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John G. Johnson Papers


Held at: Philadelphia Museum of Art Archives [Contact Us]Philadelphia Museum of Art, PO Box 7646, Philadelphia, PA 19101-7646

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art Archives. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Born, raised and educated in Philadelphia, John Graver Johnson became one of the city's preeminent citizens, noted not only for his long and successful practice as an attorney but also for his extensive collection of European art. Johnson was born in Chestnut Hill, an area just outside of the city proper, on April 4, 1841. He was the eldest of three sons of David, a blacksmith, and Elizabeth Graver, a seamstress. An earnest student, Johnson attended Philadelphia's prestigious Central High School. Upon his graduation in 1857, he began his legal studies through entry-level jobs at various law firms. While working, Johnson attended the University of Pennsylvania Law School and upon receiving his LL.B. degree, he was admitted to the Philadelphia bar in 1863. After a brief stint in a voluntary artillery company during the Civil War, Johnson returned to Philadelphia and began his legal practice at the office of William F. Judson. Realizing a need for specialization in corporation law, Johnson devoted his practice to that field and became one of the country's best-known lawyers. He argued before the U.S. Supreme Court and in several antitrust cases represented some of the country's industrial leaders, including Standard Oil, American Tobacco Company and the Delaware and Hudson Railroad Company. He turned down two presidential offers to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as a cabinet position as attorney general.

Apparently no less ardent than his devotion to law was Johnson's interest in art, particularly painting. Beginning in the late 1880s, Johnson often traveled during the summer to Europe, acquiring works of art of the fourteenth- to nineteenth-centuries. He also purchased from art dealers in Philadelphia and New York City. Johnson's showcase for his art was his residence at 510 South Broad Street, in the center of the city. Purchased in 1915, it was the house next door to his previous home, which could no longer accommodate his continued acquisitions. Johnson's art library was no less burgeoning. Even in the larger home, he needed to store a significant number of volumes in his basement, as well as parlor office, library (including its secret closet), a small room on the south side of the house, a linen closet, and various spaces on the third and top floors.

Upon Johnson's death in 1917, his collection of 1,200 paintings, approximately 400 pieces of sculpture and textiles, and 2,500 volume art library, came to the City of Philadelphia in fulfillment of his bequest. As stipulated in his will, the collection was to remain displayed in his home "unless some extraordinary situation should arise making it exceedingly injudicious to keep [it] in the house." The stipulation set off decades of litigation as the residence, as early as 1919, was determined to be unsafe for housing art. After years of court petitions and filings, the Museum became the Johnson Collection's permanent home.

Although attributions to many paintings have been revised over the years, the Johnson Collection remains a showcase for many important artists, such as Botticelli, Rubens, Constable, Corot, Rousseau, Sargent and Whistler. In addition to maintaining his own private collection of art, Johnson, as a member of the Fairmount Park Commission, oversaw the W. P. Wilstach Collection, another major collection of art bequeathed to the City. As director of the Wilstach Committee, Johnson administered the fund that allowed for additional and significant purchases. He also served on the board to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Notwithstanding his devotion to the practice of law and the collection of art, Johnson did make time to marry when he was thirty-four years old. In 1875 he took as his wife Ida Powel Morrell, a widow and mother of three young children. She met Johnson as a client, seeking his legal advice after the death of her husband Edward. Unlike Johnson's humbler heritage, Ida could trace her lineage to several prominent American families. On the paternal side, she descended from some of Philadelphia's important Revolutionary families, namely Powel and Willing. Her mother's family traced back to the Van Courtlands and Beekmans of New York and the de Veaux of South Carolina. Her son Edward also made a name for himself, serving four terms as a U.S. Representative (for Pennsylvania as a Republican). Born in 1840, Ida predeceased her husband by nearly a decade, having died in 1908 at the age of sixty-seven. She and Johnson had no children.

    Works Consulted
  1. Dictionary of American Biography, s.v. "Johnson, John Graver."
  2. undated Powel House, Philadelphia, Pa. Hare-Powel, Robert Johnson, comp. "Hare-Powel and Kindred Families Notebook."
  3. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Archives. Includes untitled essay re history of the Johnson Collection. Johnson Collection Curatorial Records. Writings series.
  4. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1942. Winkelman, Barnie F John G. Johnson: Lawyer and Art Collector: 1841-1917.
  5. (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1995). Philadelphia Museum of Art Handbook of the Collections.
  6. (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2004). Strehlke, Carl Brandon Italian Paintings: 1250-1450: in the John G. Johnson Collection and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
  7. (February 2013). An electronic resource available on the Museum Library's online catalog. Adams, Bertha, comp An Enduring Legacy: the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Its Benefactors.

While building a reputation as one of the country's preeminent corporate lawyers, John Graver Johnson also began, by the 1880s, to amass what would become an esteemed collection of European art. By the time of his death in 1917, he acquired 1,200 paintings primarily from the fourteenth- through nineteenth-centuries, hundreds of pieces of sculpture and textiles, as well as an art library of approximately 2,500 books, journals and auction catalogs. The John G. Johnson Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, invoices and legal documents that make evident Johnson's process in building his art collection, as well as the disposition of these acquisitions and other personal belongings after his death. The collection also includes a significant number of photographs Johnson compiled in oversized albums to commemorate his travels to Europe with his wife, Ida, as well as formal portraits of each.

The first series, "Correspondence" contains Johnson's communications primarily with dealers and other art experts who advised him and sometimes negotiated purchases on his behalf. Well represented in these files are letters from Bernard Berenson and W. R. Valentiner. Both noted scholars compiled the three-volume catalog privately published by Johnson of his art collection in 1913 and 1914. Also included are photocopies and transcriptions of many of Johnson's letters held by other repositories, as well as original invoices and shipping instructions issued for many of his purchases.

The second series, "Photographs and other images," illustrates three components to Johnson's life. Portraits of Johnson and his wife Ida make up the "Personal" subseries along with an oversized print of the drawing room to Johnson's center city home. Their summer trips to Europe are captured in seven oversized photograph albums comprising the "Travel" subseries. Images of the couple's stops at various cities in Europe in 1878 and 1881 each comprise three volumes. An additional single volume documents an undated trip to Norway. The third subseries, "Works of art" consists of hundreds of photographs and prints that were likely included in Johnson's extensive library and attest to his disciplined and exhaustive study of art. While the categories in which the images are arranged and certain annotations suggest the handiwork of curators, most of the images appear to have been compiled by Johnson.

Inventories and appraisals of Johnson's estate taken between 1917 and 1918 make up most of the documentation of the "Estate" series. Both inventory and appraisal are combined in one document, and at the time these documents were executed, duplicates were made of those pertaining to his "paintings and other artistic property." Some of those duplicates were later annotated by curatorial staff, Trustee representatives and an appraiser who served as the official court examiner. (Because these documents contain valuations, access is restricted and at the discretion of the archivist.) Also included in this series are bound copies of Johnson's will, with photocopies of same, and miscellaneous papers pertaining to Johnson's residuary property (items unrelated to art) and investments.

The items processed under the "Other subjects" series are two family bibles, a photocopy of an art travel guide written by Johnson and published in 1892 and two documents that likely stemmed from his legal practice.

The 26.5 linear feet of material accrued in 2012 necessitated a greatly expanded photographs series as well as two new series to accommodate documentation pertaining to Johnson's estate and other subjects. "Series I. Correspondence" remains relatively unchanged with the exception of certain reference files created by curators. "Series II. Photographs and other images" is now comprised of three subseries; namely "A. Personal," "B. Travel," and "C. Works of art." Completing the collection are "Series III. Estate;" and "Series IV. Other subjects."

The collection includes some reference material, particularly photocopies of Johnson's outgoing letters, which curators of the John G. Johnson Collection compiled from a variety of archival repositories and other sources between 1927-1993.

circa April 2008. Photographic portrait of John G. Johnson and oversized print of room interior from Prints, Drawings and Photographs Department. March 30, 2012. Estate-related documents received from the Department of European Painting before 1900, the John G. Johnson Collection, and the Rodin Museum. circa September 2012 and January, February 2013. Images of works of art, eight oversized photograph albums, and two family bibles from the Museum Library.

These materials were arranged and described by Bertha Adams and Courtney Smerz in 2003. Revised by Bertha Adams in 2013. Funded by a grant from The John G. Johnson Trust.

Philadelphia Museum of Art Archives
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Bertha Adams and Courtney Smerz (2003). Bertha Adams (2013).
Funded by a grant from The John G. Johnson Trust
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research with the exception of valuations. Such documentation is restricted, with access at the discretion of the archivist

Use Restrictions

The John Graver Johnson Papers are the physical property of the John G. Johnson Collection, and are administered by the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible for obtaining permission from rights holders for publication and for other purposes where stated.

Collection Inventory

Scope and Content Note

This series represents nearly three decades of Johnson's correspondence with art dealers in Europe and America, as well as with experts and scholars, many of whom acted as liaison and critic to Johnson's acquisitions. Some of the most eminent names in art history are among Johnson's most prolific advisors; namely Bernard Berenson, W. R. (Wilhelm) Valentiner and R. Langton Douglas. A number of receipts and invoices filed along with the correspondence also document many of Johnson's purchases, including two receipts written, respectively, by the Danish artists P.S. Kroyer and V. Johansen to M. Alex Harrison. Harrison may have acted as Johnson's agent for the purchases of their paintings in 1887 and 1888. Paperwork regarding shipping and customs clearance are filed in the general alphabetical files.

Nearly all letters written by Johnson are photocopies, which the Museum's Johnson Collection curators compiled from other research repositories. (His correspondence to Valentiner is the one major exception.) Most of his letters to Berenson are from the Archivio Berenson at the Biblioteca Berenson, Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies at Villa I Tatti (Florence, Italy); one, dated Sept. 19, 1901, is from an unidentified repository. His letters to August Jaccaci were copied from the Archives of American Art, and almost all correspondence to and from Wilhelm Bode was supplied by the Central Archives of the National Museums in Berlin (Germany). These folders of photocopies are also filed alphabetically by name of correspondent.

At the end of the series is a group of reference folders consisting of material also prepared by the Johnson Collection curatorial staff. These papers are transcripts, summaries or photocopies of the preceding letters. The transcripts are particularly useful when trying to decipher Johnson's nearly illegible handwriting. Most of the reference material pertain to Johnson's correspondence with Berenson. There are also summaries of his correspondence with Roger Eliot Fry, one of the conservators Johnson engaged, and Herbert Horne, an art collector and historian of Italian Renaissance art. Also included as reference are photocopies of correspondence documenting Johnson's acquisitions on behalf of the committee that oversaw the fund Mrs. William P. Wilstach bequeathed to the City of Philadelphia.


Alphabetical, with "Reference" files last.

Physical Description

3.25 linear feet

Agnew and Sons. Receipts., 1896.
Box 1 Folder 1
American Art Association, Anderson Galleries (Firm). Correspondence and receipt., 1885, 1912.
Box 1 Folder 2
Arthur Tooth Sons. Receipts., 1891-1895.
Box 1 Folder 3
Avery, S.P., Jr. Correspondence and receipts., 1882-1892.
Box 1 Folder 4
B. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1911-1916.
Box 1 Folder 5
Benson, Robert. Correspondence., 1914.
Box 1 Folder 6
Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. General correspondence to Johnson., 1904-1917.
Box 1 Folder 7
Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Correspondence to Johnson., 1904-1908.
Box 1 Folder 8
Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Correspondence to Johnson., 1909-1910.
Box 1 Folder 9
Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Correspondence to Johnson., 1911-1917.
Box 1 Folder 10
Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Correspondence from Johnson., 1908-1917, undated.
Box 1 Folder 11
Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (1904-1909)., undated.
Box 1 Folder 12
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (1910)., undated.
Box 1 Folder 13
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (1911)., undated.
Box 1 Folder 14
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (1912)., undated.
Box 1 Folder 15
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (1913)., undated.
Box 1 Folder 16
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (1914)., undated.
Box 2 Folder 1
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (Oct. 1913, May 1914.) Provided by D. A. Brown., 1982.
Box 2 Folder 2
Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (1915)., undated.
Box 2 Folder 3
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (1916)., undated.
Box 2 Folder 4
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (1917)., 1917.
Box 2 Folder 5
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (n.d). 1:4., undated.
Box 2 Folder 6
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (undated). 2:4., undated.
Box 2 Folder 7
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (undated). 3:4., undated.
Box 2 Folder 8
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson. (undated). 4:4., undated.
Box 2 Folder 9
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence from others. Incl. related Johnson letter and Berensen letter returned after Johnson's death. (1906-1917)., undated.
Box 2 Folder 10
Use Restrictions

Holdings of another repository.

Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Correspondence w/ others. Incl. related letters to Johnson from same correspondents., 1909-1913.
Box 2 Folder 11
Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Photocopies of correspondence w/others. (1909-1913)., undated.
Box 2 Folder 12
[Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959 ?]. Notes re 1913-1914 catalogs?, undated.
Box 2 Folder 13
Blakeslee Co. Correspondence and receipts., 1889-1892.
Box 2 Folder 14
Bode, William, 1876-1941. Correspondence from Johnson. Incl. photocopy of same., n.y., undated.
Box 2 Folder 15
Bode, William, 1876-1941. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson (1910-1916, undated). Incl. cover letter from Berlin archives., 1992, undated.
Box 2 Folder 16
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of Central Archives of the National Museums, Berlin.

Bode, William, 1876-1941. Transcript of correspondence w/ others. Incl. photocopy of same. Incomplete. (1912)., undated.
Box 2 Folder 17
Boussod, Valadon Co. Correspondence and receipts., 1887-1891.
Box 2 Folder 18
Breduct, J.S.[?]. Correspondence., undated.
Box 2 Folder 19
C. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1884-1917, undated.
Box 2 Folder 20
C. Brunner. Correspondence and receipt., 1907-1908.
Box 2 Folder 21
Cottier Co. Correrspondence and receipts., 1891, 1910, undated.
Box 2 Folder 22
Culin, Stewart, 1858-1929. John G. Johnson Papers / III. Estate / f. Correspondence of Stewart Culin re Will of John G. Johnson, deceased.
D. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1911-1914.
Box 3 Folder 1
Douglas, R. Langton (Robert Langton), 1864-1951. Correspondence., 1907-1910.
Box 3 Folder 2
Douglas, R. Langton (Robert Langton), 1864-1951. Photocopies of correspondence (1907-1910)., undated.
Box 3 Folder 3
Douglas, R. Langton (Robert Langton), 1864-1951. Correspondence., 1911.
Box 3 Folder 4
Douglas, R. Langton (Robert Langton), 1864-1951. Correspondence., 1912-1913.
Box 3 Folder 5
Douglas, R. Langton (Robert Langton), 1864-1951. Correspondence., 1914-1916.
Box 3 Folder 6
Dowdeswell Galleries. Correspondence and invoices., 1891, 1907-1913.
Box 3 Folder 7
Durlacher Brothers. Invoice., 1910.
Box 3 Folder 8
E.J. van Wisselingh co. (Amsterdam, Netherlands). Receipts., 1891, 1895.
Box 3 Folder 9
Eduard Schulte, Fine Art Rooms. Correspondence and receipts., 1891.
Box 3 Folder 10
Ehrich Galleries, New York. Correspondence., 1907-1913.
Box 3 Folder 11
F. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1910, 1917, undated.
Box 3 Folder 12
F. Kleinberger Galleries. Correspondence and invoices., 1910-1916.
Box 3 Folder 13
Farina, Pasquale, b. 1894. Correspondence., 1907-1916, undated.
Box 3 Folder 14
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Italian. Religious and historical. Incl. Doulgas notations. Incl. Douglas notation. [3:3]

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Italian. Religious and historical. [1:3]

Johnson Collection Curatorial Records / IX. Subjects / A. 1926-1972 / f. Farina, Pasquale, b. 1864. Photograph of Farina in studio and oversized clipping re art forgery. 1919, undated

Johnson Collection Curatorial Records / VIII. Conservation

Farina, Pasquale, b. 1894. Correspondence w/ [purported] 1683 attachment., 1916.
Box 3 Folder 15
Fine Art Gallery, London. Correspondence and receipt., 1889.
Box 3 Folder 16
Fischhof, Eugene. Correspondence and receipts., 1907-1914, undated.
Box 3 Folder 17
Frederick Muller Cie. Correspondence., 1907-1913.
Box 3 Folder 18
French Gallery, (London, England). Correspondence and receipts., 1891-1911, undated.
Box 3 Folder 19
Friedländer, Max J., 1867-1958. Correspondence and notes., 1907-1914, undated.
Box 3 Folder 20
Friedländer, Max J., 1867-1958. German art journal[?]. (Special impression.), 1889.
Box 3 Folder 21
Friedländer, Max J., 1867-1958. German art journal[?]. (Special impression.) Incl. articles by Friedlander., 1908-1909.
Box 3 Folder 22
Friedländer, Max J., 1867-1958. German art journal[?]., 1910.
Box 3 Folder 23
Friedländer, Max J., 1867-1958. German art journal[?]. (Special impression.) Incl. article by Friedlander., 1915.
Box 3 Folder 24
Frizzoni, Gustave. Correspondence., 1914.
Box 3 Folder 25
Fry, Roger Eliot, 1866-1934. Correspondence., 1905-1911, n.y.
Box 4 Folder 1
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Reference. Fry, Roger Eliot. Notes identifying "Cat. No." referenced in correspondence to Johnson (1905-1911).

Fry, Roger Eliot, 1866-1934. Photocopies of correspondence. (1905-1911, n.y.)., undated.
Box 4 Folder 2
G. [Alphabetical. Various Correspondents]., 1908, 1914, undated.
Box 4 Folder 3
Galerie A. Imbert. Receipts., 1907.
Box 4 Folder 4
Galerie Durand-Ruel. Correspondence and receipts., 1882-1892?, 1906?.
Box 4 Folder 5
Galerie Georges Petit. Correspondence and receipts., 1887-1891, undated.
Box 4 Folder 6
Goupil Cie. Receipts., 1881, 1882.
Box 4 Folder 7
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. M. Knoedler & Co. Correspondence and receipts.

Goupil Gallery. Correspondence., 1891.
Box 4 Folder 8
H. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1887-1888, 1911, 1914.
Box 4 Folder 9
Hanover Gallery. Correspondence., 1888-1890.
Box 4 Folder 10
Harding, H. W. John G. Johnson Papers / III. Estate / f. Correspondence of Stewart Culin re Will of John G. Johnson, deceased.
Harrison, Alex. John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Krøyer, Peder Severin, 1851-1909. Receipt.
Haseltine Galleries. Correspondence and receipts., 1880-1891.
Box 4 Folder 11
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art

Herter Brothers. Receipt., 1891.
Box 4 Folder 12
Horne, Herbert Percy, 1864-1916. Correspondence., 1906-1909, undated.
Box 4 Folder 13
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Italian. Religious and historical. Incl. Doulgas notations. Incl. Douglas notation. [3:3]

Horne, Herbert Percy, 1864-1916. Correspondence and invoice., 1910-1916.
Box 4 Folder 14
Ichenhäuser, [Julius David?]. Correspondence., 1907, 1908.
Box 4 Folder 15
Ingles? Correspondence., 1888.
Box 4 Folder 16
J. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1910, 1912, 1915.
Box 4 Folder 17
J. S. Goldschmidt Antiquitaten. Receipts., 1910, 1913.
Box 4 Folder 18
Jaccaci, August. Photocopies of correspondence to/from Johnson [and typescript of catalog entries?]. (1905-1907, undated)., undated.
Box 4 Folder 19
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archives of American Art.

Jacques Seligmann Co. Correspondence., 1917.
Box 4 Folder 20
Jacques Seligmann Co. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson (1917)., undated.
Box 4 Folder 21
Johansen, Viggo, 1851-1935. Receipt., 1888.
Box 4 Folder 22
Julius Böhler (Firm). Correspondence and invoices., 1912-1914.
Box 4 Folder 23
Krøyer, Peder Severin, 1851-1909. Receipt., 1887.
Box 4 Folder 24
L. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1888, 1914, 1916.
Box 4 Folder 25
L. Crist Delmonico. Correspondence and receipts., 1887-1892.
Box 4 Folder 26
L. Soullie [firm?]. Correspondence., 1899.
Box 4 Folder 27
Lawrie Company. Invoice., 1896.
Box 4 Folder 28
Lesser, L. Receipt., 1896.
Box 4 Folder 29
M. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1889, 1908, 1913, 1914.
Box 5 Folder 1
M. Knoedler Co. Correspondence and receipts., 1888-1892.
Box 5 Folder 2
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Goupil & Cie. Receipts.

Marlborough Gallery (London, England). Invoices, receipts and notes., 1891, 1896.
Box 5 Folder 3
Mersch, Paul. Correspondence and receipts., 1910, 1912, 1915, 1916.
Box 5 Folder 4
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Photocopy of correspondence from Johnson. Re: purchasing policy., 1916.
Box 5 Folder 5
Nardus Van Gelder. Correspondence., 1896, 1902-1910, undated.
Box 5 Folder 6
Nardus Van Gelder. Correspondence re fakes. Incl. third party and letters from Johnson., 1907-1911, undated.
Box 5 Folder 7
O. [Alphabetical]., 1910-1911.
Box 5 Folder 8
Obach Co. Correspondence and receipt., 1889.
Box 5 Folder 9
P. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1886, 1907, 1910.
Box 5 Folder 10
P. D. Colnaghi Obach. Correspondence., 1914, 1916.
Box 5 Folder 11
Pall Mall Gallery. Correspondence., 1882, 1911.
Box 5 Folder 12
Patterson, William B. Receipts and invoice., 1910.
Box 5 Folder 13
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Receipts., 1882.
Box 5 Folder 14
Price, Eli Kirk, d. 1933 John G. Johnson Papers / III. Estate / f. Will of John G. Johnson, deceased. Copy of EKP [Eli K. Price]. Annotated.
R. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1913, 1914, undated.
Box 5 Folder 15
Raffaelo, Brenzoni. Correspondence., 1927.
Box 5 Folder 16
Reichard Company. Receipts., 1883, 1886, 1892.
Box 5 Folder 17
Robinson, J G. "Letter to the Editor" of [London?] Times. Ms. [copy?]., [1886?].
Box 5 Folder 18
Ruskin, John. Estate. Johnson Collection Curatorial Records / IX. Subjects / A. 1926-1972 / f. Provenance research file. Johnson Collection. Carpaccio, Vittore. Correspondence.
S. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1892-1917.
Box 5 Folder 19
Sackville Gallery (London, England). Receipt., 1912.
Box 5 Folder 20
Satinover Galleries. Correspondence., 1916, 1917.
Box 5 Folder 21
Schwarz, Friedrich. Correspondence., 1907.
Box 5 Folder 22
Sedelmeyer, Charles, 1837-1925. Correspondence and receipts., 1891-1893, 1910-1912, undated.
Box 5 Folder 23
Seligmann, Jacques. John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Jacques Seligmann Co. Correspondence.
Sirén, Osvald, 1879-. Correspondence., 1908-1916.
Box 5 Folder 24
Spanish Art Gallery. Correspondence., 1914.
Box 5 Folder 25
Spiridon, L. de B. Correspondence. Incl. Wilstach fund acquisition references., 1903.
Box 5 Folder 26
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Reference. Wilstach Gallery. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson to various. (1895-1913). Incl. archivist note.

Spiridon, L. de B. Correspondence. Incl. Wilstach Fund acquisition references., 1904.
Box 5 Folder 27
Spiridon, L. de B. Correspondence., 1905.
Box 5 Folder 28
Spiridon, L. de B. Correspondence. Incl. Wilstach Fund Acquisistion references., 1906.
Box 5 Folder 29
Spiridon, L. de B. Correspondence., 1907, undated.
Box 5 Folder 30
Spiridon, L. de B. Correspondence., 1908-1914.
Box 5 Folder 31
Spiridon, L. de B. Catologue of objects offered., undated.
Box 5 Folder 32
Steinmeyer Stephan Bourgeois. Correspondence., 1908.
Box 5 Folder 33
Sully Company. Correspondence, receipts and clipping., 1912, 1914, undated.
Box 5 Folder 34
T. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1905-1915.
Box 5 Folder 35
Trotti Cie. Correspondence and receipts., 1910-1912.
Box 5 Folder 36
U. [Alphabetical]., 1912.
Box 5 Folder 37
Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence to Johnson., 1908-May 1911.
Box 6 Folder 1
Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence to Johnson., July 1911-1914.
Box 6 Folder 2
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Reference. Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Summaries of correspondence to Johnson (1908-1914) and other notes.

Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence from Johnson., 1909-1910.
Box 6 Folder 3
Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence from Johnson., 1911-1912.
Box 6 Folder 4
Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence from Johnson., 1913-1914.
Box 6 Folder 5
Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence from Johnson. 1:4., undated.
Box 6 Folder 6
Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence from Johnson. 2:4., undated.
Box 6 Folder 7
Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence from Johnson. 3:4., undated.
Box 6 Folder 8
Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence from Johnson. 4:4., undated.
Box 6 Folder 9
Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence from others., n.y.
Box 6 Folder 10
See Also:

Johnson Collection Curatorial Records / IX. Subjects / A. 1926-1972 / f. Provenance research file. Johnson Collection. Madonna and Child statue. Correspondence and article.

W. [Alphabetical]. Various correspondents., 1907, 1916, undated.
Box 6 Folder 11
Witt, Robert C. Notes., undated.
Box 6 Folder 12
Unidentified. Correspondence to Johnson., n.y.
Box 6 Folder 13
Unidentified. Correspondence and notes from Johnson., 1910, undated.
Box 6 Folder 14
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcript of corresondence from Johnson. (September 19, 1901?)., undated.
Box 6 Folder 15
Use Restrictions

Location of original letter is unknown.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (1904-1909)., undated.
Box 6 Folder 16
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (1910)., undated.
Box 6 Folder 17
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (1911)., undated.
Box 6 Folder 18
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (1912)., undated.
Box 6 Folder 19
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (1913)., undated.
Box 6 Folder 20
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (1914)., undated.
Box 6 Folder 21
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (1915)., undated.
Box 6 Folder 22
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (1916)., undated.
Box 6 Folder 23
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (1917)., undated.
Box 6 Folder 24
Use Restrictions

Cannot be copied without permission of the Archivo Berenson.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (1904-1915, undated). Incl. curator's "Cat. No." footnotes., undated.
Box 6 Folder 25
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence from Johnson. (n.y., undated) [Incomplete, not in order of photocopies.]., undated.
Box 6 Folder 26
Use Restrictions

Holdings of another repository.

Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Photocopies of general correspondence to Johnson (1904-1917)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 1
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Summaries of general correspondence to Johnson (1904-1917)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 2
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of general correspondence to Johnson (1904-1917)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 3
Reference. Various. Excerpts of correspondence to/from Johnson with others. Ms and Ts., undated.
Box 6 Folder 15
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Photocoipes of correspondence to Johnson (1904-1908)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 4
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Summaries of correspondence to Johnson (1904-1908)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 5
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence to Johnson (1904-1908)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 6
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Photocoipes of correspondence to Johnson (1909-1910)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 7
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Summaries of correspondence to Johnson (1909-1910)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 8
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence to Johnson (1909-1910)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 9
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Photocopies of correspondence to Johnson (1911-1917)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 10
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Summaries of correspondence to Johnson (1911-1917)., undated.
Box 7 Folder 11
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence to Johnson (1911-1917)., undated.
Box 8 Folder 1
Reference. Berenson, Bernard. Transcripts of correspondence to Johnson (1911-1917)., undated.
Box 8 Folder 1
Reference. Berenson, Mary. Photocopy of correspondence to Isabelle Stewart Gardner (Jan. 31, 1904)., undated.
Box 8 Folder 2
Reference. Fry, Roger Eliot. Notes identifying "Cat. No." referenced in correspondence to Johnson (1905-1911)., undated.
Box 8 Folder 3
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Fry, Roger Eliot, 1866-1934. Correspondence.

Reference. Fry, Roger Eliot. Summaries of correspondence to Johnson. (1905-1911)., undated.
Box 8 Folder 4
Reference. Horne, Herbert. Summaries of correspondence to Johnson. (1906-1908)., undated.
Box 8 Folder 5
Reference. Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Summaries of correspondence to Johnson (1908-1914) and other notes., [1973?].
Box 6 Folder 22
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958. Correspondence to Johnson.

Reference. Various. Excerpts of correspondence to/from Johnson w/others (1903-1914). Ms., Ts., undated.
Box 8 Folder 7
Reference. Wilstach Gallery. Photocopies of correspondence from Johnson to various. (1895-1913). Incl. archivist note., 1979.
Box 8 Folder 8
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Spiridon, L. de B. Correspondence. Incl. Wilstach fund acquisition references.

Scope and Content Note

"Photographs and other images," is comprised of three subseries. Portraits of Johnson and his wife Ida make up the "Personal" subseries along with an oversized print of the drawing parlor to their center city home, stamped F. Gutekunst, photographer (Phila.). Haseler Photographic Studios, also of Philadelphia, created most of the images of Johnson. No photographer is identified for any of the fourteen images of Ida contained in the photograph album also included here. It was once in the possession of Ida's son Edward. He, in turn, presented it to a cousin.

While Johnson traveled to Europe many times, including the years after Ida's death, three of their European summer excursions are well documented here. Seven oversized photograph albums hold more than twelve hundred images of the scenic and historic sites Johnson took in with Ida, as well as of the numerous collections of art held in some of Europe's most important museums and private collections. Although the one volume devoted to Norway has no inscribed dedication to Ida as the other six volumes, it is likely she accompanied Johnson on this trip. Like the other volumes, "A Summer in Norway" is handsomely bound in leather, and each image is numbered and captioned by hand.

The third subseries, "Works of art" consists of hundreds of photographs and prints that were likely included in Johnson's extensive library. Many are marked as belonging to a major museum or private collection. Other images supplied by art dealers include prices and other information noted on the verso. It is therefore likely that Johnson may have considered some of the paintings represented for purchase.

    Works Consulted
  1. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1942. Winkelman, Barnie F. John G. Johnson: Lawyer and Art Collector: 1841-1917.
Physical Description

18.5 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

The lives of Johnson and his wife are chronicled here through portraits--Johnson from the ages of six to at least sixty-six and Ida from child to mother to matron. There is also an oversized image of a drawing room in what was likely the couple's first home at 426 South Broad Street. With paintings covering much of the walls, the photograph illustrates Johnson already acquiring art at a vigorous pace.

A local studio, Haesler, took most of the portraits of Johnson, who by then was sporting a bristling white moustache. The portrait taken by Annette Field, a photographer active in Switzerland in the early twentieth century, may be several years later than the previously assigned date of circa 1904. During processing, it was determined that the portrait dates closer to 1909. This date was based on the observation that Johnson appears older than he does in the Haesler photographs taken in 1907, and that he was in St. Moritz, Switzerland in 1909. A letter dated that summer from Johnson to Bernard Berenson was written on stationery from a hotel in that Swiss town.

The portraits of Ida are contained in a photograph album that her second child, Edward Morrell, gave to his cousin, Mary de V. Powel Hodge, in 1909. Edward's cover letter to his cousin and an outline of his family lineage are also included. As noted on the front page of the album, the portraits are of "Ida Powel Johnson." An additional note to the same page, written in a different hand, identifies the sitter in the last four photographs as Mary, the recipient of the album. That may be incorrect as one of the portraits was reproduced in Winkelman's biography of Johnson and identified as his wife. The last portrait in the album also supports an assumption that the woman is Ida. It shows an elegantly dressed woman standing near an easel that supports a painting of a landscape--a pose well-suited for the wife of a renown collector of art. (The landscape could not be identified during processing.)

For additional images related to Johnson's life; namely, a family cradle, gravesite and residences, see the "Johnson" files included in the "1973-1992" subseries of the "Subjects" series.

Ida P. Johnson. Photograph album., 1909, undated.
Box 9 Folder 1
John G. Johnson. Age six. Copy print by F. Gutekunst, photographer (Phila.)., undated.
Box 8 Folder 9
John G. Johnson. As a young man. Antonio Sorgato, photographer (Venice). Carte-de-visite., circa 1875.
Box 8 Folder 10
John G. Johnson. Approx. age 63. Haeseler Photographic Studios (Phila.). Retouched photographs (2 poses)., 1904.
Box 8 Folder 11
John G. Johnson. Approx. age 66. Haeseler Photographic Studios (Phila.). Johnson in profile (4 prints). Oversized. [1:2], 1907.
Box 10 Folder 1
John G. Johnson. Approx. age 66. Haeseler Photographic Studios (Phila.). Johnson in profile (5 prints). Oversized. [2:2], 1907.
Box 10 Folder 2
John G. Johnson. Approx. age 66. Haeseler Photographic Studios (Phila.). Johnson facing front (4 prints). Oversized., 1907.
Box 10 Folder 3
John G. Johnson. Approx. age 66. Haeseler Photographic Studios (Phila.). Johnson holding book (4 prints). Oversized., 1907.
Box 10 Folder 4
John G. Johnson. Approx. age 66. Haeseler Photographic Studios (Phila.). Johnson in profile, reading (6 prints). Oversized., 1907.
Box 10 Folder 5
John G. Johnson. Approx. age 66. Haeseler Photographic Studios (Phila.). Johnson seated at desk (4 prints). Oversized. [1:2], 1907.
Box 10 Folder 6
John G. Johnson. Approx. age 66. Haeseler Photographic Studios (Phila.). Johnson seated at desk (4 prints). Oversized. [2:2], 1907.
Box 10 Folder 7
Haeseler Studio. Correspondence to PAFA re copyright of Johnson portraits and photo reproduction of Bathhurst relief., 1917-1918.
Box 8 Folder 12
John G. Johnson. [Later portrait?] Annette Field, photographer (St. Moritz, Switzerland). (2 poses)., [1909?].
Box 8 Folder 13
Johnson residence. [426 S. Broad Street?]. Interior view. Drawing room. F. Gutekunst, photographer (Phila.). Verso annotated. Oversized, circa 1878.
Box 29 Folder 1
See Also:

Johnson Collection Curatorial Records / IX. Subjects / B. 1973-1992 / f. Johnson residence. [426 S. Broad?]. Interior views, circa 1878. Copy prints.

Scope and Content Note

These seven volumes of photographs illustrate a few of Johnson's earliest travels to Europe. Their composition makes evident that even when sightseeing Johnson could be nothing less than methodical. Comprised of what no doubt are professionally-taken images affixed to oversized pages that are bound between embossed leather covers, Johnson's photographic mementos are as grand as his journeys. In the set presumed to be the earliest, entitled "A Summer Trip," Johnson included an inscription in each of the three volumes that reveals his motive in assembling the picture books, which in turn adds an endearing charm to his efforts. The inscription, clearly in Johnson's hand, is addressed to his then bride of three years, and reads: "Ida P. Johnson/from her husband/in remembrance of a most happy summer." He dates his gift "Xmas 1878." Measuring either 6"x8" or 4"x6", most of the images are scenic views of European mountains, lakes and villages or cityscapes of cathedrals, palaces, museums, and opera houses, as well as architectural details of each. Under each image is a brief caption written by hand in a style that resembles Johnson's (particularly the Norway volume)--albeit more legible than his usual handwriting. Each image is also numbered sequentially throughout the multiple volume sets. For the 1878 trip, Johnson compiled 504 images. If he in fact did write each caption, it would be all the more remarkable a task considering the demanding schedule of his legal practice.

Less in number, yet notable, are the photographic reproductions of paintings included in these pictorial travelogues. Although Johnson did not identify the museums or estates housing the objects, that information can be inferred by the placement of the images following those of a particular city. Johnson's captions also document attributions and titles that in several cases have been revised since the last quarter of the nineteenth century. More than a decade later, Johnson published his thoughts on some of Europe's artists and art collections. A photocopy of the book is in the "Other subjects" series.

Based on the arrangement of the photographs, Johnson and his wife began their 1878 trip in Le Havre, France. From there, they traveled to Paris, Versailles, various villages and cities in Switzerland; then on to northern Italy, Austria and Germany; and at some point toward the end of the trip, Brussels (Belgium). Along the way, the Johnsons viewed art collections from the Louvre in Paris, Munich's Alte Pinakothek, the Wiertz Gallery in Brussels and the Old Masters' Picture Gallery in Dresden (Gemäldegalerie alte Meister; now part of the Dresden State Art Collections). Among the paintings Johnson included from Dresden was "Venus with Musician." At that time it was attributed to Titian. It has been lost since 1939. Images from the Palace of Versailles include Marie Antoinette's bed and Vincenzo Vela's marble depiction of "The Last Days of Napoleon," which is now housed at the Musée National du Château de Malmaison.

Assuming the three volumes entitled "Three Years Later" were intended as a follow up to the 1878 trip, the Johnsons returned to Europe in 1881. Images begin with seaside views of Brighton on England's southeastern coast, followed by various villages, spas and cities in Switzerland and Germany, on to the Netherlands and Brussel, and end in England with images of Shakespeare's home and Stoneleigh Park for a total of 524 photographs. The Johnsons also visited Prague, where they saw the Radetzky Memorial, which has since been transferred from its outdoor location to the National Museum. In 1881, the city was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. On this trip, Johnson returned to the Old Masters' Picture Gallery in Dresden, and devoted twenty pages of the second volume to a number of its paintings. Among the works of art from the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin reproduced in Johnson's picture books are panels depicting the Annunciation from the Ghent Altarpiece. Johnson also included images of paintings from Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, Haarlem's Frans Hals Museum and the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Unlike the 1878 trip, Johnson's itinerary in 1881 included a number of stops throughout England, most of which are documented in the third volume. Among the sites visited were Windsor Castle and its royal collection and the National Gallery of Art in London. Johnson commemorated the latter with images of more than fifty paintings.

The single volume entitled "A Summer in Norway" is undated. According to the obituary of Johnson that appeared in the New York Times, he visited Norway a few years before his death in 1917. However, that the 195 primarily scenic images are as carefully arranged and captioned as the earlier volumes, it is likely that he prepared this volume for his wife. Therefore, this trip was likely taken before 1908, the year Ida died. The volume begins and ends with English settings from the Isle of Wight and district of Devon, respectively. Christiania (later renamed Oslo) and Bergen are among the Norwegian sites documented, and Stockholm, Sweden is the final Scandinavian stop.

Like souvenir postcards, the photographs in these seven volumes would have been available for Johnson to purchase en route. The series numbers and captions printed on many of the images confirm their commercial availability. On approximately half of the images, photographers also are identified; their names printed on a bottom border or affixed by dry stamp (embossed). Of those identified, most carry the stamp of "Frith's Series," referring to the business founded in 1859 by Francis Frith, a British photographer and publisher of scenic views throughout Europe, Egypt and the Middle East. As Frith hired photographers or purchased the works of others, it is possible that these images are not his own. In Johnson's collection, Frith's firm provided most of the photographs of France, (1878, Vol. 1), and of Matterhorn and Switzerland (1881 Vol. 1), as well as a few in the Italian areas of Lecco and Bellagio (1878, Vol. 2). Other photographers identified are: Giacomo Brogi (Milan and Como, 1878, Vol. 2); Fotografia Nessi Como (1878, Vol. 2); Oscar Kramer (1878, Vol. 2, as publisher; and apparently as photographer in 1878, Vol. 3. All Austrian scenes); A. F. Czihak (Austria, 1878, Vol. 3); Atelier Frankenstein & Co. (1878, Vol. 3); and Joh. (Johann) Hahn (city and interior church views in Nuremburg, 1881, Vol. 1). The studios that photographed some of the paintings Johnson included in his photo albums are: Piloty & Loehle (Alte Pinakothek, Munich, 1878, Vol. 3); Société Royale Belge de Photographie (Wiertz Gallery, Brussels, 1878, Vol. 3); and Photographische Gesellschaft, Berlin (Old Masters Picture Gallery, Dresden and Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, 1881, Vol. 2). The dry stamps to images 358 and 387 in 1878, Vol. 3, could not be deciphered at time of processing. No photographers are identified on any of the photographs of Norway.

See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / IV. Other subjects / f. Writings. Sight-seeing in Berlin and Holland: among Pictures (1892). Photocopy.

"A Summer Trip." Vol. 1, 1878.
Box 11 Folder 1
"A Summer Trip." Vol. 2, 1878.
Box 12 Folder 1
"A Summer Trip." Vol. 3, 1878.
Box 13 Folder 1
"Three Years Later." Vol. 1, [1881].
Box 14 Folder 1
"Three Years Later." Vol. 2, [1881].
Box 15 Folder 1
"Three Years Later." Vol. 3., [1881].
Box 37 Folder 1
"A Summer in Norway", undated.
Box 16 Folder 1
Scope and Content Note

This subseries consists of images of objects Johnson owned at one time or retained as reference (perhaps for study purposes or possible purchase). Documenting the former is an oversized volume that holds 42 photographs, most of which appear to be albumen silver prints measuring approximately 9"x11.5". An inscription inside, in a hand that is not Johnson's, reads: "Selections from J.G. Johnson Collection." Additional information is written on paper that once wrapped the volume: "J.G. Johnson/Mounted Photos of Earlier Owned Work." The wrapping and note were most likely prepared much later by Museum library staff. The volume primarily documents Johnson's interest in contemporary European painting, that is, works executed during the 1870s and 1880s, with the last nine images devoted to decorative art pieces. Although none of the paintings are identified, an occasional signature and year can be discerned, which verifies the date range noted above. Some of the artists represented are Jan van Beers, Jean-Baptiste-Edouard Detaille, Alberto Pasini, Gustavo Simoni, Francesco Vinea, and Jean Béraud. A seascape by the Russian-born Ivan Aivazovsky is also included. It appears likely that Johnson later decided to sell most of these acquisitions, as suggested by the "earlier owned work" notation." A number of the artists who can be identified from these prints are also noted in Johnson's receipts from the Philadelphia art dealer Haseltine Galleries. The Haseltine papers are included in the "Correspondence" series. Based on that documentation, Johnson purchased works by these artists in the early 1880s, only to return some of them for credit by the end of the decade. Furthermore, only two paintings reproduced in this volume have been identified as still remaining in the Johnson Collection--Pasini's "Street in Damascus" (Cat. 1057) and van Beers' "Girl with a Parrot" (Inv. 2438). Based on these observations and the albumen format of the photographs (prevalent 1870-1990), this volume probably was compiled between the early 1880s and early 1890s.

According to the labels affixed to the original storage boxes, the remaining images of "old photos" document works of art from the Johnson Collection as well as those not part of the collection. The latter are also identified as coming from Johnson's house. Since the labeling and type of housing are identical, it can be assumed that the images of paintings from the collection also were transferred from the house. All the images are subdivided further by national or regional grouping, such as British, Dutch, etc. Most of the images are photographs; some appear to be engraved reproductions. Images vary in size--from 4"x5" prints to 11.5"x15.5" (including mounting boards). There are several larger boards, which are filed separately as "oversized."

Certain evidence suggests that Johnson compiled a number of these images himself. For example, many of the photographs are albumen prints--a format of the late 19th century. A few are annotated on the verso by Bernard Berenson or Herbert P. Horne, both advisers to Johnson, as well as by R. Langton Douglas, a scholar and dealer from whom Johson purchased several Italian paintings. (Their annotations are noted in the corresponding folder titles.) Others are stamped or mounted on boards identifying art dealers with whom Johnson did business, such as (Galerie) Durand-Ruel. However, there is also evidence suggesting that some images were compiled later by the curators; such as, the notations written in black felt tip pen on mounting boards similar in fashion to those created by Henri Marceau, during his curatorial tenure at the Museum. It is also possible that while Johnson acquired the images, curators made later notations, such as "sold in 1920," written on one of the images of a German painting.

Since many of the images appear to have originated during Johnson's lifetime, they collectively suggest the many works of art for sale that dealers brought to Johnson's attention, and/or Johnson's reliance on such images for purposes of comparison and study. These images also document attributions or titles of paintings that have since been revised by later scholars. An example is a painting of St. Catherine (Cat. 319). Affixed to the verso is a typescript of a 1911 letter from the art historian Max Friedlander to R. Langston Douglas, apparently the owner of the painting at that time. Friedlander identifies the work as Flemish, probably painted at Bruges, circa 1460. It is now attributed to an unknown artist, probably Netherlandish. Other reattributions of nationality are noted parenthetically in the folder titles. At least one attribution was revised by the time these photographs were originally boxed. On the verso of a portrait published by Durand-Ruel, the German painter Holbein [the Elder] is identified as the artist. The reproduction of Cat. 345, however, was filed as Dutch, which reflects its current attribution to an unknown artist active in the northern Netherlands. There is also at least one image indicating alterations to the work of art itself. The reproduction here of the portrait of Andrea Bandini (Cat. 73) shows the sitter with a full head of hair, which is not the case in the portrait's present state. Also of note is the two-dimensional paper replica of the Isenheim Altarpiece, with flaps representing the hinged panels. Perhaps a printer's error, the flanking panels of Saints Sebastian and Anthony are transposed in comparison to the actual piece at the Unterlinden Museum.

Folder titles reflect the original national or regional grouping in which the images were classified. Collection numbers have been added where applicable. The one image filed as part of the Dutch paintings in the Johnson Collection could not be identified as such during processing. It is in the "unidentified" folder. During processing, general subject categories were included in the folder titles to works of art not in the Johnson Collection. Domestic scenes, depicting either peasants or the wealthy, indoors or out, are filed here as "Interiors and outdoor genre." "Landscapes" consist of rural and city scenes, many of which include figures. Views with "waterways" (including frozen ones) are filed separately. "Portraits" are of individual sitters and groups. Separated from other religious depictions are those with the "Madonna and Child." These include portraits of the two with donors and saints, as well as depictions of the New Testament stories of the Nativity and Presentation at the Temple. The one painting that appears to depict a parable (of the blind leading the blind) is included in the French "Mythological and Allegorical" folder.

Of the images stamped with a photographer's name, most are the work of Braun, Clément & Cio. (Paris), Lawrence X. Champeau (New York, NY), F[ratelli]. D'Alessandri (Rome), Haeseler Photographic Studios (Philadelphia), J. Laurent & Co. (Madrid, for Prado), Thomas E. Marr (Boston), and T. Sardnal (Paris, for Durand-Ruel). Many (if not all) of the works of art photographed by Thomas E. Marr (and later by Thomas E. Marr & Son) belong to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. The photographs are date-stamped between 1903 and 1911, and therefore coincide with the museum's earliest years, when it was open to the public on a limited basis since it also served as Mrs. Gardner's palatial home. Marr (b. 1849) was also a well-known society photographer. Both Mrs. Gardner and her residence were among his subjects. Like Johnson, Isabella Stewart Gardner (1840-1924) consulted with Bernard Berenson in her acquisitions of art.

See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Haseltine Galleries. Correspondence and receipts.

"Earlier owned works." One volume., circa 1887.
Box 17 Folder 1
From the collection. Dutch. Cat. 314, 345 and 508., undated.
Box 18 Folder 1
From the collection. Dutch. Cat. 504. Oversized., undated.
Box 27 Folder 1
From the collection. Dutch. Cat. 553, 606, 634 and Inv. 2843 [Belgian]., undated.
Box 18 Folder 2
From the collection. Dutch. Unidentified., undated.
Box 18 Folder 3
From the collection. English. Cat. 840., undated.
Box 18 Folder 4
From the collection. Flemish. Cat. 315, 319 [Netherlandish] and 369., undated.
Box 18 Folder 5
From the collection. Flemish. Cat. 409 and 424., undated.
Box 18 Folder 6
From the collection. Flemish. Cat. 656, 659, 662, 664 and 671., undated.
Box 18 Folder 7
From the collection. Flemish. Cat. 677, 679 and Inv. 60a-d., undated.
Box 18 Folder 8
From the collection. French. Cat. 794 and Inv. 1729., undated.
Box 18 Folder 9
From the collection. German. Cat. 714, 726, 728, 735, Inv. 35 and 456 [Austrian]., undated.
Box 18 Folder 10
From the collection. Italian. Cat. 16, 73 and 92 (w/Douglas notation)., undated.
Box 19 Folder 1
From the collection. Italian. Cat. 93 and 129., undated.
Box 19 Folder 2
From the collection. Italian. Cat. 130, 131, 132, 139 and 143., undated.
Box 19 Folder 3
From the collection. Italian. Cat. 158., undated.
Box 19 Folder 4
From the collection. Italian. Cat. 179 and 225. Oversized., undated.
Box 27 Folder 2
From the collection. Italian. Cat. 199, 242, 243 and 271., undated.
Box 19 Folder 5
From the collection. Italian. Cat. 272, 1164, Inv. 61 and 729., undated.
Box 19 Folder 6
From the collection. Italian. Cat. 1283 (w/Berenson notation), 1295 (w/Douglas notation) and 1336., undated.
Box 19 Folder 7
From the collection. Spanish. Cat. 325, 512 and Inv. 183., undated.
Box 19 Folder 8
From the collection. Not included in 1913 and 1914 catalogues. Johnson Collection Curatorial Records / IX. Subjects / A. 1926-1972 / f. Works of art in Johnson Collection. Paintings not in 1913/1914 catalogue (Inv.#). Photographs w/Frick Library annotations.
Not included. Dutch. Interiors and outdoor genre. [1:2], undated.
Box 20 Folder 1
Not included. Dutch. Interiors and outdoor genre. [2:2], undated.
Box 20 Folder 2
Not included. Dutch. Interiors and outdoor genre. Oversized., undated.
Box 27 Folder 3
Not included. Dutch. Landscapes. [1:2], undated.
Box 20 Folder 3
Not included. Dutch. Landscapes. [2:2], undated.
Box 20 Folder 4
Not included. Dutch. Landscapes. Oversized., undated.
Box 25 Folder 1
Not included. Dutch. Landscapes w/waterways. [1:2], undated.
Box 20 Folder 5
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Unidentified [Dutch?]. Landscapes w/waterways.

Not included. Dutch. Landscapes w/waterways. [2:2], undated.
Box 20 Folder 6
Not included. Dutch. Portraits. [1:2], undated.
Box 21 Folder 1
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Unidentified [Dutch?]. Portraits.

Not included. Dutch. Portraits. [2:2], undated.
Box 21 Folder 2
Not included. Dutch. Portraits. Oversized., undated.
Box 27 Folder 4
Not included. Dutch. Religious and historical., undated.
Box 21 Folder 3
Not included. Dutch. Religious and historical. Oversized., undated.
Box 27 Folder 5
Not included. Dutch. Still life., undated.
Box 21 Folder 4
Not included. English. Landscapes. Oversized., undated.
Box 27 Folder 6
Not included. English. Portraits. Oversized., undated.
Box 27 Folder 7
Not included. Flemish. Mythology and allegory. Oversized., undated.
Box 25 Folder 2
Not included. Flemish. Portraits., undated.
Box 21 Folder 5
Not included. Flemish. Portraits. Oversized. [1:2], undated.
Box 25 Folder 3
Not included. Flemish. Religious and historical. [1:3], undated.
Box 21 Folder 6
Not included. Flemish. Religious and historical. [2:3], undated.
Box 21 Folder 7
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Flemish. Religious. Madonna and Child.

Not included. Flemish. Religious and historical. [3:3], undated.
Box 21 Folder 8
Not included. Flemish. Religious and historical. Oversized. [1:2], undated.
Box 25 Folder 4
Not included. Flemish. Religious and historical. Oversized. [2:2], undated.
Box 27 Folder 8
Not included. Flemish. Religious. Madonna and Child., undated.
Box 22 Folder 1
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Flemish. Religious and historical. [2:3]

Not included. Flemish. Religious. Madonna and Child. Oversized., undated.
Box 28 Folder 1
Not included. French. Interiors and outdoor genre., undated.
Box 22 Folder 2
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Unidentified [French?]. Outdoor genre [mythology?].

Not included. French. Interiors and outdoor genre. Oversized., undated.
Box 28 Folder 2
Not included. French. Landscapes. Incl. travel album photo., undated.
Box 22 Folder 3
Not included. French. Portraits., undated.
Box 22 Folder 4
Not included. French. Portraits. Oversized. [1:2], undated.
Box 25 Folder 5
Not included. French. Portraits. Oversized. [2:2], undated.
Box 28 Folder 3
Not included. French. Religious and historical., undated.
Box 22 Folder 5
Not included. French. Religious and historical. Oversized., undated.
Box 25 Folder 6
Not included. French. Religious. Madonna and Child., undated.
Box 22 Folder 6
Not included. German. Portraits. [1:2], undated.
Box 22 Folder 7
Not included. German. Portraits. [2:2], undated.
Box 22 Folder 8
Not included. German. Portraits. Oversized., undated.
Box 28 Folder 4
Not included. German. Religious and historical. Incl. 1952 reattribution and Isenheim Altarpiece., undated.
Box 23 Folder 1
Not included. German. Religious. Madonna and Child., undated.
Box 23 Folder 2
Not included. Italian. Landscapes w/waterways., undated.
Box 23 Folder 3
Not included. Italian. Mythology and allegory., undated.
Box 23 Folder 4
Not included. Italian. Portraits. [1:2], undated.
Box 23 Folder 5
Not included. Italian. Portraits. [2:2], undated.
Box 23 Folder 6
Not included. Italian. Portraits. Oversized. [1:2], undated.
Box 26 Folder 1
Not included. Italian. Portraits. Oversized. [2:2], undated.
Box 1005 Folder 6
Not included. Italian. Religious and historical. [1:3], undated.
Box 23 Folder 7
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Farina, Pasquale, b. 1894. Correspondence.

Not included. Italian. Religious and historical. [2:3], undated.
Box 23 Folder 8
Not included. Italian. Religious and historical. Incl. Doulgas notations. Incl. Douglas notation. [3:3], undated.
Box 23 Folder 9
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Farina, Pasquale, b. 1894. Correspondence.

John G. Johnson Papers / I. Correspondence / f. Horne, Herbert Percy, 1864-1916. Correspondence.

Not included. Italian. Religious and historical. Oversized. [1:2], undated.
Box 26 Folder 2
Not included. Italian. Religious and historical. Oversized. [2:2]., undated.
Box 28 Folder 5
Not included. Italian. Religious. Madonna and Child. [1:3], undated.
Box 24 Folder 1
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Unidentified [Italian?]. Religious. Madonna and Child. Oversized.

Not included. Italian. Religious. Madonna and Child. [2:3], undated.
Box 24 Folder 2
Not included. Italian. Religious. Madonna and Child. Incl. Douglas notations. [3:3], undated.
Box 24 Folder 3
Not included. Italian. Religious. Madonna and Child. Oversized. [1:2], undated.
Box 26 Folder 3
Not included. Italian. Religious. Madonna and Child. Oversized. [2:2]., undated.
Box 28 Folder 6
Not included. Italian. Various genres. Printer's proof., undated.
Box 24 Folder 4
Not included. Spanish. Portraits. Incl. "Las Meninas" w/annotation on verso., undated.
Box 24 Folder 5
Not included. Spanish. Portraits. Oversized. [1:2], undated.
Box 26 Folder 4
Not included. Spanish. Portraits. Oversized. [2:2], undated.
Box 28 Folder 7
Not included. Spanish. Religious and historical., undated.
Box 24 Folder 6
Not included. Spanish. Religious and historical. Oversized., undated.
Box 26 Folder 5
Not included. Spanish. Religious. Madonna and Child., undated.
Box 24 Folder 7
Not included. Unidentified [Dutch?]. Landscapes w/waterways., undated.
Box 28 Folder 8
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Dutch. Landscapes w/waterways. [1:2]

Not included. Unidentified [Dutch?]. Portraits., undated.
Box 29 Folder 2
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Dutch. Portraits. [1:2]

Not included. Unidentified [French?]. Outdoor genre [mythology?]., undated.
Box 29 Folder 3
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. French. Interiors and outdoor genre.

Not included. Unidentified [Italian?]. Religious. Madonna and Child. Oversized., undated.
Box 29 Folder 4
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / C. Works of art / f. Not included. Italian. Religious. Madonna and Child. [1:3]

Not included. Unidentified. Religious and historical. (5 copies), undated.
Box 1005 Folder 6

Scope and Content Note

Inventories and appraisals of Johnson's estate taken between 1917 and 1918 make up most of the documentation in this series. The inventory and appraisal are one document, with valuations listed alongside the itemized property. The full title of the first inventory taken in 1917 is "Inventory and appraisal of the paintings and other artistic property, books and other literary property, household goods and personal effects left by the late John G. Johnson, Esquire, Philadelphia, PA." Inventoried on a room by room basis, the document records not only Johnson's belongings but also the types of rooms and other areas that made up his four-story, plus basement, home. The addenda and supplementary addenda to the 1917 document are similarly formatted. At the time these documents were executed, duplicates were made of those pertaining to his "paintings and other artistic property." As noted on the document covers, these were prepared for: the City of Philadelphia, recipient of Johnson's art bequest; the Pennsylvania Company, Trustee of Johnson's residuary estate; and Frank P. Prichard, Esq. (1953-1918). Prichard may have been legal counsel to the Trustee. For thirty years, he practiced law with Johnson. After Johnson's death, he and several other associates took over Johnson's practice and established the firm, Prichard, Saul, Bayard & Evans. The firm was a precursor to Saul Ewing, which continues to represent the Trustee.

Some of the duplicates were later annotated by curatorial staff, Trustee representatives and an appraiser who served as the official court examiner. Their charge was to inventory the Johnson Collection in 1955, which they checked against the original estate documents. In addition to their annotations, which are primarily check (or tick) marks, red ink stamps indicate objects for family retention. Curator Barbara Sweeny made additional notations in 1970 and 1971 of the prices realized at auction of certain objects that had always been kept in storage.

The series also includes bound copies of Johnson's will, with photocopies of same, and inventories and appraisals of Johnson's residuary property (items unrelated to art) and investments.

Physical Description

3.5 linear feet

Will of John G. Johnson, deceased. Copy of EKP [Eli K. Price]. Annotated., 1917.
Box 32 Folder 1
Will of John G. Johnson, deceased. Copy of Johnson Collection office., 1917.
Box 32 Folder 2
Photocopies (2) of Will of John G. Johnson, deceased., undated.
Box 32 Folder 3
Correspondence of Stewart Culin re Will of John G. Johnson, deceased., 1917.
Box 32 Folder 4
Inventory and appraisal...Filed Aug. 9, 1917., 1917.
Box 32 Folder 5
Inventory and appraisal...Filed Aug. 9, 1917. Copy of Frank P. Prichard, Esq., 1917.
Box 33 Folder 1
Addenda to the inventory and appraisal...Filed Mar. 20, 1918., 1918.
Box 33 Folder 2
Supplementary addenda to the inventory and appraisal...Filed May 18, 1918., 1918.
Box 33 Folder 3
Inventory and appraisal of the...residual estate..., undated.
Box 33 Folder 4
Inventory and appraisment [re investments]. Filed Dec. 4, 1918., 1918.
Box 33 Folder 5
"General Morell's list." Two-page list of objects w/1917 inventory numbering., undated.
Box 33 Folder 6
Annotated inventory and appraisal (1917), addenda and supplementary addenda (1918). Copy of City of Philadelphia. Annotations by B. Sweeny (1971) and objects for family (undated)., 1917, 1918, 1971, undated.
Box 34 Folder 1
See Also:

Johnson Collection Curatorial Records / VII. Operations and facilities / E. Collection management / 2. Inventories

Annotated inventory and appraisal (1917), addenda and supplementary addenda (1918). Copy of Pennsy. Co. [Trustee]. Annotations by S. Freeman (1955) and B. Sweeny (1971)., 1917, 1918, 1955, 1971.
Box 35 Folder 1
Annotated inventory and appraisal (1917). Copy of Lewis Evans. Annotations by L. Evans and W. Voetsch (1955), B. Sweeny (1971) and objects for family., 1917, 1955, 1971.
Box 36 Folder 1
Annotated supplementary addenda (1918). Annotations by L. Evans and W. Voetsch (1955), B. Sweeny (1971) and objects for family., 1918, 1955, 1971.
Box 36 Folder 2

Scope and Content Note

It appears that the two ornate, leather-bound Bibles filed here as "Library, other" were never included in any Johnson inventories--neither the estate inventories in this collection, nor the inventories included in the curatorial records. Yet both clearly belonged to Johnson. As an inscription on one of the front matter pages makes evident, the volume published in 1847 was a gift to Johnson's parents from the Reverend Samuel Pancoast and his wife Sarah Louise. The Pancoasts presented the Bible on March 1, 1847, "as a testimonial of respect." It is not yet known if the date represented a special occasion. Research suggests that Pancoast was a Methodist minister. The gift (now in fragile condition) served as a family Bible, as certain birth, death and marriage dates were noted on the "Family Record" pages. The genealogy begins with Johnson's parents (including the names of his grandparents) and follows through to the births of his three nephews and niece. As of this writing, it is the only record of the exact date of birth of Johnson's father David (August 6, 1814). During processing, four artifacts were discovered tucked between the pages. The items--two needle-point bookmarks, one illustrated prayer card, and slip of paper noting John Graver's date of death--are now in a separate folder. Paper flags mark their original placement within the Bible. The second Bible, larger than the first, bears Johnson's name stamped in gold on the front cover. The illustrations are by various engravers from the Philadelphia firm of "J. M. Butler." Unlike the first volume, no family information was recorded.

Also included here is a photocopy of Johnson's one published writing. In 1892 Johnson made known his most detailed impressions of European painting with the publication of "Sight-seeing in Berlin and Holland: Among Pictures." In this 44-page work, Johnson, in true legal argument fashion, critiques artists and art collections, and offers stern analysis as to why the Berlin Annual Exhibition of 1891 was such a failure. The remaining papers to this series are two documents that likely stemmed from his legal practice.

Physical Description


Legal practice. Ninth account of the Trustees of James C. Fisher. Oversized., 1855.
Box 25 Folder 7
Legal practice. Page from [deposition?] transcript., undated.
Box 8 Folder 14
Library, other. "The Holy Bible." Cooperstown, NY: H E Phinney, 1846. Incl. inscription., 1846-1847.
Box 30 Folder 1
Library, other. Items removed from "The Holy Bible.", undated.
Box 30 Folder 2
Library, other. "The Comprehensive Bible." Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. London: Samuel Bagster Sons., undated.
Box 31 Folder 1
Writings. Sight-seeing in Berlin and Holland: among Pictures (1892). Photocopy., undated.
Box 8 Folder 15
See Also:

John G. Johnson Papers / II. Photographs and other images / B. Travel

Print, Suggest