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The Haverfordian


Held at: Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections [Contact Us]370 Lancaster Ave, Haverford, PA 19041

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held at the Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web.

Overview and metadata sections

"The Havefordian" was a monthly student literary publication founded in the spring of 1879. The mission statement, as found in their first edition from June 25, 1879, asserted that the Haverfordian was "the official organ of the students of Haverford College, and is published monthly during the College year." Two men involved with the beginning of the Haverfordian were Walter C. Hadley and Dr. Townsend. While it was founded under the auspices of the Loganian Society, it was self-supporting from the start. By November of 1931, its mission statement had expanded to assert that "It's purpose is to foster a literary spirit among the undergraduates. To that end contributions are invited." While at first the publication was scrutinized by the Managers of Haverford College, "it was destined to live and prosper and become a prominent feature of the literary work of the students… many a student here saw, for the first time, how his productions looked in print, and was thus stimulated to more care in composition. " (A History of Haverford College for the First Sixty Years of its Existence, 444-445). The Haverfordian also published cricket scores, which was seen as an impetus to encourage students to practice and improve. The Haverfordian eventually caused the demise of another publication, called the Collegian.

This collection contains issues of the student literary publication called The Haverfordian.

This collection is arranged in chronological order.

Processed by Madison Arnold-Scerbo; completed July, 2018.

Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections
Finding Aid Author
Madison Arnold-Scerbo
Finding Aid Date
July, 2018
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research use.

Use Restrictions

Standard Federal Copyright Laws Apply (U.S. Title 17).

Collection Inventory

Haverfordian, 1879-1881.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

June 1879 - July 1881

Haverfordian, 1881-1883.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

July 1881 - December 1883

Haverfordian, 1884-1884.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

January 1884 - July 1884

Haverfordian, 1884-1885.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

October 1884 - July 1885

Haverfordian, 1886-1886.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

January 1886 - July 1886

Haverfordian, 1886-1887.
Box 1
Scope and Contents

November 1886 - July 1887

Haverfordian, 1887-1888.
Box 2
Scope and Contents

October 1887 - April 1888

Haverfordian, 1888-1889.
Box 2
Scope and Contents

May 1888 - April 1889

Haverfordian, 1889-1890.
Box 2
Scope and Contents

May 1889 - April 1890

Haverfordian, 1890-1891.
Box 2
Scope and Contents

May 1890 - April 1891

Haverfordian, 1891-1892.
Box 2
Scope and Contents

May 1891 - April 1892

Haverfordian, 1892-1893.
Box 3
Scope and Contents

May 1892 - April 1893

Haverfordian, 1893-1894.
Box 3
Scope and Contents

May 1893 - April 1894

Haverfordian, 1894-1895.
Box 3
Scope and Contents

May 1894 - April 1895

Haverfordian, 1895-1896.
Box 3
Scope and Contents

May 1895 - April 1896

Haverfordian, 1896-1897.
Box 3
Scope and Contents

May 1896 - April 1897

Haverfordian, 1897-1898.
Box 4
Scope and Contents

May 1897 - April 1898

Haverfordian, 1898-1899.
Box 4
Scope and Contents

May 1898 - April 1899

Haverfordian, 1899-1900.
Box 4
Scope and Contents

May 1899 - March 1900

Haverfordian, 1900-1901.
Box 4
Scope and Contents

April 1900 - March 1901

Haverfordian, 1901-1902.
Box 4
Scope and Contents

April 1901 - March 1902

Haverfordian, 1902-1905.
Box 5
Scope and Contents

April 1902 - March 1905

Haverfordian, 1903-1905.
Box 5
Scope and Contents

April 1903 - March 1905

Haverfordian, 1904-1905.
Box 5
Scope and Contents

April 1904 - March 1905

Haverfordian, 1905-1905.
Box 5
Scope and Contents

April 1905 - Decemberember 1905

Haverfordian, 1906-1906.
Box 6
Scope and Contents

January 1906 - May 1906

Haverfordian, 1906-1906.
Box 6
Scope and Contents

June 1906 - December 1906

Haverfordian, 1907-1907.
Box 6
Scope and Contents

January 1907 - May 1907

Haverfordian, 1907-1907.
Box 6
Scope and Contents

June 1907 - December 1907

Haverfordian, 1908-1908.
Box 6
Scope and Contents

January 1908 - May 1908

Haverfordian, 1908-1908.
Box 7
Scope and Contents

June 1908 - December 1908

Haverfordian, 1909-1909.
Box 7
Scope and Contents

January 1909 - May 1909

Haverfordian, 1909-1909.
Box 7
Scope and Contents

June 1909 - December 1909

Haverfordian, 1910-1910.
Box 7
Scope and Contents

January 1910 - May 1910

Haverfordian, 1910-1910.
Box 7
Scope and Contents

June 1910 - December 1910

Haverfordian, 1911-1911.
Box 7
Scope and Contents

January 1911 - June 1911

Haverfordian, 1912-1912.
Box 8
Scope and Contents

January 1912 - May 1912

Haverfordian, 1912-1912.
Box 8
Scope and Contents

June 1912 - December 1912

Haverfordian, 1913-1913.
Box 8
Scope and Contents

January 1913 - May 1913

Haverfordian, 1913-1913.
Box 8
Scope and Contents

June 1913 - November 1913

Haverfordian, 1914-1914.
Box 8
Scope and Contents

January 1914 - May 1914

Haverfordian, 1914-1914.
Box 9
Scope and Contents

June 1914 - December 1914

Haverfordian, 1915-1915.
Box 9
Scope and Contents

January 1915 - May 1915

Haverfordian, 1915-1915.
Box 9
Scope and Contents

June 1915 - December 1915

Haverfordian, 1916-1916.
Box 9
Scope and Contents

January 1916 - May 1916

Haverfordian, 1916-1916.
Box 9
Scope and Contents

June 1916 - December 1916

Haverfordian, 1917-1917.
Box 9
Scope and Contents

January 1917 - April 1917

Haverfordian, 1917-1920.
Box 10
Scope and Contents

Jun 1917 - December 1920

Haverfordian, 1921-1921.
Box 10
Scope and Contents

January 1921 - November 1921

Haverfordian, 1922-1922.
Box 10
Scope and Contents

January 1922 - May 1922

Haverfordian, 1922-1923.
Box 10
Scope and Contents

June 1922 - June 1923

Haverfordian, 1923-1924.
Box 10
Scope and Contents

November 1923 - May 1924

Haverfordian, 1924-1925.
Box 11
Scope and Contents

November 1924 - May 1925

Haverfordian, 1925-1926.
Box 11
Scope and Contents

June 1925 - January 1926

Haverfordian, 1926-1926.
Box 11
Scope and Contents

February 1926 - May 1926

Haverfordian, 1926-1927.
Box 11
Scope and Contents

June 1926 - March 1927

Haverfordian, 1927-1928.
Box 11
Scope and Contents

April 1927 - January 1928

Haverfordian, 1928-1928.
Box 12
Scope and Contents

February 1928 - May 1928

Haverfordian, 1928-1929.
Box 12
Scope and Contents

June 1928 - March 1929

Haverfordian, 1929-1930.
Box 12
Scope and Contents

April 1929 - November 1930

Haverfordian, 1930-1931.
Box 12
Scope and Contents

December 1930 - April 1931

Haverfordian, 1931-1931.
Box 12
Scope and Contents

May 1931 - December 1931

Haverfordian, 1932-1932.
Box 13
Scope and Contents

January 1932 - June 1932

Haverfordian, 1932-1933.
Box 13
Scope and Contents

November 1932 - April 1933

Haverfordian, 1933-1934.
Box 13
Scope and Contents

May 1933 - February 1934

Haverfordian, 1934-1934.
Box 13
Scope and Contents

March 1934 - June 1934

Haverfordian, 1934-1935.
Box 13
Scope and Contents

November 1934 - March 1935

Haverfordian, 1935-1936.
Box 13
Scope and Contents

May 1935 - January 1936

Haverfordian, 1936-1936.
Box 14
Scope and Contents

February 1936 - November 1936

Haverfordian, 1936-1937.
Box 14
Scope and Contents

December 1936 - May 1937

Haverfordian, 1937-1938.
Box 14
Scope and Contents

June 1937 - March 1938

Haverfordian, 1938-1939.
Box 14
Scope and Contents

April 1938 - May 1939

Haverfordian, 1939-1941.
Box 14
Scope and Contents

December 1939 - March 1941

Print, Suggest