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Claude W. Unger collection


Held at: Historical Society of Pennsylvania [Contact Us]1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19107

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

Claude W. Unger was a book and manuscript dealer with a business in Pottsville, Pennsylvania for at least the period of 1925 to 1937. He issued catalogs and shipped orders of books, pamphlets, autographs, and prints to a national clientele that included collectors such as Franklin D. Roosevelt and Vilhjalmur Stefansson.

Unger recognized a growing market for ephemeral materials relating to early American arts, industry, and social life. To build an inventory of this sort of material, he sought the files of long defunct mercantile firms in Philadelphia and the forgotten papers in old law offices in the towns and cities of eastern Pennsylvania. He also welcomed opportunities to rummage through attics, barns, and hencoops while offering to purchase old books and papers on any subject in any condition.

After Unger’s death in 1945, Dr. Harvey Bassler of Myerstown, Pennsylvania purchased from Unger’s estate the entire stock of Unger’s remaining inventory, largely because much of it was pertinent to Dr. Bassler’s interest in Pennsylvania Germans. Dr. Bassler added materials from his own collection to the Unger collection and donated the materials before his death in 1950 to the Pennsylvania German Society under the condition that the materials be cataloged and made available for research.

The Pennsylvania German Society was unable to make the collection available, so the collection soon passed into the possession of Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Also unable to manage the entire collection, the college withdrew much of the Pennsylvania German materials and items relating to Lancaster County and offered the remainder to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania agreed to purchase the collection in 1958, and it arrived in two installments with the first arriving in 1959 and the second arriving in 1967.

The collection contains letters and documents representing some 2,000 individuals connected to a wide range of subjects. People from the 19th century such as abolitionists, women’s suffragists, scientists, and politicians (particularly Pennsylvania politicians) are the most commonly represented individuals in the collection. There also are a number of items from various dukes, duchesses, and other titled nobility. The largest group of papers concern Philadelphia merchants of the late 18th and early 19th centuries and include correspondence, accounts, bills of lading, and ships’ papers. Firms represented are Richard Ashhurst and Sons which traded in dry goods primarily with Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi; Thomas Astley whose papers in this collection mostly pertain to land investments in western Pennsylvania; Andrew Clow and Company which traded with England and Europe (here mostly with Rathbone and Benson in Liverpool); and Dutilh and Wachsmuth which traded mostly with the West Indies but also with Europe. Much of the material filed under “Bills” and “Ships and Shipping” relates to these major firms, particularly Dutilh. Some of the Dutilh and Wachsmuth papers are in French.

The document collection also contains a number of items connected to well-known historical events. A number of documents pertain to the American Civil War, including an Oath of Allegiance from a Southerner seeking to reinstate his United States citizenship (Box 12, Folder 7) and a group of letters to Ansom Hemmingway, grandfather of Ernest Hemmingway, which Ansom received between 1863-1865 while he served in the Union army and was stationed in Vicksburg, Mississippi (Box 22, Folder 2).

Additional items connected to major historical events include an item from the Merchants and Traders of Philadelphia to the U.S. government expressing concerns about the newly-passed Non-Importation Act on 18 April 1806 (Box 25, Folder 7); an item discussing how the Panic of 1837 was affecting the people of Mississippi (Box 1, Folder 8); and several items concerning 19th century slavery in the United States, including receipts from the sales of slaves, the impressment of slaves into the Confederate Army, and a pro-Democratic Party newspaper offering anti-Lincoln and anti-emancipation sentiment during the lead up to the election of 1864 (Box 26, Folder 2 and Box 35, Folder 8).

Some of the oldest documents in the collection date back to the 17th century. The majority of the 17th century documents are last wills and testaments that may be of interest to genealogists studying early colonial families in the Middle and New England colonies.

In addition to the 40 document boxes, there are 112 volumes in the collection. The volumes consist of account books representing a variety of businesses of Pennsylvania Germans, court dockets, and school exercise books. The bulk of this material consists of the records of Jonas Robinhold's dry good store in Port Clinton (1840-1890), Robinhold’s justice of the peace docket books (1845-1863), Hiram Robinhold’s Port Clinton tax collection records (1872), and other blotters, journals, and ledgers.

Additional volumes include Heidelberg Township accounts of supervisors (1775-1836), Peter Hoffman ledger (1817-1831), Aaron Keffer ledger (in German, 1845-1853), David Rinewald, linen merchant, daybook (1797-1815), John Romich, lumber merchant, ledger (1844-1888), William Weiler, dry goods merchant, ledger (1851-1859), and others.

In most cases, documents in this collection are identified by the name of the person who signed the document (e.g. Howard, Apphia). In some instances, a group of documents are identified by a unifying subject name rather than an individual signer (e.g. Crime). All documents have been arranged alphabetically according to either the signer’s last name or the document group's subject.

The arrangement reflects Claude Unger’s original order. Unger organized his stock by name or subject, so collectors could easily find documents of interest. As a result, materials that were once part of a single record group were separated and filed under a variety of names or subjects. This separation persists in the collection’s current arrangement.

Most of this collection once formed part of the extensive stock of Claude Unger, a book and manuscript dealer in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, who was active at least between the years of 1925 through 1937. After Unger’s death in 1945, Dr. Harvey Bassler of Myerstown, Pennsylvania, purchased Unger's stock, added some of his own materials, and donated the combined collection to the Pennsylvania German Society before his death in 1950. Unable to make the collection accessible to researchers, the Pennsylvania German Society passed the collection to Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. At the college, most of the materials related to Pennsylvania Germans and Lancaster County were removed. The college sold the remaining portions of the collection to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in two installments with the first arriving in 1959 and the second arriving in 1967. The 1959 purchase became this collection, while the 1967 portion became the Claude W. Unger collection, Collection 1860B.

Purchased, 1959.

Box 9 could not be located when the collection was re-inventoried in 2018. When the box is found, it will be reintegrated into the collection, and this finding aid will be updated.

Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Michael DiCamillo.
Finding Aid Date
; 2018.
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research

Collection Inventory

Box 1 Folder 1
List of Names:

Abbott, Joseph C.

Abeel, Stoffel Johnson and wife

Abercrombie, James

Abergavenny, William Neville, 4th earl

Abington Presbyterian Church

Acton, Thomas

Addams, John

Addison, J.T.

Agassiz, Elizabeth C.

Agnew, Daniel

Aide, Charles Hamilton

Alcoholism (signed and witnessed abstinence pledge card with verse attached)

Aldredge, S. H.

Box 1 Folder 2
List of Names:

Allegheny College

Allen, N. W.

Allen, Necho

Allen, William

Allen, Reverend William

Allibone, A. D.

Alter, J Monroe

Alvary, Max

Alvord-Ashton (excluding Ashley and Ashhurst).
Box 1 Folder 3
List of Names:

Alvord, Benjamin

Ames, Ellis

Amman, E.

Ammunition (Clow & Co.)

Ancona, Sydenham Elnathan

Anderson, McMechant and Co. (not found 02/14/18)

Andrews, E. Benjamin

Applegate, W.F.

Archer, Joseph

Armstrong, George

Arnold, A.

Arnold, Sir Edwin

Ash, Gilbert

Ashton, J. Hubley

Papers - Ashley, John (Misc. Land Papers Crawford County).
Box 1 Folder 4
List of Names:

Ashley, John

Papers - Ashley, John (Misc. Land Papers Butler County).
Box 1 Folder 5
List of Names:

Ashley, John

Papers - Ashley, John (Heirs Accounts).
Box 1 Folder 6
List of Names:

Ashley, John

Marvin, Enoch

Cramond, Henry

Papers - Ashhurst, Richard and Sons.
Box 1 Folder 7
List of Names:

Ashhurst, Richard and Sons

Papers - Ashhurst, Richard and Sons from Louisiana and Mississippi.
Box 1 Folder 8
List of Names:

Ashhurst, Richard and Sons

Papers - Alabama Letters from Ashhurst and Sons (1820-1829).
Box 1 Folder 9
List of Names:

Ashhurst, Richard and Sons

Papers - Alabama Letters from Ashhurst and Sons (1830-1839).
Box 1 Folder 10
List of Names:

Ashhurst, Richard and Sons

Papers - Alabama Letters from Ashhurst and Sons (1840-1844).
Box 1 Folder 11
List of Names:

Ashhurst, Richard and Sons

Papers - Astley, Thomas (Allegheny Co. Land Papers).
Box 2 Folder 1
List of Names:

Astley, Thomas

Gibson, James

Shrum, Henry

Papers - Astley, Thomas and Gibson, James (Crawford County).
Box 2 Folder 2
List of Names:

Astley, Thomas

Gibson, James

Papers - Astley, Thomas (Ohio Lands).
Box 2 Folder 3
List of Names:

Astley, Thomas

Papers - Astley, Thomas and McCalmont, Alex. (Venango County).
Box 2 Folder 4
List of Names:

Astley, Thomas

McCalmont, Alex.

Papers - Astley, Thomas (correspondence with Burke and Forward on land business in Allegheny County).
Box 2 Folder 5
List of Names:

Astley, Thomas

Burke, Robert

Forward, Walter

Papers - Astley, Thomas (correspondence with commercial firms 1802-1839).
Box 2 Folder 6
List of Names:

Astley, Thomas

Papers - Astley, Thomas (receipts and patents for land in Wayne County).
Box 2 Folder 7
List of Names:

Astley, Thomas

Papers - Astley, Thomas (letters of John Reynolds to Henry Walker).
Box 2 Folder 8
List of Names:

Ashley, John

Astley, Thomas

Reynolds, John

Walker, Henry M.

Box 2 Folder 9
List of Names:

Atkinson, Abel

Atwater, Caleb

Atwater, Sarah

Audrain, Peter


Audubon, Maria R.

Austin, Arthur W.

Ayers, Miriam

Ayers, Leonard

Babcock, S.

Bache, Hartman

Badeau, Adam

Autograph Collection (leaves from an unidentified autograph album).
Box 2 Folder 10
List of Names:

Many leaves addressed "To Mamie"

Box 3 Folder 1
List of Names:

Bailey, Lydia R.

Bailey, Joel C.

Baird, Samuel

Bainbridge, William

Balch, George T.

Baldwin, George

Baldwin, Tibbals and Sarah

Ballou, Martin

Bamberger, Joseph

Bancroft, George

Bank of the United States

Banks, Richard

Barber, Samuel

Box 3 Folder 2
List of Names:

Barbour, W.C.

Baring Brothers and Co.

Barnes, J.O.

Barnes and Roy

Barnett, T.J.

Barney and Hollins

Barnitz, C. A.

Barrabino, Nicholas

J.C. Barrett and Co.

Barther, D.

Bartlett, J. R.

Bateman, J.

Bates, Samuel P.

Baugh, John

Baum, John C.

Bayley, Kiah

Bazeley, C.W.

Box 3 Folder 3
List of Names:

Beach, Lewis

Beardslee and Co.

Beatty, William F.

Beaugereau, P

Beaver County Lands (including John Ashley land papers)

Bechtel, John

Bechtel (Bechtle), Mary

Beck, Henry

Becker, Abraham

Becker, Jacob

Beckett, S.A.

Beckwith, E. G.

Bedford, Gunning S.

Bedford Township (PA)

Beecher, Henry Ward

Bell, Charles H.

Bell, William

Box 3 Folder 4
List of Names:

Bellamy, Edward

Beltzhoover, Daniel M.

Bendel, Franz

Bender and Bech

Bennett, W.J.

Benny, Elizabeth

Bennyhoff Creek Oil Co.

Bennyhoof Petroleum Company

Berger, Henry

Berks County (petition for new road - Reading to New Holland)

Berks County Bank (with pages from an account book)

Bernard, Francis (governor of Massachusetts Bay colony)

Berzelius, John Jacob

Bethune, J.

Box 3 Folder 5
List of Names:

Bickenleth, R.

Bickerstaff, Sir Charles

Biddle, Caldwell

Biddle, Thomas

Bigler, William

Bingham, Caleb

Binkerd, Dr.

Binney, J.

Binyan, F.

Birkman, R. M.

Bishop, W.

Bixby, E. M.

Black, John N.

Blackburn, William

Blacksmith and wheelright estimates

Blagden, George

Blaine, Joseph

Blakeley, J.

Blauchard, Henry

Blanck, Catharina

Bloomsdale Farm, Bucks County

Boarding School, Letters home from female student at Moravian Seminary

Bohlen, B and J

Boileau, N. B.

Bond, Phineas

Bongardt, L.D.

Boucraffer, J.

Boothe, Edward Wilbraham

Borden, Nathaniel Briggs

Boringdon, Lord

Boston, 2nd Baron Fred. Irby

Bourdett, Peter

Boutell, Charles

Boyce, Elijah

Boyce, William

Boyer, Nicholas

Box 3 Folder 6
List of Names:

Bradford Jr., Thomas

Bradshaw, S.

Brady, E.

Brewer, E.

Bridfort, Hugh

Brigham, C. F. (family letters 1858-1865)

Brigham, Norman

Bright, John

Bringhurst, John

Britten, Emma H.

Britton, Joseph P.

Brobst, Michael

Brodhead, Daniel

Brodhead, Richard

Brolasky, Joseph P.

Box 4 Folder 1
List of Names:

Bromley, William

Brooke, George C.

Brooks, Noah

Brooks, Phillips

Broom, William A.

Broussard, Marie

Brown, A. M.

Brown, James (letters to Clow & Co. and letters of Donald & Burton to Clow & Co.)

Brown & Co. (1823)

Brown, Joseph P.

Browne, Peter A.

Brownlow, John

Bruce, Christina

Bruce, H. Addington

"Bruce, General"

Bruce, John

Bruce, W. J.

Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton

Papers - Bryson, Alexander C. & Co.
Box 4 Folder 2
List of Names:

Bryson, Alexander C. & Co. (incoming letters and orders from newspaper editors in various states requesting printing jobs and other business)

Box 4 Folder 3
List of Names:

Buchs, J. Frank

Buchanan, James (U.S. President)

Buchanan, James (attorney, 1883 Indianapolis, IN)

Budd, John

Buell, Caroline B.

Bujac & David

Bull, William

Bullitts & Jones

Burbeck, General Henry

Burd, Benjamin

Burke, John Bernard

Burnham, Charles W.

Burnham, Parry, Williams, & Co. (Baldwin Locomotive Works)

Burnside, A. E.

Burr, Aaron

Burres, James

Bushnell, Horace

Butcher, W & S (invoice for tools)

Butler, A.

Butler, B. F.

Butterworth, Hezek.

Buÿs, Francis

Bills, Advertising-Firearms.
Box 5 Folder 1
Bills for:


Books and related reading materials (printing, subscriptions [newspaper, library], general paper products)

Carriages and related materials (harnesses, whips, etc.)

Church (pew rental, burials, annual subscription)

Cutlery (including other serveware and cooking tools)

Dancing (lessons, events)

Firearms (1782-1819)

Bills, Freight.
Box 5 Folder 2
Bills for:

Freight (including shipments via carriage and via water)

Bills, Fuel.
Box 5 Folder 3
Bills for:

Fuel (including coal and wood)

Bills, Furniture.
Box 5 Folder 4
Bills for:

Furniture (1772-1860, some undated)

Bills, G-M.
Box 5 Folder 5
Bills for:



Hotels and Boarding Houses

Medical services and medicine

Military uniforms and weapons

Bills, Miscellaneous - Bakers and Confectioners.
Box 5 Folder 6
Bills for:

Baking and confectioner supplies

Bills, Miscellaneous - Brewing and Distilling.
Box 5 Folder 7
Bills for:

Beer, wine, and other spirits

Bills, Miscellaneous - Flour.
Box 5 Folder 8
Bills for:

Flour (including purchase of and shipment of)

Bills, Miscellaneous - Ice and Sugar.
Box 5 Folder 9
Bills for:



Bills, Miscellaneous - Bills in French.
Box 5 Folder 10
Bills for:



Miscellaneous Items

Bills, Miscellaneous - Unsorted.
Box 6 Folder 1
Bills, Music.
Box 6 Folder 2
Bills for:

Instrument Repair and Tuning

Instrument Lessons (including tuition receipts from the University of Pennsylvania, early 1830's)

Sheet Music

Bills, M-P.
Box 6 Folder 3
Bills for:

Newspaper and Magazine Subscriptions

Paintings and Portraits

Pottery, Dishes, and other Serveware

Bills, Schooling (Ashurst Family, 1810-1819).
Box 7 Folder 1
Bills for:


Tuition and Board

Bills, Schooling (Ashurst Family, 1820-1829).
Box 7 Folder 2
Bills for:


Tuition and Board

Bills, Schooling (Dorfeuille Family, 1800-1809).
Box 7 Folder 3
Bills for:


Tuition and Board

Bills, Schooling (Dutilh and Wachsmuth, 1792-1799).
Box 7 Folder 4
Bills for:



Bills, Schooling (Dutilh, 1800-1868).
Box 7 Folder 5
Bills for:


Tuition and Board

(A report card documenting student achievement is included)

Bills, Schooling (Eyre, 1826-1829).
Box 7 Folder 6
Bills for:


Tuition and board

Bills, Schooling (Graff, 1763-1819).
Box 7 Folder 7
Bills for:


Tuition and board

Bills, Schooling (Graff, 1820-1829).
Box 7 Folder 8
Bills for:


Tuition and board

Bills, Schooling (Graff, 1830-1860).
Box 7 Folder 9
Bills for:


Tuition and board

Bills, Schooling (Lewis, 1830-1849).
Box 7 Folder 10
Bills for:


Tuition and board

Bills, Schooling (Siddall, 1830-1849).
Box 7 Folder 11
Bills for:


Tuition and board

Bills, Schooling (Soulier, 1817-1819).
Box 7 Folder 12
Bills for:


Bills, Schooling (Various Names, 1774-1799).
Box 7 Folder 13
Bills for:


Tuition and board (including "Schooling Negroe Man at Night School")

Some Included Names:




Bills, Schooling (Various Names, 1800-1810).
Box 7 Folder 14
Bills for:


Tuition and board

Some Included Names:




Bills, Schooling (Various Names, 1811-1873).
Box 7 Folder 15
Bills for:


Tuition and board

Some Included Names:




Bills, Shipbuilding (Primarily Dutilh and Wachsmuth, 1785-1789).
Box 7 Folder 16
Bills for Miscellaneous Items Including the Following:

Lumber or Planks

Food and Drink (including grain and rum)

Nails and other hardware


Shipping charges



Bills, Shipbuilding (Primarily Dutilh and Wachsmuth, 1790-1791).
Box 7 Folder 17
Bills for Miscellaneous Items Including the Following:


Food and Drink (including bread, flour, gin, brandy)

Lumber or Planks

Nails and other hardware





Bills, Shipbuilding (Primarily Dutilh and Wachsmuth, 1792).
Box 7 Folder 18
Bills for Miscellaneous Items Including the Following:

Food and Drink (including bread and rum)

Labor and Wages

Lumber or Planks

Nails and other hardware

Painting and glazing

Sail cloth


Bills, Shipbuilding (Primarily Dutilh and Wachsmuth, 1793).
Box 7 Folder 19
Bills for Miscellaneous Items Including the Following:

Food and Drink (including coffee and pork)

Labor and wages

Lumber or Planks

Nails and other hardware



Sail cloth

Bills, Shipbuilding (Primarily Dutilh and Wachsmuth, 1794-1799).
Box 7 Folder 20
Bills for Miscellaneous Items Including the Following:


Food and Drink (including bread, sugar, coffee

Labor and Wages


Lumber and Planks

Nails and other hardware

Bills, Shipbuilding (Primarily Dutilh and Wachsmuth, 1800-1802).
Box 7 Folder 21
Bills for Miscellaneous Items Including the Following:

Food and Drink

Nails and other hardware


Bills, Shipbuilding (Primarily Dutilh and Wachsmuth, 1803-1818).
Box 7 Folder 22
Bills for Miscellaneous Items Including the Following:

Food and drink


Labor and wages

Nails and hardware


Bills, Shipbuilding (Primarily Dutilh and Wachsmuth, undated).
Box 7 Folder 23
Bills for Miscellaneous Items Including the Following:


Food and Drink


Nails and hardware

Bills, Taxes (1806-1816).
Box 7 Folder 24
List of Names:





Bills, Taxes (1817-1822).
Box 7 Folder 25
List of Names:

Graff, Charles

Howard, Catharine

Torrey, Ephraim

Shingles, Fredrick

Soullier (Soulier), John M.

Pecaru, Peter A.

Wachsmuth (Waxsmuth), John

Bills, Taxes (1823-1832).
Box 7 Folder 26
Scope and content note

Graff, Charles

Shingles, Frederick

Shinkle, Frederick

Bills, Taxes (1833-1844).
Box 7 Folder 27
List of Names:

Graff, Charles

Bills, Wine (1791-1824).
Box 8 Folder 1
Bills for:

Beer, Wine, and other Spirits

Bills of Exchange and Checks (Andrew Clow, 1750-1800).
Box 8 Folder 2
Bills of Exchange and Checks (Dutilh and Wachsmuth, 1750-1800).
Box 8 Folder 3
Bills of Exchange and Checks (Dutilh and Wachsmuth from Charleston, 1787-1806).
Box 8 Folder 4
Bills of Exchange and Checks (Various Names, 1750-1800).
Box 8 Folder 5
Bills of Exchange and Checks (Various Names, 1801-1810).
Box 8 Folder 6
Bills of Exchange and Checks (Various Names, 1812-1864).
Box 8 Folder 7
List of Names:

Primarily Richard Ashhurst and Company

Bills of Exchange and Checks (Blank).
Box 8 Folder 8
List of Names:

Bank of the United States (blank checks from 1820's)

Schuylkill River Bridge near Upper Ferry (blank stock certificates)

Bills of Lading, 1783-1818, undated.
Box 10 Box 11

Cadman - Campbell, Arch.
Box 12 Folder 1
List of Names:

Cadman, S. Parkes

Calcraft, Col.

Calhoun, John C. (Correspondent) Frye, Nathaniel (Author)

Calhoun, William (New Orleans, Jackson, & Great Northern Railroad Company)

Callender, Robert

Cameron, Simon (U.S. Secratary of War under Abraham Lincoln 1861-1862)

Campbell, Arch

Campbell, George W. - Carr.
Box 12 Folder 2
List of Names:

Campbell, George W.

Canals (some pertaining to the Canal Commission of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA)

Capel, Mary, dowager Countess of Essex (to Joseph Hogarth)

Capen, Nahum

Carey, H.C.

Carey, Joseph, Rev. Dr.

Carl, Peter

Carnochan, John

Carr, J.N.

Cary - Cash.
Box 12 Folder 3
List of Names:

Cary, Annie Louise

Case, James K.

Casenave, Juan de

Cash, Thomas

Cass - Cay.
Box 12 Folder 4
List of Names:

Cass, Lewis

Cass, Jon

Cassatt, Alexander Johnston

Cassel, Henry

Cavet, Thomas

Cavendish, R.

Cay, D.

Centreville School - Chew, Robert S.
Box 12 Folder 5
List of Names:

Centreville School (list of subscribers)

Chalmers, Thomas

Chambers, James

Chambers, Talbot W.

Chambers, William

Chandler, William E.

Chandos, Mary (Duchess of Buckingham)

Chapin, John B.

Chapin, Nathan

Charlick, Oliver

Chase, James and Margery

Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company

Chevalier, A.

Chew, John

Chew, Robert S.

Chew and Relf - Cloud.
Box 12 Folder 6
List of Names:

Chew and Relf

Cheyney, David

Cheyney, Ellen B.

Cheyney, William

Childs, C.G. (Cephas Grier)

Chotard, P.

Civil War Papers (see Folder 7)

Clark, John S.

Clark, Thomas and Catharine

Clark, Thomas M.

Clarke, James C.

Clarke, James Freeman

Clarkson, A.

Clarkson, J.B.

Clayton, John M.

Clemmer, U.L.

Clifford, Joseph Clark

Clinton, DeWitt

Clisben, Maude

Clopper, Cornelius Johnson

Cloud, Joseph

Civil War Papers.
Box 12 Folder 7

Clow, Andrew and Company: Correspondence (Folder 1 of 3).
Box 13 Folder 1
Clow, Andrew and Company: Correspondence (Folder 2 of 3).
Box 13 Folder 2
Clow, Andrew and Company: Correspondence (Folder 3 of 3).
Box 13 Folder 3
Clow, Andrew and Company: Papers of Ship "Adriana" (Folder 1 of 4).
Box 13 Folder 4
Clow, Andrew and Company: Papers of Ship "Adriana" (Folder 2 of 4).
Box 13 Folder 5
Clow, Andrew and Company: Papers of Ship "Adriana" (Folder 3 of 4).
Box 13 Folder 6

Clow, Andrew and Company: Papers of Ship "Adriana" (Folder 4 of 4).
Box 14 Folder 1
Clow, Andrew and Company: Accounts (Folder 1 of 2).
Box 14 Folder 2
Clow, Andrew and Company: Accounts (Folder 2 of 2).
Box 14 Folder 3
Clow, Andrew and Company: Admin 1789-1790 (Folder 1 of 2).
Box 14 Folder 5
Clow, Andrew and Company: Admin 1789-1790 (Folder 2 of 2).
Box 14 Folder 5
Clowes, Samuel.
Box 14 Folder 6
Scope and content note

Samuel Clowes offers his renunciation of rights as an executor of a will (1711).

Cochran - Collins.
Box 15 Folder 1
List of Names:

Cochran, A.B. and Sons

Coffin, James A.

Cogswell, Joseph G.

Colfax, Schuyler

Collett, John

Collins, John

Colt - Connolly.
Box 15 Folder 2
List of Names:

Colt, Judah (will and correspondence with Thomas Astley, 1826-1829)

Commerford, Charles C.

Condy, Jonathan W. (in card catalog as Condy, Jeremiah)

Confederate States of America (including certified bonds)

Connolly, John (of Fernon and Connolly)

Cook - Covenhoven.
Box 15 Folder 3
Scope and content note

Cook, Eliza

Cooke, John

Coons, R.J. and Company

Cooper, Anthony Ashley (7th Earl of Shaftesbury)

Cooper, John

Cooper, M.A.

Cooper, Ralph V.M.

Cooper, Thomas Valentine

Corning, Erastus

Corp, Samuel

Cortright, N.D. and Son

Corvaisier, B

Corwin, Thomas

Covenhoven, Abraham

Cox - Cramond, Arthur and Company.
Box 15 Folder 4
List of Names:

Cox, John

Coxe, Charles S.

Coxe, D.W.

Coxe, James

Coyle, Campbell

Crab, Richard

Craig, Robert

Cramond, Arthur and Co.

Cramond, Henry - Crawford, James.
Box 15 Folder 5
List of Names:

Cramond, Henry

Cramond, William (Philips, Cramond and Co.)

Crawford, G.W.

Crawford, James

Crawford, Samuel - Cresson.
Box 16 Folder 1
List of Names:

Crawford, Samuel Wylie

Crawford, William H.

Crane, Frank

Cresson, Deborah

Cresson, Elliott

Cresson, James

Cresson, William P.

Crime - Crosman.
Box 16 Folder 2
List of Names:

Crime (more typically small claims disputes, elicit affairs, and paternity matters. Also includes a suicide note from Simon Long of Manheim)

Crooks, William C.

Crosby, Howard

Crosman, G.H.

Crossan - Darlington.
Box 16 Folder 3
List of Names:

Crossan, John McDonald

Cuandrin, Homer P.

Collpepper, Nicholas (1647)

Cummings, Thomas S.

Currier, A. O.

Curson, Richard

Curtin, Andrew Gregg

Curtis, George Ticknor

Custer, Elizabeth B.

Cuthbert, R.B.

Dagget, Joseph

Dale, Richard

Dallas, A.J.

Dallas, George M.

Dana, Judah

Darlington, E.

Darlington, G.E.

Dat - Decatur.
Box 16 Folder 4
List of Names:

Dat, N.

Davenport, Thomas

Davies, Franklin

Davis, Jonathan (1674)

Davis, Charles Augustus

Davis, Edwin Hamilton

Davis, E.L.

Davis, J.C. Bancroft

Davis, Thomas H.

Day, Alvin

Day, James R.

Dayton, N.

Dean, John

Deane, Christopher (1691)

Deare, Samuel

Deare, William P.

de Beauvoir

de Becdelierre, J.V.

Decatur, John P.

Deitz - Dinsmoor.
Box 16 Folder 5
List of Names:

Deitz, B

Delaware County Court (appointment of George Green 1795 signed by William Atlee)

Delius, F and G

Denabre, John

Deneen, Charles S.

Denn, John

Dennison, William

Dewees, Francis P.

Dewees, John

Dibdin, T.F.

Dick, William (inventory)

Dicky, J.M.C.

Dickinson, Charles M.

Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth (orator and lecturer on abolition and women's rights)

Dickinson, D.S.

Dickinson College and Franklin College (early land survey)

Didon, Henri

Diehl, Henry

Dinnen, James

Dinsmoor, Samuel

Dixon - Doty.
Box 16 Folder 6
List of Names:

Dixon, F.M.

Doane, E.J.

Dobbin, L.

Doe, John

Donoher, Thomas P.

Dorey, Peter and Victor (letters to Manuel Eyre of Burlington, NJ concerning schooling costs)

Doty, A

Douglas - Dun.
Box 17 Folder 1
List of Names:

Douglas, Lady Anne (wife of General Howard Douglas)

Douglas, Ephraim

Douglass, Frederick (autograph only)

Douglass, Malcolm

Dow, L

Drawbacks of Duties of Merchandise exported and Landing of Merchandice at Foreign Ports Certificates

Drexel, A.J.

Dripel, Joseph and John Jr.

DuBois, Cathrine

DuCamp, Maxine

Duwell, Robert Holland

Dulet, Stephen

Dun, George W.

Dun, John

Duncalf - Dyott.
Box 17 Drawer 2
List of Names:

Duncalf, J.

Dunlap, John

Dunlap, Robert P. (Governor of Maine 1834-1838)

Dunn, William

Dunn, Thomas

Dunphy, James

DuPonceau, Peter S.

Dussex, J.G.

Dwight, Webb

Dyer, A.B.

Dyott, L.W.

Dutilh and Wachsmuth, Philadelphia Mercantile House Correspondence, 1784-1789.
Box 18 Folder 1
Dutilh and Wachsmuth, Philadelphia Mercantile House Correspondence, circa 1790's.
Box 18 Folder 2
Dutilh and Wachsmuth, Philadelphia Mercantile House Correspondence, circa 1790's.
Box 18 Folder 3
Dutilh and Wachsmuth, Philadelphia Mercantile House Correspondence, circa 1790's.
Box 18 Folder 4
Dutilh and Wachsmuth, Philadelphia Mercantile House Correspondence, circa 1790's.
Box 18 Folder 5
Dutilh and Wachsmuth, Philadelphia Mercantile House Correspondence, circa 1790's.
Box 18 Folder 6

Dutilh and Wachsmuth: Outward Bound Shipments and Correspondence: 1810-1812, 1822, 1839, 1853, and undated.
Box 19 Folder 1
Dutilh and Wachsmuth Accounts 1797-1803 and Dutilh Family Letters 1868, 1876, 1881, 1888, 1889.
Box 19 Folder 2
List of Names

Dutilh, Charles

Dutilh, Stephen

Dutilh and Wachsmuth, Philadelphia Mercantile House Correspondence, circa 1800's.
Box 19 Folder 3
Dutilh and Wachsmuth, Philadelphia Mercantile House Correspondence, circa 1800's.
Box 19 Folder 4
Dutilh and Wachsmuth, Philadelphia Mercantile House Correspondence, circa 1800's.
Box 19 Folder 5
Dutilh and Wachsmuth, Philadelphia Mercantile House Correspondence, circa 1800's.
Box 19 Folder 6

Box 20 Folder 1
List of Names:

Early, Jubal

Eastman, Mary F.

Eberth, Joseph

Eckford v Columbia

Education (an essay on the value of education by an unknown author)

Edwards, Pennock (indenture papers for Amos Conway age 12)

Edwards, Richard

Egberts, Teunis

Egerton, Wilbraham (Egerton of Tatton)

Eisenbise, E.W.

Elderkin, Lathrop

Eldridge, William L.

Elliott, Thomas Dawes

Elliott, Charles W.

Ely, William

Box 20 Folder 2
List of Names:

Emerson, Francis P.

Epomardit, Elie

Epps, Ellen

Erickson, Severin

Erie Canal

Escobedo, Mariano

Essex, Hannah Courtier of

Evans, Augusta

Evans, H.W.

Evans, Oliver

Everett, Edward

Eyre, John

Eyre, Manuel.
Box 20 Folder 3
List of Names:

All Materials in folder are connected to Manuel Eyre

3 drafts by Eyre relating to the Non-Intercourse Act of 1809

Also includes correspondence with the following:

Dorey, Peter

Jones, John H.

Kunckle, Ruys and Co.

Waters, W.

Williamson and Stoney

Box 20 Folder 4
List of Names:

Fales, Samuel B.

Farnsworth, Jos. D.

Fate, Geroge

Fay, Theo S.

Fell, O.S.

Filton, S.M.

Fenner, George

Field, John

Field, Timothy

Fields, Annie

Finder, Frank

Findley, William

Fish, Hamilton

Fishbough, Yost

Fisher, Joshua

Fisher, J.W.

Fitzsimmons, Philip (indenture agreement for Elenor Fitzsimmons)

Box 20 Folder 5
List of Names:

Flandin, P.

Flicksville, PA (list of voters who voted September 1859)

Flourney, Bettie

Foet, Geo

Fogal, Margaret

Fontaine, L.A.

Foote, D.B.

Foraker, J.B.

Ford, Henry (1831)

Ford, William P.

Forgery (letters from individuals claiming to offer counterfit money, one letter dated 1898)

Forward, Walter

Foster, John W.

Fox, James A.

Fox, G. H. McWm.

Fraley, John W.

Box 20 Folder 6
List of Names:

France (two documents pertaining to deeds and ownership)

Francis, John M. (U.S. Passport to Portugal for James Lawrence Butler)

Franklin, B. (1882)

Fraser, John

Freedley, John

French and Co., Adam

Frick, J.G.

Frick, Wm.

Society of Friends (one 1835 document signed by Lucretia Mott from the Yearly Meeting of Women Friends in Philadelphia and one 1834 document signed by Mary B. Durfee from the Genesee Meeting of Women Friends in Farmington, New York)

Fry, John A.

Fuller, A.B.

Box 20 Folder 7
List of Names:

Galbraith, John

Ganse, Harvey D.

Gansert, Gabriel

Gallagher, L.D.

Gardette, E.B.

Gardiner, J.C. (includes a Phrenological Character Study 1854)

Garesche - Gill, John.
Box 21 Folder 1
List of Names:

Garesche, G.

Garrett, Lewis

Geary, John W.

Generao, L.

Gerharte, Frank and John

German Immigration (includes certificate of Germans naturalized in Lancaster County 1769, letter to the German Society in 1796, and the following names: J. Barge, George Booch, A. Blumer, J. Dorsius, R.E. Hobart, F.A.C. Muhlenberg, J.J. Schmick, Henry and Frederick Struber, Shippen, and Yeats)

Gerritson, Johannes

Gibbon, John

Gibbons, Abraham

Gibbs, Robert W.

Gibson, James

Gilbert, John

Gilchrist, James

Giles, William

Gill, John Jr.

Gill, William - Graff.
Box 21 Folder 2
List of Names:

Gill, William

Gillman, William

Gilmour, A.

Gilpin, Thomas (1728-1778)

Glaser, Anna Maria and Jacob

Glover, Richard

Goddard, John H. (Dowling)

Goddard, Nathaniel

Godfrey, John S.

Goldsmith, Zacheas

Goold, Michael

Goodrich, S.G.

Gordon, Isaac G.

Gordon, J.B.

Gore, Catherine Grace Francis

Gore, M.

Goslingo (Goshlingo), Abraham

Gould, John M. (letter to "Major Woodward" in 1893, a battlefield map, and Gould's report on the Tenth Maine's actions at the Battle of Antietam)

Gould, Robert S.

Gowen, Franklin B.

Graff, Charles

Graff, Daniel

Graff, Fred.

Graff, Jacob

Graham, Henry Hale, Account Book (1776-1778).
Box 21 Folder 3
Graham, J.D. - Guthrie.
Box 21 Folder 4
List of Names:

Graham, James

Graham, J.D.

Graham, George

Graham, William A.

Granger, Francis

Grant, James

Grant, J.

Grant, John

Grause, Henry and Michael

Grave, William

Graves, M.L.

Gray, David

Green, Duff

Green, William G.

Greenwalt, Philip Jr.

Greene, Frank

Greene, Nath. (letter dated 1843)

Greenlaud, Walter W.

Gregg, David

Grieve, Thomas

Griffin, Edmund D.

Griswold, A. Miner

Griswold, S.D.

Grittenger, Adam

Guilbot, Charles

Gunton, W.

Gurney, Henry L.

Guthrie, James

Harberdinck, John (Last Will and Testament, 1723).
Box 21 Folder 5
Hackett - Hammond.
Box 21 Folder 6
List of Names:

Hackett, John

Hadfield, John

Hagar, Albert David

Hagar, Jonathan

Hague, Peter

Haight, James

Hale, Edward

Hale, Herbert

Hale, Martha

Hall, Charles

Hall, Hiland

Hall, Henry Bryan

Hall, L.W.

Hamel, J.C.

Hamilton, James

Hamilton, John

Hamilton, Talbot

Hamilton, Thomas

Hamilton, William

Hammond, J.H.

Hammond, William

Box 22 Folder 1
List of Names:

Hampton, H.G.

Hampton, M.

Hampton, Wade

Hannum, L.M.

Havden, Samuel

Hardie, G. Keir

Hardwicki, Ph. Earl

Hardy, Isham

Hare, J.C.

Harget, Wm

Harris, John T.

Harris, W.F.

Harrison, Benjamin (president)

Hartley, Wm. B.

Hartranft, John Frederick

Hartshorne, Charles

Harwood, Robert

Hastings, E.A.

Hathaway, Levi

Havelock, Sir A.

Haviland, John

Hawkisbury, Lord (Chas Jenkinsen)

Hawkins, J.H.

Hawthorne, Joseph

Hayes, Charles

Haygood, George W.

Haynes, Henry Williamson

Hays, John

Hazzard, T. R.

Heckman, Jefferson K.

Box 22 Folder 2
List of Names:

Hedges, Isaac

Heister, D.

Hell, John

Hemingway, Anson (collection of letters to Hemingway from 1863-1865 while stationed in Vicksburg, MS)

Henderson, William

Hendrickson, Joseph

Henry, J.

Box 22 Folder 3
List of Names:

Henry, Joseph

Henshaw, David

Henshaw, J.H.

Herbster, George

Herman, Christian

Herrick, C.P.

Heston, Isaac

Heston, P.W.

Heylman, M

Hickborn, Benjamin

Hiester, William M.

Hilands, A.

Hildreth, J.L.

Hill, Elizabeth

Hill, Frederick

Hill, Isaac

Hill, John Jacob

Hinde, Th. S.

Hitchcock, Sam.

Box 22 Folder 4
List of Names:

Hoadley, Luther and Samuel

Hobart, Aug. Chas.

Hobart, Nathaniel

Hobart, Robert E.

Hockley, George W.

Hockley Jr., John

Hodston and Son, John

Hofta, Catherine

Hogendorp, Willem Grave van

Holland Land Company

Holmes-Hubbard, E.
Box 22 Folder 5
List of Names:

Holmes, Charles

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Holt, Joseph

Honore, J.A.

Hood, Thomas

Hooker, Anson P.

Hooker, General Joseph

Hooper, William Phillip

Hoot, John

Hoover, Herbert (letter from 29 June 1921 while Secretary of Commerce)

Hopewell Jr., J.N.

Hopkins, Arthur F.

Horsewell, William

Hotchkins, E.

Horn, G.

Hornaday, William Temple

Hosack, David (land survey for 72 tracts of land on the Lackawanna River in Luzerne County, PA)

Hosmer, W. H. C.

Hough, F. B.

House, Edward Howard

Howard, Apphia

Howard, Capt. L.J.

Howard, Oliver Otis

Howell, John

Howell, S.L.

Hower, John Nicholas

Hubbard, Bela

Hubbard, C.H.

Hubbard, Elbert

Hubbard, H.-Intrepid.
Box 22 Folder 6
List of Names:

Hubbard, Henry

Hubbers, Captain

Hudson, Thomas J.

Hudswell, E.

Huggins, Marg. Lindsey

Hulmes (Holmes), Samuel (1679)

Humphreys, A.A.

Humphreys, Joshua

Hunt, Ralph W.

Huntington, Homer A.

Huntington, C.R.

Hutchinson, N.W.

Ihrie, Conrad

Indian Affairs (1851-1860, including Dept. of Interior documentation on Bounty Land Act of 1850 and interactions with Creek Indians - letters from A.B. Greenwood and B.W. Taylor)

Ingalls, J.J.

Ingalls, Rufus

Ingersall, Chas. Jared

Ingraham, Eliz

Inventories for ships (including the Intrepid and the Speedwell)

Box 23 Folder 1-4
Box 23 Folder 5
List of Names:

Irish, Jed

Irish, Jeddiah

Irvine, Callender, 1774-1841

Irwin, Matheu

Ives, L.S.

Ivins, Elizaabeth and Isaac

Jackson, Helen Hunt

Jackson, Thomas

Jackson, Samuel

Jackson, William A.

Jacques, Emperor of Hayti (1805)

Jamain, Stephen

James, Evelyn (Mrs. Willie James)

James, Sir Walter C.

Jandin (Jandein), Daniel

Jandron, Pierre

Jansen, Cornelius

Jempson, Edward

Box 24 Folder 1
List of Names:

Jenkin, George

Jenkins, T.P.

Jewett, Sarah

Johnson, Nicholas

Johnson, Oliver

Johnson, Sarah C.

Johnston, J.E.

Joly, J.

Jones, Arthur

Jones, D.

Jones, R.

Jones, Rowland

Jones, Samuel

Jordan, David

Jordan, Dom.

Julius, John

Kantner, John and Jacob

Karns, R.

Kearny, Stephen Watts

Kearsley, John

Keck, David

Box 24 Folder 1
List of Names:

Keim, Wm. H.

Keith, Isaac S. E.

Kennedy, David

Kennedy, James

Kennedy, S.

Kellogg, Sanford

Kempton Mills, Philadelphia

Kenly, J.R.

Kennon, Charles R.

Kerr, John James (includes signature of Sir Geo. Cockburn)

Kerssemakers, John

Kiehner, William

King, John

King, J.W.

Kingston, Harriett

Kingston, Stephen

Kintzer-LaRocke, Rene.
Box 24 Folder 3
List of Names:

Kintzer, Nicholas

Kirk, Ellen Olney

Kirk, John Foster

Kitchen, C.

Klett, F.

Klim, James and Mary Ann

Klotz, Robert

Koenig, Adele

Kremer, Christopher

Krum, John and Henry

Kuntzel, Michael

Labalut, J.B.

Laborde, Max

Lacock, A.

Lamborn, Robert

Lamont, D.S.

Lancaster and Schuylkill Bridge Company (Fairmount Bridge Company)

Landing certificates (Bills of Lading)

Laugeay, Jean

Langton, Mrs. Gore

Lanyon, James

LaRocke, Rene

Box 24 Folder 4
List of Names:

Lathrop, General Parsons

Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne

Latimer, G.

Lawrence, Isaac

Law (Slone Case)

Law (Indenture agreement from 1785)

Lawrie, G.

Lausanne Township (Tax Assessment, 1829)

Leamy, John

Lee, R. (Essays)

Box 24 Folder 5
List of Names:

Lee, Ralph Everett

Leech, R.

Leeds, Duchess of

Leeds, Geo.

Lees, S.D.

Lenox, D.

Lennox, Lord Walter Charles Gordon

"Lessons from the Lakes and Sammy's Obituary" (1869)

Levan, Daniel

Levering, Benjamin

Box 24 Folder 6
List of Names:

Levers, Robert

Levy, Jonas

Lewis, C.B.

Lewis, Evan

Lewis, Jas. Otto

Lewis, Joseph

Lewis, Theodore

Lewis, William Albert

Lewis, Wm. B.

Lewis, William D.

Lexhanniellier, Lyonnet

Lightbourn, Edward

Lightwood, Edward

Lindsay, W.A.

Lippincott, Ezra

Little, John P.

Livingston, Charles

Livingston, Edward

Box 24 Folder 7
List of Names:

Loan and Jennings

Long, William

Longacre, Andrew

Longenecker, David

Longhead Jr., James

Longstreth, Thos. B.

Lord, Alice

Lorne, Marquis of


Loughrey, Bernard

Law, William

Lowrie, John

Lowry and Rarnigh

Ludlow, James R.

Lukens, Cha.

Luzerne County (part of map of area adjoining Scranton)

Lyle, (Dr.)

Lyne, Jos. Leycester (Father Ignatius of Jesus)

McBurney, R.R.

McCall, Edward R.

McCandless, Wm.


Macaulay, J.

McClay, J.E.

McClellan, Ellen M.

McClellan, M.P.

McClellan, George

McClellan, Oliver E.

Box 25 Folder 1
List of Names:

McClelland, William

McClintick, J

McCoy, Robert A.

McDonald and Taylor

McDowell, Henry Burden

McDowell, John

McDuffie, George

McElroy, Wm. H.

McFarland, J.B.

McGowan, John

McGuire, James

McIntire, Rufus

McIntosh, M.

McIntyre, Frank

McKee, E.B.

Mackintosh, Lady

McKnight, Virgil

Box 25 Folder 2
List of Names:

McLain, W.

McLane, Louis

McLaren, A.

McLean, John (1785-1861)

McMurtrie, James Jr.

Mackenzie, Rev. Kenneth

Madison, George

Malcom, Tho. S.

Mallory, Stephen Russell

Mann, David

Mann, John S.

Mansfield, John T.

Marbois, Marquis de Francois Barbede

Marshall, John

Marshall, Benjamin

Marshall, Charles

Marshall, Loomis

Marshes and Shepherd

Martin, James

Martin, Richard

Martineau, M.

Marvin, Enoch

Mason, Gordon

Box 25 Folder 3
List of Names:

Masten, Cornelius (Warren Co. Land Papers, Tanner Letter, Merrill Letter)

Box 25 Folder 4
List of Names:

Masten, Cornelius

Mattocks, Jesse

Mattocks, Chas. P.

Maxwell, James

Maxwell, Samuel

May, G.

May, Killian

Mayer, Constant

Mayes, Rudolph

Mays, S.J.

Maynahan, T.

Matthews, Albert

Matthews, Cornelius

Matthew, G.


McClellan, Oliver E.

Mead-Mercer County.
Box 25 Folder 5
List of Names:

Mead, Walter

Mead, George (1741-1808)

Mead, George (Son of General Mead)

Mead, Richard W.

Mears, Commodore C.P.

Meares, Wm. B.

Mennis, Robert B. (Mennis Lynch and Co.)

Mercer County Land Papers

Mercer County.
Box 25 Folder 6
List of Names:

Mercer County Land Papers (19th Century)

Box 25 Folder 7
List of Names:

Merchants and Traders of Philadelphia (statement sent to the national government c.1806 concerning trade with Great Britain and the recent passing of the Non-Importation Act)

Meredith, Samuel

Merwin, G.B.

Messersmith, Daniel

Metz, Herman

Metzger, George

Mifflin, Thomas

Miles, Col. Samuel

Miller vs. Miller

Miller, Clint S.

Miller, Joseph

Miller, John (and Susannah, Jacob, Lydia,Thomas, Sarah, George, and Catherine)

Miller, Wm.

Miles, Wm.


Mills, R.

Mills, Robert

Milnes, Richard Monckton

Miltmore, James

Mitchell, John Kearsley

Mitchell, S. Weir

Monachesi, N.

Moncreiff, Arch

Moncreiff, N.

Moncreiff, W.J.

Box 26 Folder 1
List of Names:

Monroe, James

Montaland, Celine

Montgomery, A.

Montgomery, John

Montgomery Company

Montgomery, Robert

Montmollin, A.

Moore, George H.

Moore, John

Moore, J.W.C.

Mooyart, R.J.

Moreau, J.V.M

Morris, John

Morse, Edwin W.

Morse, Samuel F. B.

Mortimer, Francis

Morvil, David L.

Mote, W. H.

Moxley, D.W.

Moylan, Jasper

Murdock, Samuel

Murfree, Hardy

Murleid, Chas H.

Murray, John

Box 26 Folder 2
List of Names:

Nagle, Peter

Nancy, Brig

Natt, Thomas J.

Neagle, John

Neale, Maidment, and Bailey

Negley, Jas S.

Negroes (14 items which include receipts for the sale of slaves, the temporary hiring of slave labor, and the impressment of a Florida slave into the Confederate Army)

Neilson, Robert

Neman, Casper

Newbold, Joseph H.

Newbold, William L.

Nevin, William Channing

New Haven-Nye.
Box 26 Folder 3
List of Names:

New Haven (legal documents)

New York (one legal document for the estate of William Couch)

Newnam, H.B.

Nice, Jacob

Nichols, Curtis

Nicholson, John

Nickerson, Abijah

Nilan, J.

Niles, John Milton

Noah, Mordeciah

Normandy, M.L.

Northampton County Land Papers (1752-1806)

Northumberland, Duke Algernon Percy of

Nye, Joseph W.

Box 26 Folder 4
List of Names:

Oakes, James

Oakford, Juliann

O'Cullinan, R.

O'Daniel, Francis

Odenheimer, W.H.

Ogden, Thomas

Oliver, Robert

Oliver, Thomas

Onderdonk, Benjamin J., Bishop of NY

O'Neill, C.

Orkney, Countess Mary O'Bryan

Osborne, G.

Osborne, J.D.

Osgood, John B.

Ott, John

Ottendorfer, Oswald

Ottinger, Douglass (papers related to his patent for the life car/surf car)

Ottinger, Joseph

Box 26 Folder 5
List of Names:

Owen, Edmund

Owen, Joshua

Owis, Roger

Pack, S.W.

Packer, Asa

Packer, William

Packs, George

Padilla, A.

Page, John

Paget, Alfred

Paine, J.A.

Painter, George

Palfrey, John Gorham

Palmer, C.J.

Parker, Isaac

Parkhurst, Charles H.

Parry, William W.

Partridge, Francis

Parvin, Thomas

Patton, Francis

Patton, J.

Paul, Benjamin

Pawlings Ford Bridge Co.

Paxson, Henry D.

Paxson, Joseph and Mary

Payne, Hiram

Peabody-Pennsylvania Lands.
Box 26 Folder 6
List of Names:

Peabody, Francis

Peace, Joseph

Pearson, Edward

Peiffer, George

Peirce, Milton

Pendliton, Gen H.

Penington, J.

Pennsylvania Canal Commissioners

Pennsylvania Copper Mine Co.

Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Corps 2nd Infantry Co. G (Muster Roll 1861)

Pennsylvania Lands (Letters)

Pennsylvania Lands.
Box 27 Folder 1
List of Items:

receipts, surveys, and other financial records

Pemples-Phila. Reading Railroad Company.
Box 27 Folder 2
List of Names:

Pemples Steam Navigation Co.

Perkins, G.P.

Perkiomen and Reading Turnpike (Chas. Boone)

Peterkin, J.

Peters, John

Pellit, Robert E.


Peysson, H.C.L.

Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company

Philadelphia Post Office.
Box 27 Folder 3
List of Items:

Receipts for postage and box rentals

Philips Company.
Box 27 Folder 4
List of Items:

Land Papers

Box 28 Folder 1
List of Names:

Philips, Hardman

Phillips, Helen Fandel

Phillips, Lewis W. R.

Phillips, Ralph

Phillips, R.

Phillips, Wendell

Pickens, Andrew

Picard Jr., Peter M.

Pickens, Israel

Pickney, Charles

Pierce, Benjamin

Pierce, B.K.

Pierce, Franklin

Pilsbury, Amos

Box 28 Folder 2
List of Names:

Planta, J.


Poggi, Anthony

Pollard, Henry

Pool, John

Poole, Regwild Stuart

Poor, Daniel Warren

Popper, Len

Portbury, E.P.

Porter, David

Porter, E.

Porter, Fitz John


Box 28 Folder 3
List of Names:

Potteiger, John

Potter, Woodburne

Potts, L.M.

Potts, Nathaniel

Potts, Ramsay

Potts, Samuel

Potts, Thomas

Potts and Dillon

Poudre, Joseph

Ponlitt, Wm. John, Earl


Powers, A Table of

Presgrabe, F.C.

Preston, Wm. Ballard

Price, Chandler

Price, Eli Kirk

Price, Johnathan

Pritchard, John W.

Proudfil, Alex

Box 28 Folder 4
List of Names:

Putnam, William L.

Quin, Robert

Quincy, Josiah


Ramsen, Ira

Ranck, E.

Randall, Lewis Co.

Box 28 Folder 5
List of Names:

Randall, Samuel J.

Rasley, Solomon

Rathbone and Benson

Rea, John

Read, James


Redick, John H.

Reed, John

Reed, Wm (War of 1812)

Reeves, Helen

Rehrer, Lhos. J.

Reilly and Subervielle

Reinogle, H.

Reinholdt, H.

Box 28 Folder 6
List of Names:

Rhead, Louis

Rice, Allen Thorndike

Rice, Owen

Rich, John

Richards, Peter

Richards, T.A.

Riddles, Forsyth

Ridinour, John

Rinawalt, Christopher

Rine, Joseph

Ripley, John P.

Ripon, C.J.

Ripon, Lords

Ritihie, J.T.

Rittenhouse, Peter

Roberts, Joseph L.

Robertson, James

Robertson, Jonathan

Robinson, Chas. A.

Robinson, Conway

Robinson, Henry Lee

Robinson, John

Rogers, John

Rogers, (Mr.)

Rogers, Samuel

Rose, Josiah

Rowson, Susanna

Royce, Stephen

Rudd, Prosper

Ruggles, Daniel

Rush, Jacob

Rush, James

Rush, Richard

Rush and Ritenmour

Russell, Countess Mable

Rust, Amaziah

Ryan, George W.

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 1
List of Names:

Schuylkill Bank

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 2
List of Names:

Library Company of Philadelphia

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 3
List of Names:

Office of Discount and Deposite, Baltimore 1794

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 4
List of Names:

Bank of Penn Township

Newspaper Subscription Receipts

Tioga County Bank

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 5
List of Names:

City of Philadelphia (receipts - citizens' water rent payments)

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 6
List of Names:

Central Presbyterian Church of the Northern Liberties

Grace Church

St. John's Church, Northern Liberties

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 7
List of Names:

Farmers' Bank of Reading

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 8
List of Names:

Bank of North America (1785, 1791, 1795)

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 9
List of Names:

Bank of Penn Township

Bank of the United States

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 10
List of Names:

Bank of the United States (1792-1795, 1801)

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 11
List of Names:

Bank of Penn Township

Harrisburg Savings Institute

Schuylkill Bank

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 12
List of Names:

Bank of Pennsylvania (1793-1794)

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 13
List of Names:

Lancaster Schuylkill Bridge Company

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 29 Folder 14
List of Names:

Bank of Northern Liberties

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 30 Folder 1
List of Names:

Biddle, Thomas

Graff, Charles

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 30 Folder 2
List of Names:

Bank of Penn Township

Pennsylvania Inquirer (subscription receipts)

Philadelphia Register (subscription receipts)

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 30 Folder 3
List of Names:

Bank of the United States

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 30 Folder 4
List of Names:

Bank of Newburgh

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 30 Folder 5
List of Names:

Bank of Newburgh

Receipts, Bank Orders, Etc.
Box 30 Folder 6
List of Names:

Bank of Newburgh

St. Clair-Scruggs.
Box 31 Folder 1
List of Names:

St. Clair, Arthur (1743-1818)

Saburthe and Barriere

Sainton, Prosper

Saller, Chas.

Sampson, Wm.

Samson, James

Sanborn, Kate

Sancroft, Wm. (Archbishop of Canterbury)

Sanders, George N.

Sanders, Michael E.

Sargent, George

Sargent, Thos.

Sawyer, John H.

Schlotman, Alex

School Reports

Schraper, Casper

Schwartz, Nicholas

Scott, John B.

Scott, Samuel

Scott, William

Scott-Siddons, Mary Francis

Scruggs, Wm. L.

Box 31 Folder 2
List of Names:

Seabury, Samuel

Seaver, Wm. A.

Secret Societies (documents pertaining to fraternal orders such as the Freemasons and the Odd Fellows)

Seely, A.D.

Seely, John

Seely, Samuel

Seguine, Stephen

Semmes, Alex A.

Seton, Ernest Thompson

Seton, Maitland and Co.

Sewall, Samuel

Seymour, J.

Sea Captains.
Box 31 Folder 3
List of Names:

Sparks, George

Wills, Thomas

Shaler, Daniel

Gamble, William

Tredwell, Henry

Richardson, Joseph

Brevoor, John

Watson, Rich

Fraissinet, John Joseph

Davis, George

Brewster, William

Sea Captains.
Box 31 Folder 4
List of Items:

Bills (1790's to early 1800's)

Letters (1790's to early 1800's)

Miscellaneous Papers (1790's to early 1800's)

Box 31 Folder 5
List of Names:

Shafter, Wm. R.

Shaffer, U.

Shattuck, Wm.

Shaw, Henry Wheeler (Josh Billings)

Shaw, John (1798-1800)

Shaw, John C.

Sheafer, P.W.

Sheard, Virma

Shietz, Peter

Sheldon, Chas. M.

Shenck, Wm. Edward

Box 32 Folder 1
List of Names:

Shepherd, John

Sheridan, M.V.

Sheridan, Gen. P.H.

Sherman, Francis

Sherman, John

Sherman, Gen. W.T.

Shewey, Barbara

Shrack, Henry

Shindel, Peter

Shott, J. Wendel

Shrom, George

Box 32 Folder 2
List of Names:

Shunk, Francis

Sibowry, C.

Sickil, Gen H.J.

Siddell, James (R. W. Siddell)

Siddell Family

Sieg, W.H.H.

Sierra, Justo

Sigourney, Lydia Howard

Stillman, Isaac

Simkins, Edred

Box 32 Folder 3
List of Names:

Skinner, Frank

Skipwith, Fulwar

Slade, Fred

Slade, Wm.

Slaymaker, H.Y.

Sloan, Daniel

Sloan, Jane and Sarah

Box 32 Folder 4
List of Names:

Smith, Benjamin Mosby

Smith, Edmond

Smith, Geo.

Smith, L. Franklin

Smith, Solomon

Smith, Wilson

Smith, W.

Smith, (Rev. Dr.) Wm. (1727-1803)

Smith, Wm. M.

Smith, Wm.

Box 32 Folder 5
List of Names:

Smyth, Frederick

Smyth, William

Snowden, George R.

Snyder, Frank

Snyder, B.C.

Snyder, C.B.

Snyder, Joseph

Snyder, Simon

Soan-Smith, R.N.

Somerset, Algernon (Duke of)

Southard, L.H.

Southworth, S.S.

Sparhawk, E.E.

Box 32 Folder 6
List of Names:

Spence, Correll

Spencer, Edward

Spencer, Lilian (Duchess of Marlborough)

Spives, Thomas Henry


Spooner, J.H.

Stafford, Anthony

Stanley, John

Stannard, Arthur

Stanton, Frank L.

Box 32 Folder 7
List of Names:

Stanton, W.

Stark, Henry

Stark, Jas

Starr Family

Staffordshire War

Start, J.W.

Stauffer, David M.

Stedman, Daniel B.

Stedman, Thomas

Steel, Jas. W.

Box 33 Folder 1
List of Names:

Steele, John (1764-1815)

Sterret, Eben

Stevens, Thaddeus

Stevenson, William

Stewart, C.W.

Still, Barthett

Stimpson, James

Stone Family.
Box 33 Folder 2
List of Names:

Stone, Catharine

Stone, Ebenezer

Stone, Eugene

Stone Family (Misc. Letters, 1848-1877)

de Stockar, G.L.
Box 33 Folder 3A
List of Names:

de Stockar, G.L. (1 of 2 folders)

de Stockar, G.L.
Box 33 Folder 3B
List of Names:

de Stockar, G.L. (Folder 2 of 2)

Box 33 Folder 4
List of Names:

Stokes, John C.

Story. Robert

Stoy, Daniel

Strapir, D. Aug

Stretch, Jos.

Stridler, Andreas

Stryker, Wm. S.

Sturges, Jas. J.

Sullivan, W.

Sutherland, Millicent Fanny (Dutchess of)

Swartz, Joel

Box 33 Folder 5
List of Names:

Sweeney, Edward

Swift, Wm.

Symmes, Wm.

Symons, Richard Spry

Taggert, Wm. M.

Talbot, Jos.

Talbot, Samson

Tanner, Frank J.

Tanner, William

Tamagno, Francesco

Box 33 Folder 6
List of Names:

Terascon, L.A.

Tarpley, C.S.

Tatem, Joseph R.

Taylor, James

Taylor, Harkins

Taylor, E.B.

Tevant, Weston

Tevbrook, W.E.

Terhune, Anice

Box 33 Folder 7
List of Names:

Thatcher, Isaac S.

Thomas, Geo.

Thomas, John

Thome, John

Thompson, James

Thompson, Smith

Thompson, C.

Thornburgh, Jos.

Thornby, Thomas

Thorton, W.L.

Thuring, Charles

Box 33 Folder 8
List of Names:

Tickmor, B.H.

Tierman, Luke

Tilton, Theodore

Tipton, John

Tipton, Frank


Tomkins, Peltro Wm.

Tophan, Robert

Torrena, John

Toutman, Hazard

Towanda Bridge Company-Truxel.
Box 34 Folder 1
List of Names:

Towanda Bridge Company

Townsend, Auelia W.

Train, George Francis

Trapnell and Cocke

Travis, John

Treadway, O.C.

Treviler, Jos.

Trimble, James

Trimbull, Henry Clay

Truxel, L.M.

Box 34 Folder 2
List of Names:

Tuck, F.G.

Tucker, John

Tull, Wm.

Turnbell, Wm.

Turner, Daniel

Turnpike and Bridge Companies

Twaddle, Wm.

Tyler, Robert

Box 34 Folder 3
List of Names:

Tyson, Isaac

Udree, Daniel

Unxford, W.J.

Upshur, Thos. H. W.

Urie, Thomas

Urguhart, J.M.

Usher, Thos. J.

Vable, Warren W.

Valentine, Henry

VanAmburgh, J.C.

Box 34 Folder 4
List of Names:

Vanderslice, C.M.

Van Horne, Wm. C.

Vansant, Abner

Vaughan, Petty

Vickens, George

Vieman, Leonard

Vitin, Francis

Volozan, Denis

Vorhees Deeds

Voursil, Andre

Box 34 Folder 5
List of Names:

Wack, Geo.

Waddell, A.M.

Wagner, David D.

Waggoner, Jacob

Wagner, Ella

Waldstein, Charles

Walker, Benj.

Walker, E.

Walkinshou, J.C.

Wall, M.

Box 34 Folder 6
List of Names:

Wallace, Geo. M.

Wallace, John Wm.

Waln, Jacobs S.

Walsh, Jacob

Wanamaker, John

Ward, J. L. A.

Warrington, Hannah (Jr. and Sr.)

Washburn, Wm. H.

Washington, Wm.

Washington Family

Box 34 Folder 7
List of Names:

Water Colour Paintings

Watmough, J.H.

Watson, Josiah

Waterman, E.

Watterson, Chas.

Weaver, Isaac Jr.

Wedge, Sarah

Weed, Elijah

Weeks, John H.

Weidley, Frederick

Welch, Johnson

Box 34 Folder 8
List of Names:

Welles, Gideon

Welles, Theo. W.

Wellesley, Lady

Wenger, Michael

Wentz, Jacob


Wetherhill, Samuel

Wetherhill, Wm.

Wharton, Henry

Wharton, Jos.

Wharton, Lloyd

Wheeler, Joseph

Whipple, E.P.

Box 34 Folder 9
List of Names:

White, Andrew

White, Charles

White, L.

White, William

White, William A.

Whitehead, W.A.

Whitehouse, C.S.

Whiteside, Mary

Whitfield, F.E.

Whitier, P

Whitney, Josiah

Whitney, W.C.

Whitier and Sons.
Box 35 Folder 1-3
List of Names

Whitier, P.

Box 35 Folder 4
List of Names:

Wickliffe, C.A.

Wightwick, Geo.

Wigram, Katherine

Wilberforce, H.W.

Wilbour, Isaac

Wilbur, E.P.

Wilcox, Ella Wheeler

Wildman, R.

Wilkes, Charles

Willard, Frances E.

Box 35 Folder 5
List of Names:

Willamer, M

Williams, E.C.

Williams, Edward E.

Williams, Frank

Williams, H.W.

Williams, R.R.

Williamson, Wm.

Williamson and Stoney

Willing, John D.

Willink, W.

Box 35 Folder 6
List of Names:

Wilson, Anthony

Wilson, Daniel A.

Wilson, James

Wilson, John

Wilson, Samuel

Wilson, Wm.

Witon, Thos.

Winant, John G.

Winchester, Jos.

Winsor, Justin

Box 35 Folder 7
List of Names:

Winston, John A.

Wirt, William

Wister, Deven

Wood, William (Dr.)

Woodbridge, Ward

Woodburg, Levi

Woodman, Horatio

Woods, Henry

Woodword, Evan M.

Woodward, F.P.

Box 35 Folder 8
List of Names:

Woodward, J.

Woodworth, Samuel

Wool, John Ellis

Woolley, John G.

Woolmer, A.

Woolsey, Sarah C.

Woomsley, R.R.

The World (pro-Democratic Party publication; the item in this collection discusses the upcoming election of 1864, takes a negative view of Abraham Lincoln's first term as president of the United States, and encourages people to distribute future issues of The World)

Wright, Ann

Wright, E.P.

Wright, J.H.

Wusthoff, Wm.

Box 35 Folder 9
List of Names:

Wynkoop, Franklin

Wynne, Wm.

Wyoming Artillerists (Capt. Emley)

Wyrick, George

Yancy, M.C.

Yerbe, Eliot

Yohe, Sam

Young, Frederick

Young, Samuel

Young, John

of Zetland, Earl Thomas Dundas

Ships and Shipping Records.
Box 36 Folder 1-2
Shipwreck Marie and Elizabeth 1796.
Box 36 Folder 3
Dutilh and Thomas Correspondence.
Box 36 Folder 4
Account of Disbursements of Brig Sally and Betsy (1793-1794).
Box 36 Folder 5
Shipping Letters Seton Maitland and Co.
Box 36 Folder 6
Africa 1800 Sale to Brown.
Box 36 Folder 7
Ships and Shipping Records.
Box 36 Folder 8
Speedwell 1806-1807.
Box 36 Folder 9
Brig Harriet (1800).
Box 36 Folder 10
Nottnagle v. Coulon lawsuit.
Box 36 Folder 11
Account of Expenses Made by the Americans Ships Indiana.
Box 36 Folder 12
Enoch Hobart.
Box 36 Folder 13
Invoice of Merchandise on the ship Coromandel (1801).
Box 36 Folder 14
Ship Invoices.
Box 36 Folder 15
Ship Margaret Manifest and Values of Cargo (1834).
Box 36 Folder 16
Schooner Little Will (1798-1800).
Box 36 Folder 17
Miscellaneous Items (1791-1800).
Box 36 Folder 18

Ships and Shipping Records.
Box 37 Folder 1
Police Insurance for the Lapree.
Box 37 Folder 2
Guieu Biou.
Box 37 Folder 3
Procuration Lafargue (9 May 1794).
Box 37 Folder 4
Letter of Protest from B. Sarazin.
Box 37 Folder 5
Jean Larroque.
Box 37 Folder 6
Diary or Journal to Mr. Henry Seibert.
Box 37 Folder 7
Dutilh v. Laurt Foucher and Co.
Box 37 Folder 8
Ship Nuestra (1789-1793).
Box 37 Folder 9-11
Articles of Agreement Schooner Carleton (1792).
Box 37 Folder 12
Correspondence to Stephen Dutilh from Daniel White, Post-Republican (1801).
Box 37 Folder 13
Correspondence to Stephen Dutilh from Stephen Patot & Co., Jamaica.
Box 37 Folder 14
Ships and Shipping Records Dutilh and Wachsmuth.
Box 37 Folder 15-17

Records and Manifests for the ship Theodosia (1794).
Box 38 Folder 1
Joaihim Frederick Pagels (1799).
Box 38 Folder 2
Ships and Shipping Records.
Box 38 Folder 3-5
John J. Pickett Protest Document, Loss of Ship (1846).
Box 38 Folder 6
Articles of Ship Olive Branch (1801).
Box 38 Folder 7
Customs House Forms (1777-1801).
Box 38 Folder 8
Gottlieb Sultzberger, philanthropist.
Box 38 Folder 9
Cargo list of the Ship Clementina, Port au Prince (1795).
Box 38 Folder 10

Correspondence of Richard Jones, Bordeaux.
Box 39 Folder 1
Ledger of Goods (1792-1796).
Box 39 Folder 2
Cargo Inventory from Bordeaux on Ship Swallow (1801).
Box 39 Folder 3
Invoices from Ship Isabella (1793).
Box 39 Folder 4
Landing Permits for Philadelphia (1783-1785).
Box 39 Folder 5
George Prentice Letters (1849).
Box 39 Folder 6
Letters and Documents from the Ship "Success" of Boston.
Box 39 Folder 7
Letters and Documents from the Ship "Mary".
Box 39 Folder 8
Santa Domingo, Bertraud v. Vannoemer (1782-1789).
Box 39 Folder 9
Ship "Jason" (1793-1794).
Box 39 Folder 10
Picture of Ship "Prussian Meissen" (1792-1796).
Box 39 Folder 11
Correspondence between Edward Plunkett and Dutilh and Wachsmuth (1795).
Box 39 Folder 12
Capt. William Blair, Invoice of Merchandise Shipped to Dutilh (1799).
Box 39 Folder 13
Correspondence to Dutilh and Wachsmuth (1794-1796).
Box 39 Folder 14
Ship Caroline, Earle and Company, Liverpool 1804.
Box 39 Folder 15
Invoice of Sundries Shipped on "Two Sisters of Philadelphia" (1801).
Box 39 Folder 16
Invoices for Cargo Shipped on the "Sally" from London (1796).
Box 39 Folder 17
Correspondence from Charles Groff to Stephen Dutilh.
Box 39 Folder 19
Mercier (1790).
Box 39 Folder 19
Pan American - Ramsgot (1796).
Box 39 Folder 20
Big Nancy (1805).
Box 39 Folder 21
Shipping Invoices and Papers, West Indies (1784-1805).
Box 39 Folder 22
Records from Ship Aristides (1800-1801).
Box 39 Folder 23
Correspondence of Paul Sequin Jr. (1795-1796).
Box 39 Folder 24
Ships and Shipping Records.
Box 39 Folder 25
Correspondence from Allan Perecifils to Andrew Clow and Company (Marseilles, 1804).
Box 39 Folder 26
Correspondence from F. Lissonde to Andrew Clow and Comapny (Bayonne, 1807).
Box 39 Folder 27
Correspondence from Pellier to Dutilh and Wachsmuth (1793).
Box 39 Folder 28
Ships and Shipping, Jean Lafitte Letters.
Box 40
Volume 1-22 Volume 79-112 Volume 23-48 Volume 49-78

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