Held at: Historical Society of Pennsylvania [Contact Us]1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19107
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
This collection contains the papers of Natalie Saxe (later Natalie Saxe Randall), campaign coordinator and organizer of the Democratic Party in Philadelphia, director of the Committee for Philadelphia established by Joseph Sill Clark and Richardson Dilworth, executive assistant to Richardson Dilworth during both his stints as mayor of Philadelphia (1956-1962) and president of the Philadelphia Board of Education (1965-1970); and lobbyist in Harrisburg for Lincoln University, the Academy of Natural Sciences, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and Franklin Institute, among others. The collection is comprised of office and personal files, papers related to political campaigns in all Pennsylvania counties, and a set of her appointment books, agendas, work diaries, and travel journals.
This collection was processed as part of the Civic Engagement Collections Project. Funding for this project was provided by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).
Collection Inventory
Scope and Contents
This portion of the collection contains correspondence, handwritten notes, typewritten reports, schedules, memoranda, newspaper clippings, photographs, speeches, broadsides and other promotional material, and minutes from numerous meetings attended by Natalie Saxe in different capacities (political campaign coordinator, board member, executive assistant to the mayor of Philadelphia, consultant for cultural organizations, etc.). Most folders in this series are a combination of personal and office files (the distinction is not always clear since several officials she corresponded with were also her friends) and their titles reflect both subject content and name files. A sizable amount of material in this portion of the collection depicts her collaboration and work for Richardson Dilworth not only when he was mayor of Philadelphia but also stemming from his years as president of the Philadelphia Board of Education.
Absentee Ballots (1960-1962).
Box 1Folder 1
Addison, Harry, Mrs. (1959-1961).
Box 1Folder 2
Afro-American Historical & Cultural Museum (1988-1989).
Box 1Folder 3
Aggrey, Rudy (1958-1962).
Box 1Folder 4
Appoinments--Potential (1959-1961).
Box 1Folder 5
Appropriations (1962).
Box 1Folder 6
Army-Navy Football Game (1957-1961).
Box 1Folder 7
American Municipal Association (1954-1958).
Box 1Folder 8-16
American Municipal Association (1959).
Box 2Folder 1
Auditor General [Pennsylvania] (1978-1981).
Box 2Folder 2
Auerbach Corporation (1962-1964).
Box 2Folder 3
Awards (1964).
Box 2Folder 4
Bailen, Elise (1948-1967).
Box 2Folder 5
Barr, Joseph (1956-1965).
Box 2Folder 6
Beloff, Max (1954-1961).
Box 2Folder 7
Bergman, Bernard (1957-1961).
Box 2Folder 8
Blatt, Genevieve (1953-1967).
Box 2Folder 9-12
Boyle, Richard A. [Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts] (1979-1982).
Box 2Folder 13
Bloom, Joel (1980-1991).
Box 2Folder 14
Bloom, Joel (1980-1991).
Box 3Folder 1-2
Bradley, Andy (1958-1962).
Box 3Folder 3
Broadsides--Achievements--Governor Leader & Governor Lawrence Administrations (circa 1961).
Oversize Flat file 5
Brogan, Dennis (1955-1966).
Box 3Folder 4
Budget--Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1986-1987).
Box 3Folder 5-6
Burkhardt, Robert (1959-1962).
Box 3Folder 7
Burnham, George (1960-1966).
Box 3Folder 8
Cabinet Council Lunches (1957-1961).
Box 3Folder 9
Carnegie Institute (1982-1991).
Box 3Folder 10
Casey, Robert P. (1986-1990).
Box 4Folder 1
Churchman, William (1956-1965).
Box 4Folder 2
Citizens Committee for the Budget (1956).
Box 4Folder 3
Citizens for Tate/Jim Tate for Mayor--Promotional Materials (1963, undated).
Oversize Flat file 3
Citizens for Clark/Dilworth--Budget (1962).
Box 4Folder 4
Citizens for Clark/Dilworth--Molly Yard [Allegheny County] (1962).
Box 4Folder 5
Citizens for Clark/Dilworth--September 8th Tour (1962).
Box 4Folder 6
Clark/Dilworth Campaign--Editorials (1962).
Box 4Folder 7
Clark/Dilworth Ticket--Election (1951-1952).
Box 4Folder 8
Clark, Herbert G. (1962).
Box 4Folder 9
Clark, Joseph Sill (1951-1990).
Box 4Folder 10
Clough, John F. (1959-1961).
Box 4Folder 11-13
Committee for Philadelphia (1953-1954).
Box 5Folder 1
Colautti, Al (1959-1962).
Box 5Folder 2
Comstock, Helen-Ann (1958-1961).
Box 5Folder 3
Conferences--Censorship; Collections for Sale (1992-1993).
Box 5Folder 4
Congratulatory Messages (1963-1964).
Box 5Folder 5-6
Council of Democratic Women of Philadelphia (1958-1962).
Box 5Folder 7
Crosson, Pat (undated).
Box 5Folder 8
Dallas, Constance (1956-1960).
Box 5Folder 9
Democratic National Committee (1954, 1962).
Box 5Folder 10-13
Democratic Speakers' Handbook (1950).
Box 5Folder 14
Democratic State Committee of Pennsylvania (1949-1951).
Box 6Folder 1-4
Democratic State Committee of Pennsylvania (1958-1965).
Box 6Folder 5-7
Dexter, Sidney B. (1957-1965).
Box 6Folder 8
Dilworth Campaign--Memoranda, Newsclippings, Handwritten and Typewritten Notes (1948).
In 1962 Richardson Dilworth resigned as mayor of Philadelphia to run in the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race. This portion of the collection contains the papers produced by Natalie Saxe while working on the Dilworth campaign. Saxe served as “advance man” (a term she herself used) in all Pennsylvania counties, gathering data ahead of Dilworth’s visit to each county.
This series features the agendas and appointment books listing Natalie Saxe Randall’s personal and professional engagements. Also included here are address books, Rolodex cards with information on her contacts, and several travel journals describing trips to several foreign countries. An early diary (1936) is also part of this series.