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Correspondence and Printed Material about Gettysburg National Cemetery
Held at: Lehigh University Special Collections [Contact Us]Lehigh University, Linderman Library, 30 Library Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18045
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Lehigh University Special Collections. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
In the War Between the States or otherwise known as the American Civil War, the Battle at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania was the high water mark of the war. Gettysburg region was as far north as the Confederacy or the Rebels advanced. Shortly after the horrific Battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863, the weather began to expose the shallow graves of the hastily buried soldiers. Residents of Adams and Franklin Counties noticed in their fields, orchards and gardens the exposed bodies. A Gettysburg resident and attorney, David McConaughy, urged proper burial of the dead in a cemetery to honor the Northern soldiers. Another Gettysburg resident and attorney, David Wills, agreed and used his political connections to contact Pennsylvania Governor Andrew Curtin who pledged to provide commonwealth funds to purchase land and make arrangements to create a cemetery to honor the Union dead. Wills and McConaughy had a falling out regarding design and location of the cemetery. Eventually David Wills became the primary agent for the cemetery. Funds were provided by Pennsylvania to purchase Cemetery Hill chosen for its important key position in the Union battle lines and adjacent to Evergreen Cemetery. The Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg was designed by William Saunders, a landscape architect. The design provided only for the Northern dead – 3,512 Union soldiers. Samuel Weaver and his laborers performed the removal of the Union dead from the shallow graves. The dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery took place November 19, 1863. Originally David Wills had proposed October for the dedication but the leading dedication speaker, Edward Everett, a prominent orator and statesman, asked for a one month delay to prepare his speech. As almost an afterthought, President Abraham Lincoln was invited to attend and offer a few appropriate remarks – now known as the Gettysburg Address. The night before the dedication Abraham Lincoln stayed in the David Wills house and reportedly worked on the remarks he would make the following day at the dedication following Everett's two hour oratory. Numerous monuments and memorials were included in the design of the cemetery. The most well-known is the Soldiers' National Monument erected in a central position. The Monument was designed by Batterson-Canfield Co. as a national memorial of sorrow. The cornerstone was laid July 4, 1865 and fully finished July 1, 1869. As part of the design four marble figures were carved by a well-known sculptor, Randolph Rogers, and there is a bronze figure of Liberty at the top of the central column. The first statue erected was the New York Monument honoring Major General John F. Reynolds who died in the battle. The cemetery for the Union dead was finished in 1869. In 1872 the administration of the Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg was turned over to the Federal Government. In the following years other internments were made. From 1870 to 1873 the Confederate dead were removed from the battlefield by Samuel Weaver who had the remains boxed and shipped to the South. Many of the Rebels who fought in the battle at Gettysburg eventually were reinterred in Richmond, Virginia's Hollywood Cemetery. As David Wills was agent for the governor of Pennsylvania, Andrew Curtin, John Bartlett was agent for the governor of Rhode Island, James Y. Smith. Both men were faithful and active participants on the Board of Commissioners of the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Eventually, David Wills became President of the Cemetery Board of Managers and John R. Bartlett was the Board of Managers Secretary. In 1874 Bartlett created a book about the cemetery "The Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg." Lehigh University Library has an additional Bartlett collection in its Special Collections – a Scrapbook from 1865-1885 of Abraham Lincoln memorabilia, portraits, reactions to the assassination.
The collection contains printed material, clippings and correspondence on the development of the Gettysburg (Pa.) Soldiers' National Cemetery during the American Civil War. Correspondence is mainly between John R. Bartlett, the Secretary of the Cemetery Commission and David Wills, President of the Cemetery Commission but other state representatives are also included. Dates range from 1863 to 1874.
There are 82 letters, 19 assorted leaflets, 10 newspaper articles, 7 booklets, 6 railroad passes, 3 postcards, 4 ink drawings, one certificate in the collection.
The collection consists of sixteen folders containing an assortment of printed paper memorabilia many very unique relating to the establishment and dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa.
Wills, David, 1831-1894. The Soldier's National Cemetery, Gettysburg, Pa. Call no.: 973.7349 W741s 1864
Bartlett, John Russell, 2006. Autobiography of John Russell Bartlett (1805-1886), ed.. by Jerry E. Mueller, Providence, Rhode Island: The John Carter Brown Library, 226pp.
Bartlett, John Russell, 1874. The Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg: with the proceedings at its consecration, at the laying of the corner-stone of the Monument and its dedication. Providence, R.I.: Providence Press Company for the Board of Commissioners. 146 pages
Accessioned in 1884. Came possibly with the Bartlett Civil War collection that Lehigh University purchased directly from John Russell Bartlett in 1884.
- Publisher
- Lehigh University Special Collections
- Finding Aid Author
- Eleanor Nothelfer
- Finding Aid Date
- May 7, 1990 first draft; Revised and finalized May 2011
- Access Restrictions
Collection housed remotely. Users need to contact 24 hours in advance.
- Please inquire about copyright information.
- Use Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
Collection Inventory
Order of Procession and Program for Consecration and Inauguration of the cemetery Nov. 1863 (One copy of original)
Order of Procession for the Inauguration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa. on the 19th November, 1863. Programme of Arrangements and Order of Exercises for the Inauguration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, On the 19th of November, 1863. Ward H. Lamon, Marshal-in Chief. (21.5 cm x 27cm blue ordinary paper sheet with two pages printed side-by-side in nine different type fonts. The left side lists the participants in the ceremony -- the right side lists the time, location and sequence of the ceremony. Ward H. Lamon, Marshal-in-Chief. Sheet of paper is in excellent condition)
Order of Arrangement for the consecration of the Soldiers' Cemetery at Gettysburg, on the 19th of November, 1863. Band: Military: Programme. [Same information as SC MS 0047.01.01A right side] (Five original copies of this flyer. Sheet measures 24.5 cm x 30.5 cm of ivory paper folded in half printed on two sides – Order of Arrangement is printed on right half of front side of sheet with left half blank; Programme is printed on right half of back side of sheet with left side blank.
Minutes of first Commission meeting Harrisburg, Dec. 17th, 1863. (Photocopy of newspaper article written by David Wills, President. W. Y. Sellick, Secretary titled Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg describing how the Commission was appointed by the Governors of the different States, which have soldiers buried in the Cemetery. The names of the Commissioners are listed: Hon. B.W. Norris (Morris?) of Maine, Hon. L.B. Mason of New Hampshire, Mr. Henry Edwards of Massachusetts, Mr. Alfred Coit of Connecticut, Hon. Levi Scobey of New Jersey, Mr. David Wills of Pennsylvania, Col. James Worrall of Pennsylvania, Col. John S. Berry of Maryland, Mr. L.W. Brown of Ohio, Col. Gordon Lofland of Ohio, Col. John G. Stephenson of Indiana, Mr. W.Y. Selleck of Wisconsin. Letters from Governors of States with no commissioners: Hon. Horatio Seymour of New York, Hon. Austin Blair of Michigan, Hon. James Y. Smith of Rhode Island, Hon. Wm. Cannon of Delaware, Hon. Henry G. Swift of Minnesota. A Committee was appointed to procure designs of a monument to be erected in the cemetery: Levi Scobey of New Jersey, B.W. Morris (Norris?) of Maine, Mr. D.W. Brown of Ohio, Col. J.G. Stephenson of Indiana, Col. John S. Berry of Maryland. Mr. Wm. Saunders made the plans and designs of the cemetery gratuitously.)
Act of Incorporation (2 copies) March 7, 1864 No. 356 File of the House of Representatives. Mr. Kerns, (Philadelphia,) – Corporations. Singerly & Myers, State Printers. An Act to incorporate the Soldiers' National Cemetery. (Three sheets of ivory colored paper measuring 21.5 cm x 33 cm with pagination 1 thru 6. One set of three sheets has two pencil lines on the title and ink smudges on front page and torn edges. The other copy is in good condition.)
Subscription and announcement of Battlefield Memorial Association
Gettysburg Battle-field Memorial Association. Announcement. D. McConaughy, Secretary. Joseph R. Ingersoll, Chairman of Provisional Committee. (Two sheets ivory colored paper with pagination 1 thru 4 measures 20 cm x 24.5 cm lists names of Committee Officers and Subscription shares for $10.00.)
Gettysburg Battle Field (Single sheet printed on one side of ivory colored paper.) Printer is Jno. B. Bachelder, 125 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. (Describes a proposed printing of a carefully detailed general view of the battle ground to be issued in three styles. Sheet is damaged at top. It measures 19.5 cm x 24.5 cm).
Proposals for Headstones and Specifications for Moving of Bodies
Specifications for proposals invited to be handed in at my office in Gettysburg, up to the 22d inst., at 12 o'clock noon, for the two contracts referred to in the advertisement of this date, (Oct. 15th, 1863.) David Wills, Agent for A. G. Curtin, Governor of Pennsylvania. (Two sets of specifications are outlined regarding the exhumation of graves and digging of graves. There are three lines of handwriting at bottom in pencil regarding cost of the work. The single sheet measures 20 cm x 28 cm printed on ivory colored paper. Top of sheet is badly damaged and reinforced with cellophane tape.)
Proposals for Marble Headstones. David Wills, President of the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Proposals will be received until Wednesday, the 7th of September next (A.D. 1864) at 11 o'clock, A.M. for furnishing marble headstones for the graves in the Soldiers' National Cemetery, at Gettysburg, according to the following plans and specifications. (Five members of the Executive Committee are listed along with the material specifications and grave site sections' dimensions. Single sheet of ivory paper printed on one side measures 20 cm x 31.5 cm, lower left corner torn off, upper right corner has embossed seal possibly of an eagle.)
Proposals for Granite Headstones. David Wills, President of the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Proposals will be received until Thursday, the 5th of January next (A.D. 1865,) at 12 o'clock, noon, for furnishing granite headstones for the graves in the Soldiers' National Cemetery, at Gettysburg, according to the following plans and specifications: (Material and Description are listed as well as grave site sections'dimensions. The five members of the Executive Committee are listed: John R. Latimer, Levi Scobey, B. Deford. Edward Cooper. W.Y. Selleck, David Wills, Gettsyburg, PA., Dec. 12, 1864. There is double column print on ivory colored paper measuring 20 cm x 31.5 cm, upper right corner has embossed seal possibly of an eagle.)
Description of Monument and Order of Procession for Laying the Cornerstone July 4, 1865
David Wills, President of the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Gettysburg, Feb. 15, 1865. (The proposed design and possible materials are described. The single sheet is printed on light tan paper measuring 19 cm x 28 cm. There are five original copies of this document.)
Order of the Procession At the Ceremonies of Laying the Corner Stone of the Monument in the Soldiers' National Cemetery, July 4, 1865. (List of participants printed on right side of bifolium printed sheet beginning with Chief Marshal. Major General John W. Geary. On reverse side of sheet printed on right side appears Order of Exercises in the Cemetery. Music, Prayer by the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D. Music, Introductory Remarks byThe President of the United States. Music. Laying of the Corner Stone…. Address by the Governor of Pennsylvania. Music. Oration by Major General O.O. Howard. Music. Poem by Col. C.G. Halpine (Halphin). Music. Benediction by Rev. D.T. Carnahan. Music. One copy of this sheet measuring 19.5 cm x 24 cm ivory colored paper.)
Certificate and Recommendation for John R. Bartlett
By His Excellency, James Y. Smith, Governor, Captain General and Commander-in-Chief of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. (Legal Certificate on good quality paper with red seal of Rhode Island nominating John R. Bartlett To be State Trustee of the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Original signatures of John R. Bartlett and James Y. Smith, Measures 21.5 cm x 33 cm.)
State of Rhode Island. Executive Department. (Letter from James Y. Smith introducing John R. Bartlett, Secretary of State of Rhode Island, as a trustee of the Soldiers' National Cemetery, 6th June 1864. High quality faintly blue lined paper 20 cm x 49 cm handwritten in black ink with some red underlining folded in half.)
From James Y. Smith (Providence, R.I.) (notification regarding dedication date)
From William Saunders (Washington) (authorization to furnish photos of plan)
From John W. Gough (New York) (request for number of names to be represented at Cemetery)
From B. W. Norris (Augusta) (re: advertisements for donations)
From C. E. Frost (Buffalo) (re: discussion of material and monuments for cemetery)
From William Walcott (New York City) (re: discusses types of statues mentions Perry Monument)
From William Walcott (New York City) (re: discusses Lodge and Gateway project for Cemetery)
From Ware and Van Brunt Architects (Boston) (re: competition for monument Design)
From Richard Burton(?) (New York City) (re: request for number of states and how many tablets are required)
From John G. Batterson(?) (Hartford, Ct.) (re: advertisement for the Soldiers' Monument and preparing designs)
From Charles Müller (New York City) (re: three designs for Gettysburg Monument)
From William Walcott (New York City) (re: a portrait photograph and additional designs for Cemetery)
From William Walcott (New York City) (re: finishing the additional designs for statues to be attired in proper military attire)
From James Y. Smith (Providence, R.I.) (re: request to continue service as Trustee for State of Rhode Island for the Cemetery)
From Henry Edwards (Boston) (mentions the Armies of Grant and Sherman being represented in the N.E. Corner of the Cemetery)
From Henry Edwards (Boston) (discusses changes of meetings)
From Henry Edwards (Boston) (discusses 4th of July meetings in New England and doubts that many would attend)
From T. W. Ferry (Philadelphia) (mentions Wills, Ramsey of Minnesota and Hubbard of West Virginia arriving at 11 p.m. for a meeting. Ferry is trustee from Michigan)
Series: Correspondence to Bartlett (Rhode Island) from Wills (Gettysburg) 1864-1867
(Letter mentions a letter from Mr. Frost of Buffalo in reference to the proposed Monument in the Cemetery and the Baltimore Convention adjournment.)
(Letter mentions Governor Curtin wish to have the corner stone of the Monument laid on July 4 as it would be the first anniversary of the great victory at Gettysburg)
(Letter informs that the Board of Commissioners will meet in Gettysburg on Friday June 10 and the Baltimore Convention will adjourn on Thursday. Mr. Wills says he wrote to Railroad companies to inquire about passes to Gettysburg for the Commissioners.)
(All the railroad companies over whose roads Commissioners would travel to Gettysburg have been contacted and very few have responded but some passes have been sent. The passes were sent to Bartlett in this letter.)
(Relates that the designs for monuments by the architects: Ware & Von Brunt, William Walcott, John W. Gough, Richard Burton, K. Müller, Alfred Stone(?) have been sent to Bartlett via Adams Express for him to distribute. A request is made to send a copy of the printed proceedings of the Board be sent to Judge Ira Perley of Concord, N.H. Upper left corner has an impressed seal EXTRA.)
(Relates that the designs for monuments by the architects: Ware & Von Brunt, William Walcott, John W. Gough, Richard Burton, K. Müller, Alfred Stone(?) have been sent to Bartlett via Adams Express for him to distribute. A request is made to send a copy of the printed proceedings of the Board be sent to Judge Ira Perley of Concord, N.H. Upper left corner has an impressed seal EXTRA.)
(Mentions an enclosed letter [not included] and asks for addresses of all the Commissioners and a few copies of the proceedings of the Board.)
(Discusses avoiding the expense of a fence between two cemeteries and suggests a low ornamental hedge at less expense.)
(Discusses a bill for printing pamphlets of proceedings being delayed by approaching Rebels and the Postmaster fleeing. The bank has just resumed business and the excitement has suspended the work on the Cemetery driving away 12 masons and 20 laborers. Recommends Bartlett read the Editorial in the New York Tribune of July 13th on "The Gettysburg Monument.")
(Sends circulars for bids for marble headstones and asks that they be distributed to marble dealers in the New England states and suggests that the marble from there can be finished more cheaply than locally. Upper left corner has impressed seal of an eagle over a shield)
(Mentions that the annual meeting of the Board of Managers of the Soldiers' National Cemetery will be held at the Continental Hotel in Philadelphia on Wednesday, December 7. Also a meeting of the Auditing Committee to meet December 6. Upper left corner is an impressed seal of a wreath.)
(Requests distribution of enclosed specifications (not with letter) for granite headstones in Rhode Island vicinity and mentions that the same request has been made of Mr. Edwards in Boston. Upper left corner has an impressed seal of a domed building.)
(Says he made report as President and just received proof sheets of the report. Wills says he expected the reports themselves two days ago but will correct the proofs and send them on to Philadelphia for printing. Wills finds the delay intolerable and postmaster. Upper left corner has impressed seal of a domed building, paper has foxing.)
(Reports that the amount apportioned to the State of Rhode Island toward the original expenses of the Cemetery was $841.06. Then the amount appropriated was $1000. The amount yet required to meet the requirement of the resolution of the Board at its last meeting will be $682.12. Wills requests that Bartlett request from the governor of Rhode Island to recommend to make the additional appropriation. The referred to money seems to concern the Memorial the Senate of the U.S. ordered to be presented and referred to the Military Committee. Wills expressed hope that the appropriations will be made and urges contacting senators and members of Congress for its passage. Also mentioned are copies of the Board proceedings reports and lists the names and addresses of the Board members: B.W. Norris, Skowhegan, Maine; Ira Perley, Concord, N.H.; Paul Dillingham, Waterbury, Vt.; Henry Edwards, Boston, Mass.; Alfred Cit, New London, Conn.; Edward Cooper, No. 17 Burling Slip, New York City; Levi Scobey, Colt's Neck Monmouth Co., N.J.; John R. Latimer, Wilmington, Del.; B. Deford, Baltimore, Md.; Chester D. Hubbard, Wheeling, West Va.; Gordon Lofland, Cambridge, Ohio; John G. Stephenson (Library of Congress) Washington D.C.; Clark E. Carr, Galesburg, Ill.; W.Y. Selleck (Mil. Ajt. Wis.) Washington D.C.; T.W. Ferry, Grand Haven, Mich.; Alex Ramsay, U.S. Senate, Washington. Upper left corner is impressed seal of domed building – word CONGRESS curved over dome.) 1865 January 17 -(Reports receiving lithograph of the design for the Monument and mailed five copies to Bartlett. Request a list of the railroads Bartlett travels to come to Gettysburg to arrange for an annual pass. Requests an additional appropriation from Rhode Island Legislature since U.S. Congress is doubtful. Upper left corner impressed seal of domed building.)
(Letter reports a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Cemetery at McClellan's Hotel in Gettysburg on Thursday, June 15. Upper left corner impressed seal of oval wreath)
(Letter reports meeting now on Thursday June 25. Object of change is to enable to make arrangements for the formal laying of the corner stone of the Monument on the 4th of July again urged by Governor Curtin as the most appropriate day for the ceremonies. Upper left corner impressed seal of domed building.)
(Discusses the appropriation of the State of New York to the Cemetery and requested the Governor to reappoint Mr. Cooper to carry the matter to the Legislature. Reports receiving a letter from Governor Fenton appointing Robert H. McCurdy of New York City as commissioner in place of Mr. Cooper whose commission is expired as of May 1, 1865. Asks if there are other vacancies to deal with. Also Norris from Maine requests copies of the Board reports, Wills doesn't have any more to give him so asks Bartlett to send some to Norris. Upper left corner impressed seal of oval wreath.)
(Reports that Major General Howard has accepted invitation to deliver the oration at the corner stone laying ceremonies. Maj. Gen. Georg will serve as Chief Marshall. Indicates invitation sent to Governor Smith and members of Legislature, Judiciary and department heads. Asks Bartlett to send general invitation to people of Rhode Island and a state flag to be displayed at the ceremonies. Upper left corner impressed seal of oval wreath)
(Relates how he tried to get a pass for Bartlett to travel on Northern Central Railroad from Elmira but the railroad president refused. Upper left corner impressed seal of oval wreath.)
(Reports notifying members of the Board Managers annual meeting defined by the by-laws as December 6 at the Continental Hotel and requests a meeting with Bartlett as a member of the Auditing Committee to meet the Treasurer and Wills on December 5 at the same place along with Mr. Edwards and Col. Lofland. Wills remarks that this would conflict with Thanksgiving Day. Upper left corner has impressed seal of oval wreath.)
(Reports the death of John R. Latimer of Delaware announced by Mr. Ferry at the Board meeting of June 25 and ordered the electrotype of the map of the Cemetery grounds being in the care of Van Ingen & Snyder Engravers, Philadelphia. Upper left corner has impressed seal of oval wreath.)
(Reports sending four copies of State Report on the Cemetery and complains that Mr. McPherson (post master?) refuses to frank the mail of the Cemetery Committee. Upper left corner has impressed seal of oval scrolls.)
(Requests a change of date for the Board Meeting from December 5 to December 12 because Wills in involved with some trial cases. He also reports that his wife has received a published recollection from a woman who visited Gettysburg a month after the battle, Wills is passing this on to Bartlett in case Bartlett has not yet seen it. Upper left corner is a impressed seal of a domed building with eight stars in an arc above dome.)
(Reports the date change of the Meeting to December 12 in the Continental Hotel in Philadelphia. Upper left corner has impressed seal of domed building with star arc.)
(Letter reports that General Grant will come to Gettysburg June 20 to view the Cemetery and Battlefield. Wills has arranged with railroad companies for a pass for Bartlett to get to the Board Meeting on June 19. Upper left corner has impressed seal of domed building with star arc.)