Library, 1949.
Box 9 Folder 34
Household, 1950.
Box 9 Folder 35
Hovey, Walter, 1952.
Box 9 Folder 36
Howard, Charles, 1946.
Box 9 Folder 37
Howell, David H, 1950.
Box 9 Folder 38
Howey, Ralph T, 1938.
Box 9 Folder 39
Hoyle, Lillian, 1942.
Box 9 Folder 40
Hsuch, Wei Fan, 1941.
Box 9 Folder 41
Hubachek, F. B. (Frank Brookes), 1941-1942.
Box 9 Folder 42
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Lefebvre-Foinet, Rene.

Huldschinsky, Paul, 1942.
Box 9 Folder 43
Hunt, Barry, undated.
Box 9 Folder 44
Hunt, Mrs. R.L. Tornay, 1948.
Box 9 Folder 45
Hunt, Pat, 1951.
Box 9 Folder 46
Hunter, Allen A, 1951.
Box 9 Folder 47
Huntington Hartford Foundation, 1950.
Box 9 Folder 48
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Podoski, Hektor.

Hussein, Abd Essalam, 1948.
Box 9 Folder 49
Huston, Kathleen (Mrs. Harold), 1947.
Box 9 Folder 50
Hyperion Press, 1942-1945.
Box 9 Folder 51
I. Magnin Co, 1951.
Box 9 Folder 52
Indianoya Indian Trading Post (Palm Springs, California), 1942-1944.
Box 9 Folder 53
Ingle, Thomas, 1946.
Box 9 Folder 54
Institute of Contemporary Arts (London, England), 1947.
Box 9 Folder 55
Institute of Modern Art (Boston, Massachusetts), 1940-1941.
Box 10 Folder 1
Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (Mexico), 1950-1951.
Box 10 Folder 2
Insurance Company of North America, 1931.
Box 10 Folder 3
Inter-American Society of Anthropology and Geography, 1943.
Box 10 Folder 4
International Exposition of the Arts: Masterpieces of the 20th Century, 1952.
Box 10 Folder 5
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.).

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Sweeney, James Johnson, 1900-.

Inverarity, Robert Bruce, 1946.
Box 10 Folder 6
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 1949.
Box 10 Folder 7
Ivins, William Mills, 1925, 1930-1931.
Box 10 Folder 8
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.).

Jacobs, Lou, Jr, 1950.
Box 10 Folder 9
Jacobson, David, Jr, undated.
Box 10 Folder 10
Jacoby, Carolus.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Rathenau, Ernest G.

Jacques Seligmann Galleries, 1937-1946, 1952.
Box 10 Folder 11
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Redon, Odilon, 1840-1916. Unidentified. Jacques Seligmann Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Redon, Odilon, 1840-1916. Profile and Flowers. Jacques Seligmann Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973. Man with Guitar. Jacques Seligmann Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Modigliani, Amedeo, 1884-1920. Grand Nu Couche. Jacques Seligmann Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Leger, Fernand, 1881-1955. Study for "Serroguets" Jacques Seligmann Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Leger, Fernand, 1881-1955. Les Plongeurs (en Noir). Jacques Seligmann Galleries.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Jacques Seligmann Galleries. Invoice and receipt.

Jaffe, Michael, 1952.
Box 10 Folder 12
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Pasadena Art Institute.

Janis, Martin M, 1946, 1954.
Box 10 Folder 13
Janis, Sidney, 1938-1954.
Box 10 Folder 14
Jawlensky, Alexey, 1934-1935.
Box 21 Folder 13
Jeffress, Arthur, 1940, 1941.
Box 10 Folder 15
Jena, Jane, undated.
Box 10 Folder 16
Jenson Wally, 1952.
Box 21 Folder 14
Jepson Art Institute (Los Angeles, California), 1949.
Box 10 Folder 17
Jerusalem World Art Museum (Los Angeles, California), 1949.
Box 10 Folder 18
John Day Co, 1950.
Box 10 Folder 19
John Herron Art Institute, 1946, 1949.
Box 10 Folder 20
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1937-1954, undated.
Box 10 Folder 21
Johnson, Clifford, 1944.
Box 10 Folder 22
Johnson, Walter Willard, 1930.
Box 10 Folder 23
Johnston, Ynez, 1943, 1948.
Box 10 Folder 24
Johnstone, Milly (Mrs. W. H.), 1952.
Box 10 Folder 25
Jonson, Raymond, 1951.
Box 10 Folder 26
Joralemon, Dorothy, 1940.
Box 10 Folder 27
Joseph, Rudolph S, 1948.
Box 10 Folder 28
Joyce, Mary, 1947.
Box 10 Folder 29
Julien Levy Gallery, 1940-1942, 1950.
Box 10 Folder 30
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / K. Negatives / 4. Works offered for sale / f. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968. Network of Stoppages. Julien Levy Gallery. COLOR TRANSPARENCY

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Giacometti, Alberto, 1901-1966. Plaster Figure. Julien Levy Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968. Network of Stoppages. Julien Levy Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Berman, Eugene, 1899-. Conversation des Roehers. Julien Levy Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. Julien Levy Gallery. Correspondence

Kamrowski, Gerome, 1941-1942.
Box 21 Folder 15
Kann, Frederick I., 1939, 1941.
Box 10 Folder 31
Kassler, Bennett, undated.
Box 10 Folder 32
Kaufman, Louis, 1947, 1952, 1953.
Box 10 Folder 33
Kaye, Helen, 1951, 1954.
Box 10 Folder 34
Keating (W. R. and Co., Inc. (New York, N.Y.), 1951.
Box 10 Folder 35
Kelekian (Dikran G.), Inc. (Paris and New York), 1940.
Box 10 Folder 36
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Derain, Andre, 1880-1954. Self-Portrait. Kelekian (Dikran G.), Inc.

Kelley, Dorothea Torrey (Mrs. Harold), 1939.
Box 10 Folder 37
Kellogg, Jean, 1943-1944.
Box 10 Folder 38
Kidd, Hari, 1939-1941, undated.
Box 10 Folder 39
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / F. Works sent by the artist / f. Kidd, Hari. Unidentified.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / F. Works sent by the artist / f. Kidd, Hari. Nocturne.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / F. Works sent by the artist / f. Kidd, Hari. Lilies.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / F. Works sent by the artist / f. Kidd, Hari. Mexican Girl.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / F. Works sent by the artist / f. Kidd, Hari. Mexican Plaza.

Kidder, A. V, 1945.
Box 10 Folder 40
Kiesler, Frederick, 1935.
Box 10 Folder 41
Kimball, Marie Goebel, 1952-1953, undated.
Box 10 Folder 42
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

King, Barbara, 1947.
Box 10 Folder 43
Kingsley, William A, 1944-1945.
Box 10 Folder 44
Kleidman, Rose, undated.
Box 10 Folder 45
Kleijkamp (Janna), Inc. (New York, N.Y.), 1941.
Box 10 Folder 46
Klein, Leonard, 1949-1950.
Box 10 Folder 47
Klein, Margaret C, 1951.
Box 10 Folder 48
Kootz Gallery, 1945, 1947.
Box 10 Folder 49
Kosich, Benjamin, 1949.
Box 10 Folder 50
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / B. Third-party correspondence / f. United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. To Kosich, Benjamin.

Kosich, Benjamin, 1950-1954.
Box 10 Folder 51
Kosich, Benjamin, undated.
Box 10 Folder 52
Kuh, Katharine.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Art Institute of Chicago.

Kuniyoshi, Yasuo, 1949.
Box 10 Folder 53
Kurgen, Aaron, 1950.
Box 10 Folder 54
La Fresnaye, Mrs. W. S, 1939, 1940.
Box 11 Folder 1
Lachenbruch, Ruth, 1944.
Box 11 Folder 2
Ladies Home Journal, 1950.
Box 11 Folder 3
Landor, Walter, 1940, undated.
Box 11 Folder 4
Lang, Jennings, 1947.
Box 11 Folder 5
Langsner, Jules, 1953, undated.
Box 11 Folder 6
Larkin, Oliver W, 1948, 1951.
Box 11 Folder 7
Laughlin, Clarence John, 1945, 1949-1950.
Box 21 Folder 16
Laughton, Charles, 1943, 1944.
Box 11 Folder 8
Laurens, Frank, 1951.
Box 11 Folder 9
Lauvrik, John Nilsen, 1950-1952, undated.
Box 11 Folder 10
Le Corbusier, 1939.
Box 11 Folder 11
Leepa, Allen, 1947.
Box 11 Folder 12
Lefebvre-Foinet, Rene, 1941, undated.
Box 21 Folder 17
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Hubachek, F. B. (Frank Brookes) b. 1894.

Leite, George, 1948.
Box 11 Folder 13
Lesser, Fay, 1948.
Box 11 Folder 14
Level, Hildegard, 1948.
Box 11 Folder 15
Levy, Norman A, 1947.
Box 11 Folder 16
Lewin, Albert, 1947.
Box 11 Folder 17
Lewis, Geyn LI. G, 1940.
Box 11 Folder 18
Lewis, Hunter, 1950.
Box 11 Folder 19
Lewis, Virginia E, 1952.
Box 11 Folder 20
Leyda, Jay, 1944-1945.
Box 11 Folder 21
Leyden, Louise H, 1952, undated.
Box 11 Folder 22
Library of Congress, 1940, 1946.
Box 11 Folder 23
Liebes, Dorothy W, 1941, 1945, undated.
Box 11 Folder 24
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Golden Gate International Exposition (1939-1940: San Francisco, California).

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Hayes-Patridge, Jean.

Liebig, Caroline, 1940.
Box 11 Folder 25
Life, 1944.
Box 11 Folder 26
Life and Time, 1949.
Box 11 Folder 27
Lilienfeld (Karl) Galleries, Inc. (New York, N.Y.), 1939, 1940.
Box 11 Folder 28
Lindsay, Kenneth Clement, 1942, 1953.
Box 11 Folder 29
Lipsky, Earl, 1948, undated.
Box 11 Folder 30
Little, John, undated.
Box 11 Folder 31
Little, Kenneth G. D, undated.
Box 11 Folder 32
Lizardi Ramos, Cesar, 1951-1952.
Box 11 Folder 33
Adolfo Loewi [firm], 1940.
Box 11 Folder 34
London Gallery, Ltd. (London, England), 1950.
Box 11 Folder 35
Look, 1947-1951.
Box 11 Folder 36
Los Angeles Art Association, 1937.
Box 11 Folder 37
Los Angeles (California). City Council, 1952.
Box 11 Folder 38
Los Angeles (California). Police Commision, 1941.
Box 11 Folder 39
Los Angeles (California). Mayor's Office, 1948-1953.
Box 11 Folder 40
Los Angeles (California). Municipal Art Commission, 1950-1953.
Box 11 Folder 41
Los Angeles County Museum, 1937-1940.
Box 11 Folder 42
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

Los Angeles County Museum, 1941-1942.
Box 11 Folder 43
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Los Angeles County Museum. Unidentified exhibit. Notes.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Los Angeles County Museum. Unidentified exhibit. Loan Receipts.

Los Angeles County Museum, 1944-1945.
Box 11 Folder 44
Los Angeles County Museum, 1946-1947.
Box 11 Folder 45
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Los Angeles County Museum. Unidentified exhibit. Shipping receipt.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Los Angeles County Museum. Unidentified exhibit. Loan receipt.

Los Angeles County Museum, 1948-1953.
Box 11 Folder 46
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / V. Writings / f. Roché, Henri Pierre, 1879-1959; Copley, William Nelson, 1919-. "Souvenirs of Marcel Duchamp". Translated by William N. Copley. Carbon copy typescript, 25 pages and title page.

Los Angeles County Museum. Library, 1949-1951.
Box 11 Folder 47
Los Angeles County Museum. Museum Associates, 1946.
Box 11 Folder 48
Los Angeles Examiner.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Los Angeles County Museum.

Los Angeles Music and Art School, 1954.
Box 11 Folder 49
Los Angeles State College, 1949.
Box 11 Folder 50
Lynes, George Platt, 1946.
Box 11 Folder 51
M. H. De Young Memorial Museum, 1938, 1941-1942, 1945.
Box 12 Folder 1
MKR's Art Outlook, 1946.
Box 12 Folder 2
M. Knoedler Co, 1941, 1947.
Box 12 Folder 3
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. African. Benin Plaque. M. Knoedler & Co.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. African. Benin Leopard. M. Knoedler & Co.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. African. Benin Flute Player. M. Knoedler & Co.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. African. Benin Bird. M. Knoedler & Co.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. African. Benin Head. M. Knoedler & Co.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

Mabbott, Thomas Olive, 1947.
Box 12 Folder 4
MacAgy, Douglas, 1949, 1951.
Box 12 Folder 5
Macalester College, 1949.
Box 12 Folder 6
MacCafferty, Nellie M, 1948, undated.
Box 12 Folder 7
MacDonald, Duncan, 1940.
Box 12 Folder 8
Macdonald-Wright, Stanton, 1949.
Box 12 Folder 9
MacGowan, Edna (Mrs. Kenneth), 1939, 1941, 1953, undated.
Box 12 Folder 10
MacGowan, Kenneth, 1938-1943.
Box 12 Folder 11
MacGowan, Kenneth, 1944-1954.
Box 12 Folder 12
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / IV. Clippings / f. Institute of Modern Art (Boston, Mass).

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Podoski, Hektor.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California).

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Adriani, Bruno.

Mack, Charlotte (Mrs. Adolph), 1948-1953, undated.
Box 12 Folder 13
Mackby M. Judson, 1951, undated.
Box 12 Folder 14
Magazine of Art, 1951.
Box 12 Folder 15
Mahler, Anna, 1951, undated.
Box 12 Folder 16
Maitland, Leslie, 1943.
Box 12 Folder 17
Maitland, Ruth, 1940-1953.
Box 12 Folder 18
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. McDonald, D. Fraser.

Manhattan Storage Warehouse Co. (New York, N.Y.), 1951.
Box 12 Folder 19
Manson, Grant Carpenter, 1950.
Box 12 Folder 20
Marcus, Stanley, 1949-1950.
Box 12 Folder 21
Marie Harriman Gallery, 1939-1940.
Box 12 Folder 22
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Brancusi, Constantin. 1876-1957. The New-Born (study for). Marie Harriman Gallery

Martins, Maria, 1947, undated.
Box 12 Folder 23
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / F. Works sent by the artist / f. Martins, Maria. Unidentified.

Marx, Samuel A, 1944.
Box 12 Folder 24
Marx, Samuel A, 1949.
Box 73 Folder 5
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1950.
Box 12 Folder 25
Masterpieces, 1950.
Box 12 Folder 26
Mather, Frank Jewett, 1921, 1935, undated.
Box 12 Folder 27
Matisse (Pierre) Editions, 1944.
Box 12 Folder 28
Matta, Sergei, 1944.
Box 12 Folder 29
Mayer, Howard G, 1949.
Box 12 Folder 30
McComas, Gene, 1952.
Box 12 Folder 31
McCutcheon, Dorothy (Mrs. Thomas), 1949, undated.
Box 12 Folder 32
McDonald, D. Fraser, 1948.
Box 12 Folder 33
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Maitland, Ruth.

McLean, Helen V, 1948.
Box 12 Folder 34
Merida, Carlos, 1935.
Box 12 Folder 35
Merlo, Victor, 1950.
Box 12 Folder 36
Merrild, Knud, 1948.
Box 12 Folder 37
Merrild, Knud, 1952-1954.
Box 12 Folder 38
Messinger, Marion G. (Mrs Bernard), 1946, 1949, undated.
Box 12 Folder 39
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), 1926, 1940-1941, 1949-1950, undated.
Box 12 Folder 40
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.). "French Painting from David to Toulouse-Lautrec." Notes.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.). "French Painting from David to Toulouse-Lautrec." Loan agreement, receipt and reproduction release.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Ivins, William Mills, 1881-1961.

Meyers, Marguerite, 1939.
Box 12 Folder 41
Mielziner, Ella, 1940.
Box 12 Folder 42
Milhaud, Daniel, undated.
Box 12 Folder 43
Miller, C. Earle, 1953.
Box 12 Folder 44
Miller, Elsie, 1951.
Box 12 Folder 45
Miller, Hugh, 1949.
Box 12 Folder 46
Miller, Peggy, 1949.
Box 12 Folder 47
Millholland, Charles Bruce, 1937.
Box 12 Folder 48
Millier, Arthur, 1941, 1944, 1953.
Box 12 Folder 49
Millier, Sarah P. (Mrs. Arthur), 1953.
Box 12 Folder 50
Mills College, 1940-1953.
Box 12 Folder 51
Mindlin, Henrique E. (Henrique Ephim), 1945.
Box 12 Folder 52
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1949.
Box 12 Folder 53
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Davis, Richard S.

Mitscherlich, E. H, 1940.
Box 12 Folder 54
Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California), 1947.
Box 12 Folder 55
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Addison Gallery of American Art.

Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California), January-June 1948.
Box 12 Folder 56
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California). "Schools of Twentieth Century Art . . ." Loan reciepts.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California). "Knud Merrild" exhibition. Loan receipt.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California). "Modern Artists in Transition, Opening Exhibition of the Modern Institute of Art. . ." Loan receipt and insurance lists.

Arensberg Archives / VI. Personal records / f. Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California) records.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. MacGowan, Kenneth, 1888-1963.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Ross, Kenneth.

Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California), July-December 1948.
Box 12 Folder 57
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California). "Klee: Exhibition; 30 Years of Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings and Lithographs by Paul Klee and in a Klee-like-mood, 2000 years of Coptic, Persian, Chinese, European and Peruvian Textiles." Loan receipts.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. With, Karl, 1891-1980.

Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California), 1949, undated.
Box 12 Folder 58
Moffitt, Mary D, 1950.
Box 12 Folder 59
Moholy-Nagy, Lazlo, 1939, 1942.
Box 12 Folder 60
Monaco, A. C, 1943.
Box 12 Folder 61
Montenegro, Roberto, 1938-1939.
Box 21 Folder 18
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Mexican. Retablos. Roberto Montenegro.

Montenegro, Roberto, 1940-1944.
Box 21 Folder 19
Montenegro, Roberto, 1946-1951, undated.
Box 12 Folder 62
Montenegro, Roberto, 1953-1954, undated.
Box 12 Folder 63
Moran, John G, 1938-1940.
Box 12 Folder 64
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Robinson, John Moore.

Morang, Alfred, 1944.
Box 21 Folder 20
Morley, Charles L, 1943-1944.
Box 12 Folder 65
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Pre-Columbian. Gold Eagle. Charles L. Morley.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Minoan. Bull Statue. Charles Morley.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Luristan. Bronze Horses. Charles L. Morley.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Greek. Centaur Sculpture. Charles L. Morley.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Cycladic: Marble Statue. Charles L. Morley.

Morley, Charles L., 1945-1952.
Box 12 Folder 66
Morris, Mary Smith Crosby, undated.
Box 12 Folder 67
Morse, A. Reynolds, 1944-1945, 1951, undated.
Box 12 Folder 68
Motherwell, Robert, 1944.
Box 12 Folder 69
Mugenie, A. Nicholas, 1943, undated.
Box 13 Folder 1
Muller-Munk, Ilona, 1947.
Box 13 Folder 2
Mumford, Lewis, 1943-1944.
Box 13 Folder 3
Munson, George S, 1951.
Box 13 Folder 4
Murray, Paul, 1946.
Box 13 Folder 5
Museum of International Folk Art (New Mexico), 1953.
Box 13 Folder 6
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Constable, W. G. (William George), 1887-.

Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), 1936-1938.
Box 13 Folder 7
Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), April-June 1939.
Box 13 Folder 8
Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), July-December 1939.
Box 13 Folder 9
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Charles Sheeler, Paintings, Drawings, Photographs" exhibition. Loan forms and receipt.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Picasso: Fourty Years of his Art" exhibition. Loan agreements and receipt.

Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), 1940-1941.
Box 13 Folder 10
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Salvador Dali: Paintings, Drawings. Prints" exhibition. Loan receipt.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Joan Miro" exhibition. Loan receipt.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. International Exposition of the Arts: Masterpieces of the 20th Century.

Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), 1942.
Box 13 Folder 11
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "20th Century Portraits" exhibition. Loan receipt.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Soby, James Thrall.

Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), 1943.
Box 13 Folder 12
Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), 1944.
Box 13 Folder 13
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Modern Drawings" exhibition. Loan receipt and forms.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Art in Progress. . ." Loan receipts.

Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), 1945.
Box 13 Folder 14
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Piet Mondrian" exhibition. Loan receipts.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Georges Rouault: Paintings and Prints" exhibition. Loan receipt and shipping receipt.

Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), 1946.
Box 13 Folder 15
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Marc Chagall" exhibition. Loan receipt and shipping receipts.

Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), 1947-1949.
Box 13 Folder 16
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Collage Exhibition." Loan form.

Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), 1950-1951.
Box 13 Folder 17
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Abstract Painting and Sculpture in Americirca" Loan receipts.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). Correspondence.

Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), 1952-1954, undated.
Box 13 Folder 18
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). "Henri Matisse" exhibition. Loan receipt.

Musical Digest, 1948.
Box 13 Folder 19
Myers, Bernard L, 1938.
Box 13 Folder 20
National Art Week. Southern California Headquarters, 1940.
Box 13 Folder 21
National Education Alliance, Inc, 1942.
Box 13 Folder 22
National Gallery of Art (United States), 1943-1949.
Box 13 Folder 23
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / A. General records / f. Research notes. Tintoretto, 1518-1594.

National Gallery of Art (United States), 1950.
Box 13 Folder 24
Navratil, Mary, 1946.
Box 13 Folder 25
Nef, Elinor Castle, 1944-1948.
Box 73 Folder 6
Nef, Elinor Castle, 1950-1952.
Box 13 Folder 26
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / IV. Clippings / f. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968.

Nef, John Ulric, 1935-1951.
Box 13 Folder 27
Nef, John Ulric, 1953-1954.
Box 73 Folder 7
Nesi, Pierre F, undated.
Box 13 Folder 28
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

Neugass, Fritz W, 1949.
Box 13 Folder 29
Neuhaus, Robert, 1945-1946.
Box 13 Folder 30
Neuman, Walter E, 1949.
Box 13 Folder 31
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / III. Ephemera / f. Robert's Antiques. "Early Californiana [collected by Walter E. Neuman]" exhibition. Invitation.

Neumann Willard Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1940.
Box 13 Folder 32
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. New Art Circle Gallery (New York, N.Y.).

Neutra, Richard Joseph, 1954.
Box 13 Folder 33
New Art Circle Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1940.
Box 13 Folder 34
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Chagall, Marc, 1887-. Unidentified. New Art Circle Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Neumann Willard Gallery (New York, N.Y.).

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. New Art Circle Gallery (New York, N.Y.). Correspondence

New York Free Circulating Library, 1940.
Box 13 Folder 35
New York Graphic Society, 1953.
Box 13 Folder 36
New York University. Institute of Fine Arts.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Wind, Edgar, 1900-.

New York World Telegram, 1948.
Box 13 Folder 37
Nierendorf (Karl) Galleries (New York, N.Y.), 1938-1939.
Box 13 Folder 38
Nitze, Nina S, 1948.
Box 13 Folder 39
Noble, Ruth U, 1950.
Box 13 Folder 40
Nogues, Rosalie P, undated.
Box 13 Folder 41
Norman, Dorothy, 1947.
Box 13 Folder 42
Norman-Wilcox, Grace, 1947.
Box 13 Folder 43
Norman-Wilcox, Gregor, 1947, 1951.
Box 13 Folder 44
Norton, Adele, 1951.
Box 13 Folder 45
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VI. Personal records / f. Address. Michael Norton.

Arensberg Archives / V. Writings / f. Norton, Allen. "Saloon sonnetts: with Sunday flutings." Typescript, corrected. 14 p.

Norton Gallery and School of Art, 1952.
Box 13 Folder 46
Nowack, Wayne, 1948.
Box 13 Folder 47
Occidental College, 1940-1942, 1944-1945.
Box 14 Folder 1
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Holmes, Campbell.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Bird, Read.

Odets, Bette (Mrs. Clifford), et. al, 1947.
Box 14 Folder 2
Odets, Clifford, 1948, 1949, 1951.
Box 14 Folder 3
Oettinger, Bert L. (Mrs. M. D.), 1946, undated.
Box 14 Folder 4
Offner, Richard, 1935-1936, 1940.
Box 14 Folder 5
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / A. General records / f. Research notes. "Madonna and Child." circa 1400.

O'Gorman, Helen, 1947.
Box 14 Folder 6
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Fuller, B. A. G. (Benjamin Apthorp Gould), 1879-1956.

O'Gorman, Juan, 1946.
Box 14 Folder 7
Ojai Festivals, Ltd. (Ojai, California), 1949.
Box 14 Folder 8
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Bauer, John.

Okada, Kenzo, 1950, undated.
Box 14 Folder 9
O'Keeffe, Georgia.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. American Place (Gallery).

Olive Hill Foundation (Los Angeles, California), 1946.
Box 14 Folder 10
Omalev, Zuka, 1945.
Box 14 Folder 11
O'Neil O'Neil, 1949.
Box 14 Folder 12
Onslow-Ford, Gordon, 1940, 1953.
Box 14 Folder 13
Onslow-Ford, Gordon, 1948.
Box 14 Folder 14
Osborn, Ruth, 1949.
Box 14 Folder 15
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / IV. Clippings / f. Art Institute of Chicago. 20th century art from the Louise and Walter Arensberg collection (1949).

Otis Art Institute, 1947-1948, 1952.
Box 14 Folder 16
Outlines (Pittsburgh), 1947.
Box 14 Folder 17
Oxford University Press, 1949-1950.
Box 14 Folder 18
Paalen, Wolfgang, 1944.
Box 14 Folder 19
Pach, Walter, 1913, 1940, 1942, 1947-1949.
Box 14 Folder 20
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Pach, Walter, 1950-1953.
Box 14 Folder 21
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. Pach, Walter, 1883-1958. Correspondence (draft of unsent letter).

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Pach, Walter, 1883-1958. Receipts and correspondence re: Duchamp's Chessplayers

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968.

Pacific Arts Association, 1948.
Box 14 Folder 22
Padelford, Louise (Mrs. Morgan), 1940.
Box 14 Folder 23
Padelford, Morgan, undated.
Box 14 Folder 24
Pailthorpe, E. W, 1941.
Box 14 Folder 25
Palm, Erwin Walter, 1948.
Box 14 Folder 26
Palmer, Charles B, 1945.
Box 14 Folder 27
Palmer, Herbert B, 1949.
Box 14 Folder 28
Pappas, Louis, 1941, 1944-1947, undated.
Box 14 Folder 29
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Chinese. Object. Louis Pappas.

Parker, Robert Allerton, 1937-1953.
Box 14 Folder 30
Parlyou, John, undated.
Box 14 Folder 31
Parmentier, Douglas, 1939.
Box 14 Folder 32
Parsons, Harold Woodbury, 1938-1941.
Box 14 Folder 33
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Greek. Head. Harold Woodbury Parsons.

Partridge, Paul, 1941.
Box 14 Folder 34
Pasadena Art Institute, 1943.
Box 21 Folder 21
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Pasadena Art Institute. "Latin American Exhibition." Loan receipts and insurance list.

Pasadena Art Institute, 1944-1949.
Box 14 Folder 35
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Pasadena Art Institute. Opening at the Members Room Exhibition. Loan reciept.

Pasadena Art Institute, 1951-1953.
Box 14 Folder 36
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Jaffe, Michael, 1923.

Passedoit (Georgette) Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1943.
Box 14 Folder 37
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. Passedoit (Georgette) Gallery (New York, N.Y.). Correspondence.

Patterson, Crawford, Arensberg Dunn, 1924-1935.
Box 14 Folder 38
Patterson, Crawford, Arensberg Dunn, 1936-1940, undated.
Box 14 Folder 39
Paul Drey Gallery, 1940-1941, 1943, 1948, 1949.
Box 14 Folder 40
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Pre-Columbian. Stone Figures. Paul Drey Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Pre-Columbian. Stone Figure. Paul Drey Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Pre-Columbian. Green Stone Mask. Paul Drey Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Pre-Columbian. Gold Mask. Paul Drey Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Pre-Columbian. Clay Head of a Laughing Person. Paul Drey Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Bosch, Hieronymus, dd. 1516. Vision of Tondalys. Paul Drey Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Paul Drey Gallery. Invoice.

Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, 1939-1940, 1948.
Box 14 Folder 41
Pehrson, Elsa, 1941.
Box 14 Folder 42
Pennsylvania-Bradford Company, 1939, 1943.
Box 14 Folder 43
Pennsylvania. Dept. of Revenue, 1936.
Box 14 Folder 44
Penrose, Roland, Sir, 1948, 1950.
Box 14 Folder 45
Percey, Helen Gladys, 1941.
Box 14 Folder 46
Box 14 Folder 47
Perls, Frank, 1948-1949.
Box 14 Folder 48
Perls Galleries, 1941.
Box 14 Folder 49
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Schary, Saul, 1904-1978. Arshile Gorky. Perls Galleries.

Pernoud, Regine, 1951.
Box 14 Folder 50
Perry, Elizabeth, 1947.
Box 14 Folder 51
Perry, Ralph Barton, 1941, 1949, 1954, undated.
Box 14 Folder 52
Peterson, Margaret (Mrs. Howard O'Hagan), 1953-1954, undated.
Box 14 Folder 53
Petitt, Viola, 1949-1950.
Box 14 Folder 54
Phi Beta Delphians, 1941.
Box 15 Folder 1
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1938-1948.
Box 15 Folder 2
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art. "Henri Matisse: Retrospective Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture." Loan form

Philadelphia Museum of Art, February-March 1949.
Box 15 Folder 3
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Adler, Mary Ann.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Pach, Walter, 1883-1958.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, April-December 1949.
Box 15 Folder 4
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1950.
Box 15 Folder 5
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art. "Diamond Jubilee." Loan receipt.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Stendahl Art Galleries.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, January-April 1951.
Box 21 Folder 22
Philadelphia Museum of Art, May-December 1951.
Box 15 Folder 6
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Dreier, Katherine Sophie, 1877-1952.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, January-July 1952.
Box 15 Folder 7
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Sweeney, James Johnson, 1900-.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, August-December 1952.
Box 15 Folder 8
Philadelphia Museum of Art, January-May 1953.
Box 15 Folder 9
Philadelphia Museum of Art, June-December 1953.
Box 15 Folder 10
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Kimball, Marie Goebel, 1889-1955.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1954, undated.
Box 15 Folder 11
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Dunlap, Holmes, Ross & Woodson.

Francis Bacon Foundation Records / I. Correspondence / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Phillips Memorial Gallery, 1941-1944.
Box 15 Folder 12
Picabia, Francis, 1920.
Box 15 Folder 13
Picabia, Gabrielle Buffet, 1939, 1949, undated.
Box 15 Folder 14
Pierre Matisse Gallery (New York, N.Y.), 1941, 1951.
Box 15 Folder 15
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / H. Exhibitions / f. Pierre Matisse Gallery (New York, N. Y.) "Marc Chagall Retrospective"

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. Pierre Matisse Gallery (New York, N.Y.). Correspondence.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Pierre Matisse Gallery (New York, N.Y.). Invoice.

Pijoan, José, 1928, 1941-1942, undated.
Box 15 Folder 16
Pinacotheca Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Fried, Rose.

Podoski, Hektor, 1950.
Box 15 Folder 17
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. MacGowan, Kenneth, 1888-1963.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Ross, Kenneth.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Huntington Hartford Foundation.

Poe, Jim, 1945.
Box 15 Folder 18
Poissonnier, Bernard, 1939.
Box 15 Folder 19
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973. La Buvense d'Absinthe. Bernard Poissonnier.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Gris, Juan, 1887-1927. Portrait de son ami, Frank Haviland. Bernard Poissonier.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968.The Virgin (aquarelle). Bernard Poissonier.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. De Chirico, Giorgio, 1888-. The Melancholy of the Afternoon. Bernard Poissonnier.

Poland, Reginald, 1952, undated.
Box 15 Folder 20
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Harrison, William Preston.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego.

Politz, Charles S, 1946, 1950, 1954, undated.
Box 15 Folder 21
Pomona College (Clairmont, California), 1951, 1953.
Box 15 Folder 22
Poole, Lynn D, 1946, 1949-1951.
Box 15 Folder 23
Pope, Mrs. John A, 1952.
Box 15 Folder 24
Poray, Stan Pociecha, 1938.
Box 15 Folder 25
Porter, Lucy Kingsley, 1946, 1949.
Box 15 Folder 26
Portland Art Museum (Oregon), 1942, 1949, undated.
Box 15 Folder 27
Press Club of San Francisco, 1941.
Box 15 Folder 28
Price, Vincent.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California).

Pries, Lionel, 1941,1946-1947, undated.
Box 15 Folder 29
Primitive Arts (New York), 1941.
Box 15 Folder 30
Prior, Harris K. (Harris King), 1946.
Box 15 Folder 31
Putzel, Howard, 1938.
Box 15 Folder 32
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973. Unidentified. Howard Putzel.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973. Unidentified. Howard Putzel.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973. Unidentified. Howard Putzel.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973. Unidentified drawing. Howard Putzel.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973 & Andre Derain. Unidentified. Howard Putzel.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Arp, Jean, 1887-1966. Unidentified. Howard Putzel

Quadrangle Press, Inc, 1948.
Box 16 Folder 1
Queens College (New York, N.Y.), 1941, undated.
Box 16 Folder 2
Racz, Andre, undated.
Box 16 Folder 3
Rathenau, Ernest G, 1941-1942.
Box 16 Folder 4
Rathner, Noma, 1947.
Box 16 Folder 5
Ray, Man, undated.
Box 16 Folder 6
Read, Carleton S., Jr, 1949.
Box 16 Folder 7
Ree, Max, 1949.
Box 16 Folder 8
Reed, Alma M.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Kiesler, Frederick.

Reindel, Edna, 1944, 1953.
Box 16 Folder 9
Reiner, Jan, 1940-1943.
Box 16 Folder 10
Reis (Bernard) Co. (New York, N.Y.), 1942-1943, 1947-1948.
Box 16 Folder 11
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Lipschitz, Jacques. Unidentified. Reis & Co.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Lipschitz, Jacques. Spring. Reis & Co.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Lipschitz, Jacques. Barbara. Reis & Co.

Review of Politics, 1942.
Box 16 Folder 12
Rhode Island School of Design, 1944.
Box 16 Folder 13
Rich, Daniel Cotton.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Art Institute of Chicago.

Richards, Sim Bruce, 1941.
Box 16 Folder 14
Richter, George M, 1939.
Box 16 Folder 15
Richter, Hans, 1948, undated.
Box 21 Folder 23
Rillet, V. Faure, 1948.
Box 16 Folder 16
Rinehart Co., Inc, 1951.
Box 16 Folder 17
Rivera, Diego, 1940, 1949.
Box 16 Folder 18
Robb, David M, 1949-1950.
Box 16 Folder 19
Robertson, Thomas B, 1947.
Box 16 Folder 20
Robinson, Edward G, undated.
Box 16 Folder 21
Robinson, Gladys (Mrs. Edward G.), 1940.
Box 16 Folder 22
Robinson, John Moore, 1939-1947.
Box 21 Folder 24
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Moran, John G.

Francis Bacon Foundation Records / I. Correspondence / f. Robinson, John Moore.

Robsjohn-Gibbings, T.H, 1940.
Box 16 Folder 23
Roché, Henri Pierre, 1941.
Box 16 Folder 24
Roerick, William, 1943-1944, 1948.
Box 16 Folder 25
Rogers, Stanley, 1940, 1943-1945.
Box 16 Folder 26
Rohrbach, William, 1951.
Box 16 Folder 27
Romilly, Rita, undated.
Box 16 Folder 28
Roofe, Hazel, 1951.
Box 16 Folder 29
Roothbert, Albert, 1947.
Box 16 Folder 30
Rose, James C, 1941.
Box 16 Folder 31
Rosenthal, Erwin, 1945, 1949.
Box 16 Folder 32
Rosenthal, Rachel, 1946.
Box 16 Folder 33
Rosenwald, Lessing J. (Lessing Julius), 1949, 1951.
Box 16 Folder 34
Ross, Kenneth, 1949, 1953.
Box 16 Folder 35
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Podoski, Hektor.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills, California).

Roswell Museum, 1949, undated.
Box 16 Folder 36
Rotan, Mary, 1950.
Box 16 Folder 37
Roth, Feri, 1947.
Box 16 Folder 38
Rothman, Henri, undated.
Box 16 Folder 39
Rothmore, Leroy, 1940.
Box 16 Folder 40
Roy, Pierre, 1939, 1949.
Box 16 Folder 41
Rubin, Kenneth, 1947.
Box 16 Folder 42
Rubner, Madame [?], 1940.
Box 16 Folder 43
Rudolf Wendel, Inc, 1938.
Box 16 Folder 44
Runyon, Cornelia (Mrs. Charles), 1952-1953, undated.
Box 16 Folder 45
Russell, Dorothy M, undated.
Box 16 Folder 46
Russell, Richard, undated.
Box 16 Folder 47
Rypine, Stanley, 1943.
Box 16 Folder 48
Saarinen, Eero, 1947.
Box 16 Folder 49
Sachs (H.F.), Inc.(New York, N.Y.), 1940.
Box 16 Folder 50
Sachs, Paul J. (Paul Joseph).

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Fogg Art Museum.

Sage, Kay, 1940.
Box 21 Folder 25
Sajan, Leonore D. Laren, 1948, undated.
Box 16 Folder 51
Salmony, Alfred, 1939-1941, undated.
Box 16 Folder 52
Salsipuedes, Otis, 1943.
Box 16 Folder 53
Saltonstall, Nathaniel, undated.
Box 16 Folder 54
San Diego School of Arts and Crafts, 1949.
Box 16 Folder 55
San Francisco (California) Office of Chief Administrative Officer, 1945.
Box 16 Folder 56
San Francisco Museum of Art, 1937-1940.
Box 16 Folder 57
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Arts Club of Chicago.

San Francisco Museum of Art, 1941-1945.
Box 16 Folder 58
San Francisco Museum of Art, 1946-1948.
Box 16 Folder 59
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Haas, Elise S. 1893-1990.

San Francisco Museum of Art, 1949.
Box 16 Folder 60
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. San Francisco Museum of Art. "Western Roundtable on Modern Art" exhibition. Loan receipt and check stub.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. University of California, San Francisco. School of Fine Arts.

San Francisco Museum of Art, 1950-1953.
Box 16 Folder 61
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / E. Disposition / 4. Other institutions / f. Gift receipt. San Francisco Museum of Art.

San Joanquin Pioneer Museum (Stockton, California), 1942-1943, 1949, 1951.
Box 16 Folder 62
Sanders, Mrs. I, 1945.
Box 16 Folder 63
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1941-1942.
Box 16 Folder 64
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Pre-Columbian exhibition. Loan receipts and insurance list.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Santa Barbara Museum of Art. "Allied Nations Festival" exhibition. Loan receipt.

Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1945-1953.
Box 16 Folder 65
Saulter, Leon, undated.
Box 16 Folder 66
Scenic Model Manufacturing Co. (Chicago), 1949-1953.
Box 17 Folder 1
Schad, Robert O. (Robert Oliver), undated.
Box 17 Folder 2
Schaefer-Simmern, Henry, 1947-1950.
Box 17 Folder 3
Schaeffer Galleries, Inc. (New York San Francisco), 1939-1940.
Box 17 Folder 4
Schardt, Alois J, 1940, 1951.
Box 17 Folder 5
Schell, Sherril, 1948-1949, 1953-1954, undated.
Box 17 Folder 6
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Schell, Sherril. Invoice and receipts.

Schempp, Theodore, 1942-1943,1946, 1949.
Box 17 Folder 7
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. Schempp, Theodore. Correspondence.

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Schempp, Theodore. Receipts.

Scheyer, Galka E, 1940.
Box 17 Folder 8
Schindler, Pauline, undated.
Box 17 Folder 9
Schoenfeld, Bernard C, 1947.
Box 17 Folder 10
Schofield, Paul, 1940.
Box 17 Folder 11
Scholz, Janos, 1947-1948.
Box 17 Folder 12
Schwartz, Emma B, 1951.
Box 17 Folder 13
Schwinger, Helen, 1946.
Box 17 Folder 14
Scott, Jay Pride, 1945.
Box 17 Folder 15
Scripps College, 1946, 1950-1951.
Box 17 Folder 16
Seasongood, Murray, 1951, undated.
Box 17 Folder 17
Seattle Art Museum, 1950.
Box 17 Folder 18
Sebastian, Peter, 1951.
Box 17 Folder 19
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Pre-Columbian. Stone Statues (held by native man in Chiapas). Peter Sebastian.

Security First National Bank of Los Angeles, 1939-1943.
Box 17 Folder 20
Segawa, Harry, 1953.
Box 17 Folder 21
Segredakis (E.) (New York), 1945.
Box 17 Folder 22
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Cycladic: Statue. Segredakis (E.) (New York).

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Adriani, Bruno.

Seltz, Peter, 1951.
Box 17 Folder 23
Seuphor, Michel, 1951.
Box 17 Folder 24
Sharp Dohme, 1944.
Box 17 Folder 25
Shaver, E. Neil, 1944.
Box 17 Folder 26
Sheeler, Charles, 1927-1928.
Box 17 Folder 27
Sheeler, Charles, 1929.
Box 17 Folder 28
Sheeler, Charles, 1930-1938.
Box 17 Folder 29
Sheeler, Charles, 1939-1941.
Box 17 Folder 30
Sheeler, Charles, 1953-1954.
Box 17 Folder 31
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / C. California use tax / f. Sheeler, Charles, 1883-1965. Correspondence (draft of letter).

Sheeler, Charles, undated.
Box 17 Folder 32
Sheets, Millard, 1948.
Box 17 Folder 33
Sheldon, Irene B. (Mrs. Edwin R.), undated.
Box 17 Folder 34
Shur-Line Automatic Fire Protection Company, 1946.
Box 17 Folder 35
Sidney Janis Gallery.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Janis, Sidney, 1896-.

Sinai, Eliezer, 1953.
Box 17 Folder 36
Singer, Burr, 1952.
Box 17 Folder 37
Singer, Susi, 1944, undated.
Box 17 Folder 38
Sinton, Nell W. (Mrs. Stanley H.), 1946.
Box 17 Folder 39
Siskind, Aaron, 1947-1948.
Box 17 Folder 40
Skowhegan School of Painting Sculpture, 1951.
Box 17 Folder 41
Smiloviotz, Josef, 1949-1951.
Box 17 Folder 42
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Pre-Columbian. Teotihnacan Mask. Joseph Smilovits.

Smith, Brainerd, 1951.
Box 17 Folder 43
Smith, Paul Jordan, 1941, 1945.
Box 17 Folder 44
Smith, Victor, 1948.
Box 17 Folder 45
Smith, William Neil, 1945.
Box 17 Folder 46
Soby, James Thrall, 1940-1941, 1945-1946.
Box 17 Folder 47
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / J. Other photographs / f. Soby, James Thrall, 1906- . His Farmington, Connecticut home.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / J. Other photographs / f. Ledoux, Claude Nicolas, 1736-1806. Building sketches.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.).

Societe d'exploitation des Editions du Chene, 1951.
Box 17 Folder 48
Soldini, Fran (Mrs. John H.), 1947-1949.
Box 17 Folder 49
Soldini, John, 1947.
Box 17 Folder 50
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1944-1945.
Box 17 Folder 51
Sosenko, Anna, 1949.
Box 17 Folder 52
Southern California Council of Inter-American Affairs, 1943.
Box 17 Folder 53
Southwest Museum (Los Angeles, California), 1939-1944.
Box 17 Folder 54
Southwest Museum (Los Angeles, California), 1945-1949.
Box 17 Folder 55
Southwest Museum (Los Angeles, California), 1950-1952.
Box 17 Folder 56
Southwest Museum (Los Angeles, California), 1953-1954.
Box 17 Folder 57
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / IV. Clippings / f. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968

Spaulding, Sumner, 1946.
Box 17 Folder 58
Special Libraries Association, 1949.
Box 17 Folder 59
Speiser, Maurice J. (Maurice Joseph), 1940, 1947.
Box 17 Folder 60
Spencer, Julius, 1948-1949.
Box 17 Folder 61
Sprague, Frederick, 1948.
Box 17 Folder 62
Sprinchorn, Carl, 1949.
Box 17 Folder 63
Squadrilli, E. Fault.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Los Angeles County Museum.

St. John Hospital (Santa Monica), 1945.
Box 18 Folder 1
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Brush, Albert.

St. Louis Art Museum, 1940.
Box 18 Folder 2
Stanford Art Gallery, 1941, 1944-1949, undated.
Box 18 Folder 3
Stanford University, 1945, undated.
Box 18 Folder 4
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / D. Loans / f. Stanford University. "French Modern Painting" exhibition. Shipping receipt and notes.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Fenton, Norman, b. 1895.

State Street Trust Co. (Boston, Massachusetts), 1939.
Box 18 Folder 5
State University of Iowa, 1949.
Box 18 Folder 6
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Stendahl Art Galleries.

Stein, Aline MacMahon (Mrs. Clarence S.), 1945, 1953.
Box 18 Folder 7
Stein, Clarence S, 1940-1944, undated.
Box 18 Folder 8
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / B. Third-party correspondence / f. Stein, Clarence S. To MacGowan, Kenneth, 1888-1963.

Stein, Clarence S, 1945-1953.
Box 18 Folder 9
Steinitz, Kate Traumann, 1943-1944, 1947, 1951.
Box 18 Folder 10
Stendahl Art Galleries, 1938-1952.
Box 18 Folder 11
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / II. Art collection / B. Financial records / f. Stendahl Art Galleries. Cancelled checks.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / B. Third-party correspondence / f. Calder, Alexander, 1898-1976. To Vogelgesang, Shepard.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. State University of Iowa.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Adler, Mary Ann.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Stendahl, Christian.

Stendahl, Christian, 1942.
Box 18 Folder 12
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Stendahl Art Galleries.

Stendahl, Earl.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Stendahl Art Galleries.

Stendahl, Enid, 1953, undated.
Box 18 Folder 13
Stern, Enrich, 1940.
Box 18 Folder 14
Stern, Jane Lawler, undated.
Box 18 Folder 15
Stern, Louis E, 1948.
Box 18 Folder 16
Stern, Rosemary, 1946.
Box 18 Folder 17
Sternberg, Maurice, 1943, 1946.
Box 18 Folder 18
Stevens, Lilian (Mrs. Clifford E. W.), 1950.
Box 18 Folder 19
Still, Clyfford, 1946.
Box 18 Folder 20
Stone, Irving, 1950.
Box 18 Folder 21
Stora (R.) Co. (New York, N.Y.), 1947.
Box 18 Folder 22
Stoumen, Louis Clyde, 1945.
Box 18 Folder 23
Streat, Thelma Johnson, 1953.
Box 18 Folder 24
Sufrin, Anita (Mrs, Arthur), 1950.
Box 18 Folder 25
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Bond, Robin.

Suhr, William, 1940.
Box 18 Folder 26
Sullivan, Elisabeth H, 1948.
Box 18 Folder 27
Sullivan, Kathleen (Mrs. Frank), 1953.
Box 18 Folder 28
Sutton, Ruth Haviland, 1949, 1953.
Box 18 Folder 29
Sweeney, James Johnson, 1944.
Box 18 Folder 30
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Arensberg Archives / I. Correspondence / A. General correspondence / f. International Exposition of the Arts: Masterpieces of the 20th Century.

Szabo, Albert, undated.
Box 18 Folder 31
Szwkallski, Stanislaw, 1950.
Box 18 Folder 32
Tait-Gibson Appraisers, 1937.
Box 18 Folder 33
Tamayo, Rufino, 1940.
Box 18 Folder 34
Taub Geller, 1943.
Box 18 Folder 35
Taylor, Davidson, 1943.
Box 18 Folder 36
Taylor, Elizabeth G, undated.
Box 18 Folder 37
Taylor, Otis Ellery, 1947.
Box 18 Folder 38
Thacher, John S, 1940.
Box 18 Folder 39
Theobald, Paul, 1943.
Box 18 Folder 40
Thieman, Annelise, 1942.
Box 21 Folder 26
This Week, 1951.
Box 18 Folder 41
Thomas, C.D, 1943.
Box 18 Folder 42
Tiers, Alexander H, 1952-1953.
Box 18 Folder 43
Toledo Museum of Art, 1938.
Box 18 Folder 44
Tone Price Gallery, 1940.
Box 18 Folder 45
Toor, Frances, 1939-1940.
Box 18 Folder 46
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / E. Works offered for sale / f. Kahlo, Frida. My Nurse and I. Frances Toor.

Topper, Vera, 1945, undated.
Box 18 Folder 47
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / F. Works sent by the artist / f. Topper, Vera and Lyman Carpenter. Topper-Carpenter Ceramics.

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / F. Works sent by the artist / f. Topper, Vera and Lyman Carpenter. Topper-Carpenter Ceramics.

Tornay, Stephen C, 1947-1949.
Box 18 Folder 48
Tovell, H.M, undated.
Box 18 Folder 49
Treadwell Sophie, 1940, 1952-1953, undated.
Box 18 Folder 50
See Also:

Arensberg Archives / VIII. Photographs / B. Snapshots and portraits / f. Treadwell, William (son of Sophie Treadwell).

Treff, Lucile, 1945.
Box 18 Folder 51
Troche, E.G. (Ernst Gunter), 1951.
Box 18 Folder 52