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Class of 1892 records


Held at: Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections [Contact Us]370 Lancaster Ave, Haverford, PA 19041

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

21 people graduated with the Haverford College class of 1892, and an additional 11 people were a part of the class at one point but did not graduate with class. The members of the Haverford College Class of 1892 included: Augustine Wilberforce Blair, Christian Brinton, Isaac Harvey Brumbaugh, Benjamin Cadbury, Egbert Snell Cary, Minturn Post Collins, Charles Gilpin Cook, Joseph Henry Dennis, Warren H. Detwiler, Rufus Hacker Hall, Walter Morris Hart, William Pearson Jenks, Franklin McAllister, John Wallingford Muir, William Hopkins Nicholson Jr., Giblert Joseph Palen Jr., William Ellis Shipley, Ralph Warren Stone, William Nelson Loflin West, Joseph Remington Wood, and Stanley Rhoads Yarnall.

This collection contains a minute book from the class of 1892. The first pages of the minute book are dedicated to drafting a temporary constitution by which the rules of order were established. Following the provisional drafting process, the Class of 1892 addresses various issues on Haverford's campus through the creation of committees dealing with decision-making. This included the formation of committees on "Class-colors," "Base-ball," "Athletics," "Cricket," "Class Day," and "Class Supper." Additionally, the class' decisions often influenced current events on campus. When one of the members of the class, "Dick" Brinton, was banned from the school dining center for singing and throwing bread, the class appealed to a professor and President Sharpless, ultimately overturning the ban. Additionally, when hazing incidents resulted in the destruction of college property, the class raised funds to compensate for the damage. In addition to college-related matters, the minute book also possesses information regarding class-specific and personal activity. It mentions reunion dinners in 1893, 1901, 1902, 1903, and 1908. It also contains several newspaper clippings and invitations concerning the marriage of its members at various times. Newspaper clippings and letters of notification for deaths of class members are scattered throughout these marriage notifications, residing in chronological order. Finally, various materials including "Ye Friendly Play House: No. 13," "Hragh-Hu-Hrough: Published Once," a program for the 1892 Commencement, a record of GPA rankings for the class of 1892, and a program for the 1893 Commencement. The last written pages contain a permanent constitution for the class of 1892 and various charts to track money. Next to the back cover of the book reside two drawings of "Willie at the phlute" by Maxwell Parrish.

This collection is arranged in one volume.

Processed by David Canada and Madison Arnold-Scerbo; completed June, 2018.

Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections
Finding Aid Author
Madison Arnold-Scerbo and David Canada
Finding Aid Date
June, 2018
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research use.

Use Restrictions

Standard Federal Copyright Laws Apply (U.S. Title 17).

Collection Inventory

Class of 1892 minute book, 1889-1908.
Volume 1

Print, Suggest