Main content
Dutilh and Wachsmuth papers
Held at: Historical Society of Pennsylvania [Contact Us]1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19107
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.
Overview and metadata sections
Dun, James Alexander. “What avenues of commerce, will you, Americans, not explore!": Commercial Philadelphia's Vantage onto the Early Haitian Revolution, William and Mary Quarterly 62 (July 2005). Available: History Cooperative; Address: 2007).
Rau, Louise. Dutilh Papers, Business Historical Society Bulletin 13 (November 1939). Available: Rutgers University Library; Address: (August 2007).
The materials in Box 1 and Box 2 folders 1-8 were purchased, Dreer Fund. The materials in Box 2 folders 9-23, Box 3, and Box 4 were a gift of Ferdinand Dreer.
- Girard, Stephen, 1750-1831.
- Nottnagel, Leopold, 1757?-1813.
- Soullier, John M., d. 1824.
- Waln, Robert, 1765-1836.
- Cap-Français (Haiti)–-History–-18th century
- Cap-Français (Haiti)–-History–-19th century
- Commission merchants--United States--History
- Commission merchants–-United States--Pennsylvania–-Philadelphia
- Cuba--Commerce--History
- Cuba–-History–-To 1810
- Europe--Commerce--United States--18th century
- Europe–-Commerce-–United States–-19th century
- France--Commerce--United States--History
- France–-Commerce–-United States–-18th century
- France–-Commerce–-United States–-19th century
- Haiti--Commerce–-United States–-18th century
- Haiti-–Commerce-–United States–-19th century
- Insurance, Marine
- Netherlands–-Commerce–-United States–-18th century
- Netherlands–-Commerce–-United States–-19th century
- Philadelphia (Pa.)--Commerce--History--18th century
- Philadelphia (Pa.)--Commerce--History--19th century
- Philadelphia (Pa.). Overseers of the Poor
- Philadelphia (Pa.)–-Merchants-–18th century
- Philadelphia (Pa.)–-Merchants-–19th century
- Sugar trade
- United States--Commerce--History--18th century
- United States--Commerce--History--19th century
- United States-–Commerce-–Europe-–History--19th century
- United States-–Commerce-–West Indies–-History--19th century
- United States–-Commerce-–France–-History--18th century
- United States–-Commerce-–France–-History--19th century
- United States–-Commerce-–Haiti–-History--18th century
- United States–-Commerce-–Haiti–-History--19th century
- United States–-Commerce-–West Indies–-History--18th century
- United States–-Commerce–-Europe–-History--18th century
- United States–-Commerce–-Netherlands–-History--18th century
- United States–-Commerce–-Netherlands–-History--19th century
- West Indies–-Commerce-–United States-–History--18th century
- West Indies–-Commerce–-United States-–History--19th century
- Wine trade
- Publisher
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania
- Finding Aid Author
- Finding aid prepared by Joanne Danifo
- Finding Aid Date
- August 2007
- Sponsor
- This finding aid was updated during the Digital Center for Americana Project Phase II, which was funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Richard Lounsbery Foundation.
- Access Restrictions
This collection is open for research.
Collection Inventory
Account statements, 1762-1799.
Box 1
Folder 1-2
Bills and invoices, 1791-1794, undated.
Box 1
Folder 3
Jacob Graff estate papers, 1768-1793.
Box 1
Folder 4
Charles Graff papers and covenant with Benedict Shipper, 1829-1856.
Box 1
Folder 5
John Dutilh estate paper, 1780-1806.
Box 1
Folder 6
Passenger and merchandise manifests, 1784-1794.
Box 1
Folder 7
Bond from Edward Dutilh to the Overseers of the Poor of Philadelphia, 1788.
Box 1
Folder 8
Stockar and D’Eberz: Correspondence excerpts, 1788 July.
Box 1
Folder 9
Bill of sale, article of agreement, and account statement, 1792-1801.
Oversize 1
Drawer 1
Journal from a voyage, 1789-1790.
Box 1
Folder 10
Bills and receipts, 1793-1808.
Box 1
Folder 11
Wastebook, 1795-1796.
Box 1
Folder 12
Fair American vessel papers, 1801-1804.
Box 1
Folder 13
Nottnagel, Montmollin and Company v. Joseph Coulon, 1802.
Box 1
Folder 14-15
Palmer and Higgins v. Dutilh, 1804.
Box 1
Folder 16
Palmer and Higgins v. Dutilh: Bills of Equity and interrogation papers, 1804.
Box 1
Folder 17
Palmer and Higgins v. Dutilh: Depositions, 1804.
Box 1
Folder 18
Palmer and Higgins v. Dutilh: Evidence list and agreement, 1804.
Box 1
Folder 19
Palmer and Higgins v. Dutilh: Isaac Lockwood evidence and deposition, 1804.
Box 1
Folder 20
Palmer and Higgins v. Dutilh and Insurance Company of Philadelphia v. Dutilh, 1804.
Box 1
Folder 21
Proceedings in the Court of Vice Admiralty of the Bahamas for the
Nancy, 1804-1805.
Box 1
Folder 22
Case between Dutilh and Andrew Sequin regarding the
Speedwell, 1807.
Box 1
Folder 23
John A. Dutilh membership certificate for "La Triple-Espérance", 1807 May 8.
Box 1
Folder 24
Instructions for the
Minerva, undated.
Box 1
Folder 25
Miscellaneous, 1760-1838.
Box 1
Folder 26
Miscellaneous, 1771-1788.
Box 1
Folder 27
Miscellaneous, 1773-1837.
Box 1
Folder 28
Miscellaneous, 1789-1792.
Box 2
Folder 1
Miscellaneous, 1793.
Box 2
Folder 2
Miscellaneous, 1796-1800.
Box 2
Folder 3-4
Miscellaneous, 1801-1807.
Box 2
Folder 5-6
Miscellaneous, 1810-1842.
Box 2
Folder 7
Miscellaneous, undated.
Box 2
Folder 8
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1746, 1776, 1780-1788.
Box 2
Folder 9
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1755-1768.
Box 2
Folder 10
Receipts, 1759-1778.
Box 2
Folder 11
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1776-1785.
Box 2
Folder 12
Receipts, 1780-1785.
Box 2
Folder 13
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1786-1787.
Box 2
Folder 14
Receipts, 1786-1789.
Box 2
Folder 15
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1788-1789.
Box 2
Folder 16
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1790.
Box 2
Folder 17
Receipts, 1790-1792.
Box 2
Folder 18-19
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1791.
Box 2
Folder 20
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1792.
Box 2
Folder 21-22
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1793.
Box 2
Folder 23
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1793.
Box 3
Folder 1
Receipts, 1793-1799.
Box 3
Folder 2
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1794-1795.
Box 3
Folder 3
Bills, receipts, invoices, and miscellaneous documents, 1796.
Box 3
Folder 4
Bills, receipts, and miscellaneous documents, 1797.
Box 3
Folder 5
Agreements with Walns and miscellaneous memoranda, 1798.
Box 3
Folder 6
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1798.
Box 3
Folder 7
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1799.
Box 3
Folder 8
Account statements and balances, 1799.
Box 3
Folder 9
Cargo lists and memoranda, 1799.
Box 3
Folder 10
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1800.
Box 3
Folder 11
Bills, receipts, and miscellaneous documents, 1800.
Box 3
Folder 12
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1801.
Box 3
Folder 13
Misecellaneous documents, 1801.
Box 3
Folder 14
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1802.
Box 3
Folder 15
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1803.
Box 3
Folder 16
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1804.
Box 3
Folder 17
Receipts, 1804-1821.
Box 3
Folder 18
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1805.
Box 3
Folder 19
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1806.
Box 3
Folder 20
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1806.
Box 3
Folder 21
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1807-1809.
Box 3
Folder 22
Bills, receipts, and invoices, 1810-1811.
Box 3
Folder 23
Bills, receipts, invoices, and miscellaneous, 1812-1846.
Box 3
Folder 24
1789-1796, undated.
Box 3
Folder 25
Box 3
Folder 26
Box 4
Folder 1
Box 4
Folder 2
Box 4
Folder 3
Box 4
Folder 4
Box 4
Folder 5-9
1784-1793, undated.
Box 4
Folder 10