Adam, Thomas, ed.
Germany and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2005.
Lambert, Margo M. “Francis Daniel Pastorius: An American in Early Pennsylvania, 1683-1719.” Dissertation, Georgetown University. 2007.
Learned, Marion Dexter.
The Life of Francis Daniel Pastorius, the Founder of Germantown. Philadelphia: William J. Campbell, 1908.
Roach, Hannah Benner.
Colonial Philadelphians. Philadelphia: Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, 1999.
Weigley, Russell F., ed.
Philadelphia: A 300-Year History. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1982.
At The Historical Society of Pennsylvania:
Germantown (Philadelphia, Pa.) general court records (Am .371)
Francis Daniel Pastorius records (Am .3714)
Abraham H. Cassel collection (1610)
Johannes Kelpius collection of hymns (Am .088)
Germantown printer daybooks (Am .19904)
Upper Germantown Burying Ground record book (Am .3707)
Christian Lehman collection on Philadelphia colonial settlement (0362)
John Fanning Watson collection on the cultural, social, and economic development of Pennsylvania (0697)
Copy of Mathias Zimmerman plan of lots in Germantown and Cresheim townships (Am .3721 folio)
William Penn Germantown Charter (Am .3038)
Deliciae hortenses, or, Garden=recreations; and Voluptates apianae. By Francis Daniel Pastorius. (Vd .05 Sch413)
Franz Daniel Pastorius Beschreibung von Pennsylvanien: Nachbildung der in Frankfurt a./M. im Jahre 1700 erschienenen Original-Ausgabe. By Francis Daniel Pastorius. (Vd .05)
Manuscripts, 1683-1721. By Francis Daniel Pastorius. ((PHi)475)
A new primmer, or, Methodical directions to attain the true spelling, reading & writing of English: whereunto are added, some things necessary & useful both for the youth of this province, and likewise for those, who from foreign countries and nations come settle amongst us. By Francis Daniel Pastorius. (Ra.13)
Pastorius's description of Pennsylvania. 1700: a particular geographical description of the lately discovered province of Pennsylvania, situated on the frontiers of this western world, America. By Francis Daniel Pastorius. (Ta.107)
Umständige geographische beschreibung der zu allerletzt erfundenen provintz Pensylvania: in denen end-gräntzen America in der west-welt gelegen…. By Francis Daniel Pastorius. (Ra.13)
At other institutions:
Ein Send=Brieff offenhertziger liebsbezeugung an die so genannte Pietisten in Hoch=Teutschland: Amsterdam, Gedruckt vor Jacob Claus, 1697. By Francis Daniel Pastorius. At the Library Company in Philadelphia, Pa. (LCP Ac.9344)
Henry Bernhard Koster, William Davis: Thomas Rutter & Thomas Bowyer, four boasting disputers of this world briefly rebuked, and answered according to their folly, which they themselves have manifested in a late pamphlet, entituled, Advice for all professors and writers. By Francis Daniel Pastorius. At the Library Company in Philadelphia, Pa. (LCP Ap.697 P 29)
Kurtze geographische beschreibung der letztmahls erfundenen Americanischen landschafft Pensylvania, mit angehenckten einigen notablen begebenheiten und bericht-schreiben an dessen hrn. vattern, patrioten und gute freunde. By Francis Daniel Pastorius. At the Library Company in Philadelphia, Pa. (LCP Ap.692 P 293)
Francis Daniel Pastorius, His Hive, Melliotrophium Alvear or, Rusca Apium, Begun Anno Do[mi]ni or, in the year of Christian Account 1696. At the University of Pennsylvania Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Ms. Codex 726).
The young country clerk's collection of the best presidents of bills, bonds, conditions, aquittances, releases, indentures, deeds of sale, letters of attorney, last wills [and] testaments, [and etc]. With many other necessary and useful forms of such writings as are vulgarly in use between man and man: manuscript, [1692-1719] / by Francis Daniel Pastorius. At the University of Pennsylvania Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Ms. Codex 89).
Umständige geographische Beschreibung der zu allerletzt erfundenen Provintz Pensylvaniae, in denen end-gräntzen Americae in der West-Welt gelegen / durch Franciscum Danielem Pastorium ... Worbey angehencket sind einige notable Begebenheiten, und Bericht-Schreiben an dessen herzn Vattern Melchiorem Adamum Pastorium, und andere gute Freunde. At the University of Pennsylvania Rare Book & Manuscript Library (F152 .P27 2000).
Literary and historical miscellany [manuscript]. At the University of Pennsylvania Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Ms. Codex 1151).
Itinerarium et vitae curriculus, das ist seine völlige Reis-Beschreibunge und gantzer Lebenslauff, sampt einigen merckwürdigen Begebenheitten und Anzaigungen derer iedes orthsbefindlichen Raritäten [manuscript]. At the University of Pennsylvania Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Ms. Codex 1150).
The German American Collection at the German Society of Philadelphia.